- NGNP Industry Alliance Limited
- NGNP Industry Alliance Limited
NGNP Industry Alliance and the Opportunity for an International Initiative for Deployment of a Modern Prismatic Block HTGR Chris Hamilton Executive Director NGNP Industry Alliance Limited March 8, 2016 Clean Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century World Needs Sustainable, Environmentally Friendly Energy Sources 2 2 Clean Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century In Near and Perhaps Long Term, HTGR is Unmatched to Meet World’s Clean Energy Needs • • • • • • Unsurpassed safety case & low investment risk Broad, proven technology & operations base Most ready for nuclear regulatory licensing Unsurpassed versatility Competitive Economics Large potential world market 3 Clean Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century NGNP Industry Alliance Is Focused on Having HTGR Demonstration Plant Built • • • Our Alliance promotes the development and commercialization of the HTGR We currently executing projects to: - Update HTGR Business Plan & evaluate US sites for Advanced Reactors - Quantify conservatism in analysis of HTGR depressurization event We are catalyzing an International HTGR Initiative Southern Ohio Asset Recovery LLC www.ngnpalliance.org 4 Clean Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Our Members Worked with DOE to Define HTGR Business Plan & Results SELECTED RESULTS: • 1st Demo Module will cost ~$2.3B • NOAK, 4 module plant ~$4600/kwe • Competitive with $6 to $10/MMBtu natural gas for process heat & electricity • Supports manufacture of synthetic transportation fuels competitive with oil at ~$70 to $140/bbl 5 Clean Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Many Costs Could Be Shared Based on National Preference & Project Role 6 Clean Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Key Challenges Identified in Business Plan - Cost Not Technology 1. Financial lift for Demo Module & FOAK manufacturing infrastructure 2. Ill-defined Regulatory process with uncertainty 3. Low U.S. energy costs; particularly pipeline natural gas … requires Public/Private collaboration and opens discussion for international participation 7 Clean Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Technology Development, Business Plan and Design Work Has Positioned U.S. For Demo • Recognition that prismatic HTGR has most mature technology base for licensing Gen IV in U.S. - productive interactions with USNRC • Highly successful fuel development program • Technology progress principally completed for 750C cycle • Reference design for 750C steam cycle • Higher outlet temperature applications underway • Attractive U.S. demo sites available 8 Clean Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Time Is Right for International HTGR Initiative 1. International recognition of need for intrinsically safe nuclear energy .. Gen IV characteristics 2. For reduced emissions non-fossil high temperature process heat source is needed 3. HTGR programs in multiple countries illustrates interest 4. FOAK Commercial Demo costs exceed program currently planned by any single country 5. Sharing costs increases benefit-to-cost ratio for all 9 Clean Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century International HTGR Initiative Envisioned Will Develop Infrastructure in Each Country • Majority of participation envisioned as In-Kind contribution: – Design participation – Component equipment • R&D for higher temperature - Coordinated and Shared: – Minimizes duplication and cost • Licensing: – strive for a international standard – Enables adaptation for each country • Intellectual Property: – Shared through design and specifications 10 Clean Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century International HTGR Initiative Can Reduce Cost to Each Nation and … • Fulfill participant’s national mission for HTGR technology • Position each nation competitively in international markets for systems & components • Provide test bed and operational data for: – Component equipment – Personnel training • Advance regulatory maturity of both HTGR technology and national regulatory review • Catalyst for other advanced reactor types 11 Clean Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Recommended Goal of This Meeting Clarify … how the EU, Japan, Korea and the U.S. might join together in the very near term – by early 2017 – to initiate a project for the deployment of a modern, commercial, prismatic block HTGR 12 Next Steps? Chris Hamilton Executive Director NGNP Industry Alliance Limited www.ngnpalliance.org Towards secure and competitive energy system - plans of the Polish Ministry of Energy Michał Kurtyka, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Energy of Poland New government structure in Poland… Ministry of Development Specyfika Ministry of PL Economy Ministry of Energy … new challenges and opportunities 1. Affordable energy at a competitive price 2. Technology diversification 3. Air pollution limitation 4. Regional energy security Key projects (Coal Gasification) New, sustainable uses for coal are a precondition for maintaining demand for coal in the long run Large-scale gasification 1. production of methanol and ammonia is indicated as the most profitable; 2. Polish Chemical Group Azoty SA is now analysing how to optimise the business model to produce carbochemical products from coal; 3. It is estimated that about 1 mln tonnes of coal can be used in Kedzierzyn-Kozle annually Small-scale gasification development of the Polish highlyeffective technologies of small-scale gasification Key projects (Coal Gasification) 2 Expected benefits for the economy: - higher demand for coal; - higher R&D capacity of Polish companies and research institutes; - secure supply of raw materials for chemical industry. Polish Chemical Group Azoty SA Key projects (E-mobility) rare earth metals supply lithium-ion battery cells IT systems MULTIPLIER EFFECT IN THE ECONOMY … robotics electric vehicle new business models Nuclear Programme in Poland 1. Two nuclear power plants with combined capacity of 6 000 Mwe, producing 50 TWh of electricity per year; 2. CO2 emission reduced by 36 million tons per year what constitutes 23% of our total emission in electricity sector; 3. Integrated tender for technology supplier under preparation. Main challenge: how to combine nuclear technology transfer with building Polish R&D capacity? Nuclear cogeneration (1) High Temperature Reactors used in cogeneration address two priorities: 1. Diversification of energy sources 2. Development of new technologies Particular need: • heat for industry, especially chemical plants Major milestone: • ~300 MWt prototype at one plant Possible funding: • EIB/Euratom/Juncker-plan loan • International cooperation • National budget Plant Boilers MW ZE PKN Orlen S.A.Płock 8 2140 ArcelorMittal Poland S.A. 8 1273 Zakłady Azotowe "Puławy" S.A. 5 850 Zakłady Azotowe ANWIL SA 3 580 Zakłady Chemiczne "Police" S.A. 8 566 Energetyka Dwory 5 538 International Paper - Kwidzyn 5 538 Grupa LOTOS S.A. Gdańsk 4 518 ZAK S.A. Kędzierzyn 6 474 Zakl. Azotowe w Tarnowie Moscicach S.A. 4 430 MICHELIN POLSKA S.A. 9 384 PCC Rokita SA 7 368 MONDI ŚWIECIE S.A. 3 313 Nuclear cogeneration (2) International approach: • NC2I members are warmly invited to participate • Regional cooperation with V4 countries (CZ, HU, SK) is encouraged • Common goals with UK SMR programme to be explored • EC „patronage” would be appreciated • Strategic partnership with US NGNP Industrial Alliance is most welcome We hope Poland to be the ice nucleus to crystalize the HTR project Thank you for your attention! michal.kurtyka@me.gov.pl HTGR heat for European industry Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative a branch of European Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform ) Q) 0..: f- w z tJ) ~ ~ ~ Grzegorz Wrochna chairman of NC2I National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Poland g.wrochna@ncbj.gov.pl 2 www.snetp.eu Download: www.snetp.eu Deployment Strategy 2010 Education & Training 2010 Research Areas & Innovation Agenda 2013 Strategic Research Agenda 2009 Vision Report 2007 Research Areas After Fukushima Accident 2013 Thorium cycles & thorium in fuel 2011 SRA Annexes Molten Salt Reactors 2010 ESNII Concept Paper 2010 SNETP strategic documents Print: secretariat@snetp.eu SNETP „pillars” Competitiveness NUGENIA Improving gen II & III reactors Environment protection SNETP for sustainable development ESNII Fast reactors for waste burning & fuel breeding NC2I Nuclear cogeneration Security of supply V I ----------!~ I : I • Jf _1_t"i ,_ri - • tt.,u f_Hl:< :l', ~\ l l) '1_1'11tr 5 Nuclear cogeneration European projects + many crosscutting projects on materials, waste, reactor physics … National projects: • Germany: SYNKOPE – HTR for lignite gasification, STAUB II, • Poland: HTRPL – Polish industry needs, coupling technologies NC2I studies • Nuclear cogeneration in general – – – – – ) Q) 0..: f- w z tJ) ~ ~ ~ Heat market, potential end users Coupling to industrial installations Available technologies Economy, energy policies Societal aspects • Nuclear high temperature cogen. – Technological issues – Safety and licensing HTGR economic model: reference case Parameters NC2I Reference Configuration Overnight costs 2 x 250 MWth 1.862 €/MWth O&M costs Lifetime Reference gas price Design development costs Technical basis 6,23 €/MWth 40 years 35 €/MWh + 10 €/t CO2 Excluded Near-term applications (750°C outlet temperature, SG, plug-in market) Economic model: sensitivity analysis Reference case: - NPV: + 233 M€ - IRR: 9,9 % - Positive NPV after 24 years If electricity production: - LCOE = 81,6 €/MWhe Availability, discount rate & heat price are the most influent parameters Sensibility analysis shows robustness of the main parameters NPV > 0 for reference case (!) BUT no design, licensing or FOAK costs Heat prices -~ 70 -·-.. 60 NC21 .c Gas 20€/MW.h S Gas 30€/MW.h Gas 40€/MW.h 41 I.I Gas SO€/MW .h ! so "'41 ::c • Reference scenario 40 . 0 10 20 30 40 so 60 CO2 prices (€ft.CO2) 70 80 90 100 • .. TREP 0$ mioso End-user needs • Sample of >130 sites in Europe • Mostly chemical industries 11 Heat market for nuclear technologies LWR, FBR District heating, pulp & paper, desalination Mainly low T needed HTR VHTR Chemicals, Chemicals, refining, refining, H2, H2, steelmaking, soda ash, lime, glassmaking, industrial gases, etc. 550°C steam required to address the segment 250-550°C (like gas cogen) Several high T sectors potentially open for nuclear (pre)heating High potential for H2 and high T O2 production Reactors mature + experience in cogen Proven reactor technology, high potential for cogen Long-term Source: EUROPAIRS study on the European industrial heat market Nuclear cogeneration in practice Reactor maturity Cogen maturity Market potential Water reactors Mature Operational Fast breeders Gen IV under development Proven Medium (restricted to low temp.) HGTR Proven Demo needed Large Bruce Industrial Park, Canada (8 CANDU, 5 300 MWth) ~ 1 700 reactor.years of experience in nuclear cogeneration in 2006… Aktau nuclear desalination plant, Kaxskhstan (BN350, 100 MWth) PWR desalination plant, Ohi, Japan Nuclear district heating, Bohunice, Slovakia (VVER, 61 MWth) THTR Germany GEMINI initiative • • • • Joint effort of NC2I & NGNP IA MoU signed June 2014 Workshops in Washington & Brussels Modular design to meet US & EU needs: – same components, – 300 or 600 MWth (1or 2 loops) NGNP NC2I @ Piketon NC2I 14 Window of opportunity ) Q) 0..: f- w z tJ) ~ ~ ~ – EU in need for fossil fuels replacement to increase energy security & sustainability – Large factories e.g. in Poland need to exchange coal heating for another source – Cooperation NC2I & NGNP IA: Gemini – Progress in US: Piketon site – Strong interest in Korea and Japan – UK experience in gas cooled reactors and plans to become SMR vendor – Czech Republic, Slovakia, … interested – Public funds available • 80 bln € of structural funds in Poland • InnovFin by European Investment Bank • Euratom loans – new edition • European Fund for Strategic Investments ("Juncker Plan") 15 • + R&D funds: H2020, national (PL,UK,US,Korea,Japan…) Let’s use the window of opportunity to launch the projet ! Nuclear cogeneration and high temperature reactors Presentation to the NC2I and NGNP – Washington, DC 8th / 9th March 2016 Gas cooled and high temperature reactors in the UK – a history CHP and High Temperature Reactors GCR & HTRs – a UK history The UK has a substantial history of gas cooled, graphite moderated reactors of increasing core temperature Magnox (Gen I): • Commercial operation 1956 – 2010s • CO2 coolant, unenriched U metal fuelled • Core temperature 400°C Source : Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors (Gen II): • Commercial operation 1976 - present • CO2 coolant, UO2 fuelled • Core temperature ~640°C Source : Office of Nuclear Regulation 3 Nuclear cogeneration and high temperature reactors GCR & HTRs – a UK history Winfrith “Dragon” research reactor (materials and fuels test reactor) • Helium cooled, • Variety of TRISO fuels (UO2, ThO2, Pu carbide) • Operated 1965-1976 • Core temperature 750°C Source : Research Sites Ltd. 4 Nuclear cogeneration and high temperature reactors HTRs – UK activity in 2015 HTR development activity in the UK has shifted to the private sector. Two companies currently known to be active in developing designs: • U-Battery (a consortium of Urenco, Amec Foster Wheeler and Atkins) – Gas cooled – helium in primary circuit, nitrogen in secondary circuit. – TRISO prismatic fuel – Designed for heat as much as power : outlet temperature 800°C – 4 MW electric / 10 MW thermal • HTMR Ltd (a sister company of Steenskampskraal Thorium Ltd.) – Helium cooled HTMR100 reactor – TRISO pebble bed fuel – Designed for heat or power – 35 MW electric / 100 MW thermal 5 Nuclear cogeneration and high temperature reactors The potential for nuclear heat and cogeneration in the UK CHP and High Temperature Reactors Nuclear heat and cogeneration : UK potential Decarbonising the UK – cogeneration in context • Current heat demand in UK varies between ~30GW to >200GW, whilst electricity supply varies between ~30GW to ~50 GW. • Decarbonising the UK energy system through electrification of heat production is a challenge (even with heat pumps for low grade heat). • Economically competitive cogeneration from thermal electrical generation plant has long been an area of interest… especially if it is from low carbon generation! 