Vak Pak Replacement Parts Catalog
Vak Pak Replacement Parts Catalog
Vak Pak Replacement Parts Catalog Vak Pak Builders Supply, Inc. 9731-1 Beach Blvd. / Jacksonville, FL 32246 Ph: 904-642-2267 / Fax: 904-641-2012 Toll Free: 888-682-5725 / E-mail: Web Site: 1 Table Of Contents Page #’s Contents 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction to Vak Pak Builders Supply, Inc. 4 Gauges, Thermometer, Filter Cartridges and Grids 5 Flowmeters 6-9 10-11 IG / IG3 Pumps, Pump Curves, and Replacement Parts Push Pull Valves and Replacement Parts 12 Spin Valves 13 Crank Style Valve Repair kits, and Misc. Valves 14-15 FWLC (Float Water Level Control) 16-17 RWLC (Reservoir Water Level Control) 18-19 DP100 (Dynapure 100 & 150 SF Filter) 20 Vak Pak 84SF Separator Tank 21 Chlormatic and Bromatic Replacement Parts 22 Chlorine and PH Controllers and Liquid Feeders 23 Remote Chemical Storage Crocks 24 Cabinet Replacement List By Model Number 25-26 Cabinet Replacement Parts 27-39 Cabinet Specifications 39 40-42 Collector Tank Skirt, Cabinet Identification Main Drains, VGB Compliant 43 Main Drain Model Identification 44 Grates & Unblockable Drains, VGB Approved 45 Terms & Conditions 2 Gauges and Thermometers Model Number Description 21003 Vacuum Gauge 0-30 PSI 2” 21001 Pressure Gauge 0-60 PSI 2” Back Mount 21002 Pressure Gauge 0-60 PSI 2” Bottom Mount Model Number 21100 Description Thermometer, 2-1/2” In Line D.E. Grids Model Number FC-9740 33860 Description 33850 Grid, DE 19” Round 33860 Spacer for DE Element FC-9740 13.5” Anthony Rectangular Grid FC-9750 17.5” Anthony Rectangular Grid Vak Pak Builders Supply stocks a full line of replacement elements & D.E. Grids for many popular filters. 33850 FC-9750 3 Flowmeters Part Number Description Part Number Description 20650 1 1/2” Blue White 82222 2” Digital Readout 20700 2” Blue White 82291 2-1/2” Digital Readout 20750 2 1/2” Blue White 82319 4” Digital Readout 20800 3” Blue White 83320 3” Remote Readout 20850 4” Blue White 82320 4” Remote Readout Battery Powered Digital Readout Battery Powered Remote Readout 20900 6” Blue White 20725 Mecomatic 2” 20905 8” Blue White 20915 Mecomatic 2 1/2” 20910* Chlorinator 1/2” MPT 20920 Mecomatic 3” 20911 Chlorinator W / 90 Both Ends 20930 Mecomatic 4” 209102 Base, 1/2” MPT For 20910 Mecomatic Pt. Number 20910 Base is now 1/2” MPT Pt. Number 20911 Blue White 4 Vak Pak IG / IG3 Pumps “IG” and “IG3” Vak Pak’s “IG” and “IG3” cast iron centrifugal pumps have been designed for general water recirculation. The motor is easily withdrawn by removal of accessible bolts, which provide access to the impeller without disturbing existing piping. “IG” The “IG” uses a standard 1750 RPM motor, and is available from 5 hp through 10 hp. The IG pump comes with 4” FPT suction, and 3” FPT discharge ports. “IG3” The “IG3” uses a standard 1750 RPM motor, and is available from 5 hp through 7.5 hp. The IG3 pump comes with 3” FPT suction, and 2-1/2” FPT discharge ports. We also stock standard square & round flange pump motors, from 1-HP to 3-HP. 5 “IG” and “IG3” Series Pump Curves TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD IN FEET “IG” SERIES CAPACITY IN U.S. GALLONS PER MINUTE “IG-3” SERIES 6 IG (4”x 3”) and IG3 (3”x 2-1/2”) Pumps Model Number Replacement Pump Description 38720 IG 5hp 1 phase 38722 IG 5hp 3 phase 38724 IG 7 1/2 hp 1 phase 38726 IG 7 1/2 hp 3 phase 38730 38727 Model Number Replacement Pump Description 38704 IG3 5 hp 1 ph 38706 IG3 5 hp 3 ph 38708 IG3 7 1/2 hp 1 ph IG 10 hp 3 phase 38710 IG3 7 1/2 hp 3 ph IG Pump End / Less Motor 38729 IG3 Pump End / Less Motor Please Note: Pumps motors are available in straight 200V / 1PH., for an additional charge. IG and IG3 Replacement Parts See page 8 for the complete listing of replacement parts. 