August 2009 - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
August 2009 - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
TRI-POWER AUGUST 2009 PNW4WDA Summer Convention August 21–23 Straddleline ORV Park EVENTS Friday Bracket Drags Barrels (Kids/Adults) Obstacle (Kids/Adults) Cross Country Saturday Comp Modified Drags Barrels (Kids/Adults) Obstacle (Kids/Adults) Cross Country Top Eliminator Run-Offs Sunday Team Relay Region Challenge Club Challenge FEES Advance Purchase Event Admission: $40 Must be postmarked no later than 7/31/09 Includes immediate family (two adults and dependent children under age 21) At Event Event Admission: $50 If didn’t purchase advance tickets Includes immediate family (two adults and dependent children under age 21) Straddleline Entry: $60 – Paid by all participants directly to the park (even if pre-registered) Includes up to 4 people No advance purchase Additional people: $10 per person for the weekend (up to seven people) Includes camping Tech: $5 Per driver Kids free Spectator: $10 Per person per day Age six and under free ADVANCE REGISTRATION Must be postmarked by 7/31/09 Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________ Comp #: ___________________ Club Affiliation: _________________________________________________________________ Additional Family Members (includes immediate family (adults and dependent children under age 21): ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ MERCHANDISE ORDERS – check out the website to see what they’ll look like $40 Pre-orders encouraged. Very limited quantities will be available for purchase on site. Item Kids T-Shirts Adult T-Shirts Sweatshirts Hoodies Tank Tops Price $10.00 $16.00 $25.00 $30.00 $12.00 each each each each each Size ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Quantity ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Total $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ Merchandise Subtotal $ Total $ PAYMENT Mail completed form with payment to: REGION II C/O Lora Jungmayer PO Box 808 Tenino WA 98589 For additional information, check out the website Or contact the co-chairs: PRESORTED STD. US POSTAGE PAID GRESHAM, OR PERMIT #88 Kevin Kehrberg ( or 253-312-5114) Don Williams ( or 360-426-7585) 4-Wheelin’ News Hosted by of the www .pnw4w AUGUST 2009 1 CONTENTS AUGUST 2009 FEATURES DEPARTMENTS REPORTS 4 All Wheelers Off Road Tree Phone Work Party 4-5 Land Matters Info 6 28 th annual Creek n’ Trail 15 Groundhog Rock Crawl ‘09 16-17 All Wheelers Off Road Club - 4W613 Work Party 18 Wheelers for the Wounded 7-13 Region Reports 3 PNW 14-15 AMENDMENTS TO THE BY-LAWS 15 Change of address Officers List 21 Classified ADS 19 Looking for Members 21 20 Membership Application Video Library 22 Calendar of Events 23 Associate Members List OFFROAD AMINALS FUN RUN 21 REGION 3 / PNW4WDA Hot August Night See AD on page 9 FALL DELEGATES MEETING FOR INFO 13 800-537-7845 God Bless America 2 AUGUST 2009 PNW4WDA T R I - P O W E 800-537-7845 PNW4WDA R Volume 37 Number 8 August 2009 The mission of TRI-POWER is to enlighten fellow enthusiasts by educating, inspiring and informing. editor/publisher Ron McDonald assistant editor Diana McDonald Officers List PRESIDENT Luke May/Grace 22635 NE Woodinville Duval Rd Woodinville, WA 98077 800-537-7845 / 425-788-2848 email address All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA TRI-POWER is published monthly for the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. Photographs are edited and prepared with Adobe Photoshop. Layout is performed in Adobe InDesign. In house ads are created with Adobe Illustrator. Prepress product is converted with Adobe Acrobat Professional. TRI-POWER makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the completeness, accuracy or utility of these materials or any information or opinion contained herein. Any use or reliance on the information or opinion is at the risk of the user, and TRI-POWER shall not be liable for any damage or injury incurred by any person arising out of the completeness, accuracy or utility of any information or opinion contained in these materials. These materials are not to be construed as an endorsement of any product or company, nor as the adoption or promulgation of any guidelines, standards, or recommendation. Subscription: You can obtain a subscription to TRI-POWER by becoming a member of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. This can be accomplished by filling out the application form in this publication or going to the PNW4WDA web site Circulation: If you are a member of the PNW4WDA and are not receiving your subscription to TRI-POWER or have moved please contact our Membership department This publication is the result of information submitted by our readers. We do not have a staff of reporters, journalist or photographers. If you have an article or information you would like to share with our readers please contact us. We prefer communication via Email. If you submit an article please send it in size 10 Arial font to or put it on a Floppy, CD or DVD disk and send it to Tri-Power 3902 NE 61 Ave, Vancouver, WA 98661 *fourwheelatize \four*wheel"a*tize* A. To eat, sleep and drive four wheel drive. B. To become obsessed with four wheeling. C. To exceed the limits of ordinary four wheeled vehicles. D. To traverse unforgiving terrain in harsh environments. Advertising Rates (Display ADS): Clubs: Full page-$175 / 1/2page-$100/ 1/4page-$55 / BC-$20 Members: Full page-$200 / 1/2page-$120 / 1/4page-$70 / BC-$22 NON-Members: Full page-$250 / 1/2page-$150 / 1/4page-$85 / BC-$25 AUGUST 2009 SECRETARY Sande Nettnin/Earl 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 TREASURER IDAHO EXEC. DIRECTOR Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” Mark Young 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 2010 W Westminster Ave Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815 208-691-2002 OREGON EXEC. DIRECTOR Beth Ayer/Butch 711 Bennett Creek Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541-954-4880 mailing address 3902 NE 61 Ave Vancouver, WA 98661 telephone (360) 695-0595 4-Wheelin’ News WASH. EXEC. DIRECTOR Arlene Brooks/Bob 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA. 98092 253-833-8747 Inter Assoc. Directors COMPETITION CHAIRMAN Don & Carol Jensen Rob Stafford/Dianna 946 - 18th, Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX 19302 6th Ave. E. Spanaway, WA 98387 253-691-4351 REGION I DIRECTOR REGION II DIRECTOR Angela Holm Edward Campbell/Sue Preble 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 / 206-617-9478 Cell P.O. Box 393 Bucoda, WA 98530 360-878-1677 REGION IV DIRECTOR REGION III DIRECTOR Rick Smith/Kristin P.O. Box 1536 St. Helens, OR 97051 971-207-4797 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 REGION V DIRECTOR Open Alan D. Paulson Call 800-537-7845 REGION VII DIRECTOR Jeff Williams/Gwen 5998 #4 Hwy 291 Nine Mile Falls, WA 9026 509-467-4177 / 509-869-8228 Cell PARLIAMENTARIAN Tom Fisher/Karen 1615 Harvard Ave. Gladstone, OR 97027 971-221-3384 Cell Earl Nettnin/Sande REGION VI DIRECTOR 4751 Happy Valley Rd. Roseburg, Oregon 97470 541-679-0571 MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 SAFETY/ED CHAIRMAN PUBLIC RELATIONS Linda Jessen/ Walter 2952 Garfield, Longview, WA 98632 360-636-1675 WEBMASTER Club Power/We Did it CHAIRMEN Edward Campbell/Sue Preble Karen Fisher/Tom P.O. Box 393 Bucoda, WA 98530 360-878-1677 1615 Harvard Ave. • Gladstone, OR 97027 503-655-1870 / Fax 360-256-0004 971-221-3411 Cell TRAIL JAMBOREE CHAIR TRAIL JAMBOREE CO-CHAIR Merrick Graves Kim Graves PO Box 344 Ravensdale, WA 98051 425-432-0587 PO Box 344 Ravensdale, WA 98051 425-432-0587 VIDEO CHAIRMAN Don Jensen/Carol 946 - 18th Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX WAYS & MEANS CHAIRMAN Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 Ways& TRI-POWER EDITOR Ron &Diana McDonald 3902 NE 61stAve • Vancouver, WA 98661 ALL (360) Day: 695-6400 • Eve: 6-9pm: 695-0595 FAX: 695-1043 3 BRC UPDATE Yesterday, Greg Mumm, BRC’s Executive Director gave an update on the effort to re-authorize the highly successful Recreation Trails Program (RTP). While the program enjoys support from many lawmakers in Washington D.C., the “game of play” right now is the effort to include the program in the House Transportation bill. And as of last Friday, only 19 Congressmen had formally signed a letter of support. As most all of you know, the RTP Program is an assistance program of the Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The program takes federal gas tax dollars you pay for off-highway use and makes it available for both motorized and non-motorized recreation projects. Greg is optimistic at this point, but concerned that so few have formally indicated their support. We need you to contact your Representative today! We are asking all BRC subscribers to take action on the alert below, and please forward this information to friends and family. Thanks, Brian Hawthorne Public Lands Policy Director BlueRibbon Coalition Please Contact your Representative today to help save the Recreational Trails Program! The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) has been a vital source of funding for recreational access and trails since its inception in 1991. BRC is proud of our lead role in founding the original ‘RTP’ program - the Symms National Recreational Trails Act. As such, we ask your support to help ensure it is reauthorized this year by Congress. Funding for RTP comes from the federal gas tax you pay at the pump as a calculated portion of fuel that is used for “off-highway motorized use.” The program was last reauthorized for three years in 2005 as part of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU.) This law is about to expire at the end of 2009, and the Recreational Trails Program will expire along with it unless it can be authorized and funded in the next national surface transportation bill, the Surface Transportation Authorization Act of 2009. U.S. Representatives Mike Michaud (D-ME) and Tom Petri (R-WI) have just release a bi-partisan “Dear Colleague” letter urging members of the 4 House of Representatives to sign a letter to the leadership of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in support of RTP. The letter thanks the leadership for including the RTP in the bill. The letter also encourages appropriate funding levels to sustain the program through the year 2015, requests funding for a much-needed study on off-highway vehicle fuel use by the Department of Transportation, and asks for adjusted funding for the Federal Highway Administration to continue to effectively administer the program. Copies of the Dear Colleague letter and the letter to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee can be found on our website at It is critical you contact your member of the U.S. House of Representatives and encourage him/her to sign the letter. We urge you to send an email or make a phone call to your representatives office today. Explain how important the RTP is to the recreating community and to your organization specifically. Suggested text for your email can be found below in this alert. If you need help identifying your U.S. Representative, the BlueRibbon Coalition has provided you with a handy tool in our Rapid Response Center at response/. All you need to do is type in your zip code. More information on the Recreational Trails Program can be found on our website under the RTP button at, located on the left-hand side of the page. Thank you for taking action today to support the Recreational Trails Program. Greg Mumm Executive Director BlueRibbon Coalition Suggested email text: Dear XXX, On July 10, 2009, U.S. Representatives Mike Michaud (D-ME) and Tom Petri (R-WI) began circulating a letter to the leadership of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in support of the Recreational Trails Program (RTP). As my representative, I would encourage you to please sign on to this letter. The leadership of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has provided the necessary language to continue the program in the Surface Transportation Authorization Act of 2009. The letter from Representatives Mike Michaud and Tom Petri thanks the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee leadership for this action. The letter also further encourages the appropriate funding levels to sustain the program through the year 2015, requests funding for a much needed study by the Department of Transportation on offhighway vehicle fuel use, and asks for adjusted funding for the Federal Highway Administration to continue to effectively administer the program. All Wheelers Off Road Club Tree Phones Work Party June 13th, 2009 Tree Phones Campground at the Ahtanum State Forest is temporarily closed because of the danger trees, dead lodge pole. The DNR had fallers come in to cut down the dead trees. On Saturday June 13th, 2009 the All Wheelers Off Road Club members and other volunteers went up for the second weekend in a row to work in the Tree Phones Campground to get it reopened. The DNR brought up a chipper to get rid of some of the debris. Volunteers used chain saws to limb the trees and to cut them up to move them out of the camping area. Other volunteers worked to remove the debris. Thank you to all that came and volunteered to help with the campgrounds maintenance. We logged another 119 volunteer hours with the DNR for a total of 401 volunteer hours at Tree Phones Campground. Here are some of the volunteer of the day. Again, I am asking that you please contact the offices of either Representatives Mike Michaud (D-ME) or Tom Petri (R-WI) to sign on to the letter as soon as possible. There is a July 17th deadline to collect signatures. Thank you for your attention to this matter and helping Americans of all walks of life to continue to recreate responsibly. Sincerely, ~ Road Closed to Rock Creek Recreation Area Clayton E. Graham All Wheelers Off Road Club 3250 Selah Loop Rd. Selah, Washington 98942 Spokane, WA - Effective immediately; the road leading to the Rock Creek Recreation Area (also known as Escure * All Wheelers Off Road Club Ranch) is temporarily closed * Eastern Washington Off Road Forum to motorized vehicle travel due to increased fire danger. The Rock Creek Recreation area is located approximately 60 miles southwest of Spokane, Washington, and 20 miles south of Sprague, Washington, in Whitman County, and provides access to the Towell Falls trailhead location. Please check the Spokane District website for further closure information at districts/spokane/index.php, or call the Spokane District Office at (509) 536-1200. Scott Pavey Planning and Environmental Coordinator Spokane District Coeur d’Alene District (208) 769-5059 ~ The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provides vital funding for trails all across this country, both motorized and non-motorized. There is overwhelming support for this remarkably successful program from all walks of life. This program needs to be reauthorized this year in order to remain a viable source of funding for recreational trails. AUGUST 2009 Fire Restrictions on Bureau of Land Management Lands in Eastern Washington Spokane, WA - A regulated fire closure on lands administered by the Spokane District, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will take effect at 12:01 a.m. July 13, 2009. The following eastern Washington counties: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Lincoln, Okanogan, Spokane, Walla Walla, Whitman, Yakima, will be affected by the closure. Off-highway vehicle and allterrain vehicle (ORV/ATV) use will be allowed in the Juniper Dunes Area but no camp fires are allowed. Be aware that this area may be closed as conditions require. The regulated fire closure prohibits the following acts on affected lands: Operating any type of motorized vehicle off developed roadways. Parking of vehicles off roadways must be done in an area barren of flammable materials. NOTE: Developed roadways are those that are clear of flammable debris berm to berm. Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire or stove fire -including charcoal briquette fire -- is prohibited. NOTE: Liquefied and bottled gas stoves and heaters are permitted provided they are used within an area at least 10 feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable material. Fires within BLMprovided steel rings at improved campgrounds will be deemed legal only at the Yakima River Canyon, Coffeepot, Liberty, Chopaka, Washburn, Pacific Lake and Twin Lakes sites. Smoking while traveling in timber, brush or grass areas is prohibited except in vehicles on roads, or cleared areas at least three feet in diameter, or on boats on rivers and or lakes. On all public lands within the Spokane BLM District, ignition of fireworks is prohibited. Violation of these prohibitions is punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000, or imprisonment of not more than 12 months, or both. For complete details on the restrictions, please see the official regulated fire closure order at the BLM website: http: // spokane/fire/index.php For additional information, please contact the Spokane BLM District Office, at (509) 536-1200. 4-Wheelin’ News Expanded Fire Restrictions on Bureau of Land Management Lands in Eastern Washington Spokane, WA - A regulated fire closure on lands administered by the Spokane District Bureau of Land Management will take effect at 12:01 a.m. July 23, 2009 in the following Eastern Washington counties: Ferry, Stevens, and Pend Oreille. The Regulated Orders dated July 9-10, 2009, remain in full force and effect. For complete details on the restrictions, please see the official regulated fire closure order at the BLM website: http: // spokane/fire/index.php For additional information, please contact the Spokane BLM District Office: Cheyne Rossbach Public Affairs Contact Representative BLM Spokane District Office 1103 N Fancher Rd Spokane Valley, WA 99212 (509) 536-1200 ~ Eastern Washington Resource Advisory Council to Meet July 30 Spokane, WA - The Eastern Washington Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will hold its next meeting on Thursday, July 30, 2009. The meeting will be held at the Colville National Forest Supervisor’s Office, 765 S. Main, Colville, and WA 99114. The meeting will start at 10: 00 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m. The meeting will be open to the public and there will be an opportunity for public comments at 10:30 a.m. The agenda includes: a briefing on the Colville Forest Plan Revision and potential wilderness area analysis process, and other projects of interest, and a field visit to a restoration site. Those who verbally address the RAC during the open session are asked to also provide a written statement of their comments or presentation. The Eastern Washington RAC is comprised of 15 members from a variety of backgrounds who are appointed by the Secretary of the Interior. The Eastern Washington RAC reviews overall planning and proposed activities on federal public land in eastern Washington and provides advice to the BLM and USDA Forest Service. For additional information about the Eastern Washington RAC or the upcoming meeting, contact the Spokane BLM District Office, 1103 North Fancher Rd, Spokane Valley, WA 99212 or call (509) 5361200. Additional information is also available online at: ewrac.php. For information related to Colville National Forest projects contact Franklin Pemberton at 509- 6847177. For information related to Forest Plan Revision contact Deborah Kelly at (509) 826-3396. Additional information is also available online at: colville or wenatchee/forest-plan . -BLM/ FS-The BLM manages more land – 256 million acres – than any other Federal agency. This land, known as the National System of Public Lands, is primarily located in 12 Western states, including Alaska. The Bureau, with a budget of about $1 billion, also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. The BLM’s multiple-use mission is to sustain the health and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. The Bureau accomplishes this by managing such activities as outdoor recreation, livestock grazing, mineral development, and energy production, and by conserving natural, historical, cultural, and other resources on public lands. Debbie Kelly- Public Affairs Specialist Colville, OkanoganWenatchee National Forests Forest Plan Revision Team Okanogan Valley Office 1240 S. Second Ave. Okanogan, WA 98840 (509) 826-3396 dlkelly@fs.fed.usr6_ewzplanr ~ Please Contact your Representative today to help save the Recreational Trails Program! The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) has been a vital source of funding for recreational access and trails since its inception in 1991. BRC is proud of our lead role in founding the original ‘RTP’ program - the Symm’s National Recreational Trails Act. As such, we ask your support to help ensure it is reauthorized this year by Congress. Funding for RTP comes from the federal gas tax you pay at the pump as a calculated portion of fuel that is used for “off-highway motorized use.” The program was last reauthorized for three years AUGUST 2009 in 2005 as part of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU.) This law is about to expire at the end of 2009, and the Recreational Trails Program will expire along with it unless it can be authorized and funded in the next national surface transportation bill, the Surface Transportation Authorization Act of 2009. U.S. Representatives Mike Michaud (D-ME) and Tom Petri (R-WI) have just release a bi-partisan “Dear Colleague” letter urging members of the House of Representatives to sign a letter to the leadership of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in support of RTP. The letter thanks the leadership for including the RTP in the bill. The letter also encourages appropriate funding levels to sustain the program through the year 2015, requests funding for a much-needed study on off-highway vehicle fuel use by the Department of Transportation, and asks for adjusted funding for the Federal Highway Administration to continue to effectively administer the program. Copies of the Dear Colleague letter and the letter to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee can be found on our website at It is critical you contact your member of the U.S. House of Representatives and encourage him/her to sign the letter. The deadline is this Friday, July 17th, so we urge you to send an email or make a phone call to your representatives office today. Explain how important the RTP is to the recreating community and to your organization specifically. Suggested text for your email can be found below in this alert. If you need help identifying your U.S. Representative, the BlueRibbon Coalition has provided you with a handy tool in our Rapid Response Center at response/. All you need to do is type in your zip code. More information on the Recreational Trails Program can be found on our website under the RTP button at, located on the left-hand side of the page. Director BlueRibbon Coalition Suggested email text: Dear XXX, On July 10, 2009, U.S. Representatives Mike Michaud (D-ME) and Tom Petri (R-WI) began circulating a letter to the leadership of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in support of the Recreational Trails Program (RTP). As my representative, I would encourage you to please sign on to this letter. The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provides vital funding for trails all across this country, both motorized and non-motorized. There is overwhelming support for this remarkably successful program from all walks of life. This program needs to be reauthorized this year in order to remain a viable source of funding for recreational trails. The leadership of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has provided the necessary language to continue the program in the Surface Transportation Authorization Act of 2009. The letter from Representatives Mike Michaud and Tom Petri thanks the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee leadership for this action. The letter also further encourages the appropriate funding levels to sustain the program through the year 2015, requests funding for a much needed study by the Department of Transportation on off-highway vehicle fuel use, and asks for adjusted funding for the Federal Highway Administration to continue to effectively administer the program. Again, I am asking that you please contact the offices of either Representatives Mike Michaud (D-ME) or Tom Petri (R-WI) to sign on to the letter as soon as possible. There is a July 17th deadline to collect signatures. Thank you for your attention to this matter and helping Americans of all walks of life to continue to recreate responsibly. ~ Thank you for taking action today to support the Recreational Trails Program. Greg Mumm Executive 5 28 th annual Creek n’ Trail event Region 6 put together Creek n’ Trail as a way to donate monies back to Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association over 28 years ago. Up until that time donations from the PNW’s clubs came from racing. Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association’s Region 6 in 1981 started a great tradition. A date was chosen, everyone volunteered and the tradition began. Glen and Trudy Leavitt from Deschutes County 4 Wheelers were part of the first cook crew and group of volunteers. Steaks on member’s bar-b-qs’ were the order of the day. 35 rigs ran the trail that first event. Randy Drake commandeered a van from the Olympia Brewing Distributors in Bend Oregon and met with the rest of Region 6 at Sourdough Campground for the first of many Creek n’ Trails. The service road itself (for his trip) was a worthy Class II experience in the old van packed with cases and cases of Oly. Tommy and Pat Harris and their Yellow Banana the yellow cj 5 and it’s tent trailer the old military tag along were winding their way through the trail this year; “certificate of appreciation” in hand as Region 6 thanked them for their part in the history of the production “Creek n’ Trail” by awarding them free passage complete with no tasks to do but enjoy. Oliver Fleischman of OT4WDA was the handy man of the day. Oliver your efforts and your participation is well appreciated. Your Toyota is looking very good too. Larry East of the Klamath Falls club The Four Runners, Chairman of Creek n’ Trail and treasure of Region 6 with his right hand Julie Thompson worked so hard this year from getting the permits to selling hands of poker at the trails head throughout to the trails end; we thought they must have twins. Larry kept us all on course this year and accomplished much with his set jaw and twinkling eye. Julie, you are an exceptional young woman, thank you for your efforts on registration and raffle tickets and so much more. Carol Houser of Deschutes County 4Wheelers volunteered in February to “do the dinner.” Carol having been on only one Creek n’ Trail prior knew little of the event but that it would mean work. The new fabrications to the cook trailer and the mystery of what she would find was sort of like planning a feast for frenzied, hungry lumber jacks in the dark. Her forethought and information gathering produced a steak dinner at the trails end that was worthy of any “outback” dinner bell ever! Carol’s crew the “Gang of Eight” from DC4WDA served dinner and breakfast. The steaks were ¾ inch bone in and dang tasty beef. The dinner crew Time has altered the face of the Creek n’ Trail event but after just completing the 28th annual run I can tell you it is still a worthy trail and a well attended event. The Biscuit Fire ran its course through the area and the old fir and the big rhododendrons are sorely missed, but new life of long thought extinct flora and the exposed ancient rock promise beauty and hope of a changed but still historic trail. The new growth on the rhododendrons and azaleas produce vibrant pinks and the lilies the deepest burgundy imagined. The old mule skinners must have knew heaven as they worked their way through the steep rocky trail to deliver their heavy loads. Umpqua Valley Timber Cruiser volunteered this year to make one cook trailer out of the two Region 6 has used for over 20 years. Refurbishing the cook trailer and condensing the two seems to be a great idea. The tow into Sourdough can now be accomplished with just one vehicle and one trip. The trailer looks great and with a couple adjustments will be the cook shack to end all cook shacks. Virgil Osborne of Umpqua Valley Timber Cruisers drew a great looking teal jeep with one happy wheeler at the controls. Gaileen Paulson did the leg work on getting t-shirts and sweats together. Together the two of them produced apparel to match anything Cabela’s has to offer, and I must say at a much better price. Strawberry Hill’s Jeff Twitchell did the planning on the raffle this year and organization was the word of the hour. They had packets for the participants of the trail from vendors and maps of OHV trails from around the area. They did much on a sparse budget for our economic times they made a basket of donations fill a pickup bed and the crowd was well pleased. Alan Paulson Region 6 Director makes a fine MC. AT TEN TI O N TO ONE AND ALL DON’T FORGET TO TAKE PICTURES & WRITE UP A STORY ABOUT THEEVENT(S) YOU HAVE GONE TO worked, Carol at the wheel and the magic of Dan Haak at the grill with Ron Houser on the seasoning, serving salad, corn, grilled red potatoes and jokes on the side. Jo Ann Anderson’s Apple Crisp and Vanilla ice-cream was the absolute “to die for” dessert in the woods. Carol’s planning and execution of meals was truly a symphony of imagination and true grit. Morning’s meal at this year’s event was breakfast burritos. Burritos of left over steak or bacon and red potatoes and scrambled eggs with cheese started out the day for the trip back to O’Brien down the “service road.” The “Gang” really put out a great effort for the wheelers breakfast and the coffee and chow was well accepted with more smiles and stories. I, Mona Drake as secretary of Region 6 of the PNW4WDA and participant of Creek n’ Trail want to say thank you to the volunteers who worked so efficiently and synchronized so effectively to produce an amateur event like a professional team. I could list the names and the jobs and the costs whether monetary or donated personal time and sweat and worry, but the list would be all but infinite. Volunteers take it in the shorts so to speak but just this once I want you to know if you volunteered for Creek n’ Trail you are a success and a God’s send and appreciated. If you didn’t get a pat on the back I give you one now! Thank you. Creek n’ Trail is about comrades pitching in and sharing ideas and enjoying each others’ company and the out of doors and history. I have to tell you, “this year: the mission was accomplished!” Trails in Oregon, trails costs, trails access and trails is the name of the game and Creek n’ Trail is a historic poster child for trails. Oxen, mules, horses and now gas powered buggies. Region 6 of the Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association keeps it rolling. THANK YOU, RON ~ EMAIL: 6 AUGUST 2009 4-Wheelin’ News AUGUST 2009 7 Regi o n 1 th July 15 , 2009 The meeting was called to order by Angie Holm at 7:30, followed by the flag salute and a moment of silence for the ill and departed. Silence for Jean Whitman who passed away on June 4th, 2009. There were 16 delegates present, representing 9 clubs. Secretary Report: Motion was made by Dan Cole to approve the minutes as distributed to yahoo groups and Tri Power, Jon Haywood, 2nd. Directors Report: Angie discussed an email received by Arlene regarding DNR taking on the vandalism problem at all parks. Treasurer’s Report: Jim pulled money from the CD to help cover costs of some recent expenses. Competition: Region 1 Relay Try-outs are July 18, 2009 at the Outdoor 4x4 playday in Ethel. Land & Legislative: Reiter Trails: There are several areas/trails permanently closed by the DNR, please refer the map to make sure you know what is and isn’t closed: amp_rec_reiter_interim_ strategies_map06-09.pdf Walker Valley: The Capital Grant has been extended to September though all hours have been met though not all work is completed. On behalf of Region 1, Angie submitted an official letter of support to Jim Cahill for his Capital Grant for the Federal Recreational Trails Program (FTP) and Arlene also submitted her official letter of support on behalf of the entire Washington land office. Membership: Angie is still working on Mud Toys 4x4 in joining the PNW. Application has been sent out. Region Reports: Food Drive: Bring in food, once Grace has a couple of boxes she’ll bring it to the food bank. Teddy Bears: Don’t forget to bring in small teddy bears and blankets. Thank you to SJC (Evelyn and Jeff Knerr) for donating teddy bears at tonight’s meeting. Special Persons: Nikki Ferrin from the Seattle Jeep Club presented a proposal to the delegation asking for help with a program she was accepted into for her senior year of high school. In coordination 8 with Green River Community College and her high school, she was accepted into the Running Start Program; a program where she can earn college credit while attending high school. The program requires students to pay for textbooks and $10 per credit. The total amount needed for her to participate in this program is $500.00. Dan Cole made a motion for Region 1 to donate $250.00 and Moose 2nd, passed. If any other club would like to help Nikki out, contact SJC. Old Business: Operation Shore Patrol: The time is fast approaching! OSP will be here in 2 mos!!! Angie has asked for help with acquiring and transporting donations and Evelyn from SJC has stepped up to help, as she also did last year. Angie is also asking that every club coming to OSP donate a min. of 2 raffle items. Olympic Trailblazers have agreed to prepare lunch on Saturday and Rock’d-n-Lock’d has agreed to prepare breakfast on Sunday. Timber Tamers will also be doing their steak dinner for about $15.00 per person. They will possibly be taking pre-orders prior to OSP. I-9 forms will still be required this year for staying at the park. One form per campsite only! Make sure you bring your driver’s license and social security card. That is a MUST! Any questions email or call Angie. Form will be sent out via email prior to OSP, bring the form with your ID. Wheelers for the Wounded: Moose reported the final tally for persons volunteering and for donations acquired for the Fisher House. After all contributions and expenses paid, the total amount for donation to the Fisher House will be about $7,500 to $8,000. There were a total of 35 participants which included 22 rigs and 5 veterans. 3 of those vets were able to bring their own rig. Moose will be sending out a formal thank you to all who contributed and helped out with the entire event. Outdoor New Business: 4x4 puts on a Fun Days at Ethel the weekend after OSP. They would like to know if Region 1 would consider putting it on instead. They would probably be project coordinators for it and the costs to do it are minimal; they almost always make a profit from the event. This is an event for everyone, not just racers. This year Outdoor will be putting it on themselves. They would like us to consider next year’s event. Please take this to your clubs and discuss it and bring back a decision for next meeting. Hosting Schedule: August 19th- Timber Tamers September 16th- Wandering Willys Jeep Club October 21st- White Knuckles 4x4 November 18thBoeing Employee’s Stump Thumpers December 16th- No Meeting Upcoming Events: July 25th & 26th- Muddaubers Playday – Chehalis Fairgrounds August 21st-23rd- Summer Convention - Straddleline September 5th & 6th- Summers End Playday - Ethel September 12th & 13th- Team Trophy Challenge September 12th- Fall Delegates Meeting - Longview September 19th Operation Shore Ocean Shores & 20thPatrol - September 19th- Pick up a Mountain - Naches September 26th & 27th- Outdoor 4x4’s Fun Days- Ethel Meeting Adjourned at 8:35 Submitted by Angie Holm/ Grace May ~ Regi o n 2 July 16th, 2009 Call to order at 7:30 pm by Region 2 Director Edward Campbell. Roll call was taken verbally and via the sign-in sheet. Guests were Mike and John. Reports Secretary’s report – Motion was made by Jim and seconded by Derrick to accept the secretary’s report as printed in the Tri-Power. Motion Passed. Treasurer’s reportLora Jungmayer gave a written and oral report. Motion was made by Bonnie and seconded by Derrick to accept the treasurer’s report as given. Motion passed. We Did it/Club Power- No report NachesDave Bauman reported that there will be a work party July 18th and 19th. Because of the work the west side of the trail system will be shut down for the weekend. Evens Creek- Derrick Clark reported that at the last work party there was a total of 904 man hours recorded. The forest service in the area has received $500,000 in stimulus money. Please be looking forward to future work party AUGUST 2009 announcements for all parts of the Evens Creek area. Elbe Hills- Joe Wittig reported that they will be installing water bars on the trail head on the 9 road. The DNR was sighted by the department of ecology for runoff coming from the trails. There will be a work party July 25th and 26th to take care of these issues. TahuyaJeff Williams reported that the Tahuya land managers will be keeping all trails open for now, but will be permanently be closing Camp Spillman and Camp Kamenga after October 15th due to lack of funding. The Wheelers for the Wounded jeep run on July 4th was a great success that brought in around $7,500 for the Fisher House on Fort Lewis. Thank you to all who supported this great cause. Land Matters- Jim Putman reported that he received a letter from DNR about vandalism in the Capitol Forest. The cost to replace the signs that had been shot will end up being about $1000. DNR is now looking into a new trail watch program since the loss of the NOVA funds. Planning for how the system will work is currently under way. The Little Rattlesnake Trail will be reopening in September. As of yet, an exact date has not been set. Copper City Trail will be having a work party to get the third bridge done. No date for the work party has been set. OHV Watch- Megan reported for Angie Marek that WOHVA is moving forward with the lawsuit against the State of Washington to recover the stolen NOVA funds. WE ARE CURRENTLY IN NEED OF A COUPLE OF MORE INDIVIDUAL PLAINTIFFS FOR THIS CASE. IF YOU LIVE IN THURSTON COUNTY AND USE TRAIL LAND PLEASE CONTACT ANGIE MAREK IF YOU WOULD BE INTERESTED IN THIS. WOHVA would like to thank everyone for the continued donations for the funding of this legal action. We are estimating that this will end up costing at least $50,000 before all is said and done. If you or your club would like to donate to this cause please go to www.WOHVA .org. Letter writing: Angie is asking that if you have written any letters or e-mails to please forward her your name, the names of who you have written letters to, and your club. Membership- Jim Putman had nothing new to report. Ways and Means- Tiffany Morris had nothing to report. PR- Diana Stafford reported that the new pop-up tent has been ordered. Dianna attended Trail Jam and talked to a couple of people who were not members of the PNW4WDA and gave them info on who and what we are. We will be putting together an article for the PNW4WDA about what we do and submitting it to the 4-Wheel Parts magazine to be run nationally and get the word out about ourselves. Future 4-Wheelers- Our new Region 2 Future 4-Wheelers coordinator is Karina Kirby of Dog Pound Offroad, she had nothing new to report. CompetitionKevin Kehrberg reported that the Competition Committee is looking into creating an official side-by-side class. Region 2 Relay Team run-offs were held on July 4th. Congrats to the men’s team: Brad S., Tim D., Kevin K., and Scott D. Women’s Team: Julie K., Daniel G., Diana P., Tammy H. Old Business Summer Convention- Don Williams reported that the deadline for the pre-sale tickets will be July 31st. The t-shirt design has been completed, and the contract has been signed and returned. We still need volunteers for gate personnel, especially Thursday and Friday. Lora will be purchasing the prizes for the steering only and pull toys classes. We are still looking for donations for door prizes. Please contact Kendall Moyer if you would like to donate something or know anyone who would. Door prizes can either be brought to the next meeting or to Summer Convention. Volunteers are still needed to help on relay. Have your club contact the Good Time 4-Wheelers to sign up! New Business A motion was made by Kevin and seconded by Bonnie to donate $200 to Santa Al. Motion passed. Proceeds will go to buying toys for children at Children’s Hospital. A motion was made by Jim and seconded by Bonnie to donate $200 to Nathan Freytas’ Show-n-Shine for Children’s hospital. Motion passed. Announcements: -Please e-mail Ed if you need anything posted on the PNW web-site (dogfather@dogpou - If you would like events posted to the WOHVA website please e-mail the details to Megan ( -July 24-26 Mudaubers Playday at The Southwest Washington Fairgrounds. Friday there will be Spring racing under the lights and Saturday will be Barrel racing under the lights. -August 8th- Dogpound Offroad fun run at Elbe Hills $10 entry fee - Webfooters will be auctioning a quilt off at Summer Convention. Tickets are available now! There being no more business for the good of the order the meeting was adjourned at 9: 15 pm. The next meeting will be August 13th, 2009 at Four Wheel Parts in Tacoma. Please note that next month’s meeting will be one week early due to Summer Convention. Respectfully submitted, Megan E. Cieplik ~ Regi o n 3 21 July 2009 Region 3 Director Rick Smith called the meeting to order followed by the flag salute and a moment of silence. ROLL CALL Eleven clubs were present including Flat Broke and 4 Wheelin’; Hubs In; Mud A Rama; Our Gang Off Road; PNW Individuals; Piston’s Wild; Sand Fleas; Total Destruction; Trailbreakers Inc.; Trask Mountain; and Vancouver 4 Wheelers. GUESTS Crystal Crowder introduced the people sitting at her table. Desmond Caravella from the Cascade Cruisers was also present. HOSTING CLUB Darryl Maunu spoke on behalf of Our Gang Off Road. They have been incorporated for 6 years and are from the Woodland area. They have 14 member families. The club puts on a Show and Shine and helps other clubs with their events. They have multiday runs. This year they spent 6 days at Naches. August host will be Piston’s Wild; September host will be Flat Broke & 4 Wheelin’; October host will be Trask Mountain; November host will be Piston’s Wild; and, of course, the nonexistent December meeting will be hosted by Rick Smith. MINUTES Jeff Bowman made the motion, seconded by Ben Weller, that the minutes be accepted as printed in Tri Power. Motion carried. OFFICER REPORTS Region Director Rick Smith—Rick thanked TJ and Jack for allowing us to meet at Performance 4 Wheel Parts and for pizza and soda. Thanks also to Total Destruction for the chairs. Vice Director Karen Fisher— Karen has had no inquiries at this time. Secretary Linda Jessen—A thank you card was read from Aggie Whitman and family. Treasurer Rick Levine—Rick was absent this evening. Public Relations—No report. Competition Marty Tilford— Marty Tilford gave a report on the July race It was a good race. The Region 3 team relay teams were qualified. The men’s team is Larry Curtis, Scott Mathany, Colby Leal, Robert Williams, and Adam Golden. The women’s team is Margi Williams, Shelbi Curtis, Crystal Crowder, Taylor Golden, and Heather Ellsworth. This weekend is the Mud Dauber playday at the SW Washington fairgrounds. Maureen at Happs received an email concerning garbage. Please leave your household garbage at home. Help is needed at Summer Convention. Marty answered several questions concerning convention. Marty Tilford made the motion, seconded by Crystal Crowder, that the Region purchase shirts for Region team relay members. 