7 Nuclear cogeneration and high temperature reactors Nuclear heat and cogeneration : UK potential Current UK Government policy is that thermal power stations, including nuclear ones, should aim to use CHP (combined heat and power) where this is possible. – “…development consent applications for nuclear power stations should demonstrate that the applicant has fully considered the opportunities for CHP.” Nuclear National Planning Statement, 2011 It should be technically feasible to transport heat to settlements at least up to 50km away from a power station. Assumes mid- to low-grade heat, taken off the lower end of the steam turbines of current plant. Applicable to all nuclear plant, including HTRs. 8 Nuclear cogeneration and high temperature reactors Nuclear heat and cogeneration : UK potential However… – “…the economic viability of CHP opportunities…may be more limited for new nuclear power stations because the application of a demographic criterion for new nuclear power stations can result in stations being located away from major population centres and industrial heat demand..” Nuclear National Planning Statement, 2011 • Nuclear sites tend to be a long way from population and industry centres. o Magnox were required to be remote from population centres. o More recent (and proposed) designs have been assessed as being safer. A reactor is not obliged to be remote. • Office for Nuclear Regulation’s siting criteria combine safety assessment and demographic analysis, which defines limits to sites’ proximity to population centres based on reactor characteristics. 9 Nuclear cogeneration and high temperature reactors Nuclear heat and cogeneration : UK potential 2 current sites are shown with heat demands from the UK heat map. Sizewell 10 Nuclear cogeneration and high temperature reactors Hinkley Point Nuclear heat and cogeneration : UK potential Barriers to uptake of nuclear CHP from current plant Domestic heat demand: • Demand density is very low near current nuclear power stations. • Heat networks in the UK are currently too small to utilise a significant proportion of the heat available from current designs of nuclear power stations (largest is 60 MW thermal). • Cost of heat network development. • Result is that nuclear cogeneration for domestic heating cannot compete with gas (domestic heating falls outside the EU Emissions Trading System) Industrial heat demand: • Lack of industrial customers close enough to nuclear plant. Barriers have potential to reduce with technology shift in coming decades. 11 Nuclear cogeneration and high temperature reactors Assessing potential for small modular reactors There may be greater potential for the use of Heat / CHP in the future if Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) are taken forward. (SMR ≤ 300 MW electrical) • In principle SMRs may have greater flexibility of siting. • Heat production volume and flexibility may be more compatible with heat networks. • Economics may be more favourable (e.g. build cost, time to deployment). • Some designs offer higher grade heat than current large nuclear power stations, making industrial process heat supply. Late 2014 – Completed overview of global market Spring 2015 – DECC commissioned a programme of technoeconomic analysis to assess implications of SMR deployment for UK. Aims to engage with developers of all SMR types, including HTR SMRs. 12 Nuclear cogeneration and high temperature reactors Small modular reactor TEA Spring – Summer 2015 – Technoeconomic assessment of SMRs launched in 7 sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Evidence on current systems. Development of assessment tools. Evidence on emerging technologies. Evidence on safety and security. Advanced manufacturing processes. Advanced assembly, modularisation, and construction. Control, operation and electric systems Completion due end of March 2016. Systems under consideration, via vendor engagement, include: 13 Integrated PWRs High temp gas cooled reactors Na and Pb cooled fast reactors Molten salt reactors Nuclear cogeneration and high temperature reactors Potential for UK research CHP and High Temperature Reactors R&D and facilities relevant to nuclear cogeneration In November 2015, the UK government announced a £250 million programme of nuclear R&D. This comes on top of a longer running programme of investment in national nuclear user facilities. Developments relevant to potential nuclear cogeneration include: • Additional capability for The National Nuclear Fuel Centre of Excellence, (NNL and the University of Manchester), to facilitate the development of advanced fuel materials and manufacturing processes for accident tolerant fuels (ATF). • A high temperature materials testing suite (HTF) is being established by a consortium of industry and universities to provide open access to facilities for fundamental research on structural materials, which have the potential for use in primary and secondary circuits of future reactor systems 15 Nuclear cogeneration and high temperature reactors R&D and facilities relevant to nuclear cogeneration Areas of R&D relevant to nuclear cogeneration • High temperature materials performance, through key UK universities with established industry partners (e.g. AMEC, Rolls Royce) • Alloy design • Corrosion mechanisms • Understanding of graphite as structural moderator and in fuel design (TRISO manufacturing) for HTRs • Advanced and passively safe nuclear fuels 16 Nuclear cogeneration and high temperature reactors Thank you for your attention Rob Arnold rob.arnold@decc.gsi.gov.uk Mark Caine Mark.Caine@fco.gsi.gov.uk CHP and High Temperature Reactors First Organizing Meeting International Prismatic Block HTGR Commercial Deployment Status of VHTR Program in Korea March 8, 2016 Minhwan Kim First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 Contents I. Backgrounds II. VHTR R&D Status III. VHTR Demonstration Plan IV. Summary First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 1 Contents I. Backgrounds II. VHTR R&D Status III. VHTR Demonstration Plan IV. Summary First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 2 Nuclear Energy Policy in Korea Need of Nuclear Power • Exhaustion of fossil fuel, Emission of Green house gas • 96% dependency on imported fossil energy 2nd National Energy Basic Plan (’14) Nuclear power generation - Make up 29% of national electricity generation until 2035 - 24 in operation, 4 under construction and 6 planned (36GW) - Additional 5-7 reactors (7GW) 7th Basic Power Supply Plan(’15) Period up to 2029 Nuclear power ratio - 28.2% in 2029 (27.4% by 2027 in the 6 th plan) - Additional 2 reactors ( total 35 units in 2029) • Substitution of 4 coal plants First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 3 Energy Mix in Korea Increase of Nuclear • Nuclear electricity gen. (10.4% of total energy, 2013) • Extend nuclear power into heat market Hydro, etc 3.6% Fossil Fuel 69.6% Ratio of Electricity Generation Energy Balance Flow(2013, KEEI) First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 4 Nuclear 26.8% Prospects for Hydrogen Economy President Park, “Gwangju city, a leader in the hydrogen economy” Ministry of Environment, a long-term distribution plan for hydrogen vehicle LG Economic Research Institute released a report, “Fuel-cell Electric Vehicle, Preclude of Hydrogen Economy Era” (2015) - Korea needs to prepare the realization of hydrogen economy President Park will help Gwangju develop into a portal to the automobile industry in order to make the city a leader in the so-called “hydrogen economy.” (Korea.net, Jan 28, 2015) President Park talks with Hyundai Motor Group CEO during CCEI opening ceremony held in Gwangju First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 5 Prospects for Hydrogen Economy Prediction by Korea Energy Economics Institute in 2010 Introduction of Fuel-cell(2015) 5% Occupancy in Energy Market (2030) Current Status 2013, 59MW Fuel-cell Electricity Generation by Kyonggi Green Energy 2013, Commercialization of Fuel-cell car by Hyundai (Tucson ix) 2015, Beginning of construction of 200MW fuel-cell power plant by SK Energy Kyonggi Green Energy (59MW) First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 Plan for Renewable Energy Cluster in Pyeongtaek 6 Climate Change Agreement COP21 in Paris World’s 7th largest emitter of greenhouse gases Multiple -Use of Nuclear Energy Decrease of power demand (economic growth↓, energy efficiency↑) Reduction of GHG emission by 37% from BAU in 2030 Fossil fuel substitution in non-electricity application Need of HTGR development for multiple-use of nuclear energy 7th Basic Power Supply Plan Nuclear Energy Power Total Energy 26.8 10.4 1.4↑ 0.6↑ 28.2 Nuclear Heat Utilization Hydrogen Production (%) Beyond Power 11.0 HTGR VHTR Process Heat (High T Steam) Distributed Power 2013 First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 2029 7 Domestic Policies (Hydrogen-related) Hydrogen Steelmaking (New energy industry 2030, MOTIE in 2015) - 2 tons-CO2 per 1 ton of steel (14% of total GHG emission) - Ion ore reduction using hydrogen (140K tons-H2 for 2M tons steelmaking) Promotion of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles (MOTIE and ME in 2015) - 630,000 fuel cell cars, 520 hydrogen refueling stations by 2030 - 200K tons-H2/year for 1M fuel cell cars Renewable Portfolio Standards and Renewable Energy Certificates - 10% of power from renewable sources by 2024 - Increase of fuel cell power : 40k tons-H2/100MWe (150MWe in 2014) H2 Production H2 Demand Additional 800K 700K By-product 28K ’20 Diversification of H2 Supply (ton) ‘30 First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 100K ’14 100K ‘30 8 (ton) Assumed Nuclear Hydrogen Clean and Safe Energy with a Wide Range of Application VHTR Very High Temperature Reactor Highest Level of Nuclear Safety High Efficiency High Temperature Heat Supply Substitution of Fossil Fuels H20 H2 O2 Advantages of VHTR for hydrogen production - High efficiency(~50%) using thermochemical water splitting - No GHG emission compared to LNG steam-methane reforming - A clean and efficient manner reducing fossil fuel dependence First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 9 VHTR/Hydrogen R&D Plan Nuclear Energy Commission (’08) and Nuclear Promotion Committee (’11) Long-term R&D Plan: Nuclear hydrogen demonstrated by 2030 Not determined yet First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 10 I. Backgrounds II. VHTR R&D Status III. VHTR Demonstration Plan IV. Summary First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 11 Key Technology Development Develop Key and Basic Technologies for NHDD project - NHDD: Nuclear Hydrogen Development and Demonstration Phase 1: Key Technology Development (2006~2011) Phase 2: Performance Improvement (2012-2016) Industry has participated in Hydrogen R&D since 2011 First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 12 Nuclear Hydrogen Key Technologies VHTR SI Hydrogen IS Thermochemical Plant Production Warm Air SO3 Decomposor Design & Natural Cooling Design Tools Cold Air Fuel(Core) He Purifier Graphite Fuel Manufacturing H2 Protection Wall Filter Circulator (Reflector) Helium 950, ~490, ~200oC First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 Hot Gas Duct IHX Isolation Valve 13 Materials, Components Gas Loop Nuclear Hydrogen Key Technologies Design and Analysis Code System Reactor Physics DeCART, CAPP, MUSAD FP Inventory Power Power, Irradiation dose 1.045 1.035 Thermo-Fluid & Coupled Neutronics 1.030 1.025 1.020 1.015 1.010 1.005 1.000 CORONA, GAMMA+ GAMMA+/CAPP, CORONA/DeCART Temperature Mass & Energy Discharge Fuel & Graphite COPA FP Source Fission Product & Containment GAMMA-FP, TRIBAC CONTAIN TBD First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 14 0 50 100 150 200 250 EFPD Graphite Oxidation & Hydrolysis Corroded Mass Graphite Corrosion GAMMA+, COPA Atmospheric Dispersion & Public Dose Case 1 : PF=27.5/23.5, BP=3.0% Case 2 : PF=30.0/25.0, BP=3.0% Case 3 : PF=35.0/30.0, BP=3.5% 1.040 k-effective Temperature, Steam Density Unit: oC 1.050 300 350 400 450 500 Nuclear Hydrogen Key Technologies High Temperature Experiments and Components Small-scale (10kW) Gas Loop and Medium-scale(150kW) Helium Loop Process HX and Intermediate HX Reactor Cavity Cooling System First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 15 Nuclear Hydrogen Key Technologies High Temperature Materials Nuclear Grade Graphite High Temperature Metals & C/C Composites First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 16 Nuclear Hydrogen Key Technologies Coated Particle Fuel Lab-scale (20g/batch) TRISO Fuel Fabrication Irradiation Test in HANARO and PIE First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 17 Nuclear Hydrogen Key Technologies Sulfur-Iodine Hydrogen Production Engineering-scale (50 l/hr) Pressurized Hydrogen Production Technologies for Catalyst and Thermodynamics First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 18 I. Backgrounds II. VHTR R&D Status III. VHTR Demonstration Plan IV. Summary First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 19 Nuclear Hydrogen Demonstration NHDD(Nuclear Hydrogen Development and Demonstration) Design, construct and demonstrate nuclear hydrogen system National project expected to be supported by government and industry Nuclear Hydrogen Alliance was formed and discussion started (2009.12) - 9 nuclear industrial companies or institutes and 5 end users - MOU with NIA(NGNP Industrial Alliance) at ICAPP 2013 in Jeju, Korea First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 20 Nuclear Hydrogen Demonstration VHTR Design Concept Study (2012. 3 ~ 2015. 