

p u b l i s h i n g
The Concise Book of Muscles, 2e
The Anatomy of Sports Injuries
Chris Jarmey • 978 1 905367 11 5 • £18.99 • 192 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback
Brad Walker • 978 1 905367 38 2 • £16.99 • 256 pages • 264 x 195mm • paperback
The Concise Book of Muscles is a comprehensive
guide to the six major muscle groups, providing a
complete profile for each major skeletal muscle,
clearly showing its attachments, action, nerve
supply, movements that use it, and exercises to
stretch and strengthen it.
Three hundred full-colour anatomical illustrations
show over 120 sports injuries in detail, along with
over 100 colour drawings of simple stretching,
strengthening, and rehabilitation exercises that the
reader can use to speed up the recovery process.
For every sports player or fitness enthusiast.
The Concise Book of Trigger Points, 3e
The Anatomy of Stretching
Simeon Niel-Asher • 978 1 905367 51 1 • £18.99 • 240 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback Brad Walker • 978 1 905367 29 0 • £14.99 • 192 pages • 264 x 195mm • paperback
Provides a sound background to the physiology
of trigger points and the general methods of
treatment. This new edition includes a self-help
section, and up-to-date research on trigger points.
Each major skeletal muscle is then identified,
and the physiological implications of the trigger
points and techniques for treatment are discussed.
Looks at stretching from every angle, including:
physiology, flexibility, benefits, types and rules
for safe stretching. Aimed at fitness enthusiasts
of any level, the book focuses on which stretches
are useful for the alleviation or rehabilitation of
specific sports injuries.
A Practical Guide to Acupoints
Chris Jarmey and Ilaira Bouratinos
• 978 0 9543188 4 0 • £26.99 • 360 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback
Contains essential information on the anatomical
locations of points and the applicable acupuncture
techniques, it describes other pertinent methods
of treatment and delineates larger areas where
the points can be activated by manual pressure,
guasha, magnet therapy, moxibustion and
The Theory and Practice of
Taiji Qigong, 3e
Chris Jarmey • 978 1 905367 32 0 • £12.99 • 192 pages • 244 x 172mm • paperback This book is constructed so that you can take
from it the necessary information and techniques
to suit your goals and acts as an in-depth
instruction manual for the practice of the 18
stances of Taiji Qigong. The reader can use the
book as either a basic Qigong health or as a wellbeing maintenance programme.
The late Chris Jarmey,
M.C.S.P., D.S.,
M.R.S.S., qualified as a
chartered physiotherapist
in 1979 after working
for several years as
a shiatsu therapist.
Shortly after that he
studied acupuncture and
osteopathy, and founded
the European Shiatsu
School in 1985.
Simeon Niel-Asher
B. Phil., B.Sc., (Ost.),
who qualified as an
osteopath in 1992, uses
trigger point therapy in
his every day work. He is
the inventor of the NielAsher techniqueTM for
treating frozen shoulder
Ilaira Bouratinos
Dip.Ac. D.S., received
her diploma in
acupuncture from
the London School
of Acupuncture and
traditional Chinese
medicine and
subsequently founded the
Oriental Medicine and
Shiatsu Training Centre
in Athens, Greece.
The Anatomy of Exercise
& Movement
Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones • 978 1 905367 17 7 • £14.99 • 192 pages • 264 x 195mm • paperback
The Anatomy of Exercise and Movement
serves as a bridge between biomechanics
and the practice of sport, Pilates, yoga, and
dance, providing the reader with a complete
understanding of how the body functions whilst
being exercised.
The Concise Book of Yoga Anatomy
Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones • 978 1 905367 56 6 • £14.99 • 192 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback DUE SUMMER 2015
A user-friendly book presenting the framework of
the skeletal-muscular system in an understandable
way, with detailed information about joints, their
actions, and how muscles contract to work them.
Explanations of the asanas of how the posture is
done and what is beneficial, with helpful cues for
the practitioner and/or instructor.
Brad Walker is a Health
Science graduate
of the University of
New England and
has postgraduate
accreditations in
athletics, swimming and
triathlon coaching. He
has coached elite level
and world champion
athletes and has lectured
extensively on sports
injury prevention and
rehabilitation. His
stretching and sports
injury articles have
been published in
numerous health and
fitness magazines and
extensively online at
sites such as About.
com, and
Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones,
international movement
educator, is Full
Professor of Kinesiology
and Dance with
advanced certification
in Pilates and Hatha
Yoga. Professional
memberships include the
Born to Walk: Myofascial
Efficiency and the Body in Movement
Soft Tissue Release
Mary Sanderson • 978 1 905367 37 5 • £16.99 • 168 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback
James Earls • 978 1 905367 47 4 • £19.99 • 224 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback
Updated and published in colour for the first time,
this revised edition of the first and best book on
STR includes new photography and drawings to
illustrate the theory and techniques involved.
