Routing Biomedical Data Between Applications Through Ad Hoc
Routing Biomedical Data Between Applications Through Ad Hoc
CONCAPAN XXXI 1 Routing Biomedical Data Between Applications Through Ad Hoc Networks Lic. Fabio Bruschetti Universidad Nacional de San Martín Email: Mg. María Claudia Abeledo Universidad Nacional de San Martín Email: Tech. Sebastián José Emilio Lorandi Universidad Nacional de San Martín Email: Pedro Facundo Iriso, Cristian Miño Universidad Nacional de San Martín Email:, María de las Mercedes Cresta Universidad CAECE Email: Abstract-- This work is intended to demonstrate that ad hoc networks can transport biometric information such as electrocardiogram, plethysmography, body temperature, blood pressure, breath and cardio frequency in a reliable and secure way taking advantages of routing capabilities, high speed, minimal infrastructure and reduced costs. Biometric data will come from medical devices that capture, digitilize and store data in electronic files. The solution presented here combines those medical devices and personal computers with small pieces of free software. Connecting patients located far away from high complexity medical centers with the help of Internet will result in fast diagnostic, appropriate analysis and immediate response without moving professionals from one site to another. on these locations always need communication services for voice and data but there may be an inappropriate telecommunications infrastructure. At present, health care devices can meter and digitize human medic information and store it in computer files. Such devices have affordable prices and can easily be connected to a computer to transfer its data. As healthcare services are essentials in mentionated cases the lack of telecommunications infrastructure seems to be a common barrier. Communication facilities for low density and low economic level communities is one of the most difficult issue to solve by any government, specially in underdeveloped countries where most government resources attend social, political, economic problems [1][ 2]. Index Terms-- Ad hoc networks, Communication equipment, Data acquisition, Prognostics and health management, Rural areas, Wireless networks. II. RELATED WORK I. INTRODUCTION T aking care of remote patients is a challenge for any public or private healthcare organization. Medic professionals are not available in any place and any time, not to mention in communities located far away from cities and even worst if their economic activity is significantly low. Dealing with emergencies or long term healthcare situations This work was supported in part by San Martín National University UNSAM (Public) and CAECE University (Private). IEEE, Sección El Salvador. A. Ad Hoc etworks: A Brief Description Ad-hoc voice communication was used in many ancient societies to send messages [3]. The history of wireless networks started in the 1970’s and the interest has been growing ever since. During the last decade, and especially at the end of it, the interest has almost exploded probably because of the fast growing Internet. Today we see two kinds of wireless networks but the difference between them is not as obvious as it may seem. The first kind and most used today is a wireless network built on-top of a wired network and thus creates a reliable infrastructure wireless network [4] (figure 1). EL Salvador, Noviembre 2011 CONCAPAN XXXI Wireless communication enables information transfer among a network of disconnected, and often mobile, users. Popular wireless networks such as mobile phone networks and wireless LANs are traditionally infrastructure-based, i.e. base stations, access points and servers are deployed before the network can be used. In contrast, ad hoc networks are dynamically formed amongst a group of wireless users and require no existing infrastructure or pre-configuration (figure 2). Fig. 1. Infrastructure-based wireless network Fig. 2. Ad hoc network [5] The dynamic and self-organizing nature of ad hoc networks makes them particular useful in situations where rapid network deployments are required or it is prohibitively costly to deploy and manage network infrastructure. [6] B. Applications of ad hoc wireless networks As a first approximation, we could simply define ad hoc applications as pieces of software that run on ad hoc networks. We do not believe however that this definition adequately characterizes the essence of ad hoc applications. Defining a class of applications (ad hoc applications) by coupling it to one (but only one) possible implementation technology (ad hoc networks) reduces the generality and effectiveness of the definition. This is particularly true in such a changing arena as mobile network technology. Indeed, no widely adopted ad hoc network exists nowadays. However, many researchers work on the subject in order to build what will probably be the next generation networks. [7]. Nevertheless, we can mention some ad hoc network applications: • Attendees in a conference room sharing documents and other information via their laptops and handheld computer; IEEE, Sección El Salvador. • • • 2 Armed forces creating a tactical network in unfamiliar territory for communications and distribution of situational