Newsletter 02/27/15 - Hamilton Southeastern Schools
Newsletter 02/27/15 - Hamilton Southeastern Schools
LEOPARD NEWS Lantern Road Elementary School•10595 Lantern Road, Fishers, IN 46037•31746037•317-594594-4140 February 27, 2015 “I never met a person from whom I did not learn something.” ~John Wooden PRINCIPAL’S POINTS - I wonder when this weather will break…the million dollar question, right?! ISTEP testing begins next week for students in 3rd and 4th grades. Third graders will test for 3 days and fourth graders will test for 4 days. In the event of a two hour delay, we will continue with our testing schedule in the afternoon. This Sunday, March 1st, is our first ever Mattress Fundraiser. Spread the word! The mattresses will be on display in our gym from 10AM to 6PM. Top name brands like Restonic and Beautyrest are available. Thanks for your support! Have a great weekend!!! Stay warm! SCHOOL LUNCH MENU ROTATION SCHEDULE MARCH CALENDAR MONDAY, MARCH 2ND Taco Triangles Seasoned Black Beans Monday 03/02 Red TUESDAY, MARCH 3RD Cheese Omelet with Bacon Bagel Tuesday 03/03 White MONDAY, MARCH 2ND ISTEP Wednesday 03/04 Green TUESDAY, MARCH 3RD ISTEP Blue WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4TH ISTEP Purple THURSDAY, MARCH 5TH ISTEP WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4TH Cheese & Pepperoni Pizza Bites California Blend Vegetables THURSDAY, MARCH 5TH Cheeseburger on Pretzel Bun Sugar Snap Peas Thursday 03/05 Friday 03/06 FRIDAY, MARCH 6TH Fish Sticks with Macaroni & Cheese Seasoned Carrots CHEF SALAD, PIZZA PACK OR PBJ ARE YOUR ALTERNATE CHOICES SUNDAY, MARCH 1ST LRE Mattress Fundraiser 10:00AM-6:00PM in the LRE Gym FRIDAY, MARCH 6TH ISTEP PTO Pacer Game 7:00PM at Bankers Life Fieldhouse Daily Breakfast = $1.25 Daily Lunch = $2.40 Weekly Lunch = $12.00 Monthly Lunch = $48.00 2nd Semester Lunch (93 Days) = $223.20 SAVE THE DATE: Fishers Elementary and Lantern Road Elementary are having a "Fundraiser Face-off". Whoever sells the most mattresses wins an extra $1,000!!! Lantern Road will have their fundraiser on Sunday, March 1st from 10-6. It's a great way to support your local school, save money compared to retail, AND get a better night's sleep. We'll have over 20 different Simmons & Restonic mattresses to choose that all come with a full factory warranty. SHOP, SUPPORT, & SAVE!! Go to our Facebook Event Invite and join for more information! LANTERN ROAD ELEMENTARY RECEIVES ANOTHER “A” FROM IDOE! Remember, Life Rules are Rules to Live By! PTO NEWS SPARTA PARENT'S NIGHT OUT!! PARENTS…are you ready for a night out? Fliers went home this week for the upcoming Parent's Night Out at SPARTA. Bring your Lantern Road student to SPARTA on Friday, March 27th! Students will participate in our turf sports with instruction in soccer, football, and lacrosse. In addition, kids will participate in miscellaneous games and activities such as kickball and obstacle courses. SPARTA’S coaches always promote anti-bullying as the kids build selfconfidence and learn discipline while engaging in a variety of sports. The cost will be $10 per child and siblings older than Kindergarten are welcome too (LRE PTO will receive 20% back). Please return the completed flier (included signed waiver on back of flier) by March 13. MARKET DAY NEWS It's market day bonus time. Order select desserts this month and earn more money for Lantern Road Elementary. Orders are due to by Thursday 3/13 with pick up on Wednesday 3/18 at 5 pm. Starting at the March sale, we can only accept checks and exact cash for your Market Day order. You may still prepay online with a credit card. BROOKSIDE NEEDS APRONS Our friends over at Brookside (IPS #54) have a new Cooking Club that meets after school and they are in need of aprons for their budding elementary school chefs. Any new or used apron that could fit a child of that age would be appreciated. There are 20 children in the club, so anything that you could contribute would be very gratefully accepted. Please put any items for Brookside in the bin in the entrance way at LRES and we'll make sure it gets where it needs to. Thank you! OUR DIFFERENT ABILITIES Our Different Abilities chairs Jennifer Flinta & Kim Holland are looking for parent volunteers to assist during programs, week of March 23-27. Mon Mar 23 2-2:45 & 2:45-3:30 3rd grade topic: Down's Syndrome; Wed Mar 25 1:30-2:15 (Holt and Catania) & 2:20-3:15 (Walters and Wirthlin) 4th grade topic: Autism. 1st & 2nd grade TBA, likely Mar 24 or 26. No prep needed for volunteers, we'll show you what to do; very easy & fun! Contact Jennifer Flinta to assist 1st & 2nd grades, or Kim Holland 3rd & 4th. ______________________________ HELP MAKE OUR 20TH ANNIVERSARY SPRING CONCERT SPECIAL!! On March 31, the Lantern Road Choirs will be presenting their 20th Spring Concert. To help commemorate this musical milestone, we are inviting past Lantern Road music students to join us and sing along on 3 numbers. If you have a student or a neighbor who sang in one of Lantern Road’s choir, please have them contact Connie LaRocco at ASAP if they want to sing along. Age doesn’t matter….5th grade, 6th grade, high school, college, adult… any past choir members can sing with us if they can attend one rehearsal on March 30 from 8AM – 9AM. The concert will be presented on March 31 at 7PM. I am also looking for pictures from past choir concerts; especially ones from the early years and of the operetta. If you have a favorite picture of