youth programs - City of Elko, Nevada
youth programs - City of Elko, Nevada
The Elko Explorer Exploring Elko’s Recreational Opportunities Summer 2015 YOU HAVE QUESTIONS? WE HAVE ANSWERS. PERSONAL INJURY | WORKER’S COMPENSATION 790 Commercial Street | Elko, NV 89801 | 738-9877 2 City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 3 CONTACT US RECREATION OFFICE 723 Railroad St. Elko, NV 89801 Office: (775) 777-7260 Fax (775) 777-7264 Operating Hours M-F 8:00am-4:30pm Closed Holidays SWIMMING POOL 1501 College Ave. Elko, NV 89801 Office: (775) 777-7299 Pool Hour: Please see Aquatics PARKS 1435 Idaho St. Elko, NV 89801 Office: (775) 777-7262 CITY MUNICIPAL GOLF 2312 Ruby View Dr. Elko, NV 89801 Office: (775) 777-7270 Email us at: (775) 777-7260 for general information Visit Us Online: 4 DIRECTORS NOTE Everyone looks forward to the return of warm breezes, green grass and longer days and then summer is finally here!! What better way to celebrate summer than to get outside and enjoy it with some classes and camps. We proudly present the Elko Recreations’ 2015 summer of fun activities guide. There is a wide range of healthy, entertaining and educational activities to choose from. Each activity and event is designed to offer opportunities for people to put a little fun into their lives and create a sense of community spirit. Many new and exciting weeks are scheduled, so take a look and sign up for a great summer. For those of you new to Elko or new to our programs, we welcome you. We sincerely hope that you’ll find that Elko is truly your place to play. For those of you who’ve been with us awhile, you’ll find a variety of new classes and some of the old favorite ones. Be sure and get ahead of the game by signing up early. We welcome your comments, questions and concerns. You can reach our office at 777-7260 or by e-mail at Sincerely, Dawn Leyva, Recreation Director TEACH WITH US The City of Elko Parks & Recreation is committed to providing quality programs for all ages, interests and levels. Programs offered strive to foster new skills, promote health and well-being, and expand cultural and artistic development. In order to provide these programs, the City of Elko Parks & Recreation Department seeks experienced individuals to work as contracted instructors to share their special talents, skills or knowledge with others in a class, camp or workshop format. City of Elko Parks & Recreation TABLE OF CONTENTS Park Reservations 6 Registration7 Youth Sports 11 Adult Sports 16 Adult Programs 20 Teen Programs 22 Youth Programs 26 Events50 Library52 Aquatics53 Special Events 60 Parks & Facilities 62 (775) 777-7260 5 PARK RESERVATIONS The City of Elko Parks offers multiple locations throughout the City of Elko park system. Throughout our ten parks located in the City of Elko, numerous locations are reservable for special events, family gatherings and corporate events. Park reservations are available through our website at or in-person at 723 Railroad St. Park Reservation fee: $30.00 Reservations includes: 4 Picnic Tables, 1 Serving Table, 1 Garbage Can Additional Tables Available at Reservation. PARK HOURS: 6AM - 12AM PARK RESERVATION REQUIREMENTS & RULES: 1. All fees must be paid when reserving. 2. Reservations must be made no later than 48 hours prior to the reservation date. 3. Groups are responsible for damage to the picnic area during their use. 4. There is NO ELECTRICITY or WATER in picnic areas. 5. No GLASS CONTAINERS in any City Park. 6. Refrain from excessive noise. 7. Pets must be on a leash. 8. Clean up & dispose of pet waste. 9. No camping unless authorized by City Council. 10. No Unauthorized vehicles on grass. 6 AIR JUMPERS Air Jumpers/ Water Jumpers are allowed in the parks only if the company you are using has a City business license on file with the City of Elko. To inquire please call (775) 777-7260. If they do not have a business license on file with the City you must use another company. There is no electricity at any of the parks in Elko. Horses/ ponies or any other livestock are not allowed in any of the Elko parks. REGISTRATION 2 EASY WAYS TO REGISTER TODAY 1 2 WALK-IN egister in person at our centrally located recreation facilities. R For Aquatics please visit the Elko Swimming Pool during operating hours, please see aquatics. For recreation courses please visit the recreation office (723 Railroad) operating M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm. ONLINE egister for classes from your home 24/7 and it’s FREE! You can R browse activities, view your history, register for classes, print a calendar and more. Register online TODAY at: >>recreation >>quick links >>on-line registration City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 7 OUR MISSION The City of Elko Parks & Recreation Department strives to provide community programs and services where unmet interests and needs exist, and to promote cooperation with schools, athletic and civic organizations, community agencies and interested individuals in the areas of education, recreation and social and cultural pursuits. NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS You will only be notified if the class/activity is full or canceled. You will not receive a confirmation letter or call. REFUNDS Refunds are given if programs are canceled or if registration fails because the activity is full or weather conditions force us to cancel. Refunds cannot be guaranteed after the program has begun. Requests must be made at least five (5) business days before a program/class is scheduled to begin. A $10 service fee will be charged for ALL refund requests. Refunds will not be given after program has begun. WEATHER POLICY Every attempt will be made to inform participants of program cancellations due to inclement weather. When weather is a factor, parents or participants may call the Parks and Recreation Department at 775-777-7260. SHINING STAR SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Youth Scholarship Campaign Brighten up a child’s life by donating to our scholarship fund! Large or small, your sponsorship will help contribute to a child’s participation in our recreation programs that otherwise may not be able to do so. Pick up a star at the Recreation Office or fill out and return form below and pledge your donation today! Some examples of what your sponsorship will provide: $10 – Sponsor a session of Karate, Dance or Gymnastics $25 – Sponsor a child for Swimming Lessons $50 – Sponsor a child for a Sport Camp session $75 – Sponsor a child for a Week of Day Camp 8 Laser Mechanism of Action Biochemical Thermal Releases nitric oxide ATP production Fibroblast migration Macrophage activity Keratinocyte activity RNA/DNA synthesis Enzyme production SOD production Nerve Conduction Capillary dilation Bioenergetic Acupuncture meridian point stimulation Bioelectric Electromotive action acting on membrane bound ion channels Intracellular/extracellular ion gradient changes CLINICAL EFFECTS Reduced spasm | Pain relief | Increased circulation | Improved flexibility and function Improved healing | Reduced symptoms associated with osteoarthritis 1-866-595-7749 777-3033 | 123 2nd Street, Elko TACO TIME Step into a new home this summer with one of our Century 21 agents! 