附錄一:財政部、國稅局、各縣市地方稅稽徵機關通訊錄 (本表 102 年 12 月編製,有關通訊異動時,請依新資料辦理) 單 位 網 址 總 機 地址 財政部賦稅署 www.dot.gov.tw 02-23228000 10066 台北市愛國西路 2 號 財政部財政資訊中心 www.fdc.gov.tw 02-27631833 11002 台北市忠孝東路四段 547 號 財政部北區國稅局 www.ntx.gov.tw 03-3396789 財政部中區國稅局 www.ntact.gov.tw 04-23051111 40358 臺中市西區民生路 168 號 財政部南區國稅局 www.ntas.gov.tw 06-2223111 財政部台北國稅局 www.ntat.gov.tw 02-23113711 10802 臺北市萬華區中華路 1 段 2 號 財政部高雄國稅局 www.ntak.gov.tw 07-7256600 基隆市稅務局 www.kltb.gov.tw 02-24331888 20402 基隆市安樂路二段 162 號 台北市稅捐稽徵處 www.tpctax.gov.tw 02-23949211 10051 臺北市北平東路 7 之 2 號 新北市政府稅捐稽徵處 www.tax.ntpc.gov.tw 02-89528200 22002 板橋區中山路一段 143 號 宜蘭縣政府地方稅務局 www.iltb.gov.tw 039-325101 26046宜蘭市中山路 2 段 165 號 桃園縣政府地方稅務局 www.tytax.gov.tw 03-3326181 33003 桃園市成功路二段 179 號 新竹縣政府稅捐稽徵局 www.chutax.gov.tw 035-518141 30211 竹北市光明六路 6 號 新竹市稅務局 www.hcct.gov.tw 035-225161 30041 新竹市中央路 112 號 苗栗縣政府稅務局 www.mlftax.gov.tw 037-331900 36002 苗栗市府前路 46 號 www.tax.taichung. 台中市政府地方稅務局 gov.tw 彰化縣地方稅務局 www.changtax.gov.t w 33049 桃園市復興路 186 號 70402 臺南市富北街 7 號 6-17 樓 80265 高雄市苓雅區廣州一街 148 號 04-22585000 40758 臺中市西屯區文心路二段 99 號 04-7239131 32 50002 彰化市中山路二段 187 號 單 位 網 址 總 機 地址 南投縣政府稅務局 www.nttb.gov.tw 049-2222121 54062 南投市復興路 2 號 雲林縣稅務局 www.yltb.gov.tw 05-5323941 64054 雲林縣斗六市府文路 35 號 嘉義市政府稅務局 www.citax.gov.tw 05-2224371 60001 嘉義市中山路 154 號 嘉義縣財政稅務局 www.cyhtax.gov.tw 05-3620909 台南市政府稅務局 www.tntb.gov.tw 06-2160216 高雄市東區稅捐稽徵處 www.khtb.gov.tw 07-7410141 83004 高雄市鳳山區國泰路二段 136 號 高雄市西區稅捐稽徵處 www.kctax.gov.tw 07-2293151 80054 高雄市新興區中正三路 25 號 61246 嘉義縣太保市祥和新村祥和 二路東段 5 號 70002 臺南市中西區忠義路一段 96 號 屏東縣政府稅務局 www.pttb.gov.tw 08-7338086 90009 屏東市北平路 24 號 台東縣稅務局 www.tttb.gov.tw 089-231600 95065 台東市中興路二段七二九號 花蓮縣地方稅務局 www.hltb.gov.tw 03-8226121 97058 花 蓮 市 府 前 路 19 號 澎湖縣政府稅務局 www.phtax.gov.tw 06-9279151 88043 澎湖縣馬公市中興里治平路 17 號 金門縣稅務局 www.kmtax.gov.tw 082-325197 89344 金門縣金城鎮民族路 328 號 連江縣稅捐稽徵處 www.matsutax.gov. tw 0836-23261 22002 連江縣南竿鄉清水村 139 號 33 附錄二:嘉義地區相關機關通訊錄 (本表 102 年 12 月編製,有關通訊異動時,請依新資料辦理) 類別 稅 務 局 機關 轄區範圍 稅 局 電話 傳真 嘉義縣 太保市、朴子市、布袋鎮、 東石鄉、義竹鄉、鹿草鄉、 太保市祥和二路東段 5 號 05-3620909 05-3622021 六腳鄉、水上鄉、中埔鄉、 0800-076969 番路鄉、大埔鄉、阿里山鄉 民雄分局 民雄鄉、大林鎮、溪口鄉、 民雄鄉文隆村建國路二段 05-2260505 05-2067403 竹崎鄉、梅山鄉、新港鄉 263 號 05-2065921 嘉義市分局 嘉義市東區、西區 國 住址 嘉義市中山路 199 號 4-5、05-2282233 05-2282354 8樓 太保市、朴子市、布袋鎮、 東石鄉、義竹鄉、鹿草鄉、 太保市祥和二路東段5號4 嘉義縣分局 六腳鄉、水上鄉、中埔鄉、 樓 05-3621010 05-3621070 番路鄉、大埔鄉、阿里山鄉 民雄鄉、大林鎮、溪口鄉、 民雄鄉文隆村建國路二段 05-2062141 05-2260344 民雄稽徵所 竹崎鄉、梅山鄉、新港鄉 263 號 區 公 所 東區 戶 政 東區 西區 西區 05-2279180 公園聯合里、新南聯合里、 嘉義市吳鳳北路 184 號 4 05-2289019 05-2251847 北門聯合里、東南門聯合里 樓 05-2290301 八掌聯合里、北鎮聯合里、 長榮聯合里、北興聯合里、 嘉義市錦州二街28 號3 樓 05-2840850 05-2840852 竹園聯合里 嘉義市吳鳳北路 184 號 4 05-2226330 05-2251903 樓 嘉義市錦州二街28 號2 樓 05-2831823 05-2831830 嘉義市地政事務所 嘉義市國華街 245 號 8 樓 05-2246501 05-2220733 嘉義市政府文化局 嘉義市忠孝路 275 號 05-2788225 05-2786329 嘉義市政府消防局 嘉義市立學街 16 號 05-2716667 嘉義市政府環保局 嘉義市吳鳳北路 184 號 5 05-2251775 05-2255943 環保專線:0800-066666 樓 法務部行政執行署嘉義分署 嘉義市中山路 96 號 行政院雲嘉南區聯合服務中心 嘉義市吳鳳北路 184 號 2 05-2227009 05-2225907 樓 34 05-2711133 05-2782976 附錄三:嘉義市政府分機一覽表 總機:2254321(14 線) 嘉義市政府局室別 分機號碼 嘉義市政府局室別 分機號碼 服務中心 191 社工小組 121 行政處庶務科 608,612 教育處社會教育科 362 行政處法制科 711 企劃處 684~688 行政處文書科 110,130 財政處金融及菸酒管理 766 科 行政處新聞科 112,126 財政處公有財產科 767 建設處公園管理科 227 財政處財務管理科 768 建設處工商科 129,136 財政處庫款支付科 769 建設處農牧科 234 地政處地籍科 372 建設處市場管理科 235,325 地政處地權科 373 工務處土木科 225,226 地政處地價科 374 工務處建管科 132,131 地政處地用科 375 工務處都市計畫科 232,233 地政處重劃科 376 工務處使用管理科 214,323 主計處 777~783,793 工務處新建工程科 231,332 民政處自治行政科 339,342 工務處養護工程科 2250449 民政處宗教禮俗科 340 人事處 715~719 民政處自治事業科 341 社會處社會行政科 153 民政處戶政科 343 社會處勞工行政科 101 民政處兵役徵集科 347 社會處勞資關係科 154 交通處交通行政科 2294581 社會處社會福利科 155 交通處交通工程科 2294582 社會處社會救助科 156 交通處觀光科 2294593 35 Content 1. Introduction................. 36 2. Services provided.............. 41 3. Local Tax................... 42 4. Thoughtful services provided........ 45 5. Fulfil tax duty with ease.......... 47 6. Multi-Function Service Counter....... 48 7. Future Vision................. 48 1. Introduction 1-1 History 1.Ⅰ After the Taiwan Restoration in 1945, Chiayi City was set as a provincial municipality.At the same time, a revenue post forChiayi City was established, which wasrenamed as the Revenue Office in 1947. 1.Ⅱ In October 1950, the administrative regions were adjusted,and Chiayi City became the municipality of Chiayi County, whereas this Office was also combined into the Revenue Office of Chiayi County. 