Building SuStainaBle CommunitieS


Building SuStainaBle CommunitieS
WINTER 2015-16
I N T E R N A L N E W S L E T T E R O F T O M L I N S O N g ro u p of c om p anies
Building Sustainable Communities
from the
During our employee engagement survey meetings
with each of you it became very clear to me that
the efforts of our team to create an environment of
professional growth and innovation are beginning to
take hold throughout Tomlinson.
The best companies in the world work hard to build
a great culture from within by engaging their teams
though thoughtful and often passionate discussions,
and not by issuing orders.
Our culture is derived from our Core Values - we
need to live by these values every day. If we don’t, we
risk making decisions that may change the culture we’ve
built and want to continue to foster.
We are well on our way to creating a company and
culture everyone wants to be a part of. I ask that you
help me to continue to foster a culture of innovation
and professional growth as we work towards our long
term vision of being the strongest infrastructure and
environmental services organization in Eastern Canada.
Thank you for all of your efforts
in 2015 and I look forward to the
challenges, and successes we will
have in 2016.
Ron Tomlinson, CEO
Tomlinson adheres strongly to core values
that guide our strategic vision, day-to-day
operations and interactions with employees
and partners. Although not a complete list –
Excellence, Teamwork, Innovation and Integrity
are some of these core values that the company
strives to uphold. Tomlinson also has a strong
sense of community.
Not only does Tomlinson work, live and play
in the community, Tomlinson is active in
community building through its participation
and leadership.
ommunity-building is often associated with the
actions required to strengthen a community.
While, the commonly understood definition of
community includes:
A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common
• A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interest and goals
Tomlinson’s commitment to its community-building role
can be observed in multiple ways. One, the company and its
employees play an active role in their communities, whether it’s
the National Capital Region or different locations throughout
Eastern Ontario. If we focus on the local communities within
which Tomlinson employees live – they raise families in
neighbourhoods, they play on local sports teams, they buy
goods and services from local merchants, they engage in
environmentally conscious activities and more importantly,
they give back to their community.
Tomlinson has a long philanthropic history of giving and
supporting local charities from The Ride to smaller, local
initiatives. It’s important to note that “giving back” comes
in different forms of support such as active participation, in
kind donations and funds raised. There are many examples
that provide proof of this commitment to building better
communities. On a large scale, Tomlinson has raised more than
$650K over three years with huge employee participation for
The Ottawa Hospital’s The Ride. President, Kevin Cinq-Mars
sits on the Board of the Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa
dedicating his time to support and ensure the success of
this important agency providing services to young people.
Individual employees, like John Legault raised $2130 for his
part in the Walk for Autism.
Two, pertains to Tomlinson’s impact on the community
and the more obvious efforts to develop sustainable and strong
communities in partnership with the City of Ottawa and other
partners involved in the physical development of communities.
Tomlinson is directly involved in building the National Capital’s
infrastructure – roads, bridges, sewers, etc., and is well known
for its excellence in Aggregates, Heavy Civil, Commercial
and Municipal construction, Asphalt and Concrete as well as
Environmental Services. Tomlinson continues to make history
in major scale projects like Ottawa Light Rail Transit (OLRT),
the rapid replacement of the Lees Avenue Bridge and the
Rideau River Adàwe Crossing pedestrian bridge. Tomlinson’s
achievements benefit the sustainability and strength of the
community now and for the future.
Three, brings to light the thought leadership Tomlinson
offers and the impact this has on shaping the community.
Through active participation in industry associations, City task
forces, committees, conferences, and more., Tomlinson shares
its expertise and knowledge. For many years, Tomlinson team
members have held Chair and key positions with the Ottawa
Construction Association (OCA) – one of the largest regional
construction associations in Canada. Tomlinson is committed
to community building efforts that work in collaboration with
others who share a vision of building a better Ottawa and Eastern
Ontario. Frequently, Tomlinson experts are asked to provide
consultation on everything from environmental assessments
to Health and Safety to Quality Control. Interestingly, these
consultative roles align with the company’s Quality, Safety and
Environmentally Conscious core values.
