Kansas Gardener7-2015 - Kansas Associated Garden Clubs


Kansas Gardener7-2015 - Kansas Associated Garden Clubs
Volume 75, No. 3
I can’t believe it has just been six weeks since we sent out the last Gardener, what a
busy time AND a variety of weather we have had in six weeks. Rain and rain and
rain and now heat and we need rain. My number one projects has been pulling
I decided Elaine was right. My idea of how I wanted to do the Awards Chairman position will not work, that is why Lorri Flom is now the Awards Chairman.
July 22, 2015
I try to think of my theme when doing my daily routine:
Cultivate – Nurture – Flourish
Cultivating Friendships by being available when someone has a question and if I don’t know the answer, finding out and
letting them know the answer. This not only involves my gardening friends but also our church family.
Nurture knowledge of Gardening has been extremely hard with all the rain we have had, the deer’s nipping off the buds
of our flowers and newly planted trees, and the rabbits eating plants down to the ground, my carefully nurturing plants
has not been easy. As my husband’s says, they are all Gods creature and they need nourishment. (My standing answer is,
go find it somewhere else.)
Flourish in Service to All,
 Our website is up and running. It is a work in progress but please take a moment and look at it.
Blue Star Memorial Markers Program will be expanded to allow Gold Star families, under the direction of the NGC
Blue Star Memorial Markers Program to sponsor and place Markers bearing a GOLD Star; the world ‘Blue” will be
changed to “Gold” where applicable; and the “tribute” wording will read: A tribute to Gold Star Families who have
lost a loved one defending the United States of America.
The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. put out a 12 page paperback book on FLOW (Forging Leadership in our Watersheds) called Create a Ripple with Willie Watershed, I purchased 25 and will bring to the Board Meeting in October.
It is for children but I must tell you when I read it , I found out information I did not know. It would be a great book
to use for a program next year.
The National Garden Club website is absolutely wonderful, every time I go on and look around I find something else
that has been update. List it as one of your favorites and go on and explore.
The NGC Membership Committee requested information on 2 items
1. “Do any of the botanic gardens, arboretums, private or public gardens in your state provide free admission or
discounted admission for NGC members? Do any nursery centers offer discounts to NGC members?”
2. “Would anyone like to provide their photo and a unique testimony of why they joined a garden club and what it
has done for them?”
Would you let me know if you could help with either one of these requests?
Please let Naydeen Tuley know if you have any changes in your membership during the year.
Jackie Watts, President
NCG President
Sandra H. Robinson
Theme: Leap Into Action
960 Maple Grove Road
London, Kentucky 40744-8955
Rocky Mt. Region Director
Darlene Skari
Theme: Advancing Our Horizons:
New Thoughts, Ways and Ideas
P. O. Box 296, Chester, MT 59522-0296
Cell 406-899-2176
September 11-12………….80th RMR ,
Sioux Falls, SD
October 23 KAGC Fall Board Meeting
Western Sizzler—Salina, Ks
May 2 –7 ……………..87th NGC Convention
Grand Rapids, MI
May 20-21 …………KAGC 89th Convention
Hays, Ks
Kansas Gardener
is published quarterly by
Kansas Associated Garden Clubs, Inc.
a non-profit organization organized in 1926
a member since 1931 of
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
4401 Magnolia Avenue, St. Louis 63110
Email: headquarters@gardenclub.org
To order from Member Services,
1-800-550-6007 for orders only.
KAGC President
Jackie Watts
Theme: Cultivate-Nurture-Flourish
Cultivate Friendships, Nurture Knowledge of
Gardening, Flourish in Service to All
5085 Mullen Rd
Shawnee, KS 66216
Lee Hedrick
Our guiding
for the
2015 KAGC Convention
Book of Friendship: none
Donations can be made to KAGC
Memorial Rose Garden,
% Gerry Perfetto
4120 SW Cypresswood CT.
Topeka, KS 66610-1636
Balance: $771.11
KAGC Website
It is always a true tribute
to remember a fellow
gardener in this way.
Moving? Address Change?
Send address change to: Editor
5085 Mullen Rd Shawnee, KS 66216
Kansas Gardener
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July, 2015
Kansas Associated Garden Club, Inc.
