2 EXPOZIŢII INTERNAŢIONALE C.A.C.I.B. 2 EXPOZIȚII NAȚIONALE C.A.C. TARIFE EXPOZIŢII INTERNAŢIONALE C.A.C.I.B – C.A.C. 11.06.2016 ENTRY FEES C.A.C.I.B – C.A.C. 12.06.2016 1 x CACIB 1 x CACIB 1 x CAC Membrii 1 x CAC Nemembrii Clasele J,I,D,M,C Classes J,I,O,W,Ch MEMBRI A.Ch.R. (*) Members R.K.C. NEMEMBRI(**) Non-members MEMBRI A.Ch.R. (*) Members R.K.C. NEMEMBRI(**) Non-members Termen limita înscriere Deadline 01.06.2016 01.06.2016 01.06.2016 01.06.2016 Primul câine First dog 99 RON 50 € 89 RON 40 € Al doilea şi următorii Second and next 89 RON 40 € 79 RON 30 € Clasele B,P,V Classes B,P,V MEMBRI A.Ch.R. (*) Members R.K.C. NEMEMBRI(**) Non-members MEMBRI A.Ch.R. (*) Members R.K.C. NEMEMBRI(**) Non-members Termen limita înscriere Deadline 01.06.2016 01.06.2016 01.06.2016 01.06.2016 Primul câine First dog 85 RON 40 € 75 RON 30 € Al doilea şi următorii Second and next 65 RON 35 € 55 RON 25 € Concurs Perechi, Grup Crestere Pairs, Breeding Group 50 RON 30 € - - Copilul şi câinele Junior Handler Gratuit / Free Gratuit / Free PENTRU ÎNSCRIEREA LA TOATE CELE 4 EXPOZIȚII SE APLICĂ O REDUCERE DE 10 %! FOR REGISTRATION TO ALL 4 SHOWS THERE WILL BE A 10% DISCOUNT! (*) Aceste tarife sunt valabile doar pentru membri A.Ch.R. cu cotizatia la zi. In caz contrar se vor aplica tarifele pentru NEMEMBRI. These taxes are available only for R.K.C. members with up to date paid yearly fees. Otherwise NON-MEMBER taxes shall be applied. (**) Taxele pentru nemembri cetateni romani se vor percepe in RON, respectiv contravaloarea tarifelor in euro la cursul BNR din ziua platii. Taxes for non-member Romanian citizens shall be paid in RON, meaning the counter value of the taxes in euro at the RNB exchange rate on the day of payment. Inscrierile sunt luate in considerare numai daca se ataseaza si dovada platii. Platile efectuate dupa data de 01.06.2016 se majoreaza cu 50%. Nu se admit plați în ziua expozitiei. Taxele aferente inscrierilor nu se returneaza. Pentru Ciobanescul Romanesc Corb tarifele sunt reduse cu 50%. Entries are valid only if accompanied by payment proof. Payments sent after June 1 will be 50% higher. Payments are not possible on the day of the show. Fees are not refundable. For Romanian Raven Breed fees are 50% lower. Prin inscrierea in expozitiile organizate de A.Ch.M.B., se considera automat ca expozantul/proprietarul cainelui inscris a luat la cunostinta de prevederile regulamentare si se va supune acestora. By entering the A.Ch.M.B. shows, it is automatically presumed that the handler/owner of the dog has acknowledged the regulations and will respect them. Catalogul expozitiei va fi disponibil in format electronic prin descarcarea gratuita in ziua expozitiei. Cei ce doresc si catalogul tiparit este obligatoriu sa bifeze casuta corespunzatoare din acest formular. Catalogul in format tiparit va fi disponibil contracost. The catalog will be available for free electronic download on the day of the show. If you want printed copy of the catalogue please check the option you can find in the entry form. Printed catalogue will be available only for sale on show ground. C.A.C.I.B. - 11.06.2016 - EDIȚIA XXXVII SUMMER SHOW C.A.C. – 11.06.2016 - EDIȚIA XLVI CACJ - BUCHAREST JUNIOR WINNER `16 CACIB - BUCHAREST WINNER `16 CACV - BUCHAREST VETERAN WINNER `16 C.A.C.I.B. - 12.06.2016 - EDIȚIA XXXVIII MEMORIAL NICOLAE STRAVOIU C.A.C. – 12.06.2016 - EDIȚIA XLVII CACJ - ROMANIAN JUNIOR WINNER `16 CACIB - ROMANIAN WINNER `16 CACV - ROMANIAN VETERAN WINNER `16 Ultima dată a înscrierilor / Last entry deadline: 01.06.2016 locația: COMPLEX STUDENȚESC TEI - GPS: 44.4702225, 26.1143265 Address: 30, Oltețului St., Bucharest REPARTIŢIA ARBITRILOR – JUDGES LIST Rase/Breeds Gr.I Deutscher Boxer Bulldog Bullmastiff Cane Corso Italiano* Dogo Argentino* Dobermann Dogue de Bordeaux Kavkazskaya Ovtcharka Mastino Napoletano Newfoundland* Rottweiler Shar Pei Schnauzers (all breeds) Sredneasiatskaya Ovtcharka Tchiorny Terrier Zwergpinscher C.R. de Bucovina C.R. Corb Rest Gr.II* American Staffordshire Terrier Bull Terriers Staffordshire Bull Terrier Rest Gr.III Gr.IV Teckel* Gr.V Gr.VI Gr.VII* Gr.VIII Bouledogue francais Maltese Rest Gr.IX Gr.X FCI not