7 IG / IG3 Replacement Parts Number Model Number Description 1 38578 Motor, 5 hp, 1 ph 1 38584 Motor, 5 hp, 3 ph 1 38590 Motor, 7 1/2 hp, 1 ph 1 38596 Motor, 7 1/2 hp, 3 ph 1 38606 Motor, 10 hp, 3 ph 2 38556 Motor Bracket, JM small bolt face (5-HP 3-Phase Only) 2 38546 Motor Bracket, JM, IG/IG3 3 38522 Volute, IG 4” suction, 3” discharge 3 38524 Volute, IG3 3” suction, 2 1/2” discharge 3 38516 Volute Gasket 4 38536 IG Impeller (Need to specify flow rate or trim) 4 38530 IG3 Impeller, 9” (Need to specify flow rate or trim) 4 38528 Impeller trim and balance 5 38504 Seal Kit, IG 6 29375 Impeller Bolt, ss, IG, 3/8” x 1 6 38518 Impeller Washer, ss, 3/8” 6 38505 Impeller Gasket, IG 7 38502 Shaft Sleeve, All IG / IG3 Pumps 7 38501 Shaft Sleeve Gasket, IG/IG3 7 38507 O-Ring, shaft sleeve, IG/IG3 8 29375 Capscrew, 3/8” x 1” ss 8 29604 3/8” Lock washer ss 9 29380 Capscrew, 1/2” x 1” ss 9 29610 1/2” Lock washer ss 10 14040 Plug, 1/4” brass 11 13950 Air Relief, 1/4” brass 12 14080 Plug, 1/2” brass 8 Push Pull Valves & Replacement Parts Vak Pak old style push pull valves used a 3/8” stainless steel shaft, while the new style valves use a P.V.C. shaft. Contact Vak Pak for assistance when converting these valves. ****ALSO NOTE**** Be Sure To Specify When Ordering Repair Kits Old Style (S.S. Threaded rod - center shaft) or New Style (PVC center shaft) Number Model Number Description 1 39420 4” Push Pull Valve Complete 1 39440 6” Push Pull Valve Complete 1 39460 8” Push Pull Valve Complete 1 39470 10” Push Pull Valve Complete 2 38947 3” Internal Assembly 2 38956 4” Internal Assembly 2 38957 6” Internal Assembly 2 38958 8” Internal Assembly 2 38959 10” Internal Assembly 3 38949 3” Repair Kit, New Style 3 38950 4” Repair Kit, New Style 3 38952 6” Repair Kit, New Style 3 38954 8” Repair Kit, New Style 3 38961 10” Repair Kit, New Style 4 38948 3” Repair Kit, Old Style 4 38951 4” Repair Kit, Old Style 4 38953 6” Repair Kit, Old Style 4 38955 8” Repair Kit, Old Style 5 38469 Pin W/Safety Cable 9 Spin Valves Ref # Part Number Description 1 39475 Spin Valve Assembly 10” 1 39485 Spin Valve Assembly 12” 2 82157 Handwheel 3 35756 Shaft Assembly 4 35754 Body Assembly 5 35757 Repair Kit 10” 5 35759 Repair Kit 12” IMPORTANT NOTE: SPIN VALVES ARE INTENDED TO BE USED AS A REPLACEMENT ONLY FOR VAK PAK SYSTEMS THAT UTILIZE THIS VALVE. VAK PAK, INC. IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FUNCTION OF THESE VALVES IN ANY OTHER APPLICATION. 10 Crank Style Valve Repair Kits Part # Description 34364 4” Crank Style Repair Kit 34362 6” Crank Style Repair Kit 34363 8” Crank Style Repair Kit Valves See Following Pages for Complete List of Valves Available 11 Valves Cont. Hose Bibbs 10149 10160 10150 HOSE BIBB, 1/2" MPT BRASS HOSE BIBB, 3/4" FPT BRASS HOSE BIBB, 3/4" MPT BRASS PVC Ball Valves 23285 23287 23290 10299 10300 10260 10280 10285 VALVE, BALL PVC 1/2" VALVE, BALL PVC 3/4" VALVE, BALL PVC 1" VALVE, BALL PVC 1-1/4" VALVE, BALL PVC 1-1/2" VALVE, BALL PVC 2" VALVE, BALL PVC 2-1/2" VALVE, BALL PVC 3" 10287 VALVE, BALL PVC 4" Praher 2-Way Valves 09907 VALVE, PC 2-WAY 1-1/2" 09909 VALVE, PC 2-WAY 2-1/2" Praher 3-Way Valves 09908 VALVE, PC 3-WAY 1-1/2" 09910 VALVE, PC 3-WAY 2-1/2" 09912 VALVE, PC 3-WAY 2-1/2 W/1.5 BS Pentair 2-Way Valves 263038 263029 263038 263029 