may 2015 spring run - The Springs Connection
may 2015 spring run - The Springs Connection
The Spring Run JUNE 2015 OUR 44TH YEAR OF PUBLICATION VOLUME 44, ISSUE 06 At Home...With Nature Photo by Mim Starr A MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD PRESIDENT Hello Springs Residents… First of all, congrats to students and parents for another successful school year and best wishes to all of our graduating seniors! As you may or may not have noticed, we decided to forego the newsletter in May, based on some pending items from the May board meeting that we wanted to be able to highlight in the newsletter. Many of you enjoyed another great concert by the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra, and many of you, unfortunately, were unable to get tickets this year due to the early Tennis Facility Policy Page 3 Policy Impro veme nts & Summ er Saf ety sellout of the show. Please be aware, this has been brought to the attention of the board and we will be addressing your concerns with the OPO for future events. The board approved changes to SCA Operating Policy #7, primarily involving tennis team fees. A copy T H E S P RI N G S C O M MU NI T Y A T H O M E W I T H N A T U R E of the revised policy is in the newsletter on page 4. Also from the May meeting, the board u n a n i m o u s l y a c c e p t e d t h e recommendation of ACC Chairman Darel Taylor that the he and the association manager meet with v i l l a g e b o a rd m e m b e r s a n d managers 2 to 4 times per year, allowing everyone to stay abreast of any changes to village ACC guidelines. Updates on the status o f t h e s e m e e t i n g s w i l l b e communicated as necessary. The BOD met on Wednesday, June 17th, where we discussed revisions to SCA Operating Policy Summer Safety Tips Page 4 No. 20 regarding garage and driveway parking, and approved r e v i s i o n s t o P o l i c y N o . 1 3 ( Re c re a t i o n A re a Ru l e s a n d Regulations). The minor change is highlighted in red lettering on page 4, which includes some friendly reminders to help everyone stay safe in the spring this summer. Whether you're vacationing, or "staycationing" this summer, enjoy the Springs, and have a safe and cool summer. Sincerely, Jerry Alexandrowicz Congratulations to the class of Springs Operating Policy No. 7 The Racquet Club Facility The Springs Racquet Club Facilities are intended solely for the use of a Springs owner or permanent household member, or a tenant who has inherited this membership right by virtue of a lease. Guests (non-residents) are also permitted to participate in tennis recreation and related social activities as long as they are accompanied at all times buy an owner or permanent household member. However, if an owner brings in 3 members or more to play, each non-resident member of that group must pay a $3.00 per day fee to use the tennis facilities.* Court reservations are recommended. The facility is open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day. The Racquet Club facility is under video surveillance. Access to the facility is gained through the use of a key. Please immediately report any lost or stolen key. A key may be acquired for the Racquet Club Facility from the SCA Business Office via payment (by check) of a $15.00 security deposit. If the key is returned, the deposit will be refunded. Property owners may authorize their tenant to use their key by completing and submitting an amenity use authorization form to the SCA Business Office. It is the owner's responsibility to secure the return of the key from the tenant. Keys cannot be issued if the property owner's HOA account is delinquent 90 days or more. The SCA Board of Directors may appoint a Tennis Committee each year composed of 3 to 5 members of the association. Members of the Tennis Committee may recommend Tennis Rules and Regulations from time to time. Tennis Rules and Regulations must be approved by the SCA Board of Directors and these Rules and Regulations are posted at the facility and all persons utilizing it must abide by these procedures. Courts are for tennis use only and court attire shall conform to normally accepted tennis wear. Shirts shall be worn at all times. Tennis shoes and rubber-soled shoes (excluding cleated soles) must be worn on the courts. Children under 16 years of age are not permitted inside the chain link fence surrounding the facility unless under direct adult supervision. Pets/domesticated animals are not permitted in the area at any time, A Tennis Pro is contracted by the Association to manage the day-to-day operation of the facility. The Pro is paid by those who utilize his/her services for instruction. The SCA is not responsible for the loss of any valuables in the Racquet Club/Tennis Facilities. Owners, residents and guests utilizing the Racquet Club/Tennis facilities are to treat the facilities and equipment with care, and are responsible for any damage they or their guests may cause. Please report any damage or vandalism to security immediately. The SCA reserves the right to deny the use of privileges