Premium Line Service Valves
Premium Line Service Valves
lndustry Compliance Access fittings manufactured and sold by C&D Valve meet ARI Standard 720-2002 and are manufactured and packaged in the U.S.A. Guarantee C&D Valve products are unconditionally warranted against detective material and workmanship, and will perform to complete satisfaction when used with our instructions. Custom Parts C&D Valve has the ability to customize parts to meet special requirements. Combine an existing brass body from our wide selection ... ar a new one with tu bes of different sizes, bent, swagged and flared. P/easecontact us for more information at 1-800-654-9233 or •G>N iliENTS PremiumLineServiceValves ........... . .. . . . ...... . .. Page 4 StandardLineServiceValves . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . . ..... . . . . Page 5 EconomyLineServiceValves .......................... BrassAccessBodies ........... Page 5 . . ..... .... . . ..... . . . ... Page 6 CopperAccessTees ....................... . ..... . . . ... Page 7 Braze-OnServiceValves . .. ..... .. ..... .... . . . ..... Pages 8, 12 Cla_mp-On ServiceValves . . .. .. .. . . ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... Page 9 BV-CRT's and ServiceTools ... . . .... .. .... .. ..... . .... Page 1o CoreRemovalTools ..... . .... . . . .... . .. .. . . .. ... . . .. . Page 11 CRTAccessories.. .. ..... . .... . . . ..... .. .. . . .. ... . . .. . Page 12 SuperheatKits .. .... ... . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . . ... . .. . . . . .. Page 13 ServiceKits .... .. .... . .. ..... .. .......... .. ..... . .... Page 13 CoreDepressors . ...... . ..... .. ..... . .... .. ..... . .... Page 14 "SureSeal"RetainingCouplers. .... ... ... . . .. ... . . ... Page 14 Adapters/Couplers .... . ..... .. ..... . .... .. .... . .. ... Page 15 TeeConnectors . . .. ... . ...... . . . . . .. . .... . . .. . . . . .. . . Page 16 Other Connectors..... .. ..... .. .. . .. . .... . . ... . . . .... Page 17 BlowerWheel Pullers.. .. .................. "FasTap" Pliers.. .............. .. .... .. ... Page 18 . .... .. . ... . . ..... . . .... Page 18 LockingCapsand Keys . ..... .. ... .... . . . ...... . ..... Page 19 Oil Cap/CapTubes/CoreHolders ...... . . . ...... . ..... Page 20 Caps/Parts/0-Rings....................... Productlndex ......................... . ... .. . . ... Page 21 .. .......... .. . Page 22 Termsand Conditionsof Sale .. .... ... ... . . ... .... .. . Page 23 Warning: Safety glassesshould alwaysbe worn when working with refrigerants. Contact with refrigerants may causeinjury. © copyright 2015 C&DValve,LLC Manufacturedand packagedin U.S.A. Premium Line ServiceVa/ves PART#CD3434 PKGQTY: 6 3/ 16" coppert ubing , 1/8 " coppe r bu shin g, wrench cap and core PART# CD3436 PKG QTY: 6 1/4" copper tubing , 3/16" copper bu shin g, wrench cap and core PART# CD3456 PKGQTY: 6 5/ 16" coppertubing , 1/ 4" copper bu shing , wrench cap and core PART# CD3602 PKGQTY: 6 1/4" copper tubing, 3/16" & 1/8" copper bushings, w rench cap and core PART# CD3603 PKGQTY: 6 3/16" copper tub ing, w rench cap and core PART# CD3604 PKGQTY: 6 1/ 4" copper tu bing , w rench cap and core PART# CD3608 PKGQTY: 6 1/8" copper tu bing, wrenc h cap and core PART# CD3600 PKGQTY: 6 PART# CD3688 PKGQTY : 25 1/8" 10 ho le, 3/ 16: 1/ 4'; 5/ 16"step s Used with T36 Series. 2 lock nut s include d wit h packaged access valves. 1/ 8" MPT belo w hex w rench cap and core CD3600 val ve can be adap ted t o serve yo u in the follo w ing w ays: 1/ 8" copp ertube 5/ 16" coppertube i 1 1 1 1 1 1/ 4" coppe rtu be 1/ 2" copper tub e ,,---r:r-n \J !. ______ 1 1 1 1 1 1 3/ 8" coppe r tube \I, braze 3/16" t ip into 1/ 4" line or larger Standard Line Service Valve PART#CD1010 PKG QTY:6 1/8" copper tubing wrench cap and core PART#CD1212 PKG QTY: 6 3/ 16" copper tubing wrench cap and core PART#CD2525 PKGQTY: 6 1/ 4" copper tubing wren ch cap and core PART#CD3605 PKG QTY: 6 5/16" copper tubing wrench cap and core PART#CD3606 PKGQTY: 6 3/ 8" copper tubing wrench cap and core PART#CD3619 PKG QTY:6 1/8 " ID hole, 3/ 16'; 1/ 4'; 5/ 16" steps wren ch cap and core Economy Line Service Valve PART#CD8408 PKG QTY: 6 1/8 " coppertubing cap and core PART#CD8403 PKGQTY: 6 3/ 16" copper tubing cap and core PART#CD8404 