June 2016 NET News - Northeast Tacoma Neighborhood Council


June 2016 NET News - Northeast Tacoma Neighborhood Council
June 2016
In this Issue
• Northshore Parkway Upgrades
Not Complete
• Tacoma Crime News and TV
NET News National Award
• Sendoff for BP Ace Hardware
Team + New Postal services
SR509 Section Named after Phil
ST3 Ballot Measure Forum
• Center at Norpoint News
• NETNC Board Minutes 19May16
• Community Calendar
Volume 14, Issue 6
Community Meeting June 16th
All Welcome!
7pm, Tacoma Police Substation
4731 Norpoint Way (corner of Northshore Parkway)
City and agency staff reports; Program: Discuss nature of NETNC and
Board membership
Northshore Parkway Upgrades Not Complete
Perhaps you’ve noticed the work on Northshore Parkway between Nassau Ave. and
the Federal Way line. Two different projects are complete. Paving has had
extensive permanent patching to seal the roadway (and make it smoother) to keep
water out of the roadbed, saving the roadway as a whole. At the intersection with
Fairwood Blvd. and 42nd Ave. NE, the curb on the north side has a bulb-out, shortening the distance to walk across Northshore.
The next step for a crosswalk there is to install pedestrian-activated flashers where
the crosswalk will go, with warning beacons ahead of the crosswalks, to calm the
sometimes very fast driving down the hills on either side of the intersection. This
work is currently re-scheduled for July, because better poles had to be obtained to
deter the theft and damage that has occurred in other parts of the city.
Upcoming Events
You may have noticed concrete foundation work along the north side of the road
near the Federal Way line. That will be a pylon-shaped Welcome to Tacoma sign.
We’re working with the city to install the authorized complementary Welcome to
NE Tacoma sign a little further along the road.
Community Clean-Up: June
11th, 10am-1:45pm, Meeker
NETNC Commmunity and
Board Meeting: June 16th,
7pm, TPD substation - program
Nature of Neighborhood Council
and Board Membership
Board Exec and Planning
Comm meeting: July 2nd,
6:30pm, TPD substation
Julia's Gulch work party:
Saturday, June 11th, 9-noon
New sign site on Northshore Parkway
Sign at S. 56th and Orchard St.
JUNE 2016
NET News
NE Tacoma Crime News
Crimereports.com shows numerous crimes during March
and April to date: burglaries/breaking and
entering, car thefts, thefts from vehicle (break-in),
and false pretentions/confidence games incidents. Call 911
to report a suspicious activity sighting underway (strange
car sitting in the streets or slow-cruising apparently
checking out cars, houses, mailboxes) – a police patrol car
may be available nearby to check out the vehicle, and the
incident will be available to the CLO for analysis. The site
is useful for seeing what kinds of things are going on,
especially in your immediate neighborhood, but it tends to
exaggerate some crime reports because of the simplicity of
the description possibilities. For example, minor property
theft sometimes gets reported as a burglary, which we
would usually associate with a house burglary with more
major property theft.
CLO Brandon Showalter reviews crime trends and key
events at the monthly NETNC Community
Meetings – come to hear his take on crime in NE
Tacoma. Residents are invited to send reports of
incidents to netnews98422@hotmail.com for inclusion
If you have questions about any police issue, please direct
them specifically to the TPD Community Liaison Officer
for our area, CLO Brandon Showalter, at 253.594.7951 or
brandon.showalter@cityoftacoma.org. .
TV Tacoma June Highlights
From TV Tacoma (www.tvtacoma.org)
Some April neighborhood-oriented programming
highlights include:
• artTown: Monkeyshines, a Tacoma playwright,
T-Town jazz scene, home-grown apparel, upcoming
young artist, local theatres working with youth
• Business Matters: Lifestyle, Cora Coffee Roasters,
Cloud Banking for Business
• CityLine: Lively weekly review of current city
activities, events, and services in our City. MPT
Summer Camps, Sound to Narrows, Pierce Transit
update, Neon @ Spaceworks.org, and much more
(check the website). You can stream this.
• Inside Tacoma presents elected officials: Tacoma
Mayor Marilyn Strickland, City Councilmember
Marty Campbell (5th District: South End, Eastside)
• Tacoma Report: Stormwater treatment facility,
derelict buildings, earthquake preparations, male
involvement program, Seymour Botanical
Conservatory. Recorded semi-monthly. Look on the
TV Tacoma website for additional topics.