VALVE, PF 2-WAY 1.5" VALVE, PF 2-WAY 2.5" 12 Valves Cont. Pentair 3-Way Valves 263037 263028 263037 263028 VALVE, PF 3-WAY 1.5" VALVE, PF 3-WAY 2.5" Jandy 2-Way Valves 09800 09830 1157 2876 VALVE, JANDY 2-WAY 1.5" VALVE, JANDY 2-WAY 2.5" Jandy 3-Way Valves 09850 09860 1154 2875 VALVE, JANDY 3-WAY 1.5" VALVE, JANDY 3-WAY 2.5" Jandy 2-Way Neverlube 09885 09895 4724 4716 VALVE, JANDY 2-WAY 1.5" NEVER VALVE, JANDY 2-WAY 2.5" NEVER Jandy 3-Way Neverlube 09890 09897 4715 4717 VALVE, JANDY 3-WAY 1.5" NEVER VALVE, JANDY 3-WAY 2.5" NEVER Actuators For 2 & 3-Way Valves 263045 ACTUATOR, PENTAIR INTELLITOUCH 13 Valves Cont. PVC Butterfly Valves 10512 10517 10522 10527 02582 02583 02586 02587 VALVE, BUTTERFLY VALVE, BUTTERFLY VALVE, BUTTERFLY VALVE, BUTTERFLY 3" PVC AST 4" PVC AST 6" PVC AST 8" PVC AST LARGER BUTTERFLY VALVES ARE AVAILABLE AS A SPECIAL ORDER Spring Check Valves PVC 10482 10484 10485 9112S 9114S 9115S VALVE, CHECK PVC 1" SPRING VALVE, CHECK PVC 1-1/2" SPRING VALVE, CHECK PVC 2" SPRING Swing Check Valves PVC 05340 05350 05400 05450 1520-15 1520-20 1520-30 1520-40 VALVE, CHECK PVC 1-1/2" SWING VALVE, CHECK PVC 2" SWING VALVE, CHECK PVC 3" SWING VALVE, CHECK PVC 4" SWING True Union Clear Spring Check Valves 05425 1700C30 VALVE, CHECK PVC 3" TU/CL/SP Specialty Check Valves 09900 09905 263042 7235 7305 263042 VALVE, JANDY CHECK 1-1/2" VALVE, JANDY CHECK 2-1/2" VALVE, PENTAIR CHECK 2" STRAIGHT Vak Pak stocks a wide selection of valves. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact our parts dept. 14 FWLC (Float Water Level Control) Number Model Number Description 1 38901 1/2” Complete Float Water Level Control 1 38902 1” Complete Float Water Level Control 2 39010 24” Float Tee with Balls 2 39020 31” Float Tee with Balls 2 39022 36” Float Tee with Balls 5 39040 10” Float Rod with coupling 6 39060 14” Float Rod with coupling 8 38880 1/2” Guide Tee with Cap 9 37200 Float Ball 10 39500 1” Aluminum float coupling 13 10100 1/2” Valve - only 14 10110 1” Valve - only If you have any questions about the installation, or set-up of the FWLC, please contact Technical Support, at our parts department. 15 RWLC (Reservoir Water Level Control) Ref. Number Model Number Description 1 38929 RWLC Float Assembly 1A 38906 Valve, Float Reservoir Assembly 2 38932 1” Diaphragm Valve With Pipe 3 26520 Diaphragm Valve Only 1” 4 38907 Valve, Replacement Reservoir 5 27170 1/4” O.D. Black Tubing 6 13850 1/4” Plastic Sleeve (Not Shown) *** 38927 RWLC 1” Hydro Assembly Complete (includes reference #’s 1 - 6) If you have any questions about the installation, or set-up of the RWLC, please contact Technical Support, at our parts department. 16 RWLC Replacement Parts Number Model Number Description 1 38929 RWLC Float Assembly 1A 38906 Valve, Float Reservoir Assembly 2 38932 1” Diaphragm Valve With Pipe 3 26520 Diaphragm Valve Only 1” 4 38907 Valve, Replacement Reservoir 5 13850 1/4” Plastic Sleeve 6 27170 1/4” O.D. Black Tubing *** 38927 RWLC 1” Hydro Assembly Complete (includes reference # 1, 2, 5 & 6) Directions on Setting RWLC Turn off the circulation pump, fill pool to desired level. Loosen 1/2” compression nut (B) and slide reservoir up or down until the top rim of the float chamber is just above the static water level. Tighten the compression nut until secure. Open the black diaphragm valve, counter clockwise, at least two (2) turns. Press down on float ball in the float chamber. Fresh water should begin to flow into the tank. When the float is released, the water flow should stop. 17 Dynapure