July 2014 Newsletter - Edgington Evangelical Presbyterian Church
July 2014 Newsletter - Edgington Evangelical Presbyterian Church
July Newsletter 2014 Volume 8, Issue 7 Edgington Pres(s) Edgington Presbyterian Church He’s A Rocket Man… One of our very own Community-Wide VBS helpers for over 10 years! When he's got his science toys program set up at an event, it's easy to find "Rocket" Bob Windt — his booth is always the most popular, with crowds of kids busy constructing or launching their freshly made paper rockets into the air, watching intently where it lands so they can repeat over and over. The retired aeronautical engineer, who lives in Cordova, Illinois, thrives on the laughter and curiosity of his audience, as he hopes to teach as many kids as possible about basic scientific principles. Simply put, Windt is on a mission to inspire, educate and bring some fun to the learning process. He gets kids moving, and he engages their minds. Even adults can't resist toying around with his inventions, such as a small electric hovercraft. Windt and his dedicated volunteers have been a fixture at numerous Quad-Cities events, such as the Quad City Air Show, Princeton Days, and the Science Expo at Bettendorf Middle School. He also brings his free program to schools, libraries, College for Kids, and scouting events or wherever else he is requested. He just wants to share his knowledge and inspire the next generation. What's his motivation? Besides hearing from kids that his program was the best part of their day, "it's seeing that too much electronic media has so much influence on youth. Kids are not always challenged. Life is too easy when you're not challenged to do your best," says Windt. So he's challenging kids to grasp science and engineering concepts. Part of the allure is that he uses simple household items for building materials. Styrofoam plates become boats, Popsicle sticks become propellers, straws and balloons become propulsion, and paper is standard for most creations. Other materials, such as rubber bands, cereal boxes, aluminum foil and electric motors from nonworking remote-controlled crafts, are the perfect ingredients for handmade fun. "It's all about using your imagination and exercising your brain. Education makes life interesting, and makes your life a great adventure. It's the mind that makes the body rich; it's the mind that makes life interesting," Windt likes to tell his eager young students. His most popular science toy is the foam rocket, launched via a PVC pipe, an empty 2-liter bottle, and a hearty foot stomp, which easily sends the rocket 100 or more feet into the air. The excitement and amazement of the children brings many smiles to parents and bystanders. Windt's inventions are relatively easy to make, especially with adult supervision, but he always has the materials ready to go at events so kids get to assemble their own. Many of the materials, such as insulation foam and paper have been diverted from the landfill, and are put to a great new use as the components of science toys. But what really brings him happiness and keeps him busy these days is sharing his love of science with kids. Most weekends, and many weekdays, you can find him scheduled around the region, explaining scientific principles, such as Newton's law of action-reaction and gravity, before having kids build their own science toy, such as a balloon car or straw airplane. He helps make the connection between the science and the invention. The science toys they create together may be unique, but Windt's message to the kids stays the same: have fun and keep experimenting. It's one of the reasons he makes detailed instructions for some of his projects available at his website, hoverkid.com. And a collection of Windt's inventions with instructions for more than 20 science toys will be released as a book, "Yep, It's Rocket Science," later this summer. - By Sarah Ford - Radish Magazine Page 2 Edgington Pres(s) Elders Deacons Trustees Kevin Oak Nancy Cooksey Steve Morrison - Clerk Mic Penry Tara Johnson Jim Schaubroeck Karyl Parrish - Chairperson Larry Hesch Ione Hesch Rea-Eleen Fenchel Dana Johnson Ron Derrer Ellen Derrer Amy Schroeder Chris Stark - Chairperson Karla Pearson Eddy Bull Mel Block Jim Mueller David Wilson Nathan Oak Scott Cullen Larry Pithan Nominating Committee Tara Miller Hillary Terrill Memorial Committee Dana Fuhr - Chair Person Alice Crawford Pat Block Mission Keith Wilson Molly Cook Kyle Johnson C.E. Treasurer Jennifer Ransdell Auditor Beth Easterla Treasurer Cindy Oak Jim Cooksey Nancy Engstrom GREETERS July 6th - Jim & Nancy Cooksey July 13th - Eddy Bull July 20th - Todd & Lauren Stegmiller July 27th - Marvin & Peggy Weiss Note...names in BOLD are the newest Committee Members for 2014, voted in at the Annual Congregation Meeting on Sunday, January 19th. If you would like a copy of the Annual Report please contact the office at 309-795-1713. Thank you. SESSION Session met Tuesday, June 10th at 7:00pm in the conference room with Mic Penry, Kevin Oak, Steve Morrison, Nancy Cooksey, Tara Johnson and Zach Hopkins in attendance. The meeting opened with prayer and devotions by Zach. There was a motion to approve the docket and minutes of the last meeting. It was seconded and carried. Zach reported on his activities for May which included: Home visits, office visits, and hospital calls. He attended County-line Ministers, VBS Meeting, Youth Group, and Presbytery of Northern Illinois (PCA) Old Business: Communion was held June 1st, 2014. Approved the Rockridge PTC use of the church during the summer for their meetings. Zach was officially ordained and installed as pastor of Edgington Evangelical Presbyterian Church on May 25th, 2014. The Sacrament of Baptism was held for Rylee Dawson Miller and Jordyn Renee Stegmiller on 6/1/14, and Lydia Marilyn Terrill and Gloria Helen Gierlus on 6/8/14. Committee reports were given. New Business: Communion will be held July 6th, 2014. Next session meeting will be July 1st, 2014 at 7:00PM. Meeting was adjourned with prayer by Zach. Steve Morrison, Clerk of Session TRUSTEES Present: Mel Block, Scott Cullen, Jim Mueller, Nathan Oak, Larry Pithan, Chris Stark, Dave Wilson, Treasurer Cindy Oak. Chris opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and approved. Cindy presented the treasurer’s report and bills, they were also reviewed and approved. Honey bees and honey have been removed from the wall but there appear to still be a few bees. Chris will follow up. Glass Blast is preparing a price for glass storm windows for the south stained glass windows. Mel reported that we still have a leak on the east wall of the sanctuary. Have asked Larry Fuhr to help us locate the leak. Work in kitchen for the new refrigerator has been completed. Nathan and Chris installed mulch along the north and east sides of the church and at the manse. Larry presented some progress sketches for the new church elevator. Copies were distributed to the trustees for their review and discussion. Larry will continue to work with the architect to further develop the plans. Pending projects include: New roof on the manse Paint siding on church Chris closed the meeting with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Larry Pithan Page 4 Edgington Pres(s) TREASURER’S REPORT MAY 2014 GET YOUR JULY COPY OF THE TABLETALK DEVOTIONAL Hey Kids! Come Join US for Summer Sunday School! EEPC will still be having Sunday School this summer. Our lessons will all be about “Water in the Bible” We would love to have some volunteer help from Parents and members who would like to participate in our Summer program. A sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Sunday School hallway. LO CA TE D I N TH E E N T RA N C E OF T HE C HUR CH Page 5 PW WOMEN... OFFICERS 2014 Moderator: Pam Pithan Vice Moderator: Nancy Cooksey Sec/Historian: Sharon Schaubroeck Treasurer: Kathy Stegmiller Mission: Shirley Flemming Program: JoAnn Rursch/Ellen Derrer Involvement: Sharon Orr Nomination Committee: Sharon Orr/Evelyn Hessman Pennies from Heaven: Ginny Brockett Those in Service: Pat Block Finance: Kathy Stegmiller, Chairwoman, Shirley Flemming/JoAnn Rursch/Pam Pithan Quilting Day July 17th , 9am Noon-Sack Lunch or Project Now UPCOMING EVENTS JULY - MYSTERY TRIP!!! AUGUST - NO MEETING A big Thank You to everyone who remembered my 90th birthday with beautiful cards, personal messages telephone calls and visits. Everything was deeply appreciated. Everett Hessman JULY 28TH - AUGUST 1ST VBS HELP WANTED If you are wanting to help at this year’s VBS, but are not actually physically able to be there, have we got a job for you! We are in need of certain supplies that you can definitely help with. Plastic Water bottles with lids - 16oz. Cookies 27 20 13 6 Meal Site Meal Site VBS VBS Set-Up 1:30pm 28 Meal Site 21 Meal Site 14 7 Mon B/P Checks Deacons Mtg 11:30am Family Fun Night Potluck/Swim 6:45pm St. Pat’s B/P Checks Food Pantry Sunday Communion Sunday Sun July Session 7pm 29 22 VBS Andalusia Lion’s Park Blood Drive 15 8 1 Tue 30 23 16 VBS Trustees Mtg 7pm 9 2 Wed Meal Site Meal Site Meal Site 31 VBS Meal Site Choir Practice 7pm 24 Meal Site PW Quilting Day 17 10 3 Thu Phone: 309-795-1713 / 309-795-1714 Email: epchurch@att.net WEBSITE: Www.edgintonepc.org EEPC Newsletter Items Due 25 18 11 4 Fri 26 19 12 5 Sat Sunday School 9am Worship Service 10am