lake hauto club newsletter
lake hauto club newsletter
LAKE HAUTO CLUB NEWSLETTER PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Editor: Kim Thomas Have your next event at the Lake Hauto Community Center By George Demetriades Winter season is upon us, and I know many of you are looking forward to ice skating, ice fishing, hockey, etc. As always, be careful when going on the ice. Our maintenance workers are prepared for any inclement weather that may occur, and we’re sure our roads and beach areas will be clear. The Christmas decoration contest, sponsored by the LHBC, was a success, and we are looking to continue this in the future. Congratulations to all the winners, honorable mentions and all the members who did a spectacular job decorating their homes and making our community look beautiful this past holiday season. A special “Thank You” to Marcia Evans for all her hard work in putting this contest together along with all of the judges who helped out as well. The 9th Annual Lake Hauto Polar Bear Plunge was well attended this year with approximately 31 swimmers entering the water. We wish to thank and recognize the founding fathers of this arctic event, Mike Humes, Tony Vecolitis and Jamie Kane. In future years we would like to start collecting from all participants and make a donation to a charitable organization. The Board has appointed and deputized Mr. Charlie Sincavage as Head of our Roads Department. We would like to publicly thank Charlie for agreeing to take on and help our community with this task. His expertise in this matter is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to his continued help, guidance and support. We also feel that our community has many other members who have skills in specific areas, and we would love to have them offer their input or get involved in a committee that will benefit all our members. Finally, I would like to say how positive our current Board is, and, with all our members’ help, I feel we will continue to move our Lake Hauto community in the right direction. Enjoy this Winter Season as the Summer months will be her before we know it! WINTER 2016 Call the office for availability. $150.00 for four hours ($10.00 for every additional hour) There is a deposit of $50.00 to reserve the date and for cleaning. The $50.00 will be returned if everything is left as it was found, in good condition and clean. Call the office for availability and have your next event at the newly remodeled Community Center. You can also asked the office to set up a visitor gate code just for your party. Observe the speed limits within the lake. It is only 25 MPH on Lake Drive. Please watch out for joggers, walkers, people on bikes and children at play. Please Slow Down! Board of Directors Regular Monthly Meetings Are the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Community Center. All members are welcome to attend! Attention Ice Fisherman! The Lake Hauto Fishing Club has stocked the lake for ice fishing with over 460 rainbow trout ranging from 14-18 inches. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed throughout the years during our catfish contests and basket of cheer ticket sales. Good luck to all and stay safe on the ice. Thank you, Lake Hauto Fishing Club LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 1 WINTER 2016 LAKE HAUTO CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND EMPLOYEES NAME TELEPHONE # GEORGE DEMETRIADES 570-527-6601 President COMMITTEE EMAIL Legal Gates & Cameras Roads, Beaches, B&G Recreation CY FULTON Vice-President (570) 645-2649 570-578-7925 (cell) SCOTT MURPHY Secretary 570-778-0348 Summer Entertainment Docks, Finance ROBERT DAVIDOVICH 570-645-3456 Fish, Maint. Employees, Treasurer 570-778-4484 (cell) DAVID DEMELFI 570-579-5786 Finance, docks, B&G Building, Grounds, Roads, Beaches, CHESTER GANGAWARE 570-645-7054 570-205-6570 (cell) ANN MILLER RICHARD MUMMEY 610-831-5466 610-554-6391 cell 610-697-0917 610-349-2861 cell 570-805-4080 lake 570-645-9172 570-977-1857 cell JACK MURPHY OFFICE 570-645-7100 Dam Safety, Water Quality, Building Plans, Fish Recreation, B&G, Beaches, Roads, Summer Entertainment Gates & Cameras, Security Summer Entertainment Security, Building Plans GARAGE 570-645-7104 Web site: Rules, permits applications, minutes, finances, upcoming events, etc. are available for your viewing. Newsletter is available in color. Email— If you are looking for someone to do various jobs around your yard and home, please do not forget to look at the web site. *********************************************************************** The following