july vetteletter 2011
july vetteletter 2011
Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Page 1 club meetings July 2011 p1-contents. p2 - committee. Hotel HQ @ 21 Kingston Rd. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of Each month at 7.30pm. UNO in club calendar. p3- club calendar. p4 - presidents report. p5 - Mike’s tip’s &trivia. p6 - birthday’s+Ali’s & Phil’s run’s & food. p7 - AGM FLYER. p8 - Member Profile. p9 - Treasurer’s report +Merchandise. p10 - Jillian & Steve 6 Months on.. MEMBERSHIP FEES p11 - Concourse Flyer. Jul – Sep $75 Oct – Dec $60 Jan – Mar $40 Apr – Jun $20 Renewals $75 (due 1 July) CORRESPONDENCE p12 - Lakeside Photos. PO Box 1094 Sunnybank Hills Qld 4109 email sallywhittle59@hotmail.com p13 - Advertising p14 - Advertising p15 - club meeting minutes. BANK DETAILS BSB 484 799 A/C 001 670 655 p16 - minutes continued. Please include your name and payment details and advise the Treasurer of your payment by phone or email to ensure the correct receipt of your payment p17 - minutes continued. ANNUAL ADVERTISING Full page colour $400 Full page b&w $300 Half page b&w $200 Quarter page b&w $150 Business card b&w $60 email kathie.milos@gmail.com All advertising material is accepted on the understanding that it does not contravene the Trade Practises Act. No responsibility is accepted by the Queensland Corvette Club Inc. for statements made or the failure of any product or service to give satisfaction. Inclusion of any advertisement shall not be construed as an endorsement by the Queensland Corvette Club Inc. WEBSITE www.qldcorvetteclub.com.au Material and articles in this publication are general comments, not advice. The information is believed to be accurate and reliable but no responsibility is taken for any opinions expressed or for errors and omissions p18 - minutes continued. p19 - Advertising. p20 - Advertising. p21 - Parts Classifieds. p22 - Cars Classifieds. p23 - Advertising. 11p24 - Advertising. Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Page 2 July 2011 2010 – 2011 committee manag ement commi tt ee President Vice -president & Eve nt Co-ordinator delegates Website Co-Ordinator Jaimes Pool 0423644683 ozpuddle@bigpond.com Editor&Safety Officer Ernie Whittle ernbuild@gma il.com As sistant Ed itor Mike Gocs 33442647, 0403015770 Peter T urner 5580 0371,0409003300 Ian Moss mikegocs@gmail.com 32002340,0417708844 motexpro@bigpond.net.au ianmoss.ixl@optusnet.com.au Fundraising Co-Ordinator Sue Weitenberg 5563 8575,0415828716 T echnica l Adv isor Dave Kelly 55802047,0412504170 Dave-kelly@bigpond.com Secretary Sally Whittle Treasurer Jillian Handyside 38012404,0413514287 0417762975 Sallywhittle59@hotmail.com handy_side@hotmail.com Merchandise Officer Alis on T ur ner 55800371,0403015770 Ali_turner@bigpond.com Liaison Officer Kevin Silk 32642058, 0418722987 kevinsilkplumbing@bigpond. com Editor Ernie Whittle ernbuild@gmail.com Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Page 3 July 2011 club calendar August Club Arranged Outings September 3rd Club Meeting at Hotel HQ 7th 7th Ali’s Breakfast Run To Tambourine 16th Friday Night Dinner The Stockyard Bar & Grill Windaroo Lakes Golf Club 14th QCC Concourse Broadwater Park, Southport 28th Mustang Owners Club Inc Annual Show & Shine. Mt. Gravatt Show Grounds auto happenings August 7th Remember Memberships and Advertising Fees Are Now Overdue!!!!!!! Club Meeting at Hotel HQ 2nd Jimboomba Classic Muscle Car Show – Hills International College ph Roo 0458 678 730 28th Jimboomba Auto Extravaganza Tully Park, Maclean Bridge ph Jim 07 3341 9618 or ph Ron 07 5537 9445 All the above events meet concessional registration requirements visit www.qldcorvetteclub.com.au for up to date details on events Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Page 4 July 2011 president‟s report by Peter Turner August 2011 “Lets Talk”Last weekend during a skid pan, car set-up bull-shooting session, the discussion turned to Corvette repair.