Born to Walk presents the therapist with a
powerful tool to assess and analyse movement. It
breaks down walking into the ‘essential events’
that are required at each joint, then analyses how
this series of events is integrated through the
transfer of force along the Anatomy Train lines to
create efficient human locomotion.
The Soft Tissue Release Handbook
Mary Sanderson and Jim Odell • 978 1 905367 22 1 • £19.99 • 192 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback
Bowen Unravelled: A Journey into the
Fascial Understanding of the Bowen
Colour photographs and anatomical drawings
illustrate how STR can be used to treat common
injuries and conditions, quickly restoring pain
free movement and sporting performance. The
book shows how dysfunction in the body’s
essential movement patterns can impact on
everyday life and sporting activities.
Julian Baker • 978 1 905367 40 5 • £16.99 • 168 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback
The Bowen Technique, named after its originator
Tom Bowen, has grown hugely in popularity
since it was first taught in the 1980s. This
book breaks down the concepts of The Bowen
Technique and develops an understanding of
what is going on during a treatment, including
explanations of why things happen the way that
they do.
Fascial Release for Structural Balance
James Earls and Thomas Myers • 978 1 905367 18 4 • £24.99 • 288 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback
Fascial Release for Structural Balance combines
manual therapy skills with the exciting new field
of structural therapy, which employs the unique
and newly discovered properties of fascial tissues.
Through informed assessment and manipulation
of fascial patterns, you can help eradicate many
of your clients’ chronic strain patterns—for good.
The book is designed for any bodywork
practitioner using manual therapy who can help
their current and future clients by giving them
a structural analysis and creating a treatment
strategy using the techniques included in this
book. The authors bring together a unique
introduction to fascially informed structural
anatomy with a method for postural analysis and
detailed and easily applied techniques.
Julian Baker is the
principal of the European
College of Bowen
Studies, and is one of
the world’s leading
experts on The Bowen
Technique, fascia and
connective tissue.
James Earls first trained
in bodywork in 1991
before studying with
Thomas Myers in
2000. He now practices
Structural Integration
and massage therapy
in Belfast and is the
director of Ultimate
Massage Solutions and
Kinesis UK.
Thomas Myers has
practiced integrative
structural therapy for
over 30 years in a variety
of clinical and cultural
settings. He is the author
of Anatomy Trains
(Elsevier 2001, 2009)
and numerous collected
articles for journals and
trade publications.
Muscle Energy Techniques
John Gibbons • 978 1 905367 23 8 • £19.99 • 192 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback This practical guide, full of colour photographs,
illustrates the theory and practice of muscle
energy techniques. The principles described can
be incorporated very quickly and effectively into
a treatment plan, and can be used to assist in
the rehabilitation of anyone recovering from an
A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping
John Gibbons • 978 1 905367 48 1 • £24.99 • 120 pages • 264 x 195mm • paperback
Edition not including a DVD • ISBN 978 1 905367 60 3 • £14.99
This book has been written for athletes and
coaches who want to have a better understanding
of how and when to apply these taping principles.
Covers over 50 specific areas of pain.
Mary Sanderson Mary
Sanderson runs her
own private practice
in Hastings, as well as
being a senior tutor for
the London School of
Sports Massage and the
Northern Institute of
Jim Odell is a
chiropractor and lecturer
in biomechanics on the
McTimoney College
of Chiropractic degree
programme. He works in
the NHS and in private
John Gibbons is a
qualified and registered
osteopath with the
General Osteopathic
Council, specialising in
the assessment, treatment
and rehabilitation of
sport-related injuries.
John lectures in the field
of sports medicine and
physical therapy.
The Vital Psoas Muscle
8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back: Natural
Posture Solutions for Pain in the Back,
Neck, Shoulder, Hip, Knee, and Foot
Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones • 978 1 905367 24 5 • £12.99 • 128 pages • 246 x 175mm • paperback
The psoas is the only muscle in the human
organism that connects the upper body to the
lower body. This beautifully illustrated book also
shows the reader how to alleviate lower back
pain, strengthen the core, correct posture, reduce
trauma, and open energy channels. Includes
complete sections on the psoas and Pilates, and
the psoas and yoga.
