May - chinnajeeyar
May - chinnajeeyar
Engum uzhan kannan enna maganai kka:yundu Ingu illai a:l ennu iraniyan thu:n pudaippa Angu appozhude: avan vi:yaththo:nniya en Singappira:n perumai a:ra:yum si:rmaiththe: “Lord is everywhere”, said Prahla:d. Hiranyakasipu did not believe it and built a pillar with his own hands. Thinking Lord is not present there, he hit it hard, but at once Lord emerged from the pillar in half-lion and half-hu man form and killed the demon. Who can comprehend such inscrutable, mysterious nature of Lord? --Namma:lwa:r in Thiruva:ymozhi 2.8.9 May 2nd is birth day of Lord Narasimha INSIDE Volume: 08 Issue: 07 02 PRAYER From Namma:lwa:r Thiruva:ymozhi 05 EDITORIAL 07 VTSEVA BHA:RATH UPDATES 12 BHJAYATHI RA:JA STHO:THRA 14 RA:MA:NUJA LIFE HISTORY Read Ra:ma:nuja Life Story In Pictures 18 GLORY OF RA:MA:NUJA Ira:ma:nusa Nu:ththanda:di Prahla:da: Devotion Unperturbed Circumstance 21 VTSEVA AUSTRALIA UPDATES 22 HOMEOPATHY REMEDIES What we can learn from prahla:da Commone Allergies & Their Treatment 24 VE:NKATA:CHALA 8 BIRDS IN RA:MA:YANA 38 A:CHA:RYA HISTORY 42 DIVYA PRABANDHAM 46 Ra:ma Honors Birds MA:HA:TMYAM The History of The Seven Hills & The Lord of them 28 ARTHA PANCHAKAM Na:ththamuni reveals future a:cha:rya The 5 most important things to know in life 30 MORAL LESSONS FROM Thiruppalli Yezhuchchi RA:MA:YANA This wakeup song of Lord Rangana:ttha was composed by Thondaradippodi A:lwa:r 33 FAQ FROM READERS How To Be Free of Envy?..MUST READ 36 BHAGAWAD GI:THA by LIFE HISTORY OF A:LWA:RS 50 The three A:lwa:rs meet at one place!. A Voyage Towards Victory Principles Serve All Beings As Service To God & Worship Your Own, Respect All B H A K T H I N I V E D A N A A Constant Companion in Your Spiritual Journey FREE FOOD FREE EDUCATION at badarinath, Thirumala, Srirangam, Bhadra:chalam, Sriperumbudur, Melkote Colleges & Schools for the Visually Challenged Schools for the Tribals Schools for the Fishermen Children Vedic Schools A:gama Schools Ve:da:ntha Schools, Prajna Schools FOUNDER Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Chinna Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji BHAKTHINIVEDANA TEAM Prapanna Vaisaradi Ramanuja Dasi Smt. Ramanujamma Ramanuja Dasi Smt. Deepa Ramanuja Dasi Smt. Divya Ramanuja Dasi Sriman Ramakrishna Ramanuja Dasa Smt. Sowjanya Ramanuja Dasi Smt. Sumitra Ramanuja Dasi Sriman Srinivasa Ramanuja Dasa Sriman Sheshagiri Ramanuja Dasa HEALTH Cancer Detection and Health Camps Especially in Rural Areas for Women & Children Veterinary Services ENVIRONMENTAL tree Plantation Pollution Prevention HERITAGE PRESERVATION Mandasa Temple Renovation Preserving Monuments Consecrating Thousands of -Temples PEACE & OTHER SERVICES: Mass Prayers with Millions of People Peace Walks, Yajna:s Financial Aid, Support, Services During Natural Calamities - Throughout the World Support and Aid During Natural Calamities READ ONLINE: A Constant companion in your spiritual journey. Read wonderful spiritually enlightening articles in Telugu, Hindi & English in all three editions of Bhakthinivedana Spiritual Magazine. bhakthinivedana/ CALENDAR - May 2015 CONTACT Email: SRI VAISHNAVA E:KA:DASI VISIT FESTIVALS May 14, May 29 Bhakthinivedana is a spiritual monthly e-magazine published by His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Chinna Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji on behalf of Jeeyar Educational Trust. 4 OUR SERVICES May 2- The Appearance Day of Lord Narasimha & Madhurakavi A:lwa:r Birthday (Read the inspiring story of prahla:da inside) May 4 - Annama:cha:rya Jayanthi May 13 - The Birthday of Hanuman, Hanumajjayanthi May 19 - Thirukko:shiyu:r Nambi Birthday May 30 - Ku:rma Jayanthi Bhakthinivedana May 2015 EDITORIAL Vichithra: de:ha sampaththihi i:swara:ya nive:dithum ! It is good to be selfish, said Swamiji in a speech and everyone was alarmed at once! Why Swamiji is advising all to be selfish? By definition, a selfish person is someone who is always engaged in just the welfare and profit of one’s own. He wants to use every minute for his “own” good. True, but when the purpose of our actions is to reach or please “The Supreme”, that selfishness turns out be complete selflessness from the wordly perspective. Our bodies come with an expiration date, albeit unknown. If we are truly selfish, we use that body for the maximum profit, making use of every minute for the best possible purpose. While in good health and all our limbs are acting fine, if we remember Lord and repose our responsibility in Him, He promises to take care of us when we are otherwise. (Sthithe: manasi susvasthe: sari:re sathiyo: naraha... Lord Vara:ha Swa:my to Bhu:de:vi) Kulase:khara, a king and a:lwa:r prays to the Lord to let his mind dwell on Lord’s lotus feet now itself, for at the time of departure from body, when the body is inflicting too much pain it is not possible to focus on Him. (Krushna thwadi:ya pada pankaja panjara:nthaha...) Prahla:da, just a five year old, advises his fellow students thus: “my dear friends, right from early childhood, develop the love and devotion to Lord Vishnu who can deliver us from this beginningless suffering of repeating births and deaths. Long before the body dwindles, when it is still healthy, one must endeavor for the highest goal of life, to surrender unto Lord Na:ra:yana (Kauma:ram a:chare:th pra:jno dharma:n bha:gavatha:n iha... Upe:tha na:ra:yanam a:di de:vam...Sri:mad Bha:gavatham 7.6.1 and 7.6.18) This body consisting of legs, hands etc is an amazing wealth bestowed upon us by God which needs to be utilized in the service of the Supreme Controller, say the scriptures. (Vichithra: de:ha sampaththihi i:swara:ya nive:dithurn...). But how do we serve that Supreme Controller in our practical lives is the next immediate May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 5 question. Prahla:da’s story gives us the insights. He identified the same Supreme Power in everything small and big in the universe. In fact, everything owes their existence to the presence of the Supreme Lord inside. Realizing the presence of the Supreme Power everywhere and in everything, one should start serving it from wherever one is. VTSEVA’s divine motto as given by Swamiji, “Serve All Beings As Service To God” essentially encompasses this whole understanding. As followers of this motto, we serve all beings as service to God. And in that service, lies our own welfare and progress. Often hardships in life bring us close to the reality of the world. The curtain of ego is removed and we see things as they are. The gift of hardships is that they bring us close to remembering God and His infinite love upon us. Nepal is hard hit by the earth quake. Thousands of people died and many more are left homeless. It is a virtue to be strong hearted in difficulties. But it is a greater virtue to possess a tender, compassionate heart ready to help others in difficulties, which is a mark of true Vaishnava. VTSEVA is taking the lead and responsibility in collecting all the donations and making sure they reach the much needy victims of Nepal earth quake. Kindly be selfish and do yourself a favor by being part of the relief efforts. Yours, in service of Swamiji, Bhakthi Nive:dana. 6 Bhakthinivedana May 2015 VT BHA:RATH UPDATES KARIMNAGAR (TELANGANA) Temple cleaning program was conducted by Yuva Vikas volunteers on 31st March, at Vavilalapalli and on 7th April at Anjaneyaswami temple at Batti Rajaram colony. They took up plantation program, spread awareness about cleanliness. They also conducted Sathsung highlighting Ramanuja Sahasrabdi. On Ugadi, panchanga -sravanam was conducted by Vedic Scholar Sreeman Varaprasadji and vedic students. Hanumat vijayotsavam was conducted at Korutla Ramalayam. 1000 Hanuman chalisa books and free butter milk was distributed by VT. Sriramanavami kalyanam was grandly celebrated at Elikeswaram and saptagiri colony. Smt.Sunanda Prasad Rao, Govt. Teachers who are also members of YUVA VIKAS visited our Jeeyar Gurukuls at Allampalli and Beersaipet. They interacted with the students from 3rd Std to 10th Std.They examined the Prefinal examination papers of 10th class students and gave some valuable suggestions for better performance. MIRYA:LA GU:DA (TELANGANA) VT Housing board branch conducted Prajna Activites during the year 2014. Prajna exam was conducted on 19-03-2015. students actively participated and prizes were given by Mamidi Ramareddyji. Principal and students of Prajna of Dowhill school thanked Sri Srinivasji for conducting the camp in their school. BHADRA:CHALAM (TELANGANA) Gowtham Rao, Ram Chandra Rao, Ch.Ayodya ramarao and Anantha sriramulu collected Rs.8,371/- and handed over to Netra vidyalaya. Prajna summer camp will be conducted from May 3rd to 15th from 9 to 11 at four places. Prajna Module 1 will be taught along with slokas, yoga, games and many mind memory techniques. VT members of Bhadrachalam were blessed to extend their services during Kalyanamahotsavam and Pattabhishekam of Bhadrachala Ram Chandra. They also extended their services in counting section. Smt. Vanajabhaskara rao on behalf of our Acharya offered Pattu Vastrams to Perumal. Sri Ahobala Jeeyar Swamiji visited on 30th March and gave mangalasasanams for all VT members for their services. Sreeman Bhattar, Venkatacharyulu, Rama, Pullareddy, Purushotham participated. --VT SEVA Updates continued in pg 13... Prajna activities are also taken up actively .Sri M.Rajender Reddy and Sri Venu Gopalachari, May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 7 8 Bhakthinivedana May 2015 Prahla:da the foremost among devotees ! When we go through pura:nas, we come across incidents in the lives of great people whose conduct, especially during trying circumstances makes us dumb founded. It’s easy to understand God’s incarnations performing extra ordinary tasks. For instance Lord Vishnu descended to Earth in the form of four brothers, Ra:ma, Lakshmana, Bharatha and Satrughna. As they are incarnation of Lord Himself, their exalted behavior to upkeep the ideals can be attributed to their divinity. But how to understand the mortals like Dhruva, Ambari:sha, Sudha:ma, the go:pis of vrunda:van and a:lwa:rs and a host of others? Prahla:da was one such extraordinary devotee. He was one of the four sons of the tyrant demon-king Hiranyakashipu. Our ancestors placed Prahla:ad, in the very first place in the list of great devotees, as can be seen through the widely quoted slo:ka: of devotion for salvation while Prahla:da was still in the womb of his mother. Na:rada himself is a great devotee of Lord as he is “sada: sadbha:va bha:vithaha” (one who is always immersed in the thought of the Lord). However, Prahla:da , disciple of Na:rada is placed in the above stanza before Na:rada himself. The reason for Prahla:da to lead the list of devotees is possibly the intensity of devotion he was experiencing even as a kid (ba:la). The others became devotees too, but only after attaining knowledge through their worldly experience and as the result of their good deeds. Yet another reason is none of the devotees listed suffered so much as Prahla:da did. The suffering of Prahla:da is almost unbounded and unparalleled. Father, who is supposed to take care of the son, subjected him to unthinkable punishments. In spite of all this, Prahla:da did not drift from his path nor developed any hatred towards his father. This also is a reason for his rightful place among the great devotees. The Story of Prahla:da Prahla:da na:rada para:sara pundari:ka The story of Prahla:da doesn’t need elaboVya:sa ambari:sha suka shounaka bhi:shma rate narration to anyone who heard about dalbhya:n Lord Narasimha, the half lion and half man incarnation of Lord. The demon king rukma:ngada, arjuna, vasishta, Hiranyakashipu treated Lord Vishnu as his vibhishana:di:n staunch enemy as He killed Hiranyakapunya:n ima:n parama bha:gavatha:n shipu’s brother Hiranya:ksha. Hiranyakasmara:mi shipu obtained boons from Bramha to be deathless due to any of a long list of perBha:gavatha pura:na tells us that N:rada sons or objects either in day time or night has taught Prahla:da about the Supreme time. Because of this he became extremely Lord Sri:manna:ra:yana and about the path arrogant and tried to locate Sri: Hari and May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 9 eliminate Him. big ocean. Unfortunately his own son Prahla:da, who was initiated into Vishnu bhakthi by Na:rada became the bitterest enemy. As is natural for any good parent, Hiranyakasipu wanted to put Prahla:da on the ‘ right track’ by educating him under teachers who are well trained in their own way to please the demon king. He sent Prahla:da to a hermitage school (gurukula) at a very tender age and it so happened that instead of getting educated, Prahla:da tried to educate the students and teachers there. The fellow students also learnt considerably from one among their “equals”! He survived. Vexed by this, Hiranyakasnipu, asked Prahla:da “where is your Lord?”. Prahla:da said “Lord is everywhere.” Sri:mad Bha:gavatha of Sage Ve:davyasa, Sri Vishnu Pura:na of Sage Para:sara, both in Sanskrit and last but not the least, Po:thana:ma:thya’s Andhra Bha:gavatam give a graphic description of the developments and Lord’s birth through a pillar in the form of Lord Narasimha and there after Killing the demon king Hiranyakasipu. True vision is to see Lord everywhere It is a matter of great wonder that Prahla:da was not perturbed at any stage at the furious utterances of his father. He was not disturbed at the attempts to kill him. After a lapse of time when Hiranyakashipu tried to test how far his son was educated by the teachers, Prahla:da exhibited his unflinching devotion to the omnipresent and benevolent Lord Sri:manna:ra:yana and this made his father furious. We have to note here that despite several warnings from his father, Prahla:da continued to worship Lord Sri:manna:ra:ya instead. His father then decided to kill his own son and poisoned him. But Prahla:da, survived. The father ordered his servants to kill him by any means. They mercilessly tried to trample the boy with elephants, but the boy still lived. They placed Prahla:da in a room with venomous snakes, and the snakes made a bed for him with their bodies. They threw him down from the peak of a tall mountain. He survived. Interestingly, he got up slowly worrying about the safety of the Lord who is present as “Antharya:mi” in himself. He was thrown by the servants into May 2015 At the “heart” of Prahla:d’s fearlessness It is but very natural that a boy of five years would tremble at the thought of Death. When elephants run to trample, he did not have any fear. When venomous serpents are around him, he had no fear. When he was dropped from a mountain peak, he had no fear. When he was thrown into a furious ocean, he had no problems. How it is that he is so fearless?! He is called as “Fearless Prince” by some. If we say that he is created by God to display this quality of fearlessness even in dire circumstances to the human beings and so he is fearless, then his character does not teach us any lesson. His fearlessness is due to his unflinching devotion or steadfast bhakti towards the Lord who happens to be the cause of creation, existence, destruction and liberation. Bhakthinivedana 10 For all those with a body, He is present as Antharya:mi, as A:thma, controlling/ or allowing them to continue their actions. He is all pervading. He has Infinite number of auspicious qualities (kalya:na guna:s) like being compassionate (apa:ra karuna), loving, beautiful etc., in addition to having infinite knowledge, infinite energy, infinite power to control infinite opulence with exquisite glory and infinite happiness (A:nanda). Due to his unbounded mercy he is approachable irrespective of our age, creed, birth, sex and attainments. He is capable of protecting us. This protection (raksha) includes granting what we want along with removing or throwing away that which harms us. He is the only savior. In Bhagavadgi:tha, Lord Krushna declared: Ananya:s chinthayantho:ma:m ye:jana:h paryupa:sathe: the:sha:m nithya:bhiyuktha:na:m yo:gakshe:mam vaha:myaham “Those who always keep Me in their thoughts with exclusive love and devotion towards Me, I shall take care of their attainment of supreme bliss (yo:ga) and protection (kshe:ma) in all ways. I provide what they lack and protect what they have. Prahla:da stands as a perfect example for this statement of Lord Krushna. He was fearless even in the face of the most fearful circumstance! Prahla:da’s devotion has no pollution Bhakthi which is just supreme love towards Prahla:da’s devotion does not have any pollution of seeking some special thing for him. At the sight of Lord Narasimha, Brahma and various de:vathas were terrified and could not approach Him. Even Goddess Lakshmi shivered at the sight of the unprecedented form of the Lord. Prahla:da was fearless and requested by Bramha and de:vathas, he approached Lord Narasimha, sat in his lap and praised the Lord. Lord, if practiced will certainly reduce our fears. And that Bhakthi comes when the knowledge of God ripens fully in practice. Thus Prahla:da stands as the quintessential example, guide and the inspiration for all future generation of devotees. --Contributed by Sri:ma:n Dr.T.K.V Iyengar Swami, Warangal, India Once as a reply to his father’s question, Prahla:da said, “Oh Father, in my mind the one who steals all the fears like birth, old age, disease, death etc is there eternally. Then where is the question of having Fear?” May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 11 Bhaja Yathira:ja Stho:thram --Continued from previous issue 6) Nisi vanitha: sukha nidra:lo:laha pra:thaha paradu:shana patusi:laha antharya:thi nija:yuhu ka:laha kim ja:na:thi naraha pasuli:laha In the night, one longs for sleep and enjoyment with woman, in the morning, he is expert in the art of blaming others. Spending one’s entire life time in such animalistic pleasures, what knowledge is one gaining? 7) Ke:chil li:la: la:lasa gathayaha ke:chidba:la: la:litha rathayaha ke:chiddo:la:yitha hatha mathayaha ke:pi na santhyarchitha yathipathayaha Some are interested in engaging sports and some others are desirous of sporting with the girls. And some, owing to their fickle mindedness, have lost intelligence altogether. But none are found to worship Yathira:ja, the king among all ascetics. quent, full of detachment and wise words of ve:da:ntha philosophy but in the mind, he is thinking that another marriage would be very good! 9) Kalushanika:yam lalana:ka:yam pashyan myuhyasi sa:yam sa:yam jahi jahi he:yam thadvyavasa:yam bhaja nirapa:yam charamo:pa:yam Though the body of woman is full of scornful dirt, again and again every evening you are deluded by looking at it.Give up that abominable effort at once. Worship Ra:ma:nuja, the ultimate means which bestows ultimate destination (Vaikuntta). 