Whidbey Island Center for the Arts / 2013 – 2014 Season 2013
Whidbey Island Center for the Arts / 2013 – 2014 Season 2013
2013 – 2014 Season Sponsors Whidbey Island Center for the Arts gratefully acknowledges the following individuals and businesses for their generous contributions in support of our 2013 – 2014 Season. DjangoFest 2013 Judith Yeakel Lynn Hays Ray’s Boat House Spencer and Elizabeth Cubage Saratoga Inn Country Cottage of Langley J. Pearse Strings PianoFest 2014 Producers Circle 2013 Star Gala Underwriters Lindsay Communications Gemkow Construction Waterman Self Storage Puget Sound Energy The Boatyard Inn Jon and Cynthia Wilbert Whidbey Telecom Marchele Hatchner, Realtor / Coldwell Banker Tara Porter-Whidbey Insurance Matts Import Haven SPONSORS Annual Fund Donors of WICA Boomerang The Law Offices of Kelly and Harvey Catherine DeWitt Framing Heavy Metal Works / Tim Leonard Mukilteo Coffee Roasters Skagit Farmers Supply South Whidbey Record / Sound Publishing Star Store Whidbey Life Magazine Whidbey Weekly Graphic design and production services provided by PIXELS GRAPHIC DESIGN STUDIO Whidbey Island Center for the Arts / 2013 – 2014 Season WICA P.O. Box 52 Langley, WA 98260 Permit No. 22 Langley, WA PAID Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage Whidbey Island Center for the Arts / 2013 – 2014 Season Calendar Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com Welcome to the 2013 – 2014 Season! September 2013 1&2 7 9/10 – 10/31 As Woodworkers Guild Woodpalooza Star Gala and Auction Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp begins 13 Short Story Smash 18 – 22 DjangoFest Northwest 28 and Kitschcultural ‘n Bitch “Septoberfest” the arts hub of Whidbey October 2013 Special Event Education Special Event Island, WICA has served the Night artistic heart of our community 11 as Opening Art Exhibit 11 & 12 Spirit for the past Blithe 17 years. We are truly a community arts Theatre Series 13 Blithe Spirit Theatre Series 15 &where 16 War of the Worlds Radio Camp center creative collaborations spark spectacular Education 18 & 19 Blithe Spirit Theatre Series performances every 20 Blithe Spiritweek throughout the year. Musicians, Theatre Series 25 & 26 Blithe Spiritdancers, singers, writers, poets, and Theatre Series actors, comedians, 31 War of the Worlds Radio Camp Performance Education designers the stage and our imagination with art. The Novemberfill 2013 1 “QUE SERA! Celebrating Doris Day” 2013 – 2014 Season continues the tradition of offering 2 Kitsch ‘n Bitch “Home for the Holidays” 6 An with Nancy Pearl “something forAfternoon everyone” and introduces Island ConcortSpecial Event 6 Literary SALON with Hedgebrook – “Radical Hospitality” Chamber9 Series, expanded PianoFest Seattle an International Comedy Competition NW, and our 15 Wonderheads, Theatre Fantastical first collaboration with Whidbey Island Dance Theatre. 16 Deja Blooze Family Series 24 your Islandseats Consortnow Chamber Series Guarantee and we’ll see you at the shows! NOON to 5PM 5 PM 4 – 6 PM Tue. & Wed. for 8 weeks 7:30 PM www.wicaonline.com 7:30 PM 6 – 7 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM 4 – 6 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 11:00 AM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM December 2013 6 6&7 Opening Night Art Exhibit You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown Theatre Series New! Year-Round Theatre Education Classes for all Ages WICA proudly announces an innovative season of education opportunities. The multi-session WICA Conservatory introduces a 6 – 7 PM 7:30 PM FREE Benefactor: $200 / Patron: $150 / Guest: $100 $160 for 8-week course $10 www.wicaonline.com $15 FREE Youth $15 / Senior $18 / Adult $22 $15 Youth $15 / Senior $18 / Adult $22 $15 Youth $15 / Senior $18 / Adult $22 $10 $28 $15 FREE $10 $20 Youth $12 / Adult $15 $20 Students $10 / Adult $15 Photo above and on the cover by Tyler Raymond FREE Youth $17 / Senior $20 / Adult $24 SESSION I: SEP. 10 – OCT. 30 Grades 9 – 12 / Tuesdays & Wednesdays / 4 – 6 PM War of the Worlds Radio Camp: Students explore the world of storytelling, vocalization, and character development, with an emphasis on ensemble work, as they recreate this radio drama masterpiece in true live radio style including live sound cues. Radio Camp will perform War of the Worlds on Halloween night. OCT. 31 / 7:30 PM / $10 holistic approach to theatre that includes all areas of stagecraft, creative dramatics, and acting experiences, with emphasis on development of self-esteem, self-confidence and personal expression. We believe process and product are of equal value—participants experience hands-on learning, professional instruction, internship opportunities, and performing in a first-class facility. In addition to SESSION II: JAN. 7 – FEB. 12 Grades 9 – 12 / Tuesdays & Wednesdays / 4 – 6 PM Broadway Musical Stagecraft Internship: Students experience professional-level workshops and side-by-side mentoring with the City of Angels creative team in sets, costumes, props, lights, sound, and stage management, as well as refining individual performance skills in improvisation, enhanced character and beginning musical theatre skills. Students will receive tickets to opening and closing nights of City of Angels. the classes for WICA Conservatory Youth programs listed below, other opportunities in the works include: YOUTH • Spring Break trip to Oregon Shakespeare Festival