1.Ⅲ On July 1st, 1982, Chiayi City was promoted as a special municipality. Then a municipal revenue office was established, but it worked together with the Revenue Office of Chiayi County. 1.Ⅳ On June 30th, 1999, an official separation was made from the Revenue Office of Chiayi County. On July 1st of the same year, business tax of provincial tax was amended as national tax, but the National Tax Administration consigned the Office to continue the levy on its behalf. 1.ⅤTo cooperate with transferring business tax to the National Tax Administration on January 1st, 2003, this Office carried out a restructuring of the organization, with 7 Sections and 4 Rooms up until now. According to this, national tax and local tax are separated for each individual administration. 36 1-2 Director's Report This Office is in charge of levy of localtax under jurisdiction of Chiayi City. As we face the age of evolutional advance of technical information andinternet knowledge nowadays, the Office continuously innovate our thoughts and modify traditions in order to enhance public satisfaction towards administrative efficiency of the government. We combine service with technology and actively promote an all-position service that takes clients asthe orientation, so that excellent efficiency of service can be seen. “Good efficiency, excellent quality and harmonic levy” are principles of our service. Active promotion of various easy policies as measures for public convenience that makes taxpayers fulfill tax duty peacefully is our prime target of promoting convenience for the public and benefit for tax levies. Furthermore, we serve the public with “affection,” “patience,” and “understanding,” which allows us to achieve the standard of “not taking a penny more and not a penny less” and bring the principle of fair tax / lease into reality; in addition, we also pursue the value-added service of “not walking a pace more and not wasting any pace that is made” for the public. The national economic development, social prosperity, enhancement of living standard among civilians and the revenue from taxes / leases are the driving force of the country. In order to strictly execute active municipal actions of “honesty, diligence and love to the public,” as well as living up to the municipal vision and strategic goal of “Going all the way for Chiayi”, this Office shall strengthen its tax levy to provide sufficient financial resources for the City. At the same time, innovationfor public conveniences and improvements in service quality shall depend on the support and devotion from all citizens. In order to impress citizens’ understanding on affairs of the Office and enhance a harmonic relationship between levy and taxed parties, this web site offers the latest tax information and various services for your convenience. All citizens are welcome to use this site frequently; please feel free to provide your valuable comments to us, so we can build a better environment of tax levy. 37 1-3 Functions Division or Office Duty Descriptions Consumption Taxes Section Location To levy amusement tax, vehicle license 1F tax, and inspection on tax arrears. To collect house tax, deed tax, as well as House Tax Section 1F stamp tax. To deal with businesses regarding investigation of tax arrears of contraband Legal Affairs building, administration & law relief, 1F&2F Section taxes service as well as constitution proclaim. To tax land tax, agricultural land tax, land Land Tax Section value increment tax, and construction 2F benefit fee. To deal with issues regarding tax arrears Enforcement and and fines cleaning, tax refund, and tax 2F Refund Section splitting, single license management. To handle all sorts of reauthorization of Planning Section revenue service, operation examination, 2F project research, and others. To handle document, general affairs, General Affairs payroll, investigation and research and 2F Office other issues other than the divisions and offices of this institute. To deal with annual revenue, accounting, Accounting Office 2F and statistics. Information To handle operation control, information Managemen management, as well as machine 3F Section operating maintenance. To deal with human resources Personnel Office 3F management. Civil Service Ethics To deal with issues regarding civil 3F Office service ethics. 