Warunki Uczestnictwa w imprezach organizowanych przez Biuro
Warunki Uczestnictwa w imprezach organizowanych przez Biuro
AGREEMENT – APPLICATION OF PARTICIPATION in the dance workshop organised by: Fair Play Art Karol Niecikowski Osiedle Młodych 27, 19-200 Grajewo NIP 719-144-75-13, REGON 200409875 FAIR PLAY DANCE UP winter school Time: 26-31.01.2013 Date of conclusion of the agreement: Accommodation: Szkolne Schronisko Młodzieżowe nr 3 ”Syrenka”,ul. Karolkowa 53a,01-197 Warszawa Workshop venue: Szkoła podstawowa nr 220, ul. Jana Pawła II 26a, 00-133 Warszawa Participant SURNAME FIRST NAME DATE OF BIRTH ADDRESS (with zip code) PHONE NUMBER: E-MAIL **PROMOTIONAL PRICE 1390 PLN * REGULAR PRICE 1500 PLN * I INSTALLMENT NOTE: Date: up to 3 working days from the dispatch of the application form Amount: Date: 15.01.2013 II INSTALLMENT Supplement pay to 100% 400,00 Please transfer the payments to the bank account number: KAROL NIECIKOWSKI FAIR PLAY ART OSIEDLE MŁODYCH 27, 19-200 GRAJEWO PL 23 1050 1823 1000 0090 7745 7258 BIC/SWIFT: INGBPLPW ...................................................... .............................................. Fair Play Art Participant’s signature I confirm the accuracy of the above data and declare that I have read the programme of the event, the terms and conditions of participation and the content of the General Terms and Conditions of Accident Insurance in the territory of the Republic of Poland approved by the Board of Directors of SIGNAL IDUNA PTU S.A. No 42/Z/07 of 07.08. I have been informed about the subject and scope of the insurance, the sums insured and the procedure in the case of occurrence of the insured events. I release the insured medical doctors treating them at home and abroad from medical confidentiality and I consent to disclose the treatment documentation to the Insurer. .............................................. Participant’s signature * ** check the chosen option promotion for the first 50 participants or to 7 January 2013 NOTE: Singed agreement should be mailed by post to Fair Play Art Karol Niecikowski, ul. Tysiąclecia P.P 10 / 137, 15-111 Białystok, or the scan of the agreement should be e-mailed to danceup@fairplaystudio.pl Terms and conditions in Fair Play Dance Up – winter school 2013 Warsaw 1. General terms and conditions. a. b. c. The general terms and conditions are hereby set for participation in tourist events contained in the Fair Play Art Karol Niecikowski camp organised by a Tourist Organiser within the meaning of the Act of 29 August 1997 on tourist services /consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2001 No 55 , item 578, as amended/. A Tourist Organiser hereinafter referred to as the “Organiser” is Fair Play Art Karol Niecikowski travel company which holds the registration certificate in the registry Tourist Organisers and Tourist Agents No 4/12 issued by the Marshal’s Office of the Podlaskie Province. General Terms and Conditions define the rights and obligations of the participants of tourist events, in further sections referred to as "Clients" and the “Organizer”. 2. The participation agreement in Fair Play Dance Up 2013 is concluded when the following requirements are fulfilled: a. the Client has read and understood the offer together with the terms and conditions of participation and insurance. b. the Client has filled in and submitted the electronic application form c. the Client has paid a PLN 400 deposit or the total amount (up to 3 working days from the dispatch of the application form). d. the Client has sent back the filled in and signed "Agreement-Application of Participation” in the camp. The AgreementApplication of Participation can be signed only by the legal entity or physical person, who has the appropriate legal capacity. In the event of signing the agreement by a person with limited legal capacity, it is vital that the agreement is confirmed by the legal representative. Only the Participant who applied for the reservation is entitled to make changes to the agreement or declaration of resignation from the event. The payment of the remaining instalments of the event’s fees should be done in the following dates: - until 07.01.2013 to 100% of the event’s fees Bank transfer data: KAROL NIECIKOWSKI FAIR PLAY ART OSIEDLE MŁODYCH 27, 19-200 GRAJEWO PL 23 1050 1823 1000 0090 7745 7258 BIC/SWIFT: INGBPLPW Please write the name of the Participant and the name of the package in the bank transfer description box: Example: Wiesiek Koprowski, Package Up - Underage The transfers without the above description shall not be honoured by the Organiser. The lack of timely payments shall exclude the Participant from the event with the consequences described in section 4. The participation of a minor person in the event requires a written consent of their legal guardians in a camp card of the Organiser and completion of the camp card which must be delivered to the camp’s venue. 3. 4. In the event of their resignation, the Participant should immediately notify the Organiser and deliver their written statement. In the event of the Participant’s resignation, the Organiser reserves the right to deduct the charges which amount to the Organiser’s inferred costs, up to the day the resignation from the participation in the workshop is submitted by the Participant. The average deductions of the charges are as follows: a. b. c. d. 39 - 21 days prior to the date of the workshop - 25 % of the workshop’s fees, 20 - 14 days prior to the date of the workshop - 25-50 % of the workshop’s fees, under 14 days prior to the date of the workshop - 50-90 % of the workshop’s fees, The Organiser shall, with due diligence, act in order to limit the costs and losses incurred as a result of the Participant’s resignation in the workshop in order to minimize the costs of resignation of the Participant and consider particular circumstances of a given case of resignation. 5. The costs of resignation are not charged, except for the costs incurred by the Organiser, as a result of replacement of the Participant if, at the time of their resignation – not later than 3 days prior to the workshop – the Participant appoints a person who shall comply with all the terms and conditions of the participation in the workshop, to whom the Participant transfers all the rights and responsibilities resulting from the contracted agreement. As a result of the replacement of the Participant of a tourist event, the Client and the person to whom the Client’s rights are transferred, are jointly and severally responsible for the unpaid fees of the tourist event and the costs incurred by the tourist Organiser. 