2) Pre-project preparing for NHDD demonstration and commercialization System concept study and business planning with industry VHTR System Point Design and Feasibility Study(2015.2~2017.2) Submitted for a preliminary feasibility approval by Government '12 '14 '16 '18 '21 '24 '26 '28 '30 Not yet decided First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 21 Pre-feasibility Approval Project Planning by KAERI (‘15.3 ~ ’15.12) Technology advisory committee Project planning report - Nuclear Hydrogen Technology Development Feasibility Evaluation (‘16.1~ ) MSIP (Ministry of science, ICT and future planning) accepted “Nuclear Hydrogen Technology Development” project as a candidate (‘16.01.15) MSIP submitted the project to MOSF (Ministry of strategy and financing) - Technology evaluation has performed by KISTEP - The project accepted as “adequate” (‘16.03.04) Full-scale evaluation is in preparation and will be finished in 2016 First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 22 Project Plan (Submitted) Nuclear Hydrogen Y2016 Reactor and Plant System Hydrogen Production Licensing Y2017 Y2018 Y2019 Y2020 Y2021 Y2022 Y2023 Y2024 Y2025 Y2026 Y2027 Y2028 Y2029 Tech. Development and Verification Conceptual Design General Design Bench-Scale(5m3/hr) Design Approval Pilot-Scale(500m3/hr) Regulation Tech. Commercial Design Licensing Evaluation Licensing System SPC First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 Nuclear Hydrogen Construction and Demonstration 23 Y2030 Synergy w/ Intl. HTGR Program Nuclear hydrogen demonstration using VHTR should be based on technologies developed in HTGR program HTGR can be used for steam supply to chemical complex Yeosu and Ulsan Complexes - Sufficient self-heat production - 37.6%(Yeosu), 20.1%(Ulsan) 350MWt HTGR (750oC) - 7units(Yeosu), 3Units(Ulsan) 3 3 3 2 1 23 132 1 3 8 4 9 9 9 3 1 2 9 2 4 9 2 2 4 6 Ulsan 2 0 2 2 1 0 7 2 3 3 2 5 2 6 1 9 1 9 1 4 9 1 9 1 1 3 1 8 8 9 2 9 1 6 Steam Water 1 1 6 3 2 2 1 6 1 16 0 2 7 9 3 20 2 2 7 8 5 1 7 1 5 Yeosu First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 3 3 24 3 4 Summary The Korean government supports the VHTR and nuclear hydrogen R&D based on the long-term promotion plan for future nuclear energy system The plan is under revision process to cope with the change of domestic and international circumstances - 5th mid-term nuclear R&D plan (‘17~’21) The realization of nuclear hydrogen in Korea is necessary for energy security and reduction of GHG emission KAERI applied for pre-feasibility approval to the government Technology evaluation has finished and a full-scale evaluation will be carried out by the government International collaboration is necessary for the success of VHTR development and realization in Korea First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 25 APPENDIX: Experimental Facilities in KAERI First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 26 Small-scale Gas Loop Objectives Feasibility Test for Lab-scale Components Experimental Data for Code V&V Experimental Tech. for High P & T Design Specification Working Fluid: N2 / Design P & T: 6 MPa, 950℃ Heater Power: 55 kW Small-Scale Gas Loop Mass Flow Rate: 2 kg/min (@4 MPa N2) Performance & Plan 2007: Construction of Small Scale Gas Loop 2008~2011: Feasibility Test of Lab-scale PHE 2012~2013: Heat Transfer Test for Process Gas Channel 2014: Performance Test of Lab-Scale Hot Gas Duct 2016: Feasibility Test of Advanced Lab-scale PHE First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 27 Helium Experimental Loop (HELP) Objectives Performance Test at the Component-level Condition Experimental DB for System Analysis Code V&V Experimental Tech. for High P & T Helium Loop Design Specification Working Fluid: He / Design P & T: 9 MPa, 1000℃ Heater Power: 0.6 MW(1st), 0.3 MW(2nd) Mass Flow Rate: 6.0 kg/min (@4 MPa He) Performance & Plan 2009~2011: Construction of HELP 2012: Shake-down Test with N2 2013~2014: PCHE Test at High T and P 2015: IHX Transient Behavior Test 2016: Optimization Test for Intermediate System First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 28 HELP PCHE test Natural Cooling Experimental Facility (NACEF) Objectives Verification of RCCS Performance at VHTR Accident Condition Establishment of Scaling Analysis for RCCS Demonstration Assessment and Improvement of VHTR Passive Safety Experimental Setup NACEF # of Risers: 6 EA (PMR200, 220 EA) Residual Heat: 21.8 kW (PMR200, 0.8MW) Total Height: 14 m(1:4) / Cavity Height: 4 m (1:4) Radiation Distance: 1.37 m(1:1) Performance & Plan 2012~2013: Design & Construction of NACEF 2014: Shake-down Test and 1st Test 2015: Tests for INERI Project with ANL 2016: Advanced RCCS concept test First Intl. HTGR meeting, Washington D.C., Mar. 8-10, 2016 29 Status of HTGR Development in Japan Kazuhiko KUNITOMI HTGR Hydrogen and Heat Application Research Center Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) International Prismatic Block HTGR Commercial Deployment Meeting March 8-10, 2016, Washington DC, USA Policies of HTGR Development in Japan Technical development of HTGR is stated in the following policies approved by the Cabinet. “Strategic Energy Plan” approved by the Cabinet on April 11, 2014 Under international cooperation, government of Japan facilitates R&D of nuclear technologies that serve the safety improvement of nuclear use, such as hightemperature gas-cooled reactors which are expected to be utilized in various industries including hydrogen production and which has inherent safety.“ “Japan revitalization strategy, revised 2015” approved by the Cabinet on June 30. Moreover, as well as engaging in international cooperation focused on ··· , and the development of nuclear technologies that serve the safety improvement of nuclear use, such as high-temperature gas-cooled reactors, the Government will implement human resource development in these fields. “Strategic Roadmap of hydrogen and fuel cell” issued by the committee in the METI on June 23, 2014. 1 Recent Topics of HTTR Project Following VIPs visited the HTTR. The Minister of the MEXT, Hakubun Shimomura, on July 4, 2014. The Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the MEXT, Tsutomu Tomioka, on August 6, 2014. The Minister Environment, Nobuteru Ishihara and five members of the House of Representatives, Takeshi Noda et.al., on April 7, 2014. A member of the House of Representatives, Taku Yamamoto, on April 25 They are all supportive of deployment and development of HTGR. HTGR development supporting group consisting of more than 40 LDP members was made on July 19, 2014 The second meeting was held on March 10th, 2015, and the following resolution was adopted. Early restart of HTTR and reinforcement of HTGR related research Reinforcement of system discussing basic policy for commercialization of HTGR Reinforcement of international collaboration and human education Thirteen LDP members of the HTGR development supporting group visited the HTTR site on October 13th, 2015. 2 Recent Topics of HTTR Project Nuclear science committee (NSC) of MEXT set up a task force on May 23, 2014, to evaluate the status of research and development of HTGR technology and nuclear heat utilization technology such as hydrogen production and power generation. Task force issued an interim report and reported it to the NSC on October 1, 2014. Items of research and development for the next 10 years are selected. HTTR-GT/H2 test HTTR safety test Advanced fuel development Gus-turbine component development IS process hydrogen production development Establishment of safety standards and design guideline 3 Recent Topics of HTTR Project MEXT established a committee including MEXT, METI, JAEA, industries and universities to discuss roadmap and conceptual design for the first demonstration plant. A board member in industry participate in this forum. Preparatory meeting was held on February 26, 2015, to discuss the vision of future commercial HTGR. The first meeting was held on April 28, 2015. Specification of commercial HTGR, R&D plan, introduction scenario will be discussed. The second meeting was held on September 29, 2015. Industry Vendors Toshiba Corporation Hitachi, Ltd. Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Fuel/Graphite manufactures Nuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd. Toyo Tanso Co., Ltd. Trading company/Think tank Marubeni Utility Services, Ltd. Canon Institute for Global Studies Academy Users (Electricity/Hydrogen/Heat Utilization) Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation Iwatani Corporation Chiyoda Corporation Toyo Engineering Corporation JGC Corporation Hitachi Zosen Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Honda R&D Co.,Ltd. Government University of Tokyo Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) Tokyo City University Toyo University of Agriculture and Technology Kyushu University Observer: Japan Electrical Manufacturers Association, Japan Atomic Power Company, Institute of Applied Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) 4 Overview of the HTTR Project (1) Reactor technology HTTR 30 MWt and 950oC prismatic core advanced test reactor (Operation start in 1998) Technology of fuel, graphite, superalloy and experience of operation, and maintenance. Safety evaluation by NRA is underway. (3) Innovative HTGR design GTHTR300 for electricity generation and desalination GTHTR300C for cogeneration and nuclear/renewable GTHTR300 energy hybrid system HTGR with Thorium fuel Clean Burn HTGR for surplus plutonium burning Establishment of safety design philosophy (2) Gas turbine and H2 technology He compressor R&D of gas turbine technologies such as high-efficiency helium compressor, shaft seal, and maintenance technology In February 2016, 8 hours of hydrogen production with the rate of 0.01m3/h was successfully achieved. hydrogen facility (4) HTTR-GT/H2 test The connection of a helium gas turbine power generation system and hydrogen production with the HTTR. Basic design for the HTTR-GT/H2 test is now underway. 5 Draft Plan of HTTR Project Items FY 2015 Interim evaluation 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 High Burnup Fuel (up to 160GWd/t) Fuel Advanced Fuel Element IS process Gas Turbine Continuous Hydrogen Production Test, Design Guide of Ceramics Components, Database Componet development, Scale-up . HTTR-GT HTTR-GT/H2 Design Construction Design Test Construction Test HTTR Test Safety Technology NRA : Nuclear Regulation Authority in Japan Safety Standards Standardization by IAEA Review / Issue by NRA (for Gas Turbine) Review / Issue by NRA (for HTTR-IS) (Tentative) Commercial Scale HTGR Development 850℃,250MW, Gus Turbine Design Review / Issue by NRA (for Co-generation) Licen sing 950℃,600MW, Co-generation Construction Design Operation Licen sing Construc tion Opera tion 6 Hydrogen production technology development Continuous hydrogen production test Continuous hydrogen production test H2 -Verification of integrity of total components and stability of hydrogen production Process HO O 2 2 Decomposer ・H2 production: 0.1m3/h ・Electric heating Decomposer Component materials Reactor I (iodine) Distillation column Liquid phase • Fluoroplastic lining • Glass lining • Silicon carbide (SiC) ceramic • Graphite (impermeable) S (sulfur) Separator EED Hydrogen iodine (HI) Bunsen Decomposition reaction section section Test schedule 2013 H2SO4 decompositi on section FY2014 H2 Production Test Facility Gaseous phase •Hastelloy C-276 •JIS SUS316 Status Preparation of operation FY2015〜 Construction Preparation for operation Operation for each section Integrated operation In February 2016, 8 hours of hydrogen production with the rate of 0.01m3/h was successfully achieved. 7 Objectives of HTTR-GT/H2 test To successfully license and operate the world’s first HTGR gas turbine power generation and hydrogen production plant To establish safety design criteria for coupling chemical plant such as hydrogen production plant to nuclear reactor To complete the system technology required for construction of the first demonstration plant Items Year 2015 HTTR-GT test HTTR-GT/H2 test HTTR H2 facility Helium gas turbine 2020 2025 Shakedown Design Construction Operation Licensing test HTTR modification Design Licensing Shakedown Operation Construction test Construct lead plant by private sector 8 HTTR-GT/H2 Test (System Design Outline) Plant cycle schematic Major specification Thermal power (IHX) 10 MWt IHX heat supply temperature 900 oC Gas turbine inlet temperature 650 oC Gas turbine pressure ratio 1.3 Hydrogen plant power 1 MWt H2 plant Isolation valves Reactor IHX Gas turbine Generator Precooler Recuperator To cooling tower Gas turbine Plant layout Recuperator Operation area Gas Turbine Precooler Generator To reactor 9 Tentative schedule of the HTTR FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 Evaluation of natural phenomena Re-evaluation of seismic design classification Seismic evaluation FRS Documentation of verification results, including evaluation of BDBA Evaluation by NRA Application Nov. 26 (Review period is unknown) Periodic inspection Re-start 10 Establishment of safety standards and design guideline • Probabilistic Risk Assessment Method Development for HTGRs Objectives – Establish a PRA method fully utilizing the HTGR design and safety characteristics – Confirm presence of “cliff edge” in HTGR during extreme earthquake • Current status – Investigations of failure modes in HTGR SSCs during extreme earthquakes are started. – An advisory committee is newly established to indecently review the PRA development. R&D items – System analysis method for accident sequence considering multiple failures in structures – Reliability database development using HTTR O&M data – Source term evaluation method considering failures in core component and reactor building • • Schedule (started in Oct. 2015) – 3 year project from 2015 to 2017 – Evaluation method development for extreme seismic event in 2015 and 2016 – Application of the developed method to HTGR reference plant and development of PRA guideline in 2017 1 10-2 Frequency [/year] • 10-4 Example of evaluation criteria Design Basis Event Design target 10-6 10-8 Cliff edge 101 10-1 100 Consequence [mSV] Expected outputs from the development 11 Advanced fuel development • R&D on Security-Enhanced Safety Fuel for Clean Burn HTGR • – • Establish Pu-burn fuel technologies R&D items on fuel fabrication technologies – – – • • Objectives (PuO2-surrogated) CeO2-YSZ kernel by sol-gel method ZrC coating on YSZ kernel by bromide process Continuous TRISO coating based on HTTR fuel technologies Schedule (started in Oct. 2014) – – – Current status – – Apparatuses for YSZ fabrication at NFI and ZrC coating with dummy YSZ particle at JAEA were maintained. YSZ fabrication and ZrC coating are in the progress. Ce-YSZ particle fabricated at NFI ZrC on Ce-YSZ particle coated at JAEA 4 year project from 2014 to 2017 YSZ fabrication and ZrC coating in 2015 and 2016 TRISO coating on ZrC-coated YSZ in 2016 and 2017 Buffer / IPyC / SiC / OPyC coated at NFI ZrC coating on PuO2-YSZ kernel as free O2 getter to reduce 50% (max. in target) of internal gas pressure Kernel : UO2 PuO2-YSZ Buffer layer : Low dense PyC High dense PyC layer Conventional UO2 SiC-TRISO SiC layer PuO2-YSZ ZrC/SiC-TRISO YSZ fabrication apparatus ZrC coating apparatus 12 Advanced fuel development • R&D on Sleeveless Oxidation-Resistant Fuel • • Objectives – • Current status – – R&D items – – • Develop the advanced HTGR fuel performing higher heat removal than that of the HTTR to decrease the maximum fuel temperature during the normal operation Fabrication technologies by hot press with Si & C powders New inspection methods based on HTTR fuel technologies Schedule( started in Sep. 2014) – – – – – Overcoating device was prepared. Fabrication conditions for SiC-matrix dummy compact (pressure, temperature, time, …) were analyzed by design of experiments, etc. Oxidation testing furnace (~ 1,600C in O2 atmosphere) was constructed. Fabrication and oxidation tests for SiC-matrix dummy compact is in the progress. 3 year project from 2014 to 2016 Start fabrication of SiC-matrix dummy compact in 2015 Optimize fabrication and inspection conditions in 2016 Center rod ・・・・・ Higher heat removal Graphite sleeve → Sleeveless SiC-matrix fuel compact Upgrading oxidation resistance Graphite matrix → SiC Conventional HTTR fuel rod Sleeveless oxidation-resistant fuel element Overcoating device Oxidation testing furnace 13 Interest in international project Expectation to the international project A demonstration HTGR can not be built in Japan at this moment. Too much risk for private sectors Standoff of fuel cycle policy, strong anti-nuclear movement, etc. International project will help establish government/industry HTGR development structure in Japan, minimizing investment risk. International project will keep Japanese industries’ HTGR technology and human resources. Japanese contributions to the international project Utilization of HTTR as an international test reactor and provision of HTTR data, including legacy data Utilization of HTTR for GT and hydrogen technology development Possibility of establishment of new government/industry structure supporting the project 14 Summary JAEA would like to make a technical contribution to this international project for worldwide deployment of HTGR with help of Japanese industries. JAEA has been developing HTGR and heat application technologies , and recently successfully produced hydrogen using a new test facility. Also JAEA is making a strong effort to restart the HTTR. HTTR is the only active HTGR providing 950oC heat. JAEA expects that the HTTR will be used as an international test HTGR , especially for hydrogen and GT development. 