No powertrain without Miba Technology
No powertrain without Miba Technology
Company Speaker Miba Coating Group Eitzinger Günter Chief Engineer No powertrain without Miba Technology TT-KC, TT-HS CONFIDENTIAL Coatings Examples Super low-friction DLC – Bearingless Conrod – Substitution of bushings –Silent Gears - Spacecoat 1) MIBA Coating Group, 2) University of Leoben, 3) WZL Aachen Teer Coatings Ltd, Miba Coating Group TT-KC, TT-HS CONFIDENTIAL Innovation in Motion Agenda Motivation High Temperature DLC Replacement of bearings and bushings – Conrod Adaptive Coatings on gears Spacecoat Coating Summary Innovation in Motion Motivation Source: A.Merkle, M.Werner, Technical University of Munich, Institute of Combustion engines ©2008-2009 Innovation in Motion Diamond like carbon (DLC) Classification Innovation in Motion High Temperature DLC Deposition Deposition parameters: •Unbalanced magnetron sputtering •Ar-plasma •Temperature: < 200°C •Rotation: 8-10 rpm •Bias: - 60 V / pulsed 50 kHz •Deposition Pressure: 0.3-0.4 Pa •Substrates: M42 tool steel, Si (100) Coating architecture Graphit-iC layer Ramp: 100 at% Cr → 100 at% C Cr-Interlayer Substrate 2 µm 0.5 µm 0.1 µm Innovation in Motion Depth [µm] Friction coefficient µ Graphit-iC™HT (Hardness ~1900HV) 3D View Sliding distance [m] Ball-on-Disc Test: Applied Load: 10N @ 325°C Friction coefficient ~ 0,05 Very low specific wear 1.2 mm 0.9mm Innovation in Motion 100Cr6 Ring-on-Disc, 2MPa, 120°C Oil: Shell Helix Ultra (5W30) coated disc uncoated disc sliding speed Coated / Uncoated = -30% Innovation in Motion Possible application Piston Pins Piston Skirt Piston Ring Liner Tappets Valves Cam Conrod Camshafts Turbocharger components Innovation in Motion Bearingless Conrod – Direct coating 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Increased load ability Smaller bearings Less hydrodynamic friction Smaller tolerances Reduced Weight Increased stiffness Smaller engine Less oil consumption Smaller oil pump Example picture Innovation in Motion Bearingless Conrod – Direct coating 1. Layer 2. Layer AlSn20Cu PVD Synthec®Pro High Loadability Running in Innovation in Motion Examples of Sputter Machines Capacity and Capability: Millions of Parts All Metals and alloys, Nitrides… Innovation in Motion Possible App. - Post Magnetron Technology Also possible to coat liners with CrN and DLC Friction reduction Innovation in Motion Hydro-dynamic Bearing Performance Kleinster Schmierspalt [µm] min oilfilm thickness [µm] 0.8 0.9 1 Bauarten / Bearing Types Prototype Standard Development Sputter NEW Application Area Sputter . Sputter Bearing Application Area Tri-Metal . 2 Synthetic OL PnSnCu PRO Rillenlager SnSb PRO 3 Tri-Metal Bearing BIAL AlSn25 AlSn20 BIAL AlSn20 4 AlSn40 5 1000 1500 Outstanding Hydrodynamic Performance Application Area Bi-Metal . 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Schmierfilmspitzendruck [bar] max Oilfilm Pressure [bar] 5500 Innovation in Motion Sliding lacquers: Synthec™Pro Engine : EA 888 Audi 4 Cylinder Gasoline (World engine) Integrated Mass Balancer System Reason: Engine Start Stop –coating reduce friction and increase emergency behaviour of the system Rotational speed : max. 14000 rpm Max. Torque: max. 60 Nm One Radial- and two integrated axial bearings on a net shape sintered part Innovation in Motion Detail Synthec®Pro on Sintermaterial Innovation in Motion Test results COF versus Load of Synthec Pro ® 100Cr6 ring against SynthecPro on 1.2379 hardened under Shell Helix Ultra 5W30@55°C cycles [1] 0 200.000 400.000 600.000 800.000 1.000.000 1.200.000 1.400.000 1.600.000 0,2 6 0,18 friction coefficient 0,14 4 0,12 0,1 3 0,08 2 0,06 0,04 1 0,02 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 sliding distance [m] 60000 70000 80000 0 90000 specific load 5 0,16 friction coefficient [-] specific load [MPa] Innovation in Motion Application examples of Synthec Pro sliding bearings split gears piston skirt sprockets bearing block intermediate gears Innovation in Motion Synthec Pro Properties Performance Attributes Very wide temperature range in applications (-50 up to 300° C) Superior wear resistance Corrosion resistance Adaptive behaviour Avoidance of frictional corrosion Environmental friendly Potential for weight reduction Potential for cost reduction Innovation in Motion Silent Gears Cr/Ag or CuSnC coating system: (Immiscible; Hardness adjustable between 200 and 1000HV) 4 layers visible Coating thickness: 16µm Interlayer thickness: 1,5-2 µm Innovation in Motion Results NVH Test Rig 2 servo engines adjustable axis distance and backlash 0 – 6000 rpm 0 – 20 Nm oscillating torque up to 10 Hz Innovation in Motion Uncoated vs. Coated gear 10dB Differenz Innovation in Motion Summary • Reducing CO2 emission is one of the top priorities for the automotive industry and us • Coatings technology is a key for reduction of friction and enabler for new technical solutions Thank you for your attention. Innovation in Motion Contact Miba Coating Group Günter Eitzinger Advanced Engineering Dr. Mitterbauer-Str. 3 A-4655 Vorchdorf, Austria T +43/7614/6541-8200 F+43/7614/6541-8400 M +43/664/8560418
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