Led by the Senior High Youth Group


Led by the Senior High Youth Group
March 2014
Vol. 59, No. 3
M orri stown Unitarian Fel low sh ip
There are religious traditions that advocate one
path as the way to fulfill the spirit of Love, or to
connect with God, or to reach what is of ultimate
importance. While this works for some people,
there are others, like many of us, who embrace the
truth that there are many paths.
We have found in our congregations, in our families, and in our communities, that we can grow in
wisdom, love and spirit by opening ourselves to the
insight that can be gained from sharing our differences as well as our commonalities. This openness
and ability to incorporate the spiritual teachings
from multiple paths is what makes us who we are,
and it is why we attract so many interfaith families
and individuals who value making room for many
different beliefs under one roof.
The Six Sources are an attempt to name some of
the different paths that nourish our Unitarian Universalist faith. They are also a great place to turn
as we reflect throughout this year on what helps us
to “Catch the Spark! Renew the Spirit! I have summarized the six sources below, and you can find the
complete text at www.uua.org.
Direct experience of transcending mystery
and wonder
Words and deeds of prophetic women & men
Wisdom from the world’s religions
Jewish and Christian teachings
Guidance of reason and science
Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions
While we value many paths, we also see the value
In this issue…
Congregational Affairs
Renewal Service
Board Corner
of an individual spending time to go more deeply
into one path, or a couple of paths over time. For
example, some of our congregants spend serious
amounts of time on a weekly basis with a Buddhist
meditation practice. A second example is that this
month we are hosting a national conference for
Unitarian Universalists for Jewish Awareness
from March 14th – 16th. I hope a number of you
(whether or not you have Jewish heritage) will join
in this opportunity for sharing, spiritual growth,
and learning. You can register for the conference
at www.uuja.org.
Unitarian Universalists for Jewish Awareness
(UUJA) is only one of the affiliated organizations
that you can look towards for opportunities to go
more deeply into a particular strand of our six
sources. Some other places that might be of interest on your journey are the following organizations: Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship:
www.uuchristian.org, Unitarian Universalist Buddhist Fellowship: www.uubf.org, Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans: www.cuups.org, and
Association of Unitarian Universalist Humanists:
May this spring bring a
season of renewal and
opening that brings fresh
insight into all of our lives.
In Fellowship,
Rev. Alison Miller
Celebration of Life
DRE’s Desk
Capital Campaign
Transylvania Tidbit
March Events
Future Events
Thank You’s
Sunday Services
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
Page 2
Mon - Thurs 9am - 3 pm, Friday 9 am - 12 pm
Tel: (973) 540-1177 Fax: (973) 539-8218
Web: www.muuf.org
WE, the members of the Morristown Unitarian
Fellowship, mindful of the rich diversity and essential
oneness of human experience, covenant to weave
the fabric of community from the strands of our
separate lives.
This is our pledge:
To create for ourselves and our children a spiritual
home which will nurture, challenge and offer us
To seek what is true even as we celebrate the mystery
of existence
To reach out to all who share our liberal religious values
and participate in the broader Unitarian
Universalist movement
To work for social justice and the well-being of our
planet Earth
Check us out on Facebook!
Staff Leadership:
Rev. Alison B. Miller
Director of Religious Education:
Tim Atkins
Congregational Administrator:
Mandi Huizenga
Music Director:
Dr. Jim Blanton
Operations Manager:
Bruce Benson
Capital Campaign Director:
David Grove
Religious Education Assistant:
Carol Todd
Eduardo Guzman, Sergio Lopez Rojas
Volunteer Leadership:
Affiliated Minister:
Rev. Allen Wells
Board of Trustees President:
Nina McCormack
Committee on Ministry Chair:
Donna Perch
“Rising From the Ashes”
Wednesday, March 5th at 6:30pm
All are welcome to join us for a more
intimate midweek service.
Come and experience this
circle of inspiration, meditation, song,
spoken word, ritual and renewal .
Co-led by Rev. Alison Miller and David Snedden.
March 2014
Vol. 59 , N o
I’m Shari Loe, serving in my first
year on the Board as your Trustee
for Stewardship.
I was raised UU, and have been a member at
MUF since 1995. I am delighted for the chance to
serve this community in this exciting time
Let me tell you why.
First, Gratitude.
At 15, my daughter Adrienne, speaking
through tears, said, “Mom, if you hadn’t raised me
Unitarian Universalist, I don’t know what I’d do.”