38 DirectLine 2168008 2167949 2168040 2168041 2168042 2240844 2224379 2236864 2226158 2258346 2224586 1-4 Organization 39 1-5 Location Map It is about 1 kilometer away from Chiayi station to the Revenue Service Office It is about 5 kilometers away from Chiayi interchange to the Revenue Service Office Address: No. 154, Jhongshan Rd., Chiayi City Tel: 05-2224371 40 2. Services provided 1.Levy on house tax, land tax, license tax, entertainment tax, stamp duty, farm tax, land value increment tax, and deed tax, as well as consultation on legal regulations. 2.Information and inquiries on national income and property information. 3.Assessment and issuance of payment notice for local tax and certificate of payment, levy details on house tax and land tax, as well as house tax registration. 4.Search on whether the land value increment tax has used land tax rate of self-use residence and present land value announced. 5.Search for application on various reductions, exemptions, and refunds. 6.Consultation service on general tax affairs. 7.Inquiries from creditors regarding income information of debtor’s property. 41 3.Local Tax Local Tax Services within the Revenue Service Office, Chiayi City Tax Items Levy Targets and Range Service Items 1.Cash receipt 1. To apply for 2.Title of buying & payment bill of big selling personal amount taxes. estate 2. To apply for 3.Contracting title consolidation Stamp Tax 4.Title of pledge, lease, payment. and segmentation 3. To accept the application to overall payment of stamp tax. It applies to the public 1. To reissue the Vehicle and the private demand notice of License Tax transportation paying for vehicle automobiles and boat of license tax. the public terraqueous 2. To apply for refund roads. for the overpaid or repeated paid vehicle license tax. 3. Application of taxes deduction for the handicapped people's automobiles. Land Value Except for the persons 1. To change mailing Tax who levy for agricultural address. land tax based on the 2. To apply for taxes 22nd regulation, the land bill reissuing. that is already priced 3. To apply for tax should levy the land details list. value tax. 4. To apply for self-used residential land. 5. To apply for taxes payment proof. 6. Application of taxes deduction land. 7.Industrial land application. 42 Major Regulations Stamp tax law, measurement regulations of stamp tax Vehicle license tax law, vehicle license tax levy regulation of Chiayi City Land tax law, measurement regulations of land tax law, regulations of taxes deduction land, agrarian regulations, measurement regulations of agrarian agricultura Non-urban lands that are permed as l land Tax agricultural land, or lands in the un-regulated pricing districts or the lands that are in the regulated pricing districts but are still provided as croplands, these land should be levied land lot. The land value increment tax, after the land price has been set, its land right should be levied based on the total natural increasing amount. Or it should be pre-levied ndvalue as it sets up the soak Increment rights. Tax House Tax 1. To inquiry agricultural operation of un-separated lands. 1. To accept application of the land value increment tax. 2. The estimated taxes amount of the land value increment tax. 3. To inquire if the persons used to benefit from self-used residential land tax percentage 4. To inquire the current announced land pricing. 5. To check cases processing status via touch tone number (Tel: 2280028). 6.To apply for tax refund of rebuying self-used residential land Housings that are 1. To check the taxes attached onto the land record number of a and architecture that house. will increase usage 2. To inquire estimated values of that house. values of a house. 3. Change mailing address. 4. To apply for taxes bill reissuing. 5. To apply for usage modification of a house. 6.To apply for taxes deduction because of casualty. 43 Land tax law, measurement regulations of land tax law, regulations of taxes deduction land, agrarian regulations, measurement regulations of agrarian Land tax law, measurement regulations of land tax law, regulations of taxes deduction land, agrarian regulations, measurement regulations of agrarian The house tax regulations, measurement regulations of the house tax in Chiayi city. Real estate sell and buy in, 1. Providing free mortgage, exchange, donate, application form of dismember or the rights the deed tax. owner due to occupancy, all 2. Offering free of the abovementioned application media should pay for the title deed software regarding DeedTax tax. The lands that are the title deed tax. located in the districts of land 3.Touchtone number for value increment tax can be checking the exempted from the deed tax. completion status of the deed tax: 2280028. 1. Movies. 1. Application of 2. Professional performances amusement tax for such as singing, story starting an telling, dance, circus, entertainment magicians, performing arts business. and night club 2. Application for performance. ceasing or resuming 3. Drama, music concerts entertainment Amusement and amateur singing and business. Tax dancing performances. 3.Application regarding 4. All kinds of sports all kinds of temporary competition. performance in public 5. Dance ball or pubs. (temporary 6.Billiards alley, bowling performance in public alley, golf course and any can be exempted other entertaining from the amusement measurement that are to tax). amuse people. 44 The deed tax regulations Amusemen t tax law, taxes payment regulations of amusement tax in Chiayi city. 4. Thoughtful services provided Free telephone comment No matter where you are, the toll-free number of 0800-536969 and the intelligent internet free number of 0800086969 for revenue offices over the province offer you quality service. 24 hours around-the-clock service throughout the year The establishment of the “Internet” allows citizens “instant full access with just one click”. All applications can be completed between mere computer mouse clicks; in addition, the Voice inquiry (05-2294318) for applications on land value increment tax and deed tax allows you to “sit at home will all the information” at any time. Service throughout lunch breaks for public convenience The general service counter provides cross-departmental services with immediate process of “collection at one counter with full-course service”. In order to provide more convenient service for the public, the general service counter is not closed for lunch break. Service throughout lunch break during levy period on each tax In order to enhance convenient service for the public, the personnel take shifts during levy period of license tax, house tax, and land tax to provide services such as consultation on tax affairs and re-issuance of tax payment notices. Self-service At our offices, the multimedia-touch type service network allows you to search for various kinds of tax information by touching the screen of the machine. In addition, the coin-pay copying machine provides convenience to the public on photocopying of documents. Service bell A “service bell” is set up at the main entrance with wheelchairs for disabled citizens. Comfortable rest area Comfortable writing tables, a spacious rest area, and free tea/water are provided on the first and second floors, as well as newspapers, magazines, and journals for citizens to read while waiting. 45 Adequate accessories There is a free supply on various application forms and a list of documents to be prepared, examples of filled-out forms, a manual for tax saving, information on promotion on tax laws, as well as ball pens, staplers, reading glasses of different prescriptions, a magnifying glass, and charity umbrellas in the Office. Voluntary service group Compassionate citizens and retired personnel are invited to join our voluntary service group to assist with consultation of tax payment, guidance, tea service, and filling-out of application forms during our regular shifts. Nursery room In order to provide a better office environment and privacy for citizens with children, a comfortable nursery room is provided by the stairs at the main entrance on the first floor for our female patrons’ use. Initiative assistance on reduction of tax contribution In order to put the tax process into better practice, messages of disaster within the jurisdictional region is attentively observed. If a disaster happens, a serving group for reduction of tax contribution is formed and personnel are initiatively assigned to assist on reduction of tax contribution together with notification sent to the National Tax Administration for reference. 