august ftl 11 - Family Magazines
august ftl 11 - Family Magazines
SCHOOLS & CLASSES Guide to a Student’s r o i n u J l u f s s e c Suc r a e Y r o i n e S and PUBLIC SCHOOL CALENDAR 2011-2012 By Dr. Raymond J. Huntington Your student is about to embark on the second half of his or her high school career. It’s an important time— and your teen’s last chance to enhance his or her resume, raise those grades and prepare for the impending college application process. Junior year Tip #1: Maintain GPA and/or improve grades. If your teen’s cumulative GPA could use a boost, now is the time to buckle down. However, if your teen’s GPA is strong, he or she should work to maintain those good grades, even with a more challenging course load and busy schedule. Tip #2: Develop a schedule of challenging courses. Your teen should meet regularly with his or her guidance counselor this year to be sure he or she is taking the appropriate number (and level) of classes. Tip #3: Get involved. If your teen has been getting settled in high school these last two years, now is a good time to boost the resume with meaningful activities. Help your teen discover who he or she is by engaging in extracurricular experiences that will demonstrate his or her commitment and passion to colleges. Tip #4: Nurture teacher relationships. Letters of recommendation can be a vital component of the overall college application package, so if your teen has not developed good relationships with teachers yet, this year is a good opportunity. Senior year Tip #1: Stay focused on grades. Colleges will rescind admissions offers if they see a significant drop in grades senior year, or they may put new freshmen on probation for a semester. Tip #2: Get started early. The college application process can be a time-consuming and stressful process. Planning ahead will pay off later. Encourage your teen to be head of the game—start working on the personal essay, take the SAT and/or ACT one final time (if needed) in October or November, and give him or herself plenty of time to develop the best application package possible. Tip #3: Work on time management. Senior year is busy. It’s also a good time to fine-tune those time management skills, which will be key to your teen’s success in college and in his or her career. Tip #4: Develop strengths. Selling oneself to colleges is uncomfortable for many students, but it also allows students to learn more about their areas of strength and weakness. The college search process begins practically the moment your teen starts high school, and while there is a long list of to-dos, there are a few simple things your teen can do to ease the process. Staying organized, making studying and homework a priority, and staying in touch with the guidance or college counselor will make your teen’s final two years of high school smooth and enjoyable. Courtesy Of M Dr. Raymond J. Huntington and Eileen Huntington are co-founders of Huntington Learning Center, which has helped children achieve success in school for 30 years. For more information about how Huntington can help your child, call 1 800 CAN LEARN. 10 Fort Lauderdale Family Magazine A G A Z I N E MIAMI • FORT LAUDERDALE Broward’s Best Educational Resource Publication • • August 2011 BacktoSchool Index Oxford Academy at Sunrise Schools&Preschools “We’ll match or beat Watch Your Children any schools price On Our Live in the area” Internet Broadcast Free Registration - Must Present Ad Register for VPK Now! • Infant, Toddler, Preschool & Aftercare • Secured Entrance & Cameras • Family Central Voucher accepted • Full & Part Time & Drop-in schedules available • Now offering Soccer, Karate & Spanish classes • Free Transportation & Tutoring for Aftercare Students • Delicious Hot Lunch Menu • Summer Camp: Literacy Program, Fun Field Trips, Creative Adventures & Special Events • Staff FCCPC & CPR Trained Lic. # 46482 4682 NW 103 Ave. Sunrise, Fl 33351 6:30am–7pm • Mon–Fri Call & Enroll Today: (954) 748-4037 AWorldofKnowledgePreschoolandLearningCenter................................. pg15 AppleTreeMontessori.................................................................................................... pg13 