of these facilities in the event of non-compliance with Tennis Rules and Regulations. *Fees are payable by check only and will be collected at the SCA gatehouse. Summer Safety Tips... Please follow these important guidelines to ensure you, your family and your guests stay safe in the Springs this summer! • Swimming in the spring or spa during the hours the Recreation Area is closed is NOT permitted. Summer hours for the recreation area are 6:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. (dawn until dusk). • Swimming is at your own risk in the spring and spa pool. There is no lifeguard on duty. Pool equipment (life rings and shepherd’s hook) must, by county code, remain in the pool area for emergencies. • Adult supervision is required in the sulfur spring area. • All children under fourteen (14) years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Children 14-18 years of age may not act as accompanying adult for younger children. • Guests must be accompanied by an owner/resident at all times or carry a recreation pass issued from the SCA Business Office, according to Springs Operating Policy #12. • No glass objects in Recreation Area. Dispose of trash properly. • No diving from the wall! Diving or jumping into any body of water or onto any piece of land or building owned by the SCA is not permitted. • No boats or watercraft are permitted in the springs or its' runs. Only inflatable watercraft with soft edges are permitted in the swimming area of the spring. Kayaks are permitted in the Wekiva runs only. • Riding of any vehicle, including bicycles, into any body of water is prohibited. • Fishing is prohibited in any swimming areas, including the spring. • Please leave your pets at home. • No smoking in the beach area or in water please. • No SCUBA diving. • All activities in the Recreation Area are at the participant’s own risk. • Smoking is prohibited at all times in the beach area or while in the water. Note: Items adapted from SCA Policy No. 13 “Recreation Area - Rules and Regulations.” JUNIOR TENNIS CAMP Presented by John Rountree, U.S.P.T.A. Professional Hosted By SPRINGS RACQUET CLUB 400 WOODBRIDGE ROAD LONGWOOD, FL 32779 JUNE & JULY The camp will run for eight weeks during the months of June and July. Each session will run for one week, from Monday-Friday. 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Cost per session/week is $125.00. Students must register and pay for EACH SESSION two weeks in advance - no limit on sessions. Each session will be limited to eight (8) students per week. Students may be dropped off at 9:30 a.m and picked up after 2:00 p.m. each day. Junior Tennis Camp is for ages 6 through 12, beginners and advanced beginners only. CAMP HIGHLIGHTS The 2015 Junior Tennis Camp is designed for students to learn the game’s fundamentals through the use of drills and practicing of techniques and footwork involving all of the strokes and situations of play. This promises to be a fun-filled time, guaranteed to make first on-court experiences memorable for each participant! The day will begin with a two-hour tennis session, followed by lunch (students must bring their own lunch), and an hour of swim time. Matches will be played throughout the remainder of the day. For more information or to register for the camp, call John Rountree at (407) 353-5716 Springs Operating Policy No. 13 Recreation Area- Rules and Regulations (Including, but not limited to, Sanlando Spring, Spring Run and Palm Springs) 1. The recreation Area is open during the following times: Daylight Savings Time - 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time - 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 2. Swimming in the spring or spa during the hours the Recreation Area is closed is NOT permitted. 3. Swimming is at your own risk in the spring and spa pool. There is no lifeguard on duty. Pool equipment (life rings and shepherd’s hook) must, by county code, remain in the pool area for emergencies. 4. All children under fourteen (14) years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Children 14-18 years of age may not act as accompanying adult for younger children. 5. The Recreation Area is for the use of owners/residents and their authorized guests. Any other person(s) accessing the area will be considered trespassers and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 6. Guests must be accompanied by an owner/resident at all times or carry a recreation pass issued from the SCA Business Office, according to Springs Operating Policy #12. 7. Owners/residents are responsible for the actions of their guests at all times. 8. Owners are limited to a maximum of ten (10) guests per household in the Recreation Area without prior approval. You cannot sponsor additional guests for another household. 