December 2013 ODV, Pages 1-27 - Virginia Division Sons of


December 2013 ODV, Pages 1-27 - Virginia Division Sons of
December 2013
Editor | Steven Johnson
Publisher | Ann Sawyer
Four Sons
Three Generations
(Story Inside)
Robert Michael Givens
VA Division Commander
Michael Pullen
1st Lieutenant Commander 2nd Lieutenant Commander
L. Tracy Clary
Ken Parsons
1st Brigade Commander
Tommy Thomas III
2nd Brigade Commander
Everette Ellis
5th Brigade Commander
Ted Crockett
6th Brigade Commander
3rd Brigade Commander
Mike Henderson
7th Brigade Commander
Ronald T. Graves
Michael Virts
4th Brigade Commander
Bill Graham
Virginia Division Commander
I hope that each of you
had a wonderful Christmas and may you each
have a great New Year.
The Veterans Administration has approved several markers recently; hopefully
this trend will continue and increase.
I reviewed the Commander Comments
from last January and could almost repeat
what was said then. The Virginia Division has remained active and increased or
re-instituted some programs that were
missing for a time.
The State Fair was a total success and the
Division returned this past Fall. I thank
everyone who worked the event and hope
to expand this in the future. This is the
Virginia State Fair and every member of
the Division is encouraged to participate.
We are fortunate to welcome new leadership to the camp level in many camps. It
has been my pleasure to induct new Officers in many of these camps. It is an honor
to serve in a leadership role and a great
way to show our support in how we honor
our ancestors. We need to continue to do
this in the way that true Southern gentlemen would be proud of.
We have increased activities for Our
Cause. I would challenge each camp to install at least one (1) more marker than
they did last year. Every time SCV members get together we enjoy the activity.
Let’s do this project and we will leave an
ever-lasting tribute to our Confederate
Please remain vigilant as to what changes
are trying to be made to Our Southern
Heritage. How is reconstruction still being forced onto us? Mark your calendars
to be part of one of the many Lee-Jackson
events during the middle of January.
Our State Convention will be held in Roanoke, from April 11-13. Please select at
least one (1) delegate from your camp to
be in attendance. We need every camp involved to work for the betterment of the
Division and our messages. This is an
election year for our Division officers.
More details will be forthcoming on this
event and are posted on the Division web
Let us all try to communicate better in the
upcoming year. Please collect facts before
we challenge others. We know our history
and if we have the facts well prepared we
may be able to convert many others into
joining our ranks. We can and will grow
and in doing this we will be better prepared to spread The Charge as given to us
over 100 years ago.
May God Bless,
Tommy Thomas III
Greetings Compatriots!
Camp #2095: held their
Christmas party on December 20 at the Toana
Women’s Club in Toano,
Barbecue and Brunswick stew were provided
by the camp. All families brought at least
one side dish or dessert for the banquet table.
Editor, Jim Sword and Commander Jeff
Toalson had a short program featuring, a
music video of Rory and Joey Feeks
“Josephine,” combined with a five minute
video of the production of the War Between
the States music video.
Special guests included the Virginia Division
Commander, Mike Pullen and Commander
Ken Wood of the Magurder-Ewell Camp #99.
Isle of Wight Avengers Camp #14: celebrated their Christmas meeting at the Carrollton
Ruritan Clubhouse on December 3, 2013.
Members were entertained with period music by the singing group “Virginia Dare,”
which includes Susan Carraway and husband
Tommy Thomas has been able to get out to
clean some Confederate soldiers’ tombstones
at Poplar Grove Cemetery in Franklin.
Virginia Division Adjutant, Tony Griffin, 1st
Brigade Commander, Tommy Thomas III,
Camp Lt. Commander, Buddy Jones, and
Brett Griffin attended the Jefferson Davis
Memorial Service at Fort Monroe. Commander Thomas presented the camp wreath.
Magruder-Ewell Camp #99: The Magruder
Ewell Camp 99 did not have a regular meeting this month but participated in various
activities during the month.
The camp provided a color guard for the annual WBTS Christmas memorial service conducted by the UDC, Rebecca Lloyd, Chapter
107 on December 7th. The service was held
at the Bellamy United Methodist Church in
Gloucester, Virginia.
