User Guide - Dacor Service Portal


User Guide - Dacor Service Portal
Dacor Claim Processing Website
NEW LOG-IN WEB PAGE ....................................................................................................................................................................2
How can I log-in to the new website? ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
How can I reset my password? .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
HOME PAGE (PG. 3-9) ........................................................................................................................................................................3
Home Page Tab ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Requests Tab ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Parts Claims Tab ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Reports Tab ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Event Calendar Tab ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Documents Tab ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Parts Catalog Tab .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
ADMIN (Administrative) Tab ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Manage your Profile .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Claim Search Tool .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
SUBMITTING A SERVICE REQUEST (PG. 10-14) ................................................................................................................................. 10
WILL I BE NOTIFIED WHEN A CLAIM IS APPROVED? ......................................................................................................................... 15
WILL I BE NOTIFIED WHEN A CLAIM IS PAID?................................................................................................................................... 15
WARRANTY AUTHORIZATION VIA EMAIL ........................................................................................................................................ 16
SUBMITTING A CLAIM FOR PAYMENT (PG. 17-21) ........................................................................................................................... 17
SUBMITTING A PART WARRANTY CLAIM (PG. 22-24) ...................................................................................................................... 22
New Log-in web page
How can I log-in to the new website?
Starting Oct 1st, is the new Dacor claim processing website.
If you had an existing Authorized Service Provider account with Dacor prior to the launch of the new Dacor claim
processing website, the log-in credentials will remain the same.
How can I log in?
Log-in credentials example:
User Name: S1234
Password: ******** (password)
How can I reset my password?
A new feature that was added to the Log-in screen ( is the “Forgot your Password” link, click on
the link “Forgot your password?” to reset the password, an email will be sent to the email that is on the account profile
with a temporary password.
Home Page (Pg. 3-9)
New and improved web page layout, was designed to be more use friendly. All the important
information for the service provider will be on the home page.
(Service companies that Submit Service Requests Online)
Three tables will be shown on your home page, Service requests summary, Service Claims Summary, Parts Claim
(Service Providers that do not have access to Submit Service Request Online)
Two tables will be shown on your home page Service Claims Summary, Parts Claim Summary
Home Page Tab
Home Tab is the first page that will come up after the log-in screen. (Refer to page 3 for more details)
Requests Tab
The requests tab will ONLY show on the home page of service providers that have access to submit a Service Request
 CREATE A NEW REQUEST – After clicking on the “CREATE A NEW REQUEST” a form will come up to fill out and
then submit the request directly to Dacor warranty service department.
 SAVED REQUESTS– Linked to the folder of saved requests that have not been submitted to Dacor, (pending for
 SUBMITTED REQUESTS - Linked to the folder of all Submitted requests to Dacor and are currently awaiting
review. (Submitted request will be reviewed within 1 business day)
 APPROVED REQUEST – Linked to the folder of all Service Requests that have been approved by Dacor.
 REJECTED REQUESTS – Linked to the folder of all Service Requests that have been rejected by Dacor and require
corrected before re-submission to Dacor.
Parts Claims Tab
The third tab from the left is the form to submit a Part Failed Warranty Claim. Refer to page: __ for a step by step to file
a part failed warranty claim. New and improved Part Warranty Claim form.
Reports Tab
The fourth tab from the left is a NEW feature that was added to the new website, the REPORTS tab will give Dacor
Authorized Service providers the ability to run a “Claim Payment Report”, new reports will be added in the near future
that will make the experience with Dacor easier and more productive.
Event Calendar Tab
No changes were made to the event calendar, clicking on the event calendar will pull up a page of the current month
and with information on dates to register for Dacor training classes.
Documents Tab
The third tab from the right is a NEW feature that was added to the new website, documents that are produced by
Dacor that are relevant to all Dacor Authorized Service Providers will be stored in the Documents tab. For example
“Dacor Newsletters” and “Product Warranties”.) When new documents are saved a message will be displayed on the
home page under “Announcements”.
Parts Catalog Tab
The second to the last is the Parts Catalog tab, starting October 1st, the New claim processing website
( and the Parts Catalog will be integrated, to access the parts catalog it is required to log in to
the new website. The parts catalog is also accessible from the home page on the left side of the window right below the
Claim search tool.