“You want to know the difference between a mechanic and a service technician?” mused a fellow member who is also a pretty fair weekend wrench. “A mechanic fixes what’s wrong. A service technician replaces parts until the problem goes away.”That viewpoint, while painting with a broad brush, has more than a cylinder of truth to it. And that’s not a knock on dealer technicians, either. As today’s automobile has come to rely more and more heavily on its internal computer to monitor and perform virtually every function except filling the tank with fuel, serviceability of cars in general has become increasingly difficult.Weekly I receive e-mails and phone calls, Vette related naturally, and one question commonly asked, “who do you know that can fix this on going problem, or just service my Corvette.” The dilemma is not a new one. The Corvette Action Centre was introduced after the fourth generation Corvette was released, Mossy and Ernie would have had direct lines if it was still going, but now we have to lean more heavily on the knowledge of local mechanics or search forums for similar problems. It’s very very difficult to find a Corvette only specialist, Bondok, Carson and Harris Automotive are who I suggest when asked this question and Paul at Chevron Automotive is now looking after a few of the members down the coast. Our good friends at Performax are also a handy contact when it comes to spares etc. or Reg and Sandy down at Rare Spares in Labrador.Repairs are a simple fact of life. If you own a Corvette, you will have to have work performed on it, some of us more than others !!!!!!!!!!!! It doesn’t matter what year it is, what condition it’s in, how you drive it or where you live, there will come times you’ll need something repaired, troubleshot or maintained.It doesn’t matter what state your Corvette is in, going or not, problems or show material, our concourse on the Broadwater August 14th is about getting all Vettes and their owners together. Discussing and sharing our wealth is part of the day, who we use to do what, meet this one and that as well as looking at the array of beautiful cars is what the day is about. Atmosphere and fun is where our club shines over others and having rock n roll dancers, both road and drag race cars, food and drink stalls on site, all proceeds going to Camp Quality and all against the beautiful Broadwater backdrop will guarantee a memorable day.As we have got some of the best sports cars ever created we owe it to the public to display them at least once a year, and all you sending me the “where to go, what to do,” e-mails, please come along so we can introduce you to those knowledgable people in person, Ps ; Erns first attempt at the magazine so he told me to keep this short, See you on the Broadwater, cheers Peter Turner Page 5 July 2011 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Mike’s Tech Tips and Trivia Con even suggested that I buy a Datsun! I installed a manual ckoke, replaced the fuel filter, coil, plugs, high tension leads-had the starter motor reconditioned, new points, battery always fully charged , new Holley—bowls were always full--- but no luck.. On the Kin Kin run I asked Tony Evans if he had any ideas. Tony Lakeside was a real blast—where else can you zap around a race track for $10 entry fee. Thanks once again for our Club making this event available for members. I believe the Club had to pay $220 to the event organisers. Peter Mellor’s mid-year went for a run around the track . Whilst parked next to my Vette after the run , I mentioned to Pete that there was some “green” stuff on the ground. On further investigation it appeared that the alternator belt had been “eating” in to the heater hose. I had this same problem with the long compressor belt stretching and “eating” in to my lower radiator hose. This has always been a problem—this is why many early C3’s have the compressor missing or disconnected. A simple solution—buy a wide hose clamp to protect the hose. Did you know that on C3’s the rear “Corvette” logo changed 5 times! Peter Mellor’s name is mentioned once again—he is truly a wealth of knowledge. We were discussing the chrome air cleaner covers . I had bought an after-market one and I noticed that it did NOT have the “cup” shape where the wing nut goes. Apparently the “cup” is for pouring petrol in to it (minus the wing nut---of course) if there is no fuel in the carburettor bowls. The fuel flows down the bolt into the manifold, therefore allowing for easy starting.Whilst on the subject of STARTING. Some of you have put up with my constant question over the last few years: why does my Corvette not start immediately after week or two or three? I needed to crank the starter motor overat least 10 times. I asked 28 differing members and got 28 different reasons.! and Yvonne have had their 1970 Corvette for 27 years—they should know something. Any how , Tony said simply “put a carpet under the Vette” . You know what? My Corvette now starts immediately. It seems that a concrete slab has something to do with the problem.In Bunnings , in the tape section , go and buy a roll of Silicone tape. Keep this in your Corvette in case you have a split hose. This tape is like magic. It is not sticky—it just binds to itself and