for grades 9 – 12 • Summer Camp for ages 5 – 9 and 10 – 13 ADULTS • Whidbey Island Theatre Festival • Seattle Theatre Tours • Acting Classes • Auditioning Workshops SESSION III: Spring Break / APR. 7 – 11 Ages 5 – 8 / Monday – Friday / 10 – 11:30 AM Fairy Tale Theatre: Students will create and star in their own reimagining of classic tales, from The Little Mermaid to Hansel and Gretel. The class will culminate in a presentation for parents and families at WICA. Each student will also receive a free ticket to the matinee performance and backstage tour of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale The Snow Queen. APR. 6 / 2 PM • Interactive Stagecraft Workshops • Introduction to Musical Theatre • Introduction to Choreography • Play/Scene Study • Post Show Discussions VISIT WICAONLINE.COM FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION , OR CALL 360.221.8262 SESSION IV: Theatre Camp / JUN. 23 – JUL. 31 Ages 12 – 18 / Monday – Friday / 10 AM – 2 PM Musical Theatre Intensive: Students are introduced to professional level stagecraft and musical theatre performance. Morning theatre and stage craft classes are followed by afternoon rehearsals for an August performance of the rock opera Tommy! Gala & Auction Whidbey Island Center for the Arts’ annual Star Gala & Auction promises to be a glamorous, magical evening under the stars. Please join us for a delicious four-course dinner and live auction on the Michael Nutt Mainstage, following the silent auction and champagne reception in Zech Hall. SEPT. 7 at 5:00 Champagne Reception and Silent Auction 6:00 Silent Auction 1 Closes 6:10 Silent Auction 2 Closes 6:30 Live Auction and Dinner Begins Benefactor $200 / Patron $150 / Guest $100 NORTHWEST 2013 Join us in our 13th year with headliner Faby Lafertin and special guest Tcha Limberger from Belgium; the New Hot Club of America with Gonzalo Bergara; Seattle favorite Pearl Django; and many more. Enjoy workshops and Django Djam spots around beautiful Langley. View the full lineup and schedule at www.wicaonline.com Join us on Sunday, Sept. 22 for a special presentation workshop by Fapy Lafertin. Limited seating for 20 musicians and up to 100 general public “viewing” seats. An absolute once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn from a master. View the entire workshop schedules and fees at www. wicaonline.com Come join us for the fun, the people, and THE DJANGO! “SeptoberFest” Host Sue Frause chats, eats, and drinks with local foodies from Whidbey Island and Seattle as we celebrate our 2nd annual “Septoberfest” – a celebration of great food and beer. Featuring the KnB house band Deja Blooze. Oom Pah Pah! SEPT. 28 / 7:30 PM / $15 September 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Woodworkers Guild: Woodpalooza 2 Labor Day Woodworkers Guild: Woodpalooza 3 4 5 6 7 Special Event: Star Gala and Auction 8 9 10 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 11 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 12 13 Fine Art Exhibit Reception From Whidbey Island Fair 6 PM Short Story Smash 14 15 16 17 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 18 Special Event: DjangoFest Northwest 8 PM Ed Session: 4 – 6 PM 19 Special Event: DjangoFest Northwest 8 PM 20 Special Event: DjangoFest Northwest 3 PM / 8 PM 21 Special Event: DjangoFest Northwest 3 PM / 8 PM 22 Special Event: DjangoFest Northwest 7 PM 23 24 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 25 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 26 27 28 Kitsch ‘n’ Bitch: “Septoberfest” 29 30 Short Story Smash – Providing an opportunity for local writers to have their short, short stories (100 words exactly) read in public. Enter for the gratuitous amount of glory, fame, and extreme monetary prizes. Submissions may be e-mailed to cspencer@whidbey.com. 7:30 PM / $10 Woodworkers Guild Woodpalooza – The Whidbey Island Woodworkers Guild presents the 10th annual show of Whidbey’s Finest Woodwork, now at WICA. This year’s show promises exceptional work by Whidbey’s best! Please visit: www.woodpalooza.com for more information. Reception Fri., AUG. 30 / 5 – 8 PM / ZECH HALL / Sat., Sun. & Mon. NOON to 5 PM / FREE Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com WICA CONSERVATORY WAR of the WORLDS By Noel Coward Directed by Phil Jordan BLITHE SPIRIT Radio Camp Production Directed by Elizabeth Herbert The smash comedy hit of the London and Broadway stages, this much-revived classic from the playwright of Private Lives offers up fussy, cantankerous novelist Charles Condomine, re-married but haunted (literally) by the ghost of his late first wife, the clever and insistent Elvira, who is called up by a visiting “happy medium,” one Madame Arcati. As the (worldly and un-) personalities clash, Charles’ current wife Ruth is accidentally killed, “passes over,” joins Elvira, and the two “blithe spirits” haunt the hapless Charles into perpetuity. On October 30, 1938, Orson Welles rocked America and shocked millions with his radio adaptation of H.G. Wells novel The War of the Worlds. 75 years later we’re bringing the original script as performed by Orson Welles and The Mercury Theatre to life. Students from WICA Conservatory Radio Camp have recreated this radio drama masterpiece in true live radio style. Winner! 