Net News


Net News
Net News
Keeping You Informed
Winter 2013
The Disability Network’s
Fun Fantastic Music
Dort Highway at Atherton Rd.
Friends Food
Come see SANTA in person!!!!
For more information call
(810) 742-1800
The party will be held at the
(use main entrance on Dort Hwy.)
Dinner ~ Music ~ Gifts
Fun Fantastic Music
Wednesday, December 18th—4 to 7 pm
Friends Food
You’re Invited to
Net News
Congratulations to the winner of The Disability Network’s
first annual Holiday Card Design Contest.
Jordyn Spaly
Watch for your card to arrive soon in the mail.
NET NEWS is published
quarterly by :
The Disability Network,
a Center for Independent Living
supporting people with any type
of disability in
Genesee County.
NET NEWS is designed to
inform people with disabilities and
other interested parties,
of disability related issues
and other matters
relevant to the disability
We welcome your comments
and suggestions.
3600 S. Dort Hwy. Ste. 54
Flint, Michigan 48507
(810) 742-1800 voice
(810) 742-7647 Caption Call
(810) 742-2400 fax
will be closed
Monday, December 23rd
and will reopen
Thursday, January 2nd.
Have a wonderful Holiday Season!
Holiday Party .......................Wednesday, December 18th
Office Closed ..................December 23rd thru January 1st
Board of Directors meeting ... Wednesday, February 19th
Computer Classes (call 742-1800 for starting dates)
2013 Sustainability All-Star Award Winners
Announced at Green Fleet Conference
Edgar Benning, President, Mass Transit Authority (MTA) of Flint was
among the 40 fleet professionals recently honored as Sustainability AllStars. MTA is an important community partner of TDN, providing needed
transportation to people with disabilities.
Green Fleet magazine staff reviewed nominees submitted online based
on professional longevity, accomplishments (significant sustainability
achievements), innovation (innovative ways individuals have contributed
to reducing emissions and fuel consumption), and overall industry
Benning described his agency’s efforts in adding alternative fuel vehicles into service. After
researching costs and convenience, he explained, MTA opted to fuel its paratransit fleet with
propane autogas rather than compressed natural gas and now operates 92 propanepowered vehicles.
Bennings efforts, along with the other fleet professionals, have reduced greenhouse gas
emissions and created green fleet and sustainability policies. They have dedicated their time
and energy to ensuring the path to sustainability is clear.
Congratulations to Ed Benning and the Flint MTA.
Raise money for The Disability Network
when you search or shop online!
ADA Celebration July 2013
Please visit our website for pictures and a
video on our recent ADA celebration.
Raise a penny (or more!) for The Disability
Network every time you search the web.
We also encourage you to read the editorial
submitted to the Detroit Free Press in
response to an article they wrote about the
ADA Celebration. is the internet's first
online search engine and shopping mall
where a penny or more per search and a
portion of each purchase is donated to your
favorite cause. Over 1,300 of the web’s best
stores participate in this free program, and
up to 26% of each purchase benefits TDN.
The pictures, video, and editorial are on the
website at
Search and shop online at!
Disability Guide Program
The Disability Network is proud to announce our participation in a statewide
Center for Independent Living (CIL) pilot – the Disability Guide Program.
What is the Disability Guide program? It was awarded to CILs by the legislature.
The program assists persons with disabilities and their families at the front-end
by identifying and removing barriers early, so they can access and navigate state
systems. The goal is to address barriers and assist people to navigate systems
and support paths to financial self-sufficiency.
What does that mean for you? If you are a person with a disability who needs
some assistance in accessing community resources, give Adrienne Howe or
Sheletha Graves a call at TDN 810-742-1800. Let us be your “Guide”.
Important Survey on Disability Employment
NCIL is asking that you please participate in an
important survey on disability and employment. The
survey takes about 10 minutes, and everyone who
completes it has the option to be entered for a
chance to win $500.
Take the survey Enter this address: http:// .
The survey questions are well designed and have the power to shape the debate
about disability policy. Power and control of policies can be ours for the taking, but we
need a very large sample size and strong participation from the grassroots disability
community to ensure that the results are valid.
The results of this poll will be shared with the White House, all 50 Governors, top
media, disability groups, and more! The results of each individual will be confidential,
but the overall results will be made public.
For further information, please contact Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi at 202-365-0787 or
Mike Zelley was recently the keynote speaker at the
Michigan Department of Human Services’ (DHS)
Annual Diversity Celebration in Detroit.
Mike shared his personal story and the influence
his disability has had in his life and the lives of
those around him. He spoke about diversity being
about the person in the mirror we see every day
and how we view the world around us.
He stressed that we must all be able to look in the
mirror and know that we can see past the
differences and see the ability in everyone. We
should treat people as we would expect them to be
at their greatest.
Mike Zelley with Terrence M. Beurer,
Michigan DHS Services Director
Mike’s complete remarks can be seen on the TDN
website at
Are you or do you know a person with a disability who is homeless or “doubled up”?
To be classified as homeless, you must be living in a shelter, living in a place not fit for
human habitation (outdoors, in an abandoned building, in your car) or living in a home you
rent or own that does not have gas, electric or water. To be classified as “doubled up”, you
must be living with someone else because you lost your place to live and have no other
options or are moving from place to place.