PKG QTY:6 1/4" copper tubing cap and core PART#CD8405 PKGQTY: 6 5/ 16" copper tubing cap and core PART#CD8406 PKG QTY:6 3/ 8" copper tubing cap and core PART#CD8400 PKG QTY:6 1/ 8" ID hole, 3/ 16'; 1/ 4'; 5/ 16" steps CD2245 cap and core PART#CD1200 PKGQTY: 6 3/ 16" IDho le, 1/4: 5/ 16" OD steps PART#CD1960 PKGQTY:6 PART#CD2500 PKGQTY: 6 Fiare 9/ 16"1ong, Hex 7/16 "deep , 1/4"0D step 1/4" ID hole, 1/4" , 5/16" OD step PART#CD2506 PKGQTY:6 PART#CD8400 PKGQTY:6 1/ 4" ID hole, 3/8" OD step 1/8" 1D hole, 3/ 16: 1/4",5/ 16"step, CD2245 capa nd core BULKHEAD PART#CD3338 PKGQTY:6 3/16" ID hole, 1/4"0D step, 3/8" OD steps PART#CD3346 PKGQTY:6 1/ 4" ID hole, 3/ 8"0D step, 7/ 16" OD steps PART#CD2243 PKGQTY:6 Fiare length extended to 3/4: solde r end - 1/B" ID, 3/ 16~ 1/4: 5/ 16"0D steps (CD2217 cap) PART# CD3358 PKG QTY:4 5/16" ID, 1/2" OD step PART#CD2576 PKGQTY:3 Fiare leng th exte nd ed to 5/8: PART# CD3368 PKGQTY:4 solde r end - 1/4" 1D, 11/32"0D 3/8 " ID, 1/2" OD step PART # CD4545 PKGQTY:6 9/32" ID and 1/4" OD steps PART # CD3600 PKGQTY:6 1/B"IDhole, 3/ 16: 1/4~ 5/16 : steps, 1/ 8"MPT below hex wre nch cap and core PART# CD5055 PKGQTY:6 7/ 32" and 5/ 16" OD steps Copper AccessTees PART# CD8426 PKG QTY: 2 PART# CD8414 PKG QTY: 2 3/ 8"x 3" tube, expanded to 3/8" 1Don oneen d For 1/4' coppertube PART# CD8434 PKG QTY: 2 For3/ 4" coppert ube PART# CD8416 PKG QTY:2 PART# CD8427 PKGQTY: 2 For 5/ 16" rnppe r tube 1/2" x 3" tub e, expanded to 1/2" 1D on one end PART# CD8478 PKG QTY: 2 For 718" copper tube PART# CD8438 PKG QTY: 2 For 3/8' copper tu be PART# CD8428 PKG QTY: 1 5/ 8"x 3" tube, expanded to 5/S" ID on oneen d PART# CD8420 PKG QTY: 2 1/4"x 3" tube , expanded to 1/4" ID on one end PART# C08412 PKG QTY: 2 For 1/2" copper tube PART# C08429 PKG QTY: 1 PART# CD842S PKG QTY: 2 3/ 4" x 3" tub e, expanded to 3/4" ID on one end 5/16"x 3" tube, expanded to 5/16" on one end PART# CD8458 PKG QTY: 2 For 5/ 8' copper tube PART# CD8431 PKG QTY: 1 7/S" x 3" tub e, expanded to 3/4" ID on one end PART# CDS421 PKG QTY: 2 PART# C08S0S PKG QTY: 2 5/16"x 2· refrigeration tube 5/16" 1D and 3/S" OD 3/ 8" .~-__. ---'-- --+"= L .... ········ r ····:, 1/4' 1D and 5/16 " 0D wi ll service 114: 5/ 16: 3/8 " PART# CD8504 PKGQTY: 2 1/4' 1Dand3/8"0 D PART# C08S06 PKG QTY: 2 3/8"1D and 1/2"0D PART# C08432 PKG QTY: 1 1-1/8" x 4• t ube, expanded to l- 1/8" IDononeend M-SERIES Braze-on Service Valves The M-Series is the first and best braze-on , self-p iercing copper saddle valve. lt is widely used and easily install ed on a charged line. After brazing the saddle portion onto lin e, the steel pin with valve core penetrates th e lin e and is locked int o place simply by tightening the cap. Available in sizes ranging from 1/ 4" to 1-1/ 8". PART#CD5512 PKGQTY:4 PART#CD5518 PKGQTY:2 PART#CD5534 PKGQTY:2 Copper saddlefor 1/2" 1ine Copper saddlefor 1-1/ S" lin e Copper saddle far 3/ 4" lin e PART#CD5516 PKGQTY:6 PART#CD5558 PKGQTY:3 PART#CD5578 PKGQTY:3 Copper sadd le far 5/ 16" lin e Copper sadd le far 5/8 " lin e Copper saddlefor 7/ 8" 1ine PART#CD5514 PKGQTY:6 PART#CD5538 PKGQTY:6 Copper sadd le far 1/ 4" lin e Copper saddl e fa r 3/ 8" lin e ,,...... .. ~ PART # CD2814 PKGQTY:6 ' ' 1/ 4" brass saddle PART#CD2816 PKGQTY:6 5/ 16" brass saddle PART#CD2838 PKGQTY:6 3/ 8" brass sadd le PART # CD2812 PKGQTY:4 General Specifications: • Valve core and cap. • Plated steel body. COA360 brass saddle. • Four-way seal between body and saddle. 1/ 2" brass saddle lnstallation lnstruction: PART#CD2834 PKGQTY:2 • Presssaddle onto line firmly (use pliers). 3/ 4" brass sadd le • Apply flux and braze to line. PART#CD2878 PKGQTY:2 • Al low to cool. 7/ 8" brass saddle • Screw body with core into saddle. PART # CD2818 PKGQTY:2 1-1/ 8" brass saddle • Evacuateand charge system. Replacecap. Clamp-on Service Valves A line tap valve that is easy to use. Five individual sizes for special access jobs . Step 1 Place aluminum channel on line. lnsert aluminum slide into grooves on channel. Viton gasket for heat extremes. Step 2 Grip slide and channel with pliers. Place steel pin in body and screw into place. PART# CD2140 PKG QTY: 2 Step 3 Holding grip on channel and slides, tighten steel housing . Unique torque action provide s permanent clamp. For 1/ 4" lines. PART# CD2160 PKGQTY:2 For 