From Little Miami in Mrs. Todia`s Homeroom


From Little Miami in Mrs. Todia`s Homeroom
From Little Miami in Mrs. Todia’s Homeroom‐ 6th grade
Rocco Tomasetti
Noah Buerkle
(Stock Trader)
Andy Tucker
We knew very little when we started the Stock Market Game. We learned more and more as we got experience buying and selling stocks. After about the first month we figured out a great strategy of buying and selling stocks.
Find a stock
Wait until the stock goes down
Wait until it gets high in price (meanwhile research other stocks)
Sell once it is at its highest price, if the price drops sell it before you loose too much money.
In our group we did a vote on stocks or we researched the stock more.
Throughout this year we learned that the stock market is unpredictable and you always need to keep an eye on your stocks. Your stocks are always changing price.
A Special Thanks To
Ian Fletcher and Dhruv Dinesh for being our technical producers and advisors.