10) Ra:thrim divamapi bhiksha:charya: kalaha:yaiva: gachchathi bha:rya: madhye: ba:ndhava se:va: ka:rya: katthaya kada: thava de:va: saparya: Night and day, you lead your life by begging. And wife is preparing to put up an argument with you. In the middle of all this, you are busy serving your relatives and dependents. Tell me, when will you worship God? 8) Ya:va:n abalo: jaraya: de:haha tha:va:n prabalo: visaye: mo:haha vachasi virakthis sruthi pariva:ho: manasi hithasthvaparo:pi viva:haha As the body is aging and becoming weak, the desire to enjoy the material pleasures is gaining strength. In the speech, one is elo- May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 12 --VT SEVA Updates continued from pg 7 VT warangal is conducting Prajna classes from April 29th to May 31st for children between 5 to 15 Years from 8 A.M to 10 A.M near Nakkalagutta Bus stop, Hanumakonda. gaaru. They conducted quiz, essay writing and Elocution competetitions . S.Sujatha, Akhila, Girikumari, T.Sunitha won the prizes. Smt. N.C.Choodamani coordinated the program. Bhaskaracharya was the judge for the competitions. Prizes were given by committee members Sreeman Veeraraghavareddy and Sattireddy. GAMPALA GU:DEM (ANDHRA PRADESH) RA:JAMANDRI (ANDHRA PRADESH) Swatcha Bharat Program was conducted by VT members in Venugopala Swamy temple in Nemaligudem village. They cleaned primary school and created awareness among public towards cleanliness. Satsung was conducted at Talluri Ramakoteswararao garu’s residence and Smt K.Krishnakumari gave a speech about Sri Ramanuja charitra and the program was followed by Tadiyaradhana. VT also distributed prasadam and panakam during Sriramachandra kalyanam. With the Mangalasasanams of our Acharya Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Ramanuja chinnajeeyar Swamiji many activities are conducted at Rajahmundry during the month of March Ugadi was grandly celebrated at Srirangadhamam, panchagasravanam was conducted by Sthanacharya swami. Devotees attended in good numbers. VT general body meeting was organized by VT Secretary Sreeman Sattiraju gaaru. WARANGAL (TELANGANA) E:LU:RU (ANDHRA PRADESH) Regular sathsungs are conducted as a part of Ramanuja sahasrabdi.Dhatipanchaka parayana is done and about 1000 devotees participated.Kovida, a 4 year child surprised by reciting the same. Even Ramanuja stotrams and bhajans are also taken up in satsung. Chi.Tavva Mahati sets up a good example by celebrating her birthday by feeding about 70 students of Prema:nvitha child development school(school for the disabled).Sreeman D.Venkatasuresh organized the program and VT members extended their services. ANAPARTHI (ANDHRA PRADESH) VT members of Anaparthi are conducting regular activities in Sri SitaRamachandra Venkateswaraswamy koyal since 9 years. Satsung is conducted regularly on every Tuesday. They celebrated their 10th Anniversary by conducting competetions based on Ramanuja Charitra written by Smt. Chudamani May 2015 Sriramanavami also was a grand festivity Sri Sitaramanchadra kalyanam was celebrated with great pomp and show. Srirangadhamam was thronged with devotees and reverberated with Ramanamam. On the occasion of Lakshmi tirunakshatram koti kumkumarchana and gadyatraya parayana was conducdted. Pusparchana with 8 different kinds of flowers was the highlight of the day and beauty of diety cannot be expressed in words. It was the good fortune for all those who attended to see this. Regular VT meetings are conducted on every Sunday from 10 AM to plan for the grand event during Godavari Pushkarams. Sri Sri Sri Ahobala Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji visited and gave instructions in this regard.VT Rajahmundry is also supporting the educational cause of poor and needy children with a financial support of Rs.10,000 which was given to Kumari B.Poornima Udayasri. --VT SEVA Updates continued in pg 45... Bhakthinivedana 13 May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 14 15 Bhakthinivedana May 2015 May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 16 17 Bhakthinivedana May 2015 18 Bhakthinivedana May 2015 Ira:ma:nusa Nu:ththanda:di Part 2 Purport nayantharu pe:rinbamella:m pazhudenru nanninarpa:l sayantharu kirthi yira:ma:nusamuni tha:linaime:l uyarnda gunaththu ththiruvaranga ththamudo:ngumanba:l iyambum kaliththurraiyanda:di yo:davisai nenjame: || Meanings nenjame: = oh! manas! pe:r inbam ella:m = all pleasures that seem to be great nayantharu = caused by senses pazhudu enru = knowing them as ‘worthless’ thiruvarangaththamudu = Thiruvarangaththamudana:r uyarndagunaththu = adorned with divine attributes tha:linaime:l = on the divine feet ira:ma:nusamuni = of Sri:ra:ma:nujamuni sayantharu ki:rthi = renowned for bestowing nanninanpa:l = control over senses iyambum = uttering o:ngum anna:l = with increased love kaliththurai = with a meter known as ‘kaliththurai’ anda:di = ira:ma:nusa nu:ththanda:di isai = bless me! o:da = to recite at all times May 2015 Amudana:r is praying to his ‘manas’ , ‘Oh! Manas! The sensual pleasures from the sense of touch, vision, taste, smell and sound are purely temporary. They are momentary and fleeting. They have to be renounced. Bhagavad Ra:ma:nuja is renowned to bestow the power of control over the senses whoever surrenders to him. Amudana:r, who fully believed in the divine lotus feet of A:cha:rya composed a prabandha using the meter ‘kaliththurai’. Manas! Permit me to chant that at all times and in all circumstances. Saying so he is pleading his manas to cooperate with him. This thaniyan is presented by a great soul So:ma:jiya:nda:n. It is a custom to recite this thaniyan in divya de:sas like Thiruna:ra:yanapuram. sollin thogai kondu unadadi ppodukku thondu seyyum nal anbare:ththum unna:mamella:m endan na:vinulle: | allum pagalum amarum padi nalgu arrusamaya villum parama ira:ma:nusa: idu en vinnappame: || Bhakthinivedana 19 Meanings nalgu = bless me! amarumpadi = to have endan = on my na:vinulle: = tongue only allum pagalum = day and night un na:mamella:m = Your divine names nal anbar = great devotee Amudana:r sollin thogai kondu = deciding to say 108 pa:surams thondu seyyum = to do verbal service e:ththum = eulogizing unadu adi ppo:dukku = your divine feet arrusamayam villum = who opposed and won over the six unauthentic faiths. parama ira:ma:nusa: ! = A:cha:rya:! Ra:ma:nuja: ! idu = this is en vinnappame: = my prayer! Purport Ra:ma:nuja:! You proved six religions as unauthentic and won over them! You propagated the doctrine of ‘Visishta:dwaitha. Thiruvarangaththamudana:r composed 108 pa:surams as ‘ira:ma:nusa nu:ththanda:di’ as a form of verbal service that reveal your glory! Swa:mi! Bless me so that all those pa:surams linger on my tongue all the time. This is my humble request! Lord Na:ra:yana created this world with just His own intention. He initiated Bramha with the Sa:vithri manthra. Amudana:r handed over that essence through the divine name ‘ira:ma:nusan’. So this prabandha May 2015 became famous as ‘prapanna ga:yathri’. If we recite this prabandha, there will be no dearth of anything. iniyan kurrai namakku emberuma:na:r thiruna:maththa:l muni thanda nu:ththettu chcha:viththiri yennum nunporulai | kani thanda senjo:l kaliththurai yanda:di pa:diththanda:n punidan thiruvarangaththamuda:giya punniyane: || Meanings muni = the muni Sri:manna:ra:yana who always contemplates on creation and all thanda = gave his son Bramha nu:ru ettu = to meditate on for 108 times sa:viththiri ennumnun porulai = the essence of sa:vithri manthra that is in the form of ga:yathri manthra emberuma:na:r thiruna:maththa:l = with the divine names of Ra:ma:nuja. punidan thiruvarangaththamudu a:giya punniyan = the divine soul, the blessed named thiruvanrangththa mudana:r pa:di = sang thanda:n = graced us with kanithanda senjol kaliththurrai anda:di = this ‘anda:di’ prabandha in the ‘kaliththurai’ meter with good words that emanate power through sound. ini = so Bhakthinivedana 20 namakku = what do we korari e:n = lack ? Purport Sri:manna:rayana is a ‘muni’ (one who contemplates). He always contemplates on the creation of this universe. He brought out Bramha from his navel and initiated him with the ga:yathri manthra along with the ‘pranava’ (o:m). That ve:damanthra became famous as ‘ga:yathri:m chhandasa:m…’and came to be known as ‘ve:dama:tha ga:yathri’. Amudana:r gave us that essence of Gayathrimanthra as ‘prapanna ga:yathri’ that constitutes the name of Bhagavad Ra:ma:nuja. This prabandha of ira:ma:nusa nu:ththanda:di is famous as prapanna ga:yathri. VTSEVA AULSTRALIA UPDATES 1. Organ Donation Stall: JET Melbourne organised an Organ Donation stall (in liaison with DonateLife, the federal body promoting organ donation) at Holi Mela organised by Australia India Innovations Inc(AIII) on 7th March. JET volunteers distributed organ donation promotion material and registration forms to the participants in the mela. Our stall was visited by Dandenong Council Mayor Cr Sean O’Reilly and appreciated the efforts of JET Australia. Few thousands participated in the holi mela. 2. Pallaki Seva: JET Organised Pallaki Seva with in the Holi Mela event. Lord Sri Seeth- May 2015 aRamachandra & Lord Venkateshwara along with Bhagavad Ramanuja on separate pallaki’s (palanquin) were taken in a procession with singing, dancing and dhol playing. Rama Naama chanting was played by the AIII organisers and large gathering had an opportunity to pay respects to the Lord. It was a unique event where procession was similar to the one organised at Divya Deshas in India 3. Sri Rama Navami Celebrations: Sri SeethaRama Kalyanam was celebrated very grandly on 28th March. It was a whole day event where many volunteers came in the morning and took the responsibility of cooking and organising various other tasks. The Kalyanam was performed in the evening by JET members itself without hiring external priest. Prakash and Rajesh explained the Kalyanam procedure and made everyone to perform kalyanam to their SeethaRama deities. Many Bhutanese Nepalese devotees participated in the event. Pallaki Seva amidst singing and dancing was organised and all devotees participated with great joy. 4. Felicitation to Baba Ramdev: JET Melbourne felicitated Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev on April 12. We were invited by Abhimanyu ji a close associate of Baba Ramdev for a private meeting with him. We took along with us Bhutanese devotees and presented a momento and garlanded him. Baba Ramdev was very happy to see the devotees of our Sri Swamiji and chanted Jai Srimannarayana along with us. Bhakthinivedana 21 Homeopathy Treating Allergies with Homeopathy Why Homeopathy? Just a recap about homeopathy from the last edition- it is system of medicine that believes in the principle “Like cures like.”It originated in Germany 200 yrs. ago. Very minute amounts of the drug is used to treat the ailment. It is the energy released from the drug that cures.. Many people will have some problem with allergies or allergic reactions at some point in their lives. In this edition we discuss a little about Homeopathy can help people with Allergies. again, you may have hives or trouble breathing. This is caused by the response of the immune system. Types of allergies There are many types of allergies. Some of the more common ones include: Food allergies: which are more common in children than adults. Seen in people who have an inherited tendency to develop allergic conditions. These people are more likely to have asthma and other allergies. Medicine allergies: Many prescription and What are allergies? Allergies are an overreaction of the body’s natural defense system that helps fight infections (immune system). The immune system normally protects the body from viruses and bacteria by producing antibodies to fight them. In an allergic reaction, the immune system starts fighting substances that are usually harmless (such as dust mites, pollen, or a drugs) as though these substances were trying to attack the body. This overreaction can cause a rash, itchy eyes, a runny nose, trouble breathing, nausea vomiting, and diarrhea. An allergic reaction may not occur the first time you are exposed to an allergy-producing substance (allergen). For example, the first time you are stung by a bee, you may have only pain and redness from the sting. If you are stung 22 ---By Dr. Madhuriji, NJ nonprescription medicines can cause an allergic reaction. Most common being Pencillin. Allergies to insect venom. When you are stung by an insect, poisons and other toxins in the insect’s venom enter your skin. It is normal to have some swelling, redness, pain, and itching at the site of a sting. An allergic reaction to the sting occurs when your body’s immune system overreacts to the venom of stinging insects. Allergies to animals, which are more likely to cause breathing problems than skin problems. You may be allergic to your pet’s dead skin (dander), urine, dried saliva, or hair. Allergies to natural rubber (latex). Some people develop allergic reactions after repeated contact with latex, especially latex gloves. Bhakthinivedana May 2015 Allergies that develop from exposure to a particular inhaled substance in the workplace. These are called occupational asthma. Allergies to cosmetics, such as artificial nails, hair extensions, and henna tattoos. The pathological symptoms of allergy includes sneezings,watery nose,red eyes, with itching and watering. Some have breathing difficulties,dry cough and skin rash.Those with food allergies have vomittings, diarrhea or bloating. Many people are frustrated by taking Claritan, Allegra,Nasonex,Benadryl etc for years together and cannot undertake an outdoor activity, children are indoors with no physical activity even during the spring seasons. This condition can be gently treated by using Homeopathy medicines with no side effects even after their prolonged use. How often do the patients need to take their allergy medication? How is each individual different from In most cases that have been a Homeopathic treatment perspective treated,improvement is seen in just a weeks Though there may be a common thread of symptoms in all the patients they will all not receive the same drug . Each individual is different, apart from the usual symptoms of Allergies ,there are particular symptoms of every individual. This includes all the factors that modify these symptoms. For eg. Redness of eyes with watering accompanied with burning discharge from nose leads us to prescribe a drug named Allium cepa- commonly known as Onion. On the other hand if there are burning discharge from eyes,and bland watery discharge from nose then we use Euphrasia. In some people there is only Sneezings with thirst of water then we give Ars.iod. Other factors involved would be the nature of allergen - whether it is dust pollen,different type of odors or climatic changes as seen when it rains a few people suffer from sneezings or nose block,wheezing,cough etc. Unlike the conventional treatment which reduce or suppress the symptoms of an allergic reaction,Homeopathy treats the person so that the body’s immune system is strengthened by Homeopathy reducing the intensity and frequency of any disorder. Symptoms then automatically disappear. 23 dose while some take a month. Patients don’t have to come back for medicine every year. There is a booster dose just like vaccinations that prevents their body to react to allergens in the following yrs. which is suggested to be taken just before the season starts or end of the season. What form is the medicine given inlike inhalers or orally given? Generally given in the form of pills the size of mustard seeds ,which need to be taken by mouth. Medicine dissolves in the saliva from where it is absorbed. There are some meds.that homeopaths give which can be taken as inhalers. How are food allergies treated? Homeopaths have been successful with milk and rice allergies,that would help the body to react less to the allergens gradually over a period of months. The foods are introduced to make the body comfortable with it. ---Continued on page 49 Bhakthinivedana May 2015 THE HISTORY OF LORD OF SEVEN HILLS ITIHA:SAMA:LA KNOW THE TRUE HISTORY OF TIRUMALA VE :NKATA :CHALA May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 24 THE HISTORY OF TIRUMALA Part 3 Thathra:sthe: Ko:laru:pi:thu Maha:vishnuvu Sana:thanaha || Siva retells his son Skanda clearly about the sanctity and the Vaishnava history of Ve:nkatachalam in the following slo:kam: Sanctity of Vara:ha Kshe:thram The realised souls and great seers constantly meditate in this sacred place. The great Ve:dic followers wouldn’t attempt to touch the pious hills with their foot by attempting to climb it. Aware of the holiness of this site, the great seers Sanctity of Ve:nkata:chalam like Sukha and Brughu, royal seers like During the age of Krutha, the Lord in the Prahalada and Ambari:sha would spend form of Vara:ha Swamy rescued Mother their time at the bottom of these hills, bathing in the sacred waters and offerEarth by holding her on His tusks. He ing the rituals. later developed the earth by arranging rivers and hills and so on and decided to This sacred Ve:nkatadri is prominent betake up His residence on the hills cause the Lord as Vara:ha and Sri:nivasa of Ve:nkata:dri. This is stated in the made this the place His residence. Va:mana Pura:na. Siddha: Munigana:sthathra Thapa: Kurvanthi Nithyasaha | The holy place “Ve:nkata:dri” is also predominantly known as Vara:ha Kshethram. The Lord Vara:ha with Mother seated on His lap appeared at the banks of the holy waters of Pushkarini. Vishno:re:vaparamde:ham manva:na:ha As Swa:mi (Vara:ha Swa:mi) is prese Thamngo:thamam || nt there, the Pushkarini is called Swa:mi Pushkarini. Padbhaya:ma:kramithum Bhi:th:ha Paryanthe:shve:va Varthana:ha | Uddhrutha:m Dharani:m De:vi Malingya:nke: Nidhayacha | Thannirgathandi:shve:va Kurva:na:ha Snana Tharpane|| A:radhitho Muniganayihi Thrisandhyam Sreddhaya:nvithyihi || Thapaha Kurvanthiva:nchanthaha sa:ksha:karthum Jana:rdhanam | May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 25 Thada:prabhruthi Thathpunyam Vara:ha:m Kshetramutchyathe: | Glory of Ve:nkata:dri Vara:ha Va:mana Pura:nam declares that anyone who meticulously follows the given process and faithfully meditates on the Vara:ha manthram in this holy place will Sa:sthrothe:ke:na, Vidha:nena Vara:ham be have all the desires fulfilled in addiMantramuttamam | tion to attaining domestic happiness and land. Japanthi Vijitha:thama:no Ma:same:kam Nirantaram || Thasmin Punyathame Kshe:thre: Vara:he: Ve:nkata:cale: || Gruhakshe:tra:dikam The:sha:m Sadyaha Siddhyathi Va:nchitam || 26 Bhakthinivedana May 2015 The composition Ve:nkatachala Ithiha:sa Ma:la narrates the way Ra:ma:nuja A:cha:rya culls out evidence from pura:nas and ithiha:sas to convince the court the Yadava King about the Vaishnava history and the glory of the seven hills: 1. Se:sha:dri, 2. Garuda:dri, 3. Nara:yana:dri, 4. Vrushabha:dri, 5. Anjanadri, 6. Ve:nkata:dri, 7. Vrusha:dri which together are called “Sri: Parvatha Sre:ni”. --To be continued May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 27 Artha Panchakam For The Ardent Beginner The 5 most important truths about our life! PART -3 Be a good listener! Ra:vana was one such example. He was not a good human being although he was thorough in all Ve:dic knowledge. He was selfish and not a good listener. He never listened to the good advice of his wife, minister, brother, etc. Likewise, a good heart alone (sans intelligence) is also not good enough! One should have an intelligence-based-good heart. This is possible only by being a good listener. Whatever good is learnt should first touch one’s heart and from there it should raise to enter one’s intelligence. (It should not directly enter the intelligence.) Such knowledge obtained is called me:dha. Di:pa:vali Ama:va:sya is the last newmoon night of a year. It is on this day that the Supreme Lord awakens from His Yo:ga-nidra (transcendental sleep). The following month, viz Ma:rgasira is when we celebrate the Lord’s glories as Dhanurma:sa Vratha. It is done as a Any learned person must possess this me:dha (not Me:dhas as some mistakenly group-activity. understand it as). This is why we need We need to listen, learn and implement to chant this prayer every day, what we learn during this vratha. We me:dha:m, mayi praja:m, should become an example for others to “mayi emulate our good behavior which is got by dadha:thu…. practicing the teachings of Dhanurma:sa May this fire bless me with me:dha (goodVratha. heart + intelligence). To be exemplary one should, in the first place, be a good listener. One should listen to good words – even if spoken by a small kid. Not just listening with ears, but we must also grasp it with our intelligence and fill our hearts with this wisdom. With such goodness in the heart, one feels like spreading good to the benefit of one and all. Intelligence alone (sans a good heart) is not good. 28 Prathibha, Prajna, Mananam One should also have prathibha - the ability to recollect a learnt item when actually needed. Knowing something very well is called prajna. Containing this knowledge well within oneself with a good heart is called me:dha. Bhakthinivedana May 2015 The ability to recollect such knowledge whenever/wherever needed is called Prathibha. Ve:das are the basis to develop this Prathibha. One should regularly, repeatedly listen to and practice it. This process of repeated learning is called Mananam. Hence one should always do mananam. This should become prajna which should in turn ripen one’s knowledge into me:dha. me:dha should become one’s prathibha. For all this, one should be a GOOD LISTENER – have good ears. One does not stop eating a day just because he ate the