Board of Directors Spring Meeting
May 1, 2015
The KAGC Board of directors meeting was called to order by President, JoAnn Schroller at 3:40
pm. A quorum was declared with 17 in attendance. Joann appointed the following committees:
The minute’s approval committee is Evelyn Zellmer, Jean Tinberg, and Penny Morgan.
The timekeepers are Carolyn Romondo and Linda Stahlman.
The officers were introduced. Since the minutes of the fall board meeting were published in the
convention book, a motion was made by Elaine Holmstrom and seconded by Jean Tinberg that
reading of the minutes be waived. The motion carried.
There was a discussion concerning the financial report. Ann Becker said that getting a money
market account for KAGC funds was not economically advantageous. There is no significant
change in the financial picture since our last meeting. A temporary loan was transferred from the
savings account to the checking account to avoid fees that were being incurred by the checking
account. The interest that this extra money earns in the checking account is being returned to the
savings account.
The Membership Committee reported that we now have 216 members; the change from what is
published in the Convention Booklet is represented by 4 new members in Bonner Springs minus
one member who died.
There was a discussion of the meaning of Life Membership. It was clarified that “Life Membership”
means for the member’s life, even if the member is no longer associated with a club, or is no longer
a member at large. The Life Member count includes all living and deceased life members.
Jackie Watts stated that she would like to modify the Awards Chairman position so that there are
separate awards chairmen for each district who meet as a group to decide award winners. Elaine
Holmstrom pointed out that this would be a change in the manual. Jackie proposed that she would
be the coordinator of the committee, though not a member of the committee.
Carolyn Romondo stated that she thinks that there are problems with the awards and that we
need to find ways to increase interest in applying for awards.
A motion was made by Kit Carlson as follows: I move that since KAGC President JoAnn Schroller is
unable to attend the NGC Convention in Louisville, KY on May 13-20, and President-Elect Jackie
Watts will be representing KAGC at that convention that the $200 allocated to the President is
made available to President-elect Jackie Watts.
The meeting adjourned at 4:15.
Respectively submitted,
Andrea Staudenmaier, Secretary
Jean Tinberg, Minute’s committee
Evelyn Zellmer, Minute’s committee
Penny Morgan, Minute’s committee
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July 2015
Kansas Associated Garden Clubs, Inc.
General Business Meeting
May 2, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 9:00am by JoAnn Schroller. There were 32 in the room with 24 delegates present. A quorum was declared. The credentials report was read and is included. Officers were introduced, includ.
ing the national president, Linda Nelson. An invocation,
planned by Karen Jones, was read by Lee Hedrick. The
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Andrea Staudenmaier read the KAGC objectives and Mary Locniskar presented the standing rules. The minute’s
approval committee consisting of Evelyn Zellmer, Jean Tinberg, and Penny Morgan was announced. The timekeepers, Carolyn Romondo and Linda Stahlman, were announced.
Linda Nelson, NGC president, spoke to the convention. Her talk emphasized that we must all embrace the digital
age and put our information out in the manner that new members might be more receptive to, i.e. websites. We
must be proactive about telling our story and accomplishments in the best way to attract new members. One
item mentioned and little known is that between national, state and local groups over $3,000,000 in scholarships
is given every year. We must all rise up and be leaders, when asked. She spoke about reason for the increase in
national dues to $1 per person, effective in 2016. This increase will give the national office the same operating
budget as 1995.
Since the minutes of the fall board meeting were published, it was moved by Elaine Holmstrom and seconded by
Jean Tinberg that they not be read and be approved as published. The motion passed.
Ann Becker gave her financial report, stating that very little had changed in the last year. Since the financial report was published, it was moved by Jackie Watts and seconded by Jean Tinberg that the financial report be approved as published. Ann mentioned the temporary transfer of $10,000 from savings to checking to prevent extra fees from being charged. She announced the state winners of the $1000 scholarships, Brady Hendricks and
Jessie Gillmore. The candidate’s biographies are included. She also announced that we have sent a very worthy
candidate to national for scholarship consideration, but do not yet know if he has won.
JoAnn Schroller gave her presidents’ message, thanking all who had helped her. It is included (in permanent records)
Awards were presented by Elaine Holmstrom with many photos taken. They are listed in the convention book on
page 17. Santa Fe Trail also received an Arbor Day trophy, which was not listed in the book.