5/ 16" lines. PART# CD2380 PKGQTY: 2 For 3/8" lines. PART# CD2120 PKG QTY: 2 For 1/2" lines. PART# CD2580 PKG QTY: 2 For 5/8" lines. l!INE TAP VAL\lE The CD4338 and CD4358 line tap valves pierce with a needle which automatically retracts and back seats when work is complete. The refrigerant line remains free of any restriction. No special installation tools are needed beca use socket head screws and hex wrench are included with every valve. These dependable and field-proven valves are easy to install and suita ble with ali refrigerants . PART# CD4358 PKGQTY: 1 Fits 1/2" and 5/ 8" tu bes. PART#CD4338 PKGQTY: 1 Fits 1/ 4", 5/ 16" and 3/ 8" tubes. Step4 Continue to tighten steel housing. Neoprene gasket on pin gives long-life seal. Premium Line Service Valves The original CRThas been improved with a ba/1 va/ve design. Two BV-CRTmodels from which to choose. Compact size for working in close quarter s. Works with existing CRTaccessories. More durable w ith a stainless steel ball and brazed side fitting . More convenient to use. The BV-CRTworks the same as our original CRT. lt removes a valve core from a 1/4" male fiare access fitting without loss of refrigerant. Because it has a ball valve inside rather than a stem-type valve, the tool can be closed with justa quarter turn . With the valve core out , many operations can be performed including : • Replacing a bad core • Adding or removing refrigerant • Measuring interna! temperature (CD3975 required - see next page) • Measuring system pressure by attaching a gauge to the wide port of CD3930 Interna! Tempera ture Thermometers ..... . Thread Chaser ............................ Pick...... . ........ . .......... .. .......... Extractor Rod ............................. Tube Piercing Attachment.... . . . . . . . . . . . . CD3975 CD3916 CD3915 CD5577 CD3090 CD3920 PKGQTY: 1 BV-CRTfor 1/ 4" flare connections . / CD3930 PKGQTY: 1 BV-CRTfor 1/4" flare connections and has 1/4"male fiare side access port. CD39S6 PKGQTY: 1 BV-CRTfor 5/ 16" fiare connections and has 1/4"male fiare side access port. Front Coupler 1/ 4" Fiare Core Removal Tools Al/ accessory too/s are compatible with CD3900, CD3910, CD3920, CD3930, and CD3956 PART#CD5577 PKGQTY:1 Valve core grappler and extractor . Remo ves core without loss of refrig erant. PART # CD3090 PKGQTY: 1 Punches a ho le in cop per tubin g through a V-Series fittin g (see page 12) for the in st allat ion of acore with o ut loss of refri geran t. PART#CD3975 PKGQTY:1 A th ermom eter to obtain a temper ature reading through an access fitting far calculating sup erheat (see page 12). PART#CD3910 PKGQTY: 1 Our or iginal 1/ 4" fiar e thumb screw shut -off core remo val too l. Has 1/ 4" male fiar e sid e access port w ith bra ss cap. PART#CD3916 PKGQTY: 1 A thre ad cha ser to clean and align the interna! threads of an access fitting . t PART#CD3917 PKGQTY:1 CD391 S and CD3916 tog eth er as a kit. PART#CD3915 PKGQTY: 1 A pick to extracta bro ken core from a hou sing with out loss of refrig erant. Has left hand thr eads. PART#CD3900 PKGQTY: 1 Same as th e CD3910 except w ith no sid e port. Works with all accessories. C&D Val ve guarantees it s workma nship . Grappler and Extractor Rod-Push down, grab core, unscrew and pull up. \ Shut-off valve w ith neoprene sleeve expa nds, closing off system after core is removed / 1/4" F emale Fiare Coupler o-r ing sealing system \ 1/4" Male Fiare - Hose may be attached, shut - off valve opened , and vacuum pulled if desired. CRTAccessoriesand Replacement Parts PART# CD3975 PKGQTY:1 • • • • • LCD Read Out Swivel Head On-Off Swit ch, Hold Test Switch Spare Battery Temperature Range 58° -+ 302 F 0 lnstallation lnstructions 1. Braze V-Series fitting onto line. 2. Attach main body of CRTto fitting. 3. Attach TPAto the CRT body , screw down needle to pierce hole in tubing until it bottoms out. lt will not go through the other side of tube . 