15 Reference Outline of HTTR HTTR Graphite-moderated and helium-cooled VHTR Fuel Rods Graphite Block Major specification Thermal power Fuel Core material Coolant Inlet temperature Outlet temperature Pressure Intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) Containment vessel 30 MW Coated fuel particle / Prismatic block type Graphite Helium 395C 950C 4 MPa First criticality : 1998 Full power operation : 2001 50 days continuous 950oC operation : 2010 Loss of forced cooling test at 9MW : 2010 Reactor pressure vessel Hot- gas duct 17 HTTR safety test Data acquisition on inherent safety feature of HTGRs Capability of reactivity control Capability of heat removal Loss of forced cooling (LOFC) test (100%) LOFC and loss of vessel cooling test Capability of confinement of radionuclides Confirmation of low radioactive material inventory in primary circuit Confirmation of plate-out amount of radioactive iodine in primary circuit Confirmation of FP release performance from CFP Control system for reactor原子炉出口 outlet temperature 温度制御系 (3) Acquisition of data on reactor power, outlet temperature, etc. (1) Change the heat removal (simulate offnormal event in Control 制御棒 rod hydrogen facility) Heat exchanger T Reactor (2) Disturbance of reactor inlet temperature Data acquisition for analytical tools to evaluate safety of HTGR-H2. Demonstration of HTGR robustness to offnormal events in hydrogen facility Demonstration of HTGR safety against multiple failures events initiated by hydrogen facility. Demonstration of HTGR robustness to off-normal events in hydrogen facility 18 Establishment of safety standards for commercial HTGRs Requirements for commercial HTGRs Requirements for coupling H2 facility to HTGR The research committee on “Safety requirements for HTGR design” under Atomic Energy Society of Japan (FY13-14) Drafting guideline for safety evaluation New research committee is planned (FY15-16) Design guidelines for fuel and structural materials HTTR H2 facility Helium gas Turbine system Safety standards for commercial HTGRs Drafting safety requirements HTTR-GT/H2 test Safety review by NRA HTTR safety test Data acquisition on inherent safety features of HTGR Data acquisition for analytical tools to evaluate safety of HTGR-H2. Data acquisition on integrity of fuel and structural materials Advanced fuel development for commercial HTGRs Tie up with IAEA CRP on Modular HTGR safety design 19 Gas Turbine Technology Development GTHTR300 basic design and component development (2001- ) Collaborative work with MHI • Basic design, safety design, and cost estimation • Developed high-efficiency He compressor, compact heat exchanger, etc. • Turbine blade alloy development World’s first successful operation of axial He compressor, He compressor design method validated GTHTR300 Commercial lead plant (2025) Plant uprate •850oC reactor outlet •Full size reactor build to allow uprate to 300 MWe without design modification Full-size turbine hot-function test Technology transfer to private company •Turbine disc/casing clearance confirmation HTTR-GT/H2 construction and operation (2015-2024) Present 850oC Single turbine disc Conceptual design for GTHTR300 power generation system (1998-2001) 20 H2 Production Technology Development HI decomp. Production of HI and H2SO4 H2 facility Commercial use Helium gas turbine H2SO4 decomp. HTTR Demonstration of one-week continuous hydrogen production by glass apparatus (0.03 m3/h-H2) Technology transfer to private company Present HTTR-GT/H2 test Industrial material component test Elemental technologies Bench-scale test Lab-scale test 2000 Uncovering an closedcycle continuous operation condition (0.001 m3/h-H2) H2 production test facility Bunsen reactor Verification of integrity of total HI reactor components and stability of H2SO4 hydrogen production reactor Integrity of key components in the IS Development of strength process environment evaluation methodology for ceramic components (corrosion resistance , heat resistance) 21 Hydrogen production technology development Iodine Sulfur process Basic research 1997 H2 400oC H2 + I2 2HI I High-temp. heat Bunsen reaction (Production of hydrogen iodide H2SO4 and sulfuric acid) 2HI + H2SO4 I2 + SO2 + 2H2O I2 Clarification of closed-cycle operating conditions Operation control 2004 900oC Water Decomposition of hydrogen iodide (HI) H2O S O2 1/2O2 + SO2 + H2O SO2 + H2O Decomposition of sulfuric acid HTTR H2SO4 decomposition Heat over 4000oC is required. IS process Below 900oC using chemical reactions of iodine (I) and sulfur (S) I and S circulate in the process (No emission of harmful chemicals) Drive with HTGR (No CO2 emission) HTTR-GT/H2 test Process engineering Present Bunsen reaction Thermal water splitting IHX Heat exchanger 4 H2 facility HI decomposition H2 Production Test Facility GT facility Verification of integrity of total Continuous H2 production Establishment of safety design process components made of for a week standard for integrating heat 3 industrial materials (100 L/h scale) (0.03m /h, glass apparatus) application systems with reactor 22 Continuing HTGR Development in the US March 8, 2016 A AR.EVA Topics HTGR development history AREVA 625 MWt steam cycle HTGR Advanced reactor focus areas in the US Test and demo reactor planning study Other industry activities Concluding Remarks International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 2 HTGR Development History USA China How did we get here? Past HTGR designs and operating experiences forms the bed rock of AREVA steam cycle HTGR design USA In 2013 NGNP Industry Alliance selected AREVA 625 MWt SC-HTGR as its reference plant for commercialization China Germany UK USA HTR-10 2000- Present HTTR 1998-present THTR 1986-1989 USA Fort St. Vrain 1967-1988 AVR 1967-1988 Peach Bottom 1 Dragon 1966-1974 X-10 Pile 1966-1975 1943-1963 International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 HTR-PM 2017 Start NGNP 2005 - Present Japan Germany USA AREVA SC-HTGR Other HTGR programs and activities GA – Large HTGRs (1970s and 1980s) DOE/GA - MHTGR project (1984-1998) DOE/GA - GT-MHR (1991- present) DOE/CEGA NPR Project (1989 - 1995) South African PBMR project (1995-2011) AREVA ANTARES Project (2004-2008) AREVA SC-HTGR (2011 - present) X-Energy (2014 - present) 3 AREVA 625 MWt SC-HTGR A modular High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor Net electric output 272 MWe / module In all electricity mode Reactor temperatures Core inlet/outlet: 325°C / 750°C Process steam: 560°C Reasons for selection Cost and safety advantage to LWRs -- higher efficiency, expanded market, higher burnup, eliminate multiple safety systems including S-R AC power, eliminate evacuation requirements Reduced cost compared to PBR –economy of scale 600 MW vs 200 MW Satisfies most process heat needs Provides test bed for improving technology incrementally for future higher temperature and Hydrogen cycles Intrinsically safe-passive heat removal Minimized technical risks to allow completion of the demo plant in early 2030s International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 4 HTGR Process Heat Price versus Module and Plant Rating 25.00 At 3000 MWt Plant Rating: Electricity Generation 1025 MWe Steam Supply 890 MWt This ratio is carried down to lowest plant rating for the 200 and 600 MWt module Process Heat Price, $/MMBtu 20.00 15.00 200 Mwt Pebble Bed Reactor Modules 10.00 Debt ratio IRR Term Interest Tax Rate 5.00 0.00 0 600 Mwt Prismatic Block Reactor Modules 80% 10% 20 year 8% 38.9% 500 1000 International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 1500 2000 Plant Rating, MWt 2500 3000 3500 5 Basis for SC-HTGR Selection Foundation for Future VHTR Markets Market for direct very high temperature heat is longer-term Smaller than high temperature steam market More fragmented – requires customized interface for different applications Existing chemical processes require further development for integration with heat from very high temperature reactor Reactor technology similar between steam cycle HTGR and VHTR Largest VHTR challenge is high temperature energy transfer interface Focusing on steam cycle HTGR now provides best short-term and longterm solution Maximum benefit for energy markets as soon as possible Partitioning risk between HTGR and VHTR Required Development Fuel Qualification X HTR Siting X HTR Licensing X Process Interface Issues X Safety Case Validation X Future VHTR Very High Temperature Materials (metals, ceramics) X IHX Development X Very High Temperature Process Interface X projects reduces risk for each project International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 SCHTGR 6 Advanced Reactor Focus Areas • • • • Technologies R&D Regulatory Framework Generic Development Advanced materials ASME code cases Energy conversion Passive cooling systems and modeling methods • HTGR technology preapplication licensing interaction with NRC • Advanced reactor design criteria and implementation guides HTGR Specific R&D • Coated particle fuel development • Nuclear grade graphite qualification • OSU High Temperature Test Facility • RCCS Testing International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 Partnerships • NGNP Industry Alliance (June 2006 - ) • Recent FOA awards (January 2016) > X-Energy and > Southern Co. Adv. Rx System Studies • DOE sponsored “Advanced Test and Demonstration Reactor Planning Study” 7 Advanced Test and Demo Reactor Planning Study Study Objectives To provide transparent and defensible options to address need for, and technology of, a test and or a demonstration reactor to be built to support innovation and long term commercialization. Strategic Objectives Demonstrate process heat / high efficiency electricity application Demonstrate actinide management Increase maturity of technology concept Provide an irradiation test bed Study Steps Workshop in April-2015 to develop criteria and metrics Developed Point Designs for candidate reactor concepts Technology Assessment evaluations Point Design evaluations were scored week of February 22nd Draft report will be issued in April 2016 HR-4084 - “The Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act” recently passed the House - pending Senate action. International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 8 Other Industry Activities NGNP Industry Alliance DOE cost shared contracts (~ $8M total spending ceiling) Economic/Business Analysis Trade Studies (2014 and 2015) Siting study – proposal currently under review (2016) Reactor building response study (awarded in 2015) International activities – MOUs with NC2I, Korea and Japan EPRI ANT Initiatives SMR Utility Requirements Document SMR staffing optimization NEI SMR Working Group Emergency planning Licensing fees Control room staffing Security staffing SMR Start NEI Advanced Reactor Working Group (recently launched) Key Policy Issues Mechanistic Source Term Reduced EPZ Lack of need for traditional containment building Non-LWR generic design criteria Reduce staffing International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 9 Concluding Remarks NGNP Industry Alliance member companies lead the HTGR commercialization efforts in the US Fuel and graphite characterization and qualification R&D are concluding in coming years with exceptionally positive interim results The Steam Cycle HTGR has extremely high intrinsic and passive safety characteristics resulting in minimum commercialization risk NGNP Industry Alliance member companies are establishing a solid technical, regulatory, business, and economic case for modern prismatic block HTGR The introduction of HTGR technology into the commercial arena requires an international collaboration led by industry and supported by our sovereign states International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 10 Backups A International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 11 REV SC-HTGR Module A International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 12 Backup International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 13 Nominal Operating Parameters Fuel type Core geometry Reactor power TRISO particle 102 column annular 10 block high 625 MWt Reactor outlet temperature 750°C Reactor inlet temperature 325°C Primary coolant pressure 6 MPa Vessel Material Number of loops Steam generator power Main circulator power Main steam temperature Main steam pressure International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 SA 508/533 2 315 MWt (each) 4 MWe (each) 566°C 16.7 MPa 14 SC-HTGR Provides Good Performance Even for Extreme Arid Conditions Nominal (Ref. Plant) Hot Arid Site Extreme Day for Hot Arid Site Cooling tower type Wet Dry Dry Wet bulb temperature 16°C NA NA Dry bulb temperature 36°C 45°C 55°C Condenser heat load 340 MWt 369 MWt 380 MWt Total house load 21 MWe 26 MWe 26 MWe Net electricity output 272 MWe 239 MWe 228 MWe 43.5% 38.2% 36.5% Net efficiency International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 15 Basis for SC-HTGR Selection (1) Broadest Impact on Energy Economy High temperature steam directly supports broadest segment of process heat market Compatible with existing chemical facilities High temperature steam is de facto standard for high temperature energy transport within process facilities HTGR allows nuclear to reach beyond traditional baseload electricity market Electricity is only 40% of total energy market High temperature steam provides more efficient electricity production Reference concept efficiency >43% net Well suited to dry cooling applications Less performance loss than lower temperature technologies Steam conditions directly compatible with modern fossil steam turbine plants Beneficial for repowering existing facilities International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 16 Basis for SC-HTGR Selection (2) Enhanced Safety of Modular HTGR Low investment risk for all design basis events For nuclear plant For adjacent chemical plant (several billion dollar investment) or other nearby facilities Minimal EPZ Allows collocation with industrial energy user for efficient energy transfer Chemical plant operators have indicated HTGR risk profile acceptable (not so for other reactor technologies) Safety profile allows repowering of retiring fossil units in nonrural settings Enhanced safety eliminates need for evacuation (Risk potential of evacuation itself is not negligible – re Fukushima study) Low investment risk attractive for all applications