Kids at school were being racist and using words
like “faggot.” Her UU values enabled her to speak
out and stand up; those kids learned, at least, that they couldn’t
talk that way around her.
Due to the Our Whole Lives (OWL) curriculum, my
daughter Sarah helped me for the first time understand and
relate to transgender people and their struggles. Sarah’s
passion for loving acceptance of folks all along the spectrum
of gender identity was deepened by her experience at the UU
UNO Spring Seminar last April. She’s now stepped up to be
one of two lead youth organizers for this year’s event.
Without MUF, my daughters would not know that they are
part of a community of shared values that shores them up, even
when they are away from it – and includes opportunities such
as the UU UNO to affirm and promote those values in the
larger world.
Second, self-indulgence.
I’m a lawyer. And I really love it. But like everyone, on
my way to choosing a job, I left a lot of dreams behind.
You can’t follow them all. --Or can you?
I once thought I might be a minister. I’m not. But at
MUF, I can create and share worship – in the meeting room,
and also in RE.
I considered teaching - at MUF, you have trusted me with
your children and their faith development.
I wanted to be a writer, a poet, a painter, a performer of
musical theater. At MUF, I get chances like this paint with
words, or to develop performance art that becomes worship,
and to sing with Dr. Jim.
I dreamed of being a diplomat. As MUF’s Envoy to the
UUA’s United Nations Office (UU UNO), I can touch the
international stage after all.
I didn’t make the sacrifices it takes to become a writer or
an artist, nor choose the path of ministry, nor endure the hard
slogging it takes to become a diplomat or get a teaching
certificate. Instead, I come here and pick
one of this and one of that and I can
DO IT and people say thank you.
Wild. And VERY cool.
I couldn’t really be me without a
place like MUF.
Thank you for the opportunity!
Shari Loe
Page 3
The Endowment Board invites you to honor
special life events of friends, family and relatives
by donating to the Endowment Fund.
Growing the fund will help to ensure the
Fellowship’s financial health and future.
We appreciate your generosity on behalf
of both the honoree and the Fellowship
In Memory of
Charles Mason Family
Susan Oxman
Stuart and Jan Sendell
Elizabeth Bain
George and Beverly Hays
Annette and Toby Tyler
A Wonderful Opportunity to Serve MUF:
Leadership Positions Open for Next Year
Nominating Committee is looking for leaders
for the following elected Fellowship positions
beginning with the calendar year July 1, 2015.
The Deadline for Submissions is March 15th, 2014.
Board of Trustees:
President Elect- A one year term, to be followed
by a two year term as President.
Two Trustees at Large - Both, a three year term.
Information about board job roles can be found at:
Endowment Board of Trustees:
Two Members - A three year term.
(There are five members on this Board, Three other
members will remain on to complete their terms.)
Nominating Committee:
One Member - A three year term.
If you would like to apply for or recommend
someone for any of these very important roles,
please contact any member of the Nominating
Committee: Donna Best, Marjorie Wormser,
Gloria Jackson, Paul Ferm, or Tanya Van Order.
Page 4
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
As I sat down to write this column, all I could
think about is snow. It’s the day after the monster
mid-February snowstorm where we got over a foot
of snow, and to this southerner, it’s still hard to
fully comprehend.
Lately I’ve been expressing doubt that Spring
actually exists, and that we are going to be under
this snowpack until August…when hopefully it will
have finally melted. Here’s hoping by the time this
newsletter article is printed in a couple of weeks, all
the snow is finally gone, but somehow I doubt it. It
is far too easy to doubt things will ever get better
than where we are now – we might as well try to
get used to the snow because even if it goes away
soon, we all know it’ll be back eventually, right?
Even though I doubt it will happen, sure enough,
the snow will melt and the crocuses will eventually
make their way up and broadcast their hopeful
message to us all. And that hopeful message?
Eventually we make it through the cold, bleak
winter – and not just the literal winter, but the
metaphorical desolate winters we all struggle with
from time to time. We will make it through this
snow, and we’ll appreciate the good times all the
more. We will indeed, rise from the ashes and
become better, stronger, and more appreciative.
Sure, after the snow melts, our lives can be a
slushy, wet, muddy mess for a while, and we will
still see remnants of that snow wherever we go,
but eventually the flowers will bloom again.
Even though logically we know the snow will melt
and the flowers will bloom in our lives once more,
it’s hard for our heart to accept that. We’re not
often taught how to hope, indeed, we’re only told
we should hope. How can we teach hope across
the generations, other than by living through
winter after winter?