4. Pull back TPA hand le. Shut off system with CRT shut off valve. Remove TPA from the CRT. Attach regular CRT rod with core. Open shut-off valve. Screw core into V fitting. Remove CRT. ~ALVES V-Series 1/4" (03094 5/ 16" (03096 PKG QTY: 6 PKG QTY:6 3/8" (03098 PKG QTY: 6 1/2" (03092 PKG QTY: 4 5/8" (03095 PKG QTY: 3 3/4" (03034 PKG QTY: 2 7/8" (03078 PKG QTY: 2 1-1/8" (03018 PKG QTY: 2 PART# CDSSSS PKGQTY:1 Set AII the rings necessary to repair any CRT,except the ones in the chuck that grab th e core stem. PART#CD5560 PKGQTY:1 The shut-off stem wit h molded neop rene shut-off gland for (03900 and (03910. Brass stem knob, retaining nut and gland, all in one piece. PART#CD5577 PKGQTY:1 The brass rod wit h ch uck, rear end sealing nut, and knob, all in one piece. PART# CD3970 PKGQTY: 1 Combines CD391o With CD3930BV-CRT and CD3975thermometer -- ---·¡---· --·.... ---CD,_, CONO> CDM04 CDl401 CD3113 CD.JeOS CDN11 c..... .. ___ c..... """'° CDS5U ...:_WII.. c,, ,.. ....,.,v,('/t''UIIII .... -> ........ l~": - ""'"--' ..""'"'-••t' .. 'IJr••_.., l COS050 CD20H .. • '.«) CD4338 ...... •..~· .,... _, .... CDUOO _,, COMO> CDMoe CD8'03 --·- ·--- .·.:-·,. C DH45 ... _-:, Access Fitting Service Kit Appliance Service Kit Part# CD9510SVK - case size 8.5 x 4.5" Part# CD9530SVK - case size 8.5 x 4.5" C 0 &43" \,~ 1 1 ::,,,, __ } 1 f . .. .-·! -·~ -.---·- .-·I ...-··r--·-·· ·· cos s, , coss>e c a &sk cos.s7• c ososo ' ·- - ~02.u! CD840J COl"OS CD961 1 - _ c .~ss1.• • 1 ,. _ Refrigeration Service Kit- 9560 Refrigeration Service Kit - 9580 Part# CD9560SVK - case size 8.5 x 11" Part# CD9580SVK - case size 8.5 x 11" These thumbs crew core dep ressors are d esig n ed to be used on th e end of a charging hose. When atta ched t oa n access fitting , th ey can depr ess th e valve core and contr o l th e flow of gas. PART#CD2060 PKG QTY: 1 For 1/ 4" male flar es. PART#CD2050 PKG QTY: 1 For 3/ 16" m ale fiar es. This also means the core can be shut off before di sconnectin g, thu s avoiding a spit back on yo ur hand . The seals in each part have broad comp atibilit y w ith a II ref rigera nts. The CD2070 is uniqu e in th at it has an int ern a! shut -o ff th at also hold s gas in th e hose w hen di sconnect ed. PART#CD2070 PKG QTY: 1 PART#CD5050 PKG QTY: 1 For 1/4" male fiares. Depr esses valve core and control s flow . Back seat s and retain s gas in the hou se. For 1/ 4" male flar es. Made sm all for use in tight qu art ers. PART#CD5060 PKG QTY: 1 PART# CD2080 PKG QTY: 1 5/16 " F. fiare com pact thumb screw cor e depressor. 5/ 16" F. fi are comp act th u mb screw co re depressor. Reliable and easy to use, th e bod y ofthis valve is construct ed with th e sam e dur abl e design as our BV-CRT's. l nstall th e CD4040 o n th e end of a charging hose and minimiz e refrig erant loss during C&D PART# CD4040 PKG QTY: 1 servicing . A quarter turn of the handl e makes qui ck work of shutting on and off . Straight flo w through design o ffers maximum flow rate. The brass depressor tip full y engag es valve cor e. 1/ 4" female fiare swivel, d epressor tip x 1/ 4" m . fiare. When attach ed to an access fitting , th e "Sure Seal " Ret aining Coupler auto matically opens and d e presses th e val ve core all in o ne actio n. When di sconnected , it trap s refrigerant in the charging hose. Leave it perman ently installed on th e end of th e ho se. The seals are compatibl e with newer refrigerant s, and if int erna! part s need replacing , a parts kit is availabl e. 1/4" female fiar e retain er x 1/4" FPT. 1/ 4" female fi are "Sure Seal" retain er x 1/ 4" male fiare. PART#CD2098 PKGQTY: 1 1/ 4" female fiare ret ain er x 1/8" FPT. 90º 1/ 4" female fi are retainer x 1/4" male fi are. PART#CD2037 PKGQTY: 1 PART# CD2084 PKG QTY: 1 1/ 4" female fiare ret ainer x 3/ 8" m ale flare. 1/ 4" female fiar e retain er x 1/ 4" MPT. COUPLERS PART# CD1414 PKGQTY:2 (CD2250cap) 1/4"flare accessx 1/4" MPT PART# CD2020 PKGQTY:1 1/4" female fiarehex x 1/2" maleAcme PART # CC1414 PKGQTY:2 (CD2245cap) PART#CD1441 PKGQTY:1 1/4" flareaccessx 1/4" fiare, valve coreand fiare nut included(no cap). PART # CD1818 PKGQTY:6 (CD2250cap) 1/4"flare accessx 1/8" MPT PART # CC1818 PKGQTY:6 (CD2245cap) PART#CD1819 PKGQTY: 3 (CD2250cap) 1/4" flare accessx 1/8" MPT,elbow, 1/4" 1Don MPTend. PART # CC1819 PKGQTY:3 (CD2245cap) PART # CD2000 PKGQTY: 1 1/4"female fiare swivel x 1/4" malefiareaccess. Depressor tip and seal, no valve core. PART#CD201 O PKGQTY: 1 1/4"female fiare swivel x 1/4" malefiareaccess. 