recognized breeds Perechi/Pairs Grup crestere/Breeding Group Cel mai bun Ciob.Romanesc Best baby in show Best puppy in show Best veteran in show Best junior in show Best in Show Supreme Best in Show C.A.C.I.B. 11.06. Rita Kadike Skadina Petru Muntean Massimiliano Mannucci Massimiliano Mannucci Massimiliano Mannucci Massimiliano Mannucci Lokodi C. Zsolt Massimiliano Mannucci Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Massimiliano Mannucci Lokodi C. Zsolt Massimiliano Mannucci Massimiliano Mannucci Massimiliano Mannucci Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Massimiliano Mannucci Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Georgy Hristozov Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Lokodi C.Zsolt Petru Muntean Petru Muntean Petru Muntean Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Georgy Hristozov Georgy Hristozov Georgy Hristozov Korozs Andras Petru Muntean Massimiliano Mannucci Lokodi C.Zsolt Rita Kadike Skadina Georgy Hristozov Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki C.A.C. 11.06. Petru Muntean Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Lokodi C. Zsolt Massimiliano Mannucci Massimiliano Mannucci Massimiliano Mannucci Petru Muntean Massimiliano Mannucci Korozs Andras Georgy Hristozov Georgy Hristozov Georgy Hristozov Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Lokodi C.Zsolt Rita Kadike Skadina Korozs Andras C.A.C.I.B. 12.06. Korozs Andras Lokodi C. Zsolt Lokodi C. Zsolt Lokodi C. Zsolt Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Lokodi C. Zsolt Georgy Hristozov Lokodi C. Zsolt Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Georgy Hristozov Georgy Hristozov Georgy Hristozov Georgy Hristozov Georgy Hristozov Korozs Andras Lokodi C. Zsolt Lokodi C. Zsolt Lokodi C. Zsolt Lokodi C. Zsolt Lokodi C. Zsolt Petru Muntean Massimiliano Mannucci Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Korozs Andras Massimiliano Mannucci Massimiliano Mannucci Petru Muntean Massimiliano Mannucci Lokodi C. Zsolt Massimiliano Mannucci Rita Kadike Skadina Georgy Hristozov Korozs Andras Wiatcheslaw Werbitzki Lokodi C.Zsolt Massimiliano Mannucci Petru Muntean C.A.C. 12.06. Georgy Hristozov Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Petru Muntean Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Petru Muntean Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Petru Muntean Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Massimiliano Mannucci Rita Kadike Skadina Rita Kadike Skadina Lokodi C. Zsolt Lokodi C. Zsolt Lokodi C. Zsolt Lokodi C. Zsolt Lokodi C. Zsolt Georgy Hristozov Korozs Andras Korozs Andras Rita Kadike Skadina Lokodi C.Zsolt In urma intelegerii dintre A.Ch.R. si B.R.F.K. cainele care obtine un titlu C.A.C. la una din cele doua expozitii international de la Bucuresti 11,12.06.2016 si un titlu C.A.C. la una din expozitiile din cadrul Black Sea Winner 13-19.06.2016 organizate la Kranevo in Bulgaria va putea obtine atat titlul de Campion Romania cat si Campion Bulgaria. Deasemenea, cainele care obtine un titlu C.A.C.J. la una din cele doua expozitii international de la Bucuresti 11-12.06.2016 organizate la Kranevo in Bulgaria va putea obtine atat titlul de Campion Romania Junior cat si Campion Bulgaria Junior. Inscrierile la expozitiile din Bulgaria se vor face direct la Organizatorul B.R.F.K. *- toate exemplarele raselor arbitrate sambata 11.06.2016 si duminica12.06.2016. si marcate cu asterisk (*) sunt considerate arbitrate si in cadrul specialelor cluburilor nationale urmatoare: Dac Moloss Club Romania (rasele grupei a II-a (exceptand Boxer, Dobermann, Caucazian, Asia Centrala si Tchiorny Terrier), Clubul Naţional al Crescătorilor de Teckel din România, Asociatia pentru caini pontatori din Romania (rasele Gr.a VII-a). Following the agreement between the R.K.C. and B.R.F.K. the dog that obtains a C.A.C. title at one of the two international shows held in Bucharest on 11-12.06.2016 and one C.A.C. at one of the shows of the Black Sea Winner to be organized in Kranevo during 13-19.06.2016 in Bulgaria can obtain the title of Romanian Champion and Bulgarian Champion. Also the dog that obtains a C.A.C.J. title