Part of the answer is to share our stories of hope,
across the generations. Multigenerational
programming can be such a powerful experience.
For example, For the Love of Art Sunday was a
perfect example of the power of true multigenerational programming. I don’t think I’ll ever forget
the power of that service, the community art
project that hangs proudly in our Fellowship, the
Children and Youth Art Show, the homilies from
different generations, the individual art needlework projects during the service – truly, everything
came together to make an incredible, moving, truly
Multigenerational experience.
Another example of Multigenerational programming was a recent youth group session, where Dan
Cohen and Sharon Glickman spoke with our youth
group about their personal experiences. There
were folks of each generation at the youth group,
and weeks later I still hear comments from the
participants about how meaningful the experience
truly was. And how they hope for more programming just like it.
I not only look forward to the Spring, I look forward to working alongside our Lifespan RE Council
to increase the number of Multigenerational events
we have here at the Fellowship.
If you have any suggestions, or
want to help plan and/or execute
more Multigenerational programming, don’t hesitate to reach out
to me or Beth Murphy, our
Lifespan RE Council Facilitator.
- Tim Atkins
Do you want to help plan and coordinate our
Lifespan Religious Education Program?
Our four RE Committees of the Fellowship
always welcome committed and passionate
individuals, members and friends alike,
to join our committees.
If interested in serving on our Children's
Religious Education Committee, Youth Adult
Committee, Adult Learning Committee, or
Lifespan Religious Education Council, contact
our Religious Education Director, Tim Atkins
at dre@muuf.org for more information.
March 2014
Vol. 59 , N o
Page 5
New renderings were unveiled in the
Great Hall on Sunday, March 2nd showing
the architect’s recommendation for one
possible approach for the new addition.
Be sure to look for these inspirational
depictions both at MUF and on the website. Also, be sure to watch for a future
opportunity to share your thoughts with
the Gateways Task Force and get
questions answered by the architect.
Ildiko Pálfi
is the wife of
Rev. Dénes Pálfi, the minister of
our Partner Church in Sinfalva,
Romania (Transylvania) and also
their congregation’s Music
Director. Two years ago the MUF
Partner Church Committee was
able to make a small donation
which enabled Ildiko to attend the first ICUUW,
International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist
Women www.icuuw.com/ which was held in
Transylvania. The conference’s theme was
“Weaving Global Partnerships to Enrich Women’s
Lives.” Her report on the experience can be seen
at www.muuf.org/partnerchurch.html
Recently a webinar was held in which, among other
things, a leadership school was described which
will train Transylvanian Unitarian women to
effectively lead women’s programs and other
projects. A recording of the website can be viewed
from a link on the above MUF partner church
webpage as well.
Ildiko has been selected to be in the first cycle of
training. This is an amazing opportunity and a
great honor for her and we wish her much success
and a wonderful time.
International Women’s day is coming up on March
8 and a great way to mark the occasion, would be
to support the ICUUW and Ildiko in honor of the
occasion. www.internationalwomensday.com/
If you would like to make a donation, contact
Gabor at 201-602-3598 or pcc@gaborkiss.com
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
Page 6
All year, on the first and
third Thursdays, from 7 to
9 pm, I lead a course from
the Tapestry of Faith
called Faith Like a River.
It explores the dynamic course of Unitarian,
Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist histories the people, ideas, and movements that have
shaped our faith heritage. This class has an open
enrollment— feel free to drop in to just one or all
sixteen of the individual weeks. Please let me
know if you're able to come so I know how many
copies of materials to make.
March 6th: As Tranquil Streams that Meet
and Merge -- Consolidation
March 20th: I've Got Tears Like the Raindrops
-- Freedom
Our regulars are learning a ton about UU History
and more about ourselves all while having a great
time. You don't want to miss this offering!
8:00 pm on Friday evenings
Adults $8; children 12 and under free.
(973) 335-9489
What Happens
To Them,
Happens To Us
Saturday, March 8th at 9:30am in the Library.
Find out how you can help the Cornell Ornithology
Lab and the Audubon monitor our feathery friends.
Intergenerational – for kids of all ages.
Contact: gloria.dyer@verizon.net.
Wednesday, March 19 at 6:30.
The first 12 ladies to register will get to play,
those that register after that can come and
socialize, or be an alternate. All should plan
on bringing a savory or sweet snack or drinks
to share. Childcare available if requested in
advance. Hosted by Tricia Armstrong and
Donna Becker. Register at the MUF box office
or by emailing donnabecker01@gmail.com .
