BENOTIFIED • March 2014 seeking work Join us for a FUN Culinary Extravaganza BSRA is thrilled to invite you, your family and friends to join us for a day of fun and food! • Meet the BSRA Team • Get a BSRA Security Sticker • Register your number plates for the new Bordeaux Number Plate Recognition Cameras • Update your details with the BSRA • Meet the CSS Tactical team Experienced kind, caring, friendly, honest and reliable lady seeking full time work as a domestic worker and child-minder (Live-in or out). References available. FANTASTiC PRizES UP FoR GRABS iN oUR ANNUAl dRAw • 1 FREE year with CSS Tactical for one lucky non-client • Makeover with The Peter’s Studio to the value of R1500 Don’t miss out on this gastronomic day in the park! We are proud to be hosting the ‘Mother Truckers’ who will be tantalising us with their famous Paella, Balkan Burgers, Gourmet Boerewors Rolls, Pregos, Wraps, Exotic Pies and Frozen Yogurts. Monthly Levy Reminder - APRIL This is a gentle reminder to all those who have not paid the March levy (and do not have a debit order arrangement with the BSRA) to please do so as soon as you can. Reminder to make your contribution for April. Many EFT paying residents dont make their payments every month If you would like a debit order form please see at the end of this newsletter. BSRA Banking Details: Account Name: Bordeaux South Resident’s Association Bank: First National Bank Branch: Hyde Park 255805 (Standard Bank clients add 00 to the branch code) Account No.: 62090771728 Payment can be made by: EFT, Cheque deposit into the BSRA account. Kindly use your Street Name and Number as a reference when making a deposit. For cash deposits, please add the cash deposit fee to the amount. Please email your Proof of Payment to from now on, to help us reconcile deposited amounts in the BSRA account. 450 400 350 Please call Beauty: 083 884 3598 or email Stephanie to forward her CV Gardener Raymond, my gardener, is looking for additional work, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please call Raymond: 078 049 1881 You can contact me (Morgan) for a reference on 084 583 5226. 300 250 200 150 100 50 Pikitup changes Refuse Collection Day Dear Residents Please take note that Bordeaux South refuse will now be collected on a Wednesdays with effect from 9 April 2014. There are various reasons for these changes, most of which relate to a hopeful increase in service delivery. 1 March 2014 • BENOTIFIED Bordeaux’s Roads receive some TLC We have been asking JRA to resurface Main St due to it being a route used by many commuters avoiding Jan Smuts Ave and also because of the recent rains which have left our roads in a poor state. We are happy that this is now being attended to – we will continue to fight for the well being of the suburb and its upgraded infrastructure. Centre line and stop streets to be repainted shortly. Crime Incidents & Arrests FEBRUARY Date: 1 February 2014 at 19h23 Area: Bordeaux Drive Details: Theft of Motor Vehicle - Black VW Polo XFH 721 GP, car was parked in street outside the house by a visitor. In the car was a laptop, digital camera and shoes. Date: 20 February 2014 at 12h30 Area: Bluegum Ave Details: House burglary - Unknown persons gained access to the garden by derailing gate, entered house through open door, stole laptop. House was unlocked, domestic was in her room, she thought it was the owner in the house. Date: 24 February 2014 Area: Bordeaux Drive Details: House burglary - Unknown persons gained access to the house by derailing gate to the garden, entered house through sliding door stole bicycle and tools. MARCH Date: 19 March 2014 at 15h03 Area: Shell Garage, cnr Main Str and Republic Rd Details: CSS Tactical gave chase to a shoplifter and successfully arrested him. Date: 22 March 2014 at 19h38 Area: Bluegum Ave Details: A witness informed CSS Tactical that a suspect was attempting to disable the gate motor to open the gate. The officers arrived at the scene while the suspect was still trying to get the gate motor onto manual. The suspect did not attempt to flee or resist arrest. Please be ALERT and on the LOOK OUT! URGENT LOOKOUT: White panel van with 4 armed suspects wearing balaclavas and gloves (one suspect was wearing a red shirt) wanted in connection with 3 successive armed robberies in Emmarentia, Parkview and Upper Houghton on 25 March 2014. Sandton Police are reporting on a vehicle with 3 males who are targeting people in the Sandton CBD area – Alongside is the pic of the Silver Mercedes Benz which is specifically targeting women, particularly driving high-value vehicles, and thereafter robbing them of jewellery and other valuables. Two of the males effect the robbery while the driver remains in the car. The vehicle is targeting all areas of Sandton. LOOKOUT ROBBERY WITH FIREARM VEHICLE