January 2010 - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
January 2010 - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
TRI-POWER JANUARY 2010 February 12th-14th 2010 PNW4WDA will be celebrating its 50 th Anniversary AT Winter Convention PRESORTED STD. US POSTAGE PAID GRESHAM, OR PERMIT #88 Hosted by The Moonshiners at Little Creek Casino Shelton, WA 4-Wheelin’ News www.pnw4wda.org January 2010 1 CONTENTS JANUARY 2010 FEATURES DEPARTMENTS REPORTS 5 IN MEMORY OF Donita Willsey Nelson 6-8 PNW Scholarship Fund Application 12 Event Insurance INFO 12 Northwest Final Points for 2009 13 HCHDV’S Trail Build at Radar OHV area 4 Washington Dir. Report 3 PNW Officers List 4 Oregon Dir. Report 8 Change of address 6-8 Board Meeting Report 17 Classified ADS 5-6 Land Matters Info 17 Video Library 18 Calendar of Events 16 Looking for Members and APPLICATION 19 Associate Members List Winter Convention order form/info & Drawing SEE PAGE 10-11 See Page 5 for the 2 People Running for PNW4WDA PRESIDENT and see Page 14 for Randy Drakes Announcing for Oregon State Dir. www.pnw4wda.org 800-537-7845 God Bless America 2 January 2010 www.pnw4wda.org PNW4WDA T R I - P O W E 800-537-7845 PNW4WDA R Volume 38 Number 1 Jan. 2010 The mission of TRI-POWER is to enlighten fellow enthusiasts by educating, inspiring and informing. editor/publisher Ron McDonald tripower@pnw4wda.org Officers List PRESIDENT Luke May/Grace 22635 NE Woodinville Duval Rd Woodinville, WA 98077 800-537-7845 / 425-788-2848 President@pnw4wda.org TREASURER Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” SECRETARY Sande Nettnin/Earl 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 Secretary@pnw4wda.org IDAHO EXEC. DIRECTOR OPEN 800-537-7845 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 Treasurer@pnw4wda.org assistant editor Diana McDonald tripower@pnw4wda.org OREGON EXEC. DIRECTOR Beth Ayer/Butch 711 Bennett Creek Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541-954-4880 OrExec@pnw4wda.org mailing address 3902 NE 61 Ave Vancouver, WA 98661 telephone (360) 695-0595 email address tripower@pnw4wda.org All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA TRI-POWER is published monthly for the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. Photographs are edited and prepared with Adobe Photoshop. Layout is performed in Adobe InDesign. In house ads are created with Adobe Illustrator. Prepress product is converted with Adobe Acrobat Professional. TRI-POWER makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the completeness, accuracy or utility of these materials or any information or opinion contained herein. Any use or reliance on the information or opinion is at the risk of the user, and TRI-POWER shall not be liable for any damage or injury incurred by any person arising out of the completeness, accuracy or utility of any information or opinion contained in these materials. These materials are not to be construed as an endorsement of any product or company, nor as the adoption or promulgation of any guidelines, standards, or recommendation. Subscription: You can obtain a subscription to TRI-POWER by becoming a member of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. This can be accomplished by filling out the application form in this publication or going to the PNW4WDA web site www.pnw4wda.org Circulation: If you are a member of the PNW4WDA and are not receiving your subscription to TRI-POWER or have moved please contact our Membership department member@pnw4wda.org This publication is the result of information submitted by our readers. We do not have a staff of reporters, journalist or photographers. If you have an article or information you would like to share with our readers please contact us. We prefer communication via Email. If you submit an article please send it in size 10 Arial font to tripower@pnw4wda.org or put it on a Floppy, CD or DVD disk and send it to Tri-Power 3902 NE 61 Ave, Vancouver, WA 98661 *fourwheelatize \four*wheel"a*tize* A. To eat, sleep and drive four wheel drive. B. To become obsessed with four wheeling. C. To exceed the limits of ordinary four wheeled vehicles. D. To traverse unforgiving terrain in harsh environments. Advertising Rates (Display ADS): Clubs: Full page-$175 / 1/2page-$100/ 1/4page-$55 / BC-$20 Members: Full page-$200 / 1/2page-$120 / 1/4page-$70 / BC-$22 NON-Members: Full page-$250 / 1/2page-$150 / 1/4page-$85 / BC-$25 4-Wheelin’ News www.pnw4wda.org January 2010 WASH. EXEC. DIRECTOR Arlene Brooks/Bob 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA. 98092 253-833-8747 WaExec@pnw4wda.org Inter Assoc. Directors COMPETITION CHAIRMAN Don & Carol Jensen Rob Stafford/Dianna 946 - 18th, Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX iad1@pnw4wda.org iad2@pnw4wda.org 19302 6th Ave. E. Spanaway, WA 98387 253-691-4351 CompDir@pnw4wda.org REGION I DIRECTOR REGION II DIRECTOR Angela Holm Edward Campbell/Sue Preble 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 / 206-617-9478 Cell Reg1Dir@pnw4wda.org 12443 Zeller Rd SE Yelm, WA 98597 360-878-1677 Reg2Dir@pnw4wda.org REGION IV DIRECTOR REGION III DIRECTOR Rick Smith/Kristin P.O. Box 1536 St. Helens, OR 97051 971-207-4797 Reg3Dir@pnw4wda.org 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 reg4dir@pnw4wda.org REGION V DIRECTOR Open Alan D. Paulson Call 800-537-7845 REGION VII DIRECTOR Jeff Williams/Gwen 5998 #4 Hwy 291 Nine Mile Falls, WA 9026 509-467-4177 / 509-869-8228 Cell Reg7Dir@pnw4wda.org PARLIAMENTARIAN Tom Fisher 1615 Harvard Ave. Gladstone, OR 97027 971-221-3384 Cell parliamen@pnw4wda.org Earl Nettnin/Sande REGION VI DIRECTOR 4751 Happy Valley Rd. Roseburg, Oregon 97470 541-679-0571 Reg6Dir@pnw4wda.org MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 Members@pnw4wda.org SAFETY/ED CHAIRMAN PUBLIC RELATIONS Linda Jessen/ Walter 2952 Garfield, Longview, WA 98632 360-636-1675 PR@pnw4wda.org SafeEduDir@pnw4wda.org WEBMASTER Club Power/We Did it CHAIRMEN Edward Campbell/Sue Preble Angela Holm P.O. Box 393 Bucoda, WA 98530 360-878-1677 Webmaster@pnw4wda.org 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 / 206-617-9478 Cell WeDidIt@pnw4wda.org TRAIL JAMBOREE CO-CHAIR TRAIL JAMBOREE CO-CHAIR Sid Hagemeier Kelda Hagemeier 911 cabin Lane Selah, WA 98942 509-698-3703 911 cabin Lane Selah, WA 98942 509-698-3703 Trailjam@pnw4wda.org Trailjam@pnw4wda.org VIDEO CHAIRMAN Don Jensen/Carol 946 - 18th Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX VideoChairman@pnw4wda.org WAYS & MEANS CHAIRMAN Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 Ways&Means@pnw4wda.org TRI-POWER EDITOR Ron &Diana McDonald 3902 NE 61stAve • Vancouver, WA 98661 ALL (360) Day: 695-6400 • Eve: 6-9pm: 695-0595 FAX: 695-1043 tripower@pnw4wda.org 3 that Options 3 & 4 appear to be worth looking at. However, I will defer to those in Region 6 who will be addressing this plan so that a united front will be presented per their land use committee directives. Beth Ayer Oregon Exec. Director Dec 5, 2009 Oregon Executive Director Report Longview, WA First, I would like to wish all a happy holiday season and only the best in the New Year. It seems like only a few short months ago we were at Winter Convention and here we are winding down another year and here we are preparing for another Winter Convention. Arlene Brooks Washington Exec. Director January 2010 There are two state meetings scheduled for 2010. WEST – January 9th (9:00 – 4:00) King Oscar Conference Room 415 Ellington Road, Pacific WA 98047 and EAST January 16th (9:00 – 3:00) Union Gap School # 2 South 4th Street, Union Gap, WA 98903 Both are land use meetings with scheduled guest speakers representing the Forest Service, Department of Natural Resources and Education & Enforcement; association land coordinators reporting on specific sites across the state and addressing accomplishments in 2009 and goals for 2010. The Sustainable Recreation Work Groups (SRWG) final report to the legislature has been released by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) it has been a fourteen month process –thirty-six pages when completed. Now we shall see just how far the legislature will go forward with any of these recommendations. The Commissioner of Public Lands has requested proposed legislation addressing – fee charge for access in certain situations; explore a multiagency access pass; creates a concessionaire pilot program; and revises DNR’s recreational immunity laws. House Bill 2480 was prefiled for introduction on December 21st by Representatives Blake, Warnick, Takko, Upthegrove, and Dunshee – and companion bill - Senate Bill 2237 was prefiled by Senators Jacobsen and Swecker. Representatives Blake and Warnick and Senator Jacobsen were the three legislative representatives during the SRWG committee meetings. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and hope to see you at a meeting, a workshop or out on the trail this coming year. Till next time – Arlene Brooks, WA State Director ~ 4 As we roll into the next 50 years as a four wheeling association, it is time to take stock of where we have been and what the future conceivably holds for us. The current economic and political times are not likely to be friendly to OHV users. It remains our responsibility to be vigilant of how travel plans are handled by the feds and state and to educate those around us. I realize that this is preaching to the choir but there seems to be a few choir masters and fewer voices within the chorus chiming in to build the crescendo that lets state and federal agencies know we won’t go down without a fight. We have to respect the opinions of those around us although we may not always agree with what is said or how the message is delivered. While it is good to write letters that bring up specific trails within that forest system not all of us have firsthand knowledge. That does not mean that your letters asking for parity of use with other OHV user groups and a variety of challenging class II trails is taken for granted, it is the many voices and letters that will be heard. The Ochoco/Deschutes Forest TMP is taking comments until 12-8-09. Deschutes County 4 Wheelers have excellent talking points on the website that can be used to send an email or letter. The Ochoco Summit OHV Park is also in progress and taking comments until Dec 20. This will incorporate approx 48 mi of class II use—28 mi of existing road along with 8 mi of decommissioned road and 12 mi of new trail). From reading most of this will be shared use road and most likely will not present challenging trials systems unless folks write and tell them what they want. The link for email and further information is:http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/ centraloregon/index.shtml. Lastly, the Oregon state meeting will be Jan 23, 2010 at the Warn factory at 13920 Pheasant Ct Milwaukee, OR. This will be a combined region 6 meeting and State meeting. Region meeting should run from 0930 to 1130. Lunch provided and state meeting will begin with lunch and run until 3-4pm. Several guest speakers have been arranged and will take the round table discussion format once again. If you have a particular speaker or person you would like invited please let me know right away. Respectfully submitted, Beth Ayer IN MEMORY OF David L. Masinter V.P.,G.M. Donita Willsey Nelson On Tuesday December 1st, 2009, Donita Willsey Nelson, wife of Roy Nelson, succumbed to thyroid cancer after a long valiant battle with the disease. She was 59. Donita was the Assistant Manager of Nelson Truck Equipment in Kent and Seattle, WA where she worked since 1972. Along with her husband Roy she was active in the business as employee, co-owner, and confidant. She was also part owner of Titan Truck Equipment in Spokane, WA and through the years was a member of various trade associations such as NTEA (National Truck Equipment Assn), SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Assn), PWA (Performance Warehouse Assn), AAM (Automotive Accessories Mktg), NWPPA (Northwest Public Power Assn), and TRAW (Towing and Recovery Assn of WA). She leaves behind seven grown children and numerous grandchildren. The family wishes to thank everyone for their calls, cards, visits, and emails of encouragement over the past year. There will be a private family service at the home on Saturday morning. In lieu of flowers the family requests donations be sent to one of the two organizations listed below in the name of Donita Nelson. These can be seen by scrolling down to the bottom of this e-mail. Please feel free forward this info on to any person(s) who know or who have known the Nelsons. Kindest regards. For the family, TITAN TRUCK EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. Light truck and suv accessories wd * Commercial truck bodies & equipment * Towing/recovery vehicles & parts * Aerial devices & utility products * Custom hot rod and classic car mods. Mail: P.O. BX 13056 Spokane, WA 99213 Ship: 605 N. Fancher Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 509-534-5010 (phn) 509-535-4320 (fax) www.titantruck.com “Driven by Experience” Light of Life Foundation The Light of Life Foundation was established in the spring of 1997 by Joan Shey, a patient herself. The mission of the foundation is to improve the quality of life of thyroid cancer patients through continual education of the lay public and medical community, and by promoting research and development to improve thyroid cancer care. Light of Life Foundation PO Box 163 Manalapan, NJ 07726 1-877-565-6325 www.checkyourneck.com Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Seattle Cancer Care Alliance unites the doctors from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, UW Medicine, and Seattle Children’s to form a world-class treatment center that provides advanced therapies and clinical studies for cancers and other blood disorders. Seattle Cancer Care Alliance 825 Eastlake Ave E PO Box 19023 Seattle WA 98109-1023 (800) 804-8824 www.seattlecca.org ~ ~ Currently the Fremont Winema Forest has put forth a summary of its TMP and the options that are to be considered. Option 1 lets the forest sit as it is now. Option 2 leaves all level 1 trails closed and leaves open 80 acres at Fourmile Quarry and Rocky Point for cross country travel. This will also reduce ML2 trails/roads. Option 3 will open approx 200 mi of ML1 road for use. It will close cross country travel at Fourmile Quarry and Rocky Point. It will also close some historically used roads/trails and result in signage of some ML2 roads that are currently being used by OHV groups as closed. Option 4 Will open approx 650 mi of ML1 road and again close those roads/trails mentioned in option 3. Option 5 will leave all ML1 roads close and close other trails currently in use. These plans will be open for discussion in early 2010 per Fremont Winema. It would appear at this time January 2010 www.pnw4wda.org Yellowstone To Open This Season - Legal Action Filed By State Of Wyoming With another winter fast approaching, the Wyoming Attorney General filed a new Yellowstone winter management legal action in Cheyenne, Wyoming, on November 20, 2009. The suit challenges the Park Service’s interim rule that would allow 318 snowmobiles and 78 snow coaches per day for the 20092010 and 2010-2011 seasons while the Park Service comes up with a permanent plan. As previously stated, this allocation of 318 snowmobiles is not sufficient to provide for a viable winter economy in gateway communities and many visitors could be denied access. It should be noted that the Park Service’s 2007 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) decision, referred to in Wyoming’s latest suit, determined that 540 was an appropriate number of daily entrances by snowmobiles. Jack Welch, BlueRibbon Special Project Consultant, stated, “People will be turned away this winter. The reason is not because there is a biological or scientific reason to do so - it is because winter visitors are caught in a game of politics and 318 is a convenient number between 0 and 540.” The BlueRibbon Coalition and its pro-access partners will continue to review and monitor any legal actions that could affect snowmobile access to Yellowstone. In addition, we will continue our proactive work with the Park Service to provide a long-term winter recreation solution in Yellowstone. Finally, there continues the possibility that a courtroom development could somehow change things. As always, we will continue to post updates at www.saveyellowstonepark .com. In the end and perhaps most importantly, Yellowstone will open for the 2009-2010 season on December 15, 2009. Think snow! Thanks in advance for your support, Jack Welch Special Project Consultant BlueRibbon Coalition ~ MONTANA WILDERNESS BILL MOVING IN COMMITTEE ACTION NEEDED NOW - BEFORE IT GETS PUT IN OMNIBUS! PNW4WDA Association President 2010 Greetings, my name is Rick Smith. I am seeking nomination to and running for the office of PNW4WDA Association President 2010. Dear friends, Of all the proposed Wilderness bills (there are dozens), Montana Senator Jon Tester’s oddly-named “Forest Jobs and Recreation Act” is most likely to move ahead this year. The bill is scheduled for a Senate Subcommittee hearing on December 17, 2009. We need you to CLICK HERE and take action today - BEFORE the bill gets shoved into some stupid Omnibus bill! IMPORTANT NOTE We want to be clear about this. This is a very dangerous situation. Tester’s bill has numerous and serious flaws. Senate staff have said they are planning to fix the problems via amendment, but the bill is in committee without one single change. In addition to locking away more than 600,000 acres of public lands as Wilderness, this bill will permanently close one of the most popular snowmobile destinations open today Mount Jefferson. The “sled heads” on BRC’s Action Alert list will recognize the name. Mount Jefferson is known as the “Crown Jewel of Western Snowmobiling” and has been in the cross-hairs of the radical anti-snowmobiling groups for decades. However, the new BeaverheadDeerlodge National Forest planning process resulted in a compromise solution that kept most of the popular snowmobile areas open. This compromise represents a hard-fought and, sadly, uncommon victory for the snowmobile community. IT GETS WORSE: As noted in an article printed in BRC’s Magazine about the bill, it is nearly impossible to determine what impacts this bill will have on lands outside of the Wilderness it creates. Recently, we learned that Tester’s bill will close the Italian Peaks - Divide CreekWeber Lake Trail (#1111). The Weber Lake-Divide Creek Trail #1111 is one of the few highalpine motorcycle single track trails left open in this region. TODAY is the day to make a difference on this bill. DO NOT wait until this bill gets pushed through via some Omnibus package “all or nothing” deal. Brian Hawthorne: Public Lands Policy Director 208-237-1008 ext 102 or Ric Foster: Public Lands Department Manager 208-237-1008 ext 107 I have been in the Association since 1988. Here are a few of the things that I have done since 1988. I was on the committee that mapped The Tillamook State Forest. I have help on several work parties that have taken place in the Tillamook State Forest. Our club has adopted a trail in which we do maintain throughout the year. I was on the board for the Team Trophy Challenge. I was president for Flat Broke & 4 Wheelin 4x4 Club 8 different times and a member since 1988. I am also member of Hub’s Inn and Sand Flea’s and Mud a Rama. I have also been the Director of Region 3 of PNW4WDA for the past 4 years. I have been in the woods since I was a child on my dirt bike and with my dad in his 4x4. I find great joy in being in the forest recreating in the appropriate areas and educating the people on how to tread lightly in the forest. It’s also nice to be able to show my grandsons that this is the place to play and have fun with our sport. Thank You, Rick Smith VOTE FOR ANGIE MAREK 2010 PNW4WDA PRESIDENT Hi everyone, for those of you who don’t know me my name is Angie Marek and I am a member of the Spanaway Moonshiners Jeep Club. Over 15 years ago I stated that someday I would like to run for PNW4WDA President. My kids are now graduated from college and on their own and I feel the time is finally right for me to throw my hat in the ring. Over the past 30 years I have served as Region II Director and Asst. Director, PR Chairperson, Spanaway Moonshiners Reservations Co-Chair (26 years), Club Delegate, ORV Park Board Member and many other positions and committees where needed. I am currently a founding board member of the Washington Off Highway Vehicle Alliance (WOHVA) and serving as their treasurer. Prior to marrying my husband Dan I was a member of the Evergreen Conestoga’s Jeep Club. I have grown up in the PNW4WDA and have raised our children in the Association. I love what we as a group stand for and where we can go to further OffHighway recreation. I will be seeking a nomination for the office of President at Winter Convention and ask you for your support and your vote. Thank you, Angie Marek ~ 4-Wheelin’ News January 2010 5 PNW4WDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING LONGVIEW, WA DECEMBER 5, 2009 President Luke May (Dirty Thirteen 4X4, DooWop Ditty & Outdoor 4X4’s) called the meeting to order at 9:04 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence for the sick and departed was observed. Guests present: Walter Jessen, Bob Brooks, Grace May, Diana Stafford and Jordan Moos the granddaughter of Dave & Frogg McMains. Hosting Statement was given by Carol Jensen (IAD #2, Individual Members Club and Sand Fleas). Carol said water, pop, coffee and snacks were available in the back of the room and sandwiches would be served at lunch. Coffee was donated by Walter and Linda Jessen (Trailbreakers, Inc). PRESIDENTS STATEMENT: Luke thanked everyone for coming and especially the host group for providing the room and food. Don Jensen (IAD #1, Individual Members Club and Sand Fleas) made a motion seconded by Rick Smith (Region 3 Director and Hubs in 4-Wheeling) to accept the minutes from the May 30th AKA June Board meeting). Motion passed. TREASURER’S REPORT was given by Treasurer Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units and Sand Commandos). Dave had a written report containing copies of the profit and loss for 2009; the proposed officer’s budget for 2010; proposed budget for 2010; and the balance sheet. Dave indicated that everything was running just about on schedule. He said that the 2010 dues that have come in have not been reflected in the report. He said that in the future we may have to look at a dues increase. Expenses are going up and our income is not. Dave passed around a copy of the Treasurer’s report from February 1970 and we had income of $640 dues, initiation fees of $90, a charge for emblems $858.75; for total income of $2,661 for the year. They had total expenses of $1800 with a net income or cash on hand at year end of $829; $477 inventory; $75 in assets that would have been paper and pencils for a net worth of $1381.98. You can see that we’ve come a long way since 1970. This report was all on one piece of paper. Carol Jensen (IAD #2, Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas) made a motion seconded by Rick Smith (Region 3 Director & Hubs in 6 4-Wheeling) that we accept the Treasurer’s report with the proposed budget to be presented to the delegates in February at Winter Convention. Motion passed. Beth Ayer (Oregon Executive Director & Wolf Pack 4X4) made a donation from the Junction City Jeepers (her former club that had dissolved), $400 to the Scholarship Fund, $400 to the Trail Maintenance Fund and their trailer to the Comp Committee. The title for the trailer will be transferred to the PNW4WDA, and becomes a part of the Comp Chairman’s inventory. Dave also reported that money is coming in quarterly $42.50 from the pay back settlement from a former Treasurer. MEMBERSHIP: Chairman, Dave McMains (Treasurer, Hurtin’ Units and Sand Commandos) reported that he has been working with Angela Holm (Region 1 Director & Happy Campers) on the membership Access program. Angela was not present due to a death in her family. Dave reported that Angela and her husband have been working on a newer access program and it is working very well. They will be able to print the membership cards and everything else we need. A question was asked about associate members, how they know when dues are due. Dave said everyone’s dues come due January 1 of each year. Everyone gets a letter, clubs and individual members as well as associate members. SECRETARY: a written report was presented by Sande Nettnin, (Secretary, and Desert Rats). She said we have no Constitution or By-law proposals to vote on in February at Winter Convention. We did have one come in past the deadline and that will be on the agenda for Fall Delegates in September 2010. If you received a generic pin when you took office you should report that pin as part of your inventory. It was a brass pin that didn’t have your name on it only the office. Not everyone indicated that they had received one. Edward Campbell (Region 2 Director and Dog Pound Off Road) asked if he could receive a copy of the inventory list for Region 2 that is on file so he could see if he has any of it. Sande will send him a copy of what she has. Arlene Brooks (Washington State Executive Director & Green River Valley Jeepers) said she had received a copy of some old Trail Jamboree files that she will inventory and put in a box in the storage unit in Puyallup. Arlene will mark it Trail Jamboree inventory and have the name of the Trail JamboreeCo-Chairmen and the PNW4WDA President listed on it; she will send a copy of the inventory to the secretary for the files. Luke May (PNW4WDA President, Dirty Thirteen, Doo Wop Ditty and Outdoor 4X4’s) asked what is in the storage unit? Luke wanted to know if we had any computer stuff like monitors, key boards etc. – answer as per the March 10, 2007 board meeting all computer stuff was disposed of except two towers. They were the only things worth keeping. Arlene said that she knew that we have 10 folding tables as well as other permanent files. OREGON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Beth Ayer (Wolf Pack 4X4) had a written report. Beth talked about the Fremont Winema Forest, the Ochoco/Deschutes Forest plans. Beth said that the Oregon State meeting will be January 23, 2010 at the Warn factory,13920 Pheasant Ct. Milwaukee, OR. This will be a combined Region 6 meeting and State meeting. Region meeting will start at 9:30 – 11: 30 AM. Lunch will then be provided and the state meeting Continued on page 7 PNW4WDA SCHOLARSHIP FUND APPLICATION Applicant must be a PNW4WDA member in good standing for at least two (2) years or, if you are an IRS dependent, you must be under 21 and listed on the PNW roster. The applicant can be no more than 25 at Winter Convention on the year(s) he applies. The recipient may only receive 2 scholarships Scholarship will be available for any college, university, trade school or school of higher learning. Application must be completed, signed and received by the PNW Secretary prior to winter Convention. Application must be accompanied by a statement as to the reason for applying. All applications will receive equal consideration. Winners will be selected at the first regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting after Winter Convention. Selection will be by drawing. Alternates will also be drawn. Proof of acceptance or payment must be presented to the PNW4WDA Treasurer prior to disbursement of funds. Scholarship may be used for tuition, books and/or room and board. All unused funds must be returned to the PNW4WDA Scholarship Account. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME___________________________________________________________________ M ( ) F ( ) ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ZIP ____________ PHONE______________________________________________________________REGION_______ CLUB______________________________________________________________________________ If Applicant is under 21: Parent's Name___________________________________________________ SCHOOL YOU WILL BE ATTENDING: NAME:_____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ZIP_____________ I have read, understand and agree to the above guidelines. ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Applicant Signature) (Date) (Attach statement why applying or use back of application) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Association Use Only) Application No.__________________Region_______________________ Verified by__________________________________________________________________________ January 2010 www.pnw4wda.org Continued from page 6 will start and last until 3 or 4 PM. Beth said that several guest speakers have been arranged and will take a round table discussion format. If you have a particular speaker or person you would like invited, please let her know ASAP. WASHINGTON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Arlene Brooks (Green River Valley Jeepers) had a written report. Arlene had an update on things that happened after she submitted her report. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) intertwines on many levels. Arlene is on the Sustainable Recreation Committee (appointed by the 2008 land commissioner, Doug Sutherland) and attended a meeting with the Senate Natural Resources Committee. The DNR staff gave an overview of the committee’s recommendations to the Legislature. A 30 minute question and answer period with the Sustainable Recreation Group was held discussing the following: • • • • • Support recreational immunity – state lands Up-cap fuel tax – revenue goes to NOVA Promote E & E Supported access fee ( trail head/day use & multi use fee) Support Legacy Trust (long Term funding) Arlene said all user groups need to be on the same page. DNR seems to be running a little behind the times where fines and E & E are concerned. Arlene said some recommendations from the Sustainable Recreation Work Group will be put into a bill this session. Arlene said she keeps busy answering letters, e-mails and posting on the web site when necessary. She passed around copies of her WA State Land Chairmen and Coordinators; let her know if you have any corrections. The NOVA legal issue (Washington OHV Alliance – WOHVA and Northwest Motorcycle Association (NMA) is at a status quo for now. The Attorney General is talking with the lawyer. The law suit has been filed. Hopefully we will know something at Winter Convention. Arlene passed around a paper from the Wilderness society showing quads, in the past they have only shown 4wheel drives doing resource damage. Arlene said when she has the time; she review’s the timber harvest on state land. The DNR has six regions 110 timber sales to review; five sales affect ORV areas. Arlene said she usually sends these to her land people but sometimes she sends them to the region directors asking them to check them out. Dave McMains (Treasurer, Membership, Hurtin’ Units 4-Wheelin’ News and Sand Commandos) said he had been appointed to the Resource Management Plan for Washington State. Arlene thanked all the members who sit on the different Washington State Racs. A discussion was held on the money that was raised by WASSA to keep the snowmobile grooming going and how this may affect the 4X4 community in the future. Another question does anyone know where the funding came from in the amount of five million dollars for the Washington State Parks Horse Center in CleElum. Answer – No, but it probably has been in the works for at least a couple of years. A discussion on filing for a refund of fuel tax for our ORV’s was held. Arlene will have forms available at her state meeting with more information as to the qualifications, and how to file the form. Arlene reminded everyone that she is having two state meetings, one on the west side of the mountains and one on the east side a week a part. The west side January 9 and the east side January 16. IAD #1 Don Jensen, IAD #2 Carol Jensen (Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas) had a written report. Blue Ribbon is offering a special deal to anyone who wants to join – renew – or extend your BRC membership for $30 - 4-Wheel parts will send you a $25 gift card. This information and application is on the back page of the Blue Ribbon magazine. Carol said that Cal 4-Wheel puts out a position paper for every issue that they have, that would be a good thing for us to do also. Carol passed around a news letter from California as well as a Tread Lightly update. California is giving away a 2009 Jeep Rubicon and tickets were available for $2. Carol said there was a good turn out at the NAMRC (North American Motorized Recreation Council) meeting November 2 in Las Vegas, Carol said they had six new participants and United was there and they asked what it would take to get the PNW to rejoin. Carol said they would bring it back to the board. Arlene Brooks (Washington State Executive Director & Green River Valley Jeepers) and Carol Jensen IAD #2, Individual Members Club and Sand Fleas) had been handing the Idaho land issues and they sent some information on to Beth Ayer (Oregon State Executive Director and Wolf Pack 4X4’s) to keep her updated. We may have lost our Idaho director, but the three of them are letting them know that we are still alive and watching what’s going on. Don Jensen IAD #1, Individual Members Club and Sand Fleas) brought up the discussion on the Jeep Raffle that is being put on by Cal 4- Wheelers. Discussion was on how the tickets are being sold and that brought up our Jeep raffle. We made money on it but were not able to sell tickets on line. The Cal 4-Wheel Jeep was loaded with advertisements and that is what we needed to have when we had ours. They also put out a slick magazine called “In Gear” and had a flyer for their Jeep raffle. These publications are very nicely done – not run off in the back room so to speak. This is something to think about if we decide to have a Jeep raffle again. COMP REPORT: Rob Stafford chairman (Cascade 4X4’s and Over Bored Racing) had a written report. Not a whole lot is going on this time of the year. Rob is trying to get the PNW Independent members organized to put on a play day. Rob said he had found out that because they are not a club they can’t get the PNW insurance so Rob said there were two ways that would work, the first being that he would try to find a small club that would handle the paper work or the competition committee would host the event; but Rob would have to get approval from the board to have the Comp Committee host it. So Rob made a motion that the PNW Comp committee be allowed to host a race at Ethel on June 5th & 6th staffed by PNW members; seconded by Don Jensen (IAD #1, Individual Members and Sand Fleas) motion passed. Rob will try to get a club to step up and host the event. If he can’t, the Comp committee is authorized to host. At this time Summer Convention will probably be put on by the Comp committee because no region has submitted a bid to host it. Rob has looked into purchasing some good HF radios that could be used for PNW activities. Rob has a bid from PSI (Puget Sound Instrument) for 12 batteries plus chargers, 12 ear pieces etc. for $2,776.22. Rob made a motion that the PNW Comp committee pays half and the PNW pays the other half, the Comp committee would maintain them and keep track of them. They could be rented out, have a rental and damage fee. Everyone seemed to have lots of ideas and discussion followed. No one seconded the motion so Rob withdrew it. After more discussion a motion was made by Don Jensen IAD #1, Individual Members Club and Sand Fleas) that the PNW purchase the 12 HF radio package deal that Rob had presented the paper work for and that they are assigned to the Comp Committee, seconded by Edward Campbell (Region 2 Director, Web Master and Dog Pound Off Road) motion passed. Arlene Brooks (Washington State Director & Green River Valley Jeepers) made a motion that Rob come up with January 2010 guidelines for the radio use, seconded by Don Jensen. Motion passed. Lunch break was from 11:55 AM to 12:55 PM. Carol Jensen (IAD #2, Individual Members Club and Sand Fleas) reminded everyone that in order to have the PNW insurance for your event - dues must be paid by January 31st and she needs the name and place for your event turned in to her at Winter Convention. Back to the radios, Rob had a question about how much the rental fee should be. More discussion followed and Rob will draw up a form stating what the fees would be and send it to the board for approval. Ratification could take place at the March board meeting. Earl Nettnin, (Region 4 Director and Desert Rats) asked Rob if he had ever seen the kid’s competition race rules. This was found in the archives and Arlene Brooks has two of them. She will make a copy and give one to Rob. She was not going to turn loose of the originals. REGION REPORTS: Region 1 – Director Angela Holm (Happy Campers) had a written report, she was not present due to a death in her family. The Board sent a note of condolence to her family. Region 2 – Director Edward Campbell (Web Master and Dog Pound Off Road) had a written report. Arlene Brooks (Washington State Director and Green River Valley Jeepers) asked Edward if he was aware of the damage that took place at Government Meadows on the Naches trail. She said that it had already been turned into the sheriff’s office; the Naches District said they were on top of it. Arlene made a comment that Reiter trail is temporarily closed not permanently closed. Region 3 – Director Rick Smith (Hubs in 4-Wheeling) had a written report. Rick said he had a correction on his report and the number should be 38 instead of 35 years for participation in Shore Patrol. Airplane Hills in the Tillamock state forest – the gate has been locked in the open position. Rick is working on trying to get two clubs back into the region. Region 4 – Director Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats) had a written report. Earl added to his report that he had met the new ranger, Irene Davidson at the Naches TWIG meeting. She is from Colorado educated in Botany. Her family does not own any motorized recreation vehicles. She was impressed with the TWIG meeting and glad to see the different users get together to discuss things. She likes attending meetings and was planning to attend the snowmobile meeting and the horsemen’s meeting. A work party was held at Copper City and the 1808 road that had been washed out has a temporary bridge coming in also work has started on the design for the permanent bridges for both areas that were out. The Little Rattlesnake has about one day of work left. They want to have a grand re-opening in the spring, when the snow goes away. This has been a 10 year project. On the DNR side, South East Washington (our area) 15 counties will have a new manager, her name is Lora Ditmer. Earl emailed our contact and asked how this will affect us, but so far have not heard back from him. We have had some information on an ORV park that would provide a place to race and play in Eastern Washington, but do not have anything to share at this time. It was suggested that perhaps the gentlemen could have a booth at Winter Convention to share information on the idea if space was available. Someone needs to contact Angie Marek and ask. Region 6 – Director Alan Paulson (Umpqua Valley Timber Cruisers) not present and no report was sent in. Region 7 – Director Jeff Williams (CJ’s Only) had a written report. Jeff said the Travel Management Plan is still on hold. CLUB POWER/ WE DID IT: NO REPORT PR/SAFETY ED – Chairman Linda Jessen (Trailbreakers, Inc.) had a written report. Linda said we have about 6,400 Who and What We Are and 9,600 Tri-Folds. She also has some key chains that seem to be a hot item to use as give a ways. Linda had a PR booth at a new 4-Wheel drive store in Portland; she gave out lots of information. Linda said between that and Shore Patrol she had 5 people tell her that they never received anything after sending the paper work in, so she told them to apply again. Arlene Brooks gave Linda things from Operation Shore Patrol as Linda is going to put up the Operation Shore Patrol display at Winter Convention for the 50th Anniversary. TRAIL JAMBOREE – Co-Chairmen Sid & Kelda Hagemeier (Shindig Wheelers) said they have filled out the paper work for the 5-year permit and it has been turned in to the Naches Ranger District. They are hoping that this year they would be able to use the Little Rattlesnake trail as one of the trails at Jamboree. They are working with the out going Trail Jamboree CoChairmen (Merrick and Kim Graves, Wandering Willys’ Jeep Club and Green River Valley Jeepers). They are also working on obtaining sponsorships. They would like to set up a checking account for Trail Jamboree (this would be a petty cash account) so Continued on page 8 7 Continued from page 7 they could take care of paying for some things that come up that need to be paid right away, without having to pay it out of their own pocket then submit it to the treasurer and wait while it gets sent on for the second signature before coming back to them. Carol Jensen IDA #2, Individual Members Club and Sand Fleas) made a motion seconded by Beth Ayer (Oregon State Director and Wolf Pack 4X4’s) that we open a petty cash checking account for Trail Jamboree in the amount of $1000.00 - motion passed. This will make it very easy for the Treasurer to move funds into that account from the PNW’s main account without having to take time getting all the proper signatures on checks. This account will have the same tax ID number. Edward Campbell (Web Master, Region 2 Director, and Dog Pound Off Road) asked why we don’t have two Jamborees. Lots of discussion followed and basically we don’t have the resources to handle another one. WAYS & MEANS Chairman Kathy (Frogg) McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) said she has purchased 50th Anniversary t-shirts and sweatshirts. She has kids sizes priced at $10 for t-shirts and $20 for sweatshirts; adult sizes $15 for t-shirts and $35 for sweatshirts. Adult sizes on hand are small – 4X, children’s sizes small – large. Frogg said she had talked with Merrick and Kim about using their trailer for ways & means at Trail Jamboree and they have agreed to loan it. We discussed having the products available on line and in the past it has not worked, but Edward Campbell (Web Master, Region 2 Director and Dog Pound Off Road) will work with Frogg to design a web page that will work. Frogg said she has small plastic bags available as well as large bags. Frogg asked if anyone needs them for an event, please let her know about a month in advance so she can be sure she has enough on hand. WEB MASTER Edward Campbell (Region 2 Director and Dog Pound Off Road) had a written report. Edward said we had an incidence where someone copied some conversations that had been posted in the member’s only section and posted them on other sites. This is a NO NO and will not be tolerated. The persons involved were punished and were informed that we will not allow such actions. Everything in the member’s only section is private and is not to be shared elsewhere. Edward said if you have any comments about the web site good or bad get in touch with him and let him know your thoughts. He is looking for information on Ocean Shore Patrol to make 8 a web page. Edward will take a look at the center section in the November Tri-Power about Ocean Shore Patrol and see what he can make. Arlene Brooks (Washington State Director and Green River Valley Jeepers) asked how we were planning on handling comments on the web site that are not true. Arlene will send the comments to Edward so he can discuss it with the rest of the web team to see how best to handle things. This will not be allowed either. TRI-POWER – we had a note from our Editor Ron McDonald. He asks that we keep sending articles and pictures and the deadline is the 21st of each month. He had originally told us that Jensen’s were going to pick up 500 copies of the November issue and take them to the meeting, however, they were picked up by Walter and Linda Jessen (Trailbreakers, Inc.). Earl Nettnin (Region 4 Director and Desert Rats) said he had given the new ranger in the Naches District copies of our publications and she expressed a desire to be on our mailing. She will be added to the list. • Arlene Brooks (Washington State Director and Green River Valley Jeepers) passed around a couple of 1970 publications; one was “4X4 Roundup” and the other “Keep On Jeeping”. These were prior to Tri-Power. They were very interesting to look at. VIDEO CHAIRMAN - Don Jensen (IAD #1, Individual Members Club and Sand Fleas) said the videos are listed in Tri-Power. Don said he had received a box of stuff from the Jolly Jeepers and he will go through them and see about putting them on DVD’s. OLD BUSINESS: Items • • • • • Action Arlene – Johnny Horizon program - still working with BLM; Trails near Coulee City, Ed Massey is working on this as soon as Arlene gets him a map. Forest Watch is done. Rob – form a committee to update the Comp book – done Frogg – purchase large bags the size of the big brown grocery bags – done Edward – appoint an assistant Web Master – done; list DVD’s on the Web – not done; add Don and Carol Jensen as the registered agents for the web site – not done. Everyone – Read over the SOP’s discuss any changes; special thanks to Angela Holm (Region 1 Director and Happy Campers) • • for her typing on the SOP’s. Don Jensen (IAD #1, Individual Members Club and Sand Fleas) moved that we approve the SOP’s seconded by Rick Smith (Region 3 Director and Hubs in 4-Wheeling). Discussion on the SOP’s followed and no legal opinions, contracts, settlements, bank numbers or tax ID numbers will be posted on the web. Motion passed. The same committee will work on extracting that information from the SOP’s before they are posted on the web. Arlene, Angela, Carol and Sande will work on this. Discussed the outcome of the Survey and if we do it again we need to be more specific with the questions. Rick Smith (Region 3 Director and Hubs in 4-Wheeling) thanked Linda Jessen (PR/ Safety Ed and Trailbreakers, Inc.) for all her work tallying the results of the survey. Arlene Brooks (Washington State Director and Green River Valley Jeepers) made a motion that we destroy the surveys that were submitted by the members to Linda, seconded by Rick Smith – motion passed. Linda Jessen (Trailbreakers, Inc.) made the suggestion that we do the survey every year. Discussion followed and several ideas were shared. Letter asking for advertising and sponsorship written by Beth Ayer (Oregon State Director and Wolf Pack 4X4’s) was discussed. Beth will revamp the letter and present it again. Rough draft for Trail Building and Maintenance Fund reimbursement application was tabled until the March Board meeting. NEW BUSINESS 50th Anniversary – Luke would like to have a non typical meeting this year. He would like to have sort of a history lesson, have each office give a history of how that position came about. We still would have some business that needs to be taken care of. Region directors could tell about the history in their region and give an over view of what’s been happening. Arlene Brooks (Washington State Director and Green River Valley Jeepers) asked if January 2010 we wanted the past presidents to speak at the banquet, and possibly give an overview of their term of office at the business meeting. The board feels that it would be nice if they (the past presidents) wanted to speak at the business meeting. Arlene said we can have as many tables as we need for the displays and we need to bring our own table cloths. Arlene is working with Ron McDonald (Tri-Power Editor) on putting together a display. Discussion on whether or not we wanted a PNW4WDA 50th Anniversary Pin for everyone in attendance. Beth Ayer (Oregon State Director and Wolf Pack 4X4’s) made a motion seconded by Edward Campbell (Web Master, Region 2 Director and Dog Pound Off Road) that we have pins made up to be given to everyone who is in attendance at Winter Convention, motion passed. Carol Jensen (IAD #2, Individual Members Club and Sand Fleas) will take care of the design and ordering them. Future 4-Wheelers and Under The Hill Gang will be handled by Tamara Churchill (Outdoor 4X4’s and Over Bored Racing). Trail Jamboree – Merrick and Kim Graves (Wandering Willys’ Jeep Club and Green River Valley Jeepers); Comp – Rob Stafford (Over Bored Racing and Outdoor 4 X 4’s); Operation Shore Patrol – Linda Jessen (Trailbreakers, Inc.); old patches history– Arlene Anniversary Brooks; 50th Calendar – Marty Tillford (Vancouver 4-Wheelers); look for pictures of the past presidents by going through the old Tri-Powers. Linda Jessen will go through some of their past picture albums and see if she can find a good picture of Don Armstrong. Lots of memorabilia is starting to come in. Arlene will send Region 7 some information that she has, so Jeff Williams (Region 7 Director & CJ’s Only) can put together a display. If you have any questions on the 50th Anniversary, contact Arlene. Merrick Graves (Wandering Willys’ Jeep club and Green River Valley Jeepers) submitted a proposal for a grant from our Trail Maintenance Fund for funding for 40 Carsonites with numbers at $24.80 each for a total of $992 for use in the CleElum Ranger district. Discussion followed and Carol Jensen (IAD #2, Individual Members Club and Sand Fleas) made a motion that we approve the request for $992 for 40 Carsonites with numbers for the CleElum Ranger District, seconded by Rick Smith (Region 3 Director and Hubs in 4-Wheeling) motion passed. A request to host Fall Delegates in September of 2010 was presented by Region 3 - accepted. A request to host Winter Convention 2011 was submitted by Region 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS Rick Smith (Region 3 Director and Hubs in 4-Wheeling) announced that he would be seeking a nomination at Winter Convention to be PNW4WDA President for 2010. Luke asked that the Region Directors turn in their list of 110% awards ASAP so certificates can be made. FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS March 6th 2010 hosted by The Hombres in Edgewood, WA June 2010 0pen (will discuss date and location at the March Board meeting) FUTURE DELEGATES MEETINGS Winter Convention – February 12th – 14th 2010 hosted by the Moonshiners at Little Creek Casino & Resort in Shelton, WA. OTHER PNW4WDA FUNCTIONS Trail Jamboree July 7 – 11, 2010 at Jim Sprick Park Summer Convention - date and place to be announced Hearing no more Group Gripe and Monkey Business the meeting adjourned at 4: 02 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sande Nettnin, PNW4WDA Secretary ~ Change of Address PNW4WDA Membership C/O: Dave McMains 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509765-2922 or E-Mail: members@ pnw4wda.org www.pnw4wda.org RESPONSE TO: ----- Original Message ----From: DNR RE Recreation E-News Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 4:51 PM. I am not at all impressed by your new recreation plans. I love to hear all the talk of “improved recreation opportunities in our state” and “improving access on DNR managed lands”, but all of your actions in the past are the opposite of your words. You recently announced the ‘temporary’ closing of Tahuya and Reiter, and the P5000 Rd has been closed for years. How is this helping? I have been camping and running on the DNR land north of Ellensburg year around in my 4x4 and dirt bike for many years [decades] with a large group of friends, and I have rang in the last 12 consecutive New Years while camped up Coleman Creek Rd. This year I’m told we have to go elsewhere because the DNR leased it to the Parks Dept from Dec 15th to April 15th, and it is being groomed now. To make it worse, the legislature stole ALL of our off-road NOVA funds and gave them to the Parks Dept, who is now using them to keep us out of the public land that is supposed to be managed for the ‘broadest good of the public’ [not just the snowmobilers, who already had thousands of miles of groomed roads]. Now to top that off, all you can think about is charging more access fees to give us less land and more closures. How do all these closures “improve recreation access to DNR Managed Trust Lands”? Who is this “broad coalition of support”, a bunch from the antiaccess crowd? It certainly isn’t the motorized users! Why are we still competing with “nonmotorized recreation users” for DNR managed lands? They already have HALF of our states forests locked up in ‘Wilderness’ [plus recently another 106,000 acres of WildSky], while you brag about the motorized users getting about 10% of the small 10,000 acre area at Reiter. You say “science-based recreation on state lands will be available for future Generations”, but that is BS if you are closing more every year. You keep pushing more and more motorized users into fewer and fewer open areas, then you complain about overuse in those areas, and close more yet. Isn’t there anybody smart enough to see that if all types of motorized use have been growing for years, that we need MORE area, not LESS. Every area of public land that is closed to motorized use is direct discrimination against every disabled and/ or elderly person, because we aren’t able to hike. The 4-Wheelin’ News state mandates disabled parking spaces everywhere, yet suddenly believes that we can walk for miles in rough terrain to see the beauty of our remote lands. When are you going to come up with some actions that match any of your words? Please look into all these inconsistencies and let me know who can I talk to more about this? Richard Pratt 7618 McAllister Rd Snohomish, WA 98290 ----- Original Message ----From: DNR RE Recreation E-News Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 4:51 PM Subject: Goldmark advances recreation legislation Greetings everyone! Mark Mauren is on a welldeserved vacation this week. The following news release was sent out today. Happy Holidays! Toni Droscher Recreation Program Communications Manager 360-902-1523 toni.droscher@dnr.wa.gov December 22, 2009 Goldmark works to improve recreation opportunities on DNR-managed lands DNR advances recommendations from Sustainable Recreation Work Group OLYMPIA—Commissioner of Public Lands Peter Goldmark today announced agency-requested legislation aimed at improving funding for recreation on trust lands managed by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The bill requests authorization for DNR to charge recreation access fees in certain situations, explores a multiagency access pass, creates a concessionaire pilot program, and revises DNR’s recreational immunity. The bill is a direct result of consensus recommendations made by the Sustainable Recreation Work Group in a report submitted to the Washington State Legislature. Bill sponsors are Sen. Ken Jacobsen (D-Seattle) and Rep. Brian Blake (D-Aberdeen), both of whom represented the legislature on the Work Group, as did Rep. Judy Warnick (RMoses Lake). Rep. Warnick is also one of the bill’s cosponsors. “I want to thank the members of the Sustainable Recreation Work Group for their diligent efforts. These recommendations will improve recreation opportunities in our state,” said Goldmark. “This bill will allow DNR to be responsive to the public and the growing recreation demands on our state’s trust lands.” The Work Group’s Final Report to the Legislature is the culmination of a year and a half of work and offers a total of 11 recommendations that address funding and improving access to recreation on DNR-managed trust lands, while assuring that resources are sustainably managed. In addition, the report proposes two recommendations directly to DNR concerning recreational access. “Given the current economic climate and the budget challenges facing the state, this bill will focus on recommendations that can be realistically carried out in the near term,” Goldmark said. “I know that the citizens of this state are passionate about the outdoors. I am committed to advancing additional recreation-related issues in future legislative sessions.” The bill reflects the following Work Group recommendations: • Access fee. Authorizes DNR to charge for using specific recreation sites and for hosting or attending special events on DNR-managed trust lands. Currently, DNR does not have the authority to charge fees. • Multi-agency access pass. DNR, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Washington State Parks would explore development of a single pass allowing access to all lands managed by any of the three agencies. • Concessionaire pilot program. Directs DNR to initiate a pilot project to determine the feasibility of contracting with concessionaires to provide services at DNR’s recreation sites. One pilot project will be located in eastern Washington and one in the western part of the state. • Recreational immunity. The bill would align DNR’s immunity from recreationrelated lawsuits with Washington State Parks and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. “It’s exciting to see such a broad coalition of support behind this bill and to see our work reflected in potential action at the legislative level,” said Elizabeth Lunney, Work Group member and executive director of the Washington Trails Association. Work Group membership included a diverse group of people, with representatives and leaders from both motorized and non-motorized recreational uses. Historically, many of