Filter Replacement Parts Ref # Part # Description 1 35750 Element, 100 sq. ft. Dynapure 1A 35751 Element, 150 sq. ft. Dynapure 2 34540 DP, Element Core Holder 3 34340 Base, DP White 4 34490 Dome, DP White 5 34380 O-Ring, Tank Body 6 82167 Air Relief, DP Plastic W/O-ring (NEW STYLE) 6 13950 Brass Air Relief 1/4” 7 34360 Clamp, Dynapure, with Knob 8 34400 Tube, Air Relief DP Acrylic * 82168 O-Ring Only, Plastic Air Relief #6 #5 #4 #8 #2 #7 #3 #1 18 Dynapure 100 & 150 Filter Specifications: Filter Model Model # Cartridge Filter Capacity Commercial Flow Rate Filter Area DP100 34550 100GPM 37.5 GPM 100 SQ. FT. DP150 34575 100 GPM 56 GPM 150 SQ. FT. DP 100 DP150 Vak Pak Inc.’s Dynapure Pool Filter Dynapure Pool Filters answer the need for low cost, easy to operate filtration systems for residential and commercial swimming pools. Available in 100 & 150 Square Feet 19 D.E. Separation Tanks Vak Pak 84-S.F. / D.E. Separation Tank Vak Pak Inc. manufactures the largest capacity Separation Tank in the industry. REF # PART # DESCRIPTION * 34600 SEPARATION TANK COMPLETE 1 34491 DOME, 84SF SEPARATOR TANK 2 82182 BAG, 84SF SEPARATOR TANK 3 82183 INSERT, 84SF SEPARATOR TANK 4 34360 CLAMP, 84SF SEPARATOR TANK 5 34340 BASE, 84SF SEPARATOR TANK * 34380 O-RING, TANK BODY * 82167 AIR RELIEF WITH O-RING * 82168 O-RING ONLY, AIR RELIEF PARTS FOR OLDER SEPARATION TANKS * 36015 O-RING, PENTAIR 40’ & 60’ SEP TANK * 36020 BAG, PENTAIR 40’ SEPARATOR TANK * 36030 BAG, PENTAIR 60’ SEPARATOR TANK * 36010 CLAMP, PENTAIR 40’ & 60’ SEP TANK 20 Chlormatic / Bromatic Feeder Parts Vak Pak is no longer producing the Chlormatic and Bromatic feeders. Replacement parts are still available. The picture, (below left), was the latest body style used, and parts are readily available. If you have any questions, please give us a call. ** Ref. No. Part Number Description 1 34930 Screw Cap 2 33871 O-Ring, Cap 3 20910 Chlorinator Flowmeter. 1/2” MPT 4 03600 Coupling, Threaded 1/2” 5 13830 Adapter, 1/2” Tubing x 1/2” MPT 5 13820 Adapter, 3/8” Tubing x 3/8” MPT 5 13810 Adapter, 3/8” Tubing x 1/4” MPT 6 13765 Tubing, 1/2” O.D. Black (Per Ft.) 6 13762 Tubing, 3/8” O.D. Black (Per Ft.) 7 13665 Valve, Inlet 1/2” FPT 7 10655 Calibrated Inlet Valve, 1/4” MPT x 1/4” FPT 8 05687 Nipple, 1/2” x CLS P.V.C. 9 10650 Valve, Drain 1/4” MPT x Hose Barb Not Pictured 13655 Tubing, 1/2” O.D. Clear Flexible For Drain Valve ( Per Ft.) Please note: Inline check valves have been totally eliminated. Some parts shown are for earlier models, in which different size tubing and connections were used. If you are in need of a complete chlorine feeder, please contact us. We offer erosion feeders from several manufacturers, in varying capacities. 21 Chlorine And PH Controllers & Feeders Controllers Model Number Description 82093 Controller, BCES MR-1F CES 19246 Controller, Chemtrol 250 19235 Controller, CAT 2000 Chemical Feeders Model Number Description 32450 FEEDER STENNER, 45M2 32480 FEEDER STENNER, 45M4 32500 FEEDER STENNER, 45M5 32550 FEEDER STENNER, 85M5 Please Note: Vak Pak has used several different manufacturers of ORP controllers, and chemical feeders. This represents the most popular models in current production. Warranty service and parts are generally handled by the manufacturer direct. However, if you do not see the model of your unit, or if non-warranty replacement parts are needed, please contact us for assistance. 