9. Written authorization from the SCA Business Office must be obtained for team, office, private, group picnics, birthday parties or other social events to be held in the Recreation Area. During summer months (beginning Memorial Day Holiday Weekend and ending after Labor Day Holiday Weekend) reservations for two (2) group events with twenty (20) guests each can only be made for Monday through Friday. There will be no scheduled group events during summer weekends, holidays or holiday weekends. Outside of this time period, a maximum of two (2) group events with twenty (20) guests each can be approved for Monday through Sunday. There is a $50 non-refundable fee for custodial care and other costs related to the use of the Recreation Area for all authorized events. Authorization from the SCA Business Office does NOT reserve tables or any area for use. **This does not include clubhouse events covered by the Springs Operating Policy #5. 10. All weddings/rehearsals planned for the Recreation Area must be approved in advance by The SCA Business Office and will require a non-refundable fee based upon the size of the function. 11. Authorized Groups of twenty (20) are limited to no more than 4 cars in the Recreation Area. Guests of residents on visits are encouraged to park at the home of their host and carpool to the Recreation Area. Residents may park in the areas outside of the clubhouse and adjacent to the Business Office designated with signs that indicate “RESIDENTS ONLY”. Guests may park by the spas and tennis court lots that are designated with signs that indicate “Guests”. No parking is permitted along roadsides leading to and from the Recreation Area or in any flower or camellia beds or any other area of turf. Violators will have their vehicles towed. 12. Trash must be placed in the trash receptacles. If the receptacles are full, it is the owner/resident’s responsibility to dispose of the trash in a proper receptacle elsewhere or bag it and take it home. 13. All glass objects are prohibited in the Recreation Area. Beverage cans and plastic bottles are not permitted in the spring. Continued... Springs Operating Policy No. 13 Page Two 14. Diving/jumping from the trees, railings, buildings or walls into any body of water or onto any piece of land or building that is owned or maintained by the SCA is prohibited. 15. Riding of any vehicle, including bicycles, into any body of water is prohibited. 16. Fishing is prohibited in any swimming areas, including the spring. 17. Pets/domesticated animals are not allowed in the Recreation Area at any time, with the exception of ADA assistance animals. Seminole County Animal Control will be notified of any domesticated animals in the Recreation Area, even if the owner is present. 18. It is prohibited to harm/harass our wildlife. 19. The basketball courts are available on a first come first serve basis unless an SCA tournament is taking place. 20. Moonwalks are permitted only after the SCA Business Office has been provided a Certificate of Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00, stating coverage and naming The Springs Community Association, Inc. as the additional insured. This must be provided before approval will be granted for the event. 21. At the discretion of the SCA, agent there of, or CSO personnel, failure to comply with these rules and regulations after one warning will result in an immediate suspension of the right to use the Recreation Area for that day, and may result in a 30 day suspension of Recreation Area use privileges, as authorized by Article III, Sec. 3 of the By-laws. 22. All activities in the Recreation Area are at the participant’s own risk. 23. Smoking is prohibited at all times in the beach area and in the spring itself. 24. No canopies or tents are permitted in the sandy beach area. Umbrellas larger than 6 ft. in diameter are also not permitted in the sandy beach area. Canopies, tents and umbrellas larger than 6 ft. in diameter are permitted in the grassy area behind the beach, and nowhere else in the recreation area. 25. No boats or watercraft are permitted in the springs or its' runs. Only inflatable watercraft with soft edges are permitted in the swimming area of the spring. Kayaks are permitted in the Wekiva runs only. 26. Property left unattended in the Recreation Area for more than one hour will be removed as lost and found property. 27. Open water and cave scuba diving is prohibited in any spring-fed body of water within the Springs PUD. Approved by BOD 5/17/02, #20 BOD approved 4/21/04, Revised 5/21/08, Amended by BOD 7/18/12, Amended by BOD 6/19/13, Amended by BOD 8/20/14, Amended 6/17/15. Control Pro uito Mos q m gra Protect Yourself From Mosquito Bites and Disease Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Areas Around Your Home The Seminole County Mosquito Control Program is asking for your help to prevent the following viruses and other diseases transmitted by mosquitoes: 8FTU/JMF7JSVTt&BTUFSO&RVJOF&ODFQIBMJUJTt%FOHVFGFWFSt$IJLVOHVOZB You can help by eliminating standing water from any containers, and by protecting yourself and your family from mosquito bites. See below for more information. Help Prevent Mosquito Diseases Drain and Cover DRAIN standing water from any container where sprinkler or rain water has collected. Consult the graphic below to find places where water