is easy to remove.On the Kin Kin run Peter Turner’s C3 blew a top radiator hose. As most of you know , Early Corvette hoses are large in diameter and cannot be purchased from any of the Auto Parts places. Luckily for Peter the problem occurred at Hamilton and there was a Supercheap Shop at Nundah. The trick was to buy a large diameter hose (Isuzu truck) , several clamps, a sharp knife to cut the hose , an exhaust tip and it was not long before the C3 was on the road again.Kevin Silk advises that Metro Molded Parts in Minnesota (USA) make a large range of rubber parts for a wide range of cars. They also supply all the Corvette Parts Dealers. Check the web site—the prices are very good!Did you know that used oil will cause your oil pressure to increase and new oil will show a lower pressure reading.Have you ever come across a new clutch disc that doesn’t want to slide easily over the input splines on your Corvette transmission? If you have , don’t worry. You’re not alone. The problem is a burr on either the gearbox input shaft or the clutch-disc splines. To ease the job , take the time to carefully deburr the splines on both the clutch disc and input shaft. Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Page 6 July 2011 Ali’s Breakfast Run To- “Liquid Amber” Bar & Grill @ Tambourine. Date- 7th of August Ali has used her negotiating skills to arrange a $15.00 All you can eat Buffet Breakfast has has booked it in accordingly. Meet at Clive Peeters Loganholme 7.00am for a 7.15am leaving for a blat up the hill and picking up the gold Coaster’s on the Coomera side of the highway around 7.30am. Ali contact No. 0403015770 . Phil’s Friday Nighti Dinner Birthdays in August. 1st Jan Tait 2nd Elfi Wren 3rd David Michel When-Friday Night 16th September At The Stockyard Bar and Grill Windaroo Lakes Golf Course. Anna Louise Terrace Windaroo. 4th Glenys Gocs 7th Chris Blair 9th David Glanville 10th Kevin Austin 15th Judy Glanville 15th Jayne Miller 17th Christopher Green 17th Joe Taranto 18th Kathy Taranto 19th Lesley Mary Barnsley 19th Sally Whittle 20th Kathie Milos 23rd Phill Vance 25th Allan Darmanin 28th Stephen McClymont 29th Peter Steve 31st Steve Yiannou t Meeting at Clive Peeters Loganholme at 6.30 pm for a 6.45 pm Departure contact Phil-0401229862. PP QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB INC. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday 3rd August 2011 HQ Hotel, Underwood, directly after the General Meeting. Positions Vacant Management Committee:President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Events Co-ordinator Editor “THIS IS YOUR CLUB” YOUR HELP IS NEEDED TO RUN IT. PUT YOUR HAND UP TO HELP!! Delegate Positions:Assistant Editor Web Site Manager Safety Officer Fundraiser Merchandise Officer Technical Advisors Equipment Officer Please email your nominations to the President, Peter, at motexpro@bigpond.net.au or the Secretary, Sally, at sallywhittle59@hotmail.com Nomination forms will be on the website, or available at the August General meeting. Nominations close at 8pm, but some will be taken from the floor. Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Page 8 July 2011 member profile NEW MEMBER PROFILE - MARK AND DEBBIE HINTON (584) I had the great pleasure of chatting to Mark & Debbie Hinton at Lakeside on July 3rd . They had driven their beautiful 1959 (a very good year!) teal Coupe to the day, in the hopes that Mark would not be tempted to do a spot of racing! Sound familiar President Pete? The Hintons, including their daughter, own three Corvettes. The passion started for them only in May 2010, when they flew to the USA and picked up their “Frost Blue” 1959 C1, driving it from Iowa to Las Vegas, where Mark‟s brother lives. This purchase was followed by two later trips to buy a 1966 Blue Convertible and the lovely beast they brought to Lakeside. I think they must be getting into the habit of it, as Debbie tells me they have also bought a home in Vegas and intend to spend a couple of months a year there. Mark had the cars imported by “Geezers” in Southport and was very happy with the service he got there. Mark is a builder by trade (another one!), but currently works in a steel framing factory. He also put some 30 years into a Gyprock plastering business with his brother. In his spare time Mark loves to race Sprint cars and he is currently driving a JWF Milano GT at Warwick, Leyburn and Noosa meets. He tells me these cars are quite small, stripped of any extra weight and powered by a 350 chev motor. At Mark‟s suggestion, I googled “Milano GT” and it was quite an education. Debbie tells me