REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking FEBRUARY 2014 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT VOLUME I INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS FEBRUARY 2014 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Page 2 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking DISCLAIMER The information contained in this Request for Proposal document (the “RFP”) or subsequently provided to Bidder(s), whether verbally or in documentary or any other form by or on behalf of DoA (the “Department of Agriculture” or “DoA”) or any of its employees or advisors, is provided to Bidder(s) on the terms and conditions set out in the RFP and such other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided. This RFP is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by DoA to the prospective Bidders or any other person. The purpose of the RFP is to provide interested parties with information that may be useful to them in making their financial offers pursuant to the RFP (the "Price Proposal"). The RFP includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by DoA in relation to the Project. Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport to contain all the information that each Bidder may require. The RFP may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for DoA, its employees or advisors to consider the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each party who reads or uses the RFP. The assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in the Bidding Documents, may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Each Bidder should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in the RFP and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources. Information provided in the RFP to the Bidder(s) is on a wide range of matters, some of which may depend upon interpretation of law. The information given is not intended to be an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. DoA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on law expressed herein. DoA, its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall have no liability to any person, including any Bidder under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in the RFP or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, completeness or reliability of the RFP and any assessment, assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to form part of the RFP or arising in any way for participation in this Bidding Process. DoA also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise howsoever caused arising from reliance of any Bidder upon the statements contained in the RFP. DoA may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumptions contained in the RFP. The issue of the RFP does not imply that DoA is bound to select a Bidder or to appoint the Selected Bidder or Developer, as the case may be, for the Project and DoA reserves the right to reject all or any of the Bidders or Proposals without assigning any reason whatsoever. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 3 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of its Proposal including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by DoA or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its Bid. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Bidder and DoA shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred by a Bidder in preparation or submission of the Proposal, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 4 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Acronyms and Abbreviations AoA AAO ADA AO COD DoA DATC G2C GoI GoK ICT INR IT ITB JDA KB K-SWAN LAN MoA MIS MoU NEFT NIC OTC RFP RSK SG WAN Articles of Association Assistant Agriculture Officer Assistant Director of Agriculture Agriculture Officer Completion Date Department of Agriculture District Agriculture Training Centre Government to Citizen centric Government of India Government of Karnataka Information and Communication Technology Indian National Rupees Information Technology Instructions to Bidders Joint Director of Agriculture Kilo Bytes Karnataka State Wide Area Network Local Area Network Memorandum of Association Management Information System Memorandum of Understanding National Electronic Funds Transfer National Informatics Centre Over The Counter Request for Proposal Raitha Samparka Kendras State Government Wide Area Network The words and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined in the Instructions to Bidders unless repugnant to the context, have the meaning ascribed thereto herein. The words and expressions beginning with capital letters and not defined herein, but defined in the Draft Agreement, shall, unless repugnant to the context, have the meaning ascribed thereto therein. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 5 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS PAGE NO. SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 7 SECTION 2. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ..................................................................................................... 10 SECTION 3. EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS ................................................................................................... 20 SECTION 4. BIDDING SCHEDULE.................................................................................................................. 27 ANNEXURE..................................................................................................................................................... 28 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL EVALUATION PARAMETERS ....................................................................................... 28 APPENDIX A: FORMAT FOR LETTER OF PROPOSAL ......................................................................................... 31 APPENDIX B-1: FORMAT FOR POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR SIGNING OF PROPOSAL ........................................ 32 APPENDIX C: DETAILS OF BIDDER ................................................................................................................... 34 APPENDIX D-1: FORMAT FOR ANTI COLLUSION CERTIFICATE ......................................................................... 35 APPENDIX D-2: FORMAT FOR UNDERTAKING ................................................................................................ 36 APPENDIX E: FORMAT FOR UNDERTAKING FOR IT COMPANY ....................................................................... 37 APPENDIX F-1: FORMAT FOR STATEMENT OF EXPERIENCE ............................................................................ 38 APPENDIX G: FORMAT FOR TECHNICAL PROPOSAL........................................................................................ 42 APPENDIX H: PERFORMANCE TEST REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECT FACILITIES ............................................... 75 APPENDIX I: FORMAT FOR PRICE PROPOSAL ................................................................................................. 76 APPENDIX I-1 – BREAKUP OF CAPITAL COST .................................................................................................. 77 APPENDIX I-2 – BREAK UP OF O& M PAYMENT.............................................................................................. 79 APPENDIX I-3 – BREAKUP OF AMC COST (4TH YEAR) ....................................................................................... 80 APPENDIX I-3 – BREAKUP OF AMC COST (5TH YEAR) ....................................................................................... 82 APPENDIX I-4 – BREAK UP OF CONSUMABLE COST ........................................................................................ 84 APPENDIX I-4 – FORMAT FOR CALCULATION AND SUBMISSION OF CONTRACT PRICE ................................... 85 APPENDIX J: MANUFACTURER’S AUTHORIZATION FORM (MAF) ................................................................... 86 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 6 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Agriculture, in contemporary times has become knowledge intensive, technology-led, marketoriented and demand-driven, covering the entire value chain from production to consumption. The key to effective public delivery of services and information to farmers is developing the extension system. The major focus of the present extension system is on the implementation of a number of Central and State sector schemes, having input/subsidy delivery. In order to strengthen the State’s agriculture extension system, enhance efficiency, provide easy access to information and services to farmers and minimize the risk of crop failure; there is a need to revamp and modernize the extension system and enable greater use of modern, state of the art Information and Communication Technology (ICT). 1.1.2 The Department of Agriculture (DoA) under Raitha Mitra Yojane 2000-2001 established 747 Raitha Samparka Kendras (RSK), one in each Hobli, to provide services and information required by the farmers, at a single point throughout the life cycle of crop production. DoA has taken steps to strengthen RSKs through ICT applications which ensures provision of relevant, transparent, costeffective, timely, responsive and accurate information and services to the stakeholders. 1.1.3 DoA aims to enable efficient transfer of technology through computerisation and networking of Hobli RSKs, Kasaba RSKs, establishing internet and intranet connectivity using VPN over broadband at RSKs, Taluk ADA offices, District JDA offices, Laboratories, DATCs, the Commissionerate office (Head office) and the Secretariat. It also aims to develop an efficient and effective information dissemination, data management and administration system in the State by strengthening of RSKs for efficient transfer of technology through computerization covering all the offices of DoA. In pursuance of the above objectives, DoA invites proposals from interested parties for supply, installation, commissioning, operations, maintenance, management of Project Facilities, networking of Hobli RSKs, Kasaba RSKs, Taluk ADA offices, District JDA offices, Laboratories, DATCs, the Commissionerate (Head Office) and the Secretariat (the “DoA Offices); with KSWAN connectivity., impart training to officers/employees of DoA, devise reporting and complaint redressal mechanism, discharge of other obligations by the Service Provider, in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement (the “Project”). Interested parties (“Bidders”) are required to submit detailed proposals (“Proposals”) as per provisions of this RFP. 1.1.4 Proposals submitted by the Bidders, would be evaluated on the basis of the evaluation criteria set out in the RFP in order to identify the successful Bidder for the Project (“Successful Bidder”). 1.1.5 The Successful Bidder would then have to enter into an Agreement with DoA, and perform its obligations as stipulated therein in respect of the Project. The Draft Agreement forms part of the RFP (Refer: Volume II). 1.1.6 The Successful Bidder would be required to: i. supply, install and commission Project Facilities (refer to Schedule 1.B.2 of Volume II); VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 7 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ii. operate, maintain and manage the Project Facilities by providing required manpower as per the Draft Agreement; iii. set up a mechanism for reporting and complaint redressal; iv. provide regular and preventive maintenance of the Project Facilities; v. provide training to the personnel of DoA; vi. perform services as per the Minimum Service Levels prescribed in the Agreement. vii. Provide and maintain LAN connectivity to the computer and peripherals supplied under NeGPA by GoI. 1.1.7 The Bidder shall quote the payment (“Contract Price”)1 sought from DoA to undertake the Project for a period of 5 (five) years from the date of signing of the Agreement (the “Agreement Period”). Such Contract Price shall be inclusive of all costs, duties and taxes applicable from time to time. The Contract Price shall be paid as per the terms and conditions set out in the Draft Agreement. Brief description of Bidding Process is described below. However, impact of change in service tax plus surcharge from the existing level shall be passed onto the client. 1.1.8 The bidder should also quote for the Cost of Consumables as per price format set out in Appendix I-4 sought from DoA. 1.2 Brief Description of Bidding Process 1.2.1 DoA invites eligible Bidders to submit their Proposals for the Project electronically through unified e-procurement platform of GoK viz. (the “E-Procurement Website”). DoA has adopted a single stage process (referred to as the "Bidding Process") for selection of the Bidder for award of the Project. 1.2.2 The Bidders would need to submit the following documents: i. Documents relating to establishing the qualification of the Bidder in terms of the qualification criteria set out in the RFP (“Qualification Submissions”), ii. Documents relating to technical requirements of the Project (“Technical Proposal”), and iii. Financial proposal (“Price Proposal”) for the Project The specimen of the Price Proposal is provided at Appendix I-1, Appendix I-2, Appendix I-3, Appendix I-4 and Appendix I-5 of the RFP. 1.2.3 1 The evaluation of the Proposals would be carried out in four stages. The stages of evaluation are briefly provided below: However, for identification of L1, the Contract price and the cost of consumables shall be considered VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 8 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking a. The first stage would involve a test of responsiveness of the Proposals submitted by the Bidders. Those Proposals found to be substantially responsive would be evaluated in the next stage. b. In the second stage, the Qualification Submissions of the Bidders relating to their experience, financial capability and understanding of the project as per 2.14.2a would be evaluated. Bidders meeting the experience and financial capability criteria as set out in the RFP shall be short-listed (the “Qualified Bidders“) for further evaluation. During this stage, the bidders may be invited to make a presentation on the Implementation plan of the Project to the Evaluation Committee. c. In the third stage, the Technical Proposals from Qualified Bidders would be verified for conformance with the minimum technical specifications of the Project Facilities. Only those Qualified Bidders who score at least minimum cut off marks for each evaluation parameter and also score a total of at least 70 marks out of 100 (the “Technically Qualified Bidders“) shall be qualified for the next stage of evaluation. d. In the fourth stage, the Price Proposals of the Technically Qualified Bidders would be opened in the e-Procurement Website by DoA. The bidder who quotes L1 price shall be identified as the Preferred Bidder. 1.2.4 The RFP shall be made available to the Bidders on the e- Procurement Website. 1.2.5 It may be noted that all subsequent notifications, changes and amendments on the Project/the RFP would be posted on the e-Procurement Website. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 9 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SECTION 2. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS A. General 2.1 Eligible Bidders 2.1.1 Only a single entity company will be considered for the bid process. 2.1.2 However, the operator shall be entitled to subcontract all work related to the following for the purposes of providing Services to the DoA under this Agreement: a. Site preparation including all Civil, Electrical and LAN work at the DoA site b. Manpower requirements at all the locations. For meeting the Resource requirement, sub contracting shall be done from a single source/agency with prior approval from the DoA. c. Maintenance of Electrical equipments and LAN network at all locations. The term Bidder would hereinafter apply to the single entity company. 2.1.3 The IT Company shall be carrying out its business in India for a minimum period of 3 years as on the close of the latest financial year. 2.1.4 The following documents shall be submitted by the Bidders along with the Qualification Submissions as proof of being an IT Company2: i. A copy of Certificate of Incorporation; ii. Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association; iii. An undertaking issued by the Chief Financial Officer/ Company Secretary of the Bidder confirming its status in terms of Clause 2.1.2 and this Clause 2.1.3. 2.1.5 Any entity which has been barred by DoA, GoK, any other SG in India, or GoI, or any of the agencies of GoK/SG/GoI as on the Proposal Due Date, would not be eligible to submit a Proposal. The Bidder shall execute an undertaking to this effect as per the format enclosed in Appendix D-2. 2.2 Number of Proposals For the purpose of the RFP, an IT Company shall mean a Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 or under the equivalent law in case of a foreign Company: 2 a. A company which has been in the business of i. ii. sale, supply, installation of computer hardware; and operation, management and maintenance of computer hardware. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 10 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Each Bidder shall submit only one (1) Proposal, in response to the RFP. Any Bidder who submits or participates in more than one Proposal shall be disqualified and shall also cause disqualification of all the Proposals in which such Bidder has participated. 2.3 Sub-contracting Operator shall be entitled to subcontract all work related to the following for the purposes of providing Services to the DoA under this Agreement: 1. Site preparation including all Civil, Electrical and LAN work at the DoA site. 2. Manpower requirements at all the locations. For meeting the Resource requirement, sub contracting shall be done from a single source/agency with prior approval from the DoA. 3. Maintenance of Electrical equipments and LAN network at all locations. 4. It’s also the responsibility of the Service Provider to manage the Sub-contractor(s) to deliver the goods and services to the DoA as envisaged in this RfP. 2.4 Proposal Preparation Cost The Bidder shall be responsible and shall pay for all of the costs associated with the preparation of its Proposal and its participation in the bidding process. DoA will not be responsible or in any way be liable for such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 2.5 Project Inspections and Visit to Sites 2.5.1 Bidders are encouraged to submit their Proposals after visiting DoA Offices and ascertaining for themselves the location, surroundings, utilities and existing systems in such DoA Offices or any other matter considered relevant by them. 2.5.2 It would be deemed that by submitting the Proposal in response to the RFP, the Bidder has: a. made a complete and careful examination of the RFP; b. received all relevant information requested from DoA; c. made a complete and careful examination of the various aspects of the Project including but not limited to: i. the Project sites; ii. existing facilities, infrastructure and structures, if any; iii. the conditions of utilities in the vicinity of the Project sites; iv. conditions affecting transportation, access, disposal, handling and storage of materials, travel and access by personnel; v. clearances obtained by DoA for the Project; and vi. all other matters that might affect the Bidder's performance under the terms of the RFP. 2.5.3 DoA shall not be liable for any mistake or error on the part of the Bidder in respect of the above. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 11 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 2.6 Right to Accept or Reject any of the Proposals 2.6.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in the RFP, DoA reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal or to annul the bidding process or reject all Proposals, at any time without any liability or any obligation for such rejection or annulment, without assigning any reasons. 2.6.2 DoA reserves the right to invite revised Proposals from Bidders with or without amendment of RFP at any stage, without liability or any obligation for such invitation and without assigning any reason. 2.6.3 DoA reserves the right to reject any Proposal if: a. at any time, a material misrepresentation is made or discovered, or b. the Bidder does not respond promptly and diligently to requests for supplemental information required for the evaluation of the Proposal. 2.6.4 Rejection of the Proposal by DoA as aforesaid would lead to the disqualification of the Bidder. If such disqualification / rejection occurs after the Proposals have been opened and the Preferred Bidder gets disqualified / rejected, then DoA reserves the right to: a. either award the work to next best bidder to carry out the work OR b. either invite the next best Bidder to match the Proposal submitted by the Preferred Bidder; OR c. take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of DoA, including annulment of the bidding process. B. Documents 2.7 Contents of RFP RFP comprises of the contents as listed below, and would additionally include any Addendum issued in accordance with Clause 2.8. S. No. Contents 1. Notice Inviting Tenders 2. Volume I - Instructions to Bidders 3. Volume II - Draft Agreement 2.8 Amendment of RFP 2.8.1 At any time prior to the Proposal Due Date, DoA may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by a Bidder, modify RFP by the issuance of Addenda/ corrigendum. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 12 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 2.8.2 Any Addendum/ corrigendum thus issued will be uploaded in the e-Procurement Website and the same shall be binding on the Bidders. 2.8.3 In order to provide the Bidders a reasonable time to examine the Addendum/ corrigendum, or for any other reason, DoA may, at its own discretion, extend the Proposal Due Date. Extension, if any, of the Proposal Due Date will only be uploaded on the E-Procurement Website. 2.9 Pre-Proposal Meeting 2.9.1 To clarify and discuss issues with respect to the Project and RFP, DoA may hold pre-Proposal meeting(s). 2.9.2 Prior to the pre-Proposal meeting(s), the Bidders may submit to DoA in writing or by fax and email in accordance with Clause 2.9.8 a list of queries and propose deviations, if any, on the Project requirements and/or the Agreement. Bidders must formulate their queries and forward the same to DoA as per the time schedule set out in Section 4 of this Volume of RFP (“Bidding Schedule”). DoA shall endeavour to respond to the queries within the period specified therein, but no later than 7 (seven) days prior to the Proposal Due Date. The responses to queries raised by the Bidders during the pre-Proposal meeting will be uploaded on the e-Procurement Website without identifying the sources. DoA may, in its sole discretion or based on inputs provided by Bidders that it considers acceptable, amend the RFP. 2.9.3 DoA shall endeavour to respond to the questions raised or clarifications sought by the Bidders. However, DoA reserves the right not to respond to any question or provide any clarification, in its sole discretion, and nothing in this Clause shall be taken or read as compelling or requiring DoA to respond to any question or to provide any clarification. 2.9.4 DoA may suo moto, if deemed necessary, issue interpretations and clarifications to the Bidders and the same will be uploaded on E-Procurement Website. All clarifications and interpretations issued by DoA shall be deemed to be part of the RFP. Verbal clarifications and information given by DoA or its employees or representatives shall not in any way or manner be binding on DoA. 2.9.5 Bidders may note that DoA will not entertain any deviations to the RFP at the time of submission of the Proposal or thereafter. The Proposal to be submitted by the Bidders would have to be unconditional and unqualified and the Bidders would be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of the RFP with all its contents including the Draft Agreement. Any conditional Proposal shall be regarded as non-responsive and would be liable for rejection. 2.9.6 DoA will endeavour to hold the pre-Proposal meeting as per Bidding Schedule. 2.9.7 Attendance of the Bidders at the Pre-Proposal meeting is not mandatory. 2.9.8 All correspondence / enquiries should be submitted to the following in writing by fax/registered post / courier: ATTN. OF: VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT The Director, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Page 13 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ADDRESS: Sheshadri Road, Bangalore 560001 Ph: 080-22242746 Fax: 080-22294231 2.9.9 No interpretation, revision, or other communication from DoA regarding this solicitation is valid unless it is in writing and is signed by a person not less than the rank of the Commissioner for DoA. C. Preparation and Submission of Proposal 2.10 Language and Currency 2.10.1 The Proposal and all related correspondence and documents should be written in the English language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder with the Proposal may be in any other language provided that they are accompanied by appropriate translations of the pertinent passages in the English language. Supporting materials, which are not translated into English, may not be considered. For the purpose of interpretation and evaluation of the Proposal, the English language translation shall prevail. For the commercial bid, all the amounts should be given in Indian Rupees (INR). 2.11 Bid Security 2.11.1 The Proposals would need to be accompanied by a Bid Security for an amount of Rs. 30/- lakhs (Rupees Thirty Lakhs Only). 2.11.2 The Bid Security shall be paid through any one of the following e-payment options only. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Credit Card Direct Debit National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) Over the Counter (OTC) – designated ICICI Bank branches located across the country The Bid Security paid under any of the above options shall remain valid for a period of 9 (Nine) months from the Proposal Due Date, or beyond any period of extension subsequently as determined by DoA from time to time. The Proposal shall be summarily rejected if it is not accompanied by the Bid Security. For further details regarding e-payment, please refer to e-Procurement Website. 2.11.3 The Bid Security shall be returned to the unsuccessful Bidders within a period of eight (8) weeks from the date of announcement of the Successful Bidder. The Bid Security submitted by the Successful Bidder shall be released upon furnishing of the Performance Security in the form and manner as stipulated in the Agreement. 2.11.4 The Bid Security shall be forfeited in the following cases: VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 14 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking a. If the Bidder modifies or withdraws its Proposal except as provided in Clause 2.16; b. If the Bidder withdraws its Proposal during the interval between the Proposal Due Date and expiration of the Proposal Validity Period; c. If the Successful Bidder fails to provide the Performance Security and execute the Agreement with DoA within the stipulated time or any extension thereof provided by DoA; d. If any information or document furnished by the Bidder turns out to be misleading or untrue in any material respect. 2.12 Validity of Proposal The Proposal shall remain valid for a period not less than nine (9) months from the Proposal Due Date ("Proposal Validity Period"). DoA reserves the right to reject any Proposal, which does not meet this requirement. 2.13 Extension of Validity of Proposal In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original Proposal Validity Period, DoA may request Bidders to extend the Proposal Validity Period for a specified additional period. 2.14 Format and Signing of Proposal 2.14.1 The Bidder shall provide all the information sought under the RFP in electronic mode. DoA reserves the right to evaluate only those Proposals that are received in the required format and is complete in all respects. 2.14.2 The Bidder shall submit the scanned copy of the following documents in the correct slots as provided in the E-Procurement Website, on or before the Proposal Due Date. a. Qualification Submission, consisting of the following: i. Letter of Proposal as per Appendix A ii. Power of Attorney as per Appendix B-1, authorising the signatory of the Proposal to commit the Bidder iii. Letter of Commitment as per Appendix B-3 iv. Details of Bidder as per Appendix C v. Anti-Collusion Certificate as per Appendix D-1 vi. Letter of Undertaking from Bidder as per Appendix D-2 vii. Bid Security viii. Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the Company ix. Undertaking of being an IT Company as per Appendix E VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 15 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking x. ISO 9001-2008 Certification xi. Format for Experience as per Appendix F-1 xii. Statement of Financial Capability as per Appendix F-2 xiii. Annual reports of the three completed financial years preceding the Proposal Due Date xiv. Manufacturer’s Authorization Form as per Appendix J xv. Implementation plan and power point presentation – The bidder has to upload detailed understanding and implementation plan and power point presentation of the project separately covering the following criteria A. Proposed team and Governance structure comprisingi. Governance structure and escalation mechanism. ii. team and profiles for Infrastructure setup. iii. team and profiles for Networking and related components. iv. team and profiles for Domain experts. v. team for Operations and maintenance. B. Proposed Project Plan comprising i. Comprehensiveness of the project plan. ii. Activities, sequencing, dependencies among activities. iii. Resource planning allocation and loading iv. Proposed status reporting mechanism v. Risk management and mitigation plan C. Hardware/ software and tools to be deployed i. Configuration performance and scalability of Hardware and software. ii. Tools for monitoring compliance with SLA requirements on a real time basis and interoperable with the overall solution proposed by the bidder. iii. Helpdesk management tool capable of managing the entire facility management and fulfilling SLA requirement. Note – The bidders may be required to make a presentation on the parameters set out in xv at the discretion of the DoA. b. Technical Proposal i. Comprehensive Verification Report as per Appendix G ii. Performance Test results as per Appendix H iii. Supporting documents VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 16 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking c. Price Proposal as per the format set out in Appendix I along with following supporting Appendixes i. Break up of Capital Investment as per the format set out in Appendix I-1 ii. Break up of O&M Payment as per the format set out in Appendix I- 2 iii. Break up of the cost of AMC for the 4th and 5th for the project facilities supplied set out in Appendix I-3. iv. Break up of the cost of the consumables as per the format set out in Appendix I-4 v. The Contract Price as per the format set out in Appendix I-5 vi. Price Proposal as per the format set out in Appendix I 2.14.3 All the documents of the Proposal submitted in electronic mode under the RFP shall be uploaded on e-Procurement Website using digital signature. Further, DoA reserves the right to seek copy of the documents submitted under the e-Procurement platform or original documents for verification of any of the documents submitted in electronic mode or any other additional documents upon opening of the Proposals. 2.15 Proposal Due Date 2.15.1 The Proposals, in electronic mode in the e-Procurement Website shall be submitted on or before 1730 hours IST on the Proposal Due Date as specified in the RFP. 2.15.2 DoA may, in its sole discretion, extend the Proposal Due Date by issuing an Corrigendum/ Addendum in accordance with Clause 2.8 uniformly for all the Bidders. 2.16 Modifications/ Substitution/ Withdrawal of Proposals 2.16.1 The Bidder may modify, substitute, or withdraw its Proposal after submission and prior to the Proposal Due Date. No Proposal shall be allowed to be modified, substituted, or withdrawn by the Bidder after the Proposal Due Date. Provided that the Bidder may withdraw the Proposal prior to Proposal Due Date only if a written notice of withdrawal is submitted to DoA. 2.16.2 Any alteration/ modification in the Proposal or additional information supplied subsequent to the Proposal Due Date, unless the same has been expressly sought for by DoA, shall be disregarded. D. Evaluation of Proposal 2.17 Proposal Opening 2.17.1 DoA would open the Qualification Submissions at the time and date indicated in the Bidding Schedule for the purpose of evaluation. 2.17.2 DoA would subsequently examine and evaluate Proposals in accordance with the criteria set out in Section 3 of the RFP. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 17 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 2.18 Confidentiality Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and recommendation for the Bidders shall not be disclosed to any person not officially concerned with the process. DoA will treat all information submitted as part of Proposal in confidence and would require all those who have access to such material to treat the same in confidence. DoA will not divulge any such information unless it is ordered to do so by any authority pursuant to applicable law or order of a competent court or tribunal, which requires its disclosure. 2.19 Clarifications To facilitate evaluation of Proposals, DoA may, at its sole discretion, seek clarifications in writing from any Bidder regarding its Proposal and may request any Bidder to provide hard copy of the documents provided as part of the Proposal through e-Procurement Website. 2.20 Consultant(s) or Advisor(s) To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of Proposals, DoA may utilise the services of consultant(s) or advisor(s). 2.21 Proposal Evaluation: Qualification Submissions 2.21.1 The Qualification Submissions of the Bidders would first be checked for responsiveness as set out in Clause 3.1. All Proposals found to be substantially responsive shall be evaluated as per the Qualification Criteria set out in Section 3. 2.21.2 Bidders who meet the qualification criteria shall be short-listed for further evaluation. 2.21.3 The Technical Proposal of the Bidders who do not meet the Qualification Criteria would not be opened. 2.21.4 The power point presentation and implementation plan/ methodologies of the project would be evaluated by the Technical Evaluation Committee. 2.22 Proposal Evaluation: Technical Proposal 2.22.1 The Technical Proposals of the Qualified Bidders would be evaluated by Technical Evaluation Committee3 as per the Technical Evaluation Criteria set out in Section 3. 2.22.2 The bidders should score a minimum cut off marks for each of the technical evaluation parameter set out in Annexure and total score of 70 out of 100 to be Technically Qualified bidders. 2.22.3 The Price Proposal of the Bidders who do not qualify in the evaluation of Technical Proposal would not be opened. 2.23 3 Proposal Evaluation: Price Proposal An expert committee constituted by the DoA. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 18 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Price Proposal of only the Technically Qualified Bidders would be opened in the e-Procurement Website by DoA and evaluated as per process set out in Section 3 to identify a Preferred Bidder. 2.24 Declaration of Successful Bidder 2.24.1 DoA at its discretion, may either choose to accept the Price Proposal of the Preferred Bidder or invite him for negotiations. 2.24.2 Upon acceptance of the Price Proposal of the Preferred Bidder with or without negotiations, DoA shall declare the Preferred Bidder as the Successful Bidder (the “Successful Bidder”). 2.25 Letter of Award by DoA After selection, a Letter of Award (the “LoA”) shall be issued, in duplicate, by DoA to the Successful Bidder. 2.26 Acceptance of Letter of Award and Execution of Agreement 2.26.1 The Successful Bidder shall, within 7 (seven) days of the receipt of LoA, sign and return the duplicate copy of LoA in acknowledgement thereof. In the event the duplicate copy of LoA duly signed by the Successful Bidder is not received by the stipulated date, DoA may, unless it consents to extension of time for submission thereof, appropriate the Bid Security of such Bidder as mutually agreed genuine pre-estimated loss and damage suffered by DoA on account of failure of the Successful Bidder to acknowledge LoA, and the next eligible Bidder may be considered. 2.26.2 After acknowledgement of LoA as aforesaid, by the Successful Bidder, it shall execute the Agreement within the period of 30 days. The Successful Bidder shall not be entitled to seek any deviation in the Draft Agreement (Vol-II). Except for insertions to the agreement conditions pertaining to details of the Successful Bidder and Price Proposal, no other modifications would be made by DoA at this stage. All changes that may be necessary due to DoA responses sent to preProposal queries would be made by DoA. No other changes to the Draft Agreement would be made therein. 2.27 Performance Security 2.27.1 The Successful Bidder shall furnish Performance Security by way of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee for an amount equal to 10% of the cost of the project (contract price) issued by a scheduled bank in India in favour of the DoA, as required under the Agreement (refer Article 3 of Draft Agreement). 2.27.2 Failure of the Successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of Clause 2.26 or 2.27.1shall constitutes sufficient grounds for the annulment of the LoA, and forfeiture of the Bid Security. In such an event, the DoA reserves the right to take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of the DoA, including annulment of the Bidding Process. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 19 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SECTION 3. EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS 3.1 Tests of Responsiveness 3.1.1 Prior to evaluation of Proposals, the DoA will determine whether each Proposal is responsive to the requirements of RFP. A Proposal shall be considered responsive if the Proposal: a. is received/deemed to be received by the Proposal Due Date including any extension thereof pursuant to Clause 2.8.3; b. is accompanied by the Bid Security as stipulated in Clause 2.11; c. is accompanied by the Power of Attorney, the format for which is specified in Appendix B-1; d. contains all the information as requested in the RFP; e. contains information in formats same as those specified in the RFP; and f. mentions the validity period as set out in Clause 2.12. 3.1.2 DoA reserves the right to reject any Proposal which is non-responsive and no request for alteration, modification, substitution or withdrawal shall be entertained by DoA in respect of such Proposals. A. Evaluation of Qualification Submissions 3.2 Evaluation Parameters 3.2.1 The competence and capability of the Bidder is proposed to be established by the following parameters: i. Experience in terms of: i. Sale, supply, installation, management and maintenance of computer systems; ii. Manpower resources on their payrolls; iii. Regional presence in Karnataka and authorized service centres. ii. Financial capability in terms of: i. Net worth; and ii. Annual turnover. iii. Detailed implementation plan and power point presentation on – i. Proposed team and Governance structure. ii. Proposed Project Plan iii. Proposed hardware/ software tools VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 20 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 3.2.2 On each of these parameters, the Bidder would be required to meet the evaluation criteria as detailed in this Section 3. 3.2.3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in the event that the Proposal Due Date falls within three months of the closing of the latest financial year of the Bidder, it shall ignore such financial year for the purposes of its Proposal and furnish all its information and certification with reference to three years or two years or one year as the case may be, preceding its latest financial year. For the avoidance of doubt financial year shall, for purposes of the Proposal hereunder, mean the accounting year followed by the Bidder in the course of its normal business. 3.3 Qualification Criteria for Experience 3.3.1 For the purpose of qualification, Bidders shall demonstrate experience as on the Proposal Due Date for all the criteria (“Experience Criteria”) set out in table below: S. No. Experience Criteria 1. Aggregate billings of at least Rs. 30,00,00,000/- (Rupees Thirty Crore only) from projects relating to supply, installation and maintenance of computer hardware and/or printers and/or servers and/or networking and /or other computer related components over the past three financial years preceding the Proposal Due Date. 2. Shall have at least 100 permanent technical employees on their pay roll as on the latest completed financial year. 3. The bidder should have a regional office in Karnataka and should have at least 15 authorized service centres covering 15 district head quarters excluding Bangalore (U) district. 3.4 Details of Experience 3.4.1 The Bidder shall furnish evidence to support its claim as per Appendix F-1. 3.5 Financial Capability 3.5.1 The financial capability (the “Financial Capability”) of the Bidders would be evaluated on the basis of the following: i. Net worth as at the end of the latest completed financial year (Ref. Appendix F-2); and ii. Annual turnover for the last two completed financial years (Ref. Appendix F-2). VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 21 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 3.5.2 The Bidder shall submit the evidence to support its Financial Capability as per format set out in Appendix F-2. 3.5.3 The Proposal must be accompanied by the audited annual financial statements of the Bidder (for the latest 3 (three) completed financial years preceding the Proposal Due Date. 3.6 Qualification Criteria for Financial Capability 3.6.1 For the purpose of qualification, a Bidder shall be required to demonstrate the Financial Capability as set out below. S. No Financial Capability Criteria 1 Net worth of at least Rs. 50,00,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Crore only) in the latest completed financial year. 2 Annual turnover of at least Rs. 150,00,00,000/- (Rupees One Hundred and fifty Crore only) for each of the last 2 (two) completed financial years. 3.6.2 For the purposes of evaluation only figures from the latest two audited annual financial statements would be considered. 3.7 Qualified Bidders Bidders meeting the Experience Criteria, Financial Capability and who has clearly understood the project shall be declared as qualified bidders (“Qualified Bidders”). The Technical Proposals of only the Qualified Bidders shall be considered for further evaluation. B. Evaluation of Technical Proposal 3.8 Technical Proposal Evaluation Parameters The Technical Proposals of the Bidders would be evaluated on the basis of the following: a. Comprehensive Verification Report submitted by the Bidder which shall be evaluated on the basis of the following parameters i. Preliminary examination for completeness as against Schedule 1B of the Draft Agreement; ii. Performance analysis; iii. Deviation analysis; and iv. Physical verification of components AND b. Evaluation parameters set out in Annexure of this RFP. 3.9 Components of Technical Proposal VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 22 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 3.9.1 The Bidders shall submit the following as part of Technical Proposal: i. Comprehensive Verification Report as per Appendix G. The Bidders shall set out the component-wise specifications including a description of the components, brand, serial numbers /part codes. ii. Supporting documents set out in Annexure to this RFP iii. Supporting Documents: a. The output of Performance Tests set out in Appendix H, in the form of hard copy and soft copy. b. ISO 9001-2008 certification. 3.10 Evaluation of Technical Proposal 3.10.1 Preliminary examination i. The Technical Proposal shall first be scrutinized to determine whether the Bidder has submitted Comprehensive Verification Report, Supporting documents as per Annexure of this RFP and the Supporting Documents. ii. The Technical Evaluation Committee may in its discretion, based on the preliminary examination, determine the substantial responsiveness of the Technical Proposals. Technical Proposals without any material omissions, errors or incompleteness may be considered responsive. DoA reserves the right to reject any Proposal which is non-responsive. 3.10.2 Evaluation of Comprehensive Verification Report a. Performance Output analysis The Technical Evaluation Committee shall scrutinize the output of the performance tests to ascertain conformance with the minimum technical specifications for Project Facilities as set out in Appendix G. b. Deviation analysis The Technical Evaluation Committee shall also analyse the Comprehensive Verification Report to assess acceptability of deviations (if any). c. Physical verification of components Subsequent to the above analyses, the Technical Evaluation Committee shall carry out physical verification of the various components, which shall include evaluation of specifications, tests for reliability, functionality and other features as decided by the Technical Evaluation Committee. The Qualified Bidders shall be intimated the venue, date and time of physical verification. The Bidders shall, at the time of physical verification, make available one of each of the components of Project Facilities (conforming to the specifications submitted in the Technical VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 23 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Proposal or improved latest model of same make). The components shall include one from each category of Project Facilities such as, server, desktop computer, laptop, printer, WAN/LAN equipment, modular furniture, etc. The Bidder shall also make available its own test and measuring equipments. The detail of tests to be carried out has been set out in Appendix H. 3.10.3 The Qualified Bidders whose Technical Proposals are found to be in conformance with the minimum technical specifications, shall be evaluated as per the parameters set out in Annexure of this RFP. 3.10.4 The Technical Evaluation Committee shall award marks to each Bidder considering the evaluation parameters set out in the Annexure of this RFP. 3.11 Short listing of Technically Qualified Bidders 3.11.1 The Technical Proposals of the Qualified Bidders: a. which are found to be in conformance with the minimum technical specifications provided in Appendix G; b. which has been awarded at least minimum cut off marks provided for each of the parameters set out in Annexure of this RFP; and c. which has been awarded a total of at least 70 marks out of 100. shall be shortlisted for opening of the Price Proposal (“Technically Qualified Bidders”). C. Evaluation of Price Proposal 3.12 Evaluation Parameters A. Evaluation of Contract Price 3.12.1 The Bidders shall quote the Contract Price as part of the Price Proposal as per the specimen format set out in Appendix I-1,Appendix I-2, Appendix I-3 and Appendix I-5. 3.12.2 The Upfront Payment paid to any Bidder shall be 80% of the total Capital cost and the remaining 20% of the capital expenditure shall be paid in 12 (twelve) equal QGRs. 3.12.3 The Upfront Payment shall be paid to the Successful Bidder upon issuance of Completion Certificate by DoA in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. 3.12.4 The O&M Payment quoted for the respective year shall be paid in four equated quarterly instalments (“Periodic Payment”) in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. 3.12.5 Bidders shall submit the Price Proposal in the format set out in Appendix I clearly indicating the amount in INR in both figures and words. 3.12.6 The Contract Price shall be inclusive of all taxes applicable in the present. An indicative list of costs to be included to arrive at the Contract Price is set out below: VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 24 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking a. Cost of Project Facilities for 3 years warranty period. b. Cost of operations and maintenance (inclusive of cost of the Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of the project facilities supplied for 4th and 5th year) management and preventive maintenance throughout the Agreement period. Note: DoA reserves the right to consider the AMC cost specified by the bidder or call a new tender for the same. c. Cost of manpower deployment d. Cost of travel, boarding, lodging and out of pocket expenses e. Communication expenses (post/ telephone/ fax/ toll free line) f. Submission of progress reports and other MIS reports g. Complaint redressal mechanism h. Other direct and indirect expenses relating to the Project. B. Evaluation of the Cost of the Consumable 3.12.7 The Bidders shall also quote the Consumable cost as part of the Price Proposal as per the specimen format set out in Appendix I-4. 3.12.8 The consumable cost quoted by the bidder shall be inclusive of all applicable taxes. 3.12.9 The Bidder shall have to supply the consumables to the DoA as per the actual requirement for a period of one year. 3.12.10 The cost of the consumables shall not form part of the contract price of K-KISAN project. 3.12.11 However, the cost of the consumables quoted shall be evaluated for identifying the L1 bidder 3.12.12 Price Proposals determined to be substantially responsive will be checked for any arithmetic errors. Errors will be corrected by DoA as follows; (i) Where there is a discrepancy between figures and words the amount indicated in word shall be taken into amount (ii) where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern. (iii) Where there is a discrepancy or error in the calculation of the Contract Price, the Contract Price calculated applying the formula set out in the RFP shall be considered for evaluation. The amount stated in the Price Proposal will be adjusted by DoA in accordance with the above procedure for the correction of errors, with the concurrence of the Bidder and shall be considered as binding upon the Bidder. If the Bidder does not accept the corrected amount the Proposal will be rejected, and the Bid Security may be forfeited. 3.12.13 DoA may in its sole discretion reject any Price Proposal if any of the following conditions outlined below are true. a. Incomplete Price Proposal is submitted by the Bidder. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 25 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking b. Price Proposal that do not conform to the Price Proposal format as set out in Appendix I, Appendix I-1, Appendix I-2, Appendix I-3, Appendix I-4 and Appendix I-5. c. Total price quoted by the Bidder does not include all statutory taxes and levies applicable at present. d. The Upfront Payment quoted by the Bidder is more than 80% of the Capital Expenditure 3.13 Evaluation of Price Proposal 3.13.1 For evaluation of the Price Proposal, the Contract Price indicated in the Price Proposal and the consumable cost, shall be considered. 3.13.2 The contract price quoted in the commercial bid will be applicable for 5 years, inclusive of all costs, duties and taxes applicable from time to time except the difference of the existing levels of service taxes and the surcharge which would be paid on actuals. The DoA shall pay/deduct difference in the service tax and surcharge as and when there is any change in statutory tax structure. 3.13.3 The consumable cost quoted shall be valid for a period of one (1) year. However, DoA reserves the right to procure consumables from the service provider throughout the agreement period or part of it as per the prices quoted in Appendix I-3. 3.14 Preferred Bidder 3.14.1 The commercial bids of only the technically qualified bidders will be opened for evaluation. The bidder will be decided based on L1 criteria. The bid with the lowest total contract price + the cost of the consumables will be awarded the contract. 3.14.2 In the event that two or more Bidders obtain the same Financial Score, (the "Tie Bidders"), the Authority shall select the Bidder who secured higher score in the Technical Bid. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 26 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SECTION 4. BIDDING SCHEDULE DoA would endeavour to adhere to the bidding schedule as set out in e-Procurement platform. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 27 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ANNEXURE Technical Proposal Evaluation Parameters The Bidders shall prepare a power point presentation of the Technical Proposal on the basis of the evaluation parameters set out in the table below: Cut Off S. No. Evaluation Parameter Description Max Marks Marks 1 Previous Project Experience Supply of Clients (Desktops & Laptops), 20 12 Printers, Networking equipments and networking equipments Project Size Number of Computers and its > 1000 numbers =10 peripherals (Desktops, Laptops, 750-1000 = 8 Servers, Printers, Scanners) 500-749 = 6 supplied > 750 = 5 20 12 Number of UPS supplied 500-750=4 250-499=3 Number of networking > 500 = 5 equipments (switches and routers) 400-500=4 supplied 300-399=3 2 Previous Project Experience in Installation and commissioning of the project and managing services Project Size On time installation and commission of the project = 6 1 month delay in Installation and Installation and commissioning of commissioning of the project =5 Hardware and software more than 2 months delay in installation and commissioning of the project = 4 Technical Manpower services Hardware maintenance services Managing services (1 marks for Training/ capacity building services each services) 15 9 NMS based helpdesk management Number of G2C projects 1 projects = 3 undertaken in last 3 years of 2-3 projects = 4 more than 1 crore >3 projects = 5 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 28 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 3 4 5 6 7 Geographical coverage of previous project undertaken by the Bidder relating to site preparation, installation and commissioning of IT infrastructure. ≥ 50 Locations out of which 5 should be 5 in rural location =6 ≥ 25 Locations (includes rural Profile coverage and/or any other areas) =5 ≥ 15 Locations (includes rural and/or any other areas) = 4 10 6 Project commenced in last 3 years = 2, Recent Projects Project commenced in last 3 - 5 years = 1 Completed =2, Project Completion Non Completed/ ongoing =1 Previous project experience in ≥1 Year =6 Operations and Maintenance of >2 Year =8, 10 6 the project >3 Year =10 Number of Facility Management Projects along with category type (Mission Critical, two mark for each Project 10 6 WAN/LAN, Security, Mailing, Internet, 24×7 etc) ≥ 201=5 No of Technical Employees on 101-200=4 5 3 Company Payroll 100 = 3 >Rs.350 Crores =5 The Bidder having Rs 150 Crores or more turnovers in last three Rs. 251 Crores-Rs. 350 Crores=4 5 3 years Rs.150 Crores -Rs. 250 Crores=3 8 Number of authorized service centres at district head quarters 9 Proposed manpower deployment a Qualification of the Manager proposed VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT 15 service centers =6 ; for every additional service centre in different districts 0.5 marks will be awarded up to a Maximum of 10 marks. MCA or B.Tech / B.E Degree in Project Computer Science or Information Science with 6 years experience =3 10 6 15 9 5 3 Page 29 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking b c Note: · · · · MCA or B.Tech / B.E Degree in Computer Science or Information Science with MBA and 6 years experience =4 MCA or B.Tech / B.E Degree in Computer Science or Information Science with MBA and more than 6 years experience =5 B.Sc. in Computer Science/ Information Technology or BCA with atleast 65% marks and one year Qualification of the Technical of valid experience with CCNA/ Microsoft certification=3 Consultant proposed B.E./ B.Tech with more than 1 year experience with CCNA/ Microsoft certification = 5 MCA/B.Tech/BE First Class with CCNA/ Microsoft certification with 2years teaching experience in reputed institute -3 Master trainers MCA/B.Tech/BE First Class with CCNA/ Microsoft certification with more than 2years teaching experience in reputed institute - 5 Total 5 3 5 3 100 The Bidder shall be required to submit relevant certificates from Statutory Auditor/ Client as proof of submissions made under S.No. 1 to S. No. 7 in the table above. The Bidder shall be required to submit self declaration duly signed by the authority not less than the rank of the CEO and duly notarized for Sl no 8-9. The successful bidder should supply the project facilities including manpower during the contract period proposed in the bid and approved by DoA. The bidder has to obtain minimum cut off marks in each category and aggregate scoring of 70 marks out of 100 to be technically qualified. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 30 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix A: Format for Letter of Proposal (On the Letter head of the Bidder)4 Date: To, The Director for Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Sheshadri Road, Bangalore 560 001 Sir, Re: K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of___________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the Bidder”), and having reviewed and fully understood all of the Proposal requirements and information provided, the undersigned hereby submits the Proposal for the Project referred above. We confirm that our Proposal is valid for a period of nine (9) months from ________________ (Proposal Due Date) Yours faithfully, ___________________________ (Signature of the Authorised Signatory of Bidder) ___________________________ (Name and designation of the Authorised Signatory of Bidder) VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 31 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking APPENDIX B-1: Format for Power of Attorney for Signing of Proposal (On stamp paper of appropriate value) POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these presents, we _________________________________ (name and address of the registered office) do hereby constitute, appoint and authorise Mr. / Ms. ______________ ______________________________________________ (name and residential address) who is presently employed with us and holding the position of _____________________________ as our or attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to our bid for the project envisaging K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking, including signing and submission of all documents and providing information / responses to DoA, representing us in all matters before DoA, and generally dealing with DoA in all matters in connection with our Proposal for the said Project. We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us. For ___________________________ ___________________________ (Signature) ___________________________ (Name, Title and Address) Accepted ___________________________ (Signature) ___________________________ (Name, Title and Address of the Attorney) Note: 1. 2. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure. The Power of Attorney should be on a stamp paper of appropriate value. Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents and documents such as a resolution/power of attorney in favour of the Person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 32 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix B-3: Format for Letter of Commitment (The Letter of Commitment is to be submitted by the Bidder) Date: To, The Director for Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Sheshadri Road, Bangalore 560 001 Sir, Re: K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking This has reference to the Proposal being submitted by ____________________________ (name of the Bidder), in respect of the abovementioned Project. We hereby confirm the following: We _________________________________have examined in detail and have understood and satisfied ourselves regarding the contents mainly in respect of the following: 1. The Request for Proposal issued by the Department of Agriculture (DoA); 2. All subsequent communications between DoA and __________________________________(name of the Bidder); the Bidder, represented Dated this the _______ Day of _______20__ For ___________________________ (Name and designation of the person(s) signing on behalf of the Bidder) VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 33 by REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix C: Details of Bidder 1. Name 2. Address of the office(s) 3. Date of incorporation and/or commencement of business. 4. Brief description of the Company including details of its main lines of business. 5. Name, Designation, Address and Phone Numbers of Authorised Signatory of the Bidder: i. Name : 1. Designation : 2. Company : 3. Address : 4. Telephone Number : 6. 5. Fax Number : 6. Mobile Number : 7. E-Mail Address : Details of individual (s) who will serve as the point of contact / communication for DoA within the Company: i. Name : ii. Designation : iii. Company : iv. Address : v. Telephone Number : vi. Fax Number : vii. Mobile Number : viii. E-Mail Address : VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 34 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix D-1: Format for Anti Collusion Certificate (On the Letterhead of the Bidder) We hereby certify and confirm that in the preparation and submission of our Proposal for the K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking (Project), we have not acted in concert or in collusion with any other Bidder or other person(s) and also not done any act, deed or thing which is or could be regarded as anti-competitive. We further confirm that we have not offered nor will offer any illegal gratification in cash or kind to any person or agency in connection with this Proposal. Dated this ____________________ Day of ________________________, 20__ ________________________ (Name of the Bidder) ________________________ (Signature of the Authorised Person) ________________________ (Name and designation of the Authorised Person) VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 35 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix D-2: Format for Undertaking (On the Letterhead of the Bidder) Date: The Director for Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Sheshadri Road, Bangalore 560 001 Sir, Re: K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking We confirm that we are not barred by Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka (GoK), any other State Government in India (SG) or Government of India (GoI), or any of the agencies of GoK/SG/GoI from participating in infrastructure/computerisation projects as on the proposal due date (BOT or otherwise) as on __________________________(Proposal Due Date). Yours faithfully, ___________________________ (Signature of Authorised Signatory) ________________________ (Name and designation of the Authorised Person) VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 36 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix E: Format for Undertaking for IT Company (On the Letterhead of the Bidder) Date: The Director for Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Sheshadri Road, Bangalore 560 001 Sir, Re: K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking We confirm that we have been in the business of 1. sale, supply, installation of computer hardware 2. maintenance of computer hardware and have earned income from the said businesses. Yours faithfully, ___________________________ (Signature) ________________________ (Name and designation5 of signatory) 5 To be issued by the Chief Financial Officer/Company Secretary VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 37 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix F-1: Format for Statement of Experience Experience claimed in Point no. 1 of Clause 3.3.1 Details of each project shall be submitted in the format given below Name of project Name, address and contact details of Client Scope of the project Date of commencement of project Date of completion of Bidder’s scope of work Total billings from the project over the past three financial years preceding the Proposal Due Date The above statement shall be supported by a certificate issued by the Client or the Statutory Auditor clearly stating the scope of the project, total billings from the project, date of commencement and successful completion for each project. (On the letterhead of the Statutory Auditor) Date: We have verified the relevant statutory and other records of M/s ______________ [Name of the Bidder], and certify that M/s. _____________________ has an aggregate billing of Rs. ________________(Rupees ________________ only) from the following project: 1. 2. 3. relating to ___________ (supply and installation/ management/ facility management) [strike whichever is not applicable] of ________________________ during the latest three completed financial years preceding the Proposal Due Date. The Year wise billings from the projects is given below Name of project Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 1. 2. 3. Signature and Seal and registration number of Statutory Auditor VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 38 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Format of certificate from Statutory Auditor for Experience claimed in Point no. 2 of Clause 3.3.1 (On the letterhead of the Statutory Auditor) Date: We have verified the relevant statutory and other records of M/s ______________ [Name of the Bidder], and certify that M/s. _____________________ has _______________ number of permanent employees on its pay rolls as on the latest completed financial year. Signature and Seal and registration number of Statutory Auditor Format of certificate from the bidder duly authorized by the notary for Experience claimed in Point no.3 of Clause 3.3.1 Details of service centres in Karnataka (Attach additional sheet if required) Service center’s Location/ Full postal Address Districts Serviced VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Number of engineers Phone Fax Contact person with mobile nos Page 39 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix F-2: Format for Statement of Financial Capability Year 1 1 Annual Turnover (Rs. Crore) 2 Net Worth completed financial year (Rs. Crore) Year 2 of last Audited Instructions: For the purpose of qualification: 1. The financial year would be the same as the one normally followed by the Bidder for its Annual Report. 2. Year 1 shall be the latest financial year preceding the bidding. Year 2 shall be the financial year immediately preceding Year 1 and so on. In case, the Proposal Due Date falls within three months of the close of the latest financial year, refer to Clause 3.2.3. 3. The Bidder shall provide the audited annual financial statements as required for the RFP. Failure to do so would result in the Proposal being considered as non-responsive. 4. The Bidder shall provide an Auditor’s Certificate specifying the Net Worth and Turnover of the Bidder and also specifying the methodology adopted for calculating such net worth/turnover in the format given below. (On the letterhead of the Statutory Auditor) Date: We have verified the relevant statutory and other records of M/s ______________ [Name of the Bidder], and certify the following: Annual Turnover (Rs. Crore) Year 1 Year 2 Net Worth of last completed financial year preceding the Proposal Due Date (Rs. Crore) Signature and Seal and registration Statutory Auditor VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT number of Page 40 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 5. For the purpose of the RFP, Net Worth shall mean : Net Worth = (Subscribed and Paid-up Equity + Reserves) - (Revaluation reserves + Miscellaneous expenditure not written off + Reserves not available for distribution to equity shareholders) 6. For the purpose of the RFP, Annual Turnover shall mean: The total revenues as indicated in the audited annual balance sheet. 7. Experience (Financial Capability and Experience) of only the Bidder shall be considered. Experience of associate company/parent company/ subsidiary company shall not be considered for qualification purposes. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 41 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix G: Format for Technical Proposal A. Format for Comprehensive Verification Report The Bidder shall submit a summary of the Comprehensive Verification Report for the Project Facilities in the format given below: Project Facilities* Model Make Serial Number/ Code Remarks Desktop Server Printer * Part B of Appendix G provides the name and minimum technical specifications of Project Facilities The Bidder shall submit Comprehensive Verification Report for each of the Project Facilities setting out the following: 1. Compliance with minimum technical specification prescribed for each of the Project Facility set out in Part B of Appendix G 2. Deviation (if any) from the minimum technical specifications prescribed for each of the Project Facility. A sample format of Comprehensive Verification Report for Desktop (one of the Project Facilities) is given below. The Bidder shall submit Comprehensive Verification Report for all Project Facilities in similar formats. Name of the Project Facility : Desktop (PC2) Compliance of Datasheet with Remarks proposed page no. (deviation if Project Facilities any) with Minimum Minimum technical technical Particulars specification specification Processor Latest Generation x86 Yes/ No Dual core processor with 3.20 GHz, 3MB cache or higher Chipset/Mother OEM mother board Yes/ No VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 42 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Minimum technical Particulars specification board supporting above mentioned processor Memory 2*2 GB DDR3 (1333 MHz or higher) & Non ECC Expandable to 8 GB Hard Disk Drive & 500 GB SATA 3.0-Gb/s Controller Hard Drive, 7200 RPM with pre failure alerts. Optical Drive DVD Writer Graphics Intel® HD Graphics or AMD or any equivalent graphics integrated to Processor. Ethernet Integrated Gigabit Network Connection 10/100/1000 Bays 4 Bays: 2x 5.25 external, 1 x 3.5 external, 1 x 3.5 internal. Slots Minimum 3 PCI Slots : Ports (6 USB (4 rear + 2 front) + 2 PS/2 ports) or 8 USB ports (4 rear + 4 front), 1 RJ-45, 1 VGA, 1 Audio in/out. Form Factor Micro ATX Tower Power Supply Minimum 250-watt power supply Monitor 18.5" LED monitor: Keyboard PS/2 or USB 104/107 keys mechanical keyboard Mouse PS/2 or USB 2 button optical scroll mouse Software Remote diagnostics, Back Up and Recovery software Nudi 4.0 Kannada Software to be preloaded before delivery Antivirus Preloaded with 5 years. Operating Systems Microsoft Windows 8 Professional preloaded with recovery media. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Compliance of proposed Project Facilities with Minimum technical specification Datasheet with page no. Remarks (deviation if any) Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Page 43 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Particulars Preloaded Software Security Compliance Certification Warranty Compliance of proposed Project Facilities with Minimum Minimum technical technical specification specification Norton or McAfee or eTrust Yes/ No or e-Scan or Fore front or Trend Micro or PC Tool or Quick heal Antivirus (Latest Version). 1. Removable media boot Yes/ No control 2. Serial, Parallel & USB Interface Control 3. Power-On Password 4. Setup Password & For OEM : ISO 9001 : Yes/ No 2008 For PC : Windows8/7/Linux certification , Energy Star 5.0 For Monitor : TCO 05 3 Years Comprehensive on Yes/ No site Datasheet with page no. Remarks (deviation if any) B: Minimum Technical Specifications for Project Facilities Table 1A: Desktop (PC2 – For locations except RSKs) Feature Processor Specifications Latest Generation x86 Dual core processor with 3.20 GHz, 3MB cache or higher Chipset/Mother OEM mother board supporting above mentioned processor board Memory 2*2 GB DDR3 (1333 MHz or higher) & Non ECC Expandable to 8 GB Hard Disk Drive & 500 GB SATA 3.0-Gb/s Hard Drive, 7200 RPM with pre failure alerts. Controller Optical Drive DVD Writer Graphics Intel® HD Graphics or AMD or any equivalent graphics integrated to Processor. Ethernet Integrated Gigabit Network Connection 10/100/1000 Bays 4 Bays: 2x 5.25 external, 1 x 3.5 external, 1 x 3.5 internal. Slots Minimum 3 PCI Slots : Ports (6 USB (4 rear + 2 front) + 2 PS/2 ports) or 8 USB ports (4 rear + 4 front), 1 RJVOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 44 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Form Factor Power Supply Monitor Keyboard Mouse Software Antivirus Operating Systems 45, 1 VGA, 1 Audio in/out. Micro ATX Tower Minimum 250-watt power supply 18.5" LED monitor: PS/2 or USB 104/107 keys mechanical keyboard PS/2 or USB 2 button optical scroll mouse Remote diagnostics, Back Up and Recovery software Nudi 4.0 Kannada Software to be preloaded before delivery Preloaded with 5 years. Microsoft Windows 8 Professional preloaded with recovery media. Preloaded Software Norton or McAfee or eTrust or e-Scan or Fore front or Trend Micro or PC Tool or Quick heal Antivirus (Latest Version). Security 1. Removable media boot control 2. Serial, Parallel & USB Interface Control 3. Power-On Password 4. Setup Password Compliance & For OEM : ISO 9001 : 2008 Certification For PC : Windows8/7/Linux certification, Energy Star 5.0 For Monitor : TCO 05 Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 1B:Desktop (PC1- For RSKs) Feature Processor Specifications Latest Generation x86 Dual core processor with 3.20 GHz, 3MB cache or higher Chipset/Mother OEM mother board supporting above mentioned processor board Memory 2*2 GB DDR3 (1333 MHz or higher) & Non ECC Expandable to 8 GB Hard Disk Drive & 1 TB SATA 3.0-Gb/s Hard Drive, 7200 RPM with pre failure alerts. Controller Optical Drive DVD Writer Graphics Intel® HD Graphics or AMD or any equivalent graphics integrated to Processor. Ethernet Integrated Gigabit Network Connection 10/100/1000 Bays 4 Bays: 2x 5.25 external, 1 x 3.5 external, 1 x 3.5 internal. Slots Minimum 3 PCI Slots : Ports (6 USB (4 rear + 2 front) + 2 PS/2 ports) or 8 USB ports (4 rear + 4 front), 1 RJ45, 1 VGA, 1 Audio in/out. Form Factor Micro ATX Tower Power Supply Minimum 250-watt power supply VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 45 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Monitor Keyboard Mouse Software Antivirus Operating Systems 18.5" LED monitor: PS/2 or USB 104/107 keys mechanical keyboard PS/2 or USB 2 button optical scroll mouse Remote diagnostics, Back Up and Recovery software Nudi 4.0 Kannada Software to be preloaded before delivery Preloaded with 5 years. Microsoft Windows 8 Professional preloaded with recovery media. Preloaded Software Norton or McAfee or eTrust or e-Scan or Fore front or Trend Micro or PC Tool or Quick heal Antivirus (Latest Version). Security 1. Removable media boot control 2. Serial, Parallel & USB Interface Control 3. Power-On Password 4. Setup Password Compliance & For OEM : ISO 9001 : 2008 Certification For PC : Windows8/7/Linux certification , Energy Star 5.0 For Monitor : TCO 05 Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 2: Laptop Items Processor Family Chipset HDD RAM Operating System Display Optical Drive Speakers Network Card Wireless Bluetooth I/O Ports Graphics VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Minimum technical specification Latest generation X86 Dual Core Processor or higher, 2.5 GHz or higher, 3MB cache, 35W or lower, not more than 1 year Old Compatible chipset 500 GB 7200 rpm SMART SATA II or Higher 4GB Memory DDR3 PC3 -10600 SDRAM 1333 MHz with expandability upto 16GB Maximum Windows 8.1 64 bit professional down gradaded to Windows 7 Professional with all necessary drivers in cd media 14.0-inch diagonal LED-backlit HD (1366 x 768) with 720p HD Webcam with dual array microphone DVD+/-RW SuperMulti drive High definition audio, stereo speakers, stereo headphone/line out, stereo microphone in, integrated digital microphone; integrated 720p webcam Onboard 10/100/1000 802.11 /b/g/n Bluetooth 4.0, one VGA, One Display Port/HDMI, stereo headphone/line out, stereo microphone in, RJ-45/Ethernet, 2 USB 2.0 and 2 USB 3.0 ports, power connector, Integrated HD Graphics Page 46 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Items Battery Keyboard and Pointing Device Slots Adapter Security Other Software Preloaded Certifications Antivirus Wi-Fi/Wi-max Warranty Minimum technical specification 6 Cell Li ion Battery with 4Hrs battery back Full-sized spill resistant keyboard, Touch Pad Multi Media card Reader with 4 in one 65 Watts AC Adapter Finger Print reader OEM Preloaded Battery Power Management Software , EPEAT Gold Certification, Energy Star Compliant, Latest version with License Enabled 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 3: Rack Server at the Commissionerate (Head office) Item Processor Minimum technical specification Latest generation X86 processor with minimum 2X6* core, 2.20 Ghz, 12MB cache or higher. Chipset OEM mother board Operating System support Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), Memory Minimum 2 * 8 GB ECC DDR3-1333 RAM, Should have 32 DIMM slots or higher for future scalability. Hard Drive 2.5" SAS HDD 6*300 Gb 15 K RPM SAS drives, SAS controller with min 512 MB RAID Cache capable of providing RAID 0,1, 10 and 5 Configurations. Optical Device DVD R/W drive Graphics Card Integrated Graphics with 64MB SDRAM or higher Network Multifunction Gigabit Network Adapter (min. 4 ports), including support for TOE, failover and load balancing. I/O Ports 1Serial, 1KBD, 1 Video1 Mouse, at least 2 USB ports, Min. 5 (Five) PCI-e Slots standard. Farm Factor 2U Rack Mountable Software OEM to provide its own systems management software. Manageability & 5 Years Warranty Manageability Features Should be able to provide management features including remote power on/off, reset, log recording, and hardware monitoring functions. Redundant Fans Should have Redundant and Hot Pluggable power supplies and fans Compliance ACPI 2.0 Compliant, PCIE 2.0 Compliant, Microsoft® Logo certifications, USB 2.0 Support. Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site Any Complaints Same Business Day- Monday to Saturday (10.00 am to 6.00 pm) (which includes Onsite Support, Parts & Labour) *Bidder proposing server with more than 6 cores/processor would be disqualified VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 47 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Table 4: Rack Server at DATCs Item Processor Operating System support Minimum technical specification Latest generation X86 processor with minimum 2X4* core, 3.50 Ghz, 15 MB cache or higher. Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL), Vmware, Citrix XenServer SAS Controller SAS Controller with min. 512 MB Flash Backed Cache capable of providing RAID 0,1, 10 and 5 Configurations Memory 2 * 8 GB DDR-3Memory scalable to 192 GB, Advanced ECC (multibit error protection), Mirroring mode, Lockstep mode Hard Drive Optical Device 2.5" In SAS HDD bays populated with at least 4* 300 Gb in SAS HDDs DVD drive Network Quad Port Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapters (Embedded or Slot based) with support for TOE, failover and load balancing. I/O Ports USB 2.0 support With at least 4 total ports: (2) ports up front; (2) ports in back, Two PCI-Express slots, Form Factor 2URack Mountable Chassis Redundant Fans Redundant Power Supplies Fully Redundant Hot Plug Fans ACPI 2.0 Compliant, PCI 2.2 Compliant, WOL Support, Microsoft® Logo certifications, USB 2.0 Support Compliance Manageability features 5 years warranty. Should be able to provide management features including remote power on/off, reset, log recording, and hardware monitoring functions. Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site Same Business Day- Monday to Saturday (10.00 am to 6.00 pm) Any Complaints (which includes Onsite Support, Parts & Labour) *Bidder proposing server with more than 4 cores/processor would be disqualified Table 5: Thermal Receipt Printer Memory flash VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Thermal Printer 2 M Flash or higher Page 48 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Firmware support which can support Barcode Connectivity Print methods Printing of barcodes, text and graphics. Resolution Print Width Print speed Media Sensors Microsoft Windows Drivers RS 232 Interface USB Interface Warranty UPC-A, UPC-E, Code 39, Code 128, Jan8 and Jan13 (EAN), Codabar, PDF417 USB and Serial Direct thermal Barcode, Text, Ability to print logo : 203 dpi/8 dots per mm 80mm 230mm/ Sec or higher Paper low sensor Microsoft windows drivers i.e Win 7, Windows Vista 32 & 64, xp professional, WEPOS, Embeded POSReady RS 232 connector/ Interface USB Interface 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 6: 80 Column DMP Specifications Item Print Method Print Direction Print Head – Type Print Width Print Head Life Print Speed Character Pitch (cpi) High Speed Draft (cps) Draft (cps) Letter Quality (cps) Minimum technical specification Serial Impact Dot Matrix Bi-directional Logic Seeking 24 Wire 80 Column 200 Million Characters # Dr a ft - ISCII (cps) LQ - ISCII (cps) >100 50 Standard Ports Warranty Centronics EEE-P1284A Parallel and USB RS 23C Serial/USB 3 Years Comprehensive on site 12 >300 >270 >90 Table 7:136 Column DMP Specifications Item Print Method Print Direction VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Minimum technical specification Serial Impact Dot Matrix Bi-directional logic seeking Page 49 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Item Print Head – Type Minimum technical specification 24-Wire Print Width Print Head Life Print Speed Character Pitch (cpi) 136 – Column 200 Million Characters High Speed Draft (cps) >360 Draft (cps) Letter Quality (cps) >300 >100 Draft - ISCII (cps) LQ - ISCII (cps) Standard 250 41 IEEE-P1284A Parallel & USB (Auto interface switching) Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage 150-270 V AC Mains Frequency Power (Standby) Environmental - Operating Conditions Temperature Relative Humidity Warranty 12 47 - 63 Hz 12W 5 to 45 C 10% to 80% 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 8: Laser Jet-Black Item Print speed black (normal, A4) Print quality black (best) Print technology Duty cycle (monthly, A4) Standard memory Processor speed Standard printer languages Standard paper trays Maximum paper trays Paper handling standard/ input Paper handling standard/output Duplex print options Media sizes supported Custom media sizes VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Minimum technical specification 33 PPM +/- 3 PPM Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi (1200 dpi effective output) Laser Up to 50000 pages 256 MB 800 MHz Host-based printing 1 1 250-sheet input tray 150-sheet Automatic A4, A5, A6, B5, postcards, envelopes (C5, DL, B5) Main tray: 147 x 211 to 216 x 356 mm Page 50 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Item Media types supported Minimum technical specification Paper (laser, plain, photo, rough, vellum), envelopes, labels, cardstock, transparencies, postcards Hi speed USB 2.0 port Yes Less than 8.5 seconds 3 Years Comprehensive on site Standard connectivity Energy Star First page Out Warranty Table 9: Color LaserJet-A4 Item Minimum technical specification Print Speed Black 33 PPM +/- 3 PPM Print Speed Color 33 PPM +/- 3 PPM Print Technology Laser Processor Speed 800 MHZ Paper Trays 2 Paper Handling-Input 100-sheet multipurpose tray, 500-sheet input tray Paper Handling-Output 250-sheet top output bin Media Sizes Supported A4, A5, B5 (JIS), envelopes (B5, C5, DL) Connectivity Standard 1 embedded 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet, USB 2.0 Duplex print options Automatic (standard) Standard memory 1 GB First Page Out As fast 11 seconds from ready mode Print Language Duty Cycle PCL 6, PostScript 3, PDF, host based 50000 pages per month duty cycle. Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 10: Ink Jet Printer Features Print Speed Black Print Speed Color No. of Print Cartridges Paper Handling-Input Paper Handling-Output Media Sizes Supported VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Minimum technical specification 33 PPM +/- 3 PPM 33 PPM +/- 3 PPM 4 Individual high capacity Inks 150-sheet input tray 100-sheet output tray A3+ (305 x 457 mm), A3 (297 x 420 mm), A4 (210 x 297 mm), A5 (148 x 210 mm), A6 (105 x 148 mm), B4 (250 x 353 mm), B5 (176 x 250 mm), B6 (125 x 176 mm), C4 (229 x 324 mm), Page 51 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Features Minimum technical specification C5 (162 x 229 mm), C6 (114 x 162 mm), DL (110 x 220 mm) Manual 1 USB (compatible with USB 2.0 specifications) port; Ethernet card 32MB 3 Years Comprehensive on site Duplex print options Connectivity Standard memory Warranty Table 11: Color LaserJet Printer-A3 Features Print Speed Print Speed Print Technology Processor Speed Paper Trays Minimum technical specification Black Up to 30 PPM Color Up to 30 PPM In-line colour laser, direct-to-page printing 800 MHz 3 Input 100-sheet multi-purpose input tray, 250-sheet input tray,500 sheet input tray Output 300-sheet top output bin A3, A4, A5, B4-JIS, B5-JIS 1 high speed USB 2.0,1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000,IPv6,BiDi Manual 1 GB As fast as 10 sec from Ready mode 3 Years Comprehensive on site Paper HandlingPaper Handling Media Sizes Supported Connectivity Duplex print options Standard memory First Page out Warranty Table 12: Web Camera with SDK Item Minimum technical specification Resolution 24 bit Colour, Minimum 480 x 640 pixel Interface to Host USB/Com Port with 3 mt. Cable Formats to be Supported BMP, JPG, GIFF Light Adjustments Auto Compatibility Standard Twain Frame Rate 30 fps@ QCIFC (176*144) Software S/w for Picture capture Image Sensor Image Sensor 1/4 " Progressive Scan Supported System Operating Windows XP, Linux, Windows 7 (64 bit) VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 52 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Item Minimum technical specification Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 13- Copier cum Printer cum Scanner Item GENERAL ARDF Paper capacity Input/Output paper capacity(max) Memory Display panel Copying speed Multiple copying Resolution Zoom Copying size Duplex copying Copying Technology Warm up time First copy time Reversible Automatic Document feeder with duplex unit PRINTER Print speed Printer interface Printer Language COPY Resolution Reduction/Enlargement Multi copying (MAX.) Multi copy ( 2in 1, 4in1) Multi copy (sort) Copy features Configuration 35 sheets 250 sheets 128 MB Touch screen 22 +/- 2 CPM (A4) Up to 999 copies 600 x 600 Dpi 50-200% or better A6 –A3 Standard Laser 20 seconds or better 8 seconds or better Auto duplex 20 +/- 2 PPM (A4) Standard USB 2.0,SD Slot Standard:PCL5e,PCL6 Host based 600 x 600DPI 50-200% or better Upto 999 Yes Yes ID Card copy, Electronic sorting, Image rotation, Series copy, Combine copy(4in1) SCANNER Scanning Resolution Scanning Format Scan size Scan to TWAIN Complaint Scanning speed OS Compatibility 600DPI TIFF, JPEG, PDF A3,A4,A5 Email/folder/ USB Yes >=50 SPM Windows 7/8/ vista/Linux Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 53 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Table 14A 1KVA online UPS with 2 Hours Backup Sl No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Items Specifications Type Capacity Backup time Input Frequency Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Frequency Input Power Factor Output Power Factor Waveform Alarm Technology 13 Computer interface 14 Battery make 15 Battery Type Online 1 KVA 2hrs 50 Hz. +/- 5% 160 V – 270 V 230 V +/- 1% V 50 Hz +/- 0.2 Hz. > 0.9 0.8 lag to unity PF Pure Sine Wave On Battery, Low Battery, UPS Over Load IGBT based PWM technology with isolation transformer Software with communication interface for monitoring the health of the UPS. Automatic shutdown under Windows 2000, Windows 98/XP (Prof) & Diagnostics. Preferred: Panasonic/Southern/YUSA/Exide/CSB/Amarraj/Relicell SMF-VRLA 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Battery AH No.of Batteries DC voltage (input) VAH Over Load Capacity Inverter Efficiency Overall Efficiency Crest Factor Regulation Switching Frequency Warranty Protection 28 LCD display 29 30 Load Test THD VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT > 3072 VAH 150% for 1 Minute, 125% for 10 Minutes 90% 85% 3:5:1 +/- 1% Above 20 KHz 3 years on site comprehensive including batteries Automatic discharge protection with self test Features, Over Load, Surge protection, Input fault, Cold start, Low Battery, Battery over charge Output short circuit, Charging Current Circuit Inverter over temperature Output voltage, Output current, Output frequency, Input Voltage, Battery Voltage At 100 % load on Resistive load < 3% for Linear, < 5% for Non Linear Load Page 54 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 31 Certification ISO 9001:2000 & ETDC /CPRI test report Table 14 B -1KVA online UPS with 6 Hours Backup Items Type Capacity Backup time Input Frequency Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Frequency Input Power Factor Output Power Factor Waveform Alarm Technology Computer interface Battery make Battery Type Battery AH No.of Batteries DC voltage (input) VAH Over Load Capacity Inverter Efficiency Overall Efficiency Crest Factor Regulation Switching Frequency Warranty Protection LCD display Load Test THD Certification Specifications Online 1 KVA 6 Hrs 50 Hz. +/- 5% 160 V – 270 V 230 V +/- 1% V 50 Hz +/- 0.2 Hz. > 0.9 0.8 lag to unity PF Pure Sine Wave On Battery, Low Battery, UPS Over Load IGBT based PWM technology with isolation transformer Software with communication interface for monitoring the health of the UPS. Automatic shutdown under Windows 2000, Windows 98/XP (Prof) & Diagnostics. Preferred: Panasonic/Southern/YUSA/Exide/CSB/Amarraj/Relicell SMF-VRLA > 7968 VAH 150% for 1 Minute, 125% for 10 Minutes 90% 85% 3:5:1 +/- 1% Above 20 KHz 3 years on site comprehensive including batteries Automatic discharge protection with self test Features, Over Load, Surge protection, Input fault, Cold start, Low Battery, Battery over charge Output short circuit, Charging Current Circuit Inverter over temperature Output voltage, Output current, Output frequency, Input Voltage, Battery Voltage At 100 % load on Resistive load < 3% for Linear, < 5% for Non Linear Load ISO 9001:2000 & ETDC /CPRI test report VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 55 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Table 15: 2 KVA online UPS with 4 Hours backup Items Specifications Type Online Capacity 2 KVA Backup time 4 hrs Input Frequency 50 Hz. +/- 5% Input Voltage 160 V – 270 V Output Voltage 230 V +/- 1% V Output Frequency 50 Hz +/- 0.2 Hz. Input Power Factor > 0.9 Output Power Factor 0.8 lag to unity PF Waveform Pure Sine Wave Alarm On Battery, Low Battery, UPS Over Load Technology IGBT based PWM technology with isolation transformer Computer Software with communication interface for monitoring the health of interface the UPS. Automatic shutdown under Windows 2000, Windows 98/XP (Prof) & Diagnostics. Battery make Preferred: Panasonic/Southern/YUSA/Exide/CSB/Amarraj/Relicell Battery Type SMF-VRLA Battery AH No.of Batteries DC voltage (input) VAH Over Load Capacity Inverter Efficiency Overall Efficiency Crest Factor Regulation Switching Frequency Warranty Protection LCD display Load Test THD Certification > 12800 VAH 150% for 1 Minute, 125% for 10 Minutes 90% 85% 3:5:1 +/- 1% Above 20 KHz 3 years on site comprehensive including batteries Automatic discharge protection with self test Features, Over Load, Surge protection, Input fault, Cold start, Low Battery, Battery over charge Output short circuit, Charging Current Circuit Inverter over temperature Output voltage, Output current, Output frequency, Input Voltage, Battery Voltage At 100 % load on Resistive load < 3% for Linear, < 5% for Non Linear Load ISO 9001:2000 & ETDC /CPRI test report VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 56 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Table 16: 3 KVA UPS with 4 Hours backup Items Type Capacity Backup time Input Frequency Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Frequency Input Power Factor Output Power Factor Waveform Alarm Technology Computer interface Battery make Battery Type Battery AH No.of Batteries DC voltage (input) VAH Over Load Capacity Inverter Efficiency Overall Efficiency Crest Factor Regulation Switching Frequency Warranty Protection LCD display Load Test THD Certification Specifications Online 3 KVA 4 Hour 50 Hz. +/- 5% 160 V – 270 V 230 V +/- 1% V 50 Hz +/- 0.2 Hz. > 0.9 0.8 lag to unity PF Pure Sine Wave On Battery, Low Battery, UPS Over Load IGBT based PWM technology with isolation transformer Software with communication interface for monitoring the health of the UPS. Automatic shutdown under Windows 2000, Windows 98/XP (Prof) & Diagnostics. Preferred: Panasonic/Southern/YUSA/Exide/CSB/Amarraj/Relicell SMF-VRLA > 19200 VAH 150% for 1 Minute, 125% for 10 Minutes 90% 85% 3:1 +/- 1% Above 20 KHz 3 years on site comprehensive including batteries Automatic discharge protection with self test Features, Over Load, Surge protection, Input fault, Cold start, Low Battery, Battery over charge Output short circuit, Charging Current Circuit Inverter over temperature Output voltage, Output current, Output frequency, Input Voltage, Battery Voltage At 100 % load on Resistive load < 3% for Linear, < 5% for Non Linear Load ISO 9001:2000 & ETDC /CPRI test report VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 57 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Table 17: 3 KVA UPS with 6 Hours backup Items Type Capacity Backup time Input Frequency Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Frequency Input Power Factor Output Power Factor Waveform Alarm Technology Computer interface Battery make Battery Type Battery AH No.of Batteries DC voltage (input) VAH Over Load Capacity Inverter Efficiency Overall Efficiency Crest Factor Regulation Switching Frequency Warranty Protection LCD display Load Test THD Certification Specifications Online 3 KVA 4 Hour 50 Hz. +/- 5% 160 V – 270 V 230 V +/- 1% V 50 Hz +/- 0.2 Hz. > 0.9 0.8 lag to unity PF Pure Sine Wave On Battery, Low Battery, UPS Over Load IGBT based PWM technology with isolation transformer Software with communication interface for monitoring the health of the UPS. Automatic shutdown under Windows 2000, Windows 98/XP (Prof) & Diagnostics. Preferred: Panasonic/Southern/YUSA/Exide/CSB/Amarraj/Relicell SMF-VRLA > 22000 VAH 150% for 1 Minute, 125% for 10 Minutes 90% 85% 3:1 +/- 1% Above 20 KHz 3 years on site comprehensive including batteries Automatic discharge protection with self test Features, Over Load, Surge protection, Input fault, Cold start, Low Battery, Battery over charge Output short circuit, Charging Current Circuit Inverter over temperature Output voltage, Output current, Output frequency, Input Voltage, Battery Voltage At 100 % load on Resistive load < 3% for Linear, < 5% for Non Linear Load ISO 9001:2000 & ETDC /CPRI test report VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 58 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Table 18: 10 KVA UPS with 2 hours backup Items Type Capacity Backup time Input Frequency Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Frequency Input Power Factor Output Power Factor Waveform Alarm Technology Computer interface Battery make Battery Type Battery AH No.of Batteries DC voltage (input) VAH Over Load Capacity Inverter Efficiency Overall Efficiency Crest Factor Regulation Switching Frequency Warranty Protection LCD display Load Test THD Certification Specifications Online 10 KVA 2 hrs 50 Hz. +/- 5% 415 V+/- 20% 230 V +/- 1% V 50 Hz +/- 0.2 Hz. > 0.9 0.8 lag to unity PF Pure Sine Wave On Battery, Low Battery, UPS Over Load IGBT based PWM technology with isolation transformer Software with communication interface for monitoring the health of the UPS. Automatic shutdown under Windows 2000, Windows 98/XP (Prof)/Windows7 & Diagnostics. Preferred brands: Southern/Exide/Prime/Racket Tubular-C10 rating only. > 32000VAH 150% for 1 Minute, 125% for 10 Minutes 90% 85% 3:5:1 +/- 1% Above 20 KHz 3 years on site comprehensive including batteries Automatic discharge protection with self test Features, Over Load, Surge protection, Input fault, Cold start, Low Battery, Battery over charge Output short circuit, Charging Current Circuit Inverter over temperature Output voltage, Output current, Output frequency, Input Voltage, Battery Voltage At 100 % load on Resistive load < 3% for Linear, < 5% for Non Linear Load ISO 9001:2000 & ETDC /CPRI test report VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 59 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Table 19: 42 U Rack Minimum technical specification · 42U 42 " Deep Server Rack Enclosure w/Sides Black · 80"H x 24"W x 42 "D · Front Door with toughened safety perforation, rear vented steel door · Perforated Roof Top Features Four 5.5" x 2" cutouts for cable entry · Lockable front & Rear doors and side panels · Floor Type · Redundant Power Distribution · With cable manager , power supply, cooling fans and tray to accommodate all the above servers Table 20: KVM Switch ( For PMU) Minimum technical specification One number of 18 port IP based KVM switch for centralized monitoring of servers along with 8 cables, converter and connectors for server connectivity. 19” TFT-LCD collapsible flat panel monitor console kit with keyboard and mouse including cables (1U). 1 Local, 2 Remote with necessary user licenses 10/100/1000 Mbps PS2/USB Other Components/ Services – Minimum technical specifications 1. Router – As per the specifications 2. Connectivity from Taluk/District offices to Karnataka State Data centre · The applications from DoA Offices to the Data centre should be over KSWAN on VPN over broad band technology or on MPLS technology as the case maybe. · In case required, the department may procure standby connectivity and the network equipment should support auto switchover mode and load sharing mode working. · At the Agriculture offices, users should not be required to connect a VPN. The (secure) VPN tunnel should be setup between the router/firewall at the Data centre. · The configuration of the router shall be done by the KSWAN Network Operator and the successful should provide complete information about the product coordinate for integration of the router with KSWAN NMS. · The day-to-day maintenance of the router is the responsibility of the successful bidder throughout the period of contract. · The successful bidder should establish LAN connectivity in the offices and also maintain the same during the entire period of the contract. 3. Connectivity from RSK to Karnataka State Data Centre: The RSKs will be connected to State data centre through VPN over broad band through KSWAN. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 60 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking The successful bidder should establish LAN connectivity and also maintain during the entire period of contract. 4. Active Directory Service · Two domain Controller’s Primary & Secondary should be configured with integrated DNS service for the project · Additional Domain Controller can be recommended if in case required with proper justification · All the end user Devices should get authenticated by Active Directory Server · End User’s should use domain user login & should not have an access to Local Administrator account · Technical Executive & DOA IT authority should be aware of Local Bulletin Account · Desktop Users should be using Domain users account for accessing any service within the DOA network Technical Specifications of the Networking Components Table 21: Router (For all Locations except RSKs) Sl. No Router Specifications Interface Requirements: 1.1 2 * V.35 Serial and 2* G.703 (2 Mbps) Interfaces. 1.1.1 1.1.3 4 * Gigabit Interfaces /optic fibre 1000 Mbps(for LAN & Wireless – Inter-VLAN routing for horizontal interfaces).Combo interface features. 1.2 1.2.1 Architecture: Should have support for Data, Voice & Video services. 1.2.2 Should be chassis based & modular architecture for scalability and should be a single box configuration for ease of management. Rack based 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.8 1.3 Should have IPSEC VPN (3DES/AES) Encryption with Site to Site VPN functionality. Should have complete Firewall. Should have enough free slots to accommodate 100 % scalability thereby accommodating future expansion and growth without replacing the router. Should have 2Gb RAM & 512MB Flash memory and should be upgradeable. The chassis should be 19” rack mountable type. Should be supplied with necessary power cards, data cables, connectors,CD’s, manuals, bracket accessories, wire managers and other appropriate accessories. Performance: VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 61 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.3.8 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.4.6 1.4.7 1.4.8 1.5 Shall support high performance traffic forwarding with con-current features like Firewall and encryption. Forwarding Capacity shall be a minimum of 170 Kpps (considering 64byte packet size) and should be scalable. Shall support variety of interfaces like V.35 Sync Serial (2 Mbps), G.703 Ethernet Interfaces – 1Gbps. Shall support DSL connectivity using ADSL, G.SHDSL for Horizontal office connectivity Should have other IP Services like GRE tunneling, ACLs, IPSEC VPNs, Firewalling, NAT services. Shall support Voice traffic optimization with features like LFI, cRTP High Availability Shall support redundant connection to LAN Shall support Redundant Power supply Shall support fast reboot for minimum network downtime Shall support Non-Stop forwarding for fast re-convergence of routing protocols Shall support boot options like booting from TFTP server, Network node and Flash Memory Shall support multiple storage of multiple images and configurations Shall support link aggregation using LACP as per IEEE 802.3ad Shall support VRRP or equivalent Protocol Support 1.5.1 Shall support Routing protocols like IS-IS, RIP ver1 & RIP Ver 2, OSPF ver2, OSPF on demand, BGP4 1.5.2 Should have Multicast routing protocols IGMPv1, v2 & v3, PIM-SM (RFC2362) and PIM-DM, Multicast VLAN Registration. 1.5.3 The vendor shall undertake their routers for migration from IPv4 to IPv6 as and when govt. wants to migrate to new protocol. The vendor shall show that they have definite plan for migrating their equipments to IPv6 in near future. As and when IPv6 is introduced in the routers it shall have the following features: 1.5.4 DHCPv6, IPv6 QoS and IPv6 Multicast support, Bi-Directional PIM, Multicast VPN, RIPng and OSPFv3 for IPv6, IPv6 PIMv2 Sparse Mode and IPv6 PIMv2 SourceSpecific Multicast. 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.8 1.5.9 1.5.10 MPLS VPN, MPLS mVPN (Multicast VPN), VRF-Aware Services (NAT, FW, IPsec, Syslog), Carrier Supporting Carrier (CsC), Diffserv Tunnel Modes, MPLS TE (Fast re-route), Diffserv-Aware TE, Inter-AS VPNs). Support for Load balancing Protocol. Support unequal cost link load sharing to better utilize the alternate paths 1.5.11 Support for TCP Acceleration mechanisms to enhance the TCP performance over the WAN links. The TCP Acceleration mechanisms should be supported over end-to- VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 62 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking end encrypted tunnels. 1.5.12 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.6.5 1.6.6 1.6.7 1.6.8 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 Configuration Roll Back to recover the mis-configured router to last good configuration QoS Features: Shall support the following Classification and Marking: Policy based routing, IP Precedence, DSCP, MPLS exp bits Congestion Management: WRED, Priority queuing. Traffic Conditioning: Committed Access Rate/Rate limiting Signalling: RSVP Link efficiency mechanisms: cRTP, LFI, MLPPP. Support for class-based cRTP and time based policing & queuing. Per VLAN QoS. Time Based Shaping and Policing for QoS Security Features: Should have GRE Tunnelling & NAT Services Any Office to Any other office, dynamic establishment of VPNs so that the configuration & management of IPSEC VPNs becomes easier. IPSEC VPNs should be able to carry data, voice, video 1.7.15 1.7.16 Firewall. Support for large scale any-to-any IPSEC VPNs without any dependency on tunnel limitation. MD-5 route authentication for RIP, OSPF and BGP Shall support multi-level of access SNMPv3 authentication, SSHv2 AAA support using Radius. CHAP authentication for P-to-P links DoS prevention through TCP Intercept & DDoS protection IP Access list to limit Telnet and SNMP access to router Multiple privilege level authentications for console and telnet access through Local database or through an external AAA Server. Time based & Dynamic ACLs for controlled forwarding based on time of day for offices Should have features to limit the spread of viruses & worms on the desktops / workstations. IEEE 802.1x support for MAC address authentication 1.8 1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8.3 Multi-media support: Shall support Voice capabilities with Voice pass-through Shall support H.323, SIP Voice based QoS 1.7.4 1.7.5 1.7.6 1.7.7 1.7.8 1.7.9 1.7.10 1.7.11 1.7.12 1.7.13 1.7.14 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 63 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 1.9.2 1.9.3 1.9.4 1.9.5 1.9.6 Debug, alarms & Diagnostics: Support for monitoring of Traffic flows for Network planning and Security purposes Debugging for all Features. Display of input and output error statistics on all interfaces Display of Dynamic ARP table Display of physical layer line status signals like DCD, DSR, DTR, RTS, CTS on all serial interfaces Trace-route, Ping and extended Ping 1.9.7 Should have extensive support for SLA monitoring for metrics like delay, latency, jitter, packet loss, and MOS 1.1 0 1.10.1 1.10.2 1.10.3 Management Shall have support for Web / GUI based management, CLI, Telnet and SNMPv3 Shall support Secure Shell for secure connectivity. Embedded RMON support for four groups – history, statistics, alarms and events 1.10.4 Should have to support Out of band management through Console and an external modem for remote management. 1.11 1.11.1 IPV6 The product should have IPV6 Gold certified. 1.9 1.9.1 Table – 22 port switch (for all locations except RSKs) L2 Switch Specifications General Features: The switch should have minimum 24 x 10/100 Fast Ethernet Ports & 2 Gigabit ports for uplink purpose Performance At least 8 Gbps switching fabric Operating Temperature 00C to 450C Layer-2 Features: IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation. Upto 255 VLANs should be supported. Support for 4000 VLAN IDs. Support for Automatic Negotiation of Trunking Protocol, to help minimize the configuration & errors. Centralized VLAN Management. Spanning-tree Enhancements for fast convergence IEEE 802.1d, 802.1s,802.1w.802.3ad Spanning-tree root guard feature to prevent other edge switches becoming the root bridge. Local Proxy Address Resolution protocol (ARP) to work in conjunction with Private VLAN Edge to minimize broadcasts and maximize available bandwidth. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 64 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Network Security Features: IEEE 802.1xto allow dynamic, port-based security, providing user authentication. Port-based ACLs for Layer 2 interfaces to allow application of security policies on individual switch ports. SSHv2 and SNMPv3 to provide network security by encrypting administrator traffic during Telnet and SNMP sessions. RADIUS authentication to enable centralized control of the Switch and restrict unauthorized users from altering the configuration. MAC address notification to allow administrators to be notified of users added to or removed from the network. DHCP snooping to allow administrators to ensure consistent mapping of IP to MAC addresses. This can be used to prevent attacks that attempt to poison the DHCP binding database, and to rate-limit the amount of DHCP traffic that enters a switch port. DHCP Interface Tracker (option 82) feature to augment a host IP address request with the switch port ID. Port security to secure the access to an access or trunk port based on MAC address. Multilevel security on console access to prevent unauthorized users from altering the switch configuration using local database or through an external AAA server. Management: Command line interface (CLI) support for configuration and troubleshooting purpose Layer 2 trace route to ease troubleshooting by identifying the physical path that a packet takes from source to destination. Trivial File transfer protocol (TFTP) to reduce the cost of administering software upgrades by downloading from a centralized location. Network Timing Protocol (NTP) to provide an accurate and consistent timestamp to all intranet switches. SNMP v1, v2c and v3 and Telnet interface support delivers comprehensive in-band management, and a CLI-based management console provides detailed out-of-band management. Other The product should be IPv6 gold certified by the accredited lab of IPv6 forum The product should be FANLESS design technology compliant to 802.3az Table 23– 8 port switch (for RSKs) L2 Switch Specifications General Features: The switch should have minimum 8 x 10/100 Fast Ethernet Ports & 1 Gigabit ports for uplink purpose Performance At least 4 Gbps switching fabric Operating Temperature 00C to 450C Layer-2 Features: IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation. Upto 255 VLANs should be supported. Support for 4000 VLAN IDs. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 65 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Support for Automatic Negotiation of Trunking Protocol, to help minimize the configuration & errors. Centralized VLAN Management. Spanning-tree Enhancements for fast convergence IEEE 802.1d, 802.1s,802.1w.802.3ad Spanning-tree root guard feature to prevent other edge switches becoming the root bridge. Local Proxy Address Resolution protocol (ARP) to work in conjunction with Private VLAN Edge to minimize broadcasts and maximize available bandwidth. Network Security Features: IEEE 802.1xto allow dynamic, port-based security, providing user authentication. Port-based ACLs for Layer 2 interfaces to allow application of security policies on individual switch ports. SSHv2 and SNMPv3 to provide network security by encrypting administrator traffic during Telnet and SNMP sessions. RADIUS authentication to enable centralized control of the Switch and restrict unauthorized users from altering the configuration. MAC address notification to allow administrators to be notified of users added to or removed from the network. DHCP snooping to allow administrators to ensure consistent mapping of IP to MAC addresses. This can be used to prevent attacks that attempt to poison the DHCP binding database, and to rate-limit the amount of DHCP traffic that enters a switch port. DHCP Interface Tracker (option 82) feature to augment a host IP address request with the switch port ID. Port security to secure the access to an access or trunk port based on MAC address. Multilevel security on console access to prevent unauthorized users from altering the switch configuration using local database or through an external AAA server. Management: Command line interface (CLI) support for configuration and troubleshooting purpose Layer 2 trace route to ease troubleshooting by identifying the physical path that a packet takes from source to destination. Trivial File transfer protocol (TFTP) to reduce the cost of administering software upgrades by downloading from a centralized location. Network Timing Protocol (NTP) to provide an accurate and consistent timestamp to all intranet switches. SNMP v1, v2c and v3 and Telnet interface support delivers comprehensive in-band management, and a CLI-based management console provides detailed out-of-band management. Other The product should be IPv6 gold certified by the accredited lab of IPv6 forum The product should be FANLESS design technology compliant to 802.3az Table 24: Provision to monitor network and troubleshooting network Make & Model Offered - (To be filled by the bidder) Basic Requirements Enterprise Management System should provide for end to end performance, availability, fault and event and impact management for all enterprise resources that encompasses the heterogeneous networks, systems, applications and databases present in the system. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 66 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking The Service Management solution namely Service desk (incident and problem mgmt), Change, Asset, Self Service and Service level management should be built on the same platform/code and leverage the same common, shared configuration database with a unified architecture. The same platforms should be used across all modules, requiring no complex integrations to leverage the combined benefits offered by the integrated platform. The service automation solution should be a unified solution supporting provisioning, configuration management and compliance assurance across servers, networks and applications and should support end to end full stack and dynamic server, network and application provisioning. Solution should provide for future scalability of the whole system without major architectural changes. Solution should be open, distributed, and scalable and open to third party integration. Performance Management The solution should provide Agent-based or Agent less Monitoring in a single architecture – that will allow an organization to choose the level of management required and deploys the rightsized solution to meet those requirements. The agent and agent less monitor should be able to collect event/fault, performance and capacity data and should not require separate collectors. The solution should reduce manual customization efforts and should speed-up problem identification and resolution of the IT performance anomalies with intelligent events. The solution should accelerate problem isolation through accurate analysis of probable cause through end-to-end correlation. The solution should have the capability to identify probable root cause using a variety of filtering and statistical correlation methods to shift through every metric to determine their relevance to the issue being researched. The solution should possess capabilities that deliver self-learning capabilities to virtually eliminate the ongoing costs of manual threshold, rule, and script maintenance. The solution should be able to generate dynamic performance baselines and continuously update and refine these normal operational bands by automatically adapting the changes in enterprise infrastructure. The solution should have the capability to minimize manual threshold management, by performing automated dynamic threshold management. The solution should have predictive analytics and intelligence in-built into it so as to detect any anomaly before it could potentially hit the threshold thereby giving enough lead time to users to resolve the issues before the threshold is breached. The solution should carry out automated probable cause analysis by picking up feeds from every infrastructure component being monitored and automating the correlation of these alarms/events to point out the probable cause of an infrastructure error. Solution should carry out probable cause analysis and scoring to reduce the number of alerts generated thereby helping operations to identify the root cause without having to write complex rules for correlation. Solution should carry out auto-diagnosis on occurrence of an type of event and should provide the ability to extend this based on users knowledge. The solution should possess capabilities that deliver self-learning capabilities to virtually eliminate the ongoing costs of manual threshold, rule, and script maintenance. The solution should be able to generate dynamic performance baselines and continuously update and refine these normal operational bands by automatically adapting the changes in enterprise infrastructure. The solution should have the capability to minimize manual threshold management, by performing automated dynamic threshold management. Should be configurable to suppress events for key systems/devices that are down for routine maintenance or planned outage. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 67 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Should be able to monitor on user-defined thresholds for warning/ critical states and escalate events to event console of enterprise management system. Solution should carry out auto-diagnosis on occurrence of a type of event and should provide the ability to extend this based on users knowledge. The solution should provide end users with the ability to search for known errors and knowledgebase. Solution should be able to score the events and display the highest impacting events in descending order. The Solution should offer the ability to monitor such custom/home-grown applications. The solution should integrate network, server, application and database performance information and alarms in a single console and provide a unified reporting interface for all network and system components. The current performance state of the entire network and system infrastructure shall be visible in an integrated console. The solution should be extensible enough to support capacity planning and optimization with data collected through the same performance management agent. Network Management The Network Management function must monitor performance across heterogeneous networks from one end of the enterprise to the other. It should proactively analyze problems to improve network performance. The Network Management function should create a graphical display of all discovered resources. The Network Management function should have extensive reporting facility, providing the ability to format and present data in a graphical and tabular display Discovery Discovery solution should do a complete discovery of IT environment across distributed, virtual and heterogeneous environment and provide a clear and visual mapping of IT infrastructure to business services. Should support discovery of Physical, virtual, network, application, storage and mainframe resources. Solution should support complete agent-less discovery requiring no software to be installed on devices to be discovered. Should Automatically map IT infrastructure to business services. Should support continuous updates of configuration & dependency data to CMDB The discovery data should be fully auditable as to where it came from and what was the method to retrieve that. Should support troubleshooting and diagnostics for any discovery scan failures. Presentation Business owners should be able to graphically view the health of their business services and its related tickets. Business owners should have a clear view of the extent of impact to their business and if need be the reason behind the impact. The IT organization should be able to view their tickets by business service and impact from the same solution. Solution should have the ability to display the events in a table, service, infrastructure, tree views. It should provide each user the ability to select or view the events as per their convenience. Should support advanced filtering to eliminate extraneous data / alarms in Web browser and GUI. Agents Should monitor various operating system parameters such as processors, memory, files, processes, file systems etc. where applicable using agents on the servers to be monitored. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 68 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking The agent should support execution of remote commands/scripts for troubleshooting and diagnostics purposes. Provide performance threshold configuration for all the agents to be done from a central GUI based console that provide a common look and feel across various platforms in the enterprise. These agents could then dynamically reconfigure them to use these threshold profiles they receive. IT Service Management The Solution displays the complete ITIL process flow for Incident, problem, Change and release Management. The solution should have Service Management Process Model in built based on ITIL v3 best practices. At each stage in the cycle of the incident, the system should prompt users on the status and the missing information that is required to complete the flow. In case any process step is missed, the system prompts users to complete that step before they move to the next step. Solution should support reporting on the process flow to allow management to understand how organization is performing in terms of process adherence. Solution should support multi-tenancy with complete data isolation as well as with ability for analysts based on access rights to view data for one, two or more organizational units. Solution should provide L1 engineer an ability to see the list of assets used by the end user. This list should be displayed within the ticket (incident, change, problem etc). Should provide relationship viewer to L1 from within the ticket. The relationship viewer should display the dependencies and impact relationships to other assets and users. Solution should automatically provide solutions from the knowledge base to L1 L1 should be able to view detailed configuration of a selected asset (Eg - amount of CPU, RAM, Disk Space, IP address, software installed, software used etc). Should be possible to do this from within the ticket. The solution should be bundled with a tool that will allow administrators to customize the GUI using a point-and-click interface to add and change forms, objects, and fields in forms. Workflow must be able to perform notification via email, pager, SMS and the have provision to interface with other communication modes. The solution should provision the administrator to create new or modify existing workflow by using actions like set fields, push fields, SQL query etc. Provide the ability to develop workflow for data level operations like record create, update, modify and delete operation. Same workflow could be executed for both Window and Web client. Provide option for approval engine so that any customized applications developed could incorporate the hierarchy, role based, level based ad-hoc approval structure. Include notification and escalation capability if approval is not performed. The solution should provide the functionality of executing searches to the entire database. It should be possible to provide query criteria using AND, OR conditions. This allows the users to create and view workflows/reports based on their needs rather than using only the set of workflows/reports provided out of the box. Incident/Problem Management Flexibility of logging incidents via various means - web interface, client interface, phone, auto integration with EMS tools. Service Desk solution should allow detailed multiple levels/tiers of categorization on the type of incident being logged. Service Desk solution should provide classification to differentiate the criticality of the security incident via the priority levels, severity levels and impact levels. It should allow SLA to be associated with a ticket based on priority, severity, incident type, requestor, asset, location or group individually as well as collectively. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 69 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Solution should support fast service restoration leveraging previous incident data. It should be possible for L1 to view the 'Health of a selected asset' from within the ticket. The health view should be consistent across platform (Windows & flavours of UNIX). Should support automatic assignment of ticket to the right skilled resource based on business priority Ex - Database crash issue need not be assigned to an L3 DBA unless the business service is completely down. Asset causing the business failure and business service that has failed should be automatically related to the ticket. It should be possible to architect a decentralized service operations (across OS, database and application versions). Should be able to implement a Follow the sun support. Should be able to consolidated view/reports across locations while maintaining localized views/reports. For integrations with other EMS/NMS tools, various options for integration should be provided APIs, web services, SDKs. It should have an updateable knowledge base for technical analysis and further help end-users to search solutions for previously solved issues. Should support full text search capabilities. Change Management Should support Change Impact and change collision detection based on affected CIs from CMDB. Solution should provide for Change Calendar with periodical views. Should support self service change request and fulfillment with standard change requests via service catalog. Should support Incident & problem driven change-release-deployment activities. End to End Release Management workflows should be supported with in-built rollback capabilities. Should support unified change and release tools (planning, risk assessment, scheduling, and execution tools) for complete enterprise across virtual & physical environments, applications, etc. Asset Management Should manage complete lifecycle starting with the initiation of the procurement through to retiring and (if applicable) harvesting unused software. Should be integrated with Service Desk for maintenance and support of assets. Should be integrated with Change Management for deployment, changes. Use the same data model and normalization, federation capabilities of CMDB to manage asset data ensuring data standardization across enterprise. Should support IT Business Management data and metrics to manage asset lifecycle TCO from acquisition to support to retirement. Should support Integration with supplier, contract, e-procurement data. Configuration Management The Configuration Management Database should support multiple datasets with federation and reconciliation facilities so as to get data from various discovery tools and also through manual import process. The Configuration Management should support Definitive Software and Media Library with content updates on a periodic basis. Normalization of data should be possible along complete definitive media library – software, hardware with standardization on attributes. Reconciliation of data should be possible with multiple data providers based on common attributes and ability to define precedence rules on attributes. Federation of external data sources should be possible with ability to store common attributes inside CMDB and getting other attributes from external data sources in real time. Should provide best in class integration capabilities with CMDBf compliant APIs. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 70 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Should Provide a single shared view of services supporting Service Design, Transition and Operations stages of the lifecycle. Should Provide a Service catalog so as to establish a framework for Service definitions based on IT and business alignment. Should Provide Service blueprints to describe functional and deployment models for the Service definitions. Should automatically create Service models to describe how IT infrastructure supports business services. Manage services consistently across heterogeneous data center and cloud environments. Service Level Management Solution should support comprehensive SLA management platform that cuts across Infrastructure Management and Service Management. For e.g. monitors and reports across different KPIs like infrastructure (CPU utilization, disk space), response times , resolution times (eg. incident closed on 2 hours) performance and custom parameters of an enterprise. Have a consolidated, automated graphical report for SLA compliance with ability to drill down to reason for non-compliance". Manage service levels for delivery and support of business services. Fast, repeatable process for defining and capturing service level measurements. Real-time visualization of service level targets, agreement compliance data, penalties and rewards. Deliver service level information and alerts directly to IT Operations and Service Support consoles. Should support compliance and cost trending to assist in identifying areas for process and operational improvements. Service Request Management Should support single service catalog for requestable services, spanning both IT and non-IT domains. Should provide for Service Requests Workflows and Fulfilment definitions for commonly used IT/non-IT services. Catalog based on User profile. Various types of Customer profiles are supported, for ex: Gold, Platinum, Silver. Integrates with any underlying service management for request fulfilment. Ability to load dynamic information based on the field chosen. Ability to position both Custom-made and Standard Requests Should send notifications to Customers based on the status. Should have the ability to extend and create new service request. Should have predefined catalogues that cover specific use cases. Should be completely web based and should be accessible from an unified portal. The services should be integrated to SLAs and should be auto measured for adherence. Reporting Should provide for OOB Reports for Service Support and Service Delivery processes through a unified portal Should have ability to have a consolidated view of data collected from different types of operations (Eg - SLA compliance for a selected business service, it's dependent SLAs, OLA and UPCs, it's changes by priority, open incidents by priority and status, it's assets and individual asset compliance, patches installed and compliance to patches etc) and displayed in a universal portal. Provide users (based on role) to drill down to specific report/data on a need basis. Provide detailed reports on a specific area as per the need of the user. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 71 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Provide ability to set thresholds on reports values and take automated actions (Eg - at any point of time not more that 10 critical incidents should not be in open status for billing service, if it does send an email report to billing service owner and SLA manager. If consolidated availability of billing service is < 98% for more than 30mts, send an email to SLA manager." Ability to create custom KPI metrics and scorecard/compliance reports that are updated automatically. Single dashboard provides the as-is scenario by consolidating the data across the organization. Should automatically compute and apply the math as per the business service. Should support and Correlate KPIs from multiple disciplines. Should support top down dashboards with drill down capabilities into detailed information. Should be extensible enough to leverage external data and metrics. Should support multiple views with flexible pod-like structure along with role based access. Server Automation Should support all major OS and virtualization platforms. Should Support comprehensive and configuration-level roll-back for changes. Automated provisioning for physical, virtual, and cloud-based environments. Policy-based, Cross-Platform patch support across Windows, Linux, and Unix. Support compliance Policies for regulatory and security standards with integrated exception documentation. Support Granular and environment-aware configuration policies and deployment. Automated packaging, promotion, and deployment of applications. Should support cross-platform and reusable packaging with built-in rollback support. Should maintain complete configuration for all managed servers at completely granular level ensuring any minor change is also tracked and reported on. Should support Configuration-level Control of Tasks, Objects, and Policies. Should have ability to monitor the parameters in real time and confirm compliance to security policies. Closed loop change Management workflows that monitor and track these compliance changes. Should have audit capabilities that compare the server status to policies defined in real time. Network Automation The solution should be able to support configuration management across the network infrastructure, including routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, wireless access points, and other network devices. The solution should be able to instantly provide the who, what, where, and when of planned, unplanned, and unauthorized network changes. The solution should be able to audit and enforce configuration standards, such as those around security, performance, and routing which would help in proactively assessing the impact of change and also quickly recover from problematic changes". The solution should be able to dynamically create scripts to allow for changes to be pushed into the device without having to reboot the device (i.e., non-disruptive rollback). The solution should be able to provide the mechanism to push access control lists (ACLs) into a device without exposing the device to potential security vulnerabilities". Should support Standard Authentication Methods, Role Based Access Control (RBAC), Realms and Groups, Sensitive Data Masking, Telnet SSH proxy. The solution should support an extensible, automated import feature to collect device information from third party discovery engines and other sources. Workflow Automation Tools should support workflows for leading 3rd party vendors including virtualization and storage vendors. The tool should be shipped with standard pre-built workflows, templates etc. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 72 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Tool should support process abstraction/ Workflow Reuse. The tool should extensively support Data Abstraction. Platform and process upgrades should not require extensive workflow updates. Workflow execution should have both automatic and semi-automatic modes of execution. Tool should provide a scalable architecture that enables efficient execution of large numbers of concurrent processes. The tool should support a flexible architecture that seamlessly incorporates high availability at a work-flow level. Batch Job and Workload Automation Solution should allow for batch discovery to ensure the CMDB contains up to date Batch Service data. Should provide both Agent-based & Agent-less scheduling of batch jobs on all platforms. Solution should have a single Entry point to schedule, monitor and manage batch jobs across Distributed environments. Solution should provide a centralized GUI to view colour oriented job status, check logs and view output for last 5 or more days. Solution should provide user ability to map the key business impacting jobs into a service and enables the Service Monitoring to integrate into Service Desk and Service Impact Management for any failure or delays. Solution should have the ability to forecast the schedule for a future date and simulate the flow of jobs in terms to the estimated start and end times of jobs and business services with option to add what-if scenarios for better simulation. Solution should have an ability to execute SAP R/3 Programs, BW Programs, Data Archiving Programs & Business Objects reports and provides specific interface for it as well as ability to integrate with Oracle, MS SQL & DB2 database to schedule and run the SQL scripts, open queries, Stored procedures and SSIS packages and provides out-of-box interface for it and not through wrapper scripts. Solution should have ability to schedule; trigger and monitor file transfers across the enterprise using sftp, ftp, compression, encryption, decompression and decryption, restart from point of failure and provides out of box interface for it. Should support workload management by defining policies for efficient job submission to servers based upon the CPU, Memory usage and time periods. Solution should also Self Service functionalities to Business users and presents a view of the workload services relevant to them so that they can submit service request through a service catalog. Table 25: Specification for Computer Table : Dimension : 2 x 4 x 2.5 (feet) Wood : Prelaminated Particle Board with termite resistant polish (Sturdy and durable) Features : Sufficient racks to keep the UPS, Keyboard, Mouse. Drawer for keeping file and Documents , separate cabin for the CPU Wire manager on the top surface of the table. Table 26: Specification for Computer Revolving Chair BASE : 640mm Nylon base glass filled Nylon castors with embedded Metal Rings and Ribs. STEM : 125mm Stroke Gas Operated TILTING MECHANISM : Push back mechanism with 2 point locking facility ARMS : Plastic molded arms VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 73 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SEAT : Made of 12mm layered multi waterfall curvature in the front with 65 density molded foam for seat.BACK : Flexible double Layered multi curvature to ensure back is supported at maximum points with lumber height adjustment for 70mm with 32 density cushion at back (medium back) CHAIR HEIGHT MAX :1050mm CHAIR WIDTH :540mm SEAT HEIGHT MIN :450mm SEAT WIDTH :450mm SEAT DEPTH :460mm Table 27 Help Desk : The Service provider has to provide a Centralized help desk for technical and functional support so as to respond to queries and solve issues of the users. The Helpdesk should be accessible through communication channels viz, toll free telephone and email. It should be able to respond to the queries/problems in the time limits. Online Helpdesk system has to be deployed by the service provider at Head Office, Department of Agriculture, Bangalore and should be used for management and support activity. For the management of helpdesk the service provider has to deploy three man power(Operators) from 8am to 8pm to sort out the issues raised by the users. As part of the NMS system or separately, a comprehensive Helpdesk Management System shall be provided by the Service Provider so as to enable the support staff to provide reliable infrastructure support services to the various DoA offices. In all Helpdesk management comprises of Helpdesk tool, policies, and Helpdesk personnel along with supporting people. The key features of the Helpdesk systems shall be: 1. Recording of all service calls and Incidents 2. Service level management 3. Problem management 4. Change management 5. Configuration management with CMDB The helpdesk software should be able to generate a ticket number for registering a problem and designated authority from DOA would be given access to such software so as to monitor the SLAs etc. The helpdesk software needs to provide enough scope to integrate it with the other helpdesk Software used by the external operators for tracking of the issue and SLA monitoring. Note: · · · All equipments supplied shall have a comprehensive onsite warranty for 3 years All equipments supplied as per Annexure should not be end of life for next five years from the date of supply of the equipments. All the equipments supplied as per Annexure should not have been manufactured 6 months before the date of supply. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 74 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix H: Performance Test Requirements for Project Facilities Hardware Configuration Evaluation Mechanism 1. Configurations of the systems to be supplied have to go through the test and validation procedures for computer hardware components. This should be performed by using diagnostic tools. 2. The Bidders shall i. run the diagnostic tool on the Project Facilities proposed by the Bidder in its Technical Proposal. ii. mention the tool and also enclose sample test results along with their Technical Proposal. iii. provide the sample test results. iv. give self-certified document for operating system support. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 75 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix I: Format for Price Proposal (SPECIMEN COPY ONLY – SUBMITTED ONLY THROUGH E-PROCUREMENT WEBSITE) Date: To The Director for Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Sheshadri Road, Bangalore 560 001 Sir, Re: K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking I/We have reviewed the RFP including Instructions to Bidders and the Draft Agreement and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions therein. I hereby submit our Price Proposal and quote a Price of Rs. ______________ (Rupees ____________________(in words) {(Contract Price of Rs._______ (Rupees _________________________________ (in words) inclusive of all costs, duties and taxes, including local taxes applicable + Consumable Price of Rs __________ (Rupees ___________________(in words) inclusive of all applicable taxes)}, in accordance with the RFP. Note 1: Scanned copy of Appendix I, Appendix I-1, Appendix 1-2, Appendix I-3, Appendix I-4 and Appendix I-5 forming part of the Price Proposal to be on the letter head of the bidder and signed by the authorized signatory and the same to be uploaded on the e-Procurement Website. Note 2: The Contract Price for the Project shall be calculated in the manner given below: Contract Price = Upfront Payment + O& M payments (inclusive if AMC cost for 4th and 5th year of the agreement period) VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 76 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix I-1 – Breakup of Capital Cost SUBMITTED ONLY THROUGH E-PROCUREMENT WEBSITE (On the letterhead of the Bidder) P1 1 2 3 4 5 a b c d e f g h 6 7 8 Service tax Name of Project where ever Facilities (refer Quantity applicable at Total Schedule 1B of the (refer Schedule 1B of Unit Price (In the existing Price (In Draft Agreement) the Draft Agreement) INR Rs) rate INR Rs) Capital Costs (Rs.) Procurement, delivery and installation Server Laptop Desktop (PC1) Desktop (PC 2) Printers 80 Column DMP printer 136 Column DMP printer Thermal Printer A3+ Size color Inkjet printer A3 Size color laser printer Colour laser jet printer –A4 Laser jet printer – black Copier cum printer cum scanner UPS 1 KVA with 6 hours backup 2 KVA with 6 hours backup 3 KVA with 4 hours backup 3 KVA with 6 hours backup 10 KVA with 2 hours backup Router Switch VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 77 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 9 10 P2 10 11 P3 P4 Service tax Name of Project where ever Facilities (refer Quantity applicable at Total Schedule 1B of the (refer Schedule 1B of Unit Price (In the existing Price (In Draft Agreement) the Draft Agreement) INR Rs) rate INR Rs) 8 port switch 24 port switch Web Camera NMS tool Licence SQL Server 2008 standard edition R2/ higher (CPU based license) MS O/S 2008/ R2 standard edition (CPU based license) Modular Chairs Modular Tables Site preparation cost (Civil works, Electricals, LAN etc.) District JDA Office DATC Taluka ADA Office RSKs Labs Others (Specify) Total (P1+P2+P3+P4) VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 78 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Annexure 3 Appendix I-2 – Break up of O& M Payment SUBMITTED ONLY THROUGH E-PROCUREMENT WEBSITE (On the letterhead of the Bidder) O&M Payment per year (Rs.) Name of Project Facilities (refer Schedule 1B of the Draft Agreement) P5 Quantity (refer Schedule 1B of the Draft Agreement) Unit cost/ head Service Tax wherever applicable at the existing rate Total Price Manpower deployment 1 PMU Senior Project Manager/ Consultant Technical Consultant Network Consultant Administrative Assistant Helpdesk executive Data entry Personnel Office assistant Sweeper cum cleaner 2 Districts Technical Consultants Master trainers P6 P7 Training expenses Communication expenses (Eg., post/ telephone/ fax/ toll free line) P8 expenses for vehicle Others (specify) Total (P5+P6+P7+P8) · · The O&M Payment per year shall include all costs, duties and taxes applicable from time to time. The bidder has to provide O&M cost separately for each year of the agreement period. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 79 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix I-3 – Breakup of AMC Cost (4th year) to be included under O&M cost for the 4th year SUBMITTED ONLY THROUGH E-PROCUREMENT WEBSITE (On the letterhead of the Bidder) P1 1 2 3 4 5 a b c d e f g h 6 7 8 Name of Project Facilities (refer Schedule 1B of the Draft Agreement) Procurement, delivery and installation Server Laptop Desktop (PC1) Desktop (PC 2) Printers 80 Column DMP printer 136 Column DMP printer Thermal Printer A3+ Size color Inkjet printer A3 Size color laser printer Colour laser jet printer – A4 Laser jet printer – black Copier cum printer cum scanner UPS 1 KVA with 6 hours backup 2 KVA with 6 hours backup 3 KVA with 4 hours backup 3 KVA with 6 hours backup 10 KVA with 2 hours backup Router Switch 8 port switch 24 port switch VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Quantity (refer Schedule 1B of the Draft AMC cost for Agreement) the 4th year Service tax where ever applicable at Total the existing Price (In rate INR Rs) Page 80 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Name of Project Facilities (refer Schedule 1B of the Draft Agreement) 9 Web Camera 10 NMS tool Total AMC cost for th 4th year VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Quantity (refer Schedule 1B of the Draft AMC cost for Agreement) the 4th year Service tax where ever applicable at Total the existing Price (In rate INR Rs) Page 81 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix I-3 – Breakup of AMC Cost (5th year) to be included under O&M cost for the 5th year. SUBMITTED ONLY THROUGH E-PROCUREMENT WEBSITE (On the letterhead of the Bidder) P1 1 2 3 4 5 a b c d e f g h 6 7 8 Name of Project Facilities (refer Schedule 1B of the Draft Agreement) Procurement, delivery and installation Server Laptop Desktop (PC1) Desktop (PC 2) Printers 80 Column DMP printer 136 Column DMP printer Thermal Printer A3+ Size color Inkjet printer A3 Size color laser printer Colour laser jet printer – A4 Laser jet printer – black Copier cum printer cum scanner UPS 1 KVA with 6 hours backup 2 KVA with 6 hours backup 3 KVA with 4 hours backup 3 KVA with 6 hours backup 10 KVA with 2 hours backup Router Switch 8 port switch 24 port switch VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Quantity (refer Schedule 1B of the Draft AMC cost for Agreement) the 5th year Service tax where ever applicable at Total the existing Price (In rate INR Rs) Page 82 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Name of Project Facilities (refer Schedule 1B of the Draft Agreement) 9 Web Camera 10 NMS tool Total AMC cost for th 5th year VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Quantity (refer Schedule 1B of the Draft AMC cost for Agreement) the 5th year Service tax where ever applicable at Total the existing Price (In rate INR Rs) Page 83 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix I-4 – Break up of Consumable cost SUBMITTED ONLY THROUGH E-PROCUREMENT WEBSITE (On the letterhead of the Bidder) Cost of consumable per year 1 (Rs.) P9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Quantity Name of Consumable (refer Schedule (refer Schedule 6 of the Draft 6 of the Draft Agreement) Agreement) Consumables 136 Column Printer cartridges per quarter 136 Column Printer RefillPacks per month (15 meters high density) 80 Column Printer cartridges per quarter 80 Column Printer RefillPacks per month (10 meters high density) Hp Laser jet (CE 278 A – {78A}) Cartridges per quarter Laser jet cartridges per quarter A3+ Size colour inkjet cartridges per quarter A3 size colour laser printer cartridges per quarter A4 Colour laser jet cartridges per quarter Toner/ cartridges for Copier cum printer cum scanner 16 GB Pen drives per year Others (Please specify) Unit cost/ head (INR Rs) Service tax per unit at the present rate Total Price (INR Rs) Total * · · The price to be quoted by the bidder for consumables will be paid on actual consumption basis in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. The bidder has to raise separate invoice for the actual consumables supplied by the DoA. The contract price quoted by the Service Provider does not include the cost of consumables. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 84 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix I-4 – Format for calculation and submission of Contract Price SUBMITTED ONLY THROUGH E-PROCUREMENT WEBSITE (On the letterhead of the Bidder) The Contract Price for the Project would be arrived by the formula given below: Contract Price = Upfront Payment + O&M Payments (inclusive of AMC cost of the project facilities for the 4th and 5th year) for 5 years per annum Contract Price (Upfront Payment + O&M Payments) (Rs.) Upfront Payment (Rs.) Year 1 O&M Payment (Rs.) Year 2 O&M Payment (Rs.) Year 3 O&M Payment (Rs.) Year 4 O&M (inclusive of AMC cost) Payment (Rs.) Year 5 O&M (inclusive of AMC cost) Payment (Rs.) The commercial bid of bidder shall be evaluated based on total price quoted by the bidders for Contract price as defined above and cost of consumables. Note: 1. 2. The Upfront Payment quoted by any Bidder shall be 80% of the Capital Expenditure. The Contract Price shall include all costs, duties and taxes applicable from time to time. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 85 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Appendix J: Manufacturer’s Authorization Form (MAF) Date: The Director for Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Sheshadri Road, Bangalore 560 001 Dear Sir, Re: K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking We ____________________________________________who are established and reputed manufactures of ___________________________ having factories at_______________ and _____________ do hereby authorize M/s _________________________________ (Name and address of Agent/Dealer) to offer their quotation, negotiate and conclude the contract with you against the above tender. We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty as per terms and conditions of the tender and the contract for the equipment and services offered against this tender by the above firm. Yours faithfully, (Name) for and on behalf of M/s____________________________________________ Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the manufacturer(s) and should be signed by a competent person representing the manufacturer. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 86 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT VOLUME II DRAFT AGREEMENT FEBRUARY 2014 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Page 87 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Acronyms and Abbreviations AoA AAO ADA AO ATMA CAO DoA DATC DDA FCL GoI GoK HRD ICT INR IT IP IPM ISOPAM ITB JDA KB K-SWAN LAN LCD MoA MIS MoU NEFT NIC O&M OTC PMU RFP RSK SICD SG SHC SSS STL UPS Articles of Association Assistant Agriculture Officer Assistant Director of Agriculture Agriculture Officer Agricultural Technology Management Agency Chief Accounts Officer Department of Agriculture District Agriculture Training Centre Deputy Director Agriculture Fertilizer Control Laboratories Government of India Government of Karnataka Human Resource Development Information and Communication Technology Indian National Rupees Information Technology Internet Protocol Integrated Pest Management Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil palm and Maize Instructions to Bidders Joint Director of Agriculture Kilo Bytes Karnataka State Wide Area Network Local Area Network Liquid Crystal Display Memorandum of Association Management Information System Memorandum of Understanding National Electronic Funds Transfer National Informatics Centre Operation and Management Over The Counter Project Management Unit Request for Proposal Raitha Samparka Kendras Scheduled Installation Completion Date State Government Soil Health Centres State Sponsored Scheme Seed Testing Laboratories Un-interrupted Power Supply VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 88 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking UID WAN Unique Identification Wide Area Network VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 89 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS PAGE NO. ARTICLE 1: DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS ................................................................................................ 94 ARTICLE 2: RIGHTS ............................................................................................................................................. 101 ARTICLE 3: OBLIGATIONS OF THE SERVICE PROVIDER ........................................................................................ 102 ARTICLE 4: OBLIGATIONS OF DOA ...................................................................................................................... 115 ARTICLE 5: CHANGE OF SCOPE ........................................................................................................................... 119 ARTICLE 6: PAYMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 120 ARTICLE 7: OWNERSHIP AND EXIT MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................................... 122 ARTICLE 8: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ................................................................................................................. 124 ARTICLE 9: INSURANCE ...................................................................................................................................... 125 ARTICLE 10: FORCE MAJEURE............................................................................................................................. 126 ARTICLE 11: EVENTS OF DEFAULT....................................................................................................................... 130 ARTICLE 12: DISPUTE RESOLUTION .................................................................................................................... 134 ARTICLE 13: REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES........................................................................................... 136 ARTICLE 14: MISCELLANEOUS ............................................................................................................................ 139 SCHEDULE 1: DOA OFFICES ................................................................................................................................ 143 SCHEDULE 1A: PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE...................................................................................... 185 SCHEDULE 1B: PROJECT FACILITIES .................................................................................................................... 186 SCHEDULE 1C: PROJECT MONITORING UNIT ...................................................................................................... 218 SCHEDULE 3: DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 225 SCHEDULE 4: PERFORMANCE TESTS ................................................................................................................... 226 SCHEDULE 5: COMPLAINT REDRESSAL MECHANISM AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................... 229 SCHEDULE 6: CONSUMABLES AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ........................................................... 232 SCHEDULE 8: TRAINING INFRASTRUCTURE AND CENTRES FOR EXCELLENCE ...................................................... 234 SCHEDULE 9: REPORTS AND DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................. 235 SCHEDULE 10: POWERS AND DUTIES OF DEPARTMENT’S REPRESENTATIVE ...................................................... 236 SCHEDULE 11: PERFORMANCE SECURITY ........................................................................................................... 237 SCHEDULE 12: ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MANPOWER .......................................................................... 239 SCHEDULE 13: PRICE PROPOSAL ........................................................................................................................ 245 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 90 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 14: CHANGE OF SCOPE...................................................................................................................... 246 SCHEDULE 15: MINIMUM SERVICE LEVELS AND DAMAGES FOR NON-PERFORMANCE ...................................... 247 SCHEDULE 16: EXISTING PROJECT FACILITIES ..................................................................................................... 253 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 91 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking This Agreement entered into on this the _____ day of ___________ (Month), Two Thousand ______ at Bangalore, BETWEEN Governor of Karnataka, acting through the Commissioner for Agriculture, the Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka (“GoK”), having its office at Sheshadri Road, Bangalore-560 001, (hereinafter referred to as “Department of Agriculture” or “DoA” which expression shall unless repugnant to the context include the administrators and assigns), of the one part, AND _____________________6, a Company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, hereinafter referred to as “Service Provider” having its registered office at ___________________which expression shall unless repugnant to the context include its successors and permitted assigns, of the other part, WHEREAS, A. DoA aims to strengthen Raitha Samparka Kendras for efficient transfer of information and technology through computerization and networking of all its offices. 6 Name of the Bidder or the Lead Member VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 92 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking B. In pursuance of the above objective, DoA had invited Proposals vide Tender Notice _______________ from interested parties to carry out following services: a. supply, installation, commissioning, operations, maintenance, management of Project Facilities, b. integrate the Project Facilities with the existing systems, c. networking of Hobli RSKs, Kasaba RSKs, Taluk ADA offices, District JDA offices, Laboratories, DATCs, the Commissionerate (Head Office) and the Secretariat (the “DoA Offices”), d. provide Computerised Service Delivery at all DoA Offices, e. devise reporting and complaint redressal mechanism, f. supply of consumables as and when required and, g. discharge of other obligations, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. C. The list of DoA Offices and the Project Facilities to be provided by the Service Provider is set out in Schedule 1 and Schedule 1B respectively of this Agreement. D. DoA through an open, transparent and competitive bid process, invited Proposals from interested parties for the Project and to carry out any other activities incidental thereto. E. After evaluating the Proposals, DoA has accepted the Proposal submitted by (M/s. __________(“Successful Bidder”) and issued a Letter of Award No. _____________dated ___________ to the Service Provider, duly acknowledged by the Service Provider letter vide No.__________ dated_____________. F. DoA acknowledges that as on this day, the Service Provider has submitted an irrevocable bank guarantee for a value of Rs. ___________/- (Rupees ____________ Only) as Performance Security. G. The Parties hereto are required to enter into an Agreement, being these presents, to record the terms, conditions and covenants set forth hereunder. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 93 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 1: DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS 1.1 Definitions In this Agreement, the words and expressions defined below shall have the meanings assigned to them respectively, except where the context requires otherwise: "Agreement" means this Agreement, its recitals, the schedules hereto and any amendment hereto in accordance with the provisions contained in this Agreement. “Affected Party” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Article 10. “Applicable Law” shall mean all laws in force and effect including the Information Technology Act, 2000, as of the date hereof, and which may be promulgated or brought into force and effect hereinafter in India including judgements, decrees, injunctions, writs or orders of any court of record, as may be in force and effect during the subsistence of this Agreement and applicable to the Project/the Service Provider. “Applicable Permits” shall mean all clearances, permits, authorisations, consents and approvals required to be obtained or maintained by the Service Provider under Applicable Law, in connection with the Project during the subsistence of this Agreement. “Appointed Date” shall mean the date of this Agreement. “Arbitration Act” shall mean the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and shall include any amendment to or any re-enactment thereof as in force from time to time. “Change of Scope” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Article 5. “Change of Scope Proposal” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Article 5. “Complaint” shall mean a notice from DoA/ Department’s Representative to the Service Provider lodged through the online complaint rederssal mechanism software developed by the Service Provider or any other mechanism, as may be mutually decided by the Parties, intimating about abnormal functioning or non-functioning of the Project Facilities or part thereof. "Completion Certificate" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Clause 3.4(g). “Completion Date” shall mean the date on which Completion Certificate is issued by DoA. “Computerised Service Delivery” shall mean delivery of computer based services by the Service Provider to DoA and other beneficiaries of DoA; by way of deployment of manpower wherever required to provide services including but not limited to data entry into the system, analyse the VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 94 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking output, generating reports and performing other functions that lead to optimum level of service delivery to DoA. “Computer Systems” shall mean the computer hardware, peripherals, apparatus, LAN, WAN and software supplied and installed by the Service Provider in accordance with Development Requirements and Schedule 1 of this Agreement. “Confidential Information” shall mean all that information which relates to providing Data Entry Services by the Service Provider and the information which the Service Provider/ or the Technical Consultant or the Data Entry Personnel could have direct or indirect access, including information on technical, financial, customers, suppliers, products, developments, processes data, trade secrets, design rights, knowhow and personnel of DoA and its affiliates which is disclosed to or otherwise learned by the Service Provider in the course of or in connection with this Agreement and including without limitation such information received during negotiations, location visits and meetings in connection with the Project. “Damages for Non-Performance” shall mean sum of money payable by the Service Provider to the Department of Agriculture in accordance with Article 6. “Data Entry Personnel” shall mean any individual appointed by the Service Provider in accordance with terms of this Agreement who shall undertake digitisation of the data of DoA. ”Department of Agriculture Offices” or “DoA Offices” shall mean either individually or collectively as the context may admit or require offices of the Department of Agriculture at various levels including, Hobli RSKs, Kasaba RSKs, Taluk ADA offices, District JDA offices, Laboratories, DATCs, the Commissionerate (Head office) and the Secretariat morefully described in Schedule I. "Department's Representative" shall mean a person attached to each DoA Office, authorised by DoA to discharge the duties specified under this Agreement. “Development Requirements” shall mean the requirements pertaining to the supply and installation of the Project Facilities as set out in Schedule 3. “Encumbrance” shall mean any encumbrance such as mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, hypothecation, security interest, assignment, privilege or priority of any kind having the effect of security or other such obligations and shall include without limitation any designation of loss payees or beneficiaries or any similar arrangement under any insurance policy pertaining to the Project, physical encumbrances, claims for any amounts due on account of taxes, cesses, electricity, water and other utility charges and encroachments on the Project Facility. "Expiry" shall mean expiry of this Agreement by eflux of time. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 95 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking "Expiry Date" means the date on which Expiry occurs. “Force Majeure” or “Force Majeure Event” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Article 10. “Good Industry Practice” means the practices, methods, techniques, designs, standards, skills, diligence, efficiency, reliability and prudence which are genreallu and reasonably expected from a skilled and experienced service provider engaged in the same type of undertaking as envisaged under this Agreement and which would be expected to result in the performance of its obligations by the service provider in accordance with this Agreement, Applicable Laws, Applicable Permits in reliable safe, economical and efficient manner. “Good Operable Condition” shall mean the designs, standards and efficiency that are generally and reasonably expected from the item/device/component and that it serves the purpose for which it is installed. “Implementation Plan” shall mean the plan relating to implementation of the Project Facilities finalised, in accordance with Clause 3.2.2 “Installation Certificate” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Clause 3.4(e). “Installation Period” shall mean the period commencing from Appointed Date and ending on Completion Date. “Installation Plan” shall mean the plan relating to installation of Project Facilities finalised in accordance with Clause 3.2.1 “Intellectual Property Rights” shall mean all patents, trademarks, service marks, logos get-up, trade names, internet domain names, rights in designs, blue prints, programmes and manuals, drawings, copyright (including rights in computer software), database rights, semiconductor, topography rights, utility models, rights in know-how and other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including applications for registration, and all rights or forms of protection having equivalent or similar effect anywhere in the world “Inventory Management System” or “IMS” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Clause 3.10. "Maintenance Requirements" shall mean the requirements relating to maintenance of Project Facilities to meet the Minimum Service Levels and to comply with Preventive Maintenance Activities. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 96 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking “Manpower” shall mean the personnel deployed by the Service Provider for the purpose of discharging its obligations including but not limited to Computerised Service Delivery under this Agreement and morefully described in Schedule 12. “Material Adverse Effect” shall mean a material adverse effect of any act or event on the ability of the either party to perform any of its obligations under and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and which act or event causes a material financial burden or loss to either party. “Material Breach” shall mean a breach by either Party of any of its obligations under this Agreement which has or is likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Project and which such Party shall have failed to cure. “Minimum Service Level” shall mean the minimum level of service to be met in the implementation of the Project by the Service Provider and shall include those set out in Schedule 15. “Network Engineer” shall mean any individual appointed by the Service Provider to carry out the roles and responsibilities of Network Engineer as set out in Schedule 12. “NIC” shall mean the National Informatics Centre. “O&M Payment” shall mean an amount of Rs. _____(______) as quoted by the Service Provider in its Price Proposal. “Operations Period” shall mean the period commencing from the Completion Date and ending on the Expiry Date or Termination Date, as the case may be. “Operation Requirements” shall mean the requirements pertaining to the operations and management of the Project Facilities. “Parties” shall mean the parties to this Agreement and “Party” shall mean either of them, as the context may admit or require. ”Performance Security” shall mean the financial guarantee for performance of its obligations, to be furnished by the Service Provider in accordance with Clause 3.1. “Performance Tests” shall mean the tests relating to installation of the Project Facilities as specified in Schedule 4. “Person” shall mean (unless otherwise specified or required by the context), any individual, Service Provider, corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, unincorporated organisation, VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 97 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking government or government agency or any other legal entity. “Preliminary Notice” shall mean the notice of intended Termination by the Party entitled to terminate this Agreement to the other Party setting out, inter alia, the underlying Event of Default. “Preventive Maintenance Activities” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Schedule 5. “Price Proposal” shall mean the price proposal of the Service Provider as set out in Schedule 13. “Project” shall mean supply, installation, commissioning, operations, maintenance and management of Project Facilities, integrating the Project Facilities with the existing systems, networking of the DoA Offices, providing Computerised Service Delivery at DoA Office; carry out Data Entry Services, devise reporting and complaint redressal mechanism, periodic supply of consumables and discharge of other obligations by the Service Provider, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. “Project Facilities” shall mean Computer Systems, Support Facilities and Project Monitoring Infrastructure, online complaint redressal mechanism software, IMS, other facilities as set out in Schedule 1B and such additional facilities as may be provided under Change of Scope. “Project Implementation Schedule” shall mean the implementation schedule which is morefully described in Schedule 1A. “Project Monitoring Unit” or “PMU” shall mean a unit comprising of officers of DoA, representatives from NIC and the Service Provider which shall monitor the progress of the Project from time to time and perform other functions as set out in this Agreement. The composition, roles and responsibilities of the PMU is morefully described in Schedule 1C. “Project Software” shall mean the software developed by NIC for implementation of the Project by the Service Provider under this Agreement. “Quarter” shall mean a period of 90 (ninety) days. “Resolution Time Frame” shall mean the maximum time, as set out in Schedule 15, permissible to the Service Provider, for correcting any deviation from the Minimum Service Level without attracting Damages for Non-Performance. “Rupees” or “Rs.” or “INR” refers to the lawful currency of the Republic of India. “Scheduled Installation Completion Date” or “SICD” shall mean the 120th (one hundred twentieth) day from the Appointed Date. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 98 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking “Service Provider” shall mean M/s.________________ and includes its successors and permitted assigns expressly approved by the Department of Agriculture. "Site" shall mean such space/area, within the Department of Agriculture Offices or otherwise, provided by the Department of Agriculture to the Service Provider for the Project. “Support Facilities” shall mean the modular furniture, UPS/generator and other facilities, supplied and installed by the Service Provider in accordance with Development Requirements. “Technical Consultant” shall mean any individual appointed by the Service Provider to provide technical assistance to the Department’s Representative and to undertake, perform and carryout the duties, responsibilities, services and activities more fully described in Schedule 12. "Technical Employees" shall mean all the employees who are technically qualified to undertake IT related jobs specified in the bid document. “Termination” shall mean early termination of the Agreement by either Party, pursuant to Termination Notice or otherwise in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement but shall not, unless the context otherwise requires, include Expiry. “Termination Date” shall mean the date specified in the Termination Notice as the date on which Termination occurs. ”Termination Notice” shall mean the notice of Termination by either Party to the other Party, in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Agreement. “Termination Payment” shall mean the amounts payable by one Party to the other Party, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, upon Termination of the Agreement. “Upfront Payment” shall mean an amount of Rs._______(__________) quoted as the Upfront Payment by the Service Provider in its Price Proposal. “User Manual” shall mean information booklets, operation manual, installation certificate, manufacturers’ warranties and guarantees, service contracts and any other document, certificate, bills, invoices relating to procurement, installation and maintenance of Project Facilities. 1.2 Interpretation In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, a. any reference to a statutory provision shall include such provision as is from time to time modified or re-enacted or consolidated so far as such modification or re-enactment or VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 99 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking consolidation applies to, or is capable of being applied to any transactions entered into hereunder; b. references to Applicable Law shall include the laws, Acts, ordinances, rules, regulations, notifications, guidelines or bylaws which have the force of law; c. the words importing singular shall include plural and vice versa, and words denoting natural persons shall include partnerships, firms, companies, corporations, joint ventures, trusts, associations, organisations or other entities (whether or not having a separate legal entity); d. the headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not be used in, and shall not affect, the construction or interpretation of this Agreement; e. the words "include" and "including" are to be construed without limitation; f. any reference to day shall mean a reference to a calendar day; g. any reference to month shall mean calendar month for the purposes of this Agreement. h. the Schedules to this Agreement form an integral part of this Agreement as though they were expressly set out in the body of this Agreement. In case of any discrepancy between the Schedule and the body of the Agreement, the latter shall prevail. i. any reference at any time to any agreement, deed, instrument, license or document of any description shall be construed as reference to that agreement, deed, instrument, license or other document as amended, varied, supplemented, modified or suspended at the time of such reference; j. references to recitals, Articles, sub-articles, clauses, or Schedules in this Agreement shall, except where the context otherwise requires, be deemed to be references to recitals, Articles, sub-articles, clauses and Schedules of or to this Agreement; k. any agreement, consent, approval, authorisation, notice, communication, information or report required under or pursuant to this Agreement from or by any Party shall be valid and effectual only if it is in writing under the hands of duly authorised representative of such Party in this behalf and not otherwise; l. any reference to any period commencing “from” a specified day or date and “till” or “until” a specified day or date shall include both such days or dates; VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 2: RIGHTS 2.1 Grant of Rights Subject to and in accordance with the terms and covenants set forth in this Agreement, the Department of Agriculture hereby grants and authorises the Service Provider the rights for supply, installation, commissioning, operations, maintenance, management of Project Facilities, integrating the Project Facilities with the existing systems, networking of the DoA Offices, provide Computerised Service Delivery at all DoA Offices, carry out Data Entry Services, devise reporting and complaint redressal mechanism, periodic supply of consumables, develop online Minimum Service Level tracking system and discharge of other obligations as per the provisions of this Agreement and to exercise and/or enjoy the rights, powers, benefits, privileges, authorisations and entitlements as set forth in this Agreement (“Rights”). 2.2 Term of Agreement The term of this Agreement shall be 5 (five) years from the Appointed Date (the “Agreement Period”) till Expiry Date. Agreement Period may be extended by a further period of one year from the Expiry Date by mutual consent of both the Parties. In the event of early Termination, the Agreement Period shall mean the period commencing from the Appointed Date and ending with the Termination Date. 2.3 Acceptance of Rights In consideration of DoA granting the Rights as set out in Article 2.1, the Service Provider hereby accepts, agrees and undertakes to perform/discharge all of its obligations in accordance with the provisions hereof. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 101 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 3: OBLIGATIONS OF THE SERVICE PROVIDER 3.1 Performance Security a. The Service Provider has, for due and punctual performance of its obligations hereunder relating to the Project, delivered to DoA, simultaneous with the signing of this Agreement, five bank guarantees for the amount given in 3.1(b) and (c) in the form as set forth in Schedule 11, ("Performance Security”) each from a Scheduled Bank for due and punctual performance of its obligations under this Agreement. b. One of the bank guarantees referred to in Clause 3.1 (a) should be for 5% of the total value of the contract price quoted by the Service Provider and shall be kept valid for a period of 2 (two) years from the Appointed Date. c. The other four bank guarantees referred to in Clause 3.1 (a) should be for 1.25% each of the total value of the contract price quoted by the Service Provider shall be kept valid as below. i. ii. iii. iv. 1.25% valid for a period of three years from the Appointed Date; 1.25% valid for a period four years from the Appointed Date; 1.25% valid for the period of the Agreement; and 1.25% valid for the period 6 (six) months beyond Expiry Date of Agreement. d. Subject to deduction of any amount due and recoverable by DoA from the Service Provider, the bank guarantee referred to in Clause 3.1 (b) shall be returned after a period of 2 (two) years from the Appointed Date. e. The Performance Security referred to in Clause 3.1 (c) shall be released in the manner given below: v. 1.25% on expiry of three years from the Appointed Date; vi. 1.25% on expiry of four years from the Appointed Date; vii. 1.25% upon expiry of the Agreement; and viii. 1.25% after a period of 6 (six) months from the Expiry Date. If this Agreement is terminated due to any event other than a Service Provider’s Event of Default, the Performance Security, shall subject to DoA’s right to receive amounts from the Service Provider, if any, under this Agreement, be duly discharged and released to the Service Provider without any interest. 3.2 Installation Plan and Implementation Plan For preparation of the Installation Plan and the Implementation Plan, the Service Provider shall adhere to the Project Implementation Schedule provided in Schedule 1A to the Agreement and shall comply with the Minimum Service Levels in Schedule 15. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 102 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 3.2.1 Installation Plan a. The Service Provider shall, in consultation with the PMU, prepare and finalise a plan for installation (“Installation Plan”), setting out the following for each of DoA Offices: i. Location for installation of Project Facilities; ii. Detailed plan, including drawings, quantity and specifications, for installation of Project Facilities; and iii. Any other information as may be required by DoA. b. Installation Plan for each of DoA Office shall be submitted to the Department’s Representative of respective DoA Offices by the Service Provider within 10 days of Appointed Date. c. The Service Provider shall within 14 (fourteen) days of Appointed Date, obtain approval of the Installation Plan for each of DoA Offices, from PMU. d. Spares/ Standby Equipments: i. The Service Provider shall maintain adequate stocks of standby equipment/ spares at the Joint Director of Agriculture Office in each district. ii. Service Provider may note that the stand by equipments shall be of the same make and model as procured for the project. iii. The Service Provider shall ensure that any standby equipment/ spares used as a replacement at the DoA office to meet the SLAs shall be restored in the inventory within a maximum of 3 working days. iv. The DoA or his designated personnel will check the working of the standby equipment before it is taken into the inventory in the JDA office. The SP shall obtain a report certified by the JDA on a quarterly basis, which shall contain the list of assets maintained in the JDA office. v. No extra payments are made for the stock to be maintained as spares/ standby equipment. It is done only to facilitate smooth functioning and adhereing to SLAs. vi. The inventory maintained for spares shall be tracked using the assest management software. vii. The servcie provider is also required to provide 5% of the each project facility at a district level for faster replacement for repair purpose. In case the number of project facility is less than 5% then the service provider has to ensure atleast 1 number of the project facility. 3.2.2 Implementation Plan a. The Service Provider shall within 21 (twenty one) days from Appointed Date submit to PMU, 2 (two) copies of plans for implementation (“Implementation Plan”) setting out the following : i. ii. Copy of the approved Installation Plans for all DoA Offices; Proposed time schedules for installation of Project Facilities at the respective DoA Offices; VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 103 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking iii. iv. v. Details of time lines and Manpower deployed; Integrating the existing systems with Project Facilities; Operation plans indicating working hours and working pattern of Manpower deployed scope of work, roles and responsibility of man power deployed, etc. vi. Copies of the technical specifications of the Project Facilities setting out exact components and details including brand, version, model etc; vii. Curriculum Vitae of the Technical Consultant, Network Engineer and Data Entry Personnel deployed at the PMU. viii. Details of Manpower deployment for each of DoA Office. b. The Service Provider shall also make a power point presentation of the Implementation Plan to PMU. c. The PMU shall review the Implementation Plan submitted by the Service Provider within 4 (four) days of the receipt thereof and shall either approve the Implementation Plan or convey its comments/ observations to the Service Provider if any, to modify the same. If the comments/ observations of PMU require the Implementation Plan to be modified, the Service Provider shall suitably modify the Implementation Plan within 3 days from the date of receipt of such comments/ observations from PMU and resubmit it to PMU for further review. d. On submission of the modified Implementation Plan to PMU, it shall give its observations and comments, if any, within 7 (seven) days of such receipt of modified Implementation Plan, which shall be incorporated by the Service Provider into the final Implementation Plan. e. If, within the period stipulated in the preceding clauses (c) and (d), PMU does not respond to the Implementation Plan submitted to it by the Service Provider, such Implementation Plan shall be deemed to be final and the Service Provider shall be entitled to proceed to undertake activities based on such Implementation Plan. Notwithstanding any such review or failure to review by PMU of the Implementation Plan, the Service Provider shall be solely responsible for the adequacy of the Implementation Plan and the Service Provider shall not be relieved or absolved in any manner whatsoever of any of its obligations hereunder. 3.3 Installation of Project Facilities a. The Service Provider shall procure Project Facilities in accordance with the Implementation Plan. b. The PMU shall cause the inspection of the Project Facilities procured by the Service Provider through the Third Party Inspector or the team constituted by DoA and shall cause its conformity with the technical specifications proposed in the Development Requirements. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 104 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking c. After inspection by PMU, the Service Provider shall install Project Facilities at the respective DoA Offices in accordance with the Implementation Plan and instructions, if any, of the PMU. d. The Service Provider shall complete supply, installation and commissioning of Project Facilities, integration of Project Facilities with the existing systems with LAN and configuration software applications at all the DoA Offices within 85 (Eighty five) days of approval of Implementation Plan. e. The Service Provider shall set up the Training Infrastructure within46 (Forty Six) days from the approval of Implementation Plan. f. 3.4 LAN connectivity and its maintenance of the existing systems supplied under NeGP-A project set out in schedule 16 has to be provided by the Service Provider. Issuance of Installation Certificates and Completion Certificate The Service Provider shall, a. upon completion of installation of Project Facilities at DoA Offices, communicate to the respective Department’s Representative, its readiness to undertake the Performance Tests in relation to the same; b. upon completion of installation of Training Infrastructure, communicate to the appropriate Department’s Representative, its readiness to undertake Performance Test in relation to the same; c. carry out aforesaid Performance Tests, at its cost, in the presence of the Department’s Representative/the Third Party Inspector; d. take appropriate measures to rectify errors, if any, identified by the Department’s Representative /the Third Party Inspector during such Performance Tests; e. obtain certificates from Department’s Representative for each of the Department of Agriculture Offices, upon successful completion of Performance Tests prior SICD (“Installation Certificates”). f. obtain Installation Certificate from the Department’s Representative for the Training Infrastructure prior SICD; VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 105 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking g. submit Installation Certificates obtained from all DoA Offices along with the original invoice for purchase of the Project Facilities to PMU, for issuance of completion certificate (“Completion Certificate”). In case of, i. failure of the Department’s Representative to be present during the Performance Tests and inspection of Project Facilities within a day of receipt of request for the same from the Service Provider, or ii. failure of the Department’s Representative to issue Installation Certificate, upon successful completion of Performance Tests, satisfactory installation of Project Facilities and verification thereof by the Third Party Inspector, without assigning reasons/comments for such failure, or iii. any dispute between the Department’s Representative and the Service Provider in relation to the installation, or iv. failure to obtain Installation Certificate(s) for reasons not attributable to the Service Provider The Service Provider shall, collate the output of the Performance Tests and details of installation of Project Facilities along with the reasons for non-procurement of Installation Certificate for any DoA Office(s) (“Service Provider Installation Statement”) and submit the same to the PMU. Notwithstanding any such failure to issue Installation Certificate by the Department’s Representative, the Service Provider shall be solely responsible for the adequacy of the installation as per Development Requirements and Implementation Plan and the Service Provider shall not be relieved or absolved in any manner whatsoever of any of its obligations hereunder. h. obtain Installation Certificates for such DoA Office(s) where Service Provider Installation Statement has been submitted within such reasonable time as stipulated by DoA in its Completion Certificate. i. 3.5 obtain Completion Certificate from DoA within SICD. Operation of Project Facilities Upon receipt of the Installation Certificate from the Department’s Representative, the Service Provider shall commence operations of the Project Facility at respective DoA Offices. The Service Provider shall: VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 106 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 3.6 a. maintain and manage the Project Facilities. b. ensure connectivity through LAN/WAN as the case may be, at DoA Offices at all times during the Agreement Period. c. ensure uninterrupted power supply to all the Project facilities supplied to the DoA Offices at all time during the Agreement Period (Bidder may please note that DoA shall provide raw ESCOM power supply). When the ESCOM supply is not available, the uninterrupted power supply to the project facilities is lmited to the backup supply envisaged at each location All necessary electric arrangements (including basic electric connections, viz., earthing, cabling and fittings) and civil works pertaining to the site preparations shall have to be made by the Service Provider in relation to the Project Facilities being supplied and installed by him, while considering the existing electric supply available at the Site. d. ensure that all cabling related to the internal electrification and earthing within DoA Offices must be adequately concealed or piped so as to provide an aesthetic look. e. undertake regular and preventive maintenance and management of the Project Facilities. f. adhere to Minimum Service Levels at all times during the Agreement Period as set out in Schedule 15 for each of DoA Office, attendance of Manpower deployed/ employed; number of complaints received, conformance to Minimum Service Levels, among other things shall be maintained on a daily basis. g. in case any claims or liability arises against DoA on account of any error or mistake in the Data Entry Services or Computerised Service Delivery, the Service Provider shall indemnify DoA and shall take necessary steps to remedy the claim or liability at its own cost. In case the Service Provider fails to remedy the claim or liability, it shall be liable for Damages for Non-Performance as per provisions of this Agreement. Maintenance of the Project Facilities The Service Provider shall, a. maintain the Project Facilities in accordance with the Maintenance Requirements. b. The Service Provider shall, during the Operations Period: i. designate and appoint suitable officers/ representatives as it may deem appropriate to supervise the maintenance of the Project Facilities, coordinate with PMU/ DoA / the Department’s Representative and be responsible for all necessary exchange of information required pursuant to this Agreement; VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 107 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ii. for the purposes of determining whether the Project Facilities are being maintained in accordance with the Maintenance Requirements, the Service Provider shall, with due diligence carry out all necessary and periodical tests from time to time. The Service Provider shall maintain proper record of such tests and remedial measures taken to cure the defects or deficiencies, if any, indicated by test results. iii. upon receipt of a Complaint, redress the same within the Resolution Time Frame, failing which, without prejudice to any other rights/ remedies of DoA under this Agreement, the Service Provider shall be liable for Damages for Non-Performance as set out in Schedule 15 of the Agreement. Provided, where the Complaint relates to damage/ non-functioning of components of Project Facilities, which is a direct result of negligence/mishandling on part of the Department’s Representative or any employee of DoA or any other third party, the Service Provider shall rectify/ replace such component within the Resolution Time Frame at the cost of DoA. c. The Service Provider shall install/deploy new versions of Project Software on Computer Systems of all DoA Offices as and when required by DoA / Department’s Representative. d. The Service Provider shall at its own cost upgrade any component of the Project Facilities at the specific request by DoA and the expenses incurred for the same shall be paid as per the provisions of Article 5 of this Agreement. e. The Service Provider should integrate the computers and peripherals supplied under NeGP-A project (refer schedule 16) with the NMS tool. During the downtime of these systems, Service Provider shall pass the ticket to the NeGP-A helpdesk. 3.7 Technical Consultant The Service Provider shall provide technical assistance to the Department’s Representative and for this purpose deploy Technical Consultants at DoA Offices. The number of Technical Consultants, their eligibility criteria and role and responsibilities shall be as set out in Schedule 12. The Service Provider shall ensure availability of the Technical Consultant at the respective DoA Offices at all times during the period of the Agreement. In the event, a Technical Consultant is suspended or terminated or has resigned, the Service Provider shall take immediate necessary steps to replace such Technical Consultant temporarily and within 7 days replace such Technical Consultant and shall promptly intimate details of the replacement to PMU. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 108 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking The Service Provider shall endeavour that the individual appointed as Technical Consultant continues to work for a period of at least 6 (six) months from the Appointed Date. The Technical Consultant shall be treated as an exclusive representative/ employee of the Service Provider and all the acts of the Technical Consultant shall be treated as acts of the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall ensure that the Technical Consultant at no stage shall have any claim for employment in DoA/ DoA Offices during the period of this Agreement or thereafter. 3.8 Training 3.8.1 Training Plan / Capacity Building Plan In consultation with PMU, the Service Provider shall, within 10 (ten) days of Appointed Date propose, finalise and submit a plan for training setting out the following (“Training Plan/Capacity Building Plan”) to DoA: a. b. c. d. e. f. Schedule and details of initial training of 30 (thirty) Technical Consultant and 30 Master Trainers as per provisions of Part 1 of Schedule 7; Schedule and details of initial training of employees/ officers of DoA as per provisions of Part 2 of Schedule 7; Schedule and details of periodic technology updation/ skill enhancement training of Technical Consultant and Master Trainers as per provisions of Part 3 of Schedule 7; Schedule and details of training of employees/ officers of DoA as per provisions of Part 4 of Schedule 7; Syllabus and manuals for training of officers/ employees of DoA; and Any other items as mutually agreeable to Parties. The Service Provider shall incorporate any suggestions/ revisions provided by PMU on the Training Plan and get the same approved within 14 (fourteen) days from the Appointed Date. The Service Provider on approval of the Training Plan from PMU, shall adhere to the same to impart training to Manpower and the officers/employees of DoA. 3.8.2 Training Implementation a. Technical Consultants and Master Trainers initial Training The Service Provider shall ensure that Technical Consultants and Master Trainers are duly trained on Project Software as per the Training Plan. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 109 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking b. Initial Training of Manpower and employees/ officers of DoA The Service Provider shall provide training to manpower and employees/ officers of DoA on operational and functional aspects of Computer Systems and Project Software as per Training Plan. c. Technical Consultants’ and Master Trainers Periodic Training The Service Provider shall, ensure that Technical Consultant and Master Trainers based on the requirement or atleast once in 6 months undergo training programme on Project Software conducted by NIC. d. Periodic Training of Manpower and employees/ officers of DoA The Service Provider shall provide periodic training to the Manpower and employees/ officers of DoA on technology updation/ skill enhancement as per the Training Plan. e. Evaluation of Training The Service Provide shall conduct periodic tests to the Manpower and employees/officers of DoA on technology updation/skill enhancement as per the Training Plan and submit the test results to DoA at the end of every month for training and tests conducted in that month. 3.8.3 Cost and Place of Training, a. The training of the Technical Consultants and Master Trainers, as set out under Article 3.8.2 (a) and Article 3.8.2 (c) shall be held at the Head Office, DoA, Bangalore or any of the District Agricultural Training Centre for excellence and training cost for such training shall be borne by the service provider. b. The training of employees/officers of DoA, as set out under Article 3.8.2 (b) and Article 3.8.2 (d) shall be held at the respective DATC / District Agricultural Training Centre for excellence. c. The Service Provider shall within the SICD set up advance training facilities (the “Centres for Excellence”) at six of the DATCs viz. Dharwad, Gulbarga, Hassan, Bangalore (U), Davanagere and Mandya which, is morefully described in Schedule 8. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 110 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking d. All the costs relating to training including cost of training material/ published material shall be borne by the Service Provider. However, payments to NIC related to training, shall not be borne by the Service Provider. 3.9 Inventory Management System The Service Provider shall within 90 (ninety) days from the Appointed Date, develop a software for online monitoring of inventory and requirement of consumables (“Inventory Management System” or “IMS”) in consultation with the PMU and install the same at the PMU. IMS shall have the features as set out in Schedule 6. 3.10 Confidentiality Obligations of the Service Provider 3.10.1 The contents of the Note to Issue, inputs for Data Entry Services and any other information received by the Service Provider during the Agreement Period, shall be treated as confidential (“Confidential Information”) by the Service Provider. The Confidential Information is to be used by the Service Provider, their directors, officers, employees, advisors, accountants and such other persons only for the purpose of the Project, and for no other purposes whatsoever. 3.10.2 The Confidential Information shall not be divulged or disclosed to any Person (which term shall be interpreted broadly to include, without limitation, any Service Provider, partnership or individual), other than such of the directors, officers, employees, advisors, accountants and such other persons, of the Service Provider who directly have a need to know such Confidential Information in accordance with the intent and purpose of this Agreement, provided always that each such Person to whom Confidential Information is disclosed shall have been made aware of its confidential nature and of the terms of this Agreement prior to such disclosure. 3.10.3 The restrictions set forth in Articles 3.11.1 and 3.11.2. herein shall not apply to any part of the Confidential Information which: i. is at the time of disclosure to the Service Provider, or thereafter, becomes part of the public domain, other than as a result of a disclosure by the Service Provider, their directors, officers or employees; or ii. was, at the time of disclosure to the Service Provider, already in the possession of the Service Provider on a lawful basis; or iii. is required to be disclosed by the Service Provider to judicial, administrative or stock exchange process, any enquiry, investigation, action, suit, proceeding or claim or otherwise by Applicable Law or by any Governmental Instrumentality, provided that the Service Provider shall advise DoA of any disclosure hereunder so as to enable DoA to take appropriate steps as it may so desire. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 111 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 3.11 Relocation i. At any time during the Agreement Period, if relocation of any of DoA Office is envisaged, DoA shall intimate the same to the Service Provider. ii. Upon receipt of the intimation, the Service Provider shall submit to DoA, plan of relocation indicating time schedule and cost for the same. iii. Upon confirmation of the above from DoA, the Service Provider shall relocate the Project Facilities to the new location within the time frame agreed at the cost of DoA. iv. DoA reserve the right to relocate all the project facilities or part of it on its own. In this condition also the operator shall continue maintain the project facilities at the same terms and condition of the RFP. v. The Relocation charges of any project facility shall not be more than approved capital cost of the same discoveerd through this RFP 3.12 Other Obligations The Service Provider shall: a. have an office in Bangalore as on the Appointed Date; b. in accordance with Schedule 1C, nominate its officers to represent the Service Provider in the PMU on the Appointed Date; c. ensure that components of Project Facilities supplied by the Service Provider have a minimum warranty period of atleast 3 (three) years from the date of its purchase; d. use only licensed software/products and all such licences relating to operating system software/products shall be purchased in the name of DoA; e. ensure that the custody of all such licences vests with DoA; f. intimate to PMU and the Department's Representative, the names of Persons authorised by the Service Provider for implementing the Project and intimate any changes in the names of such Persons from time to time; g. supply at each of DoA Offices, a complete set of User Manual, approvals granted by DoA/ PMU in connection with the Project; VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 112 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking h. set up a help desk at PMU which shall operate from 8am to 8pm on all working days; i. pay all taxes, duties and outgoings relating to the Project Facilities; j. make arrangements for operating the UPS for ensuring uninterrupted power supply for operation of the Project Facilities; k. make its own arrangements for all tools/ equipment/ software necessary to comply with the Maintenance Requirements; l. make efforts to maintain harmony and good industrial relations among the personnel employed in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement and shall be solely responsible for compliance with all laws and solely be liable for all possible claims arising therefrom; m. not disclose or use the Confidential Information to any such recipient and shall hereby undertake to use such Confidential Information only for the purposes of this Agreement or as otherwise expressly permitted or required by the Project; n. not copy the Confidential Information or cause to allow it to be copied, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement or approved with the prior written consent of DoA/ PMU; o. not disclose, transfer, publish or communicate the Confidential Information in any manner to any person except that Confidential Information which is or becomes generally available to the public or has been expressly approved with the prior written consent of DoA; p. not unless specifically instructed by the Department’s Representative, connect components of Project Facilities to Internet or any other online medium; q. comply with Applicable Law governing the Project at all times during the Agreement Period; 3.13 Reports and Documentation The Service Provider shall: a. during the period of the Agreement furnish reports to Department’s Representative/ PMU and maintain documents in accordance with Schedule 9 or any other reports as requested by DoA/PMU. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 113 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking b. prepare and submit in both hard and softcopies; documents such as the technical user manual, operations manual and maintenance manual, wiring and network diagrams for each DoA Offices, software installation guide, structure of the database, trouble shooting manuals, other policy documents, etc. and such other manuals as may be required by the Department of Agriculture/ PMU for the operation of the Project Facilities. c. document configuration in terms of model, make, capacity, serial number, code, etc. of Project Facilities. d. revise and update the documentation pertaining to Clause 3.14 (c) during the Agreement Period. e. prepare all the documentation in two languages viz. English and Kannada. 3.14 No Breach of Obligations The Service Provider shall not be considered to be in breach of its obligations under this Agreement nor shall it incur or suffer any liability if and to the extent performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement is affected by or on account of any of the following: a. Force Majeure Event, subject to Article 10; b. Failure of DoA to perform any of its obligations specified under this Agreement; c. Compliance with the instructions of DoA other than instructions issued as a consequence of a breach by the Service Provider of any of its obligations hereunder. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 114 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 4: OBLIGATIONS OF DOA 4.1 Specific Obligations In addition to and not in derogation or substitution of any of its other rights under this Agreement, DoA shall have obligations set out in this Article: a. Implementation Period DoA shall, i. have constituted a PMU as on the Appointed Date, in conformity with Schedule 1C; ii. nominate Department’s Representative having such powers and such duties as are set out in Schedule 10 and intimate the details of such persons to the Service Provider on the Appointed Date; iii. appointed Third Party Inspector to undertake periodic audit of progress of the Project and other obligations set out in this Agreement; iv. ensure that the Department’s Representatives shall on the Appointed Date provide to the Service Provider access to the Department of Agriculture Offices, space for installation of Project Facilities and the existing systems; v. ensure that the Department’s Representative co-ordinates with the Service Provider in preparation, finalisation and approval of Installation Plan; vi. ensure that the Department’s Representatives permit Service Provider to install Project Facilities in the Department of Agriculture Offices; vii. ensure that the Department’s Representative is present during the Performance Tests and inspection of Project Facilities within a day of receipt of request for the same from the Service Provider; viii. ensure that the Department’s Representative, upon successful completion of Performance Tests, satisfactory installation of Project Facilities and verification thereof by the Third Party Inspector, issues Installation Certificate; ix. based on the recommendation of PMU and the Third Party Inspector, issue Completion Certificate to the Service Provider. Provided that, in the event of failure of Service Provider to provide Installation Certificates with respect to any DoA Office(s), for any of the reasons set out in Clause VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 115 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 3.4.(g); DoA may in its discretion issue the Completion Certificate based on Service Provider Installation Statement with respect to such DoA Office(s). Further, where DoA has issued the Completion Certificate, it shall indicate a reasonable time period within which the Service Provider shall obtain Installation Certificate for such DoA Office(s). x. direct the Service Provider for installation of Project Facilities for such DoA Offices where Site was not initially handed over to Service Provider. b. Operations and Maintenance DoA shall, i. provide electric connection upto the premises of DoA Offices; ii. ensure that the Department’s Representative provides access to the Technical Consultants, Master Trainers, Network Engineers and Data Entry Personnel to DoA Offices for carrying out their obligations under this Agreement and ensure that such access is provided at all times during normal working hours of such DoA Office; iii. in consultation with Service Provider, finalise and approve the online Minimum Service Level tracking software provided as part of the technical specifications by the Service Provider; iv. ensure that Department’s Representative follows the operating procedure of the online Complaint redressal mechanism software as approved by DoA; v. provide necessary documents and sign affidavits and other related assistance to the Service Provider for making insurance claims relating to the Project; vi. ensure that Department’s Representative provide reasonable space for installation and operations of a UPS at DoA Offices; vii. ensure that adequate space is provided to the Manpower deployed/ employed at DoA Offices. c. Training DoA shall, i. in consultation with Service Provider, finalise and approve a Training Plan; ii. co-ordinate with NIC for deploying trainers for providing training in accordance with Training Plan; VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 116 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking iii. permit use of Training and Project Monitoring Infrastructure, free of cost, by the Service Provider for the purpose of refresher training of Technical Consultants; and iv. incur all costs relating to travel, food and accommodation of the employees/ officers of DoA availing the training. d. Relocation DoA shall, i. give at least 15 (fifteen) days notice to the Service Provider before relocation of any of DoA Office e. Third Party Inspection DoA shall upon procurement of Project Facilities by the Service Provider, ensure that the Third Party Inspector shall: i. conduct an audit to verify the conformance of the procured Project Facilities with the specifications provided by the Service Provider in its Technical Proposal and submit a report in this regard to PMU. ii. conduct an audit to verify the conformance of the installed Project Facilities with the specifications provided by the Service Provider in its Technical Proposal and submit a report in this regard to PMU. iii. conduct overall supervision and monitoring of the progress of Project implementation by the Service Provider as set out in Schedule 1C. iv. monitor the Project at regular interval at its discretion and to issue any directions or provide any recommendation to the Service Provider in the Project implementation. v. undertake such other activities as may be required to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. f. Other Obligations DoA shall, i. 4.2 at any time during the Agreement Period, may nominate an independent agency to monitor the implementation of this Project. General Obligations DoA shall: VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 117 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking a. issue Completion Certificate based on the recommendation of the PMU; b. make Upfront Payment and Periodic Payments to the Service Provider in accordance with Article 6; c. compute Damages for Non-Performance of the Service Provider in accordance with Schedule 15 of this Agreement; d. provide necessary assistance to the Service Provider for securing Applicable Permits; e. designate such officers as may be necessary for liaison with the Service Provider. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 118 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 5: CHANGE OF SCOPE 5.1 During the period of the Agreement, DoA may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, require the Service Provider to procure, install, commission, operate, maintain and manage additional Project Facilities (“Change of Scope”) which are not discovered in this RfP. 5.2 Procedure for Change of Scope a. DoA shall whenever it desires provision of additional works and services referred to in Article 5.1 in new offices of the Department of Agriculture; issue to the Service Provider a notice of Change of Scope (the “Change of Scope Notice”). b. Upon receipt of such Change of Scope Notice, the Service Provider shall within 15 (fifteen) days thereof, provide to DoA and the Department’s Representative its proposal (“Change of Scope Proposal”) comprising the time frame and costs required for implementation of such additional works and services. c. Upon receipt of information set forth in sub-clause (b) above, the Parties shall follow the procedure set out in Schedule 14 and determine the time required to undertake such Change of Scope. 5.3 A Change of Scope Notice will be effective and binding on Parties upon issuance of Change of Scope Order. 5.4 The Parties will follow relevant procedures set out in Article 3 and Article 4 for implementation and certification of works under Change of Scope Order. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 119 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 6: PAYMENT All the payments shall be made to the operator for the project facilities based on the purchase order issued and actual quantitity supplied. 6.1 Upfront Payment On issue of the Completion Certificate to the Service Provider by DoA on recommendation of the PMU/ the Third Party Inspector, the Department of Agriculture shall make the Upfront Payment(depending on the purchase order issued and quantity supplied) to the Service Provider within 60 ( Sixty days from date of issue of Completion Certificate. 6.2 Periodic Payment a. The balance Capex (after deducting upfront payment from the total captal cost) shall be paid in equal periodic payments over 12 quarters. b. The O&M Payment (inclusive of AMC cost for 4th and 5th year of the agreement period) for a year shall be payable by the DoA to the Service Provider shall be paid on quarterly basis. c. The Consumable cost based on the actual consumption shall be paid to the Service Provide on quarterly basis. d. The service provider shall raise seperate invoice for the contract price and the consumable cost. e. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement and in consideration of the Service Provider accepting to perform and discharge its obligations in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants set forth in this Agreement, DoA undertakes to pay to the Service Provider, on each Periodic Payment Date, provided in the Payment Schedule 2 the sum of Rs. ____________/f. Notwithstanding any inconsistent contained anywhere in this Agreement, DoA’s obligation to pay Periodic Payment, shall arise subject to and only upon occurrence of Completion Date. g. The Periodic Payment for every Quarter shall be determined by DoA, after deducting from such Periodic Payment, an amount equal to the Damages for Non- Performance, if any for that Quarter. h. The Service Provider shall within 7 (seven) days from each Periodic Payment Date, raise the invoice for the Periodic Payment of the previous Quarter. The Periodic Payment shall be released in favour of the Service Provider payable at Bangalore within 60 ( Sixty) days from the date of such invoice. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 120 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking i. 6.2 The 20th (twentieth) Periodic Payment shall be made to the Service Provider after 6 (six) months from the Expiry Date of this Agreement. Damages for Non-Performance Without prejudice to any other rights and remedies available to DoA under this Agreement, the Service Provider shall be liable to pay Damages for Non-Performance in case it does not meet the Minimum Service Levels as set out in Schedule 15. 6.3 Procedure for Deduction of Damages for Non-Performance DoA shall: a. at the end of each month during the Agreement Period send a notice to the Service Provider claiming Damages for Non-Performance in accordance with Schedule 15 of the Agreement. The notice shall be sent to the address of the Service Provider as indicated in Article 14.8. b. make appropriate deductions equal to Damages for Non- Performance from the Upfront Payment and Periodic Payment(s), as the case may be, payable to the Service Provider. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 121 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 7: OWNERSHIP AND EXIT MANAGEMENT PLAN 7.1 The vendor shall provide to DoAwith a recommended exit management plan ("Exit Management Plan") which shall deal with at least the following aspects of exit management in relation to the contract as a whole and in relation to the Supply and Installation, the Operation and Management, SLA and Scope of work: · This Exit Management plan shall be furnished in writing to DoA within 30 days from date of signing of the contract. · Exit Management Plan shall be presented by the Service Provider to and approved by DoA · In the event of termination or expiry of the contract shall comply with the Exit Management Plan. · During the exit management period, the Service Provider shall use its best efforts to deliver the services. · Payments during the Exit Management period shall be made in accordance with the Terms of Payment Clause. · During the exit management period the Service Provider will allow DoA access to information reasonably required defining the current mode of operation associated with the provision of the services to enable DoA to assess the existing services being delivered. · The Service Provider shall provide all such information as may reasonably be necessary to affect as seamless a handover as practicable in the circumstances to DoA / replacement Service Provider and which the Service Provider has in its possession or control at any time during the exit management period · All information (including but not limited to documents, records and agreements) in digital and/or paper form relating to the services reasonably necessary to enable DoA and its nominated replacement agencies to carry out due diligence in order to transition the provision of the Services to DoA or its nominated replacement agencies, (as the case may be) must be maintained by the vendor from commencement of the project services. 7.2 Ownership Without prejudice and subject to this Agreement, the ownership of all the Project Facilities, including all upgradations/ improvements made therein by the Service Provider, shall at all times vest with the Department of Agriculture. Further, all the User Manuals and warranties with respect to the Project Facilities shall also be in the name of DoA. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 122 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 7.3 Exit Management Plan upon completion of agreement period: 7.3.1. Notwithstanding anything contained in Clause 7.3.3, the Service Provider shall ensure that the Project Facilities are in Good Operable Condition and in compliance with the Development Requirements at the time of Expiry. 7.3.2. The Parties shall at least 6 (six) months prior to the Expiry Date (“Exit Management Period”), commence the exit management process as provided below. a. At least 4 (four) months before the actual Expiry Date a joint inspection of the Project Facilities shall be carried out by the Department’s Representative/ DoA /Third Party Inspector and the Service Provider. DoA shall, within 15 (fifteen) days of such inspection prepare and furnish to the Service Provider a list of works/ jobs, if any, to be carried out to conform to the Development Requirements. The Service Provider shall promptly undertake and complete such works/ jobs at least 2 (two) months prior to Expiry Date and also ensure that the Project Facilities continue to meet the Development Requirements until Expiry Date. b. On Expiry, the Service Provider shall handover to DoA all existing and valid warranties, insurances and guarantees taken by the Service Provider for the Project Facilities. c. Six months from the Expiry Date, DoA shall duly discharge and release to the Service Provider the subsisting Performance Security. In the event DoA has incurred any expenses towards repair or restoration of the Project Facilities, such expenses shall be deducted from the susbsisting Performance Security and the twentieth Periodic Payment. d. DoA shall not have any obligations regarding continuation or regularisation of employment, compensation for loss of employment with respect to any person in the employment of the Service Provider as a consequence of Expiry/ Termination of this Agreement. 7.3.3. It is agreed between the Parites that on Expiry, DoA shall not may require the Service Provider to dismantle/dispose or take away, the whole or a portion of the Project Facilities. In such case, the costs thereof shall be borne by the Service Provider. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 123 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 8: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 8.1 DoA shall have the exclusive Intellectual Property Rights with respect to any material, inform design or process used by the Service Provider in discharge of its obligation under this Agreement and nothing herein shall or will be construed or deemed to grant to the Service Provider any right, title, licence, sub-licence, proprietary right or other claim against or interest in, to or under (whether by estoppel, by implication or otherwise) to the aforesaid rights. 8.2 The Service Provider shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless DoA, from and against any and all losses arising from claims by third parties that any equipment, software, information, methods of operation or other intellectual property (or the access, use or other rights thereto) provided by the Service Provider pursuant to this Agreement, infringes a copyright enforceable in India, infringes a patent issued in India or constitute misappropriation or unlawful disclosure or use of another Party’s trade secret under the laws of India. 8.3 DoA shall have no liability or obligation to the Service Provider or any other Person for claims, if any, for any use of the equipment, software, information, methods of operation or other intellectual property (or the access, use or other rights thereto) for the benefit of any Person including any use by the Service Provider or its nominees outside the scope of this Agreement. 8.4 All rights, title and interest in and to, and ownership in, proprietary information of the Project which is provided to the Service Provider, and all modifications, enhancements and other derivative works of such proprietary information, as a result of services rendered by the Service Provider hereunder shall remain solely with DoA. The Service Provider shall be entitled to use such proprietary information only during the period of this Agreement and only for the purposes of providing the services or to the extent necessary for the Service Provider’s normal operational, repair and maintenance purposes related to the service. DoA shall retain ownership of all Intellectual Property Rights related to the Project. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 124 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 9: INSURANCE 9.1 Insurance The Service Provider shall, throughout the Agreement Period, at its cost and expense, purchase and maintain by due re-instatement or otherwise all the necessary insurances required for the Project Facilities including but not limited to the following in the name of DoA; a. Transit Insurance; b. Comprehensive Office Protection Shield to cover events such as theft, robbery, dacoity, pilferage, fire, lightning, explosion, implosion, bursting of water tanks, apparatus or pipes, riot, strike, malicious damage, and terrorist damage, earthquake and/or shock subsidence and landslides, flood, inundation, storm, tempest, hurricane, cyclone, typhoon and tornado, impact damage by rail road vehicle or animal; and c. 9.2 any other insurance that may be necessary to protect the Service Provider, its employees and its assets against loss, damage, destruction, business interruption or loss of profit including insurance against all Force Majeure Events that are insurable. Evidence of Insurance The Service Provider shall, from time to time, provide to DoA copies of all insurance policies (or appropriate endorsements, certifications or other satisfactory evidence of insurance) obtained by the Service Provider in accordance with this Agreement. 9.3 Validity of Insurance The Service Provider shall promptly pay insurance premium, keep the insurance policies in force and valid throughout the term of this Agreement and furnish copies thereof to DoA. 9.4 Un-insurable Risks If during the period of the Agreement, any risk, which has been previously insured, becomes uninsurable due to the fact that the insurers have ceased to insure such a risk and therefore insurance cannot be maintained/re-instated in respect of such risk, the Service Provider shall not be deemed to be in breach of its obligations regarding insurance under this Agreement. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 125 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 10: FORCE MAJEURE 10.1 Force Majeure Event Any of the following events which is beyond the control of the Party claiming to be affected thereby (“Affected Party”) and which the Affected Party has been unable to overcome or prevent despite exercise of due care and diligence, and prevents the Affected Party from performing or discharging its obligations under this Agreement, shall constitute Force Majeure Event: a. earthquake, flood, inundation and landslide; b. storm, tempest, hurricane, cyclone, lightning, thunder or other extreme atmospheric disturbances; c. fire caused by reasons not attributable to the Service Provider or any of the employees or agents appointed by the Service Provider for purposes of the Project; d. acts of terrorism; e. strikes, labour disruptions or any other industrial disturbances not arising on account of the acts or omissions of the Service Provider; f. action of a government agency having Material Adverse Effect including but not limited to: i. any judgement or order of a court of competent jurisdiction or statutory authority in India made against the Service Provider in any proceedings which is non-collusive and duly prosecuted by the Service Provider, and ii. any unlawful, unauthorised or without jurisdiction refusal to issue or to renew or the revocation of any Applicable Permits, in each case, for reasons other than Service Provider’s breach or failure in complying with the provisions of this Agreement, Applicable Laws, Applicable Permits, any judgement or order of a governmental agency or of any Agreement by which the Service Provider is bound. g. early determination of this Agreement by DoA for reasons of national emergency, national security or the national interest; and h. war, hostilities (whether declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemy, rebellion, riots, weapon conflict or military actions, civil war, ionising radiation, contamination by radioactivity from nuclear fuel, any nuclear waste, radioactive toxic explosion, volcanic eruptions. 10.2 Obligations of the Parties a. As soon as practicable and in any case within 7 (seven) days of the date of occurrence of a Force Majeure Event or the date of knowledge thereof, the Affected Party shall notify the other Party of the same setting out, inter alia, the following in reasonable detail: i. the nature and extent of the Force Majeure Event; ii. the estimated Force Majeure Period; iii. the nature of and the extent to which, performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement is affected by the Force Majeure Event; VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 126 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking iv. the measures which the Affected Party has taken or proposes to take to alleviate/mitigate the impact of the Force Majeure Event and to resume performance of such of its obligations affected thereby; and v. any other relevant information concerning the Force Majeure Event, and /or the rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement. b. As soon as practicable and in any case within 7 (seven) days of notification by the Affected Party in accordance with the preceding clause (a), the Parties, shall meet and hold discussions in good faith and where necessary conduct physical inspection/survey of the Site/ Computer Systems in order to: i. assess the impact of the underlying Force Majeure Event, ii. to determine the likely duration of Force Majeure Period and, iii. to formulate damage mitigation measures and steps to be undertaken by the Parties for resumption of obligations, the performance of which shall have been affected by the underlying Force Majeure Event. c. 10.3 The Affected Party shall during the Force Majeure Period provide to the other Party with regular (not less than fortnightly) reports concerning the matters set out in the preceding clause (b) as also any information, details or document, which the Parties may reasonably require. Performance of Obligations If the Affected Party is rendered wholly or partially unable to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement because of a Force Majeure Event, it shall be excused from performance of such obligations to the extent it is unable to perform the same on account of such Force Majeure Event provided that: a. due notice of the Force Majeure Event has been given as required by the preceding Clause 10.2; b. the excuse from performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is necessitated by the Force Majeure Event; c. the Affected Party has taken all reasonable efforts to avoid, prevent, mitigate and limit damage, if any, caused or is likely to be caused to the Project Facility as a result of the Force Majeure Event and to restore the Project Facility, in accordance with the Good Industry Practice and its relative obligations under this Agreement; d. when the Affected Party is able to resume performance of its obligations under this Agreement, it shall give to the other Party written notice to that effect and shall promptly resume performance of its obligations hereunder, the non issue of such notice being no excuse for any delay for resuming such performance; e. the Affected Party shall continue to perform such of its obligations which are not affected by the Force Majeure Event and which are capable of being performed in accordance with this Agreement; f. any insurance proceeds received shall be entirely applied to repair, replace or re-instate the assets damaged on account of the Force Majeure Event, or in accordance with Good Industry Practice. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 127 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 10.4 Termination due to Force Majeure Event 10.4.1 Termination a. If a Force Majeure Event is an event described under Clauses 10.1(a) to 10.1(e) and 10.1 (h), and continues or is in the reasonable judgement of the Parties likely to continue beyond a period of 3 (three) months, the Parties may mutually decide to terminate this Agreement or continue this Agreement on mutually agreed revised terms. If the Parties are unable to reach an agreement in this regard, the Affected Party shall after the expiry of the said period of 3 (three) months, be entitled to terminate this Agreement. b. If the Force Majeure Event is an event described in Clauses 10.1 (f) or 10.1 (g) and the Service Provider having exhausted the remedies available to him under the Applicable Laws, has been unable to secure the remedy, the Service Provider shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement. Provided that if the event described in Clauses 10.1 (f) or 10.1 (g) subsists or is likely to subsist for a period exceeding 6 (six) months, then either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement or the Parties may by mutual agreement, decide to continue this Agreement on revised terms. Provided further, DoA may at its sole discretion have the option to terminate this Agreement any time after the occurrence of any event described under Clauses 10.1(f) or 10.1(g). 10.4.2 Termination Notice If either Party, having become entitled to do so, decides to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Clause 10.4.1, it shall issue Termination Notice setting out; a. in sufficient detail the underlying Force Majeure Event; b. indicative Termination Date which shall be a date occurring not earlier than 60 (sixty) days from the date of Termination Notice; c. the estimated Termination Payment including the details of computation thereof and; d. any other relevant information. 10.4.3 Obligation of Parties Following issue of Termination Notice by either Party, the Parties shall promptly take all such steps as may be necessary or required to ensure that; a. the Termination Payment, if any, payable by DoA in accordance with the following clause 10.4.4 is paid to the Service Provider on the Termination Date; and b. the Project Facilities are handed to DoA by the Service Provider in good operable condition on the Termination Date free from all Encumbrances. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 128 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 10.4.4 Termination Payment Upon Termination of this Agreement due to a Force Majeure Event, Termination Payment shall be made to the Service Provider by DoA in accordance with the following: i. If Termination is due to a Force Majeure Event, described under Clauses 10.1(a) to 10.1(e) and 10.1(h) after the Completion Date: (a) no Termination Payment shall be made by DoA to the Service Provider; (b) DoA shall be entitled to receive and appropriate the proceeds of any amounts under insurance policies; (c) DoA shall make all payments that are due to Service Provider under this Agreement for the services rendered as on the Termination Date; and (d) release Performance Security after deducting amount due and recoverable (if any) by DoA. Provided where the Termination occurs due to a Force Majeure Event, described under Clauses 10.1(a) to 10.1(e) and 10.1(h) prior to Completion Date, the Service Provider shall be entitled to receive and appropriate the proceeds of any amounts under insurance policies. ii. 10.5 If Termination is due to the occurrence of any event described under Clauses 10.1(f) or 10.1(g), DoA shall pay to the Service Provider, the Termination Payment as specified in Clause 11.3.7. Liability for other losses, damages etc. Save and except as expressly provided in this Article, neither Party hereto shall be liable in any manner whatsoever to the other Party in respect of any loss, damage, cost, expense, claims, demands and proceedings relating to or arising out of occurrence or existence of any Force Majeure Event. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 129 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 11: EVENTS OF DEFAULT Event of Default shall mean either a Service Provider’s Event of Default or DoA Event of Default or both as the context may admit or require. 11.1 Service Provider’s Event of Default Any of the following events shall constitute an event of default by the Service Provider (“Service Provider’s Event of Default”) unless such event has occurred as a result of one or more reasons set out in Article 3.15: a. The Service Provider has failed to obtain Completion Certificate within 30 days from SICD; b. More than 20% delay in installation and commissioning of the project facilities after SICD. c. More than 20% of any three consecutive Periodic Payments made to the Service Provider is deducted towards Damages for Non-Performance. d. In the event that the aggregate Damages for Non-Performance deducted from any Periodic Payment exceeds 50% of the payments due for that Quarter. e. The Service Provider has repudiated this Agreement or has otherwise expressed an intention not to be bound by this Agreement; f. The Service Provider has assigned its obligations under this Agreement to a third party without written consent of DoA; g. Any representation made or warranties given by the Service Provider under this Agreement is found to be false or misleading; h. A resolution has been passed by the shareholders of the Service Provider for the voluntary winding up of the Service Provider; i. The Service Provider has otherwise been in Material Breach of any of its obligations under this Agreement and has failed to cure such breaches within 60 (sixty) days of the receipt of the notice thereof issued by DoA. 11.2 DoA Event of Default Any of the following events shall constitute an event of default by DoA (“DoA Event of Default”), the DoA a. has failed to make Upfront Payment to the Service Provide as per Article 6 within 90 (ninety) days from the date of issuance of Completion Certificate; b. has failed to make Periodic Payment within 90 (ninety) days from the Due Date; c. is in breach of any of its obligations under this Agreement and has failed to cure such breach within 90 (ninety) days of receipt of notice thereof issued by the Service Provider; d. has repudiated this Agreement or otherwise expressed its intention not to be bound by this Agreement; e. has made a false or misleading representation or warranties under this Agreement. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 130 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 11.3 Termination due to Events of Default 11.3.1 Termination due to Service Provider’s Event of Default a. Without prejudice to any other right or remedy which DoA may have in respect thereof under this Agreement, upon the occurrence of a Service Provider’s Event of Default, DoA shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement as hereinafter provided. b. If DoA decides to terminate this Agreement pursuant to preceding sub-clause (a), it shall in the first instance issue Preliminary Notice to the Service Provider. Within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of the Preliminary Notice, the Service Provider shall submit to DoA in sufficient detail, the manner in which it proposes to cure the underlying Event of Default (the “Service Provider’s Proposal to Rectify”). In case of non-submission of the Service Provider’s Proposal to Rectify within the said period of 30 (thirty) days, DoA shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by issuing Termination Notice and to appropriate the Performance Security. c. If the Service Provider’s Proposal to Rectify is submitted within the period stipulated therefore, the Service Provider shall have further period of 30 (thirty) days to remedy / cure the underlying Event of Default. If, however the Service Provider fails to remedy/cure the underlying Event of Default within such further period allowed, DoA shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by issue of Termination Notice and to appropriate the Performance Security. 