may collect around the outside of your home. COVER your bare skin and clothing with repellent if you must be outside when mosquitoes are most active during the hours of dusk and dawn. Several diseasecarrying mosquitoes are daytime biters and usually do not fly far from the containers where they spend their immature life stages. Wear shoes, socks, long pants, and long sleeves. Always use repellents according to the label. Repellents with DEET, Picaridin, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus, and IR3535 are effective. Use mosquito netting to protect children younger than 2 months. The use of repellents that are combined with sunscreen is not recommended. Apply sunscreen first, then apply repellent to make sure that each product works as intended. Aedes aegypti mosquito responsible for spreading viruses & other diseases Mosquito Facts & Biology Did you know that mosquitoes must have water to develop, that only female mosquitoes bite (take a blood meal), and can live for several weeks and lay hundreds of eggs? Check out the mosquito life cycle below to learn more about these insects. 1. The eggs are laid on water, on the side of containers, or moist soil that may flood. 2. Larvae hatch from the eggs and live, feed, and grow in the water. 3. Larvae become The Mosquito Life Cycle pupae then after 2 or 3 days adult Terrestrial mosquitoes emerge from the pupae. 4. Adult female 1. Eggs mosquitoes fly off in search of a blood meal, lay 4. Adult 2. Larvae eggs a few days later, and then Terrestrial the cycle begins again. 3. Pupae POTENTIAL MOSQUITO BREEDING AREAS CHECK FOR PLACES OUTSIDE YOUR HOME WHERE MOSQUITOES COULD BREED IN STANDING WATER. OTHER TIPS TO PREVENT MOSQUITOES Repair screening on windows, doors, porches & patios. Keep gutters clear so they will drain properly. Check & empty: Children’s toys Trash cans & lids Untreated swimming pools Uncovered boats/watercrafts that are not draining water Change water in birdbaths & flush bromeliads once or twice a week. Do not allow water to accumulate in flower pots or dishes for more than 2 days. Check around faucets & air conditioner units, repair leaks & eliminate puddles that remain for several days. Fill tree holes & rotten tree stumps with spray foam insulation. Irrigate lawns & gardens carefully to prevent water from standing for several days. SEMINOLE COUNTY MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAM 8FTU$PVOUZ)PNF3Et4BOGPSE'-t1IPOF t'BY tXXXTFNJOPMFDPVOUZøHPWQXNPTRVJUP MINUTES THE SPRINGS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. Board of Directors Meeting Clubhouse - 400 Woodbridge Road, Longwood, FL Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. The Board of Directors of The Springs Community Association, Inc. met at the Clubhouse on Wednesday, May 20, 2015. Board members present were: Jerry Alexandrowicz, President; Jerry Crews, Vice President, Robert Johnston, Treasurer; Austin Beeghly, Secretary, Bob Hrabovsky, Mark Sposato, and J a m e s C o r n e l l , D i re c t o r s . C o m m u n i t y A s s o c i a t i o n Manager, David Forthuber, was also present and seven home owners attended. CALL TO ORDER Board President, Jerry Alexandrowicz, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Jerry Alexandrowicz reported that he’d met with Security Chief Clive Wagner in regard to repeated incidents of auto theft by resident teens and/or their guests during night hours. Mr. Wagner noted that on most occasions cars had been left unlocked in driveways. Mr. Wagner is watching those he suspects. CSO officers have stepped up night patrols. Mr. Alexandrowicz will discuss other options with the HOA attorney. SECRETARY’S REPORT – Austin Beeghly reported that he reviewed the minutes and found Philharmonic Orchestra. The CPA has submitted a draft of the 2014 audit to the Board for its review. A revised bid for additional security cameras at the front entrance has been developed and approved. It will allow the CSO staff to see activity at 434 TREASURER’S REPORT – and Springs Robert Johnston reported that as Blvd and record incoming and of April 30, 2015, the SCA had $1,103,884 in operating accounts, exiting auto tags and vehicle occupants. This is expected to be and $468,013 in the reserve a safeguard if there are theft account. $467,725 in assessment incidents. There is increasingly income was still due by month’s visible evidence of the progress end, down from $526,291 last month. The comparison of income on Phase III of the 434 perimeter to expenses indicates that income “wall.” The work to connect both un-built end sections to the in April exceeded expenses by a total of $15,800. He also reported currently visible portion will get 8 closings in the month for a total underway in June. An independent insurance analysis is of 22 year-to-date. Mr. Johnston due by June to assure that the also advised that 7 owners are HOA is appropriately insured. under bankruptcy protection and 17 are in mortgage foreclosure, a This study will also help to guide future reserve measures by the decrease of 3 since March. Five