2009 Drama Desk Award, Outstanding Revival Performance: Halloween Night OCT. 31 / 7:30 PM / $10 OCT. 11 – 26 / 7:30 PM Friday & Saturday / 2 PM Sunday / Youth $15 / Senior $18 / Adult $22 October 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 2 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 3 4 5 6 7 8 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 9 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 10 11 Opening Night Art Exhibit 6 – 7 PM / FREE Theatre Series: Blithe Spirit 12 Theatre Series: Blithe Spirit 13 Theatre Series: Blithe Spirit 14 Columbus Day 15 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 16 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 17 18 Theatre Series: Blithe Spirit 19 Theatre Series: Blithe Spirit 20 Theatre Series: Blithe Spirit 21 22 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 23 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 24 25 Theatre Series: Blithe Spirit 26 Theatre Series: Blithe Spirit 27 28 29 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 30 Education Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp, Grades 9 – 12 4 – 6 PM 31 Halloween Performance: War of the Worlds Radio Camp Reserve tickets for December’s Charlie Brown Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com FAMILY SERIES Wonderheads Present Grim and “Home for the Holidays” Eat, drink, and be very merry with Sue Frause and friends, as we head into the holiday festivities. Featuring KnB house band Deja Blooze and special guest bartender. Fischer NOV. 2 / 7:30 PM / $15 Death meets his match in Mrs. Fischer, a tenacious granny not ready to breathe her last. In this surreal work of imagination and whimsy, one woman’s fight for survival takes fantastical flight in a showdown with Death himself! Literary SALON with Hedgebrook: “Radical Hospitality” Wonderheads is a physical theatre ensemble specializing in mask, eccentric character and wild imagination. Don’t miss Grim and Fischer – a deathly comedy in full face mask, suitable for all ages. www.wonderheads.com The Literary Series moves into Zech Hall this season for an intimate salon experience. Join us in this new space for food and drink as we launch the Hedgebrook cookbook: Celebrating Radical Hospitality by chefs Denise Barr and Julie Rosten, featuring writing from Hedgebrook alumnae. Readings from this “more than a cookbook” offer up sumptuous food for thought as we toast Hedgebrook in its 25th anniversary year! NOV. 15 / 7:30 PM / Youth $12 / Adult $15 In 2013 we reinstated the Family Series, one of the longest running arts in education programs on South Whidbey. This series includes free matinees to all 6th and 7th graders, which augments our arts in education mission, master classes for our local youth, and the ability to view a variety of live events without incurring ferry fares and transportation expenses to travel to the mainland. NOV. 6 / Zech Hall / 7:30 PM / $10 November 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 “QUE SERA! Celebrating Doris Day” 7:30 PM / $28 2 Kitsch ‘n Bitch “Home for the Holidays” 7 8 9 Seattle International Comedy Competition Seattle International Comedy Competition SICC is an annual, multi-week, stand-up comedy contest. Over thirty comedians perform in shows throughout the Pacific Northwest for audiences and local celebrity judges. Join this extraordinary competition during their hilarious stop on Whidbey. 7:30 PM / $20 3 Daylight Savings (end) 4 5 6 An Afternoon with Nancy Pearl 11 AM / FREE Literary SALON with Hedgebrook: “Radical Hospitality” 10 11 Veterans’ Day 12 13 14 15 Family Series: Wonderheads, Theatre Fantastical 16 Deja Blooze band and friends “Journaling the Blues” 7:30 PM / $20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Island Consort Chamber Series: 2 PM / Students $10 / Adult $15 25 26 27 28 Thanksgiving 29 30 Arts in Education Materials: Support material available for teachers and families to help prep local students to see Wonderheads. Call Education Director Deana Duncan for more info: 221-8276. Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com Based on the Comic Strip “Peanuts” by Charles M. Schulz Book, Music and Lyrics by Clark Gesner Literary SALON with Hedgebrook presents Dani Shapiro Join us in the literary salon of Zech Hall as we welcome acclaimed novelist Dani Shapiro, bestselling author of the memoirs Devotion and Slow Motion, and five novels including Black & White and Family History. Don’t miss this opportunity to see scenes from her newest work brought to life with local actors and participate in an intimate conversation with this amazing writer. YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN (REVISED) Zech Hall / DEC. 11 / 7:30 PM / $10 Holiday Concert: Mandolin Messiah Directed by Elizabeth Herbert Musical Direction by Linda McLean Choreography by Chelsea Randall This holiday season experience Messiah, George Frederick Handel’s beloved oratorio, like you’ve never heard it! On Dec. 8, the Seattle Mandolin Orchestra presents what could be the first performance of Messiah played entirely on plucked strings. Joining the orchestra will be four top-flight vocalists from Seattle’s choral and operatic community. You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown tells the story of an average day in the life of the famous comic strip child hero, Charlie Brown. A day made up of little moments from Valentine’s Day to the baseball season, from wild optimism to utter despair, all mixed in with the lives of his friends (both human and non-human) and strung together on the string of a single