The Magruder – Ewell Camp had its Christmas dinner at the Boxwood Inn in the Lee
Hall area of Newport News.
There were 33 attendees, who included
members of the UDC Bethel Chapter 185
and the Captain, Sally Tompkins, Chapter
The guest speaker was, Mrs. Billie Earnest
and was accompanied by ANV Commander,
Frank Earnest. She gave an outstanding
presentation on Mrs. LaSalle Corbell Pickett
and was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation.
The camp conducted a Jefferson Davis Memorial Service in the Fort Monroe Casemate
Museum in Hampton on the 14th of December. Virginia Division Commander Mike Pullen was the guest speaker. Also attending
was 1st Brigade Commander Tommy Thom-
as, Division 2nd Lieutenant, Commander
Ken Parsons, Division Adjutant, Tony Griffin, Ted Crockett, 5th Brigade Commander
and the 13th Mechanized Cavalry, Camp 9
Commander, Mike Armistead. VA Flagger
Susan Hathaway attended and lit the Memorial candle.
It was approximately 40 compatriots and
guests that attended and was the largest
turnout that we have had in years.
Commander, Ken Wood was awarded the
UDC Armed Forces Expeditionary Service
Medal by the Captain, Sally Tompkins, Chapter 2626 during their meeting on December
16th. He was awarded the medal for his service in the Marine Corps during the Cuban
Missile Crisis.
Commander Ken Wood presented Mrs. Billie Earnest with a Certificate of Appreciation for her program on Mrs. Lasalle Corbell Pickett during the Magruder-Ewell Camp Christmas Dinner on December
The camp Adopt-A-Spot was cleaned on the
19th of December.
Commander Ken Wood attended a Christmas
supper hosted by the James City Cavalry
Camp on December 20th.
Yours in the cause,
C. W. Thomas III
1st Brigade Commander
Wreaths were presented
in Honor of Jefferson Davis
during the Magruder-Ewell
Camp Memorial Service
held in the Fort Monroe
Casemate Museum on the
14th of December.
Quartermaster Gary Hodges was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for getting soil from 9 Southern states to be sprinkled over the mass grave of the
163 Confederate POWs buried in the Greenlawn Cemetery during the camps' Memorial Day Services. Commander Ken Wood presented the certificate during the
camps' Christmas dinner on December12th.
Magruder-Ewell Camp Commander Ken Wood was awarded the Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal by the
UDC Captain Sally Tompkins Chapter 2626 during their December meeting. Commander Wood was awarded the
medal for his service while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The award was presented by the(L-R) UDC Recorder General of Military Service Awards Mrs. Jean Farwner and Chapter President Marilyn
VA Division Commander Mike Pullen,on left.participated in the Jefferson Davis Memorial Service as the guest
speaker. Also participating in the service were VA Division 2Lt Commander Ken Parsons, 5th Brigade Commander
Ted Crockett, 1st Brigade Commander Tommy Thomas and VA Division Adjutant Tony Griffin.
During a camp meeting on September 19, 2013, in an effort
to pay homage to and honor his family’s efforts to establish
and maintain the “Colony” of, the “State” of and the
“Commonwealth” of Virginia, Patrick Aryan Woodell petitioned the “Gentlemen” of the Urquhart-Gillette Camp 1471
of the Sons of Confederate Veterans for membership, so as to
participate and help continue to serve in The Cause and recognize their valiant efforts.
Jon Pyle, Commander, Camp 1471 &
Greg Bell, Adjutant
On December 19, 2013, Jon Pyle, Commander of Camp 1471
had the distinct pleasure and honor of granting the aforementioned petition, by swearing in three generations of the
Woodell family. This also ends Commander Pyle’s term and
final and significant act of leadership for the UrquhartGillette Camp at Mahone Tavern located in Courtland, Virginia. He can think of no greater way to make a grand exit!
