March 2009 - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
March 2009 - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
MAR. 2009 SEE NEXT MONTHS TRI-POWER FOR THE STORY THAT GOES WITH THIS PICTURE 4-Wheelin’ News PRESORTED STD. US POSTAGE PAID GRESHAM, OR MARCH 2009 PERMIT #88 1 CONTENTS MARCH 2009 FEATURES 4-6 Washington Dir. Report 7-9 Misc. Land Matters Info 14 Idaho 14 Comp. DEPARTMENTS REPORTS 14 Region 4 Reports Officers List 15 Change of address 16 Looking for Members 17 Classified ADS Dir. Report Dir. Report 3 PNW 17 16 Membership Application 19 Associate Members List Video Library 18 Calendar of Events TRAIL JAMBOREE CLEAN-UP See AD on page 15 APRIL 25th 2009, SAND LAKE, Oregon AND ORDER FORM 9 2009 TRAIL JAMBOREE See AD on page 5 800-537-7845 God Bless America 2 MARCH 2009 800-537-7845 PNW4WDA Volume 37 Number 3 March 2009 The mission of 4-Wheelin' News is to fourwheelatize* and enlighten fellow enthusiasts by educating, inspiring and informing. editor/publisher Ron McDonald assistant editor Diana McDonald Officers List PRESIDENT Luke May/Grace 22635 NE Woodinville Duval Rd Woodinville, WA 98077 800-537-7845 / 425-788-2848 email address All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA 4-Wheelin' News is published monthly for the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. Photographs are edited and prepared with Adobe Photoshop. Layout is performed in Adobe InDesign. In house ads are created with Adobe Illustrator. Prepress product is converted with Adobe Acrobat Professional. 4-Wheelin' News makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the completeness, accuracy or utility of these materials or any information or opinion contained herein. Any use or reliance on the information or opinion is at the risk of the user, and 4-Wheelin' News shall not be liable for any damage or injury incurred by any person arising out of the completeness, accuracy or utility of any information or opinion contained in these materials. These materials are not to be construed as an endorsement of any product or company, nor as the adoption or promulgation of any guidelines, standards, or recommendation. Subscription: You can obtain a subscription to 4-Wheelin' News by becoming a member of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. This can be accomplished by filling out the application form in this publication or going to the PNW4WDA web site Circulation: If you are a member of the PNW4WDA and are not receiving your subscription to 4-Wheelin' News or have moved please contact our Circulation/Membership department This publication is the result of information submitted by our readers. We do not have a staff of reporters, journalist or photographers. If you have an article or information you would like to share with our readers please contact us. We prefer communication via Email. If you submit an article please send it in size 10 Arial font to or put it on a Floppy, CD or DVD disk and send it to Tri-Power 3902 NE 61 Ave, Vancouver, WA 98661 *fourwheelatize \four*wheel"a*tize* A. To eat, sleep and drive four wheel drive. B. To become obsessed with four wheeling. C. To exceed the limits of ordinary four wheeled vehicles. D. To traverse unforgiving terrain in harsh environments. 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 TREASURER IDAHO EXEC. DIRECTOR Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” Mark Young 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 2010 W Westminster Ave Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815 208-691-2002 OREGON EXEC. DIRECTOR Beth Ayer/Butch 711 Bennett Creek Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541-954-4880 mailing address 3902 NE 61 Ave Vancouver, WA 98661 telephone (360) 695-0595 SECRETARY Sande Nettnin/Earl WASH. EXEC. DIRECTOR Arlene Brooks/Bob 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA. 98092 253-833-8747 Inter Assoc. Directors COMPETITION CHAIRMAN Don & Carol Jensen Rob Stafford/Dianna 946 - 18th, Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX 19302 6th Ave. E. Spanaway, WA 98387 253-691-4351 REGION I DIRECTOR REGION II DIRECTOR Angela Holm Edward Campbell/Sue Preble 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 / 206-617-9478 Cell P.O. Box 393 Bucoda, WA 98530 360-878-1677 REGION IV DIRECTOR REGION III DIRECTOR Rick Smith/Kristin P.O. Box 1536 St. Helens, OR 97051 971-207-4797 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 REGION V DIRECTOR Open Alan D. Paulson Call 800-537-7845 REGION VII DIRECTOR Jeff Williams/Gwen 5998 #4 Hwy 291 Nine Mile Falls, WA 98026 509-467-4177 / 509-951-5106 Cell PARLIAMENTARIAN Tom Fisher/Karen 1615 Harvard