NETRANewsletter20151.. - New England Trail Rider Association
NETRANewsletter20151.. - New England Trail Rider Association
News Dylan MacRitchie Year End Results Banquet Info December 2015 CONNECT The NETRA News is a monthly publica on of the New England Trail Rider Associa on. This publica on is emailed to more than 3000 ac ve trail riders and racers: your customers. It’s also posted to Facebook, Twi er and Instagram increasing the readership beyond NETRA members. Ad rates are based on adver ser provided digital artwork. Ads in Adobe PDF format are preferred but other image types may be accepted. Annual Rate includes 11 issues, February-December. Deadline for ads is the 20th of the month prior to publica on. Dylan MacRitche PC: Leanne Dutlinger FOLLOW US! Adver sement Annual Rate Full Page $500 Facebook 1/2 Page $300 Twitter 1/4 Page $200 Instagram A en on NETRA members! Got a road trip you want to share? Do you have a legisla ve commentary you‘d like to post? Is there a picture you just have to show off? The content quality of this newsle er is up to you! THIS IS YOUR NETRA NEWS! Drop us a line via email First, I sincerely wish you and yours a happy and safe holiday season. NETRA is truly a big family and we'll be ge ng together for our annual celebra on in January at the annual NETRA Expo and Awards Banquet. I look forward to seeing all of you there, Martha Sherman is pu ng together a great program. For those of you who ride in Massachuse s (and we have a lot of NETRA events in Massachuse s), you should be aware of the increased push from Mass Environmental Police to achieve full compliance with the youth educa on and off-road registra on elements of the OHV laws passed a few years ago. Un l recently most of the EP's focus has been patrolling and enforcing in state riding areas as well as certain illegal riding 'hot spots' like Miles Standish State Forest. Based on the credibility NETRA has built with Massachuse s legislators, DCR, and the EP's they have not conducted enforcement ac vi es at our events to give us me to build up our memberships' compliance. That unofficial stay of execu on appears to be over, as the EP's were present at two of our events this fall. Jim Sherman and I met with the EP's last week at their request, and they indicated they wanted to push for full compliance on youth educa on and licensing, and were paying more a en on to organized events like MX tracks, JDay, and NETRA. While they did not explicitly indicate that they intended to do ac ve enforcement at our events, it is possible at any event. If there is a silver lining, we are con nuing our lobbying efforts to change some parts of the law that are contradictory or par cularly hard for us to manage, and the EP's pledged to support those efforts. To help our members achieve compliance, we will be having the classroom part of the youth training offered at the NETRA Expo, and we will also have a mobile licensing booth at the Expo where you will be able to buy off-road registra ons from the state. Lots more details to work out, so keep current on the NETRA website for all the info needed to take advantage of this unique opportunity. See you on the trails! President’s Message NETRA Members, QUICK HITS Banquet: Save the Date! Mark your calendars! The 2015 Awards banquet will be held on Saturday, January 16th, 2016 at the Devens Commons Center, Devens, MA, h p:// Rooms will be available at the adjacent Marrio Spring Hill Suites. This is Mar n Luther King weekend, so plan to make it a family get-away, and stay in the area for skiing and snowboarding at the nearby ski resorts of Wachuse and Nashoba, or include a winery tour at Nashoba Winery. Sprint Enduro Developments Stemming from the fast growing popularity of Sprint Enduros and the success of NETRA’s first Sprint Enduro held by the Pathfinders, three clubs have commi ed to host for three Sprint Enduro events in 2016. Members from the Berkshire Trail Riders, Tri-State Trail Riders, and the Pathfinders are brainstorming to bring you an exci ng, fun, and consistent Sprint Enduro experience. Keep you eye on for the latest news! 1976 Honda CB750F Restora on Life me member John Przybylski is one of NETRA’s finest motorcycle restorers. His painstaking a en on to detail is unmatched. Follow along as he tears the ‘76 down to the ground and rebuilds it to showroom condi on. You can follow the thread on the NETRA forum here: h p:// Visit the all new NETRA Forum! The latest on up-coming events Connect with riding buddies Latest legisla ve issues Classifieds: Bikes/Parts/Gear ...and so much more! 2015 NETRA Awards Banquet & Expo When: January 16th, 2016 Where: Devens Common Center 31 Andrews Parkway - Devens, MA (The hotel is adjacent to the Conference Center: the Marriott SpringHill Suites, Devens, MA) Time: Expo – Noon to 5:00 p.m. PeeWee Banquet – Noon Cocktails – 5:30 Dinner and Awards: 6:45 LAST CALL for posters or banners for your favorite rider (PEE WEE, Junior, or Adult)! If you want a poster ($35) or a banner ($60) with a picture of your rider and a shout out, you need to contact Martha Sherman no later than Monday, December 14th. Pictures must be submitted to as a jpeg, and the check payable to NETRA must be mailed to 94 Plain Street, Medfield, MA 02052. Banners and posters will be hung during the banquet. Hoodie orders are no longer being accepted. Hotel reservations must be made no later than December 23rd to receive the NETRA block rate of $129 per night. To make your hotel reservation: Follow this link to book your group rate for NETRA or call 978-772-3030. With this rate you can check-in on Friday or Saturday Last day to book: 12/23/15 – after that, our rate is not valid. We are staying at the Marriott SpringHill Suites Devens Common Center. All rooms are suites – either 2 queen beds or a king. There is a pull out sofa in the living area. Breakfast is included the next morning. Program Ads - Rider Shout Outs: Deadline has been extended to Monday, December 14th. Attention parents/sponsors: RECOGNITION FOR YOUR RIDER! You can recognize your rider at the NETRA Awards Banquet 2 ways: You provide the photo you wish to use – see requirements below. Special placement: Inside Front or Back Cover: Full page $150 (+ $25 for design – 1 photo, +$50 for design – 2 photos) Centerfold: 2 Pages - $325 (+$50 for design) Regular placement: ½ page 1 photo, up to ten lines of type: $75 (+ $25 for design) ½ page 