Don’t know Bunco?
Check out these links and then join us!
Friday, March 21, from 6pm till 10pm
Calling families of all shapes and sizes, including
families of one! We’re going to start up a monthly
board game and potluck night with all ages
intentionally welcome. So dust off those copies of
Candy Land and Carcassonne and join us. We’ll
meet in Room 204, start things off at 6 pm and end
by 10 pm (although you can come late and leave
early!) Call or email our DRE Tim at dre@muuf.org
to RSVP, and let us know what dish you can bring…
and what games you can bring too!
Welcome Spring by helping open the fellowship
building and grounds to the new season at the
MUUF Spring Cleanup!
Join us on Saturday, March 22, 9am-12noon to
help with spring cleaning indoors and grounds
work outdoors. Early arrivals get coffee and
treats; if you stay till lunch we buy the pizza!
Many hands make light work! Join us! Busy that
day? The Facilities Council is always looking for
folks to do some odd jobs - everything from small
repairs to painting projects: please check the
sign-up sheet in Room 100 or contact Nan Perigo
at facilities@muuf.org for more information.
March 2014
Vol. 59 , N o
We meet in the Dining Room on the first Monday
of each month at 7:00 pm and encourage you to
join us even if you don’t finish the book. The books
for the upcoming months are as follows:
March 3rd - 4-5 short stories by Alice Munro.
(Led by Frank Siwiec)
April 7th - Learning to Hear Heartbeats
(Led by Katharina Pietraszek)
Join us! If you have read a great book, or would like
to facilitate a different book, we are open to new
suggestions. Contact: Nancy Lee McLure for more
information. (908-204-9572) nlmclure@msn.com
Are you in your 20s and/or 30s?
Check out our Young Adult Group that meets
once a month for a lunch after the second service.
For information, dates of lunches, and more,
contact Brooke Donaldson at
Page 7
March 14-16
The Morristown Unitarian Fellowship is hosting
the UUJA’s National Conference, “Jewish Voices in
Unitarian Universalism.” There will be many special
guests leading inspirational and thought provoking
workshops and worship, the David Glukh Klezmer
Ensemble, small groups called Havorah Groups,
and more! People with Jewish heritage and without are all welcome to come join in this opportunity
for celebration and renewal. For more information
and to register, please go to: www.uuja.org. We
encourage you to register by March 5th for
planning purposes. http://UUJA.org.
We are also looking for volunteers who
are willing to provide home hospitality,
transportation and volunteer support for meals.
Please contact admin@muuf.org if available.
Saturday March 8 --1:00pm-4:00pm
& Friday, March 28 6:30-9:30pm
Calling all crafty folks who love to have fun and
make lovely crafts for MUF’s benefit. In anticipation of MUF’s Jewelry & Craft show on May 2-4, we
need to get going and make some great things:
decoupage planter pots (for spring plants) led by
Nina Nemeth; chic jewelry using stones, silver and
crystal in uniquely designed necklaces and bracelets-- led by several experienced jewelry crafters;
fabric quilted ornaments-- led by Beth Wilson;
Sachet bags - led by Robin Allen and Donna
Becker; and embellished fabric totes in linens,
denim and other fine fabrics – led by Karen Burns.
Refreshments Served. Come out and have a super
time, crafting and conversing! All hands on deck!
Two additional dates on April 7th & 25th at 6:30pm.
Come to all the workshops – multiple crafts each
time, but not all every time!
March 23, at 1pm in the Terrace Room.
Come learn about different UU Summer Camps
for all ages, and hear past campers share their
experiences on why this uniquely UU Summer
Tradition is worth your while!
You can also get a look at a list of UU camps on
the Council of UU Camps and Conferences’
website at: www.cu2c2.org/
Week of March 23rd. Volunteers are needed to
work 2 hour shifts at the Bethel AME Church in
Morristown as part of MUF's commitment to
sheltering the homeless through our work with
Family Promise. Contact Julie Wolfe at
acemaker99@yahoo.com if you can help.
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
Page 8
Rights of
April 5th
April 3– 5
This seminar will be in conjunction with the UN
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Speakers include:
Rev. Peter Morales, UUA President
Vyda Ng, Interim Director of the Canadian
Unitarian Council
Douglas Cardinal, Architect of the National
Museum of the American Indian
Chief Curtis Zunigha, Co-Founder and
Co-Director of the Lenape Center
For more information, visit: www. Uua.org/
SEDER 2014
Come one, come
all, to our freefaith Passover Eve
Seder on Sunday,
April 13th. Guests
are invited to begin
gathering at 4:30pm,
and the Seder will begin at
5:00pm. We will retell the story of the Exodus in
ways that work for children and adults, eat some
delicious foods, and enjoy one another’s company.