Driven by our core values, we are shaping and strengthening
our community and communities through our active efforts at
different levels which are having a positive impact.
“Community Building is something we
do as individuals, together as a team
and as a company with our partners. We
have a responsibility as a member of the
community to actively participate where
we can have a positive impact and build a
strong and sustainable community.”
- Tomlinson President Kevin Cinq-Mars
Tomlinson supports a wide variety of customers with a broad range of environmental and waste
management needs. Some of these customers ask for Tomlinson’s assistance cleaning up
chemical or waste spills, recycling industrial waste, or require management of hazardous or
non-hazardous waste.
In the Tomlinson laboratory, a number of chemists are
at the core of some of these efforts. Yi Zhang, a chemist who
worked at Lacombe Waste and joined the Tomlinson team
when they acquired Lacombe, says the team analyzes all kinds
of wastewater and solid waste for any manner of project that
a client might need to deal with -- from incoming wastewater
from small businesses, to on-site spills and contaminants that
need to be identified before they are cleaned up. With almost
fourteen years of experience, Yi has seen many different kinds
of jobs, all with their own unique challenges. “Every job is
different. Some jobs are very complicated,” he says “You don’t
always know what you are working with and have to perform a
number of tests to determine if the waste is toxic or non toxic.
Some of the work can be very dangerous, so it’s important to
follow many safety procedures.”
Lab Analyst Jiaxin Lao works alongside Yi and says that this
role provides many interesting challenges. While it’s sometimes
straightforward to identify what you’re dealing with, on other
occasions you may be dealing with spilled chemicals in frozen
soil, multiple contaminants, or many unknowns. Part of what
Jiaxin enjoys about his role is that each client project is a puzzle
and he gets to be part of the solution.
According to Jiaxin, quality plays a very important role
throughout the process, especially in the lab. Strict adherence
to EPA and ISO standards as well as frequent testing and
ongoing equipment calibration ensure the team is prepared
to tackle every new project and be leaders in the management
and testing of environmental waste.
All agree that their roles provide an opportunity to have
an impact on the environment, helping to treat wastewater,
remediate soil, and manage chemical waste.
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Stay up to date on the latest
news, stories, and events on
Tomlinson’s social media pages.
Recognizing & Preventing
Heart Attacks and Strokes
Cardiovascular disease is any condition that affects the heart or supporting vessels in the body.
These include heart attack, stroke, heart failure, arrhythmia and heart valve problems, just to
name a few. Heart attacks or stroke are the two most common and are usually caused by a blood
clot blocking a narrowed artery in the heart or the brain.
Although a heart attack or stroke may seem to strike suddenly, cardiovascular disease develops over a long period of time
and can begin as early as the teenage years. Your risk of developing cardiovascular disease triples each decade of your lifespan.
The most important steps that you can take to avoid cardiovascular disease include these lifestyle decisions:
Eat a balanced diet including fibre.
Avoid excessive amounts of fat, oils, cholesterol and salt.
Weight Control
Don’t take in more calories than your body can use.
Exercise 3 times a week for at least 20 minutes to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease
by as much as 60%.
Stress Control
Take part in regular exercise, hobbies and have a good work/life balance.
Quit Smoking
Smoking increases blood pressure, reduces exercise tolerance and increases the tendency
for blood to clot. Smoking also reduces the amount of HDL (good cholesterol) in your body.
Consider Other Causes Age, gender, ethnicity, heredity, diabetes and air pollutants can also play a role.
Read the signs and react immediately!