day. Charlie Brown’s inner battle will resonate with young and old alike. DEC. 6 – 21 / 7:30 PM Friday & Saturday / 2 PM Sunday Youth $17 / Senior $20 / Adult $24 DEC. 8 / 7:30 PM / $20 December 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 Opening Night Art Exhibit 6 – 7 PM / FREE Theatre Series: A Good Man, Charlie Brown 7 Theatre Series: A Good Man, Charlie Brown 8 Theatre Series: A Good Man, Charlie Brown Holiday Concert: Mandolin Messiah 9 10 11 Literary SALON with Hedgebrook Presents Dani Shapiro 12 13 Theatre Series: A Good Man, Charlie Brown 14 Theatre Series: A Good Man, Charlie Brown 15 Theatre Series: A Good Man, Charlie Brown 16 17 18 Wellington Day School: Holiday Concert: 7:30 PM 19 20 Theatre Series: A Good Man, Charlie Brown 21 Theatre Series: A Good Man, Charlie Brown 22 23 24 25 Christmas The staff and Board of WICA wish you a Merry 26 27 28 Christmas! 29 30 31 New Year’s Eve Look for WICA Conservatory class listings for all ages at www.wicaonline.com in January. Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com SE RI ES FA M ILY JAN. 11 / 7:30 PM / $15 “Chocolate and Whidbey Liquor” Correo Aèreo The duo of Abel Rocha and Madeleine Sosin, Correo Aéreo, will offer a performance with an emphasis on multi-culturalism. Their breathtaking sound illustrates the blending of cultures that comprises Latin American music and beautifully explains the background of each piece. Correo Aéreo are those rare individuals who not only have a precious and gifted talent, but know how to communicate their art to audiences as inspiring teachers. We are looking forward to having Correo Aéreo be a part of our 2013 – 2014 Family Series. “Sweet” is a good word to describe this tasty evening with host Sue Frause as she dishes with guests Mona Newbauer from Sweet Mona’s Chocolates and the amazing Bev and Steve Heising of Whidbey Island Distillery with their tasty Loganberry Liquor. JAN. 10 / 7:30 PM / Youth $12 / Adult $15 Tingstad and Rumbel For the past 28 years, Grammy Awardwinning artists, Eric Tingstad and Nancy Rumbel have been home for the holidays, creating a longstanding tradition with Northwest families. Join them as their holiday presence illuminates the enduring spirit of the season with the gift of music. Partial proceeds to benefit the United Langley Methodist Church. JAN. 4 / 7:30 PM / $22 January 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Play Read/Scene Study Class: Provides an environment for Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 New Year’s Day 2 3 4 Tingstad and Rumbel concert experienced, beginning, and non-actors to gather for readings, to learn reading and performance technique, and to become acquainted with a broad theatrical repertoire without the pressure of a full performance. 7 PM / $10 5 6 7 Education Session II: Stagecraft Internship, Grades 9 – 12 / 4 – 6 PM 8 Education Session II: Stagecraft Internship, Grades 9 – 12 / 4 – 6 PM 9 10 Family Series: Correo Aèreo 11 Kitsch ‘n’ Bitch “Chocolate and Whidbey Liquor” 12 Island Consort Chamber Series: 2 PM / Students $10 / Adult $15 13 14 Education Session II: Stagecraft Internship, Grades 9 – 12 / 4 – 6 PM 15 Education Session II: Stagecraft Internship, Grades 9 – 12 / 4 – 6 PM Education: Play Read/ Scene Study Class 16 17 18 19 20 Martin Luther King Jr Day 21 Education Session II: Stagecraft Internship, Grades 9 – 12 / 4 – 6 PM 22 Education Session II: Stagecraft Internship, Grades 9 – 12 / 4 – 6 PM 23 24 25 26 27 28 Education Session II: Stagecraft Internship, Grades 9 – 12 / 4 – 6 PM 29 Education Session II: Stagecraft Internship, Grades 9 – 12 / 4 – 6 PM 30 31 Calling all Local Artists – It’s time to apply for one of four LAS spots for next season. The jury meets in early May – call WICA for application or visit www.wicaonline.com! Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com Book by Larry Gelbart Music by Literary Series City of Angels Join us in Zech Hall for the final salon of this season. Hedgebrook brings another amazing woman writer to the island, where we bring scenes from her book to life with local actors, as we enjoy the intimate setting and amazing conversation. Set in the glamorous, seductive Hollywood of the 40’s—the world of film studios and flimsy negligees— City of Angels is a homage to the film noir genre of motion pictures, but also filled with sidesplitting comedy. The musical weaves together two plots, the “real” world of a writer trying to turn his book into a screenplay, and the “reel” world of the fictional film. The real-life scenes are in color and the movie scenes are in black and white. The show result is that best-of-all Hollywood conventions—a happy ending. Cy Coleman Lyrics by David Zippel Directed by Elizabeth Herbert Musical Direction by Sheila Weidendorf Zech Hall / FEB. 26 / 7:30 PM / $10 South Whidbey High School Jazz Band The SWHS Jazz Band returns to the WICA stage to showcase the talent and passion of these youthful instrumentalists. Enjoy the music and energy of this award-winning youth group as they continue to wow us with their talent. Choregraphy by Chelsea Randall FEB. 12 / 7:30 PM Students and Seniors $10 / Family $30 / Adult $15 FEB. 7 – 22 / 7:30 PM Friday & Saturday / 2 PM Sunday Youth $17 / Senior $20 / Adult $24 February 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 Groundhog Day 3 4 Education Session II: Stagecraft Internship, Grades 9 – 12 / 4 – 6 PM 5 Education Session II: Stagecraft Internship, Grades 9 – 12 / 4 – 6 PM 6 7 Opening Night Art Exhibit 6 – 7 PM / FREE Theatre Series: City of Angels 8 Theatre Series: City of Angels 9 Theatre Series: City of Angels 10 11 Education Session II: Stagecraft Internship, Grades 9 – 12 / 4 – 6 PM 12 Lincoln’s B’day South Whidbey High School Jazz Band Education Session II: Stagecraft Internship, Grades 9 – 12 / 4 – 6 PM 13 14 Valentines Day Theatre Series: City of Angels 15 Theatre Series: City of Angels 16 Theatre Series: City of Angels 17 Presidents Day 18 19 20 21 Theatre Series: City of Angels 22 Theatre Series: City of Angels 23 24 25 26 Literary Series 27 28 Box Office staff is available Wednesday – Saturday, from 1 – 6 PM. Call 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 during Box Office hours. Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com Local Artist Series Troy Chapman Group Troy Chapman moved to Whidbey Island in 2001, just in time to experience the very first DjangoFest NW. Pursuing his lifelong interest in gypsy jazz, Troy founded Billet-Deux with guitarist Steve Kirk in 2002 and has played in every DFNW since. Currently he splits his time between Seattle as lead guitar with Pearl Django and locally with Keith Bower and Kristi O’Donnell in Trio Nouveau. Bahía The Troy Chapman Group features Troy’s CD release of all original compositions. Get the mojo going with Hot Latin & Jazz! Bahia features Dale “Manolito” Fuentes on flute and percussion, Gary Way on electric and grand piano, Greg Beck on guitar, Keegan Harshman on bass, and Scott Small (drums), plus special guests. Originating on Whidbey Island in 1997, the Bahia playlist runs the gamut from Antonio Carlos Jobim, Louis Bonfi, and Josef Zawinul, to John Coltrane and Charlie Parker. Traditional jazz fans and Latin jazz fans alike will enjoy these energetic bandmates as they inspire dancers to hit the floor. MAR. 7 / 7:30 PM / Youth $17 / Adult $22 MAR. 15 / 7:30 PM / $20 Weatherside Whiskey Band Siri Bardarson & Steve Trembley Two well-loved local musicians join together for an evening of “de-ranged” popular music featuring original vocal style, terrific stage repartee, and virtuoso guitar and cello work. With Siri on acoustic and electric cello and Steve on guitar, the event promises an engaging, entertaining and unique listening experience. This “whiskey swilling roadhouse outfit’’ is a five-piece alt-country and bluegrass ensemble that was formed in 2011. Seattle based with a touch of Whidbey, the Weatherside Whiskey Band is renowned for its down-home sound with three-part vocal harmonies, acoustic guitar, mandolin, banjo, upright bass, and cajon, featuring local-grown Tanner McInerney, with Jakob Singer, Amy Meyer, Jacob Yackshaw, and Peter Reni. MAR. 14 / 7:30 PM / $15 MAR. 22 / 7:30 PM / $15 “Pans Across Borders (Canada)” Sue Frause welcomes our neighbors from the north bringing good times and Canadian hospitality to the Kitsch ‘n Bitch table. Featuring KnB house band, Deja Blooze and a special guest bartender. MAR. 1 / 7:30 PM / $15 WOW!Stories 3 The annual WOW!Stories gathering is a celebration of the lives and experiences of women of Whidbey. Brought to you by Seriously Fun Productions, the day-long event features speakers and performers of all ages weaving a web of intimacy and delight that will entertain and inspire everyone in the room. Tickets sell out weeks before the event, so don’t delay! MAR. 8 / 9 AM – 3 PM / $25 Includes lunch by Whidbey Island Nourishes March 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Kitsch ‘n Bitch “Pans Across Borders (Canada)” Whidbey Waldorf School – Student Showcase Whidbey Island Waldorf School brings their student performance of choir and movement to the WICA stage. 7:30 PM / Free Admission to Waldorf Parents 2 3 9 Daylight Savings (start) 10 16 4 Saturday 5 6 7 Local Artist Series: Troy Chapman Group 8 Special Event: WOW!Stories 3 11 12 13 14 Local Artist Series: Siri Bardarson & Steve Trembley 15 Local Artist Series: Bahia 17 St. Patrick’s Day 18 19 20 21 Whidbey Waldorf School: Student Showcase 22 Local Artist Series: Weatherside Whiskey Band 23 24 25 26 27 28 Short Story Smash 29 30 31 Short Story Smash Submissions may be e-mailed to cspencer@whidbey.com. 7:30 PM / $10 Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com PianoFest Northwest 2014 Join us for our second annual PianoFest NW featuring world renowned artists as well as local talent tickling the ivories and offering special events, art opening, and workshops. Fun for all and family friendly. Whidbey Island Dance Theatre Based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson Conceived and Choreographed by Asharaine Machala Hans Christian Andersen’s exuberant ode to childhood is brought to life by the talents of Whidbey Island Dance Theatre and local actors in a revival of an original WIDT production produced at WICA in 1998. APR. 4 – 13 7:30 PM Friday & Saturday 2 PM Sunday Youth $17 / Senior $20 / Adult $24 When a young boy named Kai is captivated by the cold beauty and perfection of the Snow Queen his best friend Gerda must embark on a perilous journey to the North Pole to rescue him. Fairy Tale Theatre Classes Spring Break Camp APR. 7 – 11 / 10 – 11:30 AM Using dancers, actors, and music, this heart-warming production will take you on a journey through a magical kingdom. FA M ILY The Snow Queen – in collaboration with SE RI ES APR. 16 – 20 / 7:30 PM Wednesday and