393 12th St. Elko 775.738.7144 393 12th St. Elko • 775.738.7144 • YOUTH SPORTS AYSO SOCCER CONTACT: (775) 777-7413 OR SHEKICKS64@YAHOO.COM Elko/ Spring Creek and Carlin AYSO has been providing a high-quality soccer experience for more than 20 years. Teams in the U5-U14 division play other Elko, Spring Creek and Carlin teams during regular season. Register TODAY online for Fall soccer. Birth certificate required at registration. Must be 4 year of age by July 31, 2015 Who: 4 to 14 years of age Registration: Pre-Register at Verification of age and in-person registration TBD Price: $65 for first child $60 for each sibling ELKO JR. FOOTBALL LEAGUE Football season is approaching fast. 2015 the sign up dates... All signs up are at Stout Field. Birth Certificates are required. Thursday, June 18th 5pm-7pm Saturday, June 27th 9am-1pm Wednesday, July 8th 5pm-7pm Thursday, July 16th 5pm-7pm Saturday, July 18th 9am-1pm Ages 6 to 7 are eligible to play in the flag division at a cost of $65 for 1st child and $55 for any additional children. Ages 8 to 14 are eligible to play in the tackle divisions at a cost of $150 for the 1st child and $125 for any additional children. Uniforms: (Required) additional $30 A LATE REGISTRATION FEE OF $25 WILL BE ADDED AFTER JULY 24, 2015. ELKO JR. FOOTBALL CHEERLEADING Rookie Tackle Division ages 8 & 9 yrs. Junior Tackle Division ages 10 & 11 yrs. Senior Tackle Division ages 12, 13 & 14 yrs. Cheerleaders ages 6 to 14 are eligible at a cost of $60. A copy of cheerleader’s birth certificate will be required. Any questions regarding cheerleading please contact Billie Jo at 934-0199. City of Elko Parks & Recreation Register online at Any questions regarding football please contact Dale at 340-8834. (775) 777-7260 11 YOUTH SPORTS ELKO HOCKEY SUMMER CAMP FOR MORE INFO CONTACT: TRISH AT 775-934-5512 Hockey is a team sport of no intended contact. Campers will learn positional play in both offensive and defensive zones. Focus on skating skills will help improve the individual’s ability to maneuver inline skates safely and quickly. Building on team spirit campers will learn proper body placement and movements to improve stick handling, passing and goal shooting. Registration includes: A camp backpack; snacks; adult supervision; 10+ hours of skill development in basic areas of skating, stick handling, passing, shooting, and a BONUS Saturday tournament! You CANNOT register for Hockey Camp thru Parks & Recreation!! Register by visiting For more information call the above numbers. *All participants must provide their own equipment (skates, helmet, pads, stick, gloves, shin guards, mouth guard, etc.) Limited equipment is for sale or rent in the Igloo. Hockey Shop. Rental equipment (excluding skates and mouth guard) is available for $50 on first come first serve basis. Who: 5-13 years, all abilities When: Mon-Fri 6:00pm - 8:00pm Dates: Camp #1 - June 15 - 20, 2015 Camp #2 - August 10 - 15, 2015 Fee: $50 per child or $75 for both classes/ per child Registration: or contact Trish at 775-934-5512 12 SKATEBOARDING FOR BEGINNERS With a focus on balance and coordination, this class will guide beginners through a series of introductory techniques that will keep their interest, and guide kids through the learning curve of this extreme sport. Students will learn to push, stay on, stop and fall safely. Find out more about your skateboard setup and how to improve it. Skate with a professional and learn new tricks. Required Equipment: Skateboard & helmet. Optional equipment: elbow and knee pads. Who: youth 6-11 yrs. Fee: $40 When: Mon–Fri 5:00pm-6:00pm Date: July 13-17 Where: Southside Park Skate Rink YOUTH SPORTS PICKLEBALL LESSONS Pickleball is a combination of tennis, badminton, ping-pong and racquetball, in addition it’s one of the fastest growing sports in America. It may be a silly name, but it’s a serious sport and played on small court for lots of action! It is fast paced and easy to learn, great exercise and lots of fun! Come see what the excitement is all about! Class will teach participants how to play pickleball and/or improve on existing skills. Classes will teach strokes such as, dinks, ground strokes, volleys, serves, etc. and scoring. Each class is designed with instruction and match play. Who: youth 10-18 yrs. Fee: $60 When: Mon-Wed 9:00am-11:00am Date: August 3-5, 2015 Where: Main City Park Tennis Courts City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 13 DRESSES | TUXES | FLORIST | WEDDING CHAPEL For the small yet simple wedding, rent the chapel at Bloom’s and Grooms. Seats up to 40 guests. See our flower and wedding packages at 775-778-3151 461 Idaho Street, Elko 14 DLC Gallery Bar 516 COMMERCIAL ST 775-738-3426 WWW.DLCGALLERY.COM JUNE 4 & 5 - Ghost Light Productions Play - The Shape of Things JUNE 6 - Live Music - Liam Kyle Cahill JUNE 13 - DBA Margarita Walk JULY 9 - Live Music - Elyse Miller JULY 11 - DBA Wine Walk JULY 16-18 & JULY 22-25 - Silver Stage Productions Play - Bard in the Yard III AUGUST 8 - DBA Wine Walk Over 50 Wines Signature Martinis Microbrews Live Music Fine Spirits Gift Cards City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 15 SEE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR MORE UPCOMING EVENTS. ADULT SPORTS ADULT CO-ED SOFTBALL Players Fees - $60 Sponsor Fees - $350 Registration for Adult Co-ed Softball May 18-July 20, 2015 Sponsor Letter/ Payment & Calendar Due July 20, 2015 Co-ed Managers Meeting (Mandatory) @ 6:00pm July 28, 2015 Co-ed Projected Start Date August 24, 2015 ADULT SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE TOURNAMENT FEES - $250/TEAM Larry E. James Ice Breaker Tournament (Men’s & Women’s) May 15-17, 2015 Bat Around the Clock 24 - Hour Tournament (Men’s & Co-ed) June 26-27, 2015 Stephanie Gonzales Last to Bat Tournament (Men’s & Co-ed) September 18-20, 2015 ALL DRAWS FOR BRACKET PLACEMENT WILL BE COMPLETED THE WEDNESDAY PRIOR TO THE START OF TOURNAMENTS. ADULT CO-ED KICKBALL TOURNAMENT FEES - $250/TEAM Fall Tournament Registration Aug 4th–Sep 12, 2015 Co-ed Kickball Tournament Dates Oct 17-18, 2015 ALL DRAWS FOR BRACKET PLACEMENT WILL BE COMPLETED THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO THE START OF TOURNAMENTS. 16 ADULT SPORTS 20152015 Adult ADULT SOFTBALL Softball TOURNAMENT Tournament SCHEDULE Schedule LARRY E. JAMES MEMORIAL ICE BREAKER TOURNAMENT May 15 - 17, 2015 Tournament Fee - $250/ Team (must be paid prior to first game) ALL DRAWS FOR BRACKET PLACEMENT WILL BE COMPLETED THE WEDNESDAY PRIOR TO THE START OF TOURNAMENTS. CITY OF ELKO BAT AROUND THE CLOCK 24- HOUR TOURNAMENT June 26 - 27, 2015 Tournament Fee - $250/ Team (must be paid prior to first game) ALL DRAWS FOR BRACKET PLACEMENT WILL BE COMPLETED THE WEDNESDAY PRIOR TO THE START OF TOURNAMENTS. STEPHANIE GONZALES LAST TO BAT MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT September 18 - 20, 2015 Tournament Fee - $250/ Team (must be paid prior to first game) ALL DRAWS FOR BRACKET PLACEMENT WILL BE COMPLETED THE WEDNESDAY PRIOR TO THE START OF TOURNAMENTS. City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 17 YOU SUPPLY THE Guests, WE SUPPLY THE REST! Birthday Party Packages! INFLATABLE RENTALS • CHARACTER APPEARANCES 10% OFF PROMO CODE: SUMMER2015 18 775.340.2584 • • EQUIPMENT RENTALS A summer Birthday Party Package! CEDARANDSAGEEVENTSCO.COM Health & Fitness Fair 5K Run/Walk Everything Elko Expo Glow in the Dark 5K Starr Valley Springs Run