Heart Attack
Chest pain
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Abdominal or back pain (most common in women)
Cold, sweaty skin
Skin that is bluish or paler than normal
Nausea and vomiting
Jaw pain
Indigestion/heart burn
What to do:
• Have the person rest
• Offer to assist them with medication (nitroglycerin/ASA)
• Check for breathing
Sudden, severe headache
Dizziness or confusion
Sudden loss of bladder control
o Face – numbness or weakness on one side
o Arm – numbness or weakness on one side
o Speech – slurred or difficulty speaking
o Time – very important to call for help
What to do:
• Have the person rest
• Lay them down with affected side up
• Check breathing
Employee Engagement SURVEY RESULTS
In August, employees had the opportunity to complete an Employee Engagement Survey. We
have been conducting employee surveys for about 10 years, and the management team uses
the confidential feedback to help guide our company policies and programs. Over the years
we have implemented the Employee Assistance Program, Goodlife Discount Program, vacation
benefit improvements, summer vacation availability, performance reviews for all employees,
increased the bursary awards and built Tomlinson University programs – all based on feedback
from employees in the survey.
For the past few months, Ron Tomlinson, Kevin Cinq-Mars and Dana Lewis have been visiting various sites to deliver the
results of the employee engagement survey and to ask questions that dig deeper into the meaning behind some of the numbers
or comments on the survey. It has been an enlightening process and changes in some of our lines of business have already taken
place based on the feedback from those meetings.
What is employee engagement?
Employee engagement is a heightened emotional and intellectual connection that an employee has for his/her job,
organization, manager, or coworkers that, in turn, influences him/her to apply additional discretionary effort to his/
her work.
This year we worked with TalentMap to manage the confidential employee survey. This enabled us to compare our results
against similar industries. By using a benchmark we can gauge how we compare to other companies across the country, while
always striving to do better for ourselves. The Tomlinson overall employee engagement results were excellent. Our engagement
score was 75% - 3 out of 4 employees are fully engaged. What does it mean to be engaged? Those are the employees that
are willing to go the extra mile, they are helpful to each other, they have that “can-do” attitude, they take initiative and they
continually act as an ambassador to Tomlinson. You can definitely feel their positive vibe every day when you come to work.
Quartile 1
Quartile 2
Quartile 3
Quartile 4
Top Decile
% Favourable
Tomlinson Group of Companies 2015
Overall Engagement Score (75%)
Benchmark Sorted by Increasing Engagement
What did we find out about why employees at Tomlinson
are engaged in their work? The employees that are most
highly engaged at Tomlinson and the employees that really
enjoy working here firmly believe there are opportunities for
professional growth, we are an innovative company and we
have a solid long-term organizational vision.
We are proud of the results. They confirmed what we
believed and felt every day when we come to work – Tomlinson
is great company that invests in its people, has a great future
ahead of it and wants to continually learn and improve. For
2016, we will be reviewing the feedback you gave us during the
meetings we had with you and hope to continually improve to
make Tomlinson an even better place to be.
Tomlinson has carried out a significant amount of servicing work for Cardel Homes at their
“Blackstone” site in Kanata. Having the opportunity to really know our customer, their staff and
President Greg Graham has truly been a pleasure. Greg is an industry leader and a well know
community leader, offering his time and talents to many worthwhile causes. Tomlinson is now
working closely with Cardel Homes staff on their Carleton Place subdivision, “Miller’s Crossing”.
Tomlinson is a partner with Cardel Homes on the K Gordon Lands along Rideau Road.
“It starts with their leadership team. Bill, Ron and Kevin are fabulous guys to work with. Great businessmen who understand
what our needs are as a partner and we understand what their objectives are. And that’s where it starts. And then from them
all the way down, the team, the organization is first class all the way. They do a great job of responding to all of our inquiries,
making sure that we’re provided with the necessary information we need to get our job done. Tomlinson’s just a unique company
all the way through and we love dealing with them.”
- Greg Graham, Cardel Homes
Lystek Represented at Trade Commission meeting
In early November, David Riley, who many know from his
role at Tomlinson Aviation Services, traveled to California in
another role, this time for Lystek International to represent
the company at a Trade Commissioner’s meeting. At the
meeting, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne met with California
political leaders and representatives from organizations such
as Ontario Water Tap and others to discuss ways to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and further embrace clean tech.