90°configuration.Depressor tip and seal, no valvecore. PART#CD2012 PKGQTY:1 1/4" female fiare swivel x 1/2" male Acme. Depressor tip and seal. PART # CD2014 PKGQTY:1 1/4" female fiareswivel x 1/4" malepipe thread. Depressor tip and seal. PART#CD2018 PKGQTY: 1 1/4" female fiareswivel x 1/8" malepipe thread. Depressortip and seal. PART# CD2019 PKGQTY: 1 1/4" femalefiareswivel x 1/8" female pipe threads. Depressortip and seal. PART# CD2022 PKGQTY:1 3/8"femalefiare hex x 1/2" maleAcme PART#CD2028 PKGQTY:1 1/2"Acmefemaleswivel x 1/4" malefiare. Depressortip and seal. PART # CD2023 PKGQTY:1 1/4"femalefiare swivel x 3/8" malefiare. Depressor tip and seal. PART#CD1441 PKGQTY:1 1/4"femalefiarex 1/4" femalepipe threads. Depressor tip and seal. PART#CD2056 PKGQTY: 1 5/ 16female fiarex 1/4" malefiareadapter. PART#CD5013 PKGQTY:1 Rl 34aretrofit adapter, straight low sidestem (13MM)x 1/4"f. fiare, bluecap. PART#CD5016 PKGQTY:1 Rl34aretrofit adapter straight high side stem (16MM)x 1/4" female fiare,red cap. PART # CD5014 PKGQTY: 1 Sameas CD5036except for 1/4" male fiare. PART#CD5036 PKGQTY: 1 1/4" adapter to 3/ 16" fittings (GMcars, for instance), contains depressorpin. PART#CD9601 PKGQTY: 2 1/4" male fiare x 1/4" flare nut with /depressor tip x 1/4" male fiare on the branch with one valve core. PART# CD9602 PKG QTY: 2 1/4" male fiare with valve core x 1/4" male fiare x 1/4" female fiare nut with depressortip on the branch. PART#CD9603 PKGQTY: 2 AII brass 1/4" female fiare nut with valve core x 1/4" female fiare nut with depressor tip on the branch. PART#CD9621 PKGQTY: 2 Sameas CD9601but without depressor tip. PART#CD9622 PKGQTY: 2 Sameas CD9602but without depressor tip. PART#CD9623 PKGQTY: 2 1/4" male fiare x 1/4" male fiare with two valve cores but no caps. PART#CD9606 PKG QTY: 2 1/4" male fiare accessx 1/4" male fiare nut with depressor x 1/4" fiare nut with depressor tip on the branch, cap and valve core included. PART# CD9611 PKG QTY: 2 Forged brass tee, 1/4" female fiare n ut w ith d epressor tip x 1/4" male fiare accessx 1I 4" male fla re accessx 1/4" male fiare accesson branch w ith one valve core. PART#CD9627 PKG QTY: 2 Sameas CD9603but without depressor tip . PART#CD9627 PKG QTY: 2 Sameas CD9611but without depressortip. A/11/4" Fiares are Threaded for Va/ve Cores PART#CD9614 PKG QTY: 2 Forged brasstee, 1/4" MPTx 1/4" m. fiare x 1/4" m. fiare on branch, one cap and valve core. PART#CD9616 PKG QTY: 2 Forged brass tee, 1/4" m. fiare x 1/8" MPTx 1/4" m. fiare on branch, one cap and valve core. PART#CD9615 PKG QTY: 2 Forged brasstee, 1/4" m. fiare x 1/4"m. fiare x 1/4" MPT on branch, one cap and valve core. PART#CD9620 PKG QTY: 2 Forged brasstee, 1/4" m. fiare x 1/4" m. fiare x 1/8" MPTon branch, one cap and valve core. PART#CD2613 PKG QTY: 1 Two l /4"female connect ions with o-ring seals and 1/4" male fiare (wit hout core) PART#CD1446 PKG QTY: 1 1/ 4" female swive l fiare x l / 4" female swive l fiare. No depressor tips. PART# CD1450 PKG QTY: 2 1/ 4" male fiare access x 1/4"f. fiare adapter , with one valve core and copper gasket. at right ang le for connec tin g needs. PART#CD5044 PKG QTY: 1 On the branch is a 1/4" male fiare, no core, and the other end a 1/4 " fema le fiare swivel with an o-ring seal. PART#CD8725 PKGQTY: 2 The CD8725 has a gasket in the PART#CD1454 PKGQTY: 2 1/ 4" male fiare swivel nut x l / 4" access with in stalled valve core, all brass tube has depressor tip . l /4 " hex nut. The valve body is stationary . When threads of existin g system fittings are stripp ed anda new core won 't go in, use this. lt has a core and no depressor tip. PART#CD9640 PKG QTY: 1 Two 1/4" male fiares, one wit h core in a U shape. At the side is a 1/ 4" fema le fiare with depressor tip. PART#CD2594 PKGQTY: 2 A l -l / 4" piece of l / 4" copper tubing, double flared on onee nd wi th a l / 4" female fiare nut and a depressed tip. PART#CD9644 PKG QTY: 1 Same as (09640, with th e addition of a l /4" male fiare opposite th e 1/ 4" fema le fiare. PART#CD2595 PKGQTY: 2 The same as CD2594, only the end oft he copper tube oppos ite the fema le fla re has been swaged to allow 1/4" copper tube in serted for brazing . PART# CD2597 PKGQTY: 2 The same as CD2594, only a 1/ 4" mal e fiare fitting has been brazed on. Acore may be in serted in the l / 4" male fiare, but not provided. For special OEM needs, we can extend the coppe r tubing to any lengt h. For specific OEM needs C&D Va/ve a/so manufactures custom