new program! - Restaurant Supply Chain Solutions, LLC
new program! - Restaurant Supply Chain Solutions, LLC
950 Breckenridge Lane Suite 300 Louisville, KY 40207 502-896-5900 Update from Joe Main Dear Member, 2010 was a year of growth for UFPC Resource Services. We added nine new programs and thousands of member participants to our existing and new programs. Resource Services now offers over 70 discounted programs to help reduce member cost. Our key measure, contract access points, has grown to nearly 200,000. New programs added: • Ameresco – energy billing audit and reporting solutions • RealWinWin – utility equipment rebates • PODS – 20 percent savings for storage and moving solutions • Cintas – discounts on floor mats, aprons, towels and first aid kits Thank you for your continued support of UFPC Resource Services. If you have any questions about our programs, please feel free to contact us. Joe Main Vice President Resource Services 502.896.5996 Services Energy Craig Goldstein Director, Resource Services 502.891.4741 Marcus Fister Director, National Energy 502.896.5996 Christina Cardinali Sr. Services Analyst 502.891.2772 Sara Ackerman Sr. Energy Analyst 502.891.2752, Lisa Franzblau Resource Services Administrator 502.896.5933 Julie Clem Buyer, Energy (Contractor) 502.893.4189, Gift Cards Technology Angela Grant Sr. Manager, Gift Card Operations 502.891.4728 Candace Hilderbrand Manager Technology Programs 502.896.5915 • Lincoln Waste Services – waste consulting services • Dell – 10 to 30 percent savings on computers, laptops and other accessories • Enterprise – 7 percent savings on car rentals • Measure 3 – over 50 percent savings on mystery shopper programs • H&R Block – special pricing for store level employees Last year, we began a new initiative to further confirm members were aware of all of our discount programs. Resource Services staff contacts members and reviews programs via a thirty minute conference call. The Checklist of Savings on pages Kae Thompson Sr. Gift Card Analyst 502.896.5993 Michael Mongeon Gift Card Analyst 502.891.4752 4 and 5 is a summary of all programs and points out total cost savings to help you understand if you are taking advantage of all Resource Services savings opportunities. If you would like us to review the list with you, call and we will schedule a thirty minute conference call to review each program. On average, we find members miss out on 8 – 10 program opportunities. We are reviewing numerous new programs for 2011. Below are a few of them. • Best Buy – savings on home theater items and other electronics • Verizon – employee program with a higher discount • Financial-related programs including review of purchasing cards • Hewlett Packard – discounts on printers and ink • Several new employee programs We continue to expand our employee offerings and have added new programs which can be found on our Employee Discount Poster. Our posters are in over 13,000 stores and offer great benefits to your employees at no cost to you. To learn more about how to order posters, see page 60 in the directory. Last year, we also launched a new initiative called the Employee Discount Wallet Card. Similar to the Employee Discount Poster, the card lists eight offers with discount redemption information. The cards are the size of a credit card and fit in a wallet. To order wallet cards for team members, see page 61 in the directory. We also launched a new promotional effort at the 2011 AKFCF Convention with our UFPC Resource Services Business Partner Alley. The alley consisted of twenty approved vendors along with the UFPC Resource Services booth in an exclusive aisle in the exhibit hall. We had drawings for giveaways every half hour in the alley and vendors offered special show-only promotions. We have received positive feedback on this initiative and look forward to doing it again at future shows. We will continue to execute in 2011 with the same momentum and enthusiasm. We appreciate your continued support for making UFPC Resource Services programs successful and your feedback is always welcome. Sincerely, Joe Main Vice President UFPC Resource Services 1 Table of Contents Checklist of Savings - Page 3 Energy Services - Page 7 Services - Page 13 Technology - Page 41 Cell Phones - Page 53 Employee Programs - Page 59 Gift Cards - Page 67 Other Programs - Page 69 2 UFPC Resource Services UFPC Resource Services offers over 70 discount and value added programs to help reduce your over all cost of operating your stores. The Checklist of Savings on the following two pages is a summary of all our programs and helps you understand if you are taking advantage of all the UFPC Resource Services savings opportunities. If you would like us to review the list with you, call us to schedule a 30 minute conference call to review each program. During the call, we will walk you through each of our programs to make sure you are taking advantage of all the discounts we offer and the money you can save. If you are not signed up for programs, we will work with our vendors to get you signed up. We began this new service for our franchisees in late 2010. On average, we are signing franchisees up for 8 – 10 new programs during these calls. Call us today at 502.896.5933 to set up a thirty minute conference call. Checklist of Savings 3 CHECKLIST OF SAVINGS 2011 SPRING/SUMMER 4 Program Vendor Car Rentals Avis/Budget & Enterprise p. 14 Cell Phones AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon p. 5457, 62, 65 CO2 NuCo2 p. 15 Computer Hardware, Electronics & Accessories Dell, EnPointe & PC Mall p. 42, 62, 64, 75 Copy & Printing Services FedEx Office p. 19 Credit & Debit Processing BA Merchant Services & Citi/ First Data p. 17, 18 Employee Discount Poster & Wallet Cards UFPC Resource Services Program Team p. 60, 61 Employee Retention Ricke & Associates p.19 Energy Services UFPC Resource Services Energy Team Energy Rebates & Invoice Payments Ameresco & RealWinWin p. 9, 11 Facilities - Clean Store Program Cintas p. 21 Financial & Accounting Services FPO Solutions, InfoSync, p. 22 Gift Cards UFPC Gift Card Team p. 68 In-Store Flat Screen TVs Best Buy p. 46 In-Store Music AMTC & Muzak p. 43, 44 In-Store TV Programming Dish Network p. 45, 63 Internet Services Interface p. 47 Internet TV U-Verse from AT&T p. 62 Local & Long Distance AT&T p. 16 Checklist of Savings Description Click here to view secure information. You will be asked to log in. Page p. 8, 10 CHECKLIST OF SAVINGS 2011 SPRING/SUMMER Program Vendor Movie & Retail Discounts Working Advantage p. 66 Mystery Shopper Service Measure 3 p. 23 Office Supplies OfficeMax p. 24 Oil Change Jiffy Lube & Valvoline p. 63, 66 Pan Cleaning Pan-Glo p. 25 Parcel Shipping UPS and FedEx p. 26 Paycards BAMS Money Network p. 20 Payroll Services ADP p. 27 Pest Control Copesan, Ecolab, Orkin, Steritech & Terminix p. 28 - 32 Roofing Systems Duro-Last Roofing p. 33 Safety Shoes Payless Satellite Music Sirius/XM Security Services DTT, Martco, Westec SmartSafes Brinks, Loomis p. 35 & 36 Storage Solutions PODS p. 37 Tax Preparations H&R Block p. 38 Telecom Analysis Telecom Decision Makers p. 39 Tires & Auto Maintenance Partners Plus p. 63 Waste Consulting Lincoln Waste Services p. 40 Wi-Fi Services AT&T, Sprint p. 50 & 51 UFPC Equipment Sales, Smallwares, Parts and Contractor Connection UFPC Equipment Sales p. 70 & 71 Description Click here to view secure information. You will be asked to log in. Page p. 34, 63 p. 64 p. 48, 49, 80 Checklist of Savings 5 Not receiving Resource Services e-mails? Send your name and e-mail address to to begin receiving our latest savings updates. 6 Energy Services Sara Ackerman Marcus Fister Julie Clem Sr. Energy Analyst Director, National Energy Buyer, Energy (contractor) 502.891.2752 502.896.5996 502.893.4189 Engergy Services 7 ENERGY SERVICES Energy Services UFPC’s Energy Services Team offers various energy management solutions that enable members to better manage energy costs. Our three main focal points are: 1) Deregulated Procurement: UFPC contracts in 72 separate utility markets across the U.S. with average per store savings of over $500 annually for gas, and over $2,000 annually for electricity. Other important factors include: The highs and the lows in the spot market for natural gas prices have spread over 400% during the last two years. Not being part of UFPC’s Energy Program leaves you open to this volatility risk. Please avoid unnecessary risks to your bottom line by contacting us today. If you are not under an agreement and are in one of the following colored states (marked by utility type), please call us TODAY! Electric & Gas Electric Only Gas Only 2) Rebate and Audit programs: Many states offer incentives for customers to install energy efficient equipment. UFPC is happy to assist members in seeking these rebate $$. To date, UFPC has earned members over $3 million in direct cash incentives from utility companies. In regulated markets where UFPC cannot buy energy, we will work with your team to review your bills for rate errors. Many utilities offer multiple rate options. Allow UFPC to determine which one is best for your sites! 8 Energy Services 3) Restaurant Best Practices: UFPC is partnering with outside vendors such as Accuserv, MC Sign Company and Trane to deliver energy saving opportunities. Below is a “Top 5” list that all members can perform in their restaurants to ensure certain energy savings: 1) Lighting Retrofits • Replace incandescent bulbs with Compact Fluorescents (CFLs) • Replace T12 fluorescent fixtures with T8/T5 specs • Replace exit signage ▫▫ Potential savings: up to $3,000 per store annually 2) Equipment Staging • Use equipment only when needed; develop a staging cycle • Displays, warming cabinets, fryers ▫▫ Potential savings: $2,000 to $4,000 per store annually 3) Replace Inefficient Equipment • Look for the Energy Star label • Upgrade to High Efficiency HVAC units ▫▫ Potential savings: $500 to $2,500 per store annually 4) Install Controls/Building Improvements • Energy Management Systems • Motion Sensors/Photocells/Thermostats ▫▫ Potential savings: $500 to $5,000 per store annually 5) Implement a Preventative Maintenance Program • Replace all air filters • Check refrigerant levels/clean coils • Inspect and adjust belts and blowers ▫▫ Potential savings: $500 to $2,000 per store annually NEW PROGRAM! Ameresco AXIS™ specializes in a multi-site approach to data management for tracking, reporting and cost analysis of utility information and carbon footprint tracking. W payment service. Here are some of the key details: W your energy costs, Ameresco can help you with our AXIS utility bill W If you are a multiple store owner-operator and are serious about reducing W for accuracy, and ensures the bill is paid on time. Once the bill has been This data will enable you to identify poor performing stores and W processed, you will have instant web access to never before seen data. equipment, better manage your energy, and develop a real energy W W W W management program that can be tested, put into use, and monitored. Sample Report: Supplier verses LDC charges To learn more, contact Beth Miller of Ameresco at 888.735.1510 or your UFPC Energy Representative. Access to all (usage, weather, trending, data) reports as needed to allow your facility and operations teams to lower costs through energy conservation efforts by identifying underperforming stores and validating new equipment installs and energy reduction projects across any jurisdiction. Immediate web access to view all bills within 24 hours of post office receipt; and direct access to your own private carbon reporting and carbon footprint data. Online training by both UFPC and Ameresco as needed. Quarterly CD backups of all data (bills, payments, etc). ©2011 Ameresco. All rights reserved. Negotiated by UFPC Engergy Services 9 ENERGY SOLUTIONS AXIS captures each of the essential elements from the bill, audits the bill No service interruptions. Reduce billing errors and late fees. Lower costs to process utility bill invoices while avoiding valuable staff time solving continuous utility bill problems and long waits on 1-800#s. Assume that you are paying the appropriate amount for each utility invoice and having all utility bills audited and resolved at the time of data input. Access to a web-based reporting platform that enables you to create any type of report