The biosolids and organics industry is one that continues
to grow, and as leaders in both quality and technology
development in this field, it is important that Lystek is part
of conversations like these. Sharing information and helping
to educate regulators about what world-class Canadianbased and designed technologies like Lystek’s can play in
David Riley, Lystek with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne
environmental efforts will have an impact on our future
The bar keeps getting higher for the Tomlinson Innovation Contest. The
overall quality of the applications continues to get better, and the energy and
great ideas are spreading across the company. This year, the fourth year of the
contest, we received applications from 7 different divisions.
Congratulations to Stéphane Bertrand
for winning the 2015 Innovation Contest. Stéphane built an easy to use lifting
device to assist with the moving and placing of manhole frames. This tool is
making the job easier and improving the safety for the team. This year’s reward
for first place was $2000.
Second place went to Ron Darraugh, who created a grid of GPS control points
across the City of Ottawa, which we can use to get started on jobs more quickly.
Third place went to Dan Hoffman for his process improvements to pouring bridge
decks. This year’s applications were very strong, and as a result, there was a threeway tie for fourth place. These included the Heavy Civil Division’s Deck Drain
Removal Umbrella team, the development of a new information link between
the estimation software and the field, and Industrial Waste Kingston’s Directional
Nozzle for Tank Cleaning team.
Stéphane Bertrand
Winner of 2015 Innovation Contest
Finally, thanks to everyone that submitted an application. Keep working
together, and keep those ideas coming! If you have a great idea that you
would like to discuss, please contact Adam Hendriks (613-822-1064, or email
Tomlinson Bursary Award Recipients
At Tomlinson we offer two different bursary programs for post-secondary students – one for immediate family
members of employees and one for seasonal workers. This year, we provided bursaries to six individuals, and
wanted to highlight them here. We asked them how the bursaries have helped with their studies.
[Adam Guibeault] “The first thing I did when I received the Tomlinson Bursary was to purchase the books
that I needed for school. I put some of the money into my savings account, and the rest of the money I
put towards my everyday expenses. Having the bursary was quite helpful, and just made my final year of
university a little bit less stressful.”
[Courtney Berquist] “I am so grateful to have received the Tomlinson Group Bursary this year. I am just
beginning my Master of Applied Science in Environmental Engineering, which is a two-year program. I am
focusing on waste stabilization and biodegradation processes for landfills operating in Northern climates, and
plan to pursue a related career once I graduate. This award has lightened my financial burden, which allows
me to focus more on my studies. I am so appreciative of Tomlinson’s support in my education!”
[Carley McNab] “I am a second year student at Loyalist College enrolled in the Paralegal Studies Program.
Upon completion of the Paralegal Program, students are then able to write the P1 licencing exam with the
Law Society of Upper Canada to become a licensed Paralegal in the Province of Ontario. The money that I
received from the Tomlinson Bursary has been put straight towards my tuition expenses this year, which has
allowed me to begin saving money to continue my education as I work towards a duel diploma in Paralegal
and Law Clerk Studies, as well as save the money needed to take the P1 Paralegal Licensing exam within the
next few years. I would like to profusely thank Tomlinson, and their generosity with this bursary, which is assisting me in reaching
both my educational and career driven goals.”
[Cordel Gallichon-Driscoll] “I would like to give a huge thank you to Tomlinson for choosing me
as a recipient of the Tomlinson bursary. Being away from home and my family to attend university comes
with various difficulties. Home for me is a very isolated town on the Lower North Shore of Quebec called St.
Augustine River, making it necessary to leave home to pursue my education. I am currently completing my
Bachelor of Honors in Finance at the University of Ottawa and it’s without any doubt that this bursary will help
me to succeed. Expenses are high as a student and I am entirely grateful to have been chosen as the recipient.”