Board. mortgage foreclosure sales have been scheduled by the courts for COMMITTEE REPORTS May 2015. Architectural Control - There were no questions regarding the MANAGEMENT REPORT – report submitted. Mr. Forthuber reported that the Audit/Finance - The Committee garnishment, discussed last month, to secure funds awarded to met on May 18. Security - No questions or the HOA by the courts will not comments. work since the garnishee’s bank Fines Hearing - There was no account is nearly depleted. The HOA attorney will likely add the scheduled meeting and no report. debt to the home owner account MEMBERS OPEN FORUM – and collect it from their rental Larry Dobbins asked for proceeds. The May 9 Eagles clarification about the rules for Concert was well attended, but parking on grassy areas. The many Springs’ residents Board advised it is prohibited complained that so few tickets everywhere and may result in were made available to the community. The manager and the immediate tow of the vehicle. president will discuss this with the Ron Maisel stated he thinks it’s unfair that OPO restricted the managers of the Orlando them accurate. Bob Johnson moved to approve the minutes drafted by the manager for the April 2015 board meeting. Mark Sposato seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. number of discounted tickets available to Springs residents. He also reported that a street light transformer box in front of his home has a panel that landscapers keep knocking off. Rosie Sterling repeated Mr. Maisel’s concern about limited tickets and asked that the HOA negotiate a better deal with OPO for 2016. Renee Cascone asked the Board to consider removing the sand from the playground and replacing it with a more kid-friendly surface like the one used at Lake Eola playground. The manager will investigate. OLD BUSINESS 1. Board Vote on Changes to the Operating Policy # 7 (Racquet Club Facility) – The directors reviewed the changes discussed at a prior meeting and additional changes regarding the Tennis Committee and its role. Austin Beeghly moved to approve the changes. Bob Johnston seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 1. Board Review of 2014 CPA Audit – Bob Johnston described the details of the CPA’s recommendations, noting that the CPA made adjustments to the 2013 records that had been missed by Asher Management, that the CPA recommended a reserve analysis in correspondence with accounting guidelines, that HOA funds, in correspondence with accounting guidelines are to be protected by a surety bond, and that the HOA increase its Allowance for Doubtful Accounts by $100,000 to correspond more closely to the total accrual of uncollected revenue on the HOA’s ledger. Sentry Management is to be advised not to write off bad debt against the allowance until further notice by the Board. The directors unanimously accepted the recommendations. 2. Board Vote on Instructions to Atty Russell Klemm re Richter Judgment – Jerry Alexandrowicz moved to instruct the attorney to apply the legal charges to the home owner account and to garnish rent at the owner’s home to repay the legal fees. Bob Johnston seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Request by ACC Chair for Periodic Meetings with Village Boards/Managers – The Board unanimously accepted the recommendation by ACC Chairman Darel Taylor that the community manager meet two to four times per year with village board members and managers to stay abreast of changes to village ACC guidelines and to reinforce property maintenance requirements. 4. Board Vote on Garage & Driveway Parking Policy – The manager reported that the directors, at annual meetings and in one-on-one conversations, have been asked by multiple owners, many of whom serve on village boards, to enforce Article IX – General Restrictions – Sections 5 and 8 – which govern parking. He noted that enforcement has been inconsistent for several years because a significant number of homes have more than two cars to park and other homes park other kinds of vehicles in the garage and leave cars in the driveway. He noted that Article IX authorizes the Association to establish reasonable standards and recommended a policy that lays out those standards so that enforcement can be broadly and equitably applied. The Board reviewed the policy. Jerry Alexandrowicz moved to make the policy part of the HOA’s rules and regulations. Jamie Cornell seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Policy # 20 – Garage & Driveway Parking Rules will be published to the members this summer via the community newsletter and available as a hand-out at the gate-house. 5. TABLED ITEMS Woodbridge Vehicle Bridge Railings Springs Steps, Brick Path, Platform & Wall Modifications ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ### MONTHLY MANAGEMENT REPORT SUMMARY June 2015 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS Recreation Area – the spring SCA Maintenance Staff: • Monday/Thursday weekly vegetation dredging of the spring • Cleaned lagoon areas of debris and branches • Painted hand-‐rail at the dive platform • Repaired slanted ladder at the boil • Cleaned Springs filters and ladders and wall areas • Cleaned rec area of much debris after May 29 storm Pool, Spa, Clubhouse, Tennis SCA Maintenance Staff: • Adjusted/added sprinkler heads for better coverage on clubhouse lawn • Commercial Lighting was requested to add transformer at pool in preparation for replacement of broken pool lights. Transformer will reduce voltage to a safe level within the pool lights. Proposal due by June 17. • Changed AC filters in tennis pro shop; blow-‐ clean courts • Removed all light covers at the spa to empty dead bugs Outside Vendors: None Community Common Grounds & Infrastructure SCA Maintenance Staff: • Rebuilt bus stop bench at Stop 6 – required detaching old base and re-‐ pouring concrete and re-‐ attaching • • • • • Continued fan palm clean-‐ up along Springs Blvd behind gatehouse Re-‐painted Woodbridge Rd railings after a car side-‐ swiped one side Cleaned up a great deal of debris everywhere after the May 29 storm Pressure cleaned sign monument base Pressure cleaned side entry Florida fieldstone walls Outside Vendors: • None •Sand/soil fill poured at west end •Jeff Dix supplied a new vendor (Media 1) for bird logo panels, saving $1977 over old bid. The panels should be ready in 2 weeks so the coquina (FLA fieldstone) can be added to columns. 4) Bridge Railing – No new activity PROPERTY INSPECTION: Sent a half dozen property maintenance notices BIDS & PROPOSALS – No new bids R.V. Lot/Stables/Maintenance Lot SCA Maintenance Staff: • Dragged riding ring • Added donated sod to grassy areas around rink • Adjusted RV fence; added new wheels to gate • Washed trucks and carts • Outside Vendors: none OTHER SCA Maintenance Staff: • Fire extinguisher monthly check • Monthly staff safety meeting • Monthly check/clearing of storm water drains • Set-‐up and break-‐down of meeting rooms PROJECT UPDATES: Springs Area Restoration 1) Steps/Wall Platform – Awaiting revised engineering drawings required for proposal stage 2) Brick Path Restoration – Dix-‐ Hite submitted engineered plans in Aug 2014; Board review pending 3) Phase III Wall •Rich Searl’s crew attached batten boards to hardiboard sheets. •Additional posts installed east and west of existing new construction. Posts at river end are into the DOT right of way and may have to be moved back 4 feet ### • SCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS TREASURER’S REPORT 17 JUNE 2015 As of May 31, 2015: CASH - Operating: $1,022,971 Petty Cash: 5,700 Reserves: 439.877 Assess. Receivable: $ 448,027 A/R Last Month: 467,725 A/R 2014 Year End 348,687 A/R 2013 Year End: 421,104 A/R 2012 Year End: 347,402 Loan Payable: Seacoast Loan: $ 797,578 INCOME STATEMENT (Y-T-D): ACTUAL TOTAL INCOME: $ TOTAL EXPENSES: NET INCOME: 627,410 603,939 $ 23,471 BUDGET $ 629,525 VARIANCE $ 629,525 0 (2,115) 25,586 $ 23,471 Accounts Receivable Notes: Seven properties were sold and closed in May for a total of 29 closings in 2015. 66 Springs properties sold and closed in 2014. Banks foreclosed on one property. 28 owners have not paid all or part of their 2014 assessments and 49 owners additional are delinquent for 2015 quarterly assessments and have been sent Intent to Lien (ITL) notices. 6 owners are under bankruptcy protection and 15 are in mortgage foreclosure. Foreclosure sales have been scheduled in June for three MFR properties. There were several foreclosure sales in May but we have not yet received certificate of title information. CRITTER CAPTURE SERVICES Compare Prices - Guaranteed Lowest - No Hidden Costs Flat Rate or Pay Per Catch Licensed by FWC for Venomous Reptiles Wildlife Removal Services Animals captured alive and unharmed Exclusion and damage repairs Dead animal removal and deodorizing Wildlife educational programs Raccoons Opossums Snakes Armadillos Rats Squirrels Birds Bats Skunks Bobcats Moles Fox Ducks Turtles Critter Capture Services is owned and operated by Bob Cross, a professional herpetologist and retired Orlando Firefighter. Bob has studied snakes for over 30 years and has a comprehensive knowledge of all wildlife. Bob is pictured above holding the largest Cottonmouth Water Moccasin ever caught alive in Central Florida measuring 5’7’’. 407-810-9727 Same Day Service 407-231-0222 The Springs Community Association, Inc. Board, Committee & Village Meeting Schedule 2015 ASSOCIATION MEETING TIME Crown Oaks I (Clubhouse) 2nd Tuesday/7:00 p.m. Monthly Crown Oaks II (Clubhouse) 2nd Monday/7:00 p.m. Monthly Fairway Villas (Cottage) No Meetings Until Further Notice Glenwood (Clubhouse) 3rd Tuesday/7:00 p.m. Monthly Live Oak (Conference) 4th Monday/7:00 p.m. Monthly Palm Springs (Cottage) 3rd Wednesday/6:30 p.m. Monthly Shadowood (Clubhouse) 4th Monday/7:00 p.m. Monthly Spreading Oak (Conference) 4th Wednesday/7:00 p.m. Monthly Wekiva Villas (Clubhouse) 3rd Monday/6:30 p.m. Monthly Whispering Pines (Clubhouse) 4th Thursday/6:30 p.m. Monthly Architectural Control Committee (Conference) 1st Monday/5:30 p.m. Monthly Audit/Finance Committee (Conference) 3rd Monday/5:00 p.m. Monthly Security Committee (Conference) 2nd Monday/4:00 p.m. Monthly Social Committee (Clubhouse) NO COMMITTEE Board of Directors (Clubhouse) 3rd Wednesday/7:00 p.m. Monthly Women of The Springs Bridge Day (Clubhouse) 2nd Thursday/10:00 a.m. Monthly Book Club (Cottage) 3rd Wednesday/1:00 p.m. Monthly *All Meetings are Subject To Change. REMEMBER: Submit ACC Application for any exterior renovations - including, but not limited to: ACC COMMITTEE APPROVALS JUNE 2015 ADDRESS DESCRIPTION Crown Oaks ROOFING MAILBOX LANDSCAPING FENCE INSTALLATION FENCE REPAIR TREE REMOVAL DRIVEWAY WORK PAINTING SATELLITE DISH INSTALL 106 Crown Oaks Way Dumpster Spreading Oak Village 101 Autumn Drive Repair Siding/Paint 120 Autumn Drive Sidewalk/Driveway 106 Cedar Point Lane Replace Fence Whispering Pines Village 221 Pine Cone Lane Replace Roof 104 Raintree Drive Replace Roof Glenwood Village Please be sure to use a licensed and insured contractor when required specific to the job you are doing. Meetings held the first Monday of each Month. Board,Village Board, And Committee Meetings... Dates, Times and Locations for these meetings can be found by visiting 100 Wild Hickory Lane Replace Roof General 132 Bridgeview Court Replace Roof 248 Springside Road Remove Trees 109 Wax Myrtle Lane Dumpster 101 Little Wekiva Court Fence 108 Wax Myrtle Lane Replace Roof 130 Wisteria Drive Painting 296 Spring Run Circle Landscape Pavers 100 Woodbridge Road Replace Fence 106 Wisteria Drive Replace Fence/Landscape 108 Wisteria drive Remove Dead Trees 1967 Lost Spring Court Room Addition ACC Approval is required for most outside improvements and updates. Forms are available online, or you can contact the business office for more information. Note: A security deposit may be required. Log on or call the office for ACC Form. $AVE CA$H!** SUBMIT ACC FORM BEFORE EXTERNAL REPAIRS START! The following information is taken from Springs Operating Policy No. 14 Architectural Review Committee Construction Criteria For a copy of the complete Application and Policy, Please Contact the Business Office The Springs Community Association’s (SCA) Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions provide for the review, by committee, of any and all phases of exterior modifications to lots and/or living units within The Springs Planned Unit Development (PUD). This includes but is not limited to painting, roofing, paving, landscaping, fencing, and additions to or deletions from existing structures. The intent of the overall community scheme is to insure a standard of construction, which, over the years, will enhance the appearance of the community as a whole. Each structure and lot upon which it sits is to be considered an element of the community and should blend appropriately with its surroundings. It is intended that this development maintains itself with as many natural surfaces as possible. REVIEW The following documents and criteria are established for review by the ACC prior to commencement of any phase of construction. Plans are requested seven days in advance of the regularly scheduled meeting of the ACC so that the site may be reviewed by committee members prior to the meeting. The General Manager will provide approvals, disapprovals, or requests for additional information in writing. 1. An “Architectural Review” application form describing work to be done submitted with drawings and documents or survey as required. 2. Must have written sub-association approval (if applicable). 3. Plans for structures will be not less than 1/8” = 1’ scale. 4. Drawings and documents required for review shall consist of the following: • Survey prepared by a Florida registered surveyor. Additions such as decks, porches, rooms, pools require a survey showing placement of these structures. • Site plan showing all lot dimensions, easements, outlines, setbacks, major trees over 6” in diameter, fences, existing and proposed topographic conditions, and underground trench locations at a scale of not less than 1”=20’. • Floor plans • Elevations of all sides of contemplated structure. Height limitations in single-family residences will be 2.5 stories or 35 feet. • A summary specification list of proposed materials. Samples must be supplied for all exterior materials, which cannot be adequately described. • Color samples for all proposed exterior materials. • Landscape plans complete with a tree survey. 5. Approvals will be good for six months unless otherwise specified. 6. Any permits required by Seminole County must be obtained before contractor’s passes are issued. 7. All contractors must be properly licensed and insured. SUMMARY The property owner is responsible for and is fully expected to control noise and unsightliness (to include any and all debris) during all phases of construction. The property owner and contractors will provide dust abatement and erosion control measures. Construction is prohibited on Sundays and limited to daylight hours on every other day of the week. Respect for neighboring properties and the rights of other property owners is fully expected. Application must include the following: • Written approval from village or sub-association (if applicable) • Construction deposit • Seminole County approved plans • Examples of material to be used for renovation **To Avoid Violation Fines ADVERTISE HERE! Seal Coat Your Asphalt Driveway Today Competitive pricing Satisfaction guarantee Environmental Friendly Products CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! 