The membership chairman, Brenda Slaughter, listed an increase of 4 in ECD to 71, and a decrease of 1 in West to
73, giving the state 216 members. Linda Stahlman and Jean Tinberg were announced as new life members for
state. Page 25 and 26 of the book lists all current life memberships.
The report of the nominating committee was read by Andrea Staudenmaier. It is included (in permanent records.
Nominations from the floor were requested. None were presented. It was moved by Ruth Pleak and seconded by
Elaine Holmstrom that nominations be accepted and elected as announced. The motion passed.
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July 2015
A break for lunch was announced.
The program “Bar Tending for Butterflies” by Lenora.Larson was announced by Margarete Johnson. The beautiful and informative slide presentation, emphasizing the biology of plants and butterflies, their life cycles and
needs was given by Lenora Larson. Each person was given a small plant of the annual tropical milkweed to plant
in their garden.
The National President, Linda Nelson, installed the 2015-2017 state officers with a theme of “Smarties.” Caroline
Wittman was installed as parliamentarian, Ann Becker as treasurer, Andrea Staudenmaier as recording secretary,
Jean Tinberg as 1st vice-president and Jackie Watts as President.
Since Elaine Holmstrom had resigned as awards chairman at the fall board meeting, Jackie Watts explained her
idea for a new system. Each district would have one person in charge of their awards with a point system, to decide winners that would go on to RMR. One of the three would be designated the state awards chairman. Details
still need to be worked out. Elaine is still acting awards chairman until the new chairman is found.
Kit Carlsen made the following motion. ” I move that since KAGC President JoAnn Schroller is unable to attend
the NGC Convention in Louisville, KY on May 13-20, and President-Elect Jackie Watts will be representing KAGC
at that convention that the $200 allocated to the President is made available to President-elect Jackie Watts”. It
was seconded by Ruth Pleak. The motion passed.
Linda Stahlman thanked JoAnn Schroller for her great job as state president the last two years.
Brenda Slaughter invited everyone to Hays for 2016 convention to be held May 20-21, 2016 entitled “Blue Skies
and Butterflies.” She handed out darling invitations to each club and promised “something special” that only
Hays had.
The silent auction winners were announced.
Resolutions, written by Louise Greenberg, were read by Caroline Wittman. It was moved by Kit Carlsen and seconded by Ann Becker that they be adopted. The motion passed. They are included. I still need these
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30pm by JoAnn Schroller.
Respectively submitted,
Andrea Staudenmaier, Secretary
Jean Tinberg, Minute’s committee
Evelyn Zellmer, Minute’s committee
Penny Morgan, Minute’s committee
Kansas Gardener
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July 2015
NGC President’s Project
Sandra H. Robinson, President 2015—2017
Administrative Theme
Leap into Action!
President’s Special Project
Service in Action
President’s Projects
Pollinators – Clubs, States and Regions can help protect and conserve with
new and continued programs including Monarch Watch, Crown Bees Bee GAP and
Backyard Wildlife Habitat.
Amphibians – A brand new reading book and Youth Project for Kids age Preschool through 3rd Grade! The book and lesson plan materials are available on
NGC’s website at : www.shopgardenclub.org.
Leadership – Clubs and states are encouraged to host workshops and to promote leader development. “Leap into Action” and help develop tomorrow’s leaders
Jackie Watts
NGC President’s Projects
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July 2015
Next issue will be out in November after the Fall Board Meeting. Thank you
very much for the clubs that sent me articles, keep it up. Again I would like
to have articles from all the Gardens Clubs in the State. Chairman of Committees, please send me articles also.
Please remember the new sign on for the NGC website:
Jackie Watts, Editor
We will again order Calendars as a state.
I will pick them up when I go to the Board
Meeting and then deliver to Salina. The
checks (after we find out how many we
are going to order) should be made out to
East Central District. The cost is the
same $ 5.00 per copy 2-49 copies, $4.50
each if we order 50-99 copies, $ 4.00 if
we order more than 100 copies. Please
forward to me the number of copies you
want before September 1 .
Thank you, Jackie Watts
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July 2015
“Strutting Your Stuff”
80th Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting 2015
September 11 - 12, 2015
On the following page is the registration form for the RMR meeting in Sioux
Please note that the floral arrangement for the state presidents is an option
but not required. Some folks have said it is so stressful with traveling, etc.
but it is up to each individual state to decide what they want to do as we did
discuss at the RMR meeting in CO.