2 photos, up to 20 lines of type: $75 (+ $50 for design) Full page 1 photo, up to 15 lines of type: $140 + ($25 for design) Full page 2 photos, up to 20 lines of type: $140 (+ $50 for design) Supply your own design (digital camera photo in jpg form – renamed with the rider’s name; text in MS Word or directly in the email – PROOFREAD!!) Same pricing for text only. Email your photos/info and any questions to: Mail your check, made payable to NETRA, to NETRA, c/o 94 Plain St., Medfield, MA 02052 All banquet tickets must be purchased online: Banquet Tickets – deadline January 8th Pee Wee Banquet: $15 per person Awards Banquet: $40 for adults, $30 for youth age 13 and under Pick up your wristband at the NETRA Expo booth the day of the event. Attention all Trail Bosses, Sweep Riders and any other interested NETRA member! This year at the NETRA Expo we will be offering CPR and First Aid Certification! There is no cost to you, but you must register by emailing by December 16th. The program will be taught at 10:00 AM January 16th in conjunction with the Annual Awards Banquet and Expo. Take 3 hours and become certified – who knows when this training may come in handy! Be prepared and ready to save a life. 2015 Vintage Recap—Nate Hubbard I sat here staring at my computer for about 20 minutes trying to figure out how to tell those of you who don’t know what the first season of NETRA Vintage racing was like and it finally came to me that it can not be put into words. You truly need to see it or do it to gather just how much fun this exci ng new series is! What started out as an idea for something that the Northeast lacked has quickly turned into something much bigger than most ever dreamed it would… a true family of racers, clubs and workers. This whole thing kicked off the season with round 1 hosted by the Nutmeg Scramblers in Eas ord, CT with 27 entries. 27 was a tremendous turnout for a brand new series especially being that these riders are braving the unknown woods of New England on very old bikes, most with less suspension travel than modern bikes have sag! Throughout the next 11 rounds of this 12 round series we saw turnouts as high as 44 entries! We saw rocks, roots and mud. We saw Bultacos, Hodakas, Rokons, Maicos, Husqvarnas, KTMs, KDXs, ITs, CRs and stuff that doesn’t even have names. We saw bikes found in a barn the day before an event, bikes that sat in their owners basement for 30 years, bikes that were restored to perfec on and everything in-between. What we all no ced too was fences lined with cheering spectators, something that is not very common in “woods” racing. The level of excitement in the air at these events cant be felt the moment you pull through the gate. You’ll see last minute wrenching, bench racing galore, ps and tricks being shared, last minute wrenching, smack talking, BBQing, encouraging words, last minute wrenching, lots of smiling, lots of laughing and did I men on last minute wrenching? On behalf of the en re series, THANK YOU to everyone that made this series come together. This series has brought the grass roots of racing back for a lot of us and you truly need to come check it out in 2016! 2015 Vintage Series Champions Vintage—Jeff Bacon Evolu on—Kevin Hubbard Retro—Stephen Semuskie REGISTRATION OF BIKES in MA MA regulations require that all OHV’s (including dirt bikes) be registered to ride within the Commonwealth, regardless of which state you live in. To date, the MA Environmental Police have been lenient, taking the time to educate riders rather than enforcing the rules. However, 2016 will be different, and it is very likely that the rules will be enforced. There is a likelihood they will show up at our MA events. Rather than risk the fines or possible impounding of your bike, take a few minutes to gather the necessary paperwork, and REGISTER your bike!! To facilitate compliance, NETRA has invited the MA Environmental Police Mobile Registration Unit to visit the NETRA Expo so that NETRA members can complete their paperwork and receive their 2016 sticker prior to the riding season. Please reference the NETRA OHV Drive flyer for the required paperwork to bring with you. REQUIRED OHV SAFETY EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR ALL MA YOUTH UNDER THE AGE OF 18 In addition to the requirement that ALL bikes be registered to ride in MA, the law requires all MA resident youth age 10 to 18 who ride dirt bikes complete the OHV Safety Education Program. (Out of state youth are exempt from this requirement at this time provided they are riding in a sanctioned event.) This is a two part program – online and a 2 hour classroom session. NETRA, in conjunction with the MA Environmental Police, will be offering the classroom portion at 11:00 AM on Saturday, January 16th at the Devens Conference Center, Devens, MA. (This is the day of the Awards Banquet and Expo.) To take the classroom session, the following is required: Completion of the online portion of the course. (Go to, then select Boat and Off Highway Registration. In the right column, under News and Updates, select OHV Safety Certification Course. Choose one of the on-line courses and take it. When you have successfully passed the online course Pay $29.50. Print your certificate and bring it to the January 16th class. Bring a pen/pencil. If the rider is under the age of 16, a parent or guardian must accompany him/her to the 2 hour course. RSVP to by January 11th. 8-Dec-2015 HARE SCRAMBLES Results | Top 30 | Work Rule: Applied Overall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type MACRITCHIE, DYLAN 09/2016 IN RIORDAN, BRENDAN 09/2015 IN SENECAL, JIM 06/2016 FA KELLEY, BENJAMIN 06/2016 IN HEINS, JACOB 06/2016 IN KIPP, TY 09/2016 IN KELLEY, JOHN 07/2016 IN DUSSAULT, BRIAN 01/2016 IN NEUWIRTH, HUNTER 07/2016 IN MARTI, NICK 04/2016 IN TOTH, JOSHUA 06/2016 IN ANTHONY, JEREMY 09/2016 FA MURPHY, JAMES 05/2016 IN DANIELS, RON 05/2016 FA WEIK, TYLER 01/2016 IN TOTH, ZACHARY 06/2016 FA MASSE, JEREMY 03/2016 IN ARTIBANI, JORDAN 03/2016 FA MAYER, JACOB 05/2016 FA DUTLINGER JR, LAYNE 05/2016 IN KNOTT, KEVIN 06/2016 FA GIESE, OWEN 04/2016 FA CHENKUS JR., BOBBY 06/2016 FA LEVESQUE, SHAWN 04/2016 IN VERDONE, STEVEN 02/2016 IN GIONTA, EVAN 04/2016 FA NELSON, DAN 02/2016 IN TREPANIER, GILLES 01/2016 IN BUGBEE, ADAM 05/2016 IN BERNARD, BRENDAN 05/2016 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike KTM KTM KTM KTM KTM KTM KTM KTM