Saturday night / 7 PM Sunday All WICA Concerts $25 Bronkar Circus of Sound Bronkar Lee is a unique talent: he is the world’s only rhythmic juggling beatboxer blending music, comedy, raw skill and contagious energy in an unbelievable way. APR. 25 / 7:30 PM Youth $10 / Adult $15 As part of WICA’s Family Series Bronkar will present a school matinee to the entire 6th and 7th grade class of South Whidbey School District on the morning of April 25, 2014. This school performance will be part performance, part lecture that focuses on the relationship of rhythm, music, circus, life and Bronkar’s journey of overcoming the challenge of ADHD. April 2014 Sunday Monday Youth in Arts Week – A community showcase featuring the art of our young people. In collaboration with the SW School District and WICA. BY DONATION Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 Opening Night Art Exhibit 6 – 7 PM / FREE Theatre Series: The Snow Queen 5 Theatre Series: The Snow Queen 6 Theatre Series: The Snow Queen 7 Education Session III: Fairy Tale Theatre, Ages 5 – 8 / 4 – 6 PM 8 Education Session III: Fairy Tale Theatre, Ages 5 – 8 / 4 – 6 PM 9 Education Session III: Fairy Tale Theatre, Ages 5 – 8 / 4 – 6 PM 10 Education Session III: Fairy Tale Theatre, Ages 5 – 8 / 4 – 6 PM 11 Education Session III: Fairy Tale Theatre, Ages 5 – 8 / 4 – 6 PM Theatre Series: The Snow Queen 12 Theatre Series: The Snow Queen 13 Theatre Series: The Snow Queen 14 15 Deadline for LAS application 16 PianoFest Northwest 17 PianoFest Northwest 18 Good Friday PianoFest Northwest 19 PianoFest Northwest 20 Easter PianoFest Northwest 21 22 Earth Day 23 24 25 Family Series: Bronkar Circus of Sound 26 Comedy Island 27 Island Consort Chamber Series: 2 PM / Students $10 / Adult $15 28 Youth in Arts Week 29 Youth in Arts Week 30 Youth in Arts Week Comedy Island – Comedy Island brings their local brand of humor center stage. Don’t miss this second chance to enjoy improv with a local flavor! 7:30 PM / $15 Arts in Education Materials: Support material available for teachers and families to help prep local students to see Bonkar. Call Education Director Deana Duncan for more info: 221-8276. Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com “Meet the Producers” Featuring local food producers, host Sue Frause and friends provide us with interesting information on the local food system and its influence on our thriving community. Featuring KnB house band Deja Blooze. Rural Characters MAY 3 / 7:30 PM / $15 MAY 16 & 17 / 7:30 PM / $25 Four fellas from Clinton started playing music together in 1997: Gordy Adams, Tom Fisher, Randy Hudson and Tom Walker. These guys not only put on a good show, they’re funny and have really big hearts. Ticket early; shows sell out. Whidbey Surface Design Group Art Show and Sale Surface Design is the creative exploration of fiber and fabric. The one-ofa-kind artwork blends collage, weaving, felting, beading, basketry, handdyed fabric, and contemporary quilting in cutting-edge combinations. But did you know that this concert raises the funds to subsidize the entire Local Artist Series? It’s true! With the proceeds of these two concerts WICA is able to support and promote four local artistic groups, allowing the artists to keep all the money made from ticket sales. So sit back, enjoy the show and pat yourself on the back for showing true community collaboration in helping to support our local artists. After last year’s successful show, our local Group returns to WICA to wow us with the art, time, and passion that goes into each piece. A “not to be missed” show. MAY 23 – 25 / Zech Hall / Opening reception Friday night 5 – 7 PM Art Show and Sale open Saturday and Sunday from NOON – 5 PM May 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wellington Day School: Students invite you to their annual production—a performance that you are unlikely to forget! Tickets available through Wellington Day School Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Youth in Arts Week 2 3 Kitsch ‘n’ Bitch “Meet the Producers” 4 5 6 7 8 Fusion Spark Content Marketing Retreat Tickets through langleynewmedia.com 9 Fusion Spark Content Marketing Retreat Tickets through langleynewmedia.com 10 11 Mother’s Day 12 13 14 15 16 Rural Characters 17 Armed Forces Day Rural Characters 18 Hedgebrook Women Playwrights Festival 19 20 21 Wellington Day School 22 Wellington Day School 23 Whidbey Surface Design Group Art Show and Sale: Opening Reception 5 – 7 PM 24 Whidbey Surface Design Group Art Show and Sale 25 Whidbey Surface Design Group Art Show and Sale 26 Memorial Day 27 28 29 30 31 Hedgebrook Women Playwrights Festival: The annual festival (HWPF) celebrates the work of women writing for the theatre. MAY 18 / BY DONATION Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com Our Town Professional Training for all Ages by Thornton Wilder directed by Tim Rarick Thornton Wilder’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama presents a timeless commentary on the transience of human existence. The stark visual eloquence of a simple revival of Our Town informs Thornton Wilder’s portrait of the ordinary joys and sorrows of fictional Grover’s Corners. Director Tim Rarick hopes to reimagine the Gibbses and Webbs, reminding us that Our Town is about humankind, and not any one kind of human. Register for a summer you won’t forget! A wide range of classes for everyone — ages 5 and up, as well as Educational and