February 2014 Newsletter
February 2014 Newsletter
February 2014 Why Not City M issions / Youth Centres Coldest Night of the Year Thank you to all of our incredible walkers for taking the time and effort to sign up, fundraise, and march through downtown Brantford to help us and Out Of The Cold to combat homelessness. We can’t do these things without our supportive community. Thank you to all of our volunteers and sponsors, too! We raised $21,847 with your help. Re-‐Source Thrift Shop Wow! Are we ever thankful for the hard work of all of the amazing volunteers at the re-Source Thrift Shop. Great work, team! Have you been in to check out all of the great bargains? You’ll definitely get a bang for your buck. Plus, some proceeds go to Why Not! 320 North Park Street (North Park and Fairview). 10AM – 5PM Monday – Friday, 10AM – 3PM Saturday. Call 226-250-0123. Welcoming New Staff Why Not is pleased to welcome Becca Vandekemp to our staff team as of January 2014 as our new part time Community Developer. Becca has volunteered as a youth mentor and volunteer coordinator for 5 years, and she brings a lot of great skills to the table. Contact her at becca@whynotyouthcentres.com. As always, we are incredibly thankful for all of our dedicated volunteers! Homelessness Youth homelessness takes a different form than adult homelessness. Youth are highly networked, and can almost always find a couch to crash on. The cold isn’t the real problem with mobility, though. It’s everything associated with being on the move. One significant factor associated with couch surfing is the cost to the youth. The price tag on a place to stay is rarely in dollars, but, rather, is in expectations and exposure. By simply crashing at Continued on page 2 Post-‐Secondary Partnerships Homelessness (Continued…) We always know when a new semester has started when the youth centre starts filling with college and university students who are looking to get some experience working with youth, or who are just there to have some fun with a great crowd of teens! This “semester” alone, we have students from Wilfrid Laurier University, Nipissing University, Mohawk College, and Masters College & Seminary! a friend’s home, the youth might suddenly be exposed to drug use, crime, and more. And they’ve got to keep their mouths shut unless they want to be out in the cold. Further, mobility almost always means that you lose all of your “stuff.” That does not only include clothes, toiletries, textbooks, and pillow, things that were meaningful to them. Pictures, personal space, childhood toys, gifts… When all of the youth group home beds are full and no couches are available, youth even lose their communities when they are forced to travel to other cities to find a place to stay. Even if they can bring any of those things with them, they often get lost in transit, or even get stolen when they are forced to leave them somewhere unsafe. At Why Not, we work hard to provide a sense of home, with a family of volunteers and staff who truly care. We provide food and clothing where needed. More importantly, though, we really try to provide conflict resolution skills and mediation in order to keep homelessness from happening in the first place. Cirque Du Soleil On January 27th, 14 of our youth from Brantford and St. George had the exciting chance to go to the Cirque Du Soleil show in Hamilton. A few of the youth signed up for the trip, sponsored by Cirque Du Soleil itself (thank you!), thinking that it was a chance to just get out of town, but were floored by the incredible talent in the show. By the time we all piled into our vehicles, the youth expressed just how impressed they were. For some, it was their first time ever seeing anything like this. Thank you so much to Cirque Du Soleil for investing in youth programming! Our kids had a blast. There is no easy solution to combat youth homelessness or its many factors, but thanks to all of you, we can make a dent in the issue. Valentine’s Day Fundraiser Success! Wow! Are we ever thankful for our amazing community supporters. On February 15th, dozens gathered at the Northridge Banquet Hall for some great food, dancing, and fun. An extra-special thank you goes out to S c o t i a b a n k (61 Lynden Road) for matching $5,000 in ticket sales! You made our fundraiser a great success! Why Not City Missions / Youth Centres Brantford 368 Colborne Street, N3S 3N2 519 759 2221 charlie@whynotyouthcentres.com Paris 19 Broadway Street Unit #6 519 759 2221 charlie@whynotyouthcentres.com St. George 24 Main Street S., N0E 1N0 519 448 4279 wbroorda@whynotyouthcentres.com