world-walk adventure - Northamptonshire County Scouts
world-walk adventure - Northamptonshire County Scouts
K L A W D L R ™ WO E R U T N E V D A ders a e L t u o c S tsheet for Fac NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY SCOUTS ? S E I R T U A T H N E W V D A K L A W D L R WO World-Walk Adventure by Northamptonshire County Scouts is a group-based challenge in which the distance walked by each Scout in the group of 10, is recorded using a wrist-worn activity tracker. Information about the distance walked is uploaded via a Smartphone or Tablet App to a dedicated Website. Data from each traveller in each group is accumulated. Together, everyone’s steps are added and automatically plotted on a route in Google Earth™ and the progress of the group can be followed. The route starts at the Sir John Lowther Centre in Glendon Northamptonshire and ends at the final resting place of Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scouting Movement, in Nyeri, Kenya. Each participant is encouraged to “contribute” 10,000 steps every day during the World-Walk Adventure so that the group makes good progress along the route. This is a strong motivator to being more active. World-Walk Adventure is not a race. There are no rewards for the individuals who do the most steps or for the group of 10 who get there first. The emphasis is on the team, being active every day, achieving group objectives through team-work and allowing everyone, irrespective of sporting ability, to be a success in this challenge. HOW T I S E DO ? K R WO Once the participating troop/unit has organised their team(s) of 10, each person will be given an account on the Activ8rlives web-based health and wellness tracking system. The Company Aseptika Ltd is a small organisation based in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire who have developed this website and it’s supporting Smartphone App, to help people of all ages be active and stay well. Funding was provided by the NHS over a number of years and the Company’s Directors. More detail can be found on the Company’s website: Each group of Scout World Walkers will have its own dedicated and secure (closed) social media page within Activ8rlives. Here members of the group can exchange messages, post encouragement to one another and share personal successes. It is recommended that each Group is moderated by their Scout Leader or nominated person. These Group Pages are private and secure. They cannot be seen in Google, searched for within Activ8rlives or joined without the permission of the Scout Leader or nominated person. Each Scout World Walker in the team, will be issued with a wrist-worn activity tracker called a BuddyBand2™ which measures the number of steps taken (like a sophisticated pedometer) and the number of minutes in which the wearer is active throughout each day. This information is stored in the memory of the device for up to 30 days. The device is waterproof for surface swimming and has been designed to survive the rigors of being used by an active Scout. Each Scout World Walker will be able to see how many steps they have made each day. This is private and cannot be seen by anyone else, not even the Scout Leader or nominated person. This can be a strong motivation to achieve new personal bests, as can the desire to contribute to the success of their Group. The Group gets to see the AVERAGED step count for the Group for each day of the Adventure and their progress along the route is plotted for them in real time. They will also be able to see where they are on the map, be able to zoom into regions of interest on the 3D map, explore cities, mountains, lakes, seas, islands etc using the rich imagery contained within Google Earth™ and Google Maps™. Scouts will also be able to see the progress of the other troops/units on the same Adventure, making inter-group rather than interpersonal competition, a further dimension to maintain motivation and for each individual to keep active every day. S T N A P I C I T R A P E H , T E N DO O H P T R A M S A D E NE ? C P R O T E L B A T Ideally yes. If available to them (and most young people do have very capable Smartphones and have access to iPad or Android Tablets at home), the wearer can upload their data throughout the day via a dedicated App which they can download free of charge for their Apple and Android Smartphones and Tablets. The App is called “Activ8rlives” and can be downloaded by parents/carers for review and assessment for use by their child. The Smartphone or Tablet must have Bluetooth 4.0 wireless capability to upload from the BuddyBand2™. All iPhones from version 4s and later have Bluetooth 4.0 as have iPads from version 3 or later. For those without a Smartphone or Tablet, arrangements can easily be made to upload their data when they attend their weekly Scout meetings using the Smartphone/Tablet of the Scout Leader – each person has their own account and changing from one account to another on a Smartphone or Tablet is quick and easy. Alternatively, data can be added into the App or via the Activ8rlives website, manually by typing in the values and this has to be done on the basis of integrity, cooperation and respect. Core Scouting Values. Smartphones and Tablets with Android are very variable. But if the Smartphone or Tablet was purchased recently and is running Android version 4.4, it is likely that this device has Bluetooth 4.0. T? I R O F S Y A ty Scouts shire Coun n to WHO P p m a h Nort y the u e g used to b arded to th in w e a b n e re e a b s shire. s rthampton hese monie Funding ha o T N . d f n o u ts F u ry o Lotte r the Sc ant by the Big trackers fo y it v ti ach particip c e a to ™ 2 n d a n lo a They BuddyB vided on nty Scouts. u will be pro o s C e e ic ir v e sh d Band2™ end of the rthampton e o N th f t o a y n rt The Buddy io e p condit ain the pro ts will ed in good rn tu re . Participan but will rem d h c n a a e r e 9 ft .9 to a 9 oked Adventure nits cost £5 u lk a e h must be lo T -W . d rl re o to use onth W Adventu ncouraged of the 6 m e d World-Walk e n b e o e ls th a l t ption a or they ants wil have the o troop/unit 