Off 10K 30th Race to the Angel “Extreme” Half & Tri Lamoille Canyon Marathon & Half + 5K/Kids Ruby Mountain Relay Elko County Fair Cowboy Color Chase 5K City of Elko Parks & Recreation Turkey Trot Family 5K Run/Walk Snowflake Festival Santa Dash 5K Run/Walk (775) 777-7260 19 ADULT PROGRAMS A TOAST TO ART “K-9 COLLEGE” DOG OBEDIENCE Drink creatively while you combine cocktails with a slight artistic flair. Toast to Art allows experienced and amateur painters to embrace their creative side during a two hour session of step-by step painting with a local artist. Beverages of Beer and Wine will be available for purchase. Appetizers will be served. Space is limited to 24 participants! Sponsored by The City of Elko Recreation Department & Elko County Art Club. Fee: $35 per person (1 Free Drink Ticket) Have you and your canine companion been getting along lately? If you need help establishing good conduct and curbing bad habits, this course is for you and your dog. Sharon uses a lighthanded approach to help you teach the commands heal, sit, stand, stay, sit & stay, down & stay, and recall. Results guaranteed! Each dog needs a choke chain and fabric or leather leash. All dogs must be vaccinated against rabies, Parvo, and distemper. Who: Adult’s 21 & Over (Photo ID will be required at door) Who: All Ages Fee: $45 When: Friday, May 8, June 12, July 10 & August 14, 2015 When: 10:00am Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm Registration: Preregistration required “Registration NOW OPEN” Where: Elko County Art Club Gallery (407 Railroad St.) July 10 (Only) - Will be located in the Main City Park Pit #1 (Across from City Pool) 20 Date: Wednesdays (8 classes) June 18-August 7 Where: Southside Park 2015 Summer Series Friday May 8, June 12, July10 & August 14 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Elko County Art Club (407 Railroad St.) CoST $35.00 pER pERSon (Includes 1 Free Drink Ticket) MuST BE 21 & ovER (photo ID will be required at door) LIMITED To 24 pARTICIpAnTS pREREgISTER @ Drink creatively while you combine cocktails with a slight artistic flair. Toast to Art allows experienced and amateur painters to embrace their creative side during a two hour session of step-by step painting with a local artist. Beverages of Beer and Wine will be available for purchase. Appetizers will be served. Space is limited to 24 participants! Sponsored by: The City of Elko Recreation Department & Elko County Art Club Contact the Recreation office FMI: (775) 777-7260 City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 21 TEEN PROGRAMS LEADERS OF THE FUTURE PROGRAM “K-9 COLLEGE” DOG OBEDIENCE Are you ages 12 to 14 and you feel like you’re too old to be registered in Elko Explorers (but you’re Mom doesn’t)? Do you have an interest in contributing to a positive change in our community? Join leaders of the future. Participants will take part in all Elko Explorers programs, as a junior leader, dealing with life skills, career awareness, the importance of being a role model, and other issues teens may face today. Leaders will enjoy field trips, special events and all other activities associated with the Summer Elko Explorers Program. BRING PARENT & RESUME WHEN REGISTERING. Have you and your canine companion been getting along lately? If you need help establishing good conduct and curbing bad habits, this course is for you and your dog. Sharon uses a lighthanded approach to help you teach the commands heal, sit, stand, stay, sit & stay, down & stay, and recall. Results guaranteed! Each dog needs a choke chain and fabric or leather leash. All dogs must be vaccinated against rabies, Parvo, and distemper. Who: Youth, 12–14 years. When: 10:00am Fee: FREE Date: Wednesdays (8 classes) June 17-August 5 (No Class July 1st) When: Anytime between 6:00 am & 6:00 pm Who: All Ages Fee: $45 Where: Southside Park Date: Mon.–Fri. June 8–August 14 Where: Mountain View Multi-Purpose Building SUPER SITTERS ACADEMY Learn to be a SUPER SITTER by developing skills that will improve and enhance your efficiency as a childcare provider. This class teaches the sitter how to quell the child’s fears when the parents leave, how to entertain a child, home safety, and what to do in an emergency. Sitter will learn basic first aid, emergency and fire safety, children games and activities, how to give basic care such as changing diapers, preparing bottles, and how to get children to sleep. Students will receive a “Certificate of Completion” and a student completion card for their wallet. THIS IS NOT A FIRST AID/CPR CLASS. Who: youth 11-16 years Fee: $20 When: Mon.-Tue.**1:00-3:00pm Date: June 22-23 Where: Mountain View Trailer Classroom 22 TEEN PROGRAMS TEEN CERT BE PROUD! BE RESPONSIBLE! Would you like to be better prepared in case of an emergency or disaster? Join us this summer for Teen CERT classes to learn more about Emergency Preparedness, Fire Safety, Emergency First Aid and Medical Operations, Light Search and Rescue, CERT, Disaster Psychology, and more. For more information or to sign up call: Mary Ann Laffoon, 775.934.9130 • Comprehensive Abstinence and Safer Sex Intervention. Ages: 14-17, Parent or Guardian permission required Cost: FREE Where: To be announced Dates: June 18 & 23, July 9, 14, & 23, August 4 and make-up date August 7 Time: 12:30-3:00pm PROMOTING HEALTH AMONG TEENS! • Abstinence Only Intervention •G raduates receive a FREE backpack full of school supplies • Promoting Health Among Teens is an evidence-based program that encourages youth, ages 9 to 12, to remain, or become abstinent as a means of preventing teen pregnancy and STDs. Students learn about adolescent development, pregnancy prevention and sexually transmitted diseases. They also learn refusal skills, identifying and handling peer pressure and utilizing negotiation skills, as well as how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. • Graduates receive a FREE backpack full of school supplies. • Be Proud! Be Responsible! is an evidence-based program that teaches teens ages 13 to 18 about pregnancy prevention, abstinence, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases. Students also learn about identifying and handling peer pressure, utilizing negotiation skills, development of a stronger sense of pride and responsibility, as well as how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. • Summer Classes are scheduled at the Family Resource Center from 9:00am12:00pm on June 23-24, July 21-22 and August 11-12. To Register contact Meghan at 775-753-7352 or This message was sponsored by the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health, through Grant Number 1301 NVPREP and 1401 NVAEGP from the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral health nor the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families • Summer Classes are scheduled at the Family Resource Center from 9:00am-12:00pm on June 9-11, July 7-9 & August 4-6. To Register contact Meghan at 775-753-7352 or City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 23 Dena Hartley 775-934-0496 BAWCOM REAL ESTATE Bonnie Bawcom 775-934-3278 32 Spring Creek Pkwy | Spring Creek, NV 89815 | Office Phone: 775-753-6379 WWW. BawcomCRHomes.COM Connie Harlan 775- 934-0919 775-753-6379 Looking for a customer driven Realtor dedicated to achieving results and providing exceptional service? Donna