at one of the two international shows held in Bucharest on 11-12.06.2016 and one C.A.C. at one of the shows of the Black Sea Winner to be organized in Kranevo during 13-19.06.2016 in Bulgaria can obtain the title of Romanian Junior Champion and Bulgarian Junior Champion. Registration to the Bulgarian shows will be made by B.R.F.K. *- all breeds judged on Saturday 11.06.2016 and Sunday 12.06.2016 and marked with asterisk (*) are considered to have been judged also within the national club specials as follows: Dac Moloss Club Romania (breed of group II (excepting Deutscher Boxer, Dobermann, Kavkazskaia Ovtcharka , Sredneasiatskaia Ovtcharka and Tchiorny Terrier), Clubul Naţional al Crescătorilor de Teckel din România (breeds of group IV – Dachshund), Asociatia pentru caini pontatori din Romania (breeds of group VII). Exemplarele care sunt deja Campioni Nationali de frumusete ai unei tari membre F.C.I. sau Campioni Internationali de frumusete ai F.C.I. si au obtinut titlul C.A.C. si C.A.C.I.B. la una din cele doua expozitii internationale, indeplinesc conditiile pentru a solicita eliberarea diplomei de Campion al Romaniei. Se va anexa la cererea de omologare copia Certificatului de campion national al unei tari FCI/Campion International F.C.I. Aceste conditii sunt valabile si pentru cainii din clasele Junior si Veteran si care au omologat la data expozitiei un titlu de Campion National Junior sau Veteran de frumusete al unei tari membre F.C.I. De asemenea se va anexa copia certificatului respectiv. De asemenea, titlul de “CAMPION ROMÂNIA” va fi acordat si câinelui care obţine titlul C.A.C. si C.A.C.I.B. în expoziţia OPEN. Titlul “CAMPION ROMANIA JUNIOR” si “CAMPION ROMANIA VETERAN” se va acorda cainelui care obtine titlul de Best Junior al rasei, respectiv Best Veteran al rasei, in expozitia OPEN. Titlul “CAMPION ROMÂNIA JUNIOR” poate fi acordat si acelui câine care a obţinut doua titluri C.A.C.J. la cele doua expozitii CACIB. Titlul “CAMPION ROMÂNIA CUM LAUDAE” (R.Ch.L.), se acordă câinelui care este deja CAMPION ROMANIA şi care a obţinut doua titluri C.A.C.L. în clasa Campioni la cele doua expozitii CACIB. Titlul “CAMPION ROMÂNIA VETERANI” (R.Ch.V.), se acordă câinelui care este deja CAMPION ROMANIA şi care a obţinut doua titluri C.A.C.V. în clasa Veterani la cele doua expozitii CACIB. Dogs that are already National Champions of an F.C.I. member country or F.C.I. International beauty Champions and have obtained the title of C.A.C. and C.A.C.I.B. at one of the two international shows, fulfill the conditions to request the issuing of the Romanian Champion certificate. There will be attached a copy of the national/international certificate. These conditions are also valid for the dogs in Junior and Veteran classes and which at the time of the show have the national Junnior Champion or Veteran Champion titles homologated. A copy of this certificate will also be attached. Also, the title of “ROMANIAN CHAMPION” may be awarded to the dog that obtains the title of C.A.C. and C.A.C.I.B. in the OPEN show. The title of “ROMANIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION” and “ROMANIAN VETERAN CHAMPION” will be awarded to the dog that obtains the title of Best Junior of Breed, respectively Best Veteran of Breed in the OPEN show. The title “ROMANIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION” may be awarded to the dog that has obtained two C.A.C.J. titles at the two CACIB shows. The title of “ROMANIAN CUM LAUDAE CHAMPION” (R.Ch.L.), is awarded to the dog which is already ROMANIAN CHAMPION and which has obtained two C.A.C.L. titlesin Champiopn Class at the two CACIB shows. The title of “ROMANIAN VETERAN CHAMPION” (R.Ch.V.), is awarded to the dog which is already ROMANIAN CHAMPION and who has obtained two C.A.C.V. titles in Veteran Class at the two CACIB shows. 2 EXPOZIŢII INTERNAŢIONALE C.A.C.I.B. 2 EXPOZIȚII NAȚIONALE C.A.C. 11-12 IUNIE 2016 BUCURESTI 11.06 - CACIB 11.06 - CAC 12.06 - CACIB 12.06 - CAC INCHIDEREA ÎNSCRIERILOR - DEADLINE: 01-06-2016 ON LINE: E-mail: Mob : +40 771 760194, +40 772 213162 Intermedia Class: Doresc contracost catalogul tipărit / I want to buy printed catalogue.