46 5. Fulfil tax duty with ease There are many methods of tax payments and you may select the most suitable method for yourself. These methods are briefly described as follows: Cash payment for tax Directly carry cash to banks and farmers’ associations that receive tax payment; but this method is more suitable for taxes of small amounts. Tax payment by transfer Use the account for yourself, your spouse or a dependent relative in a bank, farmers’ association, credit cooperative association or postal office for automatic payment by transfer. The advantages for this method is its simplicity and convenience, which saves you the time and energy of travelling to the bank; you neither have to worry about loss of cash or robbery, nor the penalty for overdue payment or loss of interest for dearly payment. Tax payment at convenient stores Convenient stores are everywhere and it will be a great Convenience for taking the house tax, license tax, or land tax to these stores. Tax payment at ATM machines If your tax amount does not exceed 2,000,000, you may make tax payments with your cash card at ATM machines attached with a logo of “cross-bank: withdraw + transfer + tax payment” during present period of tax levy. Tax payment with voice transfer via telephone Within the deadline of each tax levy, savings account opened at financial institutes for individuals can be used. Relevant information of payment transfer can be entered via telephone following the voice instructions. Tax payment with credit cards The applicable scope includes license tax, house tax, and land tax. Tax payment with smart card via Internet From May 1st, 2006 and onward, taxpayers may use smart cards issued by financial institutes to make tax payments via internet transfer. 47 6.Multi-Function Service Counter Matching with the internal manpower allocation and adjustment of jobs assignment, the goal of the multiple counter is to integrate the data in the computer regarding housing tax, land value tax, land increased-value tax, owing tax, taxes refund, and taxes transferring through the internet online operation and computerized information measure. To switch the current service items of each business unit, such as inquiries from tax payers, reissuing taxes bill as well as issuing certificates, to the multiple counter, which aims at simplifying operation process and saving time. The tax payers can directly hand in their applications to the counter to receive immediate and quick-responded services. 7.Future Vision Focus on value-added service It is our responsibility and expectation to provide convenient Services to the public because the “document collection at one counter with full-course service” is demanded by the public everyday. In order to reduce travelling made by taxpayers to and from each authority and develop a service platform that provides simple administration for public convenience, we wish to offer kind and efficient service to the public via integration of each authority in the future. Improvements on existing limitations The public will continue to have high expectations of their government. In order to construct a “highly satisfied” environment of tax service, we will be more practical with our research and innovation of legal regulations, business, and convenient services. We will approach these goals with a spirit that evolved from traditions, thinking differently, and pursuing perfection. From this, we expect to constantly introduce new methods that provide more thoughtful tax payment services. 48