CU WOMEN’S GOLF ANNUAL DESPERADO CLASSIC 2013 IN MEMORY OF WILL E. HOWELL • JUNE 14, 1945 - AUGUST 7, 1997 • BENEFITS THE CU WOMEN’S GOLF TEAM SUNDAY, SEPT. 29, 2013 THE FOX HILL CLUB, 1400 E. HWY 119, LONGMONT CO 80504 • 303-651-7600 The Desperado Classic began 16 years ago in the memory of WILL E. HOWELL who died before his time. “Willie liked golf, people and a good party.” PLAYER #1 Name: Address: City: State: Phone: USGA Hdcp: Male: Zip: Female: Email: PLAYER #2 Name: Address: City: TIME: 11:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Registration & Warm-Up Announcements & Departure Shotgun Start PRICE: $140/player (Green Fees & Awards Party) A threesome can pay $550 to play with a celebrity. Please write the word “Celebrity” in Player 4 spot. All entries/payments due by Sept. 20. ( Your registration fee may be tax deductible less the fair market value of the green fees and lunch, estimated at $65.) LUNCH, SILENT AUCTION & AWARDS: Awards party will follow play at The Fox Hill Club. $25 each non golfers friends and family. FORMAT: Four Person Scramble Prizes awarded in Open & Mixed divisions. Each year, the Desperado Classic has raised money to support the priority needs of the CU Women’s Golf Team. This includes money for future equipment purchases, travel costs, entertainment and scholarships. Please join us for golf and lunch at The Fox Hill Club. All questions, prize donations, $300 hole sponsorships, please contact: Mark & Gwen Sparn Jimmy Kelleher Anne Kelly 303-443-6284 720-404-1195 303-492-4455 Enter online at: Or Make check payable to University of Colorado Please send entry fee to: Anne Kelly - CU Women’s Golf 369 UCB; Boulder, CO 80309 State: Phone: USGA Hdcp: Male: Zip: Female: Email: PLAYER #3 Name: Address: City: State: Phone: USGA Hdcp: Male: Zip: Female: Email: PLAYER #4 Name: Address: City: State: Phone: USGA Hdcp: Male: Email: Zip: Female: