VOL XLIX - Konark Herbals And Health Care
VOL XLIX - Konark Herbals And Health Care
VOL XLIX CHAIRMAN MESSAGE INDEX Strawberry Fragrance .........Pg. 1 Lemon Flavour ...... Pg. 1 Hair Stylo Complex ......Pg. 2 Shankhpushpi Liquid Extract .......Pg. 3 Kaunch Dry Extract ...Pg. 4 W e welcome this monsoon season with some of our products such as Kaunch Dry extract, Shankhpushpi Liquid extract, Strawberry fragrance, Lemon flavor and Hair Stylo Complex.Kaunch is considered useful to relieve constipation, elephantiasis, dropsy, neuropathy, ulcers and fever. It has long been used in traditional Ayurvedic Indian medicine for diseases including Parkinson's disease. According to the Ayurveda, roots of Kaunch are bitter, diuretic, emollient, stimulant, aphrodisiac, purgative, febrifuge and tonic in nature. Shankhpushpi possesses an important role in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, asthma and amnesia. It is well known for its memory enhancement, antiepileptic and immuno modulatory properties Rakesh S. Gupta - CMD in the traditional Indian system of medicine.It has been used to treat Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. Strawberry fragrance has sweet, refreshing, juicy, fruity aroma. It is used to impart fragrance to soap, bath, haircare formulations like shampoo, shower gel, skin care products like cream, lotion etc. Lemon flavour is used for flavouring cakes, biscuits, icings, desserts confectionery, beverages etc.We are at Konark providing different types of complexes meant for Hair care. Konark Hair Stylo is one of them which is blend of various herbal extracts such as Aloe Vera, Rosemary, Brahmi, Ginkobiloba, Chammomile, Birch, Hibiscus, Jasmine, and Ashwagandha & Amla.It is full of all herbal beneficial components which will nourish, treat the damaged hairs and helps to maintain them healthy along with luster. Strawberry Fragrance S trawberry fragrance has a distinctive smell of fruity-green and a bit even caramel, with sublime flowery and spicy nuances. It has sweet, refreshing, juicy, fruity aroma. It is used to impart fragrance to body or haircare formulations like shampoo, shower gel, soap, skin care products like cream, lotion etc. Lemon Flavour L emon flavour is used to flavor a variety of products, from beverages and sauces to baked goods and main dishes. A high strength natural lemon flavouring with strong citrus tones used it for ices, bakery, confectionery, beverages and much more.It is ideal for flavouring cakes, biscuits, icings, desserts and can also be used in vinaigrette dressings. Hair Stylo Complex H air gel is a hairstyling product that is used to stiffen hair into a particular hairstyle. Hair is a filamentous biomaterial that grows from follicles found in the dermis. Most common interest in hair is focused on hair growth and hair care. In today's era there are many things such as diet, lifestyle and pollution that influence the health of the hair. Polluted environment and lack of hair care affects the quality of hair and problems like dandruff, thinning, hair spoil the hair. Hence it is necessary to take care of hairs to keep them healthy and to treat damaged hairs. We at Konark are providing different types of complexes meant for hair care. Konark Hair Stylo is one of them which are blend of various herbal extracts. Konark Hair Stylo Complex is a complete herbal solution for hair care. It can find its place in hair gels which will be natural product to set the hairs. It is full of all herbal beneficial components which will nourish, treat the damaged hairs and helps to maintain them healthy along with luster. Konark Hair Stylo Complex is composed of Aloevera, Rosemary, Brahmi, Ginkobiloba, Chamomile, Birch, Hibiscus, Jasmine, and Ashwagandha & Amla. Aloe vera is the ingredient of Konark STYLO Complex. It important component main HAIR is an which imparts luster and conditioning effect to the hairs. Aloe vera has antibacterial and antifungal properties which possibly could help to treat minor skin infections. Aloe vera can be used in many hair care products such as hair gel, shampoo and conditioners. Aloe vera contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antiinflammatory agents which treat damaged hairs and keep them healthy. Rosemary is used as a natural hair conditioner, remedy for dandruff. The fresh woody evergreen smell and the beneficial healing properties of Rosemary provide additional benefits to the hairs. Rosemary helps stimulate follicles and helps to grow hair longer and stronger. It can help to slow down or even permanently hold off premature hair loss. Rosemary helps to eliminate dryness. It soothes and conditions dry, flaky scalps. Brahmi also finds a place in this complex which is a remedy for people with chronic hair problems. Brahmi can make hair dark, dense, and lustrous. It strengthens hair roots, thus controlling hair thinning and hair loss. Chamomile strengthens your hair because it has lots of calcium. The calcium nourishes your hair, letting it grow faster, and stronger. The special formula with natural Chamomile extract nourishes the hair, giving weak, lifeless, dull hair brightness, softness and shine. It is used for soothing and hydrating effect for the hair and scalp. Birch helps to strengthen hair roots, prevent the forming of dandruff and contribute to the healing of scalp irritations. Birch leaves strengthen the hair and give it a silky glow and softness. It helps in reducing hair loss and is believed to promote hair growth. This herb is often prescribed to the p e o p l e w h o s u f fe r f ro m thinning hair. Ginko biloba is a popular herb for hair loss, thought to generate hair growth by providing more nutrients to the hair follicles. Ginkgo biloba boost hair re-growth. Due to excellent natural properties of this remedy to stimulate blood circulation to