11.3.2 Termination for the DoA Event of Default a. Without prejudice to any other right or remedy which the Service Provider may have in respect thereof under this Agreement, upon the occurrence of the DoA Event of Default, the Service Provider shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement as hereinafter provided. b. If the Service Provider decides to terminate this Agreement pursuant to preceding sub-clause (a) it shall in the first instance issue Preliminary Notice to DoA. Within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of Preliminary Notice, the DoA shall forward to the Service Provider its proposal to remedy/cure the underlying Event of Default the “DoA Proposal to Rectify”. In case of non submission of DoA Proposal to Rectify within the period stipulated therefor, the Service Provider shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by issuing Termination Notice. c. If DoA Proposal to Rectify is forwarded to the Service Provider within the period stipulated period, the DoA shall have further period of 30 (thirty) days to remedy/cure the underlying Event of Default. If, however DoA fails to remedy/cure the underlying Event of Default within such further period allowed, the Service Provider shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by issuing Termination Notice. 11.3.3 Termination Notice If a Party having become entitled to do so decides to terminate this Agreement pursuant to the Clauses 11.3.1 or 11.3.2, it shall issue Termination Notice setting out: VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 131 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking a. in sufficient detail the underlying Event of Default; b. the Termination Date which shall be a date occurring not earlier than 30 (thirty) days from the date of Termination Notice; c. the estimated Termination Payment including the details of computation thereof; and d. any other relevant information. 11.3.4 Obligation of Parties Following issue of Termination Notice by a Party entitled to do so, the Parties shall promptly take all such steps as may be necessary or required to ensure that; a. Until Termination the Parties shall, to the fullest extent possible, discharge their respective obligations; b. The Termination Payment, payable by DoA in accordance with the following Clause 11.3.6 is paid to the Service Provider on the Termination Date; and c. The Service Provider shall on Expiry assign/transfer to DoA all existing and valid warranties and guarantees taken by the Service Provider for these Project Facilities. 11.3.5 Withdrawal of Termination Notice Notwithstanding anything inconsistent contained in this Agreement, if the Party who has been served with the Termination Notice cures the underlying Event of Default to the satisfaction of the other Party at any time before the Termination occurs, the Termination Notice shall be withdrawn by the Party which had issued the same. Provided that the Party in breach shall compensate the other Party for any direct costs/consequences occasioned by the Event of Default which caused the issue of Termination Notice. 11.3.6. Termination Payment on Service Provider’s Event of Default: a. In the event of Termination of this Agreement due to a Service Provider’s Event of Default prior to the Completion Date, DoA shall (i) appropriate the Performance Security; and (ii) upon verification of the invoices submitted by Service Provider, make payment with regard to such DoA Offices for which Installation Certificates are issued. For avoidance of doubt, the Termination Payment payable to the Service Provider under this sub-clause shall not exceed the Upfront Payment. b. In the event of Termination of this Agreement due to a Service Provider’s Event of Default after the Completion Date, DoA shall forefiet the Performance Security. 11.3.7. Termination Payment on DoA Event of Default: VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 132 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking a. In the event of Termination of this Agreement pior to the Completion Date, due to DoA Event of Default, DoA shall: (i) release the subsisting Performance Security; and (ii) upon verification of the invoices submitted by Service Provider, make payment with regard to such DoA Offices for which Installation Certificates are procured. For avoidance of doubt, the Termination Payment payable to the Service Provider under this sub-clause shall not exceed the Upfront Payment. b. In the event of Termination of this Agreement after Completion Date due to Event of Default of DoA, DoA shall: (i) release the subsisting Performance Security; and (ii) release Periodic Payments that is due for payment to the Service Provider as on the Termination Date. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 133 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 12: DISPUTE RESOLUTION 12.1 Amicable Resolution a. Save where expressly stated to the contrary in this Agreement, any dispute, difference or controversy of whatever nature between the Parties, howsoever arising under, out of or in relation to this Agreement and so notified in writing by any Party to the other parties (the “Dispute”) shall in the first instance be attempted to be resolved amicably in accordance with the procedure set forth in clause (b) below. b. Either Party may require such Dispute to be referred to the Commissioner, the Department of Agriculture and the Chief Executive Officer of the Service Provider for the time being, for amicable settlement. Upon such reference, the two shall meet at the earliest mutual convenience and in any event within 15 (fifteen) days of such reference to discuss and attempt to amicably resolve the Dispute. If the Dispute is not amicably settled within 15 (fifteen) days of such meeting between the two, the Dispute may be referred for arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Clause 12.2 below. 12.2 Arbitration Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the RFP shall in the first instance be dealt with in accordance with the escalation procedure set forth herein. 12.2.1 Scope of Dispute Resolution Except where otherwise provided in the agreement, all questions and disputes relating to the meaning of the specifications, design, drawings and instructions here-in before mentioned and as to the quality of workmanship or materials used on the work or as to any other question, claim, right, matter or thing whatsoever in any way arising out of or relating to the agreement, designs, drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions, orders or these conditions or otherwise concerning the services and deliverables or the execution or failure to execute the same whether arising during the progress of the Project or after the cancellation, termination, completion or abandonment thereof shall be dealt with as mentioned hereinafter: If any dispute arises between DoA and the Service provider in connection with, or arising out of, the agreement or RFP or the execution of the Project, whether during the execution of the Project or after its completion and whether before or after the repudiation or other termination of the agreement, including any disagreement by either party with any action, inaction, opinion, instruction, determination, certificate or valuation, the matter in dispute shall, in the first place, be referred to the Principal Secretary (Agriculture). Either party may refer a dispute to the Principal Secretary (Agriculture), who shall give a decision in writing within 30 days of reference of dispute. Either party may refer a written decision of the Principal Secretary (Agriculture) to arbitration. If neither party refers the disputes to arbitration within 30 days of the date of such decision, Principal Secretary (Agriculture)‘s decision will be final and binding. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 134 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking In case either party is not satisfied with the decision of the Principal Secretary (Agriculture), they can institute arbitration proceedings as per Indian Arbitration and reconciliation Act, 1996, after a 30 day notice period. Any dispute or difference or claim arising out of, or in connection with, or relating to the present contract or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be referred and settled under the Arbitration Center, Karnataka (domestic and international) rules 2012, by one or more Arbitrators appointed in accordance with it’s rules. Arbitration proceedings shall be held in Bangalore and the language of the arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communications between the parties shall be English. 12.2.2 Enforcement of Award The Parties agree that the decision or award resulting from arbitration shall be final and binding upon the Parties and shall be enforceable in accordance with the provision of the Arbitration Act. 12.2.3 Performance during Arbitration Pending the submission of and/or decision on a Dispute and until the arbitral award is published; the Parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement without prejudice to a final adjustment in accordance with such award. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 135 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 13: REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 13.1 Representations and Warranties of the Service Provider The Service Provider represents and warrants to DoA that: a. it is duly organised, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of India; b. it has full power and authority to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this Agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated hereby; c. it has taken all necessary corporate and other actions under Applicable Laws and its charter documents to authorise the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement; d. it has the financial standing and capacity to undertake the Project; e. this Agreement constitutes its legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against it in accordance with the terms hereof; f. it is subject to civil and commercial laws of India with respect to this Agreement and it hereby expressly and irrevocably waives any immunity in any jurisdiction in respect thereof; g. the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement will not conflict with, result in the breach of, constitute a default under or accelerate performance required by any of the terms of the Service Provider’s Memorandum and Articles of Association or any Applicable Laws or any covenant, agreement, understanding, decree or order to which it is a party or by which it or any of its properties or assets are bound or affected; h. there are no actions, suits, proceedings or investigations pending or to the Service Provider’s knowledge threatened against it at law or in equity before any court or before any other judicial, quasi judicial or other authority, the outcome of which may constitute Service Provider’s Event of Default or which individually or in the aggregate may result in Material Adverse Effect; i. it has no knowledge of any violation or default with respect to any order, writ, injunction or any decree of any court or any legally binding order of any government body which may result in Material Adverse Effect; j. it has complied with all Applicable Laws and has not been subject to any fines, penalties, injunctive relief or any other civil or criminal liabilities which in the aggregate have or may have Material Adverse Effect; VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 136 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking k. subject to receipt by the Service Provider from DoA, of the Termination Payment and any other amount due under any of the provisions of this Agreement, in the manner and to the extent provided for under the applicable provisions of this Agreement, all rights and interests of the Service Provider under this Agreement and shall cease and be inoperative to the intent and purpose that the Project Facilities shall consequent thereto be free and clear of all Encumbrances without any further act or deed on the part of the Service Provider or DoA; l. no representation or warranty by the Service Provider contained herein or in any other document furnished by it to DoA in relation to Applicable Permits contains or will contain any untrue statement of material fact or omits or will omit to state a material fact necessary to make such representation or warranty not misleading; m. no bribe or illegal gratification has been paid or will be paid in cash or kind by or on behalf of the Service Provider to any Person to procure this Agreement; n. without prejudice to any express provision contained in this Agreement, the Service Provider acknowledges that prior to the execution of this Agreement, the Service Provider has after a complete and careful examination made an independent evaluation of the Project, and the information provided by to it as part of the bid documents or otherwise, and has determined to its satisfaction the nature and extent of risks and hazards as are likely to arise or may be faced by the Service Provider in the course of performance of its obligations hereunder; and o. the Service Provider also acknowledges and hereby accepts the risk of inadequacy, mistake or error in or relating to any of the matters set forth above and hereby confirms that DoA shall not be liable for the same in any manner whatsoever to the Service Provider. 13.2 Representations and Warranties of DoA DoA represents and warrants to the Service Provider that: a. DoA has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and perform / disclose their obligations contained herein ; b. DoA has taken all necessary action to authorise the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement; c. This Agreement constitutes legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against it in accordance with the terms hereof; d. There are no suits or other legal proceedings pending or threatened against DoA in respect of the Project or the Site; and e. DoA hereby waives its sovereign immunity and this Agreement has been entered into by DoA in its commercial capacity. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 137 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 13.3 Obligation to notify change In the event that any of the representations or warranties made/given by a Party ceases to be true or stands changed, the Party who had made such representation or given such warranty shall promptly notify the other of the same. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 138 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ARTICLE 14: MISCELLANEOUS 14.1 Assignment and Charges a. Subject to clause (b) herein below, no Party shall assign this Agreement or the rights, benefits and obligations hereunder, save and except with prior consent of the other Party. b. The Service Provider shall not create nor permit to subsist any Encumbrance over or otherwise transfer or dispose of all or any of its rights and benefits under this Agreement except with prior consent in writing of DoA, which consent DoA shall be entitled to decline without assigning any reason whatsoever. 14.2 Interest and Right of Set Off Any sum which becomes payable under any of the provisions of this Agreement by any Party shall, if the same be not paid to the Party entitled to receive the same, within the time allowed for payment thereof, shall be deemed to be a debt owed by the Party responsible for payment thereof to the Party entitled to receive the same. Such sum shall until payment thereof carry interest at 15% from the due date for payment thereof until the same is paid to or otherwise realised by the Party entitled to the same. Without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be available under this Agreement or otherwise under law, the Party entitled to receive such amount shall also have the right of set off. Provided the stipulation regarding interest for delayed payments contained in this Clause 14.2 shall neither be deemed nor construed to authorise any delay in payment of any amount due by a Party nor be deemed or construed to be a waiver of the underlying breach of payment obligations. 14.3 General Liability and Indemnity a. The Service Provider shall indemnify, defend and hold DoA harmless against any and all proceedings, actions and third party claims arising out of a breach by the Service Provider of any of its obligations under this Agreement, except to the extent that any such claim has arisen due to breach by DoA of any of its obligations under this Agreement or a Force Majeure Event which is a Political Event. b. DoA shall, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Service Provider against any and all proceedings, actions, third party claims for loss, damage and expense of whatever kind and nature arising out of breach by DoA, its officers, servants and agents of any obligations of DoA under this Agreement except to the extent that any such claim has arisen due to breach by the Service Provider of any of its obligations under this Agreement. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 139 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 14.4 Governing Law and Jurisdiction This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of India. The Courts at Bangalore, India shall have jurisdiction over all matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement. 14.5 Waiver a. Waiver by either Party of any default by the other Party in the observance and performance of any provision of or obligations under this Agreement: i. shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any other or subsequent default hereof or of other provisions or obligations under this Agreement; ii. shall not be effective unless it is in writing and executed by a duly authorised representative of such Party; and iii. shall not affect the validity or enforceability of this Agreement in any manner. b. Neither the failure by a Party to insist on any occasion upon the performance of the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement or any obligation hereunder nor time or other indulgence granted by a Party to any other Party shall be treated or deemed as waiver/breach of any terms, conditions or provisions of this Agreement. 14.6 Survival Termination of this Agreement (a) shall not relieve the Service Provider or DoA of any obligations already incurred hereunder which expressly or by implication survives Termination hereof, and (b) except as otherwise provided in any provision of this Agreement expressly limiting the liability of either Party, shall not relieve either Party of any obligations or liabilities for loss or damage to the other Party arising out of or caused by acts or omissions of such Party prior to the effectiveness of such Termination or arising out of such Termination. 14.7 Amendments This Agreement and the Schedules together constitute a complete and exclusive understanding of the terms of the Agreement between the Parties on the subject hereof and no amendment or modification hereto shall be valid and effective unless agreed to by all the Parties hereto and evidenced in writing. 14.8 Notices Unless otherwise stated, notices to be given under this Agreement including but not limited to a notice of waiver of any term, breach of any term of this Agreement and termination of this Agreement, shall be in writing and shall be given by hand delivery, recognised international courier, mail, telex or facsimile transmission and delivered or transmitted to the Parties at their respective addresses set forth below: VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 140 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking If to the DoA _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ If to the Service Provider _________________ _________________ _________________ Or such address, telex number, or facsimile number as may be duly notified by the respective Parties from time to time, and shall be deemed to have been made or delivered (i) in the case of any communication made by letter, when delivered by hand, by recognised international courier or by mail (registered, return receipt requested) at that address and (ii) in the case of any communication made by telex or facsimile, when transmitted properly addressed to such telex number or facsimile number. 14.9 Severability If for any reason whatsoever any provision of this Agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable or is declared by any court of competent jurisdiction or any other instrumentality to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected in any manner, and the Parties shall negotiate in good faith with a view to agreeing upon one or more provisions which may be substituted for such invalid, unenforceable or illegal provisions, as nearly as is practicable. Provided failure to agree upon any such provisions shall not be subject to dispute resolution under this Agreement or otherwise. 14.10 No Partnership Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed or interpreted as constituting a partnership between the Parties. Neither Party shall have any authority to bind the other in any manner whatsoever. 14.11 Language All notices required to be given under this Agreement and all communications, documentation and proceedings which are in any way relevant to this Agreement shall be in writing and in English language. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 141 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 14.12 Exclusion of Implied Warranties etc. This Agreement expressly excludes any warranty, condition or other undertaking implied at law or by custom or otherwise arising out of any other agreement between the Parties or any representation by any Party not contained in a binding legal agreement executed by the Parties. 14.13 Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in two counterparts, each of which when executed and delivered shall constitute an original of this Agreement but shall together constitute one and only the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE, PARTIES HAVE EXECUTED AND DELIVERED THIS AGREEMENT AS OF THE DATE FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED For and on behalf of DoA by (Signature) …......................................................... (Name)…................................................................ (Designation)…...................................................... SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED For and on behalf of Service Provider by (Signature) …......................................................... (Name)…................................................................ VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 142 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 1: DOA OFFICES DoA Offices are as follows; i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Hobli RSKs Kasaba RSKs Taluk ADA office District JDA office Laboratories DATCs The Commissionerate (Head office) The Secretariat Except for the locations of the DoA Offices are set out below. 1.1. Hobli RSKs There are in all 571 Hobli RSKs in the State and the contact person for Hobli RSK would be the Agriculture Officer or the Assistant Agriculture Officer, DoA. No District 1 Bangalore(U) Taluka Anekal 080-26711186 080-7829280 080-26714134 Bangalore (N) 080-23412307 Hobli Chandapura 7259004302 Jigani Haragadde 7259004302 Sarjapura 7259004308 Yashavanthapura Sarjapura Raitha Seva Sahakari Bank Building, Madanayakanahalli RRSB Building,Hesaraghatta Hunasamaranhalli Milk Pro.Co.Society, Chikka Jala Behind Police Station, Yelahanka Shop No.16,Raitha Bhavan, APMC Yard, Yashavanthapura Begur Begur 7259004325 Kengeri Kengeri 7259004326 Tavarekere Uttarahalli Tavarekere RRSB Kaggalipura Bidarahalli Bidarahalli 7259004330 Varthur Varthur 7259004333 Channarayapatna Channarayapatna 7259004242 Dasanapura Jala Yelahanka 080-26712793 Bangalore(E) 080-25617587 2 Bangalore(R) Devanahalli VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Phone Number Attibele Hesaraghatta Bangalore (S) Location of RSK 7259004310 7259004314 7259004316 7259004319 7259004322 7259004329 Building, 725900430 Page 143 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District Taluka 080-26711594 080-7682383 26715718 Doddaballapura 080-7622158 Hoskote 080-7931235 Nelamangala 080-7722168 3 Ramnagar Magadi 080-7745376 Kanakapura 080-7522293 Channapatna 080-7251467 Ramangaram 080-7271293 4 Chickkaballapur Bagepalli 08156-263135 08150-282157 Chikkaballapur 08156-272307 Chintamani 08154-251579 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Hobli Location of RSK Phone Number Kundana Kundana 7259004245 Vijayapura Vijayapura 7259004233 Doddabelavangala Doddabelavangala 7259004250 Madhure Kanasawadi 7259004236 Sasalu Sasalu 7259004255 Thoobugere Thoobugere 7259004258 Anugondanahalli Anugondanahalli 7259004259 Jadagenahalli Jadagenahalli 7259004264 Nandagudi Nandagudi 7259004266 Sulibele Sulibele 7259004269 Sompura Sompura,Dobspet 7259004274 Thyamagondlu Thyamagondlu 7259004277 Kudur Kudur 7259005936 Madabala Madabala 7259005937 Solur Solur 7259005942 Thippasandra Thippasandra 7259005945 Doddamaralavadi Doddamaralavadi 7259005959 Harohalli Harohalli 7259005962 Uyyamballi Dodda Aladahalli 7259005964 Kodihalli Kodihalli 7259005965 Sathanur Sathanur 7259005967 Malur Malur 7259005956 Virupakshapura Kodamballi 7259005954 Bidadi Bidadi 7259005946 Kailancha Kailancha 7259005947 Kootagal Kootagal 7259005949 Chelur Chelur 7259004837 Goolur Goolur 7259004832 Mittemari Mittemari 7259004839 Pathapalaya Pathapalaya 7259004841 Mandikal Mandikal 7259004852 Nandi Nandi 7259004850 Ambajidurga Ambajidurga 7259004842 Chilakanerpu Kencharlahalli 7259004844 Kaivara Kaivara 7259004845 Munaganahalli Munaganahalli 7259004833 Murugamalla Murugamalla 7259004846 Page 144 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District Taluka Sidlaghatta 7259004863 Jangamanakote Jangamanakote 7259004865 Sadali Sadali 7259004866 D.Palya Darinayakana Palya 7259004855 Hosur Hosur 7259004857 Manchenahalli Manchenahalli 7259004859 Nagaragere Nagaragere 7259004860 Thondebavi Thondebavi 7259004861 Gudibanda, 08156-261331 Somenahalli Somenahalli 7259004847 Kolar Holooru Holooru 7259005583 Huttooru Huttooru 7259005584 Narasapura Narasapura 7259005586 Sugatoor Sugatoor 7259005587 Vakkaleri Vakkaleri 7259005570 Vemagal Vemagal 7259005588 Lakkur Lakkur 7259005590 Masti Masti 7259005593 Tekal Tekal 7259005595 Avani Avani 7259005596 Byrakoor Byrakoor 7259005597 Duggasandra Duggasandra 7259005598 Thayaloor Thayaloor 7259005601 Bethamangala Bethamangala 7259005578 Boodikote Boodikote 7259005581 Kamasamudra Kamasamudra 7259005580 Kyasamballi Kyasamballi 7259005580 Robertsonpet Robertsonpet 7259005582 Nelavanki Nelavanki 7259005603 Ronur Ronur 7259005604 Royalpadu Royalpadu 7259005574 Yeldur Yeldur 7259005606 Handanakere Handanakere 9591987422 Huliyaru Huliyaru 9591987425 Kandikere Kandikere 9591987430 Shattikere Shattikere 9591987432 Chandrashekharapura Chandrashekharapura 9591987436 08155-284863 08152-222048 Malur 08151-232246 Mulbagal 08159-242026 Bangarpet 08153-255956 Srinivasapur 08157-246194 6 Tumkur Phone Number Bashettyhalli Gowribidanur Kolar 08152-222246, 222432, 231326 Location of RSK Bashettyhalli 08158-256798 5 Hobli C.N.Halli 0816-2276453 08133-267140 2278474 Gubbi VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 145 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District Taluka 08131-222244 Koratagere 08138-232133 Kunigal 08138-220404 Madhugiri 08137-282370 Pavagada 08136-244379 Sira 08135-275525 Tiptur 08134-252969 Tumkur 0816-2273159 Turuvekere 08139-287467 7 Shimoga Bhadravathi 08182-272635 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT 08282-266904 Hobli Location of RSK Phone Number Chelur Chelur 9591987437 Hagalavadi Hagalavadi 9591987441 Kadaba Kadaba 9591987444 Nittur Nittur 9591987446 Channarayanadurga Tovinakere 9591987449 Holavanahalli Holavanahalli 9591987451 Kolala Kolala 9591987452 Amruthur Amruthur 9591987413 Huliyurdurga Huliyurdurga 9591987457 Huttaridurga Huttaridurga 9591987458 Kothagere Kothagere 9591987460 Yadiyur Yadiyur 9591987463 Dodderi Badavanahalli 9591987465 I.D.Halli I.D.Halli 9591987466 Kodigenahalli Kodigenahalli 9591987468 Midigeshi Midigeshi 9591987471 Puravara Puravara 9591987473 Nagalamadike Nagalamadike 9591987475 Nidagal Mangalavada 9591987476 Y.N.Hosakote Y.N.Hosakote 9591987479 Bukkapatna Bukkapatna 9591987481 Gowdagere Tavarekere 9591987482 Hulikunte Baragoor 9591987484 Kallambela Kallambela 9591987485 Honnavalli Honnavalli 9591987490 Kibbanahalli Biligere 9591987492 Nonavinakere Bellave Nonavinakere Bellave 9591987494 9591987497 Gooloor Gooloor 9591987501 Hebbur Hebbur 9591987503 Kora Kora 9591987507 Urdigere Urdigere 9591987513 Dabbeghatta Dabbeghatta 9591987517 Dandinashivara Dandinashivara 9591987519 Mayasandra Mayasandra 9591987521 Bhadravathi-II Hiriyur 9591987321 Holehonnoor-I Holehonnoor 9591987308 Page 146 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District Taluka 222956 Hosanagar 08185-221509 Sagar 08183-226198 Shikaripur 08187-223083 Shimoga 08182-223536 Sorab 08184-272357 Thirthahalli 08181-209225 8 Chitradurga Challakere 08194-222406 08195-250205 228584 Chitradurga 08194-222602 Hiriyur VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Hobli Location of RSK Phone Number Holehonnoor-II Anveri 9591987323 Holehonnoor-III Kallihal 9591987325 Kudligere Kudligere 9591987327 Humcha Humcha 9591987331 Kerehalli (Rippon Pet) Rippon Pet 9591987333 Nagara Nagara 9591987335 Anandapuram Anandapuram 9591987337 Barangi Aralgodu 9591987340 Avinahalli Avinahalli 9591987341 Karoor Tumari 9591987343 Talaguppa Talaguppa 9591987347 Anjanapura Hitla 9591987349 Hosur Hosur 9591987351 Udagani Shirlakoppa 9591987354 Talagund Sunnadkoppa 9591987359 Haranahalli Haranahalli 9591987360 Holalur-I Holalur 9591987362 Holalur-II B Beeranahalli 9591987365 Kumshi Kumshi 9591987368 Nidige-I Nidige 9591987371 Nidige-II O.T.Road, Shimoga 9591987373 Anavatti Anavatti 9591987383 Chandragutti Chandragutti 9591987384 Jade Jade 9591987386 Kuppagadde Kuppagadde 9591987388 Ulavi Ulavi 9591987390 Agrahara Konandoor 9591987392 Agumbe Megaravalli 9591987394 Mandagadde Tudur 9591987395 Mathuru Devangi 9591987318 Nayakanahatti Nayakanahatti 7259004950 Parashurampura Parashurampura 7259004952 Thalaku Thalaku 7259004954 Baramasagara Baramasagara 7259004957 Hireguntanur Hireguntanur 7259004961 Thuruvanur Thuruvanuru 7259004963 Aimangala Aimangala 7259004964 Page 147 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District Taluka 08193-227294 Holalkere 08191-275341 Hosadurga 08199-230446 9 Davanagere Phone Number Dharmapura Dharmapura 7259004968 J.G.Halli Java Gondana Halli 7259004975 B.Durga Chikkajajur 7259004979 Ramagiri Ramagiri 7259004984 Thalya Thalya 7259004986 Madadakere Madadakere 7259004990 Matthodu Matthodu 7259004992 Shreerampura Shreerampura 7259004994 Devasamudra Rampura 7259004996 Channagiri Basavapatna-I Basavapatna 7259005063 Basavapatna-II Thyavanagi 7259005065 Santhebannur-I Santhebannur 7259005069 Santhebennur-II Devarahalli 7259005071 Ubrani Pandomatti 7259005072 Anagodu Anagodu 7259005074 Mayakonda Mayakonda 7259005081 Malebennur Malebennur 7259005091 Arasikere Arasikere 7259005096 Chigateri Chigateri 7259005099 Telagi Telagi 7259005105 Belagutthi Nyamathi 7259005115 Govinakovi-I Govinakovi 7259005111 Govinakovi-II Cheelur 7259005113 Saswehalli-I Circle Saswehalli 7259005118 Saswehalli-II Circle Kundur 7259005120 Bilichodu Bilichodu 7259005123 Sokke Hosakere 7259005127 Antharasanthe Antharasanthe 7259005776 Hampapura Hampapura 7259005779 Kandalike Kandalike 7259005781 Saragur Saragur 7259005783 Bilikere Bilikere 7259005785 Gowdagere Gowdagere 7259005788 Hanagodu Hanagodu 7259005790 08189-228260 Davanagere, 08192-250084 Harihar, 242170 08192- Harapanahalli 08398-280435 Honnali 08188-251387 Jagalur 08196-227152 10 Location of RSK Molakalmuru, 08198-229141 08192-230311 Mysore, 2442239, 2523700 Hobli 0821H.D. Kote, 08228255379 Hunsur 08222-252284 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 148 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District Taluka K.R.Nagara 7259005796 Hebbal Hebbal 7259005771 Hosa Agrahara Hosa Agrahara 7259005797 Mirle Mirle 7259005799 Saligrama Saligrama 7259005771 Ilawala Ilawala 7259005801 Jayapura Jayapura 7259005805 Varuna Varuna 7259005815 Biligere Biligere 7259005816 Chikkaianachatra Chikkaianachatra 7259005820 Hullahalli Hullahalli 7259005823 Kowlande Kowlande 7259005826 Bettadapura Bettadapura 7259005832 Haranahalli Haranahalli 7259005833 Ravandoor Ravandoor 7259005835 Bannur Bannur 7259005837 Mugur Mugur 7259005841 Sosale Sosale 7259005844 Talkad Talkad 7259005849 Chandakavadi Chandakavadi 7259004805 Haradanahalli Haradanahalli 7259004806 Harave Harave 7259004808 Santhemarahalli Santhemarahalli 7259004809 Begur Begur 7259004810 Hangala Hangala 7259004813 Terakanambi Terakanambi 7259004815 Hanur Hanur 7259004817 Lokkanahally Lokkanahally 7259004821 Palya Palya 7259004822 Ramapura Ramapura 7259004824 Yalandur, 08226240013 Agara Agara 7259004825 Krishnarajpet Akkihebbal Akkihebbal 7259005702 Bookinakere Bookinakere 7259005703 Kikkeri Kikkeri 7259005696 Santhebachahalli Santhebachahalli 7259005707 Silanere Tendekere 7259005709 0821-2520115 Nanjangud 08221-226684 Periyapatna 08223-274205 T.Narasipur 08227-261435 08226-222432 Chamarajnagar 08226-2222271 225980 Gundlupet 08229-222270 Kollegal 08224-253130 12 Mandya Phone Number Chunchanakatte Mysore Chamarajnagar Location of RSK Chunchanakatte 08223-262249 11 Hobli 08232-228808 223033 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT 08230-262375 Page 149 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District Taluka Maddur 08232-232356 Malavalli 08231-242048 Mandya 08232-224127 Nagamangala 08234-286141 Pandavapura 08236-255171 Srirangapatna 08236-252186 13 Kodagu Madikeri 08272-225732 08272-228672 224194 Somwarpet 08276-282207 Virajpet 08274-257759 14 Hassan Alur 08172-267158 08170-218255 263507 Arkalgud 08175-220214 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Hobli Location of RSK Phone Number Athagur Kestur 7259005711 Chikkarasanakere Bharathinagar 7259005714 Koppa Koppa 7259005716 B.G.Pura Poorigali 7259005724 Halagur Halagur 7259005725 Kirugavalu Kirugavalu 7259005727 Basaralu Basaralu 7259005730 Dudda Dudda 7259005732 Keragodu Keragodu 7259005733 Kottatti Kottatti 7259005735 Bellur Bellur 7259005742 Bindiganavile Bindiganavile 7259005744 Devalapura Devalapura 7259005745 Honakere Cheenya 7259005746 Chinakurali Chinakurali 7259005749 Melukote Jakkanahalli 7259005751 Arakere Arakere 7259005753 Belagola Belagola 7259005754 K.Settihalli K.Settihalli 7259005756 Bhagamandala Bhagamandala 7259005546 Napoklu Napoklu 7259005548 Sampaje Sampaje 7259005550 Kodlipet Kodlipet 7259005543 Kushalanagar Kushalanagar 7259005551 Shanivarsanthe Shanivarsanthe 7259005553 Shanthalli Shanthalli 7259005555 Shunthikoppa Shunthikoppa 7259005544 Ammatthi Ammatthi 7259005558 Balale Balale 7259005559 Hudikeri Hudikeri 7259005560 Ponnampet Aravathokkalu 7259005561 Srimangala Srimangala 7259005563 K. Hosakote K. Hosakote 7259005425 K.Channapura K.Channapura 7259005426 Palya Palya 7259005427 Doddamagge Doddamagge 7259005430 Konanur Konanur 7259005431 Page 150 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District Taluka Arasikere 08174-232782 Belur 08177-222318 Channarayapatna 08176-252263 Hassan 08172-269288 Holenarasipur 08175-273231 Sakleshpur 08173-244117 15 Chikmagalur Chikmagalur 08262-220494 08262-220138 221436 Kadur 08267-221423 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Hobli Location of RSK Phone Number Mallipatna Mallipatna 7259005432 Ramanathapura Ramanathapura 7259005433 Banavara Banavara 7259005436 Gandasi Gandasi 7259005438 Javagal Javagal 7259005439 Kanakatte Dodda Meti Kurke 7259005441 Arehally Arehally 7259005442 Biccodu Biccodu 7259005446 Halebeedu Halebeedu 7259005420 Madihally Hagare 7259005446 Bagur Bagur 7259005421 Dandiganahalli Udayapura 7259005451 Hirisave Hirisave 7259005452 Nuggehalli Nuggehalli 7259005421 Shravanabelagola Shravanabelagola 7259005453 Dudda Dudda 7259005454 Kattaya Kattaya 7259005456 Salagame Salagame 7259005458 Shanthigrama Shanthigrama 7259005461 Halekote Halekote 7259005462 Hallimysore Hallimysore 7259005464 Belagodu Belagodu 7259005423 Hanabalu Hanabalu 7259005467 Hetthur Hetthur 7259005468 Yesalur Yesalur 7259005470 Ambale Ambale 7259004887 Aldur Aldur 7259004894 Avuthi Avuthi 7259004875 Jagara Jagara 7259004895 Kandya Sangameshwarpet 7259004896 Lakya Lakya 7259004897 Vastare Vastare 7259004900 Hire Nallur Choulahiriyur Hire Nallur Choulahiriyur 7259004902 Panchenahalli Panchenahalli 7259004911 Beerur Beerur 7259004905 Sakre Patna Sakre Patna 7259004906 7259004910 Page 151 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District Taluka 7259004907 Yagati Yagati 7259004909 Hariharapura Hariharapura 7259004912 Megunda Jayapura 7259004915 Balur Jaavali 7259004880 Banakal Banakal 7259004916 Gonibeedu Gonibeedu 7259004917 Kalasa Kalasa 7259004918 Balehonnur Balehonnur 7259004920 Kigga Kigga 7259004923 Ajjampura Ajjampura 7259004924 Amruthapura Amruthapura 7259004925 Lakkavalli Lakkavalli 7259004927 Lingadhahalli Lingadhahalli 7259004928 Sivani Sivani 7259004929 Kokkada Kokkada 7259005012 Venoor Venoor 7259005013 Panemangalore Panemangalore 7259005018 Vitla Vitla 7259005021 Mangalore-B Hampanakatta,Mangalore 7259005024 Gurupura Gurupura 7259005026 Moolki Moolki 7259005028 Surathkal Surathkal 7259005029 Moodabidri Moodabidri 7259005030 Puttur Kadaba Kadaba 7259005031 08251-230238 Sullia, 08257230501 Uppinangadi Uppinangadi 7259005037 Panja Panja 7259005039 Ajekar Ajekar 7259005975 Byndoor Byndoor 7259005977 Wandse Wandse 7259005984 Brahmavar Brahmavar 7259005988 Kapu Kapu 7259005991 Mudigere 08263-220791 N.R.Pura, 08266220269 Sringeri, 08265250101 Tarikere 08261-222442 Belthangadi 0824- 08256-232092 Bantwal 08255-233137 Mangalore 0824-2423601 17 Udupi, 2528374, 2536240 Phone Number Singhatagere 08265-221217 Dakshina Kannada, 2523700, 2424003, 2440282 Location of RSK Singhatagere Koppa 16 Hobli 0820Karkala, 230260 08258- Kundapura 08254-230271 Udupi 0820-2523056 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 152 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No 18 District Dharwad Taluka 7259005993 Alnavar Alnavar 7259005151 Amminabhavi Amminabhavi 7259005156 Garag 7259005169 Chabbi Garag Chabbi pp Shiraguppi Shiraguppi 7259005187 Kalghatgi Dhummawad Dhummawad 7259005190 08370-284510 Kundgol, 08304290370 Navalgund, 08380-229103 Gadag, 08372238773 Mundargi, 08371262038 Naragund, 08377-265181 Ron, 08381267441 T.Honnihalli T.Honnihalli 7259005195 Saunshi Saunshi 7259005201 Annigeri Annigeri 7259005203 Betageri Betageri 7259005241 Dambal Dambal 7259005264 Konnur Konnur 7259005268 Holealur Holealur 7259005274 Naregal Naregal 7259005279 Lakshmeshwar Lakshmeshwar 7259005291 Kaginelli Kaginelli 7259005489 Guttal Guttal 7259005492 Karajigi Karajigi 7259005499 Akkialur Akkialur 7259005501 Bammanahalli Bommanahalli 7259005502 Hamsabhavi Hamsabhavi 7259005506 Rattihalli Rattihalli 7259005509 Ranebennur Kuppelur Kuppelur 7259005514 08373-267557 Savanur, 08378241752 Medleri Medleri 7259005518 Hattimattur Hattimattur 7259005527 Shiggaon Bankapur Bankapur 7259005535 Dhundasi Dhundasi 7259005536 Balale Balale 9591987548 Belikeri Belikeri 9591987550 Basgod Basgod 9591987553 Dharwad 0836-2447344 0836-2323051 20 08372- Haveri, 08375249021, 249020 Shirahatti, 08487262289 Byadgi, 08375228278 Haveri 08375-232593 Hanagal 08379-262534 Hirekerur 08376-282343 08378-255631 21 Uttara Phone Number Kota Hubli Gadag, 253443 Location of RSK Kota 0836-2447517 19 Hobli Ankola Kannada 08382-226367, VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT 08388-230336 7259005175 Page 153 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District 227377 Taluka Bhatkal, 223529 08284-220271 Honnavar 08387-220643 Karwar 08382-225939 Kumta 08386-222121 Phone Number Mavalli Mavalli 9591987527 Dandeli Dandeli 9591987555 Murakwad Murakwad 9591987560 Sambrani Sambrani 9591987564 Manki Manki 9591987568 Mavinakurve Haladipura 9591987567 Ghadsai Ghadsai 9591987570 Kinnar Kinnar 9591987572 Savantwada Chittakula 9591987573 Gokarna Gokarna 9591987574 Kujalli Kujalli 9591987577 Mirjan Mirjan 9591987582 Mundgod, 08301222186 Pala Pala 9591987590 Siddapur Kondli Kondli 9591987593 Umbalamane Heroor 9591987592 Banavasi Banavasi 9591987597 Hulekal Hulekal 9591987600 Sampakhand Janmane 9591987602 Joida Castle Rock Ramanagar 9591987608 08383-282732 Yellapur, 08419261174 Kumbarwada Kumbarwada 9591987609 Manchikeri Manchikeri 9591987613 Athani Anantpur Anantpur 7259004371 Kagwad Kagwad 7259004377 Telsang Telsang 7259004385 Kittur Kittur 7259004395 Nesargi Nesargi 7259004402 Hirebagewadi Hirebagewadi 7259004415 Kakati Kakati 7259004425 Uchagaon Uchagaon 7259004432 Nagaramunoli Nagaramunoli 7259004447 Nippani Nippani 7259004451 Sadalaga Sadalaga 7259004455 Arabhavi Arabhavi 7259004463 Koujalagi Koujalagi 7259004483 08389-230105 Sirsi 08384-226292 Belgaum Location of RSK 08385- Haliyal 22 Hobli 0831-2407232 08289-251374 Bailhongal 08288-236685 Belgaum 0831-2466645 Chikkodi 08338-272182 Gokak 08332-225184 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 154 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District Taluka Hukkeri 08333-265333 Khanapur 08336-222251 Sankeshwar 7259004497 Yamakanamardi Yamakanamardi 7259004503 Beedi Beedi 7259004508 Gunji Gunji 7259004511 7259004514 Kudachi Kudachi 7259004523 Ramdurga K.Chandargi K.Chandargi 7259004532 Katkol Katkol 7259004535 Mudakavi Mudakavi 7259004540 Manoli Manoli 7259004549 Murgod Murgod 7259004555 Yaragatti Yaragatti 7259004569 Hoovina Hippargi 7259004760 Kolhar Hoovina Hippargi Kolhar pp283106 Babaleshwar Babaleshwar 7259004766 Mamadapur Mamadapur 7259004768 Nagathan Nagathan 7259004770 Tikota Tikota 7259004772 Ballolli Ballolli 7259004774 Chadachan Chadachan 7259004776 Dhavalgi Dhavalgi 7259004780 Nalatwad Nalatwad 7259004781 Talikoti 7259004782 Almel Talikoti Almel pp Devarahippargi Devarahippargi 7259004786 Guledagudda Guledagudda 7259004145 Kerur Kerur 7259004149 Kulageri Kulageri Cross 7259004153 Bagalkote Kaladagi Kaladagi 7259004161 08354-234624 Bilgi, 08425275330 Sitamani Rampur 7259004166 Anagawadi Anagawadi 7259004170 Hungund Aminagad Aminagad 7259004181 Ilakal Ilakal 7259004187 Karadi Karadi 7259004190 Savalagi Savalagi 7259004193 B.Bagewadi 08352-250194 08358-244023 Bijapur 08352-250447 Indi 08359-225195 Muddebihal 08356-220079 Sindgi 08488-221122 Bagalkote Sankeshwar Jamboti 08330-223419 24 Phone Number Jamboti Saundatti Bijapur Location of RSK Raibagh, 08331225301 08335-242881 23 Hobli Badami 08354-236378 08357-220307 08351-260362 Jamkhandi VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT 7259004762 7259004784 Page 155 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No 25 District Raichur Taluka Phone Number Teradal Teradal 7259004199 Lokapur Lokapur 7259004212 Deodurg Arkera Arkera 7259005865 Gabbur Gabbur 7259005868 Jalahalli Jalahalli 7259005870 Guragunta Guragunta 7259005872 Maski Maski 7259005878 Mudagal Mudagal 7259005881 Pamankallur Pamankallur 7259005883 Halapur Halapur 7259005884 Hire-Kotnakal Hire-Kotnakal 7259005885 Kallur Kallur 7259005887 Kavital Kavital 7259005889 Kurdi Kurdi 7259005890 Mallet Mallet 7259005892 Sirwar Sirwar 7259005895 Chandrabanda Chandrabanda 7259005897 Deosugar Deosugar 7259005900 Gillesugar Gillesugar 7259005901 Kalmala 7259005902 Yeragera Kalmala Yeragera pp Badarli Badarli 7259005910 Balaganur Balaganur 7259005911 Gorebal Hanchlinal camp 7259005912 Gudadur Gudadur 7259005913 Gunjalli Gunjalli 7259005914 Hedaginhal Hedaginhal 7259005915 Huda Huda 7259005916 Jalihal Jalihal 7259005917 Jawalagera Jawalagera 7259005918 Kunnatgi Kunnatgi 7259005919 Salgunda Salgunda 7259005920 Turvihal 7259005922 Walkamdinni Turvihal Walkamdinni pp Hulihyder Hulihyder 7259005622 08531-260072 226021 Lingasugur 08537-257290 Manvi 08538-220393 Raichur 08532-231068 Sindhanur 08535-220069 Koppal Location of RSK 08353-220054 Mudhol, 08350280452 08532-226013 26 Hobli Gangavathi VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT 7259005908 7259005924 Page 156 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District Taluka 08539-220226 08533-230374 221633 Koppal 08539-222535 Kushtagi 08536-267016 Yelburga 08534-220468 27 Bellary Bellary 08392-276224 08392-270050 276053 Hadagali 08399-240368 H.B.Halli 08397-238207 Hospet 08394-231509 Kudligi 08391-220233 Sandur 08395-261052 Siriguppa 08396-220704 28 Gulbarga Afzalpur 08472-220990 VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT 08470-283029 Hobli Location of RSK Phone Number Kanakagiri Kanakagiri 7259005628 Karatagi Karatagi 7259005628 Marali Marali 7259005630 Nowli Nowli 7259005632 Siddapur Siddapur 7259005634 Venkatagiri Venkatagiri 7259005637 Alawandi Alawandi 7259005638 Hitnal Hulagi 7259005644 Irkalgada Irkalgada 7259005647 Hanamanal Hanamanal 7259005655 Hanamasagar Hanamasagar 7259005658 Tavaragera Tavaragera 7259005669 Hirewankalkunta Hirewankalkunta 7259005673 Kukanur Kukanur 7259005674 Mangalore Mangalore 7259005678 Kolur Kolur 7259004598 Kurugod Kurugod 7259004600 Moka Moka 7259004603 Rupanagudi Rupanagudi 7259004606 Hirehadagali Hirehadagali 7259004607 Itagi Itagi 7259004608 Hampasagar Hampasagar 7259004614 Kogali Kogali 7259004615 Thambrahalli Thambrahalli 7259004616 Kamalapur Kamalapur 7259004620 Kampli Kampli 7259004622 Mariyammanahalli Mariyammanahalli 7259004625 Gudekote Gudekote 7259004627 Hosahalli Hosahalli 7259004630 Kottur Kottur 7259004631 Chornur Chornur 7259004634 Toranagallu Toranagallu 7259004638 Hatcholli Hatcholli 7259004640 Karur Karur 7259004642 Tekkalakote Tekkalakote 7259004645 Atnoor Atnoor 7259005325 Karajagi Karajagi 7259005329 Page 157 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District Taluka Aland 08477-202518 Chincholi 08475-273022 Chitapur 08474-236253 Gulbarga 08472-221216 Jewargi 08442-236053 Sedam 08441-276279 29 Yadgir Shahapur 08479-243436 Shorapur 08443-256973 Yadgir 08473-252417 30 Bidar Aurad VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Hobli Location of RSK Phone Number Khajuri Khajuri 7259005332 Madan Hipparga Madan Hipparga 7259005336 Narona Narona 7259005340 Nimbarga Nimbarga 7259005341 Ainapur Chimmanchod 7259005344 Kodli Kodli 7259005351 Sulepeth Sulepeth 7259005354 Gundagurthi Madabal 7259005357 Kalgi Kalgi 7259005359 Nalwar Nalwar 7259005362 Shahabad Shahabad 7259005364 Awarad Awarad 7259005369 Farahatabad Farahatabad 7259005373 Kamalapur Kamalapur 7259005376 Mahagaon Mahagaon 7259005379 Pattan Pattan 7259005382 Andola Andola 7259005385 Ijeri Ijeri 7259005387 Nelogi Nelogi 7259005394 Yadrami Yadrami 7259005398 Adaki Adaki 7259005400 Kodla Kodla 7259005319 Mudhol Mudhol 7259005401 Doranahalli Doranahalli 9591987626 Gogi Gogi 9591987629 Hayyal (B) Hayyal (B) 9591987631 Wadagera Wadagera 9591987636 Hunasagi Hunasagi 9591987637 Kakkera Kakkera 9591987640 Kembhavi Kembhavi 9591987642 Kodekal Kodekal 9591987644 Balichakra Balichakra 9591987650 Gurumitkal Gurumitkal 9591987652 Hattikuni Hattikuni 9591987653 Konkal Konkal 9591987656 Saidapur Saidapur 9591987659 Chintaki Chintaki 7259004657 Page 158 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking No District Taluka 08482-233138 08485-280075 Basavakalyan 08481-250526 Bhalki 08484-262447 Bidar 08482-227680 Humnabad 08483-270555 1.2. Hobli Location of RSK Phone Number Dabka (C) Dabka (C) 7259004659 Kamalnagar Kamalnagar 7259004661 Santhpur Santhpur 7259004664 T.Kushnoor T.Kushnoor 7259004666 Hulsoor Hulsoor 7259004670 Kohinoor Kohinoor 7259004674 Manthala Manthala 7259004675 Mudbi Mudbi 7259004680 Rajeshwar Rajeshwar 7259004682 Halbarga Halbarga 7259004691 K.Chincholi K.Chincholi 7259004696 Lakhangaon Lakhangaon 7259004698 Nittur Nittur 7259004700 Saigaon Saigaon 7259004703 Bagdal Bagdal 7259004704 Bidar-N Bidar 7259004708 Janwada Janwada 7259004715 Kamthana Kamthana 7259004718 Manhalli Manhalli 7259004722 Bemalkhed Bemalkhed 7259004726 Chitaguppa Chitaguppa 7259004729 Dubalgundi Dubalgundi 7259004730 Hallikhed (B) Hallikhed (B) 7259004733 Nirna Nirna 7259004655 Kasaba RSKs There are in all 176 Kasaba RSKs which are located in every taluk. The contact person for Kasaba RSK would be the Agriculture Office or the Assistant Agriculture Officer, DoA. Sl. No 1 District Kasaba RSK Address Phone Mobile No. RSK Bagalkote Raitha Samparka Kendra, Krishika Samaja Building, Near APMC Yard, Muskandi Road, Navnagar, Bagalkote District. 7259004157 RSK Badami Raitha Samparka Kendra, Near TAPCMS Premises, Badami, Bagalkote 7259004141 Bagalkote VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT No./ Page 159 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No District Kasaba RSK Phone Mobile No. Address No./ District. RSK Bilgi RSK Mudhol RSK Hungund RSK Jamkhandi 2 Bangalore(R) RSK. Devanahalli RSK. Doddaballapu ra RSK. Hosakote RSK. Nelamangala 3 Bangalore(U) RSK Bangalore North RSK Anekal RSK Bangalore East 4 Belgaum VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Raitha Samparka Kendra, near Taluka Adalitha Bhavana, Behind ADA office, Bilgi, Bagalkote District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA office premises, Mudhol, Bagalkote District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Opp to court, Bagalkote Road, Hungund, Bagalkote District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA office premises, Jamkhandi, Bagalkote District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, NH -7, adjacent to Taluka Panchayath, Opposite to Thasildhar Office, Devanahalli. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, "D" Cross, Doddaballapura. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Premises, Hoskote. Raitha Samparka Kendra, TAPCMS Building, Behind Private Bustand, Nelamangala. Raita Samparka Kendra, Bangalore North Taluk , Yashodha Nagara, (Opp Jakkur Aerodrum), Near GKVK Hebbal , Bangalore-560064. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Premises, Maruthi Badavane, Anekal Taluk, Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building,Bangalore East Taluk, Bbmp Building, Krishnarajapuram, Santhe Mydhana Bangalore-560 036. 7259004176 7259004217 7259004184 7259004193 7259004244 7259004247 7259004262 7259004271 7259004309 7259004115 7259004331 RSK Kaglipura Raitha Samparka Kendra,Kanakapura Main Road, Kaglipura.South Taluk 7259004325 RSK Belgaum Raita samparka kendra, Office Galli, Belgaum 7259004409 RSK Athani Raitha Samparka Kendra, Satti Road, Adjacent to ADA Office, Athani. Shapur 7259004365 Page 160 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No District Kasaba RSK Address Phone Mobile No. RSK Bylahongal Raitha Samparka Kendra, Adjacent to ADA Office, Bhlahongala 7259004390 RSK Chikkodi Raitha Samparka Market Chikkodi. 7259004440 RSK Gokak Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Gokak 7259004475 RSK Hukkeri Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Hukkeri. 7259004490 RSK Khanapur Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building Janbodi Cross, Khanapur 7259004518 RSK Ramdurga Raitha Samparka Kendra, Sureban at post, Ramdurga. 7259004545 RSK Raibagh Raitha Samparka Kendra, Office Building, Raibagh 7259004528 RSK Soundatti 5 6 Bellary Bidar VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT RSK Bellary RSK Hagaribomma nahalli RSK Hospet RSK Hadagali RSK Kudligi RSK Sandur RSK Sirguppa RSK Bidar Kendra, Near ADA Raitha Samparka Kendra, Bylahongala Road, Seed Farm Premises, Soundatti Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Taluka Office compound, Bellary District. Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Hagaribommanahalli Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, APMC Compound,Hospet Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Hadagali Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Kudligi Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Sandur Raita Samparka Kendra, Taluka Office Compound , Siriguppa Raita Samparka Kendra, Bidar (North), Bidar No./ 7259004562 7259004595 7259004611 7259004617 7259004607 7259004633 7259004636 7259004643 7259004708 RSK Bidar Raita Samparka Kendra, Bidar (South), Bidar 7259004712 RSK Basavakalyan Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Basavkalyan 7259004670 RSK Bhalki Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Bhalki 7259004684 Page 161 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 7 8 District Bijapur Chamrajanagar Kasaba RSK Address Phone Mobile No. RSK Humnabad Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, humnabad 7259004738 RSK Aurad Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Aurad 7259004657 RSK Bijapur Raitha Samparka kendra, Near Gagan Mahal, Soil Conservation Training Centre, Near DC Office, Bijapur District 7259004764 RSK Basavana Bagewadi Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building,B. Bagewadi RSK Indi Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Indi 7259004777 RSK Muddebihal Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Muddebihal 7259004780 RSK Sindhagi Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Sindhagi 7259004788 RSK Chamrajnagar RSK Gundlupet RSK Kollegal RSK Yelandur 9 Chickballapur RSK Chikballapur RSK Bagepalli RSK Chintamani RSK Gudibande RSK Gowribidanur RSK Shidlaghatta VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Raitha Samparka kendra, B. Rachaiah Jodi Road, Behind ADA Office, Chamrajnagar Raitha Samparka Kendra, Adjacent to ADA Office, Next to Taluk Office Gundlupet, Chamrajnagar. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Adjacent to ADA Office, Opposite to Taluk Office, Kollegal, Chamrajnagar District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Balepet, Next to KEB Office Yelandur, Chamrajnagar District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA OFFICE Premises, Behind AC office, Chikballapur Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA office premises, Bagepalli Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA office premises, Chintamani Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA office premises, Gudibande Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA office premises, Gowribidnur Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA office premises, Shidlaghatta No./ 7259004759 7259004803 7259004812 7259004818 7259004827 7259004848 7259004837 7259004842 7259004847 7259004855 7259004867 Page 162 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 10 11 District Kasaba RSK Chickmagalur RSK Chikmagalur Chitradurga Dakshina Kannada RSK Koppa RSK Kadur RSK Mudigere Raitha Samparka Kendra, near Taluka Office, Mudigere, Chikmagalur District 7259004919 RSK Narasimharaja pura Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Narasimharajpura, Chikmagalur District 7259004922 RSK Shringeri Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Shringeri, Chikmagalur District 7259004923 RSK Tarikere Raitha Samparka Kendra, near Taluka Office, Tarikere, Chikmagalur District 7259004930 RSK Chitradurga Raitha samparka kendra, RNC yard , Near APMC, Chitrdurga 7259004959 RSK Challakere Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Challakere, Chitradurga District 7259004948 RSK Hiriyur Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Challakere Road, Hiriyur 7259004971 RSK Hosdurga Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Hosadurga, Chitradurga District. 7259004988 RSK Holalkere Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Holalkere, Chitradurga. 7259004982 RSK Mangalore RSK Bantwal RSK Belthangadi VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Phone Mobile No. Raitha Samparka Kendra, TAPCMS Building, Hanumanthappa Circle, Chickmagalur-577101 Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Balagudi, Koppa Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA office Building, Kadur RSK Molakalmuru 12 Address Raitha Samparka Kendra, B.C. Layout, Molakalmuru, ADA Office Compound, Chitradurga District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Behind Taluk Panchayat Office, Mangalore D.K. District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Mangalore D.K. District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Opposite, Mangalore D.K. District. No./ 7259004891 7259004913 7259004904 7259004998 7259005023 7259005015 7259005010 Page 163 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No District Kasaba RSK RSK Puttur RSK Sulya 13 14 Davanagere Dharwad Gadag 7259005041 7259005077 RSK Jagalur Raitha samparka kendra, ADA Office Building, Jagalur, Davanagere 7259005125 RSK Harihara Raitha samparka kendra, ADA Office Building, Harihara, Davanagere 7259005084 RSK Chennagiri Raitha samparka kendra, ADA Office Building, Channagiri, Davanagere 7259005068 RSK Honnali Raitha samparka kendra, ADA Office Building, Honnali, Davanagere 7259005115 RSK Harapanahalli RSK Dharwad Raitha samparka kendra, ADA Office Building, Harapanahalli, Davanagere Raitha Samparka Kendra, P.B. Road,Belgaum Road, Dharwad Raitha Samparka Kendra, APMC Premises, Amargola, navnagara, hubli, Dharwad District 7259005102 7259005162 7259005179 RSK Kalghatgi Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kalaghatagi, Dharwad District. 7259005193 RSK Kundagol Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kundagol Taluk, Dharwad District. 7259005197 RSK Navalgund Raitha Samparka Kendra, Morab Taluk Navalgund, Dharwad District. 7259005203 RSK Gadag Raitha Samparka Kendra, AO Office, Betageri, APMC Yard, Near SBI Bank, Gadag District 7259005253 RSK Mundargi Raitha Samparka Kendra, Near APMC, Mundargi, Gadag District 7259005266 RSK Ron Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Nargund Taluk, Gadag District Raitha Samparka Kendra, Veerabhadreshwara Temple Compound, Rona, Gadag District No./ 7259005034 Raitha samparka kendra, APMC Yard, RMC Road, Davanagere RSK Nargund VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kumbara Co-operative Society Building, Near A.C. Office, Mangalore D.K. District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Sulya Taluk, Dakshina Kannada District. Phone Mobile No. RSK Davangere RSK Hubli 15 Address 7259005271 7259005285 Page 164 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 16 District Gulbarga Kasaba RSK Address Phone Mobile No. RSK Shirahatti Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Shirahatti, Gadag District 7259005296 RSK Gulbarga Raitha Samparka Kendra, Behind Old S.B. Office Gulbarga. 7259005374 RSK Afzalpur RSK Aland RSK Chincholi RSK Chittapur RSK Jevargi Hassan RSK Belur RSK Chennarayapa tna Raitha Samparka Kendra, Jwala Mala Cable Opposite, Agrahara Street, Channarayapatna, Hassan District. RSK Hassan RSK Alur RSK Arakalgud RSK Arasikere RSK Holenarasipur RSK Sakaleshpur VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Bangalore Road, Jeevargi Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building,near Taluk Panchayat Offic e, Main Road, SEDAM Raitha Samparka Kendra, Santepet, opp to municipal office, Hassan District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, TAPCMS Ground floor B.G. Road, Alur, Hassan District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, DATC Hall, Fort Road, Arakalgud, Hassan District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Railway Station Road, Arasikere, Hassan District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Temple Road, Belur, Hassan District. RSK Sedanm 17 Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office compound,near BEO office, Main road, Afzalpur Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building,Darga Road, Aland Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, near Seed Farm, Chandapur, Chncholi Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building,near Taluk Panchayat Office Chittapur Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building Mysore Road, Holenarasipur, Hassan District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, B.M. Road, Sakaleshpur, Hassan District. No./ 7259005321 7259005332 7259005347 7259005356 7259005391 7259005402 7259005455 7259005424 7259005428 7259005435 7259005444 7259005449 7259005465 7259005469 Page 165 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 18 District Kasaba RSK Haveri RSK Haveri RSK Ranebennur 20 Kolar RSK Savanur Raitha Samparka Kendra, Karadagi Road, Savanur Taluk, Haveri District. 7259005533 RSK Madikeri Raitha Samparka Kendra, New Extension Road, Race Course Road , Madikeri 7259005547 RSK Somavarpet Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Somavarpet, Kodagu District. 