TARGETING SPECIFICALLY WOMAN WHO THEY FOLLOW TO WORK AND ROB THEM AS THEY ENTER THE OFFICE PARK. THIS VEHICLE IS TARGETING ALL AREAS OF SANDTON. VEHICLE HAS 3 MALES IN IT. ONE STAYS IN THE VEHICLE WHILE THE OTHER TWO ROB THEIR VICTIM. Vehicle has a sunroof Vehicle has dark tinted windows. Vehicle appears to have some sort of scratch on the boot above the number plate Vehicle Reg CD 10 HG GP (is cloned – copied from similar vehicle) Call the CSS Tactical Control Room on 0861 911 119 should you spot either of these vehicles. Security Group Chat For those of you in the suburb who have BlackBerries, please send Elinor (076 331 8818 or buzz@bsra. your BlackBerry PIN number so that we can add you to the Security Chat we have set up. This enables all of us within the group to communicate any immediate security goings on in the suburb. For those who dont have a Blackberry, we have set up a Whatsapp Security Group Chat as well to extend our instant communication reach. If you want to be added to this group please send us your cell number so we can add you to the network. Regrettably these security chat groups are for BSRA contributing residents only. Group Fitness Classes starting in March 2014 Mornings from 05:30 06:30 in Bordeaux All ages and fitness levels welcome 0826547918 Classes will be held at the Bordeaux Scouts Hall at a cost of R390 / month for 3 classes / week. Pay per class will be R50. Music with Janice in the tree house B Mus (Hons) Wits Orff-Schulwerk Level III, San Francisco, USA Come and join me in my Bordeaux studio! Learn to play a variety of music instruments, individually and/or in a small group while having fun and developing confidence through the performing arts. Is your child destined All ages welcome! for stardom? Is your child shy….. ordetails, dislikes presenting work in class? For please contact Janice Evans why you let her/him….. on 072If 138so, 5848 or don’t Email Catch the to the Club Drama Classes are held at: Is yourCulture child destined for stardom? 20 Pierre Avenue, Bordeaux. Is your child shy….. All children from 5-16 or dislikes presenting work in years class?are welcome. If so, why don’tare yousmall let her/him….. Classes so numbers are limited. Contact me at: Catch the 011 787 to the or 083 457 6596 0832 love to hear are from youat: Culture….. ClubI’d Drama Classes held 20 Pierre Avenue, Bordeaux.Gail Martell All children from 5-16 years are welcome. Classes are small so numbers are limited. Contact me at: 011 787 0832 or 083 457 6596 ….. I’d love to hear from you Gail Martell YOUR CHILDREN NEED ME… if you’re looking for a babysitter. I am a responsible, Grade 11 teenager I live in your neighbourhood, Bordeaux. I have had lots of experience with young children interested, NEED please ME… contact me on YOUR If CHILDREN 0738597161 - Megan Martell or if you’re looking for a babysitter. 0834576596 – Gail Martell (my mom) I am a responsible, Grade 11 teenager I live in your neighbourhood, Bordeaux. I have had lots of experience with young children If interested, please contact me on 0738597161 - Megan Martell or 0834576596 – Gail Martell (my mom) 2 March 2014 • BENOTIFIED Looking to rent My nanny is looking to rent a room in the local area to be closer to work. Please contact me if you have a room to rent or know somebody who does, either in Bordeaux or surrounding areas. Please contact Lisa: 083 625 5711 FREE DAY GUARDS Sign up with CSS Tactical and we will deploy guards FREE OF CHARGE to man your suburb entrance booms DURING THE DAY. R675 TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN WE NEED 17 MORE HOMES TO COMMIT! Please pledge support now so we can roll-out 24/7/365 day guards Sign up with CSS Tactical in 2014 and receive 3 FREE MONTHS! REFERRALS and you will receive 1 FREE MONTH! As an existing client, bring us 1 new client PROMOTION give you 1 FREE YEAR! Bring us 6 new clients and we will (ends April 2014). CSS Tactical Benefits • • • • • • Armed response, on average under 3 mins Dedicated Bordeaux South patrol vehicle Alarm and panic monitoring Private medical response Unlimited Meet & Greet service Month by month contract TAKE NOTE NEW DATES DOMESTIC WATCH SECURITY MEETING Topic: To be advised Date: Wednesday, 23 April 2014 If you would like to discuss your home and make it one of these, call a fellow resident: Anthea 0828933961 vodacom chatz Parktown NOW OPEN! Mail us on chatz.parktown@vodacom. and we will provide you with the best advice and service or call Gerard on 082 373 8600 or visit us at 22 Wellington Rd Parktown Open Mon – Fri 8.00am to 5pm PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Meetings will now be taking place on the 2nd last Wednesday of each month. Place: Shelley Park, Willowild/Hurlingham5 Time: 11h00 sharp (Please be on time) Don’T miss ouT on this fantastic opportunity