FISH Food Bank Is at
BP United Methodist Church
This is a reminder to let friends and neighbors who
are in need of food assistance know that the weekly
FISH Food Banks food bank Friday afternoons from
4:30pm to 6pm is now at the Browns Point United
Methodist Church (5339 BP Blvd.). Recent
experience shows a growth to 12-18 NE Tacoma
families getting needed help from the service. Please
help get the word out!
Donations of either non-perishable food, kitchen/baby
supplies, or money are gratefully accepted. Money
donations are very valuable: FISH can provide $7
worth of food for each $1 donated!
You can find out more about FISH Food Banks at:
Place your advertisement or
announcement for communityrelated products or services here.
It’s inexpensive!
Write to netnews98422@hotmail.com.
• Urban Green: Tacoma’s Environmental Action Plan,
an invasive forest pest, uses and health benefits of a
noxious weed, EnviroChallenger education on saving
fuel, EnviroHouse for tips on fruit tree selection and
• Programming on “Northwest Indian News” and
VA News, among other topics
• City Council: Council meetings live Tuesdays, 5pm;
study sessions live Tuesdays noon, Civil
Service Board, and Public Utilities Board meetings
(some broadcast only, City Council can be watched
on-line ­ works on your mobile, as well!).
• Special: Pt. Defiance 100th Anniversary.
TV Tacoma is available on Click! and Comcast on
channel 12 (21 in Pierce County). If you can’t watch
live, you can watch archived shows on your cable
video-on-demand service or on the website
(www.tvtacoma.org). Choose from Regular
Programs, Special Presentations, and Meeting
Coverage in the list on the left and above.
NET News
JUNE 2016
NET News Takes 3rd Place Nationally Among Printed
Neighborhood Newsletters Tacoma Brings Back Another
Great Award, Too
At the 2016 Neighborhoods USA Conference in Memphis, TN,
NETNC’s NET News was awarded 3rd Place for 2015 among some
very strong competition in the newsletters printed more than six
times a year category. There were also categories for fewer print
editions annually and for strictly e-mail ones.
NETNC is working on modernizing the newsletter to catch up with
the ways that folks prefer to receive their communications, but as with many volunteer efforts, it’s taking a while.
Another Tacoma initiative also received a 3rd Place finish in the Best Neighborhood Program judging: the Hilltop
Street Fair, an initiative of the merchants, Hilltop Action Coalition and Hilltop residents. It aimed to re-set the
perspective of many about the Hilltop, showing it off as a safe, friendly, and interesting place to go and to live.
From NETNC sources
Very Nice Send-Off for Mark Wenner and BP Ace Hardware Team
On May 21st, a couple-hundred people gathered in the Browns Point Town Center parking lot to properly thank
and send off Mark Wenner, operator of the Browns Point Ace Hardware for 24 years. It was a warm event, with
many older and younger friends of the store, who had enjoyed Mark’s and his staff’s gracious and knowledgeable
service, there. He and the team will be missed. Thanks to the Dash Point Social and Improvement Club’s Grant
Hosford for making the event happen so well.
Attendees had the opportunity to leave messages on a giant farewell poster, and to enjoy donated cake at each of
the five eating/drinking venues in the strip.
New Mailbox Service Location: Kim Wenner, Mark’s
sister, has moved the mailbox business across the drive to the
old liquor store by the Salon at the Point. Postal and More at
the Point opened on June 1st at 6716 Eastside Dr. NE, Ste. 1,
Tacoma, WA 98422. Current mailbox customers need to
inform their mailers of the new address and effective date
(same PMB numbers). Contracts done with the BP Ace will
continue as the new store opens, but will be replaced. Hours
are 9am-6pm Monday-Friday, and 10am-4pm Saturday, closed
Sunday. More mailboxes will be available and UPS and Fed
Ex deliveries will continue to the new address.
From NETNC and Dash Point Social and Improvement Club
JUNE 2016
NET News
See NET News issues, meeting
agendas, and more at NETNC’s
website: www.netacoma.net.
Where Can I Get
NET News?
Receive it in your e-mail: send a note to
netnews98422@hotmail.com with the word
“subscribe” in the subject line.
Paper copies are available at the Center at Norpoint;
Kobetich Library; the Howards Corner and Crescent
Heights grocery stores; the TPD substation; North Shore
Thai near the Walgreens; the cleaners, dentist, the hair
salon and MultiCare by the QFC; at Browns Point: the
coffee shop, the Diner, the Cleaners, Ace Hardware, and
the IGA; and at the four schools in NE Tacoma.
This QR code points to
NETNC’s own
website, up and
running, and always a
work in progress.
Do you want to help?
Please write to
By the way, NET News was selected as a finalist in the
print newsletter category by Neighborhoods USA, a
national association of neighborhood councils.