YAM KTM KTM KTM KTM KAW KTM KTM KTM KTM YAM KTM HON KTM YAM KTM KTM GG KTM T 185 158 150 144 122 113 112 110 104 91 80 71 70 58 56 53 51 30 28 25 24 24 22 17 15 15 11 9 8 8 AA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx MACRITCHIE, DYLAN RIORDAN, BRENDAN KELLEY, BENJAMIN SENECAL, JIM HEINS, JACOB KIPP, TY KELLEY, JOHN WEIK, TYLER TOTH, JOSHUA MASSE, JEREMY MURPHY, JAMES LEVESQUE, SHAWN RUMMEL, DAMON Exp/Type 09/2016 IN 09/2015 IN 06/2016 IN 06/2016 FA 06/2016 IN 09/2016 IN 07/2016 IN 01/2016 IN 06/2016 IN 03/2016 IN 05/2016 IN 04/2016 IN LIFE LF Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike KTM KTM KTM KTM KTM KTM KTM KTM YAM KTM KTM KTM T 185 160 153 150 131 123 119 103 90 83 79 44 11 A 200 Rider 1 xxxxx KNOTT, KEVIN Exp/Type Club Bike T 06/2016 FA Yes YAM 194 Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Sata King 7/26 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 Stat --20 Wrk --25 14 --16 22 12 --11 18 15 13 7 ------8 10 3 ----9 --6 ------- 16 20 18 25 9 11 22 8 12 15 --7 13 10 --5 --6 Wrk --Wrk ------------4 ----- 22 --18 25 --15 20 12 16 13 --7 14 9 11 ------10 --------4 --------8 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- Wrk Wrk 22 --15 14 --16 8 6 20 --7 ----1 Wrk --10 --------Wrk ----Wrk ----Wrk 25 22 20 Wrk Wrk 14 Wrk 13 Wrk Wrk Wrk 10 18 9 Wrk Wrk 15 ----Wrk --Wrk 3 11 6 ----5 ----- 25 20 15 22 12 10 16 14 9 13 18 6 ----8 4 ------1 ----3 2 ------Wrk ----- 22 20 14 25 13 9 16 12 --10 --2 --3 ------Wrk --8 5 7 Wrk ----Wrk 4 ------- Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Sata King 7/26 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 14 22 --Wrk 25 18 --16 --15 20 ----- 16 20 25 18 12 13 22 ------14 11 Wrk 22 --25 18 --16 20 14 ----15 12 --- --------------------------- Wrk Wrk 9 22 18 16 7 8 20 Wrk 12 Wrk 11 25 22 Wrk 20 Wrk 14 Wrk Wrk Wrk 15 18 12 --- 25 20 22 15 14 13 16 12 18 ----9 --- 22 20 25 14 13 12 16 11 10 --------- Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Sata King 7/26 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 25 Wrk --- --- 25 25 25 22 9/6 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 25 22 16 --18 Wrk --12 15 9 --10 --Wrk 14 13 6 --8 ------3 ----------Wrk --- 25 20 22 --18 16 --Wrk 11 13 --10 Wrk 5 7 14 12 9 --8 --3 4 --Wrk 6 1 ------- 25 --16 22 12 13 18 14 ----20 10 ----3 --6 5 ----1 8 9 ----4 ------7 --14 18 25 --16 20 13 11 --22 Wrk --7 --9 12 10 ----8 3 ------5 --------- Stat 9/6 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 25 22 --16 18 Wrk --15 --14 ------- 25 20 --22 18 16 --13 --14 Wrk ----- 25 --22 16 13 14 18 11 20 12 ------- --14 25 18 10 16 20 11 22 13 ------- Stat Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 22 22 25 9/6 25 2 xxxxx 3 xxxxx BRIGHAM, GLENN GIESE, OWEN 12/2015 IN Yes 169 04/2016 FA Yes KTM 72 A 250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type DUSSAULT, BRIAN 01/2016 IN NEUWIRTH, HUNTER 07/2016 IN DUTLINGER JR, LAYNE 05/2016 IN VERDONE, STEVEN 02/2016 IN ANTHONY, JEREMY 09/2016 FA CHENKUS JR., BOBBY 06/2016 FA ALLSOP, ROBIN 03/2016 IN TOTH, ZACHARY 06/2016 FA SCHREINER, HARRISON 08/2016 FA ALBOWICZ, CONNOR 03/2016 IN PREVE, HUNTER 09/2016 FA HANAN, TRENTON 08/2017 IN ARTIBANI, JORDAN 03/2016 FA MAYER, JACOB 05/2016 FA SOUCY, COLLIN 10/2015 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike T KTM 191 180 KTM 129 YAM 128 KTM 124 HON 119 YAM 98 KAW 87 KTM 74 KAW 72 KTM 62 YAM 60 KTM 56 KTM 35 YAM 18 A Open 1 2 3 4 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type Club MARTI, NICK 04/2016 IN Yes DANIELS, RON 05/2016 FA Yes BERNARD, BRENDAN 05/2016 IN Yes BUGBEE, ADAM 05/2016 IN Yes Bike T 197 KTM 185 KTM 153 GG 20 A Vet Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx NELSON, DAN RICHARD, MARC Exp/Type Club Bike T 02/2016 IN Yes KTM 197 04/2016 FA Yes KTM 170 A Senior 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx TREPANIER, GILLES BROWN, ROB MCCANN, RANDY MATTEAU II, PETER COOK, MARK BARTOCETTI, RICK Exp/Type 01/2016 IN 02/2016 IN 04/2016 FA LIFE LF 07/2016 IN 07/2016 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike KTM SUZ KAW YAM KTM HON T 188 100 81 72 64 57 Super Senior A 1 2 3 4 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type KELLEY, DAVID 07/2016 IN GRUNDMANN, GERARD04/2016 IN RIORDAN, BILL LIFE LF MEARS, MARTY 07/2016 IN Club Yes Yes Yes No Bike KTM KAW KTM KTM T 148 124 105 100 B 200 Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx GIESE, OWEN JARVIS, DREW Exp/Type Club Bike T 04/2016 FA Yes KTM 175 03/2016 FA Yes KTM 172 22 --- 22 --- 25 --- ----- ----- --Wrk Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Sata King 7/26 22 25 18 20 ----12 --13 15 10 11 ------- 22 25 18 16 --14 15 --------12 --Wrk Wrk 22 25 15 16 --13 10 --12 14 18 Wrk ------- ------------------------------- 22 16 13 12 10 8 3 --7 --Wrk 4 --20 --- 25 Wrk Wrk 16 22 15 12 Wrk 14 ----------18 Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Sata King 7/26 22 25 ----- 25 22 15 --- 25 22 16 20 --------- 25 22 Wrk --- Wrk 25 22 --- Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Sata King 7/26 25 22 25 22 25 22 ----- Wrk Wrk 18 25 20 25 Wrk 22 9/6 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 25 8 20 15 16 Wrk 11 9 Wrk 18 13 12 Wrk ----- 20 25 10 --16 13 6 22 9 Wrk --11 --15 --- Wrk 22 16 Wrk 20 15 Wrk 25 12 14 13 --18 ----- 25 ----15 22 20 14 13 --------18 ----- 25 22 14 16 Wrk 13 15 18 --------20 ----- Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 Stat Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 25 22 20 --- 25 22 18 --- 25 22 20 --- 20 18 22 --- --25 ----- Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 25 22 25 22 25 --- ----- 25 22 Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 20 22 --------- 25 ----------- 25 20 --------- ------------- 25 --16 18 --15 Wrk 18 14 20 16 22 25 --15 16 14 Wrk ----16 18 ----- 18 Wrk Wrk --16 --- 25 18 --Wrk Wrk 20 Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Sata King 7/26 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 ----20 --- 20 16 18 --- 22 ------- --------- 20 18 Wrk 25 Wrk ----25 22 Wrk 25 --- 22 18 20 --- --25 --Wrk 22 25 ----- 20 22 --25 Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Sata King 7/26 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 25 20 25 18 25 20 ----- 25 --- 25 22 25 18 --25 --22 --25 22 20 Sata King 7/26 25 ----------- Wrk Wrk 20 --- 20 --- 22 --- Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 