Moore 775-397-4728 If you are in the market to buy or sell a home, we will put our expertise to work for you! Candace Kelly 775-340-9872 John Grimes 775-934-4414 24 Tammy Bawcom 775-340-5263 3RD ANNUAL Pumpkin Festiv l L A M O I L L E G R O V E OCTOBER 24 & 25 10AM-4PM PICK YOUR PUMPKINS AT THE PUMPKIN PATCH! PUMPKIN PATCH EXPRESS TRAIN RIDE Vendor and booth spaces available, contact Marin 340-1927 or Amber 340-7724 BOUNCY HOUSES HOMEMADE TREATS CRAFTS FAMILY PHOTO SPOTS Just Travel Specializing in Cruises, Tours, all Disney Packages, Custom Itineraries, Airfare and More! Hours: Monday - Friday, 10am - 5pm 351 Silver St, Elko NV 89801 775-738-9847 | Located inside Luciano’s Restaurant — We’ve been in the travel business for over 30 years — Look for us on Facebook. YOUTH PROGRAMS ELKO EXPLORERS: SUMMER FUN ALL-DAY CAMP Wondering how to keep your children busy while they are on summer vacation from school? The Parks & Recreation Department has extended their popular after school program through the summer to meet the needs of many children who require a safe, supervised environment during the summer vacation months. Our qualified, creative staff will aim to deliver a memorable experience for all involved. We have a terrific summer planned for your children. Some of the activities included in the program are arts & crafts, field trips, indoor & outdoor games, sports & water activities, tournaments, swimming, and movies. Participants are required to bring a sack lunch that does not require heating or refrigeration, a cold drink and a water bottle every day. The fees collected support the program with all equipment, supplies and salaries. Remember!! Field Trips, Food, Fun, Frolics & Friends. THIS PROGRAM CANNOT BE REGISTERED ON THE INTERNET. REGISTRATION FORMS MUST BE COMPLETED IN PERSON BY A PARENT/ GUARDIAN AT THE RECREATION OFFICE. Who: Youth, K-6th Grades. Fee: $25 per day 1/2 PRICE DISCOUNTS FOR MORE THAN ONE CHILD IN SAME FAMILY! $25 non-refundable registration fee required with registration. When: Anytime between 6:00am & 6:00pm (Child must attend 4-5 days per week, no drop-in or part-time positions are available) Date: Mon.–Fri. June 8–August 14 Where: Mountain View Multi-Purpose Building, 3300 Argent Avenue 26 MESSY MARVIN MONDAY Does your child just love hands on fun? Then this is the class for them. We will get creative with play dough, explore mixing paint and go ga-ga with glue! We will Zoommmm…our cars into shaving cream and make our own “Monet’s” with fingerpaint! If you don’t get dirty, you didn’t have fun! Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Who: youth 3-5 yrs. or 6+ yrs. Fee: $12 When: Monday ** 3-5 yrs. 8:30-10:00am, 6+ yrs. 10:30am-12:00 Date: June 15 Where: Mountain View Trailer Classroom YOUTH PROGRAMS KIDS SUMMER THEATRE CAMP Casting actors, performers, and the creative kid! Join Ghost Light Productions as we present our Summer Theatre Camps! During the five day session students will learn acting skills and techniques, makeup special effects, mask making and character building! This is a great opportunity for your child to let their imagination run wild, work and socialize with other children, build self-confidence, and explore the performing arts! Fee: $50 Who: youth 7-13 yrs. SUPERHEROES Superheros rule! Students will become their own “SuperHero” in this class. We will be making capes, swords, masks and much more in this awesome class. Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Who: youth 3-5 yrs. OR 6-8 yrs of age. Fee: $12 When: Tuesday**6-8 yrs. 10:30am12:00pm, 3-5 yrs. 1:00-2:30pm Date: June 16 Where: Mountain View Trailer Classroom Camp 1: July 20-24 Camp 2: July 27-31 When: Mon.- Fri.** 5:00-6:00pm Where: 725 Railroad St. (Next to the Recreation Office) ABC, 123 & SUPER SHAPES Share what you know and learn as we go. Whether these are new found skills or just to refresh your child’s knowledge the emphasis will be on basic alphabet, spelling of names and common words, numbers and shapes. We will work as a group and establish skills to speak in front of others and be proud of our abilities. Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Who: youth 3-5 yrs. Fee: $12 When: Tuesday** 8:30–10:00am Date: June 16 Where: Mountain View Trailer Classroom City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 27 YOUTH PROGRAMS METEOROLOGIST FOR A DAY!! Be a meteorologist for a day and visit the local Elko National Weather Service office. You will learn what meteorologists do; how we forecast the weather; how we take official weather observations, and much more. You’ll see how we use Doppler radio and satellite imagery to issue severe weather warnings. Activities will include making your own weather instruments; taking an official weather observation; launching a weather balloon and making your own weather forecast. We’ll also perform some experiments, including making a tornado in a bottle. Students will also learn weather safety tips about lightning, floods, and other dangerous weather. Who: youth 6 years & up Fee: $16 OOEY-GOOEY When: Tuesday** 9:00am-noon Get ready to make play-dough, GAK and GOOP. In this class your children will make some cool concoctions like “ooze” and funny putty out of household products. Children are required to dress for messy play. Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Date: June 16 Where: National Weather Service Building, 3720 Paradise Dr. DINO DIG Children will explore the world of dinosaurs, as if it was an archeology dig. Kids will make a book with pictures and facts about their favorite pre-historic creatures, build replicas, make dinosaur eggs, make fossils and cast footprints, then “DIG” for them. Supplies included. Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Who: youth 3-5 years Fee: $12 When: Thursday**8:30-10:00pm Date: June 18 Where: Mountain View Trailer Classroom 28 Who: youth 3-5 yrs. or 6-8 yrs. Fee: $12 When: Wednesday ** 3-5 yrs. 8:30– 10:00am, 6–8 yrs. 10:30am-12:00pm Date: June 17 Where: Mountain View Trailer Classroom YOUTH PROGRAMS THE BIG DIG DUCT TAPE MADNESS CAMP Children will explore the world of dinosaurs, as if it was an archeology dig. Kids will make a book with pictures and facts about their favorite pre-historic creatures, build replicas, make dinosaur eggs, make fossils and cast footprints, then “DIG” for them. Supplies included. Just how many things can duct tape do? Students will learn how to make their own purses, tool belts, wallets or cup holders. We will supply many different colors and styles of duct tape for students to use. Who: youth 6-8 yrs. OR 9+ yrs. Fee: $20 Fee: $12 When: Thursday** 6-8 yrs. 10:30am12:00pm, 9+ yrs. 1:00-2:30pm Date: June 18 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom COWPOKE CAMP Looking for the most fun camp in town this summer? If you are a cowboy/ cowgirl or just want to act like one, this is the camp for you! Come have a week of buckaroo fun with very well trained “stick” horses. Our leaders are the main cowpokes around here that will help you step by step become the best cowpoke in town. We will be naming our own “horse” and of course learn how to ride it. Play some fun games on horseback such as red light green light, musical stalls, pole bending and barrel racing. Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Who: youth 8+ yrs. When: Mon.