to learn from Penny steyn of mAD who will be hosting our meetings this year! 3 March 2014 • BENOTIFIED Available by APPOINTMENT from TUESDAY to SATURDAY OPI NAIL BAR NOW OPEN! Manicure R3 Manicure & Pedicure Tel: 011 326 3429 19 Francois R350 The BSRA has 20 FREE tickets to give away on a first come, first served basis. Please email Elinor at if you would like tickets. Limited to contributing residents only and to 2 tickets per household. Available by by APPOINTMENT APPOINTMENT Available fromTUESDAY TUESDAY to from to SATURDAY SATURDAY Contact Rodney or Nikki OPI NAIL BAR NOW OPEN! Tel:3429 011 326 3429 Tel: 011 326 Cell: 083 778 8890/8 Cell: 083 778 19 Francois Ave, 8890/8 Bordeaux NOTICE OF BSRA AGM Date: Wednesday, 14 May 2014 Time: 6.30 - 8.30pm Venue: To be advised SPARKLING PROPOSED PRELIMINARY AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Opening and Welcome Apologies and Proxies Acceptance of the minutes of the previous AGM 2013 Chairperson’s Report Financial Report 2013 Voting – Members of the BSRA Committee 2014/15 Plans & Goals for 2014 Budget for 2014/15 Matters Arising Questions Closure Manicure & P R35 CAR WASH Cash wash @ Home 4 times a month Manicure & Pedicure Tel: 011 326 3429 Cell: 0 19 Francois Ave, B R350 R 180 pm Martin:072 982‐2909 Marie: 079 861‐6735 CK 2004/03761/23 2 Janet Road, Bordeaux South, Randburg 4 March 2014 • BENOTIFIED Park Ave Gate Motor has been Repaired Please be advised that the Park Ave gate motor has been repaired following a particularly severe lightning strike. Unfortunately the main board has had to be replaced and this has necessitated the need to recode all remotes for this access / exit point. If you have a remote and it has not yet been recoded (residents on the security chat groups have already been informed) please email us on to make an arrangement to meet James at the gate as the last group to have your remote done. A quick open letter to the Mayor of Joburg, Cllr Parks Tau Fumes running the City Dear Executive Mayor Executive is a big word. Nearly as big as some of the potholes that are lacing the streets in Joburg suburbs. There is as much need for you to tell me that it has been raining excessively in Joburg as I have a need to tell you, that should your administration have managed these road surfaces over the last years that you have been running this city, we wouldn’t have the crisis that we do. I’m often asked what your and Councillors roles are in the City. I do try to explain but the conversation so quickly turns into how the City, region and ward are run on what seems to be crisis fumes. I have no issue performing my role as the Ward Councillor for Ward 102 which includes the Randburg CBD, which is an apparent focus of the City however I struggle to get answers from officials related to the spending and progress of the approved budget line items so I wonder how much of a focus it actually is. We get told to have issues logged. Honourable Mayor, there is only so much logging we can do. We have Urban Inspectors, City and entity Officials, Councillors, residents, businesses all logging and very few people actually doing. Note: Doing means doing it properly, the first time. I’m typing this as I sit on a plane from Cape Town to Jozi. For a second forget that the Democratic Alliance runs Cape Town. Think for a second that it is a City where basic service delivery actually functions and functions without a fuss. On a quick trip to the beach front, I found 4 people sweeping and skoffling (removing weeds with a spade). 2 were City employees. 2 were EPWP workers. All 4 were working. Comparatively speaking, politics aside, I noticed recently in Joburg that it took about 6 JRA Strijdom Park depot workers 2 or 3 days to de-weed a small pavement in Randburg. Back to the potholes. Seems together with load shedding, it is the trending topic of the week. The City’s JRA entity launched a brilliant project to rehabilitate roads in Joburg. I’ve had roads resurfaced in my ward in the last few weeks and I’ve had emails about the (poor) quality of work. Rehabilitated roads already have potholes! Would you believe it? Poor JRA, they seem to always take the brunt. City Power are doing great work in my Ward. Replacing cables and upgrading the network. Thank you. Not all bad news except for the fact that I have 2 residents that want simple questions answered about their burnt out meters and your staff just fail to reply constructively to emails sent to them. Hoping that a certain official in the Office of the MMC: Environment and Infrastructure delivers answers as a World Class African City should. All Repairs Renovations Maintenance FIBREGLASS MARBELITE Pool Motors Multiheads Sand Filters Leak Repairs Pool Heating Call James on: 072 389 8572 or 082 342 9437 Randburg PALISADE Honourable Mayor, time