This event will be catered, so you don’t need
to worry about bringing food. The meal is $20
for adults and $12 for youth to cover the costs
of catering (a third child in your family is free
of charge). Children 5 and under are free.
RSVP by April 5th to admin@muuf.org with
“Passover Seder” in the subject line, and please
do let us know if you can volunteer to help with
Set Up or Clean Up. (RSVP required.)
at the Princeton Unitarian
Universalist Church
committee is forming to address women’s health
issues in New Jersey. If you are interested or can
be a resource to this group, email Rev. Kathleen
Green, Chair at usr.minister@verizon.net
A new
Task Force is forming to address mass incarceration and all that it entails. If you would like to
join or be a resource to this task force, email
Al Stawsky, Chair at: alynways@gmail.com
You can now receive UULMNJ ACTION ALERTS
directly. If you haven’t received one already,
it means you are not in our database.
If you would like to receive these in the future,
please send your contact information to:
admin@uulmnj.org and we will sign you up.
If you find that UULMNJ involvement is calling
your inner best self, give us a call 609.672.7331.
We can always use more volunteers.
Thanks, Toby Tyler
UU Metro New York District
Annual Meeting
Will be at the Hyatt
Morristown in
Headquarters Plaza!
May 2nd & 3rd
March 2014
Vol. 59 , N o
Page 9
Mark Your Calendar & Artisans Wanted!
Saturday April 12th -5:30pm – 9:pm
produced and directed by David Landau –with
exceptional cast! Reception, Dinner & Sleuthing.
You are invited to an exclusive pre-premier party of
Hollywood‘s most talked about new TV show
“Titanic – the series“ but once you arrived at the
lovely wine/appetizer reception you discover that
one of the series leads – daytime soap opera legend Barry Williams – has just been murdered! Is
“Titanic” the series sunk before it even sails? This is
a new fun and involving mystery party that pokes
fun at the famous movie and entertainment industry. You’ll receive a humorous introduction from
the Detective and then everyone is deputized to
work as Deputy Investigative teams to solve the
case – roaming the scene of the crime, and questioning suspects in different rooms of the MUF
Mansion. You’ll withdraw to the Banquet Room
where over a fantastic dinner/drinks you will enjoy
further sleuthing and compete to solve
“Whodunit!“. Dessert & Coffee follows the revelation! Join us for a powerfully funny and enjoyable
MUF fund raiser – and community laugh fest.
Bring your friends, your family and other families!
Advance: $ 30 per adult/$15 under 16;
Advance Member Bonus: Buy 2 member tickets and
get 2 tickets for non-members half price.
At the Door: $35/$20.
Tickets at Box Office on Sundays or
call Office 973-540-1177 to be put on Reserve List.
May 2, 3 & 4 Fri-Sun
Join us just in time to get Mom the perfect Mothers’ Day Gift…and add some new elegance to your
spring & summer wardrobe and home. Browse and
enjoy creations by professional artisans and by
MUF members who have created lovely crafts at
MUF’s Craft Workshops. Featured Spring Items:
Decoupage Flower Pots with live spring flowering
plants! Attention Artisans: If you’re interested in
displaying your crafts at our Jewelry & Craft Show,
contact karenburns@casaessex.org.
Craft Show Hours: Friday (may 2)– 6:30pm-9:30pm;
Saturday – 10am-4:00pm; Sunday 8:30am-1:00pm.
is the annual meeting of
our Unitarian Universalist
Association. Attendees
worship, witness, learn,
connect, and make policy
for the Association
through democratic
process. Anyone may
attend; congregations
must certify annually to
send voting delegates.
The 2014 General Assembly will be June 25-29 in
Providence, RI. Most General Assembly events will
be held in the Rhode Island Convention Center.
Theme for 2014 GA: “Love Reaches Out”
We believe that our faith provides a path for each
of us to unlock our transformational capacity to
serve the world with love. We will gather in 2014 to
help our association live into a future where Love
Reaches Out – to share our faith both within and
beyond our congregations’ walls.
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
Page 10
from a MUF congregant, The Fellowship has
partnered with the State of New Jersey’s Clean
Energy Direct Install program on several energy
saving devices now in use. In this program, the
State pays for 70% of the costs, and the user pays
30% of the costs. (The State portion is funded by
taxes on our electric bills) While LED lamps are not
applicable in many of our historic light fixtures,
these new lamps were installed throughout the
Meeting Room and partially in the Terrace Room.