you wish (finance, accruals, outliers, high-and low-cost stores, test unit stores, facility, operations, etc.) so that you can focus on solving the real issues at hand. Thus, freeing up your time to run your restaurants. ENERGY SOLUTIONS Electric Rates DRIVES Payback: Invest in energy efficiency and realize a TRUE blast to your bottom line! Save electricity costs by using less wattage with the same light output as an incandescent. Highest Cost Markets > $0.12 per kwh Middle Costs: Between $0.09 & $0.12 per kwh Lowest Costs: < $0.09 per kwh Qualify for potential rebates! Payback Schedule Program High-Cost State Mid-Cost State Low-Cost State Annual Savings Potential per Site* Exterior Lighting Retrofit (MC Sign - Accuserv) 6 to 12 Months 1 to 2 Years >2 Years $400 to $1,500 Interior Lighting Retrofit (MC Sign - Accuserv) 12 to 18 Months 1 to 2 Years >2 Years $500 to $3,000 Energy Control Systems 18 to 24 Months 2 to 3 Years >3 Years $1,500 to $5,000 TRANE High Efficiency HVAC 12 to 18 Months 1 to 2 Years >3 Years $500 to $2,500 LED Lamp Replacement** 6 to 12 Months 1 to 2 Years >2 Years $250 to $1,500 *Actual savings will differ depending on variables such as: store size, sales, equipment, geographic location and age. ** New builds/scrape and rebuilds only. Retrofitting existing bulbs to LED may have longer payback time due to larger investment. Contact Accuserv to learn more. 10 Energy Services NEW PROGRAM! Utility Rebates & Incentives Each year, electric, gas and water utilities collect billions of dollars from rate payers and redistribute those funds in the form of incentives and rebates to help lower the cost of energy-efficient capital improvements. For organizations seeking to make best use of its capital and operating dollars, capturing rebates and incentives for new construction, renovations and energy-saving retrofits is an effective way to accelerate the payback on energy-efficient projects. ENERGY SOLUTIONS The Industry Leader UFPC has partnered with the industry leader RealWinWin to deliver a turn-key solution to Operators across North America. Headquartered in Philadelphia, RealWinWin provides Rebate Administration™, an outsourced rebate and incentive identification and capture service covering all fifty U.S. States and Canada. Rebate Administration is a contingency-based “success-fee” service, RealWinWin only collects a fee when it successfully captures a rebate or incentive. Eligible Technologies RealWinWin’s Rebate Administration covers the most relevant categories of rebates and incentives, such as: • • • • • • HVAC Refrigeration Ice Makers LED Signage Refrigerators Steam Cookers • • • • • • Motors/Drives/Pumps Energy Mgmt System Furnace/Boilers Cook Lines Freezers Gas Conservation • • • • • • Lighting LEDs Grills/Griddles/Ovens Cool Roof Fryers/Broilers Food Holding Cabinets Water Conservation To initiate project screening and/or rebate capture: Sara Ackerman – UFPC 502.891.2752 Abby Watson – RealWinWin 215.732.4480, ext. 253 Negotiated by UFPC Approved by Yum! Brands, Inc. Engergy Services 11 Not receiving Resource Services e-mails? Send your name and e-mail address to to begin receiving our latest savings updates. 12 Energy Services SERVICES Joe Main Vice President, Resource Services 502.896.5904 Christina Cardinali Sr. Services Analyst 502.891.2772 christina_cardinali@ Lisa Franzblau Resource Services Administrator Craig Goldstein Director, Resource Services 502.891.4741 craig_goldstein@ Services 13 NEW PROGRAM! Enterprise Rent-A-Car and National Car Rental are offering a discount on car rentals. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Make your reservation by: • Enterprise - Call 1.800.RENTACAR or • National - Call 1-800-CAR-RENT or CAR RENTAL You are eligible for a complimentary membership in the emerald club. For additional questions, please contact: Dede Shafar 502.479.4731 Negotiated by UFPC Avis and Budget have exclusive, low rates for Yum! Brands franchisees. Just make sure your Avis or Budget number is set up in your Avis® Preferred® Service or Budget Fastbreak® profile to ensure your exclusive rates. Visit and enter your AWD number or visit and enter your BCD number. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Avis features GM vehicles. ©2009 Avis Rent A Car System, LLC Budget features Ford and Lincoln Mercury vehicles. ©2009 Budget Rent A Car System, Inc. 18178 Negotiated by Yum! Brands 14 Services Beverage Carbonation Services Program for Yum! Brands franchisees; deeply-discounted rates on flexible programs! • NuCO2 Is The Industry Leader In Soft Drink And Draught Beer Gas Solutions To The U.S. Foodservice Industry – with141depots throughouttheU.S.,wehaveaservicelocationwithinreachofyou! • Latest And Safest Technology – Wearetheonlynationaldistributorof certified,beverage-gradebulkcarbondioxide andweutilizethebest technologiestokeepyouandyourguestssafe. • We Serve You 24/7 – Asimplecallto1-866-YUM-BULKputsyouintouch withaNuCO2 employeewhocanhandleallyourneeds. • We Keep Our Promise To You – Wesatisfymore than140,000customersnationwideincluding11,000+ ConceptCo-OpMembersites. Too Much Hassle Too Expensive Too Risky CO 2 UFPC Savings No-chargestandardinstallationandupkeep Special,deeply-discountedflatmonthlyratefor bulkCO2 tankrental,lowper-delivered-pound pricefor the CO2 thatyou use Samelowper-delivered-pound priceforCO2 ifyou alreadyowna tank Automatically-ScheduledDeliveriesMatchedToYourNeeds Getting Started CallNuCO2’s conceptco-op memberhotlineat866.YUMBULK (866.986.2855) toarrange ano-cost, no-obligationsite-surveytofacilitateyourconversiontotheUFPCbulkCO2 program. Contact ForProgramSign-UpandQuestions: 866.YUMBULK (866.986.2855) Orvisitusontheweb: Negotiated by UFPC Services 15 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Discount on Interstate calls (calls to other states). Intrastate rates vary by state. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. AT&T Local Phone Service rates are available and vary by state. To access rates and obtain all service needs, go to: For additional support, contact: Wendy Meyer 502.489.0603 Negotiated by Yum! Brands 16 Services Bank of America Merchant Services is a premier payments company combining the technology and innovative products of First Data with the relationship, strength and geographical coverage of Bank of America. As a Yum! Brands approved vendor, Bank of America Merchant Services offers a credit card processing program that meets the demands of the foodservice industry to make it easier for you to accept electronic payments. • Low Visa® and MasterCard® Rates with No Hidden Fees: Leverage the processing volume of the Yum! Brands system and secure rates that are among the lowest in the foodservice industry. • Innovative Solutions: Our clients benefit from service offerings including loyalty and prepaid programs, mobile commerce and check solutions that drive return traffic and provide consumers with security, convenience and rewards. • Integrated Gift Card Terminal Solution: As the gift card service provider for A&W, KFC, Long John Silver’s and Pizza Hut gift card programs, we offer a VeriFone® terminal solution that supports credit, debit and gift cards in a single seamless terminal software application at no additional cost. • Customized Customer Support for Yum! Brands Franchisees: Dedicated toll-free customer support offering 24/7 technical support. • Online Internet Reporting and Chargeback Tools: Free online reporting tools to facilitate reconciliation and chargebacks. For more information or to start your relationship with us today, please contact a Bank of America Merchant Services representative at 1.888.880.4YUM (4986). © 2011 Banc of America Merchant Services, LLC. All rights reserved. All trademarks, service marks and trade names referenced in this material are the property of and licensed by their respective owners. Merchant Services are provided by Bank of America, N.A. and its representative Banc of America Merchant Services, LLC. Banc of America Merchant Services, LLC is not a bank, does not offer bank deposits, and its services are not guaranteed or insured by the FDIC or any other governmental agency. Negotiated by Yum! Brands Services 17 CREDIT/DEBIT PROCESSING • Experience: We are an active credit card processor for Yum! Brands company-operated restaurants. Citi Merchant Services Provided by First Data Merchant Services Corporation Lower your processing costs and expand your payment solutions. CREDIT/DEBIT PROCESSING A Special Low Rate for reliable, secure payment processing offered to Yum! Brands Franchisees by Citi Merchant Services provided by First Data Merchant Services Corp. We provide industry leading credit, debit, and gift card solutions to over 3,000 Yum! Brands franchisee-operated restaurants. Making the transition is easy! Call our dedicated team at 866.375.9405. We will collect your merchant information and walk you through program enrollment. We’ll be with you every step of the way as you set-up your system and begin processing credit, debit and gift cards. If you are under contract with another card processor, be sure to call us when your contract expires to compare services and rates. Citi/First Data has proven experience in the QSR industry, servicing 16 of the top 25 QSR chains for credit card processing, representing over 60,000 QSR locations. For additional support, contact John Tolve at 770.933.7948 or © Copyright 2010 | First Data Corporation. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks, service marks and trade names reference in this material are the property of their respective owners. Citi and Citi Arc Design are registered service marks of Citigroup Inc. and are used by First Data under license. Negotiated by UFPC 18 Services Use your account number at checkout. When you’re ready to pay for services, present your FedEx Office account number and your discounts will be automatically applied. Then, simply pay with your credit card. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Kevin Haller Phone: 502.310.9912 E-mail: COPY SERVICES FedEx Office (formerly FedEx Kinko’s) offers fast and professional savings and convenience for franchisees. Get discounts on color and black and white copies, and all other services. Negotiated by UFPC Ricke & Associates provides franchisees with important financial planning tools and 38 years of experience in working with business owners and franchisees. Our services include: For more information on how to participate, please call or e-mail Larry Ricke at 1.888.537.4253 or Ricke & Associates is an established financial services provider for Yum! Brands franchisees. Our expertise is helping franchisees protect their bottom line and preserve their wealth. If losing a key employee would have a negative impact on your business, let us show you proven ways to retain them. Negotiated by UFPC Services 19 EMPLOYEE RETENTION - 401(k) Retirement Plans with discounted administrative fees for UFPC members - Key Employee Retention Plans that allow you to choose which employee(s) to reward - Key Person Life Insurance for you, a family member, or a business partner - Disability Insurance - Long Term Care Insurance - Pre-Paid Legal Expense Plans - Identity Theft Protection Plans - Retirement Planning Services - Business Succession Planning - Family Business Planning Replace your payroll checks with an electronic Visa® paycard and receive an annual rebate of $6.00 per employee when you sign up for the Money NetworkTM Payroll Distribution Service available through Bank of America Merchant Services. EMPLOYEE PAYCARD The Money NetworkTM Electronic Payroll Distribution Service enables paperless pay for employers like you, while providing your employees with a safe, convenient and cost-effective alternative to receiving paper checks. The Money NetworkTM Payroll Distribution Service is offered through Bank of America Merchant Services, a Yum! Brands approved credit card processor. Our service will allow your business to: • Achieve 100% electronic pay disbursement across your organization • Meet payroll compliance requirements in all 50 states • Make first pay electronic for all new hires with an instant issue Money NetworkTM Paycard • Ensure prompt disbursement and access to wages for all employees • Reduce administration, reconciliation and banking fees By signing up for the Money NetworkTM Electronic Payroll Distribution Service through Bank of America Merchant Services, you will be providing your employees with the convenience of having a Visa® paycard that is accepted at millions of retail locations, access to a national surcharge-free ATM network and free check writing privileges using our Money NetworkTM Check that enables compliance in those states that require a payroll check option for the employee. As an added incentive, Bank of America Merchant Services is offering a monthly rebate of $0.50 per employee paycard account to operators that sign up under this program. This rebate will be paid on each paycard account that is funded each month. This monthly rebate will be paid to UFPC and UFPC will distribute 100% of the rebate back to participating operators on a quarterly basis. For more information on the Money Network Payroll Distribution Service, please contact a Bank of America Merchant Services representative at 1.888.880.4YUM (4986). ©2011 Money Network Financial, LLC. All Rights Reserved. © 2011 Banc of America Merchant Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Merchant Services are provided by Bank of America, N.A. and its representative Banc of America Merchant Services, LLC. Banc of America Merchant Services, LLC is not a bank,does not offer bank deposits, and its services are not guaranteed or insured by the FDIC or any other governmental agency. Negotiated by UFPC 20 Services NEW PROGRAM! New National Program with Cintas Ensure cleanliness and safety for your employees and customers FACILITIES - CLEAN STORE PROGRAM Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Facility Services • Clean & Safe Floors Weekly service to capture and remove contaminants helps protect your floors and reduce the risk of slips and falls. — Floor Mat Service (logo, standard carpet, and rubber kitchen mats) • Clean Restrooms Regular restocking and cleaning service helps maintain clean, fully stocked and functioning restrooms. — Restroom Product Restocking Service — Sanis UltraClean Restroom Deep Cleaning Service • Clean Kitchens Weekly service to remove soiled linens and provide clean linens helps promote food safety and maintain clean kitchens. — Apron Service — Towel Service First Aid & Safety Services • Workplace Safety Refill service to restock first aid and safety products helps protect your employees and customers, ensure OSHA compliance, and control product contamination. — Van Delivered First Aid Cabinet Service — Direct Sale First Aid Product Refills HOW TO GET STARTED Call the Cintas Service Team for Yum! Brands at 1.800.795.7368 if you would like a Cintas representative to visit your location to review the services. For other questions contact Steve Mitrione, National Account Manager at 513.573.4258. Negotiated by UFPC Services 21 FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING SERVICES By partnering with FPO, franchisees will realize total costs savings and will have more time to focus on their growth strategies and running their restaurants. Quatrro FPO Solutions (“FPO”) is an established leader in providing comprehensive accounting services to restaurant franchise operators throughout the U.S. FPO has been servicing restaurants since 1993, and they have a dedicated team of accounting professionals who truly understand the needs and issues specific to our franchisee system. The timely delivery of high-impact financial reporting allows members the opportunity to react quickly to changing conditions within their businesses. FPO provides a superior level of technology and our web-based reporting tool gives the ability to view your financial data from a summary view down to the detail including accounts payable invoices. With FPO, franchisees can be assured they will be working with the #1 company in customer satisfaction in restaurant accounting services. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Lynn Benz Marketing and Sales Support Manager Toll free: 800.218.2906 Office: 847.939.4208 E-mail: Negotiated by UFPC InfoSync Services is a leading national provider of comprehensive outsourced accounting, payroll and reporting services to Yum! Brands franchisees and other multi-unit restaurant companies across the U.S. Our proven service is based on over 20 years of dedicated experience and our commitment to serving the specific needs of multi-unit restaurant operators. This enables management of those companies to keep their focus on restaurant operations and the growth of their business. Members save money through reduced overhead costs, while InfoSync provides the Right Information … to the Right Person … at the Right Time! InfoSync accountants understand the restaurant industry, and provide comprehensive services that include payroll, benefits, accounts payable, deposit and credit card verification, accounts receivable, fixed assets, general ledger, financial reporting, and operational reporting — all on a platform that is fully integrated. We provide these services to over 1,700 Yum! Brands restaurants, including A&W, Long John Silver’s, KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. Dale Hoyer Phone: 316.685.1622, ext. 209 Fax: 316.681.4359 Cell: 316.208.7735 E-mail: Negotiated by UFPC 22 Services INTERNATIONAL OFFICE Measure Consumer Perspectives provides brand and quality assurance audits, loss prevention NEW PROGRAM! services, mystery shopping and reputation London Berkeely Square, 2nd Floor Berkeley Square House London W1J 6BD United Kingdom monitoring services globally. Our clients’ information is housed in one of the most robust and secure databases in the world. Clients are able to access our customized reporting suite in real time. Our team is available to clients 24/7, because real time questions need real time answers. We have tens of thousands qualified auditors; what can they do for your business? Call for more information and details. HEADQUARTERS Mellwood Arts Center Suite 155 Building A Louisville, KY 40206 502.749.6100 TEXAS OFFICE 9565 Six Pines Dr. #8210 The Woodlands, TX 77380 832.631.6391 INTERNATIONAL OFFICE Measure Consumer Perspectives provides brand Kimberly Nasief-Westergren and quality assurance audits, loss prevention 502.749.6100 services, mystery shopping and reputation monitoring services globally. London Berkeely Square, 2nd Floor Berkeley Square House London W1J 6BD United Kingdom Call for more information and details. Special pricing for YUM! Brand franchiSeeS! Kimberly Nasief-Westergren 502.749.6100 MYSTerY Shopping pricing Drive Thru Msytery Shopping – $18 Click here to view secure, Walk-In Mystery Shopping– $20 program discount information.– $28 Combination Back of House Compliance Audit – $35 Branding/Debranding Audit – $30 Web/Phone Surveys – $250 set up fee Video Mystery Shopping – $95 You will be asked to log in. w w w . m e a s u r e c p . c o m Special pricing for YUM! Brand franchiSeeS! MYSTerY Shopping pricing Drive Thru Msytery Shopping – $18 Back of House Compliance Audit – $35 Walk-In Mystery Shopping– $20 Branding/Debranding Audit – $30 Combination – $28 Web/Phone Surveys – $250 set up fee Video Mystery Shopping – $95 w w w . m e a s u r e c p . c o m Negotiated by UFPC Services 23 MYSTERY SHOPPER PROGRAM Our clients’ information is housed in one of the most robust and secure databases in the world. Clients are able to access our customized reporting suite in real time. Our team is available to clients 24/7, because real time questions need real time answers. We have tens of thousands qualified auditors; what can they do for your business? Exclusive pricing on office supplies, technology, furniture and OfficeMax ImPress® print and document services! Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. For questions regarding the Office Supply Program, contact: James Cunningham 615.473.5998 OFFICE SUPPLIES For questions regarding print, stationery and letterhead, contact: Todd Miller 502.500.7355 Negotiated by Yum! Brands 24 Services Pan Glo® Pan Cleaning & Straightening Services Pan Glo® has been providing extended pan life to bakeries and foodservice operations for over 25 years. Our wash system is proprietary and specifically designed for baking pans. Our exclusive AmeriCoat® family of Silicone Release Coatings conforms to the FDA standard for coatings used in contact with food and is PFOA and PTFE free. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. For more information and pricing information for servicing your pans please contact: Scott Mouton Phone: 937.652.2151 Fax: 937.652.3075 E-mail: PAN CLEANING Negotiated by UFPC Services 25 Shipping with FedEx offers great benefits such as special discounts for concept co-op members, simple billing options for single and multiple franchise owners, streamlined transition programs, and convenient on-line tools for the services you need. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. FedEx is the world’s largest express transportation company. PARCEL SHIPPING Teresa Knight Phone: 502.240.0604 E-mail: Negotiated by UFPC The UPS program offers lowest rates for shipping. In addition, this contract offers the latest tracking and shipping technology at no additional cost. Members of A&W, KFC, Long John Silver’s, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell National Purchasing Co-ops and other persons or entities affiliated with the system of restaurants operated or franchised by Yum! Brands can take advantage of this contract. Steve Renfro Phone: 859.334.4553 E-mail: Negotiated by UFPC 26 Services ProudPartner Partner with Proud with Yum! Brands’ Franchisees UFPC Franchises Franchisees may automatically receive As a UFPC business franchises you a discount on ADP products when automaticallyallreceive a 20 percent you sign a new contract. By leveraging discount on all ADP products when you sign a new contract. ADP’s incredible technology and World Class Service, your UFPC franchise will By leveraging ADP’s incredible betechnology able to focus whatClass it does best – andon World Service, yourcustomers! UFPC franchise willstate be able to art serve ADP’s of the focus on what it does best – serve products and solutions will help you do customers! state of the art more with less,ADP’s improve your bottom products and solutions will help you do line, andwith helpless, youimprove find, grow, keep more yourand bottom great line,people. and help you find, grow, and keep ADP services help you operate your ADP services you operate business more help efficiently by: your business more efficiently by: • Reducing liability in the areas of of fraud, tax • Reducing liability in the areas fraud, taxpenalties penaltiesand andpoor poor hiring hiring practices practices • Minimizing labor costs through proven andsatisfaction satisfactionstrategies strategies • Minimizing labor costs through provenemployee employeehiring, hiring, retention retention and • Reducing back office functions totoimprove big-pictureactivities activities • Reducing back office functions improveyour yourfocus focus on on strategic, strategic, big-picture Maximize yourpotential potentialwith with some some of that successful Maximize your of these thesekey keyADP ADPservices services that successful franchise owners franchise owners are already using: are already using: • Payroll • Payroll • Human Resources • Human Resources • 401(k) Retirement Services • Time & Labor Management • 401(k) Retirement Services • Tax & Compliance Management • Time & Labor Management • Benefit Administration • Tax & Compliance Management • Screening and Selection Services • Benefit Administration • more Screening and Selection Services For information on how your UFPC franchise can benefit from the ADP UFPC partnership, contact, Kathy Schrieffer, ADP Channel Sales Manager, at 847.718.2284 phone or 847.239.0709 cell or For more information on how your UFPC franchise can benefit from the ADP UFPC partnership, contact, Kathy Schrieffer, ADP Channel Sales Manager, at 847.718.2284 phone or 847.239.0709 cell or Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Negotiated by UFPC Services 27 PAYROLL SERVICES great people. Copesan – Your Best Pest Management Value With our special negotiated Yum! Brands rate, you’ll enjoy a discount compared to similar pest management programs and work with the Yum! Brands approved pest management program voted “#1 in Quality” by fellow franchisees. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. PEST CONTROL Rest assured - your brand is protected by the experts. Copesan’s Culinary Care™ program is designed to meet the unique needs of your sensitive foodservice environment. Fight the most challenging restaurant pests including flies with the very best integrated pest management approach offering multiple, proven treatment methods for long-term pest elimination. • Comprehensive pest coverage for all your needs, minimizing your risk • Consistent Yum! Brands protocol delivered with local care • Innovative communication and reporting options via RapidTrax™ - the most cutting edge pest management technology in the industry • Guaranteed satisfaction and 24/7 service for maximum responsiveness Your franchise deserves the exceptional service and pest-free environment our 75 years of successful pest management experience and intimate knowledge of Yum! Brands protocols and needs brings to the table. Prospective Accounts/Sales Ray Mannello Phone: 800-782-0684 Service Dispatch Account Management Client Services Chris Bartelme Phone: 800-267-3726, press 1 Phone: 800-267-3726 ext. 2212 Protect Your Brand and Customers with a Pest-Free Environment! Negotiated by UFPC 28 Services Exclusively for our Yum! Brands Customers Ecolab is offering a discount on pest elimination services compared to our normal rate PLUS a discount on large fly program! Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Helping you maintain a clean, pest-free operation As the global leader in cleaning, food safety and pest elimination, Ecolab is always there, everywhere it matters, bringing you more protection than any pest service provider in the industry. 24/7 NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER As your preferred pest provider, you can call 1.800.325.1671 from anywhere in the U.S. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All calls are tracked for quality assurance and customer satisfaction. Michael Shea E-mail: Negotiated by UFPC Services 29 PEST CONTROL All pest providers are not the same. • Guaranteed elimination of infestations for cockroaches, mice and rats • 100% focused on commercial pest elimination services • Best trained and largest team in the industry • Proprietary equipment and service protocols based on in-house research and science • Night service — to keep you in compliance • 24/7 live customer support • Service reports with corrective actions to help reduce your risks • 24-hour, on-site emergency response at no additional cost • Comprehensive large fly program Additional programs available: Small/fruit flies Air Quality Termites Ants Birds Our science-based, proprietary service protocols are consistently delivered with superior results and help protect your brand. Our commitment to service excellence allows you to spend less time dealing with pests and more time serving your customers by helping you: • Enhance guest satisfaction by providing a clean, pest-free environment • Avoid risk to your brand and reputation due to pest issues • Better manager your food and operational costs to maximize profitability • Pass inspections and avoid costly shutdowns Trusted by more businesses in North America than any other pest management provider PEST CONTROL Call today to receive a discount off Orkin’s standard pest control rate. Helping businesses keep pests in their place with the following services: •Integrated Pest Management •Bed bug control •Bird control •Mosquito control •Rodent control •Fly control •Termite control •Restroom care •Exclusion Orkin benefits: • Comprehensive compliance and documentation - We document all services provided by Orkin Commercial Pest Specialists, operations management, support staff and Quality Assurance professionals. • Certified Quality Systems Team - Our Quality Assurance auditors include registered sanitarians, food safety experts and board-certified entomologists trained in public health, environmental biology and inspection techniques. • Triple Guarantee – To help ensure your total satisfaction. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. For a free consultation, contact 877.540.6721 or visit Frank Allen Manager, Business Development Phone: 480.279.2394 Cell: 480.993.6839 E-mail: Negotiated by UFPC 30 Services Our industry-changing method of pest prevention was designed to protect your restaurant, giving you peace of mind that your facility is pest-free. To participate in the program, please call or e-mail our Customer Care Center at 1.800.868.0089 or The program uses innovative products, equipment and treatment methods in combination with Steritech’s proprietary EcoSensitive System to eliminate pest activity without the unnecessary application or overuse of pesticides. It is a more intelligent approach to pest prevention — safe, yet highly effective. Please call or e-mail Jeff Sweitzer at 704.281.6428 or should you have any questions about our services. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Negotiated by UFPC Services 31 PEST CONTROL Put the power of Steritech’s Zero Tolerance® approach to work for you – request a free inspection today and save off of our standard annual service fee! Duro-Last Roofing is pleased to offer Yum! Brands franchisees a rebate on all their DuroLast roofing material purchases. To qualify for the rebate, simply call Duro-Last and set up a free, no obligation roof evaluation. Once a Duro-Last roof is installed, your rebate will be sent directly to you by UFPC. ROOFING SYSTEMS A Duro-Last roof helps reduce energy costs, can be installed over most existing roofs and is virtually-maintenance free. Duro-Last is proven to perform and is installed on over 4,000 Yum! Brands locations. Each roof is prefabricated for your restaurant. Duro-Last roofs are resistant to animal fats and grease. They are backed by an edge-to-edge 15 year warranty that provides coverage against damages resulting from defects in the Duro-Last material and/or installation. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. For more information call: Lee Cobb 800.248.0280, ext. 5115 Negotiated by Yum! Brands 32 Services Payless ShoeSource offers safeTstep slip resistant footwear in all 4200 Payless stores and at Choose from one of the following programs to make it simple for you: • Employee Discount Coupons – all Yum! Brands employees receive a discount off all safeTstep slip resistant footwear and all other regular priced product with a coupon in our stores or on the internet. Coupons are quick, easy and free! • Shopping Card –a one-time use card for employers who wish to cover the cost of all or a portion of safeTstep footwear. No up-front fees or cost and still get the discount and shop locally. • Payroll Deduction – a one-time use card and timely reporting for employers who wish to deduct the cost from your employee’s paycheck. • Wholesale/Bulk Purchase – customized options including competitive pricing and timely delivery to meet your business needs. • UFPC Employee Discount poster – if you have run out or don’t have one call 800.444.4144, ext. 2772. • Payless mails a poster with 30 coupons attached to each Yum! Brands location 3 to 4 times per year – if you run out or don’t have them, call 800.231.9415. • Go to and click on “Sign Up and Save” to get the discount e-mailed to you. • For all programs, call us at 800.231.9415 or e-mail us at When you have the coupon, simply bring it to your local Payless store, choose the safeTstep shoe that you like and present it at checkout. It can’t get any simpler than that. Payless ShoeSource is the largest footwear retailer in the Western Hemisphere with over 4200 stores and an on-line presence at SafeTstep slip resistant shoes are an industry leader to keep you safe and provide 24/7 comfort to help you through those long shifts. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. For more information about our programs, call 1.800.231.9415 or e-mail us at Negotiated by UFPC Services 33 SAFETY SHOES Payless ShoeSource provides coupon discounts in a variety of ways: Cash is the life blood of your business And now you can be sure it’s secure. Money in a cash drawer is exposed, making it vulnerable to theft. Brink’s CompuSafe® is more than a safe – it’s a complete cash management solution. For more than 17 years, CompuSafe has helped QSRs improve the security and control of their cash. Installed at the point-of-sale, CompuSafe® fits under the counter right next to the cash register, so cash can be secured the moment a customer pays. With CompuSafe, SMART SAFES counting cash, preparing deposits and taking it to the bank is replaced with a secure, automated solution. Take the risk of out of your business and transfer it to Brink’s– the most trusted name in secure logistics. Secure your cash faster The two door safe easily fits under the counter so you can secure cash faster and deter internal theft. Securely store your cash drawers in the large bottom compartment. Eliminate the back office safe The optional side compartment gives store managers a secure place to store change funds and payroll checks, keeping sensitive items off-limits from staff and eliminating the need and expense of a drop safe in the back office. The only safe you’ll ever need Create a safe designed for your business. Start with the two-door safe and add the third compartment later as your business grows. Special Discounted Pricing EXCLUSIVELY for Yum! Brands Franchisees Because of the special relationship between UFPC Resource Services and Brink’s, all Yum! Brands franchisees are given special discounted pricing. To find out more about CompuSafe® Galileo, please call 469.549.6862 or e-mail today. Brinks ® is a registered trademark of Brink’s Network, Incorporated. Copyright © 2011 Brink’s, Incorporated Negotiated by UFPC 34 Services The Loomis SafePoint® Yum! Brands Cash Handling Solution Benefits of the Yum! Brands Cash Handling Solution ■ With new operational procedures, manager no longer counts deposit. Only crew handle and are solely accountable for their drawer. ■ With Loomis, all bill upgrades to your safe are handled remotely via our network before new bills are issued by the Federal Reserve. Our competitors will often charge upwards of $75-$125 for onsite visits for new bill upgrades. The Daily Bank Credit* Advantage with SafePoint Safes ® Loomis can partner with any financial institution willing to support daily bank credit through the SafePoint system. This partnership provides you with a tremendous advantage in terms of accessing your revenue. It is available to you even before it leaves your restaurant. The “How It Works” section below explains exactly how you obtain bank credit, and why your bank is willing to issue it to you. *Bank fees vary; please consult your bank. How it Works Step One Step Two Feed cash directly into the safe. There’s no need to sort or face the bills. Each day, your SafePoint safe communicates with the Loomis network to report cash totals. Based on this electronically transmitted information, your cash reports can be reported to your bank daily for credit. Step Three Step Four A Loomis armored vehicle arrives according to your pre-determined schedule and takes your deposits to a Loomis Cash Processing Center. Using our proprietary CPR (Cash Position Reporting) technology, both you and your bank can access information on your deposits to verify cash totals and generate a report on all sales at any or all of your locations. The SafePoint Guaranty ® Banks are willing to provide Daily Bank Credit in part because of our no-nonsense money-back Guaranty. It is the Loomis promise to close the loop by providing you with a comprehensive audit trail that will lower cash errors and guarantee your funds at the moment they are validated into our safe. So you can stop worrying. Count on SafePoint to guard your funds and provide you with reliable cash information. Now you have access to the most trusted name in cash management without ever leaving the store. SMART SAFES ■ Actual schedules reduced by 4 to 6 hours daily for handling cash ■ Minimize cash shorts and eliminate missing deposits ■ Higher employee satisfaction due to reduced stress, managers get to leave on time ■ Increased safety and security as managers no longer transport deposits to the bank and no employees have access to deposits Negotiated by UFPC Services 35 For more information contact: Kendall Walker • Loomis National Account Manager NEW PROGRAM! Save with PODS® STORAGE SOLUTIONS PODS® is the recognized leader in storage containers for a variety of uses. PODS® offers flexible, convenient solutions nationwide for both Commercial and Household Goods applications. Whether you need on-site storage, warehousing, long distance transportation, or all of these services, PODS® has a solution for you. PODS® for Commercial Use • During restaurant renovations or new construction, use PODS® on-site to securely store fixtures, supplies, and equipment during the entire project. • Site space limited? PODS® will store your loaded container at their climate controlled warehouse and deliver back to your site when needed • Ship fixtures and equipment nationwide using PODS® logistics services • Major credit cards accepted for Commercial orders. Direct billing accounts are available for volume users To order PODS® for restaurant/commercial use, simply contact PODS Commercial Services at 888.910.7637 and mention Promo Code “UFPC.” PODS® for Personal/Household Use • All Yum! Brands franchisees receive a discount with PODS® • Whether you’re moving across town, across the country, or just need temporary storage for any reason - PODS® has a flexible solution and great value for you Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. For general information on the PODS® National Account Program, contact: Jim Brooks PODS National Account Executive 513.252.6776. Negotiated by UFPC 36 Services NEW PROGRAM! H&R Block is offering Yum! Brands franchisees and their employees an opportunity to receive discounts on Federal Forms 1040, 1040A and 1040EZ returns. Want to file on the earliest possible date and get your refund as soon as possible? Try H&R Block’s W-2 Early Access. It’s free at and many restaurant employees can use it to send a copy of their W-2 to an H&R Block office. If your restaurant participates, you can file up to three weeks earlier than waiting for the mail. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Negotiated by UFPC Services 37 TAX PREPARATION For more information, contact Kevin Leek at 816.854.4717 or In addition to a savings of 20-30 percent, at no cost, TDM also provides: • Single Point of Contact • Superior Customer Service • Expert Engineering and IT Consulting • Diverse Product Management NEW - Lowest conference calling rate in the industry $0.025 cpm TDM will provide a no cost review of your bills to find up to 20-30 percent savings on local, long distance and broadband solutions. For over seven years Telecom Decision Makers,Makers, Inc. (TDM) provided UFPC members For over seven years Telecom Decision Inc.has (TDM) has provided UFPC local and long distance services, saving them over $1,000,000 while consolidating their phone bills. members local and long distance services, saving them over $1,000,000 while Hereconsolidating are just a fewtheir of the franchisee businesses who have already taken advantage of phone bills. having TDM procure their communication services: TDM offers negotiated rates with the following carriers: AT&T, Qwest, Verizon, Embarq, Access TDMBirch, offersTelepacific, negotiatedGranite, rates with the following AT&T,One Qwest, Verizon, Embarq, Point Inc., U4Com, Paetec,carriers: NuVox, ACC, Communications, Access Point Inc., Birch, Telepacific, Granite, U4Com, Paetec, NuVox, ACC, One BCN, Cavalier, Cbeyond, Norlight, Ernest Communication Inc., Global Crossings, TNCI, XO UFPC Franchisee Savings Cbeyond, Norlight, Ernest Communication Inc., Global Communications, BCN, Cavalier, and many others. Tacala Crossings, TNCI, XO and$51,000.00 many others. LaRaza $50,000.00 TELECOM ANALYSIS TDM provides: Morgan Foods to a savings of $35,000.00 In addition 20-30 percent, at no cost, TDM also provides: • Single Burger BustersPoint of Contact$31,000.00 • Single Point of Contact • Superior Customer Service Columbia Basin PH/ECPH $30,000.00 • Superior Customer Service Southern Multi Engineering Foods • Expert and$24,000.00 IT Consulting • Expert Engineering and IT Consulting Southeast Restaurants $24,000.00 • Diverse Product Management • Diverse Product Management WKRP $20,000.00 B&G Foods $18,000.00 TDM will provide a noconference cost review of your billsintothe find savings$0.025 on local, long distance and NEW - Lowest calling rate industry cpm Pizza Hut of AZ $14,000.00 broadband solutions. NellisTDM Mgmtwill provide a no cost $10,000.00 review of your bills to find up to 20-30 percent savings on local, distance and broadband To have yourlong no cost, no obligation telecom solutions. analysis, please contact: To have your no cost, no obligation telecom analysis, please contact: Here are just a few of the franchisee businesses who have already taken advantage of Julie Darst, Regional having TDM procure their Director communication services: Telecom Decision Makers 502.238.1097 UFPC Franchisee Savings 877.212.8257 Tacala $51,000.00 Fax: 502.245.1155 LaRaza $50,000.00 Morgan Foods $35,000.00 Burger Busters $31,000.00 Columbia Basin PH/ECPH $30,000.00 Southern Multi Foods $24,000.00 Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Southeast Restaurants $24,000.00 WKRP $20,000.00 B&G Foods $18,000.00 Pizza Hut of AZ $14,000.00 Nellis Mgmt $10,000.00 To have your no cost, no obligation telecom analysis, please contact: Julie Darst, Regional Director Telecom Decision Makers 502.238.1097 877.212.8257 Fax: 502.245.1155 Negotiated by UFPC 38 Services NEW PROGRAM! Lincoln Waste Solutions (LWS) is your one-stop-shop to fully manage and reduce your dumpster trash and recycling costs. Franchisees will simply provide LWS with 1 month of your most recent waste invoices for each of your locations, and a location list that includes addresses. LWS will analyze the invoices and provide you with a written savings proposal. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. • Waste Auditing • Cost Savings Reporting • Hauler Pricing Negotiation • Right Sizing • Service Implementation • Recycling • Proactive Management • Single Point of Contact • Invoice Auditing • 24 Hour Customer Service • Rate Control • Consolidated Billing with reporting to meet your specific needs. For more information about the LWS program, and to begin the process of saving money on your waste and recycling, contact: Steven Davis Phone: 704.970.6859 Email: Website: “We Turn Your Waste Into PROFITS!” Negotiated by UFPC Services 39 WASTE CONSULTING Services provided by LWS include: Not receiving Resource Services e-mails? Send your name and e-mail address to to begin receiving our latest savings updates. 40 Services Craig Goldstein Director, Resource Services 502.891.4741 Candace Hilderbrand Manager, Technology Programs 502.896.5915 Technology 41 NEW PROGRAM! Dell recommends Windows 7 Professional. COMPUTERS AND ACCESSORIES Yum! Brands Corporate Affiliate Purchase Program Exclusive Savings on An Essential System Optiplex 380 • Core 2 Duo • 2 Gig Memory • 250 GB Hard drive • Windows 7 Professional • Dell 20” Flat Panel Display • Basic Hardware Service, Next Business Day, Limited Onsite Service After Remote Diagnosis, 3 years Only $ 699.66 (plus, tax and shipping) Savings up to 22 percent on products Powerful new Dell™ systems can make a big difference in your business. Now you can save big on these essential business tools with the Dell Corporate Affiliate Purchase Program. Buy now and take full advantage of these great offers. CALL OR CLICK TO ORDER: CLICKVisit HERE TO VIEW SECURE, PROGRAM DISCOUNT INFORMATION. or e-mail YOU WILL TOpurchase LOG IN. PleaseBE useASKED this link to additional products at the Yum! Brands Discount MEMBER ID: AF29355517 ALL ORDERS ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE BY DELL. Offer subject to your company’s continuing participation in the Dell Corporate Affiliate Purchase Program. Pricing, specifications, availability or other terms of offer may be withdrawn or changed without notice. Taxes, fees, shipping, handling charges and any applicable restocking charges are extra, and vary. Offer are not combinable with all other offers. Taxes, fees, shipping, handling charges and any applicable restocking charges are extra, and vary. Valid for U.S. Dell Corporate Affiliate Purchase Program new purchases only, and subject to restrictions in your applicable contract, if any. For copy of Ltd Hardware Warranty, write Dell USA LP, Attn: Warranties, One Dell Way, Round Rock, TX 78682 or see” Significant system memory may be used to support graphics, depending on system memory size and other factors. GB means 1 billion bytes and TB equals 1 trillion bytes; actual capacity varies with preloaded material and operating environment and will be less. LIMIT 5 DISCOUNTED OR PROMOTIONAL ITEMS PER CUSTOMER. Dell reserves the right to cancel orders arising from pricing or other errors. Dell, OptiPlex, Latitude and the Dell Logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell disclaims proprietary interest in the marks and names of others. © 2008 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by U.S. copyright laws without the written permission of Dell Inc. is unlawful and strictly forbidden. Negotiated by UFPC 42 Technology Music and Messaging Services: • • • • • • Two music options: Sirius XM Radio (satellite) and Eos Music (internet) Up to 77 channels of music for your restaurant, including Yum! Brands-approved content Insert messages between songs to promote your current specials and newest menu AMTC has a library of messages to choose from for each Yum! Brands store National network of professional installers can set up your music and sound system The industry’s best prices on speakers, amplifiers, and other sound equipment Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Why Choose AMTC? Account executive that works with Yum! Brands franchisees every day No contract - cancel service anytime Leasing available Up to three-year advance replacement warranty on music and messaging equipment No big, ugly satellite dish needed Commercial-free music with restaurant-safe channels screened for inappropriate lyrics IN-STORE MUSIC • • • • • • For more information: Phone: 800.741.2682 E-mail: Negotiated by UFPC Technology 43 Muzak and UFPC have partnered together on the Yum! Brands Best Way music, messaging, and sound system offering. Music service includes: • Installation of Muzak satellite system or IP delivery and purchased sound systems through our National network at pre-negotiated prices. IN-STORE MUSIC • Music service at a special rate is provided for new subscribers and locations that have fulfilled their current contractual obligations. Additional fees for equipment installation and purchased sound system equipment. • Digital streaming content and access to 72 business music programs including all Yum! Brands approved music programs. • New message program available for an additional change. How to participate in the Yum! Brands Best Way Program? Call 1.800.982.9001 or email you will be connected to our Yum! Brands Account Support Person and a Muzak Representative will assist you with your questions and signing you up on the Best Way Program. About Muzak: For over 75 years, Muzak has created experiences that now reach over 100 million people everyday. Through a national sales and service network, Muzak designs, delivers, and installs music, voice messaging, digital signage networks, leading drive thru equipment and professional sound systems to clients in every industry. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Contact Information: Bridgette Mann 800.982.9001 Negotiated by UFPC 44 Technology ngredients for uccess: IN-STORE TV PROGRAMMING Get In-Store Programming to your franchise and watch sales take off. Satisfy your customers before they even take a bite with TV from DISH Network . Whether they’re waiting to order or relaxing after their meal, DISH will keep them entertained throughout their visit. Click here to secure information. You will be asked to login. Call 1.888.560.6728 Today! Requires 24-month qualifying programming purchase. Restrictions apply, including business verification and monthly fees for additional receivers. Programming credits apply during first 12 months. Offer ends 4/02/11 and is available in the continental United States for new, first-time DISH Network commercial customers. All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. All DISH Network programming, and any other services that are provided, are terms and conditions of the promotional agreement and Commercial Customer Agreement. Negotiated by UFPC Technology 45 The Best Buy brand is synonymous with great selection, knowledgeable staff and the belief that technology can be fun. Best Buy for Business is proud to be a Yum! Brands-approved vendor. As one of your authorized technology and audio video vendors, we offer access to thousands of products. Best Buy is ideally suited to meet all of your electronics needs. Whether it is for an atmosphere upgrade, employee contests or sweepstakes, we can deliver quality products at reasonable savings. IN-STORE FLAT SCREEN TVS If you already have in-store TVs, it’s time to get them calibrated for optimal performance. Please call or e-mail us today for more information. We look forward to working with you. Please note this program is limited to business sales of audio/visual equipment. Scott Hendrix Phone: 817.791.6075 E-mail: Negotiated by UFPC 46 Technology Bundle and Save with the Leader in Managed IP Services The Leader in Managed IP Services Interface Secure Broadband is high-speed, always-on, managed to support PCI compliance — and safely connects stores to the Internet. Interface uniquely bundles Secure Broadband with IP Alarm Monitoring, Digital Voice and Video Surveillance to reduce costs for Yum! Franchisees. Secure Broadband PCI Compliance Alarm/Event Monitoring Contact: Greg Shaw Yum! Account Manager Direct: 314.595.0246 Fax: 314.595.0380 Toll Free 24/7 Help Desk: 1.800.554.9875 Digital Voice INTERNET SERVICES Interface Managed IP Services save time and money for America’s best known retail organizations by consolidating costs you already pay with a single, trusted provider. Call today to get started or switch services with NO out-of-pocket expense. Video Surveillance Negotiated by Yum! Brands Technology 47 As a Yum! Brands franchisee, you are eligible for a discount. DTT provides video surveillance solutions to the restaurant industry. OFFICE SERVICES SECURITY SERVICES This discount is available on all subscription packages with 8, 12, or 16-cameras as well as our Loss Prevention Services package. These packages provide complete surveillance management solutions, including software, hardware, point-of-sale integration, consulting, and 24/7 support. DTT Surveillance is North America’s leading provider of high quality video surveillance technology and auditing services for the restaurant industry, providing solutions that are specifically designed to address unique operational demands of the restaurant environment. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. For questions, please contact Mira Diza at 800.933.8388, ext. 1441 or Negotiated by UFPC 48 Technology NEW PROGRAM! SECURITY SERVICES Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Negotiated by UFPC Technology 49 AT&T MiFi Data Plans Connect up to 5 Devices with AT&T’s Mobile Hotspot MiFi. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Order your Device today at AT&T’s Premier Portal or contact Kevin Busch at 214.212.2000 or *Price includes discount but does not include taxes and other fees WI-FI Available to Yum! Brands franchisee owners, employees (full-time and part-time) and their families. The offer includes equipment discounts, waived activation fees and free standard shipping. Qualifying voice and data plans only. Not valid for landline or bundled services. Negotiated by UFPC 50 Technology Franchisees receive a discount on select regularly priced voice plans. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Run your network 10 times faster than DSL with Sprint 4G and provide your customers with WiFi. To learn more about growing your business with wireless broadband and WiFi contact: Brent Boon National Account Manager 877.896.5643 WI-FI Negotiated by UFPC Technology 51 Not receiving Resource Services e-mails? OFFICE SERVICES Send your name and e-mail address to to begin receiving our latest savings updates. 52 Technology Craig Goldstein Director, Resource Services 502.891.4741 Christina Cardinali Sr. Services Analyst 502.891.2772 Joe Main Vice President, Resource Services 502.896.5904 Cell Phones 53 Receive a discount on AT&T Mobility Voice and Data Plans Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. CELL PHONES To get the discount on your existing account, send request to: To order new service, contact Kevin Busch at 214.212.2000 or Available to Franchisee owners, employees (full-time and part-time) and their families. The offer includes equipment discounts, waived activation fees and free standard shipping. Qualifying voice and data plans only. Not valid for landline or bundled service. Negotiated by UFPC 54 Cell Phones Franchisees and employees can get exclusive discounts from Sprint. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. The Samsung Epic 4G and HTC EVO 4G were named among the top three smartphones by PCWorld! With the Epic and EVO you can connect at 3G speed across the country, or 4G speed at 10 times the speed of 3G. To see if you have 4G in your area visit CELL PHONES To learn more, contact: Brent Boon, National Account Manager 877.896.5643 To launch a no cost employee benefits discount campaign contact: Linda Fairbanks, Wireless Development Manager 513.459.5868 *Web-only offer. See for rules and restrictions. Negotiated by UFPC Cell Phones 55 Save BIG with America’s Largest 4G Network!* Franchise owners, employees and their families can save on qualified rate plans and features with T-Mobile! Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. CELL PHONES Business Solutions – Learn more about how T-Mobile can partner with you to increase your productivity, reduce your costs and increase your sales! Contact Katrina Jackson at or call 972.207.1105. Employee Benefit Solutions – Pass along great savings and offers to your employees! Including free and heavily discounted devices, free shipping & waived Activation! New customers contact the Employee Advantage Team at 866.464.8662 Existing customers contact our Discount Team at 877.453.8824 General Inquiries - T-Mobile is dedicated to being America’s most highly-regarded service company. We are a value leader in the wireless industry with international roots and connections. Through the partnership with UFPC, we can provide you with several business solutions including Wi-Fi calling which will help reduce enterprise mobility costs, leverage existing Wi-Fi infrastructures and improve coverage in difficult to serve locations. In addition, T-Mobile’s 4G network is capable of delivering blazing-fast speeds. We offer the latest in smartphone technology supporting BlackBerry, Windows phone, Android and Symbian operating systems. *T-Mobile’s HSPA+4G network is not available in all locations. See coverage details at Not all rate plans and features qualify for discount. Negotiated by Yum! Brands 56 Cell Phones Verizon Wireless and UFPC are pleased to offer concept co-op members and their full-time employees savings on calling plans for business. Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. Employee Program Requirements: • Franchisee must be enrolled in the program before full-time employees can take advantage of the discounts • Employee must provide proof of full-time employment via pay stub Franchisee Corporate Enrollment: Log on to and click >Public Menu, then >Services and finally >Resource Services from the drop down menu. Click the picture of the directory, from the left hand menu bar select >Cell Phones, >Verizon. Click here to sign-up for Verizon discounts. CELL PHONES Once on Verizon’s ad it says the following: click here to view cell phone discount and to sign up. You will be asked to log in if you have not already done so. Employee Enrollment: • If the employee has a work e-mail domain (i.e., visit to obtain discount on eligible plans. • If the user does not have a work e-mail domain but they do have access to the Internet, visit, click “Do Not have a Work Email Address” and follow instructions to obtain discount • If user does not have a work e-mail domain and does not have access to the internet they can call 1.866.456.7892 and enter their fax number. A discount request form will be faxed to them. They should fill out the form and fax to 1.800.711.7788. The discount will be applied to lines on eligible calling plans. (Account must be under the full-time employees name.) For questions regarding the Discount Program and Franchise Enrollment, please send an e-mail to For billing questions call the Business Support Center at 1.800.922.0204. IMPORTANT CONSUMER INFORMATION: Subject to customer agreement, Calling plan & credit approval. Up to $175 early termination fee (up to $350 for advanced devices) & other charges. Offers & coverage, varying by service, not available everywhere. Coverage maps at Limited time offer. © 2007 Verizon Wireless Negotiated by UFPC Cell Phones 57 Not receiving Resource Services e-mails? Send your name and e-mail address to to begin receiving our latest savings updates. 58 Cell Phones Christina Cardinali Sr. Services Analyst 502.891.2772 Craig Goldstein Director, Resource Services 502.891.4741 Employee Programs 59 EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT POSTER Employee programs are set up for your team members and offer higher vendor discounts than what is available at retail stores. UFPC Resource Services offers FREE Employee Discount Posters which allow your team members an easy way to access discounts by pulling a coupon off the poster and redeeming at the vendor retail store. EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT POSTER There are currently over 13,000 employee discount posters in franchisee restaurants and offices. Posters are hung in restaurants (back of house) in a high traffic area and in corporate offices for above-store employees. To assist in placement, there is double-sided tape on the back and a hole-punch at the top of each poster. The availability of these discounts is also an incentive for prospective team members to join your company, as well as to retain existing team members. Be sure to mention our coupons to all of your employees as an added benefit. For more information or to order posters, please call 800.444.4144, ext. 2772 or e-mail Click here to view employee discount poster. You will be asked to log in. 60 Employee Programs EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT WALLET CARD New for 2011 is the Employee Discount Wallet Card. It is another way for you to share discounts with your employees. Similar to the employee discount poster, the wallet cards are FREE of charge and list eight offers with discount redemption information. The cards are attached to a flyer describing the discount details. Over 65,000 employee discount wallet cards were distributed to store-level employees last year. EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT WALLET CARD Wallet cards can be given to each individual employee and are the size of a credit card to fit in their wallet for easy access to the discounts. For additional information or to order wallet cards, contact Christina Cardinali at 800.444.4144, ext. 2772 or e-mail Click here to view discount wallet card. You will be asked to log in. Employee Programs 61 EMPLOYEE DISCOUNTS Yum! Brands employees receive a discount on AT&T monthly service plans. The discount applies to both full-time and part-time employees and includes equipment discounts, waived activation fees and free standard shipping. To sign up, click here to view secure information. You will be asked to log in. AT&T U-verse allows you to get the most out of your TV watching, Internet surfing and home phone experience. Click here to view secure information. You will be asked to log in. For questions contact: Kevin Busch at 214.212.2000 or NEW PROGRAM! Enjoy member discounts off Dell consumer PC’s and receive additional discounts select Dell branded mobile devices (Tablets, Phones, etc.). Click here to view secure information. You will be asked to log in. 62 Employee Programs Click here720.514.6813 to view secure information. You will Jason Wickam be asked to log in. NEW PROGRAM! EMPLOYEE DISCOUNTS Click here to view secure information. You will be asked to log in. Click here to view secure information. You will be asked to log in. Click here to view secure information. You will