ADMIN (Administrative) Tab
A NEW feature that was added to the new claim processing website is the ADMIN tab. For those companies that have
more than one person in their company processing claims, the new website will allow the primary account to create subaccounts to allow other employees in their company to log in and file clams without having to share their primary
account. The access for sub-accounts is limited, sub-accounts will not have the access to the ADMIN tab or to make
changes to their company information and also at the time of submitting labor claim will not have the ability to view
how much Dacor is paying for the service call.
Manage your Profile
A NEW feature that was added to the claim processing website is the ability to make changes to “your” company
information, such as updating, contact information or address information. Once the desired changes are made, below
the address information section click on “Send Change Request” and the website will send an email to Dacor to make
the changes, Dacor will reply back via email once changes are made.
Another new addition with in “Manage your Profile”, for Service Providers that have a service dept. and a separate
warranty or claim dept., two different emails can be added, one email where all Warranty Authorizations go to and a
second email where any email/notification that is claim related can go to the warranty or claims dept. Or the same email
can be set for both.
Claim Search Tool
A NEW feature was added to the new claim processing website is the “Claim Search” tool, searching for claims will now
be easier and faster. The new claim search tool allows the user to search claims by:
Reference#: Service provider personal invoice number that are used on labor claims or part warranties.
Work Authorization Number: Dacor Warranty Authorization number, ex: SA123456-VG-1
Serial Number: Dacor product serial number, ex: S-A-12346789
Customer Information: Search by any customer information, First, Last name, address, phone# …etc.
Submitting a Service Request (Pg. 10-14)
Creating a Service Request, the second tab from the left “REQUESTS” tab, click on the link “CREATE NEW REQUEST”.
NOTE: (Only for service companies that have access
to submitting Service Request online, for those
companies that DO NOT that have access to
submitting requests online, these are the same steps
that a Dacor customer service will do in-house before
sending the authorization to the service companies.)
The Service Request form consist of 4 steps.
Service Request Continued…
A new form layout was crated for a service request. Begin by entering the serial number
then the customer information (Name, phone#, address). If the customer is an existing
customer of a previous claim or request that was submitted to Dacor by the same company
entering the request, by entering the serial number the Customer info and Product info will
be automatically populated.
** Service Request will be reviewed within one business day of submission **
(*) Any field that has a red asterisk next to it, is a required field.
Once all required fields are populated, on the bottom right hand corner of the request form click on “Next Step”, or to
save the customer information to the database click on “SAVE”.
Service Request Continued…
The 2nd Step is the Product info, if the serial number was populated in the 1st Step then the
serial number and model would be automatically populated on the 2nd step.
Required fields are Serial, Purchased/Installed Date and Customer Description of problem.
To avoid having a service request rejected for lack of information, be as detailed as possible on the customer description
of problem.
A new feature that was added to the service request is the warranty start date and warranty expiration date, now the
service companies will know if the customer is in warranty or not, or when does the warranty expire when entering a
service request.
Once all required fields are populated, on the bottom right hand corner of the request form click on “Next Step”, or to
save the customer information to the database click on “SAVE”.
Service Request Continued…
The third step of the service request is the “Service info” to request warranty authorization
on “Labor”, “Parts” or “Mileage”.
To request parts click on the “Parts” check box and a parts entry section come up.
If the part is a Whirlpool part that is not recognized in the Dacor system, the new website allows to create a new part
number by manually enter the part number and part description, add the quantity then click on “Add Part”.
Once all required fields are populated, on the bottom right hand corner of the request form click on “Next Step”, or to
save the customer information to the database click on “SAVE”.
Service Request Continued…
The fourth step is the last step of the service request before submitting the request to Dacor. The
last step displays all the information input on step 1-3, review the information. If you need to
make changes, each section has its own “Edit” button to make changes to that particular section.
Once the information has been reviewed at the bottom right hand corner of the service request form to submit the
request to Dacor click on the “Submit” bottom.
Will I be notified when a claim is approved?
A new feature that was added to the new website is when any claim or request is
submitted a “Successful Submitted” message will come up and within ten second the
web page will be re-directed to the home page.
If a “Submission Confirmation” message does not show up after clicking on “Submit”
then the claim or request was not submitted to Dacor.
Will I be notified when a claim is paid?
On Dacor’s new claim processing website ( when payment is processed on a
service claim or part warranty claim, the service company will receive an email notification
from Dacor when payment is processed.
Warranty Authorization via email
A new feature was added to the email work authorization from Dacor. The new email confirmation will include two
buttons that REQUIRE action from the recipient (Service Company). An “Acknowledge” and “Declined” button.
