Milpitas Odor Information
Milpitas Odor Information
Milpitas Odor Information Excellent Compliance Record Newby Island is under the jurisdiction of several agencies that have regulatory authority over odor emissions from the landfill, including: San Jose Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (Cal Recycle). Extensive studies show that the predominant sources of odors in Milpitas come from the South Bay and various creeks which are a large source of decomposing organic materials. Because Newby Island is so visible, many attribute local odors to something they can see, however, experts have demonstrated that Newby Island is not a source of nuisance odors. According to the Milpitas Odor Control Action Plan, potential sources of odors in the Milpitas area include: Landfill & composting operations located on Zanker Road Anaerobic organics digestion facility located on Zanker Road Milpitas sewage pump station – located east of the San Jose Waste Water Treatment Plant San Jose Waste Water Treatment Plant operating 650 acres of open-air sludge drying beds Newby Island Landfill – Being a good neighbor Being a good neighbor is a top priority for the management team and employees of the Newby Island Resource Recovery Park. In addition to caring for the waste service needs of locals, our team strives to be a true partner to the communities it serves and its neighbors. Our history with the Region • • • • • • When the Marshall Pomeroy Elementary School launched a campus beatification effort that included planting more than 6,000 bulbs, the Newby Island Resource Recovery Park was The Newby Island Resource Recovery Park is a place of regional pride known not only for its commitment to sustainability but also for the advanced technologies in place happy to assist by donating Partnered with the city of San Jose to triple the city’s commercial recycling rate to nearly 70 percent in less than one year The mulch and compost is Developed innovative wet/dry collection program for Bay Area businesses - a unique approach to commercial waste processing where it processes yard waste Newby Island employs full-time recycling representatives and community relations staff to support public outreach and education that is utilized by residents, Local schools are provided with up to $10,000 per year in recycling “mini-grants” to support recycling education in the classroom The Newby Island Resource Recovery Park was voted Most Community-Minded Company in the Best of Milpitas survey for 2010-2014 and Corporate Citizen of the Year in 2009 by the Milpitas Chamber of Commerce • Newby Island partners with local communities to best address their waste needs, including unlimited curbside collection service, twice-a-month household dump day for residents at no cost, sponsoring annual neighborhood cleanup events, and annual compost giveaways • Newby Island supports local charitable and civic organizations with monetary contributions and in-kind services mulch and compost. generated from the Newby Island organics recycling facility, and food waste scraps into nutrient-rich planting material businesses, parks and school districts. Newby Island Resource Recovery Park 1601 Dixon Landing Rd. Milpitas, CA 95035 Contact: Don Litchfield Area Environmental Manager 408-945-2800 Compliance with Milpitas Odor Action Plan The Newby Island Resource Recovery Park is committed to fulfilling the City of Milpitas Odor Action Plan which provides for centralized complaint handling; implementing best management odor control practices (BMPs); and notifying other odor-producing sources of complaints. At Newby Island, these BMPs include increased monitoring of meteorological conditions at the site, completing research on the compost facility location, and limiting the receipt of dried sludge from the San Jose Treatment Plant. In addition, the compost facility was moved to the western portion of the Newby Island property, farthest away from residents and businesses in the surrounding communities where it will stay. The Newby Island facility also implemented a Compost Odor Minimization Plan to address any odor sources from the compost facility. Following the implementation of the Milpitas Odor Action Plan, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) advised Milpitas that odor complaints have remained at negligible numbers. In addition, the San Jose Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) reported that the Newby Island facility has been proactive and cooperative in response to the Milpitas Odor Action Plan. The Newby Island Landfill is under the jurisdiction of several agencies that have the regulatory authority over odor emissions from the landfill. These include the: San Jose Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) certified by the State Waste Board (now Cal Recycle) Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (Cal Recycle) Newby Island Resource Recovery Park 1601 Dixon Landing Rd. Milpitas, CA 95035 Contact: Don Litchfield Area Environmental Manager 408-945-2800 Newby Island Landfill – Odor Mitigation Systems A series of effective measures are in place to eliminate odors from the Newby Island Resource Recovery Park. As members of the community and stewards of the environment, we are committed to be part of the solution to minimize and eliminate odors. The Newby Island facilities employ several odor mitigation measures, including: A landfill gas collection and control system that collects and destroys landfill gas through a flare and a gas-to-energy facility Two licensed master falconers on site controlling bird populations during all hours of operation Industrial misters with odor eliminating additives Maintaining a minimal active disposal area Daily soil and other cover material on the landfill disposal area to control the release of odors and improve the efficiency of the gas-to-energy collection system Water trucks to spray down any dust-producing areas A meteorological station to monitor weather patterns that may impact landfill operations Regular cleaning of our fleet of trucks Proper maintenance of compost windrows which is effective in reducing the creation as well as transport of offensive odors Implementation of an Odor Impact Minimization Plan for the composting operation and participation in the City of Milpitas Odor Action Plan Locating the compost facility as far as possible from nearby residential areas Each of these steps—especially when implemented in concert— are effective in reducing the creation as well as the transport of offensive odors. All materials including green materials and recyclables are processed within 48 hours of receipt to minimize and avoid odors. Meet Maxwell Ottersbach Newby Island Falcons While Newby Island employs innovative and world-class environmental controls, we also utilize some more traditional strategies. The facility utilizes two licensed master falconers during all hours of operation to abate the bird populations at Newby Island Landfill. Newby Island Resource Recovery Park 1601 Dixon Landing Rd. Milpitas, CA 95035 Contact: Don Litchfield Area Environmental Manager 408-945-2800 Newby Island Landfill Best Practices Despite best efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle, some waste can still remain. It is critical those materials be disposed of in an environmentally sound and cost-effective manner. The Newby Island Resource Recovery Park is a modern, fully integrated waste management facility that has served Silicon Valley residents and businesses for decades by providing an environmentally friendly, safe and secure disposal option for materials that are not otherwise recycled. The Newby Island Landfill is a permitted Class III, Subtitle D facility and meets all required local, state and federal rules and regulations. Permitted to accept up to 4,000 tons of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) per day, the site employs integrated systems, technologies and processes that help ensure environmental protection. Our methane gas probes that surround the disposal area are used to verify the effectiveness of our methane gas control system. Our groundwater monitoring system is designed to confirm that the integrity of the surrounding groundwater resources is intact and safe. The leachate collection pipes are designed to capture water and pump it out of the landfill after which it is transported off site for treatment prior to disposal. The liner system consists of a clay and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) liner that is designed to prevent any leakage from the disposal area into the surrounding soil, protecting the groundwater from contamination. In addition, wells are constructed throughout the disposal area to collect methane gas and destroy it with an enclosed flare system. The Newby Island Landfill is built with integrated systems, technologies and processes that help ensure environmental protection. Newby Island Resource Recovery Park 1601 Dixon Landing Rd. Milpitas, CA 95035 Contact: Don Litchfield Area Environmental Manager 408-945-2800 Newby Island Landfill – Environmental Steward The Newby Island Resource Recovery Park is a world-class facility that works to divert as many resources as possible to ensure our community is responsibly and sustainably disposing of our refuse. We work to recycle and compost as much material as we possibly can. On-site, we have the largest recycling facilities in the world that serves the Bay Area community, processing 400,000 tons per year and diverting at least 80 percent of the material collected. We have taken extensive steps to reduce the environmental impact of landfills. Controls at the Newby Island Landfill include: • A landfill gas collection and control system that collects and destroys landfill gas through a flare or gas-toenergy facility • A 9,500 cubic yard on-site composting facility that is committed to delivering the most environmentally responsible, efficient and cost-effective organics recycling services to its customers • An annual Free Compost Pick Up Day to encourage food-waste and organics composting • Licensed falconers on site that abates bird populations • Daily soil and other cover material on the landfill disposal area to control the release of odors and improve the efficiency of the gas-to-energy collection system • Water trucks and industrial misters with odor eliminating additives to reduce the diffusion of odors The Recyclery at Newby Island is the most advanced recycling facility in the world with the ability to process more material per hour and recover very high percentages of recyclables. The system in place consists of four sorting lines designed to process 400,000 tons per year. This system allows Republic to sort through wet and dry trash, organics and recyclables to divert as much material as possible from the landfill. Newby Island Resource Recovery Park 1601 Dixon Landing Rd. Milpitas, CA 95035 Contact: Don Litchfield Area Environmental Manager 408-945-2800 Newby Island – Waste Diversion Practices The Newby Island Resource Recovery Park is committed to providing industry-leading recycling solutions for our customers. Newby Island is key in providing comprehensive recycling services in Santa Clara County and the surrounding communities. Organics: The Newby Island Composting Facility delivers the most environmentally responsible, efficient and cost-effective organics recycling services. The facility maintains approximately 9,500 cubic yards on site to provide a consistent compost source for our customers. Recycling: The Recyclery at Newby Island is the most advanced recycling facility in the world with the ability to process more material per hour and recover very high percentages of recyclables. The system in place consists of four sorting lines designed to process 400,000 tons per year. This system allows Republic to sort through wet and dry trash, organics and recyclables to divert as much material as possible from the landfill. Renewable Energy: Newby Island was a pioneer in the clean energy department– we installed one of the first gas-to-energy facilities in the state of California. We helped set the standard that allows Newby Island to reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to a greener planet. Construction and Demolition (C&D) Recycling: Newby Island operates a Construction and Demolition (C&D) material processing facility able to divert approximately 90 percent of C&D material from the landfill. Wood, concrete, metals, soil and asphalt are among the materials Newby Island’s C&D facility can process. Foam recycling: The Newby Island facility operates a foam dropoff and recycling center open to the public. CNG Fueling Station & Trucks Newby Island’s Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) onsite fueling station fuels a fleet of 75 trucks – which service many Bay area municipalities. This innovative approach reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 65 percent and noise pollution by 80 percent. Newby Island Resource Recovery Park 1601 Dixon Landing Rd. Milpitas, CA 95035 Contact: Don Litchfield Area Environmental Manager 408-945-2800 Newby Island Landfill – Local Economic Impact Annually the Newby Island Resource Recovery Park and Republic Services infuse new revenue into the local economy through property taxes and host fees; by providing jobs; and obtaining goods and services from vendors in Santa Clara County. These wages and purchases have a residual effect, helping spur extra economic activity in the County. Local tax revenue will continue throughout the operational life of the landfill. Newby Island and the Local Economy Newby Island generates $12 million annually in taxes and host fees to state, county and local authorities. Republic Services currently employs 229 people at the Newby Island Resource Recovery Park – a majority of which are Santa Clara County residents. In addition, the Newby Island facility generates another 150 local jobs that are filled by third-party contractors. The Newby Island facility provides good paying, head-ofhousehold jobs. Newby Island in the Community Supporting the community and our neighbors is an important part of who we are. Our involvement in the community takes many shapes and forms. Often the cause finds us. Whether it’s special projects or special people who need our support, we’re there to lend a hand and do our part. Newby Island donates time, expertise and resources for special community events, education and activities. We encourage our employees to volunteer and give back to the community. Newby Island sponsors numerous events every year across the Bay Area: from school field trips to Earth Day activities, we help champion causes that make our communities better places to live. Most recently, Newby Island employees helped raised funds for the Milpitas Boy Scout Troop 92 to purchase a new camping trailer after their former one was stolen. Employees also asked other community members to assist by matching the donation Newby Island Resource Recovery Park 1601 Dixon Landing Rd. Milpitas, CA 95035 Contact: Don Litchfield Area Environmental Manager 408-945-2800