Hartefeld Draft Newsletter 1 MP v6 FINAL Q3 2016.pages


Hartefeld Draft Newsletter 1 MP v6 FINAL Q3 2016.pages
Hartefeld National Golf Club
Members Newsletter
August 2016
Produced By Members | For Members | www.hartefeldmembers.org
UpComing Events
Sunday Breakfasts 10 to 2pm
Wine Dinner Sept 13
Charity Classic Oct 13
Oktoberfest Oct 15
From the Pro-Shop
As a reminder, to aid the
membership and help with
scheduling tee-times the
ProShop has introduced ‘noshow’ fee’s. If you can’t make
your booking, call them!
From The Course
Green bunker replenishment is
now complete for the season,
and they look great! Fairway
bunkers are next!
The newly introduced Course
Care Project gets the
membership engaged in
keeping our course in the best
possible shape. Concerns,
suggestions or compliments to the Pro-shop please. They
can’t fix it if they don’t know of
HNGC Members Newsletter
Message from The Chairman
Welcome to the first issue of the Hartefeld Members Newsletter,
produced by members, for members. We hope to further improve
on communication between the Hartefeld membership and with
the ClubCorp team, sharing news and items of interest to us all.
Your contributions are encouraged and most welcome, along with
your photographs and announcements.
There’s a lot of great things happening across the Club and we
hope, through this Newsletter, to help keep the membership
engaged and informed.
The Club Committees and Board are working for you - the
membership - to ensure we all have the best golfing experience
possible. Don’t hesitate to contact any one of us if you have
questions,suggestions , concerns or compliments!
Bob Jones
Chairman, Hartefeld Board of Governors
Pro-Shop: 610.268.8800 : 4
www.hartefeldmembers.org 1
Hartefeld National Golf Club
Members Newsletter
August 2016
Welcoming New Members!
Golf club memberships are in decline nationally and, as part of
maintaining HNGC very high standards of our course and facility, we
continue to welcome new members to our club. The ClubCorp programs,
most recently the Young Executives membership drive, have attracted new
faces and new players to our community. Welcome all!
Club management, Membership
Your Golf Committee
Committee and Board continue to
actively monitor membership levels
closely, including any Tee-Sheet pressures
and new Pro-Shop policies including
The Golf Committee works in unison
with the Director of Golf to establish
the Club Tournament Schedule and
tournament formats. We also have
monthly communication with the
Course Superintendent - Greg - that
includes any issues that arise with the
course itself. Additionally, we are
involved and forward policy
suggestions for approval to the
Board of Governors, intended to
improve the golf experience for
members and guests. The Golf
Committee members are listed
below, please don’t hesitate to
contact any of us and we will do our
very best to make sure your voice is
active oversight of guest players, any
2016 Golf Committee - Bruce Aikin
(Chair), Mike DeSantis, Paul Hess,
Tom Hofer, Mike Walker, Diana Allen,
Joanne Hutcheson, Ed Benatti.
continues to work with the management team to review these and any
HNGC Members Newsletter
slow-play incidents and the pairing of
players, all in-play to help ensure a great
golf experience for everyone.
Golf Policy Updates - ProShop
With the goal of providing the best golfing experience for all, optimizing
the Tee-Sheet, keeping the pace of play at acceptable levels and
managing the play by guests, the ProShop has implemented and will
proactively operate the revised policies outlined by Ross in his emails to
members. Your Board prompted and supports these changes and
other adjustments that will improve on the overall experience for our
members and guests.
Pro-Shop: 610.268.8800 : 4
www.hartefeldmembers.org 2
Hartefeld National Golf Club
Members Newsletter
August 2016
Your House Committee
The House Committee looks to represent the membership to ClubCorp management, focussing on the aspects of Food
and Beverage services, Long-Term Capital Planning (see below), plus Club Rules issues.