[Amanada Burri] “The bursary money has allowed me to put more towards my final instalment of tuition,
and has allowed me to have money left over to afford my textbooks needed for next semester classes. It has
also put less of a financial burden on myself, by allowing me to cut back some hours at work, and focus on
my studies that much more. The bursary has also given me the peace of mind to help focus my full ability
on my studies, and perform my best without worry of finances. I truly appreciate the generous support that
Tomlinson has given me.”
[Ron Darraugh] “I was fortunate to receive the Tomlinson Seasonal Employee Bursary for five of my six
semesters in the Civil Engineering Technology program at Algonquin College in Ottawa. I also had the pleasure
of being part of the Tomlinson team for the majority of my college experience. Having financial support towards
tuition and book costs as well as enjoying valuable experience and employment throughout the three years
definitely enriched my post-secondary experience. These things allowed me to spend more of my time and
energy on succeeding in my studies and less on worrying about finances and job searching. I would like to thank
Tomlinson for their support in helping drive my success; I would not have done nearly as well without it.”
New Material Recovery Facility (MRF) to
Open by Spring 2016
Tomlinson Environmental Services is excited to announce the opening of a new facility coming soon -- unlike
any other in North America. The new Material Recovery Facility (MRF) will be located on West Hunt Road in Carp
and will be the largest facility within the Tomlinson Group to manage the recycling of industrial and commercial
waste. This facility will also complement Springhill and the services that Tomlinson already provides.
The Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Recycling facility will handle the recycling and reclamation of construction and
demolition materials such as rock, wood, drywall, steel, and soil, and will be two times as large as our existing Springhill facility.
“What makes this facility unique is not just its size, but the ability to provide air separation (such as rocks from garbage), and
the fact that we are providing a single one-stop shop for our clients,” says Jason Wagner, Operations Manager with Tomlinson
who is leading the construction of the new facility, “Waste materials are brought in for recycling and leave as reusable product
– all supporting landfill diversion. At the moment, this doesn’t happen anywhere else.”
THE Big Reveal: Tomlinson’s New Office
The name and exact details of the design of the new Tomlinson office is a well kept secret. It’s with great
anticipation that many are waiting for the #bigreveal. Tomlinson has been expanding with rapid growth over
the years and needs to consolidate its various office operations under one roof.
What is known is the location. Covering 170 acres, CitiGate
is the site location and will be a unique and distinctive business
park located at the intersection of Highway 416 and Strandherd
Drive – an important “gateway” location in the City of Ottawa.
With both public and private spaces, CitiGate will offer a mix of
retail and corporate but will adhere to design approaches that
incorporate a wide network of greenways, distinctive pathways
and elegant use of natural and authentic materials with a high
regard for environmental respect and responsibility.
The competitive process to select an architectural firm for
the design has closed, with Christopher Simmonds Architect
Inc. being awarded the prestigious contract. The creation of
the new building is a unique opportunity to communicate
the Company’s core values and to bring to life a sustainable
design that will reflect Tomlinson leadership in various services
and products from quarry, infrastructure, roads, bridges,
construction and environmental industries. Tomlinson’s
dedication to environmental responsibility and commitment to
ethical business practices will be reflected
in the design of the building and site.
Inspiration will be drawn from the local
limestone outcrops, woodlands, fencerows
and the rural setting. The design has been
imagined as a restored and renaturalized
landscape within which the building has
been nestled and over which it bridges.
Those close to the project have let slip
that the arrival to the building will have
a huge wow factor that will demonstrate
the strength of stone and earth on which
Tomlinson services and products are based.
There is no doubt the new Tomlinson head
office will add to the current list of unique and distinctive
landmarks in the region.
One aspect that is clear is the design will incorporate
an important theme associated with Tomlinson – a sense
of building community. Tomlinson wants the development
of the site and building to reflect a strong community of
members who share an integrated working relationship.
