LambLey Nursery
LambLey Nursery
Lambley Nursery SPRING 2011 Lambley Nursery and Gardens Lambley banner Lambley banner WEBSITE There are more plants listed on our website than in this catalogue as we often have plants in smaller numbers which can‟t find a place in the printed catalogue. David WEBSITE Glenn‟s Garden Notes can also be found there. There are more plants listed on our website than in this catalogue as we often have plants in smaller numbers which can‟t find a place in the printed catalogue. David PACKING Glenn‟s also in be growing, found there. We takeGarden a greatNotes deal can of care selecting, packing and dispatching our plants. Our policy is to replace plants which do not arrive in good condition. PACKING there is a problem please let us know within 24 hours as we will not be able to take If We take a great of care in growing, selecting, packing and dispatching our responsibility afterdeal that time. plants. Our policy is to replace plants which do not arrive in good condition. If there is a problem DELIVERY TIME please let us know within 24 hours as we will not be able to take responsibility that time. Plants will be after dispatched as quickly as possible. Due to the large number of orders when the catalogue is first sent out there may occasionally be some delay. Please DELIVERY let us know TIME if you need plants delivered by a certain time. Plants will be dispatched as quickly as possible. Due to the large number of orders when the catalogue is first OPENING sent out there may2011 occasionally be some delay. Please NURSERY AND GARDEN TIMES let us know if you need plants delivered by a certain time. day. Open every day from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Closed Christmas NURSERY AND GARDEN OPENING TIMES 2011 Victoria, 3364 Lambley Nursery, „Burnside‟, Lesters Road, Ascot, Open every day from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Closed Christmas day. Phone: (03) 5343 4303 Fax: (03) 5343 4257 E-mail: Lambley „Burnside‟, Lesters Road, Ascot, Victoria, 3364 Website: Nursery, Phone: (03) 5343 4303 Fax: (03) 5343 4257 E-mail: Website: 12km north of the Western freeway, which by-passes Ballarat, on the ASCOT C287 Ballarat-Clunes-Maryborough Road about halfway between Miners Rest and Clunes. ASCOT is 12km north of the Western freeway, which by-passes Ballarat, on the C287 Ballarat-Clunes-Maryborough Road about halfway between Miners Rest and Drought tolerance and frost hardiness. Clunes. If plants are described as being drought tolerant it means that they flourish here at Lambley with a minimum of watering, about four times a year. All plants are frost Drought tolerance frost hardiness. hardy down to –5C and unless otherwise stated. If plants are described as being drought tolerant it means that they flourish here at Lambley with a minimum of watering, about four times a year. All plants are frost hardy down to –5C unless otherwise stated. Cover Image: Image:Salvia Salviaxnemorosa ‘Caradonna’ Cover superba „Rubin‟ in the Dry Climate Garden at Lambley Nursery This catalogue has been printed using soy based inks on environmentally sustainable paper. Cover Image: Salvia x superba „Rubin‟ in the Dry Climate Garden at Lambley Nursery 2 Cotinus ‟Flame‟ Flame Smoke Bush One of the best shrubs for “...its dazzling autumn colour” writes G.S. Thomas in his seminal book “Ornamental Shrubs, Climbers and Bamboos”. C. „Flame‟ has been given the Award of Garden Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society. It makes a deciduous shrub or small tree growing 4metres tall by as much across. The blue-green leaves turn orange and red during late autumn. The flower panicles are pinkish purple. $12.00 each or 3 for $33.00 Cotinus ‟Velvet Cloak‟ Velvet Cloak Smoke Bush This is one of the best forms of purple leaved Cotinus, its deep purple leaf colour sparkles right through the season. The huge purple-pink flower heads are very handsome. It grows about 4 metres tall by as much across but can be cut hard back in the late winter to keep its size in check. In our borders we cut it down to a metre each year. Like all of its tribe it is a tough sun loving plant which needs very little extra irrigation when established. $12.00 each or 3 for $33.00 Cotinus ‟Young Lady‟ Young Lady Smoke Bush A new release and something quite different as this dwarf Dutch selection is grown as much for its precocious flowering, with each shoot carrying a frothy smokey pink flower head, as for its brilliant autumn colour. It is reputed to grow a mere 1.5 metres tall by as much across but as we have only grown it for a year it is too soon to be definite. Released for the first time this year. Well established plants, one plant per order only. $20.00 each 3 Achillea „Coronation Gold‟ Achillea „Coronation Gold‟ Achillea Gold‟ The best„Coronation of the yellow flowered yarrows The best of the yellow flowered yarrows The yarrows first best sold ofin the theyellow year flowered of the Queen‟s first sold in the year of the Queen‟s first sold in the year of the Queen‟s coronation. It makes well behaved coronation. It well behaved coronation. It makes makes well silver-grey behaved evergreen mounds of feathery evergreen mounds of feathery silver-grey evergreen mounds feathery leaves. During lateofspring andsilver-grey summer leaves. During late spring and leaves. During spring and summer summer 120cm tall leafylate stems support tiers of 120cm tall leafy stems support tiers of 120cm leafy stems support tiers of whitish, tall cotton-wool like buds which open whitish, cotton-wool like buds which open whitish, buds which in a longcotton-wool successionlike to flat plates of open clear in a succession to of clear in a long long succession to flat flatAplates plates of plant clear light yellow flower heads. classic light yellow flower heads. A classic plant light flower Award heads.ofA Garden classic Merit plant givenyellow the coveted given the coveted Award Garden given coveted Award of of Society. Garden Merit Merit by thethe Royal Horticultural Sun. by the Royal Horticultural Society. Sun. by the xRoyal 120cm 90cm.Horticultural Society. Sun. 120cm 120cm xx 90cm. 90cm.$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 $9.00 each each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 Achillea „Walter Funke‟ Achillea „Walter „Walter Funke‟ Funke‟ Achillea Pagels, Ernst the great German Ernst Pagels, the great great German German Ernst Pagels, the nurseryman who did a lot breeding work nurseryman who who did did a a lot lot breeding breeding work work nurseryman on ornamental grasses, took on on ornamental ornamental grasses, grasses, took took on on on achilleas at the age of 90 with great achilleas at the age of 90 with great achilleas at the 90 in with great success. The last age time of I was England success. The The last last time time I was was in in England England success. Pagel‟s plants were the Istars at the RHS Pagel‟s plants were the stars at the RHS Pagel‟s were the stars at the RHS Achillea plants trials at Wisley. Achillea „Walter Achillea trials trials at at Wisley. Wisley. Achillea Achillea „Walter „Walter Achillea Funke‟ has fabulous brick red flowers Funke‟ has fabulous brick red flowers Funke‟ hastofabulous brick redNeat flowers which age creamy orange. and which age age to to creamy creamy orange. orange. Neat Neat and and which non-spreading this plant, like most other non-spreading this plant, plant, like like most most other other non-spreading Achilleas, is this tough, sun-loving and and Achilleas, is tough, sun-loving Achilleas, is tough, and drought tolerant. 70cm xsun-loving 60cm. drought 70cm xx 60cm. drought tolerant. tolerant. 70cm 60cm. each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 $9.00 each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 $9.00 each Achillea „Peaches‟ Achillea „Peaches‟ Achillea „Peaches‟ A new well behaved yarrow, neat and A new well yarrow, neat and A new forming, well behaved behaved yarrow, neat was and clump Achillea „Peaches‟ clump forming, Achillea „Peaches‟ was clump forming, Achillea „Peaches‟ was given to us by a generous customer. It given to by generous customer. It given to us uspink by a aageing generous It has brick to customer. peach pink has brick pink ageing to peach pink has brickin pink peach flowers flat ageing topped totiers on pink self flowers in flat topped tiers on self flowers in stiff flat stems toppedheld tiers self supporting overongreen supporting stiff stems held over green supporting stiff The stemsnamed held over green ferny leaves. clones of ferny leaves. The named clones of ferny Thewhole named clones of yarrow leaves. are on the so much better yarrow are on the whole so much better yarrow areseed on the wholestrains so much better than the raised found in than the seed raised strains found than the seed raised strainscentres. found in in most chain stores and garden If most chain stores and garden centres. If most chain stores and garden If you are going to the trouble of centres. preparing you are going to the trouble of preparing you are going to the trouble of the soil, fertilising, mulching etc.preparing why not the soil, fertilising, mulching etc. why not the mulching plantsoil, thefertilising, best? 50cm x 50cmetc. why not plant 50cm xx 50cm plant the the best? best?$8.00 50cmeach 50cm or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 each $8.00 each or or 3 3 for for $21.00 $21.00 4 Aethionema Aethionema armeniaca armeniaca „Warley „Warley Rose‟ Rose‟ Aethionema armeniaca „Warley Rose‟ Rose Stonecress Warley Warley Rose Stonecress Stonecress little evergreen Warley Rose A A small small growing growing tough tough little evergreen A small growing tough little evergreen shrublet with waxy shrublet with waxy blue blue green green leaves leaves shrublet with waxy blue green leaves which which covers covers itself itself with with rich rich rose rose pink pink which covers itselfmonths with rich rosespring pink flowers for many during flowers for many months during spring flowers for many months during spring and and early early summer. summer. A A drought drought and and heat heat and early summer. A drought and heat tolerant tolerant plant plant from from Turkey Turkey which which makes makes tolerant plant from Turkey which makes a a good good companion companion for for the the smaller smaller spring spring a good companion for the smaller spring flowered flowered bulbs bulbs from from the the same same country. country. flowered bulbs from the same country. 15cm 15cm xx 30cm. 30cm. 15cm x 30cm. $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 Agapanthus Agapanthus „Ellamae‟ „Ellamae‟ Agapanthus „Ellamae‟ Lambley imported this variety from the Lambley imported this variety from the Lambley imported this variety from the USA about fifteen years ago and it has USA about fifteen years ago and it has USA about fifteen years ago and it has taken this long to build up enough stock taken this long to build up enough stock taken this long to build up enough stock to sell. Large heads of deep violet blue to sell. Large heads of deep violet blue to sell. Large heads of deep violet blue flowers are produced on 140cm tall flowers are produced on 140cm tall flowers are produced on 140cm tall stems. The The foliage foliage mounds mounds are are stems. stems. are evergreenThe in foliage coastal mounds gardens and and evergreen in coastal gardens evergreen in coastal gardens and deciduous or or semi-deciduous semi-deciduous in in colder colder deciduous deciduous or semi-deciduous in colder parts. Foliage Foliage clumps clumps make make 90cm 90cm by parts. by parts. Foliage clumps make 90cm by 90cm or more. 90cm or more. 90cm or more. or 3 for $39.00 $15.00 each $15.00 each or or 3 3 for for $39.00 $39.00 $15.00 each spp. pulchellum Allium carinatum Allium carinatum spp. pulchellum carinatum spp. pulchellum Allium The graceful loose heads of purple The graceful loose heads of purple The graceful loose heads of Candle purple flowers remind me of the Roman flowers remind me of the Roman Candle flowers remind me of the Roman Candle firecrackers we used to have on bonfire firecrackers we used to have on bonfire firecrackers we used to have on bonfire night. I grow this ornamental onion night. I grow this ornamental onion night. I grow this ornamental onion through Convolvulus and low growing through Convolvulus and low growing through Convolvulus and low growing Geraniums in the dry garden where itit Geraniums in the dry garden where Geraniums in the dry garden where it increases well and blooms for much of increases well and blooms for much of increases well and and blooms for much of the summer the early part of the summer and the early part of the summer and the early part of autumn. A plant of Southern Europe and autumn. A plant of Southern Europe and autumn. A is plant of Southern Europespot, and Turkey it happy in any sunny Turkey it is happy in any sunny spot, Turkey it is happy in any sunny spot, drier rather than wetter. 