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mississauga - sport fish
201 IDE
Let Us
Surprise You
Funding provided by the Government of Ontario
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A Warm Welcome to Mississauga!
Welcome to Mississauga!
Welcome to Canada’s sixth largest city — a
city full of exciting events, exceptional tourist
attractions and entertaining and sports options
for all. We’re home to the newly launched
Mississauga Celebration Square in downtown
Mississauga; a place where there’s always
something going on to engage you, enlighten
you and make you glad you stopped by.
On behalf of the many people who
provide hospitality in Mississauga, including the Mississauga-Toronto West tourism
partnership, we are pleased to bring you the
2011-2012 Official Mississauga Visitor Guide.
Tourism Toronto is proud to partner with
the City of Mississauga to promote this wonderful community in cooperation with the
Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Culture.
I’m so proud of how our young city has emerged
as a world class city on its own, but we never
stop growing and offering our visitors more
options. We renovated our pools and libraries to
make them more modern and accessible for all
and added services for our guests and residents.
As host of the MasterCard Memorial Cup hockey tournament, we take our sports seriously.
Healthy lifestyles and sporting options, facilities
and events are at the heart of what makes our
vibrant city a healthy city. With waterfront trails
and hundreds of kilometres of parks and open
spaces, our city is yours to enjoy!
And we haven’t forgotten about our arts and
culture. With galleries, exhibits, museums,
heritage facilities and festivals galore, we’re
all about bringing the artistic skills of our
residents and visiting artists to the forefront.
The international cuisine of our many
restaurants continues to enhance the flair of
our community and the experience of our
visitors. And if shopping is your goal, we are
home to Square One shopping centre — the
largest shopping centre in Ontario.
Whatever your reason for enjoying our great
city, please take some time to enjoy the sights
and experience our culture and hospitality. On
behalf of Mississauga’s City Council, we hope
you enjoy your stay and tell your friends!
A beautiful lakeside setting, a flourishing
centre of arts, culture, heritage, entertainment, sports and recreation, Mississauga
is a vibrant destination that attracts many
visitors each year.
Mississauga features a wonderful blend of
thriving commercial and business districts,
charming neighbourhoods and a stunning
waterfront for boating, fishing and leisure activities. Try your hand at fishing in the Credit
River or charter a boat and enter the Great
Ontario Salmon Derby on Lake Ontario. For
nature lovers, exploring one of Mississauga’s
480 parks, woodlands, gardens, green spaces
and trails will surely be a highlight.
From championship 18-hole golf courses,
to world class arts, theatre and entertainment; from the high-stakes excitement of
horse racing ( just north-east of the city) to an
incredible selection of delicious dining and
entertainment options and unparalleled shopping experiences, there is so much to see, do
and enjoy in Mississauga. And, wherever you
go, meeting our people is an amazing way to
experience the city’s warmth and diversity.
We can’t wait to welcome you!
David Whitaker,
President and CEO,
Tourism Toronto
Hazel McCallion, C.M., LL.D.
w w w. v i s i t m i s s i s s a u ga. com
A partnership with Tourism Toronto
2560 Matheson Boulevard East, Suite 220
Mississauga, ON L4W 4Y9
Tel: (905) 766-2579 • Toll Free: 1-866-327-4093
3 A Word with the Mayor
7 Mississauga Downtown
10 Festivals
26 Neighbourhoods
Robert Kawamoto, CMP, 416-203-3810
32 Arts & Culture
Manager, Member Growth
Bonnie Atkin, 416-203-3848
42 Natural Bounty
Account Director, Ontario Provincial Associations
Denise Wiese
36 Sports & Recreation
44 Fishing, Conservation &
The Derby
48 Heritage
Account Director, Corporate Canada
Debbie Miller, 416-203-3835 Ext. 835
50 Accommodations
Account Director, Sport
Sonja Turek, 416-203-2600 x893
65 Dining
Account Director, Sport
Shelley Crawford, 905-476-2833
Manager, North America Group & FIT Accounts
Kevin Hicks, 416-203-3830 • khicks@torcvb.com
Corporate Communications Manager
Cathy Riches, 416-987-9077
Councillor Pat Saito, Ward 9
62 Shopping
68 Attractions
73 Convention Centres &
Exhibit Halls
74 Essentials
76 Map
78 Index
Editor – MVG, Manager, Marketing Communications,
Creative Services, Tourism Toronto
Vera Kurnitzki-West,
Creative Director – MVG, Manager, Art Direction,
Creative Services, Tourism Toronto
Candace Niquet
Editorial Assistants
Cristina Masullo
Michael Persaud
President and CEO, Tourism Toronto
David Whitaker
SVP and Chief Marketing Officer, Tourism Toronto
Joel Peters
All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly
prohibited. The Misissauga Visitor Guide makes every effort to ensure
the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held
responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions.
Printed in Canada. ©2011
editor’s note: We had a wonderful opportunity to meet with the dynamic
mayor of mississauga Hazel mccallion to get this exclusive interview for
mississauga Visitor guide readers.
72 Industry & Transportation
Director of Creative Services, Tourism Toronto
Bridget LeGrow
a Word with the mayor
It is absolutely amazing that you have been
the Mayor of Mississauga since 1978 and
involved in municipal politics since 1968.
It would be interesting for readers to find
out about how and when you first arrived
in the area, what brought you here and
what it was like — what were your first
people. We brought in a lot of economic development. Now we have 63 of the Fortune
500 company head offices in our city. We
converted the city from a bedroom community to a self-sustaining city. We import
more people in the morning now than go out,
people working in Mississauga. So that is
quite an accomplishment.
I retired from the private sector. I was Office
Manager of a large engineering construction
firm. I got very involved in the community
of Streetsville. I was the President of the
Streetsville and District Chamber of Commerce. Acted in Trinity Anglican Church. My
husband and I married in 1951 and moved to
Streetsville so we became very much involved
in the community. In 1965, the Mayor of
Streetsville at the time asked me to join the
Planning Board of Streetsville. I rose to
become Chairman of that Board. In 1968, I ran
for Deputy Reeve of Streetsville. Then I rose
to be Mayor of Streetsville from 1970 to 1973. I
then represented Streetsville for two years on
the City Council and in 1978 I ran for Mayor
in Mississauga.
And we built all the necessary facilities for the
500,000 people that we brought in — libraries, fire halls, community centres, baseball
diamonds, soccer fields, ice arenas, etc. So we
made sure that the people who chose to live in
Mississauga had all the necessary amenities
that the city should have for the people — a
success story.
We were a bedroom community at the time
I became Mayor and our population was
approximately 270,000. Now it is over
750,000 so we have brought in 500,000
When one sees what a thriving city Mississauga has become under your Mayorship
in terms of business, community, arts and
culture, sports, education and heritage, it
is clear that enormous vision, passion and
drive were needed to make that happen.
What has been your driving force, your
source of inspiration? What has been
your greatest strength that has seen you
You have to have people elected to your Council who believe in the future of this city. And
you have to have qualified staff to implement
the vision that the Mayor and Members of
Council have for the city. We were fortunate
to have both. We had a Council that worked
very hard and involved the people in every
aspect of the growth in their respective wards.
So the people were involved. That is one thing
we pride ourselves on. In our new strategic
plan that was just developed, we involved over
100,000 people to tell us how they would like
to see their city in the 21st century. So you
have to involve the people in the process and I
think we do that extremely well. And you have
to have a qualified staff that does their homework and a Council that shares the vision that
we want to build a city for people.
One thing I adopted when I was in the private
sector and now in the public sector is do your
homework before you make a decision. Try
to get as much information as possible before
you make a decision. And involve others in
the decision-making process because just
remember — you don’t have all the good ideas
by any means. You must involve others, talk to
others, discuss with others, seek advice, seek
comment on what you might like to do, try it
on for size with others to see what they think
about it. My favourite statement and what I
have become known for around the City is —
do your homework!
What has been your proudest moment/
achievement so far as Mayor?
(Note to reader: In 1979 there was a major
train derailment in Mississauga resulting in the potential release of toxic gas.
The entire city had to be evacuated. The
evacuation was expertly handled and the
disaster resulted in no loss of life).
I think the way in which we handled the Mississauga derailment in 1979 stands out as sort
of a miracle. It certainly put Mississauga on
the international map and certainly proved
that we could handle a major emergency.
The people cooperated 100% - that to me is
I am very proud of the fact that we have the
Mississauga campus of the University of
Toronto in our city. We now have a medical
school at the University of Toronto in our city.
It opens in September with 54 students. They
will go to the medical school at the University
and be trained at the two Mississauga teaching hospitals Trillium and Credit Valley hospitals. This September Sheridan College, a very
famous community college, opens a campus in
Mississauga, a business school.
Mississauga Celebration Square will be
publicly launched on July 1st with great
Canada Day celebrations. It is the latest
addition to Mississauga’s vibrant city and
civic centre that includes City Hall, the
library, the Living Arts Centre and
Square One, the largest shopping mall in
Ontario. Can you share with us your vision
for the Civic Centre and for Mississauga
Celebration Square and their importance
to the City?
We are still building it. It is not complete yet,
but it certainly is evolving. It has evolved I
would say over the last five years faster than
it did before that. It is evolving and still has
a way to go. We are moving in that direction.
We like to do things when we have the money
to do them. That is why after all these years
with all the development we have had and
all the services we have put in place, we are
still debt-free. The thing we lack in the city
core that we are working hard to get now is a
convention centre. For a city of our size, it is
unusual not to have a convention centre in the
city core… We are out on a proposal call on a
piece of land that we own next to our Living
Arts Centre which is the ideal location for a
convention centre so that we can combine the
hotel facilities with our Living Arts facility
which has many, many meeting rooms and is
well-equipped with high-technology, combining all our assets that we have right here in the
downtown core for a good-sized convention
centre. That is what we need… The city core
will never, in my opinion, reach the status that
it should reach until we have a convention
centre next to our Living Arts Centre.
Mississauga is a city filled with festivals
and community celebrations. Can you
share with us your involvement in
these festivals, their significance
and the sense of community which
they bring?
When I was elected Mayor in 1978, just shortly
after that, I called together a group of people
representing the ethnic make-up of our city
and said we should have a multicultural
festival. So it started 26 years ago and it
(Carassauga) is considered one of the largest
cultural festivals in Ontario now. And it is still
going on and very successful financially. We
have not had to put a lot of taxpayer money
“bringing the world
to Mississauga”
into it at all. It has been financially independent
for a long number of years. The cost is rising for
running a festival so we are now making a very
small contribution to the big budget that they
have. So I am very proud of that. And then with
our cultural make-up we have some exciting Indian festivals. Bollywood is coming to Mississauga
in June. The International Indian Film Awards
are coming to Ontario and we are going to have
a number of events in our city core. In 2015, the
Pan-Am Games are coming to Toronto and Mississauga. We are going to have a number of the
events out here in Mississauga at the
Hershey Centre and at our very modern
Gymnastics Centre in the SportZone, next to
the Hershey Centre.
The multicultural festivals bring people
together. It gives them an opportunity to
display their culture and others can learn
from it and what the cultures are all about,
for instance, learning about the Indian culture,
the Portuguese culture, the Italian culture
etc. That is what Carassauga is all about. The
theme I used with Carassauga was “bringing
the world to Mississauga”. There are many
people who may never be able visit other parts
of the world but through festivals such as these
they will be able to enjoy the culture displayed
at the Carassauga pavilions. I think when you
have people knowing more about one another
there is better understanding and respect for
one another.
You are quite a celebrity with many international fans such as Regis and Kelly and
many national and international accolades,
honours and awards. Can you elaborate a
bit for us about your experience with Regis
and Kelly?
At my Mayor’s Gala (we are celebrating our
25th anniversary this year), which is considered the top gala in the city, the corporate sector is invited and given the opportunity to get
together and support the arts… All the money
that is raised by the gala goes to support arts,
culture and heritage. Regis was invited as the
key entertainer. And as a result he seemed to
be impressed with the Mayor of Mississauga
so when I went down, he invited me to appear
on his show in New York.. He has promoted
Mississauga many, many times on his show. I
was on the Huckabee show too just last week
in New York. They invited me down to be on
the show.
We know you are a great hockey and
sports fan. What many people may not
know is that you were once a professional
hockey player in Montreal. How has your
passion for sport influenced your life? I was a professional hockey player in 1941 to
1942. It is not just my interest in sport. I felt
that the city needed two major facilities to recognize the contributions that sports and arts
make to a city. My position and vision was to
make sure that the city had a major arts facility such as the Living Arts Centre and a major
sports facility such as the Hershey Centre and
both have been accomplished.
You recently celebrated your 90th
birthday. What is your secret for a long
and happy life filled with such vigour and
I have been blessed with good health. But in
addition to that I think you have to have a
positive attitude. You have to like people and
want to be with people. I do enjoy being out in
the community and the many events. You have
to enjoy that or if it’s a struggle to go then
you don’t enjoy it. I enjoy it and that is why
I have given my full life, my full time outside
the home to the city and to the people. I just
love being with the young people, and with the
adults and the seniors. It’s just a joy. I enjoy it.
I don’t feel it is a task at all. Not at all. If you
call it a task, it is a most enjoyable one.
Mayor Hazel McCallion’s top things to see
and do in Mississauga:
We have some wonderful places that are so
natural. We have the Lake Promenade Park
which has the Port Credit Yacht Club. It has
the Credit Village Marina. It has a sailing
club. It is just a beautiful park. There are
bicycle paths, walking paths where people
can walk along the waterfront. And then we
have Riverwood Park, which is the Chappell Estate which the city purchased. The
park is being developed as a natural garden.
We have Visual Arts, the only facility that
remains now, other than the Chappell house,
is the Visual Arts Centre where the people
can go into the park to display their artwork.
And then we have the general waterfront.
We have a major Salmon Derby with salmon
fishing boats going out from Port Credit. We
have beautiful trails along the waterfront and
trails along the Credit River. We have the different heritage buildings and museums which
are very interesting and display the heritage
of the city.
We have an Art Gallery at City Hall. Now we
are going to have our Mississauga Celebration Square where year-round events will be
happening on the square, very exciting, as
well as special events such as Canada Day,
New Year’s Eve, the Mayor’s Levee and so
forth. And we have all the cultural festivals
that are going to be held on Mississauga Celebration Square. It is going to be a very active
year… We have a wonderful Waterfront Festival considered one of the largest in Ontario.
We have the Bread and Honey Festival that
celebrates the wonderful past history of the
Village of Streetville, a festival which my husband founded and which has been going on
for 25 years. We have the Southside Shuffle.
We have so many things. We preserved the
waterfront for the people. It is a beautiful,
natural waterfront.
Thank you Mayor McCallion.
Created by the amalgamation of 10 smaller communities in 1974, each with its own
rich heritage and history, Mississauga is now Canada’s sixth largest city, third largest in
Ontario and Toronto’s largest neighbour.
One of the fastest growing cities in Canada and one of the safest, Mississauga has a
population of 734,000. Home to 63 Fortune 500 and 50 Fortune Global 500 Canadian
head offices and major divisional head offices and more than 1,450 multinational
companies, Mississauga is a booming centre of business, industry and commerce
boasting close to 55,000 businesses and a workforce of 418,990 employees.
Mississauga’s most dynamic spot for gathering
“Civic centres that encompass and surround
public buildings serve as the front porches of
our public institutions…Cities and neighborhoods with thriving civic spaces benefit from
a strong sense of community…What goes on
in the square is what the City is all about…
All the great cities of the world have great
gathering places” Fred Kent, Project for
Public Spaces1.
According to Kent, an international urban
space design specialist (whose organization
Project for Public Spaces works on urban
space projects in 43 countries) very few
cities can attest to such a successful creation
of and rapid transition to creating a sense
of place and gathering as Mississauga has
done with its downtown core and Civic
Centre, especially over the past 5 years.
Mississauga’s vibrant and award-winning
Civic Centre is the heart and soul of the city’s
municipal government, cultural, social, community and commercial activities. It houses
City Hall, the brand-new Mississauga
Celebration Square, the Central Library,
the Living Arts Centre and the Art Gallery
of Mississauga.
Mississauga Celebration
Square — A place where
community comes together.
A gathering place for all of
New for 2011 is the much-anticipated
grand opening of “Mississauga Celebration
Square” on June 22nd for a City Council
meeting and on July 1st for Canada Day
celebrations. Located just outside of
Mississauga City Hall in the downtown
core, Mississauga Celebration Square is a
vibrant public square and state-of-the-art
multi-media event destination.
It is projected that the newly constructed
Mississauga Celebration Square will
attract over 1 million people a year.
Mississauga Celebration Square will
host a dynamic line-up of over 100
year-round free outdoor events and
festivals that showcase arts, cultural
diversity and entertainment. See pages 11-13
for a listing of upcoming events on the Square.
Drawing upon the principles of international urban space best practices, taking
into account what features a successful
square should have, and lots of community
input, Mississauga Celebration Square
was conceived of as an outdoor community centre for residents and visitors alike.
The important principle of “10 for urban
spaces”2 has figured prominently in the
design of the square, namely there should
always be at least ten things you can do on
the square at any given time. From large
main stage events and community festivals,
to more intimate gatherings and individual
activities, Mississauga Celebration Square
was designed with comfort and ease of use
in mind.
innovative soft landscaping protective
device for larger events.
Mississauga Celebration Square improves
access to City Hall and linking of events on
the Square to the Great Hall and the Central
Library. The architects for the Mississauga
Celebration Square project are Torontobased CS&P Architects.
Enjoy a self-guided tour of the Civic Centre.
When you visit the Civic Centre, experience
highlights including the Great Hall, with
marble and granite columns rising more than
three storeys to a 20-metre-high glass skylight; and the 30-metre diameter domed ceiling of the Council Chamber, which depicts
an evening spring sky over Mississauga.
As explained by Mississauga’s Commissioner of Planning and Building, Ed
Sajecki, “great cities of the world are
defined by their public spaces. Mississauga
Celebration Square is one component
of a much broader public space city
centre plan that creates a continuum of
park spaces, public spaces and pedestrian
walkways throughout the downtown core
that continue to enliven and animate the
area for the public to use and enjoy. These
include Scholars’ Green, a new park that
winds itself around the grounds of Sheridan College’s new Mississauga campus
and Community Common, an urban green
space located just northwest of Mississauga Celebration Square.”
View the Mississauga skyline from a panoramic perspective from the Civic Centre’s
landmark Clock Tower. Enjoy refreshments
in the Tower Garden Café or visit the public
Art Gallery of Mississauga which features
works by local and national artists. (Open
year-round, admission is free.) Since opening
in 1997, the Living Arts Centre (LAC) has
quickly become the central spot for arts and
culture in Mississauga.
Mississauga Celebration Square is sure to
become the premier location for City and
Greater Toronto events, connecting residents, visitors and the community.
“Marilyn Monroe and Joe”
–The Absolute Condos Mississauga:
Features of the new square include an enlarged square area, an interactive water feature converting to a skating rink in winter, a
permanent, expandable stage with a secondto-none state-of-the-art distributed sound
system and performance infrastructure and a
digital media wall to support events, provide
interactive art capability and opportunity
for commercial advertising. Mississauga
Celebration Square also features a unique
Community Memorial, a market/vendor
area to support cultural events, and
upgrades to the 300-seat amphitheatre.
The lower square also comprises a large
grassy lawn in front of the stage with an
1., 2. Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a nonprofit planning, design and
educational organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain
public spaces that build stronger communities. Their pioneering Placemaking approach helps citizens transform their public spaces into vital
places that highlight local assets, spur rejuvenation and serve common
needs. The organization consulted with the City of Mississauga for the
Mississauga Celebration Square project.
Curvy, iconic, architecturally bold and making
a dramatic visual statement on the Mississauga skyline are the newly constructed
Absolute Condos Mississauga. Conveniently
located within Mississauga’s downtown
core, these uniquely designed modern and
impressive towers have been nicknamed
“Marilyn Monroe and Joe”, one tower being
more curvaceous in design than the other.
They are part of a master-planned condo
community featuring five designer towers
by Fernbrook Homes and Cityzen Development Group. The condo design was selected
via an international design competition,
attracting 90 submissions from 70 countries. The winning design was submitted by Ma
Yansong, Yosuke Hayano and Qun Dand of
Photo: Tom Arban, courtesy of Mad Architects
Mad Architects in Beijing, China.
According to Mad Architects:
“Not only does the tower manifest the power of design, it also serves as a statement to
the surrounding area and the social context.
In the meantime, the cross of Hurontario
Street and Burnhamthorpe road fully embodies its gateway condition to Mississauga’s City Centre in the tower. The building
is sculpture-like in its overall effect, and its
design expresses the universal language of
audacity, sensuality and romance. As the
new landmark of the city of Mississauga,
it will become the icon of the
present landscape with all its twisting
rhythms resembling the human body.
In our design, the continuous balcony
surrounds the whole building, eliminating
the vertical lines used in traditional high
rise architecture to emphasize the height.
The entire building rotates by different
degrees at different levels, which correspond
with sceneries at different heights. Our aim
is to evoke the city dwellers’ aspiration for
nature, and get them in touch with the
sunlight and the wind.”
Seniors ON the Square
10:00 a.m. – noon
Mississauga Celebration Square
In collaboration with Mississauga Seniors’ Centre,
Square One Older Adult Centre and Older Adult
Strategy. The program will feature different activities
each week ranging from Tai Chi, fitness, and card
games; to board games, live music and dancing.
August 2, 9, 16, 23
My Mississauga Summer Series
Free Events
Celebrate summer at Mississauga Celebration Square
with an eclectic mix of free events and activities from
July 5 to September 3.
mississauga – FestiVal citY
From ontario’s largest multicultural festival
to spectacular special events, mississauga is
a city that knows how to celebrate and does
so with style year-round. (For a detailed
listing of events, times, dates and locations,
please refer to the event listings in this guide
on pages 11 – 25)
the city’s “my mississauga” summer series,
which will now be held on the new mississauga celebration square, has enjoyed
significant growth since its inception in 2006
and will be extended to include year-round
events and activities. in 2010, more than
217,544 participants attended more than 29
events over 23 event days.
Ribfest (60,000)
carassauga (298,272)
civic centre canada Day (120,000)
southside shuffle Blues and Jazz Festival
Port credit canada Day (55,000)
mississauga santa claus Parade (45,000)
streetsville canada Day (40,000)
mississaugaWaterfront Festival (33,100)
muslimFest (10,000)
(in terms of attendance – 2010 figures)
For a full calendar of events or more information on
our programming
Visit: www.mississaugacelebrationsquare.ca
Call: 3-1-1
E-mail: celebration.square@mississauga.ca
Visit us: Mississauga Celebration Square – 300 City
Centre Drive, Mississauga.
Events are weather permitting & subject to cancellation. All events are free.
Thank you to our valued sponsors: Mississauga
Honda, Mississauga Youth Plan, Pepsi, Smart
Commute Mississauga, Wind and RBC.
Celebrate Canada Day ON Mississauga
Celebration Square
Friday, July 1, 2011
1:30 – 10:30 p.m.
Mississauga Celebration Square
Celebrate Canada Day on the newly-renovated
Mississauga Celebration Square, the place to be
for the hottest events this summer! Join us for a
celebration like no other, including exciting
performances and activities for everyone!
Ring in Canada’s 144th birthday with rockers “These
Kids Wear Crowns”, pop artist Fefe Dobson and
the chart-topping Shawn Desman. Be awed by a
daring aerial cirque show and captivated by unique
art, dance and music fusion performances in the
amphitheatre. Cap off the night with a spectacular
fireworks display!
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Mississauga Celebration Square
Explore the world, one lunch at a time. Enjoy a fixed
price lunch from a different world food vendor. Tuesdays in July and August.
July 5, 19, 26; August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Amphitheatre Unplugged
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Mississauga Celebration Square
This multi-medium art series showcases Mississauga
talent in the newly renovated amphitheatre. The
line-up features:
Tuesday, July 5 – Mike Celia
Tuesday, July 19 – MAC Open Mic Nights Vol. 1
Tuesday, July 26 – Teen Poetry Slam
Tuesday, August 2 – RHYTHM
Tuesday, August 9 – Selyne Maia & Joel Martin
Tuesday, August 16 – MAC Open Mic Nights Vol. 2
Tuesday, August 23 – Four Corners Songwriters’ Circle
Tuesday, August 30 – Theatre in the Round
Fresh Air Fitness
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Mississauga Celebration Square
Step, punch, dance and burn those calories away
at Fresh Air Fitness, a weekly mix of fitness activities
highlighting community centre programming from
9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. In collaboration with Recreation and Parks, Fitness and Active Living. Relax your
mind, body and soul with weekly Yoga on the lawn
from 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. In collaboration with
Lululemon. Fresh Air Fitness Kicks Off July 6
with Zumba!
July 6, 20, 27; August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Bark in the Park
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Mississauga Celebration Square
Sit. Stay. Play. Furry four-legged friends and their
owners are invited to take part in training classes,
play fetch or simply take a walk at Mississauga
Celebration Square. Kicking off this series will be a
performance by the hugely popular PC Superdogs!
July 6, 20, 27; August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Kids ON Recess
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Mississauga Celebration Square
What’s green and blue with smiles all over? The
grass, the sky, and Kids ON Recess! Perform, Play,
Explore and Create magical memories this August
at Kids ON Recess. Kids ON Recess is presented
by Mississauga Honda.
August 4, 11, 18, 24
ON Screen Movie Nights
9:00 p.m.
Mississauga Celebration Square
This outdoor film series features cult classics and
blockbuster hits that the entire family will enjoy. ON
Screen Movie Nights are presented by RBC.
July 21, 28; August 4, 11, 18, 25; September 1
Live ON Stage
7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Mississauga Celebration Square
Enjoy a dynamic mix of summer long concerts
featuring indie rock darlings, crooners, international
artists and more:
Friday, July 29 – SHAD Live ON Stage
featuring Ground Illusionz and Emcee Testament
Friday, August 5 – Open Air Opera Live ON Stage
featuring Michael Ciufo and Manting Chan
Friday, August 12 – Abandon All Ships & San
Sebastian Live ON Stage
Friday, August 19 – Matt Dusk Live ON Stage
featuring Mark Pellizzer
24th, we start off the weekend with a high energy
evening of original performances including international and national musicians and dancers. Come
back on Saturday when Mississauga Celebration
Square will become Mississauga’s Bollywood Village.
Every corner of the Square will provide unique activities throughout the afternoon with major events taking place in the evening. Conclude the weekend with
an afternoon dedicated to Bollywood style dancing
and singing. For further details,
visit www.mississauga.ca/iifabuzz.
