5-6 MAY 2015
5-6 MAY 2015
5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil Post-Show Analysis 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil the event This year’s edition of Tela Viva Mobile focused on the app industry and mobile operators’ strategy of reinventing themselves in the market for mobile content. The highlights included a panel session with the CEOs of three Latin American companies whose apps are enjoying global success: Easy Taxi, Perguntados, and PlayKids. They shared with the audience their success stories and the lessons learned as they expanded internationally. Another exciting panel session discussed how the venture capital industry in Brazil is investing in mobile tech startups, with participation by an accelerator, an investment fund, a startup, and Zenvia, a mobile service company that is planning to hold an IPO in the near future. There were also sessions on mobile marketing, especially programmatic media buying and location-based services, and on music streaming. In the former, representatives of digital agencies, DSPs and ad networks discussed how to improve the segmentation of mobile campaigns to optimize the advertiser’s investment. In the latter, representatives of streaming services, a record label, and the Brazilian broadcasting association, ABERT, discussed the migration from downloading to streaming and its impact on consumer behavior and business models The 2015 edition of Tela Viva Mobile also included a panel session on mobile content in Latin America organized in partnership with MEF, a panel session with representatives of Claro, Oi and Vivo on telcos’ strategies for value added services (VAS), and a foreign guest speaker on Flipboard’s Latin content, as well as other presentations on a range of topics. 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil numbers quantitative analysis 45 502 Speakers Attendees 9 Sponsors 4 Supports PANTONE 300 PC C:100 M:40 Y:0 K:0 R:0 G:90 B:170 #0066A8 PANTONE 130 PC C:0 M:35 Y:85 K:0 R:255 G:190 B:20 #FFC233 secundarios primarios Sponsors PANTONE 297 C:80 M:20 Y:0 K:0 R:0 G:9158 B:220 #0099DB PANTONE 1525 C:0 M:75 Y:100 K:0 R:255 G:100 B:30 #FF6600 PANTONE 165 PC C:0 M:50 Y:100 K:0 R:245 G:130 B:30 #FF9900 PANTONE 428 PC C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:20 R:205 G:205 B:205 #CCCCCC PANTONE Cool Gray 9 PC C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:50 R:145 G:145 B:145 #999999 PANTONE Process Black PC C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 R:0 G:0 B:0 #000000 PANTONE 425 PC C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:80 R:58 G:58 B:58 #333333 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil profile of Attendees 7% 24% Director CEO 10% Manager 25% VP / Partner 10% Engineer Analyst Consultant/ Specialist/ Coordinator 10% 2% 7% Assistant 5% Press 29% 15% 16% 9% 9% 7% 3% 8% 2% 1% 1% Digital media Equipment vendors, service providers Multiple service operators Ad agencies, print media Programmers, broadcasters, distributors Companies Independent professionals Producers Consultants Government Associations 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil gallery 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil gallery 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil Awards 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil Awards 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil Speakers Marlon Luz Agustín Gutierrez Fernando Padovan Alexandre De Freitas Filipe Rosa Boku Deezer Para América Latina Alexandre Fernandes Guilherme Brito Maximo Cavazzanni Andre Garzia Mozila Foundation Boaz Litai Guilherme Mamede Nabor Coutinho Gustavo Alvim Nadia Gonzalez Naranya Mss Vivo Puresight Cassio Bobsin Coo Timokids Eyso Brasil Melt Sva Oi Microsoft Mathieu Le Roux Etermax Tim Gemalto Zenvia Colemount Untd Helio Prandini Paulo