your student in one of Lantern Road’s past musical productions, please email me a copy of it. Songs and pictures from the past coupled with some returning musicians make for a fun evening of music. DESTINATION IMAGINATION REGIONAL Creative Problem Solving Competition Hamilton Southeastern Freshman Building 12001 Olio Rd. Fishers 46037 March 14 from 8-2p.m. Free Admission Come see what 21st Century Learning Looks Like DESTINATION IMAGINATION AFFILIATE FINALS Creative Problem Solving Competition Riverside Junior High and Intermediate School 10910 Eller Rd. Fishers 46038 April 18 from 8-3p.m. Free Admission Come see what 21st Century Learning Looks Like KEEP FISHERS BEAUTIFUL OFFERS OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL TO UNITE IN SERVICE Donate your time to make a difference right here in Fishers Keep Fishers Beautiful is a growing initiative right here in Fishers that seeks to improve community engagement, strengthen community pride and maintain high property values benefitting economic opportunities. This one day service event scheduled for Saturday, April 18 from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. offers residents countless ways to get involved. During Keep Fishers Beautiful, there are opportunities to work alongside residents, volunteers, businesses and organizations. The Neighborhood Blitz offers you the opportunity to partner alongside your neighbors, community and friends to complete beautification projects in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Fishers. However, there are also opportunities to complete projects at Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve as part of Spring Service Day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. or other parks in our community. Keep Fishers Beautiful also includes the Spring Recycling Day, where you can finally get rid of unwanted materials at low or no cost. While you’re there, don’t forget to pick up a pack of Keep Fishers Beautiful seeds to plant in the location of your choice! Searching for more information? Contact Dan Domsic and sign up to volunteer today! Visit for details about past events and additional information about the initiative. ________________________________ S.P.O.R.T.S. email: 12690 Promise Rd. Fishers, IN 46038 (317) 845-5582 FISHERSFISHERS-HSE YOUTH BASEBALL EVALUATIONS Rec league evaluation dates are listed below. It is very important that every player attend their designated evaluation session. Players should report 10 minutes prior to their scheduled time. Evaluations are held at both Fishers High School Auxiliary Gym and HSE Auxiliary Gym. Please see location for your specific grade. 5th and 6th Grade - Saturday, February 28 - HSE Auxiliary Gym Last name A-H - 2:30 p.m. Last name I-O - 4:00 p.m. Last name P-Z - 5:30 p.m. 7th and 8th Grade - Sunday, March 1 - Fishers Auxiliary Gym Last name A-M - 12:00 p.m. Last name N-Z - 1:00 p.m. S.P.O.R.T.S. CONTINUED SPRING 2015 REGISTRATION UPDATE Open registration for baseball, softball, soccer, boys and girls lacrosse, rugby, and track and field is closed. High school girls lacrosse is closed. All other sports have limited openings and are accepting registrations with a $10 late fee. Register as soon as possible to get a spot! Contact the S.P.O.R.T.S. office for more information or visit our website, S.P.O.R.T.S. USED ATHLETIC GEAR FUNDRAISER – CLEAN OUT YOUR GARAGE AND CLOSETS! Friday, February 27 – 4:00-8:00 p.m. Saturday, February 28 – 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Bring your used athletic gear to the Billericay Park S.P.O.R.T.S. office parking lot and we will sell the equipment to our sponsor . Any equipment not bought will be donated to the Christamore House of Indianapolis. The money raised will be used to benefit those in the S.P.O.R.T.S. program. All used sports and exercise equipment will be accepted. Click here for flyer and more information. FISHERSFISHERS-HSE YOUTH SOFTBALL EVALUA T I O NS Players are requested to arrive 10 minutes before their scheduled time. Registration will be required and girls will go through the evaluation in groups. All girls interested in pitching should report to the pitching evaluation. Please allow 45-60 minutes to complete the entire evaluation process. Please note that there are no evaluations for 5/6 or 8U players. HSE High School Auxiliary Gym Saturday, March 7 8U – All-Stars Only – 12:30 p.m. 10U – Last name A-L – 12:45-2:30 p.m. 10U – Last name M-Z – 2:30-4:30 p.m. Sunday, March 8 12U – 1:00-2:30 p.m. 14-18U – 2:45-4:30 p.m. FISHERSFISHERS-HSE YOUTH SOFTBALL REC ALLALL-STARS document/0070/4119/Softball_All_Stars_FAQs_02-1115.pdf for information and FAQs FISHERSFISHERS-HSE YOUTH BASEBALL UMPIRES NEEDED Have you ever been interested in umpiring youth baseball? Fishers-HSE Baseball is looking for students ages 14 and up that would be interested in learning the fundamentals of baseball umpiring and earning some extra spending money for the summer. Please e-mail the following information to: Full name, phone number, age and experience in baseball (boys) or softball (girls). We will be hosting a training clinic in March at Billericay fields and the information above will get you added to our contact list. This is a great opportunity to help our baseball stars of tomorrow by being on the field as umpires. We look forward to hearing from you! Keep Lantern Road Safe, Treat People Right, and Do the Right Thing...Even If You Don’t Feel Like It!