Controle de Qualidade em Ultra
Controle de Qualidade em Ultra
Nanoscience and nanotechology at PUCRS A brief overview Ricardo M. Papaléo Interdisciplinary Center of Nanoscience and Micro-Nanotechnology Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre and Mercosul PUCRS Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil PUCRS - Quick facts Ranked as one of the best private universities in Brazil Number of Programs Undergraduate Graduate Lato sensu Graduate Strictu sensu MSc (Master Degree) PhD (Doctoral Degree) 72 74 39 23 16 PUCRS - Quick facts • Number of students • Undergraduate • Graduate 27.500 5.000 • Professors and docents 1.678 • Administrative and technical staff (with São Lucas Hospital) 4.245 Interdisciplinary Center of Nanoscience and Micro-Nanotechnology Core units Medicine Physics Chemistry Brain Institute Biosciences Pharmacy Inst of Biomedical Research Engineering 7 Academic units 4 research institutes > 15 research groups Odontology Inst of Toxicology ~ 50 projects on nano Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS Infrastructure Several labs dedicated to nanoscience research: • LASINE – Laboratory for Synthesis of Nanomaterials wet chemistry, nanoparticles, electrospinning • LMN – Laboratory of Materials and Nanoscience physical processes, thin film deposition systems, nanohardness Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS Infrastructure • LOR – Laboratory of Oganometalics Electrospinning, nanoparticules, nanofibers, nanocomposites • CEMM – Center for Microscopy and Microanalysis micro(nano)scopy SEM, TEM, AFM, confocal XRD, NMR Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS Infrastructure • 2 controlled clean rooms (class 10,000) 1 for Si technology (210 m2) Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS Infrastructure 1 for coatings and thin film deposition • Codeposition (up to 4 elements) • multilayers • Dynamic control of the plasma composition REACTIVE MAGNETRON SPUTTERING + 3 T zones CVD Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS Infrastructure • Laboratory of Molecular Imaging in house cyclotron for radioisotope production small animal in vivo imaging: PET/CT and Optical/RX • Central animal care facilities zebra fish , murines • Toxicology analytical toxicology, pre-clinical assays Ion implanters at Porto Alegre (UFRGS) 500 kV and 3 MV Tandetron accelerators 500 kV Implanter Energy: ~30 keV up to ~20 MeV Temperatures: -197 °C - 500°C 3 MV Tandetron Ion implanters at Porto Alegre (UFRGS) 1)PIXE (Particle-Induced X-ray Emission) 1 4 2)Microprobe 3)Ion Implantation 3 2 4) RBS (Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry) 5) NRA (Nuclear Reaction Analysis) 6 6) MEIS (Medium Energy Ion Scattering) 7) SIMS-MeV Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS Main fields of research I - nanomedicine • Multifunctional nanoparticles for medical imaging and therapy • nanotoxicology • Nanomaterials for regenerative medicine • lipidic nanoparticles and nanoemulsions • Nanoparticle behavior at microgravity Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS Main fields of research II - nanostructuring of surfaces and thin films • Nanostructured coatings for performance-enhancement of surfaces • Coatings for implants • Membranes and nanoporous surfaces • Thermal stability of polymer ultrathin films III - nanostructured materials for the energy sector • Electrodes for H2 production • Solar – highest efficiency solar cell in Brazil Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS Main fields of research IV – Nanomaterials for clean technologies • nanostructured materials for CO2 sequestration • Capture and conversion of CO2 to commodity chemicals • nanozeolites V – High-energy ions in nanotechnology • Nanostructuring of materials with single high-energy ions • Radiation effects in nanostructured materials Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS Case I – High-energy ions in nanotechnology Aim To explore the use of high-energy individual ions as a tool for the nanostructuring of materials Ion implantation + radiation effects Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS a) Nanopores with single, high-energy ions 1 nm Chemical activation By radiation damage ion •nanopore engineering •Responsive membranes • templates for synthesis of nanomaterials Nanopores of specific sizes induced by high-energy ions In cooperation with UFRGS, CNEA (Argentina), GSI (Germany) Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS b) Templates for synthesis of nanomaterials 25nm wide ZnO nanowires PMMA template pore Baptista, Wilne, Papaléo, 2006 Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS c) Nanostructures at the surface Nanodeformations and cavities induced by 4.8 MeV/u Pb in PMMA a) AFM image b) MD simulation Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS d) Radiation strength of nanomaterials PMMA Si h= 1- 100 nm Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS Case II – Nanomedicine Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS a) Nanostructured multifunctional contrast agents for biomedical imaging Platforms : a) CLIO (croslinked iron oxide) NPs NP + dextran+ NH2 NP+dextran+NH2+ flurophore • T1 and T2 agentes for MRI and optical probes We have good control of: average core size (from 8 to 50 nm ) added funcionalities Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS Platforms : b) Fe3O4@SiO2 • coupled to a benzothiazole an analogous of PIB. Fe O @SiO 20 • HBT molecules also add photoactive (by ESIPT) functionality to the probe 3 Fluorescence (a.u.) • Such class of hydroxybenzothiazole (HBT) compounds has the ability to bind to amyloid-beta proteins present in patients with AD 3 4 2 Fe O @SiO - HBT 4 2 15 10 5 450 500 550 600 Wavelength (nm) 650 700 Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS c) Nanotoxicology • Zebra fish facility for animal models • Several behavioral tests implemented, including for larvae • Capabilities for different biomarkers (neurotoxicity, oxidative stress, gene expression as a response to toxic compounds RT-qPCR / PCR-Array ) • Member of the National Network on Nanotoxicology: “Enviromental and Occupational Nanotoxicoloy: developing experimental basis to regulation and risk assessment” (MCTI/CNPq) • Different nanocompounds synthesized at PUCRS have been investigated : CLIO-NH2, graphene oxide, polymer nanofibers Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS c) Nanotoxicology Transient modulation of acetylcholinesterase activity caused by exposure to dextran-coated iron oxide nanoparticles in the brain of adult zebrafish Safe limits – dose curves • Doses 20 a 200 mg/Kg. • Only highest level show toxicity • Such Dose is much larger than those used for imaging Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2014; 162:77-84 Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS c) Nanotoxicology Transient modulation of acetylcholinesterase activity caused by exposure to dextran-coated iron oxide nanoparticles in the brain of adult zebrafish • Dose 200 mg/Kg • Toxicity 24 h after exposure • Control levels after 48h Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS c) Nanotoxicology Behavioral tests Fe in the brain Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS c) Lipid nanoparticles and nanoemulsions for drug encapsulation • Solid lipid nanoparticles and antioxidant topical nanoemulsion based on natural products were developed through phase inverse temperature without the need of sophisticated equipment. lipid core is made of natural wax • For the emulsion, an ethoxylated emulsifier, one vegetable oil and one natural extract were used. • Results indicate low polydispersity (~0,1), long term estability (over a year) and very good reproducibility. (patent submitted) Nanoscience and technology at PUCRS Full support and integration to the university Tech Park (TECNOPUC) and Innovation System • Research projects in nanoscience and nanotechnology can be easily integrated into the Incubation and Innovation systems and the Tech Park • Interfacing between university and industry for joint project development • Project management • Soft landing and legal issues Contacts: •Interdisciplinary Center for Nanoscience and Micro-Nanotechnology Prof. R. Papaleó - Coordinator ( •Implants and Coatings Profs R. Hübler ( • Nanotoxicology Prof. M. Bogo ( • Polymer nanocomposites Prof. R. Ligabue ( Prof. Nara Basso ( Prof. Sandra Einloft • Nanostrucutred materials for the energy sector Prof. A. Feil • Organic nanoparticles and drug delivery Prof. Temis Furlanetto Corte • Nanostructured Contrast agentes Prof Mara Lise Zanini Contacts: • Radiation effects in nanoscale systems Prof. R. Papaléo ( •Conversion of CO2 to commodity chemicals Prof. Sandra Einloft ( •Nanocomposites for regenerative medicine Prof. Nara Basso (
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