Dutch activities in ammonia emission research COST729 MC 23-25 April, Lisboa A. Bleeker & J.W. Erisman Main ammonia activities • Trend measurements of NH3/NH4 in different regions • • - Concentrations - Netherlands – 8 sites (RIVM – national monitoring network) - Two regions in North and South – multiple passive sampler sites - Rain Water - Netherland – 15 sites (RIVM – national monitoring network) - Aerosol - Netherland – 5 sites (RIVM – national monitoring network) - Throughfall - Netherland – 5 sites (ECN) Emission research related to: - ‘ammonia gap’ - setting region specific targets Relation between N-flux and GHG emissions How can we evaluate specific ammonia reduction measures for farms? Can we evaluate this on a landscape level instead of controlled experiments at single farms and fields? Which information is needed? Evaluation of reduction measure ? Aim Dutch Policy: • Reduction NH3 emissions from each individual source (housing, storage, fields) Reduction measures for field sources: • Manure application by “low emission” application techniques. - Shallow injection in “trenches” (80% reduction / 10% volatilization ???) • Is this right and are there no other measures possible? - Broadcast spreading and low N-feeding? (also 80% reduction, similar to injection???) Research Location Noardlyke Fryske Wâlden Research Location Reference Area: Alternative Area: Shallow Injection Broadcast Appl. Approach: Source – Receptor coupling Sources: • Farm Housing (red dot) • Fields (Manure Application & Grazing) Receptors: • Airrmonia (green dot) • Passive samplers (blue) Coupling: (2 steps) • Emission model (Huijsmans) • Dispersion model (OPS-ST) Step 1: (First) Emission determination Housing: •Farm database (GIAB) Fields: •Field database (BRP) •Farm management “(Grassland calender)” •Manure / Fertiliser application •Grazing (amount, timing, N-content) •Livestock categories •Livestock numbers •Stable type •NH3 emission from emission & excretion factors. •NH3 emission from emission model & meteo conditions Emission factors • Much discussed in the context of ‘ammonia gap’ • - Initially difference between emission / concentration trends - Later difference between modelled / measured concentrations Indications that difference is caused by: - Wrong emission factors (spreading of manure) - Problems with dry deposition modelling (e.g. issues like compensation point) Research on emission factors • Measurement campaigns to get better insight in • • the open field emissions after manure application Involved parties: - ECN, RIVM, TNO, WUR Comparison between: - WUR Emission model results - Measurements - TDL (ECN) - Lidar (RIVM) Step 2: Dispersion receptor All Housings and Fields source Emission(t) * Emission(t) Housing or Field Emission(t) Emission(t) * Dispersion Contribution (t) = (t,meteo) Dispersion Contribution (t) = (t,meteo) Dispersion Contribution (t) = * (t,meteo) Dispersion Contribution (t) Contribution (t) = Æ (t,meteo) + Concentration compare with time series Compare with receptor NH3 Airrmonia Passive Sampler ‘Field’ emission model (Huijsmans) Regression model: For specific application on grassland fields Volatilization dependent on: 1. Manure properties (TAN content: NH4+ +NH3) 2. Application rate 3. Weather conditions (T, RH, U, Rs) for shallow injection: ln zt = α0 + αt ln(t) + α1 TAN + α2 rate + α3 wind + α4 radiation + α5 temp Dispersion model (OPS-ST) Transport & Dispersion NH3 emission NH3 Air Conc. NH3 dry depo NH4+ Air Conc NH4+ dry depo NHx wet depo Analytical model: Dispersion from a source by Gaussian Plume model Dispersion and Transport are function of height and transport distance Needs: U,Udir,T … Æ Emission height & Turbulence important Result: “Tuned” Field