AventuraMontessoriSchool .................................................................................... pg13 CandilJacarandaSchool............................................................................................. pg13 GreenChildren’sHouseMontessoriSchool ......................................................... pg13 Kent woodPreparatorySchool ................................................................................. pg15 KLASchoolsPembrokePines...................................................................................... pg 7 Mar wareMontessoriAcademy.............................................................................. pg13 MontessoriInstituteofBroward ........................................................................... pg13 Summit-QuestaMontessoriSchool........................................................................ pg13 OxfordAcademyPreschoolatSunrise................................................................... pg11 AfterSchoolPrograms Computer&Math IMACS:InstituteForMathematics&ComputerSciences........................... pg17 MarineBiology • MiamiSeaquariumEducationPrograms............................................................... pg5 Music Jammin’KidsInternationalMusicAcademy&Store .................................... pg11 Swimming LittleSwimmers .............................................................................................................. pg17 Tutoring HuntingtonLearningCenters.................................................................................... pg3 E R T S !! PA R T YEXP ORN ! TO OTYO U RH 5514 .305-661- R DEINS EPTE M BE ALPAR TYG UI CI PE S R OU IN ADVERTISE M A G A Z I N E MIAMI • FORT LAUDERDALE August 2011 • • Fort Lauderdale Family Magazine 11 SCHOOLS & PRESCHOOLS Montessori Schools A World of Knowledge Preschool and Learning Center Offering Grades Pre-K3–1st grade. Rated “A+ School” for five years in a row in early learning by the state of Florida. Certified and Degreed teachers, low ratios, accelerated learning curriculum, and hot lunch provided. Now accepting VPK vouchers. 750 NW 180 Terr. Pembroke Pines. 954-430-7707. Kentwood Preparatory School Kentwood Preparatory School prepares students for life and develops in its students the necessary academic, social, physical and problem-solving skills to enable them to live constructive lives in a rapidly changing society. 4650 SW 61st Ave Davie. 954-581-8222. KLA Schools -Pembroke Pines The KLA Pembroke Pines school counts on a highly qualified and extensively trained pedagogical team and features state-ofthe-art furniture ergonomically designed for quality early childhood learning. The classroom materials and equipment are carefully selected to accommodate the different ages we serve. This new center is built to suit the children’s natural curiosity and to enable them to excel in their learning objectives. To obtain more information and register for the 201112 school year call 305-377-0391. 18055 NW 8th St. Pembroke Pines. 954-443-6114. 12 Fort Lauderdale Family Magazine • An education for life. Cognitive and social development is emphasized with the teacher as a mentor and guide. Instruction is based on varied learning styles with mixed age grouping and pursuit of interests through discovery. Discover the Montessori School in your neighborhood! • Aventura Montessori 123 SE 1st Ave, Hallandale, 954-456-5609. • Apple Tree Montessori 6301 SW 160 Ave. (Dykes Rd.) SW Ranches. 954-252-9250. • Candil Jacaranda School 8250 Peters Rd. Plantation. 954-473-4400. • Green Children’s House Montessori School 307 NE 1st St. Pompano Beach. 954-946-7215. • Marware Montessori Academy 2230 Hollywd Blvd. Hollywood. 954-923-7100. • Montessori Institute of Broward 12425 Orange Dr. Davie. 954-472-9620. • Summit-Questa Montessori School 5451 SW 64 Ave. (Davie Rd.) 954-584-3466. AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMS MARINE BIOLOGY Miami Seaquarium Education Programs Education with a splash of fun! Miami Seaquarium offers unique programs to teach your kids about marine our environment and the amazing creatures that call it home. Enroll now for our 2011–2012 Education Programs which include Field Trips, Home School Days, Outreach Programs, day and week long Camps, Overnight Programs, Scouting adventures, Family Camp-outs, Mommie and Me Program and more! Located on the Rickenbacker Causeway just minutes from Downtown Miami. 305-361-5705x207. MATH & COMPUTERS IMACS Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science Think of IMACS as a team of logical reasoning coaches for your child’s mind. After-school and weekend programs in math, logic and computer programming. Sign up for a free Placement Class at MUSIC Jammin’ Kids International Music Academy Oxford Academy Preschool at Sunrise Don’t wait for your children to come home and tell you what they did today…Watch them in action on our live internet broadcast! The best kept secret in Sunrise inspiring students for lifelong learning. 4682 NW 103 Ave. Sunrise. 954-748-4037. • August 2011 Since 1995, Jammin Kids has provided affordable world class music instruction for kids of ALL ages. They also offer musical merchandise including band instrument rentals & accessories. Located in the Indian Trace Center, 1396-5 SW 160th Ave. Weston. 954389-5899. Tell Your Friends and Family to Sign up for... Little Swimmers Created & operated by Gerald Little & Meric Tendrich, both are former Physical Education teachers and now Miami-Dade Co. firefighters. The staff, consisting of male & female instructors who are bilingual in English & Spanish, is Red Cross certified & insured and has a combined experience of over 30 years teaching infants, children & adults swimming skills. Our operating hours are 9am–7:30pm, Mon–Fri. “Mommy & Me” & group programs are conveniently scheduled to accommodate working parents & private lessons may also be arranged anytime from 9am–7:30pm. Lessons in your own pool, as well as lessons for adults & children with special needs are also available. 4 locations: Killian Palms Sports Complex, 9950 SW 104 St, Miami, 305-598-1200; Miccosukee Golf & Country Club, 6401 Kendale Lakes Dr., Miami, 305383-SWIM; Grand Palms Country Club, 110 Grand Palms Dr, Pembroke Pines, 954-646-SWIM. The Isles of Oasis-Oasis Club House, 171 NE 30 Rd. Homestaed, 305-383-SWIM. Please visit our website at Receive our FREE weekly e-blast via e-mail (Be the first to know about giveaways, contests, community news & more) M A G Z I N E ������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� �������������������������� TUTORING Huntington Learning Centers Since 1977, Huntington has been helping students reach their full potential. Huntington will pinpoint your child’s academic strengths and weaknesses and tailor an individualized program just for your child. Just a few hours per week after school, all grade levels. Get help in reading, writing, math, spelling, phonics, study skills, college SAT and ACT Prep, FCAT Prep and more! For a location near you call 1-800-CAN-LEARN or visit . Aventura, 305-792-2535 . Coral Gables, 305-443-1222 . Coral Springs, 305-752-5401 . Doral/Sweetwater, 305-552-1110 . Kendall, 305-598-0686 . Pembroke Pines East, 954-436-3330 . Pembroke Pines West, 954-431-4443 . Plantation, 954-474-4144 . Pompano Beach, 954-782-9880 A MIAMI • FORT LAUDERDALE ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ��������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ������������������������ ������������ ������������ �������������������� ��������������������������������� ��������������� ��������������� ���������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������������������ ��������������������������������� ������������ ������������ �������������������� ������������������������� ��������������� ��������������� ���������������������������� ����������������������� �������������������������� ������������ ����������������������� ������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������� ���������������������������� ������������ ��������������������������� ��������������� ��������������������� ������������������� �������������������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������ August 2011 • ���������������������������� ������������������������������� ������������������������� ������������ ������������������������������������ ��������������� • Fort Lauderdale Family Magazine 13 SCHOOLS & CLASSES SWIMMING Back-2-School News&Events BACK-TO-SCHOOLSALESTAXHOLIDAY, AUGUST12-14 B R EA K T EAC H E RS The2011FloridaLegislaturepassed,andtheGovernorapproved, atax-freeperiodthatstates:Nosalestaxshallbecollectedon thesaleofclothing,wallets,orbags,includinghandbags,backpacks,fannypacks,anddiaperbags,butexcludingbriefcases, suitcases,andothergarmentbags,havingasalespriceof$75or less,oronsalesofcertainschoolsupplieshavingasalespriceof $15orlessfortheperiodbeginning12:01amonAugust12,and endingat11:59pmonAugust14. lo ng! a llsummer n jo y25%o ff en veav ac at io s er or es at d uc ou Ed ap eto fth eye ar,y sc o E st u. re yo e s th o el ight Fo ral lyoud ndu tter lyd he ree ve ry s,in sp iresa m iBeach,w ia M n th atres to re o t ak e pa liv ing.You’ll chH otel&S o fhe al th y n ts . ys Ca nyonR an de jo tu he s t ur in uc at io n a lo ngt oyo ss pa ng n di dayisa ned ca ui u h aveing lele ss on syo def fe ctyou un um homeva lu ab fo s is ro p th s he io noft az ingsavi ng am y g an in Ina pp re ci at n er o ff save25% le ,t he y’reo s:Teach ers er on yo ungpe op ch ny ea Ca t t 2 n 1 ro ur re n tKfu l,be achf ti au r be be t mert oal lc m a oughS ep te itecate go ry iBeacht hr av ai la blesu 000 pao nM iam S 800-742-9 & k” el ea ot Br H ’s er R an ch ch ea “T ymen ti on* d 30th .S im pl d for retire in. Not vali used in ID at checkor r d he ne ac bi te com Must show may not be ith group, his special otions, or w om pr teachers. T r he ot y change an to h t it ec w bj n conjunctio hip stays. Su rs be lity. bi em la m or space avai homeowner enities d based on an am r ce ti ou lt no A d without gnature an and Si , ay so st uo rt um rd Vi offer. Minim is The standa th h it w binable apply. are not com ctions may other restri Broward’sBa ckToSc ho For the first time, Macy’s is partnering with, one of nation’s largest organizations that helps young people rock causes they care about by raising awareness, inspiring, empowering and celebrating a generation of doers who recognize the need to do something, believe in their ability to get it done and take action. As a driving force in creating a culture of volunteerism, is on track to activate two million young people in 2011. Beginning August 8–October 15, you can help raise money and spread the word, by joining Macy’s and’s “raise your phone and rock your cause” campaign. Customers can visit Macy’s mstylelab departments (formerly juniors and young men’s) to take part in the scan-to-donate program that celebrates and rewards youth activism. In return, Macy’s will donate $1, up to a total of $250,000*, to Customers who scan the code will trigger the $1 donation and have the opportunity to find out ways to “ do more” in their community. In addition to in-store efforts, customer’s can take part in a social media activation that helps youths “Raise your thumb. Rock your cause.” For every “like” on the mstylelab Facebook page, Macy’s will donate $1, up to $250,000, to (*Total Donation of $250,000 includes in-store scans and online Facebook activations.) SCHOOL SPIRIT FACEBOOK ACTIVATION Beginning July 28 through September 10 “raise your thumb” for your school and the chance to win a $25,000 classroom makeover by visiting Become a fan of Macy’s Facebook page and nominate your school, grades K-12, for the ultimate classroom upgrade! Fort Lauderdale Family Magazine • anza Eachyear,th ous andso fchildreninBroward co unt yg ob acktosc wi tho utpropersuppl hoo l ies,uniforms&sh oes .Yo uc anhelpbydona supplie s.Thecamp aig ting nw illc ulminatew ith a“Dri veThr uR ally”a Chi ldren’sSe rvicesCo tth e unc ilo fBrowardwh ere th ec ommunit yc anbri supplie sandma kedon ng ations .Supplieswi lln otbedis tri butedAug6 GiveawaysfromPaner . aBread,C omcas t,Fros tie Flavorsandopp ort uni towinpr ize sfore ver ty yonebringings cho ols upplies .211-broward .org. 954-377-1000 Don ateth efo llow ingIte ms:Note bookp ape r,p ens,st urd yb ack packs, for ms,sh oes,pe nci ls,r uniule rs,compositio nb ook s,e rasers,spira lno teb gluest ick s,5po cke t/p ook s, rongf olders,crayo ns,sc hoo lsciss ors,highight ore dm ark ers,co lore dp ers,co