to get your staff morale up. I see, feel and hear it daily. Staff are disillusioned. I was forwarded an email from a City of Joburg call centre employee where dissatisfaction related to working conditions and pay disparity was seemingly real and a concern which was resulting in a complete lack of interest and service delivery shortcomings. You are welcome to visit anytime. Best place to meet: William Nicol corner Peter Place in Bryanston. Ps. We need to be cautious, both sides of the road are going to soon collapse. Plane is landing soon. Luckily this plane had fuel. Joburg’s plane on the other hand… David Potter Ward Councillor City of Johannesburg, Ward 102 Email: | Ph: 082 885 9688 Spruit Joint Clean-up - 7 June 2014 There will be a mass clean up with a joint effort from all the neighbourhoods that share the Spruit on the 7th of June. We are appealing for volunteers to help out on the day. If you are keen to get involved in this way or in any other way with other environment related projects please email Meg at More information will be circulated closer to the date. 5 March 2014 • BENOTIFIED BSRA Promotions & Special Offers We are excited to advise that the BSRA is currently generating R 2 200 a month from our Alexander Forbes commission. We encourage you all to evaluate your insurance premiums and obtain an obligation-free quote from Sonny (details below) and help generate additional much needed income for your suburb. We offer a complete range of Kitchen Remodelling, Building and Master Tiling services; capable of the most complex designs on the market today. Did you know that: • Bordeaux South Residents’ Association contributing members qualify for an up-front 15% discount on their motor and household insurance premiums • By taking motor and household insurance cover, Alexander Forbes Insurance will give back 6% of your premiums value back to BSRA monthly. A number of residents have signed up for this initiative, translating to an income for the BSRA of R 2 200 per month (R26 400 per year) • BSRA has an endorsed affinity with Alexander Forbes Insurance • Alexander Forbes Insurance has less than 1% claims repudiation ratio Kitchen & bathroom Renovations We specialize in making kitchens and bathrooms look modern and trendy and also provide cupboard and vanity installations. Policy features which you will benefit: • • • • • • • • • • • Car hire for 60 days Flat excess or option of an excess waiver on motor Dedicated service and claims consultants for each client Fast-track claims settlement Vehicles covered for both private & business use Open driver policy Option of tyre protection cover Wider scope of cover – least exclusion Vehicle covered on Retail value (full replacement) Standard accidental damage cover on contents cover Client visits from our senior Business Development Consultant for sound expert advice • Added discounts: Personal risk analysis discount – up to 25% discounts Single parent living with children – 10% discounts Family Plus living with a spouse and children - 10% discounts • Four products to be considered for: Priceless – Designed for middle income earners Platinum Woman – Customised for women with added women driven benefits Envoy – High net-worth clients with assets exceeding total sum insured of R3,5 million 55 Plus – Policy holders over 55 years of age (No excess) For more information on our market leading products contact Sonny Ledwaba Consultant l Business Development l INSURANCE Tel: 011 669 3235 Fax: 011 263 2194 Mobile: 082 463 0286 Email: Web: Alternatively call our call centre on (011) 669 3692 or email us on ALEXANDER FORBES INSURANCE SANDTON Alexander Forbes Insurance Company Limited is an authorised financial services provider. Licence number 30414. Terms and conditions apply. Building & alterations We provide building knowledge and skills for your home such as: Kitchens, Bathrooms, Flooring, Bedrooms. Wall & floor tiling We do commercial, industrial and domestic wall and floor tiling services in ceramic, stone, marble, slate, terracotta etc. CONTACT CARLOS Cell: 082 412 1451 Email: Website: To advertise please contact us on Advertising is FREE for contributing residents and R150 per insertion for non-contributors. Please consider offering BSRA contributors a 10% discount on your products and services as a loyalty incentive. 6 March 2014 • BENOTIFIED Focused Language Learning Results speak louder than words! One-on-One Afrikaans Teaching Grades 7-12. Jan Reinecke BA(Wits) BAHons (Unisa) TTHD(JCE) Teacher (PR. 1132648) (M) 079 513 3951 (H) 011 781 6141 (E) SPECIALS Facial and Paraffin Dip R380 Waxing Special R250 Tips and Manicure R230 Gelish R140 Manicure R100 Pedicure R130 Tips R160 Tel: 010 020 1333 China Discount Centre, Section A Cnr Republic & Jan Smuts Ave, Randburg Open 7 days a week Fresh Hair on Willowvale 083 7488 643 (Blairgowrie, Jozie) 7 Tax Registrations, Audit Preparation, Debtors & Creditors you are uncertain who is actually at your gate, inform them who you are and ask them whether: 1. They have in fact received a signal from your premises; 2. The officers have booked that they are standing off outside your premises; 3. Request to find out which controller you are speaking to to use this as a reference. 