Mark‟s adventures are not confined to Sprint cars and that he will race just about anything that goes fast and is dangerous. Sound familiar Corvette wives? He has also had a go at Speedway Racing, Off Road Buggies, Targa Tasmania, Jet ski racing, Hang-gliders, Quad bike racing and some Vintage motorbike racing (Ducati and Norton are his favourites). WHEW!!! Worst injury was a shattered heel, with other associated injuries, which he tied up with duct tape until he had finished racing. Mark and Debbie have been married for 31 years and have one daughter. They live in Worongary, so I assured them there would be plenty of runs they could attend around their neck of the woods. We hope they are free of racing commitments for the August Concourse. I‟m sure the Hintons will fit right in, so please say hi when next you see them around. Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Treasurer‟s Report Page 9 July2011 by Jillian Handyside Opening Balance 1st June 2011 Suncorp Cheque Account (0.01 % p.a.) Suncorp Sub Account (5.00% p.a.) Suncorp Term Deposit (9 months @ 6.30%) Petty Cash Float Merchandise Cash Float Expenditure: TCIS Insurance Cover Increase for Skidmas Raffle Prizes Stationary Costs Vette Letter Postage Vette Letter printing costs including new covers Concourse Gold Coast Council Application Fee Refund of Membership fee paid twice Income: Membership Renewals New Membership Skidmas in July Merchandise Sales Advertising Club Magazine Sponsors Donations Club Meeting Raffle AGM Members Raffle Bank Interest Closing Balance 30th June 2011 Suncorp Cheque Account (0.01 % p.a.) Suncorp Sub Account (5.00% p.a. Suncorp Term Deposit – ( 9 months @ 6.30) Petty Cash Float Merchandise Cash Float T he C omm it t e e m us t a ppr ov e a ll e x pe ndit ur e a nd a n i nv oic e or r e c e ipt m us t be pr oduc e d be f or e a ny r e im bur s e me nt c a n be c om pe ns a t e d. N O E X C E P T ION P E RM IT TE D Ladies club polo shirt (black or white) $35 Ladies red vest $35 Ladies club polo shirt (black or white) $35 Ladies red vest $35 Ladies ¾ sleeve shirt $35 Ladies club polo shirt (black or white) $35 Ladies red vest $35 Ladies club polo shirt (black or white) $35 Ladies red vest $35 Ladies ¾ sleeve shirt $35 Club spray jacket $60 Club cap (black with red piping) $15 Windscreen sticker (Qld CORVETTE Club) $ 5 CLEARANCE ITEMS Sun visors $15 Fire extinguisher (red) $45 January Floods - Six Months On for Steve & Jillian Handyside It's now 6 months on from the January floods and our house in Auchenflower is finally getting back to normal. Most of the rooms have been repainted, the old carpet is gone, original 1923 floorboards(which went under in the 74 floods) have been sanded & polished & the kitchen is now functional. Still to go - levelling the house ! . Steve is slowly getting his workshop back in order downstairs, - lot's of cleaning yet to do, salvaging what he can. The one good experience from the flood was meeting all the wonderful friends, neighbours & strangers who came and helped, hearing from old friends and relatives from all over Australia whom I hadn't spoken to for years who called to make sure we were ok Louise from Sydney who used her frequent flyer points to fly up to Brisbane. - wandered into our place with her red gumboots & gloves even after the volunteer centres had been closed & stayed for 3 days washing down walls. A neighbour from up the road who baked a cake and brought it down for us to share (didn't even know her name). Liam from across Haig Road who lent us his kayak so we could paddle into our back yard bending low to duck under the power lines. Inica & Brendan from up the hill, Stephanie from New Farm & Sarah who cleaned up all they could for 3 days. Pete & Andy from the Gold Coast who came and installed a new gas hot water system. Old friend Gary who gave his time to rewire & install a new power box. The council workers who handed out huge boxes of toilet paper , gloves, gumboots & sanitiser to every household.These are just a few of the hundreds of people who turned up to help. And a huge thank you to Corvette Club members: Ernie & Sally Whittle & Ian Moss for volunteering their time . They put up with the mud & smell and got stuck right in. Ernie even brought over his monster of a generator - muscle man! and Ian for bringing his dehumidifier (shades of Doctor Who!) Thanks so much also to Ali Turner for providing the beatiful quiches & Sally for her famous Fruit Cake. It was a beautiful spread in the midst of all the mess. We are so grateful to one and all. Steve & Jillian club merchandise lub Queensland Corvette Club Inc Page 12 July 2011 Lakeside's American themed events took another positive step last Sunday with the second annual All American Lakeside. The event received strong support with 18 registered clubs, around 600 American cars on display and 3400 adult tickets sold at the gate. The estimated crowd, including kids, was around 4500 and QCC was there ready to go.!!!! Merry Skidmas, A Great deal of slipping and sliding was done by all and a Jolly old night making Merry at the new Mary River Hotel. “Detailed report next month.” Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Page 14 July 2011 Built by hand, loved by generations. Unique, individually designed and crafted for our discerning clients. Timeless elegance that outlasts modern interpretation. Need a bigger, custom built, fully appointed garage for “The Vette”? Are you looking for that special place to come home to? Waratah Homes offer a complete project management service that will make your experience an enjoyable one. Come in and share a cuppa with us. Allow us the privilege of building your dream home. Please contact, Ernie Whittle [ph] 0411 741 378 or Steven Smith [ph] 0417 718 563 www.waratahhomes.com.au Queensland Corvette Club Inc. mf general meeting Page 15 July 2011 by Sally Whittle Minutes of the general meeting held on Wednesday 6th of July 2011. Meeting Opened: 7.35pm. Present: Ernie & Sally Whittle; Peter & Ali Turner; Mark Hall; Gordon Walden; Chris Livermore; Ken & Pauline Coomber; Bob Mihill; Brad & Sandy Stumer; Tom & Cheryl Venderreyden; Mike Gocs; Alan Darmanin; Keith & Kay Hosking; Rob & Beth Kimball; Kevin Silk; Bill Dixon; Jillian Handyside; \ Ian & Lynelle Moss; John & Susan Weitenberg. Apologies: (lots of these with State of Origin on!!). Geoff & Carolee Roberts; Bryan Wharton; Grant & Bea Buxton; Don, Marina & Brett Campbell; Glenn & Jayne Miller; Kathie & Con Milos; Mike Reptik; Lorna Mihill; Viv & Kaylene Gook; Glenys Gocs; Nev Solomon; Steve Harrison; David & Judy Glanville; Jaimes Pool. Visitors: Doc Hilber. Guest speaker: Not tonight. Minutes of Previous Meeting. No business arising from the last minutes. The minutes were taken as read and confirmed as a correct record. Moved by: Bob Mihill Seconded by: Ken Coomber Correspondence: Mail received from 2nd June until 6th July 2011 Incoming Mail: Australia Post – May Pricing Statement ($138.78) “ “ - June Tax Invoice $110.88 “ “ - Tax Statement May $276.54 Qld Transport – Trailer rego renewal ($168.05) “ “ - Changes to Aust Post Business Credit Accounts. Bayfield printing – June Vetteletter $313.50 Gold Coast City Council – Receipt for Broadwater park holding deposit. Suncorp Bank – May Statement.($2,124.15) Enthusiastic Underwriting – New “Family Fleet” policy. 3 cars minimum, one must be pre 2000 and irregular use. 30% discount average. AllStar Graphics – Catalogue. Raceline Events – “Old Skool” Sunday 17th July (8am-2.30pm) $5 Entry. Summerland Festival @ Lismore – 7th August 2011. Catalogue. Just Rock Dance & Car Club – “Back to „63” Show/shine. 14th August. Jimboomba Auto Extravaganza – 28th August 2011. “Kilcoy Classics on Wheels” – September 11th. 6am – 2.30pm. Inaugural Event. FX/FJ Holden Club – “G.M. Roundup”. 25th September 2011 (6am – 3pm). RACV “Motorclassica” – Royal Exhibit Building Melbourne. 21-23 October 2011. Shannon‟s Auctions Melbourne – Sunday 10th July (2x catalogues). Performax – Sponsorship Skidpan($700) + Concourse ($700). John & Jan Tait - $20 Concourse Entry Fee. Advertising renewals:Page 16 Eagle Wrecking - $60 (business card page). Brisbane Battery Traders - $60 business card. Waratah Homes - $300 B/W full page. Performax - $400 Colour full page ad. Other Club Magazines:Corvette Chronicle – May 2011. Chevroletter – June 2011. Corvettes of Melbourne – June 2011. NSW Corvettes – June 2011. Mustang News – June 2011. Corvette Club of Sth Australia – July 2011. Chev Bow Tie – July 2011. Outgoing Mail: Welcome letter – David Maire (602). Welcome Letter – Dave Harber (603) Introduction letter – David Gatfield (Maryborough). Intoductory letter for new Vetteletter Advertisers:Californian Image (Importers) Nevco Engineering (Ezy Access trailers) Alans Unique Car Carriers Glass, Glass & Moore Glass (imported vehicle glass needs) Chevron Automotive (Gold Coast based repairer). Gold Coast City Council – Broadwater Parklands Application ($35 chq included). Membership Services. Membership Renewals – 77. July 2011 New Member – David Maire (602) $75 EFT New Member _ Dave Harber (603) $75 chq Moved that the above mail list represents a true and accurate record of all correspondence received and