International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 17 Basis for SC-HTGR Selection (3) Maximizes Use of Existing Technology AREVA adopted SC-HTGR configuration to minimize technology risk Key technologies have been demonstrated in other applications and support high TRLs Fuel being qualified in AGR program with excellent results Prismatic block core design and fuel handling successful in Fort St. Vrain and in High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR – Japan) Vessels use established LWR technology Steam generator Helical coil steam generator technology demonstrated in numerous gas-cooled reactors (performed well; FSV water ingress issues not related to steam generator) 315 MWt steam generator enveloped by larger designs for 350 MWt MHTGR, NPMHTGR, and large PCRV HTGRs Circulator and magnetic bearings within current commercial technology What remains to be done is to design and build actual modular HTGR plant that integrates these technologies International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 18 Basis for SC-HTGR Selection (4) Sized for Best Cost Performance Maximizing reactor module size provides economy of scale Must stay within modular HTGR design constraints Nominally 600 MWt prismatic block core is largest modular HTGR configuration that allows passive cooling Acceptable fuel temperatures without active cooling Acceptable fuel temperatures without reactor coolant “Large” modular HTGR has significant cost advantage compared to smaller HTGR Studies during NGNP program demonstrated that the 600 MWt modular HTGR had a 30% lower cost of energy compared to a 200 MWt HTGR Modular design supports incremental capacity addition Individual module suitable for repowering moderate size fossil generators Typical industrial chemical facility may require multiple HTGR modules Full multi-module SC-HTGR plant (4x625) competitive with large LWRs International HTGR Meeting - March 8, 2016 19 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE The Piketon Integrated Energy System (IES) Plant Steven Shepherd Executive Director , SODI Proposal HTGR International Project Meeting March 8, 2015 1 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century SODI’s Mission SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE SODI is the Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative. Community Reuse Organization (CRO) for the DOE Reservation at Piketon Site Re-use Job Creation Regional Impact Develop Partnerships 2 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE Outline • What is the Piketon Plant? • The Piketon Integrated Energy System (IES) Plant • Summary • Questions 3 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE DOE Reservation at Piketon, Ohio 4 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Strategically Located SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE 5 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Strategically Located SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE 6 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Piketon SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE • One day drive to 70% of manufacturing markets in North America • Centralized location for infrastructure, population, industries, natural resources • Natural resources – Coal, gas, Oil (Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania) – Biomass (grasses, hardwoods) – Water availability (River/Wells) • Access to 13 State universities and advanced technical institutionsincluding Battelle, the Edison Centers and OSU • Existing regulatory/environmental permits • Nuclear site • Both NRC/DOE regulatory experience 7 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Piketon • • • • • SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE Highly characterized site – Seismic Stability Remotely located from large population centers Long history of nuclear operations Strong support for nuclear project/operations from the community Industrial infrastructure – Electric grid/right-of-way – Pipelines/right-of-way – Rail/River/Highway • Emergency preparedness and response capability • Security operations and physical protection system 8 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Infrastructure SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE 3700 acre former DOE uranium enrichment site Water Designed for 40 million gallons a day Waste Water Treatment Design Capacity 1.2 million gallons per day Available Land Capability to support a full scale IES with future expansion capability 9 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Activities Underway for IES Land Transfer SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE • Creation of “Radiological Baseline” activity initiated October • Procedures for transfer of land being developed from protocols (orders, etc) • Projected Transfer Date is Spring 2016 10 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE The Piketon IES Plant Project • Integrate high temperature nuclear heat with industrial technologies to: – Power industrial processes such as carbon conversion (e.g. coal to liquids and biomass) and chemical production – Produce hydrogen for transportation fuels, polymers, plastics, fertilizer, hydrogen fuel cell market – Produce electricity • Create an Energy Intensive Process Plant: - Serve existing markets - Create new markets, both domestic and “off-shore” opportunities - Utilize the generation of hydrogen across the individual components of the Process Plant - Develop “flexible” processes to accommodate market shifts • Utilize residual heat to drive low temperature processes – Water purification (e.g. distillation, osmosis) – Enzymatic processes (e.g. fermentation, anaerobic digestion) 11 Industry Alliance Integrated Energy System Concept Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Nuclear Fuel SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE Electricity to the BES Grid 750° C HTGR Reactor Process Heat Generator 325° C Low Temperature Processes (e.g., Water Purification, Enzymatic Processes) CO2 Natural Gas Hydrogen Production via steam methane reforming Industrial Applications (e.g., Oil & Gas Recovery, Food & Beverage, Wastewater Treatment) H2 Hydrogenation Hydrocarbon Products (e.g., Fuels, Polymers, Plastics) C Mechanical and Chemical Processes Carbon feedstock Byproducts • Carbon Fibers • Bulk Chemicals • Specialty Chemicals 12 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE Key Strategic Objectives • Attract developers and investors • Determine the composition of energy intensive industries for location on or near the Reservation • Identify and Attract end users – Piketon region is rich with potential • Strengthen international connections and support • Implement formal agreement with U.S. government for Piketon reindustrialization 13 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Progress • • • • • • • • SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE SODI and Alliance MOU in place (4/15) Visit to Piketon by EU delegation and DOE (4/15) Meetings in Brussels (9/15) Meetings with Elected Officials and Policy Makers in Columbus (8/21&22) Initiation of Land Transfer Activities by the DOE Ongoing close communications with DOE and selected Congressional offices DRAFT investment prospectus for securing the Assessment and Planning Team Support Initiation of “Industry Discovery” Process 14 Industry Alliance Clean, Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century Summary SOUTHERN OHIO DIVERSIFICATION INITATIVE • Ambitious, complex, and requires active and sustained effort by many players including industry, State and federal government and possibly other countries. • Provides “win-win” situations for communities, government, energy industries, manufacturing and trades. • Opportunity to advance the future of efficient integrated Energy Systems in the United States and possibly the EU, Korea and Japan. 15 www.inl.gov Opportunities for Commercializing and Deploying HTGR Technology Phil Hildebrandt Special Assistant to the Laboratory Director International HTGR Deployment Meeting March 8, 2016 Topics • Introduction to the Idaho National Laboratory • Advanced Reactors – extending nuclear energy to the industrial market • NGNP Project and the US Energy Policy Act 2005 • HTGR – US technology status overview • Some perspectives applicable to an international HTGR project 2 The New Vision and Strategy Positions INL to be Relevant to Tomorrow’s Energy Future Vision: INL will change the world’s energy future and secure our critical infrastructure. ADVANCING NUCLEAR ENERGY ENABLING CLEAN ENERGY DEPLOYMENT SECURING & MODERNIZING CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE 3 People, Programs, and Facilities Enable Our Strategy The Nation’s Premier Nuclear Science and Technology Laboratory Synergistic Energy and Environment Solutions At Scale Implement Regional Innovation for Clean Energy Systems Develop materials and systems for clean energy Enable sustainable manufacturing processes Advance next-generation transportation systems Deliver the Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear Enable the first SMR Sustain the LWR fleet Maintain a viable MFC and ATR and restart TREAT to design nuclear energy systems Critical National and Homeland Security Capability Build the Control Systems Cyber Security Innovation Center Design resilient critical infrastructure Enable future defense and intelligence systems Provide innovative nuclear and non-proliferation solutions Building on INL’s Extraordinary People, Programs, and Facilities to Increase Scientific Impact 4 The Idaho National Laboratory Site We Maintain: • 890 square miles • 111 miles of electrical transmission and distribution lines • 579 buildings • 177 miles of paved roads • 14 miles of railroad lines • 3 reactors • 2 spent fuel pools • Mass transit system • Security • Museum • Educational and research partnerships – CAES 3,771 Employees FY-2015 Business Volume $917M Idaho National Laboratory only – does not include other site contractors 5 Center for Advanced Energy Studies Collaborative Energy Research Explore: Energy & Environmental Research Educate: Energy & Environmental Education Engage: Apply Knowledge to Industry Enable: Energy Transitions and Economic Development Core Capabilities • • • • • • • Energy Systems Design and Analyses Nuclear Science and Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Environmental and Resource Sustainability Carbon Engineering Geological Systems and Applications Policy CAES by the Numbers In the past 5 years: $105.1 M CAES Idaho Falls Facility • 55,000 sq./ft. LEED Gold • 8 Labs (4 with radiological capabilities) • 150 research staff 3325 814 Research and development funding and equipment acquired Number of students supported by CAES-related projects Number of publications, presentations, and proceeds CAES researchers produced 6 Estimated U.S. Energy Use (2014) 39% Electricity (total) 28% Transportation Non-electric energy use: 22% Industrial 7% Residential 4% Commercial 7 Advanced Technologies Can Extend Use of Nuclear Energy to The Considerable Energy Needs Of Industry Via Cogeneration • US industrial market used ~21 quads of energy in 2014 (~22% of total energy consumption) • Today – industrial process heat needs provided primarily by fossil resources • Advanced nuclear energy can provide a competitive, clean and sustainable alternative to fossil resources • Advanced nuclear energy technologies can provide a flexible source that can be matched to the energy needs of major industrial facilities 8 Industrial Process Heat Opportunities 9 Important considerations for nuclear energy supplying the needs of industry • Energy supply capabilities match industry needs (power and process heat conditions; N-x reliability criteria) • Economics (stable and competitive energy prices over lifetime; sustainable energy resource) • Regulation (collocation of nuclear and industrial facilities; close coupled interconnection; emergency planning; authority having jurisdiction) • Financial risk (nuclear energy facility operations do not threaten the investment in the industrial facility even under nuclear accident conditions – or vice versa) • Flexibility (cogeneration configuration allows adjusting power supplied to grid based on energy market pricing) • Environmental effect (reduce carbon emissions; minimal additional waste burden) 10 NGNP Project Successfully… • Enabled formation of an industry consortium to support and promote HTGR technology commercialization and deployment • Demonstrated the capabilities of TRISO fuel as the centerpiece of the safety case • Demonstrated industrial scale production of quality TRISO fuel • Qualified and codified (in-process) high temperature metals and graphite for HTGR structural applications • Completed early conceptual design for HTGR concept and completed multiple design trade studies • Obtained technical agreement with NRC staff and ACRS on fundamental safety and licensing basis concepts for HTGR • Evaluated market opportunities for HTGR technology including feasibility of collocating HTGRs with industrial process plants to provide high temperature process heat and power • Established a preliminary economic basis for development of business cases for deployment of HTGR technology in multiple applications 11 Lessons Learned… • USG priorities were inconsistent – Administration budget requests did not align with project needs – Priorities of Administration and Congress continually shifted – short attention span • Original strong interest by energy intensive end-users tied to anticipated USG environmental requirements and high natural gas prices -fundamental interest with a long view did not exist • Inadequate advocacy by nuclear industry allowed – USG priorities for NGNP Project to shift – NRC not to take on longstanding policy level issues for HTGR and other advanced reactor technologies • Industry signals regarding reluctance to make adequate equity investment provided opportunity for USG to defer project for other priorities An industry-led initiative in partnership with Government is critical to moving advanced nuclear energy technologies forward Structure of EPAct 2005 authorization for the NGNP Project continues to provide a good foundation in the US for moving forward with a public-private partnership 12 EPAct 2005 – the Next Generation Nuclear Plant Project… • Authorizes the development and commercialization of a Generation IV Nuclear Energy System – HTGR technology • Authorizes construction of a prototype plant • Requires organization of a consortium of industrial partners • Requires formation of a public-private partnership(s) to complete the development, commercialization and initial deployment • Establishes a cost-sharing formulation between industry and government • Directs NRC and DOE to develop and implement a licensing strategy for the nuclear reactor technology being developed, designed and constructed under the NGNP Project • Authorizes certain appropriations 13 EPAct 2005 – An Opinion • The NGNP Project authorized