About Fusetek FUSETEK is a 100% family owned
About Fusetek FUSETEK is a 100% family owned
About Fusetek FUSETEK is a 100% family owned Canadian company and we have been serving the Canadian electrical industry and it’s customers for over 37 years. Originally, under the name of Tekelek-Dorman Smith, we brought the first dual CSA/IEC approved fuses to the Canadian market. We have done much pioneering work that has since become an accepted standard with equipment builders and users alike. Today, Fusetek is partnered with Littelfuse, SIBA and GEC and together we offer the most comprehensive range of fuse products available in North America. Our services run from co-ordination studies to fuse surveys to fuse seminars. We can custom design and manufacture fuses for a specific application or source an oddball fuse from anywhere in the world. With distributors and agents from coast to coast, we can quickly respond to our customers’ needs. No matter what aspect of fusing you’re involved with - Fusetek can be of service. About Fusesoft On-Line Over the years, Fusetek has provided many fuse seminars across the country in an effort to educate customers about fuses and fuse application. Always, we have stressed product understanding before product specification. This software is a natural extension of what we have been ‘preaching’ for the last 35 years. The fact that there has been much talk and debate over correct fuse protection for control (and IEC control in particular) and more recently a resurgence in fuse interest due to Arc Flash considerations only underscores the importance of correct fuse application. Until now there has been no economical and easy way to portray the interaction of the various circuit components that come into play in today’s electrical systems. FUSESOFT simplifies the selection of fuses over a broad range of applications. It contains many more device choices, and where the original Fusesoft was table driven, our new Fusesoft On-Line determines fuse choice by comparing curves and zones, so the variables can be infinitely changed and Fusesoft On-Line will keep up with inputs. Whether Fusesoft On-Line is used to select proper fuse size for a project or mill application, or used as an education tool, there has never been a clearer, easier way to understand fuse application. As everything these days, Fusesoft On-Line is evolving to meet the requirements if our customers and markets. If you notice any errors, or have suggestions to make it better, we’d appreciate hearing from you. E mail Toll free tel. Toll free fax info@fusetek.com (800) 479-3875 (800) 866-7690 Fusesoft On-Line - General information Fusesoft On-Line will run in any of today’s popular browsers such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. You may save Fusesoft On-Line as a bookmark as you would any other website. Screen resolution Fusesoft On-Line was designed to run with a screen resolution of 1280 x 800 or greater. Although Fusesoft On-Line will start and run at lower screen resolutions, some screen elements may be misaligned or off screen - requiring scrolling to see them all. Starting Fusesoft On-Line When you first start Fusesoft On-Line, you will be taken to the home screen. The home screen has the Help icon with the Module and home page icons are arranged along the bottom. Click on the module of your choice. To return to the home screen, click on the ‘Home Page’ icon. The module toolbar will remain at the screen bottom in all the modules. When a module is first started, you will be presented with essentially a blank screen. When a module is first started, most of the input fields will be blank, as will the main graph area. Input parameter area Graph Area As you enter the basic circuit parameters into the input area, the graph will be generated showing your selections. Navigate from field to field by clicking or tabbing to the new fields. Once the fuse type is selected, Fusesoft On-Line will select and draw the appropriate fuse curve. This icon will draw your attention to hints or warnings. File saving and printing Print an application by selecting ‘Print’ from your browser’s toolbar. To save your application, click on the ‘Save to PDF’ button and specify the folder to save the file in. Your application can also be printed from this PDF file once downloaded. Before starting a new application, click the ‘Reset Form’ button to clear the data. Failure to do so may result in inaccurate results, or delays in redrawing the screen elements. Help File On-screen help is available by clicking on the be printed out to serve as a handy reference. icon on the Home page. This manual can also Motor Application Module Click on the Motor Application icon This module selects appropriate fuse ratings for full voltage across-the-line motor starting applications. See note at The end of chapter re: reduced voltage starting applications. When the module in first started, the fields will be blank as will the chart area. As you select data from the drop down fields, the graph will start to fill in. Default full load and starting currents are supplied by the program. You may alter these default values to match actual known values if different from those supplied. Small differences between your actual values and those supplied by the program will not have any impact on fuse sizing. Similarly, slight difference is system voltage (eg: 600V vs. 575V ) will not affect the fuse sizing. Continue down the input fields entering or selecting data. System voltage: select from the available drop down choices. 1 or 3 phase. In most cases, this will be pre-selected for you. Motor HP (if 600V or less) Run-up time. (the default is 8s.) Overload relay mfr./type Fuse I type. Select the type of fuse to use. Fuse II type. Select the 2 nd fuse type.