awareness information; Small sensor devices located in animals and other strategic locations that collectively, monitor habitats and environmental conditions; Emergency services communicating in a disaster area and sharing video updates of specific locations among workers in the field, and back to headquarters. [6]. C. Risks in wireless ad-hoc connections Wireless ad-hoc connections are generally considered a security risk for the following reasons: • o physical access needed: outside nodes can gain connection to the network by the simple fact of being located in the radio range of any other trusted network node • There is no centralized management: failures such as packet dropping and transmission impairments cannot be easily traced avoiding to understand whether this failures are normal or caused by an malicious attack [8] • Compromise of links or nodes: Attackers may attempt to take control of a trusted node to perform malicious actions that can be very difficult to detect because of ad-hoc nodes may perform diverse behaviors [9]. • Restricted power supply: nodes that may not have continuous external appropriate DC or AC voltage cannot suddenly cooperate or support wireless network functions [10] D. Why Wireless etworks for Medical Applications Due to advances in the wireless networks field, new and innovative applications are being thought of in medical as well as healthcare field [11]. In the medical field applications ranging from equipment management to patient management are being developed. Efficiency among hospital staff is increased by using some of these newly available applications and tools. In the healthcare field, issues such as long-term patient care, support for elderly people and smart homes are being discussed in the realm of wireless networks. There is also research being done on creating teletrauma systems using the wireless channel. This will potentially allow trauma specialist to be virtually on patient’s bed sides while they are being moved to the trauma center. In the near future homes can be designed to take care of patients or people with disabilities without the presence of a healthcare provider. A patient who is located far away can be cared for remotely by communicating his/her status in real-time to caregivers. Another issue that concerns the healthcare field is the very large number of expensive medical devices that are incompatible with each other. Tedious routines are involved in translating results from one machine to another. With Wireless Technology this compatibility issue can be reduced Another hot issue in the wireless networks field is implantable devices. These devices can be implanted on EL Salvador, Noviembre 2011 CONCAPAN XXXI normal day to day wearable. Wireless sensor implanted inside patient's body has their own significant benefits . Patients can wear sensors that monitor vital signs and report them in realtime to their doctor. This helps towards the issue of access because now the patient doesn't need to be around the hospital all the time. This improves access and quality of healthcare for patients and saves money for care providers. E. Scope Of This Work This work exposes a simple and cost effective solution that can be implemented using ad hoc networks to transport sensored health data from medical devices connected to a patient (such as electrocardiograph device) to a doctor being in front of a hospital’s computer. This approach also provides a reliable data transfer using ad hoc networks connected to the Internet. According to bioethics and human rights [12], collected data from a human patient was replaced with simulated data generated with a personal computer using an emulator (Java ECG Generator [25]). F. Scenery This work was based on an ad hoc wireless network configured in a rural zone. Computer nodes are limited and only one of them has an ADSL [13] Internet connection. In this zone, there are patient with some risk pathologies but there are not enough professionals and equipment to attend or solve patient’s deceases. A software application installed in personal computers (desk or laptop) with wireless capabilities will transfer data collected from medic devices to specialized centers. Data packages will be routed among active nodes from patient’s the node that is connected to the Internet. Medical professionals located on the other side of Internet cloud will receive diagnosed data, analyze them and then return their conclusions like treatment with medicines, care to provide, need to transfer the patient, specific maneuvers, etc. G. The Solution Proposed In This Work As shown in figure 3, the solution includes the following hardware and software components: • Hardware: - A digital ECG collector device (Dev01) with standard USB cable - 2 PCs (Node02 and Noder03) with wireless capability and fixed IP addresses from and - Dev01 connected to Node03 through USB (ECG). - 1 PC (Node01) with a fixed IP address is connected to: a) the wireless ad hoc network with Node02 and b) an Internet Service Provider through ADSL (Upload speed of 250 Kbps and download speed of 630 Kbps [14]) - Node02 and Node03 has no access to Internet - 1 PC (Node04) located at a healthcare center far away from the rural zone and connected to Internet through IEEE, Sección El Salvador. 