7259005557 RSK Virajpet Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Virajpet, Kodagu District 7259005558 RSK Kolar Raitha Samparka Kendra, D.C. Office Hall, Kolar District Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Vivekanandanagara, Bangarpet, Kolar District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Behind Taluk Office, Malur, Kolar District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Tyagaraja Colony, Mulbagal, Kolar District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Srinivaspur, Kolar District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, District Administrative Building, ADA Office Compound, Hospet Road, Koppal District. RSK Mulbagal RSK Srinivaspur Koppal VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT 7259005504 Raitha Samparka Kendra, APMC, Byadgi, Haveri District. RSK Malur RSK Koppal Near 7259005537 RSK Byadgi RSK Bangarpet 21 7259005523 7259005508 Raitha Samparka Kendra, Near Shiggoan Bus Stand, Shiggoan, Haveri District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Near Taluk Panchayat, Hangal Taluk, Haveri District. No./ 7259005494 Raitha Samparka Kendra, Hirekerur Taluk, Haveri District. RSK Hangal Kodagu Raitha Samparka Kendra, Near Maghavi Petrol Bunk, Behind ADA Office Haveri District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Bambu Bajar, P.B. Road, Ranebennur Taluk, Haveri District. RSK Hirekerur RSK Shiggaon 19 Phone Mobile No. Address 7259005486 7259005585 7259005575 7259005591 7259005600 7259005651 Page 166 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No District Kasaba RSK RSK Mandya Raith Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound Gangavathi Taluk, Koppal District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Yelburga, Koppal District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Kushtagi Taluk, Koppal District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, RAPCMS Building, Mandya District. RSK K R Pet Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, K.R. Pet, Mandya District. RSK Maddur RSK Malavalli RSK Nagamangala RSK Pandavapura RSK Srirangapatna Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Maddur Taluk, Mandya District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Malavalli Taluk, Mandya District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Nagamangala, Mandya District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Pandavapura, Mandya District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Srirangapatna Taluk, Mandya District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Palace Building/Public Office building, Next to ADA Office Mysore District RSK Gangavathi RSK Yelburga RSK Kushtagi 22 23 Mandya Mysore RSK Mysore RSK Heggada Devana Kote RSK Hunsur RSK K.R. Nagar RSK Nanjangud RSK Periyapatna RSK T. Narasipura 24 Raichur VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Address RSK Raichur Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, H.D.Kote, Mysore Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Hunsur, Mysore District Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, K.R. Nagar, Mysore District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Nanjangud Taluk, Mysore District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Periyapatna, Mysore District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, T.Narasipura, Mysore District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba Hobli, Near Court Complex, JDA Office Building, Raichur District. Phone Mobile No. No./ 7259005620 7259005680 7259005664 7259005738 7259005705 7259005720 7259005728 7259005748 7259005752 7259005757 7259005810 7259005777 7259005793 7259005798 7259005828 7259005834 7259005846 7259005904 Page 167 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No District Kasaba RSK RSK Devdurg RSK Lingasugur RSK Manvi RSK Sindanur 25 Ramanagar RSK Ramnagra RSK Channapatna RSK Kanakapura RSK Magadi 26 Shimoga RSK Shimoga-I RSK Shimoga –II RSK Bhadravathi RSK Hosanagara RSK Sagar RSK Shikaripur RSK Soraba RSK Tirthahalli VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Address Raitha Samparka Kendra, Near Gowram Pet I.B, Devadurga, Raichur District Raitha Samparka Kendra, Near Lingasagur Clock block, Lingasaguru, Raichur District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Near APMC Yard, Manvi, Raichur District Raitha Samparka Kendra, Opposite Housing Board Colony, Near Seeds Corporation, Sindhanur, Raichur District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Behind Mini Vidhana Soudha, Aijuru, Ramanagar District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Near Tahasheeldar Office, Channapatna Taluk, Ramnagar District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Near Kanaka nagar, Kanakapura Taluk, Ramnagar District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Magadi Taluk, Ramanagara District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, O.T.Road, JDA Compound, Shimoga District Raitha Samparka Kendra, O.T.Road, JDA Compound, Shimoga District Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Bhadravathi Taluk, Shimoga District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Hosanagara Taluk, Shimoga District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Sagar Taluk, Shimoga District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Shikaripur Taluk, Shimoga District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Soraba Taluk, Shimoga District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Compound, Tirthahalli Taluk, Shimoga District. Phone Mobile No. No./ 7259005866 7259005875 7259005894 7259005921 7259005952 7259005954 7259005959 7259005939 9591987376 9591987380 9591987320 9591987328 9591987344 9591987357 9591987389 9591987396 Page 168 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 27 District Kasaba RSK Address Phone Mobile No. Tumkur RSK Tumkur Raitha Samparka Kendra, Near Court Compound, Kasaba Hobli, Tumkur District. 9591987510 Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Chickanayakanahalli, Tumkur District. 9591987420 RSK Chikkanayaka nahalli RSK Gubbi RSK Koratagere RSK Kunigal RSK Madhugiri RSK Pavagada 28 Udupi RSK Sira RSK Tiptur RSK Turuvekere RSK Udupi RSK Karkala RSK Kundapura 29 Uttarakannada RSK Karwar RSK Ankola RSK Bhatkal RSK Siddapur RSK Haliyal RSK Honnavar VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Gubbi, Tumkur District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Koratagere, Tumkur District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Kunigal, Tumkur District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Madhugiri, Tumkur District. C/o ADA office, Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Pavagada, Tumkur District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Sira, Tumkur District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Tiptur, Tumkur District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Kasaba, Turuvekere, Tumkur District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Malpe Beach Road, Udupi District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Opposite Taluk Office, Near ADA Office, Karkala, Udupi District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Opposite Pravasi Mandira Kundapur Taluk, Udupi District Raita Samparka Kendra, Bada, Behind JDA Office, Karwara, Uttarakannada District. Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Ankola, Uttarakannada District. Raita Samparka Kendra, Susagadi, Bhatkal Taluk, Uttara Kannada District. Raita Samparka Kendra,Kondli, Siddapura, Uttarakannada District. Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Haliyal. Uttarakannada District. Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Honnavar, Uttarakannada No./ 9591987438 9591987455 9591987461 9591987469 9591987477 9591987488 9591987496 9591987523 7259005998 7259005975 7259005981 9591987572 9591987545 9591987592 9591987557 9591987567 Page 169 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No District Kasaba RSK Phone Mobile No. Address No./ District. RSK Joida RSK Kumta RSK Mundgod RSK Sirsi RSK Yellapur 30 1.3. Yadgir RSK Yadgir RSK Shahpur RSK Surpur Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Joida, Uttarakannada District. Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Kumta, Uttarakannada District. Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Mundagod, Uttarakannada District. Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Sirsi, Uttarakannada District. Raita Samparka Kendra, ADA Office Building, Yellapur, Uttarakannada District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Premises, Yadgir Raitha Samparka Kendra, ADA Premises, yadgir Road, Shahpur Raitha Samparka Kendra, Police stationr Road, Surpur 9591987611 9591987579 9591987586 9591987605 9591987615 9591987660 9591987633 9591987648 Taluk ADA offices There are in all 176 Taluk ADA offices and the contact person for Taluk ADA office would be the Assistant Director, DoA. Sl. No Taluk ADA office Phone No./ Mobile No. Address ADA Bagalkote ADA Badami ADA Bilgi ADA Mudhol Assistant Director of Agriculture, roop land, vidyagiri, near vijaya karnataka press, Bagalkote Assistant Director of Agriculture,Near TAPCMS Premises, Badami, Bagalkote District Assistant Director of Agriculture, near Taluka Adalitha Bhavana, Bilgi, Bagalkote District. Assistant Director of Agriculture,Mudhol, Bagalkot District 08354-233724, 7259004130 08357-220307, 7259004132 08425-275330, 7259004133 08350-280452, 7259004135 5. ADA Hungund Assistant Director Bagalkot District Hungund, 08351-260362, 7259004137 6. ADA Jamkhandi Assistant Director of Agriculture, Jamkhandi, Bagalkot District 7. ADA Devanahalli Office of the Assistant Director of Agriculture, NH -7, adjacent to Taluka Panchayath, Opposite to 08353-220054, 7259004139 7682383/ 1. 2. 3. 4. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT of Agriculture, 7259004233 Page 170 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No Taluk ADA office 8. ADA Doddaballapura 9. ADA Hosakote 10. ADA Nelamangala Phone No./ Mobile No. Address Thasildhar Office, Devanahalli. Office of the Assistant Director of Agriculture, Near DYSP Police Department, "D" Cross, Doddaballapura. Office of the Assistant Director of Agriculture, Sulibele Main Road, Near Channabyregowda stadium, Hosakote. Office of the Assistant Director of Agriculture, Lohith nagar, Nelamangala. Office of Assistant Director of Agriculture Bangalore North Taluk , Yashodha Nagara, (Opp Jakkur Aerodrum), Near Gkvk Hebbal, Bangalore-560064. Office of Assistant Director Of Agriculture Saraswati Vidya Mandir School, Maruthi Badavane, Anekal Taluk, Office of Assistant Director Of Agriculture Bangalore East Taluk, Bbmp Building, Krishnarajapuram, Santhe Mydhana Bangalore560 036. Office of Assistant Director Of Agriculture Bangalore South Taluk, S.Kariyappa Road, Kanakapura Main Road, Krishi Sankeerna, Banashankari, Bangalore-70. 7622158/ 7259004236 7931235/ 7259004238 7722168/ 7259004239 080-28461675 11. ADA Bangalore North 12. ADA Anekal 13. ADA Bangalore East 14. ADA Bangalore South 15. ADA Belgavi Assistant Director of Kacheri Galli,Shahapur, Belgavi. Agriculture, 0831-2466645 16. ADA Athani Assistant Director Satti Road, Athani Agriculture, 7259004344 08289-251374 17. ADA Bylahongal Assistant Director of Agriculture, Main Road, Near BEO office, Bailhongal. 18. ADA Chikkodi Assistant Director Indira nagar, Chikkodi. 19. ADA Gokak Assistant Director of Agriculture, Ashraya Extn, Back side of KPTCL office, Gokak. 20. ADA Hukkeri Assistant Director Belgavi Road, Hukkeri. 21. ADA Khanapur Assistant Director cross,Khanapur. 22. ADA Ramdurg Assistant Director of Agriculture, Bembalagi Collage Campas, near Court, Ramdurg. 23. ADA, Raibagh Assistant Director Station Road, Raibag. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT of of of of Agriculture, Agriculture, Agriculture, of Jamboti Agriculture, 7259004300 080-7859280 7259004302 080-25617587 7259004303 080-26712793 7259004304 7259004346 08288-236685 7259004348 08338-272182 7259004350 08332-225184 7259004352 08333-265333 7259004355 08336-222251 7259004357 08335-242881 7259004359 08331-225301 7259004361 Page 171 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No Taluk ADA office Address 24. ADA, Soundatti Assistant Director Darwar Road,Soundatti 25. ADA. Bellary Assistant Director of Agriculture, Bellary Taluk, Bellary District 26. ADA, Hagaribommanahalli Assistant Director of Agriculture, H B halli Taluk, Bellary District 27. ADA Hospet Assistant Director of Agriculture, Hospet Taluk, Bellary District 28. ADA Hadagali Assistant Director of Agriculture, Hadagali Taluk, Bellary District 29. ADA Kudligi Assistant Director of Agriculture, Kudligi Taluk, Bellary District 30. ADA Sandur Assistant Director of Agriculture, Sandur Taluk, Bellary District. 31. ADA Sirguppa Assistant Director of Agriculture, Sirguppa Taluk, Bellary District 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. ADA Bidar ADA Basavakalyan ADA Bhalki ADA Humnabad ADA Aurad ADA Bijapur ADA Basavana Bagewadi ADA Indi ADA Muddebihal ADA Sindhagi ADA Chamarajanagara ADA Gundlupet of Agriculture, Assistant Director of Agriculture, Bidar Assistant Director of Agriculture, B.kalyan District Bidar Assistant Director of Agriculture, Bhalki District Bidar Assistant Director of Agriculture, Humnabad District Bidar Assistant Director of Agriculture, Aurad District Bidar Assistant Directorof Agriculture, DC Office Building, Bijapur Assistant Directorof Agriculture, Basavana Bagewadi, Bijapur District. Assistant Directorof Agriculture, Indi, Bijapur District. Assistant Directorof Agriculture,Muncipalti Building Opposite, Muddebihal, Bijapur District. Assistant Directorof Agriculture, Almel Road, Sindhagi, Bijapur District. Assistant Dircector Agriculture , Chamarajanagar Assistant Dircector Agriculture, Gundlupet 44. ADA, Kollegal Assistant Dircector Agriculture, Kollegal 45. ADA, Yelandur Assistant Dircector Agriculture, Yelandur VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Phone No./ Mobile No. 08330-223419 7259004363 08392-270050, 7259004587 08397-238207, 7259004588 08394-231509, 7259004589 08399-240368, 7259004591 08391-220233, 7259004592 0839-261052, 7259004593 08396-220704, 7259004594 08482-227680 7259004652 08481-250523 7259004653 08484-262447 7259004654 08483-270555 7259004655 08485-280075 7259004656 08352-250194 7259004750 7259004752 7259004754 08356-220079, 7259004756 08488-21122 7259004757 08226-222271 7259004796 08229-222270 7259004798 08224-253130 7259004800 08226-240013 Page 172 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 46. 47. 48. 49. Taluk ADA office ADA Chikkaballapur ADA Bagepalli ADA Chintamani ADA Gudibande 50. ADA Gowribidanur 51. ADA Shidlaghatta 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. ADA Chikmagalur ADA Koppa ADA Kadur ADA Mudigere ADA Narasimharajapura ADA Shringeri ADA Tarikere ADA Chitradurga Address O/o Assistant Director of Agriculture, Behind A.C.Office, Chikkaballapura -562101 O/o Assistant Director of Agriculture, Goolur Road, Bagepalli-561207 O/o Assistant Director of Agriculture,Anjani Extension, Tankbund Road, Chintamani-563125 O/o Assistant Director of Agriculture, Near I.B., Gudibande-561209 O/o Assistant Director of Agriculture,Taluk Panchayet Office,Compound , Gowribidnur561208 O/o Assistant Director of Agriculture c/o Anwarsab Building, behind Town Police station, Sidlaghatta-562105 Assistant Dircector Agriculture, Chikmagalur Assistant Dircector Agriculture, Koppa Assistant Dircector Agriculture, Kadur Assistant Dircector Agriculture, Mudigere Assistant Dircector Agriculture, Narasimharajapura Assistant Dircector Agriculture, Shringeri Assistant Dircector Agriculture, Tarikere Assistant Director of Agriculture Office, APMC Yard, Chitrdurga ADA Challakere Assistant Diretor Chitradurga ADA Hiriyur ADA Hosdurga ADA Holalkere ADA Molakalmuru Assistant Director of Agriculture, Hiriyur Chitradurga. Assistant Director of Agriculture, Hosadurga, Chitradurga District. Assistant Director of Agriculture, Holalkere, Chitradurga District. Assistant Director of Agriculture, Molakalmuru, Chitradurga District. P.W.D.Building, IInd Floor, Opp.Nehru Maidan, Mangalore-575001 D.K.District. B.C.Road, Bantwal Taluk, 65. ADA Mangalore 66. ADA VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT of Agriculture, Challakere, Phone No./ Mobile No. 7259004802 08156-272307 7259004831 08150-282157 7259004832 08154-251579 7259004833 08156-261331 7259004834 08155-284863 7259004835 08158-256798 7259004836 08262 - 220138 7259004875 08265 - 221217 7259004877 08267 - 221423 7259004878 08263 - 220791 7259004880 08266 - 220269 7259004882 08265 - 250101 7259004884 08261 - 222442 7259004886 958194-222602, 7259004938 9585195250205, 7259004940 08193-227294, 7259004942 958199-230446, 7259004944 958191-275341, 7259004945 958198-229141, 7259004946 0824-2423601 7259005005 08255-233137 Page 173 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. Taluk ADA office Bantwal ADA Belthangadi ADA Puttur ADA Sulya ADA Davanagere ADA Jagalur ADA Harihara ADA Chennagiri ADA Honnali ADA Harapanahalli Ada Dharwad ADA Hubli ADA Kalghatgi ADA Kundgol ADA Navalgund ADA Gadag ADA Mundargi ADA Nargund ADA Ron ADA Shirahatti ADA Gulbarga ADA Afzalpur ADA Aland VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Address D.K.District. Belthangady Taluk, D.K.District. Darbe, Puttur Taluk, D.K.District. Raitha Samparka Kendra, Sullia Taluk, D.K.District. Assistant Director of Agriculture Office, APMC yard , Davanagere Assistant Director of Agriculture Office,Jagaluru, Davanagere (Dt) Assistant Director of Agriculture Office,Harihara, Davanagere (Dt) Assistant Director of Agriculture Office,Channnagiri, Davanagere (Dt) Assistant Director of Agriculture Office,Honnali, Davanagere (Dt) Assistant Director of Agriculture Office,Harapanahalli, Davanagere (Dt) Assistant Director of Agriculture Belgaum Road, Gtc Compound, Dharwad. Assistant Director of Agriculture, Navnagar, Hubli. Assistant Director of Agriculture, Kalghatagi, Dharwad District. Assistant Director of Agriculture, APMR Compound, Near Railway Station, Kundagol Assistant Director of Agriculture, Near Tahasheeldar Office, Navalgund, Dharwad District. Assistant Director of Agriculture, Gadag Assistant Director of Agriculture, Mundargi Assistant Director of Agriculture, Nargund Assistant Director of Agriculture, Ron Assistant Director of Agriculture, Shirahatti Assistant Director of Agriculture, Gulbarga Assistant Director of Agriculture, Afzalpur Assistant Director of Agriculture, Aland Phone No./ Mobile No. 7259005006 08256-232092 7259005007 08251-230238 7259005008 08257-230501 7259005009 08192-250084, 7259005051 08196-227152, 7259005053 08192-242170, 7259005055 08189-228260, 7259005057 08188-251387, 7259005059 08398-280435, 7259005061 0836-2447344, 7259005142 0836-2323051, 7259005144 08370-284510, 7259005146 7259005148 08304- 290370 7259005149, 08380-229103 95372-238773 7259005231 95371-282038 7259005233 95377-265181 7259005235 958381-267441 7259005237 958487-242289 7259005239 08472-278650/ 7259005306 08470-283029/ 7259005309 08477-202518/ 7259005311 Page 174 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 89. 90. Taluk ADA office ADA Chincholi ADA Chittapur 91. ADA Jevargi 92. ADA Sedam 93. ADA Hassan 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. ADA Alur ADA Arakalgud ADA Arasikere ADA Belur ADA Chennarayapatna ADA Holenarasipur ADA Sakaleshpur ADA Haveri ADA Ranebennur ADA Hirekerur ADA Savanur ADA Shiggaon ADA Hangal ADA Byadgi ADA Madikeri ADA Somvarpet ADA Virajpet VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Address Assistant Director of Agriculture, near Mini Vidhana Soudha, Chandapur, Chincholi Assistant Director of Agriculture, near Taluk Panchayat Office Chittapur Samad Patel, ADA Assistant Director of Agriculture Bangalore Road, Jewargi Assistant Director of Agriculture, near Taluk Panchayat Offic e, Main Road, Sedam Assistant Director of Agriculture Santepet, opp to municipal office, Hassan573201 Assistant Director of Agriculture Alur-573213 Assistant Director of Agriculture Arkalgudu- 573102 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Railway Station Road, Arsikere-573103 Assistant Director of Agriculture Belur- 573115 Assistant Director of Agriculture Chennarayapatna, Hassan District-573116 Assistant Director of Agriculture Holenarasipura- 573211 Assistant Director of Agriculture Sakaleshpur- 573134 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Haveri Assistant Director of Agriculture, Ranebennur Assistant Director of Agriculture, Hirekerur Assistant Director of Agriculture, Savanur Assistant Director of Agriculture, Shiggoan Assistant Director of Agriculture, Hangal Assistant Director of Agriculture, Byadgi Assistant Director of Agriculture, New Extension Road, Race Course Road , Madikeri Assistant Director of Agriculture, Somwarpet , Kodagu District. Assistant Director of Agriculture, Virajpet, Kodagu District. Phone No./ Mobile No. 08475-273022/ 7259005313 7259005315/ 08474-236253 08442-236053/ 7259005317 08441-276279/ 7259005319 08172-269288 7259005414 08170-218255 7259005416 08175-220214 7259005417 08174-232782 7259005418 08177-222318 7259005420 08176-252263 7259005421 08175-273231 7259005422 08173-244117 7259005423 7259005478 08375-232593 08373-267557 7259005479 7259005481 08376-282343 08378-241752 7259005482 7259005483 08378-255631 7259005484 08379-262534 7259005485 08375-228278 08272-228672 , 7259005543 08276-282207 / 7259005544 08247-257759 / 7259005545 Page 175 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. Taluk ADA office ADA Kolar ADA Bangarpet ADA Malur ADA Mulbagal ADA Srinivaspur ADA Koppal ADA Gangavathi ADA Yelburga ADA Kushtagi ADA Mandya ADA KR Pet ADA Maddur ADA Malavalli ADA Nagamangala ADA Pandavapura ADA Srirangapatna ADA Mysore ADA Heggadadevanakote ADA Hunsur ADA K.R. Nagar ADA Nanjangud ADA Periyapatna ADA T. Narasipura VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Address Assistant Director of Agriculture, D.C. Office Premises, Kolar District Assistant Director of Agriculture, Veeranna Complex, Bajar Street, Bangarpet, Kolar District. Assistant Director of Agriculture, Behind Taluk Office, Malur Taluk, Kolar District. Assistant Director of Agriculture, Tyagaraja Colony, Mulbagal, Kolar District Assistant Director of Agriculture, Srinivasapur Taluk, Kolar District. Assistant Director of Agriculture Koppal District, Koppal. Assistant Director of Agriculture Gangavathi Taluk, Koppal District, Assistant Director of Agriculture, Yelburga, Koppal District. Assistant Director of Agriculture, Kuhtagi Koppal District. Assistant Director of Agriculture Near P.E.S. Law College, Mandya. Assistant Director of Agriculture K.R.Pete. Assistant Director of Agriculture BangaloreMysore Main Road, Maddur. Assistant Director of Agriculture Malavalli. Assistant Director of Agriculture Narasegowda Building, Nagamagala. Assistant Director of Agriculture Panadavapura. Assistant Director of Agriculture Srirangapatna. O/o the Assistant Director of Agriculture, Public Office building, Mysore O/o the Assistant Director of Agriculture, H.D.Kote O/o the Assistant Director of Agriculture, Hunsur O/o the Assistant K.R.Nagar O/o the Assistant Nanjangud O/o the Assistant Periyapatna O/o the Assistant T.Narasipura Director of Agriculture, Director of Agriculture, Director of Agriculture, Director of Agriculture, Phone No./ Mobile No. 08152-222048, 7259005570 7259005571 7259005572 7259005573 7259005574 08539-222535 7259005614 08533-230374 7259005616 08534-220468 7259005617 08536-267016 7259005619 08232-224127, 7259005694 08230-262375, 7259005696 08232-232356, 7259005697 08231-242048, 7259005698 08234-286141, 7259005699 08236-255171, 7259005700 08236-252186, 7259005701 0821-2520115 7259005766 08228- 255379 7259005768 08222-252284 7259005770 08223-262249 7259005771 08221-226684 7259005772 08223- 274205 7259005774 08227-261435 7259005775 Page 176 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. Taluk ADA office ADA Raichur ADA Devdurg ADA Lingasugur ADA Manvi ADA Sindanur ADA Ramanagara ADA Channapatna ADA Kanakapura ADA Magadi ADA Shimoga ADA Bhadravathi ADA Hosanagara ADA Sagar ADA Shikaripur ADA Soraba ADA Tirthahalli ADA Tumkur ADA Chikkanayakanahalli ADA Gubbi ADA Koratagere ADA Kunigal ADA Madhugiri ADA VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Address Assistant Director of Agriculture, Hyderabad Road, Raichur Assistant Director of Agriculture, Devdurga, Raichur District Assistant Director of Agriculture, Lingsugur Assistant Director of Agriculture, Manvi, Raichur District-584123 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Sindanur, Raichur District-584128 Office of ADA, Ramanagara Taluk, Ramanagara Dist. Office of ADA, Channapattana Taluk, Ramanagara Dist. Office of ADA, Kanakapura Taluk, Ramanagara Dist. Office of ADA, Magadi Taluk, Ramanagara Dist. O/o.Assistant Director of Agriculture, Joint Director of Agriculture Office Compound, O.T.Road,Shimoga.-577201 O/o.Assistant Director of Agriculture, Tarikere Road, Bhadravathi O/o.Assistant Director of Agriculture, Marigudda,Hosanagar-577418 O/o.Assistant Director of Agriculture, Gandhi Nagar, Sagar-577401 O/o.Assistant Director of Agriculture, Shikaripur O/o.Assistant Director of Agriculture, Soraba577429 O/o.Assistant Director of Agriculture, Soppugudde, Thirthahalli Assistant Director of Agriculture, Tumkur Assistant Director Chikkanayakanahalli of Agriculture, Assistant Director of Agriculture, Gubbi Assistant Director of Agriculture, Koratagere Assistant Director of Agriculture, Kunigal Assistant Director of Agriculture, Madhugiri Assistant Director of Agriculture, Opp to APMC Phone No./ Mobile No. 08532-231289, 7259005858 08531-260072, 7259005859 08537-257290, 7259005861 08538-220393. 7259005863 08535-220069, 9448454918 7259005930 080-7271293 7259005931 080-7251467 7259005932 080-7522293 7259005934 080-7745376 08182-223536 9591987308 08282-266904 9591987310 08185-221509 9591987312 08123-226198 9591987313 08187-223083 9591987315 08184-272357 9591987317 08181-229225 9591987319 0816-2273159 9591987407 08133-267140 9591987408 08131-222244 9591987410 08138-232133 9591987412 08132-220404 9591987413 08137-282370 9591987414 08136-244379 Page 177 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 1.4. Taluk ADA office Pavagada ADA Sira ADA Tiptur ADA Turuvekere ADA Udupi ADA Karkala ADA Kundapura ADA Karwar ADA Ankola ADA Bhatkal ADA Siddapur ADA Haliyal ADA Honnavar ADA Joida ADA Kumta ADA Mundgod ADA Sirsi ADA Yellapur ADA Yadgir ADA Shahapur ADA Surapur Address Yard, Bellary Road, Pavagada Assistant Director of Agriculture, Sira Assistant Director of Agriculture, Tiptur Assistant Director of Agriculture, Turuvekere O/o Joint Director of Agriculture, Adi Udupi, Malpe Beach Road, Udupi-576104 O/o Assistant Director of Agriculture, Karkala O/o Assistant Director of Agriculture, Kundapura Assistant Director of Agriculture, Second floor, M G Road, Karwar Assistant Director of Agriculture, Ankola, NH-17, Ankola-581314 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Bhatkal,Sagar Road,Susgadi Bhatkal-581320 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Siddapur,Main Road, Siddapur-581355 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Haliyal,Guttigeri,Haliyal-581329 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Honnavar Main Road, Honnavar-581 334 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Joida ,Opp KSRTC Bus stand Joida-581186 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Kumta, Hegde Road, Kumta-581343 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Mundagod, Bankapur Road, Mundagod-581349 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Sirsi, Near Raghavendra Math, Sirsi- 581 401 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Yellapur, R.B.Main Road, Yellapur-581 359 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Adjacent to Executive Officer of Taluk Panchayat, Yadgir Assistant Director of Agriculture, Yadgir Road, SHAHPUR Assistant Director of Agriculture, Thasil Road, SURPUR Phone No./ Mobile No. 9591987415 08135-275525 9591987416 08134-252969 9591987417 08139-287467 9591987419 0820-2523056, 7259005972 08258-230260, 7259005973 08254-230271, 7259005974 08382 - 225939 9591987529 08388-230336 9591987531 08385-223529 9686114554 08385-230105 9591987533 08284-220271 9591987534 08387-220643 9591987535 08383-282732 9591987537 08386-222121 9591987538 08301-222186 9591987540 08384-226292 9591987542 08419-261174 9591987543 9591987621 9591987623, 08479-243436 9591987625 District JDA offices VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 178 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking There are in all 30 District JDA offices and the contct person for every JDA office is the Joint Director, DoA. Sl. No District JDA office Contact Person and Address 1. JDA Bagalkote 2. JDA Bangalore(R) 3. JDA Bangalore(U) Joint Director Agriculture, 3rd floor, Krishi Sankeerna, Kanakapura Rd, Banashankari, Bangalore JDA Belgaum JDA Bellary JDA Bidar Joint Director of Agriculture, Office Shivajinagar, Belgavi. JDA Bijapur Joint Directorof Agriculture, DC Office Building, Bijapur 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. JDA Chamrajanagara JDA Chickballapur JDA Chickmagalur JDA Chitradurga Joint Director of Agriculture(JDA), Navanagar, APMC Cross,Bagalkot Dist. Bagalkot; Office of the Joint Director of Agriculture, Bangalore Rural District, Agriculture Complex, Kanakapura Road, Banashankar, Bangalore 70. Joint Director of Agriculture, Bellary District Joint Director of Agriculture, Behind D.C.'s office Bidar Joint Director of Agriculture, Chamarajanagar Joint Director of Agriculture, Chickballapur District Joint Director of Agriculture Office,: Chikmagalur 12. JDA Dakshina Kannada 13. JDA Davanagere Joint Director of Agriculture Office, APMC yard , Chitrdurga P.W.D.Building, Ist Floor, Opp.Nehru Maidan, Mangalore-575001 D.K.District. Joint Director of Agriculture Office, Agriculture Dept Compound, APMC yard , Davanagere 14. JDA Dharwad Joint Director of Agriculture, DATC/GTC Compound, Belgaum Road, Dharwad District 11. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. JDA Gadag JDA Gulbarga JDA Hassan JDA Haveri JDA Kodagu JDA VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Joint Director of Agriculture, Gadag Joint Director of Agriculture, near Old Hospital , Near Jagath Circle, Sedam Road, Gulburga Joint Director of Agriculture, Santepet,opp to municipal office Hassan Joint Director of Agiculture, Haveri Joint Director of Agriculture, Fort Premises, Madikeri Joint Director of Agriculture, D.C. Office Compound, Phone No./ Mobile No. 08354 236378 7259004123 26711594/ 26715718 7259004225 080 -26711186, 080 26714134 7259004291 0831-2407232 7259004337 276053-276224, 7259004580 08482-233138 7259004650 08352-250194, 08352-251825, 7259004743 08226-225980 7259004791 08156-263135 7259004828 08262 - 220494 7259004869 08194-222406, 7259004933 0824-2423602 0824-2423604 7259005000 08192-230311, 7259005045 0836-2436518/ 2447517, 7259005134 958372-235443 7259005226 08472-278630 7259005301 08172-267158, 7259005409 08375-249021 7259005473 08272-225732, 7259005540 08152-222246 Page 179 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No Contact Person and Address Kolar JDA Koppal JDA Mandya JDA Mysore Kolar District. Joint Director of Agriculture Koppal District, Koppal. Joint Director of Agriculture D.C. Office Building, Mandya. O/o the Joint Director of Agriculture, Public Office building, Mysore JDA Raichur Joint Director of Agriculture, Court Road, Near Basaveshwara Circle, Raichur District-584101 JDA Ramanagar JDA Shimoga JDA Tumkur Office of JDA, Ananda Complex, Near KSRTC Bus stop. Ramanagara. 28. JDA Udupi O/o Joint Director of Agriculture, Adi Udupi, Malpe Beach Road, Udupi-576103 29. JDA Uttarakannada Joint Director of Agriculture, First floor, M G Road, Karwar 30. JDA Yadgir Joint Director of Agriculture , APMC Yard, Staff Quarters, Basaveshwar gunj, Yadgir 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 1.5. District JDA office Joint Director of Agriculture, O.T.Road, Shimoga Joint Director of Agriculture Office, Near Chruch Circle, Tumkur Phone No./ Mobile No. 7259005565 08539-220226 7259005610 08232-228808, 7259005688 2442239 7259005761 08532226013/226021, 7259005855 080-7276780 7259005927 08182-222956/ 9591987301 0816-2278474 9591987400 0820-2528374, 0820-2536240, 7259005970 08382227377/226367 9591987526 9591987618 08473-252417 Laboratories DoA has different types of Laboratories located across the State and they serve various specific purposes such as soil health centers, fertilizer control laboratories, State pesticide testing laboratories, seed testing laboratories, bio-control laboratories and the rhizobium laboratories. There are in all 48 Laboratories and the locations of those are given below. 1.6.1 Soil Health Laboratories There are in all 22 soil health laboratories of DoA and the location details of the same are set out below. Sl No 1 2 3 4 Address DDA, Soil Health Centre, Sheshadri Rd, Bangalore-560 001. Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Sheshadri Rd,Bangalore-560 001. Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Near D.C office, Kolar Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Near District Court, Tumkur- VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Contact Numbers 7259004014 7259004088 7259005608 9591987525 Page 180 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl No 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Address Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Near D.C office, Mandya Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Koodige, Kodagu District. Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Nanjanagude, Mysore . Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Sante pet, Hassana. Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Center, Old Thirthahalli Rd, Shimoga Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Gokak, Belgaum Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Kotnur, Gulbarga Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Bhalkhi, Bidar district Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Joint Director of Agriculture compound, Chikkamagalore Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Jilla Panchayath compound, Dakshina Kannada District. Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Sirsi, Uttara Kannada Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, RMC Yard, Davangere Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, APMC Yard, Gadag Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Krishi sankirna, Raichur Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, APMC Yard, Bellary-583 101. Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Jamkhandi, Bagalkot district Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Near District Agriculture training centre, Dharwad Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Vaddarhatti Camp Road, Gangavathi, Koppal Contact Numbers 7259005759 9945642347 7259005854 7259005472 9591987399 7259004578 7259005408 7259004742 7259004932 7259005044 9480076060 7259005133 7259005300 7259005926 7259004649 9611382321 7259005222 7259005685 1.6.2. Fertilizer Control Laboratories There are in all 7 fertilizer control laboratories of DoA and the location details of the same are set out below. Sl. No Address 1 The Commissionerate of Agriculture Bangalore - 560 001 Sheshadri Road, 2 DATC Compound, Belgaum Road, Dharwad. 3 4 5 Vaddrahatti, Gangavathi, Koppal District. Belthangadi, Dakshina Kannada Dist. Fertilizer Control Laboratory, Belgaum 6 Fertilizer Control Laboratory, Mandya 7 Fertilizer Control Laboratory, Kadajji (Davanagere) Contact Numbers 080-22274095/ 22211369, Extn.128, 7259004020 7259005221, 08362446238 08533-270242, 7259005684 08256-232164, 9448631456 0831-2472345, 7259004577 9916220871, 08232 221170, 9880138923, 9611768496, 7259005132 1.6.3. State Pesticide Testing Laboratory There are in all 6 State pesticide testing laboratories of DoA and the location details of the same are set out below. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 181 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Address State Pesticide Testing Laboratory, Commisionerate of Agriculture Sheshadri road, Bangalore-560 001 State Pesticide Testing Laboratory, Agri complex, ii nd floor, Taluk office compound, Bellary -583101. State Pesticide Testing Laboratory, Pb road,datc compound, Dharwad -580 008 State Pesticide Testing Laboratory, Kotnur (d), Gulbarga585102 State Pesticide Testing Laboratory, JDA office building, ot road Shivmogga -577202 State Pesticide Testing Laboratory, Near Soil Testing Laboratory Dc office building, Mandya -571 401 Contact Numbers 080-22210094 ext.-140, 7259004025 08392 273662, 9741258220 0836 2448861, 7259005220 08472 270510, 7259005407 08182 271861, 9480540878 08232 220975, 7259005758 1.6.4. Seed testing Laboratories There are in all 4 seed testing laboratories of DoA and the location details of the same are set out below. Sl. No 1 2 3 4 Address Seed Testing Laboratory, Bellary road, Hebbal, Bangalore560 024 Seed Testing Laboratory, Pune - Bangalore Road/Belgaum road, Dharwad Seed Testing Laboratory, RMC Yard, Davangere Seed Testing Laboratory, Vaddarahatti camp cross, opp VRL Office, Gangavathi Taluk, Koppal District Contact Numbers 080 23410944, 7259004281 0836-2440313, 7259005216 08192-233004, 7259005130 08533-272315, 7259005686 1.6.5. Bio-control Laboratories There are in all 6 bio-control laboratories in DoA and the location details of the same are set out below. Sl. No 1 2 3 Address Parasiticide Laboratory, Bailahongala, Belgaum District-591102 BCL, Rammandir Circle, jeevargi road, near DATC Office, Kotnur (D), Gulbarga District - 585102 Parasite Laboratory, next to DC Office, near Sub Registrar Office, Mandya, Mandya District VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Contact Numbers 08288-233479/ 7259004576 08472-254333/ 7259005405 08232-238602/ 7259005758 Page 182 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 4 5 6 Address 571401 Parasite Laboratory, Vaddarahatti Campus, DATC Building, Gangavathi, Koppal District 583235 Bio Control Laboratory, Kadajji, Davangere District - 577002 BCL, ADA office Building, Opp to Pepsi factory, near Agriculture University, Pune - Bangalore Road, DATC Premises, Dharwad District - 580008 Contact Numbers 08533-271291/ 7259005687 7259005131 0836-2444318/ 7259005219 1.6.6. Rhizobium Laboratories There are 3 rhizobium laboratories of DoA and the location details of the same are set out below. Sl. No 1 2 3 1.6. Address Rhizobium Laboratory, Hebbal Agriculture Farm, Bellary road, Behind KSSCA, Hebbal, Bangalore-560 024 Rhizobium Laboratory, GTC Compound, Belgaum road, Behind Seed Testing Laboratory, Dharwad580008 Rhizobium Laboratory, Kotnur-D, Gulbarga - 585312 Contact Numbers 7259004285 7259005217 7259005403 DATC The District Agriculture Training Centres (DATCs) are the offices of the Department of Agriculture meant for imparting the training to the employees/ officers of the Department of Agriculture. There are in all 23 DATCs of Department of Agriculture spread across the State. The location details of the same is set out in the below. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Address DATC, R.K.Shala,Anekal Taluk, Bangalore Urban District DDA, DATC, Kagathi, Chinthamani Taluk, Chikkaballapura District DATC. Chikkanahalli, Sira Taluk, Tumkur District DATC, V.C.Farm, Mandya District DATC, Horticulture Farm. Rangasamudra, Bannur Hobli, T.Narasipura Taluk, Mysore District VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Contact Number Ph.78-31910, M# 7259004335 Ph: 08154-254403, M# 7259004868 9448449306, Ph.08135-235305 9538110674, Ph.08232-277122 M# 7259005853, Ph.08227270650 Page 183 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1.7. Contact Number Address DATC, Kudige. Kodagu District DATC, Arakalagudu, Hassan District DATC, Lingadahalli. Chikkamagalore District DATC, Belthangadi, Dakshina Kannada District DATC, Babbur, Chithradurga District DATC, Kadajji, Davanagere District DATC, Hallikere, Shimoga District DATC, Kumata, Uttara Kannada District DATC, Dharwad District DATC. Devihosur, Haveri District DATC, Kampli, Hosapet Taluk, Bellary District DATC, Dhadesugur, Raichur District DATC, Gangavathi, Koppal District DATC, Agricultural Research Station Campus, Hitnahalli Farm, Bijapur District DATC, Bagalakote District DATC, Arabhavi, Gokak Taluk, Belgaum District DATC, Kotnur, Gulbarga District DATC, Aurad, Bidar District M# 7259005564, Ph.08276-278246 M# 7259005471, Ph.08175-221345 M# 7259004931, Ph.08261-254822 M# 7259005042, Ph.08256-234057 M# 7259004999, Ph. 958193-269069 M# 7259005129, Ph.08192-292322 M# 9591987398, Ph.08282-240021 M# 9591987617, Ph.08386-222308 M# 7259005215, Ph.0836-24483 M# 7259005538, Ph.08375-293044 M# 7259004647, Ph.08394-204373, M# 7259005925, Ph.08535-284028 M# 7259005683, Ph.08533-270242 M# 7259004790, Ph.08352-208408 M# 7259004224, Ph.08354-200204 M# 7259004575, Ph.08332-284700 M# 7259005403, Ph.08472-224976 M# 7259004741, Ph.08482-233138 The Commissionerate (Head office) The Commissionerate, DoA is located in Bangalore which also houses the head office of DoA, Government of Karnataka. The contact persons at the Commissionerate (Head office) are set out below. Contact details Phone No./ Mobile No. E-mail ID Address Commissionerate of Agriculture Department of Agriculture, Sheshadri Road, Bangalore-560 001 Contact Persons in Computer Section Dr. H.K.Shivakumar, Deputy Director Agriculture (Training) Vasundara Devi N V, AO (RSK) Hemavathi M.R,A AO (Computer Section) 1.8. 7259004023 7259004079 7259005579 08022219229 The Secretariat The Secretariat of DoA is located at the M. S. Building, Ambedkar Veedhi Marg, Bangalore. VOLUME II – DRAFT AGREEMENT Page 184 SCHEDULE 1A: PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Particular Task Responsibility Time period Authority and Service On Appointed Provider Date (AD) Service Provider Agreement Signing (after bidding process) Furnish Performance Security Constitution of Project Monitoring Unit (PMU) Authority OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTALLATION Appointment of Dept. Representative Project Monitoring Unit Site Handover to Service Provider for Installation Project Monitoring Unit Submission of Installation Plan, Training Plan Service Provider Approval of Installation Plan and Training Plan Project Monitoring Unit Submission of Implementation Plan Service Provider Approval of Implementation Plan Project Monitoring Unit Audit on delivery of Project Facilities by third party or team constituted by DoA Project Monitoring Unit Installation of Training Infrastructure by Service Provider Service Provider Installation of project facilities by Service Provider Service Provider Audit on installation of Project Facilities by third party Project Monitoring Unit Obtain Training Infrastructure Installation Certificate Service Provider Obtain Installation Certificate and Completion Certificate Service Provider Scheduled Installation Completion Date (SICD) – 120 Days Training and Capacity Building to employees and manpower Service Provider Assistance to Department’s Representative Service Provider Supply Consumables Service Provider Preventive Maintenance Service Provider Complaints Redressal Service Provider Repairs / Annual Maintenance Service Provider Downtime / Penalties Service Provider Furnish Reports Service Provider Continuous monitoring and aupervision Project Monitoring Unit Calculation of Damages for NonPerformance Project Monitoring Unit Periodic Payments to be made to Service Provider Authority Day 1 from AD Day 1 from AD Day 10 from AD Day 14 of AD Day 21from AD Day 35 from AD Within day 60 from AD Within day 81 from AD Within 120 days from AD Within day 150 from AD Within day 90 days from AD Within day 150 from AD Throughout the Agreement Period REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 1B: PROJECT FACILITIES The Schedule 1B consists of details of the technical specifications of the Project Facilities, the quantity of Project Facilities. 1B.1. Technical specifications of Project Facilities Table 1A: Desktop (PC2 – For locations except RSKs) Feature Processor Specifications Latest Generation x86 Dual core processor with 3.20 GHz, 3MB cache or higher Chipset/Mother OEM mother board supporting above mentioned processor board Memory 2*2 GB DDR3 (1333 MHz or higher) & Non ECC Expandable to 8 GB Hard Disk Drive & 500 GB SATA 3.0-Gb/s Hard Drive, 7200 RPM with pre failure alerts. Controller Optical Drive DVD Writer Graphics Intel® HD Graphics or AMD or any equivalent graphics integrated to Processor. Ethernet Integrated Gigabit Network Connection 10/100/1000 Bays 4 Bays: 2x 5.25 external, 1 x 3.5 external, 1 x 3.5 internal. Slots Minimum 3 PCI Slots : Ports (6 USB (4 rear + 2 front) + 2 PS/2 ports) or 8 USB ports (4 rear + 4 front), 1 RJ45, 1 VGA, 1 Audio in/out. Form Factor Micro ATX Tower Power Supply Minimum 250-watt power supply Monitor 18.5" LED monitor: Keyboard PS/2 or USB 104/107 keys mechanical keyboard Mouse PS/2 or USB 2 button optical scroll mouse Software Remote diagnostics, Back Up and Recovery software Nudi 4.0 Kannada Software to be preloaded before delivery Antivirus Preloaded with 5 years. Operating Systems Microsoft Windows 8 Professional preloaded with recovery media. Preloaded Software Norton or McAfee or eTrust or e-Scan or Fore front or Trend Micro or PC Tool or Quick heal Antivirus (Latest Version). Security 1. Removable media boot control 2. Serial, Parallel & USB Interface Control 3. Power-On Password 4. Setup Password Compliance & For OEM : ISO 9001 : 2008 Certification For PC : Windows8/7/Linux certification, Energy Star 5.0 For Monitor : TCO 05 Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 186 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Table 1B:Desktop (PC1- For RSKs) Feature Processor Specifications Latest Generation x86 Dual core processor with 3.20 GHz, 3MB cache or higher Chipset/Mother OEM mother board supporting above mentioned processor board Memory 2*2 GB DDR3 (1333 MHz or higher) & Non ECC Expandable to 8 GB Hard Disk Drive & 1 TB SATA 3.0-Gb/s Hard Drive, 7200 RPM with pre failure alerts. Controller Optical Drive DVD Writer Graphics Intel® HD Graphics or AMD or any equivalent graphics integrated to Processor. Ethernet Integrated Gigabit Network Connection 10/100/1000 Bays Slots Ports Form Factor Power Supply Monitor Keyboard Mouse Software Antivirus Operating Systems 4 Bays: 2x 5.25 external, 1 x 3.5 external, 1 x 3.5 internal. Minimum 3 PCI Slots : (6 USB (4 rear + 2 front) + 2 PS/2 ports) or 8 USB ports (4 rear + 4 front), 1 RJ45, 1 VGA, 1 Audio in/out. Micro ATX Tower Minimum 250-watt power supply 18.5" LED monitor: PS/2 or USB 104/107 keys mechanical keyboard PS/2 or USB 2 button optical scroll mouse Remote diagnostics, Back Up and Recovery software Nudi 4.0 Kannada Software to be preloaded before delivery Preloaded with 5 years. Microsoft Windows 8 Professional preloaded with recovery media. Preloaded Software Norton or McAfee or eTrust or e-Scan or Fore front or Trend Micro or PC Tool or Quick heal Antivirus (Latest Version). Security 1. Removable media boot control 2. Serial, Parallel & USB Interface Control 3. Power-On Password 4. Setup Password Compliance & For OEM : ISO 9001 : 2008 Certification For PC : Windows8/7/Linux certification , Energy Star 5.0 For Monitor : TCO 05 Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 2: Laptop Items Processor Family Minimum technical specification Latest generation X86 Dual Core Processor or higher, 2.5 GHz or higher, 3MB cache, 35W or lower, not more than 1 year Old VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 187 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Items Chipset HDD RAM Operating System Display Optical Drive Speakers Network Card Wireless Bluetooth I/O Ports Graphics Battery Keyboard and Pointing Device Slots Adapter Security Other Software Preloaded Certifications Antivirus Wi-Fi/Wi-max Warranty Minimum technical specification Compatible chipset 500 GB 7200 rpm SMART SATA II or Higher 4GB Memory DDR3 PC3 -10600 SDRAM 1333 MHz with expandability upto 16GB Maximum Windows 8.1 64 bit professional down gradaded to Windows 7 Professional with all necessary drivers in cd media 14.0-inch diagonal LED-backlit HD (1366 x 768) with 720p HD Webcam with dual array microphone DVD+/-RW SuperMulti drive High definition audio, stereo speakers, stereo headphone/line out, stereo microphone in, integrated digital microphone; integrated 720p webcam Onboard 10/100/1000 802.11 /b/g/n Bluetooth 4.0, one VGA, One Display Port/HDMI, stereo headphone/line out, stereo microphone in, RJ-45/Ethernet, 2 USB 2.0 and 2 USB 3.0 ports, power connector, Integrated HD Graphics 6 Cell Li ion Battery with 4Hrs battery back Full-sized spill resistant keyboard, Touch Pad Multi Media card Reader with 4 in one 65 Watts AC Adapter Finger Print reader OEM Preloaded Battery Power Management Software , EPEAT Gold Certification, Energy Star Compliant, Latest version with License Enabled 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 3: Rack Server at the Commissionerate (Head office) Item Processor Chipset Operating System support Memory Hard Drive Optical Device VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Minimum technical specification Latest generation X86 processor with minimum 2X6* core, 2.20 Ghz, 12MB cache or higher. OEM mother board Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), Minimum 2 * 8 GB ECC DDR3-1333 RAM, Should have 32 DIMM slots or higher for future scalability. 2.5" SAS HDD 6*300 Gb 15 K RPM SAS drives, SAS controller with min 512 MB RAID Cache capable of providing RAID 0,1, 10 and 5 Configurations. DVD R/W drive Page 188 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Item Graphics Card Network Minimum technical specification Integrated Graphics with 64MB SDRAM or higher Multifunction Gigabit Network Adapter (min. 4 ports), including support for TOE, failover and load balancing. I/O Ports 1Serial, 1KBD, 1 Video1 Mouse, at least 2 USB ports, Min. 5 (Five) PCI-e Slots standard. Farm Factor 2U Rack Mountable Software OEM to provide its own systems management software. Manageability & 5 Years Warranty Manageability Features Should be able to provide management features including remote power on/off, reset, log recording, and hardware monitoring functions. Redundant Fans Should have Redundant and Hot Pluggable power supplies and fans Compliance ACPI 2.0 Compliant, PCIE 2.0 Compliant, Microsoft® Logo certifications, USB 2.0 Support. Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site Any Complaints Same Business Day- Monday to Saturday (10.00 am to 6.00 pm) (which includes Onsite Support, Parts & Labour) *Bidder proposing server with more than 6 cores/processor would be disqualified Table 4: Rack Server at DATCs Item Processor Operating System support SAS Controller Memory Hard Drive Optical Device Minimum technical specification Latest generation X86 processor with minimum 2X4* core, 3.50 Ghz, 15 MB cache or higher. Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL), Vmware, Citrix XenServer SAS Controller with min. 512 MB Flash Backed Cache capable of providing RAID 0,1, 10 and 5 Configurations 2 * 8 GB DDR-3Memory scalable to 192 GB, Advanced ECC (multi-bit error protection), Mirroring mode, Lockstep mode 2.5" In SAS HDD bays populated with at least 4* 300 Gb in SAS HDDs DVD drive Network Quad Port Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapters (Embedded or Slot based) with support for TOE, failover and load balancing. I/O Ports USB 2.0 support With at least 4 total ports: (2) ports up front; (2) ports in back, Two PCI-Express slots, Form Factor 2URack Mountable Chassis Redundant Fans Redundant Power Supplies Fully Redundant Hot Plug Fans VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 189 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Compliance ACPI 2.0 Compliant, PCI 2.2 Compliant, WOL Support, Microsoft® Logo certifications, USB 2.0 Support Manageability features 5 years warranty. Should be able to provide management features including remote power on/off, reset, log recording, and hardware monitoring functions. Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site Same Business Day- Monday to Saturday (10.00 am to 6.00 pm) (which includes Onsite Support, Parts & Labour) *Bidder proposing server with more than 4 cores/processor would be disqualified Any Complaints Table 5: Thermal Receipt Printer Thermal Printer Memory flash 2 M Flash or higher Firmware support which can support UPC-A, UPC-E, Code 39, Code 128, Jan8 and Jan13 Barcode (EAN), Codabar, PDF417 Connectivity USB and Serial Print methods Direct thermal Printing of barcodes, text and graphics. Barcode, Text, Ability to print logo : Resolution 203 dpi/8 dots per mm Print Width 80mm Print speed 230mm/ Sec or higher Media Sensors Paper low sensor Microsoft windows drivers i.e Win 7, Windows Vista 32 Microsoft Windows Drivers & 64, xp professional, WEPOS, Embeded POSReady RS 232 Interface RS 232 connector/ Interface USB Interface USB Interface Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 6: 80 Column DMP Specifications Item Print Method Print Direction Print Head – Type Print Width Print Head Life Print Speed Character Pitch (cpi) High Speed Draft (cps) Draft (cps) Letter Quality (cps) VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Minimum technical specification Serial Impact Dot Matrix Bi-directional Logic Seeking 24 Wire 80 Column 200 Million Characters # 12 >300 >270 >90 Page 190 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Item Dr a ft - ISCII (cps) LQ - ISCII (cps) Minimum technical specification >100 50 Standard Ports Warranty Centronics EEE-P1284A Parallel and USB RS 23C Serial/USB 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 7:136 Column DMP Specifications Item Print Method Print Direction Print Head – Type Minimum technical specification Serial Impact Dot Matrix Bi-directional logic seeking 24-Wire Print Width Print Head Life Print Speed Character Pitch (cpi) 136 – Column 200 Million Characters High Speed Draft (cps) >360 Draft (cps) Letter Quality (cps) >300 >100 Draft - ISCII (cps) LQ - ISCII (cps) Standard 250 41 IEEE-P1284A Parallel & USB (Auto interface switching) Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage 150-270 V AC Mains Frequency Power (Standby) Environmental - Operating Conditions Temperature Relative Humidity Warranty 12 47 - 63 Hz 12W 5 to 45 C 10% to 80% 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 8: Laser Jet-Black Item Print speed black (normal, A4) Print quality black (best) Print technology Duty cycle (monthly, A4) Standard memory VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Minimum technical specification 33 PPM +/- 3 PPM Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi (1200 dpi effective output) Laser Up to 50000 pages 256 MB Page 191 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Item Processor speed Standard printer languages Standard paper trays Maximum paper trays Paper handling standard/ input Paper handling standard/output Duplex print options Media sizes supported Custom media sizes Media types supported Minimum technical specification 800 MHz Host-based printing 1 1 250-sheet input tray 150-sheet Automatic A4, A5, A6, B5, postcards, envelopes (C5, DL, B5) Main tray: 147 x 211 to 216 x 356 mm Paper (laser, plain, photo, rough, vellum), envelopes, labels, cardstock, transparencies, postcards Hi speed USB 2.0 port Yes Less than 8.5 seconds 3 Years Comprehensive on site Standard connectivity Energy Star First page Out Warranty Table 9: Color LaserJet-A4 Item Minimum technical specification Print Speed Black 33 PPM +/- 3 PPM Print Speed Color 33 PPM +/- 3 PPM Print Technology Laser Processor Speed 800 MHZ Paper Trays 2 Paper Handling-Input 100-sheet multipurpose tray, 500-sheet input tray Paper Handling-Output 250-sheet top output bin Media Sizes Supported A4, A5, B5 (JIS), envelopes (B5, C5, DL) Connectivity Standard 1 embedded 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet, USB 2.0 Duplex print options Automatic (standard) Standard memory 1 GB First Page Out As fast 11 seconds from ready mode Print Language PCL 6, PostScript 3, PDF, host based Duty Cycle 50000 pages per month duty cycle. Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 10: Ink Jet Printer Features VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Minimum technical specification Page 192 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Features Print Speed Black Print Speed Color No. of Print Cartridges Paper Handling-Input Paper Handling-Output Minimum technical specification 33 PPM +/- 3 PPM 33 PPM +/- 3 PPM 4 Individual high capacity Inks 150-sheet input tray 100-sheet output tray A3+ (305 x 457 mm), A3 (297 x 420 mm), A4 (210 x 297 mm), A5 (148 x 210 mm), A6 (105 x 148 mm), B4 (250 x 353 mm), B5 (176 x 250 mm), B6 (125 x 176 mm), C4 (229 x 324 mm), C5 (162 x 229 mm), C6 (114 x 162 mm), DL (110 x 220 mm) Manual 1 USB (compatible with USB 2.0 specifications) port; Ethernet card 32MB 3 Years Comprehensive on site Media Sizes Supported Duplex print options Connectivity Standard memory Warranty Table 11: Color LaserJet Printer-A3 Features Print Speed Print Speed Print Technology Processor Speed Paper Trays Minimum technical specification Black Up to 30 PPM Color Up to 30 PPM In-line colour laser, direct-to-page printing 800 MHz 3 Input 100-sheet multi-purpose input tray, 250-sheet input tray,500 sheet input tray Output 300-sheet top output bin A3, A4, A5, B4-JIS, B5-JIS 1 high speed USB 2.0,1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000,IPv6,BiDi Manual 1 GB As fast as 10 sec from Ready mode 3 Years Comprehensive on site Paper HandlingPaper Handling Media Sizes Supported Connectivity Duplex print options Standard memory First Page out Warranty Table 12: Web Camera with SDK Item Minimum technical specification Resolution 24 bit Colour, Minimum 480 x 640 pixel Interface to Host USB/Com Port with 3 mt. Cable Formats to Supported Light Adjustments be BMP, JPG, GIFF Auto VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 193 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Item Minimum technical specification Compatibility Standard Twain Frame Rate 30 fps@ QCIFC (176*144) Software S/w for Picture capture Image Sensor Image Sensor 1/4 " Progressive Scan Supported System Warranty Operating Windows XP, Linux, Windows 7 (64 bit) 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 13- Copier cum Printer cum Scanner Item GENERAL ARDF Paper capacity Input/Output paper capacity(max) Memory Display panel Copying speed Multiple copying Resolution Zoom Copying size Duplex copying Copying Technology Warm up time First copy time Reversible Automatic Document feeder with duplex unit PRINTER Print speed Printer interface Printer Language COPY Resolution Reduction/Enlargement Multi copying (MAX.) Multi copy ( 2in 1, 4in1) Multi copy (sort) Copy features SCANNER Scanning Resolution Scanning Format Scan size Scan to TWAIN Complaint Scanning speed VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Configuration 35 sheets 250 sheets 128 MB Touch screen 22 +/- 2 CPM (A4) Up to 999 copies 600 x 600 Dpi 50-200% or better A6 –A3 Standard Laser 20 seconds or better 8 seconds or better Auto duplex 20 +/- 2 PPM (A4) Standard USB 2.0,SD Slot Standard:PCL5e,PCL6 Host based 600 x 600DPI 50-200% or better Upto 999 Yes Yes ID Card copy, Electronic sorting, Image rotation, Series copy, Combine copy(4in1) 600DPI TIFF, JPEG, PDF A3,A4,A5 Email/folder/ USB Yes >=50 SPM Page 194 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking OS Compatibility Windows 7/8/ vista/Linux Warranty 3 Years Comprehensive on site Table 14A 1KVA online UPS with 2 Hours Backup Sl No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Items Specifications Type Capacity Backup time Input Frequency Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Frequency Input Power Factor Output Power Factor Waveform Alarm Technology 13 Computer interface 14 Battery make 15 Battery Type Online 1 KVA 2hrs 50 Hz. +/- 5% 160 V – 270 V 230 V +/- 1% V 50 Hz +/- 0.2 Hz. > 0.9 0.8 lag to unity PF Pure Sine Wave On Battery, Low Battery, UPS Over Load IGBT based PWM technology with isolation transformer Software with communication interface for monitoring the health of the UPS. Automatic shutdown under Windows 2000, Windows 98/XP (Prof) & Diagnostics. Preferred: Panasonic/Southern/YUSA/Exide/CSB/Amarraj/Relicell SMF-VRLA 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Battery AH No.of Batteries DC voltage (input) VAH Over Load Capacity Inverter Efficiency Overall Efficiency Crest Factor Regulation Switching Frequency Warranty Protection 28 LCD display 29 30 Load Test THD VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS > 3072 VAH 150% for 1 Minute, 125% for 10 Minutes 90% 85% 3:5:1 +/- 1% Above 20 KHz 3 years on site comprehensive including batteries Automatic discharge protection with self test Features, Over Load, Surge protection, Input fault, Cold start, Low Battery, Battery over charge Output short circuit, Charging Current Circuit Inverter over temperature Output voltage, Output current, Output frequency, Input Voltage, Battery Voltage At 100 % load on Resistive load < 3% for Linear, < 5% for Non Linear Load Page 195 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 31 Certification ISO 9001:2000 & ETDC /CPRI test report Table 14 B -1KVA online UPS with 6 Hours Backup Items Type Capacity Backup time Input Frequency Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Frequency Input Power Factor Output Power Factor Waveform Alarm Technology Computer interface Battery make Battery Type Battery AH No.of Batteries DC voltage (input) VAH Over Load Capacity Inverter Efficiency Overall Efficiency Crest Factor Regulation Switching Frequency Warranty Protection LCD display Load Test THD Certification Specifications Online 1 KVA 6 Hrs 50 Hz. +/- 5% 160 V – 270 V 230 V +/- 1% V 50 Hz +/- 0.2 Hz. > 0.9 0.8 lag to unity PF Pure Sine Wave On Battery, Low Battery, UPS Over Load IGBT based PWM technology with isolation transformer Software with communication interface for monitoring the health of the UPS. Automatic shutdown under Windows 2000, Windows 98/XP (Prof) & Diagnostics. Preferred: Panasonic/Southern/YUSA/Exide/CSB/Amarraj/Relicell SMF-VRLA > 7968 VAH 150% for 1 Minute, 125% for 10 Minutes 90% 85% 3:5:1 +/- 1% Above 20 KHz 3 years on site comprehensive including batteries Automatic discharge protection with self test Features, Over Load, Surge protection, Input fault, Cold start, Low Battery, Battery over charge Output short circuit, Charging Current Circuit Inverter over temperature Output voltage, Output current, Output frequency, Input Voltage, Battery Voltage At 100 % load on Resistive load < 3% for Linear, < 5% for Non Linear Load ISO 9001:2000 & ETDC /CPRI test report Table 15: 2 KVA online UPS with 4 Hours backup VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 196 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Items Type Capacity Backup time Input Frequency Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Frequency Input Power Factor Output Power Factor Waveform Alarm Technology Computer interface Battery make Battery Type Battery AH No.of Batteries DC voltage (input) VAH Over Load Capacity Inverter Efficiency Overall Efficiency Crest Factor Regulation Switching Frequency Warranty Protection LCD display Load Test THD Certification Specifications Online 2 KVA 4 hrs 50 Hz. +/- 5% 160 V – 270 V 230 V +/- 1% V 50 Hz +/- 0.2 Hz. > 0.9 0.8 lag to unity PF Pure Sine Wave On Battery, Low Battery, UPS Over Load IGBT based PWM technology with isolation transformer Software with communication interface for monitoring the health of the UPS. Automatic shutdown under Windows 2000, Windows 98/XP (Prof) & Diagnostics. Preferred: Panasonic/Southern/YUSA/Exide/CSB/Amarraj/Relicell SMF-VRLA > 12800 VAH 150% for 1 Minute, 125% for 10 Minutes 90% 85% 3:5:1 +/- 1% Above 20 KHz 3 years on site comprehensive including batteries Automatic discharge protection with self test Features, Over Load, Surge protection, Input fault, Cold start, Low Battery, Battery over charge Output short circuit, Charging Current Circuit Inverter over temperature Output voltage, Output current, Output frequency, Input Voltage, Battery Voltage At 100 % load on Resistive load < 3% for Linear, < 5% for Non Linear Load ISO 9001:2000 & ETDC /CPRI test report Table 16: 3 KVA UPS with 4 Hours backup Items Type Capacity Backup time Specifications Online 3 KVA 4 Hour VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 197 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Input Frequency Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Frequency Input Power Factor Output Power Factor Waveform Alarm Technology Computer interface Battery make Battery Type Battery AH No.of Batteries DC voltage (input) VAH Over Load Capacity Inverter Efficiency Overall Efficiency Crest Factor Regulation Switching Frequency Warranty Protection LCD display Load Test THD Certification 50 Hz. +/- 5% 160 V – 270 V 230 V +/- 1% V 50 Hz +/- 0.2 Hz. > 0.9 0.8 lag to unity PF Pure Sine Wave On Battery, Low Battery, UPS Over Load IGBT based PWM technology with isolation transformer Software with communication interface for monitoring the health of the UPS. Automatic shutdown under Windows 2000, Windows 98/XP (Prof) & Diagnostics. Preferred: Panasonic/Southern/YUSA/Exide/CSB/Amarraj/Relicell SMF-VRLA > 19200 VAH 150% for 1 Minute, 125% for 10 Minutes 90% 85% 3:1 +/- 1% Above 20 KHz 3 years on site comprehensive including batteries Automatic discharge protection with self test Features, Over Load, Surge protection, Input fault, Cold start, Low Battery, Battery over charge Output short circuit, Charging Current Circuit Inverter over temperature Output voltage, Output current, Output frequency, Input Voltage, Battery Voltage At 100 % load on Resistive load < 3% for Linear, < 5% for Non Linear Load ISO 9001:2000 & ETDC /CPRI test report Table 17: 3 KVA UPS with 6 Hours backup Items Type Capacity Backup time Input Frequency Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Frequency Specifications Online 3 KVA 4 Hour 50 Hz. +/- 5% 160 V – 270 V 230 V +/- 1% V 50 Hz +/- 0.2 Hz. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 198 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Input Power Factor Output Power Factor Waveform Alarm Technology Computer interface Battery make Battery Type Battery AH No.of Batteries DC voltage (input) VAH Over Load Capacity Inverter Efficiency Overall Efficiency Crest Factor Regulation Switching Frequency Warranty Protection LCD display Load Test THD Certification > 0.9 0.8 lag to unity PF Pure Sine Wave On Battery, Low Battery, UPS Over Load IGBT based PWM technology with isolation transformer Software with communication interface for monitoring the health of the UPS. Automatic shutdown under Windows 2000, Windows 98/XP (Prof) & Diagnostics. Preferred: Panasonic/Southern/YUSA/Exide/CSB/Amarraj/Relicell SMF-VRLA > 22000 VAH 150% for 1 Minute, 125% for 10 Minutes 90% 85% 3:1 +/- 1% Above 20 KHz 3 years on site comprehensive including batteries Automatic discharge protection with self test Features, Over Load, Surge protection, Input fault, Cold start, Low Battery, Battery over charge Output short circuit, Charging Current Circuit Inverter over temperature Output voltage, Output current, Output frequency, Input Voltage, Battery Voltage At 100 % load on Resistive load < 3% for Linear, < 5% for Non Linear Load ISO 9001:2000 & ETDC /CPRI test report Table 18: 10 KVA UPS with 2 hours backup Items Type Capacity Backup time Input Frequency Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Frequency Input Power Factor Output Power Factor Waveform Specifications Online 10 KVA 2 hrs 50 Hz. +/- 5% 415 V+/- 20% 230 V +/- 1% V 50 Hz +/- 0.2 Hz. > 0.9 0.8 lag to unity PF Pure Sine Wave VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 199 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Alarm Technology Computer interface Battery make Battery Type Battery AH No.of Batteries DC voltage (input) VAH Over Load Capacity Inverter Efficiency Overall Efficiency Crest Factor Regulation Switching Frequency Warranty Protection LCD display Load Test THD Certification On Battery, Low Battery, UPS Over Load IGBT based PWM technology with isolation transformer Software with communication interface for monitoring the health of the UPS. Automatic shutdown under Windows 2000, Windows 98/XP (Prof)/Windows7 & Diagnostics. Preferred brands: Southern/Exide/Prime/Racket Tubular-C10 rating only. > 32000VAH 150% for 1 Minute, 125% for 10 Minutes 90% 85% 3:5:1 +/- 1% Above 20 KHz 3 years on site comprehensive including batteries Automatic discharge protection with self test Features, Over Load, Surge protection, Input fault, Cold start, Low Battery, Battery over charge Output short circuit, Charging Current Circuit Inverter over temperature Output voltage, Output current, Output frequency, Input Voltage, Battery Voltage At 100 % load on Resistive load < 3% for Linear, < 5% for Non Linear Load ISO 9001:2000 & ETDC /CPRI test report Table 19: 42 U Rack Minimum technical specification · 42U 42 " Deep Server Rack Enclosure w/Sides Black · 80"H x 24"W x 42 "D · Front Door with toughened safety perforation, rear vented steel door · Perforated Roof Top Features Four 5.5" x 2" cutouts for cable entry · Lockable front & Rear doors and side panels · Floor Type · Redundant Power Distribution · With cable manager , power supply, cooling fans and tray to accommodate all the above servers Table 20: KVM Switch ( For PMU) Minimum technical specification VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 200 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking One number of 18 port IP based KVM switch for centralized monitoring of servers along with 8 cables, converter and connectors for server connectivity. 19” TFT-LCD collapsible flat panel monitor console kit with keyboard and mouse including cables (1U). 1 Local, 2 Remote with necessary user licenses 10/100/1000 Mbps PS2/USB Other Components/ Services – Minimum technical specifications 1. Router – As per the specifications 2. Connectivity from Taluk/District offices to Karnataka State Data centre · The applications from DoA Offices to the Data centre should be over KSWAN on VPN over broad band technology or on MPLS technology as the case maybe. · In case required, the department may procure standby connectivity and the network equipment should support auto switchover mode and load sharing mode working. · At the Agriculture offices, users should not be required to connect a VPN. The (secure) VPN tunnel should be setup between the router/firewall at the Data centre. · The configuration of the router shall be done by the KSWAN Network Operator and the successful should provide complete information about the product coordinate for integration of the router with KSWAN NMS. · The day-to-day maintenance of the router is the responsibility of the successful bidder throughout the period of contract. · The successful bidder should establish LAN connectivity in the offices and also maintain the same during the entire period of the contract. 4. Connectivity from RSK to Karnataka State Data Centre: The RSKs will be connected to State data centre through VPN over broad band through KSWAN. The successful bidder should establish LAN connectivity and also maintain during the entire period of contract. 4. Active Directory Service · Two domain Controller’s Primary & Secondary should be configured with integrated DNS service for the project · Additional Domain Controller can be recommended if in case required with proper justification · All the end user Devices should get authenticated by Active Directory Server · End User’s should use domain user login & should not have an access to Local Administrator account · Technical Executive & DOA IT authority should be aware of Local Bulletin Account · Desktop Users should be using Domain users account for accessing any service within the DOA network Technical Specifications of the Networking Components Table 21: Router (For all Locations except RSKs) VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 201 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Sl. No 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.3 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.8 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.3.8 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.4.6 1.4.7 1.4.8 1.5 Router Specifications Interface Requirements: 2 * V.35 Serial and 2* G.703 (2 Mbps) Interfaces. 4 * Gigabit Interfaces /optic fibre 1000 Mbps(for LAN & Wireless – Inter-VLAN routing for horizontal interfaces).Combo interface features. Architecture: Should have support for Data, Voice & Video services. Should be chassis based & modular architecture for scalability and should be a single box configuration for ease of management. Rack based Should have IPSEC VPN (3DES/AES) Encryption with Site to Site VPN functionality. Should have complete Firewall. Should have enough free slots to accommodate 100 % scalability thereby accommodating future expansion and growth without replacing the router. Should have 2Gb RAM & 512MB Flash memory and should be upgradeable. The chassis should be 19” rack mountable type. Should be supplied with necessary power cards, data cables, connectors,CD’s, manuals, bracket accessories, wire managers and other appropriate accessories. Performance: Shall support high performance traffic forwarding with con-current features like Firewall and encryption. Forwarding Capacity shall be a minimum of 170 Kpps (considering 64byte packet size) and should be scalable. Shall support variety of interfaces like V.35 Sync Serial (2 Mbps), G.703 Ethernet Interfaces – 1Gbps. Shall support DSL connectivity using ADSL, G.SHDSL for Horizontal office connectivity Should have other IP Services like GRE tunneling, ACLs, IPSEC VPNs, Firewalling, NAT services. Shall support Voice traffic optimization with features like LFI, cRTP High Availability Shall support redundant connection to LAN Shall support Redundant Power supply Shall support fast reboot for minimum network downtime Shall support Non-Stop forwarding for fast re-convergence of routing protocols Shall support boot options like booting from TFTP server, Network node and Flash Memory Shall support multiple storage of multiple images and configurations Shall support link aggregation using LACP as per IEEE 802.3ad Shall support VRRP or equivalent Protocol Support VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 202 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 1.5.1 Shall support Routing protocols like IS-IS, RIP ver1 & RIP Ver 2, OSPF ver2, OSPF on demand, BGP4 1.5.2 Should have Multicast routing protocols IGMPv1, v2 & v3, PIM-SM (RFC2362) and PIM-DM, Multicast VLAN Registration. 1.5.3 The vendor shall undertake their routers for migration from IPv4 to IPv6 as and when govt. wants to migrate to new protocol. The vendor shall show that they have definite plan for migrating their equipments to IPv6 in near future. As and when IPv6 is introduced in the routers it shall have the following features: 1.5.4 DHCPv6, IPv6 QoS and IPv6 Multicast support, Bi-Directional PIM, Multicast VPN, RIPng and OSPFv3 for IPv6, IPv6 PIMv2 Sparse Mode and IPv6 PIMv2 SourceSpecific Multicast. 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.8 1.5.9 1.5.10 1.5.11 1.5.12 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.6.5 1.6.6 1.6.7 1.6.8 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.7.4 1.7.5 1.7.6 1.7.7 MPLS VPN, MPLS mVPN (Multicast VPN), VRF-Aware Services (NAT, FW, IPsec, Syslog), Carrier Supporting Carrier (CsC), Diffserv Tunnel Modes, MPLS TE (Fast re-route), Diffserv-Aware TE, Inter-AS VPNs). Support for Load balancing Protocol. Support unequal cost link load sharing to better utilize the alternate paths Support for TCP Acceleration mechanisms to enhance the TCP performance over the WAN links. The TCP Acceleration mechanisms should be supported over end-toend encrypted tunnels. Configuration Roll Back to recover the mis-configured router to last good configuration QoS Features: Shall support the following Classification and Marking: Policy based routing, IP Precedence, DSCP, MPLS exp bits Congestion Management: WRED, Priority queuing. Traffic Conditioning: Committed Access Rate/Rate limiting Signalling: RSVP Link efficiency mechanisms: cRTP, LFI, MLPPP. Support for class-based cRTP and time based policing & queuing. Per VLAN QoS. Time Based Shaping and Policing for QoS Security Features: Should have GRE Tunnelling & NAT Services Any Office to Any other office, dynamic establishment of VPNs so that the configuration & management of IPSEC VPNs becomes easier. IPSEC VPNs should be able to carry data, voice, video Firewall. Support for large scale any-to-any IPSEC VPNs without any dependency on tunnel limitation. MD-5 route authentication for RIP, OSPF and BGP Shall support multi-level of access SNMPv3 authentication, SSHv2 VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 203 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 1.7.15 1.7.16 AAA support using Radius. CHAP authentication for P-to-P links DoS prevention through TCP Intercept & DDoS protection IP Access list to limit Telnet and SNMP access to router Multiple privilege level authentications for console and telnet access through Local database or through an external AAA Server. Time based & Dynamic ACLs for controlled forwarding based on time of day for offices Should have features to limit the spread of viruses & worms on the desktops / workstations. IEEE 802.1x support for MAC address authentication 1.8 1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8.3 Multi-media support: Shall support Voice capabilities with Voice pass-through Shall support H.323, SIP Voice based QoS 1.9 1.9.1 Debug, alarms & Diagnostics: Support for monitoring of Traffic flows for Network planning and Security purposes Debugging for all Features. Display of input and output error statistics on all interfaces Display of Dynamic ARP table Display of physical layer line status signals like DCD, DSR, DTR, RTS, CTS on all serial interfaces Trace-route, Ping and extended Ping Should have extensive support for SLA monitoring for metrics like delay, latency, jitter, packet loss, and MOS 1.7.8 1.7.9 1.7.10 1.7.11 1.7.12 1.7.13 1.7.14 1.9.2 1.9.3 1.9.4 1.9.5 1.9.6 1.9.7 1.10.4 Management Shall have support for Web / GUI based management, CLI, Telnet and SNMPv3 Shall support Secure Shell for secure connectivity. Embedded RMON support for four groups – history, statistics, alarms and events Should have to support Out of band management through Console and an external modem for remote management. 1.11 1.11.1 IPV6 The product should have IPV6 Gold certified. 1.1 0 1.10.1 1.10.2 1.10.3 Table – 22 port switch (for all locations except RSKs) L2 Switch Specifications General Features: The switch should have minimum 24 x 10/100 Fast Ethernet Ports & 2 Gigabit ports for uplink purpose VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 204 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Performance At least 8 Gbps switching fabric Operating Temperature 00C to 450C Layer-2 Features: IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation. Upto 255 VLANs should be supported. Support for 4000 VLAN IDs. Support for Automatic Negotiation of Trunking Protocol, to help minimize the configuration & errors. Centralized VLAN Management. Spanning-tree Enhancements for fast convergence IEEE 802.1d, 802.1s,802.1w.802.3ad Spanning-tree root guard feature to prevent other edge switches becoming the root bridge. Local Proxy Address Resolution protocol (ARP) to work in conjunction with Private VLAN Edge to minimize broadcasts and maximize available bandwidth. Network Security Features: IEEE 802.1xto allow dynamic, port-based security, providing user authentication. Port-based ACLs for Layer 2 interfaces to allow application of security policies on individual switch ports. SSHv2 and SNMPv3 to provide network security by encrypting administrator traffic during Telnet and SNMP sessions. RADIUS authentication to enable centralized control of the Switch and restrict unauthorized users from altering the configuration. MAC address notification to allow administrators to be notified of users added to or removed from the network. DHCP snooping to allow administrators to ensure consistent mapping of IP to MAC addresses. This can be used to prevent attacks that attempt to poison the DHCP binding database, and to rate-limit the amount of DHCP traffic that enters a switch port. DHCP Interface Tracker (option 82) feature to augment a host IP address request with the switch port ID. Port security to secure the access to an access or trunk port based on MAC address. Multilevel security on console access to prevent unauthorized users from altering the switch configuration using local database or through an external AAA server. Management: Command line interface (CLI) support for configuration and troubleshooting purpose Layer 2 trace route to ease troubleshooting by identifying the physical path that a packet takes from source to destination. Trivial File transfer protocol (TFTP) to reduce the cost of administering software upgrades by downloading from a centralized location. Network Timing Protocol (NTP) to provide an accurate and consistent timestamp to all intranet switches. SNMP v1, v2c and v3 and Telnet interface support delivers comprehensive in-band management, and a CLI-based management console provides detailed out-of-band management. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 205 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Other The product should be IPv6 gold certified by the accredited lab of IPv6 forum The product should be FANLESS design technology compliant to 802.3az Table 23– 8 port switch (for RSKs) L2 Switch Specifications General Features: The switch should have minimum 8 x 10/100 Fast Ethernet Ports & 1 Gigabit ports for uplink purpose Performance At least 4 Gbps switching fabric Operating Temperature 00C to 450C Layer-2 Features: IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation. Upto 255 VLANs should be supported. Support for 4000 VLAN IDs. Support for Automatic Negotiation of Trunking Protocol, to help minimize the configuration & errors. Centralized VLAN Management. Spanning-tree Enhancements for fast convergence IEEE 802.1d, 802.1s,802.1w.802.3ad Spanning-tree root guard feature to prevent other edge switches becoming the root bridge. Local Proxy Address Resolution protocol (ARP) to work in conjunction with Private VLAN Edge to minimize broadcasts and maximize available bandwidth. Network Security Features: IEEE 802.1xto allow dynamic, port-based security, providing user authentication. Port-based ACLs for Layer 2 interfaces to allow application of security policies on individual switch ports. SSHv2 and SNMPv3 to provide network security by encrypting administrator traffic during Telnet and SNMP sessions. RADIUS authentication to enable centralized control of the Switch and restrict unauthorized users from altering the configuration. MAC address notification to allow administrators to be notified of users added to or removed from the network. DHCP snooping to allow administrators to ensure consistent mapping of IP to MAC addresses. This can be used to prevent attacks that attempt to poison the DHCP binding database, and to rate-limit the amount of DHCP traffic that enters a switch port. DHCP Interface Tracker (option 82) feature to augment a host IP address request with the switch port ID. Port security to secure the access to an access or trunk port based on MAC address. Multilevel security on console access to prevent unauthorized users from altering the switch configuration using local database or through an external AAA server. Management: VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 206 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Command line interface (CLI) support for configuration and troubleshooting purpose Layer 2 trace route to ease troubleshooting by identifying the physical path that a packet takes from source to destination. Trivial File transfer protocol (TFTP) to reduce the cost of administering software upgrades by downloading from a centralized location. Network Timing Protocol (NTP) to provide an accurate and consistent timestamp to all intranet switches. SNMP v1, v2c and v3 and Telnet interface support delivers comprehensive in-band management, and a CLI-based management console provides detailed out-of-band management. Other The product should be IPv6 gold certified by the accredited lab of IPv6 forum The product should be FANLESS design technology compliant to 802.3az Table 24: Provision to monitor network and troubleshooting network Make & Model Offered - (To be filled by the bidder) Basic Requirements Enterprise Management System should provide for end to end performance, availability, fault and event and impact management for all enterprise resources that encompasses the heterogeneous networks, systems, applications and databases present in the system. The Service Management solution namely Service desk (incident and problem mgmt), Change, Asset, Self Service and Service level management should be built on the same platform/code and leverage the same common, shared configuration database with a unified architecture. The same platforms should be used across all modules, requiring no complex integrations to leverage the combined benefits offered by the integrated platform. The service automation solution should be a unified solution supporting provisioning, configuration management and compliance assurance across servers, networks and applications and should support end to end full stack and dynamic server, network and application provisioning. Solution should provide for future scalability of the whole system without major architectural changes. Solution should be open, distributed, and scalable and open to third party integration. Performance Management The solution should provide Agent-based or Agent less Monitoring in a single architecture – that will allow an organization to choose the level of management required and deploys the rightsized solution to meet those requirements. The agent and agent less monitor should be able to collect event/fault, performance and capacity data and should not require separate collectors. The solution should reduce manual customization efforts and should speed-up problem identification and resolution of the IT performance anomalies with intelligent events. The solution should accelerate problem isolation through accurate analysis of probable cause through end-to-end correlation. The solution should have the capability to identify probable root cause using a variety of filtering and statistical correlation methods to shift through every metric to determine their relevance to the issue being researched. The solution should possess capabilities that deliver self-learning capabilities to virtually eliminate the ongoing costs of manual threshold, rule, and script maintenance. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 207 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking The solution should be able to generate dynamic performance baselines and continuously update and refine these normal operational bands by automatically adapting the changes in enterprise infrastructure. The solution should have the capability to minimize manual threshold management, by performing automated dynamic threshold management. The solution should have predictive analytics and intelligence in-built into it so as to detect any anomaly before it could potentially hit the threshold thereby giving enough lead time to users to resolve the issues before the threshold is breached. The solution should carry out automated probable cause analysis by picking up feeds from every infrastructure component being monitored and automating the correlation of these alarms/events to point out the probable cause of an infrastructure error. Solution should carry out probable cause analysis and scoring to reduce the number of alerts generated thereby helping operations to identify the root cause without having to write complex rules for correlation. Solution should carry out auto-diagnosis on occurrence of an type of event and should provide the ability to extend this based on users knowledge. The solution should possess capabilities that deliver self-learning capabilities to virtually eliminate the ongoing costs of manual threshold, rule, and script maintenance. The solution should be able to generate dynamic performance baselines and continuously update and refine these normal operational bands by automatically adapting the changes in enterprise infrastructure. The solution should have the capability to minimize manual threshold management, by performing automated dynamic threshold management. Should be configurable to suppress events for key systems/devices that are down for routine maintenance or planned outage. Should be able to monitor on user-defined thresholds for warning/ critical states and escalate events to event console of enterprise management system. Solution should carry out auto-diagnosis on occurrence of a type of event and should provide the ability to extend this based on users knowledge. The solution should provide end users with the ability to search for known errors and knowledgebase. Solution should be able to score the events and display the highest impacting events in descending order. The Solution should offer the ability to monitor such custom/home-grown applications. The solution should integrate network, server, application and database performance information and alarms in a single console and provide a unified reporting interface for all network and system components. The current performance state of the entire network and system infrastructure shall be visible in an integrated console. The solution should be extensible enough to support capacity planning and optimization with data collected through the same performance management agent. Network Management The Network Management function must monitor performance across heterogeneous networks from one end of the enterprise to the other. It should proactively analyze problems to improve network performance. The Network Management function should create a graphical display of all discovered resources. The Network Management function should have extensive reporting facility, providing the ability to format and present data in a graphical and tabular display VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 208 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Discovery Discovery solution should do a complete discovery of IT environment across distributed, virtual and heterogeneous environment and provide a clear and visual mapping of IT infrastructure to business services. Should support discovery of Physical, virtual, network, application, storage and mainframe resources. Solution should support complete agent-less discovery requiring no software to be installed on devices to be discovered. Should Automatically map IT infrastructure to business services. Should support continuous updates of configuration & dependency data to CMDB The discovery data should be fully auditable as to where it came from and what was the method to retrieve that. Should support troubleshooting and diagnostics for any discovery scan failures. Presentation Business owners should be able to graphically view the health of their business services and its related tickets. Business owners should have a clear view of the extent of impact to their business and if need be the reason behind the impact. The IT organization should be able to view their tickets by business service and impact from the same solution. Solution should have the ability to display the events in a table, service, infrastructure, tree views. It should provide each user the ability to select or view the events as per their convenience. Should support advanced filtering to eliminate extraneous data / alarms in Web browser and GUI. Agents Should monitor various operating system parameters such as processors, memory, files, processes, file systems etc. where applicable using agents on the servers to be monitored. The agent should support execution of remote commands/scripts for troubleshooting and diagnostics purposes. Provide performance threshold configuration for all the agents to be done from a central GUI based console that provide a common look and feel across various platforms in the enterprise. These agents could then dynamically reconfigure them to use these threshold profiles they receive. IT Service Management The Solution displays the complete ITIL process flow for Incident, problem, Change and release Management. The solution should have Service Management Process Model in built based on ITIL v3 best practices. At each stage in the cycle of the incident, the system should prompt users on the status and the missing information that is required to complete the flow. In case any process step is missed, the system prompts users to complete that step before they move to the next step. Solution should support reporting on the process flow to allow management to understand how organization is performing in terms of process adherence. Solution should support multi-tenancy with complete data isolation as well as with ability for analysts based on access rights to view data for one, two or more organizational units. Solution should provide L1 engineer an ability to see the list of assets used by the end user. This list should be displayed within the ticket (incident, change, problem etc). VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 209 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Should provide relationship viewer to L1 from within the ticket. The relationship viewer should display the dependencies and impact relationships to other assets and users. Solution should automatically provide solutions from the knowledge base to L1 L1 should be able to view detailed configuration of a selected asset (Eg - amount of CPU, RAM, Disk Space, IP address, software installed, software used etc). Should be possible to do this from within the ticket. The solution should be bundled with a tool that will allow administrators to customize the GUI using a point-and-click interface to add and change forms, objects, and fields in forms. Workflow must be able to perform notification via email, pager, SMS and the have provision to interface with other communication modes. The solution should provision the administrator to create new or modify existing workflow by using actions like set fields, push fields, SQL query etc. Provide the ability to develop workflow for data level operations like record create, update, modify and delete operation. Same workflow could be executed for both Window and Web client. Provide option for approval engine so that any customized applications developed could incorporate the hierarchy, role based, level based ad-hoc approval structure. Include notification and escalation capability if approval is not performed. The solution should provide the functionality of executing searches to the entire database. It should be possible to provide query criteria using AND, OR conditions. This allows the users to create and view workflows/reports based on their needs rather than using only the set of workflows/reports provided out of the box. Incident/Problem Management Flexibility of logging incidents via various means - web interface, client interface, phone, auto integration with EMS tools. Service Desk solution should allow detailed multiple levels/tiers of categorization on the type of incident being logged. Service Desk solution should provide classification to differentiate the criticality of the security incident via the priority levels, severity levels and impact levels. It should allow SLA to be associated with a ticket based on priority, severity, incident type, requestor, asset, location or group individually as well as collectively. Solution should support fast service restoration leveraging previous incident data. It should be possible for L1 to view the 'Health of a selected asset' from within the ticket. The health view should be consistent across platform (Windows & flavours of UNIX). Should support automatic assignment of ticket to the right skilled resource based on business priority Ex - Database crash issue need not be assigned to an L3 DBA unless the business service is completely down. Asset causing the business failure and business service that has failed should be automatically related to the ticket. It should be possible to architect a decentralized service operations (across OS, database and application versions). Should be able to implement a Follow the sun support. Should be able to consolidated view/reports across locations while maintaining localized views/reports. For integrations with other EMS/NMS tools, various options for integration should be provided APIs, web services, SDKs. It should have an updateable knowledge base for technical analysis and further help end-users to search solutions for previously solved issues. Should support full text search capabilities. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 210 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Change Management Should support Change Impact and change collision detection based on affected CIs from CMDB. Solution should provide for Change Calendar with periodical views. Should support self service change request and fulfillment with standard change requests via service catalog. Should support Incident & problem driven change-release-deployment activities. End to End Release Management workflows should be supported with in-built rollback capabilities. Should support unified change and release tools (planning, risk assessment, scheduling, and execution tools) for complete enterprise across virtual & physical environments, applications, etc. Asset Management Should manage complete lifecycle starting with the initiation of the procurement through to retiring and (if applicable) harvesting unused software. Should be integrated with Service Desk for maintenance and support of assets. Should be integrated with Change Management for deployment, changes. Use the same data model and normalization, federation capabilities of CMDB to manage asset data ensuring data standardization across enterprise. Should support IT Business Management data and metrics to manage asset lifecycle TCO from acquisition to support to retirement. Should support Integration with supplier, contract, e-procurement data. Configuration Management The Configuration Management Database should support multiple datasets with federation and reconciliation facilities so as to get data from various discovery tools and also through manual import process. The Configuration Management should support Definitive Software and Media Library with content updates on a periodic basis. Normalization of data should be possible along complete definitive media library – software, hardware with standardization on attributes. Reconciliation of data should be possible with multiple data providers based on common attributes and ability to define precedence rules on attributes. Federation of external data sources should be possible with ability to store common attributes inside CMDB and getting other attributes from external data sources in real time. Should provide best in class integration capabilities with CMDBf compliant APIs. Should Provide a single shared view of services supporting Service Design, Transition and Operations stages of the lifecycle. Should Provide a Service catalog so as to establish a framework for Service definitions based on IT and business alignment. Should Provide Service blueprints to describe functional and deployment models for the Service definitions. Should automatically create Service models to describe how IT infrastructure supports business services. Manage services consistently across heterogeneous data center and cloud environments. Service Level Management Solution should support comprehensive SLA management platform that cuts across Infrastructure Management and Service Management. For e.g. monitors and reports across different KPIs like infrastructure (CPU utilization, disk space), response times , resolution times (eg. incident closed on 2 hours) performance and custom parameters of an enterprise. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 211 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Have a consolidated, automated graphical report for SLA compliance with ability to drill down to reason for non-compliance". Manage service levels for delivery and support of business services. Fast, repeatable process for defining and capturing service level measurements. Real-time visualization of service level targets, agreement compliance data, penalties and rewards. Deliver service level information and alerts directly to IT Operations and Service Support consoles. Should support compliance and cost trending to assist in identifying areas for process and operational improvements. Service Request Management Should support single service catalog for requestable services, spanning both IT and non-IT domains. Should provide for Service Requests Workflows and Fulfilment definitions for commonly used IT/non-IT services. Catalog based on User profile. Various types of Customer profiles are supported, for ex: Gold, Platinum, Silver. Integrates with any underlying service management for request fulfilment. Ability to load dynamic information based on the field chosen. Ability to position both Custom-made and Standard Requests Should send notifications to Customers based on the status. Should have the ability to extend and create new service request. Should have predefined catalogues that cover specific use cases. Should be completely web based and should be accessible from an unified portal. The services should be integrated to SLAs and should be auto measured for adherence. Reporting Should provide for OOB Reports for Service Support and Service Delivery processes through a unified portal Should have ability to have a consolidated view of data collected from different types of operations (Eg - SLA compliance for a selected business service, it's dependent SLAs, OLA and UPCs, it's changes by priority, open incidents by priority and status, it's assets and individual asset compliance, patches installed and compliance to patches etc) and displayed in a universal portal. Provide users (based on role) to drill down to specific report/data on a need basis. Provide detailed reports on a specific area as per the need of the user. Provide ability to set thresholds on reports values and take automated actions (Eg - at any point of time not more that 10 critical incidents should not be in open status for billing service, if it does send an email report to billing service owner and SLA manager. If consolidated availability of billing service is < 98% for more than 30mts, send an email to SLA manager." Ability to create custom KPI metrics and scorecard/compliance reports that are updated automatically. Single dashboard provides the as-is scenario by consolidating the data across the organization. Should automatically compute and apply the math as per the business service. Should support and Correlate KPIs from multiple disciplines. Should support top down dashboards with drill down capabilities into detailed information. Should be extensible enough to leverage external data and metrics. Should support multiple views with flexible pod-like structure along with role based access. Server Automation Should support all major OS and virtualization platforms. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 212 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Should Support comprehensive and configuration-level roll-back for changes. Automated provisioning for physical, virtual, and cloud-based environments. Policy-based, Cross-Platform patch support across Windows, Linux, and Unix. Support compliance Policies for regulatory and security standards with integrated exception documentation. Support Granular and environment-aware configuration policies and deployment. Automated packaging, promotion, and deployment of applications. Should support cross-platform and reusable packaging with built-in rollback support. Should maintain complete configuration for all managed servers at completely granular level ensuring any minor change is also tracked and reported on. Should support Configuration-level Control of Tasks, Objects, and Policies. Should have ability to monitor the parameters in real time and confirm compliance to security policies. Closed loop change Management workflows that monitor and track these compliance changes. Should have audit capabilities that compare the server status to policies defined in real time. Network Automation The solution should be able to support configuration management across the network infrastructure, including routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, wireless access points, and other network devices. The solution should be able to instantly provide the who, what, where, and when of planned, unplanned, and unauthorized network changes. The solution should be able to audit and enforce configuration standards, such as those around security, performance, and routing which would help in proactively assessing the impact of change and also quickly recover from problematic changes". The solution should be able to dynamically create scripts to allow for changes to be pushed into the device without having to reboot the device (i.e., non-disruptive rollback). The solution should be able to provide the mechanism to push access control lists (ACLs) into a device without exposing the device to potential security vulnerabilities". Should support Standard Authentication Methods, Role Based Access Control (RBAC), Realms and Groups, Sensitive Data Masking, Telnet SSH proxy. The solution should support an extensible, automated import feature to collect device information from third party discovery engines and other sources. Workflow Automation Tools should support workflows for leading 3rd party vendors including virtualization and storage vendors. The tool should be shipped with standard pre-built workflows, templates etc. Tool should support process abstraction/ Workflow Reuse. The tool should extensively support Data Abstraction. Platform and process upgrades should not require extensive workflow updates. Workflow execution should have both automatic and semi-automatic modes of execution. Tool should provide a scalable architecture that enables efficient execution of large numbers of concurrent processes. The tool should support a flexible architecture that seamlessly incorporates high availability at a work-flow level. Batch Job and Workload Automation Solution should allow for batch discovery to ensure the CMDB contains up to date Batch Service data. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 213 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Should provide both Agent-based & Agent-less scheduling of batch jobs on all platforms. Solution should have a single Entry point to schedule, monitor and manage batch jobs across Distributed environments. Solution should provide a centralized GUI to view colour oriented job status, check logs and view output for last 5 or more days. Solution should provide user ability to map the key business impacting jobs into a service and enables the Service Monitoring to integrate into Service Desk and Service Impact Management for any failure or delays. Solution should have the ability to forecast the schedule for a future date and simulate the flow of jobs in terms to the estimated start and end times of jobs and business services with option to add what-if scenarios for better simulation. Solution should have an ability to execute SAP R/3 Programs, BW Programs, Data Archiving Programs & Business Objects reports and provides specific interface for it as well as ability to integrate with Oracle, MS SQL & DB2 database to schedule and run the SQL scripts, open queries, Stored procedures and SSIS packages and provides out-of-box interface for it and not through wrapper scripts. Solution should have ability to schedule; trigger and monitor file transfers across the enterprise using sftp, ftp, compression, encryption, decompression and decryption, restart from point of failure and provides out of box interface for it. Should support workload management by defining policies for efficient job submission to servers based upon the CPU, Memory usage and time periods. Solution should also Self Service functionalities to Business users and presents a view of the workload services relevant to them so that they can submit service request through a service catalog. Table 25: Specification for Computer Table : Dimension : 2 x 4 x 2.5 (feet) Wood : Prelaminated Particle Board with termite resistant polish (Sturdy and durable) Features : Sufficient racks to keep the UPS, Keyboard, Mouse. Drawer for keeping file and Documents , separate cabin for the CPU Wire manager on the top surface of the table. Table 26: Specification for Computer Revolving Chair BASE : 640mm Nylon base glass filled Nylon castors with embedded Metal Rings and Ribs. STEM : 125mm Stroke Gas Operated TILTING MECHANISM : Push back mechanism with 2 point locking facility ARMS : Plastic molded arms SEAT : Made of 12mm layered multi waterfall curvature in the front with 65 density molded foam for seat.BACK : Flexible double Layered multi curvature to ensure back is supported at maximum points with lumber height adjustment for 70mm with 32 density cushion at back (medium back) CHAIR HEIGHT MAX :1050mm CHAIR WIDTH :540mm SEAT HEIGHT MIN :450mm SEAT WIDTH :450mm SEAT DEPTH :460mm VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 214 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Table 27 Help Desk : The Service provider has to provide a Centralized help desk for technical and functional support so as to respond to queries and solve issues of the users. The Helpdesk should be accessible through communication channels viz, toll free telephone and email. It should be able to respond to the queries/problems in the time limits. Online Helpdesk system has to be deployed by the service provider at Head Office, Department of Agriculture, Bangalore and should be used for management and support activity. For the management of helpdesk the service provider has to deploy three man power(Operators) from 8am to 8pm to sort out the issues raised by the users. As part of the NMS system or separately, a comprehensive Helpdesk Management System shall be provided by the Service Provider so as to enable the support staff to provide reliable infrastructure support services to the various DoA offices. In all Helpdesk management comprises of Helpdesk tool, policies, and Helpdesk personnel along with supporting people. The key features of the Helpdesk systems shall be: 1. Recording of all service calls and Incidents 2. Service level management 3. Problem management 4. Change management 5. Configuration management with CMDB The helpdesk software should be able to generate a ticket number for registering a problem and designated authority from DOA would be given access to such software so as to monitor the SLAs etc. The helpdesk software needs to provide enough scope to integrate it with the other helpdesk Software used by the external operators for tracking of the issue and SLA monitoring. Note: · · · 1B.2. All equipments supplied shall have a comprehensive onsite warranty for 3 years All equipments supplied as per Annexure should not be end of life for next five years from the date of supply of the equipments. All the equipments supplied as per Annexure should not have been manufactured 6 months before the date of supply. Quantity of Project Facilities per Department of Agriculture Office The tentative quantities of Project Facilities referred to in the table below are per office numbers and are indicative in nature. Name of Department of Agriculture Offices No. of Offices Server PC1 PC2 Laptop RSKs 571 Taluk ADA offices 176 District JDA office 30 3 1 5 1 Labs DATC 48 23 1* 2 5 1 The Commissioner ate 1 PMU 1 5 The Secretaria t 1 1.5 VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 50 12 5 Page 215 5 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Name of Department of Agriculture Offices 80 Col 136 Col Thermal printer 1 KVA UPS with 1 hour backup 2 KVA with 6 hours backup 3 KVA with 4 hours backup 3 KVA with 6 UPS hours backup 10 KVA with 2 hours DMP 1KVA online UPS with 6 hours backup A3+Size color Inkjet Printer A3 Size color laser Printer Color laser jet Laser jet black Copier cum printer cum scanner Web Camera LAN KSWAN Modu Tables lar Furnit Chairs ure RSKs Taluk ADA offices District JDA office Labs DATC 1 2 1 1 1 The Commissioner ate 1 PMU The Secretaria t 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 12 10 1 1* 1.5 Y Y 2 1 Y Y 3 1 Y Y 5 1 Y Y 2 1 Y Y 5 2 3 5 2 5 System Operators 1 3 Y Y Master Trainers** 1 1 1 3 1* 2 2 1 1 1 VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 2 1 1* 2 N Y 5 5 2 Technical Consultant Network Engineer 8 Port Switch 24 port Router NMS tool SQL server 2008 Standard edition R2/ higher (CPU based license) 3 Y Y 3 Page 216 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Name of Department of Agriculture Offices RSKs Taluk ADA offices District JDA office Labs MS O/S 2008/R2 standard edition (CPU based license) Capacity Building to Officers 4. The Commissioner ate 1* 2 5 Corporate antivirus*** Note: 1. 2. 3. DATC 10 4 5 PMU The Secretaria t 5 120 4 1 The existing systems at DoA Offices shall be integrated with the Project Facilities. * denotes Center for Excellence. ** Service Provider has to provide Master trainers @ 1 per district for a period of 1 year during the agreement period and @ 1 per centre of excellence for the remaining agreement period. *** Corporate antivirus should be renewed annually during the agreement period. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 217 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 1C: PROJECT MONITORING UNIT For the purposes of monitoring the implementation of the Project, the Department of Agriculture shall constitute two entities namely; 5.1. Implementation Review Committee This shall oversee and review the implementation of the Project at a higher level. The Committee shall be headed by the Commissioner for Agriculture. Periodic review meetings shall be held under the Chairmanship of the Commissioner, to monitor the progress of the project and ensure implementation in a timely manner. Any issues regarding implementation would be resolved by this Committee. The tentative composition of this Committee would be as follows: Agriculture Commissioner Chairman Director, DoA Member Additional Director of Agriculture (HRD) Member-Secretary Joint Director of Agriculture (Training & Extension) Member State Informatics Officer, NIC Member Deputy Director of Agriculture (Computer Section) Co-ordinator Representative from Service Provider Member 5.2. Project Monitoring Unit PMU shall operate at the head office of DoA Offices and shall closely monitor and supervise the performance of the Service Provider. It is envisaged that PMU would indicatively constitute of the following members. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Officers Head of PMU Senior Project Manager/ Consultant Project Manager (Technical) One Representative Training Coordinator Domain Expert Representative from Third Party Agency Department DoA Service Provider NIC e-Governance DoA DoA Consultant identified by DoA Assisted Staff to PMU No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Officers Technical Consultants Network Consultants Administrative Assistant Helpdesk executive Clerk/Case Worker Data Entry Personnel Office Assistant VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Department Service Provider Service Provider Service Provider Service Provider DoA Service Provider Service Provider Page 218 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 8. Sweeper cum cleaner Service Provider Additional Facilities to PMU for Project Monitoring: No. 1. 5.3 Staff/ Facilities Department 7 seater vehicle of model innova/ mahindra xylo/ XUV 500 Service Provider etc., with AC and run by an experienced Driver Should run to all the offices of the DoA Should be available 24*7 if required. Roles and Responsibilities of PMU · PMU will assist the Department in the following activities. · Monitoring and reviewing at all levels ensuring the successful implementation of the project across the state. · Maintain effective co-ordination with the implementing agencies and stake holders with in the project. · Assistance in vendor management, SLA monitoring, coordination with all the stakeholders etc. during the rollout of the project. · Monitor the installation & commissioning of the hardware, system software and applications at various locations. · Ensure that project covenants are adhered to. · Pursue with the Project Authorities for completion of accounts and data of project facilities and certifying bills on quarterly; resolving issues arising at field level through the complaint monitoring system. · Up-to-date Repository of status Reports, Change request processing, Co-ordination for internal approval. · Liaison with State Data Centre/NIC DC for day to day activities. · PMU would be required to coordinate with all the stakeholders and support the department while interacting with various agencies (internal and external) during the course of the project. PMU shall build mechanisms to ensure coordination and consultation between all key stakeholders. · Review / Preparation of the monitoring templates for project progress monitoring. · Measuring the performance of the overall system in terms of availability and efficiency against the service levels already defined. (a) Interact with the State IT department /NIC (and its vendors) regarding: VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 219 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking · Using the State /NIC Data Centre for location of the Servers · Using SWAN as a primary connectivity · Integration /Alignment of project with NeGP State MMPs (b) Head PMU · Overall responsibility for the project · Review of the project deliverables · Attending important meetings and record keeping · Alignment of the project as per Mission Mode projects under National e-Governance Plan (c) Senior Project Manager (SPM) / Consultant · SPM will be the incharge of the overall delivery of the Project as per the requirements of the RFP. He / She will directly report to Head of the PMU or an Officer authorised by DoA. · SPM shall ensure ITIL processes are followed in the project. · SPM shall will ensure that all the deliverables are in accordance with the specifications stated in the contract Agreement and completed on schedule · SPM will be responsible for the quality of work delivered by the team personnel deployed on this project · SPM will be required to participate in all reviews as an when advised by DoA and coordinate activities assigned to service provider. · SPM shall submit quarterly SLA reports and the corresponding penalty for the quarter. (d) Technical Consultants i. Assist the SPM in all activities related to Project Manager. ii. Installation and operation of Project Software upon training by NIC iii. Train employees/ officers of DoA on the Project Software iv. Provide assistance to other Manpower in undertaking a. Daily backup of data, information, systems logs, database logs etc b. Reload support on desktop operating systems provided by Service Provider c. Reload support on desktop server operating systems provided by Service Provider VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 220 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking d. Addressing systems software problems due to crashing or malfunctioning of the operating system, front end etc e. Guarding the systems against virus infection using latest anti-virus tools f. Creation of IP addresses. g. Monitoring server room activities- entry/exit, network points h. Basic network operations like Identification of network problems, connecting patch card to clients, etc. v. Develop an IT Policy and installing mechanism to oversee monitoring of such policy vi. Maintian Documentation and generate Reports vii. Facility management for digital and physical safety of the Project facilities viii. Minor network/ connectivity issues ix. Ensuring uninterrupted power supply by promptly operating generator/UPS units x. Other assistance as may be required by Manpower xi. Complaint redressal within the Resolution Time Frame xii. Comply with all the provisions of the Agreement related to Confidential Information and Intellectual Property Rights (e) Project Manager (Technical) · Leading the Technical team · Provide technical direction and development, design and systems integration · Complete project management, risk management and coordination between various stakeholders for smooth implementation · Monitor Implementation of project during all phases · Requirements Engineering, FRS, SRS, SDD · Software development assignment, Task assignment to Programmers · Conducting UAT & Release Mechanism · User Manual and Operational manual preparation and updation · Application software troubleshooting and fixing · Training at state level on ‘Trainers train’ · Monitoring of software issues at field level, Change Request Processing VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 221 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking · Escalation to development team and resolution · Monitoring of support services (f) Training Co-Coordinator · Facilitate training programmes at the state/district level for end users of the application software · Organize general training programmes on need basis · Mentor the training requirements at the gross root level and execute capacity building plan (g) Domain Expert · Co-ordinate with the functional sections/groups within the department on day-to-day basis for application testing, recording user reviews and escalation to the Project Manager(Technical) and Team leader(SD/IO) · Work closely with development team for meeting the user requirements · Facilitate in UAT from department side. Organize meetings with line personnel and feed back (h) Network consultant · Attend day-to-day TCP/IP network related issues, Patch updations · Establish Network setup, Hardware and network Status monitoring, Troubleshooting and record management · Installing and configuring wired and wireless routers · Troubleshooting Network issues according to the type of internet connection and Modem, VPNoBB issues (i) Administrative Assistant · · · · · To assist the Department Officials in providing the MIS reports To clarify the details made available in the bill invoice raised by the service provider every quarter To keep financial records and accounting updated. Document creation and communication to relevent stakeholders related to the project Assist the Department in any field level audits that may be required at regular periods. (j) Helpdesk executive VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 222 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking · To log help desk tickets from operators or department users over phone/ mail etc., · Assign tickets received over phone, online interface or alters received from EMS. · All grievences shall be assigned a ticket number and the number will be made available to the user along with the identification of the agent with out the user having to make a request in this regard at the beginning of the interaction. · First level of diagnosis, to resolve the issue over phone, if possible. · Call up the executive and inform the issue to be resolved. · Call up the OEM, if the issue needs to be resolved by the OEM as per the warranty terms if it cannot be resolved by the network/ technical executives. · Responsible for updating helpdesk tickets on a regular basis and closure after checking with the enduser. · Calling of the KSWAN team and reporting issues on failures in network. · Logging the interaction details (along with the ticket number provided by KSWAN team) in the service desk system. · Call up the executive again, if the ticket is reopened due to unsatisfactory feed back provided by the enduser. · Handling all required reports for the department/ project manager. · Customer satisfaction survey on periodic intervals. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 223 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 2: PAYMENT SCHEDULE 2.1. The payment schedule shall be as per the table given below: S.No. Year 1 Year 1 S. Year Date Completion Date Periodic Payment Date Upfront Payment Upfront Payment Periodic Payment Date on 210 days from Appointed Date Date on 300 days from Appointed Date Date on 390 days from Appointed Date Date on 480 days from Appointed Date Date on 570 days from Appointed Date Date on 660 days from Appointed Date Date on 750 days from Appointed Date Date on 840 days from Appointed Date Date on 930 days from Appointed Date Date on 1020 days from Appointed Date Date on 1110 days from Appointed Date Date on 1200 days from Appointed Date Date on 1290 days from Appointed Date Date on 1380 days from Appointed Date Date on 1470 days from Appointed Date Date on 1560 days from Appointed Date Date on 1650 days from Appointed Date Date on 1740 days from Appointed Date Date on 1830 days from Appointed Date Date on 2010 days from Appointed Date I st quarter payment 2nd quarter payment 3rd Quarter payment 4th Quarter payment 5th quarter payment 6th quarter payment 7th quarter payment 8th quarter payment 9th quarter payment 10th quarter payment 11th quarter payment 12th quarter payment 13th quarter payment 14th quarter payment 15th quarter payment 16th quarter payment 17th quarter payment 18th quarter payment 19th quarter payment 20th quarter payment** No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 ** shall be made 6 (six) months after Expiry Date VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 224 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 3: DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS The Service Provider shall install new components of Project Facilities at DoA Offices as per the Development Requirements set out in this Schedule. As per Technical Proposal of the Bidder VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 225 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 4: PERFORMANCE TESTS 4.1. Performance Test Performance Tests shall comprise the following: 4.1.1. Pre-Dispatch Tests a. A Technical Evaluation Committee constituted by DoA shall carry out the pre-dispatch test at the premises of the Service Provider. The tests shall include all tests conducted during Technical Evaluation of the Project Facilities submitted by the Service Provider as part of the Technical Proposal. The performance results shall match with the hardware specifications given by DoAand also the test results enclosed in the Technical Proposal. b. The Technical Evaluation Committee shall carry out the following activities. · Physical verification of systems · Functionality test · Application software execution test · Evaluation of the Comprehensive Verification Report (CVR) c. The details of the tests (Pre-Dispatch Test Report) along with the systems, which have undergone successful inspection, shall be sealed and signed by the Service Provider and member(s) of Technical Evaluation Committee and Department’s Representative before delivery to the respective DoA Offices. The delivery shall be accompanied by a list of serial numbers and part numbers of the components and a copy of the Pre-Dispatch Test Report to the respective DoA Offices. d. In case of any discrepancy found with respect to the hardware configuration/ performance reports, the Service Provider shall replace such components at its own cost so as the meet the requirements. e. On delivery, the Department’s Representative shall ensure that seal and signature are found intact. f. If the Project Facilities (accepted after testing) or any of its subsystem or components gets damaged during transit, the same shall be replaced by the Service Provider. 4.1.2. Installation Tests Each component of the Project Facilities like desktops, PCs, laptops, servers, etc., shall be assigned with a unique serial number (either manufactures serial number or otherwise). The unique serial number shall VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 226 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking appear on the performance test outputs of respective components for which test is conducted and shall also be affixed on the body of such component. Test (“Performance Tests”) shall be carried out for each component to confirm adherence of the component with Development Requirements and to indicate the component information set out in this clause. i. For Desktop Computer a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Unique Serial Number Manufacturers registration/license/hardware number Month of manufacture Hard Disk Capacity Processor Specifications RAM Specifications CD ROM ii. For Laptop a. Unique Serial Number b. Manufacturers registration/license/hardware number c. Month of manufacture d. Hard Disk Capacity e. Processor Specifications f. RAM Specifications g. CD ROM h. Web camera iii. For Printer (Dot matrix/ LaserJet) a. Unique Serial Number b. Manufacturers registration/license/hardware number c. Month and year of manufacture d. Print Width e. Print Speed f. Colour or mono-colour iv. For Un-interrupted Power Supply (UPS) System a. Type b. Unique Serial Number c. Manufactures registration/license/ hardware number d. Month and year of manufacture e. Brand and manufacturers name f. Installation certificate (IC) issued by manufacturer/dealer g. Capacity in KVA h. Back-up (hours) v. For Servers a. Unique Serial Number b. Manufacturer’s Registration/ license/ hardware number VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 227 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Month and year of manufacture Brand and manufacturers name Hard Disk Capacity Processor Specifications RAM Specifications SQL specifications Others vi. For Local Area Network a. Details of Various components of LAN b. LAN design diagram indicating architecture, nodes, switches, outlets etc c. LAN Speed – in Mpbs d. Manufacturer’s Registration/ license/ hardware number e. Others vii. For Wide Area Network a. Details of Various components of WAN b. Manufacturer’s Registration/ license/ hardware number c. Others viii. For Web camera a. Unique Serial Number b. Manufacturers registration/license/hardware number c. Month of manufacture d. Resolution/ megapixels ix. For electrical fittings, modular furniture and fixtures and other facilities The Department’s Representative shall inspect the ancillary facilities by visual inspection and compare the same with the Installation Plan and check for adherence with the Development Requirements. Further, Department’s Representative shall ascertain the reasonableness and completeness of the Support Facilities and ensure all the components of the Support Facilities are installed in such a manner that each component performs its normal expected operations. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 228 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 5: COMPLAINT REDRESSAL MECHANISM AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 5.1Preventive Maintenance Activities The Service Provider shall carry out the following procedure for preventative maintenance (“Maintenance Requirements”), at such intervals, as may be necessary, given the technical requirements of each of the components: 5.1.1 Desktop Computer and Monitor, Laptop · Remove desktop computer cover and remove dust, debris and foreign objects from under, around, or in the system board, floppy disk drive(s), hard disk drive(s), power supply, and cooling fan(s). · Clean and test the keyboard. · Clean and test the pointing device. · Clean and test CD drive unit. · Clean and verify operation of all cooling fans (case and processor). · Clean exterior case of desktop computer · Clean exterior of monitor enclosure and clean monitor screen. · Verify correct system operation. · Other Preventive Maintenance activities, as are necessary for preventive maintenance of a desktop computer and monitor. · Affix label to chassis recording date and service details of preventative maintenance service. 5.1.2 Servers: · Upgrading the server with the latest OS patches. · Ensuring antivirus updates are updated on a daily basis. · Review of logs (server, antivirus etc.,) on a daily basis and take necessary actions · Monitoring of server parameters such as disk space, memory utilization, CPU utilization on a regular basis. 5.1.3 Dot Matrix Printers · · · · · · · · · Remove dust, debris and foreign objects from within the chassis. Inspect tractors, rollers and other moving parts. Inspect print head for bent or missing pins and Inspect print ribbon. Clean and lubricate print head carriage rail and gears according to OEM specifications. Print test copy for reference. Clean exterior of printer case. Verify correct integration with desktop computers. Other Preventive Maintenance activities, as are necessary for preventive maintenance of a Dot-matrix printer. Affix label to chassis recording date and service details of preventative maintenance service. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 229 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 5.1.4 Other Printers · Remove dust, debris and foreign objects from within the chassis. · Inspect printer cartridge. · Perform standard diagnostic test set. · Print test copy for reference. · Clean exterior of printer case. · Verify correct system operation. · Other Preventive Maintenance activities, as are necessary for preventive · Maintenance of a Laser printer. · Affix label to chassis recording date and service details of preventative maintenance service. 5.1.5. Un-interrupted Power Supply (UPS) Source · Top-up battery fluid · Clean interior and exterior of the UPS · Check operation of emergency power off circuits · Check torque of all power connections · Inspect interiors for corrosion and heat damage · Record and adjust battery-charger float voltage · Calibrate metering and protection functions · Tighten power connections · Replace batteries as and when exhausted · Other Preventive Maintenance activities, as are necessary for preventive maintenance of UPS. · Affix label to chassis recording date and service details of preventative maintenance service 5.1.6. LAN/WAN · Check cables, casing, fitting, connectors and server and node operations · Perform anti-virus scan · Network print server, printer and print queue management · Tape-backup design and configuration · Update network user profiles · Network operating system patches and updates · Server, switch, router support · Other Preventive Maintenance activities, as are necessary for preventive maintenance of LAN/WAN 5.1.7. Furniture and other support infrastructure · Dust and clean all furniture regularly · Check if all components are in working and usable condition · Repair/ replace broken or damaged components · Other Preventive Maintenance activities, as may be required. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 230 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 5.2. Complaint Redressal Mechanism 5.2.1. The Service Provider shall develop an online complaint redressal mechanism which shall allow the Department’s Representative to lodge complaints about the services rendered by the Service Provider and the Service Provider shall ensure its redressal within the Resolution Time Frame. 5.2.2. This software shall be compatible with the RDBMS Project Software developed by NIC. It shall be used as an essential tool to keep track of all the complaints, received by the Department’s Representative. 5.2.3. The software shall broadly have the following features: i. ii. iii. iv. Menu driven user-friendly interface. Simple screen design for easy data entry. Built-in data validation checks. Allows Multi-user data entry and ensures data integrity VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 231 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 6: CONSUMABLES AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 6.1. Consumables The Service Provider shall ensure that there is a periodic supply of consumables at each DoA Offices so as not to cause any hindrance in the performance of obligations under this Agreement. The Service Provider shall on the basis of the significance of the components of the Project Facilities for the Project, ensure the timely availability of critical spares and consumables as and when required. An indicative list of Consumables in each DoA Offices is set out in the table below; Name of Department of Agriculture Offices 136 Column Printer cartridges per quarter 136 Column Printer Refill-Packs per month (15 meters high density) 80 Column Printer cartridges per quarter 80 Column Printer Refill-Packs per month (10 meters high density) Hp Laser jet (CE 278 A – {78A}) Cartridges per quarter A3+ Size colour inkjet cartridges per quarter A3 size Hobli RSKs Kasaba RSKs Taluk ADA offices District JDA office Labs DATC The Commi ssioner ate PMU The Secreta riat - - 1 2 1 1 - - - - - 2 4 2 2 - - - 1 1 - - - - - 2 - 2 2 - - - - - 4 - - - 1 2 1 1 50 4 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 4 - VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 232 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Name of Hobli Kasaba Taluk Department RSKs RSKs ADA of offices Agriculture Offices colour laser printer cartridges per quarter Colour laser jet cartridges per quarter toner for copier cum scanner cum printer machine per quarter 16 GB Pen 1 1 1 drives per year * Denotes centre for Excellence 6.2. District JDA office Labs DATC The Commi ssioner ate PMU The Secreta riat - - - 12 - - 1 - 1* 1 - 2 1 1 10 5 50 Inventory Management System The Service Provider shall develop an online IMS which shall have a friendly interface where the Department’s Representative can input the details of all the consumables received, utlised, required and update the status of the requisitions. The entire software shall be designed to work in a multi-user, web-based environment and should be hosted at SDC/ NIC data center. It shall have a RDBMS of what is prescribed by NIC. The developed software shall have the following features: a. Menu driven user-friendly interface. b. Simple screen design for easy data entry. c. Built-in data validation checks. d. Provides authorization checks for data access. e. Allows Multi-user data entry and ensures data integrity. f. Generate MIS reports. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 233 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 8: TRAINING INFRASTRUCTURE AND CENTRES FOR EXCELLENCE 8.1. The Service Provider shall during the Installation Period, in addition to providing Project Facilities at DATCs referred to in Schedule 1B, for the purposes of training, provide additional a server,, a copier cum printer cum scanner, a SQL server 2008 Standard edition R2/ higher (CPU based license) and a MS O/S 2008/ R@ standard edition (CPU based license) at each of the six of the DATCs which shall be developed into Centers for Excellence. 8.2. The locations for the 6 Centers for Excellences shall be the DATCs located at Dharwad, Hassan, Gulbarga, Bangalore (Urban), Davanagere and Mandya. 8.3. The Centers for Excellence shall be the centers where the Manpower and officers/ employees of DoA be trained for capacity building activities by the Master Trainers. 8.4. The Master Trainers shall utilize the existing systems supplied under NeGP-A (Refer Schedule 16) for all training purposes. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 234 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 9: REPORTS AND DOCUMENTATION 9.1. Reports 9.1.1. The Service Provider shall prepare periodic reports for submission to PMU/ DoA for each of DoA Offices. The reports shall be prepared in sufficient detail to enable DoA to ascertain the progress of the Project. 9.1.2. The Service Provider shall bear the cost of preparation of the following reports, the number and frequency details referred to in the table below is tentative. S. No. 1. Name of Report Installation Report Contents of Report 1. 2. 3. 2. Operations Report 3. Performance Reports required by PMU 4. 1. 2. 1. 2. Name of the Department of Agriculture Office Schedule of planned project implementation Status of project implementation Reasons for delay, if any Name of the Department of Agriculture Office Status of operation Complaint redressal Inventory management Frequency of Reporting No. of Copies to be submitted Weekly Three copies Weekly One Weekly As and when required 9.1.3. The contents, format and frequency of additional reports, if any, shall be as mutually decided between the Parties. 9.1.4. The reports shall be submitted in the format as required by DoA. 9.2. Documentation 9.2.1. The Service Provider shall prepare and submit in both hard and softcopies; documents such as the technical user manual, operations manual and maintenance manual, wiring and network diagrams for each DoA Offices, software installation guide, structure of the database, trouble shooting manuals, other policy documents, etc. and such other manuals as may be required by DoA for the operation of the Project Facilities. 9.2.2. The Service Provider shall document configuration in terms of model, make, capacity, serial number, code, etc. of Project Facilities VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 235 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 10: POWERS AND DUTIES OF DEPARTMENT’S REPRESENTATIVE The powers and duties of the Department’s Representative shall be as set out below: a. supervise the Performance Tests on receipt of request for the same from the Service Provider and issue Installation Certificate upon completion of Performance Tests; b. co-ordinate with the Service Provider for training at DoA Office; c. monitor the progress of the Project in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; d. lodge Complaints in case of deviation from Minimum Service Level; e. report any deviation/ shortfall in performance of obligations by the Parties to the Agreement; f. carry out joint inspection of Project Facilities and furnish to the Service Provider a list of works/ jobs, if any to be carried out by the Service Provider in conformance with the Development Requirements; g. verify the reports submitted by the Service Provider and forward the same to the Project Monitoring Unit; h. generally supervise and require compliance by the Service Provider complies with the provisions of this Agreement. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 236 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 11: PERFORMANCE SECURITY (Proforma of Bank Guarantee)7 THIS DEED OF GUARANTEE executed on this the _____day of ___________________at _______________by _____________________________________(Name of the Bank) having its Head/Registered office at _________________________________________________________________ hereinafter referred to as “the Guarantor” which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof include successors and assigns; In favour of The Departmetn of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka having it’s office at Sheshadri Road, Bangalore-560 001, (hereinafter referred to as “Department of Agriculture” or “DoA”) which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its administrators, successors or assigns. WHEREAS (A) By the Letter of Acceptance dated _____________issued by DoA to M/s,____________, (hereinafter referred to as “the Service Provider”), the Service Provider is required to execute an agreement (“Agreement”) for supply, installation, commissioning, operations, maintenance, management and transfer of Project Facilities, integrating the Project Facilities with the existing systems, networking of the DoA Offices, provide Computerised Service Delivery at all DoA Offices, carry out Data Entry Services, impart training to officers/employees of DoA, devise reporting and complaint redressal mechanism, periodic supply of consumables and discharge of other obligations by the Service Provider and to carry out other activities incidental thereto. (B) As per the provisions of the said Agreement, the Service Provider is required to furnish to the Department of Agriculture, an unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee for an amount of Rs. ________(Rupees _____________ only) as security for due and punctual performance/discharge of its obligations under the Agreement; (C) At the request of the Service Provider, the Guarantor has agreed to provide guarantee, being these presents guaranteeing the due and punctual performance/discharge by the Service Provider of its obligations under the Agreement during the Agreement Period. NOW THEREFORE THIS DEED WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 7 To be issued by a Scheduled Bank in India VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 237 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Capitalised terms used herein but not defined shall have the meaning assigned to them respectively in the Agreement. The Guarantor hereby irrevocably guarantees the due and punctual performance by the Service Provider of all its obligations under the Agreement during the Agreement Period. The Guarantor shall, without demur, pay to DoA sums not exceeding in aggregate Rs. __________ (Rupees __________ only) within 5 (five) calendar days of receipt of a written demand from DoAstating that the Service Provider has failed to meet his performance obligations under the Agreement during the Agreement Period. The Guarantor shall not go into the veracity of any breach or failure on the part of the Service Provider or validity of demand so made by DoAand shall pay the amount specified in the demand notwithstanding any direction to the contrary given or any dispute whatsoever raised by the Service Provider or any other Person. The Guarantor’s obligations hereunder shall subsist until all such demands are duly met and discharged in accordance with the provisions hereof. In order to give effect to this Guarantee, DoA shall be entitled to treat the Guarantor as the principal debtor. The obligations of the Guarantor shall not be affected by any variations in the terms and conditions of the Agreement or other documents or by the extension of time for performance granted to the Service Provider or postponement/non exercise/ delayed exercise of any of its rights by DoA or any indulgence shown by DoAto the Service Provider and the Guarantor shall not be relieved from its obligations under this Guarantee on account of any such variation, extension, postponement, non exercise, delayed exercise of any of its rights by DoA or any indulgence shown by DoA provided nothing contained herein shall enlarge the Guarantor’s obligation hereunder. This Guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain in full force and effect until ______unless discharged/ released earlier by DoA in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement. The Guarantor’s liability in aggregate be limited to a sum Rs. _________ (Rupees ________ only). This Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution or winding up of the Service Provider/the Guarantor or any absorption, merger or amalgamation of the Service Provider/the Guarantor with any other Person. The Guarantor has power to issue this guarantee and discharge the obligations contemplated herein, and the undersigned is duly authorised to execute this Guarantee pursuant to the power granted under ______________. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE GUARANTOR HAS SET ITS HANDS HEREUNTO ON THE DAY, MONTH AND YEAR FIRST HEREINABOVE WRITTEN. SIGNED AND DELIVERED by ------------ Bank by the hand of Shri ------------------------its -------------- and authorised official. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 238 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 12: ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MANPOWER 12.1.SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER / CONSULTANT 12.1.1 Qualification – The individual nominated as Senior Project Manager shall broadly have the following qualification: Senior Project Manager / Consultant · Qualification · · · · Should have MCA or B.Tech / B.E Degree in Computer Science or Information Science. Overall experience of 6 years in IT Atleast 3 years of experience as a Project Manager in managing IT infrastructure having atleast 300 plus assests ITIL Intermediate level or above certified Good Communication Skills 12.1.2 An indicative number of Senior Project Manager /Consultant to be deployed at DoA Office shall be as under: Senior Project Consultant - DoA Offices Hobli RSK Kasaba RSK Taluk ADA office District JDA office Labaoratories DATC The Commissionerate office) The Secretariat (Head Manager / 1 - 12.1.3 Roles and responsibilities of the Senior Project Manger (SPM)/ Consultant:a. SPM will be the incharge of the overall delivery of the Project as per the requirements of the RFP. He / She will directly report to Head of the PMU or an Officer authorised by DoA. b. SPM shall ensure ITIL processes are followed in the project. c. SPM shall will ensure that all the deliverables are in accordance with the specifications stated in the contract Agreement and completed on schedule d. SPM will be responsible for the quality of work delivered by the team personnel deployed on this project . e. SPM will be required to participate in all reviews as an when advised by DoA and coordinate activities assigned to service provider. f. SPM shall submit quarterly SLA reports and the corresponding penalty for the quarter. 12.2 Technical Consultants 12.2.1. Qualification VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 239 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking The individual nominated as Technical Consultant shall broadly have the following qualification: Technical Consultant Qualification B.Sc. in Computer Science/ Information Technology or BCA with atleast 65% marks and one year of valid experience with CCNA/ Microsoft certification; or B.E./ B.Tech with score of 65% or above; 12.2.2. Number of Technical Consultants An indicative number of Technical Consultants to be deployed at DoA Office shall be as under: DoA Offices Hobli RSK Kasaba RSK Taluk ADA office District JDA office Labaoratories DATC The Commissionerate office) The Secretariat Technical Consultant 30 (Head 2 - 12.2.4 Roles and Responsibilities of the Technical Consultant i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. Assist the SPM in all activities related to Project Manager. Installation and operation of Project Software upon training by NIC Train employees/ officers of DoA on the Project Software Provide assistance to other Manpower in undertaking Daily backup of data, information, systems logs, database logs etc Reload support on desktop operating systems provided by Service Provider Reload support on desktop server operating systems provided by Service Provider Addressing systems software problems due to crashing or malfunctioning of the operating system, front end etc Guarding the systems against virus infection using latest anti-virus tools Creation of IP addresses. Monitoring server room activities- entry/exit, network points Basic network operations like Identification of network problems, connecting patch card to clients, etc. Develop an IT Policy and installing mechanism to oversee monitoring of such policy Maintian Documentation and generate Reports Facility management for digital and physical safety of the Project facilities Minor network/ connectivity issues Ensuring uninterrupted power supply by promptly operating generator/UPS unit. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 240 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking xviii. xix. xx. Other assistance as may be required by Manpower Complaint redressal within the Resolution Time Frame Comply with all the provisions of the Agreement related to Confidential Information and Intellectual Property Rights Note: The Technical Consultant shall be treated as exclusive representative/ employee of the Service Provider and all the acts of the Technical Consultant shall be deemed to be the acts of the Service Provider. The Service Provider may delegate DoA Office obligations to Technical Consultant including monitoring of supply/ issue of consumables, redressal of Complaints etc. 12.3 Master Trainers 12.3.1. Qualification The individual nominated as Programmer shall broadly have the following qualification: Programmer Qualification MCA/B.Tech/BE First Class with CCNA/ Microsoft certification with 2years teaching experience in reputed institute 12.3.2. Number of Master Trainers The number of Programmer to be deployed at DoA Office shall be as under: DoA Offices Hobli RSK Kasaba RSK Taluk ADA office District JDA office Labaoratories Programmer 1* 6 (one each at Centre for Excellence) DATC The Commissionerate office) The Secretariat · (Head - *The Service provider has to provide 1 master trainer per district during the first year of the agreement period only and 1 master trainer per centre for excellence during the remaining 4 years of the agreement period. 12.3.3. Roles and Responsibilities of the Master Trainer i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Develop effective work instructions, job aids, and training materials Give effective training presentations Plan the training Lead trainees through the learning process Act as a mentor for the trainees Help others achieve standard work Prepare Training Materials/Work Instructions Identify Trainees VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 241 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ix. Schedule and Conduct the Training x. Provide Testing and Feedback xi. Certify Trainees Note: The Master Trainer shall be treated as exclusive representative/ employee of the Service Provider and all the acts of the Master Trainer shall be deemed to be the acts of the Service Provider. The Service Provider may delegate DoA Office obligations to Technical Consultant including monitoring of supply/ issue of consumables, redressal of Complaints etc. 12.4 Network Engineers: 12.4.1 Qualifications - The individual nominated as Network Engineer shall broadly have the following qualification: Network Engineer Qualification BE(EEE/ECE) or equivalent and scored above 65% marks in graduation 12.4.2. Number of Network Engineer The number of Network Engineer to be deployed at DoA Offices shall be as under: DoA Offices Network Engineer Hobli RSK Kasaba RSK - Taluk ADA office - District JDA office - Labaoratories - DATC - The Commissionerate (Head office) 2 The Secretariat - 12.4.3. Roles and Responsibilities of Network Engineer i. ii. iii. iv. Perform maintenance of the networks (LAN/WAN) and undertake problem solving of the networks Monitor the KSWAN Network Interact with CEG (KSWAN Team) Vendors to resolve Network related issues. Shall be stationed at the Commissionerate (Head office) of DoA, located at Bangalore but would require to travel to other DoA Offices in case of any requirement. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 242 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 12.5 Administrative Assistant 12.5.1 Qualification The individual nominated as Administrative Assistant shall broadly have the following qualification: Administrative Assistant · · Qualification · · · · Should be a Bachelor Degree holder in Commerce from reconginised University Should have atleast 2 years experience in financial accounting and auditing Shorthand writing ability of atleast 50 words / minute Fluency in English and Kannada (speaking, reading, writing, typing) Ability to type atleast 40 words / minutes Basic computer operational knowledge and ability to use M.S.Word / M.S. Power Point and M.S. Excel 12.5.2. Number of Administrative Assistant The number of Administrative Assistant to be deployed at DoA Offices shall be as under: DoA Offices Administrative Assistant Hobli RSK Kasaba RSK - Taluk ADA office - District JDA office - Labaoratories - DATC - The Commissionerate (Head office) 1 The Secretariat - 12.5.3. Roles and Responsibilities of Administrative Assistant i. ii. iii. iv. v. To assist the Department Officials in providing the MIS reports To clarify the details made available in the bill invoice raised by the service provider every quarter To keep financial records and accounting updated. Document creation and communication to relevent stakeholders related to the project Assist the Department in any field level audits that may be required at regular periods. 12.6. Data Entry Personnel: VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 243 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking The individual nominated as Data Entry Personnel shall broadly have the following qualification: 12.6.1 Qualifications: Data Entry Personnel Qualification SSLC/ Tenth pass with a minimum of 65% marks in the qualifying exams 12.6.2. Number of Data Entry Personnel The number of Data Entry Personnel to be deployed at DoA Offices shall be as under: DoA Offices Network Engineer Hobli RSK Kasaba RSK - Taluk ADA office - District JDA office - Labaoratories - DATC - The Commissionerate (Head office) 3 PMU 2 The Secretariat - 12.6.3. Roles and Responsibilities of Data Entry Personnel i. ii. iii. iv. Digitisation of legacy data and other data which may be provided by DoA from time to time during the Agreement Peiod Enter in electronic form the data pertaining to day to day transactions at DoA Offices Handle the documents provided by DoA with care and ensure the documents are returned to DoA in the same condition and in full, especially during backlog data entry Ensure that all documents in process are not misplaced and kept in the designated place only within DoA VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 244 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 13: PRICE PROPOSAL As Per Price Proposal submitted by the Successful Bidder (Appendix I, I-1, I-2, I-3 and I4- of the RFP Volume I) VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 245 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 14: CHANGE OF SCOPE 14.1. DoA shall, within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of the Change of Scope Proposal, intimate the Service Provider on its acceptance of the same or request for revision therein. 14.2. The Service Provider shall give its observations and comments, if any, or convey its acceptance of the proposal submitted by DoA, within 5 (five) days of receipt of such intimation (Service Provider’s Confirmation Notice). 14.3. The Parties shall make in good faith, efforts to mutually agree upon the Change of Scope Proposal, upon which DoA shall issue an order to the Service Provider for the Change of Scope (“Change of Scope Order”). 14.4. In the event the Parties are unable to agree on the Change of Scope Proposal, the Service Provider must proceed with the implementation of the Change of Scope Order pending resolution of such dispute. 14.5. DoA shall make payments to the Service Provider for all the costs incurred by the Service Provider, as per the Change of Scope Order. The payment shall be made in the manner and mode as setout in the Change of Scope Order. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 246 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 15: MINIMUM SERVICE LEVELS AND DAMAGES FOR NON-PERFORMANCE 15.1. An escalation matrix shall be defined to resolve issues encountered during execution of the project. The escalation matrix shall consist of at least 4 levels. Escalation level Description Level One – System Whenever an issue or disruption of service occurs, then the Department’s Operator Representative shall inform the System Operator to resolve the issue. The data System Operator shall either try to resolve the issue himself or seek the support of Technical Consultant deployed. Level two – When the issue is not resolved within the time limits of the Minimum Service Technical Consultant Levels by Level one escalation, then the Department’s Representative shall inform the Technical Consultant to fix the issue. The Technical Consultant shall take suitable action to resolve the issue at the earliest. Level three – Project Manager When the issue is not resolved by the Technical Consultant, then the issue shall be escalated to the authorised point of contact from the Service Provider (‘Project Manager’) for the Project. The Service Provider shall strive to resolve the issue, by either leveraging on the capabilities of in-house technical personnel or contacting the OEM/supplier from whom the IT asset was purchased. Level four - PMU PMU compromising of senior members from the Service Provider and the Department shall be constituted. This committee shall meet once every month to discuss the following: a. Check performance of the Service Provider against the Minimum Service Levels mentioned in this Agreement and take corrective actions. b. Discuss escalated problems, new issues and matters still outstanding for resolution. c. Review of statistics related to rectification of outstanding faults and agreed changes. d. Compute Damages for Non-Performance e. Decide to opt the services of external agencies to resolve the issues that are not being resolved by Service Provider. The Service Provider shall however bear the cost of such services. 15.2 The Minimum Service Levels has been logically segregated into 2 main categories viz. Installation Minimum Service Levels and Operation and Maintenance Minimum Service Levels. 15.3 The Service Provider shall be responsible for maintaining the desired performance and availability of Project Facilities for operations in Good Operable Condition throughout the Agreement Period. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 247 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 15.4 There are clearly defined minimum levels of service which the Service Provider shall provide as per the terms and conditions of this Agreement (“Minimum Service Level” or “MSL”) during the Agreement Period. The Service Provider shall adhere such Minimum Service Levels and the objective of the Minimum Service Levels is ensure due performance of the obligations of the Service Provider. 15.5 The Service Provider shall be allowed a Resolution Time Frame which, shall mean the maximum time as set out in this schedule, permissible to the Service Provider, for correcting any deviation from the Minimum Service Level without attracting Damages for Non-Performance. 15.6. Any failure on the part of the Service Provider to adhere to the Minimum Service Levels shall lead to Damages for Non-Performance which shall be recoverable from the Service Provider as against the Periodic Payments or the Performance Security as the case may be. 15.8. Minimum Service Levels 15.8.1. The Service Provider shall keep the Project Facilities in Good Operable Condition throughout the timeframe mentioned in the table below during the Agreement Period. Timings Working hours Period Location 14 hours a day*7 days a week*365 days a year 10 am to 6 pm (may extend to 14 hours a day depending on the season) 5 years from Appointed Date All the Department of Agriculture Offices 15.8.2. Any planned downtime for maintenance activities shall be only with the prior written permission from Department Representative and the same shall be communicated to other DoA Offices and users. Such downtime shall be planned such that it shall cause the minimum interruption in the day to day transactions at DoA Offices. 15.8.3. Any event/abnormality in the function of any component of the Project Facilities that may lead to the disruption of day to day transactions at DoA Offices shall be referred to as an “Incident” 15.8.4. The time period for which the Project Facilities shall be in Good Operable Condition (the “Uptime”) shall be measured in terms of Uptime % which is equal to (Uptime/ (Total time – Maintenance Time))*100 15.8.5. “Downtime” shall means the time period for which the services of the Project Facilities is not available to DoA as per the Minimum Service Levels. 15.8.6. “Maintenance Time” shall mean the time taken by the Service Provider to correct the system failure of Project Facilities in the Project. 15.8.7. The Service Provider shall ensure that the Maintenance Time for any Project Facilities shall not exceed the Resolution Time Frame as indicated in the Agreement. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 248 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 15.8.8. The Service Provider shall endeavour to maintain an Uptime % of atleast 95% at all times during the Agreement Period failing which the Service Provider would attract Damages for Non-Performance. 15.8.9. An account of Incident, Uptime, Downtime, Maintenance Time, Resolution Time Frame, etc. shall be maintained and measured by means of DoA Office wise performance statistics, registries and log off network parameters that are reported and maintained by the Department’s Representatives to calculate the downtime at each DoA Offices, . The log reports shall be forwarded to DoA every month for its review and computation of the Damages for NonPerformance for that month. 15.8.10.The adherence of the Service Provider to the Minimum Service Levels shall be monitored by DoA from time to time during the Agreement Period by log reports as referred to above, Third Party Inspector monitoring the Project Facilities and its performance, review by DoA and maintenance registry that shall be maintained by the Department’s Representative to account for the Downtime, Incident, Uptime, Maintenance Time, etc. which is duly signed by the Department’s Representative and the Manpower of the Service Provider. 15.8.11. The Service Provider shall provide the Department’s Representative with a multimedia for complaint registration to lodge any complaints relating to the Project Facilities. 15.8.12. Installation & Comissioning shall comply with the SLA defined below SL NO Installation & Comissioning Base Line Basis of measurement 1 Delivery of all Equipments at all Locations 9 Weeks from date of signing the contract The bidder should submit the delivery challen @ the DOA office 2 Installation (Including required software), testing & Accceptance of Hobli RSKs, Kasaba RSKs Taluk ADA office, District JDA office, Laboratories, DATCs, The Commissionerate (Head office), The Secretariat 12 Weeks from date of signing the contract Project Schedule 3 Installation (Including required software) of end user components & Acceptance by end user at DOA office Locations VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 16 Weeks from date of Signing Page 249 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking the contract Project Scheduled Beyond 16 weeks of SICD, 2 % of the capex value of the incomplete DOA Site (As quoated by the bidder) per each week of delay shall be deducted from the upfront payment due to the Service Provider subject to a maximum of 20% of the capex value of the incomplete DoA sites. If such delay exceeds 20% of the total sites, then the PBG shall be forfeited and contract shall be terminated. 15.8.13 Service Level Aggrement SL NO 1 2 3 4 Device & Service Description Location Hobli RSKs, Kasaba RSKs Desktop,Laptop,Printer,Scann Taluk ADA office, er,thermal Printer & all District JDA office, devices supplied by bidder Laboratories, as per RFP including DATCs, perpheralls except UPS & The Commissionerate Network Devices (Head office), The Secretaria Hobli RSKs, Kasaba RSKs Taluk ADA office, District JDA office, Network Devices & Lan Laboratories, DATCs, The Commissionerate (Head office), The Secretaria Hobli RSKs, Kasaba RSKs Taluk ADA office, District JDA office, UPS Laboratories, DATCs, The Commissionerate (Head office), The Secretaria At each district level 5% of spares for each project Spare items facilities should be maintained VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Device Avalability 95% Penalty Rs 200/-Per Hrs per device Rs 200/-Per Hrs per device 99% The batter backup should be 80% at the time of Power outage Rs 200/-Per Hrs per device 5% of For spare noncompliance should be of maintaining maintained 5% of spare Page 250 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking items, Rs.1000/- will be charged as penalty per device Note – The total penalty during O& M shall be a maximum of 20% of the QGR values. 16.2.0 Penalty Calculation Matrix Number of month's in a quarter (3 ) X Number of Days In a Month ( 30 Days ) x 24 Hrs X 5% = Allowed Downtime 16.2.1 Penalty will be calculated for all the incidenet on 24/7 round the clock if the Ticket is not closed with in the allowed downtime. Note: 1. The Service Provider shall not be penalized for events that are beyond his control which includes a. Damages due to Force Majeure Events. b. Time lost due to damage or malfunction in the system or any units thereof due to causes attributable to Department’s Representative such as attachment of additional devices, making alteration to the system, maintenance of the system, etc. without Service Provider’s consent. c. Time taken for scheduled maintenance/ troubleshooting either for preventive purposes or improvement in function or other purposes. d. Scheduled shutdowns as required by Department’s Representative (Service Provider may also request Department’s Representative for a shutdown for maintenance purpose, which request will not be denied unreasonably by Department’s Representative). e. Time lost due to unavailability of KSWAN network. In the above referred to events, the MSL tracking system would generate a ‘Not Responsible’ ticket to the Service Provider. 16.9.2. Damages for Non-Performance – Others 1. In the event that the Service Provider fails to submit any report as set out in Schedule 9, then Rs. 200 per day of such delay in submission. 2. The Service Provider shall ensure that all maintenance disks and media used by the Service Provider shall be virus free. Department’s Representative shall have the right to penalize the Service Provider up to a maximum of 10% of Periodic Payment, if non-compliance is noticed. 3. PMU shall cross verify the authenticity of the “Not Responsible” tickets and can penalize the Service Provider up to a maximum of 30% of Periodic Payment, if non-compliance is noticed. 4. When the performance of the Service Provider is not satisfactory( more than 20% quarterly deduction or as decided by Department’s Representative) for two consecutive months, Department’s Representative can instruct the Service Provider to provide extra back up spare components at DoA Offices of necessary IT equipment at no extra cost. 5. If any change in specifications of the Hardware procured is noticed during the operations and maintenance phase, then the department has the right to penalize the Service Provider to a maximum of 25% of the Periodic Payment made to the Service Provider till that date and also terminate the contract, based on the seriousness of the issue. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 251 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking 6. PMU has the right to invoke the bank guarantee, black list the vendor and terminate the contract if any breach in the clauses related to Confidentiality is noticed. 7. The maximum aggregate penalty for any Periodic Payment would not exceed 50% of the payments due for that month. 8. Manpower deployed by the service provider should be present on all working days of the DoA and as and when DoA requests the presence of manpower during the scheduled holidays, failing which for each day of absence of the manpower deployed by the service provider, 2 days of proportional cost quoted shall be deducted. VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 252 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking SCHEDULE 16: EXISTING PROJECT FACILITIES Number of equipments available per location Sl No. Block if the same is block and below block level office District 1 State Quarter 2 Bagalkot UPS Printer LAN switc h Touch screen KIOSK 55 55 55 6 1 JDA ADA, Bagalkote 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 ADA, Badami 1 1 1 0 ADA, Bilgi 1 1 1 0 ADA, Mudhol 1 1 1 0 ADA, Hungund 1 1 1 0 ADA, Jamkhandi 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 ADA. Devanahalli 1 1 1 0 ADA. Doddaballapura ADA. Hosakote 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 ADA. Nelamangala JDA 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 ADA, B'lore North 1 1 1 0 ADA, Anekal 1 1 1 0 ADA, B'lore East 1 1 1 0 ADA, B'lore South 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Head Bangalore(Rural) Bangalore(Urban) Belgaum Desktop DDA, DATC, Bagalkote AO,STL Jamakhandi JDA DATC, R K Shala, Anekal JDA 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADA, Belgavi 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Athani 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Bylahongal 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Chikkodi 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Gokak 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Hukkeri 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Khanapur 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Ramdurg 1 1 1 0 1 VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 253 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ADA, Raibagh 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Soundatti 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 DDA, DATC, Arabhavi DDA,FCL Belgaum AO(SHC) Gokak Bellary AO(P.L) Bailhongal JDA ADA. Bellary ADA, Hagaribommanah alli ADA, Hospet Bidar 1 1 1 0 ADA, Hadagali 1 1 1 0 ADA, Kudligi 1 1 1 0 ADA. Sandur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Sirguppa 1 1 1 0 DDA, Kampli, Taluka 1 1 1 1 DDA, SPTL JDA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Aurad 1 1 1 0 1 Basavakalyan 1 1 1 0 1 Bhalki 1 1 1 0 1 Bidar 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Muddebihal 1 1 1 0 1 ADA Sindhagi 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 DATC, Hospet Humnabad Bijapur DDA, Aurad JDA DATC, ADA, Bijapur ADA, Basavana Bagewadi ADA, Indi Chamrajanagara DDA, Alamel JDA DATC, ADA, Chamarajanagar a ADA, Gundlupet ADA, Kollegal VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 254 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Chickballapur ADA, Yelandur 1 1 1 0 JDA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 ADA, Chikkaballapur ADA, Bagepalli 1 1 1 0 ADA, Chintamani 1 1 1 0 ADA, Gudibande 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 ADA, Gowribidanur ADA, Shidlaghatta Chikkaballapur DATC, Chintamani 1 1 1 1 Chickmagalur JDA 1 1 1 1 ADA, Chikmagalur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Koppa 1 1 1 0 ADA, Kadur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Mudigere 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADA, Chitradurga 1 1 1 0 ADA, Challakere 1 1 1 0 ADA, Hiriyur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Hosdurga 1 1 1 0 ADA, Holalkere 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADA, Mangalore 1 1 1 0 ADA, Bantwal 1 1 1 0 ADA, Belthangadi 1 1 1 0 ADA, Puttur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Sulya 1 1 1 0 DDA, DATC, Belthangadi 1 1 1 1 DDA, 1 1 1 1 ADA, Narasimharajapur a ADA, Shringeri ADA, Tarikere Chitradurga Dakshina Kannada DDA, DATC, Lingadahalli A,O.STL, Chikmagalur JDA ADA. Molakalmuru DDA, DATC, Hiriyur JDA VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS FCL, 1 1 0 Page 255 1 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Belthangadi A.O. Soil Health Centre, Mangalore Davanagere 1 1 1 1 JDA ADA, Davanagere 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 ADA, Jagalur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Harihara 1 1 1 0 ADA, Chennagiri 1 1 1 0 ADA, Honnali 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 DDA, FCL, Kadajji JDA Dharwad 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 ADA, Dharwad 1 1 1 0 ADA, Hubli 1 1 1 0 ADA, Kalghatgi 1 1 1 0 ADA, Kundgol 1 1 1 0 ADA, Navalgund 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 ADA, BCL 1 1 1 0 JDA ADA, Gadag 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Mundargi 1 1 2 0 1 ADA, Nargund 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Ron 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Shirahatti 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ADA, Harapanahalli DDA, DATC, Kadajji Dharwad DDA, DATC, Dharwad DDA, SPTL, Dharwad DDA, FCL, Dharwad ADA, STL, Dharwad ADA, Rhyz, Dharwad SHC, Dharwad Gadag Gulbarga A.O. Gadag JDA (SHC) 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADA, Gulbarga 1 1 1 0 ADA, Afzalpur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Aland 1 1 1 0 VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1 Page 256 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ADA, Chincholi 1 1 1 0 ADA, Chittapur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Jevargi 1 1 1 0 ADA, Sedam 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADA, Hassan 1 1 1 0 - ADA, Alur 1 1 1 0 - ADA, Arakalgud 1 1 1 0 - ADA, Arasikere 1 1 1 0 - ADA, Belur 1 1 1 0 - 1 1 1 0 - 1 1 1 0 - 1 1 1 0 - 1 1 1 1 - DDA, DATC, Kotnur AO (SPTL) KOTNUR AO (SHC) KOTNUR AO (RL) KOTNUR Hassan AO KOTNUR JDA (BCL) ADA, Chennarayapatna ADA, Holenarasipur ADA, Sakaleshpur DDA, DATC, Arakalgud A.O. SHC, Hassan Haveri Kodagu Kolar 1 1 1 1 - JDA 1 1 1 1 1 ADA, Haveri 1 1 1 0 ADA, Ranebennur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Hirekerur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Savanur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Shiggaon 1 1 1 0 ADA, Hangal 1 1 1 0 ADA, Byadgi 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DDA, DATC, Devihosur JDA ADA, Madikeri 1 1 1 0 ADA, Somvarpet 1 1 1 0 ADA, Virajpet 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DDA, DATC, Kudige AO, SHC , Kudige JDA VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 257 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Koppal Mandya ADA, Kolar 1 1 1 0 ADA, Bangarpet 1 1 1 0 ADA, Malur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Mulbagal 1 1 1 0 ADA, Srinivaspur 1 1 1 0 AO, STL, KOLAR JDA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADA, Koppal 1 1 1 0 ADA, Gangavathi 1 1 1 0 ADA, Yelburga 1 1 1 0 ADA, Kushtagi 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AO (PSL) Gangavathi ADA, (SHC) Gangavathi DDA, FCL, Gangavathi ADA, STL Gangavathi DDA, DATC, Gangavathi JDA 1 1 1 1 ADA, Mandya 1 1 1 0 ADA, KR Pet 1 1 1 0 ADA, Maddur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Malavalli 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A.O. Parasitic. Lab, Mandya 1 1 1 1 JDA 4 3 4 1 0 ADA, Mysore 2 4 2 0 0 ADA, Heggadadevanak 2 2 2 0 0 ADA, Nagamangala ADA, Pandavapura ADA, Srirangapatna DDA, DATC, Mandya DDA. SPTL, Mandya DDA. FCL,, Mandya A.O. Soil Health Centre, Mandya Mysore 1 VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 258 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking ote ADA, Hunsur 2 2 2 0 0 ADA, K.R. Nagar 2 2 2 0 0 ADA, Nanjangud 2 3 3 0 0 ADA, Periyapatna 2 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ADA, Raichur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Devdurg 1 1 1 0 ADA, Lingasugur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Manvi 1 1 1 0 ADA, sindanur 1 1 1 0 DDA, DATC, Dhadesugur 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 ADA, T. Narasipura DDA, DATC, T . Narasipura Raichur Ramanagar AO, Nanjangud JDA SHC, AO (SHC) Raichur JDA ADA, Ramanagara ADA, Channapatna ADA, Kanakapura Shimoga 1 1 1 0 ADA, Magadi 1 1 1 0 JDA 1 1 1 1 ADA, Shimoga 1 1 1 0 ADA, Bhadravathi 1 1 1 0 ADA, Hosanagara 1 1 1 0 ADA, Sagar 1 1 1 0 ADA, Shikaripur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Soraba 1 1 1 0 ADA, Tirthahalli 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 JDA 1 1 1 1 ADA, Tumkur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Chikkanayakanah alli 1 1 1 0 DDA, DATC, Hallikere SHC, Shimoga Tumkur VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 259 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Udupi Uttara Kannada ADA, Gubbi 1 1 1 0 ADA, Koratagere 1 1 1 0 ADA, Kunigal 1 1 1 0 ADA, Madhugiri 1 1 1 0 ADA, Pavagada 1 1 1 0 ADA, Sira 1 1 1 0 ADA, Tiptur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Turuvekere 1 1 1 0 DDA, DATC, Sira, 1 1 1 1 JDA 1 1 1 1 ADA, Udupi 1 1 1 0 ADA, Karkala 1 1 1 0 ADA, Kundapura 1 1 1 0 JDA 3 2 3 1 1 ADA, Karwar 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Ankol 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Bhatkal 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Siddapur 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Halyal 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Honnavar 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Joida 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Kumta 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Mundgod 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Sirsi 1 1 1 0 1 ADA, Yellapur 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 JDA ADA, Yadgir 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 ADA, Shahapur 1 1 1 0 ADA, Surapur 1 1 1 0 335 334 335 86 DDA, DATC, Kumta ADA STL Sirsi YADGIR Total (A) Training Centres Bangalore Urban Davangere Dharwad Gulbarga DATC, R K Shala, Anekal DDA, DATC, Kadajji DDA, DATC, Dharwad DDA, DATC, Kotnur VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 Page 260 1 1 63 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL K-KISAN: Karnataka Krishi Information Services and Networking Hassan Mandya DDA, DATC, Arakalgud DDA, DATC, Mandya Total (B) Grand Total (A+B) VOLUME I – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 20 1 20 1 120 0 0 6 0 455 334 335 92 63 Page 261