Outreach programs that are integral to WICA’s commitment to community service and collaboration. Our 5th Annual Whidbey Island Theatre Festival culminates with our production of The Who’s Tommy August 1 – 10. Register now for • Acting Classes, • Interactive Stagecraft Workshops • TicToc Drama Camp for Children with Neuro – Development Disorders • Auditioning Workshop • Introduction to Musical Theatre • Introduction to Choreography and to be a cast member of Tommy! In celebration of the play’s 75th-anniversary year, Idaho Director Tim Rarick (Steel Magnolias, Sylvia) returns to direct a diverse cast, creating an Our Town for our time. JUN. 6 – 21 / 7:30 PM Friday & Saturday / 2 PM Sunday Youth $15 / Senior $18 / Adult $22 All registration material online at www.wicaonline.com or call the education hotline at 360-221-8276. “Of all of Our Town’s concerns, the awareness of the brevity of life looms as its most poignant.” ~ The Washington Post June 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 Opening Night Art Exhibit 6 – 7 PM / FREE Theatre Series: Our Town 7 Theatre Series: Our Town 8 Theatre Series: Our Town Donor/Volunteer Appreciation Party 2 PM / FREE 9 10 11 Play Read/Scene Study Class 7 PM / $10 12 13 Theatre Series: Our Town 14 Flag Day Theatre Series: Our Town 15 Father’s Day Theatre Series: Our Town 16 17 18 19 20 Theatre Series: Our Town 21 Theatre Series: Our Town 22 23 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Stage Craft Intensive Youth and Adult Classes 24 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Stage Craft Intensive Youth and Adult Classes 25 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Stage Craft Intensive Youth and Adult Classes 26 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Stage Craft Intensive Youth and Adult Classes 27 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Stage Craft Intensive Youth and Adult Classes 28 29 30 WICA Rocks our Whidbey Island Theatre Festival 2014 with the original Broadway Tour Version of The Who’s Tommy! 6 PM / $15 Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com July 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp 2 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp 3 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp 4 Independence Day Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp 5 6 7 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 8 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 9 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 10 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 11 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 12 13 14 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 15 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 16 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 17 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 18 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 19 20 21 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 22 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 23 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 24 Education Session IV: WICA Conservatory Musical Theatre Youth Summer Camp Adult Classes 25 Youth Summer Camp Performances 26 Youth Summer Camp Performances 27 28 29 30 31 WICA Conservatory: Classes for all ages, register for a summer you won’t forget! Including Introduction to professional level stagecraft and performance as you rock The Who’s Tommy! JUN. 23 – JUL. 31 / $400 / Monday – Friday / 10 AM – 2 PM / Performances AUG. 1 – 3 and AUG. 8 – 10 Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com August 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Whidbey Island Theatre Festival The Who’s Tommy 2 Whidbey Island Theatre Festival The Who’s Tommy 3 Whidbey Island Theatre Festival The Who’s Tommy 4 Season Auditions for WICA Theatre Series 2014 – 2015 5 Season Auditions for WICA Theatre Series 2014 – 2015 6 Season Auditions for WICA Theatre Series 2014 – 2015 7 8 Whidbey Island Theatre Festival The Who’s Tommy 9 Whidbey Island Theatre Festival The Who’s Tommy 10 Whidbey Island Theatre Festival The Who’s Tommy 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 o c k s ou r W ICA R d Theatre y Islan W hidbe 014 with the 2 Festival Tour oadway r B l a in orig Tommy! e W ho’s Th f o n Versio Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com Whidbey Island Center for the Arts / 2013 – 2014 Season Calendar Ticket office: 360.221.8268 or 800.638.7631 www.WICAonline.com Welcome to the 2013 – 2014 Season! September 2013 1&2 7 9/10 – 10/31 As Woodworkers Guild Woodpalooza Star Gala and Auction Session I: War of the Worlds Radio Camp begins 13 Short Story Smash 18 – 22 DjangoFest Northwest 28 and Kitschcultural ‘n Bitch “Septoberfest” the arts hub of Whidbey October 2013 Special Event Education Special Event Island, WICA has served the Night artistic heart of our community 11 as Opening Art Exhibit 11 & 12 Blithe Spirit Theatre Series for the past 17 years. We are truly a community arts Theatre 13 Blithe Spirit Series 15 & 16 War of the Worlds Radio Camp Education center where creative collaborations spark spectacular 18 & 19 Blithe Spirit Theatre Series performances every 20 Blithe Spiritweek throughout the year. Musicians, Theatre Series 25 & 26 Blithe Spirit Theatre Series actors, 31 comedians, dancers, singers, writers, poets, andEducation War of the Worlds Radio Camp Performance Novemberfill 2013 designers the stage and our imagination with art. The 1 “QUE SERA! Celebrating Doris Day” 2013 – 2014 Season tradition of offering 2 Kitsch ‘n Bitchcontinues “Home for the the Holidays” 6 An Afternoon with Nancy Pearl “something for everyone” and introduces Island ConsortSpecial Event 6 Literary SALON with Hedgebrook – “Radical Hospitality” Seattle an International Comedy Competition NW, and our Chamber9 Series, expanded PianoFest 15 Wonderheads, Theatre Fantastical 24 Island Consort Chamber Series first collaboration with Whidbey Island Dance Theatre. 