If any of the above describes you or someone you know, please contact Deborah, Housing
Coordinator at The Disability Network. Your voice needs to be heard and you need to be
counted so that HUD can get an accurate picture of homeless people with disabilities. Future
funding for housing programs depends on an accurate count.
Low-interest Loans Available
Seniors and people with disabilities (or their family members) can use the Michigan Assistive
Technology Loan Fund to buy assistive technology devices and related services, including
modification of vehicles and homes.
If you would like to apply for a loan to purchase any item or piece of equipment that will help
you improve your independence and overall quality of life, The Disability Network is your local organization for Loan Fund information. Contact Carrie at The Disability Network at (810)
Need Assistance enrolling in the
Healthcare Marketplace?
The Disability Network Flint hosts a regional health care Navigator to help you
apply and answer questions you may have about the Affordable Care Act, and
the Health Insurance Marketplace.
In order to have health insurance active on January 1st, 2014, individuals must be enrolled and
have made their first premium payment on their Qualified Health Plan by December 23 rd.
What is a Qualified Health Plan QHP required to
 Ambulatory patient services (outpatient
care you get without being admitted to a
 Emergency services
 Hospitalization (such as surgery)
 Maternity and newborn care (care before
and after your baby is born)
 Mental health and substance use disorder
services, including behavioral health
treatment (this includes counseling and
 Prescription drugs
 Rehabilitative and habilitative services and
devices (services and devices to help
people with injuries, disabilities, or chronic
conditions gain or recover mental and
physical skills)
 Laboratory services
 Preventive and wellness services and
chronic disease management
 Pediatric services
Individuals and small businesses can enroll
electronically by fax or by phone. E-mail is
required for online application.
You will need:
 Employer and income information for
every member of your household who
needs coverage
 Social Security Numbers or legal
documents for immigrants.
 MSU Smart Choice: http://
Monday Webinars MSU extension URL:
 (individual General info) Mondays
9-11am, 3-5pm, 6-8pm
 Small business, farm, and self employed
Mondays 12pm-2pm
 The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Subsidy Calculator
At The Disability Network, Adrienne is available to answer your questions
and assist with enrollment from 9am – 5pm most days.
Contact her at (810) 742-1800, or by e-mail
TDN wants to know what activities you would be interested in attending. At this year’s
Holiday Party, representatives will be getting feedback from our guests so that we can plan
and develop new and exciting opportunities for our customers. Be on the lookout for us and
make sure you tell us your thoughts and ideas! You may also send us a note or give us a
call at The Disability Network. We look forward to hearing from you!
Information and Referral at The Disability Network
A single mother with four children was burned out of her home in October 2013. During the
mother’s escape she fell and broke her leg in three places. She was hospitalized for a week.
She was referred to The Disability Network’s Information and Referral (I&R) department.
They worked with her to find an agency that would help with motel fees keeping the family off
the street and together. I&R helped her find a home that she and her family moved into by
Thanksgiving. They assisted with applications and advocated for the family with other
agencies that would help cover some of the cost for her first month’s rent, deposit, and water
affidavit. This family was able to have dinner for Thanksgiving in their own home.
I&R is able to assist with finding housing, food resources, income, and insurance. Give us a
call and learn about the services we can offer.
"College Hunks Hauling Junk and College Hunks Moving is a local franchise that opened here in
Flint, MI in March 2013. Owners Zak and Angie Hawley bought into the franchise after learning
about College Hunks through family members who run a successful franchise in St. Louis, MO. They
saw the need for a company that not only moves people from house to house, but one that trains
college students and prepares them for the future.
College Hunks Hauling Junk removes unwanted items from both residential and commercial
customers. Instead of taking these items to the landfill, they donate or recycle at least 70% of the
items hauled away. One way that they do this is through partnerships with local non-profits.
The Disability Network is a recipient of many of their gently used items, along with Habitat for
Humanity ReStore, Goodwill, and St Vincent DePaul. Many items that have been donated to The
Disability Network include washers and dryers, mattresses, couches, end tables, dressers,
televisions, entertainment centers, and other household items." These items are used by people
with disabilities transitioning from Nursing facilities into their own homes.
3600 S. Dort Hwy. Ste. 54
Flint, Michigan 48507
Flint, MI
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We are thankful for friends like you. When we take time to think about it, we all have lots to be
thankful for. Please take a moment to count your blessings and make a tax deductible donation
to help people with disabilities. All donations go directly to support people with disabilities.
I graduated from Yale
I took an online course
I vacationed in Hawaii
I made a pineapple upside down cake
I had dinner at Red Lobster
I went fishing
I won the lottery
I found a penny, picked it up, had good luck
I bought a Ferrari
My 10 year old Chevy still runs
I have ________ televisions in my home
I have ________ pairs of shoes
I send ________ texts a day
I have ________ family members/friends
.50 each
.50 each
.10 each
.10 each
Other things I am thankful for:
My Total for the things I am thankful for
$ __________
Please mail with your donation to The Disability Network. Thank You.