RBC MOSAIC – The South Asian Heritage Festival
of Mississauga
July 8, 3:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
July 9, noon – 11:00 p.m.
July 10, noon – 9:00 p.m.
Friday, August 26 – Basia Bulat Live ON Stage
featuring Sean Pinchin
spectacle of lights. Mississauga Tree Lighting
Celebration is presented by RBC.
Friday, September 2 – Born Ruffians Live ON Stage
featuring The Paint Movement
Mississauga New year’s Eve Celebration
December 31, 2011
10 p.m. – midnight
Mississauga Celebration Square
Ring in the New Year at Mississauga Celebration
Square as we countdown to midnight with a live
concert, skating and a grand finale fireworks show.
Fit Together
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Mississauga Celebration Square
Jump, jive, kick and laugh as a family at Fit Together,
a weekly mix of family fitness activities from 9:30
a.m. – 10:30 a.m. It’s a fun workout for all ages! In
collaboration with Recreation and Parks, Fitness and
Active Living. Relax your mind, body and soul with
weekly Yoga on the lawn from 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
In collaboration with Lululemon.
July 31; August 7, 14, 21, 28
October Market
October 22, 2011
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Mississauga Celebration Square
Celebrate the bold colours of fall with crafts,
pumpkins, delicious treats and a crisp autumn open
air artisan market.
My Mississauga Winter Series Free
Mississauga Tree Lighting Celebration
November 26, 2011
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Mississauga Celebration Square
Celebrate the season at City Centre with the lighting
of the trees and the grand unveiling of Mississauga
Celebration Square’s new outdoor ice rink. Be
captivated by live concerts and performances; enjoy
public skate, Kids Fun Zone, dine on winter favourites
and watch as the City Centre glows with a dazzling
Community Festivals
Relay for Life
June 10, 7:00 p.m. – June 11, 7:00 a.m.
*Living Arts Centre Park
International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) Buzz
June 19, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (CIBC Bollywood
Movie Night)
June 24, 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. (Main Stage Show)
June 25, 2:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
June 26, Noon – 4:00 p.m.
Can you hear the Buzz? Mississauga has been selected as an official Buzz location for the International
Indian Film Academy (IIFA) events. A wide range of
IIFA Buzz activities designed for the whole family will
take place on Mississauga Celebration Square June
19, 24, 25 and 26. The celebration kicks off with CIBC
Bollywood Movie Night on June 19. On Friday, June
The 6th Annual RBC MOSAIC South Asian Heritage Festival of Mississauga presents art, heritage and culture at
Mississauga Celebration Square. Come and enjoy three
days of music, dance, multi-disciplinary arts, bollywood,
cuisine and activities for young and old. Highlights will
include a South Asian Film Festival in the Noel Ryan
theatre, “Rock the Coliseum” and “DesiRock” concerts
in the amphitheatre, while the main stage will showcase
some of the most popular international and local
performers from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
and Afghanistan. The festival will feature 10 popular
restaurants, 20 vendors, midway rides, door prizes,
sponsor activities and giveaways. Please go to
www.mosaicfest.com for complete show times or e-mail
Amacon Mississauga Rotary Ribfest
July 14, noon – 10:00 p.m.
July 15, noon – 11:00 p.m.
July 16, noon – 11:00 p.m.
July 17, noon – 7:00 p.m.
The Rotary Clubs of Mississauga and Mississauga West
host a four day festival that brings together a broad
mix of visitors from all ethnic backgrounds to enjoy
great food & drink, demonstrations, entertainment
and family fun at a great location with easy access to
public transit and parking. Admission is free although
visitors are asked to “Feed the Pig” with a voluntary
donation to charities supported by Ribfest. Ribfest is
a volunteer based event and all monies raised are invested back into the community through the support
of local charities and organizations.
Details on entertainment and Ribbers will be available in a Ribfest flyer insert in the July 8th issue of the
Mississauga News along with a coupon for $5 off Half
Rack of Pork Ribs & two Sides valid for the afternoon
(noon to 5 p.m.) of Thursday, July 14th and Friday,
July 15th.
MuslimFest 2011
July 23, 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
July 24, 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
MuslimFest celebrates the best in Muslim arts and
entertainment. The event features over 50 local and
international artists who showcase their talents on
the Main Stage, Amphitheatre and in the Noel Ryan
Auditorium through all mediums of performing and
visual arts. We invite you to come and share a weekend with your Muslim friends and neighbours in an
environment filled with creativity, culture, spicy food
and fun for the whole family. Mark your calendars for
July 23 and 24 and join us in celebration!
Fiesta ng Kalayaan
July 30, 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Fiesta ng Kalayaan, a “Celebration of Freedom”, is an
event hosted by Kalayaan Filipino Cultural Organization
(Kalayaan) and the Fiesta Filipina Dance Troupe. The
event will showcase cross-cultural performances by professional dancers and popular singers from local talents
and cultural groups in Mississauga and the GTA, including
a fashion show featuring the evolution of the traditional
Filipino dresses leading to the modern era. Regional cooking and crafts and an authentic “santacruzan” parade will
enhance your experience of a true Fiesta!
Viet Summer Fest
August 6, 3:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Viet Summer Fest is a showcase of Vietnamese
culture featuring live performances from popular singers, folk musicians, dancers, and performance artists.
The festival will also include authentic Viet foods such
as fresh spring rolls, noodles, drinks and fabulous desserts. There will be fun for the entire family as visitors
will enjoy food, entertainment and traditional handicrafts while learning about Vietnam and its heritage.
Viet Summer Fest preserves and promotes Vietnamese
culture and highlights the ethnic and cultural diversity
in the City of Mississauga.
India Heritage Festival
August 13, 3:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
The India Heritage Festival will feature a parade
followed by colourful and entertaining stage performances, highlighting the Indian culture. There will
be entertainment, food and fun for the entire family.
Celebrate, learn and immerse yourself in Indian arts,
entertainment and cuisine. For more information,
visit: www.federationofhindutemples.ca.
Pakistan Independence Day
September 3, 1:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Celebrate the independence of Pakistan with Canadian and Pakistani community leaders, music, food,
merchandise and displays. Come out and have a funfilled day with friends and family while learning about
Pakistan and its heritage and enjoy musical events with
Pakistani and Canadian singers. Opening ceremony
will include Pakistani & Canadian national anthems.
Free Pakistani & Canadian flags will be handed out.
Community Crime Awareness Day 2011
September 17, noon – 4:00 p.m.
The 11th Annual Community Crime Awareness Day is
organized by the Mississauga Chinese Business Association in partnership with Peel Regional Police, Rogers
Television and Safe City Mississauga. Community Crime
Awareness Day serves as a tool for citizens to come
together and learn about community safety and policing
issues in the region, recognizing that safety must be a
joint effort between our community leaders, our police
services and the community at large. Community
Crime Awareness Day is free to families and will
feature demonstrations by a number of community
safety partners including the Peel Regional Police’s
Tactical & Rescue Team. In addition, we will have lion
dances, bag piper teams, folk dances, and tae kwon
do and kung fu demonstrations. Free child identification kits, face painting, electric cars, rides and games
will be available for kids.
JUNE 2011
My Mississauga, Summer Series.
June to September
See pages 11 – 13 of this guide for complete listings.
Farmers Market (Port Credit)
Saturdays, June 4 – October 15 from 7 am -1 pm
2010 Elmwood Ave. and Lakeshore Rd. E.
Select from the finest produce right here in Port
Credit at the corner of Elmwood Rd. and Lakeshore Rd.
SQUARE ONE Farmer’s Market
June 3 to October 30, 2011
Fridays & Sundays, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
Square One Shopping Centre, 100 City Centre Drive
This is the GTA’s largest open-air Farmers’ Market
with over 150 farmers participating. Operated by
the Mississauga Central Lions Club, the Square One
Farmers’ Market raises funds for community charities. Located in the Square One north-west parking
lot (near Zellers).
Tuesdays With Morrie
to July 3, 2011
Stage West Theatre Restaurant
Jamie Farr from M*A*S*H stars in Tuesdays with Morrie. Based on the Mitch Albom book, Tuesdays with
Morrie is the story of Mitch Albom, a journalist and
Morrie Schwartz his former college professor. Sixteen
years after graduation, Mitch learns that his old professor is battling Lou Gehrig’s Disease. The two are
reunited and a visit turns into a class in the meaning
of life. www.stagewest.com
The Salmon Run Exhibition
June to October, 2011
Celebrating the great Credit River and precious
salmon in Mississauga. Unique salmon art creations
commissioned by local artists will be exhibited in Port
Credit galleries and business locations from July to
October. www.portcredit.com
Come Tie with Me (Fly Fishing Seminar)
June 1, 2011; 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Riverwood Conservancy; MacEwan Field Station
Join Pat Kelly for an evening of fun as he instructs
participants in the fine art of fly fishing. Registration is
required. Meet at the MacEwan Field Station. Please
contact The Riverwood Conservancy to save your
spot by calling 905-279-5878 or email: Discovery@
TheRiverwoodConservancy.org. For more information, visit us at www.TheRiverwoodConservancy.org.
On the Verandah Summer Concerts Series
Hosted by the Friends of the Museums
June, July & August; Friday Evenings; 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Benares Historic House, 1507 Clarkson Road North
Pay-what-you-can admission
June 3, Ablett & Cooper
June 10, Selabration
June 17, Carlos Bastidas
June 24, Mississauga Children’s Choir
The Friends of the Museums of Mississauga present a
summer-long program of outdoor musical concerts.
Bring your own lawn chairs and/or blankets and best
sing-along voices to enjoy these outdoor performances. www.museumsofmississauga.com
Bird Watching Hikes
Mondays, June 6, 13, 20, 27; 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Wednesdays, June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Riverwood Conservancy
Join expert birders Luc Fazio and Dan Salisbury for
a series of bird watching hikes at Riverwood. Bring
your binoculars and discover our magnificent
resident and migratory birds. Great for families,
new birders and experienced ones alike! Meet at
the main (first) parking lot by the sign board at
Riverwood. For more information, visit us at
June 14 – July 29, 2011
Lower Meeting Hall, At The Grange,
1921 Dundas St. W.
(one block west of Mississauga Road)
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Paint The Town Red
July 1, 2011
Port Credit Memorial Park
Celebrate Canada day! “Paint The Town Red” with
parade, giant birthday cake, live entertainment,
family fun trivia and fireworks. www.portcredit.com
Carassauga-Mississauga’s Festival of Cultures
June 3 to June 5, 2011
A weekend of world class entertainment and cultural
experience for the entire family. Once inside you
are surrounded by the sights, sounds and culinary
delights of different cultural entertainment including,
dance performances, storytelling, fashions shows,
music, theatre and film. www.carassauga.com
Art Show at The Grange
Featuring Artist Stefan Krivda
June 14 – July 29, 2011
Debbie Hatch Discovery Centre At The Grange,
1921 Dundas St. W. (one block west of Mississauga Road)
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Canada Day Celebrations (Streetsville)
July 1, 2011 6:00 pm – 10:30 pm
Memorial Park in Streetsville.
There’s no better place to enjoy Canada Day Celebrations than in Streetsville. Hundreds of people return
every year to participate in the activities, listen to the
entertainment, or watch the spectacular firework
display. Come join us!!! www.villageofstreetsville.com
Streetsville Founders Bread and Honey Festival
June 3 – 5, 2011
Streetsville Memorial Park
Annual Streetsville festival with Carnival games, a parade, entertainment, free bread and honey, children’s
activities, and more. www.breadandhoney.com
Gallery In The Garden & Strawberry Fair
June 5, 2011
Benares Historic House, 1507 Clarkson Road North
Hosted by the Friends of the Museum of Mississauga
Free Admission
Enjoy the beautiful grounds of a magnificent historic
house, wander the lawns, taste strawberry shortcake
and see local artists and artisans, who will be showing
and selling their work. (Art, Pottery, Blown Glass,
Jewellery, Mosaics, Silk Painting, Wood Working). www.museumsofmississauga.com
Astronomy Series At Riverwood
June 7 (8), 2011; 9:00pm – 10:30 pm
Riverwood Conservancy
Randy Attwood of the Royal Astronomical
Society of Canada (Mississauga Centre) invites you
to explore the beauty of the night sky at Riverwood.
Bring your own telescope or binoculars and enjoy
an evening star gazing at Riverwood. Star maps
will be distributed. Telescopes will be set up for
observing the moon, planets and stars on the
lawn in front of Chappell House at Riverwood park.
Please note: The event will be held on the first date
shown – the second date is a back-up date in
case skies are not suitable for star-gazing on the
scheduled date. For more information, visit us at
Health Walks At Riverwood
June 12, 2011; 10:00 – 11:30 am
Riverwood Conservancy
TRC and the City of Mississauga Parks and Recreation
are working together to provide a series of informative and healthy walks at Riverwood and Erindale.
The first half of the walk will be led by a TRC volunteer
where participants learn about the park and its
features. Then Mike Erison leads a brisk heart-healthy
walk through Riverwood’s beautiful forest. Be sure to
dress for a brisk walk. Meet at the main (first) parking
lot at Riverwood. For more information, visit us at
Historical Walking Tour of Streetsville
June 12, 2011, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm.
Looking for something interesting to do on a
sunny Sunday afternoon? Join us for our historical
walking tour of the Village of Streetsville. Meet our
tour guide in front of Streetsville Florist, 265 Queen
Street at 1 p.m. sharp. www.villageofstreetsville.com
Art Show at The Grange
“Aggregation 5” featuring ALFEW
Heritage Luncheon
June 16, 12pm-2pm
Glen Erin Inn 1695 The Collegeway
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
Speaker: Mayor Hazel McCallion
“Thoughts on Mississauga’s Heritage”
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
The Mississauga Waterfront Festival
June 17 – 19, 2011
Port Credit Memorial Park
This award winning event features 3 days of great
entertainment including Main Stage headliners,
carnival, children’s village, market place, water ski
shows & more! The Mississauga Waterfront Festival
has been voted one of the Top 50 Festival in Ontario
four years in a row. www.themwf.com
Malton Community Festival
June 24 – 26, 2011
Malton Community Centre and/or Wildwood Park.
Free Admission. Entertainment, children’s activities,
BBQ, community displays, youth talent show and
much more! www.maltonfestival.ca
Heritage Bus Tour
June 26, 1pm-5pm
Starting at The Grange, 1921 Dundas St. W.
(one block west of Mississauga Road)
Join us for this interesting tour of the city of
Mississauga, through a history lens.
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
July 2011
On the Verandah Summer Concerts Series
Hosted by the Friends of the Museums
June, July & August; Friday Evenings; 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Benares Historic House, 1507 Clarkson Road North
Pay-what-you-can admission
July 1, Moira Nelson
July 8, Subhadra Vijaykumar
July 15, Driftwood Theatre at Bradley Museum
July 22, Rob Tardik
July 29, Chamber Music Players
The Friends of the Museums of Mississauga present a
summer-long program of outdoor musical concerts.
Bring your own lawn chairs and/or blankets and best
sing-along voices to enjoy these outdoor performances. www.museumsofmississauga.com
Canada Day In Mississauga
July 1, 2011
Mississauga Celebration Square
Join hundreds to celebrate Canada’s anniversary
with live music, fireworks and entertainment. A fun,
free, interactive family event with an exciting array of
free games, activities, entertainment and fireworks.
Sunset Concert Series
Sundays in July & August; 6:30 pm - sunset
Port Credit Memorial Park
Enjoy live music by the water! Live musical outdoor
performances, by the river at Port Credit Memorial
Park. A fun filled evening for all including families and
adults, with various Mississauga performers.
Bird Watching Hikes
Mondays, July 4, 11; 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Wednesday, July 6; 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Riverwood Conservancy
Join expert birders Luc Fazio and Dan Salisbury
for a series of bird watching hikes at Riverwood.
Bring your binoculars and discover our magnificent
resident and migratory birds. Meet at the main (first)
parking lot by the sign board at Riverwood.
The Marvelous Wonderettes
July 7 to September 11, 2011
Stage West Theatre Restaurant
Featuring your favourite songs from the ‘50s and
‘60s, the show takes you to the 1958 Springfield High
School prom where we meet the Wonderettes—four
girls with hopes and dreams as big as their crinoline
skirts with voices to match! As we learn about their lives
and loves, we are treated to classic hits from the era for a
must-see trip down memory lane. www.stagewest.com
Rock The Coliseum & Underground Garage Sale
July 8 – 9, 2011
Mississauga Celebration Square,
301 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W.
Since 2006 Rock the Coliseum has presented more
than 80 Indi bands in free concerts during Mosaic
festival. In 2008, Rock the Coliseum became GTA’s
largest free Indi music festival by presenting 24
bands in 3 days. www.cre8ive80studio.com RBC MOSAIC, South Asian Heritage Festival
Of Mississauga
July 8 – 10, 2011
Traditional contemporary art, culture, and cuisine
from South Asia at Mississauga Celebration Square.
Free admission and parking. www.communityart.ca
See My Mississauga listings for details.
Great Ontario Salmon Derby
July 9 – Aug. 7, 2011
See page 28 for details
Herbs Of Riverwood
July 9, 2011; 10:00 am
Riverwood Conservancy
People have used plants for healing since they first
walked the earth and plants continue to hold amazing medicinal activity. Healing herbs grow all around
us, not just in exotic or distant places. The first step in
learning what plants have to offer to humans is to get
to know the plants. Join Susan Elliotson, a practicing
herbalist, on a walk through Riverwood to identify
herbs in their natural habitat and learn about their
medicinal properties. For more information, visit us
at www.TheRiverwoodConservancy.org.
Health Walks At Riverwood
July 11, 2011; 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Riverwood Conservancy
TRC and the City of Mississauga Parks and Recreation
are working together to provide a series of informative and healthy walks at Riverwood and Erindale.
The first half of the walk will be led by a TRC volunteer
where participants learn about the park and its
features. Then Mike Erison leads a brisk heart-healthy
walk through Riverwood’s beautiful forest. Be sure to
dress for a brisk walk. Meet at the main (first) parking
lot at Riverwood. For more information, visit us at
Astronomy Series At Riverwood
July 12 (13); 9:00pm – 10:30 pm
Riverwood Conservancy
Randy Attwood of the Royal Astronomical Society
of Canada (Mississauga Centre) invites you to
explore the beauty of the night sky at Riverwood.
Bring your own telescope or binoculars and enjoy
an evening star gazing at Riverwood. Star maps
will be distributed. Telescopes will be set up for
observing the moon, planets and stars on the
lawn in front of Chappell House at Riverwood park.
Please note: The event will be held on the first date
shown – the second date is a back-up date in case
skies are not suitable for star-gazing on the scheduled date. For more information, visit us at
Amacon Mississauga Rotary Ribfest
July 14 – 17, 2011
Mississauga’s Ribfest is one of the biggest and best
community summer festivals in Mississauga. Enjoy
great food & drink, demonstrations & entertainment
and family fun.Located at Mississauga Celebration
Square at Mississauga Civic Centre.
See My Mississauga listings for details.
Meeting Us On The Commons
July 14 - September 11, 2011
Art Gallery of Mississauga, 300 City Centre Drive
Spotlight On Mississauga
July 14 - September 11, 2011
Art Gallery of Mississauga, 300 City Centre Drive
Driftwood Theatre Group Presents
“Shakespeare Under The Stars”
William Shakespeare’s Macbeth
July 15 – 16, 2011 7:30 pm
Bradley House Museum, 1620 Orr Road
Enjoy an outdoor performance of Shakespeare’s
‘Macbeth’ at the Bradley Museum.
Admission Pay-What-You-Can (Suggested $15/Person)
www.museumsofmississauga.com or
Port Credit Art Show
July 15 to July 17, 2011
Credit Village Marina
Atists from all over southern Ontario showcase a
variety of media in the beautiful Waterfront setting of
the credit Village Marina. Visit participating galleries
for special presentations and events!
Historical Walking Tour Of Streetsville
July 16, 2011, 10:00am – 1:00pm.
Come stroll through the Village of Streetsville with
our tour guide and learn about the history of this
beautiful village. Meet our tour guide in front of
Streetsville Florist, 265 Queen Street at 10 am sharp.
Wildlife Of Riverwood
July 18, 2011; 7:30 pm
Riverwood Conservancy
Join our resident nature photographer and naturalist
Dave Taylor for a quiet summer evening walk to observe Riverwood’s wildlife. Dave Taylor has “worked”
Riverwood for over twenty years and during that
time he has learned a thing or two about the natural
rhythms of Riverwood’s wildlife. This walk provides
an overview of the park’s animals from fish to fowl
with a smattering of mammals, reptiles and amphibians thrown in for good measure. Meet at the main
(first) parking lot at Riverwood. For more information,
visit us at www.TheRiverwoodConservancy.org.
Mississauga Independent Film Festival
July 20 – 24, 2011
Various times, Various locations
Showcasing the best of the next generation of Canadian film. Screenings from $8/person. www.miff.ca Muslimfest
July 23 – 24, 2011
Mississauga Celebration Square,“MuslimFest celebrates
the best in Muslim arts and entertainment. The event
features over 50 local and international artists who
showcase their talent in various areas. Concerts featuring popular Muslim artists, comedy shows, a multicultural bazaar, and a kids carnival constitute some of the
fun things one can expect. www.muslimfest.com.
See My Mississauga listings for details.
17th Annual Teddy Bear’s Picnic
July 24, 2011; 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Benares Historic House, 1507 Clarkson Road North
Admission $13.74 plus tax per family. Music and plenty
of fun and excitement await you at the 17th Annual
Teddy Bear’s Picnic! Bring your favourite stuffed animal for acheck-up at The Credit Valley Hospital Teddy
Bear Clinic, and enjoy the afternoon of games, stories,
crafts, scavenger hunts, great music and of course the
Teddy Bear Parade! www.museumsofmississauga.com
Fiesta Ng Kalayaan (The People’s Festival)
July 30, 2011; All day events
Mississauga Celebration Square
Celebrating the Filipino community within Mississauga
with performances and activities for the whole family. www.
kalayaancentre.org. See My Mississauga listings for details.
On the Verandah Summer Concerts Series
Hosted By The Friends Of The Museums
June, July & August; Friday Evenings; 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Benares Historic House, 1507 Clarkson Road North
Pay-what-you-can admission
August 5, Abeena Samm
August 12, Denise Leslie
August 19, Age of Reason
August 26, Sandi Marie Porter & Guy Breau
The Friends of the Museums of Mississauga present a
summer-long program of outdoor musical concerts.
Bring your own lawn chairs and/or blankets and best
sing-along voices to enjoy these outdoor performances. www.museumsofmississauga.com
Sunset Concert Series
Sundays in July & August; 6:30 pm – sunset
Port Credit Memorial Park
Enjoy live music by the water! Live musical outdoor
performances, by the river at Port Credit Memorial
Park. A fun filled evening for all including families
and adults, with various Mississauga performers.
For a listing of dates and performers visit
Viet Summer Fest
August 6, 2011
3:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Viet SummerFest is a showcase of Vietnamese culture
featuring live performances on the Mississauga
Celebration Square main stage from popular singers,
folk musicians, dancers, and performance artists.
The festival will also include authentic Viet foods
such as fresh spring rolls, noodles, drinks and
fabulous desserts. See My Mississauga listings
for details. www.minchauproduction.com
Jerkfest – Jerk Food Festival
August 6 – 7, 2011
Centennial Park, Etobicoke at the base of the Ski
HillsJerkFest celebrates the world renown jerk
cuisine. Its a fusion of jerk food, pulsating music,
family friendly entertainment and good vibes – all
under the throbbing Toronto sun. Fun for the entire
family. www.jerkfestival.ca
Astronomy Series at Riverwood
August 9 (10); 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm
Riverwood Conservancy
Randy Attwood of the Royal Astronomical Society of
Canada (Mississauga Centre) invites you to explore
the beauty of the night sky at Riverwood. Bring your
own telescope or binoculars and enjoy an evening
star gazing at Riverwood. Star maps will be distributed. Telescopes will be set up for observing the moon,
planets and stars on the lawn in front of Chappell
House at Riverwood park. Please note: The event will
be held on the first date shown – the second date is
a back-up date in case skies are not suitable for stargazing on the scheduled date. For more information,
visit us at www.TheRiverwoodConservancy.org.
Art Show at The Grange
Featuring Artist Beata Goik
August 9 – September 2
Debbie Hatch Discovery Centre
At The Grange, 1921 Dundas St. W. (one block west of
Mississauga Road) Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Art Show at The Grange
“The Grange Contest”
August 9 – September 30, 2011
Lower Meeting Hall, At The Grange, 1921 Dundas St. W.
(one block west of Mississauga Road)
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Herbs of Riverwood
August 10, 2011; 10:00 am
Riverwood Conservancy
People have used plants for healing since they first
walked the earth and plants continue to hold amazing medicinal activity. Healing herbs grow all around
us, not just in exotic or distant places. The first step in
learning what plants have to offer to humans is to get
to know the plants. Join Susan Elliotson, a practicing
herbalist, on a walk through Riverwood to identify
herbs in their natural habitat and learn about their
medicinal properties. For more information, visit us at
Driftwood Theatre Group Presents
“Shakespeare Under The Stars”
William Shakespeare’s Macbeth
August 12, 2011; 7:30 pm
Leslie Log House, 4415 Mississauga Road
Enjoy an outdoor performance of Shakespeare’s
‘Macbeth’ at the Leslie Log House
Admission Pay-What-You-Can (Suggested $15/Person)
or www.driftwoodtheatre.com
Historical Candlelight Walking Tour
Of Streetsville
August 12, 2011; 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Meet in the front of Streetsville Florist,
265 Queen St. South.
Health Walks at Riverwood
August 13, 2011; 9:00 am – 10:30 am
Riverwood Conservancy
TRC and the City of Mississauga Parks and
Recreation are working together to provide
a series of informative and healthy walks at
Riverwood and Erindale. The first half of the
walk will be led by a TRC volunteer where
participants learn about the park and its
features. Then Mike Erison leads a brisk
heart-healthy walk through Riverwood’s
beautiful forest. Be sure to dress for a brisk walk.
Meet at the main (first) parking lot at Riverwood.
For more information, visit us at
Fusion Landscaping – Create Your Own Oasis
August 16, 2011; 7:00 pm
Riverwood Conservancy
Peel Region’s popular workshop “Fusion
Landscaping” returns to Riverwood. Fusion
Landscaping is a new trend in garden design
that brings together traditional gardening ideas
with modern, eco-friendly plants and flowers.
The result is a stunning landscape that will reduce
water use and protect the environment. Join us to
learn how to design your own fusion oasis and
create it this fall. For more information, visit us at
Port Credit’s Busker Fest 6
August 19 - 21, 2011
Port Credit Memorial Park, various locations along
Lakeshore Rd.
