NEW! Get Certified - CP Technologies, LLC


NEW! Get Certified - CP Technologies, LLC
Prove You Have What it Takes
with a Certificate of Design
from 20-20’s Online University
For a low cost, designers can distinguish themselves as skilled experts in
20-20 Design and continually maintain
their knowledge base. Certification can
be the added competitive advantage
needed to advance in the industry.
Who should get certified?
Users of 20-20 Design who want to recognized in the industry as a skilled and proficient
user of the software.
The challenge
20-20 Design is the industry standard software for interior designers, retailers, home
builders, remodelers, home improvement centers, independent designers, architects and
anyone else looking for easy-to-use CAD software. As with most software packages, the
broader and deeper the knowledge of the software, the easier and quicker designs can
be created. With such a large base of users, it can be hard for employers to find users who
possess an in-depth knowledge of the software. As a user, it can be difficult to differentiate
yourself as an expert in 20-20 Design.
What is Certification?
20-20 Design certification is an online certification program designed for people who use 20-20 Design in their day-to-day work.
Achieving 20-20 Design certification will help broaden, deepen and verify a user’s knowledge of 20-20 Design interior design software. What’s more, it is a simple test with no extensive recurring fees.
There are 2 types of certification:
level 101 Artist Certification
level 201 Master Certification
The Artist certification has been developed for new 20-20 users
who have recently learned how to draw plans in 20-20 Design.
This certification allows users to test their knowledge of basic
functions and to familiarize themselves with the certification
The Master certification is for experienced 20-20
Design users who want to be recognized by 20-20
and the community as skilled, proficient and reliable
users. In order to be successful and answer the troubleshooting
questions included, users need to have completed all previous
training levels and should be using the software on a daily basis.
Additionally, advanced users can use the Artist certification
process to acquaint themselves the exam interface, the types of
questions that will be asked and the timing of the exam.
How does it work?
The 20-20 Design Certification Program is easy and convenient,
allowing you to go at your own pace and on your schedule. Here
is how it works:
1.Prepare for the Certification Exam by taking level
101 ­self-paced training of 20-20 Design.
This training is specifically designed to cover the topics you
will be tested on and need to know to successfully pass the
Certification Exam. It includes demonstrations, simulations
and quizzes to help you prepare.
2.Complete the online Certification Exam.
The Certification Exam is delivered in 60 multiple choice questions. A passing score of 80% or higher must be achieved to
become a 20-20 Design Certified User. When you pass your
exam, you will immediately receive your 20-20 Design Certified User certificate to display your new credentials. We will
contact you in the following days to register on the 20-20
Technologies Corporate site; at your discretion you will be
identified as a 20-20 Design Certified User to highlight and
acknowledge your expertise to other design professionals.
Reasons You Need to be certified
1 Become more­ ­competitive
in the marketplace
With 20-20 Design Certification, you will
have the proven knowledge and credentials needed for advanced positions in the
2 Differentiate yourself
from other designers.
20-20 Design ­Certification allows you to
distinguish ­yourself as a professional and
skilled individual in 20-20 Design.
3 Be recognized by your employer(s)
as a true professional in 20-20 Design.
4 Find out what you don’t know.
Continually challenge your skill level and
maintain your knowledge base with 20-20
Design exams and prep courses.
5 Become more efficient and
complete more designs.
6 Interact with potential employers.
20-20 Design certification will open you
up to a network of potential employers
who are interested in hiring certified
designers Certified 20-20 Design users
accelerate their career development.
10 Get your résumé noticed.
7 Be the best.
In today’s economic environment it is
important to stand out from the crowd.
20-20 Design certification will help you
succeed at reaching your personal and
professional goals by standing out in an
exclusive group of trained individuals.
12Leverage the power of the
20-20 Technologies brand.
8 Show you have ambition.
Since certification is a voluntary process,
it is a clear indication of your willingness
to invest in your professional development. It gives you an advantage when
being considered for further career
14 Demonstrate your p­roficiency in the
latest version of 20-20 Design software.
9 Be a part of the elite.
Certification puts you in a very select
group where you will gain greater
acceptance in the role as an expert in the
11 Get visibility on 20-20
­Technologies website.
13 Promote your expertise.
Display your 20-20 Design certified
certificate and logo on your business
card, website and marketing materials.
15 Provide benefits to ­yourself
and to your employer.
Showcase products
Guide consumers
Sketch & design
Generate leads
Validate designs
Customize specials
Generate component list
Sell projects
Develop products
Develop specials
Create catalogs
Execute demand
Review & validate orders
Ship products
With 20-20 Technologies’unique end-toend suite of software, all functions of the
interior design process—from inspiration to completion—can be integrated,
with less duplication of effort and more
Generate quotations
Send/receive orders
Manage orders
20-20 Technologies Inc.
400, Armand-Frappier Blvd. Suite 2020
Laval (Quebec) Canada H7V 4B4
Sales toll free:
20-20 Technologies Commercial Corp.
550, 3 Mile Road NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49566
Sales toll free
© 2012 by 20-20 Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. The names 20-20 Technologies, 20-20, 20-20 Design, 20-20 Design Essentials, 20-20 Design Select, 20-20 Design ­Educational,, 20-20 LiveSUITE, 20-20 LiveORDER, 20-20 LiveLINQ, 20-20 LiveSPEQ are registered, pending or common law trademarks of 20-20 Technologies Inc. and/or any of its subsidiaries. All reference to other brands and products appearing herein are trademarks of their respective holder(s). 20-20 Technologies Inc. reserves the right to alter specifications and
other product information without prior notice. The software and information contained here in are subject to the terms and conditions of the License Agreement included with the media.