emission model Emission(t) Emission(t) * Emission(t) Emission(t) Tuning * Dispersion Contribution (t) (t,meteo) Dispersion = Contribution (t) = (t,meteo) Dispersion Contribution (t) * (t,meteo) Dispersion (t,meteo) = Contribution (t) Concentration compare with time series Apply “Tuned” Field Emission Model from reference area + Overview • Spatial and Temporal monitoring of Ammonia - Passive samplers (monthly & spatial) - 10 * Sand area alternative spreading - 10 * Sand area normal spreading - 10 * Clay area alternative spreading - 30 * NFW total area - Nitro Europe Landscape scale - Airrmonia (half hourly; so larger temporal distribution) - Sand area alternative spreading - Sand area normal spreading - Campaign with measurements car (TDL) - Spatial variation in short periods Measurements: Airrmonia AiRRmonia, Augustinusga & Houtigehage, Friesland 2007 Houtigehage NH3 Augustinusga NH3 70 60 40 30 20 10 30-4-07 28-4-07 26-4-07 24-4-07 22-4-07 20-4-07 0 18-4-07 ug NH3/m3 50 Site selection 600000 Lauwersmeer 50 Dokkum 595000 3MG December 590000 585000 580000 Leeuwarden 575000 570000 Drachten NH3 565000 Reference Region 1 Region 2,3,4 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 600000 3MG 50 April 595000 590000 585000 580000 575000 9 °C norm=8.3 37 mm 570000 NH3 Reference Region 1 565000 Region 2,3,4 norm=44 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 2006 600000 3MG 50 May 595000 590000 585000 580000 575000 14.5 °C norm=12.7 88 mm 570000 NH3 Reference Region 1 565000 Region 2,3,4 norm=57 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 2006 600000 3MG 50 June 595000 590000 585000 580000 575000 16.7 °C Norm=15.2 28 mm 570000 NH3 Reference 565000 Region 1 Region 2,3,4 Norm=71 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 2006 600000 3MG 50 July 595000 590000 585000 580000 575000 22.3 °C norm=17.4 570000 NH3 29 mm Reference 565000 Region 1 Region 2,3,4 norm=70 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 2006 600000 3MG 50 August 595000 590000 585000 “Natste oogstmaand 580000 in 100 jaar” 575000 16.4 °C norm=17.2 184 mm 570000 NH3 Reference 565000 Region 1 Region 2,3,4 norm=62 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 2006 600000 3MG 50 September 2006 595000 590000 585000 580000 “Warmest in 300 jaar” 575000 17.9 °C norm=14.2 12 mm 570000 NH3 Reference 565000 Region 1 Region 2,3,4 norm=75 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 600000 3MG 50 Oktober 595000 590000 585000 580000 575000 13.6 °C norm=10.3 91 mm 570000 NH3 Reference 565000 Region 1 Region 2,3,4 norm=78 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 2006 600000 3MG 50 November 2006 595000 590000 585000 580000 575000 9.2 °C norm=6.2 78 mm 570000 NH3 Reference 565000 Region 1 Region 2,3,4 norm=82 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 600000 3MG 50 December 2006 595000 590000 585000 580000 575000 6.5 °C norm=4 80 mm 570000 NH3 565000 Reference Region 1 norm=79 Region 2,3,4 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 600000 3MG 50 January 2007 595000 590000 585000 580000 575000 7.1 °C norm=2.8 113 mm 570000 NH3 565000 Reference Region 1 norm=69 Region 2,3,4 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 600000 3MG 50 February 2007 595000 590000 585000 580000 1 575000 6 °C norm=3 78 mm 570000 NH3 565000 Reference Region 1 norm=47 Region 2,3,4 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 600000 3MG 50 March 595000 590000 585000 580000 1 575000 8 °C norm=5.8 69 mm 570000 NH3 565000 Reference Region 1 norm=65 Region 2,3,4 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 2007 600000 3MG 50 April 595000 590000 585000 580000 16 “Warm en dry” 575000 13.2 °C norm=8.3 0.4 mm 570000 NH3 565000 Reference