082 523BENOTIFIED 4483 March 2014 • Also please remember that the CSS Tactical vehicle dedicated to Bordeaux South has two armed officers in the vehicle, so if you notice that there are more than two armed men wearing black clothing and sporting bulletproof vests, I would highly recommend that this be deemed suspicious and to please follow the guidelines written above. Need a babysitter? Lynsey Rimbault at your service! Feeding of Vagrants Once more, SAPS has contacted us to please ask you (instruct you) not to feed vagrants. We apologise if this sounds harsh but there was yet another incident where someone was attacked by a vagrant when opening the gate to give them food in a neighbouring suburb. The Displaced Persons Unit is assisting local RAs with a handbook on what we can do for these people, but safety comes first – please. It’s not just your safety – it’s that of your neighbours too. A message from your Ward Councillor Firstly, thank you to the entire committee for their dedication to YOUR suburb. Over the past 3 years I have been closely following the work being done by the Chairperson under the leadership of Elinor Bodinger and her entire committee and volunteers and it is truly inspirational to note what has been done in the suburb during this time. ! I am a 24 year old graduate A few Iitems of note fortoBordeaux am available work on South: weeknights ! Very responsible and on the weekends, forwith a weekly • Beautification of the entireeven suburb work still continuing. ! Love children date-night! I have experience • Ababysitting safer suburbchildren due to the road closure which Cityexperienced Power curbbabysitter, cable theftauthus between the age of has helped ! An pairresulting in2less cost and to tax14payers. has also resulted in less crimes takingpottery place. and tutor (and children’s months years The old.safer I live suburb in teacher!) Bordeaux, yearsJRA to paint the street • Painting of theRandburg, curbs thathave then six allowed names. driving experience and have done first • Dedicating a suburb cleaner to keep the suburb clean. aid training. I would love to do crafts, 082 669 9558 sports or play games your children! • Regular newsletters withwith informative news for all. • The continuous work of the Committee to upgrade Bordeaux South. Playschool 082 669 9558 Lynsey Rimbault 082 669 9558 Lynsey Rimbault 082 669 9558 Lynsey Rimbault 082 669 9558 Lynsey Rimbault 082 669 9558 Lynsey Rimbault 082 669 9558 Lynsey Rimbault 082 669 9558 Lynsey Rimbault 082 669 9558 Lynsey Rimbault 082 669 9558 Lynsey Rimbault 082 669 9558 strawberries cream As City Councillors we will continue to hold the City officials accountable to the rate payers but it is Lynsey Rimbault As you will have read in the local media, the City continues to have billing, revenue & numerous other challenges which is severely impacting on service delivery across the City. You only need to walk outside your property to see that your bin is not being emptied on the day that it should, if it was even emptied in that week! Road markings are not done, potholes take time to be filled, park grass is not cut within the necessary time frames, bills that you receive are incorrect etc. ‘n necessary to remind you that Councillors provide an oversight role to the City and are by law unable to: (a) interfere in the management or administration of any department of the municipal council unless A small & intimate playschool Through music-making, mandated by council; aimed at facilitated play withto a do so’ (b) give or purport tolanguage, give any instruction except when authorised movement, literatureto any employee of council strong focus on creating a stable & andwillplay, our us music and the Officials accountable with the aim of ensuring that service This however not stop from holding nurturing learning environment. movement delivery takes place. classes nurture young children fromthebirth With rhymes songs,you dress-up music make I encourage you all to continue goodtowork in uplifting your suburb and &thank all forand helping 7, empowers parents Joburgage a World Class Africantheir City. You are welcome to contact me with any issues that need attention. day, painting & messy play, gardening as and strengthens families. David Potter City of Johannesburg Ward Councillor - Ward 102 Email: CONTACT US FOR MORE INFO Ph: 082 885 9688 SIGN UP TODAY! Celeste Stewart 082 