are motions that were made since the last newsletter. This is a more condensed version of any actions taken by the Board of Directors than in the minutes. If you would like the minutes, please contact the office. They will be available also on the web site soon. LOG OF ALL LAKE HAUTO MEETING MOTIONS AND DECISIONS AFFECTING THE MEMBERSHIP Motion Number is a 4 digit year, two digit month, a dash and a two digit sequential number for that month. Motions in favor of a) accepting minutes, b) accepting Treasurer’s Report, c) accepting bills to be paid and d) for adjournment, will not be recorded if no special actions were taken and motion was carried unanimously. MOTION / DECISION NUMBER 201511-01 TOPIC / DISCUSSION RESULT S. Murphy made a motion, seconded by C. Fulton, to approve and ratify the 2016 budget. All in favor, motion passes. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 2 WINTER 2016 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 3 WINTER 2016 Buildings & Grounds Camera Maintenance Community Center Cost of Resale Items Dam Maintenance DEP requirement Dock Supplies & Expense Fish Expenses Gates Insurance Insurance - Employee Benefits Expense Ordinary Income/Expense Income Advertising Revenue Boat Dock Rentals Boat Registrations Delinquent Dues/Late Fees Fish Gate - Payments for damages Initiation Fees Interest (First Niagara) Lot Fees Miscellaneous Income Penalties/Fines Permits Resale Certificate Resale Items RV Registrations Water License Agreements Total Income Gross Profit Approved 11/19/15 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 28,000.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 24,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 22,000.00 500.00 4,000.00 $ $ 24,000.00 $ 15,000.00 7,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ $ $ 10,000.00 $ $ 381,561.60 $ $ 3,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ $ 461,561.60 $ 461,561.60 Lake Hauto Club - 2016 Budget 561.60 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ $ 20,000.00 $ 125,000.00 3,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ $ 35,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ $ 15,000.00 $ 10,000.00 7,000.00 $ $ 10,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 24,000.00 8,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ $ 421,561.60 $ 40,000.00 Dam reserves 2015 Road Allocations: Dump Truck replacement Pick up truck replacement Zero Beach Renovations TOTAL ALLOCATION Net Income of $40,000.00 to be returned to the appropriate reserve accounts. 1300.00 40000.00 15000.00 3700.00 20000.00 38700.00 CPI is .2% which equals an increase in the lot fee of no more than $1.12/lot 2016 lot fee is computed by 680 lots times $561.12 Miscellaneous Office Equipment - Computer Office Expense Payroll - Temporary help Payroll Expenses Postage Printing Costs Professional Fees Recreation Recreation Area Remodeling Road Maintenance Road Replacement Sanitation/Sewer Security Taxes Utilities Vehicle Maintenance Vehicles - Gasoline & Oil Water Samples Total Expense Net Ordinary Income 2 0 1 6 P O L A R P L U N G E Thank you to our judges for the 2015 Decorating Contest!! We would like to thank all of our volunteer judges for their time during the first Christmas Decorating Contest. The judges were: Renee DeMelfi - wife of Board member/LHBC volunteer Jen Lavine - former Board member/LHBC volunteer Daniel Evans - LHC Resident and a man (had to get a man in there to comment on the amount of work involved) Joanne Olesnovich - resident/charter member of the LHBC Teri Lukash- resident/LHBC volunteer The donation of their time during this busy season, was greatly appreciated. We look forward to this contest being an annual event. The winners received monetary gifts . First place received $50.00, Second place received $30.00 and third place received $20.00. All winners, including the Honorable mention, received a $5.00 Skipper Dippers coupon. We wanted to acknowledge your success even though we think you would have done it anyway. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 4 WINTER 2016 Winners in the First Ever LHC Christmas Decorating Contest FIRST PLACE The Fritzinger Family White Oak Road SECOND PLACE The Humes Family – Lake Drive THIRD PLACE The Fuhs Family – Dogwood Lane HONORABLE MENTION The Scheitrum Family – Dogwood Lane Pictured: Mike Humes, Lorie & Glenn Fritzinger, Brett Fuhs and Marcia Evans (coordinator of Beautification Committee) Recognition for jobs well done also go to: The Kane Family – Maple Terrace The Sterling Family – Deer Trail Lane The Gogal Family- Deer Trail Lane The Gackenbach's – Great Oak Drive The Fredrick's – Great Oak Drive The Sincavage's – Hickory Terrace The Smell’s – Lake Drive The McKee's – Lake Drive AnnaMae Murphy – White Oak Road The judges were impressed with the innovative use of lights and the care with which they were placed, inside decorations/lights “becoming "one with outside decorations, the Santa in the hot air balloon, the comical toucan, the whimsical use of laser lights on many homes, the coordinated Maple Terrace cul-de-sac, and the McKee “package” driftwood. Your hard work and imaginations were evident !! Merry Christmas and THANK YOU ALL! LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 5 WINTER 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS Gemma Lynn Kell was born July 14, 2015 to Adam and Valarie Kell, form Mechanicsburg. Valarie is the daughter of Jeff Bonacci on Great Oaks Drive. Michelle Richar, daughter of Tom & Diane Richar, graduated December 2015 (a semester early) from Bloomsburg University (magna cum laude) with a degree in English and Public Relations. Congratulations from her family. Jack and Peggy Kweder welcomed their third grandchild, Theodore William Kweder, on November 17, 2015. Theo is the son of Jonathan and Katy Kweder, Lexington, SC. He was welcomed home by his big brother Harrison. Maternal grandparents are Bill and Ellen Taylor, Charleston, WV. Nicholas Kweder was named to the Dean's list at Penn State University for the fall 2015 semester. Nick is a junior at PSU majoring in civil engineering. He is the son of Jack and Peggy Kweder. Congratulations to Nikki Slivka for getting on the Dean's List! She is the daughter of Greg and MaryAnn Slivka. WELCOME NEW CLUB MEMBERS We would like to welcome the following new club members Chad & Carole Trubilla We ask all members to get involved with the club. Please pick up after your dogs when you have them out for a walk. We just refurbished the walking trails and want to keep everything nice. This also goes for the roads, too. Thank you! Lifeguards Wanted Lake Hauto Community 2016 Summer Season Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holiday hours as well as Mon.-Thurs. hours are available (Memorial Day weekend thru Labor Day weekend) Noon - 5:00 pm Lake Hauto Club continues to participate in Redner’s Save-A-Tape and Boyers’ rebate programs. Take your eligible Save-A-Tapes from Redner’s down to the office and drop them into the outside letter drop or take them inside the office during regular office hours and give them to Kim or Debbie. At Redner's you must remember to have the cashier swipe your key tag in order for your Save-A-Tape to be eligible.. At Boyer’s, all you need to do is swipe your Boyer’s tag (there is no need for a receipt to be submitted to Lake Hauto Club for a rebate). If you need a Boyer’s tag, call the office. Kim will be happy to get a tag to you. If you need a save-a tape key tag from Redner’s, ask any cashier for one before he/she begins to register your purchase. Qualifications: American Red Cross Lifeguard training Community First Aid & Safety courses Lifeguard & CPR certifications Age 16 years or older Currently, all the rebate money from Redner’s and Boyer’s is being deposited into the Road Savings Account. LAST YEAR WE DEPOSITED $621.36. Thank you, everyone, for participating!! LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 6 Lifeguard: $9.00/hour Head Lifeguard position: $9.25/hour If interested, please email the Lake Hauto Office at or call 570-645-7100 WINTER 2016 FISH By Bob Davidovich The Children’s Fishing Derby will be held at Birch Pool's Nature Area on May 14th and is open to children 16 and younger. Mark your calendar for this event. We are looking for volunteers to serve refreshments, measure fish, and award prizes. We will once again be looking for sponsors for tagged fish and prizes. I would like to thank all of those who sponsored last year’s derby and made it a success. We will stock Birch Pools with trout for the opening day of trout season. Last year we stocked the lake with 400 6-7” largemouth bass, 343 4-5” crappies, 625 3-4” blue gills and 167 7-9” yellow perch along with 200 pound of shiners for feeder fish. This year we will stock the lake with more warm water fish depending on the availability this spring. Jayden Duncan, age 7, caught a 23” cat fish July 2015. He is the grandson of Dick and Deb Hunter. Here are a few points that will help in using the gates 1. Exiting the Lake at East and West Gates: Slow down till you hit sensor (about 10’ from island) & gate opens automatically. You do NOT have