be asked to log in. Employee Programs 63 Save discounts on all computers, electronics, cell phones and more! To start shopping, visit Click here to view secure information. You will be asked to log in. EMPLOYEE DISCOUNTS NEW PROGRAM! Yum! Brands Employees can save up to 50 percent on select Sirius and XM Radios. Choose from radios and for the vehicle, home, and on-the-go, including SnapChoose In-vehicle Yum!accessories Brands Employees can save up tooffice, 50 percent on select Sirius and the XM new Radios. fromRadio radios starting at just $29.99! Plus FREE SHIPPING on any orders over $49.99, and discounted rates if you and for secure the vehicle, home, office, andbe on-the-go, Clickaccessories here to view information. You will asked toincluding log in. the new Snap In-vehicle Radio choose an annual or longer subscription Plan. Get the most commercial-free music, plusrates all your starting at just $29.99! Plus FREE SHIPPING on any orders over $49.99, and discounted if you favorite sports, news, talk and entertainment. choose an annual or longer subscription Plan. Get the most commercial-free music, plus all your favorite sports, news, talk and entertainment. ORDER TODAY: ORDER TODAY: For more information or questions please contact: Roberto For moreGonzalez information or questions please contact: Email: Roberto Gonzalez Phone: 202.251.3951 Email: Phone: 202.251.3951 Choose from versatile solutions for the car, home, office and on-the-go Choose from versatile solutions for the car, home, office and on-the-go 64 Snap! In-vehicle OnyX in Boombox Xmp3i Snap! In-vehicle OnyX in Boombox Xmp3i Employee Programs Store employees save on select regularly priced monthly service plans. Click here to view secure information. You will be asked to log in. The Samsung Epic 4G and HTC EVO 4G were named among the top three smartphones by PCWorld! With the Epic and EVO you can connect at 3G speed across the country, or 4G speed at 10 times the speed of 3G. To see if you have 4G in your area visit EMPLOYEE DISCOUNTS *Web-only offer. See for rules and restrictions. Employees and their families can save on qualified rate plans and features with T-Mobile, including free and heavily discounted devices, free shipping and waived activation! Click here to view secure information. You will be asked to log in. Employee Programs 65 Click here to view secure information. You will be asked to log in. EMPLOYEE DISCOUNTS Coupon is required. Contact Christina at UFPC to obtain coupons. Call 800.444.4144, ext. 2772 or e-mail Discounts on movie tickets, various retail outlets, hotels, sporting events, online shopping, etc. To register, go to Click here to view secure information. You will be asked to log in. 66 Employee Programs GIFT CARDS Michael Mongeon Gift Card Analyst 502.891.4752 Kae Thompson Sr. Gift Card Analyst 502.896.5993 Donte Persley Gift Card Analyst Angie Grant Senior Manager, Gift Card Operations 502.891.4728 Gift Cards 67 Attention all A&W, KFC, Long John Silver’s and Pizza Hut National Purchasing Co-op members! Ninety percent of consumers gave and/or received a gift card in 2010. Offer your customers this popular gift option year round while enjoying the benefits of the Gift Card Program. • Generation of fast, cash-less transactions • Increased brand awareness • Consumer loyalty (70 percent of redemptions return to activating franchisee) • Sales uplift (consumers spend on average 25 percent more than the value of the card) • Patronage dividend opportunity to participating members (if declared) • Mirrors credit/debit transaction fees GIFT CARDS 2010 Highlights • A&W: Implemented gift cards in over 125 restaurants and opening the program nationally in 2011 for all operators. Contact a gift card team member on how to join. • KFC: Activated over $1 million dollars in gift cards. Contact a gift card team member on how to join so these cards can be redeemed in your stores. • Long John Silver’s: Within 1 year, 65 percent of the system participates in the gift program. Contact a gift card team member if you have not yet joined. • Pizza Hut: Launched a virtual gift card program. Visit for details or to order your eGift card today. To participate in this growing trend, you must be a member of your concept purchasing co-op and register your store and banking information for transaction settlement with one of the gift card team members. This service is provided by Bank of America Merchant Services. 68 Gift Cards This section contains distributors, vendors of UFPC Purchasing, leasing companies and other vendor programs. Distributor UFPC Equipment Sales, Smallwares, Parts and Contractor Connection Purchasing Ecolab Cleaning Solutions Proctor and Gamble Cleaning Solutions Barco IQ Apparrel Leasing Benchmark Financial Direct Capital Other Programs Accuserv Chart EnPointe Ford X-Plan Martco MC Sign Sabretooth Programs 69 EQUIPMENT, SMALLWARES, PARTS & CONTRACTOR PRODUCTS 800.444.7868 | As recognized equipment experts supporting the Yum! Brands’ concepts, UFPC Equipment Sales provides project management for new store builds, remodels and replacement equipment. We have a proven track record managing key concept initiatives over the past several years and look forward to assisting with the upcoming programs scheduled for 2011. Our service culture promotes strong customer relationships, with dedicated sales representatives assigned to your account. As the only member-owned equipment distributor, we exist solely to support your business! Let us assist with your next equipment order and see how our expertise can benefit your franchise. 70 Programs ] AND ] SIMPLIFY YOUR OPERATIONS | EQUIPMENT, SMALLWARES, PARTS & CONTRACTOR PRODUCTS 866.646.5335 Leverages member spend for contractor products to reduce store level costs Provides one point of contact for contractor purchases Volume driven pricing on restroom equipment, drive thru windows, carpeting and more Contractor services available through established service network | 866.570.5893 Largest one-stop selection of brand specific foodservice equipment parts Competitive prices and lowest freight rates Same day shipping on in-stock parts Full feature web store for easy ordering, tracking orders Dedicated customer service team 240-page catalog and online parts manuals | 800.947.9277 Shipping from five stocked distribution centers to support your smallwares needs and reduce freight costs Custom printed and online catalogs for brand specific items Online Purchasing Includes Order History and Tracking Orders ship within 48 hours Yum! Brands specific items stocked in all warehouses Property & Casualty Program : 888.216.9300 Employee Benefits Program : 866.884.0597 *Program not available for Pizza Hut franchisees Programs 71 Cleaner, Safer, Healthier The Ecolab Promise: As the Yum! Brands preferred partner, Ecolab helps you achieve world class operations through: • Products designed specifically for QSR environments • Multiple state-of-the-art dispensing equipment options • Training tailored to the needs of your operation • Customized in-store service • Industry leading innovation CLEANING SOLUTIONS State-of-the-art Dispensing Equipment: Ecolab offers multiple dispensing options to suit the needs of your restaurant, all of which offer: • Automatic portion control • Color-coding and icon labeling to simplify training • Versatile, space-saving wall-mounted design Innovation: Ecolab constantly seeks to deliver on our promise to help you run world-class operations through innovative new products and equipment, all with the goal of getting your restaurants cleaner while delivering labor savings and reduced cost. Key new innovations include: • Scrub N Go® Floor Scrubber Vac System In Development: • Fryer Cleaning Platform, Pan cleaning platform To set up your FREE in-restaurant coaching and support, call 800.529.5458. Kay Chemical Company 8300 Capital Drive Greensboro, NC 27409-9790, USA ©2010 Kay Chemical Company. All Rights Reserved. 72 Programs Totally Integrated Cleaning and Sanitation Program Procter&GambleProfessionaloffersaYum!Brandsfranchiseeapprovedcustomized, comprehensivecleaning,sanitationandfoodsafetyprogramforoperatorsthatdemand competitive,innovativesolutionsfortoday’stoughcleaningchallenges. Franchisees using P&G Professional report a reduction in the total spending associated with cleaning For more information about P&G Professional’s comprehensive cleaning, sanitation & food safety solutions designed for your tough cleaning challenges, please contact: JohnFoster 513.604.2973 RichardPeck 214.770.3733 JeffCalderon 513.307.0785 JeanneRuter 513.983.3384 Programs 73 CLEANING SOLUTIONS P&G Professional ‘s Program Offers: TrustedFullProductLine-UpThatPerform IntegratedSanitationandFoodSafetyPrograms DispensingEquipmentOptionsthatReduceCosts ProgramthatisFocusedonSustainability BuiltinPreventativeandReactiveMaintenancePrograms “Best-in-Class”ToolsthatIncreaseProductivity CustomizableTrainingPrograms ContinualInnovation,ImprovementandDevelopment Web-BasedReportingforDataManagement Chart Inc./CO2 Beverage Systems Chart Inc., MVE Beverage Systems, is a global leader in beverage carbonation technology, with over 280,000 tanks installed. The new Carbo-Mizer 550 stores 20 percent more CO2 than the 450 model at a lower cost per pound for improved security and protection from gas run-outs. Chart has installed over 5,000 bulk CO2 tanks in Yum! Brands locations throughout the U.S. over the past 12 years. CO2 TANK RENTAL Chart is also a supplier of Analox 50™ CO2 safety systems that provide constant, accurate monitoring of CO2 levels within the restaurant to ensure a safe working environment. With over 80,000 units installed worldwide, CO2 monitors are becoming prevalent in the restaurant industry. Chart has a nationwide distributor network for the installation, filling and service of the Carbo-Series tanks. Visit us online at Cathy Bartusek Customer Service Phone: 800-247- 4446 E-mail: 74 Programs COMPUTER HARDWARE/POS SERVICES e Technolog gies is proud d of our 14 ye ear history ssupporting T Taco Bell Restaurants En Pointe nationwid de. Through hout this rela ationship En Pointe has served as th he project m management focal point for Information Technology y (IT) Service es, including g: Hardware H sellection, certification, inve entory and ssystem confi guration Delivery D and installation of o new IT eq quipment to rrun back-offfice TACO syystems Upgrades U to existing e IT equipment e Maintenance M of the IT inffrastructure o On-site rep pair o Advance exchange e of faulty equip pment o Call center support o Spare partts and logisttics support Learning Man nagement Sy ystems supp port Cabling C services En Pointe e and our fie eld service partner, p Allied Digital, wo orks closely with w the Taco o Bell Help Desk D to addrress issues rrelated to your IT service and support. s Our service objjective is to exceed your expectations an nd ensure tottal customerr satisfaction n. elzer Todd Ste Phone: 858.692.27 8 43 4 E-Mail: tstelzer@en t Christina Cardinali, UFPC Phone: 800.444.4144, ext. 2772 E-mail: Programs 75 FORD X PLAN Ford offers their Yum! Brands corporate programs to franchisees. The Partner Recognition Program allows members access to Ford’s X-Plan pricing with discounts on multiple makes and models of vehicles. For more information contact: Benchmark is an approved Yum! Brands partner and has been working with UFPC for over eight years. With some of the lowest rates in the banking and lending industry, we can help with all your financing and leasing needs. Our simple one page application makes the entire process quick and pain free. All Yum! Brands partners and UFPC members will receive waived documentation fees ($299). LEASING COMPANIES • Benchmark is a Direct Lender in all 50 States • Quick Response – as little as 2 hour credit decisions • Application Only up to $150,000 • A-B & C Credits Call today for a free quote: Marcus Davin Phone: 800.680.3946 Email: Direct Capital® is an experienced direct franchise lender providing single and multi-unit Yum! Brands franchisees with finance programs to support their franchise from store opening to remodel and beyond! o Finance Programs For: New Store Development Remodels Relocations Equipment/Technology Purchases Store Acquisitions Working Capital o Experience The Direct Capital® Advantage: National direct franchise lender Assistance with