-Wed. **10:30am-12:00pm Date: June 22-24 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom HIP HIKING STICKS! Let’s go hiking the Rubies. Gear up for some great summer hikes by painting and decorating your very own hip, hiking stick. Then hit the trails with your healthy, active, artistic masterpiece. Who: youth 5-7 yrs. or 8+ yrs. Fee: $20 When: Thursday** 5-7 yrs. 10:30am12:00pm or 8+ yrs. 1:00-2:30pm Date: June 25 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom Who: Youth, 4 & 5 yrs. of age Fee: $25 When: Mon.-Thurs.** 8:30-10:00am Dates: June 22-25 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 29 YOUTH PROGRAMS SUPER SNACKS & EDIBLE ART CAMP CROCHET CLASS This class will teach your child to make their own healthy and delicious snacks. Children will create their own recipe books with fun new recipes that we will create ourselves. Come join the fun, bring your aprons and let’s make some fun snacks. Make sure you come to class HUNGRY! Written notification of any food allergies is required when registering for this class. Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Crocheting is a fun hobby for kids. Students will learn how to crochet with yarn and be able to take home a finished project, crochet hook and a ball of yarn to create more at home. Who: youth 5-7 yrs. or 8+ yrs. Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom Who: youth 8+ yrs. Fee: $12 When: Thursday ** 8:30-10:00am Date: July 9 Fee: $20 When: Mon.-Wed.** 5-7 yrs. 8:30-10:00am or 8+ yrs. 10:30am-12:00pm Date: June 29-July 1 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom TIE-DYE DUDS & JAZZY T’S CAMP Tie dying is one of the most fun holdovers from “way back when” and is also becoming popular again. Bring dishwashing gloves and clothing (100% cotton for best results). T-shirts are easy but socks, moldable hats, soft tote bags, boxer shorts, etc., will work well also. All other materials included. Who: youth 5-7 yrs. or 8+ yrs. Fee: $18 When: Mon.-Wed. ** 5-7 yrs. 8:30-10:00am or 8+ yrs. 10:30am12:00pm Date: July 6-8 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom 30 PAINT, GLITTER & GLUE CAMP Get ready for some good messy fun as your little one explores the delights of finder paints, clay, glitter, glue and more! Designed to unleash their artistic spirit while helping to develop their motor skills, this class is all about the process. Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Who: youth 3-5 yrs. Fee: $16 When: Mon.-Wed** 8:30-10:00am Date: July 13-15 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom YOUTH PROGRAMS COLOSSAL CLAY CAMP Join us for a hands-on adventure! Kids will learn how to make pinch pots, coil pots and have alot of fun experimenting with all kinds of clay and all kinds of shapes. Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Who: youth 3-5 yrs. or 6+ yrs. Fee: $16 When: Mon.-Wed.* 6+ yrs. 10:30am12:00pm, 3-5 yrs. 1:00-2:30pm Date: July 13-15 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom AHOY MATEYS! PIRATE ADVENTURE CAMP Ahoy Mateys! Come aboard as we travel to Pirate Island where we’ll find treasure chests, sandy beaches, colorful parrots and lots of fun adventure. We will create treasure maps, golden dubloons, sea monsters, ships, and more. Along the way, we’ll play games, sing songs, read pirate stories, and hunt for treasure. Arrgh!! Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Who: Youth, 5-7 yrs. of age Fee: $25 When: Mon.-Thu. **8:30-10:00am Date: July 20-23 CUPCAKE WARS This is a beginner’s course in cupcake frosting and decoration. Each class will include demonstrations and hands-on learning. Students will learn how to use many different decorating tips and how to mix colors with butter cream frosting. Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Who: youth 3-4 yrs. or 5-7 yrs. or 8+ yrs. Fee: $15 When: Thursday ** 3-4 yrs. 8:30-10:00am, 5-7 yrs. 10:30am-12:00pm, 8+ yrs. 1:002:30pm Date: July 16 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom MANGA MANIACS & CARTOON CAMP Manga is a cool kind of cartoon drawing. Learn how to draw Manga figures with step-by-step instructions. Discover how to develop your own Manga story, creating your own characters, writing dramatic stories. Learning to draw can be fun, especially when we create silly characters, funny expressions and drawing sequences that tell a joke! This delightful class combines Young Rembrandts’ innovative, step-by-step drawing method with lighthearted subject matter that engages children, their sense of humor and their vivid imaginations. Who: youth 8+ yrs. Fee: $16 When: Mon.-Tue.** 1:00-2:30pm Date: July 20-21 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 31 PLAN YOU CHILD’S SUMMER MON JUNE 8TH TUE 9 WED 10 THU 11 FRI 12 MON TUE JULY WE 15 16 17 18 19 6 7 20 21 22 23 24 13 14 29 30 20 21 27 28 Use this calendar to plan your childs's summer activities. Notes: 32 ED 1 THU 2 FRI MON 3 AUGUST 3rd TUE 4 WED 5 THU 6 FRI 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 22 23 24 17 18 19 20 21 29 30 31 City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 33 PUZZLE & GAMES 34 PUZZLE & GAMES City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 35 PUZZLE & GAMES Games & Find the Differences! Copyright of - Keeping Kids Busy 3630 Puzzles PUZZLE & GAMES Sports Crossword Puzzle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ACROSS DOWN 4 This sport is played on a large open field where players can only use their feet to kick a ball into a goal. 7 This sport is played on the ice and the players use sticks to hit a puck into a goal. 8 This sport is played on a diamond shaped field where players run the bases and score homeruns. 9 This sport can be played on the beach where players hit a ball over a net. 1 This sport is played with 10 players on the court. Players can shoot the ball into the hoop or slam dunk. 2 This sport is played with a racket and a yellow ball that players hit over a net. 3 This sport has many players on the field and on the sideline. They score touchdowns and kick fieldgoals. 5 This sport is played outside where players hit a small white ball with a club. 6 This sport is played by throwing a ball down an alley. If you hit down all ten pins you get a strike. WORD BANK: Baseball, basketball, bowling, football, golf, hockey, soccer, tennis, volleyball. City City of of Elko Elko Parks Parks && Recreation Recreation (775) (775) 777-7260 777-7260 31 37 YOUTH PROGRAMS DRAW & DOODLE ART CAMP PINATAS, PUPPETS & MASK CAMP This class will teach the kids techniques to doodle like a pro. Students will learn about line, texture and color. We will doodle up a storm in this class. We all have great pictures in our imaginations. We will teach you how to take your imagination pictures and create them on paper. Learn basic drawing methods that will have you on your way to becoming a great artist. Explore the age old craft of pinata making in Mexico! Use paper and flour paste to make your very own paper mache pinata for your next fiesta. Create your own pinata to decorate the next day and learn about traditional decoraating styles in Mexico. Children will explore a wonderful creative experience making a variety of simple puppets. Students will make finger puppets, mitten puppets, sock puppets, and paper bag puppets. If time allows, students will participate in a puppet show. This class is also a great idea to use to entertain during babysitting. Masks are the very origin of Theatre. They were used to create and develop characters. Join us to design, create and decorate your own masks to make characters come to life. Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Who: youth 3-7 yrs. Fee: $16 When: Mon.-Wed.*** 10:30am-12:00pm Date: July 20–22 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom LEATHER WORKS Who: youth 5-7 yrs. or 8+ yrs. This class will teach students how to do leather work. They will learn to stamp leather and make some very nice usable items, such as leather bookmarks, coasters, and a leather wristband. When: Mon.-Wed.** 5-7 yrs. 8:30am10:00am or 8+ yrs. 10:30am-12:00pm Who: youth 5-7 yrs. or 8+ yrs. Fee: $18 When: Thursday ** 5-7 yrs. 10:30am12:00pm or 8+ yrs. 1:00-2:30pm Date: July 23 Where: Mountain View Trailer Classroom 38 Fee: $25 Date: July 27-29 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom YOUTH SPORTS FEES Pre-Registration Required $25.00 registration fee with application $25.00 Full Day Program per day. 1/2 price for additional child in same family. Child must be registered and attend full time, 4-5 days per week. CAMP HOURS Full Day Program opens from 6:00am- 6:00pm Monday-Friday For More Information on Elko Explorers and more Camp offerings call us at 775-777-7260 City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 39 YOUTH PROGRAMS CHICKA CHICKA BOOM BOOM NATURE NUTS Come climb up a coconut tree and learn numbers and the alphabet. This class is made especially for the young crowd. Enjoy a special story time and decorate an edible alpahabet treat. Explore the wonders of nature! We’ll explore trees, wild flowers, take a mini nature walk through the park, and make nature crafts to take home. Lots of songs and games too! Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Who: youth 3-5 yrs. Fee: $12 When: Monday**1:00-2:30pm Date: July 27 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom “GIRLS” RULE Calling all girls...Come for a fun filled time of just girl stuff. Join us as we learn how to boost our own self-esteem as we interact with other girls our age. We’ll make fun crafts such as journals, “makeyour-own” lip gloss, hair wraps & more. This will be a fun filled class. Who: youth 6-9 yrs. Fee: $14 When: Tue.-Wed. ** 1:00am-2:30pm Date: July 28-29 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom 40 Who: youth 3-5 years Fee: $12 When: Thursday**8:30-10:00am Date: July 30 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom YOUTH PROGRAMS CLICK! BEGINNING PHOTOGRAPHY & SCRAPBOOK CAMP Capturing the world on pictures can be so much fun. Today’s advances on photographic technology allow instant cameras to take high quality images. Join this class to learn the basics of taking amazing and exciting pictures with disposable cameras. Come sharpen your skills just in time for vacation. Participants are required to bring their own digital camera. In this class boys & girls will use their skills to transform snap shots into memory pages. Cut, Crop, Write, Draw, Layout & Stick on scrap book materials too! We will change four or five themed snap shots into memory pages. Students can also bring their own photos from home to include into their photos taken in this class. Who: youth 8+ yrs. Fee: $20 When: Mon.-Wed. ** 8:30-10:00am Date: August 3-5 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom JEWELRY CAMP Learn different ways to make necklaces, bracelets, earrings and pendants and assemble them into jewelry items. Kids love to make jewelry and personal keepsakes for themselves and for their friends. Students will also learn to make a variety of bracelets and necklaces using different types of colorful string. Who: youth 6+ yrs. Fee: $18 When: Mon.-Wed.** 10:30am-12:00pm Date: August 3-5 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom GONE BUGGY Explore the underground world of insects and creepy crawlers. Learn about the many different kinds of bugs that live in our backyards as we create insect themed art, enjoy crunchy snacks and go on an outdoor bug hunt. Dragonflies, butterflies & bugs…oh my!! Bring your imagination and be ready to create some “buggy” fun. Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Who: youth 3-5 years Fee: $12 When: Mon. **1:00-2:30pm Date: August 3 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 41 life experience ruby mountain o nly InItIal Exam and x-Rays (if needed) $ 89! normal fees of $373. In network with most major insurance providers. special cannot be combined with Insurance. 42 Monday-Wednesday, Friday: chiropractic center 10:00am-6:00pm ruby moun chiropractic c ruby mountain chiropractic center ruby mountain chiropractic center free! EvErything Elko SEPT SEpT 19 20 22 00 11 54 at thE Elko ConvEntion CEntEr! 9AM10 AM-34PM pM ContaCt Marin or aMbEr for advErtising opportunitiEs Marin Wendell 775-340-1927 City of Elko Parks & Recreation Amber Eliades 775–340-7724 (775) 777-7260 43 YOUTH PROGRAMS TEDDY BEAR TEA PARTY FORT BUILDING CAMP Come to a Teddy Bear Tea Party! Bring your favorite teddy bear and wear your tea party finest. Have a charming morning making dress up hats and having an old-fashioned tea party. Menu: Cookies, bearberries, honey bread and teddy bear tea. Ages 3-5, parent participation required. Each day new forts will be made out of different whacky materials from card castles to card board huts. Students will work together to overcome obstacles and challenges impossible to do alone. Teams will compete for best fort, team work, sportsmanship, and enjoy a massive water fight fort against fort. Who: youth 3-5 yrs. Who: youth 6-12 yrs. Fee: $12 Fee: $16 When: Tuesday**1:00-2:30pm When: Mon.-Wed ** 8:3010:00am Date: August 4 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom “BOYS” RULE Calling all boys...We will be doing a lot of fun art projects such as painting rocks, playing with clay, building a model, etc. Come and join the boys and make some fun creations all for just boys. Who: youth 6-8 yrs. or 9+ yrs. Fee: $12 When: Thursday **6-8 yrs. 8:30-10:00am or 9+ yrs. 10:30am-12:00pm Date: August 6 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom 44 Date: August 10-12 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom YOUTH PROGRAMS BLAST WITH BUBBLES “K-9 COLLEGE” DOG OBEDIENCE Learn to make bubble jars, make bubble wands out of wire and pipe cleaners and play with bubbles and explore some fun facts about bubbles. We will create a “Kid in a Bubble” using a kiddy pool and hula hoop. Lots of outdoor fun. Ages 3-5, parent participation required. When: Monday ** 3-5 yrs. 8:30-10:00am or 6+ yrs. 10:30am-12:00pm Have you and your canine companion been getting along lately? If you need help establishing good conduct and curbing bad habits, this course is for you and your dog. Sharon uses a lighthanded approach to help you teach the commands heal, sit, stand, stay, sit & stay, down & stay, and recall. Results guaranteed! Each dog needs a choke chain and fabric or leather leash. All dogs must be vaccinated against rabies, Parvo, and distemper. Date: August 10 Who: All Ages Who: youth 3-5 or 6+ years Fee: $12 Where: Mtn. View Trailer Classroom Fee: $45 AMERICAN RED CROSS PILLOW CASE PROJECT Date: Wed. (8 classes) June 17-August 5 (No class July 1st) Students