(optional) Memo field (comments will be saved or printed with file) Reset and File save buttons Once the basic circuit data is input, Fusesoft On-line will draw the graph. After the first fuse type is selected, Fusesoft On-Line will auto-select a fuse rating based on your inputs and draw the fuse’s time current curve on screen. You may override the recommended rating by selecting a different amp from the ‘Fuse Amp Rating’ dropdown box. The screen will re-draw to show your new choice. Use this function to do what-if scenarios or duplicate a field condition. A second fuse type may be selected. In this way, it is possible to choose alternate fuse types and ratings for comparison with the first fuse type. The auto select feature and manual overrides function as for the st 1 fuse choice. Once you have completed an application, you can save it as a PDF by clicking the ‘Save to PDF button, print it using your browser’s print command, or clear the form and start another application. or clear the form by clicking on the Reset Form button. Click the ‘Reset Form’ button to clear all the variables from memory. Failure to do so may result in slow screen re-draws. What is Coordination? Coordination is the process of selecting protective devices to interact in the best way possible to protect the control equipment. In the motor starting circuit, the motor, the overload relays and the fuse all interact with each other to provide running (overload) protection for the motor and over current (short circuit) protection for the motor control. Ideal motor/fuse/overload co-ordination is achieved when the fuse is selected such that the motor can operate throughout its normal range of running/starting currents without overload or fuse operation. The overload relay can operate under all normal conditions without nuisance fuse operation, but the fuse will still operate quickly on levels of current that would otherwise damage the control. Fusesoft On-Line uses the following protection parameters: 1. The overload relay must operate before the fuse on locked rotor currents and less. The fuse must not be damaged during this process. A fuse that operates at the same time as the overload makes the overload redundant. Overload relays are designed to provide close running overload protection for motors – a function that fuses are not designed for. Fuses cannot provide the same close overload protection, so resist the urge to undersize your fuses thinking you are getting better motor protection. The motor must start and run up to speed without fuse operation or damage. This seems obvious but many fuse outages occur simply because the fuse is too small. 2. The fuse must operate before the overload relay on currents approximately 10-12 times motor full load amps and greater. This is to protect the control components from excessive interrupting duty. These parameters give us a "coordination window" bounded by the; Overload relay cold trip (light blue) Overload relay hot trip (light red) Motor Locked rotor (green) Damage point of control (Yellow) The fuse curve (dark blue) must pass through this "window" to meet the above requirements. This coordination will offer the optimum combination of motor starting capability and over-current protection. It will result in less fuse operations (downtime) and enhanced protection for the motor and control gear. Any fuse whose curve passes through this "window" will give good over-current protection and shows why fuses should be chosen on the basis of their curve - not their amp rating. This method of selection will also ensure that you have the smallest practical fuse rating, which will enhance your overall compliance with Arc Flash requirements. A suitable fuse choice will be confirmed with a message Fuses too small or large will result in a red warning message. or In some applications, Fusesoft On-Line will not be able to find a suitable match and will display a message similar to; This can result if the fuse series chosen does not have a high enough rating available, or if the available choices are too far out of range in either direction (too small or large) to fulfill the program parameters. In this case, manually select a fuse rating to draw the curve on screen, or choose a different fuse type. Some common field conditions. Fuses too small. Fuse curves that pass to the left of the coordination window risk nuisance blowing during normal motor starting conditions. These conditions are normal and should be cleared by the motor starter overload relay/contactor. In our example on the right, although the 100A fuse may allow this motor to start, it could be damaged and operate at a later time. If there are any variances in motor accelerating time or starting current, the fuse would blow. On locked rotor, the fuse will definitely operate in advance of the overloads relays. This situation could arise due to; o o o o Improper sizing. Using a fast acting in place of a time delay fuse Not wanting to go up to the next switch or clip size to accommodate the correct fuse. Deliberately putting in fuses on the small size to ‘protect control better’ or to reduce Arc Flash energy This type of coordination will result in high fuse consumption and excessive downtime as a result. Generally, if you are constantly blowing fuses for no apparent reason, they are too small for the application. Fuses too large Fuses that are installed too large for an application are a much bigger problem. Because they are so large, they will not operate as often, lulling the user into thinking everything is okay. Fuse curves that pass to the right of the coordination window force the control gear to operate on current levels beyond their rated breaking capacity (yellow line). This situation could arise due to: o o o o Indiscriminate use of the 300% CEC sizing rule. Replacing a fast acting with a time delay fuse. Not wanting to go to a lower switch or clip size. Improper sizing Fuse over sizing will result in more wear and tear on the contactors and overloads and in worst case conditions, the control could fail completely. If you are going through a lot of overloads and contactor kits, check to make sure your fuses are not too large. Some combinations of voltage/motor/fuse type may result in not being able to select a curve that is ideal. This could be because: o Excessive locked rotor currents (particularly on small HP motors) have reduced the coordination ‘window’ size. o European overload relays generally have a lower breaking capacity and so reduce the coordination window. o Fuse curves in lower ratings having large 'gaps' between one rating and the next, making it harder to find an ideal match. This is normal. In these instances, you must choose to do one of the following: o Choose a fuse curve that passes to the left of the window. This will increase the risk of nuisance blowing and downtime. This risk is reduced by the fact that most small motors are often up to speed in less than 5 seconds. o Choose a fuse curve that passes to the right of the window. This can put additional stress on the control components as the takeover point of the fuse has been increased. This risk is reduced by the fact that the current levels in question are seen infrequently. There are a few combinations where Fusesoft On-Line may select this option. This is likely because the next lower size would not allow a motor start. Standard vs. Heavy Duty applications The recommendations of this program are based on the following assumptions: Locked rotor (starting current) of 6X the normal full load amps. 4 evenly spaced starts per hour. An ambient enclosure temperature of 32*C max. An accelerating time of 10 seconds max. If any of your operating parameters exceed the above conditions, it may be necessary to increase your fuse size. How this affects your coordination can be seen by manually selecting the desired fuse amp rating. Reduced Voltage starts Although this program is for full voltage direct-on-line starting applications, it can also be used for reduced voltage starting applications if the actual starting current is known. Select your motor Voltage and HP rating and accelerating time as you normally would. Then manually alter the starting current value to match your application. Fusesoft On-Line uses starting current to calculate fuse sizing, so the program will still select the correct fuse. Because reduced voltage starters result in lower inrush currents to the motor, it is possible to choose smaller fuse ratings as a result. Sometimes too small! Fusesoft On-Line will not allow a fuse rating to be chosen less than 125% of the circuit FLC and will display the following message: No Damage Protection The IEC 947.4 is an elaboration of the old Class "C" protection introduced to Canada several years ago. Both these specifications aim at providing "no damage" protection limits for control gear. No damage is defined as: ".. light contactor contact welding easily separable with a screwdriver, and no permanent alteration of the Overload relay trip curve.." Fusesoft On-Line identifies the overload relay as the weak link in the combination starter chain and it is overload withstand that is shown in the co-ordination. The contactor’s withstand will always be greater that the overload relay's, so fuses that protect the overload will also protect the contactor. For instance, a 20A contactor may have an overload relay block, or heater installed to protect a small motor rated at say, 5A. The withstand limit of this small overload is much less than that of the contactor. Therefore, devices chosen simply to protect the contactor would not provide adequate protection for the overload relay. Arc Flash considerations. Arc Flash is prompting users to re-examine their electrical systems, and in particular, their overcurrent protection. In the case of fuses, the tendency is to try to reduce the fuse size to as low a rating as possible to reduce the incident energy during a fault. It is our view that the fuse rating should be applied as small as practical. A fuse size that is too small for an application will trade lower Arc Flash energies for increased downtime. This is not a practical solution in the real world. In practice, most HRC fuse installations using 600A or smaller fuses will result in a Hazard Risk Category ‘0’ – so there is little to be gained by reducing fuse sizes trying for that nth degree of energy reduction. Fusesoft On-Line will select the fuses with the optimum balance of motor starting capability and protection for your control. In General o Class C, Class J, Class RK1 or Class CC fuses will provide ‘Type 2’ do damage protection for IEC control. o For North American NEMA rated components, any HRC fuse will effectively provide "no-damage" protection. o Series rated requirements will also be satisfied by sizing the fuses as recommended. o HRC fuses up to 600A provide the lowest Arc Flash Hazard Risk category possible (0). Incremental reduction of fuse size is counterproductive. Transformer Application Module Click on the Transformer Application icon. This module selects the appropriate fuse rating based on user input transformer circuit variables. When the module in first started, the fields will be blank as will the chart area. As you select data from the drop down fields, the graph will start to fill in. Default full load and inrush currents are supplied by the program o Select transformer type. This makes a difference to the inrush characteristics o o o o Enter system voltage on primary Select 1 or 3 phase (this is usually preselected for you) Enter transformer size in kVA Enter magnetizing inrush factor (12 is default) o Select if secondary overcurrent protection is present or not. o Choose first fuse type o Choose second fuse type and rating (optional) o Enter any notes before saving or printing. o Reset form and Save buttons Basic circuit data is calculated from the voltage and Kva inputs. It is not changeable. Selecting whether the secondary has overload protection or not has no impact on the program’s selection criteria, but will alter the maximum CEC allowed fuse size as a percentage of the primary FLC. This is only an information field. Once you have completed an application, you can print it, save it as a PDF by clicking the ‘Save to PDF button or clear the form and restart by clicking on the Reset Form button. Click the ‘Reset Form’ button to clear all the variables from memory. Failure to do so may result in slow performance. Notes on use. When a transformer is energized, the primary windings draw a surge current while the magnetic flux is being established. The primary windings are their own load, and this inrush occurs any time the transformer is energized, regardless of whether the secondary side is loaded or not. A fuse curve will be selected so that it allows this magnetizing inrush to pass without fuse operation. This means the fuse curve must pass to the right of the magnetizing inrush curve by a suitable margin to allow for tolerances. For the magnetizing inrush factor field, the program defaults to the ‘rule of thumb’ 12X FLC inrush. If you know the inrush characteristics of your transformer, enter a number that is a multiple of the transformer FLC. Smaller inrush currents allow smaller fuses to be used. Fusesoft On-Line will choose a fuse that passes the inrush point by a minimum of 20% to avoid fuse damage or nuisance outages and provide a message similar to; Selections too far out of range will show one of the messages: or A second fuse type may be selected for comparative purposes. The auto-size function works the same way as for the first fuse type. In this way, it is possible to choose different fuse types and for comparison with the first fuse choice. In some instances, a fuse selection may seem large relative to the transformer inrush. The smallest fuse that can be used is 125% of the circuit FLC. This is dictated by our Canadian Electrical code which imposes a maximum 80% circuit loading (125% of circuit FLC). So even though a fuse’s characteristic may be capable of energizing the transformer, it still has to meet these CEC minimums. A message will be shown if a fuse is too small to meet these requirements. Transformer size is expressed in kVA. Improper entry here will result in incorrect inrush and full load current values. Examples; 4MVA = 4000 1000kVA = 1000 1000VA = 1 100VA = .1 50VA = .05 Transformer magnetizing inrush defaults are as follows. The inrush factor overwrite field alters the 0.1s inrush only. Power Distribution Transformer Control Transformer Lighting ballast 0.1 second inrush 12X FLA 12X FLA 12X FLA 0.01 second inrush 20X 25X 40X Fuses in parallel. Large transformers may require a larger fuse rating than is available in a single body for a given series. It is permissible and standard practice to parallel fuses to get these higher amp ratings. Selections are provided for double and triple barrel arrangements on certain fuse types. For fuses in parallel, general considerations are; Interrupting rating Minimum breaking current Amp rating Time current curve – is the same as for a single barrel of the same series. - is a multiple of the single barrel m.b.c - is a multiple of the single barrel rating - is multiple of single barrel curve ordinates (current) Capacitor Application Module Click on the Capacitor Application icon This module will select a fuse based on the calculated capacitor full load amps and any de-rating factors selected. Enter system voltage Select 1 or 3 phase.(this is normally preselected) Enter capacitor size in kVAR Select Yes if your installation meets these Choose fuse type Enter any notes or comments before saving or printing ‘Reset Form’ and Save buttons. When the module is first started the fields and the graph area will be blank. Once you input voltage and kVAR information, the graph will generate. The red line is the damage curve of the capacitor enclosure. To provide adequate protection against capacitor case rupture, the fuse curve must lie to left of this curve. This capacitor damage curve portrayed is an average of several different mfr’s and types of capacitors. If a suitable fuse cannot be found for your application, it would be best to obtain the specific capacitor data from our supplier and give us a call. The program will calculate the nominal capacitor FLA and select a fuse rating based on the input voltage and calculated capacitor FLA. The initial fuse selection is based on 175% of capacitor FLA. This factor takes into account the charging currents of the capacitor it is installed on, as well as variables such as harmonics, manufacturing tolerances, and over voltages. De-Rating considerations. If capacitors are subjected to repeated switching duties, or are part of a larger capacitor bank, the fuse size must be increased to allow for the additional charging currents present. If ‘Yes’ is selected for the ‘Does this installation experience repeated switching….’ Field, the fuse size is increased by a factor of 1.6X the normal size. This is to ensure that increased heat generated by repeated switching can be dissipated, and that if healthy capacitors ‘dump’ into failed units, that the fuses on the healthy capacitors are unaffected. When assessing the fuse selection, check to ensure that the fuse curve (blue line) lies to the left of the capacitor damage curve (red line). This will ensure that the capacitor is not subjected to current levels that could cause case rupture. Some time delay fuses cannot be selected using this 1.6X factor without touching or crossing the capacitor rupture curve. In this case, it is best to select a fast acting fuse instead. If a fuse curve touches or crosses the capacitor damage curve, the following message will be displayed; If a fuse is chosen that is less than 125% of capacitor FLC – the following message will be shown. Open Letter to all users of fuses on capacitor circuits. Over recent years, there have been many questions regarding fuses used on capacitor circuits. The use of capacitors for power factor correction/power conditioning is increasing daily, and many capacitors use external HRC fuses to 'protect' the capacitors. The area of fuse/capacitor application is a difficult one due to the large variations in connection variations, field and circuit conditions, and lack of specialized knowledge in all these disciplines from any one source. We are issuing this bulletin to address some of the concerns and application variants. Although this article is aimed at medium voltage users, the comments still apply to 600V or less circuits. Generally, the consequences of misapplication on low voltage are not as spectacular as medium voltage…. The Fuse's Role First, we must understand several aspects of HRC fuses as used on capacitors. The fuse does not 'protect' the capacitor - but acts as an emergency 'disconnect device' should the capacitor develop an internal fault, the whole idea being to disconnect the capacitor from the supply before its case ruptures. The fuse cannot offer any degree of overload protection for the capacitor due to the necessity of using a high amp rating (relative to the capacitor FLA) to pass the charging current without nuisance operation. Most medium voltage fuses are what are termed 'partial range' devices in as much as they are not capable of reliably interrupting low overcurrents on the order of less than 300-400% of the fuse rating. Generally, the short circuit performance of today's current limiting fuses is so good, that the use of higher fuse ratings still provides excellent protection against capacitor case rupture. If we consider the above, it is apparent that there is nothing to be gained by fusing too small, and indeed, putting the fuse in a situation where normal operating transients could cause operation is to be avoided. With this in mind - it is advisable use larger fuse ratings while still protecting the capacitor against case rupture. In this manner, the fuse is kept from operating until the capacitor actually develops an internal fault. In terms of application on capacitors - the following conditions must be kept in mind. Proximity of other capacitors. Other capacitors can 'dump' into failed capacitors – causing premature fuse operation of the fuses on the good capacitors. Tolerances on capacitors can run as high as 15%, so this overage has to be allowed for. Harmonics. The higher the harmonic current or frequency - the more heating effect it has on the fuse, so this must be addressed through de-rating of the fuse (ie: a larger rating) Repeated switching duty. This creates greater heat buildup in the fuse, so it has to be increased in size to be able to absorb and dissipate this additional heat. High ambient temperatures (greater than 32 deg. C) inhibit the fuse's ability to dissipate heat to surrounding air and may require fuse de-rating (ie: higher rating). Loose connections can also contribute additional heating into the fuse. Failure to replace fuses in sets of 3 on 3 phase circuits. Circuit conditions that cause one fuse to operate, could have damaged other fuses. Unless these fuses are replaced also, they could operate prematurely or unpredictably at a later date. In many cases, particularly if any of the above conditions are encountered – it can result in a fuse that is underrated for the application. This in turn results in nuisance operation at best, or catastrophic failure in worst case scenarios (particularly in HV circuits). Program Limitations and Disclaimer Certain assumptions have had to be made in the interests of simplicity and programming. Program defaults and assumptions have been discussed in each module. This program has tried to portray the characteristics of the various devices as accurately as screen resolution, scaling allows. The device information portrayed is accurate to the best of our knowledge. However, it is the responsibility of the user to verify the information supplied. This program is intended as a trouble shooting and education tool. Although the results will be reasonably accurate, Fusesoft On-Line is not intended to replace or be used in lieu of formal engineering practices. In the case of Arc Flash, where legal consequences are tied to the Arc Flash certification process, formal third party assistance should be sought. The information in this module, while reasonably accurate, is not a substitute for this process. There may be some conditions that Fusesoft On-Line cannot cater to. In this case, we would encourage you to contact our offices. Agents and Dealers Our products are available across Canada through a comprehensive network of dealers and representatives. For a complete listing or to find the one nearest you, please visit our website at: www.fusetek.com Updates and corrections Updates will be posted on our website as and when they become available. Like any new program, there are bound to be errors and omissions that have not been tested for. If you encounter problems or have any suggestions to improve this program, we’d like to hear from you. Our E mail is: info@fusetek.com