previous day. Similarly, one must always keep listening to good words (Ve:dic knowledge). By eating, breathing and drinking, a physical body is maintained. The soul is / should be maintained by mananam. Just as one’s body gets exhausted without food/ water even for a day, so also the soul gets exhausted and loses luster without the nourishment of mananam. That being is Indra. He is the king of all senses. He learnt from his guru Bruhaspathi who preached Indra for thousands of years! Until the end, Indra listened and learnt with the same interest, zeal and receptiveness. Both the speaker and listener had the same enthusiasm and attentiveness throughout the period. Each one wanted to listen, teach more and more. A person’s greatness is determined by his speech and good words. The words spoken should be such that the listener feels like listening continually. A speaker should be able to melt the heart of even an angry person ready to kill! Hanuman was one such example. He had the ability to melt the heart of even his enemy who would come to kill him! Tongue is so powerful that it has the power to enliven a dead person, kill or heal someone! The purpose of one’s life is fulfilled when he is able to speak in such a way that he inspires people around him to do good actions. To achieve this, we need to follow the guidance of one who is a master in such oration – Indra. O, Indra:! Please empower our senses. We need to follow that being who is a Make us speak good, be good and do master of practicing excellent mananam. good!! May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 29 Moral Lessons For The Modern World From Sri: Ra:ma:yanam Part 4 God as Man By Sri:ma:n Mohan Sagarji (Inspired by the teachings of His Holiness Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji) 30 Bhakthinivedana May 2015 Like the dictators and terrorists, Ra:vana and his band of ra:kshasa:s were the most feared in the land. Having gained powers through intense penance, Ra:vana was virtually immortal himself. Virtually nothing could conquer him; virtually nothing could kill him, virtually no being could challenge him, except one. The de:vathas, led by Indra, sat in counsel to discuss the situation at hand. Ra:vana had established armies to attack the main kingdoms of Bha:rath from all directions: with himself and his son Indrajit ruling the South, his brother Lavana:sura plaguing Mathura, and a set of hoodlums called the Ga:ndharvas plaguing the people of what is now Afghanistan. In addition, he had ra:khshasa armies raping and pillaging villages, and razing sacred lands to the ground. Yet, he was no lunatic. Ra:vana was an intelligent and learned man, true to the Ve:das, whose selfishness and greed made him use his vast knowledge to his own advantage. His very name told of what his greed was doing to the earth – Ra:vana, one makes us cry. The de:vathas reminded themselves of the age old adage, the difference between a learned man, sa: akshara and a demon, the letters reversed as ra:kshasa, depended on whether he used such wisdom for the good of others or for selfish gain. It was at that Brahma remembered a key point; in asking for the boon of near immortality, Ra:vana had failed to list the human being among the species of life which could not kill him. It made sense, the de:vathas thought to themselves; after all human beings were considered by both the demons and the gods as being little more than the insects who feed off the pond scum in stagnant ponds. It would take little more than one of them to take human form and kill Ra:vana. But, who among them would do that? And, if someone would, could that someone be convincing enough, so that Ra:vana would not discover their true identity? May 2015 People who appreciate movies realize that good acting lies in being able to convince an audience you are not acting. In the case of a de:vatha, the slightest hint that he/she were acting, and that would mean certain death. The de:vathas often came to Earth as humans, primarily for seeking out human lovers. But, knowledge of their true identity was almost obvious to everyone. The Being necessary for such a disguise should be someone who was a master of disguise. It would have to be someone so genuine, he would even sacrifice his god-hood, become fully human, such that no one would suspect of being anything else. It was at that moment, Va:lmi:ki describes the arrival of the One True God E:thasmin anthare: vishnu upaya:thaha maha:dhyuthihi: | Sankha chakra gada pa:ne: pi:tha:va:sa:ha jagathpati: || Without a second passing, the Supreme Being, the Protector of the Universe, Maha:Vishnu, appeared, glowing like Pure Light, holding His Conch, Discuss, Mace, and wearing Golden Clothing. The description of how He looked to the de:vathas tells of the One True God Who Rules over this Universe, wearing clothing and armaments to show He was ready to take on any battle, challenge any foe, for the sake of the Good. The de:vathas surrendered to the Supreme God, Maha:Vishnu:, and immediately requested He be born as four human sons to Dasaratha, the reigning King of A:yo:dhya. Each of the sons should kill one of the four great demonic forces, and in doing so redeem the world of its suffering. Bhakthinivedana 31 Recalling what the de:vathas thought of humans, the Lord knew only He could redeem the world. He decided to do so, however, in His Own Way, taking Ananta, Garuda and Viswakse:na along with Him as the other three sons, and bringing all of the de:vathas and the Ve:das themselves to earth along with His Own Incarnation as the fourth human being. The reason was a far greater one than merely killing demons. Human beings had been on earth for eons, but somehow had never learned how to be truly human, to take responsibility for themselves and others such that the world as a whole would flourish. By becoming Ra:ma, a man, a mortal, the Supreme Lord made the ultimate sacrifice, removing even His Sole Position of Supremacy to show by example what it means to be a truly good human being. A:nda:l describes this self-sacrificing nature of Na:ra:yana in Na:cchiya:r Thirumo:li – Ma:namila:p panni:ya:m, the:sudaiya dhe:var He has no shame or pride, the Chief among 32 the gods who took the form of a hog. Ma:nam is a term meaning pride; one can take pride in having a powerful position – upama:nam, or one can take pride in being of help to others – abhima:nam. The Supreme Being, once as Vara:ha, and now as Ra:ma, leaves aside His exalted position to bring Himself to Earth, so that He can help all of us. While Vara:ha is form we cannot fully understand, His birth as a good human being can serve as a mirror to all of us to understand what it mean to be good. Ra:ma goes to the point where He denies to all, including himself, that he is nothing more than a human being. He tells Siva – “a:tma:na:m ma:nusham manye: Ra:mam…” I think of myself only a a human being named Ra:ma. Such humanness, the penultimate quality of which is Sou:si:lyam, is exhibited in how Ra:ma treated others, as we shall see in next month’s issue. Bhakthinivedana May 2015 Reader’s Questions Swamiji’s Answers Ques: One of my uncles said that Sama:srayanam should not be taken by anybody and everybody. He also said that one cannot become a Vaishnavite just by taking Sama:srayanam. One can be a Vaishnavite only if his birth takes place in a Vaishnava family. Also he said that Bra:mhins should not take the Sama:srayanam because that would be equal to getting converted. A Bra:hmana has to follow the rules according to his birth without stopping them and should always apply ‘bhasma’ on his fore head. Kindly clarify if it is true. Adiyen. Ans: He is a Vaishnavite who feels the presence of God in every being, who, thus, shares joys and sorrows with every one and who never takes credit for anything on him and attributes everything to Lord Vishnu only. He is a Vaishnavite. Practice and Guru’s upadesam(Teaching) makes us learn them. Service to fellow beings who are in need is the humanity. Realize and start practicing. That is all one needs to do. Ques: At the time of Anushtanam what should I have in my mind? What and how should be my bha:vana? Ans: Realize that you are an inseparable part of the Lord and He is using you as an instrument for His service. Ques: What should I always ask the Peruma:l (Lord)? What should be my bha:vana (feeling) always towards Him? Ans: Sama:srayanam is not only to those people who are born as Vaishnavas. It is permitted to anyone whoever is interested-- no matter where one is born. Taking di:ksha is not considered as conversion as such. Whatever we are doing other than Lord Vishnu’s service, that is diversion. Doing something to Lord is coming back to the main path. Applying ‘bhasma’ etc., is for those who worship Lord Siva, but not Vishnu. But now- a-days, those worshipping Siva are not at all following those rules. For Vaishnavites, no special rules are said to be practiced, except leading a normal human life. Ans: Ask Him to keep you as His part at all times, let Him not leave us astray, even if we try to go away. Ques: What are the qualities of Vaishnavite and how I can get those qualities? What should I do to acquire them? What are the qualities as a human being I should possess and how I can imbibe them? Ques: How I can see God in myself whenever I want to? How I can practice that? How I can surrender completely to him? To surrender myself to him what should I do? May 2015 Ques: How can I eliminate the bad qualities which I already have and how to be always alert, not getting new or previous bad qualities back? Ans: Be in good company always, who will be guiding you. And that itself saves one from bad. Bhakthinivedana 33 Ans: You cannot see God within you at all. You can see him in a deity form, vigraha. Have faith in Him and surrender there only. Do not expect that He should talk to you or do any other action. His very presence itself is enough. Ques: How can I be the instrument of Peruma:l truly and completely? Ans: Only by understanding and keeping yourself, free from ego. You can achieve. Ques: Adiyen I want to be like you, kindly tell me how I can become like you? Ans: Like us?!? Try to be by yourself. You can do anything. Everybody is able todo good things. Not only I. Ques: Kindly tell us about the important qualities of a prapanna. (Answered by H.H. Sri Sri Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji, translated from 2005 Telugu BN.) Ans: Not having asu:ya (envy) is the primary quality of a prapanna. This is because, even if a person has many virtues, a single quality of Asu:ya would overshadow them. From asu:ya arise other negative qualities. Amara ko:sam defines asu:ya as ‘asu:ya: thudo:sha:ro:po: gune:shvapi’. Asu:ya is a quality which makes us find fault even in virtuous people. To be a prapanna, we must devote our faculties (like seeing, hearing, talking, thinking) to experience company of devotees of God. We must observe divine qualities, contemplate on them and practice them in our own day to day life. May 2015 How to overcome this quality of asu:ya Here are several strategies: 1) When we perceive bad in others, we must realise that the negative qualities are lingering in our own minds; not in other’s personality. 