Below and front cover photo: [L-R standing] Patrick Aryan Woodell (42) (7th generation), Joseph Clinton, Woodell, Jr. (64) (6th generation), Cecil Woodell (63) (6th generation), and Joseph Clinton Woodell, Sr. (85) (5th generation)
Additional Information regarding the Woodell family:
 William Thomas Woodell: 1899—1970
 Roy Curtis Woodell: 1878—1956
 John Franklin Woodell: 1856—1935
 Benjamin Aaron Woodell: 1834—1862 (31st Virginia Infantry Regiment; Died serving in Manassas on
24 May 1862)
Four brothers of Benjamin Aaron Woodell
 Preston William Hank Woodell: 18321964, 19th Virginia Cavalry, died serving
at Fisher’s Hill in Shenandoah on 8 NOV
 Thomas Clark Woodell: 1835-1911, 19th
Virginia Cavalry
 Joseph Emanuel Warwick Woodell: 1837
-1864, 31st Virginia Infantry Regiment,
died serving in Cold Harbor on 29 May
All of these fine men are the sons of Joseph
Woodell, 1809-1842 who was the son of,
Thomas Woodell, 1783-1860, who was the
son of Joseph Woodell, 1752-1834, 1st Lieutenant Virginia Militia, of the Revolutionary
On December 19, 2013,
our very own creator
and editor of the Old
Dominion Voice Newsletter,
Steven E. Johnson was
recognized by the SCV
Commander -in-Chief,
Michael Givens for exceptional
service to the Sons of
Confederate Veterans.
During my twenty (20) years of active duty
military service I received several meritorious medals for my service in the medical
community, nationally and internationally. I
will honor this award as reverently as those
of my former service in the United States
Navy and the United States of America.
Again, thank you for your acceptance in allowing me to serve you as a Compatriot of
the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Very respectfully,
For the past seventeen (17) months, Compatriot Johnson has been volunteering his
personal time to create and edit the Official
Newsletter of the Virginia Division.
The award was presented by Jon Pyle, Commander of the Urquhart-Gillette Camp 1471
of Courtland, Virginia.
Comments from the Editor : I would like to
say THANK YOU to our Commander-inChief, the General and Division Executive
Committees, the Virginia Division Commander, Brigade and Camp Commanders for
the award and recognition.
Over the past 17 months I have learned a
great deal about many of you through your
newsletter submissions, how you operate, the
way you think and feel about history regarding the WBTS, and so on. I see through
your words and your photos the positive impact you all are having in defending, The
Cause and upholding our ancestors good
Steven E. Johnson, Communications Officer
Urquhart-Gillette Camp 1471
Website Administrator:
Camp Facebook:
Twitter: Urquhart-Gillette
SCV Facebook Virginia Division:
Old Dominion Voice Newsletter Editor:
Everette Ellis
Welcome to the new year
and the many challenges
we will face and overcome. Seems like everyone
is after us and our mission.
But I also see a
change in the attitude of
the general public towards
us, and that is good. Here and there a favorable media news article appears. Lets keep
up the great work, and keep our Southern
symbols and Southern message in the public
eye. We can do much good, especially by
taking the high road and acting like Southern gentlemen.
Infighting serves no useful purpose and our
enemies love it when it happens! If you
don't care for something, make a positive
suggestion, not criticism.
Better yet, ask to start a committee or be
added to an existing one, or run for office.
The 2nd Brigade is ready to tackle the many
issues in our area. The proposed merger of
the MOC and Tredegar, the loss of priceless
artifacts, doomed to be stored in a basement
somewhere, never to be seen again, and replaced by artificial relics, though important
to history, but nonetheless, worthless to tell
the story of our struggle during the War Of
Northern Aggression and the loss of our
founding fathers vision and our Constitution.
SCV and the VaFlaggers for their help with
this. SCV National has been asked to assist.
Our most recent Division Executive Council
was attended by several 2nd Brigade camps,
namely, The Hanover Dragoons, General
Robert E. Lee, and the Fire Eaters. Many
thanks for your participation. Also, thanks
to 7th Brigade Commander, Ron Graves for
securing the venue and the great lunch provided by the UDC ladies.
Reminder, the SCV National Convention will
be conducted in Richmond in July of 2015.
Upcoming events for Robert E. Lee and
Stonewall Jackson are scheduled for January 17th through the 19th.
Next Division Convention will be held in
Roanoke from April 11th through the
13th. See our Division website for complete
info and registration forms.