Ave. Gladstone, OR 97027 971-221-3384 Cell Earl Nettnin/Sande REGION VI DIRECTOR 4751 Happy Valley Rd. Roseburg, Oregon 97470 541-679-0571 MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 SAFETY/ED CHAIRMAN PUBLIC RELATIONS Linda Jessen/ Walter 2952 Garfield, Longview, WA 98632 360-636-1675 WEBMASTER Club Power/We Did it CHAIRMEN Edward Campbell/Sue Preble Karen Fisher/Tom P.O. Box 393 Bucoda, WA 98530 360-878-1677 1615 Harvard Ave. • Gladstone, OR 97027 503-655-1870 / Fax 360-256-0004 971-221-3411 Cell TRAIL JAMBOREE CHAIR TRAIL JAMBOREE CO-CHAIR Merrick Graves Kim Graves PO Box 344 Ravensdale, WA 98051 425-432-0587 PO Box 344 Ravensdale, WA 98051 425-432-0587 VIDEO CHAIRMAN WAYS & MEANS CHAIRMAN Kathy ”Frogg” McMains/ Dave 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 Ways& Don Jensen/Carol 946 - 18th Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX Advertising Rates (Display ADS): TRI-POWER EDITOR Clubs: Full page-$175 / 1/2page-$100/ 1/4page-$55 / BC-$20 Members: Full page-$200 / 1/2page-$120 / 1/4page-$70 / BC-$22 NON-Members: Full page-$250 / 1/2page-$150 / 1/4page-$85 / BC-$25 Ron &Diana McDonald 3902 NE 61stAve • Vancouver, WA 98661 ALL (360) Day: 695-6400 • Eve: 6-9pm: 695-0595 FAX: 695-1043 4-Wheelin’ News MARCH 2009 3 reflected reports and articles for Tri Power, Delegate and Board meetings; radio interview; letters written on behalf of the organization and a listing of ORV grants approved by the Non-Highway and Off Road Vehicle Activities (NOVA) Committee. The written report gave Reiter Foothills status; Sustainable Recreation Work Group progress; and the status on WAC 332-52 Revision (Recreation and Access on DNR lands; and Evans Creek ORV Management Plan (EA). Arlene Brooks Washington Exec. Director Washington State Meeting January 10, 2009 Pacific, Washington The Washington State meeting was brought to order at 9:05 a.m. by State Director, Arlene Brooks. Merrick Graves led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance with a moment of silence for the sick and departed. The meeting guidelines and information were addressed; agendas, land reports and agency information were available. It was noted that Land Coordinators reports would be given at various times throughout the day. INTRODUCTIONS: Guests were introduced they were: Mark Mauren, DNR Asst. Division Manager, Recreation/ Public Access; Ray Minish and Troy Wikorek Trail Wardens, Jason Garver, Volunteer Coordinator all from the South Puget Sound Region of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR); Mikki Douglass, ORV E&E Program and Tim Foss, Recreation, both from the Cle Elum District, Wenatchee –Okanogan National Forests. Land Coordinators – Ed Tenney, Merrick Graves, Dave Bauman, Jeff Williams, Jim Putman, Bill Manbeck and Dale Neuman’ PNW4WDA Officers – Luke May, President; Angela Holm, Edward Campbell and Rick Smith representing Regions 1-2-and 3 respectively; and Merrick Graves, Trail Jamboree Chairman. State Directors Report – A written report for today’s meeting was available along with a 76 page packet identifying and highlighting land business that was addressed in the Director’s office in 2008. This material 4 Due to another meeting commitment time was given to address Washington OHV Alliance (WOHVA) and the PNW’s 50th Anniversary in 2010. Angie Marek, Spanaway Moonshiner; Treasurer, (WOHVA) reported they have now two PNW members on the Board; Megan Cieplik as Secretary and Angie was reelected Treasurer. The new trifolds (two years in the making) are finally finished and will be available at Winter Convention. She covered the 2008 events and activities they have been involved in – successful PR for the motorized recreation. March 13 is scheduled for the WOHVA Rally in Olympia – please try to attend, it will be held on the Capitol steps again; May 9th at Straddleline ORV Park – the organization has invited DNR to participate and present their motorized Safety Summit – the intent is to address Education. The Expo will include sound testing to exhibition 4x4 racing. There will be no gate fee; however a camping fee is required; the theme is “Passport to Family Fun.” Angie gave an update on the Moonshiners preparation for the Associations 50th anniversary – February 2010. The logo have been designed; space is available for all regions to display their history; plenty of room for displays, competition; Tri Power; special association events; etc; dinner will be $50.00 per couple; packets for clubs will be available on the 14th of February (Winter Convention); seeking old pictures (will be scanned and originals will be returned) movies and any PNW history is being requested. Angie