sent for the month of June 2011 Moved by: Bill Dixon Seconded by: Doc Hilber Treasurers Report: Did you hear??? Closing Balance: Moved by: Mike Gocs Seconded by: Cheryl Vanderreyden The Irish have solved their own fuel problems. They imported 50 million tonnes of sand from the Arabs and they're going to drill for their own oil. General Business: Sue Webro requested all members wear a Club shirt at the Annual Concourse in Augustmakes us look more professional and smart. Kev Silk showed the members a “Musclecar” magazine article featuring Keith Hosking‟s new red C2 very nice! Mossy enquired about whether we still had a QCC Facebook page, as he had seen one with an unanswered enquiry attached. Ali Turner said she had set up a page a while ago when she was active on Facebook, but thought it had been shut down. She will check. Mossy also welcomed his lovely wife Lynelle to the meeting, as she usually has to stay home with the kids on Corvette nights! Peter asked Brad if he would chair the AGM next month and he agreed. Minutes Carolee??? Peter reminded all members about the AGM and asked if they would think of putting up their hand to help the Club in some capacity. Events Coordinator: Past Events. 17th June Friday night dinner. Good roll up of the usual 20 or so fine diners. Venue a little confined, but food great, especially the Ribs. Thanks Glanvilles! DON’T FORGET TO RSVP THE TRIP LEADER EACH MONTH!!!!! Page 17 July 2011 Keith Hosking reported about what a great day the slot car racing was on the following Sunday 19 th June. A new event, which was poorly attended, but well worth revisiting, in his opinion. Unfortunately the late throwing together of this event meant we were unable to promote it properly. Thanks again David Glanville for all your efforts. Mossy reported that Lakeside went really well on 3rd July, with 27 members and their families attending over the day. No breakdowns or incidents and fun day was had by all. Ernie Whittle won the Slalom race with just over 8 seconds, and Mossy was 3rd and Webro 4th, so the Club was well represented. Thanks for the members who helped run this event too – Glenn Miller, Chris Livermore, Phil Murray. Sorry if I‟ve forgotten anyone! The combined laps with the Downunder Club went well also. Coming Events. 9th July – Merry Skidmas in Gympie. Please pay if you haven‟t already. Meeting Maccas @ Loganholme 7.30am and Nudgee 8.30am. 30 Members attending. Don‟t forget your pressies for Santa! 10th July – Downunder Concourse at Chermside shopping Centre. 24th July – Billy Cart Day at the Silk‟s home. Carts are getting more and more elaborate (about 10 made now) and hopefully the kids can still have a go on SOME of them!! Could be the “Wacky Racers” all over again. 3rd August General Meeting + AGM at HQ Hotel. 7th August Ali & Pete‟s Brekky run to “Liquid Amber” Bar/Grill at Tambourine. $15/head. Depart Clive Peeters 7.15am. Meet Gold Coasters at Coomera turnoff to Tambourine Mountain. 14th August ANNUAL CONCOURSE! Please attend if this is the only event you can make this year. Preparations well underway. Trophies ordered, goody bags organised, PA system booked, along with icecream van and coffee man. Gold Coast rockers coming along to entertain and other attractions too. 28th August Mustang Club Concourse at Mt. Gravatt Showgrounds. Vettes welcome too! 7th September General Meeting – New Committee!!! 16th September Phil Murray‟s Friday night dinner. Venue to be announced. Auto Happenings - details on webpage and in next Vetteletter. Editor. Kathie has finished up as Editor, owing to family and study commitments. Next mag may be a bit rough, but will do our best! Merchandise. Ali reports sales of $200 this month. She has also just completed a full stock take for the Auditors. Website. Jaimes has to work this evening, but Peter once again thanked him for his stellar job as website manager, with there being record numbers of visitors hitting our site each month. Allen Squire will be taking over next year, so we are in safe hands! Safety Officer. Ernie reported all members were safe at Lakeside this year and the Mustangs were the naughty Club. We did hear a rumour that Ernie & Mossy were asked to SLOW DOWN by the Qld raceways pacecar, but couldn’t believe that! Tech Talk. Mike Gocs told us that he had helped Peter Mellor with a leaking hose clamp at Lakeside. There was certainly a nice green puddle beside the car when I walked past. Thanks for the help Mike and that’s what makes it so great to be part of a club – you are never alone when something goes wrong, which it always does at some time or another. Page18 