Annual General Meeting Overberg Agri Training Hall 11 May 2015
Annual General Meeting Overberg Agri Training Hall 11 May 2015
Annual General Meeting Overberg Agri Training Hall 11 May 2015 L Wessels – May 2015 Opening and Welcome Official Reports ◦ Chairperson, FPO & Manager Financial report – AFS & Budget Voting ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Name change Board members and Chairperson Amendments to Constitution Amendments to Rules Fee increase Chairperson’s Report FPO’s Report Manager’s Report Coordination – comms and at events, assist members to adhere to responsibilities (maps) Stakeholder engagement – Eskom Transmission, Agri Associations, WoF, Municipalities, Daff, Cape Pine, FynbosFire, NGO, National depts, donors, conservancies, Sanral, Spoornet, Prov Rds Training – focus on landowner. 350+ trained Awareness – the responsibilities of landowners Fire management plans – safer and prevention Assistance with high risk areas – alien clearing Facilitate fire breaks – Cape Nature 424 (355 Dec14) Paid for 2014/2015: 507 860 ha of 1,115k ha = 44% New members not paid: Membership numbers: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ CAM Overstrand Swellendam TWK Other 61 114 79 205 14 34 Effective FMUs Better public sector role player awareness and involvement Agri Associations – help each other Warnings and coordination at incidents Maps and member data Training – 380+ Awareness – not enough Fire management plan inputs – fire breaks Hell of a ride Success due to the investment in systems and process – thank u to the GEF/Fynbos Fire project Trust given to us by Fire Brigade services and Cape Nature – valid data Our partners – Flowervalley, etc Landowners and FBS prepared to give each other a chance FMUs FMUs! Patience from all parties whilst we were learning… Brings the message, efforts and successes of the members to a greater audience Adhere to our Sponsors desires Ensure visibility to be include the FPA when matters affects our members Help calm the nerves Gain financial support – R10 000, CSIR Paid advertisement ◦ 8 different local newspapers ◦ most with pre-season article Radio Overberg – free worth R7 000p/m ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 5min every Monday drive time 15min once a month Friday lunch time with Pierre 30sec advertisement 3x daily for 1 month Mention on Website, Facebook & Twitter Will approach WhaleCoast FM and Caledon FM Direct contact – phone calls and visits Bulk SMS – urgent messages, fire updates, warnings Meetings – Debriefs, LV, on request of self organized (problem areas, Round table, public sector, AGMs ◦ Other meetings – UFPA, FynbosFire, ABI, FBS Website – Members are downloading, not just membership forms Facebook – 473 likes. Fire updates and warnings Twitter – 150 followers. Community and corporate focus. Help with awareness and sharing of urgent messages. Fire updates Financial Report Total membership fees R 396 533.35 ◦ Paid by former FPAs R 137 728.05 ◦ Paid by new members R 258 805.30 Funds from former FPAs GEF Funding till end Mar Other Total Reserve R 90 243.32 R 600 000 R 25 000+ R 1.1 mil R 436 989.64 PROJECTED INCOME Annual Fees at new rate Donations GEF Funding until December Interest Total 500,000.00 10,000.00 600,000.00 18,000.00 1,128,000.00 Total +/- R1mil Extension and other staff R25000*10 275,000.00 Office/Admin/Funding/Data base R14000 172,000.00 Manager R21000 270,000.00 Admin officer R4000 48,000.00 Overtime 20,000.00 Total R 785 000 Cell phones and contracts and comms Mapping Accountant Training Personnel and members Red Hot internet Training S&T Petty Cash Advertising Bank Charges Membership Fees Meeting Halls and Food Laptop Printer and Projector Entertainment Allowance Provision for WoF spotter Total 20,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 4,000.00 60,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 2,500.00 7,000.00 3,000.00 20,000.00 4,000.00 20,000.00 R 225 500 Discussion and Voting Registered Paid-up members As per current constitution <10ha = 1 vote 10 – 100ha = 2 votes 100 – 10 000ha = 4 vote 10 001 – 20 000ha = 5 votes 20 001 – 30 000ha = 6 votes 30 001 – 40 000ha = 7 votes 40 001 – 50 000ha = 8 votes 50 001 – 60 000ha = 9 votes >60 000ha = 10 votes Name Change Board members & Chairperson Naam / Name John Albertyn Pieter Albertyn Reinard Geldenhuys