30cm xx 10cm. drier rather than wetter. 30cm drier rather than wetter. 30cm x 10cm. 10cm. We sell pot grown plants. Several bulbs We sell pot grown plants. Several bulbs We sell pot grown plants. Several bulbs per pot. per pot. per pot. $8.00 or 3 pots for $21.00 $8.00 $8.00 or or 3 3 pots pots for for $21.00 $21.00 5 Anthemis „Mrs EC Buxton‟ Anthemis „Mrs EC Anthemis „Mrstime EC Buxton‟ Buxton‟ It‟s a long since we sold this It‟s a long time since we this It‟s a long timecame since we sold sold from this anthemis which to Lambley anthemis which came to Lambley from anthemis which came to Lambley from Cruden Farm more than 20 years ago. Cruden Farm than years ago. Cruden Farm more more thanof20 20 yearsgreen ago. The evergreen mounds mossy The evergreen mounds of mossy green The evergreen mounds of mossy green fernlike leaves, much cut and divided, fernlike leaves, cut divided, fernlike leaves, much much cut and and are smothered in warm soft divided, lemon are smothered in warm soft lemon are smothered in warm daisies from mid spring soft untillemon mid daisies from mid spring until mid daisies from mid spring until summer. Sun loving and tolerantmid of summer. Sun loving and summer. Sun 40cm lovingx 90cm. and tolerant tolerant of of some dryness. some 40cm xx 90cm. some dryness. dryness.$8.00 40cmeach 90cm. or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 each or or 3 3 for for $21.00 $21.00 $8.00 each Anthemis montana Anthemis Anthemis montana montana Anthemis montana can be found Anthemis montana can be found Anthemis montana found growing wild on all can the be mountains growing wild on all the mountains growing wild on all the mountains immediately to the north of the immediately to the north the immediately the form northhasof of been the Mediterranean.toOur Mediterranean. Our form has been Mediterranean. Our form has been grown from seed collected at 1900 grown from seed collected at grown seedBulgarian collected Alibotush at 1900 1900 metres from in the metres in the Bulgarian Alibotush metres in It‟s thedone Bulgarian Alibotush Mountains. well in a scree bed Mountains. It‟s well a bed Mountains. It‟s done done wellitsin intight a scree scree bed here at Lambley where rosettes here at Lambley where its tight rosettes here at Lambley its tight the rosettes of silver foliage where are beautiful year of silver foliage are beautiful the year of silver foliage are beautiful the year round. During spring it produces large round. During spring it produces large round. During daisies. spring itNeeds produces large well shaped a sunny well shaped daisies. Needs a sunny well shaped daisies. Needs a sunny spot. 6cm by 15cm. spot. spot. 6cm 6cm by by 15cm. 15cm. $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 each or or 3 3 for for $21.00 $21.00 $8.00 each Argyranthemum maderense Argyranthemum maderense Argyranthemum maderense Winter Daisy Winter Daisy Winter Daisy The late Phyll Bear gave me this The late Phyll Bear gave me this The lateplant Phyll Bear gave shrubby 20 odd years For this the shrubby plant 20 odd years ago. For the shrubby plant 20 odd years ago. For last 15 years it has flourished in the last 15 years has flourished in last yearsinit it the has garden flourishedhere in the the same15 spot at same spot in the garden here at same spot in thefrom garden hereuntil at Lambley. Flowering mid winter Lambley. Flowering from mid winter until Lambley. Flowering from mid winter until summer the soft lemon daisies are set summer the soft daisies set summer soft lemon lemon daisies are are set off by the rue-blue, oak shaped leaves. off by rue-blue, oak shaped leaves. off by rue-blue, oak shaped leaves. Handsome, even when not in flower, Handsome, even when in Handsome, when not not in flower, flower, frost hardy even and drought tolerant this frost hardy and drought tolerant this frost hardy and drought tolerant this plant wants a sunny spot. 90cm x 90cm. plant wants a sunny spot. 90cm x 90cm. plant wants a sunny spot. or 90cm 90cm. $9.00 each 3 forx $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 6 Artemisia ludoviciana „Vallerie Finnis‟ Artemisia ludoviciana Finnis‟ The nursery will be„Vallerie open every Artemisia ludoviciana „Vallerie Finnis‟day during July from now on. The crocus, Finnis‟s Mugwort Valerie Finnis‟s Mugwort Valerie snowdrops, Iris reticulata and the hoop petticoat daffodils are so beautiful Valerie Finnis‟s Mugwort One of the best silver foliage plants and One of the best silver foliage plants during July that it seems a pity not to be open. We are getting more interstate One of the best silver foliage plants and and a mainstay of our double borders for a mainstay double for too of andour don‟t want borders to disappoint a visitors mainstay of our double borders for them if they visit the nursery during this years where it is teamed with the deep time. years where it is teamed with the deep years where it is teamed with the deep violet of Salvia „Mainacht‟. Artemisia violet violet of of Salvia Salvia „Mainacht‟. „Mainacht‟. Artemisia Artemisia „Vallerie Finnis‟ makes a dramatic „Vallerie Finnis‟ „Vallerie Finnis‟ makes makes a a dramatic dramatic suckering thicket of large jagged silver suckering thicket of large jagged suckering thicket of large jagged silver silver leaves. We cut the flower stems off as leaves. We cut the flower stems off leaves. We cut the flower stems off as as they develop as they are of no account. they they develop develop as as they they are are of of no no account. account. Tough, sun loving and drought tolerant. Tough, Tough, sun sun loving loving and and drought drought tolerant. tolerant. 30cm x 50cm. 30cm 30cm xx 50cm. 50cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 $9.00 each each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 Artemisia „Powis Castle‟ Artemisia Artemisia „Powis „Powis Castle‟ Castle‟ Powis Castle Wormwood Powis Castle Powis Castle Wormwood Wormwood This vigorous silver foliage plant is an This This vigorous vigorous silver silver foliage foliage plant plant is is an an important element in our double borders important element in our double borders important element in our double borders where we have it planted near Aster x where where we we have have it it planted planted near near Aster Aster xx frikartii and Salvia „Raspberry Royal‟. A frikartii frikartii and and Salvia Salvia „Raspberry „Raspberry Royal‟. Royal‟. A A tough, sun loving shrub it soon makes a tough, tough, sun sun loving loving shrub shrub itit soon soon makes makes a a 90cm wide wide by by 60cm 60cm tall tall mound mound if if 90cm 90cm wide by 60cm tall mound if dissected silver leaves. dissected dissected silver silver leaves. leaves. or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 each $8.00 each or or 3 3 for for $21.00 $21.00 $8.00 each Artemisia schmidtiana „Nana‟ Artemisia Artemisia schmidtiana schmidtiana „Nana‟ „Nana‟ Wormwood. Satin Satin Wormwood. Satin Wormwood. This carpeting plant was a great This This carpeting carpeting plant plant was was a a great great favourite of my father who grew it over favourite favourite of of my my father father who who grew grew it it over over paving in his cold garden in the English paving in his cold garden in the English paving in his cold garden in the English midlands. At Lambley it has been happy midlands. midlands. At At Lambley Lambley itit has has been been happy happy in full sun with very little supplementary in full sun with very little supplementary in full sun with very little supplementary water even though it is a plant of Japan water water even even though though it it is is a a plant plant of of Japan Japan and East Asia. It makes vigorous and East Asia. It makes and East Asia. It makes vigorous vigorous prostrate mats of silky silver leaves prostrate prostrate mats mats of of silky silky silver silver leaves leaves some 5cm in height and 50cm wide. some some 5cm 5cm in in height height and and 50cm 50cm wide. wide. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 $9.00 each 7 Asphodeline lutea Asphodeline lutea Spear lutea King‟s Asphodeline King‟s Spear Asphodoline lutea makes neat Spear King‟s Asphodoline lutea makes neat evergreen tussocks narrow fleshy Asphodoline lutea of makes neat evergreen tussocks of narrow fleshy blue leaves.tussocks From midof spring until mid evergreen narrow fleshy blue leaves. From mid spring until mid summer stiff strong vertical stems blue leaves. From mid spring untilcarry mid summer stiff strong vertical stems carry a long succession green stems tinged,carry acid summer stiff strongofvertical a long succession of green tinged, acid yellow stars, each ofpetal has a green a long succession green tinged, acid yellow stars, each petal has a green central vein. I got our stock about 15 yellow stars, each petal has a green central vein. I got our stock about 15 years ago from Buda, fine house central vein. I got oura stock aboutand 15 years ago from Buda, a fine house and gardenagoopen to athe in years from Buda, fine public house and garden open to the public in Castlemaine. flower grow to garden openThe to thestems public in Castlemaine. The flower stems grow to 60cm in our dry garden will get taller Castlemaine. The flowerbut stems grow to 60cm in our dry garden but will get taller in a more benign spot. . 60cm 30cm. 60cm in our dry garden but willx get taller in a more benign spot. . 60cm x 30cm. $8.00 each or 3 xfor30cm. $21.00 in a more benign spot. . 60cm $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 Beschorneria septentrionalis Beschorneria septentrionalis False Red Agave septentrionalis Beschorneria False Red Agave This is from dry woodland in the Falseplant Red Agave This plant is from dry woodland in the Mexican grow it in our This plantmountains. is from dryWe woodland the Mexican mountains. We grow it in our dry climate garden inWe drygrow shade under Mexican mountains. it in our dry climate garden in dry shade under oliveclimate trees. Evergreen succulent dry garden in dry shade under olive trees. Evergreen succulent rosettestrees. some 90cm wide by succulent 70cm tall, olive Evergreen rosettes some 90cm wide by 70cm tall, like a green leaved are rosettes some 90cmspineless wide by agave, 70cm tall, like a green leaved spineless agave, are bold and handsome the year round. 2 like a green leaved spineless agave, are bold and handsome the year round. 2 metreand tall handsome glossy redthe stemmed flower bold year round. 2 metre tall glossy red stemmed flower spikes tall carryglossy dozens of stemmed large red, flower green metre red spikes carry dozens of large red, green tipped carry narrow bells ofduring Spring. A spikes dozens large red, green tipped narrow bells during Spring. A good plant for honey tipped narrow bells eaters.. during Spring. A good plant for honey eaters.. each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 good plant for honey eaters.. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 Campanula poscharskiana Campanula poscharskiana „EK Toogood‟ Campanula poscharskiana „EK Toogood‟ Toogood‟s Serbian Bellflower „EK Toogood‟ Toogood‟s Serbian Bellflower A fine trailing groundcover Toogood‟s Serbian Bellflowerfor a shady A fine trailing groundcover for a shady spot the garden whereforfor many A fineintrailing groundcover a shady spot in the garden where for many springinand will cover spot thesummer gardenmonths whereit for many spring and summer months it will cover itself with upward facing white eyed, spring and summer months it will cover itself with upward facing white eyed, lavender-blue flowers. Evergreen and itself with upward facing white eyed, lavender-blue flowers. Evergreen and very tough needing onlyEvergreen the occasional lavender-blue flowers. and very tough needing only the occasional watering when onceonly established. 15cm very tough needing the occasional watering when once established. 15cm tall by 60cm wide. watering when once established. 15cm tall by 60cm wide. $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 tall by 60cm wide. $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 8 Campanula poscharskiana „Lisduggan‟ Campanula Campanula poscharskiana poscharskiana „Lisduggan‟ „Lisduggan‟ Serbian Bellflower Lisduggan Serbian Bellflower Lisduggan Lisduggan Serbian Bellflower This campanula makes a great This This campanula campanula makes makes a a great great evergreen ground cover for a shady spot evergreen ground cover for a shady evergreen ground cover for a shady spot spot (I grow it under a Buddleja.) Tough and (I (I grow grow it it under under a a Buddleja.) Buddleja.) Tough Tough and and fairly tolerant of dryness when once fairly tolerant of dryness when once fairly tolerant of dryness when once established it makes a mat of small, established established it it makes makes a a mat mat of of small, small, glossy, round green leaves and during glossy, glossy, round round green green leaves leaves and and during during spring and into summer long sprays of spring spring and and into into summer summer long long sprays sprays of of starry amethyst pink flowers. 10cm tall starry starry amethyst amethyst pink pink flowers. flowers. 10cm 10cm tall tall by 50cm wide. by by 50cm 50cm wide. wide. $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 $8.00 each each or or 3 3 for for $21.00 $21.00 Clematis ladakhiana Clematis Clematis ladakhiana ladakhiana Named for the Ladakh region of Northern Named for Named for the the Ladakh Ladakh region region of of Northern Northern India bordering Kashmir and Tibet this India India bordering bordering Kashmir Kashmir and and Tibet Tibet this this tough vigorous climber is one of the tough vigorous climber is one of tough vigorous climber is one of the the easiest and most drought tolerant of all easiest easiest and and most most drought drought tolerant tolerant of of all all Clematis. It has markedly dissected greyClematis. It has markedly dissected greyClematis. It has markedly dissected greygreen leaves and from mid-summer into green into green leaves leaves and and from from mid-summer mid-summer into the autumn carries dangling bronzethe the autumn autumn carries carries dangling dangling bronzebronzeyellow lanterns. lanterns. The The autumn autumn seed seed heads heads yellow yellow lanterns. The autumn seed heads are particularly handsome and warrant are are particularly particularly handsome handsome and and warrant warrant the popular English name “Old Man‟s Man‟s the popular English name “Old the popular English name “Old Man‟s Beard.” It will quickly cover a two metre Beard.” Beard.” It It will will quickly quickly cover cover a a two two metre metre high fence. fence. 200cm xx 150cm. 150cm. high high fence. 200cm 200cm x 150cm. $10.00 each or 3 for $27.00 $10.00 $10.00 each each or or 3 3 for for $27.00 $27.00 Clematis maximowicziana Clematis Clematis maximowicziana maximowicziana Sweet Clematis Sweet Sweet Clematis Clematis Named “sweet” because of its wonderful Named Named “sweet” “sweet” because because of of its its wonderful wonderful honey fragrance. We grow it on a trellis honey honey fragrance. fragrance. We We grow grow it it on on a a trellis trellis in our double borders where, although in our double borders where, although in our double borders where, although cut back to 60cm during winter, it soon cut cut back back to to 60cm 60cm during during winter, winter, it it soon soon covers an area about 2 metres in height covers covers an an area area about about 2 2 metres metres in in height height and 4 metres in width. During early and and 4 4 metres metres in in width. width. During During early early autumn it is completely smothered by autumn autumn it it is is completely completely smothered smothered by by sweetly scented white flowers. In one sweetly scented white flowers. In one sweetly scented white flowers. In one part of the garden this has grown and part part of of the the garden garden this this has has grown grown and and flowered with no watering at all and it flowered flowered with with no no watering watering at at all all and and it it must be the most drought tolerant of all must be the most drought tolerant of all must be the most drought tolerant of all clematis. $10.00 each or 3 for $27.00 clematis. $10.00 clematis. $10.00 each each or or 3 3 for for $27.00 $27.00 9 Cynara scolymus „Imperial Star‟ Cynara scolymus „Imperial Star‟ Cynara „Imperial Star‟ Star Globe Artichoke Imperialscolymus Star Globe Artichoke Imperial Star Globe Artichoke Imperial A new strain of globe artichoke bred in A new strain of globe artichoke bred in A new strain of globe artichoke in California which will produce goodbred crops California which will produce good crops California which within four or will fiveproduce monthsgood if crops given within four or five months if given within four or five months if reasonable conditions. I grow it in given a hot reasonable conditions. II grow it in a reasonable conditions. grow it in a hot hot sunny spot in the vegetable garden sunny spot in the vegetable garden sunny the vegetable where spot it is inwatered regularlygarden and where it is watered regularly and where it is watered regularly and produces abundant heads. I also grow a produces abundant heads. I also grow a produces abundant heads. I also grow a Globe Artichoke in the dry garden as an Globe Artichoke in the dry garden as an Globe Artichoke in the dry garden as an ornamental. The foliage mounds are ornamental. The foliage mounds ornamental. TheAllow foliage moundstallare are very handsome. 1.5 meters by very handsome. Allow 1.5 meters tall by very handsome. as much across. Allow 1.5 meters tall by as as much much across. across. $5.00 each or 3 for $12.00 $5.00 each or or 3 3 for for $12.00 $12.00 $5.00 each Dianthus „Bella‟ Dianthus „Bella‟ Dianthus „Bella‟ Bella English Pink Bella English Pink Bella English We grow our Pink English pinks alongside a We grow our English pinks a We grow our English garden pinks alongside alongside a path in the vegetable where, on path in the vegetable garden where, on path in thedays, vegetable where, on still warm the airgarden is heavy with the still warm days, the with the still warm days, the air air is isofheavy heavy the sweet clove fragrance thesewith much sweet clove fragrance of much sweet clove Dianthus fragrance„Bella‟ of these these much loved plants. makes tidy loved plants. Dianthus „Bella‟ makes tidy loved plants. Dianthus „Bella‟ from makes tidy mounds of good grey leaves which mounds of good grey leaves from which mounds of good grey leaves from which many stiff 30cm stems, each carrying many stiff 30cm stems, each carrying many 30cm eachshell carrying two orstiff three wellstems, shaped, pink two or three well shaped, shell pink two or three well shaped, shell pink flowers, are produced during spring, flowers, are produced during spring, flowers, are autumn. produced spring, summer and Likeduring all of its tribe summer and autumn. Like all its summer autumn. all of of position its tribe tribe it needs and a sunny wellLike drained it needs a sunny well drained position it needs a sunny well drained position and is drought tolerant. and tolerant. and is is drought drought$8.00 tolerant. each or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 each or or 3 3 for for $21.00 $21.00 $8.00 each Echinops bannaticus „Taplow Blue‟ Echinops bannaticus Blue‟ Echinops bannaticus „Taplow „Taplow Blue‟ Globe Flower Flower Globe Globe Flower The best of its kind with spherical flower The best of with spherical The best of its its kind kind sphericaltoflower flower heads, steel-blue in with bud opening large heads, steel-blue in bud opening to large heads, steel-blue in bud opening to large balls of powdery mauve-blue when in full balls of powdery mauve-blue when in balls of Bold powdery mauve-blue when in full full flower. divided foliage, stiff vertical flower. Bold divided foliage, stiff vertical flower. Bold divided foliage, stiff vertical stems and the drumstick flower heads stems and drumstick flower heads stems this and the the drumstick heads give plant great flower architectural give this plant great architectural give this plant great architectural strength. We cut it back to the ground in strength. We cut back to ground in strength. cut it itthe back to the the groundare in summer We when first flowers summer when the first flowers are summer and whenarethe first flowers are finished rewarded by another finished and are rewarded by another finished and are rewarded by another display in autumn. Full sun. Drought display in Full Drought display when in autumn. autumn. Full sun. sun. 150cm Droughtx tolerant once established. tolerant when once established. 150cm x tolerant when once established. 150cm 75cm. $10.00 each or 3 for $27.00x 75cm. $10.00 75cm. $10.00 each each or or 3 3 for for $27.00 $27.00 10 Echium „Cobalt Towers‟ Echium „Cobalt Towers‟ This New Zealand introduction created This New Zealand introduction created quite a stir when we planted a decent quite a stir when we planted a decent patch of it in the Alexandra Gardens in patch of it in the Alexandra Gardens in Melbourne. It makes a shrub some 2 Melbourne. It makes a shrub some 2 metres wide and 1.5 metres tall from metres wide and 1.5 metres tall from which 2 metre tall columns of deep which 2 metre tall columns of deep cobalt blue flowers are produced in cobalt blue flowers are produced in spring. After flowering it needs the spent spring. After flowering it needs the spent flower stems cut off and a light prune. It flower stems cut off and a light prune. It can survive frost when established, but can survive frost when established, but it can be risky planting it out in very cold it can be risky planting it out in very cold areas before late spring. areas before late spring. $10.00 each or 3 for $27.00 $10.00 each or 3 for $27.00 Echium onosmifolium Echium onosmifolium This rare white flowered species of This rare white flowered species of Echium is a Gran Canaria endemic. Echium is a Gran Canaria endemic. Gran Canaria, one of largest of the Gran Canaria, one of largest of the Canary Islands, is set in the Atlantic Canary Islands, is set in the Atlantic about 150km from the north western about 150km from the north western coast of Africa. It has grown well here at coast of Africa. It has grown well here at Lambley for three or four years standing Lambley for three or four years standing up to frost very well. It is fairly dwarf up to frost very well. It is fairly dwarf growing 120 tall by 150 wide and growing 120 tall by 150 wide and produces 80cm tall spires of white produces 80cm tall spires of white flowers. The foliage is dark green and flowers. The foliage is dark green and particularly bristly. particularly bristly. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 Echium pininana „Snow Towers‟ Echium pininana „Snow Towers‟ This echium looked amazing when it This echium looked amazing when it flowered in our dry garden last year with flowered in our dry garden last year with its 4 metre tall tower of white flowers. its 4 metre tall tower of white flowers. During its first year in the garden E. During its first year in the garden E. „Snow Towers‟ makes a large bristly „Snow Towers‟ makes a large bristly leaved basal rosette, some 90cm leaved basal rosette, some 90cm across. It generally flowers during its across. It generally flowers during its second season and then dies. It usually second season and then dies. It usually leaves a few self sown seedlings leaves a few self sown seedlings behind. behind. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 11 Epimedium banner Epimedium (Bishop‟s Hat, Fairy Wings) This wonderful genus of shade loving woodland plants can be divided into two groups, those from Europe, North Africa and Western Asia on the one hand and those species from the China, Japan and Korea on the other. The former are much more drought tolerant and, once established, will perform in even dry shade. The latter need better soil and should not be allowed to dry out. $12.00 each or 3 for $33.00 Epimedium grandiflorum „Rose Queen‟ The large flowered Epimedium grandiflorum was introduced into the Netherlands from Japan by von Siebold as early as 1830. It did so well it was soon established in gardens throughout northern Europe. The very dark crimson flowered E. ‟Rose Queen‟ is a fine clone which blooms in late winter and early spring. The heart shaped foliage is very good. 30cm by 30cm 12 Epimedium grandiflorum „White Queen‟ One of the best of the white flowered varieties of Epimedium , this cultivar has all the virtues, easily grown with beautiful heart shaped foliage and the white flowers, like fluttering moths, held well above the leaves. 30cm by 30cm. Epimedium cremeum Epimedium This speciescremeum is very close to Epimedium This species is very to Epimedium grandiflorum and is close distinguished by its grandiflorum and is distinguished its large soft lemon yellow flowers. It‟sbyone large soft lemon yellow flowers. It‟s one of the glories of the race much loved in of glories homeland. of the race Amuch loved in its the Japanese dozen or so its Japanese A dozen or so large flowers homeland. are held on thin stems large flowers are held on thin stems above the heart shaped leaves. 30cm by above 30cm. the heart shaped leaves. 30cm by 30cm. Epimedium ecalcaratum Epimedium A plant of ecalcaratum the mountainous Baoxing A plantof ofSichuan the mountainous Baoxing district province in Western district of Sichuan ecalcaratum province in Western China, Epimedium has soft China, Epimedium ecalcaratum has soft yellow almost bell shaped flowers which yellow almost bell shaped are produced during earlyflowers spring.which It is are produced during early spring. It is best grown in a lightly shaded area best grown in a lightly shaded area which isn‟t allowed to become parched. which isn‟t allowed to become parched. 25cm by 30cm. 25cm by 30cm. Epimedium x rubrum Epimedium This hybridx rubrum between the Japanese This hybrid the Japanese species E. between grandiflorum and the species E. grandiflorum European E. alpinum was first and madethe by European E. alpinum was first made the Dutch gardener Andre Donkelaar by in the Dutch gardener Andre Donkelaar in about 1845. Easy to grow it has two about 1845. Easy to grow it has two toned pink and white flowers and all the toned and of white all the foliagepink virtues theflowers genus.and 30cm by foliage virtues of the genus. 30cm by 30cm. 30cm. Epimedium sempervirens „Okuda‟s Epimedium sempervirens „Okuda‟s White‟ White‟ A fine selection of this evergreen A fine selection of this Japanese endemic from evergreen western Japanese endemic from Honshu. Thought by some towestern be the Honshu. Thought by some to the best of all the white floweredbeFairy best of all the white flowered Fairy Wings with very large long spurred Wings large heart long spurred flowers with and very beautiful shaped flowers and beautiful heart shaped leaves. 30cm by 40cm. leaves. 30cm by 40cm. 13 Erigeron glaucus „Seabreeze‟ Erigeron glaucus „Seabreeze‟ Erigeron glaucus „Seabreeze‟ We‟ve been given this plant by our We‟ve been given this plant by We‟ve been given this all plant by our our friends at PGA. Although E. glaucus friends at PGA. Although all E. glaucus friends at PGA. Although all E. glaucus clones are low growing some have rather clones are low some have rather clones are stems. low growing growing some„Sea haveBreeze‟ rather lax flower Erigeron lax flower stems. Erigeron „Sea Breeze‟ lax flower stems. Erigeron „Sea Breeze‟ has flowers that sit neatly above the has flowers that sit above the has flowersfoliage that giving sit neatly neatly abovemass the evergreen a terrific evergreen foliage giving a terrific mass evergreen foliage giving a terrific mass display of large lilac-pink daisies. Like all display of lilac-pink daisies. Like all display of large large lilac-pink daisies. all of its race this plant is tough, sunLike loving of its race this plant is tough, sun loving of itsdrought race this plant is tough, sun loving and tolerant. It also tolerates salt and drought tolerant. It also tolerates salt and drought tolerant. It also tolerates salt winds very well. 20cm x 50cm. winds very well. 20cm x 50cm. winds very well. 20cmeach x 50cm. $8.00 or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 $8.00 each each or or 3 3 for for $21.00 $21.00 Eryngium amethystinum Eryngium amethystinum Eryngium Italian Seaamethystinum Holly Italian Sea Holly Italian Seagrown Holly rare and beautiful plant An easily An easily grown rare beautiful plant An easily grownEurope rare and andwhich beautiful plant from Southern makes a from Southern Europe which makes a from Southern a superb additionEurope to the which flowermakes garden. superb addition to the flower garden. superb addition to the flower garden. During summer 40cm tall branching During summer 40cm tall branching During stems summer branching flower carry40cm headstall of steely blue flower stems carry heads of steely blue flower stems carry heads of steely flowers with a faint hint of amethyst. blue The flowers with a faint hint of amethyst. The flowers with a faint hint of amethyst. flowers last a long time in the vase The and flowers last a long time in the vase and flowers longortime the vase andx also drylast well.a Sun lightinshade. 40cm also dry well. Sun or light shade. 40cm also dry well. Sun or light shade. 40cm xx 35cm. 35cm. 35cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 $9.00 each Eryngium ovinum Eryngium ovinum Eryngium Seaovinum Holly Native Native Sea Holly Native Sea A beautiful Holly native which still grows in A beautiful native which in A beautifulnative nativegrassland which still stillingrows grows in remnant central remnant native grassland in central remnant native grassland in central Victoria. I grow it in the dry garden next Victoria. II grow in next Victoria. grow it it Cotyledon in the the dry dry garden garden next to a tall flowered where, from to a tall flowered Cotyledon where, from to a tall flowered Cotyledon where, from late spring until autumn, it produces late spring until autumn, it produces late spring until sea autumn, produces hundreds of blue, urchinitlike flowers hundreds of blue, sea urchin like flowers hundreds blue, foliage. sea urchin over rich ofgreen Cutlikeit flowers to the over rich green foliage. Cut it to the over rich green foliage. Cut it to Sun the ground during winter. 40cm x 50cm. ground during winter. 40cm x 50cm. Sun ground during winter. 40cm x 50cm. Sun or light shade. or or light light shade. shade.$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 $9.00 each each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 14 Euphorbia Euphorbia dendroides dendroides A plant of A plant plant of of hot hot dry dry coastal coastal areas areas of of the the A hot dry coastal areas of the southern European and North African southern European European and and North North African African southern more commonly on Mediterranean more commonly on Mediterranean more commonly on Mediterranean islands islands from from Corsica Corsica and and Sardinia Sardinia to to islands from Corsica and Sardinia to Crete and Rhodos. It also grows on the Crete and Rhodos. It also grows on the Crete and Rhodos. It also grows on the Canary Canary Islands. Islands. With With us us it it makes makes a a 1 1 Canary Islands. With us it makes a 1 metre tall shrub, with an equal spread, metre tall shrub, with an equal spread, metre tall shrub, with an equal spread, covered covered by by lime lime green green flowers flowers during during covered by lime green flowers during winter and spring. It usually is summer winter and spring. It usually is summer winter and spring. It usually is summer deciduous deciduous with with us us with with its its leaves leaves getting getting deciduous with us with its leaves getting nice reddish tints before dropping nice reddish reddish tints tints before before dropping dropping in in nice in early summer. Best in a very hot dry early summer. Best in a very hot dry early summer. Best in a very hot dry spot. $9.00 or 3 for $24.00 spot. $9.00 each each spot. $9.00 each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 Ferrula „Gigantea‟ Ferrula communis communis Ferrula communis „Gigantea‟ „Gigantea‟ This is the giant cow This is the giant cow parsley parsley of of the the This is the giant cow parsley of the Southern European garrigue. During Southern European garrigue. During Southern European garrigue. During late late winter winter it it produces produces a a mound mound of of late winter it produces a mound of intricately cut lacy leaves some 90cm intricately cut lacy leaves some 90cm intricately cut lacy leaves some 90cm across across by by 90cm 90cm tall. tall. During During spring spring a a across by 90cm tall. During spring a strong shoot, like a thick asparagus strong shoot, like a thick asparagus strong shoot, like a thick asparagus spear, spear, pushes pushes through through the the centre centre of of the the spear, pushes through the centre of the foliage mound and soon makes a two foliage mound mound and and soon soon makes makes a a two two foliage metre tall stem carrying dozens of 15cm metre tall stem carrying dozens of 15cm metre tall stem carrying dozens of 15cm wide wide umbrellas umbrellas of of sulphur sulphur yellow yellow wide umbrellas of sulphur yellow flowers. After flowering the whole dies flowers. After flowering the whole dies to to flowers. After flowering the whole dies to the ground as if it was a spring flowered the ground ground as as if if it it was was a a spring spring flowered flowered the summer dormant bulb. Best in a summer dormant bulb. Best in a sunny sunny summer dormant bulb. Best in a sunny spot. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 spot. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 Geranium x magnificum Geranium x magnificum When in full glory, during spring and When in full glory, during spring and early summer, this is one of the most early summer, this is one of the most telling of all the cranesbills. Dark violet telling of all the cranesbills. Dark violet blue flowers some 5cm across blue flowers some 5cm across completely cover the plant. It is vigorous completely cover the plant. It is vigorous and soon makes good sized clumps. and soon makes good sized clumps. 50cm by 65cm. Sun or light shade. 50cm by 65cm. Sun or light shade. Excellent at the front of old roses as well Excellent at the front of old roses as well as the flower border. as the flower border. . $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 . $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 15 EMAIL Geranium sanguineum „Cedric Moris‟ Geranium sanguineum „Cedric Moris‟ I‟ve got a sanguineum soft spot for any plant called Geranium Moris‟ I‟ve got a soft spot for „Cedric any plant called Cedric Morris, that gentle English artist I‟ve got a soft spot for any plant Cedric Morris, that gentle Englishcalled artist and gardener. G. sanguineum takes our Cedric Morris, G. thatsanguineum gentle English and gardener. takesartist our hot summers better than most of our the and gardener. G. sanguineum takes hot summers better than most of the northern hemisphere geraniums. The hot summers better than most of the northern hemisphere geraniums. The round iridescent magenta flowers of The this northern hemisphere geraniums. round iridescent magenta flowers of this clone are larger magenta than the type. I grow it round iridescent flowers of this clone are larger than the type. I grow it in the dry garden, where it is happy clone thanwhere the type. it in theare drylarger garden, it isI grow happy weaving through shrubby lupins and a in the dry garden, where it is happy weaving through shrubby lupins and a Baptisia, though a little more weaving shrubby lupinssummer and a Baptisia, through though a little more summer watering though would suit it better. A soak Baptisia, a little more summer watering would suit it better. A soak once a fortnight be enough. watering would suitwould it better. A soak once a fortnight would be enough. 