947 4600 (Cell) well as lots and lots of learning fun! Half-day 07h45am – 12h30pm 2-3 years Anyone interested in a loving playschool for little people who want to learn whilst having fun, either now or in the future, contact Claire – 078 965 1310 •Beading classes for adults and children offered. •Birthday parties. •Handmade jewellery, keyrings and bookmarks available. Call Michelle 082 492 0562 for all your beading requirements! Business Women’s Networking Group Networking group available for business women who own their own companies and are looking for business referrals. Wallpaper & Installation We meet on Wednesday mornings (the first meeting will take place on Give your walls a new lease on life Wednesday, 6th June 2012), 8:30am, with vibrant and stunning finishes. at Primi Life (Lifestyle Centre). Add some pizzazz to your decor Contact: on 082 6613 or with theBelinda wide range of 853 wallpapers! Contact Stephanie Tel: 082 330 1819 Email: Web: 6 Also available: Rhinoliting, Upholstery and Cushions. FIRST CONSULTATION FREE FOR BORDEAUX SOUTH RESIDENTS! 8 March 2014 • BENOTIFIED House & Pet Sitting Services Tel: 083 887 1189 Peace of mind for you and your family... SINCE 2009 We are a small family run pet sitting business, thus pre-booking essential as we limit the number of clients we work with during December to ensure quality care of your beloved pets and home whilst you are away. Daily visit includes, feeding and watering your pets in the mornings. In addition we will remove any mail and litter from the outside of your property, and conduct a perimeter check, water any indoor plants. Is your dog really happy? √ Is everyday hectic √ Don’t have time to relax √ Run out of time to go walkies √ Is your dog behaving badly Exercise and getting out is a vital part of caring for your dog – it could resolve many behavioural issues like digging, chewing, barking, howling and aggression. Find out how you can help your best friend with a regular walking program. call Coral Louw on 082 737 2268 For credentials and more information, please see website Kirstan Puttick Educational Psychologist Offering: Kirstan Puttick • Adolescent therapy • Family therapy Educational Psychologist • Individual therapy for adults • Parental counselling • Parent‐infant, parent‐child and Filial therapy Offering: • Play therapy for children • Pre‐marital counselling • Adolescent therapy • Psychoeducational assessment • Family therapy • School readiness assessment • Individual therapy for adults • Support groups • Parental counselling To assist with difficulties such as: • Parent‐infant, parent‐child and Filial therapy • Adjusting to life events (such as loss, divorce, death, etc.) • Play therapy for children • Anxiety • Pre‐marital counselling • Assessments • Behavioural & other childhood difficulties • Psychoeducational assessment • Bereavement • School readiness assessment • Depression • Support groups • Family difficulties • Low self‐esteem • Parenting skills To assist with difficulties such as: • Relationship issues • Stress management • Adjusting to life events (such as loss, divorce, death, etc.) Kirstan Puttick (PS0116734) • Anxiety M. Ed (Educ Psychology) Wits • Assessments Homestead Road, Bordeaux Tel 083‐663‐3639 • Behavioural & other childhood difficulties Email • Bereavement Web • Depression • Family difficulties Ronnie Wood 082 599-6464 (35 years experience) Pool Service & Maintenance Pool Pump Repairs Replacement of Filter Sand Salt Chlorinator Repairs & Installations Renovations • Low self‐esteem • Parenting skills • Relationship issues • Stress management Kirstan Puttick (PS0116734) M. Ed (Educ Psychology) Wits Homestead Road, Bordeaux Tel 083‐663‐3639 Email Web To advertise please contact us on Advertising is FREE for contributing residents and R150 per insertion for non-contributors. 9 March 2014 • BENOTIFIED WANTED MAJOR SERVICES & REPAIRS UNDER O W N E R SN E W HIP your antiques, collectables, silver, artworks, jewellery & household items for our next auction Wedgwood Fairyland vase Major Service SOLD R90 000 Lube Service Tune-up Service Shock Absorbers Clutches Brakes CV Joints Batteries Aircon re-gas & repair Number plates Moto-wash Tyres Wheel Alignment Panel Beating All work guaranteed for 6 months or 10 000km’s. No additional work undertaken without prior consent. 