lencils,flashdrives,zip perpe nci lbagsandca Dropo ffloc ations:Fa lculat ors . mil yC ent ral ,840SW81Ave. N.Lauderdale•Hender sonMent alHeal th,He adwayPar k,4740N Rd7.Bu ildi ngB,L auderd .St ate aleLa kes•Children’sS erv ice sC ouncil,6600 Comme rci alBlvd .Laude W rhi ll•Communi tyEnh ancementCo llab oratio 901S.St ateRd7,Ste4 nInc. 10•Ban ko fAme ric aB uilding ,Ho lly wo od. DOSOMETHING.ORG® 14 olCo m mun ityEx trav ag -S at urday,Aug ust6 • BACK-TO-SCHOOL JAM Friday, August 26 Activities include open play, music, indoor games, and refreshments. Children must be enrolled in the park’s Summer Recreation Program to participate. For ages 6 to 17. 3–5pm. Free. Boulevard Gardens Community Center, 313 NW. 28 Terr. Fort Lauderdale. 954-625-2988. MACY’S 6TH ANNUAL SPELLING BEE Kids ages 8–11 can join Macy’s and Reading Is Fundamental this back-to-school season to show how well they can S-P-E-L-L! The annual Spelling Bees will take place in 29 cities beginning August 13 with a grand finale in Macy’s Herald Square in NYC on September 24. Each regional Spelling Bee champ will take home great prizes including a year of online learning from Kaplan Smart Track and a $150 online gift card from Scholastic®. The winner of the Final Bee in NYC will receive a magical California vacation for a family of four including round trip air travel, hotel accommodations and more, provided by Radio Disney®! The grand prize winner will also receive a $5,000 Kaplan Tutoring Scholarship and a $500 Scholastic online gift card. For more details and a complete listing of Macy’s locations hosting the Spelling Bee, visit spellingbee (site will be live as of 8/15). August 2011 SCHOOLS & CLASSES A World of Knowledge Learning Center Pre–K3 thru st 1 Grade • Accelerated Learning Program • Bi-Lingual programs • Quality Education–State Certified/Experienced Teachers • Small Class Sizes / Daily Hot Lunch • #1 Choice for many educators and parents in the area • Over 90% of our vpk students are placed in advanced classes in elementary school and 95% of our 1st grade graduates are placed in high achievers and gifted programs n rgarte Kinde 1st grade VPK &ollment Enr Now Accepting VPK VOUCHERS 954-430-7707 Call for Open House dates Look inside our multi-cultural world of learning! 750 NW 180 Terrace Pembroke Pines, FL 33029 August 2011 • Gold Seal of Excellence Top Academic Excellence Rated A+ 5 Consecutive Years • Fort Lauderdale Family Magazine 15 Numbers Can Tell Stories If you’re looking for summer ways to engage your brain, these books are both absorbing and entertaining. by Meribeth C. Shank Growing Patterns: Fibonacci Numbers in Nature by Sarah C. Campbell, photos by Sarah C. Campbell and Richard P. Campbell. First written about in India, the pattern of numbers found in nature and featured in this book is actually named after an Italian mathematician, Fibonacci. Starting with a small photo of a seed, the text gradually leads readers into a beginning understanding of patterns formed in the natural world. As this nonfiction book unfolds, the author and her husband make intriguing and careful use of photos of plant and animal life to expand the text, featuring the famous chain of numbers as spiraling shapes of building blocks. Using blocks of boxes to demonstrate the pattern of increasing numbers, this compelling book shows spiraling shapes in pinecones, pineapples, sunflowers and more. Campbell’s text shows the different number effects created as parts of plants spiral first in one direction and then in a different direction. Demonstrating the pattern using the outside sections of a pineapple, the author shows how these sections actually grow in three different directions and can be counted as 5,8, and 13 in the familiar sequence. The author/photographer invites the reader/listener into her exploration and discovery of the literal building blocks in creation. Boyds Mills Press, $17.95, Ages 5-11 How Many Donkeys? An Arabic Counting Tale retold by Margaret Read MacDonald and Nadia Jameel Taibah, illustrated by Carol Liddiment. Jouha, the famous wise fool or trickster beloved in many Middle Eastern cultures (called Goha in Egypt, Hodja in Turkey, and the Mullah in Iran), is the main character in this retelling from Saudi folklore. Taibah, and well-loved master storyteller MacDonald, collaborate to shape this tale from Taibah’s family. Although variants of this folktale can be found in cultures as widely spread as Syria, Romania, Spain, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, India, and Indonesia, this Saudi version is especially amusing. Before leaving for a market trip, Jouha asks his young son to help him count his donkeys loaded with dates to sell. The Arabic words for the numbers from one to ten are included along the bottom of several double page spreads, reading from right to left, perfect for children in a storytelling circle to count along with the storyteller/ reader. (A pronunciation guide is included on an early page.) Enroute Jouha forgets to count the donkey he is seated on, especially when he stops for water, for lunch, at the market itself, and sleeping on the way home. Someone is always there to remind him to “Count again, Jouha!” Especially his son when he gets home and thinks he’s lost a donkey on the return trip. Artist Liddiment uses bright colors in her sunny paintings, capturing the light and shadows as Jouha crosses the desert and arrives at the shady oasis and later, the tree covered marketplace. It’s a silly tale, but one which young children love because, unlike Jouha, they can see the dilemma in the illustrations, as Jouha gets on and off his donkey. Albert Whitman, $16.99, Ages 5-7 Mary’s Penny by Tanya Landman, illustrated by Richard Holland. In this feminist retelling of a traditional tale, award-winning author Landman sets her story in the “long, long ago, golden, olden days.” A farmer father devises a clever plan for determining which of his two sons will inherit the farm. He does not intend to include his daughter, Mary, in this competition, since “everyone thought girls couldn’t run farms.” In this long past era, the value of purchases is quite different from today and each of the sons uses a penny gift from their father to purchase something to fill the entire house. The eldest, Franz, buys a load of straw, but it’s not enough. Neither is the load of feathers, bought by the second son, Hans. The family sleeps in the barn each night. And the farmer becomes sad and anxious about what to do and what will happen to the farm when he is gone. Holland’s mixed media illustrations supply important information; worried, relieved, happy facial expressions, bright red and yellow accents to contrast with greys and tans, background details especially at the market, and a comedic sense of timing. Adding to the book’s folkloric quality is the simplicity and lack of clutter in the double page spreads and the use of multiple font stylings, including a strategic use of capitalizations, lower case letters and cursives. Finally when Mary asks, her father reluctantly gives her his “very last penny.” After her trip to market and when dark falls that night, she lights a candle and plays a melody on her knife-shaped river reed. The farmer takes her hand, speaking quietly, “You have filled the house many times over . . . . You shall run the farm . . . .” While this book makes use of simple math and money ideas, it also communicates that intelligence and wisdom require a different measure. Text and art together craft a satisfying ending in this beautifully cadenced storybook with a “nugget of old wisdom” at its heart. Candlewick Press, $15.99, Ages 7-10 Like the book? Buy it now from our Meribeth C. Shank is a Media Specialist at Miami Country Day School, an independent school in Miami Shores, Florida, she teaches classes on Writing Books for Young People, and earned her MFA in Writing from Vermont College. 16 Fort Lauderdale Family Magazine • • August 2011 SCHOOLS & CLASSES AdvertisingSales RepWanted FORTLAUDERDALE•BOCA AUGUST 2009 ������� ������ �� ���� �������� ����� ���� ����� ��������������������������������������������� 1 • Advertising Sales Experience Required • Flexible hours • Work from Home • Excellent Earning Potential Apply by fax to 305-661-6621 or email August 2011 • • Fort Lauderdale Family Magazine 17
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