30cm xa50cm. once fortnight would be enough. 30cm x 50cm. each or 3 for $24.00 30cm x 50cm. $9.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 Iris foetidissima „Variegata‟ Iris foetidissima „Variegata‟ One of the best „Variegata‟ evergreen foliage plants Iris foetidissima One of the best evergreen foliage plants for ofdry shade, Iris foliage foetidissima One the best evergreen plants for dry shade, Iris foetidissima „Variegata‟ suited toIrisdifficult and not for dry isshade, foetidissima „Variegata‟ is suited to difficult and not so difficult areas under trees tolerating „Variegata‟ is suited to difficult and not so difficult areas under trees tolerating drought well trees whentolerating once so difficult very areas under drought very well when once established. The deep green broadly drought very well when once established. The deep green broadly sword shapedThe leaves aregreen boldly broadly striped established. deep sword shaped leaves are boldly striped cream.shaped The flowers are striped rarely sword leaves which are boldly cream. The flowers which are rarely producedThe whilst beautiful when cream. flowers which are looked rarely produced whilst beautiful when looked at closely are not beautiful particularly showy. produced whilst when looked at closely are not particularly showy. 60cm x 60cm. at closely are not particularly showy. 60cm x 60cm. $10.00 each or 3 for $27.00 60cm x 60cm. $10.00 each or 3 for $27.00 $10.00 each or 3 for $27.00 Leucanthemum x superbum „Becky‟ Leucanthemum x superbum „Becky‟ Shasta Daisy x superbum „Becky‟ Leucanthemum Shasta Daisy This Shastavariety Daisy was imported from the This variety was imported from the Unitedvariety Stateswaswhere it isfrom widely This imported the United States where it is widely regardedStates as thewhere best Shasta Daisy. United it is widely regarded as the best Shasta Daisy. Leucanthemum „Becky‟ large regarded as the best produces Shasta Daisy. Leucanthemum „Becky‟ produces large single white flowers on produces self supporting Leucanthemum „Becky‟ large single white flowers on self supporting stems from summer until well into single whiteearly flowers on self supporting stems from early summer until well into the autumn. Tough drought tolerant sun stems from early summer until well into the autumn. Tough drought tolerant sun loving plant. 90cm 70cm. tolerant sun the autumn. Toughx drought loving plant. 90cm x 70cm. $9.00x each loving plant. 90cm 70cm.or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 16 Linaria Linaria „Tony „Tony Aldiss‟ Aldiss‟ This toad flax This toad flax has has been been quietly quietly flowering flowering in an obscure corner of the garden in an obscure corner of the garden for for many many years. years. A A few few years years ago ago II planted planted a a good patch in the dry garden where good patch in the dry garden where it it has has flowered flowered unperturbed unperturbed even even through through 47 degree degree days days although although it it sees sees the the 47 hose but thrice in twelve months. hose but thrice in twelve months. Masses of of small small mauve mauve snap snap dragons dragons Masses are carried on glaucous leafy stems are carried on glaucous leafy stems from spring spring into into the the winter. winter. This This from particular toad toad flax flax doesn‟t doesn‟t self self sow sow but but particular it runs a bit. Needs a sunny spot. it runs a bit. Needs a sunny spot. 60cm xx 50cm. 50cm. 60cm $8.00 each $8.00 each or or 3 3 for for $21.00 $21.00 Lychnis coronaria Mandevilla laxa Mandevilla laxa Dusty Miller Frost Hardy Frost Hardy Chilean Chilean Jasmine Jasmine This makes a basal rosette this of grey Unlike Unlike all all other other Mandevillas Mandevillas this one one leaves with grey flower stems clothed tolerates frost. I‟ve grown this vigorous tolerates frost. I‟ve grown this vigorous with grey leaves and crowned by climber on an old shearing shed here at climber on an old shearing shed here at brilliant magenta flowers. It’s very Lambley for 17 years. Each summer and Lambley for 17and years. Each summer and easily grown needs very little extra autumn a succession of giant jasmineautumn aduring succession of giant jasminewatering summer. I watered my like flowers, with a delicious fragrance like flowers, with a delicious fragrance patch half a dozen times last summer. somewhere between a and a somewhere a gardenia gardenia and a Whilst it is abetween short lived perennial you tuberose, are produced. The leaves are tuberose, are produced. The leaves are will always find some self sown elongated hearts, dark green green above elongated dark seedlings ifhearts, you don’t dead headabove it too paler below. 3 metres by 2 metres. Sun paler below. metres by 2 metres. Sun quickly. Sun.360cm x 40cm. each or light light shade. shade. $10.00 3 for $21.00 $8.00 or $10.00 each or Nepeta „Dropmore‟ Nepeta „Dropmore‟ Marrubium supinum ‘Scallop Shell’ Dropmore Dropmore Catmint Catmint Marrubium ‘Scallop Shell’ is oneand of Almost identical in its grey leaves Almost identical in its grey leaves and the best mauve evergreen groundNepeta covers„Six for ethereal flowers ethereal mauveforming flowersa to todense Nepeta „Six hot dry spots mat of Hills Giant‟ but the habit of this plant Hills Giant‟ but the habit of this plant scalloped soft grey leaves, the texture makes it and desirable. It makes it so so different different and so soascend desirable. It of velvet. The leaves the is very neat, upright and tidy in growth is very neat, upright and tidy in growth summer flower stems which carry not at all lax. It would make a good plant not at all lax. It would make a good plant whorls of hazy purple-pink hooded to grow with roses and it did well for to grow with roses and it did well for flowers. A fabulous drought tolerant years in the dry garden. 50cm x 70cm. years the dry garden. x 70cm. foliageinplant and one of50cm the best greys. $9.00 or for Beautiful under oldeach roses in our $9.00 each or 3 3and for $24.00 $24.00 dry garden. 40cm x 70cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 17 Penstemon barbatus Penstemon barbatus Humming birds pollinate this native of Humming birds pollinate this native of Arizona, Utah, Texas, Colorado and Arizona, Utah, Texas, Colorado and Mexico. Different in habit from most Mexico. Different in habit from most Penstemon grown here, P. barbatus Penstemon grown here, P. barbatus makes basal rosettes of glossy fresh makes basal rosettes of glossy fresh green leaves. 100cm tall spires carry green leaves. 100cm tall spires carry from top to bottom hundreds of good from top to bottom hundreds of good sized scarlet red tubular flowers. It‟s the sized scarlet red tubular flowers. It‟s the only Penstemon to make it into our dry only Penstemon to make it into our dry climate garden where we have a decent climate garden where we have a decent patch. 100cm x 70cm. patch. 100cm x 70cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 Penstemon „Knightwick‟ Penstemon „Knightwick‟ Penstemon are easily grown sun loving Penstemon are easily grown sun loving evergreen perennials with few wants evergreen perennials with few wants except dead heading and the removal of except dead heading and the removal of old spent stems in mid spring. old spent stems in mid spring. Penstemon „Knightwick‟ was bred by Penstemon „Knightwick‟ was bred by Perhill Nursery in the U.K. And has Perhill Nursery in the U.K. And has 90cm tall spikes of purple pink, tubular 90cm tall spikes of purple pink, tubular flowers with red stripes in the throat. flowers with red stripes in the throat. 90cm x 80cm. 90cm x 80cm. $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 Perovskia atriplicifolia „Blue Spires„ Perovskia atriplicifolia „Blue Spires„ Blue Spires Russian Sage Blue Spires Russian Sage Russian Sage are tough drought Russian Sage are tough drought tolerant sun loving plants. This form tolerant sun loving plants. This form makes a billowing plant with finely makes a billowing plant with finely dissected grey leaves clothing strong, dissected grey leaves clothing strong, whitish stems topped by long spikes of whitish stems topped by long spikes of lavender blue flowers. Best given a fair lavender blue flowers. Best given a fair bit of space to accommodate its bit of space to accommodate its billowing habit. Plant a good inch below billowing habit. Plant a good inch below the pot soil line. We cut Russian Sage to the pot soil line. We cut Russian Sage to the ground in winter. Best planted in the ground in winter. Best planted in groups. 120cm x 70cm. groups. 120cm x 70cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 18 Phlomis anatolica „Lloyds Variety‟ Phlomis Phlomis anatolica anatolica „Lloyds „Lloyds Variety‟ Variety‟ As the name suggests this tough As the name suggests As the name suggests this this tough tough drought tolerant, evergreen shrub hails drought tolerant, evergreen drought tolerant, evergreen shrub shrub hails hails from Turkey. We grow it in our dry from Turkey. We grow it in our from Turkey. We grow it in our dry dry garden where its silver leaves and garden where where its its silver silver leaves leaves and and garden whorls of yellow claw like flowers are whorls whorls of of yellow yellow claw claw like like flowers flowers are are handsome the year round. We handsome the the year year round. round. We We give give it it a a handsome give it a light trim during winter to keep it tidy. It light trim during winter to keep it tidy. light trim during winter to keep it tidy. It It flowers on new wood from spring until flowers on new wood from spring until flowers on new wood from spring until autumn. autumn. 100cm 100cm xx x 100cm. 100cm. autumn. 100cm 100cm. $10.00 each $10.00 each $10.00 each Phlomis russeliana Phlomis Phlomis russeliana russeliana The large felty heart shaped evergreen The The large large felty felty heart heart shaped shaped evergreen evergreen leaves, green above grey beneath, leaves, green above grey beneath, leaves, green above grey beneath, make a dense weed proof mound. make a a dense dense weed weed proof proof mound. mound. The The make The strong, stiff 100cm stems are encircled strong, stiff 100cm stems are encircled strong, stiff 100cm stems are encircled with with whorls whorls of of soft soft yellow yellow hooded hooded with whorls of soft yellow hooded flowers. Handsome the year round, this flowers. Handsome the year round, this flowers. Handsome the year round, this plant is happy in sun or light shade. plant is is happy happy in in sun sun or or light light shade. shade. plant 100cm x 75cm. 100cm xx 75cm. 75cm. 100cm or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each $9.00 each each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 $9.00 Romneya coulteri Romneya Romneya coulteri coulteri Californian Poppy Californian Tree Tree Californian Tree Poppy Poppy One of the wonders of the plant world One of the wonders One of the wonders of of the the plant plant world world the Californian Tree Poppy has huge the Californian Californian Tree Tree Poppy Poppy has has huge huge the pure white flowers with a rich yellow pure white flowers with a rich yellow pure white flowers with a rich yellow central boss (The flower has been central boss boss (The (The flower flower has has been been central likened to a giant poached egg.) on top likened to a giant poached egg.) on top likened to a giant poached egg.) on top of stiff branches clothed in handsome of stiff stiff branches branches clothed clothed in in handsome handsome of large grey cut leaves. It makes a large large grey grey cut cut leaves. leaves. It It makes makes a a large large large suckering shrub which needs a fair bit of suckering shrub which needs a fair bit of of suckering shrub which needs a fair bit space. It is happy in the toughest of space. It It is is happy happy in in the the toughest toughest of of space. spots and prefers it dry. 150cm x spots and prefers it dry. 150cm spots and prefers it dry. 150cm xx 200cm. 200cm. 200cm. $12.00 or 3 for $33.00 $12.00 each each $12.00 each or or 3 3 for for $33.00 $33.00 19 Salvia Salvia „Anthony „Anthony Parker‟ Parker‟ Salvia „Anthony Parker‟ A fabulous frost A fabulous frost hardy hardy Salvia Salvia from from A fabulous frost hardy Salvia from American garden designer, American garden designer, Frances Frances American garden designer, Frances Parker. Parker. A A hybrid hybrid between between the the mexican mexican Parker. A hybrid between the mexican Sage Sage (S. (S. leucantha) leucantha) and and the the pineapple pineapple Sage (S. leucantha) and the pineapple Sage (S. elegans) it makes Sage (S. elegans) it makes a a large, large, Sage (S. elegans) it makes a with large, handsome foliaged, foliaged, shrubby shrubby plant plant a handsome with a handsome foliaged, shrubby plant with a grand display of rich deep violet blue grand display of rich deep violet blue grand display ofautumn rich deep violet blue flowers flowers through through autumn into into winter. winter. Its Its flowers through autumn into winter. Its flower flower colour colour is is similar similar to to S. S. „Indigo „Indigo flower colourtheis plant similar to S. „Indigo Spires‟ Spires‟ but but the plant is is much much neater neater Spires‟ but the plant is much neater growing. 