July 2011 Suzie’s Fundraising. Congratulations to our lucky winners of tonight‟s raffles: 1st Prize – Bob Mihill (Mixed bag of goodies) 2nd Prize – Tom Vanderreyden (Screwdriver set + Tshirt). Ladies Prize – Jillian Handyside (6 x spirit glasses) Lucky Door Prize – Kev Silk (stubby holder, magazine, choccie). Raffle money raised tonight - $ 97.00 (approx) Sue thanked Peter Mellor for a lovely Corvette jacket he donated at Lakeside, which she modelled for all the Members. Also some great donated Corvette posters she and John had had laminated. Keep buying your tickets, good prizes are on the way! Don’t forget the Members Raffle of the great Mother’s buffing kit will be drawn at the AGM next month. Remember to support your Club, Members and Sponsors wherever possible. If you have anything you can donate for our raffles it would be much appreciated. Nominated dates for the next Meetings: Next Committee meeting will be on Monday 11th July 2011 at the Whittle‟s house at 7pm. Next General Meeting and AGM will be on Wednesday 3 rd August 2011 at HQ Hotel Underwood at 7.30pm. There being no further business Peter thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed. Meeting closed at 8.40pm. Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Page 19 July 2011 Quotable quote for ponderance. “On Right Action "Codes of ethics are most often associated with prohibitions: Don't do this, don't do that. All the spiritual traditions I know have more or less the same lists of don'ts. This makes sense, since all the don'ts elaborate on the awareness that if we are not alert, our naturally arising impulses of greed and anger might lead us to do something exploitive or abusive. The fundamental rule is, 'Don't cause pain.' minutes of general meeting continued Traditional Buddhist texts, when they talk about Right Action, use the terms hiri and ottappa, usually translated as 'moral shame' and 'moral dread.' Shame and dread have ominous overtones in English, but I rather like these terms. I appreciate the sense of awesome responsibility they are meant to convey. Collectively, what they mean is that every single act we do has the potential of causing pain, and every single thing we do has consequences that echo way beyond what we can imagine. It doesn't mean we shouldn't act. It means we should act carefully. Everything matters." Editor. Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful. BRIAN HUGHES For Professional Righthand Drive Conversions GYMPIE Queensland Detailing; Boats Bikes Jet Skis Cars Motor Homes Specializing in mirror conversions for C4 Corvettes to 1989,Conversion Corrections & Repairs, Unfinished Conversion Projects. Other Makes & Models Catered For Also. Due to Government regulation on vehicles manufactured after January 1989 , only conversions on Personal imports are currently available. Phone 0419779366 Conversions carried out using quality Components supplied by or used by Performax International Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Page 20 July 2011 July 2011 classifieds Red Line Bias belted Tyres to suit 68-69 Corvette FO R S AL E 1 9 7 4 C or v e t t e C ou pe FO R S AL E 1 9 7 0 C or v e t t e C ou pe $ 4 8 , 0 0 0 O NO 350 cubic inch, 300 hp, LHD, Mulsane Blue with bright blue This award winning toxic lime green corvette has black leather interior, 63,000 miles, 4 speed Muncie gear box, power interior and is left hand drive. Automatic, 350/300 hp, 4 bolt steering, brakes and windows, multi-Concourse winner, crate engine with a 4 barrel polished inlet manifold, 4 wheel disc mat PHO NE Ke i t h 3 8 8 0 1 7 1 3 or 0 4 1 7 7 4 4 9 2 4 ching numbers, full registration $55,000 ONO brakes, Tilt steering, Power steering, Power windows, Central locking, Air Conditioning, Alarm system, Tinted windows, Alloy wheels, Body contoured bumpers, CD player, Heavy duty independent rear suspension. Over $107,000 has been spent to restore this vehicle to perfection...No expense has been spared! FOR SALE PHO NE Da l l a s 0 4 2 2 2 5 5 3 0 4 4 only Reproduction Firestone Wide-Oval F70 x15 [ok ! what direction is this car going in?????] Red Line Bias belted Tyres to suit 68-69 Corvette (as per original equipment) as NEW $600 1 only Reproduction 69-74 Corvette steering wheel as NEW $250 1 only Reproduction 64-66 Corvette steering wheel; has minor flaw in paint , otherwise, is NEW $200 1 only Reproduction (Hi Quality) Air Cleaner assembly (open type) to suit 66-72 Corvette. NEW $150 Contact Peter 07 3359 1369 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Page 21 July 2011 classifieds FOR SALE FOR SALE FO R SALE Whi t e Wa l l s to fit 16” rims. New (sealed pack). Set of 4 plus 1. These are white rubber which fit between the rim and tyre beads. 