With over 40 professional Buskers, 6 staging
areas, 2 spectacular fire shows and lots of
“surprise fly pitches” throughout Port Credit –
not to mention the hugest Grandest Finale on
Sunday with every Busker performing to support
local charities – Busker Fest is going to be incredible!
Grangestock: Music and Art Festival
Sunday August 21, 2011; 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
At The Grange, 1921 Dundas St. W.
(corner of Sir John’s Homestead & Dundas St. W.)
FREE ADMISSION. Enjoy old time rock and
blues, burgers hot off the grill and the works
of local artisans. For more information contact
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Port Credit’s In-Water Boat Show
August 26 – 28, 2011
Port Credit Harbour Marina, 1 Port Street East
Climb on board new and used power and sail boats
on display. On-shore exhibitor booths have many
types of marine products.
Astronomy Series At Riverwood
September 6 (7); 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Riverwood Conservancy
Randy Attwood of the Royal Astronomical Society of
Canada (Mississauga Centre) invites you to explore
the beauty of the night sky at Riverwood. Bring your
own telescope or binoculars and enjoy an evening
star gazing at Riverwood. Star maps will be distributed. Telescopes will be set up for observing the moon,
planets and stars on the lawn in front of Chappell
House at Riverwood park. Please note: The event will
be held on the first date shown – the second date is
a back-up date in case skies are not suitable for stargazing on the scheduled date. For more information,
visit us at www.TheRiverwoodConservancy.org.
Tim Hortons Southside Shuffle Blues & Jazz Festival
September 9 - 11, 2011
Port Credit Memorial Park, various locations along
Lakeshore Rd.
This three-day festival takes place in September and
welcomes local and international jazz and blues musicians. A variety of venues and bars host the events.
Lakeshore Road is opened to foot traffic for the event
finale. Free shows and activities. Tickets are required
for the main stage shows; weekend passes also available. www.southsideshuffle.com
Fall National Bridal Show
September 9 – 11, 2011
International Centre
Meadowvale Village 175th Anniversay
September 10, 2011
Community celebration with walking tours, Barbeque, live bands and Heritage Showcase exhibitors
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
The Franchise & Business Opportunities Show
September 10 – 11, 2011
International Centre
Westie Walk And Fun Day
September 11, 2011; 11:00am – 2pm
Free Admission
The annual Toronto Westie Walk, family fun day, and
BBQ Fundraiser for abandoned puppies.
Mississauga Valley Park, 1275 Mississauga Valley Blvd.
Kevin Lochnau Exhibit
September 15 to November 6, 2011
Art Gallery of Mississauga, 300 City Centre Dr.
Move Over Mrs. Markham
September 15 to November 20, 2011
Stage West Theatre Restaurant
A hilarious farce by Ray Cooney and John Chapman
Filled with mistaken identities, titillating situations
and risqué remarks, this tangled web of a romp has
the debauchery of daytime television mixed with the
misunderstandings of an 80’s sitcom.
A Taste of Streetsville
September 15 – October 7, 2011
The 3rd annual Taste of Streetsville event!
A great opportunity to taste and enjoy the
flavours of our quaint historical village. Visit
this website for the list of participating restaurants.
Fall Wildflower Walk
September 17, 2011; 9:30 am
Riverwood Conservancy
Join Nina Barabas, co-author of Wildflowers
of Riverwood, for an insightful look beyond
the mere beauty of these plants this fall season.
Nina will share her knowledge of the biology
and traditional uses of the plants. Meet at the
main parking lot. For more information, visit us
at www.TheRiverwoodConservancy.org.
Canadian Reptile Breeders Expo
September 17 – 18, 2011
International Centre
Mississauga Fall Festival
September 17, 2011; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Bradley Museum, 1620 Orr Road
Enjoy the lovely rustic setting of historic gardens and
buildings, including Bradley House (1830s), and the
Log Cabin at Bradley Museum. Featuring several stages
of non-stop folk music. Displays and activities from a
variety of environmental organizations will give you new
ideas for “living green”. Horse and wagon rides through
the park, historic demonstrations on site, activities and
more! Free with the donation of a non-perishable food
item for the local food bank, or a suggested $2 donation.
Historical Walking Tour Of Streetsville
September 18, 2011; 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Meet in the front of Streetsville Florist, 265 Queen St.
South promptly at 1:00 p.m.
4th Annual Cycling Tour De Mississauga September 18, 2011
This FREE Registration event will take you through the
northeast quadrant of Mississauga, Ontario beginning
and ending in Streetsville. Participants will enjoy a
FREE BBQ at Mississauga’s brand new Celebration
Square at the Tour’s end, compliments of the Region
of Peel, which is promoting active transportation and
lifestyle choices. For more information on routes and
registration visit www.mississaugacycling.ca/tour
Kismet Wedding Show
September 18, 2011; 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
International Centre
Fall Salmon Run
September 24, 2011; 9:30 am
Riverwood Conservancy
Watch the mighty, migratory salmon as they return
to spawn in the Credit River this fall. Join us for an
exploratory walk along the banks of the Credit and
get ‘hooked’ on the underwater world on the World
Rivers Day. Meet at the main (first) parking lot at
Riverwood. For more information, visit us at
Health Walks at Riverwood
September 25, 2011; 10:00 – 11:30 am
Riverwood Conservancy
TRC and the City of Mississauga Parks and Recreation
are working together to provide a series of informative and healthy walks at Riverwood and Erindale.
The first half of the walk will be led by a TRC volunteer
where participants learn about the park and its
features. Then Mike Erison leads a brisk heart-healthy
walk through Riverwood’s beautiful forest. Be sure to
dress for a brisk walk. Meet at the main (first) parking
lot at Riverwood. For more information, visit us at
Art Show at The Grange
September 27 – December 3, 2011
Debbie Hatch Discovery Centre, At The Grange,
1921 Dundas St. W.
(one block west of Mississauga Road)
Featuring Artist Pat Hertzberg
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Culture Days
September 30 – October 1, 2011; Various times,
Various locations;
Headquartered at Mississauga Celebration Square
(300 City Centre Drive)
Culture Days is a national celebration of arts and
culture. It is a collaborative pan-Canadian volunteer
movement to raise the awareness, accessibility,
participation and engagement of all Canadians in the
arts and cultural life of their communities. The first
annual Culture Days event was held in September
2010 in over 700 Canadian cities and towns. Annual,
Canada-wide Culture Days events feature free,
hands-on, interactive activities that invite the public
to participate “behind the scenes,” to discover the
world of artists, creators, historians, architects,
curators, and designers at work in their community.
Join artists at the Mississauga Celebration Square
for a kick-off celebration on Saturday, October 1,
10 am–5pm. www.mississauga.ca/culture or www.
Canada’s Baking And Sweets Show
September 30 – October 2, 2011
International Centre
Doors Open Mississauga
October 1, 2011; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Various locations; Headquartered at Mississauga
Civic Centre (300 City Centre Drive)
Free Admission
Doors Open Mississauga invites the explorer in
all of us to journey through some of the city’s
most significant architectural, heritage, social and
cultural achievements. Visit one of-a-kind locations
including Riverwood, the Meadowvale Miniature
Village, the Great Punjabi Business Centre, the Leslie
Log House, the Small Arms Building and the new
Sheridan College Campus. Up to 50 sites open their
doors annually for one day of fanciful exploration and
family fun. Call 905-615-3200 ext. 4063 or visit
Doors Open Mississauga Heritage Tour
October 1, 2011; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Heritage Bus Tour
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
Also at Lorne Park Library and meet with
Heritage Showcase
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Take 2: Culture Days on the Square
October 1, 2011; 10:00am - 5:00pm
Mississauga Celebration Square
Take 2: carry out; “take action”; “take steps”; “take
vengeance”. Take 2 will transform the Square into an
experimental action scene, offering a multi-spatial,
multi-dimensional, multi-cultural platform for new
art forms and presentation methods to take place by
artists and performers. www.mississauga.ca/culture ;
Toopy & Binoo
October 1, 2011; 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
Suhaag Wedding Show
October 2, 2011
Toronto Congress Centre
This event offers decorators, photographers,
videographers, fashion designers, honeymoon
destinations, furniture businesses, financial
institutions, home builders for anyone looking
to get married or fashion savvy individuals
looking for a South Asian flare. www.suhaag.com
Howie Mandel
October 2, 2011; 7:30PM
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
Art Show at The Grange
“Aggregation 6” Featuring ALFEW
October 11 – November 25, 2011
Lower Meeting Hall, At The Grange, 1921 Dundas St. W.
(one block west of Mississauga Road)
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Toronto International Snowmobile,
ATV & Powersport Show
October 14 – 16, 2011
International Centre, www.torontosnowmobileshows.com
Photographic & Digital Imaging Show
October 14 – 16, 2011
International Centre
Toronto Fall RV Show & Sale
October 14 – 16, 2011
Toronto Congress Centre
200,000 Square feet of all types of RVs. Everything
from campers, travel trailers and motor homes to
seminars and attractions.
Historical Walking Tour of Streetsville
October 15, 2011, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Final tour for 2011!
Meet in front of Streetsville Florist, 265 Queen St. S.
Haunted Mississauga Spirit Tour
October 21, 2011; starting at 7:00 pm
(Rain date October 23; 7:00 pm)
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Fall Classic Car Auction & Swap Meet
October 21 – 23, 2011
International Centre
Annual Youth Showcase Presented By
Mississauga Arts Council
October 22, 2011 (details TBA)
Travel Expo
October 22 – 23, 2011
International Centre
The Franchise Show
October 22 – 23, 2011
Toronto Congress Centre
The Franchise Show is Canada’s largest franchiseonly exhibition, bringing together the largest number
of brand name franchises under one roof with investments at all levels! www.cfa.ca/thefranchiseshow
First United Church, 151 Lakeshore Rd. W.
2011 Skate Canada International
October 27 – 30, 2011
Hershey Centre
Tickets for the 2011 Skate Canada International are
now on sale and are available through www.ticketmaster.ca, by phone 1-855-985-5000 or in person
at the Hershey Centre box office.
Inquiries: 2011sci@skatecanada.ca or
Feast of St. Martin Dinner Dance Presented by
Folklore Ensemble Croatia
November 6, 2011
Eat Drink Man Woman
November 10 to December 23, 2011
Art Gallery of Mississauga, 300 City Centre Dr.
The Good Lovelies
October 28, 2011; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, RBC Theatre
Three-part harmonies with just a pinch of sass, these
darlings of the folk music scene combine clever song
writing and a dose of sex appeal for a swinging
evening of good time fun! www.livingartscentre.ca
International Home Show
October 28 – 30, 2011
International Centre
Streetsville Spooktacular
October 29, 2011 10: 00 am – 1:00 pm
Vic Johnston Arena
Children between the ages of 2-10 years old can
participate in activities such as face painting, scary
tales, games, songs, and loot bags.
Magic Flute (Opera Kitchener)
October 29, 2011; 7:30 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
Historic Hallowe’en Fun
October 30, 2011; 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Benares Historic House, 1507 Clarkson Road North
The Museums of Mississauga present their annual family
event, ‘Historic Hallowe’en Fun’ on October 30th from
12 to 4 pm. The first 200 kids who come in costume will
receive a loot bag filled with treats and might just win a
prize in the costume contest! This family oriented event
features on-going shows of slithering snakes and other
reptiles, live music for the whole family, spooky tours
of the historic house, haunted bouncy castle, cookie
decorating (donated by La Villa Bakery), kid’s crafts and
more. You can even enter the ‘haunted barn’ if you dare!
$13.74 (+tax) per family. www.museumsofmississauga.com
Miles Davis Experience, 1949 – 1959,
A Collaboration with Blue Note Records
November 4, 2011; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
More than a concert – it’s a theatrical event charting
the course of one of the most iconic innovators in
jazz. Recapture the sound, the optimism and the
milestones of an era that shaped the cultural landscape and gave birth to a new music.
Toronto’s Bridal Show
November 4 – 6, 2011
Toronto Congress Centre
Everything you need to plan your wedding, contests, stage
shows and much more. www.torontosbridalshow.com
Mississauga Choral Society Benefit Concert
November 5, 2011
Streetsville Remembrance Day
November 11, 2011; 11:00 am
Cenotaph at the intersection of Main & Queen
Streets Remembrance Day Ceremony.
Sportcard & Memorabilia Expo
November 11 – 13, 2011
International Centre
Mamma Mia!
November 12, 2011; 7:30 pm
November 13, 2011; 2:00 pm & 7:30 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
Christmas Marketplace
November 17, 2011; 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Great Hall, Mississauga Civic Centre,
300 City Centre Drive
If you are looking to buy original creations in an
atmosphere of holiday nostalgia, look no further
than the City of Mississauga’s annual Christmas
Marketplace Craft Sale. The popular craft sale
features handmade jewelry, pottery, glass works,
home décor, clothing, seasonal gift baskets, jams,
chocolates and more. Now in its fourteenth year,
more than 50 local artisans will display their unique
wares. www.mississauga.ca/culture Season’s Christmas Show
November 18 – 20, 2011
International Centre
Motown Gold
November 24, 2011 to February 5, 2012
Stage West Theatre Restaurant
Stage West has produced yet another smash
hit musical revue, this time delivering the heart
and soul of the Motown era. In 1960, Detroit
Michigan, Berry Gordy, Jr. incorporates Motown
Records – a label with “soul”. The Motown sound
was not just a fad; it was the future of pop music as
it united cultures and influenced the industry with
jazz horns, R & B piano and gospel voices. Motown
churned out artist after artist and hit after hit.
JW Jones
November 24, 2011; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, RBC Theatre
One of the most energetic and exciting live shows
on the blues scene today! Their high energy,
old-school is sound sure to set the night on fire!
Streetsville’s Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony
Nov 25, 2011; 7:00pm
Village Main Street Square
Yearly traditional lighting of the Christmas Tree.
Horse and wagon rides, hot chocolate, sweet treats,
and a visit from Santa. www.villageofstreetsville.com
Czech Boys Choir - Joy To The World
November 25, 2011; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
From the heart of Europe - draped in traditions
dating from the 13th century, this renowned choir
brings “Joy to the World” with a musical journey
through the seasons. Celebrate Christmas traditions
from the Czech Republic and around the world!
Great Outdoor & DIY Weekend Show
November 25 – 27, 2011
International Centre
Carollers In The Village (Streetsville)
Streetsville Village
Saturdays between Nov 26 and Dec 17, 2011
Strolling Christmas Carollers.
Handel’s Messiah Presented By The Mississauga
Choral Society
November 27, 2011
St. Patrick’s Church, 921 Flagship Drive
Sheesham & Lotus – Old Time Ways
November 27, 2011; 1:00 pm & 3:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, RBC Theatre
Streetsville Santa Claus Parade
November 27, 2011
Streetsville Village
A signature event in the village attracting thousands
of people displaying floats, costume characters, and
bands. www.villageofstreetsville.com
Tree Lighting Celebration
November 26, 2011; 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Mississauga Celebration Square
Celebrate the season at City Centre with the lighting
of the trees and the grand unveiling of Mississauga
Celebration Square’s new outdoor ice rink. Be
captivated by live concerts and performances; enjoy
public skate, Kids Fun Zone, dine on winter favourites
and watch as City Centre glows with a dazzling spectacle of lights. www.mississauga.ca
Cranberry Breakfast Presented By
The Mississauga Arts Council
December 2, 2011
Mississauga Festival Choir Christmas Concert
December 3, 2011
Living Arts Centre, 4141 Living Arts Drive
Nutcracker - State Theatre Ballet Of Russia
December 3, 2011: 7:00 pm,
December 4, 2011; 2:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
Mixed Martial Arts Expo
December 3 – 4, 2011
International Centre
H.A.S.C. Antique Cars & Parts Flea Market
December 4, 2011
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
International Centre
Carolling at The Grange
December 4, 2011; 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
At The Grange, 1921 Dundas St. W.
(one block west of Mississauga Road)
Enjoy old fashioned Christmas Carolling around
the camp fire with a cup of hot chocolate, fun for the
whole family. Please bring a non-perishable donation
for the Deacons Cupboard (foodbank). Hosted by
Heritage Mississauga www.heritagemississauga.com,
905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Art Show at The Grange
“Aggregation 7” Featuring ALFEW
December 4, 2011 – February 24 2012
Lower Meeting Hall, At The Grange, 1921 Dundas St. W.
(one block west of Mississauga Road)
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Dysfunctional Holiday Revue (Second City)
December 9, 2011; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, RBC Theatre
Pinocchio Presented By Cow Over Moon
December 9 - 10, & 16 – 18, 2011
Cow Over Moon Children’s Theatre
Home for the Holidays at the Museums
Of Mississauga
December 11, 2011; 12pm - 4pm
Bradley Museum, 1620 Orr Road;
Benares Historic House, 1507 Clarkson Road North;
Leslie Log House, 4415 Mississauga Road
Come and explore Bradley Museum to discover how
early settler families prepared for and celebrated
the Christmas season. In Bradley House, step back
in time and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells
of an early 19th century home including cooking
on the open hearth. Visit the Log Cabin and have
your photo taken with Santa Claus, sample some
Christmas goodies in the volunteer-operated tea
room and listen to live traditional music in the
historic buildings. Stop by Benares Historic House
to experience the revelry of an early 20th century
Christmas in this elegant restored house decorated
in all its seasonal finery. There will be carolling in the
drawing room around the player piano, horse-drawn
wagon rides through the property and children’s
crafts. Don’t miss our wonderful volunteer-run gift
shop in the Visitor Centre. The Leslie Log House will
feature exhibit displays on the history of Streetsville
and Christmas festivities including children’s crafts,
historic demonstrations and enjoy some apple cider.
Miracle On Mercer Street (Second City)
December 11, 2011; 1:00 pm & 3:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, RBC Theatre
January 2012
Exhibit at The Grange
Debbie Hatch Discovery Centre, At The Grange, 1921
Dundas St. W. (one block west of Mississauga Road)
War of 1812 Exhibit from Ontario Archives
In partnership with the Peel Heritage Complex.
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga.
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Mayor’s New Year’s Day Levee
January 1, (please check the website for time)
Celebrate the new year with the Mayor and Members
of Council at the Civic Centre. Free refreshments,
outdoor skating (weather permitting) and more.
Call 905-896-5000 or www.mississauga.ca
North American International
Motorcycle Supershow
January 6 – 8, 2012
International Centre
Total Wedding Show
January 20 – 22, 2012
International Centre
Robert Michael’s Viva Italia!
January 27, 2012; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
Shannon Butcher
January 27, 2012: 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, RBC Theatre
Clifford the Big Red Dog
February 4, 2012; 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
Suhaag Wedding Show
February 5, 2012
Toronto Congress Centre
Weddings play a significant role in the South Asian
culture as children are brought up understanding
that marriage is a vital process that must take place in
one’s life. The aim of the show is to provide a one stop
shop to couples looking to get married and fashion
savvy individuals. www.suhaag.com
Swan Lake – State Theatre Ballet of Russia
February 9, 2012; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
All Shook Up
February 9 to April 20, 2012
Stage West Theatre Restaurant
Into a square little town in a square little state rides a
guitar-playing roustabout who changes everything
and everyone he meets in his musical fantasy that
has audiences jumping out of their blue suede shoes.
Love Train
February 10, 2012; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, RBC Theatre
Back by popular demand, George St. Kitts is
bringing his Love Train Revue just in time for
Valentine’s Day. St. Kitts sold out show last
season highlighted and captured the essence
of the Motown genre enhanced with his
Big Band and Guest vocalists. The Love Train
Revue relives the Motown Hits that target
the heart. Love is in the Air!
Kismet South Asian Wedding Show
February 12, 2012; 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
International Centre
Playing For Change
February 16, 2012; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
February 16 – 18, 2012
Living Arts Centre, RBC Theatre
Spring Fishing Show
February 17 – 20, 2012
International Centre
Toronto’s Kids Fest
February 18 – 20, 2012
International Centre
Mississauga Sports Week
February 20 – 26, 2012
Sports Week is an action packed week full of events,
displays, demonstrations and work-shops celebrating sport and active living for the whole family. Call
905-267-3536 or visit www.sportsmississauga.org
Family Day at the Museums of Mississauga
February 20, 2012, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Bradley Museum, 1620 Orr Road
Benares Historic House, 1507 Clarkson Road
NorthLeslie Log House, 4415 Mississauga Road
Celebrate Family Day at the Museums of
Mississauga! Activities include guided tours,
historic demonstrations, crafts and more!
Purchase a Family Day Pass and enjoy a variety
of drop-in activities across the City of Mississauga.
Heritage Awards
February 23, 2012; 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Honouring Heritage Heroes. Hosted by
Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
February 24 – 26, 2012
International Centre
March 2012
Toronto International RV Show
March 1 – 4, 2012
International Centre
Art Show at The Grange
Featuring Rick Hansen Secondary School Art Students
March 6 – 30, 2012
Debbie Hatch Discovery Centre, At The Grange, 1921
Dundas St. W. (one block west of Mississauga Road)
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Maple Magic
March 10 – 18, 2012; Weekdays: 12:00 pm – 4:00pm;
Weekends 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Bradley Museum, 1620 Orr Road
March Break Week marks the return of our annual
Maple Syrup Festival at the Bradley Museum— Maple
Magic! Enjoy horse-drawn wagon rides and pancakes
served daily in our Log Cabin, along with guided
tours, kids’ crafts, free samples and more. Don’t
miss out on the Sweet Water Camp, a recreated First
Nations campsite where you can learn about the
lore and legends surrounding the first discovery of
this marvellous water that oozes out of maple trees.
Don’t miss out on this popular event! $17.17 (+tax) per
family. www.museumsofmississauga.com
March 13 – 14, 2012; 7:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
Richard Scarry’s Busytown: Busytown Busy
March 15, 2012; 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
Toronto Wine & Cheese Show
March 16 – 18, 2012
International Centre, www.towineandcheese.com
International Spring Motorcycle Show
March 17 – 18, 2012
International Centre
Equinox Sunrise Ceremony at The Grange
March 18, 2012; at Sunrise
At The Grange, 1921 Dundas St. W.
(one block west of Mississauga Road)
Led by Métis Elder Joe Paquette.
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
International Centre
Literature For Life - Kite Runner
April 12, 2012; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, RBC Theatre
International Home & Garden Show
April 12 – 15, 2012
International Centre
Irshad Khan
April 13, 2012; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, RBC Theatre
From child prodigy to one of the most dynamic
musicians today, Irshad Khan is considered to be
one of the world’s best Sitar players of his generation
and among the finest instrumentalists in the world.
Transcending cultural barriers, his remarkable
versatility across numerous musical styles, turns each
performance into a spellbinding experience.
Spring Classic Auction & Swap Meet
April 13 – 15, 2012
International Centre
Don Giovanni – Opera Kitchener
March 23, 2012; 7:30 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
Ballroom With a Twist
April 14, 2012; 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
Ballroom with a Twist is an extravagant evening of
entertainment for the entire family, highlighted by
stunning costumes, magnificent music and breathtaking performances. www.livingartscentre.ca
March 23, 2012; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, RBC Theatre
Just For Laughs Roadshow
April 15, 2012; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
Spring Cottage Life
March 30 – April 1, 2012
International Centre
The 39 Steps
April 26 to July 1, 2012
Stage West Theatre Restaurant
The two-time Tony and Drama Desk Award-winning
show is packed with non-stop laughs, over 150
characters (played by four talented cast members)
and some good old fashioned romance. A woman
is murdered. Soon a mysterious organization
called The 39 Steps is hot on the man’s trail and
a nationwide manhunt begins. Winner of the
Olivier Award for best comedy!
Earth Hour
March 31, 2012
Show your commitment to fighting climate change
and reduce your energy consumption!
APRIL 2012
Carassauga’s Dumpling Festival
April 2012
Art Show at The Grange
Featuring Erindale Secondary School Art Students
April 3 – 27, 2012
Debbie Hatch Discovery Centre, At The Grange,
1921 Dundas St. W. (one block west of Mississauga Road)
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Sgt Pepper - Classic Albums Live
April 5, 2012; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
All About Pets
April 6 – 8, 2012
Creativ Festival
April 27 – 28, 2012
International Centre
Mississauga’s Earth Days
April 2012
Make a commitment to the environment and help
keep Mississauga Living Green by participating in
our Earth Days events! Call 905-896-5000 or visit
MAY 2012
‘May Is Museum Month’ At The Museums
Of Mississauga
May 20, 2012; 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Bradley Museum, 1620 Orr Road
Benares Historic House, 1507 Clarkson Road North;
Leslie Log House, 4415 Mississauga Road
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Enjoy guided tours and historic demonstrations at
Bradley Museum and Benares Historic House as part
of ‘May is Museum Month’.
Art Show at The Grange
Featuring Artist Lorraine Ireland
May 1 – June 1, 2012
Debbie Hatch Discovery Centre, At The Grange,
1921 Dundas St. W.
(one block west of Mississauga Road)
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Jane’s Walk
May 2012, Various times; Various locations
Mississauga and cities around the world participate
in an annual grassroots movement called Jane’s
Walk, which celebrates the legacy of urbanist
Jane Jacobs by getting people out exploring their
community and meeting their neighbours. Free
walking tours are led by people who want to create
a space for residents to talk about what matters to
them in the places they live and work.
www.mississauga.ca/culture or
www.janeswalk.net Sportcard & Memorabilia Expo
May 4 – 6, 2012
International Centre
Annual Mississauga Marathon
May 5 – 6, 2012
Features the full marathon, half marathon, 10 km run,
5 km run, Corporate Relay Challenge, 10 km student
relay 2 km family fun walk/run. Call 905-949-2931 or
visit www.mississaugamarathon.com
Dufflebag Theatre – Three Musketeers
May 6, 2012; 1:00 pm & 3:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, RBC Theatre
May 8 – 9, 2012; 7:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, Hammerson Hall
STOMP is explosive, provocative, sophisticated,
sexy, utterly unique and appeals to audiences of all
ages. The international percussion sensation has
garnered an armful of awards and rave reviews, and
has appeared on numerous national television shows.
The eight-member troupe uses everything but
conventional percussion instruments – matchboxes,
wooden poles, brooms, garbage cans, Zippo lighters,
hubcaps – to fill the stage with magnificent rhythms.
Esmeralda Enrique
May 11, 2012; 8:00 pm
Living Arts Centre, RBC Theatre
The Mommy & Me Show
May 11 – 13, 2012
Toronto Congress Centre
From prenatal, preschool, to preteen, there’s a lot to
see, learn and explore with great products, exclusive
deals and entertainment for all the family to enjoy.