2) Declaring ones own negativities and limitations. This comes about if we introspect ourselves. 3) When we see somebody who is less fortunate than us, we must have gratitude towards God and His devotees who have made us what we are today. 4) Based on our own good and bad deeds, God facilitates various results to us. Then why should we envy the fortune of others? Why should we blame others for our good and bad experiences? By brooding over negative thoughts we bring sorrow, pain, blame, physical and mental ailments to ourselves. What good is there in them? Thus we should think. 5) We must learn to endure patiently all the good and bad happenings in our day to day life. God is impartial and all merciful. All our experiences are ordered by Him for our welfare and growth. Thus we should cultivate contentment. 6) Normally we envy people who are close to us. They may be siblings or colleagues or neighbours. Normally we are not concerned about people with whom we have no relationship. So we must practice affection and love towards those whom we envy. Our hearts must be kind towards them. Bhakthinivedana 34 7) When we compare ourselves with younger ones, we may derive a satisfaction of being more experienced and knowledgeable. When we observe our elders we might be ashamed of our shortcomings. This is also a strategy to ward off envy. 8) With strenuous efforts we may subdue asu:ya. With consistent discipline we may even overcome our natural interest (ruchi) towards it. But it is impossible to eradicate the deep seated tendency (va:sana) of asu:ya. These tendencies spring out in the form of our interests and habits as soon as favourable condition appear around. We must be ever vigilant and must engage ourselves in listening and contemplating the words of elderly devotees. 9) God is all compassionate and all powerful. He has unlimited auspicious qualities. We must divert our envy towards Him! Inwardly, we must burn to experience His divine qualities and to attain that we must every pray to Him and surrender ourselves to Him. Thus we can May 2015 turn our foe (envy) into our friend! Our qualities are considered good or bad on the basis of towards whom they are expressed, how they are expressed and what results they give. Turning our envy towards God will ultimately lead to our own spiritual welfare. Ques: Please give us the names of eighteen pura:nas. Ans: The eighteen pura:nas are 1) Matsya Pura:na 2) Ma:rkande:ya Pura:na 3) Bhavishyath Pura:na 4) Brahma Pura:na 5) Brahmavaivartha Pura:na 6)Brahma:nda Pura:na 7)Bhagavatha 8) Vara:ha Pura:na 9)Va:yu Pura:na 10) Va:mana Pura:na 11) Vishnu Pura:na 12) Agni Pura:na 13) Na:rada Pura:na 14) Padma Pura:na 15) Linga Pura:na 16) Garuda Pura:na 17)Ku:rma Pura:na 18) Ska:nda Pura:na Bhakthinivedana 35 Bhagawad Gi:tha A Voyage Towards Victory Arjuna’s Concern Meanings and purport by H.H. Sri Sri Sri Swamiji May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 36 yadyapye:the: na pasyanthi lo:bho:pahatha che:thasaha | kattham na jne:yam asma:bhihi pa:pa:d asma:n nivarthithum | kulakshaya krutham do:sham mithra dro:he: cha pa:thakam | 1.38 kulakshaya krutham do:sham prapasyadbhir jana:rdana! ||1.39 Meaning Meaning yadi+api = even if jana:rdana = O Lord Krushna, e:the: = these Kauravas nivarthithum = to withdraw na, pasyanthi = are not able to see asma:th = from this do:sham = blunder pa:pa:th = sin kula-kshaya-krutham = in destroying the social kattham = how order na, jne:yam = it is ignored pa:thakam, cha = and sin asma:bhihi = by us mithra-dro:he: = in betrayal towards friends pra-pasyadbhihi = who are envisioning lo:bha-upahatha-che:thasaha = as their minds are do:sham = mistake rotten with covetousness kula-kshaya-krutham = of eradicating the Social Order Purport Purport Duryo:dhana failed to be a good relative because of his excessive greed for the throne. At least we should become conscious of the fact He wants to rule by hook or crook. Great people that if we go ahead with this war, we would be such as Bhi:shma, Dro:na who were pure by responsible for the eradication of our lineage. O nature are also tainted due to their support for the Jana:rdana! You got that name for protecting wicked Kauravas. They fail to realize that your relatives. Then why don’t you prevent us from this war will destroy their families and relatives. It committing the sin of destroying will wipe out our clans and destroy the the clans? social order. Great sin will haunt those that are responsible for such a crime. It is sad that these Kauravas are not able to realize this fact. May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 37 Sri: Ra:ma:yanam Birds in Ra:ma:yanam 38 Bhakthinivedana May 2015 Ra:ma Honors Birds Birds have guided humans in many ways since times immemorial. Even the Upanishads mention the messages given by birds. It is perhaps for these reasons that Lord Sri:Ra:ma, Who is the role model for all humanity, looked up to birds for guidance on more than one occasion. For instance, in the 18th Sarga of Yuddha Ka:nda, Lord Ra:ma cites the conduct of a dove as an example of right conduct. Before going there, one needs the context given below. Va:naras approach the seashore After Hanuma:n returned from Lanka with the news of Si:tha, Sri:Ra:ma along with Sugri:va and the Va:nara army reached the shores of the ocean. With his unflagging enery, Hanuma:n could fly over the ocean to Lanka, but what about the rest of the va:naras? How is the the entire army to reach Lanka? How would Ra:ma and Lakshmana reach the other shore? Thus, discussions arose. Vibhi:shana arrives Meanwhile, ‘a:jaga:ma muhu:rthe:na yathra ra:massalakshmanaha’( Yuddha Ka:nda, 17th sarga, 1st slo:ka), ‘......arrived immediately to the place where Ra:ma was with Lakshmana’. Who had arrived? It was Vibhi:shana! Brother of Ra:vana !! Vibhi:shana had given sound advice to his brother Ra:vana, but Ra:vana insulted him in May 2015 public. Unwilling to stay there any longer, Vibhi:shana left, accompanied by four other ra:kshasas, and flew across the sky to the northern shore of the sea where Sri: Ra:ma camped along with Lakshmana and other Va:naras. Vibhi:shana stayed suspended in the ky, as the slokam clarifies: ‘Uththaram thi:rama:sa:dhya khasttha e:va vyathishttatha...’ (Yuddha Ka:nda, 17th sarga, 8th slo:ka). He was waiting for permission to descend to the ground. His body was shining since leaving the company of Ra:vana filled him with satisfaction and reaching Sri: Ra:ma filled him with joy. He appeared like a streak of lightening to Sugri:va and others on the shore. Vibhi:shana was quaking in fear, so his brilliant body appeared to flicker like lightening. He was not sure if he would be admitted into the presence of Sri: Ra:ma. Earlier Ra:vana had sent a spy by name Suka who tried to mingle among the Va:naras but was quickly identified and punished. The spy escaped with life after he sought protection at Sri:Ra:ma’s feet. Vibhi:shana was apprehensive if he too would be treated as an enemy spy. This made him quiver and look like a flash of lightening. However, Vibhi:shana firmly believed that if he can but once reach Ra:ma, his own life would be blessed. The Va:naras were in a state of high alertness, prepared to prevent anything that might threaten the safety of Sri:Ra:ma. They saw Bhakthinivedana 39 Vibhi:shana and his four companions, Anala, Sarabha, Sampa:thi and Praghana. They were not messengers—they were armed. They were not spies—they stood in open sky. Sugri:va concluded that they had come to attack. Sugri:va spoke to Va:nara:s, “Here come these Ra:kshasas with evil intentions of harming our Lord Ra:ma. If they succeed, our presences here would be meaningless. What is your opinion?” Even before their king completed his words, the Va:nara heroes picked up boulders and trees and waited eagerly for further orders of Sugri:va. proached Lord Ra:ma to take shelter at His feet. Ra:ma is the protector of the worlds. Will he not protect me ? I am Vibhi:shana. Will you recommend my case to him?” When we have great affection for any person, we tend to suspect anybody who might interfere with his joy or safety. Sugri:va loved Ra:ma dearly, so when he heard Vibhi:shana, he thought thus: ‘Our Lord Ra:ma always protects whoever seeks shelter at His feet. If he hears the prayers of Vibhi:shana, without any further thought He will vow to protect Vibhi:shana. If the ra:kshasa has any evil intentions, then that could be very dangerous. Sugri:va opines on Vibhi:shna Vibhi:shana firmly believed that as he sought refugee, Lord Sri: Ra:ma would certainly accept him and protect him. He did not budge at the aggression of the Va:naras. He knew that the Va:naras were moved not by hatred towards him but by love towards Sri: Ra:ma, so he introduced himself and began enumerating his flaws. “O Va:naras ! I am the brother of the wicked king Ra:vana who stole Mother Si:tha from Janastthana after killing Jata:yu. He has kept her captive amidst ra:kshasis. In many ways I implored Ra:vana to release Si:tha. Neither my persuasions nor my warnings had any effect on him. When death follows a person like a