Elizabeth Freeman Center


Elizabeth Freeman Center
Elizabeth Freeman Center
Serving Berkshire County
Help for people who are surviving domestic violence and sexual
Ayuda para personas que son sobrevivientes de violencia
domestica y agresión.
Hotline: 1.866.401.2425
Elizabeth Freeman Center
Are you afraid, anxious or ashamed of what is happening to you?
Have you been harrassed, beaten, or raped?
You are not alone.
You are not to blame.
You can get help.
In the name of Elizabeth Freeman and
countless women who have struggled before
us, and for the sake of their families and
the generations yet to come, the Elizabeth
Freeman Center commits to working toward
a world free from violence and all forms of
¿Está usted asustado, ansioso o avergonzado de lo qué le está pasando?
¿Usted ha sido agobiada, lastimada, o violada?
Usted no esta solo.
Usted puede consequir ayuda.
En el nombre de Elizabeth Freeman y las mujeres que han luchado antes do
nosotros, y por sus familias y las generaciones todavía a venir, el centro de
Elizabeth Freeman confía al trabajar por un mundo libremente de violencia y de
todas las forms de opresión.
Help for people who are surviving
domestic violence and sexual assault.
 Free 24-hour hotline for support, shelter, information or just to talk:
 Safe shelter
 Meeting you at the hospital or
police station if you are hurt or
after a sexual assault
 Counseling for adults and children
 Support groups
 Information and referrals
 Help getting restraining orders
 Special counseling and support for
immigrants and refugees
 Safe supervised visitation
 Prevention education services
 Pet foster care
 Appointments at our offices with attorneys from Legal Services
 Training for professionals
Ayuda para personas que son
sobrevivientes de violencia
domestica y agresión sexual.
 Linea Directa de 24 horas para apoyo, refugio, información o solo para
hablar: 1.866.401.2425
 Refugio seguro
 Ir al hospital o estación de policía se usted esta
herido o después de una agresión sexual
 Consejería para adultos y niños
 Grupos de apoyo
 Información y referidos
 Ayuda en las cortes con ordenes de protección
 Consejería y apoyo especial para los
inmigrantes y refufiados
 Visitas seguras y supervisadas
 Servicios de prevención
 Cuido para animales domésticos
 Citas en nuestras oficinas con los abogados de
Servicios Legales
 Entrenamientos para profesionales
The History of Mum Bett
lizabeth Freeman Center provides
leadership and services to address
domestic violence and sexual assault
throughout Berkshire County. For those of you
who have been around a while, we represent
the merger of two grass roots organizations:
Women Services Center, which incorporated
in 1974 to address domestic violence; and
Rape Crisis Center, which incorporated in
1976 to address sexual assault. These two
organizations combined in 1997 and adopted
the name “Elizabeth Freeman Center”.
Why “Elizabeth Freeman”?
Elizabeth Freeman, also known as “Mum
Bett”, is a national hero and symbol of courage
and freedom. She was born into slavery in 1742. She was given to the John Ashley
family of Sheffield, Massachusetts. After being struck with a hot shovel trying to protect
another enslaved household servant, she ran from the Ashley home.
When the Ashleys tried to force her to return, Mum Bett sued for her freedom under the
new Massachusetts constitution that stated “all men are born free and equal”. With the
help of Theodore Sedgwick, a Stockbridge attorney and abolitionist, she pled her case
in the Court of Common Pleas in Great Barrington and won. Once pronounced free by
the court, Mum Bett changed her name to Elizabeth Freeman.
Elizabeth Freeman died in 1829 and is buried in the Stockbridge Cemetery. She
remains an inspiration to all of us who work for a world in which we are free and safe.
Main Office:
43 Francis Avenue
Pittsfield, MA 01201
phone: 1.413.499.2425
fax: 1.413.443.3016
South County:
40 Railroad Street
Gt. Barrington, MA 01230
phone: 1.413.429.8190
fax: 1.413.429.8193
North County:
We also have counselors in the
Pittsfield Police Department, Adams
Police Department, Probate and
Family Court in Pittsfield, the District
Courts in North Adams and Great
Barrington, and Berkshire County
Kids’ Place.
85 Main Street, Suite 300
North Adams, MA 01247
phone: 1.413.663.7459
fax: 1.413.664.4841
Get Involved
Things You Can Do
 Believe and support victims of assault!
 Make a commitment to help when you see
someone in trouble.
 Speak up when someone makes a
degrading comment.
 Talk to your kids, your family, and your
coworkers about respect and equality in
 Invite us to talk with a groups in which
you are involved. We welcome every
opportunity to get the word out about what
we do and how we can work together.
 Get on our email alert list to hear about
coming events, news or volunteer
 Donate your time. Take our hotline training and volunteer in our offices,
programs, shelter and on our hotline.
 Donate your money. We operate on a shoestring and need community
support to continue our work.
 Donate supplies.
Our work is supported locally by Berkshire United Way,
Williamstown Community Chest, Northern Berkshire
United Way, the City of Pittsfield, the town of Great
Barrington, Berkshire Bank Foundation, Berkshire
Life Charitable Foundation, Verizon Foundation, The
Green Foundation, Aria Foundation, AT & T Foundation,
Women’s Fund of Western Mass., and many community
towns, businesses, and friends.