Anime North
May 25 –May 27, 2012
Toronto Congress Centre
Canada’s Largest Anime Convention offers
autograph sessions, video games, manga library,
dances, Comic Market, dealer’s room and much
more. www.animenorth.com
June 2012
On the Verandah Summer Concerts Series
Hosted by The Friends Of The Museums
June, July & August; Friday Evenings;
Benares Historic House, 1507 Clarkson Road North
Pay-what-you-can admission
The Friends of the Museums of Mississauga present a
summer-long program of outdoor musical concerts.
Bring your own lawn chairs and/or blankets and best
sing-along voices to enjoy these outdoor performances. www.museumsofmississauga.com
Carassauga-Mississauga’s Festival Of Cultures
June 2012
Various times; Various locations
Carassauga Festival ranks today as Mississauga’s
largest cultural festival, its largest indoor festival, and
its second longest running community festival. It is
the largest multi-cultural Festival in Ontario and has
been voted by Festivals & Events Ontario as one of
the Top 100 Festivals in Ontario. Passport for admittance to all pavilions $10/advance, $12/door; kids 12
and under Free. www.carassauga.com
Streetsville Founders Bread and Honey Festival
June 2012 (First weekend of June)
Streetsville Memorial Park – All day events; Various
locations in Streetsville
On tap, as is tradition, are the village-wide parade,
two stages filled with activities catering to the whole
family, a pancake breakfast, a market, free food, the
Lion’s carnival, the fishing derby and, of course, fresh
bread and honey. $5/adult/day, $7/weekend; $3/
seniors and children (5-12); Free/kids 4 and under.
Gallery in the Garden & Strawberry Fair
June 3, 2012; 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Benares Historic House, 1507 Clarkson Road North
Enjoy the beautiful grounds of Benares Historic
House while wandering the lawns and tasting some
of our fabulous strawberry shortcake. Various
artisans will be showcasing and selling their work
including art, jewellery, pottery, blown glass, wood
carving, wrought iron, mosaics and more. In addition,
did you know that Clarkson was once the Strawberry
Capital of Canada? Celebrate a tasty bit of local history. Musical entertainment will also be on site for
your enjoyment. www.museumsofmississauga.com
Mississauga Waterfront Festival
June 2012
All day events; Various locations in Port Credit
Known for presenting the best in Canadian and
International talent, past concert performances
include: Sam Roberts, Jann Arden, Tom Cochrane,
Chantel Kreviazuk, Colin James, Kathleen Edwards,
Suzie McNeill and Bruce Cockburn. The children’s
stage is home to popular TV stars like The
Backyardigans, Max & Ruby and Dora the Explorer
while the Family Fun Village offers everything
from stilt walkers and fire-eaters to exciting water
shows, family carnival, interactive sports activities,
delicious food and unique crafters and vendors. The
variety of exciting events and attractions draw visitors
to the Mississauga Waterfront Festival from near and
far. www.themwf.com
Wildwood Park; Malton Community Centre,
3540 Morning Star Drive
Annual family friendly festival celebrating the diverse
and talented community of Malton. Performances
and activities for all ages. www.maltonfestival.ca
Heritage Luncheon
June 14, 2012; 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Glen Erin Inn 1695 The Collegeway
Speaker: TBD. Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Art Show at The Grange
Featuring ALFEW
June 19 – August 24, 2012
Debbie Hatch Discovery Centre, At The Grange,
1921 Dundas St. W. (one block west of Mississauga Road)
Hosted by Heritage Mississauga
www.heritagemississauga.com, 905-828-8411 Ext. 0
Malton Community Festival
June 2012; All day events
Mississauga’s waterfront villages
The picturesque waterfront communities of
Port Credit and Clarkson provide stunning
vantage points from which to enjoy Mississauga’s beautiful lakeside setting.
Port credit www.portcredit.com
Picturesquely situated at the mouth of the
Credit River along the northern shore of
Lake Ontario, Port Credit is Mississauga’s
“Village on the Lake”.
A portion of this area, known as “Old Port
Credit Village”, has been designated as an
Ontario Heritage conservation district:
“Human use and activity in the district
predate the government’s village survey by
many thousands of years. The settlement
of the Native Mississauga at the mouth of
the Credit River for over a century, their
resettlement upriver in 1826 and their
significant investment in the Credit Harbour Company in 1834 especially affected
the formation of old Port Credit. Peter
and John Streets are named after Peter
and John Jones, directors in the Credit
Harbour Company and Mississauga chiefs.
Peter Jones (Kahkewaquonaby), missionary, translator and author, is provincially
important as a leading figure in the
conversion of the Mississauga and other
Ojibway people to the Methodist branch
of Christianity and their adoption of a
sedentary way of life — farming and
trades. Mississauga Road South, originally
called Joseph Street after Mississauga chief
and Credit Harbour Company director
Joseph Sawyer, preserves in its name the
legacy of the Mississauga people in Port
Credit.” (Excerpted from the Old Port
Credit Village Heritage Conservation
District Plan prepared for the City of
Mississauga, 2004)
One of the oldest settlements in Ontario, the
quaint and nautically themed Port Credit
village is anchored by a harbour on Lake
Ontario and distinctive red and white
working lighthouse with a beaconing light
that can be seen from miles around. (The
Lighthouse also houses the offices of the Port
Credit Business Improvement Area). Port
Credit is an international border entry point
into Canada by water.
The nautical character of Port Credit is in
large part due to the number of well preserved residential and institutional buildings
dating from the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries built by and for those
who made a living on the water — mariners,
sailors, stonehookers, fishermen, wharfingers,
tradesmen and labourers. While all the historical charm remains, a lot has happened in
the ensuing 176 years since the village
was founded.
In 2007, Port Credit was dubbed “the most
happening area in the 905” (the Greater
Toronto area) by National Post reporter Peter
Kuitenbrouer for its artful combination of
small town charm with cosmopolitan flair
and savvy. As you stroll along Port Credit’s
charming streets, you will discover for
yourself a wonderful array of retail shops,
boutiques, and services, restaurants, as well
as an amazing selection of places to go after
dark with live entertainment.
Just north of the main strip, drop by Old Credit
Brewery, one of Ontario’s most established
craft brewers featuring an on-site retail store.
Located on the site of the original ROOTS
apparel store, Old Credit Brewing craft quality
Amber Ale & Pale Pilsner in small batches
with no additives or preservatives to ensure
quality freshness and taste. Quality malts,
imported hops and specially selected yeasts
are used along with charcoal-filtered water
to ensure purity with direct firing in a copper
kettle. The Ale and Pilsner are fully matured
at 8 Weeks at 3.5 degrees below zero.
The expansive Waterfront Trail, numerous
parks, the Credit Village Marina (a marina
for visiting boaters to the city for vessels
up to 45’ in length) and the Lakefront
Promenade Marina (with first class docking
and boating facilities, a licensed outdoor
eatery, a full-service public fuel dock, dryland winter storage, park trails and many
other amenities), are all sites for numerous Mississauga community activities and
events. For dinner with a view, be sure to
visit one of Port Credit’s many fine waterfront restaurants.
For avid fishermen and those who enjoy being on the water, boat charters are available
from the Port Credit Harbour Marina, the
largest freshwater marina in Canada. The
waters of Lake Ontario around Port Credit
are rich in Chinook salmon and Rainbow
trout with smaller catches of Coho salmon,
Atlantic salmon and brown trout.
The Toronto Sun/Toronto Sportsmen’s
Show, Great Ontario Salmon Derby 2011:
July 9 – August 27, 2011
(Owned and Produced By: Canadian National
Sportsmen’s Shows (CNSS))*
Head to the lake, charter a boat, bring along
your favourite lure and enjoy 50 days of fishing excitement on Lake Ontario’s shoreline.
Port Credit’s Credit Village Marina located at
12 Stavebank Road, Mississauga 905-891-5217
is one of 11 Official Weigh-In Stations for the
15th Annual Great Ontario Salmon Derby held
in communities all the way from Grimsby
to Wellington.
The 15th Annual Great Ontario Salmon
Derby is North America’s largest fresh
water fishing derby. Fishermen compete
for various weekly prizes including cash,
tackle, rods and reels and, for the heaviest
salmon caught every week — a 2011 Toyota
Matrix! The winner of the overall Derby
wins an exciting Grand Prize package
including a 2011 Toyota Tacoma TRD
Sport, a fishing trip for two, and a
celebration dinner.
The derby attracts both avid and recreational
fishermen alike. In 2009, the fishing derby
was won by a nine year-old boy who used his
late grandfather’s favourite blue lure to reel
in a whopping 34.64 pound Chinook salmon.
For more information, complete tournament
rules and to order tickets online, visit
* Canadian National Sportsmen’s Shows is committed to conserving
Canada’s outdoors and instilling Canadian youth with an appreciation
for nature and outdoor activity. Proceeds from shows and derbies support conservation projects and campaigns across Canada and promote
the recreational use of Canada’s resources.
Historic Clarkson Village
Located on the eastern edge of Mississauga
along Lakeshore Road is Clarkson village,
founded in 1808. Clarkson is the oldest of
Mississauga’s waterfront communities and
is named after early settler Warren Clarkson.
The community was once recognized as the
“Strawberry Capital of Ontario”. To this day,
events in Clarkson are often celebrated with
Strawberry Socials and strawberry shortcake!
Featuring a main street with a variety of
retail shops, restaurants and services,
Clarkson is also popular with history buffs.
Clarkson’s historic treasures include the
Bradley Museum (c.1830) 1620 Orr Road
and the Benares Historic House (c.1857)
1503 Clarkson Road North. Both museums
are operated by the city’s Museums of Mississauga. The Museums have a rich artifact
collection which spans over 200 years of
Mississauga’s history.
When you visit the Bradley Museum, you can
experience the simple daily life of a farming
family in the early 19th century. Constructed
in 1830 by Lewis and Elizabeth Bradley, this
United Empire Loyalist couple and their
seven children called this modest house
home. Situated in a rural setting, the bright
yellow saltbox style Bradley home is the only
surviving original farmhouse in the area.
For a step back into the early 20th century
around the time of World War I, visit the
Benares Historic House, considered by some
to be the inspiration for Canadian author
Mazo de la Roche’s (1879-1961) famous series
of Whiteoaks of Jalna novels. The author
spent the summers of 1924 – 1928 as the
neighbour of Benares Historic House in the
nearby “Trail Cottage”. (For more information on Museums of Mississauga, see
www.museumsofmississauga.com. For
more information on Mississauga Heritage,
please see www.heritagemississauga.com.
Located in northern Mississauga, Streetsville,
Mississauga’s “Village in the City”, sits on
the banks of the Credit River — a quaint
scenic community with fashion boutiques,
jewellery shops, cafés, restaurants, pubs and
the largest concentration of historical build-
ings in Mississauga, such as St. Andrew’s
Presbyterian Church, built in 1867.
As befits its heritage status, Streetsville’s
cobblestone lanes and Victorian-style brick
buildings evoke the charm of a bygone era.
Streetsville reflects a long history that in part
documents the proud heritage and growth
of Ontario and Canada. Each storefront and
office is unique in appearance. The historic
homes along Queen Street, the main thoroughfare, have been converted to modern offices,
restaurants and small shops, all within convenient walking distance of eachother.
Shop for a varied selection of goods
including accessories for the home and
garden, vintage clothing and one-of-akind specialty items. Shops offer products,
value and a level of personalized, small
town customer service that Streetsville has
come to be famous for. The essence of Streetsville’s service-related environment originated
in villages like Streetsville all across Ontario
many years ago. The founding spirit and
enthusiasm of those first community leaders
attracts and inspires modern day Streetsville
merchants and service providers every day.
Streetsville festivals include the ever-popular
Bread and Honey Festival held every year
on the first weekend in June.
Enjoy affordable, high calibre community
and professional entertainment at Meadowvale Theatre, part of the arts community
since 1989. The Streetsville area is also home
to Mississauga’s BraeBen Golf Course,
challenging golfers of every skill level. The
27-hole facility features an 18-hole championship and a nine-hole, par three Academy
course. The teaching Academy offers individual and group lessons.
For fishing enthusiasts, Lake Aquitaine, just
outside the Streetsville area, offers excellent
fishing for bass, trout, perch, sunfish and catfish.
Leslie Log House
4415 Mississauga Road, Mississauga
While in Streetsville, take a step back in time
as you visit the Leslie Log House, just south
of Eglinton Avenue. The Leslie Log House
joins the Bradley Museum and Benares Historic House as the third site of the Museums
of Mississauga.
The Leslie Log House has been conserved
as an example of early 19th century architecture and the lifestyle led by Mississauga’s
pioneer settlers. Built in 1826, this house
was the original home of John Leslie and
his wife Esther Beatty who came to Upper
Canada in 1824 from Sutherlandshire,
Scotland. The white cedar, story-and-a-half
log home, 26 by 36 feet, remained in the family
for 100 years.
To preserve the structure, the house was
moved from its original location (Derry Road
West and Mississauga Road) to its present
site in 1994.
The building, designated under the Ontario
Heritage Act, was opened to the public
on May 14th, 2011 as the new home of the
Streetsville Historical Society (SHS), in partnership with the Museums of Mississauga,
City of Mississauga.
The Leslie Log House is home to the SHS’s
rich archival and artifact collection
in appropriate museum-quality storage
upstairs. The main floor features exhibits
of the SHS collection, educational programming by the Museums of Mississauga, and
includes a lovely meeting room available for
meetings and social occasions
For more details visit
or 905-615-4860 ext. 2110
The Village of Meadowvale
Located in the north-western section of
Mississauga, the village of Meadowvale,
at the junction of Derry Road West and
the Second Line, was first settled in 1820
by Irish immigrants close to the Credit River.
The river provided the power for the mills
and foundry that were built in the area. By the
1850s, Meadowvale had two hotels, a wagon
shop and a school. Later the area became
popular as a haven for artists. Many of the
homes were built in the mid-19th century and
are still standing. In 1980, Meadowvale Village
became the first heritage conservation district
in Ontario.
The Airport Area offers a wide range of
entertainment options — hotels, dining,
shopping, family-oriented activities and
novel attractions, as well as two of Canada’s
largest conference and trade show facilities
(the International Centre and the Toronto
Congress Centre).
Browse and shop at the Woodbine Centre,
which also has an indoor amusement park
“Fantasy Fair” for the little ones. The area
features Woodbine Racetrack, OLG Slots
and the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of
Fame. Head to the International Centre or
the Toronto Congress Centre to check out
their current roster of consumer shows, ranging from All About Pets to a classic-car auction.
theatres, galleries and many outdoor
adventures, all within a short drive.
…And that’s only the beginning! We can’t
wait to welcome you to Mississauga!
The state-of-the-art Pier F at Toronto
Pearson International Airport’s Terminal 1
has increased passenger capacity by seven
million passengers, enabling the airport to
serve up to 38 million passengers each year.
Fly into Mississauga through Canada’s largest
airport and principal gateway — Toronto
Pearson International Airport, serving 32
million passengers on 65 airlines with service
to 182 destinations in 56 countries around
the globe. Only 20 minutes from downtown
Toronto, drive to Mississauga via one of the
seven major highways that link Mississauga to
the surrounding regions east, west and north.
Mississauga is also easily accessible by water
via one of the city’s many marinas or public
docking areas.
For heartpounding excitement,
Woodbine Entertainment Group
features the internationally renowned
Woodbine Racetrack, home to some of
North America’s best horse racing and
gaming including the $1-million Queen’s
Plate. The Woodbine Entertainment
Group also features state-of-the-art slots
floors with more than 2,000 slot machines
within a 56,000 square foot themed
gaming area.
Beyond city limits explore fabulous regional
attractions and breathtaking countryside
vistas. Experience the wonder of Niagara
Falls, a renowned wine region, outstanding
Located between Toronto and Niagara Falls,
close to many of Canada’s largest tourist attractions, and only 90 minutes from the U.S.
border, Mississauga is easily accessible by
air, land, and water making it an ideal
destination for visitors.
Niagara Falls
Imagination comes to life – arts, culture and
entertainment in Mississauga
Mississauga is a city fiercely passionate
about arts, culture and heritage. Home to a
thriving collection of community, professional and public organizations, the city is
working at all levels to implement its Culture
Master Plan which promotes continued
growth in the arts, cultural and heritage
sectors, enriching the lives of residents and
visitors alike and continuing to establish
Mississauga as a major hub of creativity and
innovation. Watch for events throughout
the year including Doors Open and Culture
Days, Take 2 on October 1, 2011. For more
information, visit www.mississauga.ca/
Mississauga has a wide range of non-profit
arts groups that contribute over $12 million
to the local economy in wages and supplies.
The city also has 1,000 facilities and sites
where cultural events and activities are available for people of all ages and backgrounds
to enjoy.
There are 270 heritage designated properties in Mississauga, out of which 170 are
within the City’s two heritage conservation
districts: Meadowvale Village (designated
in 1980 and the first heritage area to be
designated in Ontario) and Old Port
Credit Village, designated in 2004. A heritage
conservation district is a defined area of
buildings and properties designated under
the Ontario Heritage Act. The designation
enables the City to manage and guide change
through the adoption of plans and guidelines
for the conservation, protection and enhancement of each area’s special character.
Heritage Act designation includes modern as
well as historical heritage sites that possess
special historical or architectural qualities
worthy of preservation. For more information, visit www.mississauga.ca/portal/residents
Over 500 enterprises make up Mississauga’s
Creative and Cultural Economic Sector
(CCES), 87% of which are small businesses.
In Mississauga, approximately 10,845
people or 2.8% of the workforce have jobs
in the Creative and Cultural Economic
Sector (CCES)*.
Clockwise from top left to right: Living Arts Centre,
Bradley House, Stage West, Yuk Yuk’s
There are 5 museums in Mississauga, 6 public art galleries, 13 commercial galleries, and
8 theatres hosting a variety of live events.
Eclectic, diverse and engaging for the most
discerning visitor, Mississauga’s cultural
landscape has endless options for you to
Theatre and Performing
From community theatre to major headliners, Mississauga features many theatre and
performance groups, various theatre and
performance spaces and a variety of first-class
entertainment options.
The Living Arts Centre
www.livingartscentre.ca has quickly become
the pinnacle for performing arts in the city
core. The centre, opened in 1997, features
every kind of performance imaginable —
from drama, dance, music, variety, and
comedy to opera, symphony, jazz, blues,
ballet and big band. The Living Arts Centre
is home to Orchestras Mississauga. The
centre also features arts, crafts and visual
arts studios and LIVE Cuisine restaurant, as
well as a gift shop full of uniquely designed
and crafted items.
Looking for something dramatically different?
Stage West Theatre Restaurant presents
light-hearted comedies or musicals in a Las
Vegas styled dinner theatre environment
with a delicious buffet meal. Excellent entertainment for a night out or group celebration.
Watch a production at the Meadowvale
Theatre where one of Mississauga’s many
musical and dramatic theatre groups perform.
www.mississauga.ca/portal/residents/meadowvaletheatre Or cap off an evening at Yuk
Yuk’s, Canada’s renowned comedy club.
Public Art Galleries in Mississauga
Art Gallery of Mississauga
300 City Centre Dr.
Mississauga, L5B 3C1
Tel: 905-896-5088
The Blackwood Gallery
University of Toronto at Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Rd. North
Mississauga, L5L 1C6
Tel: 905-828-3789
Laidlaw Hall and Galleria
Living Arts Centre, 2nd Floor
4141 Living Arts Dr.
Meadowvale Theatre Lobby Gallery
Meadowvale Theatre
6315 Montevideo Dr.
Tel: 905-615-4720
Visual Arts Mississauga (VAM)
1475 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W.
(Located on Riverwood Property)
Mississauga, L5C 2S7
Tel: 905-277-4313
Gallery for Emerging Young Artists
Mississauga Arts Council
300 City Centre Dr. Ste 1055
Hidden in central Mississauga is
Riverwood, offering a unique all-season
destination where history, nature, beauty
and peace blend together to create an
enjoyable and lasting outdoor experience.
With accessible trails, splendid wildlife and
glorious views. Riverwood is an ideal site to
observe and enjoy the best of what ‘Mother
Nature’ has to offer.
The Riverwood Conservancy
The Riverwood Conservancy (TRC)
is a volunteer- and member-based
charity that provides programs and
services in nature and environmental
education, stewardship, gardening
and volunteerism.
History of Riverwood
The natural and cultural history of Riverwood is rich, with fossils from ancient seas
dating back 415 million years. Human history
includes use by First Nations for elk-hunting
and salmon-fishing camps, British logging of
white pine for ship masts, and settlement for
farming and housing.
The Credit River flows through Riverwood’s
western border. The 150-acre park and urban
oasis features quiet glades, meadows, old
growth forest, ravines, creeks and wetlands.
One of the Credit River watershed’s most
diverse ecosystems, wildflowers flourish and
wildlife abounds at Riverwood. Over 160 bird
species have been identified there.
Heritage structures include the 1919 Chappell
House, home of TRC, MacEwan Field
Station, believed to have once been a pickleprocessing facility, and MacEwan Barn with
its original 1850s hand-hewn beams.
This year-round adult and family interpretive
education program fosters the public’s understanding and appreciation of natural heritage
areas . Seasonal events at Riverwood provide
themes for learning offering hands-on garden
workshops, astronomy, ecology and nature
Chappell House
Photo: Madeha Khalid
interpretation, and nature walks to
experience hand-feeding chickadees and
birding in winter, learning about deer in
spring, watching birds and bats in summer,
seeing salmon in the fall and more. For a
current calendar of Riverwood events, visit
MacEwan Terrace Garden (Opening Soon)
A new two-acre garden is being built at
Riverwood. The “Time & Change”-themed
accessible garden features terraces overlooking beckoning gardens, native plantings that
flank the wetland, and plants that attract
birds and butterflies. Heritage gardens
around the 1850s barn are accented by
grasses, White Pine and the graceful skirts
of Norway Spruce.
Visual Arts Mississauga
Located in picturesque Riverwood Park,
Visual Arts Mississauga (VAM) is the city’s
premier visual arts organization. VAM fosters
an appreciation of the visual arts through
active involvement in a variety of creative
experiences.. For further information visit
www.visualartsmississauga.com or
call 905.277.4313.
Visual Arts Mississauga
Laser Quest
Sports in The Great
Outdoors in Mississauga
Mississauga – Your place to play
Whether you are a spectator or a participant,
Mississauga offers a great variety of fun
sporting and recreational activities for you
to enjoy.
Get in some playtime
Let loose at the Playdium, with 40,000 sq.
feet of adrenaline-fuelled, action-packed
games to enjoy, it’s the place to play. Experience over 200 interactive arcade and ticket
redemption games, batting cages, outdoor
mini-golf, or their go-kart track. Experience
a whole new type of driving in 1 of 4 different full size Ferraris with OUTRUN 2
DELUXE, the only game of its kind in
Canada and the 2nd launched in North
America. www.playdium.com
Laser Quest combines the classic games of
tag and hide & seek with a high-tech twist.
Donning the most sophisticated laser tag
gear, the game is played in a large, multilevel arena featuring specialty lighting,
swirling fog and heart-pounding music.
Play individually or on teams.
Get behind the controls of a flight simulator
at the Air Combat Zone. Your “pilots”
won’t need any flying experience, as
learning to fly the CF-18 Hornet combat
flight simulators is the job of the on-site
mission commanders. Simulators feature
fully functional controls, instrumentation,
heads-up and large screens displays.
Near the Airport Area, discover Wild Water
Kingdom www.wildwaterkingdom.com,
Canada’s largest water park and only salt
water park. Whether you’re in the mood for
a relaxing dip in the lazy river, or a thrilling
ride down one of their exciting slides, enjoy
all of the amazing water attractions, Bumper
Boats, Batting Cages, mini-golf, rock climbing under a waterfall. Watch a movie at the
Drive-in or experience the “Urban Oasis”,
the ultimate summer gathering spot.
Also in this area you and your family will
enjoy spending time at Fantasy Fair
www.fantasyfair.ca, Ontario’s largest indoor
amusement park with nine full-size rides,
a giant play village and a family-friendly
arcade. (Located inside Woodbine Centre).
Golfers can really get in the swing in Mississauga. The 18-hole BraeBen Golf Course,
nestled in the centre of Mississauga’s Heartland community, was designed over 30 years
ago to be true to the Scottish Highlands with
its dramatic terrain and tall, rough grasses.
The environmentally sensitive facility also
has the nine-hole Academy Course and a
driving range. You can test your golfing skills
on the par-71 Herbert Strong designed course
at Port Credit’s Lakeview Golf Course, one
of Ontario’s most historic golf courses. At
its present location since 1907, Lakeview
has twice hosted the Canadian Open, one
of Canada’s most prestigious golfing events
Gone fishin’ — The Credit Village Marina
and the Lakefront Promenade Marina
have excellent rental and docking facilities.
The area is rich in salmon, so head out for
a day on the water with Salmon Express
www.salmonexpress.com or Andrew’s
Charter www.andrewscharter.ca. Avid
fishermen populate J.C. Saddington Park
(53 Lake St.) located at the mouth of the
Credit River. The area is rich in Chinook
salmon and steelhead, as well as coho, pink
and Atlantic salmon. Each year nearly 25,000
chinook salmon and 10,000 steelhead fill the
river, providing ample chances to make that
perfect catch.
Try your hand at windsurfing or canoeing,
soak up the sun on the beach, hit the tennis
courts, play a game of baseball or cool off at
the splash pad at Jack Darling Park.
For sports enthusiasts, Mississauga also
Wild Water Kingdom
features the highly acclaimed 160-hectare
Hershey SportZone, a major sports park
development that houses the Hershey
Centre, one of Mississauga’s premier sports
and entertainment facilities, including the
Sports Hall of Fame. The Hershey Centre
features many events throughout the year
such as: concerts, hockey games; Dodge
Rodeo Championships; West 49 World Cup
Skateboarding; international skating events;
family shows; trade and business exhibitions
and film & photo shoots. The Hershey Centre is home to the Mississauga St. Michaels
Majors of the Ontario Hockey League. For
sports fans, Ontario Hockey League games
keep the adrenaline flowing from October
to April.
The SportsZone development also includes
an indoor soccer facility, indoor gymnasium,
indoor gymnastics facility, four outdoor artificial turf fields and the Mississauga Multi
Use Ramp Park (a popular venue with
Iceland Mississauga is located just south of
the Hershey Centre and operates as a yearround, four-rink ice complex.