shadow, he does not pay heed to any beneficial words of others. Instead of taking my wise advice, he abused me, humiliated me, and drove me away. Having given up everything in Lanka, we have ap- 40 Sugri:va took Lakshmana along with him and approached Ra:ma. Since Lakshmana too loved Sri:Ra:ma, wouldn’t his thoughts match with Sugri:va’s? Thinking thus, Sugri:va took Lakshmana along with him and approached Sri:Ra:ma and said, “Lord ! The one who has come is Vibhi:shana. He is the brother of the evil Ra:vana. He has come along with four others to seek shelter at Your feet.” Sugri:va implied here that Vibhi:shana would have the same evil tendencies that Ra:vana did. Further Sugri:va said, “These ra:kshasas can take to any form at their will and are experts in the art of magic and deception. They are not to be trusted. Perhaps he is sent by Ra:vana to spy on us! Knowing our key strengths, he may Bhakthinivedana May 2015 betray us. We must slay Vibhi:shana along with his men.” Thus did Sugri:va expressed his opinion and his affection for Lord Ra:ma. Hearing this, Lord Ra:ma turned to other heroes including Hanuma:n and said to them, “You all are my well wishers. You have heard Sugri:va’s opinion. Now tell me your view of this situation.” Va:naras express their views The Va:nara heroes were very delighted. They said, “Lord! What views can we express which you do not already perceive? You are magnanimous, so You ask our opinion. Since You ask us, we shall express our thoughts.” The crown prince Angada said “It is true that Vibhi:shna has come to seek shelter at Your feet. However, the vital point to consider is the place of his origin. It is Lanka, so he may not be amicable to us. To ascertain his loyalty, we must observe him. If he is virtuous, he may be protected. in an untimely manner. Moreover, he left the security of Lanka to come to us, and this makes me suspicious. Is he to be protected? Consider well before You take such decision.” Mainda said, “Let us converse with Vibhi:shana in a sweet and charming way during which we may extract some information about Ra:vana. We can observe his attitude and decide whether he is honest towards us or not.” Hanuman heard all these views. Lord Ra:ma recognised the refined culture and etiquette of Hanuma:n the moment He met him. This Hanuma:n spoke. After Hanuman gave his views, Lord Ra:ma Himself expressed his decision regarding Vibhi:shana and narrated an incident of a dove to illustrate the wisdom of it all. These will be detailed in the next issue. Otherwise he should be left out. Even if he has minor blemishes, he can be accepted by us.” Sarabha said, “Let us employ a spy with a subtle mind and test Vibhi:shana. Then we can come to a decision.” Ja:mbava:n said, “The evil Ra:vana has caused us great harm. Vibhi:shana is his brother. Also he has deserted his elder brother May 2015 Bhakthinivedana 41 A:cha:rya Charithra Lineage of A:cha:ryas In this series of articles we go through the life histories of our pu:rva:cha:ryas. It is important, particularly for the young readers to learn about the history of a:cha:ryas, so that they may absorb these principles early in life and strive to live up to the standards set by them. As you will see, their lives were not a bed of roses. They teach us by example how to pray to Lord and most importantly what constitutes true “surrender” (sarana:gathi) to Lord. We are eternally indebted to them for the invaluable treasure they left behind for us! Enjoy and collect as many pieces of jewels as you can. 42 Bhakthinivedana May 2015 Na:tthamuni reveals the glory of arrived at Vi:rana:ra:yanapuram and sang at the temple of Lord Ra:jago:pa:la. Sri: Na:ttha celestial music Once upon a time were two courtesans- one of them was proficient in music of this world, while the other was proficient in music of the heavens. Desirous of proving themselves superior over the other, both the women went to the court of Cho:la king. The king had a penetrating intellect and called for an assembly of scholars in music, after hearing the objective of the two women. By the order of king Krimi kantta, scholars living at various places assembled at his court. With due permission from the king, the courtesans began to sing in front of a scholarly audience. The courtesan who was accomplished in celestial music sang earnestly. The courtesan who was skilled in music of humans sang to the best of her abilities. However, the king and the learned men were very much pleased with the latter. Being ordinary humans, they were touched by the rendering of courtesan who sang music pertaining to this world. They lbestowed her with gifts and appreciation. They paid no respect to the singer of celestial music. Even the king humiliated her. The courtesan expert in divine music thought thus, “The humans would never appreciate these celestial notes of mine. The music that belongs to realms of divinity must be sung before the divinity itself!” Pondering thus, the courtesan went from one holy shrine to another and rendered celestial music at the altar of the Lord. During the course of her travel, she May 2015 yo:gindra, who was well versed in all forms of divine music, was very much pleased by her rendering . He arranged for her the consecrated food, holy water, sacred garland and a head band of sanctified cloth. The lady bowed low to Na:tthamuni and took his leave to visit the Cho:la King. She said to the king thus, “There lives in Vi:rana:ra:yanapuram, a Vaishnava of unparalleled greatness. He is a master of all intricacies in celestial music. He alone can judge my sublime singing.” The king agreed to her suggestion and invited the venerable Na:tthamuni with due honour. The sage too arrived at the court on king’s behest. The king went a long distance out of his court to receive the sage, worshipped him and requested him to enter the court. The king ordered both the courtesans to sing in the presence of Na:tthamuni. Both of them sang wonderfully. The earthly music was appreciated by normal people. Only Natthamuni went raptures over the heavenly music. The king asked the sage a pertinent question “O Na:tthamuni ! Please make it clear to us what kind of person can appreciate and enjoy the bliss of this celestial music.” Bhakthinivedana 43 To this the sage replied, “O King! Hear the criteria for a person to appreciate this heavenly music. A person well versed in celestial music can tell the weight of a cymbal by merely hearing its clanging sound.” Hearing this from the sage, the amazed king ordered three hundred and forty cymbals to be brought to the court. Desirous of establishing the profound knowledge of the sage, the king clanged a cymbal amidst the audience in the court. He then asked, “O muni! You have heard the sound of this cymbal of bell metal. Now pray tell us the weight of this cymbal”. Endowed with supreme knowledge, Na:tthamuni declared the weight of the cymbal. To his wonder, the king found that the weight May 2015 declared by the sage matched exactly to that measured by a balance. The dismayed king worshipped the feet of the muni and offered him large wealth. The grandeur of the sage was greater than that of Brahma and Rudra! Having no attachment to the wealth thus offered to him, Na:tthamuni said, “ O King! I have no desire for the wealth you have offered.” Blessing the king out of affection, Na:tthamuni returned to Vi:rana:ra:yanapuram. Blessed by the sage, the courtesan with proficiency in celestial music attained the goodwill of the king and was delighted by it. Na:tthamuni continued to worship Lord Ra:jago:pa:la (Lord Mannana:r) at all times, with ardent devotion. Bhakthinivedana 44 --VT SEVA Updates continued from pg 13 KA:KINA:DA (ANDHRA PRADESH) Satsung is conducted every week by VT members. Smt Radha and Andal gaaru are coordinating the program. During Vasantotsavam ie., from Ugadi to Sriramanavami Sundarakanda parayana was done. Sri rama kalyanam and pattabhishekam were conducdted. On 31st March Hanumanchalisa was recited 108 times by 40 devotees. VISA:KHA PATNAM (ANDHRA PRADESH) Smt.Padmavathi, Secretary of VT Akkayyapalem along with other VT members is conducting sathsungs and conducting programs for Ramanuja Sahasrabdi. They are spreading the glory of Ramanuja. They also collected a fund of Rs. 38,720/ for Statue of Ramanuja at Samshabad. They also distributed 40 blankets in Priyadarsini Oldage home. Ugadi was celebrated in Alwardas college grounds. VT volunteers advocated about Netravidyalaya, Ramanuja Sahasrabdi and other VT services. On Sriramanavami Sita Ram Chandra Kalyanam was celebrated at Varija Asramam by Srikanth swamy and Santhosh Kumar. Nearly 200 devotees attended the same. Marripalem sathsung is conducted regularly. Sampoorna Sundarakanda parayana is conducted in the house of B.Varalakshmi where 150 devotees attended. Kalyanam and Pattabhishekam were also performed. Regular Bhagavadgita parayana is conducted on every Ekadasi. RA:JAM (ANDHRA PRADESH) With the Mangalasasanams of our Acharya, Rajam VT is taking up many activities. For promoting cleanliness, they adopted a ward and a nearby village. Two free dustbins were distributed to every household, separately for May 2015 wet and dry wastes. They are also teaching Yoga. They visited Netravidyalaya and donated Rs.7,000 and also 11 sarees. Vijayanagaram (Andhra Pradesh) Prajna activities are conducted in Balanagar. Spurthi Awards were given to 10 students and certificates were given to 5 students. They also conducted Pada Pooja to mothers putting into practice the concept of Matru Devo bhava. Smt Aruna, editor of Vikasadarsini and Sri Padmanabham garu attended the program. Sathsungs are regularly conducdted at Ayyannapeta, Dasannapeta, and Narava. Samskar Vikas convenor Sreeman Narayana Sharma is coordinating the programs. About 100 volunteers of Yuva Vikas extended their services in Ramateertham. --Translated from telugu by Smt. Padmavathi Ramanujam Bhakthinivedana 45 Divya Prabandham Twilight song of Lord Rangana:ttha Thiruppalli Yezhuchchi 46 Bhakthinivedana May 2015 Pa:suram -9 ae:damil thandum maiyekkam maththali, ya:zhkuzhal muzhavamo: disaidisai kezhumi, keethangal pa:dinar kinnarar kerudargal, kandaru varavar