Each of these bulbs uses 19 watts instead of 65
watts and should last many years thus saving us on
both energy and maintenance costs.
Occupancy sensors have been installed in many of
the 2nd and 3rd floor rooms. These will shut off the
lights if somebody forgets to turn off the wall
switch. Also in a few rooms, more efficient fluorescent lighting has been installed. Many groups use
these rooms besides MUF, so we are hopeful that
this will also contribute savings on our electric bill.
Fuel Use Economizer devices have been installed
on the Heating/Air Conditioning Units for the
Meeting Room. We continue to evaluate opportunities to make better use of our energy resources
at MUF, and will continue to implement further
measures as funding becomes available.
David and Wendy Landau proudly announced the publication of their daughter, Tracey Landau’s first novel, The Queen
of Diamonds. She started this novel when she was 17 and a
member of the Fellowship RE community.
Ed Chandless, turned 99 on February 15.
Diana West is a member of an international research team
studying transmale reproductive and infant feeding experiences. The team has just received funding of $100,000 from
the Canadian version of our National Institutes of Health
Colby Thall, one of our High School Youth, sang in the
Super Bowl Pre-Game program with Queen Latifa.
After two and a half months at Care One, Homer Hansen
has returned to his home.
If you bought a ticket, made some chili, baked or
sold a dessert, set up or cleaned up, you helped to
raise $3000 for vital aide projects in Guatemala,
Nicaragua and Haiti at MUF’s 28th Annual Concert
for the Peoples of Central America. Proceeds will
go to:
Peacework’s projects in Nicaragua including
Fedicamp’s reforestation & water programs,
Ihijambia’s work to rescue children addicted to
sniffing glue; Masaya Women’s Collectives
promoting economic self-sufficiency through
micro-lending and farming.
Grupo Cajola’s work to provide start up capital
and on-going training to two women’s businesses - The Egg Farm of Cajola and MayaMam Weavers,
and one men’s business, Talent Tree Carpentry
of Cajola.
Unitarian Universalists Service Committee’s
work in Haiti providing financial and on-theground support to eco-villages of families choosing farming as a way to make a sustainable living.
A big THANK YOU to…
Joe Uhrhane for professionally installing
over 25 memorial plaques in the library.
Kara Solu-Franklin & Kathy Solu for setting
up and facilitating the creation of the
community art project “Welcome Home”
banner now hanging in the Great Hall.
Beth Murphy for all her work organizing
the Children & Youth Art Show.
MUF donated an awesome 1000 pounds of food
to the Interfaith Food Pantry last quarter! Our
successful Thanksgiving food basket drive coupled
with your monthly contributions of requested food
items went a long way to providing food assistance
to 10,500 individuals annually.
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
21 Normandy Heights Road
Morristown, New Jersey. 07960-4611
MARCH 2014
Volume 59. No. 3
Sunday Services at 9 am & 11 am
& coffee hour after both services
March 2nd
“Rolling in the Ashes”
- Led by Rev. Alison B. Miller
The season of Lent begins this week with the burning of palms fronds for Ash Wednesday. This kicks off a
time of reflection and renewal, holding on and letting go. The service is a part of our First Sundays of the
Month focused on our theme, “Catch the Spark! Renew the Spirit!”
March 9th
- Coordinated by Dan Cohen and Kate McAteer
To forgive and be forgiven, to deal with what we hold on to and what we allow ourselves to let go of: In
this service we invite you to move into a space that allows you to hear the forgiveness experiences of
others as well as taking time for self-reflection on what it means to forgive and be forgiven.
March 16th
“Luck of the Draw”
- Led by Rev. Alison B. Miller
Today is the festive Jewish holiday of Purim. A good portion of the holiday centers around the retelling of
the Book of Esther, a memorable story where fate and freedom hang in the balance. Let us explore the
meaning this holiday can hold for us.
March 23th
“Rights of the Spring”
- Led by Rev. Alison B. Miller
Religion and Science agree on this: water is one of the most precious resources on our planet. Water is
sacred. Water is one of the moral issues of our time. Let us spend today exploring our relationship with
this natural resource.
March 30th
“Youth Sunday: One World”
- Led by the Senior High Youth Group
In our Annual Youth Sunday, the High School Youth Group will help us explore how all of life is
interconnected as one larger community.