Esther Gokhale • 978 1 905367 45 0 • £18.99 • 240 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback
Esther Gokhale (Go-clay) dedicates her life
to posture therapy, helping people reclaim a
pain-free life through implementing important
physiological changes. Gokhale believes the
root of a painful back, a painful body, postural
dysfunctional and general feelings of discomfort
are due to the fact we have lost sight of how to
use our bodies.
The Vital Glutes
John Gibbons • 978 1 905367 49 8 • £16.99 • 208 pages • 246 x 175mm • paperback
Pain Relief With Trigger Point Self-Help
Questions answered in the book include: Why
are the glutes potentially causing pain and
dysfunction to distant sites of the body? How
does the gait pattern contribute to pain and
dysfunction? And, how can the application of
gluteal specific Muscle Energy Techniques aid
full body wellbeing?
Valerie DeLaune • 978 1 905367 25 2 • £19.99 • 336 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback Containing helpful hints for becoming pain-free,
the book lists common trigger point referral
patterns of proven self-help techniques for pain
relief, including pressure techniques, stretches,
and exercises. Outlines common symptoms and
causes for each muscle’s trigger points drawing
on information from trigger point injection texts
by Travell & Simons.
The Massage Therapist’s
Pocketbook of Pathology
Su Fox • 978 1 905367 52 8 • £12.99 • 128 pages • 244 x 172mm • paperback As the study and diagnosis of disease, pathology
is an area of medical science that not only the
massage therapist, but any physical therapist
needs to be familiar with in order to work safely,
confidently and effectively with a wide range of
clients. The aim of this pocketbook is to provide a
simple and accessible guide to pathology for both
the student and professional body worker, and
explain how to apply that knowledge in practice.
Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
for the Massage Therapist
Su Fox and Darien Pritchard • 978 1 903333 07 5 • £19.99 • 288 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback
Provides a solid base for the student and early
practitioner to learn the physical make-up of the
body, giving a broad introduction to the body’s
physical functioning. The emphasis is on the
body systems and aspects most relevant to the
dynamics of massage, such as muscle activity,
stress response, tension and relaxation, and the
effect of touch.
Healing through Trigger Point Therapy:
A Guide to Fibromyalgia, Myofascial
Pain and Dysfunction
Devin Starlanyl and John Sharkey • 978 1 905367 39 9 • £19.99 • 264 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback
Su Fox has a wealth
of massage teaching
experience and is
the co-author with
Darien Pritchard of
the essential reference
Anatomy, Physiology
and Pathology for the
Massage Therapist. She
was a founder member
of the Massage Training
Darien Pritchard has
over 25 years of training
massage professionals.
Fibromyalgia and myofascial pain are seriously
misunderstood conditions that cause needless
distress and expense to millions worldwide.
Trigger points are a component of all chronic
pain, and the main cause of pain in fibromyalgia.
This book shows care providers and patients how
to prevent or relieve these common generators of
pain and dysfunction.
Esther Gokhale has been
involved in integrative
therapies all her life and
has been teaching at her
Palo Alto wellness center
for the past fifteen years.
Valerie DeLaune,
LAc., is a licensed
acupuncturist and
certified neuromuscular
therapist with a Master’s
Degree in acupuncture
from the Northwest
Institute of Acupuncture
and Oriental Medicine.
Devin J. Starlanyl,
fibromyalgia and chronic
myofascial pain patient
and care provider, is
retired president of
the Fibromyalgia and
Chronic Myofascial Pain
John Sharkey, B.Sc.,
N.M.T., M.Sc. (H.dip.)
Equine Science, is an
exercise physiologist,
anatomist, and
neuromuscular therapist.
Macrobiotics for All Seasons
Stability, Sport and Performance
Marlene Watson-Tara • 978 1 905367 35 1 • £14.99 • 264 x 195mm • paperback
Joanne Elphinston • 978 1 905367 42 9 • £34.99 • 384 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback This book provides delicious recipes that make
eating a diet in tune with the seasons of the year
rewarding for your health as well as the planet.
Macrobiotics has led the way in putting forward
dietary principles that have helped thousands
reverse sickness and recover their health. Now
you can bring the benefits of this way of eating
into your own kitchen and treat yourself and your
family to over 200 recipes that represent a new
environmentally friendly world cuisine.
This book promotes the foundations for effective
movement, rather than to solely develop core
stability. Section 1 explores the relationship
between movement and stability, introducing
new concepts and examining existing models.
Section 2 develops functional motor patterns
by integrating stability concepts with posture,
balance, mobility and neuromuscular control.