The Mississauga Marathon started its first
year in 2004 with a desire to promote Mississauga’s tourism and supply local athletes with
a chance to run within their own communities. Since then, it has grown tremendously
from having 5,000 participants in its first year
to hosting over 10,000 runners this past year.
In just a few years the Mississauga Marathon, which is a certified Boston Qualifier,
has become an internationally recognized
event on marathon calendars with runners
from all over the world. More specifically,
ten Canadian provinces, over fifteen U.S.
States, the United Kingdom, Trinidad, Italy,
Kenya, Costa Rica, Mexico, the Philippines,
Poland, Australia, the Czech Republic, Brazil,
Netherlands, and Switzerland have been
represented since 2004. The Mississauga
Marathon has earned its spot as a premier
event amongst the marathon circuit as well
as the title of the “Fastest Growing Marathon” in Canada!
Today, the Mississauga Marathon offers
a “Run for Everyone”! Participants
have the option of signing up for a Full
Marathon, Corporate/Team Relay, Half
Marathon, 10 km Run, 10 km Student Relay, the Hazel 5 km or the 2 km Family Fun
Run/Walk. The Mississauga Marathon’s
consistent net downhill course covers
many of Mississauga’s most beautiful residential neighbourhoods and winds
up along the stunning Waterfront Trail
of Lake Ontario before finishing at
Lakefront Promenade Park.
Of course an event of this size could not
be possible without sponsors and volunteers. Each year, the Mississauga Marathon
recruits over 1,500 volunteers to fulfill shifts
at their Runner’s Expo, start and finish lines,
course marshals and aid station groups
along the route. The Marathon also likes to
give back to the community as well. In 2011,
runners generously donated funds to the
Marathon’s nine charities which included
the Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada,
Trillium Health Centre Oncology Unit,
Credit Valley Hospital Foundation, United
Way of Peel Region, Jerry Love Children’s
Fund, YMCA, the MS Society Mississauga
Chapter, New Circles Community Services
and Cameron Helps.
The 2012 Mississauga Marathon will take
place on Saturday, May 5th and Sunday,
May 6th. Plans are already underway as
the Mississauga Marathon continues to
develop, mature, grow and flourish as one
of the premier running events in the world.
The Mississauga Marathon will also continue
to focus on children, schools and healthy
lifestyle with their approach of a run for
everyone. The Mississauga Marathon is
anticipating continued growth in their
charity fundraising and have a number
of new initiatives planned for next year in
this regard.
For more information please visit:
You can also reach the Mississauga
Marathon by Email –
Or Phone – (905) 949-2931
The 2011 Tour de Mississauga
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Mississauga is Cycling!
From having 50 cyclists in the first year, to
drawing well over 1,000 cyclists in its third
year in 2010, the Tour De Mississauga
attracts cyclists of all abilities from all around
the region and it is growing every year.
Mississauga has an abundance of cycling
trails and routes to discover. Cyclists of any
age or ability, on any kind of bike (including
electric assist), are welcome to participate
in this non-competitive cycling tour which
celebrates its 4th Anniversary in 2011.
2011 ROUTES: All new!
This year, the Tour de Mississauga routes will
focus on the North-East quadrant
of the City. This is the next quadrant in
a four year cycle to explore the entire City by
bike! The most popular course, the 60 km
‘Signature’ ride, features the best off-road
trails and on-road cycling routes available
throughout NE Mississauga. The shorter 30
km ‘Family’ route is growing rapidly in participation. And last year’s newly-introduced 100
km road-only ‘Challenge’ ride was strongly
supported by roadies and is being repeated
with a brand new route which covers different
parts of the City. All routes have “get-back
quick” options. Maps and directions will be
posted online prior to the event.
Come out and see what you’ve been missing — learn a great route you can ride again
and again and enjoy all of Mississauga’s
hidden gems; plus — it’s a great way to meet
other cyclists from all over the City and
beyond! Bike clubs and corporate groups are
welcome — compete online to get the most
registered participants from your club
or company!
Ride the City’s newest trails, learn routes
with bike lanes and see public art, gardens
and a fantastic view of the urban skyline
coming over the City’s new Confederation
Parkway Bridge (with bike lanes), including
the new 55-storey ‘Marilyn Monroe’
building. Other highlights include the
Hershey Centre complex and IceLand, historic Malton Victory Hall, the Etobicoke
Creek, the vast Airport lands, Britannia
Farm, the Living Arts Centre, the new
Sheridan College campus, Square One and
Farmers Market, prestige industrial areas,
community centres and distinctive neighbourhoods. Tunnels, bridges, natural areas
and urban pavements: these routes have
got it all!
Registration is free. Register online beginning in June, 2011. Early bird T-shirt
giveaway. Minors must be accompanied by
an adult. Tour T-shirts are also available for
sale with registration.
The Tour de Mississauga starts and ends at
Mississauga’s brand new Celebration Square,
300 City Centre Drive. Departures are staggered by route, starting at 8:00 a.m., Sept. 18.
riders at the Mississauga Celebration Square
venue and via mobile services.
A free BBQ will be held for all riders at the
Tour’s end, compliments of the Region of
Peel, as part of their promotion of active
transportation and healthy lifestyle choices. Refreshment stands along the way. Draws
and presentations will take place during the
lunchtime BBQ — all back at the exciting
Mississauga Celebration Square.
The Tour de Mississauga is organized by the
Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee.
For more information, please contact:
www.mississaugacycling.ca/tour. For fast
access from you mobile device, go to:
Sponsors and exhibitors will provide SWAG,
special offers and items for a Raffle Draw
and other prizes. On-site bike mechanics
from Mississauga’s top bike shops will assist
Golf Mississauga
Mississauga boasts an exceptional diversity
of attractions. Included among these is a
range of golf courses to suit every level and
style of play. Whether you’re a recreational
hacker or a discriminating linksman, there’s
a green oasis awaiting you here!
BraeBen Golf Course
Located on the highest point of land in the
city, BraeBen offers can’t-miss vistas of
Mississauga’s impressive landscape. With
an 18-hole championship course, a 9-hole
academy course, and full banquet facilities,
this course has something for everyone.
The championship course, fully open to
the public, is a dramatic journey of varied
terrain, intimidating fescue, thick vegetation
and immaculate fairways accented by sodwalled bunkers—features that collectively
call to mind the early days of golf. And, like
the Scottish highlands, wind comes into play
in almost any round, so whether you opt
for the red, white, blue or black tees, every
aspect of your game will be put to the test.
BraeBen’s 9-hole, par 3 course is tops among
those in the province and home to a renowned
teaching academy whose certified instructors
teach individual and group lessons in a congenial, relaxed atmosphere. During the summer
months, BraeBen hosts Nike-sponsored junior
golf camps for kids aged 7 to 16.
Beyond the pleasurable golf tracks, BraeBen
features outstanding amenities, including a
double-ended driving range, a clubhouse pub
with outdoor patio, a fully stocked pro shop,
a 200-seat dining room with 180-degree
windows, and affordable rates that earned
the course Golf Digest’s coveted “Best Bang
for Buck” rating.
BraeBen is more than just a great golf course,
however; it is also a source of great pride to
the city’s residents. Its highlands-style terrain
provides sanctuary to an assorted wildlife
population, including hawks, falcons, coyotes,
and foxes, and, with a green energy system
that provides renewable energy sufficient to
power over 5,000 homes in Mississauga, significantly reducing the city’s carbon footprint,
it is also an ecological tour de force. In other
words, as a golf course, BraeBen is truly green.
Mississaugua Golf and Country Club
One of the oldest and most prestigious golf clubs
in Canada, Mississaugua Golf and Country
Club rests on a site first visited by Governor
Sir John Simcoe in 1793. Simcoe and his
party, paddling up the Credit River, rounded
a bend (by the current 15th hole) and came
upon a forest clearing. It wasn’t until more
than a century later, however, that the land
was claimed for its current use, when a
committee ousted from the Old Highlands
Golf Club due to Toronto’s rapid westward
expansion came upon it. Having traveled
south to the lake along old Mississauga Road,
they happened upon what is now the lawn
in front of the clubhouse and caught sight
of some apple trees. One of the party, a man
named John Hall, strolled to the edge of the
hill overlooking the valley and was awestruck by the view. He told his companions,
“We have found the promised land!” and
to drive the point home (no pun intended),
he dropped a golf ball onto the ground and
smacked it into the valley below.
Soon the old farmhouse sitting on the property was converted into club headquarters
and the upper part of the barn into a locker
room and men’s sleeping quarters. A few
years after, in 1912, construction began on the
present clubhouse and other amenities, and
it wasn’t long before Mississaugua became
the jewel it is today. Six-time host of the
Canadian Open and numerous other professional events, the club occupies 240 acres
and includes a curling rink and four fully lit
tennis courts in order for its members to enjoy it year-round. In addition to the 20-hole
golf course, the club features an 18-hole putting green, a new bunker and pitching area,
an extensive driving range, a fully equipped
pro shop, and a beautiful banquet hall perfect
for hosting events up to 200 people. Oh, and
no, the name isn’t a typo.
Lakeview Golf Course
Since the likes of Tommy Armour, Gene
Sarazen and Walter Hagen battled for Canada’s
national golfing crown, Lakeview Golf Course
has changed little — and thank goodness for
that. The exquisite parkland-style layout was a
treat then and remains a treat today.
At its present location since 1907 and a community favourite since its inception, Lakeview
is as stimulating as it is challenging, characterized by deceptively tricky fairways, large yet
nuanced greens, and memorable individual
holes, including the 591-yard fifth and 466yard sixteenth, both voted as favourites by
MasterCard Memorial Cup
May, 2011
Toronto golfers. But Lakeview’s appeal runs
deeper than its great golf course. Rich with
lore, the course has seen numerous unforgettable moments and events during its history,
starting with the initial prospectus in which
Rosedale Golf Club professional W.J. Lock
estimated that construction of an 18-hole
course could be accomplished for about $99.
The feat was accomplished, and an article
in Outdoor Canada offered moderate praise
for the new course, noting in particular the
750-yard ninth hole, “indisputably the longest
in Canada.” Despite the fact that railway lines
split the two nine-hole halves, the course
flourished, soon becoming a major draw for
those in the area.
In fact, when the club earned the right to host
the Canadian golf championship, club president
F.A.N. Powell was so concerned about making it
championship-worthy that he brought in New
York architect Herbert Strong to lead a redesign,
and the results were so effective that none of the
two hundred entrants in the 1923 tournament
(which for the first time charged spectators a fee
of one dollar) shot par in any round, nor would
any participant in the event do so for the next
eleven years. But the players lauded the admirable test the club offered, and as its reputation
grew, so did its visibility. It didn’t take long for
Lakeview to become an enduring favourite, and
it remains so today. Still, golf luminaries like
Armour, Sarazen and Hagen aside, the most
important figure in the club’s history is a cocker
spaniel named Buddy. When flames ignited in
Lakeview’s clubhouse on the early morning of
July 21, 1939, it was Buddy’s barking that awoke
Martha Andrews, the housekeeper, who in turn
alerted the other staff and guests, allowing them
all to escape unharmed.
Grand Highland Golf Club
The new kid on the block in Mississauga’s
golf scene and a perfect complement to the
championship-length courses, Grand
Highland Golf Club was introduced in 1994
and has been winning kudos ever since. Conveniently located in the heart of the city, the
par-three, nine-hole executive course offers
charming views of the cityscape and an ideal
opportunity for anyone wanting to practice
their short game or get in a quick morning or
afternoon round.
MasterCard Memorial Cup
in Mississauga
From May 20 – 29th, 2011, Mississauga hosted
the 93rd edition of the prestigious MasterCard Memorial Cup, a national championship featuring champions of the Ontario
Hockey League, the Western Hockey League,
and the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League,
along with the host team the Mississauga Majors. This tournament represents the pinnacle
of junior hockey in North America.
The official arrival of Memorial Cup to
Mississauga’s new Celebration Square took
place on May 19th. The event included a rededication ceremony of a unique Community
Memorial and tribute performance by Mississauga’s Michael Ciufo. The Memorial Cup
is one of the most prestigious and coveted
trophies in North American sports. It has
a rich tradition that has shaped the way
junior hockey is played today. The trophy
was originally known as the OHA Memorial
Cup and was donated by the Ontario Hockey
Association in March 1919, in remembrance
of the many soldiers who paid the supreme
sacrifice for Canada in The First World War.
The Credit River runs through it
Mississauga offers visitors more than 480
parks and 23 major trail systems to explore and
enjoy. From creek trails, parklands and picnic
parks to verdant natural woodland areas filled
with all species of ferns and blankets of
Ontario’s official flower the Trillium, waterfront parks, trails, garden parks and natural
spaces throughout Mississauga provide serene,
tranquil settings to relax and enjoy.
For several years, the city has also been in
the process of naturalizing many areas along
rivers and creeks. In these areas you will
find more trees, wildflowers and native fruit
and flower bearing shrubs. Naturalization
encourages birds and animals to live in the
urban environment. Mississauga’s naturalization program encompasses approximately
2,000 acres of greenbelt, water courses,
woodlots, steep banks and meadows.
Mississauga is a nature lover’s and hiker’s
paradise with an extensive parks and trail
system that offers many opportunities to get
active. Trails can be used for a variety of activities including walking, cycling, jogging, inline
skating and even cross country skiing (during
the winter months).
Enjoy exploring the 15 km Port Credit portion
of the Waterfront Trail and beyond. The Waterfront Trail is a 780 km (485 mile) designated
and signed, (120 km — 75 mile undesignated,
signage yet to be installed) multi-use (pedestrian, cycling, rollerblading) recreation trail
which runs along the shores of Lake Ontario
from Niagara-on-the-Lake in the south-west
to the Quebec border in the east). The Trail
passes through Mississauga’s picturesque
waterfront public park system and conservation areas and traverses the 94-acre Rattray
Marsh, a protected natural conservation area.
Erindale Park
Park lies calmly in the city core, with the
iconic Civic Centre clock-tower easily
glimpsed through the greenery of rhododendrons, pine, gingko, sweetgum trees and
the beautiful lavender-hued Iris laevigata or
rabbit-ear iris, official flower of the City of
Kariya, Japan, Mississauga’s sister city, after
which the park is named. Brueckner Rhododendron Garden (660 Lakeshore Road
West) features beautiful hybrid Rhododendrons, which can be found blooming from
mid May to mid-June, as well as azaleas and
other woodland and mountain plants.
Hidden in central Mississauga is Riverwood,
offering a unique all-season destination
where history, nature, beauty and peace
blend together to create an enjoyable and
lasting outdoor experience. With accessible
trails, splendid wildlife and glorious views,
Riverwood is an ideal site to observe and
enjoy the best of what ‘Mother Nature’ has
to offer.
For more information about Mississauga’s
many parks, green spaces and trails,
visit www.eparks.ca.
Home to a wide variety of wildlife and
plants, Rattray Marsh is an “environmental gem”, a pristine natural setting, one
of the last natural shingle-bar marshes
along Lake Ontario and the last remaining
lakefront marsh on western Lake Ontario.
This environmentally sensitive wetland
offers a unique outdoor experience and is
an absolute must-see for avid bird watchers,
photographers and nature lovers.
Mississauga also features several beautiful
garden parks. Like a tranquil lake of serenity
in the heart of bustling Mississauga, Kariya
Trillium, Ontario’s Official Flower
“People are often shocked to learn that some of the best salmon fishing in North America takes place in Lake Ontario. Each
year, thousands of sportfishing enthusiasts ply Lake Ontario’s waters from Whitby to Niagara Falls in search of chinook
and coho salmon. Efforts are under way to reintroduce native Atlantic salmon and there are well-established populations
of rainbow trout, brown trout and lake trout. Charters that supply all the equipment you need are easy to book and they
provide a great way to see our city by the lake.” -Brian Lambie, Co-Founder PCSTA
Get hooked
“Atlantic salmon are an important part of
the natural and cultural heritage of the Lake
Ontario basin. Their ancestors migrated
from saltwater in the post-glacial period and
adapted to freshwater inland. They require cool,
fast waters and clean habitat; as an indicator
species, their survival is solid evidence that an
aquatic ecosystem is healthy.” Ontario Ministry
of Natural Resources www.mnr.gov.on.ca
Geographical features and natural attributes
define a real sense of place and history for
a city. For Mississauga, the Credit River and
Lake Ontario are two of those majestic,
defining features.
Fed by two main sources — one from Orangeville north of Mississauga, the other from
Erin to the west, the Credit River forms at
the Forks of the Credit Provincial Park near
Caledon, Ontario after separately flowing
over the escarpment with two beautiful falls
and then meandering south and through
Mississauga, emptying into Lake Ontario at
Port Credit.
Native people had been attracted to the
Credit River Valley over thousands of years.
In the 1720s, the French established many
trading posts around Lake Ontario, one of
which was located near the mouth of the
Credit River, so named after the custom of
trading with the Mississaugas Native peoples
on credit. The rich, fertile soil surrounding the Credit River Valley then attracted
settlers to the area which was to eventually
become Mississauga.
“Atlantic salmon once thrived in Lake Ontario and were an abundant natural resource for
Aboriginal communities and early settlers…
Prior to European settlement, it is estimated
25,000 to 70,000 tonnes of adult Atlantic
salmon returned to spawn annually in North
America… As the area was developed, farming, logging, and the construction of dams
Photo: PCSTA
contributed to the reduction and degradation
of critical habitat, and overfishing took its
toll. By the late 1800s, Atlantic salmon had
disappeared from Lake Ontario and
its tributaries…
In 2006, the Ontario Federation of Anglers
and Hunters joined with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources to launch the first
phase of Bring Back the Salmon, also known
as the Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program, with the help of major sponsor
Australia’s Banrock Station Wines, the LCBO,
Canadian Sportfishing Industry Association
and Fleming College. In May, 2011, Bring
Back the Salmon launched Phase II with
support from new title sponsor, Ontario
Power Generation, and more than 40 partners who have contributed to the success of
this historic effort to restore self-sustaining
populations of Atlantic Salmon to Lake
Ontario and its tributaries.” The Lake
Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration
Program www.bringbackthesalmon.ca.
To further encourage salmon and other
coldwater fish species to spawn in
the Credit River, and to establish strong
populations of these fish in Lake Ontario,
the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
and partners have undertaken a number of
initiatives such as:
• Planting trees along river banks to prevent
eroded soil sediments, farm nutrients and
other pollutants from entering the water.
The additional shade also lowers water
• Improved fencing to prevent livestock
entering streams.
• Making it easy for fish to swim around culverts, dams and other barriers to migration.
• Altering dams so that water downstream is
cooler. Ontario Ministry of Natural
Resources www.mnr.gov.on.ca
Another important partner in this process
is the Credit River Angler’s Association
(CRAA). The CRAA is a watershed group
working on the entire watershed and all
species within. The CRAA’s main focus is on
sport fish, (trout, Atlantic and Pacific salmon
and bass), but the work they do benefits
everyone and everything in the Credit River
valley — from birds to animals to other valley
users through carefully planned conservation work. CRAA’s foremost objectives are
a pristine river, with stable flows, reduced
silt and flooding, a healthy valley with dense
forest cover and improved groundwater.
CRAA has completed over $500,000 in
stream rehabilitation over the past 13 years
with 117,000 native trees planted, stocking of
over 1.5 million steelhead, brown trout and
Atlantic salmon, countless stream rehabilitation works and over 25,000 volunteer hours
logged. Funding from the MNR’s CFWIP,
MNR’s Fish and Wildlife Budget, the Toronto
Sportsmen’s Club — Great Ontario Salmon
Derby, Environment Canada’s Eco-Action
2000, Ontario’s Trillium Fund, City of
Mississauga, Mayor Hazel McCallion Golf
Tournament CRAA’s fund raising, Port Credit
and Promenade Launch Program, Shell
Canada, local corporations and donations
from the Credit Valley Conservation, MNR
and Home Depot continue to help CRAA
reach their goals. www.craa.on.ca
In 2010 ,The Port Credit Salmon and Trout
Association, (PCSTA) was created to further
nurture and promote the historic migratory
salmon fishery on Lake Ontario. In April 2011,
the PCSTA released 5,000 three inch-long
baby Chinook salmon hatched from eggs
collected from the Credit River last fall into
a special pen in Port Credit Harbour. Kept in
their pens for approximately six weeks until
they tripled in size, the salmon were then
released into Lake Ontario.
Thanks to all of these efforts the Credit
River today boasts huge runs of Chinook
salmon and steelhead as well as some coho,
pink and Atlantic salmon. The steelhead run
is estimated to be over 10,000 fish every year.
The steelhead first enter the river in late
August with fresh fish still available in midMay. The Credit’s steelhead are currently
90% wild fish and that number has been
steadily increasing due to the work by the
Credit River Anglers Association (CRAA ).
PCSTA Co-founder Wayne Andrew of
Andrew’s Charters adds “Lake Ontario is
a major destination for sport fishing with
the area around Mississauga and Toronto
particularly good for salmon fishing. Port
Credit/Bronte ranked third and Toronto
ranked seventh amongst the top twenty Pacific
Salmon Fishing destinations published by
Outdoor Canada. The Chinook salmon industry
(around 25,000 adults every year) on Lake
Ontario is estimated to contribute about $180
million annually to the province’s economy.
Port Credit is home to a large fleet of salmon
fishing boats and charter operations, as well
as the Great Ontario Salmon Derby, the largest inland water sport fishing competition in
North America. Although conditions may vary
from year to year, trophy salmon for the Great
Ontario Salmon Derby typically weigh in at
about 30-32 lbs. for the weekly prize and app
roach 40 lbs for the grand prize. The official
World Records are 79.2 pounds for an Atlantic
Salmon caught in 1928, 33.4 pounds for a
Coho Salmon caught on Sept 27, 1989 and 97.4
pounds for a Chinook salmon caught on May
17, 1985. The largest caught in Lake Ontario
was 46.4 lbs.”
Several parks and conservation areas along
the Credit River offer angling opportunity
during the open season for trouts and
salmon. Erindale Park situated in the middle
of Mississauga is open to salmon and trout
fishing all year and produces a lot of fish. It is
not uncommon to see 250 anglers at this part
of the river when a big run is on, but there is
plenty of room for all.
Thanks to the work of the Ontario Ministry
of Natural Resources, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, the Credit
River Anglers Association, the Port Credit
Salmon and Trout Association and the
Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration
Program, as well of many other organizations and volunteers, the Credit River is
now a well-protected and thriving natural
resource. Environmental laws have ensured
that the entire river valley is free from
development and is left in a natural state
to be enjoyed by all. Deer, coyotes, fox and
other wildlife live in the valley. You would
not even know you were in a city at all when
you are by the river.
For more information about fishing in the
Credit River visit the Credit River Anglers
Association (CRAA) web site www.craa.on.ca.
For more information about the Ontario
Great Salmon Derby, please refer to page 28.
Credit River
The Grange
Journey to the City’s Past with Heritage Mississauga
From its nature trails that pass through farms
long gone to its historic villages, the City of
Mississauga is a gem in the heart of Southern
Ontario. With a little help from Heritage
Mississauga, you can experience a walk
through the looking glass and see Mississauga’s
many hidden heritage secrets. Let Heritage
Mississauga help you begin your tour.
Known for being a “City of Villages”,
Mississauga boasts nine unique and
historic areas to visit. Self-guided walking
tours are available in print copy or online
to help you get started, as well as numerous
heritage publications. Or for the adventurous, visit Mississauga through your GPS.
Downloadable tours are available on
the Heritage Mississauga website
www.heritagemississauga.com. From the
airplanes in Malton, to Ontario’s first Heritage Conservation District, to Museums in
Clarkson, to salmon fishing in Port Credit,
there are countless heritage sites to see.
Another tour for the adventurous is Heritage
Mississauga’s “Lost Villages” experience.
During the early 1800s Mississauga was made
up of vast forests, with many lots designated
as masting lots, where the trees were harvested for masts on the King’s sailing ships.
As settlement came, small hamlets and villages sprang up at major crossroads all over
what is today the City of Mississauga. You
can visit these “lost villages” today — places
such as Pucky Huddle, Frogmore, Mount
Charles, and Summerville, to name but a few.
To help you on your tour “Journey to the
Past: The Lost Villages of Mississauga”
can be purchased from Heritage Mississauga
to give you the full story on these interesting
lost places.
Do you have a question about Mississauga’s
history that has been left unanswered?
Then the Heritage Resource Centre at
The Grange, the home of Heritage Mississauga, is the next stop on your heritage tour.
The Robinson-Adamson House, commonly known as The Grange, was built around
1828 for Sir John Beverley Robinson, and
remained a private family home until 1973.
The Grange is a fine example of Ontario regency cottage architecture. At The Grange,
you can visit the Heritage Resource Library,
Photo: Heritage Mississauga
which is full of local history resources, oral
history interviews, and thousands of images
as Heritage Mississauga staff help you
dig through the pages of time. While
you are there, visit the Debbie Hatch
Discovery Centre and the Lower Hall
Gallery to see a variety of ever-changing
heritage-themed exhibits and art exhibits
featuring local artists. Visitors are always
welcome, the coffee is always on, and the
conversation lively.
or an old village, meeting with people and
events from the past.
This is only a small sampling of the heritage
experiences that you can enjoy while you visit
Mississauga. Contact Heritage Mississauga —
there may be a bus tour, new exhibit, or
event just waiting for you to join in. Visit
www.heritagemississauga.com, or follow
them on Facebook and Twitter to learn more, and
see what you can add to your itinerary today.
A number of interesting events are held
throughout the year at The Grange
including the March Equinox Sunrise
Ceremony where our Métis Elder
welcomes spring in a traditional ceremony.
In August, Heritage Mississauga brings you
“Grangestock”, their version of Music and
Art at it’s finest. In December don’t miss
the annual celebration of the season with
“Carolling at The Grange”. Share hot
chocolate around the campfire and enjoy a
visit with friends.
Heritage Mississauga is also ready to bring
spirits of Mississauga’s past to life as they
host the 10th Annual “Haunted Mississauga
Spirit Tour”. Each year Heritage Mississauga celebrates the fall season with a lively
and adventurous tour through a cemetery
Photo: Heritage Mississauga
Best Western Plus Toronto Airport Hotel
Courtyard by Marriott Mississauga Meadowvale
Ideally located in Toronto’s west, Mississauga airport district,
the Best Western Plus Toronto Airport is an ideal selection for
corporate & leisure travelers. Three straight Director’s Awards give
testament to the quality our guests enjoy. Enjoy many amenities,
most complimentary, at this 3-diamond hotel.