22 Remote Chemical Crocks Part # Description 42730 15-Gallon Remote Chemical Crock 42713 30-Gallon Remote Chemical Crock 42714 52-Gallon Remote Chemical Crock 42717 99-Gallon Remote Chemical Crock Since ORP Controllers and liquid feeders have become more prominent, chemical storage containers have also become necessary. Vak Pak Manufacturing offers 4 sizes of Remote Chemical Crocks to fit your needs. They come with a lockable lid for security and may be buried out of the way for convenience. Please Note: Make sure when ordering to specify chlorine or acid. 23 Vak Pak Inc. Cabinet Listing By Model Number Model Number Cabinet Number Vacuum D.E. Model Number Cabinet Number Pressure Cartridge Cont’d CP6VDE CB402 CS52PCV CB502 Through “ Through “ CP14VDE “ CS100PCV “ AP14VDE CB502 SP140VCT CB602 Through “ Through “ AP22VDE “ SP400VCT “ CB602 SP500VCT CB1002 AP10 Through “ AP30 “ CHR24 CB602 AP32 CB1002 Through “ Through “ CHR36 “ AP40 “ CHR230 CB1002 AP44 CB1402 Through “ AP52 “ CHR236 “ Through “ AP56 “ AP60 “ RDE205 CB202 Through “ Through “ AP80 “ RDE215 “ RDE405 CB402 Pressure Cartridge Pressure Sand Filter Residential CS189V CB602 Through “ Through “ RDE415 “ CS540V “ RC205 CS680V CB1002 Through “ CS52WPCV CB402 RC215 “ Through “ RC405 CB402 CS100WPCV “ RC415 CB402 CB202 24 Cabinet Parts Hardware For Old Style Cabinets / Lids Part Number Description 37100 Roof Jacks, 712 - AA 37170 Safety Cable, For Roof Jack 23700 Hinge, 3”x 3” , S.S. (Sold Each) 27020 Hardware Kit, 3”x 3” Hinges (Per hinge) 27015 Hardware Kit, For Roof Jacks (Per Roof Jack) Hardware For New Style Cabinets / Lids Part Number Description 37130 100-lb Hydraulic Lifters (Used Primarily on Subterranean Vaults) 37125 90-lb Hydraulic Lifters 37120 60-lb Hydraulic Lifters 37110 30-lb Hydraulic Lifters 23730 Latch Assembly Complete 23702 Hinge, 3”x 3” S.S. Heavy Duty (Sold Each) 38913 Mounting Bracket W/Ball Stud 37111 Clip Retainer, For Ball Stud 27020 Hardware Kit, 3”x 3” Hinges (Per Hinge) 37118 Hardware Kit (30-90-LB Per Roof Jack) 37119 Hardware Kit (100-LB Per Roof Jack) Grilles Part Number Description 37050 Grille, 10”x 10” 37000 Grille, 24”x 10” 25 Cabinet and Lid Part Numbers New Style Cabinets “02” Series Cabinet Model Number Cabinet Part Number Lid Part Number Hydraulic Lifter Part Number CB104 41240 41280 37100 CB202 41385 41422 37110 CB402 40465 40375 37120 CB502 45523 40382 37120 CB602 40342 40375 37120 CB1002 40850 40890 37125 CB1402 40843 40375 40890 37125 37120 CB1702 40844 40375 40890 37125 37120 Old Style Cabinets “00” Series Cabinet Model Number Cabinet Part Number Lid Part Number Roof Jack Part Number CB104 41240 41280 37100 CB200 USE CB202 41420 37100 41890 41920 37100 CB400 USE CB402 40380 37100 CB600 USE CB602 40380 37100 CB1000 USE CB1002 40880 37100 FILTERPAK 26 CB1702 Cabinet Specifications (Requires 90 & 60-LB Roof Jacks. See Pages 25-26 For Parts) 39..5” 201” 79” 27 CB1402 Cabinet Specifications (Requires 90 & 60LB Roof Jacks. See Pages 25-26 For Parts) 39.5” 39.5” 161” 76” 79” 28 CB1002 Cabinet Specifications (Requires 90-LB Roof Jacks. See Pages 25-26 For Parts) 29 CB1000 (Old Style) Cabinet Specifications (Requires Standard #37100 Roof Jacks. See Pages 25-26 For Parts) 30 CB602 Cabinet Specifications (Requires 60-LB Roof Jacks. See Pages 25-26 For Parts) 31 CB600 (Old Style) Cabinet Specifications (Requires Standard #37100 Roof Jacks. See Pages 25-26 For Parts) 32 CB502 Cabinet Specifications (Requires 60-LB Roof Jacks. See Pages 25-26 For Parts) 33 Filterpak Cabinet Specifications (Requires Standard #37100 Roof Jacks. See Pages 25-26 For Parts) Please Note: This Cabinet Is No Longer Used in Current Production, However, Parts Are Still Readily Available. 