The Core Workout
Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs
Joanne Elphinston and Paul Pook • 978 1 905367 10 8 • £12.99 • 144 pages • 250 x 212mm • paperback
Alison Trewhela and Anna Semlyen
• 978 1 905367 27 6 • £16.99 • 160 pages • 264 x 195mm • paperback Proven by research overseen by back pain
experts and written by experienced qualified
yoga teachers, this book’s yoga is gentle, simple,
and effective. Contains pain relief poses, yoga
for your daily life, core posture sequences for
healing and back pain prevention and progressive
sequences for extra strengthening and mobilising.
Functional Anatomy of Yoga: A Guide
for Practitioners and Teachers
David Keil • 978 1 905367 46 7 • £19.99 • 384 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback
This book enables both the casual reader and
the seasoned practitioner to understand and
implement the anatomical structure and function
of the body in yoga. It delivers the complex
subject of human anatomy in a way that is both
provocative and clear.
Marlene Watson-Tara has
been actively teaching
all aspects of health
and wellness. In the last
decade she has been
teaching her Living With
the Seasons workshops
in various parts of
Europe, America and
Alison Trewhela has
taught yoga since 1983.
In 1992–1993, Alison
qualified in The Yoga
Biomedical Trust’s
specialist yoga teachers’
course for lower back
Anna Semlyen has
taught yoga since 1996.
Anna is Specialist
Advisor to the BWY on
yoga and healthy backs
and also research on
therapeutic yoga.
David Keil, brought his
unique style and ability
to make anatomical
concepts simple to the
yoga world in 2008
with the creation of
the YogAnatomy DVD
Contains more than 85 drills with clear
progressions, techniques to recruit your core
muscles, common errors, partner and two ball
drills, weight training and stretching on your ball,
and sample sport specific programmes.
Corrective Exercise Solutions
to Common Hip and Shoulder
Evan Osar • 978 1 905367 26 9 • £29.99 • 336 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback
Designed in three parts: an introduction
to movement and the components of the
movement paradigm including muscles, joints,
proprioceptors, and fundamental movement
patterns; functional anatomy and kinesiology
of the shoulder and hip complexes; corrective
exercise and movement progression based on the
principles established in the first two sections.
Functional Anatomy of the Pilates Core
Evan Osar and Marylee Bussard • 978 1 905367 55 9 • £18.99 • 240 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback DUE AUTUMN 2015
Reveals the missing connection between
functional anatomy of the core and its application
during fundamental core exercises in Pilates by
integrating the six fundamental principles of the
Pilates method with a descriptive application of
functional core anatomy.
Joanne Elphinston is a
performance consultant,
international lecturer
and physiotherapist,
and is a consultant on
performance movement
to the British Olympic
Evan Osar received
his B.S. and doctorate
degrees from the Palmer
College of Chiropractic
and a diploma in clinical
massage therapy from
The Soma National
School, and has received
numerous national
certifications within the
fitness industry.
Marylee Bussard has
been teaching Pilates
since 2003.
Movement: Functional Movement
Strength Training for Speed: Scientific Principles and Practical Application
Gray Cook • 416 pages • 275 x 215mm • 978 19310463 0 5 • £49.99 (paperback) • 978 1 9310467 2 5 • £69.99 (hardback)
James Wild • 978 1 905367 50 4 • £19.99 • 224 pages • 275 x 212mm • paperback
This is a one-stop resource for coaches and
athletes looking to enhance sprinting speed
through effective strength training methods.
The latest scientific research is used to underpin
training solutions outlined, which includes
strength programmes.
This book serves to help the reader understand
authentic human movement, and how the brain
and body create and learn movement patterns. A
return to movement principles can create a more
comprehensive exercise and rehabilitation model,
a model that starts with movement.
Run Like an Athlete: Unlocking
Your Potential for Health,
Speed and Injury Prevention
Advances in Functional Training
Michael Boyle • 978 1 905367 31 3 • £29.99 • 315 pages • 275 x 212mm • 100 black and white images • paperback Jay Dicharry • 978 1 905367 44 3 • £14.99 • 224 pages • 264 x 195 mm • paperback
This book presents the continued evolution of
functional training. The author discusses training
strategies, including exercises equipment and
tools in use on the gym floor, how he develops
speed, and a section on his single-leg training
methods. Finally, he puts the entire package
together with program design, covering the basic
objectives of a sound program, and showing you
exactly which programs to use in a variety of
Takes a deeper look at running, and provides
you with the knowledge and tools to solve the
problems that limit your performance and lead
to injuries. Biomechanics, mobility, strength
training, shoes, tools to evaluate, corrective
exercises and form tips to improve.