by the US Energy Policy Act of 2005 provides the necessary elements to proceed with the NGNP Project as either a domestic or international project – with preference for a partnership structure that retains US technological leadership • The authorizing legislation lays the necessary foundation, but requires some limited changes to bring the language consistent with a plan for an international project and to recognize activities that have previously been accomplished by industry and the US Government • As a minimum, success will require that industry leadership is essential to gain the agreement of US Government to proceed 14 HTGR Technology Development and Qualification Needs High Temperature Materials Characterization, Testing and Codification Graphite Characterization, Irradiation Testing, Modeling and Codification Fuel Fabrication, Irradiation, and Safety Testing Design and Safety Methods Development and Validation 15 UCO TRISO-coated Particle Fuel • Currently uranium oxycarbide TRISO fuel is being qualified in the US • Excellent fuel performance under normal operating conditions at high burnup (up to 20 atom%) and high temperatures (up to 1250°C) • Excellent fuel performance under postulated accidents at high temperature (16001800°C) • Key needs: TRISO Fuel for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors – Characterization and understanding fission product retention/transport in TRISO coatings (SiC and pyrolytic carbon) and graphite 16 Graphite Accomplishments • Established analytical measurement laboratories at INL and ORNL to perform extensive material characterization of graphite. INL lab is being upgraded to handle irradiated graphite • Characterized over 800 graphite samples for AGC-1 and AGC-2 irradiations • Detailed characterization of graphite billets from different vendors is complete • Irradiation of AGC-1 and AGC-2 are complete. PIE of AGC-1 is complete; PIE of AGC-2 is nearing completion • HTV irradiation complete. Irradiation of AGC-3 is complete. PIE underway • AGC-4 design is complete. Irradiation began in June 2015. First graphite irradiation capsule (AGC-1) Graphite Characterization Labs at INL and ORNL 17 High Temperature Materials Accomplishments • Completed initial material screening tests to determine acceptability of candidate alloys for large metallic components in VHTR • Established test loop to measure impact of impurities on IHX alloys and extended models for predicting He impurity interaction with IHX alloys up to 1000°C • Developed data to demonstrate that LWR pressure vessel steel (A503/533) can be used in VHTR environment • Extended code case for Alloy 800H from 760°C to 850°C • Developed data to codify Inconel 617 for use in VHTR up to 950°C. Draft code case submitted to ASME High Temperature Mechanical and Environmental Testing of Key Alloys High Temperature Materials Characterization Lab at INL 18 VHTR Methods Program Elements Integral Systems Modeling Multi-dimensional CFD Simulations Pebble and Prismatic Physics Methods Physics, Thermal and System Safety Methods, Code Development and Application Design Methods and Validation Separate Effects and Integral Testing Under Normal and Off-Normal Conditions ANL Facility to Validate VHTR Cavity Cooling System Behavior Cross-section Measurements at LANL INL’s Matched Index of Refraction Facility to Study 3-D Flow Effects in Plena Scaled Vessel Testing Graphite/Air Reaction Rate Testing 19 VHTR Design and Safety Methods • Two large experimental validation efforts underway for key safety aspects of modular HTRs HTTF: Integral simulation of VHTR RCCS: Characterize heat sink • In-vessel studies in High Temperature Test Facility (HTTF) at Oregon State University – Redesigning aspects of heater rods to assure system can reach desired temperature • Reactor cavity cooling system (RCCS) studies using Argonne National Laboratory facility – Tests with air complete. Complementary testing at two lower scales complete at UWMadison and Texas A&M – Tests with water planned next. Facility mods being planned 20 Licensing Policy & Technical Issue Relationships Multi-Reactor Module Plant Facility Fission Product Transport Fuel Performance Source Term (Technical) (Policy) Containment Requirements (Policy) Protection of the Public Emergency Planning Requirements (Policy) Selection of Events, incl. Multi-Module Risk (Policy) 21 Perspectives… • From a technology development perspective… – Significant accomplishments have been achieved in all development areas – qualification continues in several areas (e.g., fuel; graphite; high temperature materials; design and safety analysis methods) – Fuel program has demonstrated the high quality and excellent performance of production TRISO fuel even at very high temperatures – central to nuclear safety • From a technology selection perspective… – HTGR and SFR technologies are the most mature of the Generation IV technologies – The US NGNP project and the continuing international VHTR program have laid an important foundation for commercializing and eventually deploying HTGR technology • From a business perspective… – HTGR technology opens the door to an expanded energy market for nuclear energy – An international project may provide the opportunity to commercialize HTGR technology with acceptable investment risk 22 What is needed… • A commitment by the international nuclear industry to complete a project or projects that will permit realizing the benefits of an advanced reactor technology – the HTGR • A commitment by energy intensive end-users to a transformation from the use of fossil fuels to nuclear energy for industrial process heat needs • A mutual commitment by industry and governments that commercialization and deployment of HTGR technology is an essential part of the future global energy enterprise 23 24 24 24 Empowering Change: Licensee-Led Licensing Modernization Initiative Amir Afzali Licensing Director- Next Generation Reactors SOUTHERN NUCLEAR © Southern Company 2015 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and Confidential Objectives • Objective of Southern proposed initiative is: • To develop and present by 2018 end-users perspectives and recommendations on a modernized licensing framework (and its supporting requirements) that facilitates building an advanced reactor in United States by 2030. SOUTHERN NUCLEAR 2 © Southern Company 2015 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and Confidential 2 Why- Background • Licensing modernization efforts have been on-going in US for over 30 years (e.g., MHTGR, PRISM, etc.). The progress has been very slow and licensing barrier against investment needed to realize benefits of advanced reactors still exist. • • For example, policy issues outlined in SECY 93-092 (April 1993) have remained unresolved for over 20 years. • Uncertainties in regulatory positions on advanced technologies has result in: • Nuclear supply change challenges for new/advanced nuclear energy concepts • Limited private sector investment due to unacceptable risks in financing development and commercialization of advanced reactors. • Potential customers taking a “wait and see” approach because economic and performance claims are not considered credible without clear pathway for deployment. SOUTHERN NUCLEAR 3 © Southern Company 2015 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and Confidential 3 Gap Closure- Proposed Utility-Led Industry Initiative • Develop and recommend a modernized framework which is: • Technology inclusive, performance-based, and risk-informed. • Phased/staged approach. Complement the joint DOE/NRC Advanced Reactor Design Criteria (ARDC) initiative. Builds on over 20 years of licensing modernization activities for HTGR by using HGTR as a surrogate for the to be recommended licensing framework. • • SOUTHERN NUCLEAR 4 © Southern Company 2015 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and Confidential 4 Concluding Remarks • A modernized phased technology inclusive, Performance-Based/Risk-Informed (PB/RI) Licensing framework is essential to facilitate technology innovation. • Exercise of the proposed licensing framework is necessary for its effective deployment. • Exercise of the framework requires an application from a ready to be deployed advanced reactor technology. • HTGR is a ready to be deployed non-light water reactor design (e.g., fuel qualification, supply chain availability, etc.) • Over 20 years of technology inclusive licensing related products available to build upon. • Timely deployment of advanced reactors is an expensive proposition which will be greatly helped by the international cooperation. • Deployment and licensing of a First Of A Kind (FOA) HTGR in US will help the international community through retirement of technical and licensing risks. SOUTHERN NUCLEAR 5 © Southern Company 2015 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and Confidential 5 Empowering Change: Licensee-Led Licensing Modernization Initiative Amir Afzali Licensing Director- Next Generation Reactors SOUTHERN NUCLEAR © Southern Company 2015 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and Confidential Objectives • Objective of Southern proposed initiative is: • To develop and present by 2018 end-users perspectives and recommendations on a modernized licensing framework (and its supporting requirements) that facilitates building an advanced reactor in United States by 2030. SOUTHERN NUCLEAR 2 © Southern Company 2015 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and Confidential 2 Why- Background • Licensing modernization efforts have been on-going in US for over 30 years (e.g., MHTGR, PRISM, etc.). The progress has been very slow and licensing barrier against investment needed to realize benefits of advanced reactors still exist. • • For example, policy issues outlined in SECY 93-092 (April 1993) have remained unresolved for over 20 years. • Uncertainties in regulatory positions on advanced technologies has result in: • Nuclear supply change challenges for new/advanced nuclear energy concepts • Limited private sector investment due to unacceptable risks in financing development and commercialization of advanced reactors. • Potential customers taking a “wait and see” approach because economic and performance claims are not considered credible without clear pathway for deployment. SOUTHERN NUCLEAR 3 © Southern Company 2015 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and Confidential 3 Gap Closure- Proposed Utility-Led Industry Initiative • Develop and recommend a modernized framework which is: • Technology inclusive, performance-based, and risk-informed. • Phased/staged approach. Complement the joint DOE/NRC Advanced Reactor Design Criteria (ARDC) initiative. Builds on over 20 years of licensing modernization activities for HTGR by using HGTR as a surrogate for the to be recommended licensing framework. • • SOUTHERN NUCLEAR 4 © Southern Company 2015 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and Confidential 4 Concluding Remarks • A modernized phased technology inclusive, Performance-Based/Risk-Informed (PB/RI) Licensing framework is essential to facilitate technology innovation. • Exercise of the proposed licensing framework is necessary for its effective deployment. • Exercise of the framework requires an application from a ready to be deployed advanced reactor technology. • HTGR is a ready to be deployed non-light water reactor design (e.g., fuel qualification, supply chain availability, etc.) • Over 20 years of technology inclusive licensing related products available to build upon. • Timely deployment of advanced reactors is an expensive proposition which will be greatly helped by the international cooperation. • Deployment and licensing of a First Of A Kind (FOA) HTGR in US will help the international community through retirement of technical and licensing risks. SOUTHERN NUCLEAR 5 © Southern Company 2015 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and Confidential 5 To: Attendees (see attached list) From: Mark Haynes, Senior Advisor Date: March 17, 2016 SUBJECT: March 8 – 10 Meetings on International Modular HTGR Project / Enterprise Thank you each again for attending our meetings in Washington last week. Our discussions and work confirmed that an international Project/Enterprise to develop a modern prismatic block HTGR can provide an inherently safe and economical source of emissions free energy for multiple energy end-use sectors while also paving the way to strategically and economically important export products for each of our nations and other types of advanced reactor development. In our working meetings we made excellent progress toward: 1. Better understanding each nation’s interests; 2. Defining the scope and nature of the Project/Enterprise; 3. Determining the actual organization of the Project/Enterprise; 4. Communicating about the proposed project with key U.S. government decision makers; and 5. Defining our next steps and how we will continue to move forward together. Finally, our meetings were characterized by a strong mutual respect and enthusiasm for working together to move the Project/Enterprise forward. This memo summarizes some of the key aspects of the meeting Meeting Attendance: Attached is the list of attendees for the first day’s plenary session along with the final meeting agenda. During the first day’s session there were key persons from Japan, Korea, Poland, the UK, U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of State, the Piketon Ohio site, The Idaho National Laboratory and U.S. Industry. Presentations: As listed in the attached Agenda, numerous presentations were given during the first day. Taken together and most generally, the presentations by the U.S. participants described a convergence of events that create a unique opportunity to begin the near-term deployment of a First Of A Kind (FOAK) modern prismatic block HTGR in the U.S. These events include the technological maturity and a near completion of the development work on HTGR fuel and materials; the growing U.S. interest in moving advanced reactors forward; the interest by Southern Company in using an HTGR licensing action as a means of modernizing the U.S. regulatory process for advanced reactors; the partnership with Piketon, Ohio as the potential site for the FOAK project; and the apparent interest in other countries in joining a U.S. project. The presentations by the Polish representatives made clear their interest in joining a project in the U.S. and also in a parallel deployment in Poland with potential interest by Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Such a project might be supported by existing EU loan programs and structural funding. Presentations by the Japanese and Koreans described each country’s deep experience in HTGR technology and interest in ultimately utilizing high temperature heat from HTGRs for the purpose of hydrogen production and industrial process heat applications. The UK presentation discussed their long term experience with gas cooled reactors and possible interest in moving them forward under their