Our family-perfect rooms offer fluffy pillows and soft linens, FREE Wi-Fi
and mini-refrigerators. Free Parking, Business Centre, Indoor Pool,
Whirlpool & Fitness Studio. Enjoy Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner in The Bistro®. Directly off Highway 401, close to GTA attractions like Square One,
Hershey Centre, PowerAde Centre, Meadowvale 4-Rinks and more...
Carlingview Airport Inn
Courtyard by Marriott Toronto Airport
The Carlingview Airport Inn is located near Toronto’s International
Airport and Highways 401/427. Complimentary continental breakfast,
exclusive airport shuttle, hi-speed Wi-Fi and parking. Enjoy an indoor
pool, whirlpool and fitness centre adjacent to the hotel. Close to Woodbine Golf Course, Canada’s Wonderland, and fabulous shopping.
Located just around the corner from Toronto Pearson International
Airport and Highways 401/427, the Courtyard by Marriott Toronto Airport offers the Courtyard Café for breakfast, lounge with large screen TV,
heated indoor pool, Jacuzzi and exercise room. The hotel also features
two meeting rooms, free Hi-speed Internet and complimentary direct
airport shuttle.
Comfort Hotel Airport North
Crowne Plaza Toronto Airport
Smoke-free property located across from the Woodbine Racetrack and
Woodbine Shopping Centre. Just 8 km from Toronto Pearson International Airport. 175 spacious rooms, complimentary airport shuttle and
parking, indoor pool and fitness centre.
Crowne Plaza Toronto Airport Hotel, where modern luxury and upscale
comfort are paramount. In addition to beautiful rooms and suites,
Crowne Plaza Toronto Airport offers an award winning culinary team
for La Brasserie Restaurant, banquet functions, Rendezvous Piano Bar
featuring live music and tantalizing tapas menu and much more.
Comfort Inn Airport West
Delta Meadowvale Resort and Conference Centre
Newly renovated hotel conveniently located off Hwy 401 and Dixie.
Variety of restaurants within walking distance and Golden Griddle
restaurant on-site. Meeting space, suites, guest laundry are some of the
amenities. New rooms with 32” flat screen TV’s, new decor, 2.5 star hotel
comparable to a 4 star hotel!!!
Delta Meadowvale offers 374 newly renovated guestrooms (Fall 2011),
40,000 sq. ft. of meeting space and Quest Restaurant & Bar which offers
an outstanding selection of food inspired by global cuisines. Our Club
Meadowvale is 40,000 sq. ft. of fitness fun and “Big Blue” is Mississauga’s
longest (165-ft.), indoor hotel waterslide.
Comfort Inn Meadowvale
Delta Toronto Airport West
Comfort Inn Meadowvale is a family-friendly hotel located in Mississauga’s
midtown area. Local attractions include Playdium and Square One Shopping
Mall. Recreational amenities include a fitness facility. This 2.0-star property
has a business center. Wireless Internet, complimentary continental breakfast. Guest parking is complimentary. Additional property amenities include
an arcade/game room, multilingual staff, and currency exchange.
First-class, 297 room hotel with over 14,000 sq. ft. of meeting and
banquet space. Indoor pool, full service restaurant and lounge, ample
covered parking, complimentary 24 hour airport shuttle and complimentary Internet access. Just 8 minutes from the airport and closest hotel
location to the Hershey Centre.
Comfort Inn Toronto Airport
Doubletree by Hilton – Toronto Airport
Economical and convenient, the Comfort Inn Toronto Airport is
perfect for both business and leisure travelers. This airport hotel is
near many area attractions, including the Square One Shopping Centre
and International Centre. Amenities include 24-hour airport shuttle
service, free high-speed Wi-Fi, complimentary continental breakfast
and free local calls.
The Doubletree by Hilton-Toronto Airport Hotel is perfect for business
or family getaways, ideally located close to the 400 series of highways –
minutes from all major attractions. Our hotel features four restaurants,
complimentary airport shuttle, an indoor water park, Zen Spa and FREE
high-speed wireless Internet access. Call us directly at 416-246-7900.
Courtyard by Marriott Mississauga Airport
Corporate Centre West
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott – Toronto Airport
Enjoy fluffy pillows, crisp linens, and a good night’s sleep. Then relax
while choosing from a wide selection of food on the full hot breakfast buffet. Need to get caught up? Take advantage of our free wireless Internet.
The perfect start or finish to whatever awaits you in Mississauga and the
surrounding area.
Our spacious guest rooms and suites offer the latest in comfort and style
– 30% larger than any hotel room in the Toronto airport area! Relax in
our heated indoor pool and whirlpool, or workout in our state-of –the-art
fitness centre. Ask about our complimentary features!
Four Points by Sheraton Mississauga Meadowvale
Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel & Suites
Fun and stylish — our hotel is sure to please business and leisure travelers alike. Modern rooms with fridges and microwaves; free parking; free
wireless high speed Internet; indoor pool; flexible meeting space for up
to 100 people and onsite restaurant and lounge. Centrally located just 30
minutes from downtown Toronto.
The closest hotel outside of Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, our
hotel offers contemporary design and refreshing atmosphere. A 24-hour
complimentary shuttle gets our guests to and from the airport with ease.
Located by all major highways the hotel is located within 30 minutes of
shopping, theatre, attractions and restaurants.
Four Points by Sheraton Toronto Airport
Holiday Inn & Suites Mississauga
We have 204 guest rooms with onsite full service restaurant in a convenient location. We offer complimentary wireless internet, bottled water
in the guest rooms and dedicated airport shuttle. Hotel features include
business centre, fitness room, indoor pool, self-serve laundry, gift shop
and membership of the SPG rewards program.
The Holiday Inn & Suites is conveniently located off Hwy. 401, just 15
minutes west of the Pearson International Airport and 30 minutes from
downtown Toronto. First-class full-service hotel featuring restaurant,
lounge, business centre, indoor pool, whirlpool, fitness room, airport
shuttle and free high speed Internet.
Four Points by Sheraton Toronto Mississauga
Holiday Inn Express Toronto Airport Area
Four Points by Sheraton Toronto Mississauga, fresh new modern look
with FREE Internet, FREE Parking, and FREE Bottled Water. Centrally
located for getting in and around the Greater Toronto Area; just minutes
from Toronto’s International Airport, and close to HWY 401. Come and
enjoy the simple pleasures we offer...
Stay SMART® with our COMPLIMENTARY: Deluxe Hot Breakfast Buffet,
FREE 24-Hour Airport Shuttle Service, High Speed Internet , Local and
1-800+ Calls, Overnight Parking, 24-Hr Business Centre, Fitness Facility
and Priority Club Points. Conveniently located on Hwy 401 & Dixie Road,
we are minutes away from local & city attractions, shopping and dining.
Hampton Inn by Hilton® Toronto Airport
Corporate Centre
The Hampton Inn by Hilton® Toronto Airport Corporate Centre is
minutes from the airport, highways and downtown Mississauga. Rates
include: Complimentary Breakfast, Airport Shuttle, Complimentary Local
Calls and High-Speed Internet Access, Microwave, Mini Refrigerator, HD
LCD Flat Screen TV, and Complimentary Parking.
Hilton Garden Inn Toronto Airport
Convenient, stylized, well-appointed comfort...Welcome to the Hilton
Garden Inn Toronto Airport hotel. Easily accessible from all major routes
and just a short drive to restaurants, shopping, local attractions and minutes from Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ), major corporate
offices, and Toronto Airport’s largest convention centers and arenas. Let
us exceed your expectations.
Hilton Garden Inn Toronto Airport West/
Our top-ranked, award-winning hotel is perfect for your next leisure or
business trip to Toronto. Easy access to all areas of the GTA and Mississauga. We boast modern contemporary ambiance and our famous
Hilton Service. We also offer state of the art meeting and conference
Holiday Inn Mississauga Toronto West
Our hotel is conveniently located in the center of Mississauga’s
Heartland Business District off Hurontario Street and Highway 401 and
only 15 minutes from Toronto’s Pearson International Airport. Offering
complimentary airport shuttle, parking and high speed Internet. Close
to Hershey Centre, Heartland Outlet Mall, Square One and Meadowvale
4 Rinks.
Holiday Inn Toronto Airport – East
Fresh new look on the outside, newly renovated guest rooms on the
inside and same great service! Try out our brand new pillow top mattresses, spacious rooms and work areas equipped with high speed
Internet access and experience our indoor solarium pool. Enjoy a meal
from our on-site Perkins Family Restaurant.
Holiday Inn Toronto International Airport
Warm, inviting, comfortable. Minutes from the airport, away from a
flight path. Stay calm with our complimentary airport shuttle. Stay
connected with our free wireless Internet. Stay recharged in our indoor/
outdoor heated salt water pools. Stay rested in our comfortable guestrooms. Stay satisfied at Metropolitan Bar & Grill. Stay You!
Hilton Garden Inn Toronto/Mississauga
Motel 6 Mississauga
We look forward to hosting you while highlighting our above-standard
Hilton hospitality featuring rooms with 1 king or 2 double beds. Indulge
in our onsite restaurant for breakfast, lunch, dinner or evening room service while taking advantage of our complimentary parking, complimentary Internet services, complimentary business centre & fitness facility,
pool and whirlpool access.
The newly renovated 6 Mississauga offers affordable rates and everything you need for a hotel stay, whether you are in town for work,
in training or just visiting friends; All rooms are equipped with flat
screen TV’s , European chic bathrooms and environmentally friendly
recycled floors.
Novotel Toronto Mississauga Centre
325 spacious bedrooms designed to accommodate your every need.
Located in the heart of Mississauga’s City Centre, with easy access to all
major highways and 15 minutes from Pearson International Airport and
approximately 25 minutes from downtown Toronto. Across the street is
Square One, Ontario’s largest indoor shopping complex.
Quality Hotel & Suites Toronto Airport East
Full service hotel features 202 well-appointed guestrooms and suites.
Minutes to Pearson International Airport and centrally located within
close proximity to major attractions, downtown Toronto and several
conventions centers. On-site free overnight parking, 24-hr Fitness
Centre and Business Centre, 24-hr Airport Shuttle, on-site restaurant
and lounge – Alder & the Sparrow, free wireless Internet.
Quality Inn & Suites Airport – Toronto
Conveniently located in Mississauga, close to Pearson International
Airport, major highways, sports arenas and attractions. Hotel has 197
rooms with more than 100 rooms featuring two beds. Indoor pool and
whirlpool, airport shuttle available, free parking, parking for coaches,
free local calls, iron, ironing board in rooms, on site restaurant open for
breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Quality Inn Airport West
Ideally located between Britannia’s corporate district and Mississauga’s
leisure attractions such as the Hershey Centre arena, Iceland Mississauga
complex. Playdium, Square One Shopping Mall and Heartland Outlet
Shopping centre are close by with many local restaurants within walking
distance. Jacuzzi rooms and suites are available. Hotel has complimentary WI-FI and parking.
Quality Suites Toronto Airport
The Residence Inn by Marriott is the leading extended stay hotel designed for both business and leisure travellers. Our fully equipped suites
include a full hot buffet breakfast daily, light dinner at our Evening Social
Monday through Wednesday, complimentary Internet, parking and
shuttle. On-site pool, whirlpool and fitness room.
Residence Inn Toronto Mississauga/Meadowvale
Designed for families and extended stays! Full kitchens, FREE Breakfast,
evening Social (Mon.-Wed.), Indoor Pool, Whirlpool & Fitness Studio. FREE wireless Internet & parking. Pet Friendly. Easy access to all Mississauga, Meadowvale, Streetsville businesses and to downtown Toronto.
Close to Hershey Centre, PowerAde Centre, Meadowvale 4 Rinks.
Residence Inn by Marriott Toronto Airport
Residence Inn by Marriott Toronto Airport offers 137 one and two
bedroom suites with full kitchens in close proximity to Toronto’s Pearson
International Airport. Guests enjoy complimentary hot buffet breakfast,
hi-speed Internet, parking, and airport shuttle. An indoor pool, hot tub,
exercise room and basketball court round out the amenities of this new
all-suite extended-stay Marriott.
Sandalwood Suites Hotel Toronto Airport
All-suite hotel with beautiful courtyard, overlooking Centennial Park
Golf Course. Hotel offers complimentary deluxe Continental Breakfast,
evening hospitality offering light snacks (Mon- Thurs), wireless high
speed Internet, parking and hourly airport shuttle from 4am to 10pm.
Hotel’s proximity to major highways provides quick access to downtown
Toronto, city attractions, sports arenas, shopping malls and Niagara Falls.
Sandman Signature Hotel – Toronto Airport
Experience the latest concept in upscale elegance, located minutes
from Pearson Airport. Our elegantly appointed guest rooms feature
pillow-top mattresses, spa amenities, complimentary high speed
Internet. The new Four-Star hotel features an on-site Moxie’s Classic
Grill Restaurant. To make reservations, please call 1-800-SANDMAN
or (416) 798-8840x2.
Radisson Plaza Mississauga Toronto Airport
Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Toronto
International Airport
The new luxury Radisson Plaza Mississauga Toronto Airport, winner of
2009 New Hotel of the year award, is a full service, non-smoking hotel,
located close to the airport and easily accessible from all major highways.
It has become the hotel of choice with 100 luxury suites, 13,000 sq. ft. of
meeting space, restaurant/bar and more…..
The Sheraton Gateway is the only hotel in Pearson Airport. Our contemporary rooms with the Sweet Sleeper™ Bed and thermal windows
are whisper quiet. Enjoy casual dining in the Mahogany Restaurant or a
snack in the Bar. In-room dining is available. Don’t miss your workout in
our 24-hour Fitness Centre.
Radisson Suite Hotel Toronto Airport
Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel & Conference Centre
The variety of dining options just steps from the front door is unparalleled in the airport area. Milestones, Kelsey’s, Dragon Sushi, Swiss Chalet, Subway, Harvey’s, and TWO Tim Horton’s are all within a 2 minute
walk from the hotel. Ask about our many packages and discounts to
local attractions.
Located just minutes from Toronto Pearson International Airport, the
Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel & Conference Centre has 249 guestrooms and over 2,600 square feet of meeting space in a convenient
location adjacent to the Woodbine Golf Club. Enjoy a meal at Olio: A
Mediterranean Grille located inside the hotel.
The closest all-suite, full service hotel to Toronto’s International Airport.
All Suites have a King bedroom separated by French doors to a living area
with a Queen sofa bed and dining/work table or double bedroom. High
Speed internet is complimentary. Home to Graffiti’s Italian Eatery.
Residence Inn by Marriott Mississauga Airport
Corporate Centre West www.sheraton.com/torontoairportconferencecentre
Stage West All Suite Hotel & Theatre Restaurant
Stay and Play all under one roof! Stage West is a complete entertainment
facility featuring all-suite accommodation, an indoor waterslide and salt
water pool, meeting and convention facilities and Stage West Theatre
Restaurant. Stage West is a landmark in Mississauga, thanks to over 120
live theatrical productions including Jamie Farr from M*A*S*H starring in
Tuesdays with Morrie and other great comedies and musicals.
Studio 6 Mississauga
The Studio 6 Mississauga offers affordable rates and everything you
need for an extended stay, whether you are on a long business trip,
two-week vacation, or relocating. All rooms are equipped with
kitchenettes and laundry facilities are available to our guests to make
your stay away from home as comfortable as possible.
Toronto Airport Marriott
Whether travelling for business or pleasure, the Toronto Airport
Marriott welcomes you! The hotel is outfitted with renovated guest
rooms and stylish meeting space to accommodate small to large
gatherings. Experience our award winning culinary in Bistro West
by East or relax in our urban inspired lounge.
Travelodge Hotel Toronto Airport
The Travelodge Hotel Toronto Airport is located at the heart of the airport
strip. The hotel is a true full service facility that mixes comfortable accommodations and friendly service at an excellent price. We are located
close to many great restaurants and tourist attractions and offer 24 hour
complimentary shuttle to the airport.
The Waterside Inn
This luxurious boutique waterfront hotel and conference centre is
nestled in beautiful Port Credit, Mississauga. Located just 20 minutes
from both Pearson Airport and downtown Toronto. Service is at the very
heart of our hospitality. Our personal, attentive staff anticipates guests’
needs in an atmosphere of quiet efficiency and genuine friendliness.
The Westin Bristol Place Toronto Airport
Located five minutes from Pearson Airport via a complimentary shuttle
bus, our spacious rooms feature the Westin Heavenly Bed® and Bath®,
and wired or wireless HSIA. Unwind in our indoor pool or WestinWORKOUT® Gym, 2 restaurants and 24hr room service.
Port Credit
dinner Mon.-Thurs. Indoor pool, whirlpool and
fitness facilities.
Courtyard by Marriott Toronto Airport
231 Carlingview Dr.
416-675-0411, 1-800-791-9442
Conveniently located min. from local attractions
with easy access to downtown Toronto. Featuring
spacious guestrooms, an indoor pool, whirlpool and
fitness room. Complimentary high-speed Internet
access and newspaper.
For those planning a vacation or a business trip, a wide range of wonderful hotel and accommodation
options are available in the Mississauga & Airport Area.
Each hotel offers its own customized brand of hospitality, personal service, and top-quality
guest amenities ranging from fitness facilities and spa services, to well-equipped
meeting rooms, video conferencing and Internet access.
Hotels in the Mississauga & Airport Area are ideal for visitors who want to visit the city’s landmarks, plan day trips and enjoy the city by night. Travellers may also choose to stay in one of
many excellent corporate hotels that offer the utmost in hospitality, comfort and services.
Best Western Plus Toronto Airport Hotel
5825 Dixie Rd., Mississauga
905-670-8180, 1-800-260-3333
A full-service, three-diamond hotel. Its 164 newly
renovated guestrooms and suites offer an affordable
and comfortable ambience for both business and
leisure travellers.
Carlingview Airport Inn
221 Carlingview Dr.
416-675-3303, 1-877-675-3303
Conveniently located near Toronto’s airport and Hwy.
401/427, this newly renovated property offers complimentary light continental breakfast and airport
shuttle. Free wireless Internet.
Comfort Hotel Airport North
445 Rexdale Blvd.
416-740-9500, 1-800-228-5151
Smoke-free property located across from the Woodbine Racetrack and Woodbine Shopping Centre. Just
8 km from Toronto Pearson International Airport. 175
spacious rooms, complimentary airport shuttle and
parking, indoor pool and fitness centre.
Comfort Inn Airport West
1500 Matheson Blvd., Mississauga
905-624-6900, 1-800-228-5150
Located 10 min. west of Toronto Pearson International
Airport, all 116 rooms have free wireless Internet, coffee maker, iron/ironing board, airport shuttle, ample
parking. 15% discount at onsite Golden Griddle.
Comfort Inn Meadowvale
2420 Surveyor Rd., Mississauga
905-858-8600, 1-800-424-6423 (4CHOICE)
Located 20 minutes from the airport and 30 minutes
from downtown Toronto. Enjoy free breakfast, wireless Internet and parking. Convenient access from
GO Station, highways 401, 407, 403 and the QEW.
Pets are welcome.
Comfort Inn Toronto Airport
6355 Airport Rd., Mississauga
905-677-7331, 1-800-387-6955
Onsite family restaurant and Pearson Pub. Come
meet our pilots and flight attendants that call our
hotel their home away from home.
Courtyard by Marriott Mississauga Airport Corp.
Ctr. West
5050 Creekbank Rd. Mississauga
Brand new hotel, complimentary airport shuttle and
high-speed Internet. Close to shopping, attractions,
arenas, Hershey Centre, Playdium, Centennial Park.
Offers the Courtyard Café, Fireside Lounge, swimming pool, whirlpool and fitness facilities.
Courtyard by Marriott Mississauga Meadowvale
7015 Century Ave., Mississauga
905-567-5566, 1-866-239-3203
Free wireless, parking and local shuttle. Close to
Meadowvale, Streetsville, Hershey Centre and
Square One mall. Breakfast available daily and
Crowne Plaza Toronto Airport
33 Carlson Ct.
416-675-1234, 1-800-268-3300
This newly renovated 489-room hotel is known
best for its commendable service. Five min. from
Toronto Pearson International Airport, 25 min.
from downtown Toronto. Indoor pool, sauna, 24-hr.
fitness room, full-service restaurant, room service
and lounge.
Delta Meadowvale Resort and Conference Centre
6750 Mississauga Rd., Mississauga
905-821-1981, 1-800-422-8238
Just 15 min. from the airport and 25 min. from
downtown. Three dining facilities and Mississauga’s
finest health club, with 40,000 sq. ft. of fitness. 165-ft.
water slide, outdoor/indoor pools, multiple squash
and tennis courts.
Delta Toronto Airport West
5444 Dixie Rd., Mississauga
905-624-1144, 1-800-737-3211
First-class 297-room hotel with 14,000 sq. ft. of meeting and banquet space. Ideal for business travellers,
leisure travellers & families. Indoor pool, ample
covered parking, complimentary 24-hr airport shuttle,
complimentary Internet access and local phone calls.
Doubletree by Hilton – Toronto Airport
655 Dixon Rd.
416-244-1711, 1-800-222-TREE, 1-800-668-3656
Min. from airport, 20 min. to downtown Toronto.
With 433 guestrooms, four restaurants, lounge, wine
bar, indoor pool with two giant water slides, shops,
fitness centre, Zen Spa. From $109.
Fairfield Inn and Suites by Marriott – Toronto Airport
3299 Caroga Dr., Mississauga
A contemporary hotel designed with today’s business
and leisure traveller in mind. Onsite restaurant, indoor
pool, whirlpool and fitness centre. Free deluxe breakfast buffet, wireless Internet and 24-hr airport shuttle.
Four Points by Sheraton Mississauga Meadowvale
2501 Argentia Rd., Mississauga
905-858-2424, 1-800-368-7764
Upscale, full-service hotel with 205 spacious,
boutique-style guestrooms, free wired and wireless
high-speed Internet, free parking, state-of-the-art
meeting facilities, indoor pool, 20 min. west of
Toronto Pearson International Airport.
Four Points by Sheraton Toronto Airport
6257 Airport Rd., Mississauga
905-678-1400, 1-800-368-7764
A 204-room hotel min. from Toronto Pearson
International Airport and International Convention
Centre, and close to all major highways.
From $95. Free 24-hr airport shuttle service.
Free wireless Internet, pool and 11,000 sq. ft. of
meeting space.
Four Points by Sheraton Toronto Mississauga
6090 Dixie Rd., Mississauga
905-670-0050, 1-800-387-0287
Featuring the four comfort bed, a new kind of comfort and style. Complimentary shuttle to and from
Toronto Pearson International Airport. Fitness centre,
indoor pool, business centre, free high-speed Internet, free parking. Pinnacle Restaurant & Lounge.
Hampton Inn by Hilton Toronto Airport Corporate Centre
5515 Eglinton Ave. W.; 416-646-3000
Min. from Toronto Pearson Airport, overlooking
the Centennial Park & Golf Course. Complimentary
amenities include On the House hot breakfast daily,
parking, courtesy shuttle, indoor pool, fitness centre
and putting green.
Hilton Garden Inn Toronto Airport
3311 Caroga Dr., Mississauga
905- 678-0041
Convenient, stylized, well-appointed comfort and located minutes from Toronto’s Pearson Int’l Airport, dining,
shopping and major attractions. The Hilton Garden Inn
Toronto Airport will exceed your expectations.
Hilton Garden Inn Toronto Airport West/Mississauga
1870 Matheson Blvd., Mississauga
Tel: 1-905-361-6300 Fax: 1-905-361-6305
The Hilton Garden Inn Toronto Airport West/Mississauga hotel is a new nine story full-service hotel conveniently located in Mississauga’s business district in
southern Ontario. Just minutes away from Toronto’s
Lester B. Pearson International Airport, the hotel
offers access to the offices of many of Canada’s
leading corporations.
Hilton Garden Inn Toronto/Mississauga
100 Traders Blvd., Mississauga
905-890-9110, 1-866-670-3064
Located at Hwy. 401 and Hurontario St., the hotel is
close to outlet shopping, Hershey Centre, shopping,
theatres, and offers an indoor pool, fitness centre,
onsite restaurant and more.
Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel & Suites
5875 Airport Rd., Mississauga
905-677-9900, 1-800-HILTONS
Full-service hotel featuring 419 guestrooms and
suites, exercise facilities, squash court, heated
outdoor pool, high-speed Internet. Located across
from Toronto Pearson International Airport, away
from flight paths, with complimentary 24-hr.
shuttle service.
Holiday Inn & Suites Mississauga
2565 Argentia Rd., Mississauga
905-542-2121, 1-800-HOLIDAY
The Holiday Inn & Suites is conveniently located in the
heart of Meadowvale’s Business District, just off Hwy.
401. First-class full-service hotel featuring restaurant,
lounge, business centre, indoor pool, whirlpool, fitness
room, airport shuttle and free high speed Internet.
Holiday Inn Express Toronto Airport Area
5585 Ambler Dr., Mississauga
Offering 128 renovated guestrooms and complimentary
deluxe continental buffet breakfast. Free high-speed
wireless Internet. Free airport transfers by hotel shuttle
service. Ten min. from Toronto Pearson International
Airport and 25 min. to downtown.
Quality Inn Airport West
50 Britannia Rd. E., Mississauga
905-890-1200, 1-800-228-5151
A 108-room hotel located one block south of
Hwy. 401 in Mississauga. Only 2 km from the Hershey
Centre and Iceland arena. Lots of shopping and
restaurants nearby. Ten min. from Toronto Pearson
International Airport.
Holiday Inn Mississauga Toronto West
100 Britannia Rd., E., Mississauga
905-890-5700, 1-877-307-6667
Offering 138 premium rooms in the heart of Mississauga. Guestrooms come complete with all the
amenities travellers expect in a full-service hotel.
Conveniently located one block south of Hwy. 401
(off Hurontario).
Quality Suites Toronto Airport
262 Carlingview Dr.
416-674-8442, 1-877-755-4900
Closest all-suite, full-service hotel to Toronto Pearson
International Airport. Spacious suites feature large
living/dining area and separate king-size bedroom.
Complimentary high-speed Internet. Home to Graffiti’s Italian Eatery & Spoon, an area favourite.
Holiday Inn Toronto Airport East
600 Dixon Rd.; 416-240-7511, 1-800-491-4656
Full-service airport hotel featuring 24-hr airport
shuttle and onsite Perkins Restaurant. Free, in-room
high-speed Internet. Enjoy the indoor pool and fitness room. Meeting facilities for four to 350 people.
Radisson Plaza Mississauga Toronto Airport
175 Derry Rd. E., Mississauga
New all-suite, 100-percent smoke-free hotel and
conference facility. This full-service property includes
free parking, airport shuttle, local calls and Internet.
Close to major highways.