6. Insurance. a. By sending the Application Form, the Participant declares that their health allows them for the participation in the workshop; in the case of an illness during the event the Participant releases doctors treating them at home and abroad from medical confidentiality towards the Insurer and consents to disclose their medical records to the Insurer. b. The Organiser guarantees insurance for all the Participants with SIGNAL IDUNA Polska Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. with its seat in Warsaw, ul. Jasna 14/16a. c. Foreign Participants are insured with SIGNAL IDUNA: Costs of Treatment (KL): EUR 20,000 and Accident Insurance (NNW) which amounts to: PLN 15,000. d. The Participant has the right and duty to read beforehand the relevant General Terms and Conditions of the Insurance. a. From the beginning of the event the Participant is obliged to take instructions from the Organiser’s representatives concerning realization of the tourist event programme. 7. b. c. The Participant shall be liable to the Organiser for the material damage caused during their stay. The Organiser reserves the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect, without any financial consequences on the part of the Organiser, with a Participant who significantly violated or persistently violates the established schedule of the event, or threatens to prevent the established schedule from its realization or other Participants from the normal use of the services. 8. a. The organizer is responsible for the event in accordance with the offer, the agreed quality and the standard of the offered services. In the event of discrepancies between the actual situation and the offer, the Participant is obliged to immediately inform the Organiser's representative in order to enable them to repair the fault. The occurrence of faults cannot constitute the basis of a complaint if the repair will take place without delay. If the fault is not removed, the Participant should report that fact in writing to the Organiser’s representative at the time of the event. b. If particular services are not delivered, to which the Organizer is obliged under the agreement concluded with the Participant, or their quality will differ from the quality described in the agreement concluded with the Participant, the Organiser assumes adequate financial responsibility and is obliged to partially refund the payments for the services, in the amount depending on the type and degree of derogation from the offer and from the valuation of the provided defective services, unless failure to provide specific services, or deviation from the quality described in the agreement, will exclusively be due to an action or omission of the Client, an action or omission of a third party not involved in the agreement, if such actions or omissions could not be foreseen or avoided, or to force majeure. c. The basis for the partial refund is lodging a complaint. Any complaints on the services shall be made in writing and sent by registered mail to the address of the Organiser not later than one month from the date of the end of the event. A complaint properly lodged will be responded to by the Organiser in writing as soon as possible but not later than within 30 days of its receipt. a. The Organizer shall not be liable for the failure to realise or improper realisation of the agreement for the provision of tourist services if they are exclusively due to an action or omission of the Client, an action or omission of a third party not involved in the agreement, if such actions or omissions could not be foreseen or avoided, or to force majeure. b. If the provision of services, which constitute a vital part of the programme, is not possible, the Organiser shall, without burdening the Participant with additional costs, provide accurate replacement services within the framework of this event, which is possible to provide within the framework of a particular event. If the quality of the replacement services, referred to in the preceding sentence, is lower than the quality of the services specified in the programme of the event, the Participant may require a reduction in the fixed package price. The Organizer is not liable for damages if they offer replacement services of at least equivalent standard and value and the Participant does not accept the offered services without any justification. 9. 10. The organizer reserves the right to cancel the camp if the number of Participants does not reach the expected minimum of half of the assumed number of enrolled participants. The cancelation of the camp due to the low number of participants cannot take place in less than 7 days from the scheduled date of its beginning. In such a case, accepted payments will be returned not later than January 30, 2013. 11. The Organiser’s responsibility for failure or improper performance of services during the tourist event is limited to twice the package price for each customer. The above limitation does not apply to personal injuries. 12. "The Terms and Conditions of Participation” in a tourist event are also in force for accompanying persons, represented by the Participant. 13. Any disputes which may arise in connection with the execution of the agreement, in case of disagreement between the parties, shall be settled by the competent common court. Regulations of participation 1. The participant has the duty to obey the Organiser’s, the Instructors‘ and the Centre personnel‘s commands. 2. Bringing or consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking and possession of psychotropic substances is prohibited. 3. The Organiser has the right to delete the Participant from the list of the workshop Participants without the refund of the paid fees, if the Participant disturbs the course of the workshop. 4. Bringing food to the dance hall is prohibited. 5. Video recording, audio recording and taking photographs of the classes without the Organiser’s consent is prohibited. If the Participant breaches this term of the agreement, they shall be deleted from the list of workshop Participants without the refund of the paid fees. 6. The participants who will stand out during the workshop, shall be chosen by the Organiser and offered to sign an agreement with the Organiser. 7. The application of participation in the workshop is tantamount to read, understand and accept the Terms and Conditions as well as the Regulations of the workshop.