components and assemblies A Professional Tool Fast and easy! A simple method to remove blower whee/ from shaft without damage to blower, blower motor or shaft. PART# CD3SOS PKGQTY: 1 1-1/ 4" hub only PART#CD3S1SPKG QTY: 1 1-3/ 8" hub only PART#CD3S70 PKGQTY: 1 Blower w hee l puller kit conta in s all sizes PART# CD3S2S PKGQTY: 1 1-1/ 2" hub only PART# CD3S40 PKGQTY : 1 Drive bolt PART# CD3S4S PKG QTY: 1 Drive bolt and shank PART# CD3S3S PKGQTY: 1 1-5/ 8" hub only PART#CD3SOO PKG QTY: 1 Drive bolt, shank and 1- 1/4" hub PART#CD3S10 PKGQTY : 1 ••- PART#CD3SSS PKGQTY : 3 Set screw PART# CD3560 PKGQTY: 1 Allen wrench - 5/ 32" Drive bolt, shank and 1-3/8" hub PART#CD3520 PKGQTY : 1 Drive bolt, shank and 1- 1/2" hub PART#CD3530 PKGQTY : 1 Drive bolt, shank and 1-5/ 8" hub PART# CD4311 PKGQTY: 1 Fast refrigerant recovery with pliers that clamp on and pierce tube. Workson tubing sizes from 1/4" to 7/ 8''. Pliersare simple to use and light weight. Piercingtip is self sharpening, but also easily replaceable. PART#CD4314 PKG QTY: 1 Replacement piercing tip . lnstructions: Connect service ho se to fitting on pliers . Size locking plier s to tubing for proper clamping. Align tip to center of tubing and clamp down. Recove r refrigerant. PART#CD4315 PKG QTY: 2 Replacementgasketsfor pliers. Refrigerant Locking Cap Driver PART # CD3830 PKGQTY: 1 Your one too/ to remove industry standard /ocking caps • 3 bits for access to C&DValve, *Novent and *ShieldCap. Cap Driver Replacement Bits PART # CD3831 / Red- Novent PART # CD3832 / Green- Novent PART # CD3833 / Silver - C&D - Shield • Noventis a registeredtrademarkof the Rector Sea! Corporationand Shieldis a registered trademarkof JB Industries/ne. • 3 driver bits. • Magnetic tip securelyholds bits in place. • Bits stored in handlefor convenient access and storage. • Compactdesign helps allow access in tight spots. Valve Core Torque Driver PART # CD3815 PKG QTY: 1 Calibrated to install standard refrigeration valve cores to 4-5 in-lbs. per ARI 720-2002 . Driver has torque "breakaway" feature that disengages the driver w hen the proper torque is reached. No need to listen far a "click". Driver torque in reverse is non-limiting . This allows foras much torque as necessary to remove difficult cores. Locking Refrigerant Safety Cap Keep Refrigerant Where lt Belongs ... Workswith Standard va/ve corekey • HelpPreventUnauthorizedAccess • Locksin place to preventrefrigerantloss • MeetsCMC(CaliforniaMechanicalCode) and Title24 • 1106.3.1RefrigerantServicePorts • Meets/MC7701.10and/RCM7411.6 '~ ~ 1/4" locking Caps 5/16" locking Caps PART # CD2290/2 PKGQTY: 2 PART # CD2295/2 PKGQTY: 2 PART # CD2290/10 PKGQTY: 10 PART # CD2295/10 PKGQTY: 10 PART # CD2290/50 PKGQTY: SO PART # CD2295/50 PKGQTY: SO PART#CD1808 PKG QTY: 1 The Oil Tapis in stalled on a semi-hermetic compressor for the changing of oi l and testing procedures. The int erna! pressure helps discharge the oil from the crankcase and acid tests can be made wh ile the comp ressor is running. lt allows the add iti o n by vacuum or remova l by pressure of oil whi le compressor is running. You can detect hazardous refrigerant pooling in the crankcase before start -up and contro l the removal using a compound gauge. The oil tap can be perm anent ly installed. PART# CD2540 PKG QTY: 1 Factory made double fiare connection, used in such ways asan externa! equa lizer tube on an expansion valve. 36" of copper tube with doubl e fiares on swivel on each end, no depr essor tips. PART# CD2541 PKG QTY: 1 Same as CD2540, w ith a depressor tip on one end. PART# CD2542 PKG QTY: 1 Same as CD2540, w ith a depressor tip on each end. PART# CD2540 PART# CD3813 PKG QTY: 1 Core conta iner w ith wrenc h, all brass w ith knurl for easy handling , compact design holds three valve cores. PART# CD3805 PKGQTY: 1O Plastic tube container with six valve cores and one core wrench tool. Only available in a display box of 1o. PART# CD3800 PKG QTY: 1 Two (2) tool s - acore w rench and thread chaser. Comes w ith six (6) cores. Overall length is 3-1/2". CD2210 CD2213 CD2214 CD2215 CD2216 CD2217 CD2218 CD2220 CD2221 CD2225S CD2225T CD2235 CD2245S CD2245T CD2250S CD2250T CD2255 CD2260 CD2265 l/4"flare blackglass-filled nylon cap w ith neoprene o- ring seal ............................................................ 