We meet with the club General Manager and his senior team (including the Executive Chef) on a monthly basis and
jointly examine the results of surveys completed by members. We also monitor
social media commentary and more. Please note - the surveys are important and play an active part in the continuing
development of the F&B service at our Club. Please complete them!
In addition, at the monthly meeting we discus managements plans to address any
identified service issues. Additionally we provide the membership viewpoint to club
management as capital investments are considered for the club and the course.
We welcome your input on these key topics, please don't hesitate to contact any of us.
2016 Committee Members: Mike Parry (chair), Joe Hessling, Mary Aikin, Bill Rigler, Tom Hall, Jerry Smith, Rusty Giles,
Glen Carlson
Capital and Maintenance Update
As discussed at the Club House Committee, several new capital
investments have been undertaken, including:
new lighting has been installed at the Club road entrance, lighting the
way for members and guests.
the new Patio Grill has been successfully introduced offering menu
items on our patio evenings, and is proving very popular.
the elevated area overlooking the 9th green is open to members and
guests. Tables and chairs are in place. There is no bar or food waitservice on the roof area, but members can relax as they watch and
encourage (?) their fellow-members as they complete the 9th hole.
the new furniture in the bar, Walker Cup and Restaurant areas has received very positive comment and feedback. It
does look great!
the remainder of the wood floors will be refurbished following the busy period, at year-end.
the House Committee continues to work with Club management on prioritizing future capital items, including Ladies
Locker Room refresh, infrastructure items (phone system update) and more.
HNGC Members Newsletter
Pro-Shop: 610.268.8800 : 4
www.hartefeldmembers.org 3
Hartefeld National Golf Club
Members Newsletter
August 2016
Your Membership Committee
The Membership Committee works closely with the Membership Director. Together we review sponsorship's or get to
know new members that are applying for membership. We are there to welcome new members
through various means - (letter, phone calls, having lunch/dinner, playing a round of golf and at
the new member orientation). We strive to give every new member as much information as
possible about events, golfing opportunities and upcoming programs so they can be a fully
active and satisfied member as soon as possible. We are available along with the Staff to answer
any membership questions/concerns they may have.
We also review membership and incentive program stats to discuss the overall impact on the
clubs total membership. We keep the Board of Governors appraised of important membership
trends and programs.
2016 Committee Members: Tony Felicia (chair), Joe Giordano, Gary Grant, Liz Haskell, Chris Waldron, Ryan Browning,
Ken Comegys, Kyle Myers, Andrew Chickadee, Joe O’Brien
Parking Pains!
The Club membership has long been concerned for the lack of members parking space, particularly at the peak
demand periods of Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, and for events. Many non-members are ignoring the
signs and parking in member-only spaces, for both golf and restaurant use. Hearing of the concern from
members, the Board requested the placement of additional signage to make clear the parking
arrangements, and the introduction of members car windshield stickers. This will enable the better
enforcement by the staff during those peak demand periods. We will trial this possible solution to the
issue and communicate the results. Your assistance in the trial use of the stickers is anticipated. Get your
sticker(s) from Joe O’Brien. Thanks!
Your Events Committee
The Events Committee assists the Club Staff in creating large scale memorable, member-only events. The vision is to
focus on four major events, one per season, that include a high percentage of member participation, build club unity
and increase members' belief and commitment to the membership value proposition (perceived value and true cost).
The Committee is comprised of a segment of Club members who represent the broad interests
of the Club and will typically meet the first Tuesday of the Month (as required) to compete the
tasks required to drive participation in major events. Deliverables can include but are not
limited to: assisting with themes, invitations, onsite set up and décor, member marketing, post
event feedback and other tasks as required by the General Manager and staff.