80mm wide. $145 PHO NE J oh n We b r o 0 4 3 9 6 8 3 1 1 7 FOR SALE 1986Corvette Parts Chevy Banner 150cm x 90cm $15.00ea New watch (C5 logo), includes metal case $60.00 Right hand front fender side panel $50 Left hand door $250 Rear inner guards (pair) $100 Black Book 1953-2010 $15.00 Power steering ram bushings set „63-‟82 $12.00 Rear stabiliser bar bushings ’63-’96 $30.00 Set of rear control arm bushings ‟63-‟82 $25 Rear strut rod rubbers ‟75-82 $30 Diff carrier mount rubbers ‟80-82 $30 P HO N E M i k e G oc s o n 3 3 4 4 2 6 4 7 or 0 4 1 2 3 1 8 2 9 3 Complete standard exhaust system (minus cats) $100 Right hand door mirror housing $50 Door hinges (4) $40 Front license plate cover $100 Rear Bilstein Sportmatic shocks (2) $200 Rear alloy frame extension $300 Fan belt $25 Complete red carpet set $100 Rear exhaust section with balance (new tube) $100 Aluminium tail shaft $100 PHO NE M i k e Re pt i k 0 7 3 8 2 4 0 2 8 0 FO R SALE Ve t t e Tr e a s ur e s C5 left rear guard $200 C3 2.5” stainless steel exhaust (bottom of extractors to rear) $200 2 x Falken 315/25/19 tyres New (pair) $600 PHO NE Pe t e r Tur ne r 0 4 0 9 0 0 3 3 0 0 FOR SALE Parts to suit small bl oc k Che v Crane gold roller rocker self-aligning 1.6 New $550 Crane gold roller rockers self-aligning 1.5 New $550 GM factory roller rockers by Crane self-aligning 1.6 New $550 TPIS mini ram with fuel rails and regulator $1400 Lingenfelter super ram intake manifold $1200 Edelbrock base manifold with SLP Siamese runners $900 Holley Stealth intake $800 (will not fit under stock 84-96 Corvette hood) Good performance for TPI Billet throttle body 58mm New $550, 52mm $400 Competition Cams roller camshaft CS286HR10 .560” lift 230 @ .505” lobe separation 112 New $580 Competition Cams springs, retainers & locks (to suit above roller cam) New $320 Competition Cams roller lifters performance high rev New $520, stock roller lifters New $450 GM factory roller camshaft .525” lift 219/228 @ .050” lobe separation New $500 FO R SALE Ext r em e Fuel I nj ecti on CAM 1 9 8 7 - 1 9 9 8 This CAM was installed in Ray's new engine by mistake and has been replaced with the correctly specified item. It's lucky to have done 1,500km and cost $580 from the States. This is an excellent street CAM specifically designed for injected engines. Has heaps of torque and grunt from 1,800rpm - 5,800. Duration @ 50" 218-224 Valve lift 057 inlet and 056 exhaust. Your car does not require a stall converter with this CAM - very driveable and quite economical. Available now $280 ono P HO N E R a y 0 4 2 7 5 5 7 5 6 6 Lingenfelter roller camshaft .493” lift 213/219 @ .050” lobe separation 112 New $500 Air flow research heads 210 CNC race ready $2,275 P HO N E J ohn Bo ndo k 0 4 1 9 9 9 9 3 5 0 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Page 22 July 2011 classifieds FO R S AL E 1 9 6 9 C 3 C or v e t t e C ou pe Manual, side pipes, original condition, restored interior, paint and motor work, high -powered CD player with subs, amps, etc. Safety certificate and 7 months rego, solid ride for a classic car. Will trade, quick sale $42,500 ONO. P HO N E Si m on o n 0 4 1 2 6 2 0 0 6 2 or em a i l m r dj 4 0 @ hot m a i l . c om FO R S AL E 1 9 7 0 C or v e t t e St i ngr a y C on v e r t i bl e White with black soft top and white hard top. VIN I9467OS403929 Rego BBC 70 (Big Block Corvette). 502 cubic inch. Edelbrock Pro Flow electronic fuel injection, 6 speed Richmond gear box, fibreglass front & rear cross springs, after market front & rear suspension, 17 inch Cragar mags, big block long bonnet, electric vacuum pump, full registration. 410hp at back wheels $45,000. P HO N E K e i t h Hos k i ng 0 4 1 7 7 4 4 9 2 4 or 3 8 8 0 1 7 1 3 F O R S AL E 19 9 0 Z R 1 C or ve t t e C o up e Fitted with 1 of only 8 ever built Doug Rippie Motorsport BLACK WIDOW LT5 engines. (Rated at 475HP when built) 6 Speed manual. Rear spoiler and side skirts. Brembo front brakes. McCloud lightened flywheel and clutch. Extractors and sports exhaust. Roll cage . Onboard Hylon fire suppression system. 5 point harnesse ss as well as standard seat belts. 1995 ZR1 wheels fitted with 275/40ZR17 fronts and 335/35ZR17 rears. Air conditioned. Radio/CD player. Polo Green with Tan interior. Registered till February 2012. $63,000.00 ONO. P H O N E K e i t h H ar per o n 0 7 3 2 0 6 6 83 6 or 0 4 07 1 5 22 7 9 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Page 23 July 2011 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Page 24 July 2011