All camps in the 2nd Brigade are requested
to send at least one delegate. Achieving a
quorum of camps is vitally important, so
that our Division can conduct business and
hold election of officers for the next two
years. See you there!
Nominations for Division awards are due,
with presentations, at Roanoke. Please send
me the names of deserving compatriots.
Camp reports to follow...
Restoring the flags to the Confederate Memorial Chapel is high on our list. Thanks to
the Lee-Jackson Camp #1, Virginia Division,
Camp Report
General Robert E. Lee
Camp: 1589
Commander: Bill Brown
Adjutant: Blair Perrow
Date: December 5th, 2013
Location: Dole Vita Italian Restaurant, Midlothian, VA.
Barry F. Isenhour: 2nd Lieutenant Commander
Blair L. Perrow: Adjutant
Don G. Price: Chaplain
John Henry Taylor: Color Sergeant
Several camp members have been flagging
weekly at the VMFA & the MOC.
Speaker: Compatriot George Winn & His
Bluegrass Partners
Topic: Bluegrass / Christmas music for our
annual Christmas Party.
Attendance: 20 members, 22 visitors
Additional notes about meeting:
Memorial Candle this month was lit for the
Birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The camp voted to admit to membership for
Mr. Brent Tyree.
The camp presented the SCV Appreciation
Medal to Ms. Laurel Kathryn Scott. (see
photo on right)
Special Dixie Defender Awards were given
to Compatriots, John Henry Taylor and
Tommy Clinger.
The camp officers for the next two years
starting in January 2014 were sworn into
William M. Brown: Commander
Thomas J. Clinger: 1st Lieutenant Com-
George Winn & His Bluegrass Partners
Camp 1589 officers sworn in for January 2014 through 2016: William M. Brown, Commander, Thomas J.
Clinger, 1st Lieutenant Commander, Barry F. Isenhour, 2nd Lieutenant Commander, Blair L. Perrow, Adjutant, Don G. Price, Chaplain, John Henry Taylor, Color Sergeant.
Special Dixie Defender Awards
Presented to Compatriots, John Henry Taylor and Tommy Clinger
Mike Henderson, Commanding
No report for December 2013
Bill Graham III
Monthly Report
Activities of the Brigade Commander:
December 7-8, 14-15: The
commander presented four
evenings of Confederate History to visitors at James
Madison’s Montpelier.
December 17: Commander Graham brought greetings
from Commander Pullen to the Kemper-Fry-Strother
Camp during the annual Christmas Banquet. He also introduced Field Representative Jack Marlar as the speaker.
The Kemper-Fry-Strother Camp #19
December 6: Ron Pritchett and Jim Lillard did a presentation to a class at Saint Luke’s School with a show and tell
of Civil War relics, and the history of Culpeper County.
December 17: Annual Christmas Banquet. The speaker
was SCV Field Representative, Jack Marlar, who told the
group about “A Confederate vs. Yankee Christmas.” Joe
Tucker provided excellent period music.
Seventeen camp members and twenty-eight guests
Steamed shrimp and Rib-eye steak added to the
festive evening and all had a fine time.
The Clinton Hatcher Camp #21
While the camp did not meet in December, there were
camp activities.
December 5: Camp #21 provided a color-guard for the
burial of SCV member, Art Keene at Ivy Hill Cemetery in
December 8: Past Commander Fleming presented two
SCV Law Appreciation Awards to Deputy Sheriffs of
Loudoun County for their volunteer service to the camp
and SCV.
December 15: Annual Christmas Party at Alwyngton Manor in Warrenton. Attending were 80 members and spouses, friends, and members of the Black Horse Camp, and
three UDC Chapters.
The Annual T. Clinton L. Hatcher Preservation Award was
presented to camp members Doug Smith and Joe McGrill.
Special Recognition was given to, Wynne Saffer who is
retiring after 25 years as camp adjutant. Gifts were collected and sent to the “Toys for Tots” program.
Jeff Davis Camp #305
While there was no meeting in December, Camp #305
paid the dues for two delinquent members from Spartanburg, SC camps, in order to have those members transferred as new members of the Jeff Davis Camp.