Stat 25 20 15 14 18 16 9 --7 11 8 10 ------- 9/6 25 Wrk 20 Wrk Stat 9/6 22 18 Stat 9/6 --22 20 --18 --Stat 9/6 ----22 25 Stat 9/6 25 20 3 4 5 6 7 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx JOHNSTON, TAYLOR 07/2016 IN Yes DELISLE, MIKE 08/2016 IN Yes WINANS, JEREMY 10/2015 FA Yes HENNE, WESLEY 02/2016 JR Yes COMEROSKI, COREY 01/2016 JR Yes KTM 160 KTM 147 KTM 91 KTM 18 14 B 250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx MEDAS, GRAHAM GIONTA, EVAN MACBURNIE, TY ARTIBANI, JORDAN MURPHY, EVAN BUCK, CODY TOTH, ZACHARY METSACK, TY ANTHONY, JEREMY GIONTA, TYLER BERNDT, ALEX BACON, JEFF FONTAINE, SCOTT MARZELLO, SPENCER MARIN, TROY MARROTTE, JOEY CABLES, ERIK MINER, NEAL MAYER, JACOB WINANS, TYLER STORA, DAVID Exp/Type 04/2016 IN 04/2016 FA 05/2016 FA 03/2016 FA 06/2016 IN 04/2016 IN 06/2016 FA 05/2016 FA 09/2016 FA 05/2016 IN 03/2016 IN 02/2016 FA 01/2016 FA 12/2016 IN 02/2016 IN 05/2016 FA 03/2016 IN 04/2016 IN 05/2016 FA 10/2015 FA 05/2016 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Bike YAM KTM KTM KAW HUS KTM KTM KTM KTM KTM KTM KTM KTM T 159 143 141 131 116 116 112 80 72 71 71 57 48 35 31 29 27 26 25 17 13 B Open Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx CLARK, BEN CLARK, ELY Exp/Type Club Bike T 06/2016 JR Yes KTM 137 07/2016 JR Yes KTM 58 B Vet 1 2 3 4 5 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx GREENE, BRAD PEDEMONTI, NICK STEVENS, IVOR SARGENT, JERRY TAYLOR, JOE Exp/Type 05/2016 IN 03/2016 IN 07/2016 FA 03/2016 IN 03/2016 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike KTM KAW KTM GG T 188 150 148 144 95 B Senior 1 2 3 4 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx WOOD, MICHAEL SMITH, TIMOTHY COUTURE, RICHARD BLAIS, JAMES Exp/Type 05/2016 IN 04/2016 FA 02/2016 IN 04/2016 FA Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike T KTM 117 KTM 91 HUS 70 HUS 35 Super Senior B Rider 1 xxxxx COUTURE, RICHARD Exp/Type Club Bike T 02/2016 IN Yes HUS 164 22 16 --18 --- 22 20 Wrk --Wrk 16 18 22 ----- ----------- 18 20 22 ----- Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 20 13 16 15 7 12 22 10 25 9 8 --------11 --------Wrk 18 --10 22 15 14 20 Wrk 25 ------11 ----Wrk ----Wrk Wrk 13 14 16 18 5 12 13 20 9 22 --7 15 11 Wrk --6 ----25 8 --- ------------------------------------------- ----10 22 11 15 25 8 ----12 16 7 ------------9 --- Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 20 18 20 --- ----- ----- 22 20 Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 25 16 18 20 --- 22 18 16 14 12 25 15 16 ----- ----------- 22 18 20 16 --- Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 --16 20 15 ----25 --- ----25 20 --------- --------- Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 --- --- --- --- 22 20 ----Wrk --- 18 Wrk ------- 16 --22 ----- Sata King 7/26 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 Stat 14 11 18 20 15 --25 8 ------------9 ------------- 25 Wrk 22 Wrk 20 16 --15 --Wrk --Wrk ----14 12 10 11 ------- Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 Wrk Wrk 25 20 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 22 20 18 16 --- 22 18 20 16 --- Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 25 ------- 25 ----Wrk Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 25 25 16 10 Wrk 22 20 13 Wrk 5 --9 12 --7 ----------------Sata King 7/26 25 --Sata King 7/26 25 18 Wrk 22 20 Sata King 7/26 --25 ----Sata King 7/26 22 Wrk 15 ----14 20 18 ------- 20 18 25 ----- 20 22 ------- 9/6 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 22 18 13 25 16 Wrk --14 ----9 11 --------10 --------- 22 25 16 --Wrk 12 ------20 Wrk 15 Wrk 10 Wrk --Wrk Wrk ------- 22 25 18 ----15 ------20 14 ----11 8 ----10 ------- Wrk 25 20 ----18 --11 Wrk 13 9 --12 14 ----7 5 ------- Stat Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 ----- ----- 25 --- Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 25 18 20 16 22 --22 16 18 Wrk 22 18 15 20 16 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 25 Wrk Wrk --- Wrk 25 ----- 22 ------- Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 Wrk 25 20 9/6 ----Stat 9/6 Wrk Wrk 20 Wrk 25 Stat 9/6 20 25 ----Stat 9/6 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx ANTHONY, ANDREW DUFRESNE, DAVE HANAN, JEFF GOODALE, ALAN BACON, JEFF SPITZSCHUH, BILL TUCKER, TROY POETZSCH, BOB 09/2016 FA 05/2016 IN 08/2016 FA 09/2016 IN 02/2016 FA 08/2016 IN LIFE LF 05/2016 FA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes KTM KTM YAM KTM KTM 158 149 130 98 50 27 KTM 25 HON 16 C 200 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx SENECAL, TANNER FLINT, JOSHUA RICHARD, KATELYN STADLER, KYLE COMEROSKI, COREY STEVENS, MORGAN Exp/Type 04/2016 IN 10/2016 JR 04/2016 FA 01/2016 JR 01/2016 JR 07/2016 FA Club Bike T Yes 138 Yes 130 Yes KTM 130 Yes 123 Yes 94 Yes KTM 5 C 250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx IGNACHUCK, SCOTT CABLES, ERIK MARTI, BEN HOYLE, STEPHEN MARIN, TROY FITCH, EMERSON BURCH, RYAN MARZELLO, SPENCER Exp/Type 03/2016 FA 03/2016 IN 05/2016 FA 04/2016 IN 02/2016 IN 07/2016 IN 03/2016 IN 12/2016 IN Club Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Bike YAM KTM KTM KTM T 108 91 74 70 64 51 30 25 C Open 1 2 3 4 5 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx ELMES SR., JAMES POIROT, ERIC MARZELLO, SPENCER SCIANNA, MIKE ORLOWSKI, COLIN Exp/Type 04/2016 IN 02/2016 IN 12/2016 IN 05/2016 IN 01/2016 IN Club Bike T Yes 151 Yes 119 Yes 112 Yes hus 92 Yes KAW 75 C Vet 1 2 3 4 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type KILGORE, LAWRENCE R. 03/2016 FA MINER, NEAL 04/2016 IN DAUBERT, JEFFREY 01/2016 IN ORLOWSKI, CURRAN 01/2016 IN Club Bike T Yes HUS 146 No 116 Yes 101 Yes HON 90 C Senior 1 2 3 4 5 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx MCCOSKER, MATT MCCULLOUGH, MIKE MORTON, TOM GIESE, ROBERT HOTKOWSKI, PAUL Super Senior C Exp/Type 03/2016 FA 11/2016 IN 08/2016 FA 04/2016 FA 10/2016 FA Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike T 123 119 KTM 60 KTM 28 KAW 20 18 20 16 22 25 ------- 18 20 16 22 --------- 20 18 Wrk ----------- ----------------- 20 14 12 16 ----Wrk --- 16 20 --18 --14 --Wrk 18 20 16 Wrk --Wrk ----- 18 14 15 20 Wrk 13 --16 Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Sata King 7/26 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 15 14 22 20 25 --- 14 ----22 Wrk --- 16 20 18 22 25 --- ------------- 15 16 Wrk --22 --- 16 13 12 Wrk 22 Wrk --13 15 ------- 14 13 15 18 ----- Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Sata King 7/26 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 22 10 15 16 6 5 ----- --18 12 14 25 11 ----- 25 --20 ----15 Wrk Wrk ----------------- Wrk 25 6 --20 4 14 --- --18 Wrk --13 8 16 --- --20 15 ----Wrk ----- 12 --6 14 --8 ----- Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Sata King 7/26 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 18 --13 22 --- 25 --20 ----- 20 16 Wrk 25 --- ----------- 20 15 18 ----- 18 13 25 ----- 8 13 18 Wrk 15 Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 25 22 18 --- 18 22 14 --- --------- --------- 13 25 12 --- --22 13 --- 18 --Wrk 22 Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 Sata King 7/26 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 13 15 ------- 12 15 13 ----- 18 22 --15 --- ----------- Wrk 9 Wrk ----- 14 11 25 Wrk --- 14 15 ----Wrk 11 12 22 13 --- 14 16 18 --Wrk Sata King 7/26 20 25 15 Wrk 22 20 18 ----------- 22 Wrk 16 ------25 --- 20 15 18 ----------- Wrk 16 15 --25 ------- Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 22 25 20 ------- 22 16 14 25 ----- Wrk 6 3 16 --5 9/6 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 20 ----Wrk ------25 16 Wrk --15 Wrk ------- 13 --------------- ------11 --------- Stat Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 16 Wrk --25 22 20 16 ----22 Wrk 15 ------- Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 20 Wrk 16 25 Wrk ----25 16 --13 18 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 18 14 ------- 18 Wrk ------- 16 15 ----20 Stat 9/6 18 Wrk 14 ------Stat 9/6 --15 --20 16 Stat 9/6 16 ------Stat 9/6 9 8 ------- Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx NOLETTE, ROBERT HAFFEY, DAN Exp/Type Club Bike T 03/2016 FA Yes KTM 192 02/2016 FA Yes 69 LEVESQUE, TOM Exp/Type Club Bike T 04/2016 IN Yes KTM 179 Masters Rider 1 xxxxx Junior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type MCDOUGAL, JONATHAN 09/2016 FA GRANT, JOSHUA 03/2016 FA BLANCH, RYAN 07/2016 JR CANOVA, AUSTIN 03/2016 FA BERNARD, COLIN 05/2016 FA SMITH, TRISTAN 05/2016 FA BERNARD, TREVOR 05/2016 FA BUGBEE, BRADLEE 05/2016 FA MCGUIRE, MATTHEW 04/2016 FA MARROTTE, JOEY 05/2016 FA COMEROSKI, COREY 01/2016 JR SWANSON, MAX 12/2015 JR Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike KTM KTM HON KAW Sus KTM SUZ T 180 166 164 147 109 105 92 90 70 56 16 4 Big Wheel 1 2 3 4 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx BAIN, COLE WILL JR, CARY D. RECORD, COLBY BLAIS, JASON Exp/Type 10/2016 FA 03/2016 FA 09/2016 FA 04/2016 FA Club Bike T Yes 197 Yes KTM 180 Yes 158 Yes KTM 132 Mini 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type PREVE, PAYTON 09/2016 FA NOLETTE, BRAYDEN 03/2016 FA GOODWIN, EVAN 11/2015 JR MARROTTE, RYAN 05/2016 FA CARR, GREG 10/2016 FA MCCANN, NOAH 04/2016 FA HOTKOWSKI, JONATHAN 10/2016 FA DEFEO, NICHOLAS 07/2016 FA MORTON, HADLEY 08/2016 FA Club Bike T Yes KAW 189 Yes HQV 172 Yes 161 Yes 155 Yes 107 No 90 Yes 62 Yes 12 Yes 12 Women 1 2 3 4 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type STEVENS, MORGAN 07/2016 FA DUSSAULT, STEPHANIE01/2016 FA HERY, STACEY 10/2016 FA BAUER, JODI 03/2016 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike T KTM 200 174 KAW 133 kx 123 Mini Girls Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx BACON, KATE RECORD, MAYA Exp/Type Club Bike T 02/2016 FA Yes 200 09/2016 FA Yes 116 Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 20 22 25 --- 25 Wrk ----- Wrk --- Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 22 22 22 --- Wrk Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 22 25 20 --14 18 11 12 15 ------- 22 20 Wrk 12 14 15 ----13 Wrk Wrk Wrk --25 20 --12 22 16 13 14 ------- ------------------------- 22 --14 20 Wrk --Wrk ----16 ----- Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 25 22 15 16 22 20 18 15 25 22 20 18 25 22 --20 18 16 14 13 Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 16 15 18 22 ----------- 25 22 20 Wrk 14 --16 Wrk --- 18 25 16 22 15 --------- 25 18 16 22 ----------- Wrk Wrk 16 22 14 25 --12 Wrk Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 25 22 ----- 25 22 Wrk 20 25 16 22 18 --------- --20 22 --- Tuxe Ridg 5/3 Nutm Stat 5/10 CATR Blac 5/17 Rems Melt 5/31 John Harr 7/19 25 --- ----- 25 --- ----- 25 --- Sata King 7/26 22 --Sata King 7/26 25 Sata King 7/26 16 20 22 25 8 --6 12 11 18 ----Sata King 7/26 22 20 Wrk 15 Sata King 7/26 25 18 22 15 14 ------9 Sata King 7/26 Wrk 22 --25 Sata King 7/26 25 --- Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 Stat 25 --- 20 25 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 20 22 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 Stat Wrk 25 10 Wrk 11 --12 14 --22 16 --- 22 18 25 20 13 Wrk 11 14 Wrk ------- 20 Wrk 25 22 13 15 12 Wrk --------- Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 Stat 22 25 20 --- 25 22 18 Wrk Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 22 25 20 18 10 14 Wrk ----- 25 22 18 16 11 15 13 --3 Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 25 22 20 --- 25 22 ----- Rich Farm 8/9 Dam Good 8/23 --25 Wrk 25 9/6 25 22 Stat 9/6 20 9/6 9/6 25 --18 15 Stat 9/6 20 22 15 18 11 16 ------Stat 9/6 25 18 22 20 Stat 9/6 25 22 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 ----- 25 --- 25 --- Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 22 22 22 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 25 15 20 22 14 --9 7 8 ------- 25 18 12 14 13 15 11 10 --------- 22 13 18 12 16 20 10 8 9 ----4 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 25 22 20 --- 25 Wrk 22 20 Wrk 25 22 --- Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 25 15 22 --Wrk 20 18 ----- 22 20 25 --18 Wrk ------- 13 16 Wrk --9 --15 ----- Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 25 Wrk 22 20 25 22 --Wrk --22 25 20 Hard Knox 9/13 Leon Loop 9/27 Flat Rock 10/11 25 Wrk 25 22 25 22 3 xxxxx BAIN, ERICA 10/2016 FA Yes 38 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 18 20 --- Wrk 8-Dec-2015 ENDURO Results | Top 30 | Work Rule: Applied Overall Rhod 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type MACRITCHIE, DYLAN 09/2016 IN SENECAL, JIM 06/2016 FA MEALY, PHIL 08/2016 IN DUSSAULT, BRIAN 01/2016 IN MACRITCHIE, COOPER 09/2016 IN RUMMEL, DAMON LIFE LF BARRETT JR., DAN 11/2015 IN MAIER, JOHN T. LIFE LF ANDREWS, CARL 03/2016 IN NELSON, DAN 02/2016 IN SADOWSKI, JOHN 04/2016 IN MELISE, RICHARD 05/2016 IN CONFORTI, ALEXANDER12/2015 J. IN SADOWSKI, ROBERT J. 02/2016 IN TREPANIER, GILLES 01/2016 IN RIDER, JONATHAN 05/2016 IN BERNARD, BRENDAN 05/2016 IN MATTEAU II, PETER LIFE LF CLAXTON, RICK 03/2016 IN HOUSE, CHRIS 06/2016 IN SMITH, TIMOTHY 04/2016 FA LEWONIS, BRIAN 08/2016 IN HENRICHON, CHRIS 06/2016 FA SEYMOUR, RICHARD M. LIFE LF Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike T KTM 122 KTM 116 KTM 100 KTM 86 KTM 62 57 KTM 57 GG 54 54 KTM 48 KTM 46 39 HON 36 KTM 33 KTM 24 BTA 20 KTM 12 YAM 12 YAM 9 KTM 5 KTM 4 KTM 3 HUS 2 KTM 2 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type MACRITCHIE, DYLAN 09/2016 IN SENECAL, JIM 06/2016 FA MEALY, PHIL 08/2016 IN BARRETT JR., DAN 11/2015 IN ANDREWS, CARL 03/2016 IN MAIER, JOHN T. LIFE LF RUMMEL, DAMON LIFE LF SADOWSKI, JOHN 04/2016 IN SADOWSKI, ROBERT J. 02/2016 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike T KTM 122 KTM 116 KTM 102 KTM 73 73 GG 67 65 KTM 55 KTM 44 AA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A Light Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx 3 xxxxx Exp/Type DUSSAULT, BRIAN 01/2016 IN MELISE, RICHARD 05/2016 IN CONFORTI, ALEXANDER12/2015 J. IN Club Bike T Yes KTM 125 Yes 104 Yes HON 96 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Snow Run 8/16 25 22 16 15 5 9 11 18 Wrk 10 14 13 --6 4 7 ----------Wrk --Wrk 25 22 Wrk 10 16 20 11 18 12 14 --7 5 ------Wrk ----Wrk --------- 25 22 18 15 5 --7 16 4 ----11 6 --3 --1 --Wrk ----------- Wrk 25 22 20 15 Wrk Wrk Wrk 13 Wrk 16 Wrk 12 14 Wrk 7 11 3 9 5 4 --2 --- Rhod 5/24 King Phil 6/7 Tom Nobl 8/2 25 22 16 13 Wrk 18 12 15 11 25 22 Wrk 14 15 18 20 ----- Rhod King Phil 6/7 5/24 25 22 15 Rhod A Heavy 1 2 3 4 5 Tom Nobl 8/2 Rock 5/24 King Phil 6/7 RIDER, JONATHAN MATTEAU II, PETER BERNARD, BRENDAN ROYCE, ANDREW TANNER, PETE Exp/Type 05/2016 IN LIFE LF 05/2016 IN 06/2016 IN LIFE LF Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike BTA YAM KTM HUS KTM T 103 98 63 36 18 25 22 20 25 22 20 14 13 18 ------Tom Nobl 8/2 25 20 16 5/24 King Phil 6/7 Tom Nobl 8/2 25 18 16 --Wrk --18 Wrk 20 --- 16 20 22 Wrk 18 10/4 Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 22 25 20 Wrk 15 8 14 --12 2 ----10 13 5 6 --4 ----Wrk ------- 25 22 18 16 Wrk 20 9 --10 12 Wrk 8 Wrk Wrk 7 ----5 ------3 Wrk 2 --Wrk 22 20 11 Wrk 12 2 7 10 16 --3 --5 Wrk --Wrk ------------- Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 Wrk 25 22 Wrk 16 Wrk Wrk 20 18 22 25 20 16 14 --13 --15 25 22 18 13 14 --20 Wrk Wrk --Wrk 22 16 14 13 Wrk 20 --- Snow Run 8/16 Rock 10/4 Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 25 Wrk 20 Wrk 20 22 25 20 Wrk 25 15 18 Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 20 18 25 16 --- 22 20 ------- 20 22 ------- Wrk Wrk ------- 10/4 10/4 Rhod A Veteran 1 2 3 4 5 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type NELSON, DAN 02/2016 IN SEYMOUR, RICHARD M. LIFE LF HENRICHON, CHRIS 06/2016 FA NEWCOMB, BILL 03/2016 IN CLAXTON, RICK 03/2016 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike KTM KTM HUS KTM YAM T 122 80 78 29 25 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type MACRITCHIE, COOPER 09/2016 IN TREPANIER, GILLES 01/2016 IN COOK, MARK 07/2016 IN PUGRAB, LARRY 08/2013 IN MILLER, DOUG 05/2016 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes No Bike KTM KTM KTM YAM HON T 125 111 63 30 18 ROBBINS, KEN WURLITZER, GEOFF ANTONIOU, STEVE Exp/Type 10/2016 FA 07/2016 IN 05/2016 IN Club Bike T Yes KTM 120 Yes KTM 94 Yes 18 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx HOUSE, CHRIS JOHNSTON, TAYLOR HENRICHON, CHRIS LEWONIS, BRIAN Exp/Type 06/2016 IN 07/2016 IN 06/2016 FA 08/2016 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike T KTM 122 KTM 104 HUS 50 KTM 18 B Heavy Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx 3 xxxxx WISE, LEO PRATT, BRIAN HUGHES, JOHN E. Exp/Type 12/2016 IN 05/2016 IN 8/2013 Club Bike No Yes KTM Yes KTM T 84 42 18 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx LEWONIS, BRIAN HAWTHORNE, CHIP ABORN, ADAM KRIVESHKO, ILYA A. Exp/Type 08/2016 IN 04/2016 IN 04/2016 IN 05/2017 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike T KTM 122 Ktm 113 KTM 98 KTM 35 B Senior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 5/24 20 25 --- SMITH, TIMOTHY WOOD, MICHAEL DONOHUE, JIM FELLADORE, SCOTT BLAIS, JAMES GASPER, ANTHONY J. CLEMSON, ALAN HINZ, THAD VENTURA, EDDY Exp/Type 04/2016 FA 05/2016 IN 02/2016 IN 02/2016 IN 04/2016 FA 02/2017 IN 06/2016 IN 04/2016 IN 05/2016 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike T KTM 109 90 KTM 45 KTM 44 HUS 31 KTM 30 HUS 16 KTM 15 KTM 15 King Phil 6/7 22 20 --14 --King Phil 6/7 25 15 --16 --King Phil 6/7 25 Wrk Wrk Tom Nobl 8/2 Snow Run 8/16 Rock 20 18 16 15 Wrk Wrk --22 --25 Tom Nobl 8/2 25 22 14 ----Tom Nobl 8/2 25 22 18 5/24 King Phil 6/7 22 16 25 Wrk Wrk 22 25 18 Rhod King Phil 6/7 Tom Nobl 8/2 Wrk 22 18 22 Wrk Wrk 5/24 King Phil 6/7 Tom Nobl 8/2 Wrk 22 16 20 --25 20 Wrk Rhod King Phil 6/7 5/24 18 20 --Rhod B Veteran 1 2 3 4 25 22 --14 --- Rhod B Light 1 2 3 4 5/24 Rhod Super Senior A Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx 3 xxxxx 25 Wrk --Wrk --Rhod A Senior 1 2 3 4 5 5/24 5/24 18 16 ----11 12 --15 --- 22 20 ------18 ------- Tom Nobl 8/2 25 22 ----- 22 16 --15 Tom Nobl 8/2 22 18 --------------- Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 25 --22 ----- 25 22 Wrk ----- 25 20 18 ----- Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 25 Wrk 18 Wrk Wrk 25 20 15 ----- Wrk 25 Wrk ----- 25 22 16 --18 Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 25 ----- 25 22 --- Wrk 25 --- ------- Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 25 22 ----- 22 20 ----- 25 18 Wrk --- 25 Wrk ----- Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 ------- ------- 22 ----- 22 ----- Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 25 22 Wrk --- 25 22 20 --- 25 22 20 --- 25 Wrk 22 --- Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 22 Wrk 20 ------Wrk Wrk --- Wrk --Wrk Wrk Wrk Wrk ----Wrk 25 18 --22 ----------- --18 25 22 20 --16 --15 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/4 Rhod Super Senior B 1 2 3 4 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx CLEMSON, ALAN ROYCE, JIM POETZSCH, BOB LAMONTAGNE, MARK Exp/Type 06/2016 IN 02/2017 IN 05/2016 FA 08/2017 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike HUS KTM HON KTM T 100 69 62 16 SHAP, JON HEWITT, GREGORY Exp/Type Club Bike T 05/2016 IN Yes KTM 115 02/2016 IN Yes KTM 100 PRESTASH, NATHAN COUTU, DAVID KERRIGAN, HUGH Exp/Type 08/2017 IN 10/2016 IN 07/2016 IN Club Bike T No 103 Yes KTM 92 No 84 Exp/Type GULOVSEN, CARL 06/2016 IN DIJMARESCU, NOURAS 05/2016 C. IN LINDEWALL, ERICK 05/2016 FA Club Bike T Yes 108 Yes 91 No 20 Super Senior C Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx 3 xxxxx Exp/Type Club GLOFKA JR, EDWARD 11/2016 IN Yes KING, JOSEPH 02/2016 IN Yes CAMERON, TOM 06/2016 IN Yes Bike KTM KTM KTM T 91 25 20 CLIFTON, WOODIE Exp/Type Club Bike T LIFE LF Yes KTM 106 22 Wrk --- SVAGZDYS, ANNA Exp/Type Club Bike T 03/2016 IN Yes 122 King Phil 6/7 25 Wrk 22 --- Wrk 20 18 Wrk King Phil 6/7 Tom Nobl 8/2 20 --25 18 16 Wrk Wrk --20 Rhod King Phil 6/7 22 --20 5/24 Wrk 5/24 22 25 ------Tom Nobl 8/2 5/24 5/24 Tom Nobl 8/2 King Phil 6/7 King Phil 6/7 Rhod Women Rider 1 xxxxx 5/24 Rhod Masters Rider 1 xxxxx 18 16 Rhod C Senior Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx 3 xxxxx 5/24 Rhod C Veteran Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx 3 xxxxx 25 22 15 16 Rhod C Light Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx 5/24 22 25 --King Phil 6/7 20 King Phil 6/7 25 14 20 15 Tom Nobl 8/2 20 ----Tom Nobl 8/2 22 ----Tom Nobl 8/2 20 Tom Nobl 8/2 Wrk Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 Wrk ----Wrk 25 22 Wrk --- ----25 --- --25 ----- Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 22 20 25 22 25 22 25 --- Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 20 25 Wrk 25 22 --- 16 25 22 Wrk --22 Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 22 25 --- 22 25 --- 22 Wrk --- 22 25 --- Snow Run 8/16 Rock 10/4 Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 Wrk ----- 25 --Wrk --Wrk --- ------- Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 --- 22 22 22 Snow Run 8/16 Rock Gran Chee 10/18 Blac and 10/25 25 25 25 --- 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/4 8-Dec-2015 VINTAGE Results | Top 30 | Work Rule: Not Applied Vintage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx BACON, JEFF GAVIN, DANIEL DEMETRIUS, DANA HERY, MIKE RIDER, ANDREW BRENNAN, GORDON BURTON, CHRIS BENDIX, ROBERT ALDRICH, LUKE SEYMOUR, BRUCE TELENSKY, BILL ANTHONY, ANDREW HALL, STEVEN PAYDOS, TRAVIS Exp/Type 02/2016 FA 06/2016 IN 07/2016 IN 10/2016 FA 10/2016 IN 05/2016 IN LIFE LF 05/2016 IN 10/2013 IN 09/2016 FA 03/2016 FA 09/2016 FA 04/2016 FA 05/2016 FA Club Bike T Yes 244 Yes 182 No 182 Yes 163 No 135 No 54 Yes 32 No 31 No 22 No 22 No 18 Yes 16 No 15 No 14 Evolution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type HUBBARD, KEVIN 06/2016 IN ACCOMAZZO, THOMAS 03/2016 IN GRUNDMANN, GERARD04/2016 IN DANIELS, RON 05/2016 FA THERRIEN, MARC 08/2016 FA HUBBARD, NATE 07/2016 IN DIMARTINO, MIKE 04/2016 FA LINDEWALL, ERICK 05/2016 FA DOUCET, PHILIPPE 03/2016 IN BERNARD, DAVID 05/2016 FA STEVENS, IVOR 07/2016 FA PEET SR., GREG 07/2016 FA BURTON, CHRIS LIFE LF COUTU, DAVID 10/2016 IN ANTHONY, JEREMY 09/2016 FA MATTEAU II, PETER LIFE LF TOTH, JOSHUA 06/2016 IN KNOTT, KEVIN 06/2016 FA CORCORAN, MICHAEL 07/2016 FA JOHNSON, SIMON 09/2016 IN GAVIN, DANIEL 06/2016 IN RICHARDS III, GORDON03/2016 IN CHARAMUT, WILLIAM 06/2016 IN LAFAILLE, STEPHEN 07/2016 IN ST. LAURENT, JAMES 05/2016 IN WASHBURN, THOMAS 08/2015 IN LUBNIEWSKI, JAMES 10/2013 IN THERRIEN, KYLE 08/2016 FA CHASE, JEFFREY 12/2016 IN LARANJO, JOSEPH 03/2016 FA Club Bike T Yes 232 Yes 216 Yes 192 Yes 170 No 153 No 121 No 114 No 85 No 66 No 60 Yes 53 Yes 46 Yes 45 Yes 39 Yes 30 Yes 26 Yes 25 Yes 22 No 18 No 16 Yes 16 No 16 No 15 Yes 15 Yes 15 No 13 No 13 No 13 No 13 Yes 11 Nutm Stat 5/9 CATR Stee Rock 5/23 John Harr 7/18 --25 --20 --18 --15 22 ----16 ----- 22 ------25 ------------------- ------25 22 ------------------- 25 22 20 18 ------16 --------15 14 Nutm Stat 5/9 CATR Stee Rock 5/23 John Harr 7/18 18 25 22 20 14 16 13 --15 ------10 12 ------------------------------11 20 22 18 25 --14 ----------------12 ----------16 ------15 --13 ------- 25 22 18 --15 20 14 12 16 --13 --11 ----------------------------------- 25 20 22 --16 --11 14 --12 15 ------18 ------------------------13 ----- 5/17 5/17 Sata King 7/25 25 22 20 --18 ------------------Sata King 7/25 25 18 16 22 14 20 ----15 11 ----------12 ------------------13 --------- Bone Stat 8/15 9/5 22 25 20 18 ----16 --------------- 25 --22 20 18 ------------------- Bone Stat 8/15 9/5 25 22 ----12 20 18 16 --11 --13 ------14 ------------15 --------------- 20 22 18 25 15 13 --------14 12 --------------16 --------------------- Hard Knox 9/12 Mart Mayh 10/3 Hoot Owl 10/10 Blue Slop 10/24 Jack Fros 10/31 25 22 20 --18 ------------------- 25 22 20 16 ------------18 ------- 25 22 20 16 --18 ----------------- 25 --20 15 16 18 ------22 --------- 25 22 20 15 18 --16 --------------- Hard Knox 9/12 Mart Mayh 10/3 Hoot Owl 10/10 Blue Slop 10/24 Jack Fros 10/31 25 22 20 9 16 18 15 14 ----11 10 12 13 --------------------------------- 22 18 20 25 16 --15 14 --13 ----------------------------------------- --25 20 22 16 --14 15 --13 --11 12 ----------18 ----------------------- 20 18 ----15 ----------------14 ----25 22 ------16 ------------13 --- 25 --18 22 16 --14 --20 ----------------------------15 ------------- Retro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type SEMUSKIE, STEPHEN 04/2016 IN DUSSAULT, DAVE 01/2016 FA CANOVA, LARRY 03/2016 FA GREENE, BRAD 05/2016 IN LOMBRA, JOEL 10/2016 IN WILL, CARY D. 03/2016 FA BOURGEOIS, DONALD 07/2016 IN HUBBARD, NATE 07/2016 IN EASTMAN, THAYER 05/2016 IN PLOURDE, TRISTAN 09/2016 JR GRELLE, ROLAND 04/2016 IN DUSSAULT, BRIAN 01/2016 IN POETZSCH, BRANDON 05/2016 FA SARGENT, JERRY 03/2016 IN PATTERSON JR, LLOYD09/2015 IN SZLACHETKA, DARRELL10/2016 IN SWANSON, GRANT 07/2016 FA LINDEWALL, ERICK 05/2016 FA CARBONARO JR., STEVE 08/2016 A. IN GAVIN, SWANSON 07/2016 FA DAVIS, ERIK 03/2016 IN CARR, WILL 01/2010 IN YOUNG, BOB 01/2016 IN RANDALL, RICHARD PAQUETTE, RICHARD 03/2016 IN ALFIERI, JOE 01/2016 FA WASHBURN, THOMAS 08/2015 IN KAESS, FRANCIS 11/2015 IN FETZER, GARY 08/2016 IN PEDEMONTI, NICK 03/2016 IN Club Bike T Yes 225 Yes 218 Yes 122 Yes 112 Yes 104 No 94 No 89 No 85 Yes 71 No 65 Yes 60 Yes 50 No 43 Yes 42 No 40 No 40 No 33 No 31 Yes 25 No 20 Yes 20 No 18 Yes 16 No 15 No 15 No 15 No 14 No 13 No 13 Yes 13 Nutm Stat 5/9 CATR 25 13 --15 --14 ----16 --20 ------22 ----18 ------------------------- --22 --18 --15 --------20 25 --------------------16 --------------- 5/17 Stee Rock 5/23 John Harr 7/18 25 22 15 --16 ------14 --20 ------18 ------------------------13 ----- 16 22 --25 --20 13 --18 --------12 ------------------15 ----14 ------- Sata King 7/25 --25 15 22 16 ----------------14 ----18 ------20 --------------13 --- Bone Stat 8/15 9/5 20 25 22 ------18 ----------16 ------------------------15 --------- 22 20 14 ----15 11 ----18 ----16 ----------25 --------------------13 Hard Knox 9/12 Mart Mayh 10/3 Hoot Owl 10/10 Blue Slop 10/24 Jack Fros 10/31 25 22 15 20 13 14 ----12 18 ----11 16 --------------------------------- 25 22 ----16 --14 18 --15 ------------------20 --------------------- 25 20 14 12 16 --13 22 --------------------------18 ----15 ----------- 22 16 13 --12 --9 20 11 14 --25 ------18 15 --------------------------- 20 18 14 --15 16 11 25 --------------22 --13 ------------------------- 8-Dec-2015 JUNIOR Results | Top 30 | Work Rule: Applied Junior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type WINANS, JEREMY 10/2015 FA GIESE, OWEN 04/2016 FA MCDOUGAL, JONATHAN 09/2016 FA CANOVA, AUSTIN 03/2016 FA BERNARD, TREVOR 05/2016 FA BERNARD, COLIN 05/2016 FA MITCHELL, DANIEL J. 02/2016 FA SCOTT, MATTHEW 06/2016 FA Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike KTM KTM KTM KAW SUZ T 97 94 80 69 65 60 SUZ 44 HON 9 Mini 1 2 3 4 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type PREVE, PAYTON 09/2016 FA NOLETTE, BRAYDEN 03/2016 FA HOTKOWSKI, JONATHAN 10/2016 FA CARR, GREG 10/2016 FA Club Bike Yes KAW Yes Yes Yes T 97 94 82 77 Exp/Type Club Bike 04/2016 FA Yes T 50 Girls Rider 1 xxxxx MCCANN, KAILIE Big Wheel Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx WILL JR, CARY D. BAIN, COLE Exp/Type Club Bike 03/2016 FA Yes KTM 10/2016 FA Yes T 97 50 Stee Rock 4/23 ----Wrk Wrk 22 15 Wrk Wrk Stee Rock 4/23 22 25 20 16 Stee Rock 4/23 25 Stee Rock 4/23 25 --- King Phil 6/7 22 25 20 18 16 7 14 9 King Phil 6/7 25 18 22 15 King Phil 6/7 25 King Phil 6/7 25 --- Sata King 7/25 25 Wrk 20 16 15 13 ----Sata King 7/25 25 22 20 18 Sata King 7/25 --Sata King 7/25 22 25 Bone Unio 8/15 10/3 Jack Fros 10/31 Wrk 25 22 --9 18 16 --- 25 22 18 20 Wrk Wrk 14 --- Bone Unio 8/15 10/3 Jack Fros 10/31 25 22 18 Wrk Wrk Wrk Wrk 25 Bone Unio 8/15 10/3 Jack Fros 10/31 25 22 16 15 12 14 ----- 14 25 20 18 Wrk --- --- Bone Unio 8/15 10/3 Jack Fros 10/31 25 Wrk Wrk 25 ----- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016 NETRA Schedule <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NETRA CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURO SERIES 1/31 5/22 6/5 6/26 7/30 8/7 10/2 10/16 11/6 Snow Run Clarkie's King Philip Little Rhody CT State Closed Course Tom Noble Rocktoberfast Granville Cheese Grater Black & Blue Stafford, CT Assonet, MA Wrentham, MA Exeter, RI Union, CT Berwick, ME Lee, MA Granville, MA Stafford, CT NETRA CHAMPIONSHIP JR ENDURO SERIES 5/7 6/4 6/18 7/16 7/23 7/30 8/13 8/20 10/22 10/29 NETRA CHAMPIONSHIP HARE SCRAMBLES SERIES 5/1 5/8 5/15 6/19 7/3 7/17 7/24 7/31 8/14 8/21 9/4 9/18 10/9 10/23 Tri-State Hare Scramble Nutmeg State CATRA Black Fly Satan's Kingdom Barnes Way Indian Ridge Merrimack Valley HS Martin's Mayhem Richardson's Farm Dam Good Stateline Hard Knox Flat Rock Farms Woods-O-Cross Tuxedo, NY Eastford, CT Fish House, NY New Hartford, CT Chepachet, RI Eastford, CT Weare, NH Union, CT Burrillville, RI Thomaston, CT Hoosick, NY Granville, MA Sterling, CT Coventry, RI Nutmeg State King Philip Satan's Kingdom / Sprint Indian Ridge Merrimack Valley Junior CT State Junior Boneyard Dam Good / Sprint Woods-O-Cross Jack Frost / Sprint Eastford, CT Wrentham, MA New Hartford, CT Eastford, CT Weare, NH Union, CT Meriden, CT Thomaston, CT Conventry, RI Oxford, MA Loudon, NH Somers, CT N. Haverhill, NH 4/17 6/11-12 8/21 8/28 9/10-11 9/18 9/25 10/9 10/23 11/13 NETRA PEE WEE SERIES 4/30 5/7 5/14 5/21 6/4 6/25 7/2 7/23 8/13 9/3 9/17 9/24 10/8 10/15 10/22 Fun in the Sun Nutmeg State CATRA Black Fly Clarkie's King Philip Hard Knox Barnes Way Merrimack Valley Peewee Boneyard Stateline Hard Knox Little Town Flat Rock Farms Blue Slope Woods-O-Cross Hoot Owl Tri-State 100 New England Classic (Natl) Somers Fun Thrill & Chill Ammonoosuc River Triple B Tri State Extreme Fun Noble Woods King Philip PSTR Toy Run Putnam, CT Loudon, NH Somers, CT W. Greenwich, RI N. Haverhill, NH Tolland, MA Winchendon, MA Acton, ME Wrentham, MA Assonet, MA NETRA VINTAGE SERIES N. Smithfield, RI Eastford, CT Fish House, NY Assonet, MA Wrentham, MA S. Hampton, MA Chepachet, RI Weare, NH Meriden, CT Hoosick, NY Granville, MA Bethlehem, CT Sterling, CT N. Franklin, CT Coventry, RI NETRA DUAL SPORT SERIES 6/11-12 New England Classic (Natl) 8/21 Somers Fun 9/10-11 Ammonoosuc River NETRA TURKEY RUN SERIES BE SAFE AND ENJOY THE 2016 NETRA SEASON 5/7 5/14 5/21 6/4 6/25 7/2 7/16 7/23 8/13 9/3 10/15 10/22 Nutmeg State CATRA Black Fly Clarkie's King Philip Hard Knox Barnes Way Indian Ridge Merrimack Valley Vintage Boneyard Stateline Blue Slope Woods-O-Cross Eastford, CT Fish House, NY Assonet, MA Wrentham, MA S. Hampton, MA Chepachet, RI Eastford, CT Weare, NH Meriden, CT Hoosick, NY N. Franklin, CT Coventry, RI OTHER EVENTS 4/16-17 4/23 4/24 6/11-12 6/18 8/20 10/29 10/30 11/13 Rummels Camp Ride Enrico's Awesome Riding Clinic Dam Fun Ride Classic Charity Kids Ride Satan's Kingdom Sprint Enduro Dam Good Sprint Enduro Jack Frost Sprint Enduro Jack Frost Chili Fun Run PSTR Toy Run Stafford, CT Thomaston, CT Thomaston, CT Loudon, NH New Hartford, CT Thomaston, CT Oxford, MA Oxford, MA Assonet, MA Rev. 20151208 2016 Snow Run 62 Annual Bren Moran Memorial New England’s Longest Running Enduro! NETRA Championship Enduro January 31st 2016 Sun Valley Beach Club 51 Old Springfield Road Stafford, CT Arrowed from the junction of Rt. 190 & Rt. 32 in Stafford and Rt. 190 & Rt. 83 in Somers Gas at start Food available all day 50 + miles Brand X Start Control Format (no time keeping) Shortened C course Key Time: 9:00am Tech/Sign up: 7:00am $40 Pre-entry/ $45 Post Entry Checks made to: CT Ramblers c/o Al Clemson 24 Ladd Rd. Ellington, CT 06029 No Screws In tires: Automotive tire studs or Friction Spikes only! All riders must show proof of registration and valid license. Bikes must have headlight, tail light, and properly affixed license plate General Info: Call Al Clemson at (860) 778-3926 Work Credit: Club members, Sweepers, and front riders only. Parking Donations requested at start location. **Mandatory sound test 96db max**
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