120cm 120cm xx 150cm. 150cm. Drought Drought growing. growing. 120cm x 150cm. Drought tolerant. tolerant. tolerant. $9.00 $9.00 each each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 Salvia involucrata involucrata „Mulberry „Mulberry Jam‟ Jam‟ Salvia Salvia involucrata „Mulberry Jam‟ Mulberry Jam Rose Leaved Salvia Mulberry Jam Rose Leaved Salvia Mulberry had Jam Rose Leaved Salvia I‟ve I‟ve only only had this this plant plant a a year year or or two. two. It‟s It‟s I‟ve only had this plant a year or two. It‟s smaller growing than the better smaller growing than the better known known smaller growing than „Bethellii‟ the better known Salvia Salvia involucrata involucrata „Bethellii‟ barely barely Salvia involucrata „Bethellii‟ barely making making a a metre metre in in height height and and something something making a metre in height and something less less across. across. Dark Dark rich rich fuchsia fuchsia pink pink less across. Dark rich fuchsiabracts pink flowers from similarly coloured flowers from similarly coloured bracts flowers from similarly coloured bracts are are produced produced on on leafy leafy upright upright stems stems are produced on leafy upright We stems from January on into the winter. from January on into the winter. We cut cut from January on into the winter. We cut it it to to the the ground ground during during winter winter it to the ground during winter 100cm 100cm xx 80cm. 80cm. 100cm x 80cm.$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 Salvia leucantha Salvia leucantha „Harry‟s „Harry‟s Red‟ Red‟ Salvia leucantha „Harry‟s Red‟ Harry‟s Red Mexican Sage Harry‟s Red Mexican Sage Harry‟s Red Mexican Sage Our Our working working title title for for this this variety variety of of Our working title for this variety of Mexican sage. It was growing in my son Mexican sage. It was growing in my son Mexican sage. It was growing in my son Harry Harry Glenn‟s Glenn‟s garden garden in in Camberwell Camberwell Harry Glenn‟s garden in bright Camberwell and is distinguished by its and is distinguished by its bright purple purple and is distinguished by its calyces. bright purple red flowers held in mauve red flowers held in mauve calyces. The The red flowers held makes in mauve calyces. The shrubby shrubby growth growth makes 120cm 120cm xx 120cm 120cm shrubby growth ismakes 120cm x 120cm eventually, eventually, and and is best best cut cut to to the the ground ground eventually, and is best cut to the ground during during late late winter. winter. Best Best planted planted out out after after during late winter. Best planted out after frosts in very cold districts. frosts in very cold districts. frosts in very cold districts. $9.00 each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 $9.00 each $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 20 Salvia leucantha „Santa PBR Papaver orientale „Can Barbara‟ Can‟ Salvia Salvia leucantha leucantha „Santa „Santa Barbara‟ Barbara‟ PBR PBR Can Can Oriental Poppy Mexican Sage Dwarf Mexican Sage Dwarf Mexican Sage Dwarf PapaverSage „Can has Can‟long hasbeen largea Mexican Sage has long been a tangerine stalwart Mexican stalwart Mexican Sage has long been a stalwart flowers with pronounced flash of white of gardens in Australia. PGA Nursery of in PGA Nursery ofongardens gardens in Australia. Australia. PGA Nursery the outside of each petal and a broad have kindly kindly given given us us some stock stock so so that have have kindly given black us some some stock so that thatA brush of purple on the inside. we can now offer a new variety, Salvia we can a new we can now now offer offer a on newa variety, variety, Salvia Salvia spectacular flower plant. „Santa Barbara‟. It is is such such resilient a good good plant, plant, „Santa Barbara‟. It a „Santa Barbara‟. It is such a good plant, We grow theother oriental poppiesmaking in rows ain neater than varieties, neater than varieties, making a neater than other other varieties, making a the kitchen garden and pick large beautiful rounded rounded shrubby shrubby plant plant some some beautiful beautiful shrubby plant some bunches rounded for the house. 70cm x 60cm. 80cm by by 90cm 90cm carrying carrying vertical vertical spikes spikes 80cm or 3 for spikes $24.00 $9.00vertical 80cm by 90cm carrying of deep purple flowers during late of deep purple flowers during of deep purple flowers during late late summer and autumn. autumn. A drought drought tolerant summer summer and and autumn. A A drought tolerant tolerant plant for sun or light shade. In very very cold cold plant for sun or light shade. In plant for sun or light shade. In very cold areas best planted in spring. areas areas best best planted planted in in spring. spring. $10.00 each or 3 for $27.00 $10.00 each $10.00 each or or 3 3 for for $27.00 $27.00 Papaver orientale „Pink Princess‟ Salvia mexicana „Limelight‟ Salvia mexicana „Limelight‟ Salvia mexicana „Limelight‟ Just ofabout oriental poppies are One the all bestourplants plants in our our garden One of best in garden One of the the best plants in ourand garden grown in well nourished well where it it makes makes a a shrubby shrubby 180cm 180cm xx where where it makes a shrubby 180cm x watered soil in our vegetable garden. 150cm in a season. Salvia „Limelight‟ 150cm in a season. Salvia „Limelight‟ 150cm in a„Pink season. Salvia „Limelight‟ Papaver Princess‟ has which huge has quite large large deep deep green leaves leaves has quite green which has quite large deep green leaves which luscious flesh the pinkstunning flowers with set off nicely nicely limecarmine green set off the stunning lime set off nicely the We stunning lime green central blotches. cut off thegreen spent and purple flowers. It‟s in flower from and purple flowers. flower and purple flowers. It‟s inspring/summer flower from from flowers stems after It‟s firstin early summer summer until until frosts frosts or or well well into into early flush summer is over until and often a second early frosts get or well into winter in mild districts. Although the top winter in mild districts. Although the flush in Sun. 70cm x 60cm. winter in autumn. mild districts. Although the top top growth gets gets cut by by frost frost at at Lambley it growth it or 3Lambley for $24.00 growth gets cut cut by $9.00 frost at Lambley it mostly reshoots in the spring. A mostly reshoots in the spring. A mostly reshoots in the spring. A covering of of straw over over the roots roots in winter winter covering covering of straw straw over the the roots in in winter will help. help. Cut back back hard in in spring. Sun Sun or will will help. Cut Cut back hard hard in spring. spring. Sun or or each or 3 for $24.00 light shade. $9.00 light each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 light shade. shade. $9.00 $9.00 each Pelargonium reniforme „Phyllis Fancy‟ Salvia „Phyllis Salvia Salvia „Phyllis Fancy‟ Fancy‟ Pelargonium reniforme is onedrought of an Salvia „Phyllis Fancy‟ is a tough Salvia „Phyllis Fancy‟ is a tough drought Salvia „Phyllis Fancy‟ is a tough drought interesting and beautiful group of from frost tolerant evergreen shrub flowering tolerant evergreen shrub flowering from from tolerant evergreen shrub flowering hardy South African Pelargoniums. It‟s midsummer until until winter. winter. The The long long midsummer been growinguntil in ourwinter. dry garden four midsummer Thefor long arching sprays of violet and white arching sprays of violet violet so andwellwhite white years and has performed we arching sprays of and flowers are very telling and there is good flowers are very veryanother telling and and there is by good have planted largethere patch the flowers are telling is good separation between flowers and foliage. side of a gravel path. Evergreen with separation between flowers and foliage. separation between flowers and foliage. The 160cm by as much bush round hairytall greenwide scalloped The 160cm tallgreyish by as as much much wide bush The 160cm tall by wide bush leaves about the size of a fifty cent coin. grows near and under olive trees in our grows near and under olive trees in our grows near and under olive trees in our It flowers from spring until winter with dry garden. The honey eaters work this dry garden. garden. The The honey honey eaters eaters work work this this dry dozens of magenta moths hovering well plant throughout throughout its its flowering flowering period. period. We We plant plant throughout its flowering period. We above the foliage. Foliage mounds cut it to the ground in winter to allow cut it to to the ground ground in in winter winter to to allow allow cut it the 25cm x 30cm. underplanted bulbs to grow and flower. under- planted planted bulbs bulbs to grow grow and flower. underto flower. or 3and for $24.00 $9.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $24.00 21 Salvia nemorosa garden image Salvia nemorosa and its close allies I grow about twenty different named clones of this most beautiful and useful group of salvias. Except for a couple of my own seedlings and one plant generously given to me by the Geelong botanic gardens all the cultivars I grow are from imported stock and reproduced by cuttings. Besides growing them in the garden I also have them in permanent stock beds. At Lambley, where temperatures range from -8C up to 47C, they get by on very little extra irrigation and are soundly frost hardy. They flower well during the most torrid summer days. The Salvia nemorosa group is more important in our garden than any other group of plants. They are very easy to manage. When the first flush of flowers is finished, generally around Christmas but earlier with some clones, we get out the hedge shears and cut the plants to the ground. They soon send up fresh young shoots and start flowering again a month or so afterwards so that we get 20 weeks of flowers a year. I cut them to the ground again in late autumn. Salvia nemorosa „Amethyst‟ Raised by the Dutch garden designer Piet Oudolf, Salvia „Amethyst‟ makes strong vertical spikes of rich amethyst pink flowers from spring into mid summer when we cut it to the ground to encourage a repeat flowering in Autumn. 60cm x 40cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 22 Salvia nemorosa „Caradonna‟ S. „Caradonna‟ distinguishes itself by holding its rich violet flower spikes on stiff black stems. A fairly new plant it has done very well in our dry garden this year. Sun. 80cm x 50cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 Salvia Salvia nemorosa nemorosa „Lubecca‟. „Lubecca‟. Salvia ‟Lubecca‟ Salvia ‟Lubecca‟ is is one one of of the the smallest smallest and and neatest neatest growing growing of of the the nemorosa nemorosa types types of of salvia salvia making making 30cm 30cm tall tall spikes spikes of rich violet-blue flowers during spring, of rich violet-blue flowers during spring, summer summer and and autumn. autumn. 30cm 30cm xx 30cm. 30cm. $9.00 each or 3 $9.00 each or 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 Salvia nemorosa „Tanzarin‟ „Tanzarin‟ Salvia nemorosa An import from Europe An import from Europe with with particularly particularly long long and and elegant elegant spikes spikes of of glowing glowing rich rich violet-blue flowers enclosed violet-blue flowers enclosed in in persistent purple bracts. 80cm x 60cm. persistent purple bracts. 80cm x 60cm. A A sun sun loving loving and and drought drought tolerant tolerant plant. plant. $9.00 each or 3 for $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $24.00 Salvia sylvestris „Mainacht‟ Salvia x x sylvestris „Mainacht‟ Syn. Salvia „May Night‟ Syn. Salvia „May Night‟ The The first first to to flower flower in in spring spring producing producing deep violet flower spikes from October. deep violet flower spikes from October. $9.00 each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 $9.00 each Salvia superba „Rubin‟ Salvia xx superba „Rubin‟ Stiff Stiff leafy leafy spikes spikes of of bright bright magenta magenta rose rose flowers are in bloom from spring flowers are in bloom from spring onwards. onwards. 50cm 50cm xx 40cm. 40cm. $9.00 each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 $9.00 each 23 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 Sedum ‘Autumn Blush’ cineraria „Cirrus‟ Senecio Sedum „Autumn Sedum „Autumn Joy‟. We have a lotJoy‟. of different Sedum This form of dusty millerbeds. was used a lot Beginning in mid-summer the large growing in inourmid-summer trial Growing Beginning the large in the old bedding at the cauliflower shaped flower heads them sidecarpet by side helps sort thechange wheat cauliflower shaped flowerschemes heads change run down North Sea seaside towns from green in soft pink the chaff. ‘Autumn Blush’ from pale pale green Sedum in bud bud to to soft baby baby pink where I holidayed as a child. When then to deep pink through deep was impressive year.through Smaller deep andI then to deep last pink moved Australia in the early 1960s Mr tighter to growing better known salmon-pink to dark and salmon-pink to than darkthecoral-pink coral-pink and Alsop aautumn nursery in otherwise Box Hill, Sedum ran ‘Autumn Joy’progresses but finally, as into finally, as autumn progresses into Melbourne and sold this plant in recycled similar. From a winter rosette of softly winter, rich mahogany brown. The winter, rich mahogany brown. The tin cans.leaves It leaves disappeared fromup view and succulent it sends strong toothed are handsome from early toothed leaves are handsome from early memory until one of my customers leafy stems which by kind late spring through summer into summer autumn. spring through summer autumn. brought a plant in for me. It makes carry large flat heads of into pink flowersa Tough, drought tolerant , sun loving Tough, drought tolerant , sun loving small shrub with fabulous which evergreen age through crimson to plant. 80cm. x 80cm. plant. 80cm.felted x 80cm. mahogany. Needs a littleSun water only.and silver white leaves. loving each or for $24.00 $9.00 each or33 3for for$21.00 $24.00 80cm x tolerant. 60cm.$9.00 $8.00 drought 70cm x or 90cm. $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 ‘Matrona’ ruprechtii Sedum telephium Sedum ruprechtii Sedum Thoughttelephium by some, including me, to be „Beth Chattos Form‟ Form‟ the best of„Beth all Chattos the taller growing This plant has made a big impression This plant has made a big impression Sedum. Handsome the year round it in our climate garden. in in our dry dry climate garden. Planted in full full makes 90cm or more tallPlanted stiff maroon sun it produces 60cm tall stems clothed stems clothed with blue leaves. sun it produces 60cmwaxy tall stems clothed in waxy leaves, blue with a purple These stems topped, in waxyleafy leaves, blueare with a soft soft during purple blush. The large heads of creamy late summer and autumn, with lemon large blush. The large heads of creamy lemon flower heads are produced in cauliflower heads of soft pink flowers flower heads are produced in late late which slowly age to crimson. We grow summer and age to burnt bronze during summer and age to burnt bronze during large driftsgrows of it intheour dry climate autumn. autumn. It It grows in in the dry dry garden garden with with garden where it is watered at most 3red or purple flowered origanum and purple flowered origanum and red 4 times a year. 90cm x 80cm. autumn gladiolus. Sun loving autumn flowered flowered $8.00 gladiolus. Sun loving or 3 for $21.00 and drought tolerant. 60cm x 60cm. and drought tolerant. 60cm x 60cm. $9.00 each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 $9.00 each Sedum telephium ruprechtii Senecio cineraria Senecio cineraria „Cirrus‟ „Cirrus‟ Chattos ‘Bethmiller This was used This form form of of dusty dusty miller wasForm’ used a a lot lot This plant has made a big impression in the old carpet bedding schemes at in the old carpet bedding schemes at the the in our dry climate garden. Planted in run run down down North North Sea Sea seaside seaside towns towns full sun it produces 60cm tall stemsI where where II holidayed holidayed as as a a child. child. When When I clothed in waxy leaves, blue with a soft moved to Australia in the early 1960s moved to Australia in the early 1960s Mr Mr purple blush. The large heads of Alsop Alsop ran ran a a nursery nursery in in Box Box Hill, Hill, creamy lemon flower heads are Melbourne and sold this in Melbourne andlate soldsummer this plant plantand in recycled recycled produced in age to tin cans. It from and tin cans. It disappeared disappeared from view view and burnt bronze during autumn. It grows memory until one my kind memory until one of of mypurple kind customers customers in the dry garden with flowered brought a plant in for me. It a brought a plant in forautumn me. It makes makes a origanum and red flowered small evergreen shrub with fabulous small evergreen shrub with fabulous gladiolus. Sun leaves. loving andloving drought silver white felted silver white felted leaves. Sun Sun loving and and tolerant. 60cm x 60cm. drought xx 90cm. drought tolerant. tolerant. 70cm 70cm 90cm. $8.00 or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 $8.00 each each or or 3 3 for for $21.00 $21.00 24 Senecio vira-vira Senecio vira-vira Senecio We grewvira-vira this lovely plant years ago but We grew this plant years ago but We grew this lovely lovely but lost our stock duringplant oneyears of ourago many lost our stock during one of our many lost our stock during one of our many garden rearrangements. I was going garden rearrangements. II was going garden rearrangements. was going through Terang in south west Victoria a through Terang Terang in in south south west west Victoria Victoria a a through few years ago and saw this Senecio few years ago and saw this Senecio few years saw this ground Senecio growing in aago stripand of neglected in growing in a strip of neglected ground in growing in a strip of neglected ground in front of a service station. It was front of a service station. It was front of a service station. It was flourishing even though unloved and flourishing even though unloved and flourishing unloved and unwatered. even Makesthough a beautiful rounded unwatered. Makes Makes a a beautiful beautiful rounded rounded unwatered. evergreen shrub with silver-white evergreen shrub with evergreen shrubtopped with by silver-white silver-white dissected leaves soft lemon dissected leaves leaves topped topped by by soft soft lemon lemon dissected flowers. One of the best silvers. Sun flowers. One of the best silvers. Sun flowers. Onedrought of the tolerant. best silvers. loving and 80cmSunx loving and drought tolerant. 80cm xx loving tolerant. 100cm. and drought $9.00 each or 3 for80cm $24.00 100cm. $9.00 each each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 100cm. $9.00 Stachys thirkei Stachys thirkei Stachys Miniaturethirkei Lamb‟s Ears Miniature Lamb‟s Ears Ears Miniature Lamb‟s This beautiful little plant will suit areas in This beautiful little will suit in This beautifulwhere little plant plant suit areas areas in the garden the will typical Lamb‟s the garden where the typical Lamb‟s the garden where the typical Lamb‟s Ears would grow too big. It has the usual Ears would grow too It the usual Ears too big. big. It has has usual feltedwould silvergrow Lamb‟s Ear leafthebut is felted silver Lamb‟s Ear leaf but is felted silver Lamb‟s Ear leaf but is smaller in all its parts than the type and smaller in all its parts than the type and smaller in all its parts than the type and there is no time during the summer there is no during the there no time time during the summer summer when itis looks scruffy. Drought tolerant when itit looks scruffy. Drought tolerant when looks scruffy. Drought tolerant and sun loving. Foliage mounds and sun loving. Foliage mounds and sun xloving. make10cm 30cm. Foliage mounds make10cm make10cm xx 30cm. 30cm. $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 $8.00 each or or 3 3 for for $21.00 $21.00 $8.00 each Teucrium betonicum Teucrium betonicum Teucrium betonicum An evergreen shrub from Madeira which An evergreen shrub from which An evergreen shrub from Madeira Madeira which would be worth growing as a foliage would be worth growing as a foliage would alone be worth as soft a foliage plant with growing its large, sage plant alone with its large, soft sage plant alone with its large, soft green leaves. The purple flowerssage are green leaves. The purple flowers are green leaves. are displayed manyThe to apurple stem flowers well above displayed many to a stem well above displayed to aspring stem well the foliagemany during and above early the foliage during spring and early the foliage during spring early summer. Best planted in lateand spring in summer. Best planted in late spring in summer. Best planted in late spring in very cold districts. It is happy in sun or very cold districts. It is happy in sun or very cold districts. It is happy in sun or light shade and doesn‟t need much if light shade and doesn‟t need lightextra shade and90cm doesn‟t need much much if if any water. x 90cm. any 90cm xx 90cm. any extra extra water. water. 90cm 90cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 $9.00 each 25 Teucrium scorodonia Teucrium scorodonia „Crispum Marginatum‟ „Crispum Marginatum‟ Wood Sage Wood Sage This Wood Sage is a wonderful This Wood Sage is a wonderful evergreen groundcover for shade even evergreen groundcover for shade even fairly dry shade. It makes dense mats of fairly dry shade. It makes dense mats of rich green felted leaves with white rich green felted leaves with white scalloping along the edges. During late scalloping along the edges. During late summer and autumn the 35cm leafy summer and autumn the 35cm leafy spikes of small creamy green flowers spikes of small creamy green flowers are modest but charming. 35cm x 50cm. are modest but charming. 35cm x 50cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 Thymus longicaulis ssp. chaubardii Thymus longicaulis ssp. chaubardii This thyme was imported from Beth This thyme was imported from Beth Chatto‟s wonderful nursery in the U.K. Chatto‟s wonderful nursery in the U.K. Making a prostrate carpet of tiny glossy Making a prostrate carpet of tiny glossy dark green leaves it is covered with dark green leaves it is covered with showy rose pink flowers held in clusters showy rose pink flowers held in clusters above the plant during late spring and above the plant during late spring and early summer. This Greek native is one early summer. This Greek native is one of the best of its kind and needs very of the best of its kind and needs very little extra water. We have planted it in little extra water. We have planted it in the Dry Garden as a ground cover the Dry Garden as a ground cover where Iris reticulata, Crocus species where Iris reticulata, Crocus species and wild tulips are planted. 15cm x and wild tulips are planted. 