407-376-1770 15% OFF FOR SPRINGS RESIDENTS! ALL AMERICAN FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 407-886-6345 WE BUY! Appliances ~ Stoves ~ Refrigerators Furniture ~ Household ~ Goods ~ Bedroom Sets Located at 54 E. 5th Street, Apopka, FL YOUR AD HERE Call the office @ 407.862.3881 FOR INFORMATION Your message can reach 880 homes in The Springs Via this newsletter… AND online. Email: Email: Call the office @ 407.862.3881 or Log On for more info! -‐ Friends of The Springs in Longwood, FL -‐ “The Springs” Neighborhood Longwood, Florida STAY CONNECTED! JOIN THE GROUP! ADVERTISE HERE! Your message can reach 880 homes in The Springs Via this newsletter… AND online. Call the office @ 407.862.3881 or Log On for more info! Springs Sitting Services! Dog Walking * Pet Sitting House Sitting Babysitting If you would like to be added to the list of service providers, please call the business office or email: NAME PHONE PETS? KIDS? Tiffany Bruner (will house-sit) 404-858-5418 Y Y Maitland Cotton 321.277.3393 Y N Marissa Osterhaudt 407.314.8350 N Y - + Horses Alexis Schuh 407.421.5523 Y Y Alexandria Peterson 407.682.6440 Y N Max and Charlie Sills 407.970.9539 N Y Sian Armstrong 407.733.8881 Y Y Gray Hennessy 407.907.0643 N Y Kimbra Hennessy 407.907.0643 Y Y Daisy Cordine 407.756.2058 Y Y Cory Giacobbe 941.586.2216 Y Y Linda Nickels 407.212.2610 N Y - + Horses Jane McFadden 407.353.1603 N Y Bonnie Bloom 407.869.1925 N Y William Walton 407.404.1138 N Y Michelle Cawley (will house-sit) 407.923.5810 N Y Nicole Eubanks 407.516.5625 Y N Jodi Dunaway 678.857.4524 N Y Estrellita Santiago (will house-sit) 407.951.0043 Y Y - + Horses Diana Chacon (will house-sit) 407.247.6071 Y N Sharing the on courtesy and safety... • Walk to the right side • Be aware of what is behind you • Dogs on leash and restrained at all times • Bicyclists - walk around or move slowly past pedestrians • Runners - slowly pass walkers on left • Skateboarders - use extreme caution when going by walkers • Bicyclists, skateboarders, runners - when approaching from behind, announce approach with “behind you...on your left/right”, etc. Now Serving The Springs! Fast, professional, quality service done right in your driveway! Full Service Hand Wash $40 Includes thorough vacuum and windows cleaned, dash and console wiped, wheels cleaned and tires shined! Hand Wax $60 Includes Full Service Hand Wash and Granitize Polymer Wetcoat professional application on all painted surfaces. Mini Detail $100 Includes Full Service Hand Wash and and hand wax. Interior 4 doors, dash and console, and leather seats meticulously detailed, leather seats conditioned. Full Detail (by appointment only) $200+ Includes: Clay-n-Wax surface smoothing treatment to remove organic and industrial fallout, minor scratch removal, professionally applied Hand Wax for maximum shine and protection, interior deep cleaning and conditioning of all interior vinyl and leather, carpet and upholstery shampoo, door jambs cleaned and polished, wheels detailed, and chrome polished. EXTRA CHARGE FOR LARGE TRUCKS, VANS AND SUV’S Call, Text or Email for your next appointment!! We look forward to serving you! Brooke Taylor/President ~ Insured ~ SPRINGS CLEANING SCHEDULE REMINDER The SCA maintenance staff will be performing the weekly cleaning of the spring on Mondays and Thursdays from approx. 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. FOR THE SAFETY OF ALL RESIDENTS AND THEIR GUESTS, SWIMMING IN THE SPRINGS WILL BE PROHIBITED DURING THIS TIME. Thank you for your patience and for helping to keep The Springs beautiful! CLUBHOUSE RESERVATIONS Reserve your special date now! Consider The Springs Clubhouse when planning this year’s special event! Call the SCA Business Office for Information (407) 862-3881 The Springs Community Staff BOARD & COMMITTEES SCA Board of Directors President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Director Director Director Darel Taylor Bob Johnston Ron Boyer Theresa Bradley & George Diaz Judy Morse & Robin Andersohn Tobie Stitt Ron Boyer THE SP R I NG S C OM M UNI TY A T Tennis Pro Jerry Alexandrowicz Jerry Crews Bob Johnston Austin Beeghly Robert Hrabovsky Mark Sposato James Cornell Committee Chairs Architectural Control Audit/Finance Security Committee Newsletter Stables Tennis R.V. Office Hours: 8:30-5:30 (Mon-Fri) Association Manager David Forthuber Lynette Gault, Admin. Joni Raines, Admin. Maintenance Supervisor: Andy Keller Chief of Security Clive Wagner H O M E W I T H N A T U R E John Rountree CONTACTS Office Phone Office Fax Gatehouse Fax Tennis Pro Shop 407.862.3881 407.862.5574 407.772.0560 407.391.8425