learn emergency preparedness skills, on how to prepare and escape from fires, earthquakes and other natural disasters. Students will receive the MY PREPAREDNESS WORKBOOK and pillowcase. When: 10:00am Where: Southside Park Who: youth 8-11 years Fee: $10 When: Wednesday**10:30-12:00am Date: Session #1 June 24 or Session #2 July 22 or Session #3 August 5 Where: 725 Railroad St. (Next to the Recreation Office) City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 45 RUBY VIEW GOLF COURSE RESIDENT WEEKEND GREEN FEES (Saturday - Sunday and Holidays) * 65 or older ** Ages 5 through 18 9-hole (before 3:00 pm) $24.00 9-holes (after 3:00 pm) $21.00 18-Hole $38.00 $20.00 Conversion 9 to 18 holes RESIDENT WEEKDAY GREEN FEES - (MONDAY - FRIDAY) 9-Holes $21.00 Conversion 9 to 18 Holes $16.00 9-Holes Senior* $16.00 Conversion 9 to 18 Holes $11.00 9 Holes Junior** $12.00 Conversion 9 to 18 Holes $7.00 18 Holes $32.00 18 Holes Senior* $22.00 18 Holes Junior** $15.00 Punch Card (24 - 9 hole rounds) $400.00 GOLF CART RENTALS 9 Holes $10.00 per rider 18 Holes $15.00 per rider Conversion from 9 to 18 Holes $9.00 per rider 46 RUBY VIEW GOLF COURSE GOLF SEASON PASSES Adult Single $600.00 Senior Single (65 years +) $475.00 Young Adult (19 through 20) $250.00 Junior (Unrestricted) $150.00 GOLF LEAGUE PROGRAMS RUBY VIEW MEN’S LEAGUE Offered Thursday night from April - August. For more information please contact Ruby View Golf Course at 777-7277. RUBY VIEW WOMEN’S LEAGUE Offered Tuesday evening from May - August. For more information please contact Ruby View Golf Course at 777-7277 JR. GOLF LESSONS Offered to youth ages 8-17 from June 8 - 22. Lessons will be held Mon., Tue. & Wed. Cost is $40 per child. To register or for more information please contact Ruby View Golf Course at 777-7277. City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 47 Did you know? 133 students drop out of school every school day. 45% of Nevada’s high school students graduate With your support we can change the life of a child! FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO DONATE TODAY 48 445 Boyd-Kennedy Road, Unit #6, Spring Creek, NV 89815 | (775) 753-9183 NEVA D A BANK & TRUST Community Banking; It’s who we are It’s what we do. Same Name, Same SerVIce SINce 1978! 775-738-1711 • 852 Idaho Street, elko, NV 89801 $25 rebate on cross water waders. $50 rebate on sonic dry waders. For a limited time only. Inside Cedar Creek Clothing 453 Idaho St. - 934-4565 - City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 49 EVENTS 50 EVENTS THE GREAT HUMBOLDT DUCK RACE Adopt a duck for your chance to win the $1000 Grand Prize. Go online to or call 738-3418 for details and to adopt a duck. Where: 12th Street Bridge Who: Children of all ages Date: To be announced SECOND SATURDAYS AMERICAN FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION The Northeastern Nevada Museum will be hosting an All American Fourth of July Party at 9:00-10:30am. Come and enjoy old fashion activities, games, and the children’s parade. The festivities will be held in the park behind the Museum. Where: City Park Date: Saturday, July 4, 2014 Time: 9:00-10:30am Children of all ages and their parents are invited to come to the museum every second Saturday of every month for activities and crafts. All second Saturdays are free of charge and we provide all materials. Donations are welcome. Price: Free to public Where: Northeastern Nevada Museum See what the local theater was showing in Elko 50 years ago. Bring a blanket, lawn chair, and snacks, sit back and relax in the park for an hour or two enjoying a classic film projected onto the back of the Museum. Who: Children of all ages Registration: No Registration Required Date: Every Second Saturday except July Time: 10:00am–12:00pm Price: Free to public For more info, please call 738-3418 CLASSIC FILM FESTIVAL Where: City Park Date: July 18, 25 Time: Dusk Price: Free to public For more info please call 738-3418 PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR SPECIAL ACTIVITIES AND EVENT UPDATES WWW.MUSEUMELKO.ORG City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 51 ELKO COUNTY LIBRARY (775) 738-3066 or Every Hero Has a Story! Unmask! TEEN SUMMER READING PROGRAM. YOUTH SUMMER READING PROGRAM. The Elko County Library invites teens, ages 12 through 18, to participate in our Summer Reading Program sponsored by Barrick Gold North America. Registration Monday, May 18-Saturday, June 20. Teens should register for the reading program and the Teen Scene activities. The reading program begins June 15 and ends July 27. Teens who successfully complete the program will earn a T-Shirt. • Ice Cream Social – Kickoff Party and Book Signing with Local, Young Adult Author Patrick Harris / Thursday, June 11 / 1:30–3:00pm • Coloring Contest (sponsored by Total Eye Care) / June 15–July 25 • LEGO Superheroes Fun Day / Saturday, June 13 / 1:30–3:30pm • Summer Crafts / Wednesdays / June 17 and 24; July 1, 8, 15 and 22 / 3:30–4:30pm (registration required) • Villains and Historic Heroes / June 16, 17, 18 / 1:30–3:00pm (register one day only) • Superheroes to the Rescue / June 23, 24, 25 / 1:30–3:00pm (register one day only) • Spectacular Sidekicks / July 14, 15, 16 / 1:30–3:00pm (register one day only) • Geocaching with Heroes / Saturday, July 18 / (time TBD) • SRP Picnic @ Mountain View Park / July 31 / 11:00am–1:00pm • Teen Book Club / Mondays / June 8 & July 13 / 4:30pm • Ice Cream Social – Kickoff Party and Book Signing with Local, Young Adult Author Patrick Harris / Thursday, June 11 / 1:30–3:00pm • Teen Scene / Mondays / June 22 and July 27 / 4:30pm (activities TBD) • G eocaching with Heroes / Saturday, July 18 / (time TBD) The Elko County Library invites youth, ages 4 through 11, to participate in our Summer Reading Program sponsored by Barrick Gold North America. Registration begins Monday, May 18 and runs through Saturday, June 20. Youth should register for the reading program and the crafts, activities, and contests. The reading program begins June 15 and ends July 31. Every Hero Has a Story! EARLY LITERACY SUMMER READING PROGRAM. The Elko County Library invites parents of babies and toddlers to participate in our Early Literacy Summer Reading Program sponsored by Barrick Gold North America. Registration Mon., May 18 -Sat., June 20. Parents must register their babies/toddlers for the reading program that begins June 15 and ends July 31. For more info, please contact the Library at 738-3066. Besides the reading program, which includes prizes, here are the Early Literacy programs: • Story Time / Tue., Wed., Thu. / 10:30am • Special Story time with Ursie Wursie (date TBD) • Other programs TBD. 52 AQUATICS City of Elko Swimming Pool Open Swim Monday - Friday Effective June 8 - August 22, 2015 1:00pm - 4:00pm 6:30pm - 8:00pm 12:00pm - 4:00pm Closed Saturday Sunday Lap Swim (ADULTS ONLY) Monday - Friday 6:00am - 8:30am 11:30am - 12:45pm 5:30pm - 7:30pm 7:00am - 9:00am Closed Saturday Sunday Session: Preschool (0-6) Child (7-12) Teen (13-17) Adult Senior Swim Fees & Passes *We do not accept checks for daily admission $2.25 $2.75 $3.50 $4.50 $2.50 Quarterly (3 months) Child (0-12) $95.00 Teen (13-17) $105.00 Adult $110.00 Senior $75.00 Family (4 people) $210.00 *Additional members $40.00 each Yearly Child (0-12) $180.00 Teen (13-17) $200.00 Adult $235.00 Senior $130.00 Family (4 people) $460.00 *Additional members $60.00 each 10 Punch Visit Child Teen Adult Senior City of Elko Parks & Recreation $25.00 $30.00 $40.00 $20.00 20 Punch Visit Child Teen Adult Senior $50.00 $60.00 $80.00 $40.00 (775) 777-7260 53 “Call to reserve your consultation at no charge today” ruby mountain chiropractic center 54 inc. (775)777-3033 is your leading provider for Come see the all new POLARIS RZR® XP 1000 EPS & RZR® XP 1000 4 EPS We carry Motorcycles, ATVs, Side x Sides, Snowmobiles, Personal Watercraft, plus much more! (775) 777-7260 55 5TH GEAR POWERSPORTS • 775.738.8933 • 420 30th St, Elko, Nevada City of Elko Parks & Recreation AQUATICS City of Elko Swimming Pool 2015 Swimming Lessons Registration May be done online at -> recreation tab -> swimming pool -> register here LESSONS FOR CHILDREN 4 AND UP PAYMENT IN FULL IS REQUIRED WHEN REGISTERING CHILDREN FOR LESSONS COST $60.00 PER CHILD Dates Registration Starts June 15th -26th May 25th June 29th -July 10 June 15th July 20th - 31st July 6th August 3rd - 14th July 20th Times for each Session 8:30 - 9:15am 9:15 - 10:00am 10:00 - 10:45am 10:45 - 11:30am LESSONS RUN MONDAY - FRIDAY FOR TWO WEEKS Session SESSION 1 SESSION 2 SESSION 3 SESSION 4 Parent/ Toddler Lessons For children 1 ½ years – 4 years will be offered during sessions 1, 2, 3 and 4. The time for this is 11:00-11:30am An adult is required to be in the water with each child Preschool Lessons 3yrs Old Will be taught at 10:00am - 10:45am during sessions 1, 2, 3 and 4. Parents aren’t required to be in water. Ages 3 yrs. One Night class is available during the 1st & 3rd sessions. Fitness Swimmer (Level 6) This is a fitness swimming class for upper level children. Lesson runs Mon-Thur. from 10:00-10:40am during the 1st and 3rd sessions. Night Lessons We will be offering Night Lessons during the 1, 3 & 4 sessions at the following times: 5:30-6:15pm & 6:15-7:00pm *All Instructors are American Red Cross Certified* 56 AQUATICS City of Elko Swimming Pool 2015 Summer Aquatic Fitness Courses Registration May be done online at -> recreation tab -> swimming -> register here Courses for Adults 18 & Up Hydrorider Courses Session Session 1 Cost for Hydrorider Courses*$50.00* Days M/W T/ Th Dates June 8 - 24 June 9 - 25 Times 10:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Session 2 M/W T/ Th July 6 - 22 July 7 - 23 10:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. June 15th, 2015 Session 3 M/W T/ TH August 3 - 19 August 4 -20 10:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. July 13th, 2015 City of Elko Parks & Recreation Registration Starts May 18th, 2015 (775) 777-7260 57 WEEKEND ATTITUDE C E DA R C REEK C L O THING 4 5 3 I D A H O S T R E E T, E L K O 58 • 738-3950 • W W W. C E D A R C R E E K C L O T H I N G . C O M Dr. Gardner 775.753.6118 / Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm ORTHODONTICS - ORAL SURGERY - PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Keeping a Healthy Smile. 2575 N. 5th St., Suite B / Elko, NV / City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 59 SPECIAL EVENTS LAZY MAN TRIATHLON Have you always wanted to try a triathlon, but little intimidated by the one day completion? Well, have we got the triathlon for you! During the month of July, log your miles as you run, bike and swim your way to “Iron man Distances”. In completing all distances by July 31, 2015 participants will receive a triathlon t-shirt and an opportunity to have their name placed in a drawing for some great prizes. We also encourage participants to challenge themselves and participate in the Olympic Distance Triathlon on October 4–5. Please inquire about the due-athlon that will be offered on October 5. All participants that return their distance cards on July 31 will receive their triathlon t-shirt. For more information on the Olympic Distance Triathlon please contact the Recreation Office at 777-7260. Mining Employees ask your wellness representative for more information! Who: Teens 11-15 years of age, Adults 16 years & over Fee: $25 (11-15 yrs.) per person $30 (16 & over) per person When: Registration June 22-July 10 Date: Triathlon July 1-31 Where: Register @ Elko Parks & Recreation, 723 Railroad Street PICKLEBALL WORKSHOP Pickleball is a combination of tennis, badminton, ping-pong and racquetball, in addition it’s one of the fastest growing sports in America. It may be a silly name, but it’s a serious sport and played on small court for lots of action! It is fast paced and easy to learn, great exercise and lots of fun! Come see what the excitement is all about! Class will teach participants how to play pickleball and/or improve on existing skills. Classes will teach strokes such as, dinks, ground strokes, volleys, serves, etc. and scoring. Each class is designed with instruction and match play. Who: 10yrs & up When: Saturday** 10:00am-2:00pm Date: May 30, 2015 Where: Elko High School Old Gym Fee: $25 Pre-Registration at or in person at 723 Railroad St. is required for this workshop. 60 SPECIAL EVENTS CHAMBER EVENTS 37th Annual Home & Business Expo ~ May 9 & 10, 2015 Annual event showcasing vendors from all over in regards to Home & Business. This event is typically held Mother’s Day weekend at the Convention Center. 5th Annual International Beer Festival ~ June 26, 2015 Annual fun event where the public is welcome to come out and try a variety of beer selections. Washers, Corn Hole, and other games are available outside and dinner is included in your ticket price. This year we are having live entertainment. This event is held at the Sherman Station. Sherman Dinner & Auction ~ July 25, 2015 Our annual fundraiser to benefit the upkeep of Sherman Station and the outlying buildings. Sherman Station Ranch house was built in 1880 by Bavarian emigrant Valentine Walther. In 1997, the Sherman Station was relocated to Elko from a Huntington Valley Ranch about 60 miles south. This dinner is held outside at Sherman Station. WESTERN FOLKLIFE CENTER EVENTS Jam On! What: Jam On! MonthlyJam Sessions Where: W estern Folklife Center G Three Bar Theatre 501 Railroad St. Elko, NV When: 2nd Wednesday every month Time: 6:00-8:00pm Cost: $5 for lesson and dance, drinks not included Who: All musicians welcome Let’s Dance! What: Dance Lessons & Open Dancing Where: G Three Bar Theatre When: 2nd and 4th Thursdays Time: Lesson 6:00-7:00pm Open Dancing 7:00-9:00pm Cost: Free admission Who: Adults and teens welcome For more information about Western Folklife Center Events contact (775)738-7508. For more information contact the Elko Chamber of Commerce at (775)738-7135. City of Elko Parks & Recreation (775) 777-7260 61 PARKS & FACILITIES Angel Park West Sage St. Johnny Apple Seed Country Club Dr. Main City Park Idaho St. South Side Park Front St. 5th Street Park 5th St. Green Belt Park West Sage St. Peace Park College Parkway South Side Tennis Courts Front St. Main City Park Tennis Courts Chris Sheerin Way Main City Basketball Ct. Chris Sheerin Way Mountain View Park Copper St. South Side Skate Rink Front St. 62 Serving Elko County Since 1982 20 $ OFF CENTRAL AIR OR A/C START UP Mention this ad when calling in. Offer expires 08/31/2015. 738-5616 City of Elko LAMOILLE Parks & Recreation 1250 HWY, STE 104 • ELKO (775) 777-7260 63 64
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