15cm x 40cm. $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 40cm. $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00 Tulbaghia violacea „John May‟s Special‟ Tulbaghia violacea „John May‟s Special‟ This variety is the tallest and most This variety is the tallest and most handsome of all the Tulbaghias handsome of all the Tulbaghias flowering on stems some 80cm tall. It flowering on stems some 80cm tall. It looks for all the world like a pink looks for all the world like a pink flowered Agapanthus. The grassy flowered Agapanthus. The grassy foliage clumps are evergreen and the foliage clumps are evergreen and the strong flower stems produce heads of strong flower stems produce heads of large mauve-pink flowers from late large mauve-pink flowers from late spring on into the autumn. It is a tough spring on into the autumn. It is a tough sun loving drought tolerant plant. The sun loving drought tolerant plant. The foliage clumps make 30cm by 50cm. foliage clumps make 30cm by 50cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 26 Verbascum Verbascum atropurpureum atropurpureum This is the This is the smallest smallest growing growing of of the the perennial perennial Verbascums. Verbascums. Soundly Soundly perennial perennial and and very very drought drought tolerant tolerant this this Central Asian native is relatively Central Asian native is relatively new new to to cultivation. In my garden it m a k e s cultivation. In my garden it m a k e s a a small neat evergreen rosette of violet small neat evergreen rosette of violet tinted tinted green green leaves. leaves. For For many many months months from spring well into summer it produces from spring well into summer it produces flower flower stems, stems, no no more more than than 50cm 50cm tall, tall, which are clothed with a long which are clothed with a long succession succession of of dark dark violet-purple violet-purple flowers. flowers. It It needs needs the the sun sun and and is is small small enough enough for for the rock garden. 30cm x 15cm. the rock garden. 30cm x 15cm. $9.00 $9.00 each each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 Zauschneria Zauschneria californica californica „Western „Western Hills‟ Hills‟ Californian Fuchsia Californian Fuchsia This This newly newly imported imported variety variety has has been been awarded the Royal Horticultural awarded the Royal Horticultural Society‟s Society‟s Award Award of of Garden Garden Merit. Merit. “A “A very fiery red selection” which will add very fiery red selection” which will add some some vim vim to to the the summer summer autumn autumn garden. It‟s pollinated by humming garden. It‟s pollinated by humming birds birds in in the the wild wild and and our our New New Holland Holland Honeyeaters Honeyeaters sup sup its its nectar nectar too. too. This This plant needs a sunny well drained plant needs a sunny well drained spot spot and and doesn‟t doesn‟t mind mind it it dry. dry. 90cm 90cm by by 90cm. 90cm. $9.00 each or or 3 3 for for $24.00 $24.00 $9.00 each Garden Garden image image Globe Artichokes: Cynara scolymus in the Dry Climate Garden, Lambley Nursery 27 Grasses image trans GrassesMisc image Misc trans Miscanthus transmorisonensis “Grass is the hair of the world” Karl Foerster the great German gardener. “Grass is the hair of the world” Karl Foerster the great German gardener. 28 Calamagrostis „Karl Foerster‟ Feather Reed Calamagrostis „Karlgrass Foerster‟ This ornamental Feather Reed grass grass makes a strong statement is widely used in This vertical ornamental grass and makes a strong landscape plantings in Europe vertical statement and is widely usedand in the USA. A cloud of hazy mauve flowers landscape plantings in Europe and the on stemsmauve are produced USA.180cm A cloudtall of hazy flowers onduring early summer and slowly ageduring to creamy 180cm tall stems are produced and then to golden brown as it early beige summer and slowly age to creamy intotowinter. needs beigemoves and then golden Itbrown as ait little summer irrigation and will grow in sun or moves into winter. It needs a little lightirrigation shade. Although the foliage clumps summer and will grow in sun or are evergreen we cut them to the light shade. Although the foliage clumps ground in July tidy them them up. x are evergreen we tocut to 160cm the 100cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 ground in July to tidy them up. 160cm x 100cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 Miscanthus transmorrisonensis. Miscanthus transmorrisonensis. Grass Evergreen Feather Miscanthus transmorrisonensis. Feather Grass Grass Evergreen The most beautiful of all the Miscanthus Feather Evergreen The most beautiful of the with evergreen leaves making 80cm tall The most beautiful of all all the Miscanthus Miscanthus with evergreen leaves making tall by 100cm wide fountain-like mounds. with evergreen leaves making 80cm 80cm tall by 100cm wide fountain-like mounds. The arching, weepingmounds. flower by 100cm widealmost fountain-like The almost weeping flower heads, displayed well above the foliage, The arching, arching, almost weeping flower heads,produced displayed well well above the foliage, foliage, heads, displayed the are fromabove summer until are produced from summer until mid-winter. This fabulous plant needs mid-winter. fabulous needs some spaceThis to show off plant its beautiful some space to show off its beautiful form. 150cm x 140cm. Sun. We always form. 140cm. Sun. We always sell out150cm of thisxplant. sell out of this $9.00 plant. each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 Panicum virgatum „Rotstrahlbusch‟ virgatum „Rotstrahlbusch‟ Panicum Red Beam Prairie Switch Grass Red Beam Prairie Switch We grow this in the Grass double flower We grow this in the double borders with Sedum and that giant flower of the borders with and thatThe giantnarrow of the prairie, Joe Sedum Pye Weed. prairie, Joe Pye Weed. The narrow leaves and airiness of its flowers make leaves and aairiness of its flowers this grass soft contrast to the make large this grass a soft contrast to the large leaves and flowers of its neighbours. leaves and Switch flowersGrass of itsmakes neighbours. Red Beam a tidy Red Beam Switch Grass makes tidy clump of arching green leaves a over clump of arching green leaves over which, during autumn, hover a myriad which, during autumn, hover a myriad tiny flowers like a cloud of midges, tiny flowers a cloud reddish at firstlike turning to soft of old midges, gold as reddish at first turning to100cm soft oldx 70cm. gold as the season progresses. the season progresses. 100cm x 70cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00 Poa labillardieri „Suggan Buggan‟ labillardieri Buggan‟ Poa A fabulous form „Suggan of this native grass with A fabulous form of this native grass with arching mounds of evergreen foliage, arching mounds of evergreen foliage, arching evergreen blue and mounds graceful. of Typical uprightfoliage, stems blue and graceful. Typical upright stems blue and graceful. Typical upright stems of flowers bluish in bud ageing to straw. of flowers bluish in bud ageing to straw. of in bud ageing to straw. Cutflowers back bluish to about 15cm immediately Cut back to about 15cm immediately Cut to about 15cm immediately after back flowering. 100cm x 100cm. Sun or after flowering. 100cm x 100cm. Sun or after flowering. 100cm x 100cm. Sun or at most very light shade. The best blue at mostgrass very light light shade. The best best blue at most very shade. The blue leaved we grow if given space to leaved grass we grow if given space to leaved grass we grow if given space to breathe and display its beautiful form. breathe and and display display its its beautiful beautiful form. form. breathe $10.00 each or 3 for $27.00 $10.00 each or 3 for $10.00 each or 3 for $27.00 $27.00 29 Wehave have plants of the following varieties left over previous catalogues We plants of the following varieties left over from ourfrom Autumn catalogue. refertotothe the catalogues the website for descriptions and prices. Please catalogue or theorwebsite for descriptions and prices. Please refer Asphodelineseptentrionalis liburnica Beschorneria Beschornaria septentrionalis Bouteloua gracilis Calamagrostis 'Overdam' Bouteloua gracilis Centaurea Ceonothusrutifolia 'Blue Cushion' Cerratostigma griffithii Ceratostigma griffithii Furcraea quicheensis Leucanthemum 'Becky' Indigofera heterantha Lycianthes rantonnetii Jasminium multipartitum Mandevilla laxa 'Ice Queen Kniphofia Miscanthus 'Sarabande' Kniphofia 'James Nottle' Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Convolvulus sabatius 'Dark Convolvulus sabatius Coridothymus capitata 'Dark Blue' Cotyledon 'Queenscliff' Convolvulus sabatius 'LA Form' Cytisus Cytisus'Cornish 'CornishCream' Cream' Eryngium campastre Eryngium campastre Euphorbia mellifera Eucomis 'Purple Leaf' Ferula linkii Euphorbia 'Excalibur' Helianthus grosseserratus Euphorbia'Double mellifera Helleborus White' Euphorbia nicaeensis 'Blue Peaks' Helleborus 'Gunter Jurgle' Helleborus 'Picotee' Ferula linkii Helleborus 'Red Centred' Furcraea macdouglei Hesperaloe parvifolia Kolkwitzia amabilis Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant' Penstemon pinifolia Pelargonium reniforme Penstemon barbatus 'Tizi-n-Test' Rhodanthemum Penstemon Salvia pinifolia 'Meighan's Magic' Salvia Sedum 'Meigans Magic'Emperor' 'Purple Salvia 'Raspberry Royal' Sisyrichium striatum Sedum 'Autumn Blush' Thymus pseudolanguinosus Sisyrinchium striatum Thymus 'Westmoreland' Teucrium betonicum Tulbaghia 'Fairy Star' Thymus pseudolanguinosus Veronica astriaca 'Kapitan' Yucca recurvifolia 'Soft Leaf Form' YuccaYucca rostrata rupicola Yucca rupicola Garden image Eryngium ‘Oxford Blue’ in winter frost 30 Over the the last last two twoyears yearsAdele Adele Over Productions have haveworked worked Film Productions Film with me to make a series with me to make a series ofof DVDs about about dry dry climate climate DVDs gardening. All the shooting has gardening. All the shooting has been done here in our garden. been done here in our garden. I I thinkthe theDVDs DVDshave havesome someofofthe the think best garden film work I‟ve ever best garden film work I‟ve ever seen. Filming Filmingtook tookplace placealmost almost seen. every fortnight fortnightover overa aperiod periodofof every two twoyears. years. There There will will be be aa DVD DVDforforeach each season, four altogether, Spring, season, four altogether, Spring, Summer, Summer, Autumn Autumn and and Winter. Winter. DVD is about one and Each Each DVD is about one anda a half halfhours hourslong. long. Both Both the the Spring Spring and and Summer Summer DVD‟s are finished and available DVD‟s are finished and available from from the the nursery nursery atat $29.95 $29.95 including postage. including postage. I‟m really proud of this work. I‟m really proud of this work. Everyone who has seen the Everyone who has seen the DVD has been very impressed DVD fascinated. has been very and Theseimpressed DVDs, and fascinated. Thesegarden DVDs, unlike most television unlike most television garden shows, are made for people with shows, are made for peopleand with an active, intelligent an active, intelligent and passionate interest in gardening. passionate interest in gardening. Visit our website to order online, Visitview our samples website to order initial online, and of these and view these initial Spring andsamples Summer of DVD‟s. Spring and Summer DVD‟s. Will Robertson is the director and cinematographer thisdirector series and of Will Robertson isofthe DVDs. Will is second to series no-oneof cinematographer of this when it comes to filming gardens. I DVDs. Will is second to no-one know of no other garden filming when it comes to filming gardens. I which anywhere nearfilming the know comes of no other garden beauty of Will‟s work. which comes anywhere near the beauty of Will‟s work. It has taken more than two years to these firstthan two two DVDs in It produce has taken more years the series. these first two DVDs in to produce the series. 31 If undeliverable return to: Lambley Nursery “Burnside” 395 Lesters Rd ASCOT VIC 3364 OFF PEAK 32