the brain and skin, this herbal remedy is thought to be effective for promoting hair re-growth and improving the quality of the hair. H i b i s c u s a l s o p ro m o t e s healthy hair and shiny hair. Hibiscus extracts are used in hair oils, shampoos, hair tonic and conditioners. It is also great as a gentle scalp scrub. Jasmine helps to strengthen hair roots, which in turn ensure each hair strand is tensile, grows long and doesn't go brittle. Jasmine with its many healing properties acts as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent and a sedative. strengthening the hair roots so that the hair may not fall easily. It also helps in opening up the clogged hair pores so that new hairs may appear and grow fast. Ashwagandha is believed to help improve scalp circulation as well as help get rid of dandruff. Amla is used in hair & skin care p ro d u c t s b e c a u s e o f i t s antioxidant and collagen production properties. Amla is cooling, nourishing, purifying, and helps prevent dry scalp and flakes. Ashwa ga nd ha help s in Shankhpushpi Liquid Extract S hankhpushpi is a well known medicinal plant in Indian system of medicine i.e. Ayurveda. It is botanically termed as Evolvulus alsinoides. It also possesses a synonym as Convolvulus pluricaulis. It belongs to the family Convolvulaceae; it is a perennial herb with a small woody and branched rootstock. Shankhpushpi plant is used for its various medicinal properties. Shankhpushpi is used mainly in traditional medicine of East Asia. The plant is used in Ayurveda as a brain tonic. It possesses an important role in t h e t r e a t m e n t o f neurodegenerative diseases, asthma and amnesia. It is well known for its memory enhancement, antiepileptic and immuno modulatory properties in the traditional Indian system of medicine. It improves brain function like memory and concentration. Clinical-studies have justified the potential use of Shankhpushpi in treating dementia, and the ancient claim of brain-tonic. Thus it has been used to treat Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. The plant is used across India, Africa and Philippines to cure fever, cough and cold, venereal diseases, adenitis, and depression. The plant contains alkaloids s u c h a s b e t a i n e , shankhapushpine, B-sitosterol and evolvine. Fresh plant contains volatile oil. It also contains a yellow neutral fat, an organic acid and saline substances. Theses compounds help brain stimulation and increase the ability to concentrate. The oil obtains from the herb promotes the growth of hair. This herb is a preferred method or a solution for reducing symptoms associated with anxiety, panic attacks, nervousness and insomnia. It is also very useful in urinary disorders and hypertension. It is well known for its memory enhancing property in traditional Indian system of medicine and extensively commercialized as nervin tonic in Asian countries. Shankhpushpi extracts have exhibited antioxidant, anti-ulcer, and immunomodulatory activities. Shankhpushpi is one of the miraculous plants that can be used to treat various diseases and as a memory booster. We are a t Ko n a rk p rov i d e s p u re shankhpushpi extracts in different forms which can find its place in medicines as well as other health supplements. Kaunch Dry Extract M ucuna pruriens is known as kaunch or velvet bean in India. It is a climbing legume endemic in India and in other parts of the tropics including Central and South America. It has value in agricultural and horticultural use and has a range of medicinal properties. The plant is an annual, climbing shrub with long vines that can reach over 15 m in length. Since ancient times it has been used in the treatment of medical ailments. According to the Ayurveda, roots of Mucuna pruriens are bitter, diuretic, emollient, stimulant, aphrodisiac, purgative, febrifuge and tonic in nature. It is considered useful to relieve constipation, elephantiasis, dropsy, neuropathy, ulcers and fever. Seeds are astringent, laxative, anti helmintic, alexipharmic in nature. Studies also suggested that tolerability might be better with mucuna seeds than with standard L-dopa preparations. M. pruriens seeds have also been found to have antidepressant properties in cases of depressive neurosis when consumed. Formulations of the seed powder have shown effectiveness in the management and treatment of Parkinson disease. M. pruriens seeds contain high concentrations of levodopa, a direct precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine. It has long been used in traditional Ayurvedic Indian medicine for diseases including Parkinson's disease. In large amounts it has been shown to be as effective as pure levodopa/carbidopa in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Mucuna pruriens have also shown varying degree of hypoglycemic and anti-hyperglycemic activity. We at Konark provides Kaunch Dry Extract, rich with medicinal properties and holding a promise in cure of mental illness and other health ailments. Dear Customer, We invite you to give your advertisement or any announcement in our newsletter please send us your creative (9cm x 11cm). Today our circulation has reached 5000copies and well appreciated by most of the CMDs, CEOs, Directors and other top management designators. Kindly also send your suggestions, reviews and testimonies regarding our newsletter to help us improve in a better way. For further details contact Mobile: +91 9870450781 Konark STEPHEN PILLAI - Manager Branding Email : pillaisp@konarkgroup.com Konark Research Foundation SPECIALLY FOR YOU EMS Electronic Manufacturing Services KONARK HERBAL & HEALTH CARE 333, Adhyaru Industrial Estate, Sunmill Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013. INDIA. TEL.: + 91 22 61475300 Web: www.konarkherbal.com Email Id : arg@konarkgroup.com, vrg@konarkgroup.com