RMR Director Darlene has asked me to invite your clubs/state to bring an
item for the silent auction (not a white elephant) since that is one of the only ways the Region has to raise money. We ask that you provide as estimated value on the item. We will set a starting bid, have the paper/pens for
bidding, etc.
Kansas Gardener
July, 2015
Kansas Gardener
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July 2015
Our club membership drive has done very well with 6 new members in the first 6 months. We
are thrilled; our new members are all wonderful additions to the club. We hope that the second
half of the year will see continued growth in our membership
The highlight of our May meeting was a trip to Stephen’s Orchard. Walt Stephen, beekeeper and orchard
owner, gave his fascinating “Beekeeping 101” talk,
which included many aspects of how bees live and work
as a hive, the hive structure, and equipment used in raising bees. He had isolated a queen, drones, and worker
bees from his hives and placed them in special viewing
boxes for us to inspect.
Club members conducted a number of activities honoring National Garden Week. Some of our members are
pictured below at the club’s educational display in the
Bonner Springs City Library.
In June, we took a trip to the Olathe Veterans Memorial Park and enjoyed the tree identification walk
(kudos to the Olathe Club for their great job on that!).
Then the group went for lunch at a nearby Pizza Hut.
The last stop was Ernie Miller Nature Center where
the wild prairie area was beautiful and there were
many fun things to see in the nature center.
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July 2015
Prairie Garden Club has 26 members, three of which are new members who
joined the club since January. Our meetings are held on the fourth Thursday
of each month in members homes or at the Public Library. Our meetings
often open with a program given by a club member or guest speakers on
topics of interest to gardeners. The program is followed by a short business
meeting. There is plenty of fellowship and visiting while we enjoy soft
drinks and sweets at the end of each meeting. Guests are always welcome.
On Saturday June 6th, in honor of National Garden Week, members met at
the Sweetwater Ranch located northwest of Hays for a Wildflower Tour. Our
leader this year was retired biology instructor, Mrs. Cooper. Club members
were surprised by a close encounter with a Bull Snake and also had a rare
sighting of a Horned Toad among the over 30 wildflower varieties identified
on the grassland hillside. The group brought sack lunches which they ate on
picnic tables under shade trees near the rustic lodge house and log cabin
located on the grounds. The day was perfect for all with an overcast sky, a
light breeze, and a guide who
had expertise in identifying
Thank you Mrs. Cooper, for
making this day special for all
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July 2015
On May 7th members met at a local Art Gallery to hold our annual Plant
Give-Away. All members are asked to share seedlings and transplants from
their flowerbeds to share with the public. We always have a large variety of
plants such as daylilies, iris, coneflowers, rudbeckia, and many other
common varieties too numerous to mention. This has been a tradition of our
club for well over 50 years. We advertise the event, but most participants
have been attending for years and people start lining up well before we are
set up and ready to start sharing our plants. We also sell ’Digit’ garden tools
and seed collected from last years gardens. Some of our members joined our
club because they attended this event and saw how much fun we have.
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Prairie Acres Garden Club like to recognize the support we received from the NE
District. Floral Arts for the fabulous designs that graced our banquet tables (& went
home with lucky, happy winners) & Queen of Spades for the beautiful Iris that made
the conference room go WOW!! They went on to grace lucky winners homes!! And,
last but not least Caroline Wittman who encouraged, supported and listened until
her ears were worn out to our worries & concerns. Thank You! Thank You!!
We used our May meeting to review the convention, discuss the good things, the unexpected events & how to better handle those little emergencies, & to say "we did
it! We're glad we did & we're happy it is over so we can get back to our regular
meetings & gardening".
Our June meeting was on Roses. "How to " from buying to planting to caring for a
rose bush. We met at the home of Karen Jones who has over 40 examples in her garden. In July we will once again learn about the issue of pollinators with a guest
speaker then we'll take a little break through August.
Our nominating committee is now working on our slate of officers for the coming
year. We always look forward to fall. Rocky Mountain conference in South Dakota,
our NE district meeting in Topeka and our state meeting in Salina as well as our local
activities. It will be busy but informative and a chance to bring the "prizes" to our
meetings for judging!!
Lee Hedrick, President.
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July 2015