 Please “Acknowledge” that you have received the authorization and that your company is able to perform the
 Please “Decline” if your company is unable to perform the repair and advise the reason of decline.
The two buttons are linked to the new website, after clicking on one of the two options (Acknowledge or
Declined), you will be re-directed to the website, log-in and Acknowledge or Decline once more.
Submitting a Claim for Payment (Pg. 17-21)
To submit a claim for payment once the service has been performed log-back to, on Dacor’s new
website all the customer information is already saved.
 With access to submitting a service request, the request is saved on the “Approved Request” folder.
 NO access to submitting service request, the customer information is on the “Pending Claim Submission” folder.
Click on the folder and search for the customer or use the new “Claim Search” tool and search by Warranty Service
Authorization, Serial number or Customer info.
Submitting a claim for payment (continued)…
After clicking on the authorization that needs to be submitted for payment, a box will come up that will ask one
Question with three possible answer, only one answer is able to be selected or to review the customer information on
the top right of the box click on “Skip and Close”.
Is the Service Completed?
1. Once Dacor sends a Warranty Service Authorization, additional parts can be ordered on the new Dacor website.
2. Job has been completed and the unit is functioning.
3. Job is competed and for those situations when the unit is non repairable select the third option.
Once a section has been made click on “Submit” to advance to filling the claim for payment.
Submitting a claim for payment (continued)…
All steps that were entered when a “Service Request” are now saved into the system, to make it easier and convenient
for the service company filing the claim.
Customer information, product info, and service info section can be expanded for review or minimized to hide the
customer information to make the page smaller and readable.
Submitting a claim for payment (continued)…
The new claim form is easier and faster to fill out and submit for payment.
Servicer Reference: (Servicer personal invoice#)
Part number section: All the parts that Dacor sent are now saved to the customer authorization, each part line
has a REQUIRED selection, if the part was used select “USED’ if “NOT USED” a reason field will come up. Type a
brief explanation of why the part was not used.
“Did you use additional parts beside the one listed above?If additional parts were used that are not listed click
on “YES” and a parts entry section will come up, if the parts were bought from a PD, enter the part number and
select the Parts Distributor to claim credit for the part.
Service Performed – Be as detailed as possible to avoid having the claim rejected, when Dacor send an
authorization is for “Diagnose and Repair” not only to replace the parts sent by Dacor.
Submitting a claim for payment (continued)…
Review the amount being paid for the labor claims, if Mileage was requested, the mileage total will show up an added to
the total service charge. Extend labor cost can also be requested (Additional labor needs approval by a Regional
Technical Manager).
Once all the information require has been filled out, to submit the claim for payment click on “Submit for Payment”.
If the claim was submitted successfully a “Submission Notification” will be displayed on the web page.
Submitting a Part Warranty Claim (Pg. 22-24)
On the top right hand corner of the page, Mouse
over the “Parts Claim” tab, then click on the “Part
Warranty Claim” to submit a part failed warranty
All the field with the red asterisk are REQUIRED
The Part Warranty claim form on the new website has been improved, only required information that is relevant to a
part warranty claim is requested.
 Servicer Reference: (Servicer personal invoice#)
 Customer information: All required fields, claim will not submit until all required field is populated.
 Unit information: Serial number and model if serial tag is not available check the box “Serial Number not
accessible or legible.
Submitting a Part Warranty Claim (Continued…)
Because the claim is a One Year Part Failed Warranty, the two invoices dates need to be within one year of each other.
The system will count the days between the “Original Part Purchased Date” and the “Replacement part Purchased
Failure reason – Type in a brief description (example below)
Parts entry section – All the fields are required. Enter the Part number>PD invoice Number>Qty>PD Selection.
The PD selection remained the same as the previous claim processing website (
Click the “Add” button to save the part entry to the claim, an additional part line will come up to add if additional need
to be entered.
Submitting a Part Warranty Claim (Continued…)
The last section is one of the most important part of the “Part Warranty Claim”
Two invoices are required to approve the “Part Warranty Claim”.
 Original Purchased Invoice
 Replacement Part Invoice
There are three ways to send the invoices to Dacor.
 Upload directly to the claim – The best option to review and approve faster.
 Email – (Reference the Part warranty claim#)
 Fax – (800) 793-0093 (Reference the Part warranty claim#)
Once the claim is filled out properly and the invoices have been uploaded to submit the claim click on “Submit”
If the claim was submitted successfully a “Submission Confirmation” will be displayed on the web page.
If the confirmation below does not appear the claim was not submitted!