3 ADSL (Upload speed of 2,32 Mbps and download speed of 2,48 Mbps [14]). - All nodes in the rural zone are in different houses, and Node03 is in patient’s home. • Software: - Ubuntu 10.10 [18] operating system in Node02 and Node03 with kernel version 2.6.38 with B.A.T.M.A.N. [15][16] routing protocol installed - Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 operating system in Node01 and Node04 - Custom Java Software Applications in nodes using Java ECG Generator application (open source) [25] - Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6 [17] in nodes running Custom Java Software Applications (Node01 and Node04) Rural Zone Node02 Wireless ad-hoc connections ISP ADSL Modem Patient Node03 Node01 Wireles Ad-Hoc Network Dev01 Internet ADSL Modem Node04 Specialist ISP Urban Zone Fig. 3. Hardware and connectivity components: rural zone H. Environment Set-up Nodes Node01 to Node03 is configured to build the ad hoc network. Ubuntu Node01 with Firestarter [19] is configured to share the wireless ad hoc network (wlan0) and the Internet connection through 3G (ppt0). Node03 is far enough from Node01 so they cannot be linked without the presence of Node02, between them. To check routing features, once all nodes had access to Internet, Node02 was moved away so nodes Node02 and Node03 lost theirs connections to Internet. Figure 4 shows when connections were lost. EL Salvador, Noviembre 2011 CONCAPAN XXXI 4 Fig. 5. Batch file processing messages Fig. 4. Connection lost when routing node is out of wireless range There are two batch files needed for the operation. One for the patient’s computer and the other for the doctor’s computer as follows: Patient’s computer NURSE.BAT: On patient’s side (NURSE), the application will popup a screen form (figure 6). The operator must fill out input fields with data form patient and from himself (patient’s name, clinic record, observations, etc.). In addition, single measures (i.e. body temperature) and multiple measures contained in electronic files (i.e. electrocardiogram) can be added. Once the form is completed, the operator can send this captured data to doctors (DOCTOR). After that, popup message will indicate that NURSE is waiting for DOCTOR’s diagnostic and treatment (figure 7). REM Client’s Application SET APLICACION_PATH=C:\PROGRAM FILES\EXEC SET CLASSPATH=%APLICACION_PATH%\lib\Nurse.jar ;%APLICACION_PATH%\lib\Commoncomponents.j ar;%APLICACION_PATH%\lib\javacsv.jar SET (1) SET PORT=1000 SET JAVA_HOME= %JAVAHOME%\bin JAVA NURSE.APLICACIONMAIN %HOST% %PORT% (1) The application resolves the IP address through a domain name. It was used a free Web Domain Name Service provider [20] Doctor’s computer DOCTOR.BAT: REM Doctor’s Application SET APLICACION_PATH= C:\PROGRAM FILES\EXEC SET CLASSPATH=%APLICACION_PATH%\lib\Doctor.ja r;%APLICACION_PATH%\lib\Commoncomponents. jar SET PORT=1000 SET JAVA_HOME= %JAVAHOME%\bin JAVA DOCTOR.APLICACIONMAIN %PORT% Batch files and applications must be in local disks prior to operation Fig. 6. NURSE application input form screenshot Fig. 7. NURSE application popup waiting message On doctor’s side, the application will popup a screen (figure 8). I. Solution Operation The initial step is to connect Dev01 USB to Node03. Then generate and store a file with collected data from the (ECG). Generated file will be accessed from Node03. The both batch files (NURSE.BAT and DOCTOR.BAT as shown in figure 5) are started on Node03 and Node04 computers respectively. IEEE, Sección El Salvador. EL Salvador, Noviembre 2011 CONCAPAN XXXI Fig. 8. Doctor’s form screenshot 5 J. Results obtained All ad hoc and Internet transfer response times were captured and measured using the network protocol analyzer Wireshark [21]. An average ECG takes a few minutes [22]. In our sample we consider a standard ECG with 12 leads [23] and an average of 6 seconds for each lead [24] resulting the Total ECG Measurement Time (TECGTotal): TECGTotal: 12 leads * 6 sec = 72 sec leads As Dev01 takes 256 samples per second, the total number of samples (TS) needed is: TS=72 sec * 256 samples = 18.432 samples sec Results are as follows: • The average ad hoc network routing time to transfer ECG (18.432 samples) plus additional information (maximum 1.024 bytes) from Node03 (NURSE) to Node01 connected to Internet in the rural zone is: TtoAdhoc Avg = 9,8713 sec Fig. 9. DOCTOR application popup waiting message Once data has from NURSE arrives, it will be displayed int the screen form (figure 9) for doctors or professionals. Multiple data colleted can be opened and graphed in an additional screen (figure 10) and the user can type in feedback into the application. This feedback will be transmitted to NURSE using Internet and the ad hoc network on patient’s side. When diagnostic or treatment is received on patient’s side, the popup message (figure 9) will be turned off. • The average network transfer time from Node01 to Node04 (DOCTOR) through Internet (1) to transfer ECG plus additional information is: TtoDInternet Avg = 72,0791 sec • The total average network transfer time from NURSE to DOCTOR is: TtoDTotal Avg = TtoAdhoc Avg + TtoDInternet Avg TtoDTotal Avg = 9,8713 sec + 72,0791 sec = 81,9504 sec • The average network transfer time from Node04 (DOCTOR) to Node01 through Internet (1) containing diagnosis information (about 2.048 bytes) is: TDtoInternet Avg = 3,8541 sec • TtoAdhoc Avg = 2,8345 sec Fig. 10. DOCTOR application multiple data presentation (Electrocardiogram) Files generated by Dev01 (ECG) are ASCII plain text format, each row ends with hex values 0Dh 0Ah (Carriage Return and Line Feed). File name extension is “.DAT”. The content and parameters of these files are as follows: • Time: Time of sample (starting always from zero) • Voltage: Sample measure in mV (10-3 Volts) • Peak: “3” when peak is reached (previous and next voltage values al less than the voltage of the sample) The average ad hoc network routing time from Node01 to Node03 (NURSE) with diagnosis is: • The total average network transfer time from DOCTOR to NURSE is: TDtoTotal Avg = TDtoInternet Avg + TtoAdhoc Avg TDtoTotal Avg = 3,8541 sec + 2,8345 sec = 6,6886 sec • The complete network transfer is in average: TTotalAvg = TtoDTotal Avg + TDtoTotal Avg TTotalAvg = 81,9504 sec + 6,6886 sec IEEE, Sección El Salvador. EL Salvador, Noviembre 2011 CONCAPAN XXXI TTotalAvg = 88,6390 sec (1) Internet file transfer latency may vary depending on both sides ADSL real connection speeds. K. Conclusions The proposed solution enables the transport of health data from patients to any destination. We identify the following type benefits: a) Related to ad hoc networks: • • • They allow a fast deployment with an easy configuration and reliable data transmission. They are available at a very reasonable and affordable costs Only one computer needs public Internet access for the entire wireless ad hoc network. The network can be geographically extended by adding nodes. b) Related to the solution • • Provides more efficient results in terms of quality, costs and time savings because qualified feedback come in minutes, professionals are virtual (there is o need to travel), information is digitally recorded (there is no need for papers). This solution can co-operate with future fixed wireless infrastructure when available. III. REFERENCES [1] Budget 2008–09: economic issues, Parliamentary Library, Parliament of Australia, 4 June 2008 mic_Issues.htm [2] Wi-Fi Pilots for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, International Development Research Centre, October 2003, Canada [3] Ad hoc Wireless Networks – Architectures and Protocols – C. Siva Ram Murthy and B. S. Manoj – Prentice Hall Communications Engineering and Emerging Technologies Series. 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Cambridge University Press (2008) [11] Medical Applications of Wireless Networks, Tam Vu Ngoc, Washington University in St. Louis, 21 April 2008 l [12] Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, Records of the General Conference, 33rd session, Paris, 3 – 21 October 2005 #page=80 [13] ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) [14] BandwithPlace Internet Speed Tester [15] Simple pragmatic approach to mesh routing using B.A.T.M.A.N. (Better Approach To Mobile Ad hoc Networking) – Johnson, Ntlatlapa and Aichele – 2nd IFIP International Symposium on Wireless Communications and Information Technology – October 2008 [16] Linux Users Group Rosario – Argentina – March 2011 [17] Java Technology [18] The Ubuntu Project – Free Operating System [19] Firestarter – Open Source visual firewall program [20] Role of the Domain Name System (DNS), J.C. Klensin, J. Klensin – February 2003 [21] Free multiplatform software Wireshark Version 1.4.0 for Windows [22] British heart foundation – ECG [23] The Standard 12 Leads ECG – Frank G. Yanowitz, MD – Professor of Medicine – University of Utah School of Medicine x.html [24] Tratado de Enfermería y Cuidados Críticos Pediátricos y Neonatales – Chapter 56 apitulo56.htm [25] A Dynamical Model for Generating Synthetic Electrocardiogram Signals ecgsyn/ecg-java/software.html IV. BIOGRAPHIES Fabio Bruschetti (1964): IT Information Systems graduate with honors from CAECE University. Current researcher on Computer Networks at UNSAM and lecturer on Data Processing Systems at UNSAM, Computer EL Salvador, Noviembre 2011 CONCAPAN XXXI 7 Architectures at CAECE University, Networking Essentials at CAECE University and Information Technology at UBA postgraduate department. María Claudia Abeledo (1962): IT Information Systems graduate with honors from CAECE University. Magister computer networking graduate with honors from La Plata University. Current researcher and lecturer on Computer Networks at UNSAM and current lecturer on Computer Networks and Networking Essentials at CAECE University. Sebastián José Emilio Lorandi (1987): Electro-medicine technician from UNSAM. Current researcher and lecturer on Electronic Measurements, Medical Instruments and Biomedical Signal Acquisition and Processing at UNSAM. Pedro Facundo Iriso (1989): Advanced student of Networking Technician Degree from UNSAM. Cristian Miño (1983): Advanced student of Networking Technician Degree from UNSAM. María de las Mercedes Cresta (1979): Advance student of IT Information Systems from CAECE University. IEEE, Sección El Salvador. EL Salvador, Noviembre 2011
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