Lester Smith Mavila Manganyi Peter Viljoen Jerome Lakey Bulelwa Msengi Roger Bailey Guy Brooke-Sumner Deon van Tonder Gerhard van Deventer John Hauman Pietersarel de Bruyn Andries Erwee Adjunk / Deputy Marlu Rust Deon Geldenhuys CAM (Voorsitter/ Chairperson) Te verkies / To Elect yes CAM (Tesourier/ Treasurer) yes Overberg CFO/ FPO permanent Overstrand CFO permanent DAFF permanent Area permanent CapeNature Denel OTR Masindi Raselabe permanent SANParks Agulhas Anthony Bishop Overstrand/ Gansbaai (old Hagelkraal) Jakkie de Kock Johan Kriel Jaap de Wet Chris Goatley Johan Viljoen Dr Paul Cluver permanent yes yes Sondagskloof Swellendam/ Barrydale yes Swellendam yes yes TWK/ Babilonstoring yes TWK/ Caledon (old OTWK) yes TWK/ Grabouw (old TW-Groenland) Amendments to the Constitution Members responsible to keep us informed of any changes to their contact details Comms is a critical part of our job b. Every member is responsible for informing the FPA General Manager of any changes to the information submitted on its application form. The Association cannot be held responsible should any member information be incorrect at any point and time. c. FMU structure added Better description of responsibilities as per the NVFFA viii. comply with the requirements of the Act, particularly in relation to the establishment of fire breaks, the reduction of fuel loads, the retention of firefighting equipment and staff, and preventing the starting of fires on their land or the spread to adjoining land. c. Protect the member – must include rectification plan The Association may terminate membership if: i. a member fails to comply with the rules, and ii. received a non-compliance notice from the Fire Protection Officer with an agreed rectification plan. a. Multi year increase request, to enable more speedy invoicing The Board from time to time – ii. may determine annual fees and charges for membership for more than one financial year at a time, d. e. All fees of the Association must be paid within 90 days of receipt of the invoice. Any member terminated under Section 11 is required to again pay the joining fee in order to restore membership. Allow for FMUs A Fire Management Unit may determine – g. i. ii. h. any additional annual or once-off fees, or an alternative fee structure for its members, notwithstanding the above, provided that they meet the total membership fee contribution budgeted by the Board for the members of that Fire Management Unit. Any FMU fees as determined under subsection (g) must be i. ii. iii. decided by the majority of the members of that Fire Management Unit at a meeting called for that purpose, and approved at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose, where the basis of the fee calculation must be included in the proposal that is put forward. paid directly to the Association unless otherwise agreed between the Association and the majority of the members of that Fire Management Unit. EXCO renamed Board a. The Association will consist of the following bodies – i. ii. iii. iv. v. The Board The Advisory Forum The Management Oversight Committee The Management team Fire Management Units b. Private landowners on Board The Board of the Association iii. The Board will be convened as follows – 2. The members of the Board, including the Chairperson and Treasurer, are elected for a period of 2 years, but may stand for re-election at the end of that period. The membership of private landowners on the Board will be staggered with 50% being appointed each year. Simplify voting, but still protect the private landowner a. At an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting – ii. Votes will be allocated as follows: 1. <100ha = 1 vote 2. 101 – 3 000ha = 2 votes 3. >3 001 = 3 votes iii. Maximum of 10 votes for landowners with separate business entities (eg. CapeNature) Amendments to the Rules Needs to be updated and more practical Currently on changes are to our new name A workgroup to discuss and prepare new rules for discussion Please participate Fee increase Based on approved Services Started from a very low base Requests received to investigate a risk base fee model Property size Rate < 100ha 101ha – 3 000ha 3 001 plus R385 R385 plus R0.80 p/ha more than 100ha R2 700 plus R0.30 p/ha more than 3 000ha Municipalities R3 560 Emergency Number: Overberg Fire & Rescue: 028 425 1690