kangulu lella:m, ma:thavar va:navar sa:rana riyarkar, sithtarum mayanginar thiruvadi thozhuva:n, a:thali lavarku na:lo:lakka marula, arangaththamma! palli yezhundarula:ye: || iyakkar = yakshas mayanginar = enchanted thozhuva:n = to worship thiruvadi = Your divine lotus feet siththarum = stood still like pictures a:dalil = So arula = to grace na:l = early morning o:lakkam = assembly avarku = for them arangaththamma:! = sri:rangana:ttha:! palliyezhundu = wake up from bed arula:ye: = and bless! Purport Meanings ella:m = all kangulul = night isai disai kezhumi = joining their tones from all directions muzhavamo:du = with the sounds of e:damil = flawless thannum = mrudangam maiyekkam = single stringed instrument maththali = drum also ya:zh = veena too kuzhal = flute kinnarar = kinnaras garudargal garudas kandaruvar = gandharvas pa:dinar = sang gi:thangal = ki:rthanas avar = known to them ma:davar = highly austere va:navar = de:vathas sa:ranar = cha:ranas 47 Sri:rangana:ttha:! All the de:vathas sang lullabies all the night when You slept. Accompanying different musical instruments, they sang in their own distinctive manner from their own places. Some played musical instruments of rhythm like mrudangam and drums. Others played single- stringed ‘e:katha:ra’ and multi- stringed veena while some played on flutes. Great musicians like kinnaras, gandharvas and garudas sang sweetly joining those instruments. Highly austere sages, de:vathas, cha:ranas and yakshas are waiting to worship Your divine lotus feet when you wake up. As they stood still, waiting for your appearance, spell bound meditating on your enchanting beauty, it soon dawned. So please wake up from bed and come to the assembly so that their infatuation gets relieved. Bhakthinivedana May 2015 Pa:suram -10 Kadimalar kamalangal malarndana ivaiyo: ? Kadiravan kanaikadal mulaitthana nivano:? thudi yidaiya:r surikulal pizhindudari thugiludu ththe:rrinar su:zh punalaranga:! thodaiyoththa thulavamum ku:daiyum polindu tho:nriya tho:l thondaradippodi yennum adiyanai aliya nennaruli unnadiya:rku a:l paduththa:y palli ye zhundarula:ye: || thondaradippodi a:lwa:r thiruvadigale: saranam|| Meanings aranga: = Sri:rangana:ttha: ! su:l = (you are) surrounded by punal = river Ka:ve:ri. kamalangal = lotuses malarndana = have bloomed malar = oozing kadi = honey. Kadiravan = the Sun mulaiththanan = rising kanai = from the roaring kadal = ocean ivano: = is here. thudi idaya:r = women with frail waists pizhindu = have squeezed udari = and tossed suri = their knotted kuzhal = hair, thugil, uduththu = wore clothes e:rrinar = climbed the bank. adiyanai = this servant 48 thondaradippodi ennum = named Thondaradippodi tho:nriya tho:l = having the shoulder that appears polindu = holding ku:daiyum = a basket in hand thodaiyothth = with beautifully made thulavamum = thulasi (basil garland). aruli = with compassion aliyan enru = considering me fit to be rescued paduththa:y = made (me) un = Your adiya:rku = servants’ a:l = servant palli ezhundu = wake up from bed arula:ye: ! = and grace us! Purport Our pu:rva:cha:ryas declared that ‘periya peruma:l’ the presiding deity of Sr:rangana:ttha as ‘sri:krushna avatha:ra’ and the processional deity ‘namberuma:l’ as ‘Sri:ra:ma avatha:ra’! Oh! Rangana:ttha! Those partially blossomed lotuses have fully blossomed now oozing fragrant honey. But Your lotus eyes are still shut. The sun who first sent his rays to have a sight of You, realized his folly and he himself came up over the ocean and is peeping into Your temple. See! He is waiting there for You! That day You argued with the go:pikas that were taking a shower in the river Yamuna and saved them from committing a blunder in their ‘vratham’ (vow). Bhakthinivedana May 2015 But that joy is slipping off Your hands now! The damsels with slender waists finally took their shower after waiting for You, in the ‘Ubhaya Ka:very rivers’ that flow around You, squeezed dry their hair and tossed it, took their clothes from the shore and wore them themselves and are leaving. The conch and discuss are the adornments for You! For this servant, (the dust of Your servants’ feet) carrying a basket holding beautifully woven thulasi garlands that suit only you is a decoration for the (this servant’s) shoulders. With great compassion on this wicked ‘da:sa’ of Yours, You diverted me from evil and modelled me such that the service of Your servants became my sustenance! Of course, Your ‘yo:ga nidra’ is for our rescue! Father! Wake up soon and grace us! --HOMEOPATHY Continued from page 23 To quote CNN’s recent report that research suggests introducing peanuts or allergens like dust,odors early in life helps the body to overcome the reaction and hence less likely develop allergies later in life. So this same concept has been used in Homeopathy 200 yrs ago.Homeopathy can help you achieve that goal of living in nature without the severe allergic reactions. Why do homeopaths ask patients about their taste,thirst, preferences about climate,etc? One modifying factor for every individual is in their thirst levels. Some people drink water in May 2015 little sips,some glassful at a time. Some are thirst less In spite of having a dry tongue. The temperature of water they prefer is also important in selection of the medicine. One may like drinking cold water, another wants warm or room temperature. Yet another ice cold water. These fine distinctions helps us make a complete portrait of the individual. Do sweat patterns and sleep-dreams also considered part of the patient picture? Of course,dreams are the subconscious thinking of mind,it helps us understand the various stress and anxiety levels one is undergoing in life. Sweat is also an indicator of how the individual reacts to stress around him, whether it be physical or mental. When we select the drug these mental and physical details help us understand how to treat the patient. How are follows ups important in treatment? In Homeopathy follows are very important, treatment is like peeling onion layers. We have to observe and understand how each patient reacts after a dose of medicines. Then act upon the next step. For eg.if a person has a history of anxiety,joint pains,and irritable bowel syndrome. After giving the medicine we see that the anxiety levels have reduced,but the joint pains and IBS is still there The doctor knows that the treatment has started and is in the correct direction.First mind should be happy then the rest of the body will be cured. It is Allergies time of the year in the Spring, I suggest all the suffering people out there to please try Homeopathy for your benefit ,to relieve you of the symptoms and also to improve your body’s immune system to combat any disease. --To be continued next month Bhakthinivedana 49 A:LWA:R CHARITHRA The Life History of A:lwa:rs This series is about the history of A:lwa:rs. A:lwa:r in Tamil means one who is “immersed” in the love of God. They are held at the highest regard in our samprada:yam as they are the “chosen ones” by God. As you will see, A:lwa:rs came from all castes and creed which shows that birth is never a hindrance to attain the love of God. To read about their lives is to learn about God and how to love God. No other teachings can better describe God and His qualities than A:lwa:r’s songs. In this issue we are going to learn about the fourth a:lwa:r, Thirumazhisai a:lwa:r story, continued from previous issue. Come on, let’s read with an open heart so that we too receive a fraction of their devotion.... 50 Bhakthinivedana May 2015 The life history of Thirumazhisai a:lwa:r...Continued from previous... The Lord nurtures Bhakthisa:ra Kanaka:ngi became wife of Bha:rgava Rishi and delivered a premature baby who looked like a lump of meat. Deserted by his parents, the baby was nurtured by Mother Bhu:de:vi Herself ! The Lord who showers mercy for no reason, showered His affection on the baby boy when he would cry for milk. The Lord of Mahi:sa:rapura, the Handsome form of Mangavalli, Jaganna:ttha would come to the boy and would mitigate his hunger and thirst. The Lord would feed the baby Bhakthisa:ra with divine nectar which is hard to obtain and difficult to get satiated by. The Lord would soothe the boy with His own tender limbs and then would return to His abode in Vaikuntta .Thus did the Lord Vishnu nurture Bhakthisa:ra who was9 son of Bha:rgava. One whose knowledge of God ripened into love would become desolate if they are separated from the Lord. Unable to bear the pain of separation from the Lord, the baby Bhakthi:sa:ra would cry in the forest. A basket weaver is blessed to take care of the A:lwa:r There was a basket weaver by name Sri:khadga. He came to same forest with a sickle in his hand and footwear on his feet .He moved through the forest to collect bamboo for his May 2015 baskets. Sri:khadga heard the anguished cries of a boy and rushed there only to please himself by the sight of a face with sun-like lusture. The basket weaver took the boy to his wife Pankajavalli as they were childless themselves. Their joy knew no bounds. This incident is similar to the one in which Vasude:va brings Lord Krushna to the house of Nandago:pa and handovers Him to yaso:da ! Since the wife was childless, she became overjoyed to have a baby and showered him endless affection. Her intense love for him expressed itself as flowing milk from her bosom. Even as Yaso:da would feed the baby Krushna with her milk, Pankajavalli would feed the boy Bhakthisa:ra. However Bhakthisa:ra did not recognise the taste of her feed as he was engrossed in meditating on the Lord Vishnu. Being satisfied by the taste of divine joy, the boy did not have any desire for his mother’s milk. Even as a rising sun, the boy grew up day by day. The auspicious qualities of the Lord ever became his strength and succour. He neither cried, nor spoke, no waste ejected from his body, he did not have worldly sufferings. Thus grew up Bhakthisa:ra with his limbs supple. -- Let’s see what miracles happened in the life of Thirumazhisai A:lwa:r in the next article. Bhakthinivedana 51 Jai Sri:manna:ra:yana Thank you very much for reading. Please provide your valuable feedback for improvements: