Advanced Batteries for Future Aviation: Problems, Progress and Perspectives Dr. Andreas Sizmann, Dr. Holger Kuhn Europe-Japan Symposium „Electrical Technologies for the Aviation of the Future“, Delegation of the EU to Japan, Tokyo, 26.-27. March 2015 Scene-setter presentation Contents Drivers of Change for Advanced Battery Development Battery Research and Innovation: Technology Potentials and Gaps Advanced Batteries in a Hybrid Approach Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 2 Electric Aircraft Maiden Flights © Flight International Electraflyer-ULS E-Spyder Electric Lazair Antares 23E Long-ESA C172 Skyhawk eGenius Electric Viva Electric Cri-Cri I Electra MB-E1 on October 21, 1973 HK36 FCD SkySpark Waiex Yuneec e430 Flight Design Hybrid Motor AE-1 Silent …… MB-E1 Antares 20E Silent 2 Silent 2 Electro Electraflyer Antares DLR-H2 ENFICA-FC Taurus Electric Cri-Cri II Alatus ME Electra One Taurus G4 FlyNano AOS-71 Arcus E DA36 E-Star Evektor EPOS E-Fan Battery powered Fuel cell-battery hybrid Engine-battery hybrid 1972 1974 1976 …… Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt List is not exhaustive 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 2016 Seite 3 Long-term Perspective for Renewable Energy H2O CO2 CO2 Inverse combustion Heat Pressure Time Oil O2 CxHy FT O2 Combustion Combustion Heat CO/H2 Heat Motive power Motive power Renewable within ~80 Mio. years H2O PV/CSP Water splitting H2 Electric energy O2 Electrochemical conversion Heat Battery Electric energy Electric motor Motive power Renewable drop-in fuel path Renewable non-drop-in fuel path Electric energy Electric motor Motive power All-electric motive power path Preserve the high „energetic value“ of harvested energy: go electric Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 4 Where is Potential for Efficiency Improvement? Black Contours: Propulsion System Overall Efficiency (ηov) in cruise relative to Year 2000 Reference ηov = ηinner × ηprop [-] Propulsive Efficiency (ηprop ) [-] 0.95 ? 0.9 0.85 Advanced Open Rotor Intercooled Recuperated Turbofan 0.8 Advanced Turbofan 0.75 0.7 Conventional Turbofan 0.65 0.4 A. Seitz et al., AIAA 2013-3608 Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt 0.5 0.6 0.7 Thermal or Inner Efficiency ( ηinner ) [-] 0.8 * ACARE Strategic Reseach & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) 20% less energy need by propulsion & power in Y2020 30% less energy need by propulsion & power in Y2035 Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 5 Where is Potential for Efficiency Improvement? Seitz A, et al., Electrically Powered Aero-Propulsion (AIAA-2013-3608) Black Contours: Propulsion System Overall Efficiency (ηov) in cruise relative to Year 2000 Reference Adv. Open Rotor 50% Hybrid-Electric Turbofan Study Full-Electric Fan Study (Schmitz & Hornung, 2013) (Seitz et. al., 2012) Full-Electric Open Rotor Study (Seitz et. al., 2013) IR Turbofan State-of-the-Art Technology Reference Technology A. Seitz et al., AIAA 2013-3608 Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt * 20% less energy need by propulsion & power in Y2020 ** 30% less energy need by propulsion & power in Y2035 *** based on propulsion system contribution to Y2050 CO2 goals proposed by Isikveren et. al. (2012) Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 6 Electrical System: Power Demand A.T. Isikveren et al., 61. Dt. Luft-und Raumfahrtkongress, Berlin, 2012, Doc-ID: 1368 power demand of propulsion system and subsystems maximum required power at different flight phases propulsion system = electric motor, motor controller, battery control unit Power Demand of Subsystems Power Demand of Propulsion System 1000.00 33.5 MW 30000 Power [kW] 950 kW Thermal Management 900.00 Power demand [kW] 40000 20000 10000 800.00 700.00 x 660 kW Lighting 500.00 ECS 400.00 Cockpit 300.00 Avionic 200.00 Instruments & Ice Protection Cabin 0.00 Flight Phase Flight Controls 600.00 100.00 0 Landing Gear Flight Phase red line: normal operation blue line: abnormal ops = excl. non-essential customers Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 7 Electrical System: Energy Demand A.T. Isikveren et al., 61. Dt. Luft-und Raumfahrtkongress, Berlin, 2012, Doc-ID: 1368 power and energy demand of propulsion maximum required power at different flight phases minimum required energy for propulsion system for 900 nm excl. alternate airport Energy Demand of Propulsion System Power Demand of Propulsion System 40000 50000 33.5 MW 45000 Energy [kWh] 30000 Power [kW] 47 MWh 40000 20000 10000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0 Flight Phase Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Flight Phase Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 8 Ragone Envelope (Propulsion) Hornung, Isikveren, Cole, Sizmann, ATIO 2013, Paper ID AIAA 2013-4302. power and energy demand of propulsion maximum required power at different flight phases minimum required energy for propulsion system for 900 nm excl. alternate airport Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 9 Contents Drivers of Change for Advanced Battery Development Battery Research and Innovation: Technology Potentials and Gaps Advanced Batteries in a Hybrid Approach Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 10 Future Technology Potentials Future Technology Radar1 Energy density - key metric? Physical benchmark – the absolute limit? 2 Tomorrow’s concepts of aviation shaped by future requirements and technology options Method for early detection of Key developments Possible radical innovations for aviation Objective, reproducible, quantitative comparison by Metrics Physical benchmarking Scaling performance Discontinuity analysis Disruptive potentials for novel products, services or business models Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt [1] A. Sizmann, ‘Physical Science and Technological Innovation’, BHL-Expert Symposium 02/2009, BHL Garching [2] H. Kuhn, A. Sizmann, ‘Fundamental Prerequisites of Electric Flying’, DLRK 2012, Berlin Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 11 Lithium Battery Electrode Materials Inventory Inventory comprises relevant electrode characteristics such as equilibrium potential vs. Li/Li+, molar mass, reversible range (and density) from original scientific publications. → to calculate specific capacity of the electrodes and the theoretical specific energy of a cell. Electrochemical active materials are: Negative Electrode Positive Electrode > Li metal (for primary and Li-air batteries) > Li / CoO2 > Li / NiO2 > Li / C6 (for secondary batteries) > Li / Mn2O4 > Li / TiO2 > Li3 / Li4Ti5O12 > Li / FePO4 > Li / LiFeSiO4 > Li4.4 / Si > Li2 / FePO4F > Li8.6 / WS2 (nano) > Li4.4 / Ge > Li2 / S > Li0.6 / WS2 (macro) > Li4.4 / Sn > Li / TiS2 > Li / MnPO4 > Li4.4 / Si-TiSi2 > Li3 / NbSe3 > Li21.25 / Cu6S > Li4.4 / Fe3O4-Fe-O > Li / NiVO4 > Li2 / MnSiO4 > Li / SnO2 > Li / MoS2 > Li / Ni0.4MnO > Li / NixMnxCo1-2xO2 > Li(2) / O2 Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 12 Theoretical Specific Energy of Lithium Battery Specific Energy of Battery in Wh/kg H. Kuhn, A. Sizmann, 61. Dt. Luft-und Raumfahrtkongress, Berlin, 2012, Doc-ID: 281440 Potential Specific Energies at todays cell design regarding current collectors, electrolyte, separator, housing etc. are between 300 to 1000 Wh/kg Technology level of 2010, prismatic cell (coffee-bag) Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 13 Lithium-Sulfur Improvements – Outlook Specific Energy of the Battery in Wh/kg H. Kuhn, A. Sizmann, 61. Dt. Luft-und Raumfahrtkongress, Berlin, 2012, Doc-ID: 281440 Potential Specific Energies Fully lithiated sulfur exhibits the highest specific capacity of known positive electrode materials at • • 1166 mAh/g incl. Li 1671 mAh/g w/o Li Technology level 2010, prismatic cell (coffee-bag) Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 14 Prospects of Battery Capacities Specific Energy of the Battery in Wh/kg At very low C-rates (<0.1) H. Kuhn, A. Sizmann, 61. Dt. Luft-und Raumfahrtkongress, Berlin, 2012, Doc-ID: 281440 1000-1200 Wh/kg Potential Specific Energies 800-900 Wh/kg SolidEnergy • • • • 3861 mAh/g metallic Li 300 mAh/g limit of Li-NMC ~3.4 V nominal voltage of Li-NMC cell ~500 Wh/kg expected practical capacity Technology level 2010, prismatic cell (coffee-bag) Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 15 Rate-based Battery Capacities H. Kuhn, 2012 New electrode materials enhance the capacity of the battery New electrode structure enhance the rate capability of the battery Nanoscale structures and coatings structure higher utilisation of active material shorter diffusion length for Li ions materials coating-assisted ion mobility [1] Data evaluated based on exp. results of C. Ban et al., Adv. Energy Mat. 1, pp. 58-62 (2011) Especially important for calculating the necessary battery mass at selected operating conditions: ≥ ρE , m ρP , m ρE,m: specific energy E ρE , m mBattery = if t ≤ ρE , m ρP , m P ρ P ,m Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt ρP,m: specific power Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 16 Rate-based Battery Capacities New electrode structure enhance the rate capability of the battery Nanoscale structures and coatings higher utilisation of active material shorter diffusion length for Li ions coating-assisted ion mobility H. Kuhn, 2013 4 40 50 30 20 15 10 Specific Power in W/kg New electrode materials enhance the capacity of the battery 10 10 10 5 3 10 5 2 2 1 10 10 2 1 50 0.5 LNMCO-C [1] LFP-C [2] LFP-C [3] Panasonic NCR-18650A Sony U18650ZT 100 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 250 200 150 Specific Exergy in Wh/kg 300 Data evaluated based on experimental results of [1] Ban et al., Adv. Energy 1, pp. 58–62 (2011) Especially important for Mater. calculating the necessary battery mass at selected operating [2] Yang et al., En.& Env. Sci. 6, pp. 1521-1528 (2013) conditions: [3] Kang & Ceder, Nature 458(7235), pp. 190-193 (2009) ≥ ρE , m ρP , m ρE,m: specific energy E ρE , m mBattery = if t ≤ ρE , m ρP , m P ρ P ,m Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt ρP,m: specific power Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 17 Targets and Perspectives Specific Power in W/kg 10 10 5 Kerosene-based turbo-engine ηtotal of 0.35 Short term 4 50 4030 20 10 10 15 10 10 5 3 Performance targets Mid term Long term 5 2 2 1 10 0.5 2 0.20.2 0.1 10 0.1 1 2 1.0 10 102 Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Business jet, [1] LNMCO-C equivalent JET-A-based LFP-C [2] energy &power module LFP-C [3] Ref 1 NCR-18650A 6150 nm nm Ref430 2 U18650ZT 3 3.0 102 1.0 10 103 Specific Exergy in Wh/kg 3.0 103 Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 18 Contents Drivers of Change for Advanced Battery Development Battery Reseach and Innovation: Technology Potentials and Gaps Advanced Batteries in a Hybrid Approach Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 19 Electric Flight Feasibility Assessment Exergy (useable energy): 10.0 Relative Power Density The energy density is insufficient as feasibility assessment criterion 1.0 Ragone metrics: 0.1 Exergy and power densities are the key indicators for electric aircraft feasibility in the comparison of alternative power sources 0.01 0.1 1.0 Relative Exergy Density AlleRechte Rechtebei bei//All Allrights rightswith withBauhaus BauhausLuftfahrt Luftfahrt Alle 10.0 Hybridization: The combination of specific advantages of energy and power systems may be an enabling energy system: an entry-scenario for power batteries Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 9 Step-Profile Power Demand H. Kuhn, A. Sizmann, 61. Dt. Luft-und Raumfahrtkongress, Berlin, 2012, Doc-ID: 281440 Power P1 P2 t2 : Power Ratio τ = t1 t 2 : Time Ratio 1 ∆P = P1 – P2 t1 ψ = P2 P = P2 ∆P + P Time P2 = ψ ⋅ P1 (1 − ψ ) ⋅ τ ⋅ t 2 1 ψ ψ ⋅ t2 m = P1 ∑ +∑ +∑ +∑ i ρ ρ e ,k ⋅ η k j ρ p, j k l ρ e ,l ⋅ η l p ,i 2 ∆P = (1 − ψ ) ⋅ P1 + F (P1 , t 2 ,ψ ,τ ) auxiliary systems such as tank, fuel infrastructure, power distribution, etc. components governed by the energy demand in t < t2 providing P2 components governed by the energy demand in t < t1 providing ∆P components depending on P2 such as primary power source components depending on P1 such as el. motor, PMAD, etc. Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 21 Hybrid Electric Power System Architectures Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 22 Europe's Relative Technological Performance Source: DG Research and Innovation Data: OECD patent database and specific studies. Europe covers EU27, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland; Asia covers Japan, China, South Korea, Singapore and Chinese Taipei. Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 23 Future Electric Hybrid Aircraft: Synergy Source: DG Research and Innovation Data: OECD patent database and specific studies. Europe covers EU27, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland; Asia covers Japan, China, South Korea, Singapore and Chinese Taipei. Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 24 The Scene for Battery Research & Innovation Drivers of Change Demanding Advanced Battery Development Enabling efficient renewable energy use for mobility Battery Research and Innovation: Technology Potentials and Gaps Potential for short-range aircraft Nanoscale technology may close the “gap” Advanced Batteries in a Hybrid Approach Combine power with endurance Batteries supply peak power demand Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 25 Contact Dr. Andreas Sizmann, Dr. Holger Kuhn Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V. Willy-Messerschmitt-Str. 1 85521 Ottobrunn, Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 89 307 48 49 – 38 Andreas.Sizmann@bauhaus-luftfahrt.com http://www.bauhaus-luftfahrt.net Alle Rechte bei / All rights with Bauhaus Luftfahrt Europe-Japan Symposium, 26.03.2015 Seite 26
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