Holiday Inn Toronto International Airport
970 Dixon Rd.; 416-675-7611, 1-800-524-8436
Warm, inviting, comfortable. Minutes from Toronto
Pearson International Airport, away from flight path.
Enjoy free wireless Internet, indoor/outdoor salt
water pools, free airport shuttle, fitness centre, whirlpool, sauna and Metropolitan Bar & Grill.
Motel 6 Mississauga
2935 Argentia Rd., Mississauga
905-814-1664, 1-800-466-8356
Offering complimentary parking, upgraded cable
package, free local calls, data port hook-up, morning
coffee and guest laundry facilities. The building has
123 rooms, smoking and non-smoking with interior
corridors. Free Wi-Fi.
Novotel Toronto Mississauga Centre
3670 Hurontario St., Mississauga
905-896-1000, 1-800-NOVOTEL
Novotel creates environments designed for travelling people to feel naturally good...your home away
from home. Experience new guestrooms offering
contemporary colours and style, warm atmosphere,
wireless Internet and ergonomic furniture to ensure
superb comfort.
Quality Hotel & Suites Toronto Airport East
2180 Islington Ave.
416-240-9090, 1-866-220-6916
This full-service 202-room Toronto airport hotel is
centrally located close to major attractions, airports
and highways. It features meeting space, a 24-hr
exercise room, business centre and onsite restaurant.
Quality Inn & Suites Airport – Toronto
5599 Ambler Dr., Mississauga
905-624-9500, 1-866-935-3900
Convenient location close to airport, major highways
and attractions, sports arenas (Hershey Centre,
Iceland). With 197 well-appointed rooms, an indoor
pool and whirlpool, restaurant onsite, free parking.
Airport shuttle available.
Radisson Suite Hotel Toronto Airport
640 Dixon Rd.
416-242-7400, 1-800-333-3333
Located right beside the TCC and close to Toronto
Pearson International Airport, the hotel features onebedroom suites, each with a separate living room
from bedroom area. This pet-friendly hotel features
complimentary high-speed Internet and 24-hr airport
shuttle service.
Residence Inn by Marriott Mississauga Airport
Corp.Ctr. West
5070 Creekbank Rd., Mississauga
Perfecting the extended-stay experience by combining all the comforts of home. Offering fully equipped
kitchens, living rooms and bedroom. Complimentary
high-speed Internet, airport shuttle, breakfast, light
dinner, grocery service, fitness centre, swimming
pool and parking.
Residence Inn by Marriott Toronto Airport
17 Reading Crt.; 416-798-2900, 1-888-798-2977
Perfect for extended stays, its 137 one- and twobedroom suites feature fully equipped kitchens,
dining and living areas with a work desk, complimentary high-speed Internet and voicemail. Indoor pool,
exercise room and whirlpool.
Residence Inn Toronto Mississauga/Meadowvale
7005 Century Ave., Mississauga
905-567-2577, 1-866-449-7349
Designed for families and extended stays. Full
kitchens, free breakfast, evening social (Mon.-Wed.),
indoor pool, wireless Internet and parking. Easy
access to Meadowvale, Streetsville businesses and to
downtown Toronto.
Sandalwood Suites Hotel Toronto Airport
5050 Orbitor Dr., Mississauga
905-238-9600, 1-800-387-3355
All-suite hotel featuring one- and two-bedroom suites.
Complimentary deluxe continental breakfast, evening
hospitality (Mon.-Thur.), high-speed Internet, parking
and airport shuttle from 4 a.m.-10 p.m. Easy access to
downtown Toronto and major highways.
Sandman Signature Hotel Toronto Airport
55 Reading Crt.; 416-798-8840
Beautiful new hotel just five min. from Toronto Pearson International Airport. With 256 luxurious rooms and suites
offering views of the Royal Woodbine Golf Club. Moxie’s
Classic Grill restaurant and cocktail lounge onsite.
Sheraton Gateway Hotel In Toronto International
Terminal 3,Toronto AMF
905-672-7000, 1-800-325-3535
Connected to Terminal 3 of Toronto Pearson International Airport, 474 spacious soundproof rooms
offering the latest in modern amenities. The ultimate
convenience is being the only hotel on airport property. Perfect for business and people travelling with
young children.
Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel & Conference Centre
801 Dixon Rd.
416-675-6100, 1-800-668-1444
Featuring 249 guestrooms and suites. Overlooking a golf course and Toronto Pearson International
Airport, 20 min. to downtown Toronto. Olio: A Mediterranean Grille, indoor pool, 24-hr fitness centre, car
rental. Complimentary shuttle every 25 min.
Luxury boutique hotel located in the Village of Port
Credit, 15 minutes from the airport and downtown
Toronto featuring 102 suites and 6,500 square feet of
flexible space.
Westin Bristol Place Toronto Airport, The
950 Dixon Rd.
416-675-9444, 1-800-937-8461
Convenient location near Toronto Pearson International Airport, featuring 287 elegant guestrooms.
Comfortable atmosphere, and attentive staff.
Services include complimentary shuttle service,
business centre, indoor pool, fitness centre and
Internet access.
Indian Line Tourist Campground
7625 Finch Ave. W., Brampton
905-678-1233, 1-800-304-9728
Closest campground to downtown Toronto, with
excellent public transit and highway access, 247 RV
and tent sites. Hydro and water hookups, showers,
laundry facilities, dumping station, swimming pool,
store and playground.
Stage West All Suite Hotel & Theatre Restaurant
5400 Dixie Rd., Mississauga
905-238-0159, 1-800-668-9887
A unique property combining a magnificent 224room, all-suite hotel, a first-class theatre restaurant,
indoor pool and water slide. Ten min. from Toronto
Pearson International Airport and 20 min. from
downtown Toronto. Complimentary airport shuttle
service and parking.
Studio 6
60 Britannia Rd. E., Mississauga
905-502-8897, 1-888-897-0202
Designed for value-conscious individuals needing
monthly, weekly and daily accommodations. All
studios have fully equipped kitchens, free local calls
and voicemail, wireless Internet, work area and cable
TV. Guest laundry area. Free Wi-Fi.
Toronto Airport Marriott
901 Dixon Rd.; 416-674-9400, 1-800-905-2811
This property recently completed stunning renovations to its guestrooms, meeting spaces, restaurant,
lounge and lobby. This hotel boasts a vibrant setting,
stylish guestrooms and legendary service.
Travelodge Hotel – Toronto Airport
925 Dixon Rd.; 416-674-2222, 1-888-483-6887
This 284-room hotel features a newly renovated
lobby, private floors and corporate lounge. Offering
in-room coffee makers, free weekday lobby newspapers, in-room movies, heated indoor pool and sauna.
Complimentary airport shuttle 24/7.
Waterside Inn, The
15 Stavebank Rd. S., Mississauga
905-891-7770, 1-877-264-7770
Make Sure To Bring ALONG an Extra Suitcase OR TWO!
No matter what you’re looking for, you are sure to find it in Mississauga. Shopping aficionados will
enjoy the vast selection of retail experiences that Mississauga offers - from strolling through
the quaint boutique villages and specialty shops of Port Credit, Streetsville and Clarkson (with
an incredible selection of one-of-a-kind and specialty items), to fine retailers, designer stores,
major malls (including Ontario’s largest mall), outlets and expansive retail centres. There is no
doubt, you will find whatever is on your shopping list from the latest fashions and accessories,
to the newest trends in technology or home furnishings!
Mississauga’s Square One Shopping Centre is Ontario’s largest shopping mall with more than
360 stores and services, including four major department stores, some of North America’s
most recognizable brand names including Apple, Coach, Sephora, and Victoria’s Secret and
featuring over 40 places to eat.
Square One now has official “Tourist Designation” status, allowing the centre to be open on the
following six (6) statutory holidays: Victoria Day (first Monday on or before 24 May) , Canada
Day (July 1st) , Labour Day (first Monday in September), Thanksgiving Day (second Monday in
October), New Year’s Day (January 1st) and Family Day (third Monday in February.)
Heartland Town Centre, one of Canada’s largest and most successful Power Centres is an
expansive shopping complex featuring over 1.3 million sq. feet of retail space and more than
163 stores with a wide selection of clothing, home decor, china, athletic apparel, footwear and
electronics. Sherway Gardens (in west Toronto) will please the most discerning of shoppers
with over 200 stylish shops and services. Erin Mills Town Centre boasts over 175 shops and
services. Bargain hunters can save 20 to 80 per cent on more than 130 brand names, manufacturer and retail outlet stores at Dixie Outlet Mall, one of Ontario’s largest enclosed malls. The
Mississauga Chinese Centre features an authentic selection of Chinese apparel, accessories
and giftware to choose from. A glimpse at the 13.11 metre gateway and surrounding structures
that flank the entrance are modern replicas of ancient Chinese architecture, while the Nine
Dragon Wall (the only one of its kind outside of Asia) provides a unique setting for exploring
Chinese-Canadian culture.
Ladner’s Clothiers
220 Queen St. S., Streetsville
A full-service menswear store located in Streetsville.
Since 1959, Ladner’s has been servicing men’s clothing needs with collections that reflect careful attention to quality and value. Expect the best at Ladner’s.
Twice is Nice
235 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga
A ladies consignment store selling nearly new, brandname clothing, jewellery, shoes, purses and accessories.
Stock is added daily. 50 to 75 percent off sales year-round.
Art Galleries
River Coyote Gallery
53 Lakeshore Road East
Celebrating its 10th Anniversary, this Award-Winning
gallery features original art by leading and emerging
Canadian and International artists. Worldwide Shipping, Custom Framing, Office & Home Consultations
available. Only 20 mins. west of Downtown Toronto.
Factory Outlets
Dixie Outlet Mall
1250 South Service Rd.,
905-278-3494, 905-278-7492
Offers more than 130 stores and services, including
Aeropostale, Jacob Outlet, Nine West Shoe Studio,
Guess, La Vie en Rose , Melanie Lyne Outlet, Costa
Blanca Outlet, Aldo and more!
Von Besser Jewellery
294 Lakeshore Rd. W., Mississauga
905-990-4653 (GOLD)
A unique boutique where unforgettable, handcrafted
pieces are born with precious and semi-precious
stones in gold, silver and platinum. Fine and couture
jewellery is all about today with a careful eye on
tomorrow. Shop online.
Shopping Centres
Sherway Gardens
25 The West Mall
Sherway Gardens is one of Toronto’s premiere,
upscale shopping destinations. Key stores include
Holt Renfrew, Sporting Life, A&F, Victoria’s Secret,
Lacoste, Juicy Couture, Michael Kors, Pottery Barn,
Coach, GEOX, Aritzia, BCBG, and many more.
Square One Shopping Centre
100 City Centre Dr., Mississauga
Located in Mississauga’s City Centre with more than
360 stores and 40-plus places to eat. Conveniently
located at Hwy. 403 & 10, 20 min. from downtown
Toronto and 10 min. from Toronto Pearson International Airport.
Specialty Shops
Ada’s Corner
223 Queen St. S., Streetsville
Locally based retail gift and fashion store located
in the heart of Mississauga. It carries fashion
accessories, gift and home decor items. Friendly
staff strive to make your shopping experience as
enjoyable as possible.
Basketcase, The
7 Mohawk Ave., Mississauga
905-278-1995, 1-800-236-2991
Providing gift baskets and fresh flowers of exceptional quality and value for more than 28 years.
Corporate accounts welcome with express delivery
anywhere in North America. Your gift-giving needs to
your satisfaction guaranteed.
Birds And Bees, The
56B Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga
A full-service adult store offering high-quality
lingerie, costumes and novelties in a fun, relaxed and
informative atmosphere.
Cake Royale Inc.
168 Queen St. S.
Ste. 102, Streetsville
Specializing in custom and traditional cakes and
pastries for every special occasion. It also offers a
variety of gourmet sandwiches, specialty coffees and
a licensed café.
271 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga
Your one-stop stitching shop. It carries fabrics,
specialty fibres and wool for cross-stitch, petit point,
needlepoint and hardanger. Custom framing and
pillow finishing. Friendly and knowledgeable staff.
Linda’s Craftique
275 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga
An inviting, cozy spot in Port Credit’s east village.
Every corner is packed with the latest fibres and
colours to satisfy every knitter’s needs.
Optical Trends 4U
228 Queen St. S., Streetsville
Operating under the policy “The Ultimate Eyewear
Experience” and carrying the latest trends in eyewear
and eyewear accessories. Versace, Fendi, Chloe
New York, Boss, Dior, Gucci, Armani, Kio Yamato, Ed
Hardy and many more. Express your individuality.
Private Moments Lingerie & Ladies Wear
259 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit
905-278-8055, 1-866-553-0125
Conveniently located in Port Credit, Mississauga,
since 1985. It specializes in bra fitting and postmastectomy products. Enjoy your experience at this
unique elegant shop for women.
Ruti’s Needlebed
10 Thomas St., Streetsville
Mississauga’s largest quilting, knitting, crocheting
store offering a huge selection of yarn, fabric and
supplies. It provides classes to suit your schedule for
quilting, knitting, crocheting and sewing.
Salon Bardot
212 Queen St. S., Streetsville
Located in the heart of Streetsville, Salon Bardot’s
highly skilled team of dedicated stylists give patrons
the confidence and the look they desire. Exclusive
carrier of the full Aveda line.
Second Wind Pilates Plus
155 Lakeshore R. E., Mississauga
One of the earliest Pilates studios and Certification
schools to open in Canada, Second Wind specializes
in Pilates, Integrated Movement Therapies (IMT) and
Yoga Therapy with focus on rehabilitation, postural
re-education and functional movement.
Simply Delightful Dress-up Parties & Gift Shop
20 Thomas St., Mississauga
A children’s specialty gift store. It carries well-made
and unique gifts/collectibles, including tea sets,
dolls, costumes, teddy bears, bedding, room décor,
furniture, jewellery, clothing and more.
Store Mason’s Chandlery, The
1 Port St. E., Mississauga
905-278-7005, 1-800-263-1506
A family-owned and operated business located in
Port Credit. Since its inception 32 years ago, it has
been a leading provider of a diverse range of sailing
and marine products, from footwear to state-ofthe-art navigation systems. Also founder of the Port
Credit In-Water Boat Show.
Streetsville Treasures Inc.
8 Main St., Streetsville
Offering a variety of gifts, such as Betty Boop, Elvis,
Marilyn Monroe and I Love Lucy, along with many
other treasures that are both unique and affordable.
Zest For Living
6 Elizabeth St. S., Mississauga
Zest carries extensive collections of gifts, body and
bath products like Nougat of London, furnishings
and home décor and tableware, including Maxwell &
Williams and Emma Bridgewater.
Whether you want to stay near the shopping action, visit the vibrant Airport Area, decide to
settle into the downtown core or visit the quaint neighbourhoods of Port Credit, Clarkson or
Streetsville, dining out is a treat wherever you go in Mississauga. From casual daily fare to
gastronomic cuisine, Mississauga offers a wide variety of dining options. You’ll find something
you absolutely adore on the menus at Mississauga’s cozy bistros, trattorias, impressive familyfriendly chains and your favourite big-name restaurants.
Dine along the waterfront in Port Credit and watch the sunset, followed by an enjoyable
evening stroll. There are a number of terrific fine dining options, so foodies take note.
Streetsville, one of Mississauga’s heritage neighbourhoods, also has a selection of amazing
restaurants from friendly pubs to family fare and relaxed dining amidst historic charm.
After dark, dance the night away or sit back, relax and enjoy the sights and sounds of fun times,
good friends and another great evening at one of Mississauga’s fabulous night spots and bars.
You may also refer to Mississauga Dines, a directory of restaurants, caterers, martini bars, cafés,
pubs, eateries and anything related to restaurants (even some recipes) in Mississauga and the
surrounding area. View restaurant websites, menus, read restaurant reviews, make reservations
on-line and obtain contact information. (www.mississaugadines.com). Bon appetit!
Canadian / American
Chardonnay Restaurant
5444 Dixie Rd., DeltaToronto Airport West, Mississauga
Fully licensed dining facility with diversified international cuisine. Open for breakfast, lunch, dinner and
late-night snacks, as well as brunch...all offered in
elegant surroundings. Open Mon.-Fri. 6:30 a.m.-10
p.m., Sat.-Sun. 7 a.m.-10 p.m.
Courtyard Café
231 Carlingview Dr., Courtyard by Marriott Toronto Airport
416-675-0411, 1-800-791-9442
Fabulous buffet breakfast, served in the
Courtyard Café.
Fox Bistro, The
640 Dixon Rd., Radisson Suite Hotel Toronto Airport
Savour all-day dining in the casual elegance of The
Fox Bistro or unwind by the fireplace and enjoy some
of the fine menu options offered.
Milestone’s Grill & Bar Dixon Rd
646 Dixon Rd
Queensway, 1001 The Queensway
Whether it’s for lunch, brunch, dinner or a drink,
Milestone’s offers globally inspired meals, enticing
bar creations, friendly staff and a warm, welcoming
atmosphere. Whatever the occasion, great food and
experiences await.
On the Curve Hot Stove and Wine Bar
55 City Centre Dr., Mississauga
One of Mississauga’s best Hot Spots! Located across
from Square One Shopping Mall, it offers a fusion of
fresh market cusine and international flavours.
Live entertainment.
Pump House Grille Co.
40 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga
Nestled in the heart of bustling Port Credit, the motto
at The Pump House Grille Co. is drink, eat well, be
happy. 7 days a week.
Q, The
1633 The Queensway
The Q is a friendly neighbourhood restaurant committed to offering quality meals and full beverage service
in two dining room areas with combined seating for
280 guests.
Regatta Grille and Lounge
6750 Mississauga Rd., Delta Meadowvale Resort &
Conference Centre, Mississauga
905-542-4039, 1-800-422-8238
Regatta Grille has a relaxing atmosphere. Guests can enjoy a quick, delicious breakfast or stop by Regatta Lounge
and enjoy our à la carte menus for lunch and dinner daily.
Shopsy’s Delicatessen-Mississauga
6986 Financial Drive.,
A Toronto classic since 1921. Traditional deli favourites
— corned beef piled on rye, famous cabbage rolls, and
a great beer and entrée slection. Catering, breakfast,
lunch, dinner, late-night. Casual Entrées: $5.75-12.95.
Snug Harbour Seafood, Bar & Grill
14 Stavebank Rd. S., Mississauga
The wraparound, heated patio overlooks Lake
Ontario and the Credit Village Marina. The varied
menu includes seafood, steaks, pasta, pizza and
oyster bar. Open year-round.
West 50 Pourhouse & Grille
50 Burnhamthorpe Road West
“Canada’s largest Draught House”; West 50 Pourhouse & Grille is an upscale/casual beer bistro eatery
featuring classic rock, 24 plasma TV’s and over 100
taps of draft beer. Groups welcome.
Zazi’s Place
6355 Airport Rd.,Mississsauga
Offering a full-service restaurant with delicious food
and economical prices.
superb cuisine. Each dish is an inspiration, a skillful
blend of the finest ingredients, artistically presented
and complemented by an extensive wine cellar. Open
daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Burrito Boyz
9 Stavebank Rd.,Mississauga; 905-891-2699
19 Dundas St. E., Mississauga; 905-279-2699
17 Tannery St., Streetsville; 905-567-2699
3803 Lakeshore Blvd. W.; 416-251-2699
1197 Queensway, Unit 3; 416-354-2699
A small local eatery that offers gourmet Mexican burritos made to order, pre-order, take-out and catering.
Fresh ingredients brought in and prepared daily.
Café Nicole – Novotel Mississauga
3670 Hurontario St., Novotel Mississauga, Mississauga
Cuisine with international influences carefully
prepared by the chef. Buffet breakfasts. Table d’hotel
and à la carte menus offered for lunch and dinner.
A special children’s menu and room service are
also offered.
DeMaple Restaurant & Lounge
6257 Airport Rd., Four Points by Sheraton Toronto
Airport, Mississauga
905-678-1400, 1-800-565-5769
Open daily from 6:30 a.m.-11 p.m. Enjoy the newly
renovated environment, offering an uncomplicated,
relaxing atmosphere and taste the menu items by
Chef Robert Davis.
La Brasserie
33 Carlson Crt., Crowne Plaza Hotel Toronto Airport
Open daily from 6:30 a.m.-11 p.m. A varied international menu, including full buffet breakfasts.
À la carte menu for lunch and dinner.
Napoca Restaurant
66 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit
A warm and inviting atmosphere. All dishes, sauces
and dressings are homemade. A unique blend of
food, traditional Romanian dishes, specialty beers
and outstanding wine list. Specialize in private and
corporate functions of any size. Open Tues.-Fri. 5-11 p.m.,
Sat.-Sun noon-11 p.m.
Quest Restaurant and Bar
6750 Mississauga Rd. Delta Meadowvale Resort &
Conference Centre, Mississauga
905-542-4039, 1-800-422-8238
Delta Meadowvale is pleased to announce the
opening of a new restaurant “Quest Restaurant &
Bar”. Quest will be “the” dining destination in the City
of Mississauga. Our Executive Chef is preparing to
launch an amazing new menu with a Global Cuisine
focus to delight you with an outstanding variety of
food and flavours as well as warm customer service in
a clean, friendly and attractive dining environment.
Breakwater Restaurant
c/o The Waterside Inn Hotel
15 Stavebank Road South, Mississauga
(905) 891-6225, 1-877-264-7770
Welcomes its guests with tables set with sparkling
silver, fine china and crisp linen - a perfect setting for
Savana Restaurant and Lounge
5825 Dixie Rd., Best Western Toronto Airport, Mississauga
Eclectic, casual, family-friendly menu. Patio, atrium
lounge and dining room. Open daily, 6 a.m.-11 p.m.
Groups up to 150 are welcome.
Mandarin Mississauga 87 Matheson Blvd. East Tel: (905) 502-8000
Mandarin Erin Mills 3105 Dundas Street West
Tel: (905) 569-7000
More than 20 locations across Southern Ontario, AwardWinning All-You-Can-Eat buffet features best in Chinese
& Canadian fare. With over 130 freshly prepared items,
it’s the perfect place for celebrating any occasion!
Zachary’s Lounge
950 Dixon Rd., The Westin Bristol Place, Toronto Airport
Relax in Zachary’s Lounge offering casual sophistication and continental cuisine open 11a.m-1 a.m.
Zachary’s private dining room offering formal dining
is available by reservations only for groups of nine to
90 people.
655 Dixon Rd., Doubletree by Hilton, Toronto Airport
416-244-1711, 1-800-668-3656
An upscale dining service with intimate setting and
award-winning service. Enjoy exceptional Northern
Italian and continental cuisine in Alfredo’s, a distinguished Toronto dining experience. Open for dinner.
Mon.-Sat. 6-10:30 p.m.
Alice Fazooli’s
209 Rathburn Rd. W., Mississauga
Offering a variety of wines from around the world and
perfect cocktails paired with food that is bold and
fresh. The atmosphere is relaxing and comfortable
and the service is genuine.
Enzo’s Two Guys From Italy
128 Queen St. S., Mississauga
Casual, family-owned and operated restaurant and
bar for more than 25 years, situated in the heart of
Streetsville. It offers a wide selection of fresh Italian
food, including homemade pizza.
Papa Giuseppe’s
26 Lakeshore Road East
Located in the heart of Port Credit; cozy atmosphere
with an open kitchen concept offering a variety
of pizza, pasta, fresh sandwiches and great wine!
Outdoor patio; Public parking; Take-out available.
“We’re not Fancy…But We’re Really Good!”
Thyme Ristorante
347 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga
Voted best Italian restaurant in Mississauga. Great
tasting, freshly prepared gourmet food. Specializing
in pasta, gourmet pizzas, risotto, chicken, veal and
seafood. Entrées $10.95- 16.95.
Lounges & Bars
Roc ’n Doc’s
105 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga
Roc ’n Doc’s live music grill and rooftop patio – Port
Credit’s only rooftop patio. The area’s best live music
7 days a week. All new look, all new menu.
traditional fare. Function rooms are available for up to
50 guests along with packaged menus.
Brogue Inn Irish Pub, The
136 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga
Enjoy nightly showcases of the many tastes of
Ireland. Stop for a drink in The Snug, lunch in the bar
or an elegant dinner in the dining room. Experience
the legendary Irish family hospitality.
Cuchulainn’s Irish Pub
158 Queen St. S., Streetsville
Offering great food, rare Irish and Scottish whiskeys
and a selection of draughts and wine, Cuchulainn’s
is a great place. Live entertainment every Thurs.-Sat.
night. Make your day an Irish one.
Lucy’s Seafood Kitchen
6905 Millcreek Dr., Unit 8, Mississauga
Voted “Mississauga’s Favourite Seafood Restaurant” 12
years in a row. Casual New England-style atmosphere
with more than 15 varieties of fresh fish delivered daily,
pasta, Angus steaks and unique appetizers. Oyster
bar, happy hour menu daily and live entertainment
Friday nights.
Restaurant – Services
Mississauga Dines
Mississauga’s best online restaurant directory. Find
the best restaurants in your area, make reservations
online, read and write reviews, view pictures, menus,
websites and so much more.
Sports & Billiards
Crooked Cue, The
75 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga
More than 10,000 sq. ft. of casual dining, billiards and
special event facilities. Featured on CBC and TSN,
it has been voted Mississauga’s best pool hall for 13
years running.
Wine Bar
ten Restaurant & Wine Bar
139 Lakeshore Road East
One of Port Credit’s best Hot Spots! The distinctive
décor, opulent atmosphere and meticulous service
of ten Restaurant is sure to wow you. Located at
Lakeshore and Hurontario. Groups welcome.
Alder & the Sparrow Restaurant & Lounge
2180 Islington Ave.
This quaint restaurant and lounge is attached to the
Quality Hotel & Suites Airport East and provides
Woodbine Racetrack
What to See and do in Mississauga
Mississauga & the Airport Area provide an extensive variety of shopping, entertainment and
outdoor activities. There’s something for everyone.
Experience a wide range of year-round cultural activities, from festivals to outdoor films,
ballet and opera to classical music and theatrical performances. Check out local and Canadian
artists at commercial and public art galleries, or step back in time and visit one of Mississauga’s
heritage sites and museums.
Get outside and hike, bike, fish or golf in summer; cross-country ski and ice-skate in winter.
Horse racing fans are in for high-stakes excitement at Woodbine Racetrack, home to the
$1 million Queen’s Plate.
Indo-Canadian heritage. Created by 1,500 artisans
using over 6,000 tons of marble and stone, handcarved into 37,000 pieces.
Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery
399 The West Mall
Dedicated to the promotion of art and artists in the
community. Displays works from local, provincial and
national sources. Primarily feature artworks of annual
juried shows of art organizations. Monthly exhibits.