these interests have been at odds with one another as users compete for limited places to recreate on state lands. “Our versatile group quickly found common ground and January 2010 recognized that we would need to work together if we were going to develop realistic recommendations to improve recreational opportunities for everyone on lands managed by DNR,” said Arlene Brooks, Work Group member and executive director of the Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association. “We had to grapple with the fact that our state’s growing population is putting extra pressure on state lands, especially as less and less private land is available for public access,” said Jon Kennedy, Work Group member and executive director of the Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance. “Our recommendations reflect a deep commitment to the ongoing health of and access to these state lands.” “I am so glad that Commissioner Goldmark is leading the charge to ensure that funding and opportunities for science-based recreation on state lands will be available for future generations—and this bill should do it.” said Darrell Wallace, incoming president of the Backcountry Horsemen of Washington. Both versions of the bill can be download from the Washington State Legislature’s website. House Bill 2480: http: //apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/ summary.aspx?bill=2480&yea r=2009 Senate Bill 2237: http: //apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/ summary.aspx?bill=6237&yea r=2009 Download the Sustainable Recreation Work Group Final Report to the Washington State Legislature from www.dnr.wa.gov. (Follow the link to the “Sustainable Recreation Work Group.”) About the Sustainable Recreation Work Group The Sustainable Recreation Work Group is the result of legislation in 2008 to establish policy recommendations and a collaborative vision to ensure outdoor recreation is safe, enjoyable, accessible, environmentally responsible, and sustainably funded now and into the future. The legislature directed the work group to examine relevant existing laws and rules and recommend policy changes and funding alternatives for consideration by the 2010 legislative session. For more information about the Sustainable Recreation Work Group and a list of members, visit www.dnr.wa.gov/ RecreationEducation/Topics/ RecreationPlanning/Pages/ amp_rec_sustainable_ recreation.aspx Visit DNR online: Twitter YouTube Flickr Facebook “Ear to the Ground” blog SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION. Thank you for your interest in the Washington State Department of Natural Resources Recreation Program. You are receiving this update because you or a colleague or friend requested to have your e-mail added to the DNR Recreation E News subscribers’ list. If at any time you wish to unsubscribe, simply send an e-mail to recr eationenews@dnr.wa.gov and put “UNSUBSCRIBE” in the subject line. Please note that it may take a few issues before you are permanently removed from the list. ~ BLUERIBBON COALITION BRC Announces Launch of New Website In keeping with our goals of making our communication more effective and, at the same time, giving things a fresh new look, we’ve been hard at work the past couple of months designing and implementing a brand new website. We rolled it out this morning and we are excited to have you see it. Stay tuned for more developments, as we are continuing to revise and finetune this work. Please take just a moment to visit www.sharetrails.org -- we think you’ll like what you see. Check back often; we have plans for lots more good stuff to keep you informed this year. Thanks for your continued support, Greg Mumm Executive Director BlueRibbon Coalition ~ A TTE NTIO N TO ONE AND ALL DON’T FORGET TO TAKE PICTURES & WRITE UP A STORY ABOUT THE EVENT(S) YOU HAVE GONE TO .......THANK YOU, RON EMAIL: tripower@pnw4wda.org 9 50TH ANNIVERSARY WINTER CONNVENTION ORDER FORM Join us as we celebrate 50 years of Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association history. Item Friday Night Hospitality / 50’s Sock Hop Hospitality Beer Mugs Saturday Dinner Prime Rib Saturday Dinner Chicken Rocco Saturday Dinner Seafood Fettuccini Saturday Night Kids Party (ages 5 & up) Shirt Order T-Shirts (Small - XL) T-Shirts (XXL - 5XL) Crew Sweat Shirts (Small - XL) Crew Sweat Shirts (XXL - 5XL) Hooded Sweat Shirts w/pocket (Small - XL) Hooded Sweat Shirts w/pocket (XXL - 5XL) Cost Quantity Total $ FREE 0 $10.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $10.00 Size Cost Quantity Total $ $15.00 $17.00 $25.00 $28.00 $30.00 $33.00 TOTAL ENCLOSED$________________ Please return your reservation form by January 12, 2010. Name(s)-_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please include ages of any kids) Address-_______________________________________________________________City_________________________ST_____Zip_________ Phone-_______________________________________________________ Email-__________________________________________________ Club-___________________________________________________________________Years as a member of the PNW4WDA-______________ Make Checks Payable & Mail To: Spanaway Moonshiners Jeep Club 14202 4th Ave. E. Tacoma, WA 98445 For Information:: Call Angie Marek at 253-537-3172 or go to www.moonshinersjeepclub.com 10 January 2010 www.pnw4wda.org PNW4WDA 50 ANNIVERSARY TH DRAWING SPONSORED BY: SPANAWAY MOONSHINERS JEEP CLUB TICKETS $5.00 EACH 1ST PLACE: BENDPAK 10,000 lb TWO POST HOIST Value: $3400.00 2ND PLACE: HOBART HANDLER 140 WELDER Value: $600.00 CONTACT: Jammer Trummert 360-569-2523 Cody Peterson 360-879-5430 GET THEM WHILE THEY LAST! NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN DRAWING TO BE HELD 2/13/2010 REMINDER Deadline is the 21st of each month Artciles are best in a WORD (2003) doc Pictures in a ( jpg or tiff ) Ads are best since as a PDF email: tripower@pnw4wda.org 4-Wheelin’ News January 2010 11 Insurance Contract The Pacific Northwest 4-Wheel Drive Association has available to member clubs an insurance policy. The policy is a spectator liability only and specifically excludes participants. Cost for the insurance is determined annually by the price of the policy divided by the number of events. Member club agrees to: 1) Follow basic PNW4WDA Safety Rules with regard to competition events. 2) Provide a diagram of the area showing the track area and how spectators will be separated from the racecourse. 3) Require that all participants sign a release waiver. 4) Prohibit alcoholic beverages in any vehicle while in staging for any course. No drugs or alcoholic beverages while driving. 5) Pay association dues by January 31st and submit request for insurance by Winter Convention. Payment for the insurance must be made 15 days before the event. No certificate of insurance will be issued without advance payment. I certify that my club __________________________________ is a member in good standing in the Pacific Northwest 4-Wheel Drive Association and our dues were paid by January 31. Signature of club representative ________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Club Contact ___________________ Phone __________________ Event Information: Event date: __________________ Event location _________________ Property owner and address _________________________________________________________________________________ Please include: Property owner, property owner address and if property owner is to be named as an additional insured. If you have questions please contact me at 360 577-0111 or by email at jensendc@teleport.com “Northwest Final Points for 2009”. Class Class Overall Men 585 630 0 10 Bill Frazier Jay Fellenstein 1215 970 655 130 260 0 Short 6 Frank May Dustin Mohan Roy May 325 855 255 205 370 880 705 205 550 270 0 415 55 20 0 185 115 15 40 65 Short 8 Brandon Marek Brad Schwartz Eric Kosel Chris Reynoldson Rob Stafford Darren Jungmayer Gary Marshall Keith Peterson Ryan Gordon C Craig i St Stafford ff d 670 1050 605 440 335 120 230 145 10 185 Medium Kevin Kehrberg Kevin Mohan Willie Reynoldson Kyle Weibold Dan Simonson 820 870 1070 485 360 275 685 45 Long Scott Dzieranowski Tim Dzieranowski Scott Mathany Shawn Churchill 1285 925 180 95 Legends Dan Rheaume David Dzieranowski 1245 0 Overall Women Short 4 Short 4 12 Street & Trail Jay Jenkins Short 6 Deanna May 300 0 845 410 180 205 485 395 125 0 0 125 Short 8 Angie Marek Krystal Schwartz Teresa Rabe Lora Jungmayer Diana Stafford 625 1115 670 105 345 365 610 285 20 180 Medium Julie Kehrberg Terri Mohan Melody Reynoldson Macy Miles Mikki Simonson 555 380 575 125 5 25 Long Sabrina Dzierzanowski Dorothy Churchill Tamara Churchill 1055 240 180 60 Legends Tammy Rheaume Karon Peterson 945 50 0 595 January 2010 Street & Trail Vicki De Mora Open Diana Prine www.pnw4wda.org HCHDW's recent trail build up at Radar OHV area. By Ann Haak The HCHDW in partnership with the BLM and COHVOPS added about 3 1/2 miles of trail to the existing Radar OHV area on November 12th and 13th. The partnership between the BLM and HCHDW has been a work in progress over the past 2 years. The Radar OHV area is one of the cornerstones of this cooperative effort. COHVOPS joined us for this project and provided a small cat and operator, Mike Myers, for the two day effort. The OHV area has been in existence since the early 90’s on the BLM resource plan, but has been in local use for much longer. Management of the area has been conducted solely by the BLM and was limited to intermittent clean up efforts until the HCHDW’s joined the effort in late 2007. HCHDW became a nonprofit corporation and joined PNW4WDA in May 2008. The partnership has conducted 2 Public Lands Day clean ups, started 4-Wheelin’ News the process of signing open trails, provided maintenance on existing routes, built and installed a kiosk, and participated in negotiations with an adjacent private land owner. Trespass on private land adjacent to the OHV area prompted the landowner to ask the BLM to close the area completely. Through meetings with BLM, HCHDW, local law enforcement, BLM law enforcement, county government, and the land owner, the area’s future has been secured. The BLM and HCHDW have spent many hours and used OPRD ATV grant money to identify and sign the boundary between the OHV area and the private lands. Trespass still continues in the area but we feel we have made significant progress. Trail expansion was undertaken as a part of the effort to reduce trespass by providing loop routes back into the OHV area where existing routes cross onto private land. The expansion was put together on short notice by Brett Page, BLM recreation planner, when funding and resources became available. Moisture content on the ground seemed right, so we moved quickly in an attempt to beat the winter freeze. As it turns out, the expansion was accomplished in an early winter storm with temperatures below freezing, snow on the ground and near blizzard conditions. HCHDW provided 27 hours of effort during the 2 day event with special recognition going to Jason Ward for his efforts in flagging routes. Many more hours were donated over the last year by HCHDW members exploring potential routes and identifying needs. HCHDW’s wish to thank Brett Page and Mark Myers for their efforts under very difficult conditions in completing this phase of the project. When the grounds thaw a little we will sign the new routes and GPS them for future mapping. Two additional routes were planned but will have to be completed at a later date. The routes are all within the footprint of the existing OHV area. ~ January 2010 13 Randy is running for Oregon State Director Our 50th Anniversary Winter Convention is coming up in February!! One of the items of business at the convention will be electing State Executive Directors for the coming year. For those of you who were not able to attend this year’s Fall Delegates’ Meeting, We want to let you know that Randy Drake has been nominated for the position of Oregon Executive Director. But first, you may be wondering just what it is that a State Executive Director is supposed to be doing. According to the PNW4WDA Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) the duties of State Executive Director are: 1. Assists the President as requested at PNW4WDA meetings and functions. 