“This book is clearly the current front runner in
its field and will quickly become essential and
required reading for all runners, coaches and
physiotherapists.” Peter Thompson, European
Athletics Coaches Association Lead Coach,
Never Let Go
Dan John • 978 1 9310463 8 1 • £24.99 • 413 pages • 153 x 228mm • paperback Learn how to get stronger, faster and leaner;
Simple steps to great conditioning; What it takes
to compete at high-level athletics; Dan John’s
top training tips; Effective workouts to carry
you through your training seasons; Variations
of the classic 5x5 workout; Sample kettlebell
and barbell workout combinations; Outdoor
cardiovascular training options for athletes.
Dan John • 978 1 931046 17 6 • £24.99 • 270 pages • 153 x 228mm • paperback
You have two choices: (1) Be lucky enough in
middle school, junior high or high school to be
taught basic body movements and step-by-step
instructions in the Olympic lifts, powerlifting,
mobility, flexibility, kettlebell training &
tumbling; (2) Apply Intervention. For most of us,
it’s option two.
Gray Cook, MSPT,
a physical therapist,
author, lecturer, and
strength coach, based
in the USA. For further
information, see www.
Mike Boyle is
internationally known
for his pioneering work
in the field of strength
and conditioning, as
well as being one of the
top experts in sports
performance training.
Dan John is a strength
coach, a track and field
coach, as well as an RKC
kettlebell instructor.
Complete Calisthenics: The Ultimate
Guide to Bodyweight Exercises
Ashley Kalym • 978 1 905367 54 2 • £19.99 • 384 pages • 275 x 212 mm • paperback Using solely their bodyweight for resistance
and relying on minimal equipment, readers will
learn how to perform a range of exercises, such
as push-ups, pull-ups, core exercises, and lower
body exercises. Read this book, and develop the
strongest and most capable physique ever.
Move Your DNA
Katy Bowman • 978 1 905367 57 3 • £16.99
• 264 pages • 240 x 175mm, paperback
Explains our keep need for movement, right
down to the cellular level, including answering
questions such as is sitting the new smoking, are
standing workstations helpful or harmful, and do
we really need cardiovascular exercise?
James Wild is a senior
strength and conditioning
coach and consultant
within performance
Jay Dicharry, MPT, SCS
is an educator, clinician,
researcher, and leader
in the field of sports
Ashley Kalym was
introduced to the
value of bodyweight
exercise whilst training
in the Royal Marine
Katy Bowman has
earned an international
reputation for educating
the general population
on alignment and loadscience. Katy is the
founder and director of
the Restorative Exercise
Institute in the US. Katy’s
groundbreaking work in
pelvic floor restoration
has made her particularly
popular with midwives
and therapists alike.
Anatomy in Black
Emily Evans • 1 905367 58 0 • £29.99 • 160 pages • 240 x 280mm • hardback
Anatomy in Black is a sophisticated coffee
table book for anatomy lovers.The book
comprehensively leads the reader through the
human body in seven chapters dedicated to each
area of the human body. It covers the same level
of detail and content with each illustration as a
standard academic anatomy book.
Recognise Yourself:
Beauty Despite Cancer
Jennifer Young • 1 905367 59 7 • £14.99 • 160 pages • 240 x 280mm • paperback
The author shares her learning by showing those
living with cancer and beyond how to prevent,
reduce, disguise, camouflage and soothe their
appearance related side effects. Covering subjects
such as wig fitting, styling, how to dress you new
body, re-growth of hair after treatment, eye brows
and lashes, this guide is the most comprehensive
beauty, hair, style and well-being cancer beauty
guide ever published.
Emily Evans, BSc
(Hons) (Anatomy &
Cell Biology) has been
a freelance medical
illustrator for the last
12 years and has been a
Senior Demonstrator of
Anatomy at Cambridge
University for 9 years,
teaching the medical
students dissection
and anatomy. Emily
launched her online store
‘Anatomy Boutique’
in 2013 selling her
own uniquely designed
products inspired by
Jennifer Young, BSc
(Hons) (Biology)
is an experienced
microbiologist, nutritional
therapist, associate
member of the Royal
Society of Medicine,
qualified aromatherapist,
beauty therapist and
product formulator. She
has two post-graduate
qualifications in healthrelated fields, has been
accepted as an expert
witness for occupational
health cases, has taught
internationally and has
been active in medical
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