Breweries / Wineries
Adventure Tourism
Andrew’s Charter
Salmon fishing and Toronto Island boat cruises on
Lake Ontario on beautiful yachts. More than 30 years
experience. Hosting charter boat of the 2008 Great
Ontario Salmon Derby grand-prize winner.
Salmon Express
15 Front St. South, Port Credit
Provides full-service professional charters for fishing
and pleasure cruises.
Amusement / Theme Parks
Fantasy Fair
500 Rexdale Blvd., Woodbine Shopping Centre
Fantasy Fair is Ontario’s largest indoor amusement
park! Located inside Woodbine Shopping Centre,
Fantasy Fair offers bumper cars, roller coaster, ferris
wheel and train. Open year-round. Parking is free.
99 Rathburn Rd. W., Mississauga
The ultimate high-tech family entertainment centre
features interactive and physical games, rides and
sports simulators, go-karts, mini-golf, nine
variable-speed batting cages and Water Wars.
NEW – Spin Zone Bumper Cars and MaxFlight
Simulator. “The ultimate place to play.”
Wild Water Kingdom
7855 Finch Ave. W., Brampton
416-369-0123, 1-866-794-WILD
Featuring 16 spectacular slides, Dolphin Bay water
playground, half-acre wave pool, quarter-mile lazy
river, batting cages, mini-golf, Caribbean Cove,
licensed restaurants. Open June to Labour Day.
60,000-sq.-ft. Sports Dome open Oct. to May.
Art & Special Exhibit Galleries
Art Gallery of Mississauga
300 City Centre Dr., Mississauga
Features exciting exhibitions and programs showcasing the best in regional, national and international
contemporary art. The gallery brings art to the community and the community to art.
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir &
Canadian Museum of Cultural Heritage of
61 Claireville Dr.
A place to discover, experience and enjoy the
more than 10,000-year-old art and architecture of
Old Credit Brewing Company Ltd.
6 Queen St. W., Mississauga
Located in the heart of Port Credit, Old Credit
Brewing Co. crafts a quality Amber Ale, Pale Pilsner
and Holiday Honey. Visit the facility to experience a
new taste of an old tradition.
Cabaret/Dinner Theatre
Stage West All-Suite Hotel & Theatre Restaurant
5400 Dixie Rd., Mississauga
905-238-0159, 1-800-668-9887
Theatre #s : 905-238-0042, 1-800-263-0684
A 436-seat dinner theatre renowned for its sumptuous buffet and entertaining nightly plays. Also
features a 224-room all-suite hotel with indoor pool
and water slide. Call for tickets and information.
City Tours
Mississauga Heritage Foundation
1921 Dundas St. W., Mississauga
Provides self-guided or guided walking tours,
heritage-themed exhibits, local historical research,
books and information. Visitors are welcome to the
historic Robinson-Adamson Grange. See website for
more details.
Niagara Airbus
905-374-8111, 1-800-268-8111
Laser Quest
Daily winery tours of Niagara, Toronto city tours,
Niagara Falls sightseeing custom tours, friendly
driver guides. Air-conditioned fleet. Groups and
individuals welcome.
Entertainment Complexes/Sites
Air Combat Zone Inc.
5170 Dixie Rd., Ste. 101, Mississauga
Fly F-18 flight simulators at a one-of-a-kind jet-fighter
entertainment centre! It’s an unforgettably fun adventure for families and the combat thrill of a lifetime
for wannabe fighter pilots!
Hershey Centre SportZone
Hershey Centre address; 5500 Rose Cherry Pl.,
SportZone address: 5600 Rose Cherry Pl. Mississauga
Includes the Hershey Centre 5,400-seat arena with
additional three-rink pads, The Sports Complex
with an indoor sports field, gymnasium, gymnastics
centre and two outdoor sports fields, Iceland arena
with four-rink pads and skateboard park.
Laser Quest Mississauga
1224 Dundas St. E., Unit 9
Not just for kids! This interactive laser
adventure game provides an even playing
field for ages five to 85. With a group or on
your own, it’s a blast!
OLG Slots at Woodbine Racetrack
555 Rexdale Blvd.
Experience the fun and excitement of 2,000-plus
slot machines (1 cent to $5), free live entertainment
Friday and Saturday nights, spectacular dining and
world-class horse racing. 20 min. to downtown
Toronto. Open 24 hrs, 7 days a week.
99 Rathburn Rd. W., Mississauga
The ultimate high-tech family entertainment centre
features interactive and physical games, rides and
sports simulators, go-karts, mini-golf, nine variablespeed batting cages and Water Wars. NEW – Spin
Zone Bumper Cars and MaxFlight Simulator. “The
ultimate place to play.”
Carassauga Festival Inc.
June. 68 countries will be represented
at different pavilions throughout Mississauga
during the three-day multicultural festival
depicting sights, sounds, tastes and aromas of
each country.
JerkFest – Jerk Food Festival
Centennial Park
256 Centennial Park Rd.; 416-993-5123
Aug. 6-7, 2011. The 10th annual Jerk Food Festival
(JerkFest). Fun for the entire family; Located at Centennial Park, Etobicoke, at the base of the ski hills. For more
information, please visit the website or call.
Mississauga Waterfront Festival
20 Lakeshore Rd. E., Memorial Park, Mississauga
Every Father’s Day weekend at Memorial Park in Port
Credit. Headline concerts, kids stage, Family Fun
Village, Heritage Stage, vendors, crafters, petting
zoo, buskers, sports zone, carnival, water-ski shows
and more.
RBC Mosaic – South Asian Heritage Festival of
Mississauga Celebration Square
Mosaic – South Asian Heritage Festival of
Mississauga – Jun. 24-26, 2011. Traditional and
contemporary art, culture and cuisine from South
Asia at Mississauga’s City Centre. Free admission
and parking.
The Streetsville Founders’ Bread and Honey
Village of Streetsville, Mississauga
Jun. 3-5, 2011. Mississauga’s longest-running
festival commemorates the founding of the historic
Village of Streetsville. An affordable, fun-filled, family
event with lots of children’s activities. Live music, a
5-km and 15-km road race and, of course, free bread
and honey for everyone!
Tim Hortons Southside Shuffle Blues & Jazz Festival
Port Credit
The 13th annual Tim Hortons Southside
Shuffle, Port Credit’s Blues & Jazz Festival, Mississauga’s musical Mardi Gras, (Sept. 9-11, 2011).
Featuring Canadian and international musicians
throughout the village.
Toronto International Jamaica Day Celebration
(held at Wild Water Kingdom)
7855 Finch Avenue West, Brampton
A family festival geared to educate, entertain, and
share the rich culture of the Jamaican community.
Saturday, July 23, 2011 at Wild Water Kingdom; see
the website for more information.
Braeben Golf Course
5700 Terry Fox Way
A public 18-hole championship course designed
to be true to the Scottish Highlands, featuring
dramatic terrain, pristine fairways, greens and tees,
punctuated with pot bunkers and the best views
in Mississauga.
Lakeview Golf Course
1190 Dixie Rd., Mississauga
Playing historic Lakeview Golf Course provides
golfers with a great venue at affordable prices.
Awarded Gold by the Toronto Sun for “Best Value
Public/Semi Private Course in the GTA” for five
consecutive years.
Museums / Historic Houses /
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir &
Canadian Museum of Cultural Heritage
of Indo-Canadians
61 Claireville Dr.
Unique architectural monument made with 37,000
pieces of marble and stone. One of a kind in Canada!
Discover the more than 10,000-year-old heritage of
India. Free admission to Mandir.
Benares Historic House – Museums of
1507 Clarkson Rd. N., Mississauga
Engage in the Past at Benares Historic House
which captures life in Mississauga in the early
twentieth century.
Bradley Museum – Museums of Mississauga
1620 Orr Rd.,Mississauga
Engage in the Past at the Bradley Museum restored
to reflect daily life in the 1830’s.
Leslie Log House – Museums of Mississauga
4415 Mississauga Road, Mississauga
Originally built in 1826 by Robert Leslie and opened
in 2011 in partnership with the Streetsville Historical
Improvement Areas
Port Credit BIA
105 Lakeshore Rd. W., Port Credit
Port Credit – the hippest place in the 905. Check out
all the summer events and happenings online.
Streetsville BIA
280 Queen St. South,
Hershey Centre
Leslie Log House
Unit 208, Mississauga (Streetsville)
In the village in the City of Mississauga, parking is
free. Select a restaurant or pub to your liking and
enjoy an appetizing reprieve while planning your
very own shopping spree in Streetsville.
certification schools to open in Canada,
Second Wind specializes in pilates,
integrated movement therapies (IMT) and
yoga therapy with focus on rehabilitation,
postural re-education and functional movement.
Performing Arts
Woodbine Racetrack
555 Rexdale Blvd.
416-675-RACE, 1-888-675-RACE
You’ll experience a “daily double” of
heart-pounding excitement. Win big wagering
on live world-class horse racing, or in the casino.
Elegant dining and meeting facilities, open yearround offering an exciting afternoon or evening
programs. Free parking.
The Living Arts Centre in Mississauga
4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga
905-306-6000, 1-888-805-8888
A multi-use facility houses magnificent
performance theatres, an exhibition gallery,
eight professional art studios and sophisti
cated meeting facilities. Offering performances,
courses, birthday parties, camps, artist residency
and more. Free parking.
Joanne Lipp European Skin Care
& Electrolysis
11 Main St., Streetsville
This village spa provides complete aesthetic
electrolysis and laser services to both men
and women. More than 40 years experience
integrating traditional spa services with new
approaches to balance and harmony set this
village spa apart.
Spectator Sports
Receptive/Ground Tour Operators
Cross Canada Travel Inc.
71 City View Dr.
Canada’s newest receptive tour operator based in
Toronto providing hotels, attractions, fly-drives, soft
adventure packages, city vacations, railway packages
and custom tours from coast to coast.
Premier Fitness
3100 Dixie Rd., Mississauga
Premier fitness offers one of the most luxurious,
modern, high-tech fitness facilities. Wellness
program, Dr. Weightloss, yoga, pilates, zumba,
spinning, indoor aquatic centre, weight training,
Physiomed (rehab), personal training, play zone
(ages 8 to 17).
Second Wind Pilates Plus
155 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga
One of the earliest pilates studios and
Mississauga Waterfront Festival
Mississauga offers a wide range of state-of-the-art conference and convention centres,
perfectly suited to all your event and meeting needs.
Industry Associations
Greater Toronto Airports Authority
Toronto Pearson International Airport,
P.O. Box 6031, 3111 Convair Dr.
The private, not-for-profit, corporation managing
and operating Toronto Pearson International Airport.
Dedicated to elevating the travel experience, Toronto
Pearson offers easy, efficient passenger processes
and superior passenger amenities.
MIB Limo & Concierge Services Inc.
(905) 847-8187
375 Admiral Blvd.
Unit 4, Mississauga, ON
We strive to be the leader in the limousine industry
by driving beyond your expectations with our
impeccable and safe vehicles while incorporating a
concierge service to enhance the experience.
Ontario Restaurant Hotel & Motel Association
2600 Skymark Ave., Ste. 8-20
905-361-0268, 1-800-668-8906
The voice of Ontario’s hospitality industry
provides effective lobbying at municipal and
provincial levels of government as well as
money-saving benefit programs, training and
education to members.
Thrifty Car Rental
905-612-1881, 1-800-THRIFTY
Late-model vehicles, including compacts through
full-size cars, SUVs and minivans. Serving Toronto
Pearson International Airport and convenient
downtown locations; log on or call for details.
International Centre
6900 Airport Road, Mississauga
(905) 677-6131; 1-800-567-1199
For decades International Centre has been home to
many of Canada’s largest and most popular events.
Offering superior service, inspired catering, and endless event options, the International Centre is truly at
the centre of great events.
Mississauga Convention Centre
75 Derry Road, Mississauga
(905) 564-1920
The Mississauga Convention Centre caters to events
both in the corporate and social markets. They have
hosted events such as meetings, conferences, trade
shows, gala & annual dinners.
Close to Pearson International Airport, the 60,000
sq. ft. venue is equipped with the latest in high-tech
facilities and telecommunications services.
Toronto Congress Centre
650 Dixon Road
(416) 245-5000
Canada’s most innovative trade show, meetings
and convention facility featuring 1 million sq. ft. of
multi-function space, meeting rooms, free parking.
Located three minutes from Toronto’s airport. Adjacent to 10,000 guest rooms. Toronto Congress Centre
is one of Canada’s leading trade and convention
facilities and is host to some of the largest and most
prestigious events in the nation. Offers exceptional
facilities with a multitude of state-of-the-art meeting
& breakout rooms.
Pearson Convention Center
2638 Steeles Avenue East, Brampton
(905) 494-0444; 1-877-494-1414
Toronto’s newest and most sumptuous venue for successful corporate events or fashionable social affairs.
Air Canada
Toronto Pearson International Airport
Air travel to more than 912 destinations in 159
countries worldwide, in conjunction with Air Canada
Connector carriers, and Air Canada’s Star Alliance
partner airlines.
Airport Transfers and Bus Services
Niagara Airbus
905-374-8111, 1-800-268-8111
Conferences, special events, airport transfers.
Sightseeing tours of Toronto, Niagara-on-the-Lake
and Niagara Falls wineries and casino. Scheduled
and charter transportation between Toronto and
Buffalo airports, and Toronto and Niagara region.
Can accommodate all size groups. Custom winery
tours, mini-coaches, town cars and coaches. Buffalo
airport service, 24-hr. service.
All you need to know when visiting Mississauga.
The City of Mississauga is located in the centre
of the bustling action of southwestern Ontario.
Mississauga offers access to seven major
highways, is 20 minutes from downtown
Toronto and 90 minutes from Niagara Falls
and the U.S. border.
Mississauga’s scenic attributes include Lake
Ontario and the Credit River. Lake Ontario is
the 14th largest freshwater lake in the world.
The Credit River merges with the shoreline of
Lake Ontario. The Credit River, its tributaries,
streams and creeks and surrounding areas are
home to many species of fish and wildlife.
Transportation: The speed limit on Mississauga streets is 50 km/h (about 30 mph) and 100
km/h (about 60 mph) on highways (freeways)
unless otherwise posted. Wearing seatbelts is
mandatory for all adults and children.
Car rental counters are located at the airport or
at locations across the city. Some suggested
retailers include Avis (1-800-331-1212;
www.avis.com), Budget (1-800-268- 8900;
www.budget.com), Discount Car and Truck
Rentals (1-888- 820-7378; www.discountcar.
com), and Hertz (1-800-263-0600; www.
hertz.com). Types and sizes of vehicles and
rates vary, so shop around for the best deal.
Hwy. 407 is Toronto’s first toll highway. It runs
east-west 108 kilometres between Burlington
and Pickering, north of Hwy. 401. There are
no toll booths, but your license plate will be
electronically recorded and you’ll be billed
according to the distance travelled and time
of day. The Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) is a
highway that hugs the lake between Toronto’s
west end and Niagara Falls. The Gardiner
Expressway picks up from the QEW, continuing east through the southern tip of downtown
Toronto, and connecting with the Don Valley
Parkway and Lake Shore Boulevard.
MiWay — the new Mississauga Transit is the
public transit operator in the city offering a
comprehensive network of bus routes.
Route maps can be obtained online
@ www.miway.ca or in print form from the
Transit Terminal. Call (905)615-INFO for fares
and to locate the nearest ticket agent. For intercity and interregional public transportation, GO
Transit is the rail and bus system connecting
Mississauga to Toronto and the Greater Toronto
Area (GTA). For GO schedules, call (416)8693200. The Toronto Transit Commission is the
public transit system in Toronto. Call (416) 393INFO for more information.
Money: The currency is the Canadian dollar. For denominations under five dollars,
Canadians use coins, including the ‘Loonie’
(one-dollar coin) and ‘Toonie’ (two-dollar
coin). Daily currency exchange rates appear
in newspapers, online and are posted at
banks throughout the city.
Taxes: A harmonized tax HST of 13% is
levied on all goods and services.
Telephones: Mississauga is covered by the
area code 905. Some areas east and north of
Toronto are also covered by this area code.
Toronto is covered by the 416 and 647 area
codes. Long-distance charges do not apply to
calls made within Mississauga or to Toronto,
but charges may apply to calls made to the
rest of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Tobacco and Alcohol: You must be at least 19
years of age to purchase cigarettes. There is a
no-smoking by-law banning smoking in all bars,
billiard and bingo halls, casinos and racetracks
that also applies to workplaces, restaurants,
theatres and bowling centres. The legal drinking
age in Ontario is 19; in some cases, proof of age
may be required. A driver’s license is considered a valid form of identification. The sale of
alcohol, including spirits and wine, is controlled
by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO)
stores. Domestic and imported beers can be purchased at The Beer Store.
Weather: The climate in Mississauga is considered moderate. The average temperature
ranges from -6°C (21°F) in January to 20°C
(69°F) in July and 3°C (37°F) in November.
Snowfall in Mississauga is considered low
in comparison to the rest of Ontario and
Canada. For current weather conditions, visit
www.theweathernetwork.com and search
for Mississauga.
Passport Requirements: Travel Document
Requirements for Entry into Canada: Canada
has one of the most advanced customs processes in the world to provide visitors with
security and ease of travel. Visitors must
have valid travel documents to enter Canada
to provide proof of their citizenship. Document requirements vary depending on from
which country you are travelling.
U.S. Residents: U.S. residents travelling to
Canada are governed by the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI), a U.S. law
that requires all travellers traveling outside
of the United States to present a passport or
other valid travel documents to enter or reenter the United States, Detailed information
and a listing of WHTI-compliant documents
is available at: www.travel.state.gov.
International Visitors: For specific information
on travel documents required to visit Canada
from countries other than the U.S., please refer
to www.cbsa.gc.ca and www.cic.gc.ca.
Many thanks to the following organizations for their
information, expertise, assistance and contributions in
compiling this guide:
The City of Mississauga
Fred Kent, Project for Public Spaces
I.J. Schechter
Heritage Mississauga
Ben McCarty, Landmark Sport Group, Mississauga Marathon
Dorothy Tomiuk, Tour de Mississauga
Riverwood Conservancy
Port Credit BIA (Business Improvement Association)
Streetsville BIA (Business Improvement Association)
Credit River Anglers Association
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
Brian Lambie, The Port Credit Salmon & Trout Association
Wayne Andrew, Andrew’s Charters
Mississauga/Toronto West members
Doug Brown(Photographer), www.torontowide.com
Great Ontario Salmon Derby (inside front cover photo)
The Barn, Clarkson (inside back cover photo)
D. W
1 km
O n t a r i o
L a k e
CP Rail
ET (HWY. 10)
CP Rail
ET (HWY. 10)
EET (HWY. 10)
2 km
1 mile
©2003. All rights reserved. No part of this map may be copied or reproduced without the expressed written permission of The City of Mississauga.
A Word with the Mayor 3–6
Absolute Condos, Mississauga 8, 9
Ada’s Corner 63
Air Canada 72
Air Combat Zone 36, 69
Airport Area 30, 36
Alder & the Sparrow 67
Alfredo’s 67
Alice Fazooli’s 67
Andrew’s Charter 37, 68
Art Gallery of Mississauga 34, 68
Arts and Culture 32–35
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir &
Canadian Museum of Cultural
Heritage of Indo-Canadians 68, 70
Basketcase, The. 63
Benares Historic House
(Museums of Mississauga) 28, 70
Best Western Plus Toronto
Airport Hotel 50, 58
Bradley Museum
(Museums of Mississauga) 28, 70
BraeBen Golf Course 37, 40, 70
Breakwater Restaurant 66
Brogue Inn Irish Pub, The 67
Brueckner Rhododendron Garden 43
Burrito Boyz 66
Café Nicole 66
Cake Royale Inc. 63
Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame 30
Carassauga Festival Inc. 70
Carlingview Airport Inn 50, 58
Chardonnay Restaurant 65
Clarkson Village 28, 29
Comfort Hotel Airport North 50, 58
Comfort Inn Airport West 50, 58
Comfort Inn Meadowvale 50, 58
Comfort Inn Toronto Airport 50, 58
Courtyard by Marriott Mississauga
Airport Corp. Ctr. West 50, 58
Courtyard by Marriott Mississauga
Meadowvale 51, 58
Courtyard by Marriott Toronto
Airport 51, 59
Courtyard Café 65
Crooked Cue, The 67
Cross Canada Travel Inc. 71
Crowne Plaza Toronto Airport 51, 59
Cuchulainn’s Irish Pub 67
Delta Meadowvale Resort and
Conference Centre 51, 59
Delta Toronto Airport West 51, 59
DeMaple Restaurant & Lounge 66
Dixie Outlet Mall 63
Doubletree by Hilton — Toronto Airport 51, 59
Enzo’s Two Guys From Italy 67
Essential Information 74–75
Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery 69
Fairfield Inn and Suites by Marriott —
Toronto Airport 51, 59
Fantasy Fair 30, 36, 68
Fast Facts 6
Festivals and Events 10 – 25
Fishing and Conservation 44 – 47
Four Points by Sheraton Mississauga Meadowvale 52, 59
Four Points by Sheraton Toronto
Airport 52, 59
Four Points by Sheraton Toronto
Mississauga 52, 59
Fox Bistro, The 65
Gitta’s 63
Grand Highland Golf Club 41
Great Ontario Salmon Derby 28, 46
Greater Toronto Airports Authority 72
Hampton Inn by Hilton Toronto
Airport Corporate Centre 52, 59
Heritage Mississauga 48–49, 69
Hershey Centre SportZone 37, 69
Hilton Garden Inn Toronto Airport 52, 59
Hilton Garden Inn Toronto Airport
West/Mississauga 52, 59
Hilton Garden Inn Toronto/Mississauga 52, 59
Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel & Suites 53, 59
Holiday Inn & Suites Mississauga 53, 59
Holiday Inn Express Toronto Airport Area 53, 60
Holiday Inn Mississauga Toronto West 53, 60
Holiday Inn Toronto Airport East 53, 60
Holiday Inn Toronto International Airport 53, 60
Indian Line Tourist Campground 61
International Centre 30, 73
JerkFest – Jerk Food Festival 70
Joanne Lipp European Skin Care & Electrolysis 71
Kariya Park 42–43
La Brasserie 66
Ladner’s Clothiers 62
Lakeview Golf Course 37, 40, 70
Laser Quest Mississauga 36, 69
Leslie Log House (Museums of Mississauga) 30, 70
Linda’s Craftique 64
Living Arts Centre in Mississauga, The 33, 71
Lucy’s Seafood Kitchen 67
Mandarin 66
Maps 75, 76–77
MasterCard Memorial Cup 41
Meadowvale 30
Meadowvale Theatre 33
MIB Limo & Concierge Services Inc. 72
Milestone’s Grill & Bar Dixon Road 65
Mississauga Celebration Square 7, 8
Mississauga City Centre 7, 8
Mississauga Convention Centre 73
Mississauga Dines 67
Mississauga Heritage Foundation 69
Mississauga Marathon 37–38
Mississauga Multi-Use Ramp Park 37
Mississauga Neighbourhoods 26–31
Mississauga Waterfront Festival 70
Mississaugua Golf and Country Club 40
Mosaic - South Asian Heritage
Festival of Mississauga (RBC) 70
Motel 6 Mississauga 53, 60
Napoca Restaurant 66
Nature Trails and Parks 42–43
Niagara Airbus 69, 72
Novotel Toronto Mississauga Centre 54, 60
Old Credit Brewing Company Ltd 27, 69
OLG Slots at Woodbine Racetrack 30, 69
On the Curve Hot Stove and Wine Bar 65
Ontario Restaurant Hotel & Motel Association 72
Optical Trends 4U 64
Papa Giuseppe’s 67
Playdium 36, 68, 69
Pearson Convention Center 73
Port Credit 26, 27
Port Credit BIA 70
Premier Fitness 71
Private Moments Lingerie & Ladies Wear 64
Pump House Grille Co., The 65
Q, The 66
Quality Hotel & Suites Toronto Airport East 54, 60
Quality Inn & Suites Airport – Toronto 54, 60
Quality Inn Airport West 54, 60
Quality Suites Toronto Airport 54, 60
Quest Restaurant & Bar 66
Radisson Plaza Mississauga Toronto Airport 54, 60
Radisson Suite Hotel Toronto Airport 54, 60
Rattray March 42
Regatta Grille and Lounge 66
Residence Inn by Marriott Mississauga Airport Corp.
Ctr. West 55, 60
Residence Inn by Marriott Toronto Airport 55, 60
Residence Inn Toronto Mississauga/Meadowvale 55, 60
River Coyote Gallery 63
Riverwood 34, 43
Roc ‘n ‘Doc’s 67
Ruti’s Needlebed 64
Salmon Express 37, 68
Salon Bardot 64
Sandalwood Suites Hotel Toronto Airport 55, 60
Sandman Signature – Toronto Airport 55, 61
Savana Restaurant and Lounge 66
Second Wind Pilates Plus 64, 71
Sheraton Gateway Hotel In
Toronto International Airport 55, 61
Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel
and Conference Centre 55, 61
Sherway Gardens 63
Shopsy’s Delicatessen – Mississauga 66
Simply Delightful Dress-up Parties & Gift Shop 64
Snug Harbour Seafood Bar & Grill 66
Square One Shopping Centre 63
Stage West All Suite Hotel &
Theatre Restaurant. 33, 56, 61, 69
Streetsville 29, 30
Streetsville BIA 70
Streetsville Treasures Inc. 64
Studio 6 Mississauga 56, 61
The Birds And Bees 63
The Store Mason’s Chandlery 64
The Streetsville Founders Bread and
Honey Festival 29, 70
ten Restaurant & Wine Bar 67
Thrifty Car Rental 72
Thyme Ristorante 67
Tim Hortons Southside Shuffle Blues & Jazz Festival70
Toronto Airport Marriott 56, 61
Toronto Congress Centre 30, 73
Toronto International Jamaica Day Celebration 70
Toronto Pearson International Airport 31
Tour de Mississauga 38–39
Travelodge Hotel – Toronto Airport 56, 61
Twice is Nice 62
Visual Arts Mississauga 35
Von Besser Jewellery 63
Waterside Inn, The 56, 61
West 50 Pourhouse & Grill 66
Westin Bristol Place Toronto Airport 56, 61
Woodbine Centre 30, 36
Woodbine Entertainment Group 30
Woodbine Racetrack 30, 71
Wild Water Kingdom 36, 68
Zachary’s Lounge 67
Zazi’s Place 66
Zest For Living 64