Lima Cesar Fernandes Joe Kutchera Paulo Sergio Caputo Cláudio Martinelli José Papo Rafael Nunes Magdalena Claudio Vargas Kleber Bacilli Goldark Kaspersky Lab brasil Sony Music Danilo Bordini Flipboard Google Thiago Fernandes Leandro Ginane Dennis Wang Lucas Bonato Dr. Caio Cesar Lima Lucas Longo Edson Brandi Fsvas Devicelab Claro Iai Luisa Ribeiro Gema Ventures Marcello Póvoa Mpp Interativa Fabien Mendez Marcelo Castelo Fabricio Bloisi Marcio Souza Villela –Presidente Loggi Movile Felipe Schepers Opinion Box Rafael Pellon Lara Krumholz Dario Dal Piaz Opice Blum, Bruno, Abrusio e Vainzof Advogados Associados F.Biz Fas Advogados Dynadmic No Brasil Easy Taxi Dlm Invista Sensedia Microsoft Qualcomm Imúsica F.Biz Aerp Apolíneo Thierry Jean Openstreetmap Brasil 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil Publicity before the event Web Banner When: Feb.-May 2015 Web Sites: teletime.com.br; (20.000 daily acess) mobiletime. com.br ( 15.000 daily acess) telaviva.com.br (24.000 daily acess) E-mail marketing Daily blast to 91.500 contatcs newsletter Ti inside news When: Feb.-May 2015 Marketing emails also sent by event partners: ASSESPRO-SP/ APADI-SP (ABRADI)/ MMA/ MEF/ Opinion Box/ Abragames/ CQ1 /ABDTIC /ABSTARTAUPS/ Conecte Comunicação When: Feb.-May 2015 News: Teletime News ( 24.000 disparos diários) Tela Viva News ( 12.000 disparos diários) Mobile Time News (66.000 disparos diários) 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil Publicity During the event Signage Sponsors’ logos displayed in all areas of the event 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil Coverage of the event web site Uol www.economia.uol.com.br web site Tecno www.mais.uol.com.br web siteTele Sintese www.telesintese.com.br 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil Coverage of the event web site uol Economia www.economia.uol.com.br web site Mobi feed www.mobifeed.com.br web site r7 www.entretenimento.r7.com 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil Coverage of the event http://www.acontecendoaqui.com.br/14a-edicao-do-tela-viva-movel-ocorre-nos-dias-05-e 06-de-maio-em-sao-paulo/ http://www.segs.com.br/info-e-ti/36882-principal-evento-de-tecnologia-movel-discute-o-futuro. html http://www.falandodefeiras.info/2015/04/tela-viva-movel-2015-acontece-em-sao.html http://boainformacao.com.br/2015/05/mercado-de-aplicativos-moveis-pode-chegar-a-us-2trilhoes-em-tres-anos/ http://www.callcenter.inf.br/rapidinhas/58047/app-possoajudar-recebe-premio/ler.aspx http://veja.abril.com.br/noticia/vida-digital/fiz-algo-que-era-exclusivo-de-quem-estava-no-valedo-silicio http://www.baboo.com.br/windows/windows-10/workshop-sobre-windows-10-tela-viva-movel/ http://www.revistafatorbrasil.com.br/ver_noticia.php?not=294249 http://www.portalmakingof.com.br/aplicativo_possoajudar_vence_7_edicao_do_premio_oi_ tela_viva_movel.html http://www.paranaportal.com.br/blog/2015/05/07/mesa-redonda-35/ http://www.tirio.org.br/info/35478/startups-precisam-pensar-no-longo-prazo-afirmamespecialistas http://www.consecti.org.br/destaques/startups-precisam-pensar-no-longo-prazo-afirmamespecialistas/ http://acritica.uol.com.br/vida/Amazonia-Manaus-Amazonas-premio-nacional-aplicativocelular_0_1352264806.html http://www.feirasenegocios.com.br/?p=eventoDetalhe&evento=1030 http://clicksergipe.com.br/tecnologia/5/2593/premio-oi-tela-viva-movel-abre-votacao.html http://www.ultimoinstante.com.br/ultimas-noticias/noticias-ciencia/aplicativos-brasileirosgarantem-vaga-em-premio-internacional-de-tecnologia/79787/#axzz3ZTRnfO3T 5-6 MAY 2015 WTC Events Center | São Paulo, SP - brazil Satisfaction survey Rate the following aspects of this event: Thematic grid Speakers Content of lectures Debates of dynamic Professional Contacts Generation Business Update Location (Region) Local ( WTC )
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