Predicated on Tomlinson’s core values which include values
such as: excellence, people and teamwork - many of the
features of the design will promote increased communication
and an alignment of different parts into a sense of a larger
community working towards a common goal. In this case it’s
Tomlinson’s vision to become the strongest infrastructure and
environmental services organization in Eastern Canada.
With the grand opening proposed for sometime
in 2017, more details will be revealed once
construction begins.
Enterprise Resource Planning
at Tomlinson – Part 2
In the previous edition of the Tomlinson Times, we introduced you to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
selection project that we started in 2015. Since then, have made significant progress and, by the time this
edition of the Tomlinson Times is published, we will have released our Request for Proposal (RFP) to our
prospective ERP vendors.
Between August and October, several Tomlinson employee representatives – from all divisions and all facets of the business
– attended a total of 29 detailed workshop sessions that related to their specific area of expertise. During these sessions we
discussed and prioritized 1,020 requirements that we wanted the ERP system to address.
The requirements broke down as follows:
Each was assigned priority defined as follows:
0- Notapplicable
The functionality is critical to our day to day
function and would be a show-stopper if it
was not available with the new ERP system.
1- Nicetohave
2- Important
3- Critical
The functionality is something we would
like to see in the ERP system. It would be
necessary to find a solution if it wasn’t
available but its omission would not preclude
us from proceeding with the selection.
May be utilized if the functionality is
available in the ERP system without having
to undertake special effort to implement or
support it.
Project andServicesManagement
Distribution andLogistics
Product Management
Manufacturing andProduction
This functionality is not needed.
Property Management
These detailed requirements will be the basis for the RFP. Once the RFP is published, we will be reviewing the RFP responses
with the help of our consultants – BDC in the New Year.
Want to know what happens next? In the next edition of the Tomlinson Times, we’ll provide an update on the responses
received and next steps and timing for the ERP implementation. Do you have questions or comments? Send an email to the ERP
Team at
IWD volunteers at Martha’s Table in Kingston
A few months ago, the Tomlinson Environmental team in Kingston decided to get more involved
in the community and partnered with Martha’s Table, a local non-profit that provides low cost
nutritious meals to those in need. In November, the team participated in their first volunteer
shift, working from 9am to 1pm to prepare lunch, assist with cooking, plate and serve desserts,
and clean the kitchen.
Monday through Friday, meals are prepared and served by
volunteers in a restaurant-style setting for a nominal cost of $1.
Diners can chat with others, have a nutritious meal, and find
social support within a community of friends and volunteers.
The Friendship Room and dining area at Martha’s Table acts
as a drop-in centre that provides a relaxing and comfortable
space open to all, and has access to a telephone, a computer,
internet and instruction, restrooms, snacks, coffee, art and
other activities.
This volunteer effort will continue each month, with 3 to
5 people from IWD donating their time to help prepare the
meal of the day. In addition to volunteering, IWD now has a
drop box for non-perishable items at the office. Items collected
will be taken to Martha’s Table by volunteers and used for
upcoming meals.
Mayor’s 15th Annual Christmas Celebration
Tomlinson was on hand at the Mayor’s 15th Annual Christmas Celebration on Saturday, December
5th held at Ottawa City Hall.
The fun-filled and free of charge annual holiday celebration
saw families skating on the Sens Rink of Dreams in the warm sun
(not your typical December weather!), roasting marshmallows
and donating non-perishables for the Ottawa Food Bank. From
puppet shows, performances by the Ottawa Children’s Choir, a
visit from a magician and a warm welcome from Santa’s elves,
a great day was had by all.
“This was Tomlinson’s 4th year sponsoring this important
community event and it’s one festive tradition for all members
of our community we proudly support,” said Paul McCarney,
VP of Business Development for Tomlinson.
Along with several partners like Mattamy Homes, Hydro
Ottawa, TELUS and Phoenix Homes, as an Evergreen Sponsor,
Tomlinson donated $5,000 in support of the Ottawa Food Bank.