25 3/ l 6"flare black glass-lilled nylon cap with neoprene o-ring seal ... .................. . ....................................... 6 10mm - 1.25 blackglass-filled nylon cap w ith neoprene o-ring seal .......................................................... 6 1/4" flare black glass-filled nylon cap with reta iner strap and neoprene o-ri ng seal ........................................... 6 12mm - 1.5 blackglass-filled nylon cap with neop rene o-r ing seal ............................................................ 6 l / 4"flare blackglass-filled nylon cap with black retainer strap and neopr ene o-ring seal ...................................... 6 3/8" fiar e black glass-filled nylo n cap with black retain er str ap and neopre ne o-ring seal ...................................... 6 1/2" Acme black glass-filled nylo n cap with neoprene o-ring seal. ............................................................ 6 1/2" Acme black glass-filled nylon cap w ith retainer strap and neoprene o-ring seal . .. .. . .. .... . .. ..... ... . ..... . ..... . .... 6 1/4"flare flex brass cap, use with M-Series line -cap val ves or with copper gasket (CD0500) for metal to metal seal .. .... ..... . . 6 1/ 4" flare flex brass cap, use with M-Series line -cap val ves or with copper gasket (CD0500) for metal to metal seal . . ..... . ..... 25 l / 4"flare heavy-duty hex brass cap w ith neoprene seal ...................................................................... 6 1/ 4" flare heavy-duty ro und brass cap with neop rene o-ring seal ............................................................ 6 1/4" flare heavy-dut y round brass cap with neop rene o-ring seal ........................................................... 25 l / 4"flare heavy-dut y round brass cap with core wre nch tool and neoprene o-ring seal ....................................... 6 l / 4"flare heavy-duty round brass cap with core w rench tool and neoprene o-ring seal ...................................... 25 l / 4"flare heavy-dut y round brass cap with neop rene o-ring seal and security wire ........................................... 6 1/ 4" flare heavy-duty rou nd brass cap w ith neop rene gasket seal ............................................................ 6 1/ 4" flare round brass cap w ith neop rene o-ring seal, attached keeper chain to prevent lo ss of cap . . ..... . .. . .... .. . . .. .. .... . 6 CD2217 CD2213 CD0400 CDOSOO CD2577 CD44605 CD4460T CD5038 CD5161 CD5501 CD7466 CD2214 CD2215 CD2216 CD2218 l /4 " flareforged nut (short ) ........................................ ....... 5 Copper gasket, for use with CD2225 cap ................................. 1o l /4 " flare hex nut. ......................................................... 6 Val ve core w ith Teflon seal, tapered , positi ve-stop barrel ........... . .. .. . . . 6 Val ve core with Teflon seal, tapered , positi ve-stop barrel ........... . .. .... 25 1/2"0D hose grommet for 3/8"charging ho ses ....................... .... . 6 5/l 6" 0D x 5/16 " neoprene hose grommet ............................... 25 Teflon o-ring seals for M-Series ......................................... 25 1/2 " Acme lock nut for use w ith Acme bulkhead fittings ................... 5 CDOSOO CD5501 CD7466 CD0066 CD0077 CD0099 CD0101 CD0111 CD1050 CD1060 CD1070 CD1090 1/8" 1D, 1/ 4" OD........................................................ 5/32" ID, 9/32" OD ....... CRT accessory tool s, B-Seriesvalves ... .. . . .. .. 7/32" ID, 11/32"0D ...... CD5050co upler ....................... ....... 1/4" ID, 3/8" OD ........................................................ 5/ 16" ID, 7/16" OD .. . .. . CRT,core depressor couplers ................. 5/32" 1D, 11/ 32" OD .................................................... 3/ 16" ID, 3/8" OD ........ CD2223, CD2235, CD2250, CD2255 cap 7/ 32" ID, 13/ 32" 0D ...... CD2219, CD2245, CD2265 cap ................ 5/ 16" 1D, 1/ 2" OD ........ CRT,coredepressorcouplers ............ ..... 10 10 10 10 1O 10 10 10 10 CD3688 o CD5555 P.ARTS CoreRemovalToo/ CD5555 CD5560 CD5577 0-rings necessary to repair a CRTexcept th ose contained in the chuck .. . . . 1 Shut-offthem w ith molded neoprene gland, includes brass stem, knob, retaining nut and gland ...................................... 