stated there would be a Monster Show in Tacoma at the Dome on the 16th-17th18th of January. Walker Valley/Reiter Foothills - Ed Tenney, Coordinator, reported during the two scheduled clean ups Reiter Foothills Recreation Planning Committee logged in 3,174 volunteer hours in 2008; these clean-ups were held in May and October; three trail maintenance work parties were held in the months of August and October. Goals are to continue to hold litter clean-ups and trail work parties; the established Advisory Committee are in the final stage of identifying areas within Reiter for sanctioned recreational opportunities for both motorized and nonmotorized activities. The concrete (block) barriers that were installed are to discourage activity in the wet areas and to protect resources; dumping of litter and long term camping use. This area has become highly impacted by all user groups now that the PS5000 road and the North Fork of the Nooksack have been closed to motorized recreation. Walker Valley Advisory Committee meets monthly – scheduling clean-ups and work parties. The new trail building project includes a 4x4 skill area; three miles of motorcycle trail and 2000 feet for an ATV trail; they have three grants in the process for 2009. Naches Trail – Dave Bauman, Coordinator, reported on the scheduled work parties for 2009 (depending on the snow melt) June 20-21 or June 27-28 resulting in accomplishing all repairs and improvements in time for the Trail Jamboree in July. Rub rails need to be installed along with repairing a broken bridge support; however, it’s possible the bridge may need to be replaced. There is a growing concern about the continuing of user built trails that skirt along the meadow area (Westside). Merrick stated there are still funds available from the B.F. Goodrich Trail Fund – Dave stated they will be requested as the project nears. Merrick stated since this will be the 20th year for the Jamboree he is looking for history of the trail and displayed at this year’s event. It was stated there is a need for a volunteer to oversee the Eastside of the trail system. Arlene stated she would take that under advisement. Arlene suggested approaching the agency recreation managers on the specific area needs so appropriate actions can be taken through the federal and state funding grant programs – money is there – it just has to be applied for. DNR’s Sustainable Recreation was once again a topic. It was stated Washington State will be addressing land managed by the agency; seeking a sustainable funding source, and facing access, education and enforcement issues. These are the topics the twenty-eight committee are faced with - their recommendations are due to the Legislature in December. There was further discussion on the sustainable funding source; former Commissioner Sutherland discouraged a fee structure – and felt recreating on state lands should remain free. However, now with the recreation demands from MARCH 2009 the public – pay-to-play fee (sticker money) may need to be investigated – similar to what Oregon has to offer in their ORV permit program. Yacolt Burn State Forest – Bill Manbeck, Coordinator, a written report was available. The material included the planning process that was/ is taking place; mudding brochures have been created for education purposes as forest damage has taken place by illegal 4x4’s. Restoration of a wetland area in Dole Valley was needed - planning, replanting vegetation, and dedication by club volunteers to restore this sensitive area was needed. It was greatly appreciated by the DNR’s Southwest Region. A Forest Watch program has been revived – it is an exceptional tool in educating forest users and supporting the enforcement officers. Clean-ups, Cruise-In and a Rally all have added to the needed awareness for the motorized community. The goals for the Yacolt in 2009 are challenging; implementing a ten year plan that would support funding and establishing 4x4 trails; fulfill Phase 2 of Dole Valley wetland restoration project; and continue to promote and educate 4x4 ethics on forestland use. Information on the established Gifford Pinchot OHV Alliance (GPOHVA) was available; they are promoting an ongoing stewardship of OHV recreation. There was discussion on the lack of 4x4 opportunities on the GP; the Forest Plan appeal that was filed by the association and yet to be resolved; and the lawsuit filed by the NW Motorcycle Association few years back because of the Dark Divide outcome (single track area). For those Land Coordinators unable to attend today’s meeting, Arlene gave a short recap on their written reports. Evans Creek, Derrick Clark Coordinator – The