125 11th Street, Parkmore, Sandton Spares: 011 883 0942/3 Service: 011 784 0478 Fax: 011 883 8410 083 675 8468 Corner Garden and Allan Roads, Bordeaux auctioneers Specialised Learning Support and Remedial Therapy Creative and inspired learning support based in a fun and comfortable home-based studio in Bordeaux South. I am an experienced teacher (+10 years), remedial therapist and mother with a passion for making learning relevant and fun. Where I can help: learning difficulties extra assistance in a certain subject extra stimulation for gifted learners study skills/exam prep Individual or group sessions available Please contact me to discuss your specific requirements. Jo Atter M: 082 630 1163 E: To advertise please contact us on Advertising is FREE for contributing residents and R150 per insertion for non-contributors. To advertise please contact us on Advertising is FREE for contributing residents and R150 per insertion for non-contributors. To advertise please contact us on Advertising is FREE for contributing residents and R150 per insertion for non-contributors. Please consider offering BSRA contributors a 10% discount on your products and services as a loyalty incentive. Please consider offering BSRA contributors a 10% discount on your products and services as a loyalty incentive. Please consider offering BSRA contributors a 10% discount on your products and services as a loyalty incentive. 10 in the City of Johannesburg The City of Johannesburg relies on its residents to log service delivery failures so that it may have the opportunity to attend to them. If issues are not logged on the City’s service delivery systems, the entities are likely unaware of the breakdowns and until you report such, the breakdowns may remain unresolved. As active citizens that live, work and play in the City of Johannesburg you need to get involved and LOOK AND LOG. That way you hold the local government officials accountable for service delivery. The Councillors in the City of Johannesburg serve as the interface between the citizens they represent and the municipal officials who design and implement development polices. The councillor’s job is not just to serve as the voice of the people, for the expression of their community needs, but also to act as a watchdog and ensure the municipality implements policies to address the needs of citizens. It is therefore important that should issues you log not be adequately addressed, such be brought to the attention of your local Ward or PR councillor. Take charge of your suburb and log issues that need attention! City Service Type of Issue Service Level Agreement Turn Around Time 1st Option to have issue logged 2nd Option to have issue logged Joburg Water Water Burst No Water Sewer Leak/Blockage Meter Leak Fire Hydrant Leak Bees in meter box No Power to area/property 48 hours 1 day 24 hours During Office hours & Weekends 8am to 4pm: Email: OR SMS 0826532143. If your email is sent after hours it will be logged the next business morning or call 0860JOBURG Call 0860JOBURG - Option 3 Log using your mobile device: Illegal Connection Dangerous Situation Street Light not working Meter Conversions 24 hours Immediate Call 0860JOBURG - Option 2 Faulty Meter 7 working days Potholes 3 working days Manhole Cover missing 3 days Send an email to or if urgent Call 0860JOBURG - Option 5 Call 0860JOBURG - Option 5 Blocked kerb inlet Road trenches Road Collapse/ Dangerous Situation Stop/traffic signs damaged/missing Traffic Signals All Out Traffic Signal Flashing 3 days 3 days Immediate to make road safe City Power Joburg Roads Agency 7 2 3 4 working days days days hours 2 working days 5 working days 7 days 24 hours 24 hours 11 City Parks JMPD Pikitup Revenue Grass cutting in open spaces Up to 30 days Grass cutting of parks Dependent on status of park Grass cutting in cemeteries Fallen Tree/branches Pruning of Tree Traffic Violations 7 days Noise Dumping Motor Vehicle Accident Vagrants New/additional bin request 30 days Dependent on incident and resources available Call EMS/JMPD call centre on 011 375 5918 / 5911 7 days Call 0860JOBURG - Option 4 24 hours Cleaning of an Illegal Dumping site 7 days Change of Ownership Finalisation of Rates New meter installation for water/electricity Final readings on move out Up to 6 Weeks Automatically by back office Within 5 Working Days Installed within 25 working days after payment Owner to provide City with 7 working days notice Owner to visit walk in centre. Account adjustment and finalisation will take no longer than 30 days. New owner to pay deposit for services Within 3 working days of application Within 30 days provided service ticket is compliant and services finalised by back office 1 Day Automatically by back office Issuing clearance certificate Refund Opening New account All other Revenue related queries Timetables, complaints Call 0860JOBURG - Option 0 24 hours Animal Carcass removal Closing of account Metro Bus Call 0860JOBURG – Option 0 and then if possible send email to with details of request All other City of Joburg queries Visit nearest Walk in Centre Visit nearest Walk in Centre Visit nearest Walk in Centre Visit nearest Walk in Centre Visit nearest Walk in Centre Visit nearest Walk in Centre Visit nearest Walk in Centre or call 0860JOBURG - Option 1 Call 0860JOBURG - Option 6 Call 0860JOBURG or visit 0860JOBURG = 0860 56 28 74 = 0113755555 Correct as at 24/01/2013 E&OE This document is not an official publication of the City of Joburg – it is an adapted easy log guide for residents of the City 12 Important Numbers Please print out and keep these numbers in a prominent place Educate your family members and domestic workers on who to call in an emergency All Emergencies:. ............................................................................................011 375 5911 ADT Security:...........................................................................................................0861 212 400 / 401 BORDEAUX SOUTH ADT Vehicle (24hrs):. ..........................083 411 2710 ADT Area Supervisor (24hrs):. ...................................................079 508 8131 CABLE THEFT REPORTING (TELKOM HOTLINE):...............0800 124 000 Cable Theft Reporting (City Power):..............................011 490 7553 Child Line:.....................................................................................................................0800 055 5555 Chubb:.................................................................................................................................0861 505 911 Crime Stop:................................................................................................................. 0860 010 111 Crime Line (Anonymous Tip-off Line):............................32211 CSS Tactical Control Room:..........................................................0861 911 119 Fire Department:..............................................................................................011 375 5911 JHB Care Connect:..........................................................................................011 375 5555 Netcare 911:.............................................................................................................082 911 Olivedale Clinic:................................................................................................011 777 2000 Poisons Control:. ............................................................................................083 1999 sector 1 SAPS patrol vehicle:...................................................071 675 7115 / 6 SAPS:......................................................................................................................................10111 Randburg Medicross:..............................................................................011 796 1400 Randburg Police:.............................................................................................011 449 9110 / 13 / 15 Rosebank Clinic:...............................................................................................011 328 0500 Sandton Clinic:...................................................................................................011 709 2000 SPCA Randburg:..................................................................................................011 462 1610 (Version 6/12) Supplied courtesy of the BSRA - working together for the safety of the community. 13 debit order authorisation Please complete and fax to 011 944 0839 Name:_ ______________________________________________________________________________ Title: Mr Mrs Miss Dr ID No.:_ ______________________________________________________________________________ Postal Address:_ _____________________________________________________ Code:______________ Physical Address:_ ___________________________________________________ Code:______________ Contact Numbers: (Home) _________________ (Cell) __________________ (Work) ___________________ Email Address: _ _______________________________________________________________________ DEBIT ORDER Account Name: _______________________________________Bank:___________________________ Account No.:_____________________Branch Name:__________________ Branch No.: ____________ Type of Account: Current Savings Transmission Other Frequency: Monthly I / We hereby authorize Bordeaux South Residents’ Association to draw against my/our account as detailed above the sum of (amount): R200-00 in words: TWO HUNDRED RAND ONLY. on the _________ day of every month commencing on ____________________________________ 2014. I agree to pay the bank charges relating to this debit order instruction. Signed at:_________________________ on this the __________ day of _ _____________________ 2014. AUTHORISED SIGNATURE/S Beneficiary Details: Bordeaux South Residents’ Association / Account No.: 62090771728 / Bank: FNB / Branch: Hyde Park 255-805 Fax: 011 944 0839 Email: Web: 14
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If you would like a debit order form please see at the end of this newsletter.
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