16 Deja Blooze Family Series Guarantee your seats now and we’ll see you at the shows! NOON to 5PM 5 PM 4 – 6 PM Tue. & Wed. for 8 weeks 7:30 PM www.wicaonline.com 7:30 PM 8 8 11 13 & 14 15 18 20 – 21 Opening Night Art Exhibit You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown Holiday Concert Mandolin Messiah Literary SALON with Hedgebrook: Presents Dani Shapiro You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown Wellington Day School: Holiday Concert You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown Theatre Series Theatre Series Theatre Series Theatre Series Theatre Series $10 www.wicaonline.com $15 6 – 7 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM 4 – 6 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Youth $15 / Senior $18 / Adult $22 $15 Youth $15 / Senior $18 / Adult $22 $10 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 11:00 AM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM $28 $15 FREE $10 $20 Youth $12 / Adult $15 $20 Students $10 / Adult $15 6 – 7 PM 7:30 PM Photo above and on the cover by Tyler Raymond FREE Youth $17 / Senior $20 / Adult $24 December 2013 6 6&7 FREE Benefactor: $200 / Patron: $150 / Guest: $100 $160 for 8-week course 2 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM FREE Youth $15 / Senior $18 / Adult $22 $15 $17 $20 $10 Youth $17 / Senior $20 / Adult $24 $17 Youth $17 / Senior $20 / Adult $24 January 2014 4 1/7 – 2/12 10 11 12 15 Tingstad and Rumbel Concert Session II: Stagecraft Internship begins Correo Aèreo Kitsch ‘n Bitch “Chocolate and Whidbey Liquor” Island Consort Chamber Series Play Read/Scene Study Class Education Family Series Education 7:30 PM 4 – 6 PM Tue. & Wed. for 6 weeks 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM 7 PM $22 Youth $12 / Adult $15 $15 Students $10 / Adult $15 $10 February 2014 7 7&8 9 12 14 & 15 16 21 & 22 26 Opening Night Art Exhibit City of Angels City of Angels South Whidbey High School Jazz Band City of Angels City of Angels City of Angels Literary Series Theatre Series Theatre Series Theatre Series Theatre Series Theatre Series 6 – 7 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM FREE Youth $17 / Senior $20 / Adult $24 $17 Students and Seniors $10 / Family $30 / Adult $15 Youth $17 / Senior $20 / Adult $24 $17 Youth $17 / Senior $20 / Adult $24 $10 March 2014 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 Kitsch ‘n Bitch “Pans Across Borders (Canada)” Troy Chapman Group WOW!Stories 3 Siri Bardarson & Steve Trembley Bahía Whidbey Waldorf School – Student Showcase Weatherside Whiskey Band Short Story Smash Local Artist Series Special Event Local Artist Series Local Artist Series Local Artist Series 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 9 AM – 3 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM $15 Youth $17 / Adult $22 $25 Includes lunch by Whidbey Island Nourishes $15 $20 Free Admission to Waldorf Parents $15 $10 April 2014 4 4&5 6 7 – 11 11 & 12 13 15 16 – 19 20 25 26 27 28 – 30 Opening Night Art Exhibit The Snow Queen The Snow Queen Session III: Spring Break Camps The Snow Queen The Snow Queen Deadline for LAS 2015 application PianoFest Northwest 2014 PianoFest Northwest 2014 Bronkar Circus of Sound Comedy Island Island Consort Chamber Series Youth in Arts Week Theatre Series Theatre Series Education Theatre Series Theatre Series Family Series Education 6 – 7 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM FREE Youth $17 / Senior $20 / Adult $24 $17 7:30 PM 2 PM Youth $17 / Senior $20 / Adult $24 $17 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM TBA All WICA Concerts $25 All WICA Concerts $25 Youth $10 / Adult $15 $15 Students $10 / Adult $15 BY DONATION May 2014 1 3 8&9 16 & 17 18 21 & 22 23 24 & 25 Youth in Arts Kitsch ‘n’ Bitch “Meet the Producers” Fusion Spark Content Marketing Retreat Rural Characters Hedgebrook Women Playwrights Festival Wellington Day School Performances Whidbey Surface Design Group Art Show and Sale Reception Whidbey Surface Design Group Art Show and Sale Education TBA 7:30 PM 8 AM – 3 PM 7:30 PM TBA 5 – 7 PM NOON – 5 PM BY DONATION $15 Tickets available through Langleynewmedia.com $25 BY DONATION Tickets available through Wellington Day School FREE FREE June 2014 6 6&7 8 8 11 13 & 14 15 20 & 21 23 – 27 Opening Night Art Exhibit Our Town Our Town Donor/Volunteer Appreciation Party Play Read/Scene Study Our Town Our Town Our Town Session IV: WICA CONSERVATORY The Who’s Tommy July / August 2014 Theatre Series Theatre Series Education Theatre Series Theatre Series Theatre Series Education 6 – 7 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM 2 PM 7 PM 7:30 PM 2 PM 7:30 PM FREE Youth $15 / Senior $18 / Adult $22 $15 FREE $10 Youth $15 / Senior $18 / Adult $22 $15 Youth $15 / Senior $18 / Adult $22 Whidbey Island Conservatory Training / Summer at WICA programming throughout July and August