2. Presides over the State Caucus Meeting at PNW4WDA Delegates Meetings. 3. Presides over State Meeting, when directed by the State delegates to hold such meetings. 4. Appoints PNW4WDA members, coordinates and reports to the membership the activities of the State commissioned advisory committees. Note: While not all of these are specifically listed in the SOP’s, for Oregon these commissions may include: a. Oregon Parks and Recreation Department All Terrain Vehicle Account Allocation Committee (ATV-AAC). b. Pacific Northwest Recreation Advisory Committee (Forest Service and BLM). c. Tillamook State Forest Recreation Advisory Committee. 5. Appoints PNW4WDA members to advisory committees, boards, etc. as the need and opportunity arises. These would be outside of the committees designated above. 6. Informs the Regional Directors and Regional Land Matter Chairman as the need arises. Coordinates conservation, ATV, ORV and Legislative matters in the State. 7. Submits a written report to Tri-Power monthly. 8. Makes contact with County, State and Federal officials to promote public relations and sport of four wheeling. 9. Works with President on PR activities within respective State when there is no appointed PR person. 10. Prepares and submits annual budget for said office to the Treasurer by November 15th. 11. Responsible for the Kathy Sterner Award as outlined in the SOP’s. 12. Attends all delegate and board meetings; if unable to attend, submits a report. Many of you already know Randy, but for those who do not, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to him. Randy has been a member of the Deschutes County 4-Wheelers since 1976 and has been actively wheeling since 1962. You could find no other more responsible, more involved ‘wheeler around. Randy has been working for several decades to promote our sport both in Central Oregon and throughout the entire state. We all know it takes many people to work for trails and no one person can do it all, however, it is because of Randy’s leadership that the Deschutes County 4-Wheelers will be constructing several hundreds of miles of Class II trails in the next couple of years. Nowhere else in the southern half of Oregon can this be said. No one else in the southern half of Oregon has produced the results that Randy has achieved. Randy’s leadership is responsible for changing the mindset of the Forest Service and BLM in Central Oregon to realize that Class II 4x4 users are indeed a responsible group of forest users and that we need adequate trails. The Deschutes County 4-Wheelers club has become one of the largest clubs in Region 6. Because of the leadership of Randy, our club has seen an explosive growth in recent years with over 70 active individuals. He has spread the word of our club like no one else, has developed membership awareness like no one else, and has made this club a regional powerhouse. The forest service and BLM now consider our club as partners, as “go-to” people, as a critical user group, all because of the work that Randy has led. Randy’s influence and leadership has not ended at the club level. He has been a leader within Region 6 for many years. Randy has been a previous Region 6 Director, is currently Vice Director and is also the Region 6 Land Matters Chairman. He has been the recipient of the PNW4WDA 110% Award numerous times. Because of Randy, our region has implemented the land use system that the Washington PNW has enjoyed for years. We now have people who are responsible for land use issues within their own areas and who work with the other land use people to provide a clear and unified voice within Region 6. Because of the unity that is growing amongst the clubs in our region, it is no wonder that attendance and participation has doubled. If elected as Oregon State Executive Director, you will see monthly reports concerning land matters affecting our sport. Updates on legislative issues will be presented as well as monthly updates form the Forest Service and BLM Travel Management activities. Regular updates concerning the projects presented to the ATV-AAC will be provided. It is his belief that the state of Oregon is but one large group of four-wheelers. This state needs someone who will attend meetings in both Region 6 and Region 3. Working statewide coordinating our regional land matters much like Arlene has done in Washington. This is way past due and all sides of the state needs to be heard. Hearing is not enough however as we need action on the ground and in the offices of BLM and Forest Service. With both sides of the state working together he will create updates on what is happening. This is only half of what is needed still. He will get people to take action that produce a positive sign posting that simply states Class II route, trail, way or road is permitted here. With all the change that goes with the new travel management rules, it is critical that we stay informed and engaged. With Randy at the helm, our job will become much easier. In addition, you will also see regular updates and participation by our Executive Director on the racing side of our sport and I can assure you it will be straight. Please recommend Randy for Oregon State Executive Director when your delegates vote at Winter Convention. Respectfully submitted, Jon and Patti Pyland 14 ~ RECREATION COALITION FILES BRIEF IN ONGOING ROADLESS LAWSUIT POCATELLO, ID (January 5) - A coalition of recreation advocacy groups filed an Amicus Curiae brief in the 10th District Court of Appeals related to the 2001 Roadless Rule this week, marking over a decade of involvement in the controversial issue. The recreation groups include the BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC), California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs (“CA4WDC”), United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA) and the American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA). Environmental activists are appealing a 2008 decision by U.S. District Court of Wyoming Judge Clarence Brimmer declaring the Clinton era Roadless Rule illegal. That ruling came in a case brought by the State of Wyoming in 2007, which paralleled an earlier complaint filed by Wyoming in 2001. Brimmer’s 2008 decision minced few words, concluding the 2001 Rule “was driven by political haste and evidenced pro forma compliance with” environmental laws, using descriptors such as “flagrant” and “cavalier” in characterizing the “unequivocal” violations. Brian Hawthorne, BRC’s Public Lands Policy Director, said, “With millions of acres of National Forests susceptible to disease and wildfire, it should be evident that a top-down, one-size-fits-all management program should never be the answer. Each roadless area is unique, and local conditions should be taken into consideration when actively managing these lands.” involvement in the Roadless issue,” said Greg Mumm, Executive Director of BRC. “Force-feeding a ‘hands-off’ policy to manage Roadless Areas, like congressionally designated Wilderness, has been a goal of the preservationist groups for some time. BRC is proud to have protected recreational access to these lands and we are committed to continue this important effort.” Noting the U.S. Forest Service will be revising the regulations for preparing Forest Plans, Paul Turcke, the attorney for the recreational groups, observed in their brief that “our Nation’s treasured forest lands must be actively and effectively managed. Such management necessitates detailed, site-by-site analysis; not politically convenient templates. That improper procedural means advance an agenda of less rather than more active human presence is of little legal import. This Court should seize the opportunity to place the 2001 Roadless Rule alongside the 2005 State Petitions Rule and similar misplaced efforts to manage our National Forests via election cycle emanations from the DC beltway, and to begin a return to professionally-driven and project-focused management that our forests and citizens deserve.” The Recreation group’s filing can be found online. Learn more about the history of the Roadless Rule and latest updates on www.sharetrails.org. Contact: Brian Hawthorne, Public Lands Policy Director Phone: 208-237-1008 ext 102 or 208-390-5770 ~ “This marks a decade of January 2010 www.pnw4wda.org 4-Wheelin’ News January 2010 15 We're Looking for Members OREGON: WASHINGTON: 4 At A Time Hillsboro, OR (503) 628-4210 CASCADE OFFROADERS Lebanon, OR (541)451-2678 Deschutes County 4-Wheelers Bend, OR www.deschutescounty4wheelers.com FOUR RUNNERS Klamath Falls, OR Janet Gaston (541) 545-1630 www.fourrunners.org GORGE RIDGE RUNNERS The Dalles, OR (541) 298-3487 TIMBER-LINN 4WD CLUB Philomath, OR (541) 929-3252 hugger2@casco.net BELFAIR PACK RATS Belfair, WA Sam (360) 275-5253 CLIFFHANGERS Snohomish, WA (360) 568-1663 El Dorado Dust Devils Puyallup, WA (253) 536-6989 Green River Valley Jeepers Auburn, WA Arlene (253) 833-8747 Oly Stumpjumpers 4x4 Club 18621 Hilt Street SW Rodchester, WA 98579 (360) 273-5521 Piston’s Wild SW Washington/NW Oregon Crystal 360-606-1648 info@pistonswild.com PNW Individual Member Club Longview, WA (360) 577-0111 SPOKANE 4 WHEELERS Spokane, WA (509) 542-1244 maryandart@comcast.net Thunder Trucks Auburn, WA John (253) 606-4019 or Thundertrucks4x4@hotmail.com White Knuckle 4x4 Puyallup, WA (253) 536-8381 hunter@snowgoose.com IDAHO: 800-537-7845 Membership in the clubs listed above offer a wide variety of activities. If a club is not listed in your area call 800-537-7845 or visit our web site www.pnw4wda.org for a complete list of clubs. If you would like your club listed above e-mail us at: tripower@pnw4wda.org Jan $35.00 Feb $32.50 Mar $30.00 Apr $27.50 May $25.00 June $22.50 July $20.00 Aug $17.50 Sept $15.00 Oct $12.50 Nov $10.00 Dec $10.00 Annual fee: $35.00 PNW4WDA TREASURER 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 16 January 2010 www.pnw4wda.org 4 months unless you contact us. If you need an ad extended or removed the deadline is the 21st of each month. 