Region 1 norm=44 560000 185000 Region 2,3,4 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 2007 600000 3MG 50 May 595000 590000 585000 Wet 580000 16 575000 14.1 °C norm=12.7 104 mm 570000 565000 NH3 Reference norm=57 Region 1 560000 185000 Region 2,3,4 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 2007 600000 3MG 50 June 595000 590000 585000 580000 16 575000 17.5 °C norm=15.5 95 mm 570000 565000 NH3 Reference norm=71 Region 1 560000 185000 Region 2,3,4 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 2007 600000 3MG 50 July 595000 590000 585000 580000 Verry wet 16 575000 17.0 °C norm=17.4 155 mm 570000 565000 NH3 Reference norm=70 Region 1 560000 185000 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 Region 2,3,4 2007 600000 3MG 50 August 2007 595000 590000 585000 580000 16 575000 17.1 °C norm=17.2 52 mm 570000 565000 NH3 Reference norm=62 560000 185000 Region 1 190000 195000 200000 205000 210000 215000 220000 Region 2,3,4 (2 ) D N kt ob er ec em be r ov em be r O Se pt em be r Au gu st us Ju li Ju ni 2) M ei (2 ) M ei ( Ap ri l Ap ri l M aa rt 25.00 M aa rt Fe br ua ri 3 NH3 [µg/m ] Mean concentrations in each area 2006 30.00 Zand referentie Zand Ontheffing 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Mean concentrations in each area 2007 30.00 25.00 Zand referentie Zand Ontheffing 3 NH3 [µg/m ] 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Januari Februari Maart Maart (2) April (1) April (2) Mei Mei (2) Juni 250 20.00 200 15.00 150 10.00 100 5.00 50 0.00 0 Jan Feb NH3 (2006) Mar Apr NH3 (2007) May Jun P [mm] 2006 Jul Aug P [mm] 2007 Sep Okt T [°C] 2006 Nov Dec T [°C] 2007 P [mm] 25.00 3 NH3 [µg/m ] & T [°C] Measurements: Passive Samplers Using the passive sampler data • Get the spatial information • Are there hot-spots Continuous concentration data at 2 locations Location: Wetterskip Pumping station Continuous monitoring stations 10 km 100 Data availability and coverage NH3 Augustinusga 90 NH3 Houtigehage Augustinesga Sept 2006 - Aug 2007 79 % 80 Houtigerhage Nov 2006 -Aug 2007 95% 60 50 40 30 20 10 12-7-07 11-6-07 11-5-07 10-4-07 10-3-07 7-2-07 7-1-07 7-12-06 6-11-06 6-10-06 5-9-06 0 5-8-06 ug NH3/m3 70 Using the Airrmonia data • High temporal resolution • Check on combination of emission and meteo data • Check models that will also be used for all passive sampler locations Results: Test for Housing Emission NFW3 5000 4000 sampler December 2006 Airrmonia3 Sources Model december Measured [m ] 3000 2000 1000 0 -500 500 1500 2500 [m] 3500 4500 5500 Results: Test for Housing Emission 25 3 NH3 [µg/m ] 20 15 10 5 0 December 2006 airrmonia simple plume model ops-st Results: Test for Fields as well September Wind north No farm BUT manure on fields 100 340 NH3 measured 1953 90 1831 240 80 1754 1548 70 140 1465 1429 60 40 50 1114 1066 1050 -60 40 276 237 30 -160 229 213 20 Wd 3-okt grasland grasland grasland -360 grasland grasland grasland grasland 2-okt 1-okt 29-sep 28-sep 27-sep 26-sep 25-sep 24-sep 23-sep 22-sep 21-sep 20-sep 19-sep 18-sep 17-sep 16-sep 15-sep 14-sep 13-sep 12-sep 11-sep 9-sep 10-sep 8-sep 7-sep 6-sep 5-sep 4-sep 3-sep 2-sep 1-sep 31-aug 0 5 11 13 19 1203 17 18 30-sep 10 -260 1.532 1.169 1.491 1.27 1.109667 1.588 1.186 middag: 12.00-18.0 morgen: 07.00-12. morgen: 07.00-12. morgen: 07.00-12. morgen: 07.00-12. morgen: 07.00-12. morgen: 07.00-12. 14-9-2006 14-9-2006 14-9-2006 14-9-2006 14-9-2006 15-9-2006 15-9-2006 Status of the projects • Finalizing stages • - Emission factor work - Comparison of spreading/feeding measures - Verification measurements NitroEurope Possible extension - Overall NFW work with respect to determining landscape scale targets - Combining NH3 and GHG measurements Thank you for your attention!