2016 Committee Members: Shannon Oates-Rivera (chair), Chris Harris, Dana Henderson,
Christine Manfredi, Camellia Henry, Julie Dine, Jacki Ettinger, Cookie Cox, Cathy Jones, Janet
HNGC Members Newsletter
Pro-Shop: 610.268.8800 : 4
www.hartefeldmembers.org 4
Hartefeld National Golf Club
Members Newsletter
August 2016
Things Foodie
The range of food events has expanded and attracted both members and guests to sample Chef Lou’s menu’s and
special events. Our Patio Area has proved very popular, especially when we grill there, offering a range of steaks,
burgers and more while enjoying the unique views of our course.
As the popularity has increased there is more need to book ahead, to make a
reservation for your group, to ensure a great dining experience - both inside or
outside on the patio. The most popular evenings continue to be Wednesday, thru
Greg and his team will work to meet your needs each and every time, but that callahead will help and is essential for the busiest periods of the week and evening.
Have you tried the Sunday morning ala carte Breakfast service offering yet? This is a
great experience, with a wide range of breakfast foods, freshly cooked and served
on the lower patio, or inside. Very special.
Issues with your food or service? The team would like to hear of it, they are anxious
to get it right, so don’t hesitate to ask for the manager at the time and provide an opportunity for it to be rectified and
your meal continue in good order.
The Food & Beverage Committee do actively review the results of member surveys with ClubCorp Management but we
all feel these matters are best resolved at the time.
What Should I Do?
See a walker, jogger, or dog being exercised on our course? HNGC is private, as you are aware.
Non-golfers, home residents and others are not permitted on the course unless they are
golfing members, and are golfing. We strive to maintain a very cordial relationship with our
home residents and it is unsafe for them to be on the course at any time. What should you do?
Immediately call the ProShop and report the circumstances. If you must interact with the
individual, be polite, cordial and point out the risks.
Did your shot inadvertently damage a house? Nobody at home? Leave your name and contact
number. Report the event to the ProShop.
Your ball is in a home garden? You are permitted to search and locate balls on home properties. Please do so
thoughtfully and expeditiously, having regard for the property. Please always be polite and cordial in interacting with the
home residents. Report any issues to the ProShop promptly.
HNGC Members Newsletter
Pro-Shop: 610.268.8800 : 4
www.hartefeldmembers.org 5
Hartefeld National Golf Club
Members Newsletter
August 2016
Weekday Memberships
Weekday-only players continue to be a large part of the Hartefeld Membership. Reflecting this, there is consideration
being given to introducing a Weekday-Players Only competition event for 2017. More information to follow.
Have Something to Contribute?
Like to have your event mentioned here? Like to have your golfing photographs included
her? email them to info@hartefeldmembers.org
Like to serve and contribute regularly to the membership discussions of the Club
operations, planning and course condition/maintenance etc? The Committee chairs would
welcome you joining the committee of your choice. Please contact them via the email
address provided below.
“If I’d have made less strokes, my score would be better”
“The greens are fast, just how I like them!”
“The greens are slow, I like them!”
“Fairways are too green”
“The Tee-Sheet was full, with just a few empty slots”
“I’m here strictly for the golf. I use the bar and
restaurant as well. But I’m really here for the golf.
Another drink?”
HNGC Members Newsletter
Pro-Shop: 610.268.8800 : 4
www.hartefeldmembers.org 6
Hartefeld National Golf Club
Members Newsletter
August 2016
Hartefeld National - Board Members 2016
Bob Jones
Mike Parry
House Committee
Bruce Aikin
Golf Committee
Diana Allen
Board Secretary
Tony Felicia
Membership Committee
Rusty Giles
Co-Chair, House Committee
Joe Hessling
Board Contributor
Jack Martinson
Chair Emeritus
Shannon Oates-Rivera
Events Committee
Ken Nicholas
General Manager - Hartefeld ken.nicholas@clubcorp.com
Members Newsletter
Bob, Tony, Bruce, Mike, Diana, Jack, Shannon, Rusty, Joe - your Board members
HNGC Members Newsletter
Pro-Shop: 610.268.8800 : 4
www.hartefeldmembers.org 7