satelitski antenski sistemi


satelitski antenski sistemi
Z NAVISYTEM satelitskimi antenami lahko dostopate do :
- satelitske televizije po celem svetu z možnostjo sprejema signala s krožno ali linerano polarizacijo
brez kakršnekoli zamenjave delov v antenah
- dostop do hitrega interneta 24 ur
- priklop satelitskega telefona z lastno številko
- priklop IP telefona
- pošiljanje in sprejem fax-ov, email-ov, podatkov in video konference pri hitrosti 60 vozlov
- pošiljanje video signala s kamer in ostalih podatkov montiranih senzorjev na plovilu direktno na
domaèi raèunalnik
- sprejem vremenskih poroèil in slik v visoki loèljivosti preko Meteosat satelita
Z izbiro Navisystem anten dobite najboljši servis z 3 letno garancijo. Vsa tehnologija bazira na 15 letnih
izkušnjah in tehniènem izobraževanju in prilagjanju vsem novostim na trgu. Vse nove tehnologije je
možno naknadno dograditi tako programsko kot z zamenjavo harware, ki se stalno razvija in dopolnjuje.
Zaradi tega Navisytem antene nikoli na zastarajo.. Nova elegantna linija anten je enostavna za montažo
in se lepo usklajuje z linijami plovil. Izdelane so iz posebno vzdržljivih in odpornih materialov.
Èe želite imeti samo internet povezavo in satelitski telefon potem izberite serijo IP anten.
Za profesionalne storitve izberite V-sat antene z hitrim dostopom do interneta do 10Mb
Vremenski podatki so dostopni preko novega satelita direktno do vašega raèunalnika, brez omejitve
v kolièini prenešenih podatkov. Dobite on-line slike, napovedi in konkretne atmosferske podatke za
posamezno izbrano obmoèje plovbe. Z sprejemom vremenske napovedi za doloèenem èas in kraj
plovbe boste lahko bolj varno naèrtovali vašo plovbo.
Hišni kino:
Navisystem antenese lahko prikljuèijo na vse multimedijske naprave, ki so na trgu.
Premer pokrova Navisystem anten glede na premer
krožnika je do 50% manjši kot pri konkurenènih
antenah. Pri manjših plovilih, kjer je prostor omejen,
je to pomembna znaèilnost Navisystem anten.
Mode l
MST 48
MST 55
MST 65
MST 75
MST 85
MST 95
MST 120
MST 135
MST 150
48 cm
55 cm
65 cm
71 cm
82 cm
96 cm
117 cm
135 cm
150 cm
pre m e r
52 cm
58 cm
70 cm
81 cm
92 cm
104 cm
130 cm
145 cm
170 cm
za plovila
na d 40m
na d 50m
na d 70m
Prodaja in servisira :
OKRAS Mateja Sever s.p.
Tacenska cesta 20
1210 Ljubljana-Šentvid
tel.:+386 1 5126706
fax.:+386 1 5121176
GSM:+386 41 683 263
A navisystem antenna have access to all the following sevices :
- satellite TV reception onboard anywhere in the world, with the possibility to receive the signal in
circular or linear polarization without having to replace any part of the antennas,
- high-speed Internet access 24 hours a day, with advantageous, fixed-cost, monthly rates,
- free “Voice over IP telephone comunication using, for example, the Skype platform,
-send and receive fax-e-mail, data and video even when crusing at 60 knots,
-remote video surveillance monitoring of home security system or, vice versa, monitoring of on-board
security systems such as sensors and surveillance cameras directly from home,
-receive weather broadcasts at high-definition in all the Mediterraean and in all those parts of the world
where the service is provited by tha local authorities
By choosing Navisystem, you get not only an antenna, but also constant research work, specialization
and tehnical preparation of the personnel working in the company, three year guarantee and an
assistance network in continuing expansion. The new elegant “radomes”are able to integrate harmoniously with any structure and are made with particulary resistant materials. All antennas produced
can be brought up to date with innovations developed by the company, which is why Navisystem
antennas never ages.
For those, who want only Intenet connection and sat com, there is the “IP” serie antennas.
For professional performances, there is the “V-Sat” serie. Both are specific for this sector.
Weather data is receivable from the new satelite directly on the computer aboard without volume limits,
a circumstance which assures a full correct vision of total atmospheric conditions, which permits
detailed forecasts in actual time and to choose the safest route to follow.
Home Theatre:
Navisystem antenna can be integrated in a multimedia manner with the most modern home theatre
system existing on the market.
The diameters of Navisystem antenas are smaller
than the conventional system. In terms of volume,
this is very significant for boats where space is
MST 48
MST 55
MST 65
MST 75
MST 85
MST 95
MST 120
MST 135
MST 150
48 cm
55 cm
65 cm
71 cm
82 cm
96 cm
117 cm
135 cm
150 cm
52 cm
58 cm
70 cm
81 cm
92 cm
104 cm
130 cm
145 cm
170 cm
for boats
over 40m
over 50m
over 70m
official importer
OKRAS Mateja Sever s.p.
Tacenska cesta 20
1210 Ljubljana-Šentvid
tel.:+386 1 5126706
fax.:+386 1 5121176
GSM:+386 41 683 263

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