The Summers Koontz Camp #490
December 19: Camp #490 held their annual Christmas
Dinner/Meeting at Dan’s Steak House near Luray.
There were 32 members and guests in attendance.
The camp also participated in the annual Luray Christmas
Parade in the Town of Luray. Attendance was very good
and several Confederate Battle Flags were seen.
The R.E. Lee Camp #726
December 2: The Annual Christmas Dinner was held at
American Legion Post Hall in Alexandria with 45
members and guests attending.
A Certificate of Appreciation was awarded to, Wanda
Dowell for over thirty years of work to preserve and promote Southern History via the Alexandria Civil War Round
Table and work at Fort Ward.
Compatriot, Brenden Blevins spoke about his experience
at the 2013 Sam Davis Youth Camp.
The camp also inducted Major Andrew H. Mills and Andrew T. Walmsley in R.E. Lee Camp #726.
ideas were presented.
One new “Friends of the SCV” member, Bradley
Lovitt, was accepted and Nelson B. Stimson was
approved as full member to be sworn in at a later date.
The John S. Mosby Camp #1237
December 14: The John S. Mosby camp presented a float
in the 225th Anniversary Parade in celebration of the
chartering of Front Royal. The camp float represented
veterans from many different eras of American History;
men from the Revolution to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The camp banner was displayed on the front of the float.
It was very cold!
December 19: Camp #1237 met at the Warren Rifles Museum to plan all activities through the spring and made
final plans for the Lee Dinner, in January.
R.E. Lee Camp #726: Alexandria historian, Dowell receives an award for her dedication to preserving Southern History and hersupport of the Lee Camp. This was
during the December 2 Annual Christmas Dinner.
R. E. Lee Camp #726: Major Andrew Mills (L) and Andrew
Walmsley (3rd from left) are inducted into the camp during the December 2 Christmas Dinner. Also in the photo
Sixteen members attended.
Also during December, the camp collected and wrapped
2,031 toys for the “Toys For Tots” campaign. Member
participation was nearly 100%.
John S. Mosby Camp #1237: During the 225th
Anniversary Parade celebrating the chartering of
the Town of Front Royal, camp members dressed
in the uniforms of U.S. Veterans from all periods
of our history. The members rode on a float
bearing the camp flag and advertising for “Toys
For Tots.”
is Commander Jim Becker (2nd from left) and J.J. Smith,
Adjutant, (on the right).
Black Horse Camp #780
The camp held a counsel to plan the new two-year term
and introduce new officers. Several great fundraising
John S. Mosby Camp #1237
December 14, 2013: Float presented in Front Royal in honor of the 225th anniversary of the Chartering of Front
The Strasburg Guard Camp #1587
The monthly meeting was held December 11, at the Strasburg Community Center. It was “Ladies’ Night” and 56 members and guests attended.
Co. E, Brandy Rifles Camp #1918
The camp met December 16 at the Culpeper County Library. Four members attended. Topics included election of officers for the coming year, finding a new meeting place, the closing and moving of the Culpeper Museum, and the future
of the camp running the Burgandine House. Commander Reeves participated in a Christmas activity at the “Graffiti
House” and received some press coverage for the camp.
Capt. Jack Adams Camp #1951
Camp #1951 met December 16, at Denny’s Restaurant in Mt. Jackson. Seventeen people attended. During the business
meeting one prospective member submitted his application. Following the business meeting, the Annual Christmas Party was held where compatriots brought holiday desserts to share.
Ted Crockett
Col. D. H. Martz
Camp #10
Chapter 162 of the
UDC requested our
participation in their
Memorial Service on
Saturday December 14,
2013 at the Cedar Grove Church on Old
Furnace road in Harrisonburg.
The ladies were honoring the 60+ Confederate soldiers who were killed in the battle of
We had discussed this cemetery at our regular monthly meetings and I have placed a
large Confederate Battle Flag there in the
Deo Vindice
Philip F. Way, Commander
Col DH Lee Martz Camp 10, SCV
Harrisonburg, VA.
The Stonewall Brigade Camp #1296
The camp hosted the annual Lee-Jackson
Day events in Lexington on January 17 and
18 and they included a symposium and reception on Friday and Memorial Services,
Parade, Luncheon, and Dance on Saturday.