developing Small Modular Reactor program. No decisions have been made yet. The electronic versions of those presentations will be found within the next few days on the Alliance’s website at http://www.ngnpalliance.org Group Discussions: During the subsequent two days, two initial working groups were created that included participants from the U.S., Japan, Korea, and Poland. One working group focused on defining what specific elements/projects would define an international MHR development and demonstration Project/Enterprise. It was generally agreed that a phased approach be adopted, with initial demonstration of a steam-cycle plant operating at about 750ºC core outlet temperature for co-generation of process steam and electricity, followed by demonstration of a Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) with core outlet temperatures up to about 950ºC for nuclear hydrogen production and high-efficiency electricity production using a direct Brayton cycle. It was also generally agreed that a common MHR/VHTR design be adopted for the Enterprise. Transitioning to the VHTR would be incorporated into the MHR steam-cycle design to demonstrate common Structures, Systems, and Components (SSCs). Additional technology development required to support VHTR development and demonstration would be a key element of the enterprise and would be conducted in parallel to the MHR steam-cycle design/demonstration effort. Based on discussions at this meeting, this approach is consistent with the interests of all participant nations. This approach is also consistent with business plans developed by the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) Industry Alliance (NIA). This approach also provides an MHR steam-cycle design with technical, licensing, quality control, and export advantages over the concept being developed by China, while also providing an international framework for advancing past China for VHTR development and deployment. The second initial working group focused on what measures are needed within the participant nations to establish an international framework to support this Project / Enterprise, i.e., “how” does this get established across international boundaries with common MHR/VHTR interests. Our respective government and industry decision making processes and possible means to align our interests and to join our countries together were discussed. The central role of industrial participation and leadership in the Project/Enterprise was recognized as was the need for more detailed discussions in the coming weeks and months with regard to the benefits to and contributions from each nation. Opportunities for localized supply of SSCs and other services will almost certainly factor into the decision making for countries participating in the enterprise. In the case of Japan, for example, is the utilization of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) High Temperature engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) to support design, technology development, methods development, and licensing. Project/Enterprise Structure: As noted before, there were considerable discussions about the actual scope and structure of an international Project/Enterprise to deploy and commercialize modern HTGR technology. It was generally agreed that the overall international partnership could include a phased deployment and development effort as follows: 1. The Project: A First Of A Kind (FOAK) demonstration(s) in the U.S. and possibly Poland of a 750C outlet temperature steam-cycle prismatic block HTGR. This near-term phase would include design, licensing approvals by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and construction. The demonstration(s) would be operational by approximately 2030. 2. The longer-term but parallel Enterprise: Development work that would facilitate a later deployment of higher temperature (900 – 1000C), more advanced prismatic block HTGR technology that would be capable of more efficient hydrogen and electric power production. This work would include the development of higher temperature materials, hydrogen production technology, Brayton Cycle gas turbine technology and high temperature intermediate heat exchanger technology (IHX). Meetings with Key U.S. Government Decision Makers: Each meeting was attended by Alliance Members and an international delegation. We described the interest of each of our countries in the Project/Enterprise, the issues we were addressing during our meetings and the progress we were making. While it is too early for any U.S. government decisions or obligations, each meeting was very positive and we were met with good questions (including questions regarding positions of Poland, Korea and Japan), offers of assistance and the request that we continue to communicate our progress. Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio): The Senator represents the Piketon site and is a Member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. His staff had met several times previously with the Alliance and others about our proposed Project/Enterprise and the potential of the Piketon site as the U.S. location. The Senator expressed his strong support for the project and agreed to work with us to move the project forward. The Alliance will be following up with his staff. Staff of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology: Within the Committee’s broad jurisdiction is the responsibility for the NGNP project and all U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) advanced reactor research and development. The staff agreed that HTGRs are likely the advanced reactor technology that is most mature in terms of receiving an NRC license. They also noted that that there were several justifications for the project that might help bring Committee Member and Congressional support to the project including national security, nuclear non-proliferation, NRC licensing modernization and the strengthening of international relations. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho): The Senator is the Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Energy of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (and by virtue of being from Idaho, is keenly supportive of the Idaho National Laboratory and of nuclear energy development). The Senator asked a number of questions about the project and its siting. He stated his support. The Senator’s Chief of Staff who was also in the meeting, expressed his support and requested that he be included in future meetings with the Senator’s policy staff. Staff of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: This is the Senate Committee that has responsibility for the NGNP project and all DOE advanced reactor research and development. The meeting was very positive with staff being particularly interested in the question of why the NGNP project had yet to move forward. They expressed their belief that an international project might well be a good way to move forward with an HTGR deployment in the U.S. and were interested in hearing more details as our project/enterprise develops. Staff of Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho): The Senator, a very senior Member of the Senate and the sponsor of legislation that supports advanced nuclear energy development, was unfortunately ill on this day. So we met with the Senator’s staff. The meeting was very positive and the staff had a number of questions about how the project would work, including how Intellectual Property might be handled. They expressed their belief that the Project/Enterprise is a good idea and that they would be following it carefully. U.S Department of State: Richard Stratford, Director of the Office of Nuclear Energy, Safety and Security, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation; Sarah McPhee, Office of Nuclear Energy, Safety and Security; and Kyler Turner, Office of Nuclear Energy, Safety and Security: This is the primary office within the Department of State responsible for international nuclear policy, safety, security and non-proliferation. Mr. Stratford had done a considerable amount of research on the NGNP project and the Alliance prior to our meeting. He asked a number of questions about the status of the project and our proposed international collaboration. He noted that he did not see any “show stoppers” with our proposed collaboration in terms of the export of U.S. technology (so called “Section 810” approvals) to Poland, EU, Korea or Japan. He agreed that exploring OECD’s NEA as a possible host forum to facilitate discussions amongst our governments and industry would be a good idea. Mr. Stratford stated that he thought the international HTGR project was a good idea and asked to be kept informed of our progress. In addition to these meetings, the Polish delegation led by Dr. Michał Kurtyka, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economy, participated in several meetings with US government Administration on March 9th and 10th: Mike Wautlet, White House Director for Nuclear Energy Policy, et al. Jonathan Elkind, Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, Adam Cohen, Deputy Undersecretary Cohen for NE, Department of Energy, et al. Michael Lally, Assistant Secretary for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Department of Commerce, et al. Melanie Nakagawa, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office for Energy Resources, Department of State, et al. During these meetings, the Polish delegation expressed the interest in a common Project/Enterprise, as described in the attached draft of EoI. In general, the idea was well received. Some reservation was expressed concerning the choice of technology, since US government currently supports development of several types of advanced reactors. Arguments on large export potential of HTGR technology were well received. It was concluded that business-to-business and government-to-government relations would need to be intensified to support the project. Follow Up Actions Among the many follow up items from the meeting were the following: 1. Summary of March 8 – 10 Meeting (Action: Mark Haynes) 2. Continue to refine the scope and structure of the Project / Enterprise (Action: All) 3. Consult with William Magwood, the head of the OECD’s Nuclear Energy Agency as to whether there might be value in the NEA issuing an invitation the Parties (U.S., EC/Poland, Korea and Japan) for discussions about the Project / Enterprise under their auspices. (Action: Phil Hildebrandt and Mark Haynes). An ancillary action is to make sure that HTGR is well positioned on Nuclear Innovation 2050 roadmap, which might be a useful vehicle to move the project forward. (Action: Grzegorz Wrochna). 4. Draft Terms of Reference for the Project/Enterprise for use by each of the Parties (Action: Finis Southworth, Mike Roberts, Mark Haynes and Phil Hildebrandt) 5. Additional follow up meetings with Congress and U.S. Executive Branch agencies (Action: Mark Haynes, Amir Afzali, and Phil Hildebrandt) 6. Provide the NGNP Industry Alliance with list of key government and industry contacts for Japan and Korea. (Action: Kazuhiro Kunitomi and Minhwan Kim respectively) 7. Schedule semi-weekly Project/Enterprise Conference call (“Go-to-Meeting” format) (Action: Kim Stein, AREVA) 8. Information needed from each participating Nation: a. Description of internal decision-making process b. Identification of possible “show stoppers” c. Prepare white paper by each potential participant country <25 March draft> (Priorities; Advantages; National needs; Contributions to Project/Enterprise) – as working draft, not national position, for input to draft Terms of Reference (Action: Kazuhiro Kunitomi, Minhwan Kim, Grzegorz Wrochna, Mark Haynes and Chris Hamilton) 9. Strategy white paper for building the Project/Enterprise organization and structure (Action: Chris Hamilton and Mark Haynes) Early draft of March 14th Preliminary expression of interest of Polish stakeholders in High Temperature Gas Reactors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. a. b. 3. 4. a. b. c. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. HTGR technology fits to the priorities of the government: Boosting the economy by large, ambitious, high-tech projects. Creating added value to the nuclear programme (LWR of 6000 MWe in total) by developing skills, intellectual property, new technologies and production capabilities. Increasing security of supply and thus energy independence of the country by replacing natural gas as the source of processing heat for the industry (chemical et .). Increasing competitiveness of Polish industry by providing reliable and low cost energy (both electricity and heat). Decreasing emissions. The advantages of HTGR technology over other types of advanced nuclear reactors are, from our point of view, the following: High level of maturity (TRL =7-8). Intrinsic safety giving safety zone <1000m, thus permitting the construction in proximity of chemical installations. The major safety features are: never melting core – TRISO fuel withstands >1600ºC, passive cooling enabling cooling down the reactor by natural convection, without any cooling systems and operator interventions. Parameters optimal for the industry needs: power of 200-600 MWt, core temperature of ~600-700ºC useful for production of 550 ºC steam, enabling “plug=in” installation to replace old fossil fuel boilers without any changes to the chemical installation. High export potential based on intrinsic safety and small safety zone, limited size, suitable for many applications, and thus relatively low investment threshold (1-2 bln €), and confirmed by recent interest of Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, etc. Poland is interested to participate in an international project on HTGR by providing: Skills of research institutions and industry in R&D, designing, licencing and construction. End-user, i.e. chemical plant for deployment of the first reactor in Europe. Financial contribution in form of public seed money for the project, EU structural funds and high risk loan instruments for design and construction. Possibly joining the “Mission Innovation”. Consolidation of regional involvement (Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc). “Interface” to the European Commission. ATTENDEES First Organizing Meeting International Prismatic Block HTGR Commercial Deployment Washington D.C. March 8 – 10, 2016 EU Michal Kurtkya - Vice Minister / Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Energy, Poland Dr. Grzegorz Wrochna - International Cooperation Manager, National Center for Nuclear Research, Chairman of Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative (NC2I), Poland Piotr Zaremba, Head of Innovation and Technology Development Department, Ministry of Energy, Poland Piotr Sprzaczak, Chief Specialist, Department of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy Bartosz Arabik, II Secretary, Polish Embassy in Washington James Gavigan, Minister-Counsellor Research and Innovation, Delegation of the European Union Mark Caine, Policy Advisor, Energy & Environment, British Consulate-General JAPAN Dr. Kazuhiro Kunitomi - Director General, Nuclear Hydrogen and Heat Application Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency Dr. Xing Yan, Japan Atomic Energy Agency KOREA Dr. Minhwan Kim - Coordinator, VHTR Technology Development Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute Dr. Chang Keun Jo - Project Manager, VHTR Technology Development Center, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute US INDUSTRY Steve Kuczynski, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Southern Nuclear Operating Company Amir Afzali - Licensing Director, Southern Nuclear Operating Company Dr. Farshid Shahrokhi - Director of HTGR Technology, AREVA Inc. Dr. Finis Southworth - Deputy Executive Director, NGNP Industry Alliance, CTO Emeritus, AREVA Inc. Kim Stein – Director of Business Development / Advanced Reactors and Fuels, AREVA Inc. Martin Owens – Project Director, AREVA Dr. HanKwon Choi, Project Director, Advanced Nuclear Technologies, AECOM Steve Shepherd – Executive Director, Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative Phil Hildebrandt - Special Assistant to the Director, Idaho National Laboratory Chris Hamilton - Executive Director, NGNP Industry Alliance Dr. Matt Richards – Ultra Safe Nuclear Dr. WonJae Lee – Ultra Safe Nuclear Dr. Mike Roberts – Roberts International Mark Haynes - Senior Advisor, NGNP Industry Alliance US GOVERNMENT Ray Furstenau – Associate Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Nuclear Energy Tom O’Connor – Director, Office Advanced Reactor Technologies, Office of Nuclear Energy Carl Sink – Advanced Nuclear, Office of Nuclear Energy Sarah McPhee – U.S. Department of State Kyler Turner – U.S. Department of State International Prismatic Block HTGR Commercial Deployment Meeting March 8 – 10, 2016 Washington D.C. March 8 Offices of Nuclear Energy Institute 1201 F Street NW Clean Air A/B Conference Room 8:30 am Mark Haynes: Welcome, Meeting Goal and Objectives, Agenda 8:40 am Chris Hamilton: The NGNP Industry Alliance’s perspective 9:00 am Ray Furstenau, Department of Energy: Welcome 9:05 am Michal Kurtyka: Presentation on Polish Priorities 9:20 am Grzegorz Wrochna: Presentation on NC2I 9:35 am Mark Caine, UK Consulate 9:50 am Korean presentation 10:20 am Japanese presentation 10:50 am BREAK 11:05 am Farshid Shahrokhi, AREVA 11:35 am Steve Shepherd: HTGR centered Integrated Energy System at the Piketon, Ohio site 11:50 am Phil Hildebrandt: Idaho National Laboratory perspective 12:05 pm LUNCH 1:00 pm Afternoon discussion of Issues (see attached) 2:00 pm Steve Kuczynski, Southern Company: Overall perspective on advanced reactors 2:10 pm Amir Afzali, Southern Company: HTGRs and the growing Industry effort to modernize the U.S. licensing process for advanced reactors 2:15 pm Continue Issues Discussions / Planning 5:30 pm Depart for Dinner: Acadiana Restaurant, 901 New York Avenue, NW March 9 Capitol Hill Offices of the Nuclear Energy Institute 122 C Street N.W. Suite 830 8:30 am Continue Issues Discussions / Planning 9:00 am Polish Delegation only meeting with Mike Wautlet (White House director of Nuclear Energy Policy) at Eisenhower Executive Office Building, 1650 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W 9:30 am Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) 432 Russell Senate Office Building 2:30 pm Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho) SR 483 Russell Senate Office Building 3:30 pm Richard Stratford, Director of the Office of Nuclear Energy, Safety and Security, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation U.S. Department of State Sarah McPhee, Office of Nuclear Energy, Safety and Security, U.S. Department of State 206 858-1409 Kyler Turner, Office of Nuclear Energy, Safety and Security, U.S. Department of State (Arrive at 3:15 pm) at C Street Entrance of the Department of State 2201 C Street N.W. ______________ March 10 Capitol Hill Offices of the Nuclear Energy Institute 122 C Street N.W. Suite 830 9:45 am Continue Issues Discussions / Planning 1:40 p.m. Aaron Weston, Republican Staff Director Adam Rosenberg, Democratic Staff Director Subcommittee on Energy House Committee on Science, Space and Technology Room 2318 Rayburn House Office Building 2:45 pm Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) SD 239 Dirksen Senate Office Building 3:30 pm Ben Reinke, Republican Professional Staff Mem Scott McKee, Democratic Professional Staff Member Rory Stanley, Democratic Professional Staff Member U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources SD 304 Dirksen Senate Office Building 4:30 pm Wrap up and Adjourn Meeting First Organizing Meeting International Prismatic Block HTGR Commercial Deployment Washington D.C. March 8 – 10, 2016 Goal, Objectives and Discussion Issues GOAL: Clarify if and how the EU, Japan, Korea and the U.S. might join together in the very near term – by early 2017 - to undertake a project for the deployment of a modern commercial prismatic block HTGR. OBJECTIVES OF MEETING: 1. Identify next immediate steps for moving The Project forward 2. Establish initial participants for a formative Project Steering Group meeting 3. Determine assignments for a working group that will draft a project description and a possible Project structure(s) 4. Agree on a formal mechanism (possibly letters of intent) for each country to express support for The Project Questions and Issues for Discussion Questions of Each Nation’s Interests • What is each nation’s interest in The Project? What might each nation wish to achieve with The Project in combination with their domestic HTGR program? • Options for The Project? - reactor demonstration in U.S. plus possible other facilities in other countries such as: - another demonstration reactor(s) in Poland, Korea, Japan? - IHX development facility? - Hydrogen generation technology development facility? - Brayton cycle development facility? - Other? • What countries have existing domestic activities and facilities that are synergistic or complimentary with The Project? • Would licensing a demonstration project in the U.S. be of value to other nations’ regulators? - Can The Project be utilized to foster an international licensing regime which can then be tailored appropriately by each nation’s regulatory organization? - Could OECD NEA and/or WENRA be helpful? Questions and Issues for Discussion (continued) Questions of Project Structure and Organization • The Project will require a sustained collaboration between governments and industries. Direction and policy will be determined by governments. The NGNP Alliance believes The Project should be executed by industry. Do others agree? • Can we conceive of a structure where government involvement is limited to the policy functions which meet the requirements of each government while minimizing the need for international governmental agreements? And where Project execution is essentially the purview of industry? • What are some project structure ideas that might be helpful? Are there Project structure ideas or elements that definitely won’t work? • How might Intellectual property be handled? Questions On Moving Forward and Next Steps • What must happen in each country before it could/would join The Project? • Who are the key government and industry players in each country? • Who are the key decision makers in each country? • What is the decision taking process in each country? • What materials and information are needed to achieve support in each country? • What are potential “show stoppers” in each country? • Is it realistic to plan for an MOU or joint statement signing at the HTR 2016 meeting in November? • What and when are our next steps? • Who should serve on a Steering Committee? • Who should serve on a Working Group to draft a project description and possible project structure? • Can each country provide some near-term (mid-summer) expression of interest in moving further project discussions forward? International Prismatic Block HTGR Commercial Deployment Meeting March 8 – 10, 2016 Washington D.C. March 8 Offices of Nuclear Energy Institute 1201 F Street NW Clean Air A/B Conference Room 8:30 am Mark Haynes: Welcome, Meeting Goal and Objectives, Agenda 8:40 am Chris Hamilton: The NGNP Industry Alliance’s perspective 9:00 am Ray Furstenau, Department of Energy: Welcome 9:05 am Michal Kurtyka: Presentation on Polish Priorities 9:20 am Grzegorz Wrochna: Presentation on NC2I 9:35 am Mark Caine, UK Consulate 9:50 am Korean presentation 10:20 am Japanese presentation 10:50 am BREAK 11:05 am Farshid Shahrokhi, AREVA 11:35 am Steve Shepherd: HTGR centered Integrated Energy System at the Piketon, Ohio site 11:50 am Phil Hildebrandt: Idaho National Laboratory perspective 12:05 pm LUNCH 1:00 pm Afternoon discussion of Issues (see attached) 2:00 pm Steve Kuczynski, Southern Company: Overall perspective on advanced reactors 2:10 pm Amir Afzali, Southern Company: HTGRs and the growing Industry effort to modernize the U.S. licensing process for advanced reactors 2:15 pm Continue Issues Discussions / Planning 5:30 pm Depart for Dinner: Acadiana Restaurant, 901 New York Avenue, NW March 9 Capitol Hill Offices of the Nuclear Energy Institute 122 C Street N.W. Suite 830 8:30 am Continue Issues Discussions / Planning 9:00 am Polish Delegation only meeting with Mike Wautlet (White House director of Nuclear Energy Policy) at Eisenhower Executive Office Building, 1650 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W 9:30 am Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) 432 Russell Senate Office Building 1:40 p.m. Aaron Weston, Republican Staff Director Adam Rosenberg, Democratic Staff Director Subcommittee on Energy House Committee on Science, Space and Technology Room 2318 Rayburn House Office Building 2:30 pm Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho) SR 483 Russell Senate Office Building 3:30 pm Richard Stratford, Director of the Office of Nuclear Energy, Safety and Security, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation U.S. Department of State Sarah McPhee, Office of Nuclear Energy, Safety and Security, U.S. Department of State 206 858-1409 Kyler Turner, Office of Nuclear Energy, Safety and Security, U.S. Department of State (Arrive at 3:15 pm) at C Street Entrance of the Department of State 2201 C Street N.W. ______________ March 10 Capitol Hill Offices of the Nuclear Energy Institute 122 C Street N.W. Suite 830 9:45 am Continue Issues Discussions / Planning 2:45 pm Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) SD 239 Dirksen Senate Office Building 3:30 pm Ben Reinke, Republican Professional Staff Member Scott McKee, Democratic Professional Staff Member Rory Stanley, Democratic Professional Staff Member U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources SD 304 Dirksen Senate Office Building 4:30 pm Wrap up and Adjourn Meeting ATTENDEES First Organizing Meeting International Prismatic Block HTGR Commercial Deployment Washington D.C. March 8 – 10, 2016 EU Michal Kurtkya - Vice Minister / Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Energy, Poland Dr. Grzegorz Wrochna - International Cooperation Manager, National Center for Nuclear Research, Chairman of Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative (NC2I), Poland Piotr Zaremba - Head of Innovation and Technology Development Department, Ministry of Energy, Poland Piotr Sprzaczak - Chief Specialist, Department of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy Bartosz Arabik - II Secretary, Polish Embassy in Washington James Gavigan - Minister-Counsellor Research and Innovation, Delegation of the EU Mark Caine - Policy Advisor, Energy & Environment, British Consulate-General JAPAN Dr. Kazuhiro Kunitomi - Director General, Nuclear Hydrogen and Heat Application Center, JAEA Dr. Xing Yan - JAEA KOREA Dr. Minhwan Kim - Coordinator, VHTR Technology Development Division, KAERI Dr. Chang Keun Jo - Project Manager, VHTR Technology Development Center, KAERI US INDUSTRY Steve Kuczynski - Chairman, President and CEO, Southern Nuclear Operating Company Amir Afzali - Licensing Director, Southern Nuclear Operating Company Marty Parece - Chief Technology Officer / Vice President, Products and Technology, AREVA Dr. Farshid Shahrokhi - Director of HTGR Technology, AREVA Inc. Dr. Finis Southworth - Dep. Exec. Dir. NGNP Industry Alliance, CTO Emeritus, AREVA Inc. Kim Stein – Director of Business Development / Advanced Reactors and Fuels, AREVA Inc. Dr. HanKwon Choi, Project Director, Advanced Nuclear Technologies, AECOM Steve Shepherd – Executive Director, Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative Phil Hildebrandt - Special Assistant to the Director, Idaho National Laboratory Chris Hamilton - Executive Director, NGNP Industry Alliance Dr. Matt Richards – Ultra Safe Nuclear Dr. WonJae Lee – Ultra Safe Nuclear Dr. Everett Redmond II – Senior Director, Policy Development, Nuclear Energy Institute Dr. Mike Roberts – Roberts International Mark Haynes - Senior Advisor, NGNP Industry Alliance US GOVERNMENT Ray Furstenau – Associate Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Nuclear Energy Tom O’Connor – Director, Office Advanced Reactor Technologies, Office of Nuclear Energy Carl Sink – Advanced Nuclear, Office of Nuclear Energy Jonathan Chesebro – Senior Nuclear Trade Specialist, Department of Commerce, International Trade Association Sarah McPhee - Office of Nuclear Energy, Safety and Security, Department of State Kyler Turner - Office of Nuclear Energy, Safety and Security, Department of State March 9, 2016 Senator Portman Meeting Attendees List ATTENDEES First Organizing Meeting International Prismatic Block HTGR Commercial Deployment Washington D.C. March 9, 2016 EU Dr. Grzegorz Wrochna - International Cooperation Manager, National Center for Nuclear Research, Chairman of Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative (NC2I), Poland Piotr Zaremba, Head of Innovation and Technology Development Department, Ministry of Energy, Poland Mark Caine, Policy Advisor, Energy & Environment, British Consulate-General JAPAN Dr. Kazuhiro Kunitomi - Director General, Nuclear Hydrogen and Heat Application Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency Dr. Xing Yan, Japan Atomic Energy Agency KOREA Dr. Minhwan Kim - Coordinator, VHTR Technology Development Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute Dr. Chang Keun Jo - Project Manager, VHTR Technology Development Center, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute US INDUSTRY Amir Afzali - Licensing Director, Southern Nuclear Operating Company Martin Owens - AREVA Steve Shepherd – Executive Director, Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative Phil Hildebrandt - Special Assistant to the Director, Idaho National Laboratory Chris Hamilton - Executive Director, NGNP Industry Alliance Dr. Mike Roberts – Roberts International Mark Haynes - Senior Advisor, NGNP Industry Alliance Kim Stein-AREVA Finis Southworth-AREVA
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