15. Particip £ ir e st th ju r r fo fo em rtunity purchase th ising oppo ra d n fu oice. a s a of their ch ty ri this activity a h c a Fund r oney fo Big Lottery e th f o can raise m rt o the supp ible. nowledge k c a not be poss y ll ld u fu o te w ra y g it n We portu hich this op w t u o h it w ? E M S N I A R T HO W Aseptika staff will provide training for the Scout Leaders or nominated person in how to use the technology and how to run the World-Walk Adventure programme. The technology (Groups, Route and Management etc) will be set-up for you by Aseptika. Minimal IT skills are needed by the Scout Leader. What is needed is Leadership by Example. This means we have to “walk our talk” from the outset and be prepared to do a lot more walking than perhaps we are used to. This can only be a good thing for our health too and we guarantee you will feel better for it after 6 months. You will be taught how to: •Download the Activ8rlives App onto a Smartphone or Tablet via WiFi; •How to track your own steps and activity (yes, you have to experience this too); •How to charge and prepare the BuddyBand2™; how it works, what it does, how you wear it; what it does not do; •How to view the data and progress for each group; •Health and safety (including letters for PE Teachers at school); •Briefing for parents and parent factsheet; •How to synchronise (upload) data from the BuddyBand2™ to a Smartphone/Tablet; •How to administer your Groups on the Activ8rlives website; •Troubleshooting and first level technical support, loss or damage of BuddyBand2™ units; •How to escalate support requests within Northamptonshire Scouts; •How to manage a situation when participant does not have access to Smartphone/Tablet technology but does have a PC in the home; •Liaison with local schools re safety during PE etc. Being active every day is the most important habit we can form. There is an overwhelming body of evidence available to indicate that daily physical activity is as important as maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet and ensuring we manage our “5-a-Day” portions of fruit and vegetables. Being active is readily achieved by younger people at school, but the numbers who remain engaged in organised sports declines dramatically for those aged 14+ and particularly for girls. Nearly 80% of girls have disengaged from organised sport by the age of 18 if not gone onto College/University. As a nation, a culture of inactivity is being passed down the generations, storing health problems for our communities and our National Healthcare Service. Our mission is to help our young people learn that to be active does not necessarily mean having to be good at sport. HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE? The route to Nyeri has been designed to take 6 months to complete if each person walks 4 miles each day (about 10,000-14,000 steps). The number of steps depends on stride length. 6 months is the time taken to establish new habits of being active each day in young people. For older people, this extends to 12 months to form new habits. It gets harder as we get older to undo bad habits and adopt new ones, but the benefits are huge if we do. E W E R A WHY ? S I H T G N DOI Lord Robert Baden Powell formed the Scouting movement at a time in which public health through poor nutrition and sanitation had reached a desperate situation in the newly industrialised Britain. ses of The purpo : are Adventure lk a -W ld r o the W d to be day we nee a s te u in h into w many m good healt in ta in To learn ho a • m chieve and active to a hood. e. early adult ot the sam ctive are n a g t u in o e h b it d life w rts an ive in daily •That spo . ct it a e su b ck to a rn r a tr We can lea ym or wea g a it is v g to ever havin l great akes us fee m y a d ry e our mood, ive ev tally. It lifts n •Being act e m orth, d n a cally and self-w ss e in p p both physi a h wardur sense of d helps us n a rn a improves o le ur ability to n also be colds. It ca improves o d n a s h g u n co h others. off commo rtaken wit e d n u n e h fun w n leads alking ofte w h g u ro orts. ive th rganised sp o •Being act in t n e m age to a re-eng g” using -monitorin lf se “ d n a rience our activity e first expe th e b n •Tracking ca g ctiv8rlives d wellbein Apps like A f health an o t ge. n e ra u m e co g a g to en in rt a of self-man st re a Services in our own that Health and mainta r o it ught n o m to then be ta n ca h The ability ic h w by girls h is a skill ily, usually m fa good healt e th on within and passed n. and wome e Scouting tions like th a is n a rg o delivering rity •That Cha rumental in riate st in e b n ca the approp movement ottery policy with h lt a e h e the Big L c k li li s n pub o ti a take m organis ortunity to p p o e support fro th e Scouts hav n of health Fund. The e promotio th in le ro a leadership . ing and wellbe D E E N I O D T WHA Y M T E G O T O TO D ? D E V L O V N I P O O R T He taught young people about self-management, self-respect, valuing others and about health and nutrition in a way which was made fun through engaging with outdoor activities, challenges, adventures and reward schemes. Leadership was provided by volunteers who were passionate about social change. We only have space for 500 participants in this first World-Work Adventure and these will be allocated in the order they are received but limited to 30 per Troop (3 Groups of 10 people). World-Walk Adventures is a modern reinvention of this philosophy, refreshed by using the technology that young people engage with. But the purpose, the objectives and outcomes desired are those engendered by the Scouting ethos since 1907 – characteristics which have attracted young people through the generations and throughout the World. To register your interest and reserve places, email: by the 31 May 2015. It is fitting, that our Adventure starts and ends at locations which honour two key benefactors: Sir John Lowther (Northamptonshire) and Lord Robert Baden-Powell (Nyeri, Kenya). WORLD-WALK ™ ADVENTURE WWW.NORTHHAMPTONSHIRECOUNTYSCOUTS.ORG.UK NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY SCOUTS