34 CB402 Cabinet Specifications (Requires 60-LB Roof Jacks. See Pages 25-26 For Parts) 35 CB400 (Old Style) Cabinet Specifications (Requires Standard #37100 Roof Jacks. See Pages 25-26 For Parts) 36 CB104 Cabinet Specifications (Requires Standard #37100 Roof Jacks. See Pages 25-26 For Parts) CB200 (Old Style) Cabinet Specifications (Requires Standard #37100 Roof Jacks. See Pages 25-26 For Parts) 37 CB202 Cabinet Specifications (Requires 30-LB Roof Jacks. See Pages 25-26 For Parts) LOCKABLE ACCESS Low Profile Collector Tank Lid Specifications Fits: CT120LP / CT140LP / CT200LP / CT300LP 38 CT-60 Cabinet Specifications Order Part # 45013 COLLECTOR TANK SKIRT Set your collector tank to proper static water level, regardless of grade. The skirt can be custom made to your height specs, from 3” to 24”. It can also be ordered later and easily installed in the field at any time. Order part # 41423, and specify your height requirements. Cabinet Identification Vak Pak changed cabinet styles in 2002. All new style cabinet designations end in “02”, (E.G. CB402 / CB602 Etc.). The drawings below show the difference in the new style “02” lids, and the old style designated as “00” lids or cabinets, (E.G. CB400 / CB600 Etc.). 39 Main Drains - VGB Compliant Since the early 1970’s, Vak Pak Inc. has been manufacturing quality fiberglass, sand coated main drain forming shells for commercial and residential use. Our easy to use, VGB compliant product is available in many standard sizes and configurations, as well as custom designs, made to your specifications. Drains can be made with either slip, or threaded fittings. We stock many VGB frame & grates to fit not only our drains, but the majority of the main drains you are using. Our main drains are available in beige or black. If you have any questions, or would like to place an order, please contact our parts department for assistance. CMD 9/3/2 Main Drain - VGB Compliant PART # DESCRIPTION 42340 CMD MAIN DRAIN, 9/3/2 42360 CMD MAIN DRAIN, 9/3/3/2 40 Main Drains - VGB Compliant, Contd. CMD 12/4/2 Main Drain - VGB Compliant PART # DESCRIPTION 42380 CMD MAIN DRAIN, 12/4/2 42400 CMD MAIN DRAIN, 12/4/4/2 CMD 12/6/2 Main Drain - VGB Compliant PART # DESCRIPTION 42421 CMD MAIN DRAIN, 12/6/2 41 Main Drains - VGB Compliant, Contd. CMD 18/8/2+2 Main Drain - VGB Compliant 23” 17” 25” 18-1/2” 13” PART # DESCRIPTION 42460 CMD MAIN DRAIN, 18/8/2+2 Over the years we have received many questions concerning the use of a square frame & grate on a round main drain. As you can see below, examples 1 & 3, show a perfectly straight, plumbed suction line. Examples 2 & 4, however, show us the all to familiar, slightly offset plumbing line. With the round main drain, example 2, you can easily adjust the frame & grate, and remain square to the overall layout of the pool. With a square main drain, as example 4 shows, the frame & grate has little, or no adjustment. ( Exaggerated drawing for illustration only) Parallel to pool wall. 42 Main Drain Identification Vak Pak Manufacturing produces many different types of VGB compliant main drains, from our standard products, usually in stock and ready for immediate shipment, to custom main drains, built to your specifications. In order to make it easier for you to order and receive exactly what you need, we would like to explain our model number designations. There are three basic size main drains, 9”, 12”, and 18”. When ordering, the first number is the size of the drain, (E.G. 