Mingle & Jingle
Christmas Party on December 5th was
fantastic! With almost 700 party goers
listening to the Cuban sounds of
Charisma Cubano and dancing to the
wee hours of the morning to Solid Hits, a
fun time was had by all. This year the fun
photo shots were entertaining and the
café bistro bar with late night espressos
were tasty.
The Toonie Bar program generously
put on and matched by the Tomlinson
family raised $18,300 for Hospice Care
Ottawa. Amazing results!
christmas parties – cont’d
Congratulations to the service
award winners:
We also had a number of retirements
this year:
25 year service
Daniel Racine
Jean-Marc Courchaine
Eric Duval
Steven McGill
Randy Fequet
Perry Lafreniere
Perry Hutt
Real Chenier
Wayne Villeneuve
Tom Sayya
Pierre Robert
Jim Scott
Reg Hannah
Ben Fortin
15 year service
Randy Wilson
Richard Holmes
Mark Poitras
Mathieu Gratton
Cory McIndoo
Denis Quenneville
Annick Lapensee Pepin
Brian Maxwell
Ira Kettles
Marty Thibault
Kevin O’Connor
Gordon Wilson
Stephane Bertrand
Stephane Peladeau
to you alL!
Thanks for all you do for Tomlinson
throughout the year, we are glad
everyone had a good time and we
look forward to next year’s party!
$5,000 winner
• Derek Behnke - City & Commercial
$1,000 winners
Ryan Wainman - TES
Spenser Lepine - Heavy Civil
Ron Dombroskie - Heavy Civil
Noah Kluke - Heavy Civil
Corey Gaffney - City & Commercial
Day at the Track
with Ron Tomlinson
• Tim Lake - Heavy Civil
Lystek Party
On Friday December 4, 2015, the ever-growing family of Lystek International Inc., a division
of TES, gathered once again in the Sonoma room at the NAPA Grille & Wine Den, located just
steps from the Grand River in Cambridge, Ontario. It seems that the location was even more
appropriate than ever this year, given the biosolids and organics processing firm’s current
expansion into the U.S. with a first, major project under construction in Fairfield, California,
which is located about halfway between San Francisco and Sacramento – and only about fifteen
minutes from Napa.
Going back to the festivities of the evening of the 4th,
however, even though Lystek is growing, it was noted by both
Rick Mosher of Lystek and Tomlinson Group of Companies
President, Kevin Cinq-Mars, (who was able to join the festivities
this year with his “better half” Sara), that in some ways, it is
nice that the company is still at a stage where all staff and
spouses can still attend an annual Christmas Party and fit into a
room meant to accommodate fifty people. Having said this, all
were also in agreement that, given Lystek’s growth projections,
this will surely not be the case much longer.
Warm wishes to all for a Happy
Holiday Season & prosperous New Year
from everyone at Lystek!
christmas parties – cont’d
Tomlinson Industrial Waste Kingston Party
This year’s Christmas party in Kingston was a blast for everyone who joined us. More than
70 people – employees and their spouses, attended the festive affair at Raxx Bar and Grill to
celebrate not just the holidays, but the end of our first calendar year as part of the Tomlinson
team. What a great way to celebrate the past year of rebuilding the business and cementing the
Tomlinson brand in Kingston.
Everyone enjoyed a delicious prime rib roast dinner with
As a thank you for all of their hard work and support for
all of the fixings, and a delicious cookie platter for dessert.
the year, Kingston GM Ambrose Currie sent all of the spouses
The team brought non-perishable donations with them for
and significant others home with a nice takeaway gift set from
Martha’s table, a not for profit outreach program that offer a
David’s Tea.
hot meal to the less fortunate from Monday to Friday along
with many other very beneficial services which help out the
community. Over the course of the evening, more than two
bankers boxes were collected. We’ll be taking those items to
our next volunteer day with this great Kingston organization.
It was a great turnout and made for a
very fun night out for all co-workers
and guests.
Show us your
colouring skills!
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