2 Weeks Free use of all Videos* PHOTOs are OK with your ad. Classified Ads are FREE to PNW4WDA members. RACE JEEP for sale medium wheel base, custom sq. tube frame, fiberglass shell with dana 44 front/rear 4.11 gears. Dana 20 transfer case, turbo 350 tranny, SB 350 chev full roller motor. Callaway Billet crank, 6” crower I beam rods, Keith Black 14:1 pistons, Isky roller cam, Comp cams full roller steel rockers, Dart II sportman heads with mild port work, dart intake w/ holley hp 825 cfm carb and msd ignition, motor and trans are fresh w/ no races on them. Very nice well built jeep with some spare parts $17,500 or make offer. Contact Matt Peters at: 360-273-7466 or 360-628-4916 email: mandrpeters@msn.com Tire Chains (not cables) Never used, still in package Fits:30/9.50-15LT, 10/16.5, P245/70 R-15, P255/70 R-15, P255/75 R-15LT. $45.00 425-788-4520 ask for Ed 5-09 ~ 4X4 race ready 350 small block chev turbo 400, 4:11 gears $7,000 OBO (509) 656-3031 12-09 ~ Race Jeep for sell at $12,000.00 and it is a turn key ready to go jeep. Dan and Tammy Rheaume 206-935-1400. SEE PHOTO BELOW Non- Members pay $10 per issue for up to 10 lines + a single photo. Makes checks payable to PNW4WDA Submit ad to: tripower@pnw4wda.org, OR FAX 360-695-1043 Or snail-mail it to: Tri-Power 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 Send ad in Arial font size 10. Remember the deadline is the 21st of each month. Ads will be removed after 4-Wheelin’ News January 2010 7-09 ~ 17 Region 1 Meeting Angela Holm, DIRECTOR 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 • Cell: 206-617-9478 Reg1Dir@pnw4wda.org THIRD WEDNESDAY EACH MONTH at 7:30pm-9:00pm - Crossroads Restaurant 1904 201st Pl SE, Bothell WA 98012, (425) 488-5611 NO DECEMBER MEETING OPERATION SHORE PATROL 9/19/09 - Ocean Shores, WA Contact Angela Holm - Region 1 Director 206-617-9478 Come and join us for our annual beach clean up in Ocean Shores. Enjoy free camping, lunch on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday provided by the PNW. Raffle Saturday night. Come join the fun. This is a family event, lots of socializing and telling those funny 4x4 stories. Can’t wait to see you all there! ~ Region 2 Meeting Edward Campbell, DIRECTOR 360-349-9236/ reg2dir@pnw4wda.org P.O. Box 393, Bucoda, WA NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ Region 3 Meetings Rick Smith, DIRECTOR P.O. Box 1536 St. Helens, OR 97051 971-207-4797 Reg3Dir@pnw4wda.org (are always the third Tuesday of every month) at 7:30pm at: 4-Wheel Parts Performance Center 2700 SE 82nd Ave Portland, OR May 19, June16, July 21, August 18, September 15, October 20, November 17, NO DECEMBER MEETING All members and guests are welcome at this monthly meeting where Region 3 club delegates gather to discuss upcoming events and land matters for the Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington 4x4 recreation areas. Join us today and find out how you can get involved and do your part to secure the future of the sport of 4-wheeling for many years to come. ~ 18 Region 1 Meeting 2010 Earl Nettnin, DIRECTOR 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 reg4dir@pnw4wda.org JAN 12, ’10 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery 400 E. Broadway, Moses Lake, WA FEB 9, ’10 7:30 PM meet at Magic’s Pizza, 309 S 1st Selah, WA. MAR 9, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop 3300 Road 96, Pasco, WA APRIL 13, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery 400 E. Broadway, Moses Lake, WA MAY 11, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Magic’s Pizza, 309 S 1st Selah, WA JUNE 8, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop 3300 Road 96, Pasco, WA JULY 13 ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery 400 E. Broadway, Moses Lake, WA August 10‘10 7:30 PM meet at Magic’s Pizza, 309 S 1st Selah, WA September 14 ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop in Pasco, WA October 12 ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery in Moses Lake, WA November 9,, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Magic’s Pizza, 309 S 1st, Selah, WA NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ Region 6 Meeting Alan D. Paulson, DIRECTOR 4751 Happy Valley Rd. Roseburg, Oregon 97470 541-679-0571 Reg6Dir@pnw4wda.org May 23rd Delegate Meeting at Christmas Valley Sand Dunes DC4WD Hosted Potluck 541.389.7265 May 24th Christmas Valley Dunes Poker Run Hosted by Four Runners of Klamath Falls 541.883.8326 June 19-21st Creekn’ Trail 541.883.8326 July 18th Delegate Meeting at Edison Trail with Campout hosted by DC4WD 541.389.7265 September 19th Delegates Meeting Dunes/Rd 430 Clean up Hosted by Strawberry Hill 541.929.2317 November 7th Delegates Meeting Hosted by Four Runners of Klamath Falls 541.883.8326 NO DECEMBER MEETING January 16, 2010 Delegate Meeting with Oregon State Director’s Meeting TBA by Beth 541.689.5160 ~ Feb 13,14 Monster Jam Shows Portland, OR 2010 Jan 9 Washington State annual land use Meeting - Westside - 9:00am-4:00pm Location: King Oscar’s Conference Room 415 Ellingson Road, WA Contact Arlene Brooks Jan 16 - Eastside - 9:00am-3:00pm Location: Union Gap School # 2 3201 South 4th Union Gap, WA Contact Arlene Brooks Jan 15,16,17 Monster Jam Shows Tacoma, WA,: with a 8:00 show on Friday evening, shows at 2:00 & 8:00 on Sat, and shows at 1:00 and 7:00 on Sunday. Our part of the Tacoma show will be similar to last year, with the number of rigs involved in each show etc. Details about the Portland and Spokane shows are still coming in, and as I know more, I’ll pass it along. with shows at 2:00 & 7:30 on Sat, and a single show at 2:00 on Sunday (Yes I know this is the weekend of Winter convention) so hopefully we can staff and race this event with people that were not planning to attend Winter convention. Feb 19,20,21 Monster Jam Shows March 6 PNW4WDA Board Meeting Hosted by The Hombres at the Edgewood Fire Station March 7 Spanaway Moonshiners 28th annual 4x4 Swap Meet with one show at 7:30 on Friday, shows at 2:00 and 7: 30 on Saturday, and a 2:00 show on Sunday. at the Puyallup Fair & Events Center, Puyallup, WA. Contact Kellie Solomon 253-847-8202 or Jammer Trummert 360569-2523 for information. FEBRUARY 20 July 24 Spokane, WA PNW4WDA SOUTHWEST WINTER CONVENTION SATURDAY FEB. 20, 2010 DALE & SANDY MCKEE’S 12567 S PAULA AVE YUMA, AZ 85367 POTLUCK---BRING CHAIRS AND YOUR BEVERAGES CONTACTS: SANDY MCKEE 253-318-5525 SUE ALLEN 928-342-0376 COME SEE OLD FRIENDS AND MEET NEW ONES. Evens Creek ORV rednecks and rug-rats jeep club, We are having a fun run at Evens Creek ORV Park. I should also have information about possible rule and or equipment changes and requirements for this year soon. Rob Stafford PNW4WDA Competition Chairman Jan 23 Snow Jam Meet & Greet Saturday: First Rig out 8:00AM Last Rig out NOON Starting at Scott Turner Road and ending at the Elbe Hills camp grounds. For any questions call: 360-458-0644 or 253-350-2584 FEB. 12th-14th PNW4WDA Winter Convention Hosted by The Moonshiners at Little Creek Casino Shelton, WA SEE PAGES 10 & 11 FOR MORE INFO January 2010 www.pnw4wda.org 2 Dogs Ink Jay Fellenstein 2/1/2005 900 Meridian E St # 19-226 Milton, WA 98354 253 250-8093 Fax: 253-847-1026 www.2dogsink.com ARB 4x4 Accessories Lisa Wood 7/91 720 SW 34th Street Renton, WA 98055 425 264-1391 Fax: 425 264-1392 www.arbusa.com B&B Excavating Bob Brooks 7/86 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA 98092 253 833-8747 Certified Cleaning Serv. Daniel Nobel 2103 112th Street E. Tacoma, WA 98445 253-536-5500 ccsdn@aol.com Cunningham Financial Services Venessa Cunningham 12-08 5504 N Regal St/PO Box6425 Spokane 99217 877-5gottax / 509-489-8304 www.thetaxlady4u.com Billy Bobs Offroad & Truck Specialties Bob Hallibueton 5/06 1322 A Meridian St. E Milton WA 98354 BillyBobsoffroad@comcast.net (253) 926-0447 Store (253) 927-1972 Fax Dan Marek Insurance Dan Marek 12909 Pacific Ave. PO Box 44076 Tacoma, Wa 98444 253 537-4000 Fax: 253 536-3338 Drive Line Svc of Portland Kevin McCaffrey 1/1/1989 9041 NE Vancouver Wy Portland, OR 97211 503 289-2264 Fax: 503 289-5838 www.driveshafts.com Drivelines NW David Lee 2/1/1991 3116 Hill Ave. Everett, WA 98201 425-258-4013 /425-259-5973 sales@drivelinesnw.com Jantz Engineering Carl Jantz 5/06 20555 Pugh Road NE Poulsbo, WA 98370 360-598-2773 360-598-3768 FAX www.jantz4x4.com Jeep Glass .com Todd Block 9-08 5235 South Washington St. Tacoma WA 98409 253-473-7691 Jet Chevrolet Dan Johnson 7/97 35700 Enchanted Pkway S. PO Box 4986 Federal Way, WA 98063 253 838-7600 Fax: 253 874-7070 www.jetchevrolet.com Kolbe’s Annual Off Road Expo Always the 1st weekend in May! at the Portland Expo Center Shawn Kolbe PO Box 8836, Portland, OR. 97207-8836 Show info: 503-796-0858 NetRiver Ryan Maloney 6/1/2004 555 Dayton St Ste A Edmonds, WA 98020 425 741-7014 www.netriver.net North American XJ Association John Bergacs IV 2-1/09 1250 S Buckley Rd Unit 1 Aurora, CO 80017 www.NAXJA.org Northwest Services Brad Hoyt 4/2006 2016 87th Ave. Ct. East Edgewood, WA 98371 206 948-0549 / 253 922-6745 bradkarts@aol.com Northwestservices.net Olympic 4x4 Supply Carl Niebuhr 6/94 PO Box 147 Snohomish, WA 98291 360 568-7728 Fax: 360 568-9435 www.oly4x4.com R & P 4WD Parts INC. Fred & Bob’s Construction Bob Dompier 3-09 3951 Evans Lane Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-762-2755 Gold Hammer Body & Paint Paul Crawford 9-08 11889 S. New Era Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045 503-557-8911/503-557-9215fax www.r-p4wd.com Rapid Print Inc Art Waugh 12-85 5570 S Santiam Hwy # 15 Lebanon, OR 97355 541-409-3390 Ron McDonald 6/87 6202 NE Hwy 99, Stuite 2 Vancouver, WA 98665 360-695-0595 • 360-695-1043 Fax rapid.print@comcast.net Harrington’s Trophies Snohomish Transmissions John or Norma 4/03 717 Jadwin Richland, WA 99352 509 943-2593 4-Wheelin’ News Rick Pratt 3/92 17476 147th St SE Monroe, WA 98272 360 794-7888 • Fax: 360 805-5367 www.snohomishtransmission.com Standard Batteries Of Moses Lake Dave McMains 3/06 400 E Broadway Moses Lake, WA 98837 509 765-8246 • Fax: 509 764-2392 www.wrongwa@msn.com Titan Truck Equipment Co Inc Alan Garrison 8/03 N 605 Fancher Spokane, WA 99212 509 534-5010 • Fax: 509 755-5304 www.TitanTruck.com TLC Plumbing Terry Johnson 5/94 2442 NW Market St # 9 Seattle, WA 98107 206 783-1548 Tom Matson Dodge & Jeep BOB JONES 4/07 2925 Auburn Way N. Auburn, Wa. 98002 866-785-4809 • 253-833-6700Fax Trailready Products LLC 4WheelingPlus.com Larry Trim 12410 Beverly Park Rd. Lynnwood, WA 98087 425 353-6776 larry@trailready.com Ron Dunn P.O. Box 898 Kittatas, WA 98934 (509) 964-2121 www.4WheelingPlus.com I-5 Uhlmann RV Barton Jeep Kip Barker 7/1/1990 1001 SW Interstate Ave Chehalis WA 98532 800.245.5378/360.748.6658 kipbarker@uhlmanns.com www.uhlmannrv.com Tony Farley 5/05 10819 E Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 509 928-1300 Fax: 509 922-4288 www.bartonjeep.com Warn Industries Johnson Custom Iron Adel Adams 12900 SE Capps Rd Clackamas, OR 97015 503-722-3015 • 503-785-2001 Fax www.warn.com Scott Johnson 10/06 14215 N Thayer Rd PO Box 155 Rathdrum, ID 83858 208-687-9353 Fax 208-687-9353 johnsonci@adelphia.net Woody’s 4x4 Inc Lee Woodruff 8/1/1988 6408 NE St Johns Blvd Vancouver, WA 98661 360 693-6840 Fax:360 693-0067 www.woodys4x4.com Town & Country Chrysler Jeep David Johnson 6/2004 6759 NW Northridge Ln Bremerton, WA 98312 360 340-0282 www.northridge4x4.com Randy’s Offroad Conn. Randy Cole 14702-A Smokey Pt. Blvd. Marysville, WA 98271 360 659-5259/360 659-4935 FAX www.randysoffroad.com Rick Newcomb 7/98 13733 Aurora Ave N Seattle, WA 98177 206-365-3530 If any of the listed information is not correct e-mail us at: tripower@pnw4wda.org February 2010 PNW4WDA will be celebrating its 50 Northridge 4X4 th Raynproof Roofing Dan Rheawme 4117 16th Ave. SW Seattle, WA 98106 206 935-1400 • 935-3920 Fax raynproofroofing.com Roger Jobs Motors Roger Jobs 2/05 2200 Iowa St Bellingham, WA 98226 360 734-5230 www.rogerjobs.com Sheridan Carquest Auto Parts Kirt Amundson 1/06 1233 W Main St Sheridan, OR 97378 503 843-4486 • 503 843-2067 Fax Tera Manufacturing, Inc. Gage Hartman 1/06 5251 S Commerce Dr Murray, UT 84107 801 288-2585 • Fax: 801 288-2571 www.teraflex.biz Jeep Glass .com Todd Block 9-08 5235 South Washington St. Tacoma WA 98409 253-473-7691 Anniversary January 2010 19 20 January 2010 www.pnw4wda.org