project coordination Up to 100 percent Financing with Fixed Monthly Payments Terms from 12-60 Months Access up to $100k with one page application Seasonal and Deferred Payment Options Online application & documentation Discover why thousands of franchisees rely on Direct Capital to support their growth, upgrade and expansion projects. For more information, please call Direct Capital’s National Accounts Team at 603.433.9476 or visit: 76 Programs Want a quick return on your investment? Invest in LED Technology! LED Recessed Downlight Up to 70 percent energy savings Compact Flourescent Lamps Lighting Controls Contact us to learn more!!! Accuserv Lighting & Equipment Toll Free 877.707.7378 LED LIGHTING Programs 77 Save on average $2,000 or more annually per site with a full-scale retrofit of your store’s lighting! Switching from incandescent to compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) inside and outside can save you up to 80 percent on your lighting costs, so the lamps quickly pay for themselves. In addition, CFLs last up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs, making them an economical solution. PrimeSource provides energy-efficient CFLs specifically suited to Yum! Brands restaurants. Day-to-day replenishment of all smallwares and parts, including light bulbs, is easy through our dedicated call center and Web site. As a member of UFPC’s national purchasing co-op, your PrimeSource purchases qualify for your equipment sourcing patronage dividend program. We make doing business easy, and we invite you to come see how. Reach us 24/7. LIGHTING Phone: 800.397.4737 Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. CST Fax: 800.737.0752 E-mail: 78 Programs SabreTooth Technologies is a Preferred Provider in UFPC’s ongoing effort to track and collect vital sales and product mix data from the KFC franchisee base. In addition to this collaborative effort, SabreTooth offers three state of the art restaurant operations software solutions. UFPC members are afforded the pricing agreement in effect with FRANMAC. Sabretooth has developed a contemporary Back Office system using the latest development tools, as well as a POS software application that will operate on numerous POS hardware platforms. SabreTooth’s Web Access to Reporting creates an Internet avenue to view and analyze key statistical data in real time. Our premium product, SmartLynX, incorporates all three software solutions to give restaurant owners a fully integrated restaurant operations system from a single source. REPORTING SOLUTIONS For more information contact: Les Kolls Phone: 336.544.1258 E-mail: Programs 79 Yum! Brands franchisees receive: Discounts on all Surveillance Equipment! This includes cameras, monitors, recorders and all accessories. Call or e-mail Martco today for pricing and installation information: Yum! Brands Account Representative: Adela Klagge 800.210.5789 SECURITY SERVICES Click here to view secure, program discount information. You will be asked to log in. 50 Years of Excellence Martco is one of the nation’s largest and most respected providers of surveillance equipment and repair service. We have been providing camera surveillance equipment to Yum! Brands for over 25 years and have been in business for 50 years! We carry over 100 brands of equipment and keep a large inventory in our central warehouse. Pricing, nationwide installation and repair service as well as design expertise are why companies representing over 30,000 locations choose Martco for their surveillance equipment needs. CALL TODAY for Free Design Assistance! Yum! Brands Account Representative: Adela Klagge 800.210.5789 80 Programs “Signs, Service & Project Management Nationally Since 1953” MC Sign Company, Signage and Lighting Experience,MCSignCompanyhasalltheright ingredientstoprovideyouthebestserviceand productsavailableforyournationalsignageand lightingneeds.Order Now and Save with National Yum! Brands Rates. • Energy Saving Solutions We offerLED, InteriorandExteriorlightingretrofits. MCSign retrofitted900KFCrestaurantswith400W MetalHalidelampsresultinginHuge Electric Payback and short ROI Signage Installation Management, This programisdesignedtoProjectManageyour neworretrofitsignageandlightingpackage fromManufacturingtoInstallationneeds nationwidewithonecallresultinginSavings ineverystep. • Service and Maintenance, MCSigncurrently maintains,servicesandperformsspecial projectsforthesignandlightingneedsof 1200TacoBell,nearly800KFCandover 100PizzaHutrestaurantsacrossthecountry. • New Total Sign & Lighting Solutions, InteriorandexteriorEnergyefficientdesigns, re-lampto LEDormoreefficientlighting,parts servicingandinstallationallinOne Call. SIGNAGE MAINTENANCE • Exteriorlighting replacementtoLED hasanexcellent paybackandROI. Signandlighting maintenance programscansave over25%compared tooutofcontract services! CalltodaytoreserveatastetestoftheMoney Saving servicesthatMCSignCompanycan provideforyou. RalphJ.Sassi,Jr. Phone:888.YUMTEAM(888.986.8326) Sales:800.627.4460,ext.156 Phone:858.395.9897 E-mail: Executive Offices, Sales, Service & Manufacturing 8959 Tyler Boulevard Mentor, Ohio 44060 Phone: 440.209.6200 ●Fax: 440.209.6277 Toll Free: 1.800.627.4460 Programs 81 UNIFORMS 82 Programs • IQ Apparel is Yum! Brands premier source for affordable and fashion-forward uniforms. As caretakers of your brand we employ innovative and socially responsible practices and ensure the highest standards of quality and customer satisfaction. • For more information about IQ Apparel’s uniform program, please visit or call 1.855.777.1YUM (1.855.777.1986). • IQ Apparel has been designing, manufacturing and distributing uniforms for over a decade with a cost take-out and customer service oriented philosophy. IQ Apparel is proud to be one of the select few to provide quality and value driven uniforms to Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken. • For franchisee assistance, please contact Rich Roberts at 214.751.3956 or UNIFORMS Programs 83 um! . UNIFORMS . 84 Programs Not receiving Resource Services e-mails? Send your name and e-mail address to to begin receiving our latest savings updates. Programs 85 Directory by Vendor Vendor Contact Phone E-mail Page Accuserv Buddy Bockweg 877.707.7378 p. 77 ADP Kathy Schrieffer 847.718.2284 p. 27 Ameresco Beth Miller 888.735.1510 p. 9 AMTC Clayton Burton 800.741.2682, ext. 152 p. 43 AT&T - local & long distance Wendy Meyer 502.489.0603 p. 16 AT&T U-verse Kevin Busch 214.212.2000 p. 62 AT&T WiFi Kevin Busch 214.212.2000 p. 50 AT&T - wireless Kevin Busch 214.212.2000 p. 54, 62 Avis/Budget Sharon Theriault 860.745.1081 p. 14 Bank of America Merchant Services Rosie Watson-Jones 502.315.2808 rosie.watson-jones@ p. 17 BA Merchant Services Paycard Christy Russo 214.257.2318 christy.russo@ p. 20 Best Buy Scott Hendrix 817.791.6075 p. 46 Brinks Al Ringer 678.354.5343, ext. 270 p. 35 Chart Gary Fowler 800.247.4446 p. 74 Cintas Steve Mitrione 513.573.4258 p. 21 Citi Merchant Services provided by First Data John Tolve 770.933.7948 p. 18 Copesan Ray Mannello 800.782.0684 p. 28 Dell - Business Kami Schiller 512.657.8316 p. 42 Dell - Employee Aaron Lightwine 512.723.0856 p. 62 Dish Network Delano Horace 720.514.6813 p. 45, 63 DTT Mira Diza 800.933.8388, ext. 1441 p. 48 Duro-Last Lee Cobb 601.214.0527 p. 33 Ecolab Mike Shea 630.699.1807 p. 29 Energy Services Marcus Fister - UFPC 502.896.5996 p. 8 En Pointe Todd Stelzer 858.692.2743 p. 75 Enterprise Dede Shafar 502.479.4731 p. 14 FedEx Office Kevin Haller 502.310.9912 p. 19 FedEx Shipping Theresa Knight 502.593.9449 p. 26 Ford X-Plan Christina Cardinali - UFPC 502.891.2772 p. 75 FPO Solutions Julia Ellek Donavant 520.622.0342 p. 22 Gift Cards Angela Grant - UFPC 502.891.4128 p. 68 H&R Block Kevin Leek 816.854.4717 p. 38 InfoSync Services Dale Hoyer 316.681.4309 p. 22 MANY OF THE PRODUCT, SERVICE, AND PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS IN THIS DIRECTORY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE VENDORS AND SUPPLIERS WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESCRIPTIONS’ CONTENT. UFPC MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS, SERVICES, AND PROGRAMS DESCRIBED IN THIS DIRECTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, (I) ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR (II) ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WITH RESPECT TO UFPC, ALL PRODUCTS, SERVICES, AND PROGRAMS DESCRIBED IN THIS DIRECTORY ARE OFFERED “AS IS.” REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO ANY PRODUCT, SERVICE, OR PROGRAM DESCRIBED IN THIS DIRECTORY, IF ANY, ARE MADE SOLELY BY THE VENDOR OR SUPPLIER OF SUCH PRODUCT, SERVICE, OR PROGRAM, AND NOT BY UFPC. 86 UFPC Resource Services Directory by Vendor Vendor Contact Phone E-mail Page Interface Eric Schwartz 314.595.0107 p. 47 Jiffy Lube Lincoln Waste Solutions Tom Barton 713.546.8630 p. 63 Steven Davis 704.970.6859 p. 40 Loomis Kendall Walker 303.519.1969 p. 36 Martco Libbie Martin 502.635.1600, ext. 112 p. 80 MC Sign Ralph Sassi 858.395.9897 p. 81 Measure 3 Kimberly NasiefWestergren 502.509.7467 p. 23 Muzak Mindy Hopp 803.242.6647 p. 44 NuCo2 Jeff Wilson 704.596.4018 p. 15 Office Max James Cunningham 615.473.5998 p. 24 Orkin Frank Allen 480.993.6839 p. 30 Pan Glo Scott Mouton 937.284.2798 p. 25 Partners Plus Steve Muscato 630.259.9198 p. 63 Payless Matt Lemke 785.368.7530 p. 34, 63 PC Mall Amanda Yagi 310.225.5051 p. 64 PODS Jim Brooks 513.252.6776 p. 37 PrimeSource Laurie Barnett 800.397.4737 ext. 5990 p. 78 RealWinWin Abby Watson p. 11 Ricke & Associates Larry Ricke 888.537.4253 p. 19 Sabretooth Les Kolls 336.544.1258, ext. 215 p. 79 Sirius/XM Patty Yang 212.584.5132 p. 64 Sprint Wireless Brent Boon 502.253.1676 p. 55, 65 Sprint WiFi Brent Boon 877.896.5643 p. 51 Steritech Paul Anderson 704.971.4731 p. 31 TDM Julie Darst 502.238.1097 p. 39 Terminix Tony Canale 800.238.6189, ext. 1763 p. 32 T-Mobile Katrina Jackson 972.464.3038 p. 56, 65 UFPC Equipment Sales Ellen Goulart 800.444.7868 p. 70 UFPC Smallwares Connection Kate Gusching Kevin Simmons 502.649.8403; p. 71 UFPC Parts Connection Lonnie Shafer 800.947.9277 p. 71 UFPC Contractor Connection Mike Woods 866.646.6335 p. 71 UPS Steve Renfro 812.248.9377 p. 26 Valvoline Christina Cardinali - UFPC 502.891.2772 p. 66 Verizon Barbara Hall 502.216.9264 p. 57 Westec Michael Gablehouse 714.277.8527 p. 49 Working Advantage David Yates 978.849.6018 p. 66 215.732.4480, ext. 253 UFPC Resource Services 87 88 UFPC Resource Services Update from Joe Main Dear Member, 2010 was a year of growth for UFPC Resource Services. We added nine new programs and thousands of member participants to our existing and new programs. Resource Services now offers over 70 discounted programs to help reduce member cost. Our key measure, contract access points, has grown to nearly 200,000. New programs added: • Ameresco – energy billing audit and reporting solutions • RealWinWin – utility equipment rebates • PODS – 20 percent savings for storage and moving solutions Thank you for your continued support of UFPC Resource Services. If you have any questions about our programs, please feel free to contact us. Joe Main Vice President Resource Services 502.896.5996 Services Energy Craig Goldstein Director, Resource Services 502.891.4741 Marcus Fister Director, National Energy 502.896.5996 Christina Cardinali Sr. Services Analyst 502.891.2772 Sara Ackerman Sr. Energy Analyst 502.891.2752, Julie Clem Buyer, Energy (Contractor) 502.893.4189, • Cintas – discounts on floor mats, aprons, towels and first aid kits • Lincoln Waste Services – waste consulting services • Dell – 10 to 30 percent savings on computers, laptops and other accessories • Enterprise – 7 percent savings on car rentals • Measure 3 – over 50 percent savings on mystery shopper programs • H&R Block – special pricing for store level employees Last year, we began a new initiative to further confirm members were aware of all of our discount programs. Resource Services staff contacts members and reviews programs via a thirty minute conference call. The Checklist of Savings on pages Gift Cards Technology Angela Grant Sr. Manager, Gift Card Operations 502.891.4728 Candace Hilderbrand Manager Technology Programs 502.896.5915 Kae Thompson Sr. Gift Card Analyst 502.896.5993 Michael Mongeon Gift Card Analyst 502.891.4752 950 Breckenridge Lane Suite 300 Louisville, KY 40207 502-896-5900