12/), for a 12” drain. The second number indicates the side outlet, (E.G. 12/4), which is a 4” fitting. The third number indicates the bottom outlet fitting, (E.G. 12/4/2), which is 2”. The exceptions to this being if 2 outlets are required on the side of the drain, this number would read, 12/4/4/2, and if there are more than one bottom fitting, it would read, 12/4/4/2+2. We have put together several examples of standard and also custom main drains below. As you can see, the model number designations are fairly simple. Main drain size, side outlet, and bottom port. These are just a few of the possibilities for customized drains. Also remember, any of these drains can be made with couplings, (all slip), or female adapters, (slip x thrd), or in any combination of the two. If you have any questions, need a quote on a custom design, or are ready to order, simply contact our parts department for assistance. 43 VGB Compliant Grates and Unblockable Drains Vak Pak Builders Supply has you “covered” when it comes to VGB approved main drain covers and unblockable drains. With manufacturers like Waterway, A & A Manufacturing, Aquastar, and Custom Molded Products, we have what you need. We stock everything from the 8” residential drains & grates, up to 18”x 18”. 24”x 24” grates are available on a special order basis. 44 Terms and Conditions Pricing Prices are subject to change without notice unless a quote has been made. Quotes from the Builder Supply Store are good for 90 days. All prices are F.O.B. our warehouse and custom orders are F.O.B. point of origin. Prices are subject to applicable sales and/or use taxes unless customer has on file with Vak Pak, and up to date tax exemption certificate. Terms Customers, with approved open accounts, may take a 1.5% discount if paid by the 10th. of the month, following invoice date. A 1.5% service charge per month or portion thereof on all past due accounts. Past due status will cause delivery of shipment to be withheld on any new or outstanding orders. All parts orders MUST be prepaid, either with a credit card, or check in advance, if you do not have an established account with Vak Pak. We do not ship C.O.D. Damaged or Shortage Claims Seller’s responsibility ceases when merchandise is turned over to a common carrier. Damages or shortages must be reported to delivery carrier immediately upon receipt and so noted on Bill of Lading before acceptance of shipment is made. Otherwise, no claim can be enforced against the Deliverer, Carrier, or the Seller. All shortage claims must be reported within 48 hours. Returned Merchandise Merchandise MAY NOT BE returned without prior authorization. Merchandise returned is subject to inspection and a 15% restocking charge, providing the returned merchandise is in original condition. Special freight charge may apply. Warranty Equipment or accessories not manufactured by Vak Pak will carry only warranty furnished by the manufacturer. Vak Pak will act as an agent for purchasers to obtain warranty from said manufacturer, but Vak Pak will not warranty or be held liable for said products warranty. Equipment or accessories manufactured by Vak Pak carry a 12 month warranty from date of shipment. 45 INDIAN RIVER PLACE THE FIRST VAK PAK EVER SOLD. The first Vak Pak ever sold was installed in 1970, by Vero Beach Pools. As of December, 2013, it was still in operation. We are trying to put together data on the average life of a Vak Pak, but after 40 years, and the first unit is still going strong, it may take us a while. 46