Brandon Dorsey
Trevilian Station Camp #1434
The Annual Sons of Confederate Veterans
Trevilian Station Camp #1434 Christmas
Supper for members and their wife or
sweetheart was held Tuesday, December
10th, A.D. 2013, 6:30 p.m. at Roma’s Italian
Restaurant at Glen Marye Shopping Center,
406 East Main Street, Louisa, Virginia
Deo Vindice
Paul Thurston
19th Virginia Infantry Camp #1493
Pastor Alan Follett from Madison spoke at
the camp’s monthly meeting on December 2,
2013. He spoke about the Mine Run Campaign. That Campaign (NOV-DEC 1863)
ended in a Union withdrawal and sent them
into winter quarters.
Please note our future meetings will be held
on Monday, Jan 6th and Monday Feb 3rd.
4th Brigade Commander, Bill Graham was
the scheduled speaker for the January 6,
2014 meeting. His topic was The Confeder-
ate Officers Prison at Johnson’s Island,
H. Wayne Elliott
Gen. Fitzhugh Lee Camp #1805
We held our last camp meeting of 2013 in
October so there is no report this month.
Pvt. N. B. Ponton Camp #2179
I placed a wreath (second from the right) for the 5th Brigade at President Jefferson Davis
ceremony on Fortress Monroe on December 14, 2013.
Wreaths were placed on the graves of the Confederate soldiers at the annual Wreaths Across America ceremony in the Old City Cemetery in Lynchburg on December 14, 2013.
On Sunday, December 15th the Confederate War Memorial Chapel (2900 Grove Avenuep @ Boulevard) held an open house from 2-4
pm. The Chapel organist played seasonal and period music on the rare 19th century organ. Volunteers helped with tours and Confederate ancestor research. This was an excellent time to photograph the rare period stained glass windows and the interior.
On Sunday, January 19th the Lee-Jackson Camp #1, in conjunction with the Virginia Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, held a
Remembrance Service for Gen Robert E. Lee, CSA on the 207th anniversary of his birth in the 2,014th Year of our Lord.
The service was held at the Confederate War Memorial Chapel, 2900 Grove Ave., on the grounds of the RE Lee Confederate Memorial
Park in Richmond at 1:30 p.m. After the service the Southern Battle Abbey/Confederate Memorial Institute (VHS)
was open for viewing their displays of Confederate art and
Old Soldiers Home memorabilia.
Respectfully submitted,
Ted Crockett
Support the Chapel:
Friends of the Confederate Memorial Chapel
PO Box 71256
Richmond, VA 23255-1256
No report for December 2013
Ron Graves
Monthly Report
Commander’s Activities
Dec. 6, participated with
the Charlotte County
Grays in the annual
The lovely ladies from the Nora Fontaine Davidson, Chapter 11, and “Order of Confederate
Rose” made lots of homemade goodies for the
event. We could not have done it without them.
Special thanks to the Taylor Family for letting us
have the stew at their house.
Dec. 10, participated in the monthly meeting of
the Charlotte County Grays
Santa also made a special appearance, thanks to
Steve Shields for that surprise. We had 13 members and 34 guests.
Dec. 14, attended Camp #749 annual Christmas
Dinner and program
Stew preparations started Friday night for tater’
and onion peeling.
Dec. 15 attended the funeral of Mrs. Caknipe,
mother of Adjutant Junior Caknipe of Camp #749
Charlotte County Grays #1964
Dec. 21 attended the funeral of a Real Daughter
ofa confederate Veterans in Danville
Commander: Ron Graves
Adjutant: Jim Firesheets
Meeting Date: December 10th
Dec. 21, attended monthly meeting of CabellGraves Camp in Danville
Pittsylvania Vindicators #828
Commander: Frank Harvey
Adjutant: Steve shields
Meeting Date: Dec. 7th
Location: Ringgold, Va.
The Camp did not have an organized meeting. We
decided to hold a camp stew to celebrate Christmas. We invited all members of Camp 828, 8th Platoon of the
Mechanized Calvary and the Southern Virginia chapter of the U.S. Military Vets Motorcycle Club.