4-Wheelin’ News Motion carried. Marty Tilford made the motion, seconded by Crystal Crowder, that the Region purchase shirts for the Region team relay members each year. Motion carried. Marty encouraged the membership to attend Summer Convention. Oregon Land Matters Jeff Bowman—The woods have been very hot and dry but are still open for awhile. Please be careful! The situation with ODF staff is doing OK. Jeff hasn’t had much conversation with Stephanie Beall lately. Washington Land Matters Bill Manbeck—Bill was absent this evening. Crystal Crowder stated that plans are still in a holding pattern. There have been a lot of fires on DNR lands, so far 108. She doesn’t have full details but many are human caused. Club Power/We Did It/Quill Power Carol Jensen—Carol stated that she has had some information handed in. She has a letter available for Quill Power. Please see her after the meeting for a copy. IAD Don and Carol Jensen— No report this evening. COMMITTEES Future 4 Wheelers—No report. Ways and Means Kristin Smith—Kristin was absent this evening. She does have decals available. Operation Shore Patrol Linda Jessen—We finally received permission to proceed with the beach cleanup. The Governor’s Proclamation has been signed. The I9 form will need to be done again this year. The Region was asked about door prizes. The consensus was yes. There will be more information next month. Operation Shore Patrol takes place the weekend of September 19th and 20th. OLD BUSINESS Don Jensen made the motion, seconded by Karen Fisher, to have the Region 3 potluck picnic on September 19th, following Operation Shore Patrol. Motion carried. Desmond Caravella thanked Region 3 on behalf of the Cascade Cruisers for the support and help on the Airplane Hill Trail. Rick Smith, on behalf of Region 3, thanked the Cascade Cruisers and Desmond Caravella for all their hard work. The Region was reminded that they are hosting the Fall Delegate meeting in Longview on September 12th. NEW BUSINESS Crystal Crowder stated that Piston’s Wild is hosting the August meeting and will be doing things a little differently. They want to have a street party prior to the meeting. They are working with TJ. It will start around 5 and the meeting will be at 7:30 as usual. Jeff Bowman, on behalf of Flat Broke & 4 Wheelin’, issued a club challenge to meet or beat their club donation of $109 to Cascade Cruisers to help out with the Airplane Hill rail project. Jeff Bowman, Ben Weller and Alan Schneider presented Cascade Cruisers a check for $500 from Flat Broke & 4Wheelin’ Desmond Caravella accepted the check for the club. Marty Tilford told the membership about the Pick Up The Mountain cleanup that will take place the weekend of September 19th. The project takes place on the east side of Washington. Contact Pam Remley for more information. One of our guests, Dan from Pacific Northwest 4x4s, stated his group is involved with the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure on September 20th. He invited the Region to take part. Marty Tilford stated that a discussion took place at Trail Jamboree concerning the funds collected last year for the Wheelers for the Wounded project. The program was folded. The funds were donated to a project that helps families of the wounded. This year’s donation went to the Nile-Cliffdell Fire Department. GOOD OF THE ORDER Jasmine drew the numbers for this evening. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business to come before the members, the meeting was adjourned at 8:18. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jessen Secretary ~ PNW4WDA invites you to join us for Hot August Night A gathering of 4x4 enthusiasts – support your sport ! Join us today and find out how you can get involved and do your part to secure the future of the sport of 4-wheeling. TUESDAY 5:00pm until 10:00pm August 18th 2009 TUESDAY 2700 SE 82nd Avenue in Portland, Oregon At 7:30pm – feel free to drop in on the delegates meeting where they will discuss upcoming events and land matters for the Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington 4x4 recreation areas. - all guests are welcome to attend this meeting - TECH TALK FREE BBQ WITH LOCAL 4X4 VENDORS HOT DOGS HAMBURGERS BEVERAGES Brought to you by Pistons Wild Motorsports AUGUST 2009 9 out information informing the region members of what’s going on. If you want her to send something out to the membership please send it to her at Thanks Kelda for doing this for the region. Region 4 Director Earl Nettnin July 14, 2009 Selah, WA Region Director Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats) called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence for the sick and departed was observed. MINUTES: Bill Lucke (Desert Rats) made a motion seconded by Doug Conner (Roamin’ Chariots) to accept the June minutes as printed. – Motion passed TREASURERS REPORT: Sande Nettnin (Desert Rats and Region 4 Secretary/ Treasurer) gave the report. One bill was turned in by Frank Remley (Shindig Wheelers) for printing flyers for Pick Up A Mountain. COMP: Terri Mohan (Nitty Gritty) asked the region to pay for t-shirts for the Race Team. The team will be picked at the Outdoor 4X4 play day on July 18, 2009. Kim Mittlieder (Shindig Wheelers) made a motion seconded by Gloria Joralemon (Shindig Wheelers) that the region pay up to $200.00 for shirts for the Comp Team. – Motion passed. MEMBERSHIP: Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats & Region 4 Director) has been talking with a new club called “Get Over It Trail Runners” about joining the PNW4WDA. Some of their members live in the Yakima area and some in Packwood. CLUB POWER/WE DID IT: Paper work needs to be turned in to Gary Harting (Desert Rats & Club Power/ We Did It chairman). If you need forms, contact Gary. FUTURE 4-WHEELERS: Clay Graham (All Wheelers Off Road) has expressed interest in getting this program started up again. He will meet with the region director by the end of this month to see how to proceed. Thanks Clay for doing this. WEB SITE: After much discussion about the forum on the Region 4 web site a motion was made by Bill Lucke (Desert Rats) seconded by Doug Conner (Roamin’ Chariots) that we drop the forum only from the Region 4 Web site. - Motion passed. PR: Kelda Hagemeier (Shindig Wheelers & Region PR Chairman) is sending 10 LAND MATTERS: Doug Conner (Roamin’ Chariots) reported there is a fire restriction on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) lands in Washington State. No campfires are allowed but ORV’s can still use Juniper Dunes but this area may be closed at any time. Counties affected by the closure are: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Lincoln, Okanogan, Spokane, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima. Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire or stove fire – including a charcoal briquette fire IS PROHIBITED. Fires within BLM-provided steel rings at improved campgrounds will be deemed legal only at the Yakima River Canyon, Coffeepot, Liberty, Chopaka, Washburn, Pacific Lake and Twin Lakes sites. Ron Rutherford (Jeepin’ Nomads) reported that the Ahtanum State Forest fire closed the area last weekend, but it should be open again this coming week. Ron said the Ahtanum State Forest Committee will be meeting on July 23rd. Ron also stated that logging started in the Ahtanum on July 13th six days a week. This means that the road from Tampico to Tree Phones will be very busy with anywhere from 15 to 30 log trucks/chip vans per day Monday through Friday. Please get the word out about heavy truck traffic on the Middle Fork this summer. Signs will be posted at the Tampico Store and the campgrounds informing everyone about the logging. Also the North Fork Ahtanum Road will be partially closed in August for one week. DNR is replacing a fish barrier culvert on the North Fork Ahtanum Road just before Snow Cabins Campground. They anticipate that the road will be closed the week of August 3rd and will be open weekends. Snow Cabins Campground will be accessible from the loop over Darland Mountain. Clay Graham (All Wheelers Off Road) said that his club has been working with the DNR (Department of Natural Resources) in the Tree Phones area two weekends and had logged in 401 volunteer hours. They had cleared the area of all fire hazard material. Little Rattlesnake: word is that it should be open by September. We understand that the Forest Service has a crew working in the area now. Travel Management Plan seems to be moving at Government speed so we need to be ready to make comments when we are notified that they are ready for public comments. Doug Conner (Roamin’ Chariots) said he had received a call asking for a clarification on comments he had written, so he knows that the letters do get read. Doug also stated that he was very disappointed with the lack of letters from all users. If we don’t write letters we don’t have any right to complain when our trails are shut down. Beverly Dunes – Clay Graham (All Wheelers Off Road) stated that a seasonal closure would take place from November 15 – March 15 in the Beverly Dunes. WOHVA (Washington Off Highway Vehicle Alliance) members voted unanimously to go ahead with legal action regarding the reallocation of our NOVA funds. Last month our region voted to support them with a donation of $1000.00, when they go ahead with the law suit. No information at this time as to how soon that would be happening. Rock Crawl on the back side of Clear Lake has more rock coming. Seems to be lots of red tape involved in the project. Barry Collins, Naches Ranger District has high hopes for completion of this project. OLD BUSINESS: Trail Jamboree: Lots of discussion, all in all it was a good event. Some break downs, some got lost, for the most part the weather cooperated. This was the 20th annual Trail Jamboree. Merrick and Kim Graves the Trail Jamboree Co-Chairman have said this was their last year to be in charge so look for an announcement coming soon as to who will be taking over as Trail Jamboree CoChairman. Region 4 would like to thank Merrick and Kim for all their hard work. Region 4 Banner: John Hall (Desert Rats) said he just needs the art work for the logos and he will proceed to get prices. Eyes in the Woods & Tread Lightly: Ken McNamee is looking for a potential date to hold the class. Earl will talk with Ken and see if it could be done on Sunday morning at Pick Up A Mountain when a group of people would already be assembled and not have to come back on another day. State Parks Recreation Committee meetings around the state has begun with a meeting on June 12th the next meeting will be Thursday, August 6th in Tri-Cities at Columbia Basin College, 2600 North 20th, Pasco, WA in the Gjerde center starting at 9 AM. Arlene Brooks, our Washington State Director is asking as many people who can to attend and ask them the question “How much of the 9.6 Million dollars of the NOVA funds is going into OHV recreation at the state park? At the present time we only have one state park that allows motorized recreation and that is in Spokane. The money they “stole” was raised to support motorized recreation only. Additional meetings will be October 1st in Spokane and December 3rd in Centralia time and place TBA. Pick Up A Mountain: Pam Remley (Shindig Wheelers) said the Timber Wolves have volunteered to do the raffle. Pam said the date would be September 18 – 20 and would be held at Jim Sprick Park. One draw back is we will have to pay $15 a night per vehicle to stay there. Lots of AUGUST 2009 discussion followed and half of the delegates didn’t like the idea of having to pay to camp and then do community service. Pam also asked how the delegates felt about using some of the money Pick Up A Mountain made last year to help off set the cost of the camping fee – more discussion followed and Pam said she would check with the Lyons Club to see if they might wave the fee since we would be doing community service. NEW BUSINESS Swap meet sponsored by the Jeepin’ Nomads from 9 AM – 3 PM with Show & Shine 11 AM – 2 PM. Swap meet will be held at Mobile Fleet – 2003 East Viola – Yakima, WA. Drive a jeep to the Swap meet and the driver gets in free all others $3.00. For more information and to reserve a vendor space contact Ron Rutherford (509) 966-6305. CORN FEED: The delegates are asked to take back to their clubs to see if they would like to have the Corn Feed be a part of Pick Up A Mountain. Nominations will be opened at our August meeting for Comp Chairman for Region 4 and voting will be at the September meeting. Nominations will also be opened for the Most Inspirational person in Region 4 at our August meeting and the traveling trophy presented at Pick Up A Mountain in September. CLUB REPORTS: Desert Rats: participated in Cool Desert Nights - had a good turn out. A stag run was held in the Blue Mountains and the guys had fun playing in the snow, saw some bear tracks, good weather and good fun. A run was called to the Liberty area July 18th – 19th camping at Williams Creek. Karen Livezey said they are camping at Sleepy Park near Rim Rock over Labor Day and she invited the club to go along. That is also the weekend for Packwood’s Giant Yard Sale. Shindig Wheelers: June 20 – opened and cleaned Leaning Tree; June 21 Ran Bridge Trail, repaired landing on first bridge, June 24 – Rick White and Cary Reeves got married; June 27 built bridge over mud hole on Upper Kaner; June 28 – Ran pre-run on Shoestring – Kaner West bound; July 3 went to Liberty and ran the trails 319, 316, & 315; July 4 ran trails 325, 327; and July 5 ran the hole in the rock trail; and July 8 – 12 hosted at Trail Jamboree and ran Kaner Shoestring on Thursday, Naches Trail on Friday and Kaner Quartz on Saturday. Roamin’ Chariots: Several club members spent a week on the Oregon Coast with some of the Jeepin’ Nomads and other friends. They have plans for a camping trip with the Jeepin’ Nomads in the Ahtanum in August. Jeepin’ Nomads: had their annual camp out June 19 – 21 in Rim Rock and did trail maintenance and some E & E work. July 2 – 9 four club members went camping on the Oregon Coast with the Roamin’ Chariots and they left the jeeps at home. They plan to attend the Ahtanum clean up July 25th. All Wheelers Off Road: have been very busy with work parties and camping. May 2nd went to Beverly and turned in 170 volunteer hours; May 8-9 went to the Ahtanum Forest and worked 117.5 hours; May 30-31 did Ahtanum Green Dot work 132 hours; June 6-7 went to Tree Phones and chopped up debris from Lodge Pole Pines 282 hours; June 13 back to Tree Phones 119 hours; July 4 spent 4 hours doing green dot work; July 11 did Gray Rock trail 613 worked 57.5 hours – Dome Peak and Strobach trail where they removed signs and took them home for repair. They went camping with the Shindig Wheelers over the Memorial weekend, on Father’s Day they went on a Bald Mountain run and on the 311 trail caught some rigs destroying land and reported them. On July 25th they will host with the DNR the Ahtanum State Forest cleanup starting at 10 AM. August 1 a meet and greet will be held at Clay Graham’s place at 3250 Selah Loop Road – Selah, WA for more information contact Clay at (509) 833-4472 or FUTURE MEETINGS & EVENTS Ahtanum clean-up July 25th contact Clay Graham (All Wheelers Off Road) Summer Convention August 21st – 23rd at Straddleline ORV Park Fall Delegates – September 12th – Longview at Cowlitz PUD Timber Tamers challenge race – September 12th & 13th, 2009 Jeepin’ Nomads Swap Meet – September 13th in Yakima at Mobile Fleet Pick Up a Mountain – September 19th – Contact Pam Remley (Shindig Wheelers) GOOD OF THE ORDER Continue working on club history for the 2010 – 50th Anniversary of the PNW4WDA. Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) father passed away July 4 and Kim Mittlieder (Shindig Wheelers) step-father also passed away two weeks ago. Condolences to both families. DOOR PRIZE: Provided by Ron Rutherford and won by John Hall. NEXT TWO MEETING DATES FOR REGION 4 WILL BE: Tuesday, August 11th, 2009 at Doug Conner’s Shop 3300 Road 96, Pasco, WA Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 at Standard Battery in Moses Lake. Bill Lucke (Desert Rats) made a motion seconded by Kim Mittlieder (Shindig Wheelers) to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 PM – Motion passed. Respectfully Submitted, Sande Nettnin, Region 4 Secretary/Treasurer ~ Regi o n 6 Christmas Valley Dunes May 23, 2009 The meeting was called to order at 11:05 a.m. by Alan Paulson Region 6 Director. Alan led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by Randy Drake reading the PNW Code of Ethics and a Moment of Silence for the sick and the departed. We were keenly aware of Tom Morley’s absence as this campout and event was always attended by him and his family where he participated in the week-ends events wholeheartedly. He will be missed. The Hosting Club Statement was given by Randy Drake thanking everyone for coming such a long distance to Christmas Valley Dunes one of our favorite spots in the world and for attending the work party with an invitation to the pot luck at 6:00 pm. Alan led introductions by a self intro and invited each of us to follow lead. Our guest Breanna O’Connor Recreation Technician of the Lakeview BLM ended the session and we all welcomed her, our new friend. The Reading of the minutes was set aside as they had been sent to each club and published in the Tri-Power and handed out at this meeting. Oliver made correction to the minutes as to the trails Oregon Trails’ 4X4 club has adopted and is adopting. Oregon Trail is working on adopting the “Mayflower and the Utopian trails”. Oregon Trails have adopted the “Noonday and the Santana’s Way Trails”. Gaileen made the motion to accept the minutes as corrected and Virgil seconded the motion; secretary’s minutes of the March 14th minutes were accepted as corrected. Sorry for the mistake and great job Oregon Trails for getting out there and working on trails. Larry East’s Treasurer’s Report was short and sweet; money paid out was for postage to the secretary and a transfer of funds from an account without interest to an account with interest. Randy Drake made the motion to accept the treasure’s report and Oliver seconded that motion. The treasure report was accepted as given by Larry. Anyone wishing a written report of the treasure’s report is welcome to a copy by e-mailing the secretary or the treasure for a copy. Oregon State Director’s Report: (Beth Ayer) Beth was not in attendance and had not sent any written information 4-Wheelin’ News or report. Alan gave us a heads up on the folding of Junction City Jeepers. Oliver confirmed the information and reported the club is donating their funds to Junction City Fire EMS per their by-laws and are discussing now the fate of some of their other assets. Committee Reports: Land Issues: Central Randy Drake handed out a written report on the list below of issues being addressed in the Central Oregon area. Randy expounded on the July Delegate meeting at Edison reporting that several trails will be ran from the main camp. Inviting everyone to attend and grade the trails in the area for possible future events. Announcement and invitation will be posted at www.deschu and sent to each club and the TriPower of the event July 17-19 at Edison Sno-Park west of Bend. Maps on directions to Edison and of the trail are on line at the web site above. Lava Rock OHV Scoping Area r6/centraloregon/projects/ units/bendrock/lavarock_ohv/ index.shtml Three Trails OHV Ochoco East OHV System: Prineville BLM Meadow Lakes OHV Trails, Sisters Ranger District: Wake Butte OHV System East Fort Rock Class II Trail Connection Santiam Pass Summer Motorized Recreation Project Decision Kapla Butte Sno-Park Millican Plateau OHV Trail Designation Cline Buttes: In completion 2 ½ years late almost ready for comment. Schwartz Canyon COHVOPS Safety and Education Demo Creekn’ Trail: letters to USFS of thanks/concern Edison Summer Rendezvous Head Start Tread Lightly 4X4 demo The old trail sign that was destroyed was replaced by Larry and a group of others. The one bathroom had fallen down and Steve Roach, Julie and him went in and repaired that. The Gaskey Road will have to be used for the equipment trailer to get to Sourdough Campground. The Gaskey road is 53 miles from Sourdough but a much better road; the service road we usually use is much too eroded. The mud/rock slide on the road into Sourdough wasn’t done well and it needs some rock or it will erode from the run off or the spring that feeds into the road. The water bars that were put in 5 years ago were replaced but there is no rocks just dirt. Land Issues: South-central Steve Roach explained the District Ranger in the Modoc National Forest has to make the decision on the options on the plans for the area. He is still studying the proposals and so it is on a hold. r5/modoc/recreation/ohv/ route-designation/deis_routedesignation.shtml Fremont Winema National Forest; r6/frewin/ nothing has been said or written yet so we assume it is on hold also. BLM Rock Pit has been put into the water shed with other projects the agency is unsure how it will come out. Steve has observed almost everything every where seems to be on hold. Membership Update ChairBeth Ayer no report was forth coming. Alan Paulson reported a new club packet was sent out by him to a 4 X 4 group south of Eugene area by Drain (Yoncalla) 25 or 30 guys who go out on runs together and are interested in forming club requested information. Land Issues: Southwest Alan Paulson reported on the coast’s Riley Ranch final analysis is out and the county is proceeding with their plans to implement, even though law suites have been threatened. Land Issues: EasternSteens Dan Haak reports the Steens area is being funded by the Stimulus Packet and the BLM is redoing the South Loop Road making a two lane graveled Subaru Route. The Umpqua National Forest Travel Management Plan is released and they did not do what the Timber Cruisers had hoped they would do. Class II was ignored. They created 721 miles of Class I and Class III trails using Class II roads. Comment Period is open and letters of protest should be sent to allow appeal by us. Oregon Hunters Association is upset by the Travel Plan and is in protest also. They should be considered an ally. Planning of a public meeting for the two groups is still in planning. The Obscure Routes issue is still being pushed by ONDA to close many of our less used trails. This will be about a 40 mile trail loss to us. The law suite closing the trails has gone through the appeals process. Right now they are not officially closed but are not on current maps. Suggestion to run the trails was made. “Secretary’s note: letters will never hurt!” June 4th and 5th the Steens Mountain Resource Advisory Council Meeting is in Bend at the hotel by NAPA. Land Issues: Eastside Larry East is pleased with the repairs on the entrance to the McGrew Trail, the big rocks were well laid out and should work great. The OHV area west of Hines/Burns on the radar hill had been in danger of being closed but it is hopefully going to stay open. Loop trails will AUGUST 2009 have to be shortened and or rerouted out of private areas. Ways and Means ChairGaileen Paulson has presented many new t-shirts and prices. The shirts are great looking and the proceeds go back into the general fund for Region 6. Larry reported that Gaileen made a deposit of $228.00 from sales at the last Region 6 meeting. Region 6 dune flags/ bags/winter scarves/umbrella Region 6 patches are available now and offered at a great price, free with purchase. Old Business: 1.) “Wheeling for the Wounded” Alan is taking volunteers. Friday June 26th The Veterans are presenting a Bar-b-q in SE Roseburg at the VA. Saturday June 27th Volunteers are giving veterans rides in a trail run in the South Myrtle area. Sunday June 28th run at the coast in North Bend 2.) Creekn’ Trail an event put on by the board, delegates and individual volunteers. The McGrew Trail & Camp check was May 9th and 10th; thank you Alan and Larry and all of your crews for your tireless efforts. The permit is obtained and Larry clarified its stipulations. 32 rigs so far are entered but many of us haven’t applied yet. The trailer build is looking good and going as planned, no monies have been spent McGovern Metal has donated much material and the Roseburg men are donating many hours of labor. Water tanks and disposal tanks are set to go. The men are planning the trailers balance in conjunction with its contents. Raffle and kids game: Strawberry Hill, children’s prizes and games seem to be set. Alan is sending the list to the club. Each Club of Region 6 is to donate 2 adult raffle prizes and 2 children’s prizes for the event that brings in money for the region’s trails fund. Registration: Mona sent applications to all who attended the 2008 event for the 2009 June 19th ~21st event also an application to Creekn’ Trail went out to each club. Julie is doing a great job getting everyone registered. Confirmation cards are sent to registrants to remind them; wash the undersides of rigs. Misc items: The necklace meal tickets (cards) with volunteers to punch the cards as diners go through the dinner and breakfast line (Julie’s on it). Honor Guards: Vests borrowed from DC4W. Food buying: Ron and Carol Houser are waiting for the total registrants but have priced out what she needs. Paper products etc need bought. Alan will check with the list. Dinner crew: Ron/Carol Houser, Dan/Ann Haak, Larry East, Alan/Gaileen Paulson, Keith and JoAnn maybe Randy/Mona Drake Breakfast crew: Randy/Mona Drake, Julie Ann Thompson, Keith and JoAnn Anderson and maybe Ron Houser breakfast burritos for adults with scrambled eggs available for kids Logistics for trailer/food delivery to O’Brien from Bend & Winston /set up of camp, Carol and Alan will work with each other on this. Alan has volunteers to set up on Friday; Oliver volunteered to watch camp Friday night. Clothing Design: Ways and Means, Gaileen Paulson and Virgil Osborne have it under control. Entertainment: Dave Fields has the Wilson’s lined up, with the same deal but we need a head count of their group for their meals. $100 for fuel with a 50/50, a tip jar and their meals. Food and entertainment in the same spot / raffle to last approximately one hour with a ticket board. Registration will include dinner ticket numbers assigned to each applicant in order of their registration; that number will also be used to identify winners of raffle prizes. The responsibility of applicants will be to know their dinner ticket number and to write this number on all of their own raffle tickets. This will eliminate “burn it” and better comply with Oregon State Law. Julie will be making dinner ticket cards/necklaces which will include the dinner ticket number. Warn Winch: Alan will get in touch with Warn’s Ken Scuito, we may have to buy the winch to raffle. Trail Crew/Poker Run if there are no trail crews we will need to sign the trail. Poker Run may look a little different. Still having 5 hands, one hand in Obrien maybe Friday night at registration, second hand at the trial head, third hand at the trails end in Sourdough, forth hand at dinner and fifth hand at the raffle. The trail is hot and no one wishes to set there all day. Intersections may need marking instead of a Trail Crew. Inspections by the USFS start at 7:00 a.m. June 1st will be the deadline for registration. T-shirts and food purchasing dictates a registration deadline. Larry has been in touch with the O’Brien Store concerning camping and there is dry camping in the field as always available. Port-a-pots will be rented for us and we will reimburse. The new Lone Mountain RV Park at O’Brien by the store is 541.596.28RV or http: // Get in touch with Larry East to volunteer for Creekn’ Trail: 541.883.8326 Poster Program: Breanna O’Connor Recreation Technician of the Lakeview BLM shared her Continued on page 12 11 Continued from page 11 part in the Stop the Litter and Vandalism Poster Program. She has made contact with all of the schools in Lake County District. The 5th grade children are all drawing posters for us and they will be due the first week of June. Breanna shared how the kids get really excited about the subject and the contest. Mona and Breanna will judge the posters and give the prizes out. We will take pictures and submit an article to the newspaper about the whole project. Book bags of cloth will be made instead of the litter bags as there is an abundance of the plastic litter bags. The book bags will be handed out to each 5th grader. Hand outs to the kids, along with some Warn hats, calendars, and poster type materials were shared with the kids to represent our Class II sport. Breanna’s Power Point presentation on Stopping Litter and Vandalism was very well received by the teachers and the students. Thank you, Breanna for all of your efforts in this program. Edison Summer Rendezvous Delegates Meeting 07/17/09 Deschutes County 4 Wheelers are hosting the July delegates meeting and we wish to invite everyone to experience the trail and to submit their ideas and thoughts of the Edison Trail. DC4WD’s are considering an event centered on the trail. The Edison Summer Rendezvous would be an event similar to Washington’s Jamboree, but not in competition with the Jamboree or Creekn’ Trail. This rendezvous will also be a time to share how our efforts with land managers; as to what is working and what is not. We would welcome Region 6 as helpers to evaluate and help us in obtaining links to and around Edison. Friday: Show n Shine with camping at Edison Saturday morning Delegate/ round table Meeting Saturday/Sunday: trail run Obtain a map to get to Edison Trail and a map of Edison Class II Trail and information on the event at: www.deschut We hope you will all attend July’s Delegates meeting on July 17, 2009. New Business: None Club Reports: Deschutes County 4-Wheelers reported by Carol; we have been busy working on Groundhog The Event for June 13, all are welcome to attend, help out or compete. The club has been active with runs: two to and around Christmas Valley this spring plus this event. Glass Butte Campout shared with Harney County Wheelers. Klamath Falls Four Runners reported by Steve Roach; 32 family members the numbers have been fluctuating due to economy and no jobs. OHA and the Four Runners are doing a clean up together the 12 week end after Creekn’ Trail. Their future runs include one to Hart Mt area and the Ken Springs area July 24th after Edison. Larry has a run around the Plush area also. Get in touch with them for specifics. Modoc National Forest trail runs including some water, mud and rocks they are appreciative to the district for those great trails. Umpqua Valley Timber Cruisers reported by Gaileen and Alan. One new member with four perspective members brings it up to 14 families. Each week end through September is filled with 4 wheeling events regional and local. The Camas Valley races are still going on and Umpqua participates it them with the Looking Glass event of Ruff Country making 4 events alone. Extreme Offroaders’ Rock Crawl in Myrtle Creek in July 25th. Oregon Trails reported by Oliver has three new members bringing the total up to 16 families. A run is coming up for new wheelers specifically. Harney County High Desert Wheelers reported by Dan Haak. The BLM’s OHV Park west of Hines needed a new Kiosk and the wheelers along with the agency built a strong one and put it up this spring. The have 11 family members from Burns and 3 from Bend. Show and Shine in May went well. The Steens Mt run on Cold Springs is in the planning. Letters of agreement with the BLM on Cold Springs and one the OHV Park is still coming along. Dan is the chair of the Groundhog Rock Crawl The Event and so is staying very busy. Harney County High Desert Wheelers are helping with that event. All volunteers are welcome anyone wishing to help get a hold of Dan or get on the web. www.deschut under Groundhog on the forum. Good of the Order: Poker Run on Sunday; volunteer with Larry East, the proceeds help finance the poster program. Who’s the relief for the check points, rover and what is his role? Dinner: the Pot Luck is at 6:00 p.m. Next Meetings/Region Events: June 19-21 Creekn’ Trail July 18th Delegate Meeting at Edison (Campout hosted by DC4WD) September 19th Delegates Meeting Beach Clean up Hosted by Strawberry Hill November 7th Delegates Meeting Hosted by Four Runners of Klamath Falls January 16, 2010 Delegate Meeting/Oregon State Director’s Meeting TBA by Beth Meeting adjourned at 12:45 Respectfully submitted: Secretary Region 6 Mona Drake 05.28.09 ~ May 23-24th Christmas Valley Dunes and Region 6 of the PNW4WDA The two paragraphs below are taken from the South East Oregon Resource Advisory minutes of their May 2009 meeting: Fremont-Winema National Forests’ Travel Management Plan Update: Erica Hupp, Public Affairs Officer, briefed the Council on the current status of this project. She indicated the Forest is presently preparing the Proposed Action for release this summer. Release will be conducted through a series of public meetings and media events, beginning with the public scoping period for environmental review. Route designation will be an on-going process that will continue to evolve after the initial planning process. The Forest will continue to seek input from the Council’s Fremont-Winema Travel Management subgroup. Dave Henderson reminded subgroup members that their recommendations must be presented to and approved by the full Council before being provided to the Forest. Fremont-Winema National Forests’ Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Invasive Plant Treatment: Botanist Sarah Malaby briefed the Council on the current status of this project. The draft EIS will be available this month for a 60-day public comment period. Sarah requested Council input on the plan. She circulated a signup sheet for members to request a copy of the draft EIS. The Council decided members would read the document and submit a single set of comments of behalf of the group by the comment period deadline. ~ Regi o n 6 Deschutes County 4 Wheelers host: July 18, 2009 The meeting was called to order 9:15 a.m. at Edison Snow Park in the Deschutes National Forest. Alan Paulson led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. Randell Drake read the PNW Code of Ethics, which was followed by a “Moment of Silence” for the sick and the departed. The Hosting Club Statement was given by Patti Pyland and Jon Pyland. They reminded us; this trail “Edison” it took eight years to designate the 22 mile Class II trail and it is the first “designated Class II trail” in Oregon on USFS land. The DC4W’s have adopted the trail. The Pyland’s also welcomed the delegates and other PNW members to the meeting and events and invited all to the potluck immediately following the trail run. Introduction of guests included Scott Mc New of the Combined Off Highway Vehicle Op’s. Patrick Boles, Peter Winberg and his daughter Kelly also attended. The reading of and acceptance of the minutes: Motion by Patti Pyland to accept the minutes as written; seconded by Larry East motion passed. AUGUST 2009 Treasurer’s report by Larry East accepted as presented. The poker run at the dunes attendance was down but money was made to rebuild the Stop the Litter and Vandalism Poster Program. Larry commented on how please he is that the poster program will continue. Randy Drake added: Creek n’ Trail organization and coordination of the event went very well. All had a great time. Steve Roach commented on the cut off date helping with the timing and organization. The trailer rebuild was discussed. Thank you-s was given to all who worked on the event to make it a success. Randy made the motion to accept Larry’s report seconded by Steve Roach and the motion was passed. Oregon State Director’s Report: (Beth Ayer) not present and nothing written was presented. Committee Reports: Land Issues: SMAC Steens and Southeast end (Dan Haak) Randy Drake made a report in Dan’s absence, Cold Springs Rd is open and presented on the web page of Harney County High Desert Wheelers. They ran the trail picked up the trash and are considering making plans to repair the shelter. Land Issues: Central Randy Drake reported on the current trail agenda’s with a comments on several offers the United States Forest Service have offered concerning new trails. Patti Pyland updated us on the Lava Rock Trail System/ Ochoco and Crescent/the canyons at Four Corners/ and the road adoption on Rd 370. The plan; to circle the Bend area with trails to keep 4 x 4’s on a designated trail system to curtail cross country travel. Land Issues: Southeast Alan Paulson reported on the Travel Management Plan of the Umpqua’s National Forest. The public meeting on the plans angered the Oregon Hunter’s Association. The 4 wheelers are not as discouraged but the wheelers are more aware of the process. The Forest Service seems not to understand the TMP itself. The Timber Cruisers are preparing to propose all level one roads be designated as trails to acquire funding from the ATV funds. 4X4 being a legitimate recreation. Discussion on how to address the issues with the agency and proper use of ATV Funding followed. Land Issues: Eastside Larry East reported the Klamath Falls Four Runners teamed with Oregon Hunters Association to accomplish a clean up on private property that will remain open because they cleaned the area. They gathered 9000 lbs of garbage, 100 tires and ran out of room in the two donated dumpsters within 4 Continued on page 13 Continued from page 12 hours. Discussion on the Forest Service’s use of areas that are marked off limits because of sensitive plant life and the deep ruts left by their vehicles. Larry discussed the treatment at the trails head by the biologist from the Forest Service whose double standards against those in our permitted use event and the BLM trucks and the others passing through with no inspections by the biologist. Authorized use/official use does that excuse the double standard. Land Issues: South-central Steve Roach recreation agent from Klamath Falls has been on hold for discussion on the water shed for the area and due to the new injunction the BLM is still on hold. OHA in the Klamath area is waking up with a paid lobbyist. FremontWinema is proceeding but with no public meetings. Modoc National Forest is still collecting information and giving some trails mapped. Although there again notice of meetings come too late to attend. Oregonian Monday the 13th OHV’s Less Paths. Membership Update: Alan Paulson nothing to report. Ways and Means: Gaileen Paulson has much to offer in Region 6 paraphernalia. Hats, t-shirts, sweatshirts etc… Old Buisness: “Wheeling for the Wounded” the soldier ran out of funding perhaps we can offer him a wheeling week-end at a future time. Creek n’ Trail’s list of jobs/ duties and tasks: think about the event and have something for a future meeting. The event went well: DC4W the meals were good, the Umpqua Valley Timber Cruiser’s work on the trailer, Julie and Larry’s work on registration. The main issue was the biologist and his unreasonable expectations. money orders and ten Nike back packs were given by Region 6 to the winners of the drawing contest to depict Stopping Litter and Vandalism. The Region 6 delegates thanked Mona for her efforts to restart this program. The program was fun and the children loved the prizes. New Business: Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association’s 50th Anniversary is 2010. Angie Merrick is requesting pictures from the past. All clubs are asked to send Alan pictures in any format possible of the 50 years of wheeling and its events. Videos or still pictures would be great. Scanned and stored on a CD would be perfect. Send you club’s emblem and any old pictures so we will be represented at the Winter Convention. Club reports: DC4W’s 33 family members Klamath Falls Four Runners holding their own Umpqua Valley Timber Cruisers have 6 new prospects and are racing still Oregon Trails: Oliver reported on the club working cleaning trails Good of the Order: Drivers meeting for the run today. John Zigler donated a case of carburetor cleaner for the attendees of the delegate meeting, thank you. Next Meetings: September 19th Delegates Meeting at the beach; Clean up of the dunes at Hauser, Rd 430 Hosted by Strawberry Hill November 7th Delegates Meeting Hosted by Four Runners of Klamath Falls January 16, 2010 Delegate Meeting/Oregon State Director’s Meeting TBA by Beth Meeting adjourned ~ PNW4WDA DELEGATES MEETING SEPTEMBER 12, 2009 Region 3 of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association welcomes you to the Fall Delegates Meeting The meeting will be held at the Cowlitz PUD Auditorium 961 – 12th Longview, Washington Entrance is on 12th. Take exit #36 off I-5, go west SEE MAP BELOW Club packets were handed out at Winter Convention in February. For more information, please call (360) 560-4598. The left over trailer: Motion made and seconded and passed: The Region 6 left over trailer will be sold for a minimum of $800.00 with sealed bids by Alan Paulson and Mona Drake at their discretion on how to proceed with the sale. The profit going back into Creek n’ Trail maintenance funds, the task is to be completed by October 1, 2009. Poster Program: Breanna O’Connor sent 20 Lakeview “Lake County Examiner” papers with the article on the Stop the Litter and Vandalism Poster Program for the delegates to see. Breanna was well pleased with the program as was the schools involved. The prizes; two $100.00 Postal money orders, two $75.00 Postal money orders, three $50.00 Postal 4-Wheelin’ News AUGUST 2009 13 AMENDMENTS TO THE BY-LAWS Continued on page 15 14 AUGUST 2009 Change of Address? Continued from page 14 PNW4WDA Membership C/O: Dave McMains 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 or THE END OF AMENDMENTS TO THE BY-LAWS E-Mail: Groundhog Rock Crawl Hi Everyone Randy and I and the club have had quite a year again this year. So I am trying to catch up. Right now we are being offered some trail building in the McKenzie/Santiam where we did the appeal on the TMP... so more fun...and hopefully a good story of success later this month or next... Here is a short story on the rock crawl and pictures, I hope these fit I know it’s summer and probably lots of stuff going on. Thank you! Mona Groundhog Rock Crawl The Event ‘09 is now history. The third annual event was bigger and better and even still exciting as stories of the roll over’s and the carnage and the total excitement continue around our campfires and our e-mails. Deschutes County 4-Wheelers have put on three of the events since the building of The Crawl in the old rock quarry called Groundhog. This year’s event had over 440 spectators, 29 contestants and many more spotters, vendors and agency helpers. We also had Search and Rescue volunteers assist as two PNW clubs worked hard to present a family event for Central Oregon. DC4W and Harney County High Desert Wheelers thank all who attended and participated and wish to invite you to next years event, which of course will be BIGGER and BETTER and EVEN MORE EXCITING!!! ~ 4-Wheelin’ News AUGUST 2009 15 All Wheelers Off Road Club 4W613 Work Party July 11th, 2009 This story starts in the Fall of 2008 when we finely moved on an idea we had been thinking about for a long time. Phantom-309 asked Hellieson Lumber for a lumber donation for some trail signs and they were happy to donate some 2x6s. Phantom-309 used a router and added the works to the 2x6s. In February 2009 I went to Stein’s ACE Hardware in West Valley for some paint. Stein’s set us up with a discount on some paint for the signs. Jake Emrick donated three 4x6 post. Lisa Graham helped paint some of the letters since it was getting late. Terry Muffet worked late into the night to get the signs finished. We headed up Jackass Road and set up the Aid Station at the Gray Rock Trail. On July 10th, 2009 we headed up to the Ahtanum Sno-park to set up camp for the work party and to help with the 50 K Gray Rock Trail Run. Around 7 PM I took two West Valley Firemen (Bob Goss and his partner) up to see where the DNR temporary moved the Gray Rock Trail for the 50 K Run. Runner food. The younger members painted 3 sides of the 2x6s. On Saturday June 11th, 2009 I got the rigs set up for both events. Some of the Aid crew volunteers. On July 8th, 2009 the younger members painted the back sides of the 2x6s. The Tweety Jeep had the trail signs and tools in/on it for 4W613. Also the table for the 50 K Aid Station. Doc and Odo Graham. A fire broke out about a mile and a half up the road. A lot of fire crew trucks came through. The rest of our 4W613 work crew showed up around 10 AM. We headed off to do some trail maintenance leaving 99 and some of the kids to work the Aid station. On the way we stopped to look off Foundation Ridge at the fire near Green Lake. On down 4W613 at the Gray Rock Trail we 99’s Side Kick was loaded with the Aid Station supplies. July 9th, 2009 Terry Muffet came over to paint the letters. started work.Red & Joey Waterman digging the post holes. 16 AUGUST 2009 Continued from page 14 Now to work on the north end of the meadow. I had to leave the work party to get Lisa Graham and crew from the 50 K Aid Station. At the Upper Meadow we put a Green Dot marker back up with the new tools Havo made. At the Strobach Mountain Trail we removed the signs We used the fallen tree to narrow the mud hole with air. We do not know why we did not think about I took this picture as I drove by the fire area. The fire got bigger and the DNR asked that we take our work party out the other end of 4W613 since the fire looked as it was going to jump Jackass road (FS1020). Next we headed on up the trail to the Dome using air sooner. Peak Trail Head. Looking back at the fire from Strobach Mountain. Back down at the work party they were finishing up the projects at the south end of the meadow. Doug Palmer and Charlie Graham putting up We were done for the day and headed out the Strobach Mountain Trail. the last sign. While I was gone the volunteers moved a log Here is looking back at the fire. I broke off from the group to go get my wife’s car on Jackass Road. After getting the car, on the way down I ran into the ORV Deputies. They were up there making sure everyone was out since the area we being close because of the fire danger. We went back to the Sno-park to our tow rig and headed home. This was a good day for us but not so good for the forest that was on fire. On this day we logged 57.5 volunteer hours with the DNR for the 4W613 signs project. I want to thank everyone that was part of the 4W613 signs project. A special thanks to Hellieson Lumber for donating the 2x6s, IORE for the 4x6 post and to Stein’s Ace Hardware for the discount on the paint. Story and pictures by: Clayton E. Graham All Wheelers Off Road Club 3250 Selah Loop Rd. Selah, Washington 98942 across the Gray Rock Trail to the other side to block the meadow where people have been driving. 4-Wheelin’ News We took the signs down to take back and restore. AUGUST 2009 * All Wheelers Off Road Club * Eastern Washington Off Road Forum ~ 17 Washington State Event July 3-5, 2009 Tahuya INCLUDEPICTURE “ images/WFTW-LOGO3.PNG” \* MERGEFORMATINET To recap Wheelers for the Wounded - our event in Washington State was one of many being held throughout the country where off-road clubs and organizations are honoring the service of our wounded veterans. The national organizer and founder, Jason Havlik had intended to make it to all events - but had to discontinue his plan due to health problems experienced on the way, and corporate sponsors reneging on their financial commitments - meaning he ran out of funds to continue travelling to all events. No matter - we had plans, a place, and participants - and so the Washington Event happened over the July 4th weekend. Base camp was the Sahale Retreat Center - about 10 miles from the trailhead at the Tahuya ORV area. As the weather was toasty over the 4th, it was welcome to have a nice shady grove for camping, the cool waters of the Tahuya River a short walk away, and great hospitality and meals from the volunteers at the center. Friday night was a potluck supper that had a great balance of everything needed for a complete meal - followed by a cool evening that provided relief from the day’s heat, and a big campfire. Saturday dawned bright and warm - and after breakfast was downed and lunches were packed - the Quadrapaws 4x4 Club of Region 2 led us to the trail, where we broke into 3 groups. Having usually visited Tahuya in the rainy season - I was really surprised to see Mud Lake dry as a bone - not a speck of water in it. To think this is where we usually see some of our club members swimming even with the 40” tires they have on their rigs - was really something. There were still roots and tight spots on the trails providing challenges, and a few “V’eed” out hill climbs where even my Commando got about 3 feet of air under the front driver’s side tire. But of greatest note were the 2 new hills climbs at “Yellowjacket Saddle.” One was relatively civilized with 2 and 3 man rocks up its length. I hear tell that Dirtball of the Timber Tamers in his built 1945 military Jeep and Duane Klusman of the El Dorado Dust Devils in his built CJ-7 got up with no cable assist. I know some other folks made it up with an assist from their winches - among them Mike Jones and Ilene Levering in their CJ’s, and even Ed Ducheneau took his life (and his wife) in his hands attempting (and making) the hillclimb in another club member’s TJ. (Ed’s was in the shop for repairs.) What a gambler - you’ll see he drove well, as Mary inspected her rig after the climb, and satisfied with its condition upon its return, allowed him to live to wheel another day! Dirtball tried to get up the other hill with the VW Bug sized rocks in it and partway up, the sector shaft on his steering box decided to throw in the towel and stop steering. So that was time for the cable there too - but everyone got back to camp under their own power. Rick White from Cle Elum was wheeling kinda like he figuratively had 1 locker tied behind his back - since his Jeep was broke - but he and his new wife Kari (hoped I spelled that right) went wheeling in her Liberty. (I believe he was heard to say, “Give me Liberty, or at least let me sit in a comfy chair and smoke a cigar back at camp......”) Dinner on Saturday was BBQ pork that had been on the smoker much of the day, and other tasty items. As dinner wound down - I thanked all of our donors, and especially thanked our active and former service personnel and wounded vets who were with us. One of the volunteers from camp who I know is a Viet Nam vet and involved in Vets affairs said to me that he’d not quite considered before the gravity the following quote - that the vet is a person who wrote a blank check out to the government and people of the United States - to give all they could, including their own life - in service to their country. How do you adequately say “Thank You” to people who do this? What words even capture the importance of this work and sacrifice? I chose to repeat the words of Abraham Lincoln - 187 words he delivered at Gettysburg in November of 1863, as he dedicated the cemetery 18 to the memory of the 160,000 troops that fought for 3 days in July at the Battle of Gettysburg - in which there were about 8,000 men killed, and 50,000 others wounded or missing. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate...we can not consecrate...we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they. who fought here have thus far so nobly, advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government: of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. These seemed like important words to say on the day we celebrate the birth of our nation. After the long, hot day on the trail, and bellies full of food - most everyone decided to take their rest early, and turned in as the nearly full moon rose over the meadow filling with mist. Sunday morning brought first the sounds of bird songs, then the light of dawn, and a hearty breakfast, followed finally with the breaking of camp. While we did not hear the stories of all the wounded vets there - some experiences were retold. Rick White, while patrolling at the gate on an “easy day” in Iraq (“easy” meaning they only took mortar shelling twice in one day) had his femur shattered and femoral artery severed by a round unintentionally discharged at 40 feet from him by another troop who was loading their weapon. Another wounded vet, Trevor Phillips, related his experience of his Stryker vehicle getting blown up by an IED. The shrapnel lodged and burned in his upper shoulder, as well as taking off much of his forearm, leaving his hand hanging by only a tendon. Still conscious - his first action was to pop back up into the machine gun turret to return fire - only to find the turret destroyed. He popped back down into the vehicle to grab his rifle with his remaining hand - and he got up and returned fire as best he could. To read these words are compelling. To hear them told first hand from the person to whom it happened - will touch your soul. To hear of the problems they experienced while mending, whether physical, or spiritual to the inane political ramifications (Rick having his Purple Heart taken from him, Trevor enduring months of cold water showers, vermin running through the halls and other outrageous conditions while at Walter Reed Medical Center) really underscores the importance of our small gesture of thanks to honor them. Also in attendance was Jon Shields - a veteran of the Gulf War who was a medic with the Airborne. His son, Andrew eagerly joined the Army, and was excited to also become a medic in the Airborne same as his dad. With sadness, I have to tell you that Jon came in memory of his son, as Andrew was killed in action when his Humvee was struck by a mobile IED in Afghanistan in 2008. Pfc. Andrew J. Shields was 19. (To learn more about Andrew, please go to shieldsaj.htm ) In all - we had 35 attendees to the event, which included 22 rigs, a number of active and former military personnel, and 5 wounded vets - 2 of whom rode, and 3 who brought their own rigs. The experiences of those present spanned conflicts of Afghanistan, Iraq, the Gulf War and Viet Nam. The event was made possible by the generosity of a lot of folks, and I offer my heartfelt thanks to all donors as follows: Thanks to the many individual generous anonymous donors from the off-road community • Attendees of Trail Jam 2008 who jointly contributed in excess of $5,600. • Other individuals donated at the Moonshiners 2009 Swap Meet and C.O.R.E. challenge in May, generating almost $100, including the 50/50 pot winner who returned his winnings to support our wounded vets. • PNW Region 1 who early on donated $500. • Also - various Region 1 club representatives (from Dirty 13, White Knuckles, Bull Shifters, Timber Tamers) who staffed the C.O.R.E. Challenge Obstacle Course and donated the $500 C.O.R.E. offered to Region 1 for their help. AUGUST 2009 • • • And - a BIG THANKS to Olympic 4x4 of Snohomish, WA, who ran the Mud Bog at the C.O.R.E. Challenge - they donated their $500 to WFTW. Not to be outdone - a thanks also to C.O.R.E. and Sky Valley Towing - who chose to match the above contributions with another $500 to the event. And - new Region 1 PNW club Rocked and Locked donated $100 to our wounded veterans. Thanks also to the following private and corporate donations – • Marty Johnston – friend and great supporter of our troops – for his donation of $100. • Washington Sports Medicine Associates in Kirkland contributed $100. • The following Met Life Home Loan officers offered a portion of their incentive bonuses - Sally Clinch $175; Gail Bean $420; Lynda Myrick $500 (Lynda is now with Evergreen Home Loans.) • Met Life Home Loans as a company also participated with a contribution of $500. • And thanks also to Evergreen Home Loans and President Don Burton, and its generous contribution of $1,500 in support of our wounded veterans. These donations supported the local Washington State Event. And - as was our goal - our donations far exceeded our event costs. The remainder - about $8,500 will be donated to Fisher House - an organization that assists families of wounded veterans by providing low or no cost housing for vets and their families when the vet is receiving health care at a military medical center away from the vet’s home. This donation will be directed to be used at the 2 Fisher House locations in Washington State (Seattle and Ft. Lewis) and will additionally be donated in the memory of Pfc. Andrew J. Shields. Thank you all who helped make this happen. May we all remember and be thankful for the service and sacrifice of all of our troops. Tom James, Timber Tamers Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. ~ We're Looking for Members OREGON: WASHINGTON: 4 At A Time Hillsboro, OR (503) 628-4210 CASCADE OFFROADERS Lebanon, OR (541)451-2678 Deschutes County 4-Wheelers Bend, OR FOUR RUNNERS Klamath Falls, OR Tom (541) 883-2044 BELFAIR PACK RATS Belfair, WA Sam (360) 275-5253 Piston’s Wild SW Washington/NW Oregon Crystal 360-606-1648 CLIFFHANGERS Snohomish, WA (360) 568-1663 PNW Individual Member Club Longview, WA (360) 577-0111 El Dorado Dust Devils Puyallup, WA (253) 536-6989 Green River Valley Jeepers Auburn, WA Arlene (253) 833-8747 GORGE RIDGE RUNNERS The Dalles, OR (541) 298-3487 Oly Stumpjumpers 4x4 Club 18621 Hilt Street SW Rodchester, WA 98579 (360) 273-5521 TIMBER-LINN 4WD CLUB Philomath, OR (541) 929-3252 SPOKANE 4 WHEELERS Spokane, WA (509) 542-1244 Thunder Trucks Auburn, WA John (253) 606-4019 or White Knuckle 4x4 Puyallup, WA (253) 536-8381 IDAHO: 800-537-7845 Membership in the clubs listed above offer a wide variety of activities. If a club is not listed in your area call 800-537-7845 or visit our web site for a complete list of clubs. If you would like your club listed above e-mail us at: How to Form a Club So ... you and some of your friends have decided you would like to form a four wheel drive club. Now what do you do? The we offers assistance to any groups wanting to form a club. We can provide: 1) A sample constitution and bylaws 2) Corporate information for your state 3) Help in completing and filing the paperwork 4) Group tax exemption when you join the PNW4WDA Association officers are available to speak to your group. They will discuss the benefits of belonging to an organized group and answer any questions you might have. Just call For your information 800-537-7845 or go to the Web-site: Notes from Treasurer From time to time various people ask about pro-rating dues for new members who join mid-year. Following is a breakdown of the dues for the remaining time of the year. When admitting a new member, be sure to include dues for the month in which they join. January $35.00 * February $32.50 * April $27.50 * July $20.00 * August $17.50 October $12.50 * 4-Wheelin’ News May $25.00 * November $10.00 AUGUST 2009 * March $30.00 June $22.50 September $15.00 * December $10.00 19 Jan $35.00 Feb $32.50 Mar $30.00 Apr $27.50 May $25.00 June $22.50 July $20.00 Aug $17.50 Sept $15.00 Oct $12.50 Nov $10.00 Dec $10.00 Annual fee: $35.00 PNW4WDA TREASURER 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 20 AUGUST 2009 2 Weeks Free use of all Videos* PHOTOs are OK with your ad. Classified Ads are FREE to PNW4WDA members. Non- Members pay $10 per issue for up to 10 lines + a single photo. Makes checks payable to PNW4WDA Submit ad to:, OR FAX 360-695-1043 Or snail-mail it to: Tri-Power 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 Send ad in Arial font size 10. Remember the deadline is the 21st of each month. Ads will be removed after 4 months unless you contact us. If you need an ad extended or removed the deadline is the 21st of each month. 4-Wheelin’ News AUGUST 2009 RACE JEEP for sale medium wheel base, custom sq. tube frame, fiberglass shell with dana 44 front/rear 4.11 gears. Dana 20 transfer case, turbo 350 tranny, SB 350 chev full roller motor. Callaway Billet crank, 6” crower I beam rods, Keith Black 14:1 pistons, Isky roller cam, Comp cams full roller steel rockers, Dart II sportman heads with mild port work, dart intake w/ holley hp 825 cfm carb and msd ignition, motor and trans are fresh w/ no races on them. Very nice well built jeep with some spare parts $17,500 or make offer. Contact Matt Peters at: 360-273-7466 or 360-628-4916 email: 7-09 2003 Winnebago Adventuruer, 35’ U floor plan Original owner, 24,000 miles. All the bells and whistles, 2 slides, 7000 watt generator, surround sound, etc-etc. V10 Ford power. Sell for $58,500. List for $120.000, Blue book today $ $75,000. Additional discount for PNW members. Contact George at: 360-264-8222 or 8-09 ~ I was going through some of my 4 wheeling cabinets and found a belt buckle that I had bought when I was a trustee. The buckle has never been used and it is #134 of a limited addition. ~ Tire Chains (not cables) Never used, still in package Fits:30/9.50-15LT, 10/16.5, P245/70 R-15, P255/70 R-15, P255/75 R-15LT. $45.00 425-788-4520 ask for Ed 5-09 ~ Buick V-6 231 cubic Oddfire with GM turbo 350 trans, Advanced adaptor and Dana 18 transfer case Good Condition $800.00 509-966-6305. Ron 4-09 ~ I don’t know if its worth anything or if you know anyone that might be interested in buying this buckle. If you do on either you can contact me at this e-mail. <> Thanks, Duane Clark member of the Stump Busters of Aberdeen. 1-09 ~ 21 Region 1 Meeting Region 4 Meetings Angela Holm, DIRECTOR 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 • Cell: 206-617-9478 THIRD WEDNESDAY EACH MONTH at 7:30pm-9:00pm - Crossroads Restaurant 1904 201st Pl SE, Bothell WA 98012, (425) 488-5611 NO DECEMBER MEETING OPERATION SHORE PATROL 9/19/09 - Ocean Shores, WA Contact Angela Holm - Region 1 Director 206-617-9478 Come and join us for our annual beach clean up in Ocean Shores. Enjoy free camping, lunch on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday provided by the PNW. Raffle Saturday night. Come join the fun. This is a family event, lots of socializing and telling those funny 4x4 stories. Can’t wait to see you all there! ~ Region 2 Meeting Edward Campbell, DIRECTOR 360-349-9236/ P.O. Box 393, Bucoda, WA NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ Region 3 Meetings Rick Smith, DIRECTOR P.O. Box 1536 St. Helens, OR 97051 971-207-4797 (are always the third Tuesday of every month) at 7:30pm at: 4-Wheel Parts Performance Center 2700 SE 82nd Ave Portland, OR May 19, June16, July 21, August 18, September 15, October 20, November 17, NO DECEMBER MEETING All members and guests are welcome at this monthly meeting where Region 3 club delegates gather to discuss upcoming events and land matters for the Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington 4x4 recreation areas. Join us today and find out how you can get involved and do your part to secure the future of the sport of 4-wheeling for many years to come. Earl Nettnin, DIRECTOR 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 May 12, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop in Pasco, WA June 9, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery in Moses Lake, WA July 14, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Magic’s Pizza, 309 S 1st Selah, WA. August 11, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop in Pasco, WA September 8, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery in Moses Lake, WA October 13, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Magic’s Pizza, 309 S 1st Selah, WA. November 10, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop in Pasco, WA NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ Region 6 Meeting Alan D. Paulson, DIRECTOR 4751 Happy Valley Rd. Roseburg, Oregon 97470 541-679-0571 May 23rd Delegate Meeting at Christmas Valley Sand Dunes DC4WD Hosted Potluck 541.389.7265 May 24th Christmas Valley Dunes Poker Run Hosted by Four Runners of Klamath Falls 541.883.8326 June 19-21st Creekn’ Trail 541.883.8326 July 18th Delegate Meeting at Edison Trail with Campout hosted by DC4WD 541.389.7265 September 19th Delegates Meeting Dunes/Rd 430 Clean up Hosted by Strawberry Hill 541.929.2317 November 7th Delegates Meeting Hosted by Four Runners of Klamath Falls 541.883.8326 NO DECEMBER MEETING January 16, 2010 Delegate Meeting with Oregon State Director’s Meeting TBA by Beth 541.689.5160 ~ 2009 August 15 OFFROAD ANIMALS FUN RUN SEE PAGE 17 Contact: AL SEELEY 253-862-5252 or BRIAN ABBOTT 253-334-9295 August 21-23 PNW4WDA Summer Convention Straddleline ORV Park hosted by Region 2 Contact: Don Williams 360-4267585 Kevin Kehrberg 253922-7571 August 29-30 MUD & ATV DRAGS Lincoln Co. Fairgrounds Newport, OR Mud Drags Sat. Check in 79AM Sand-Dirt - ATV &M/C Drags Sunday Check in 9-11AM Contacts: www.totaldestructionracingteam .com Sherry 503-879-5676 Donna 971-241-7031 September 5-6 Summers End Play Day hosted by Overbored Racing Ethel, WA. Contact Rob 253-691-4351 September 12 Fall Delegates Meeting Longview , WA At Cowlitz PUD Auditorium 961 - 12th Longview, WA Exit #36 go west to 12th turn right and go to the corner of Fir & 12th September 12-13 Team Trophy Challenge, WA 7:00am-1:00pm Contact: Mark Stevens or Gary Yates Serious competition for the everyday wheelers. Think you can wheel? We will see! Check out the website for all the info! All profits go to the Cle Elum Ranger District. September 13 Jeepin’ Nomads swap meet in Yakima, WA September 19-20 OPERATION SHORE PATROL Region 1 Ocean Shores Angela Holm 206-617-9478 Region 2 Twin Harbors/Grayland Bob and Barb Woolery 360-893-8447 Region 3 Long Beach Peninsula Linda Jessen 360-560-4598 September 18-20 Pick up a Mountain Contact Pam: 509-658-2496 / or Kelda: sk Weekend of FUN! Friday night social Starting at 7PM around a campfire. Saturday - 8:00am-5:00pm - Naches Area (Rimrock area if enough volunteer)! clean up the mountain while trail riding. Saturday night potluck 6PM and prizes around the campfire. Camp part or the entire weekend $15per night at “Jim Sprick Park”, 13680 State Route 410, Naches, WA 98937. Sept. 26-27 Outdoor 4x4s Fun Days Ethel, WA Contact Joe May 425-788-8467 Peter's Creek Rock Crawl! MUD BOG new for '09! Novice to Extreme Rock Crawling You choose your Line! Event Dates Aug 28,29,30 Sept 25,26,27 Spectators are Free!!! Peter's Creek ORV & RV Park 66890 NE Frederick Butte Rd. Christmas Valley, OR 97641 Registration & Information Pearl & Dan Damewood 541-306-0000 Shane Fay 503-730-3263 Cost Friday - $10.00 Saturday - $20.00 Sunday - $10.00 All 3 Days - $30.00 Camping Fee - $5 per night Visit our Website For Awesome photos and video of our park please visit and search “Shane Fay” call to schedule a private event for your group! ~ 22 AUGUST 2009 2 Dogs Ink Jantz Engineering Jay Fellenstein 2/1/2005 900 Meridian E St # 19-226 Milton, WA 98354 253 250-8093 Fax: 253-847-1026 Carl Jantz 5/06 20555 Pugh Road NE Poulsbo, WA 98370 360-598-2773 360-598-3768 FAX ARB 4x4 Accessories Lisa Wood 7/91 720 SW 34th Street Renton, WA 98055 425 264-1391 Fax: 425 264-1392 B&B Excavating Bob Brooks 7/86 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA 98092 253 833-8747 Certified Cleaning Serv. Daniel Nobel 2103 112th Street E. Tacoma, WA 98445 253-536-5500 Cunningham Financial Services Venessa Cunningham 12-08 5504 N Regal St Spokane 99208 877-5gottax / 509-489-8304 Billy Bob’s Off Road Bob Hallibueton 5/06 10023 128th St E # 7 Puyallup, WA 98373 253-286-2344 Dan Marek Insurance Dan Marek 12909 Pacific Ave. PO Box 44076 Tacoma, Wa 98444 253 537-4000 Fax: 253 536-3338 Drive Line Svc of Portland Kevin McCaffrey 1/1/1989 9041 NE Vancouver Wy Portland, OR 97211 503 289-2264 Fax: 503 289-5838 Drivelines NW David Lee 2/1/1991 3116 Hill Ave. Everett, WA 98201 425-258-4013 /425-259-5973 Jeep Glass .com Todd Block 9-08 5235 South Washington St. Tacoma WA 98409 253-473-7691 Jet Chevrolet Dan Johnson 7/97 35700 Enchanted Pkway S. PO Box 4986 Federal Way, WA 98063 253 838-7600 Fax: 253 874-7070 Kolbe’s Annual Off Road Expo Always the 1st weekend in May! at the Portland Expo Center Shawn Kolbe PO Box 8836, Portland, OR. 97207-8836 Show info: 503-796-0858 NetRiver Ryan Maloney 6/1/2004 555 Dayton St Ste A Edmonds, WA 98020 425 741-7014 North American XJ Association John Bergacs IV P.O. Box 163 Colonia, NJ 07671 2-1/09 Northwest Services Brad Hoyt 4/2006 2016 87th Ave. Ct. East Edgewood, WA 98371 206 948-0549 / 253 922-6745 Olympic 4x4 Supply Carl Niebuhr 6/94 PO Box 147 Snohomish, WA 98291 360 568-7728 Fax: 360 568-9435 R & P 4WD Parts INC. Fred & Bob’s Construction Bob Dompier 3-09 3951 Evans Lane Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-762-2755 Gold Hammer Body & Paint Art Waugh 12-85 5570 S Santiam Hwy # 15 Lebanon, OR 97355 541-409-3390 Harrington’s Trophies John or Norma 4/03 717 Jadwin Richland, WA 99352 509 943-2593 4-Wheelin’ News Paul Crawford 9-08 11889 S. New Era Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045 503-557-8911/503-557-9215fax Rapid Print Inc Ron McDonald 6/87 6202 NE Hwy 99, Stuite 2 Vancouver, WA 98665 360-695-0595 • 360-695-1043 Fax Snohomish Transmissions Rick Pratt 3/92 17476 147th St SE Monroe, WA 98272 360 794-7888 • Fax: 360 805-5367 Standard Batteries Of Moses Lake Dave McMains 3/06 400 E Broadway Moses Lake, WA 98837 509 765-8246 • Fax: 509 764-2392 Titan Truck Equipment Co Inc Alan Garrison 8/03 N 605 Fancher Spokane, WA 99212 509 534-5010 • Fax: 509 755-5304 Trailready Products LLC Larry Trim 12410 Beverly Park Rd. Lynnwood, WA 98087 425 353-6776 Barton Jeep I-5 Uhlmann RV Kip Barker 7/1/1990 1001 SW Interstate Ave Chehalis WA 98532 800.245.5378/360.748.6658 Warn Industries TLC Plumbing Terry Johnson 5/94 2442 NW Market St # 9 Seattle, WA 98107 206 783-1548 Tom Matson Dodge & Jeep BOB JONES 4/07 2925 Auburn Way N. Auburn, Wa. 98002 866-785-4809 • 253-833-6700Fax Ron Dunn P.O. Box 898 Kittatas, WA 98934 425-654-4130 Adel Adams 12900 SE Capps Rd Clackamas, OR 97015 503-722-3015 • 503-785-2001 Fax Tony Farley 5/05 10819 E Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 509 928-1300 Fax: 509 922-4288 Johnson Custom Iron Scott Johnson 10/06 14215 N Thayer Rd PO Box 155 Rathdrum, ID 83858 208-687-9353 Fax 208-687-9353 Woody’s 4x4 Inc Lee Woodruff 8/1/1988 6408 NE St Johns Blvd Vancouver, WA 98661 360 693-6840 Fax:360 693-0067 Town & Country Chrysler Jeep David Johnson 6/2004 6759 NW Northridge Ln Bremerton, WA 98312 360 340-0282 Randy’s Offroad Conn. Randy Cole 14702-A Smokey Pt. Blvd. Marysville, WA 98271 360 659-5259/360 659-4935 FAX Rick Newcomb 7/98 13733 Aurora Ave N Seattle, WA 98177 206-365-3530 If any of the listed information is not correct e-mail us at: February 2010 PNW4WDA will be celebrating its 50 Northridge 4X4 th Raynproof Roofing Dan Rheawme 4117 16th Ave. SW Seattle, WA 98106 206 935-1400 • 935-3920 Fax Roger Jobs Motors Roger Jobs 2/05 2200 Iowa St Bellingham, WA 98226 360 734-5230 Sheridan Carquest Auto Parts Kirt Amundson 1/06 1233 W Main St Sheridan, OR 97378 503 843-4486 • 503 843-2067 Fax Tera Manufacturing, Inc. Gage Hartman 1/06 5251 S Commerce Dr Murray, UT 84107 801 288-2585 • Fax: 801 288-2571 Jeep Glass .com Todd Block 9-08 5235 South Washington St. Tacoma WA 98409 253-473-7691 Anniversary AUGUST 2009 23 24 AUGUST 2009