The NE Tacoma Neighborhood Council (NETNC) is focused on NE Tacoma, and seeks to coordinate with community
groups in adjacent areas. This newsletter is an independent publication of NETNC and does not reflect the views or
opinions of the City of Tacoma.
NETNC Board Members 2016-17
Area 1—Northwood
Arill Berg
David Mueller
Area 2—Stonegate/Centennial
Dick Hayek
Patti Warwick
Area 3—Northeast Tacoma
Carolyn Edmonds 952.0301 carolyn.edmonds@comcast.net
Yvonne McCarty
Area 4—Crescent Heights
Jim Philp
Sandy Leek
Area 5—Northshore
Bill Thompson
Lois Cooper
Area 6—Harbor Ridge
Hayes Alexander 952.5142
Area 7—Upper Browns Point
Don Halabisky
Karen Pischel
Area 8―Cedar Heights
Jim DeJung
Marion Weed
Members at Large
Sue Baldwin
John Thurlow
Faye Teel
NETNC Executive Committee
Co-Chairs: Carolyn Edmonds, John Thurlow
Vice-Chair: Jim Philp
Recording Secretary: Faye Teel
Corresponding Secretary: open (looking for volunteers!)
Treasurer: Karen Pischel
NETNC Representatives to the Community Council of Tacoma
Hayes Alexander
John Thurlow
Jim Philp
alt.: Marion Weed
Neighborhood Council Coordination
Carol Wolfe
591.5384 cwolfe@cityoftacoma.org
City Manager’s Office Liaison to NETNC
Bradley Forbes
Tacoma City Councilmember (District 2)
Robert Thoms robert.thoms@cityoftacoma.org
Constituent services: Ann Chambers,594-7848,
Tacoma Police / Fire / Medical
Emergency - crime or threat in progress, fire, medical: 911
Police Non-Emergency: report crimes and suspicious
behavior (wait for pickup) ........................... 798.4721 or 2
Tacoma Police—Northeast
Sector Commander: Lieutenant LeRoy Standifer
lstandif@cityoftacoma.org 591.5431
Community Liaison Officer: Brandon Showalter 594.7951
Police Substation: 4731 Norpoint Way NE
Daily hours are 9am-9pm weekdays, but there are some
shifts not filled, so call before visiting. If no one answers,
call 911 or the non-emergency number. We hope that full
volunteer coverage is resolved soon ­ join the volunteer
cadre: call Jerry Pischel at 594.7970 (leave a message).
NET News
DRAFT NETNC Board Meeting Minutes, 19 May 16,
7pm, TPD Substation
Board Members Present: Hayes Alexander, Arill
Berg, Lois Cooper, Jim DeJung, Carolyn Edmonds,
Sandy Leek, Yvonne McCarty (part-time), David
Mueller, Jim Philp, Karen Pischel, Bill Thompson, John
Thurlow, Marion Weed (quorum)
Excused: Susan Baldwin, Don Halabisky, Dick Hayek,
Faye Teel, Patti Warwick
7:00 PM: CALL TO ORDER and Agenda: Carolyn
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April minutes on table
NET News. Approved.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Karen Pischel, Treasurer,
oral summary. Accepted.
City Manager’s Office: Brad Forbes. City of Destiny
Poetry Slam is May 20th, 6pm at Lincoln H.S. There is a
Memorial Day event on May 30th at War Memorial Park
(6th Ave. and Jackson). Concerns re: water quality?
www.mytpu.org/tacomawater. Friday, June 3rd, 6pm –
The annual City of Destiny Awards at STAR Center 3873 S 66th Street. A commenter noted that CM Thoms
is often not available for these meetings – please relay
the concern, and invite At-Large CMs to participate
when Thoms is away.
Tacoma Police Department: CLO Brandon
Showalter ill – no report.
Tacoma Fire Department: Battalion Chief Brian
Hardy reported that May is arson awareness month.
There are many arson reports – 3 in Hardy’s district recently. He recommended Li-ion batteries for smoke
alarms – 10-yr life. Call 591-5740 for Fire Prevention
Bureau to install a detector. Prepare for a Year: get key
papers together and copy, put in zipper plastic bag and
put in freezer and/or somewhere off-site for safety. A
commenter recommended keeping a copy of the car
registration in the glove box with personal information
blocked out. A questioner asked about a TFD evacuation plan for the detention center in the Tideflats – it’s a
private facility. Another asked about mutual aid service
with Pierce Fire District 13 (Browns Point) – there are
informal discussions between chiefs.
Tacoma Public Schools: Shaun Taylor reported that
construction plans are beng developed for the new
Browns Point Elementary School. He reminded the
group that schools are out on June 16th.
Tacoma Parks: Jose Gorospe noted that 60 public water access points in MPT facilities had been tested for
lead so far, with no negative results. The plans for
Wright Park Conservatory have been re-scaled based on
public feedback – see conservatoryfuture.org. Browns
Point Lighthouse Park project status will be discussed
on June 7th at BPIC. [NETNC follow-up: invite to
JUNE 2016
meeting here.] Why is this project taking so long?
There are many stakeholders.
The special education session on the LNG plant
was cancelled due to unavailability of principal
speakers pending resolution of the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit at the State Shoreline
Hearings Board. Thurlow discussed the handout
listing all the permits that the proposed plant has
to secure to move forward.
New incorporation: Thurlow briefly discussed
status with Secretary of State (filed) and IRS (EIN
New Bylaws approval: Yvonne McCarty presented
some points she believes should be corrected,
including eligibility of area employees to be
“neighbors” and Board members. The Bylaws as
proposed and discussed at the last meeting were
approved 9 to 2 with one abstention. There was
discussion of working on the raised points at
upcoming meetings.
Banking resolution: The Board voted 10-2 to
transfer the assets of the old corporation to the new
one and to authorize the Treasurer to close the old
bank accounts and establish appropriate accounts
A thank you letter to Mark Wenner and team at
the BP Ace Hardware has been sent.
A commenter noted that NE Tacoma seems to not
get equitable treatment on street maintenance, citing rough pavement on BP Blvd. NETNC should
ask for a presentation showing equitable treatment.
He also noted the poor reliability of the Your Speed
sign on BP Blvd. [Ed. Note: at the time of the
Innovative Grant application for the sign, the City
Signs staff noted the likely poor reliability of solarpowered signs. NETNC will likely need to replace
that sign in the next cycle. Signs to be installed
will all be powered.]
Nine meeting attendees signed in to speak; four
were from NE Tacoma, the rest from other parts of
the city and elsewhere in Pierce County.
Most comments were related to the proposed PSE
LNG plant, including points about safety and the
non-disclosure of the detailed analysis of causes
and effects of incidents. Other comments mentioned fracked natural gas, cybersecurity risk,
pollution concerns, attracting more trucking,
Tacoma needing new vision for industrial
development, etc.
Cont. p.10
NET News
JUNE 2016
JUNE 2016
NET News
Section of SR509 Named for
Phil Lelli
Excerpt from a News Tribune article at the link below:
Phil Lelli was a Tacoma longshoreman, philanthropist
and union activist. Now he’s being commemorated with
a section of highway. The Washington State
Transportation Commission has adopted a resolution
recognizing Lelli by naming the section of state Route
509 between Pacific Avenue and Taylor Way in his
honor: Philip Martin Lelli Memorial Highway. He was
a president of the International Longshore Warehouse
Union local in Tacoma between 1966 and 1985; a Port
of Tacoma commissioner and an advocate for “greater
labor force efficiency and technical innovation on the
docks”, and served the Hospitality Kitchen and food
banks in the South Sound.
The commission noted several of Lelli’s accomplishments including “playing a critical role … when the
Port of Tacoma transitioned away from manual cargo
unloading to the modern shipping container and crane
system we see today;” and playing a similar role as he
“traveled around the world to successfully attract and
recruit more business to the Port of Tacoma.”
Ready to downsize? Thinking about a retirement
community? These life-style choices can be
overwhelming. Please call for a free
Carolyn Edmonds
(206) 300-9828
Windermere Real Estate/South Inc.
Read more here: http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/
School’s Out
Browns Point Elementary School
Northeast Tacoma Elementary School
Crescent Heights Elementary School
Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. ~ before/after school day
Safe, Quality Program • Reasonable rates (part-time available)
To enroll call Rainey Dhillon at 253-678-9020 or e-mail rainey.schoolsout@gmail.com
NET News
How Will You Vote on the ST 3
Ballot Measure?
Sound Transit is shaping a Sound Transit 3 (ST3) ballot measure for the region’s voters to consider in November 2016. ST3 represents the next set of mass
transit investments to keep our region moving between and to destinations throughout the region, regardless of weather or traffic.
City Club Tacoma is sponsoring/hosting a panel
discussion with Q&A on June 15th, noon, with or
without lunch at the Landmark Center, 47 St. Helens
Ave. (free parking across the street). Register at:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/st-3-how-will-you-votetickets-25496339237?utm-medium=discovery&utmcampaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utmsource=strongmail&utm-term=listing, or go to
http://www.cityclubtacoma.org/ and click the event
sign-up link.
Program Moderator: Andrew Austin
John Niles, President of Global Telematics: John's
specialty is research, design, planning and
JUNE 2016
implementation of improvement strategies for
transportation, telecommunications, and economic
Shefali Ranganathan, Executive Director at
Transportation Choices Coalition, a statewide education,
policy, and advocacy organization that works for more
and better transportation choices for all. Shefali has
worked on transportation policy, planning, and transit
justice at TCC for nearly a decade and has broad
experience working on regional and local planning issues and has helped advance strong accountability
frameworks around transportation.
Chelsea Levy, Government and Community Relations
Officer, Sound Transit: In this capacity, she works with
city councils, chambers of commerce and other key
stakeholders in the South Sound. Prior to working at
Sound Transit, Chelsea was an Urban Planner at the
City of Tacoma and the Metropolitan Development
Director at the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber. She is a
life-long resident of the South Puget Sound area and
resides in Tacoma.
From City Club of Tacoma
Center at Norpoint News
Party in a Blender
Learn how to use your Vitamix, blender, or food processor to make quick and healthy foods! You'll learn green
smoothies, salsa and nut bars-generous samples included.
Ages: 16 Yrs. and over
When: July 7th, 10:15am
July 21st, 11:15am
Norpoint Pass Holder $99.00
Resident $109.00
Non Resident $119.00
Sign up at: https://www.metroparkstacoma.net/
ActivitiesCourseDetails.asp?UseLink=true& or
go to metroparkstacoma.org and click Activities,
Events,Classes, Register On-Line, Fitness and
Wellness, Wellness, and in the list, this course is listed. Might be easier to just call: 253.305.1022, Monday
through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.
From Metro Parks
NET News
JUNE 2016
at Northeast Tacoma
The Early Childhood Education
and Assistance Program (ECEAP) is a FREE preschool
program for income-eligible children and their families.
ECEAP focuses on the well-being of the whole child by
providing nutrition, health, education and family support
services. The goal of ECEAP is to help all children enter
kindergarten ready to succeed!
Children 3 or 4 years old by August 31 are accepted into
ECEAP based on the following:
They are from a family with limited annual income; or
Qualify for school district special education services; or
Have developmental or environmental risk factors that
affect school success
To all enrolled families, ECEAP provides nutritious meals and
snacks, health screenings and connections to medical, dental,
and mental health services, family support services, parent
education and leadership opportunities, and much, much more!
For more information, see: http://www.tacoma.k12.wa.us/
information/departments/el/Pages/ECEAP-Preschool04295117.aspx, and please contact Stacey Brentin at (253) 571-6986
or sbrenti@tacoma.k12.wa.us
This space could have been your advertisement or
announcement for a community-oriented product,
service, or event.
Please write to netnews98422@hotmail.com!
NET News
JUNE 2016
NE Tacoma Community Calendar
To help remind everyone of the community and Board committee meetings this year, as well as key
community events, we prepared a calendar that we’ll update as dates firm up. If you have an event planned that’s open
to the broad NE Tacoma community, please let us know, and we’ll include it.
We are still working on a special education session on the proposed LNG plant. Watch for announcements in NET
News and at www.netacoma.net.
NETNC Community Meetings are on 3rd Thursdays at 7pm, TPD NE substation
Executive and Planning Committees meetings are
on 1st Thursdays at 6:30pm at the substation
Community Clean-Up Day: 10am-1:45pm, volunteers needed to help unload vehicles,
aid in check-in, manage water and refreshments
Community Meeting: program - The Nature of Neighborhood Council and Board Membership
Executive and Planning Committees Meeting – all welcome
NETNC Summer Picnic at Norpoint Park - all welcome (no Community Meeting)
National Night Out Against Crime (and for Neighborhood Building)
Primary Election Ballots Due
Executive and Planning Committees Meeting – all welcome
Browns Point Salmon Bake - volunteers needed www.brownspoint.org
Community Meeting: program items tbd
Executive and Planning Committees Meeting – all welcome
Community Meeting: program items tbd
Executive and Planning Committees Meeting – all welcome
Candidates Forum: U.S. Congress, WA State offices, State legislators, County offices,
County Council, judges
Executive and Planning Committees Meeting – all welcome
Community Meeting: program items tbd, Board elections
Executive and Planning Committees Meeting – all welcome
No Community Meeting
NETNC May Board Meeting minutes, cont.
One NE commenter thanked NETNC for providing
educational references and the opportunity to speak.
A local commenter reminded the group of the Wounded Warrior Superhero tournament at the North
Shore Golf Course on Memorial Day – a fundraiser
for the Wounded Warrior Project.
Another local commenter asked folks in attendance
to sign up to help at the June 11th Community CleanUp Day.