Also in attendance was the Honorable Royce Agee, Commander of the
Cabell-Graves Camp, Danville, Va.
Location: Sheldon’s Restaurant, Keysville, Va.
Speaker: Mr. Stephen Walker
Attendance: 66
At the meeting, Lt. Commander, Stanley Foster
presented a Battle Flag and Certificate to Compatriot John Gray. This past summer the Camp had
assisted in an Iron Cross service for compatriot
Gray’s ancestor, William Thomas Gray.
Whenever the camp is involved in a Iron Cross
service, a Battle Flag is given to a descendant of
the Confederate Veteran. The Veteran’s name,
Company, and Regiment is on the flag.
lin,David Palmer, Historian, L.T. Richardson, and
Quartermaster, George Pettee.
Also outgoing Adjutant Jim Firesheets (top photo)
and Treasurer C. I. Hall (bottom photo)were presented with Medals and Certificates of Commendation of outstanding service to the Camp. Firesheets had served as Adjutant for the past seven
years, while Hall had served as Treasurer since
the camp was Chartered in 2001.
Camp participated in the annual Keysville
Christmas parade on Dec. 6. The Camp placed
2nd in civil floats.
Other Activities:
Dinwiddie Grays #2220
Commander: Johnny Neville
Adjutant: David Reese (Ray)
Attendance: Approximately 80 members and
On Saturday 7th December the Dinwiddie
Grays held its first Christmas Party/Meeting
at the Dewitt Ruritan building.
The soiree was a huge success and with approximately 80 people in attendance, which
included Camp 2220 compatriots and their
Other guest included Va. Div. Lt. Commander,
Tracy Clary, members of Dearing Beauregard,
Old Brunswick and several UDC, OCR and MC
The guest speaker was Va. Div. Chaplin, Michael Virts. Chaplain Virts spoke on the religious aspects if the civil war.
Topics included were: Chaplains, Protestants,
Catholics, Jews, the destruction of Confederate churches, and the arrest of Confederate
New camp officers were elected, Commander,
Ron Graves, Adjutant, Kurtis Jones, Lt. Commander, C. I. Hall, Treasurer, Stanley Foster, Chap-
Chaplain Virts also discussed the Great Awakening or Affirmation of the Confederate soldier during the great struggle.
Barbra Taylor / Santa/ Pat Harvey
Shot of one of the tables of goodies
Lt. Commander Jock Owings /Herman Moran
Congratulations to Herman Moran for being the newest member of the “Pittsylvania Vindicators. Welcome Herman!!!!
Chapter flag of the U.S. Military Vets
Ladies of the OCR,
Melissa, Barbie Mary
and Reva
Camp Member Trent Harvey
taking a turn on the paddle.
Trent was the camps 1st Cadet
when he was 11 years old.
Lt. Commander Jock Owings presented a ,hand
painted Confederate flag on a turkey feather to
Commander Frank Harvey, very nice!
We ended the day with
an auction of Confederate merchandise,
thanks to camp member Wayne Ferguson
for being our
auctioneer again.
Robert, Jack, Logan & Frankie
At the gate, lot of looks and horn honking
Photo Taken Prior
to the Christmas
Our Facebook association page which supports the Virginia Division, Sons of Confederate
Veterans, is very popular, capturing over 8,000 hits per week. Thanks to all who are posting
pictures of their camp’s events.
If a camp commander, officer or delegate would like access to the division page, click the
below link and click “Like.” Access cannot be given until you do this one step.
Click here to view the Virginia Division page:
Brigade, camp commanders, and officers will be granted administrator rights to post your own photos, notes, messages
and advertisements. If you personally do not use Facebook but wish to appoint someone else to post on your behalf,
they must follow the “Like” process above. If you have any issues or require further assistance, simply send me a quick
email. I typically respond rather quickly. Thanks to all for your great support!!
Steven E. Johnson, Compatriot
Urquhart-Gillette Camp 1471
Communications Officer
Old Dominion Voice
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107; any copyrighted material published herein is distributed under fair use without
profit or payment to those who are interested in receiving the provided information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. Original content © 2008 Virginia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans and may not be reprinted or reused without
express written permission.