1 Brass rod and chuck, rear end sealing coupler and knob all in one piece .... 1 "SureSeal"RetainingCoupler CD5171 Set repair kit containing o-rings , washer, val ve depressor and springs ...... 1 CD5577 CD5038 Orders Orders are subject to w ritte n acceptance by C&D Valve, LLC, home offi ce and are subj ect to st rikes, accidents, delays by suppliers, and oth er causes beyond our cont rol. Receipt of an order w ill be understood as acceptance of th ese t erm s and conditi ons unl ess specific agreement to th e cont rary has been made in w ritin g prior to order placement . $50 Minimum Order Prices Prices show n apply to quantiti es on a single shipment to a single destin ation and do not includ e any sales tax w hich may apply. A II prices are subj ect t o change w ith out noti ce and all shi pment s w ill be invo iced at prices in eff ect at t ime of shipm ent. Terms Terms are 1% 1O days, net 30. 1- 1/2 % per mont h ( 18% annum ) service charge w ill apply to past due invo ices. Freight F.O.B. shipping point w ith fr eight allow ed or prepaid vía cheapest w ay on single order of $600 or more t o a single destin ation in th e U.S.A. except Alaska and Hawa ii. Shipm ents under $600 are sent collect or prepaid and charged. Damages Damages in tr ansit are th e responsibility of th e carrier, and such claims should be fil ed w ith th e carrier, not C& D Valve, LLC, as our responsibilit y ends u pon recei pt of the mat erial by th e carrier. Shortages C laims for shortages mu st be made w ithin 1O days of delivery. Returns Return s w ill not be accepted w ith out return authori zati on fr om home offi ce. Warranty Product s sold by C& D Valve, LLC are war rant ed for a period of one year fr om date of shipm ent by C& D Valve, LLC and w e limit thi s w arranty t o th e repair, replacement , or credit at invoice price (oúr option) of product s w hich in our opini on are defective due to defect s in workm anship and/ or materials. Thi s express warranty is in lieu of and excludes all oth er wa rranti es, guarantees and/ or representation s, express or impli ed, of C& D Valve, LLC and / or th e manufa ctur er of such products who make NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY O R FITNESS FO R A NY PA RTICULAR PURPOSE. Technical inform ati on, recommendati ons and advice as to properti es and usage of materi aIs, design, installati on and use of produ ct s, engineering and oth er matt ers are provid ed as an accommodation and are int ended only as suggesti ons. Alth ough th ey are believed to be accurat e, based on C& D Valve's know ledge and experience, C&D Valve assumes no obligation or liabilit y for any result s obtain ed in th eir use or appli cation, and th ey are not to be constru ed as est ablishing any wa rranty, express or im plied. In no event shall C& D Valve be liable fo r claims fo r any damages w hatsoever (w heth er direct, imm ediate, fo reseeable, consequential , or special) suff ered by buyer or anyone else arising out of any breach by C& D Valve, LLC. C& D Valve makes no wa rranty t o th ose defin ed as consumers in th e M agnuson-M oss Warranty - Federal Trade Commi ssion lm provement Act . Warning C& D Valve, LLC products are design ed fo r use by t echnically t rained Air Conditi oning and Refri geration Service Engineers only. Due to th e high pressures encountered in th ese systems, plus th e dangers due to th e physical and chemical natu re of refri gerants and oil s present in th e syst ems, misapplicati on could result in injur y or death. C& D Valve, LLC expressly w arns again st th e sale t o or use of th e product s by oth er th an professionally tr ained personnel. Saf ety gogg les should always be worn w hen wo rking with refrig erants. Contact with refrig erant s may cause injur y. Note Design, specifications and mat eriaIs are subj ect to change w ithout notice. U nless agreed in wr iting , th ese t erms w ill constitut e our entire obligation upon our acceptance of any order, regardless of th e t erms, stipulati ons, etc. in any request for quotati ons, or as may appear in any order form now or later submitt ed by th e buyer. P.O. Box13250,0klahomaCity,OK73113 • 405 .843 .5621 • 800.654 .9233 • FAX:405.840 .0443 Visit our website: www.cdvalve .com •