to show a pass to exit. Gate stays open for 6 sec. after a vehicle hits the sensor and starts through. If you are in line to leave, you do not have to wait for gate to go down, as long as your vehicle hits the sensor. If there are multiple vehicles in line, the gate will remain open as long as a vehicle is hitting the sensor. The gate will remain open for 4 sec. after the last vehicle passes the gate. 2. Entering the Lake at West (Main) gates: Passes: drive close to the black tower. Put pass close enough (6” to 8” away) till you hear the beep. Gate will open. Gate stays open for 3 seconds after it does not sense a vehicle at the gate. Gate will close immediately after a vehicle passes the gate. Key fobs: Press 1 as you hit the new black macadam (if there’s no vehicle in front of you) & gate will open. If you’re in line – as you get close to the island and it’s your turn, make sure you point the key fob at the black tower, not the gate. Gate closes immediately after vehicle passes the gate so DO NOT piggyback, or you risk having the gate come down. 3. Entering the Lake at Visitors’ gate (Main): The key fobs will not open the visitors’ gate by pressing 1. You can use the key fob as a pass by putting it in front of the keypad till you hear the beep. Passes must be very close to the keypad to open the gate. Do NOT sit at the keypad once the gate starts up. It will stay up for 9 sec. once activated. Code: the keypad is sensitive. Just lightly touch each number until you hear the beep. After you hit the # key, the gate will open. If you make a mistake (double hit, etc.), hit the # key, wait 10 to 15 sec. and try again. All 600 codes have been tested. 4. Entering at East gates: All Passes, Codes, & Key Fobs can open entry gate. Follow same procedure as above. The East entrance gate will stay open for 9 sec. once the gate starts to open. If you see a gate in an upright position or not working, please contact the office or a board member. The cameras at the gates are monitored 24 hours a day, so please be careful. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 7 WINTER 2016 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 8 WINTER 2016 VICTOR ONEA GENERAL CONTRACTING Roofing/slates/metal/shingles, Siding, gutters, metal work, windows, doors, drywall, painting, hardwood, tile flooring, and more Interior/Exterior Remodeling 570-645-4314 570-225-1786 cell MULCH AREA RULES The much area is being locked with a combination lock. The office has the combination code. Please go back as far as possible before dumping your compost material. Please do not dump your compost material right at the entrance. It costs a lot of money to clear this area if our members do not cooperate. If the members continue to dump at the entrance, this mulch area may have to be closed permanently. The South Shore Mulch Area (off of Rt. 54) is for compost material only. That includes leaves, tree limbs, and grass clippings. NOT PERMITTED: tires, concrete, stumps, railroad ties, garbage or tree trunks. It is not available for outside lawn care services. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PLASTIC BAGS IN THIS AREA! LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 9 WINTER 2016 Hess Windows & Doors 56 Mauch Chunk Street Tamaqua PA 18252 570-668-8866 Windows, Entry/Storm Doors, Patio Doors & Enclosures Patio Covers, Aluminum Awnings & Railings Visit our showroom * M-F 10-4 & SAT. 10-2 ADDITIONAL 5% OFF to all Lake Hauto Residents Visit our website for our latest coupons! Owner is a Lake Hauto Resident Dry Cleaning Pick-up and Delivery Service Escalating gas prices, nasty weather or just out of the way? Have all of your dry cleaning needs picked-up and delivered at your home or office for *No Extra Charge* Now accepting VISA, MasterCard & Discover Card To schedule a delivery please call: AM19Delivers,LLC at 570-436-2705 Please visit our web site on (Look under AM19 Delivers in Pennsylvania) Dry Cleaning is done by Empire Cleaners of Hazleton at 570-454-3561 Reliable Service Customer Satisfaction Top Quality Dry Cleaning LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 10 WINTER 2016 WE SELL DOCK RUBRAIL & CORNERS WE FILL PROPANE TANKS A complete line of hardware and building material for the do-it-yourselfer. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 11 WINTER 2016 Children’s LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 12 WINTER 2016 Halloween Party 2 0 1 5 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 13 WINTER 2016 H O L I D A Y P A R T Y 2015 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 14 WINTER 2016 HO HO HO LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 15 WINTER 2016 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 16 WINTER 2016 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 17 WINTER 2016 Need a New kitchen or bath? Call or Email for more information. We have all your needs for the upcoming holiday season. Stop in anytime or call ahead and we will gladly get it ready for you! XXXXXXXXXXXXX We thank you for your continued support! Tom and Nancy Pilla Lake Hauto members since 1989 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 18 WINTER 2016 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 19 WINTER 2016 Celebrating 29 years of service Route 309, Hometown 570-668-2788 or Toll Free 800-303-6400 AUTO INSURANCE FOR PREFERRED & HIGH RISK DRIVERS OF ALL AGES Auto, Health, Life, Business, Full Time, Vacant & Seasonal Homes, Boats, Motorcycles, Snow Mobiles, ATV’s & Trucking Risks Brian Tirpak Shirley Tirpak Lake Hauto Club Residents over 30 years A Full Service Pharmacy Counseling Candy Gifts Jewelry Let our pharmacy family be your family pharmacy! *** Let us transfer your prescriptions*** (We will gladly meet or beat local prescription prices) Designer Greeting Cards & Gift Wrap 50% off every day Buy 1 Get 1 Free - Natures Bounty Vitamins (Select items monthly) 220 Claremont Ave. Suite #2 Tamaqua, PA. 18252 Phone: 570-668-1900 Lou Rubino RPh Paula Rubino RPh Lake Hauto Members LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 20 WINTER 2016 A & W Plumbing and Heating Nesquehoning, PA 18240 PA Reg # 014818 Residential plumbing, heating and installation of oil burners, gas furnaces, coal stokers, and appliances; install, repair, clean sewer & drain lines. Est. 1965 (formerly Stemetzki P & H) Amanda Watkins Breiner, Owner/LH Resident Call Robert Watkins @ 570-669-6147 Ed Yeneshosky 570-640-0229 Tree & stump removal Drainage problems solved Stone Works Pebbles to Boulders Ponds, Falls, Fountains Retaining Walls and Patios Excavation Work Insured Owned and operated by Lake Hauto Club residents Jen and Randy Fayash Want to know the value of your property? Call today for a Free Market Analysis! I would be happy to share my expert knowledge of our local Real Estate market with you! With Ed Staloski of Mary Enck Realty, You’ve got a friend in the business! Edward Staloski Associate Broker Mary Enck Realty, Inc. 570-778-7325 cell 570-722-8000 office LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 21 WINTER 2016 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 22 WINTER 2016 Lansford, PA Andreas, PA Frank Sowers, Jr. 24 Hours Service House * Garage * Commercial Clean Outs & Demolition At Reasonable Rates Snow Plowing Available 570-645-2028 LAKE HAUTO CLUB 570-778-9450 PAGE 23 WINTER 2016 Standard Rate U.S. Postage PAID Lake Hauto Club 140 Maple Terrace Nesquehoning, PA 18240 Lehighton, PA 18235 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Permit No. 310 BE CAREFUL ON THE ICE SNOW PLOWING Please remember that the ice should be at least 4 inches thick before you venture out on the lake and never go out there alone. If you plow your own driveways or have someone else do the plowing, please do not plow the snow or ice into the street. It is difficult for the maintenance crew to continually clean up after the individual driveways get cleared. If you do plow onto the main roadways, please clean the roadway of the excess snow and ice. REMINDERS 2016 Dues ($561.12 per lot) are due by February 1, 2016. Dock payments are due by Please keep your reflectors at least 2 feet away from the paved roadway. The maintenance crew needs room for the snow to be deposited. March 31, 2016. NO ATVs AND SNOWMOBILES ON THE CRESCENT BEACH BALLFIELD & PARKING LOT. Lake Hauto Club OFFICE HOURS Riding on the ball field creates significant damage to the field. Sunday, Monday & Tuesday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday & Thursday 8 a.m.—3 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.—2 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.—2 p.m. LAKE HAUTO CLUB NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING RATES 1 issue 2 issues 3 issues 4 issues (15% off) (20% off) (25% off) Full Page $120.00 $204.00 $288.00 $360.00 Half Page 70.00 119.00 168.00 210.00 Quarter Page 40.00 68.00 96.00 120.00 Business Cards 20.00 34.00 48.00 60.00 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 24 VERY IMPORTANT!!! Please move all basketball poles and nets back away from the road. It makes it very difficult to plow and can break the lights on the plow truck. WINTER 2016