turnout for the fall work party was slim; we need to remember volunteer time is needed for the funding grants; there will be a work party in the spring – depending on the snow level; the hosting program is still on-going – any club interested contact Derrick (360)761-7096 The Improvement Management Plan is going forward and addressed most of our concerns during the comment period. Please remember during the improvements - areas will be closed – prior notice will be posted. Juniper Dunes – Doug Conner, Coordinator, (509) 547-4033 the motorized area for the Dunes are open, however, no legal access; there is now a new Field Manager and by all indications there is no plan to buy access. A traffic counter has been installed to collect data; the new elected County Commissioner is interested in resolving this issue. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will be working on a Resource Management Plan that will include a Travel Management Plan – if funding is available the Bureau will be working on this in 2010. Ahtanum State Forest – Ron Rutherford Coordinator, stated he was selected to participate developing the Ahtanum State Forest Recreation Plan, there were nine months of one evening meetings per month along with field trips plus the homework. Little Rattlesnake Trail Relocation – Region 4 Director, Earl Nettnin, reveled updates on the system; logging out and clearing the trail has been completed; some Forest Service dozer work will happen this spring with reopening to follow. Trail Wilderness Interested Group (TWIG) meetings are held at the Naches Ranger Station the first Tuesday in March – April – May – June - October and November. The topics consist of funding grants; road closures, trail maintenance, etc. Rock Crawl, located in the Rimrock Lake area is in its planning stage; some material has been hauled in. Cle Elum Trails Volunteer (V-Team) awards and dinner event was held on September 27th at the District office. Top volunteers from the PNW4WDA was Dale Neuman (High Country Cruisers); tied for second place was Dave McMains (Hurtin Units) and Sande and Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats); Region 4 was presented a plaque for their efforts in the volunteer program. Mark Mauren, DNR Assistant Division Manager, stated he was glad to be able to attend the meeting. It gives him an opportunity to touch base with the organization and exchange some thoughts on what the future has in store for the coming year. Thank you’s were extended to the association for all the volunteer hours spent on state land projects. Volunteer hours translate into dollars that make up approximately twenty percent of the departments budget. Also thanks were extended to the organization for the leadership they are showing – paving the way for other organizations to follow; with investing in our image as a responsible recreation group and being part of the solution when issues arise concerning illegal activities by others – whether it be a lack of education or “don’t care attitude” when areas are damaged by motorized recreation. There are some initiatives Continued on page 5 Continued from page 4 the department is involved in – one being design sign standards – Tahuya and Capitol State Forests are currently two recipients. Mark had brought notebooks that illustrated Statewide Sign Standards and Guidelines – it gave an overview on the purpose, identification signs and bulletin (Kiosk) boards; it addressed challenges, key strategies and costs. An inventory/evaluation study took place earlier that addresses “what is working – what hasn’t” with the Forest Service and in Oregon; they came away with a standard pattern, placement and design. Visitors now on state managed lands will have the same standard at all facilities. There was discussion on previous established DNR signs and there cost; user built signs placed at the various facilities and trailheads; and information boards (kiosk) having organizations noted (placed logo’s) as supporting the recreation site. It was stated with identifying the type of trail (difficulty and specific equipment needed) becomes a liability issue for the department if they do the posting. The 12,000 miles of road system will have a numbering system – but have not, at this time, addressed systematically trail numbering. There are three rewarding Plans being done – Ahtanum and Yacolt State Forests and Reiter Foothills. They have united various user groups; prioritized trails and development plans; addressing what the land will support; and using the user’s objectives in the Plans. The question is – “where to find the capital and maintenance dollars and find a level of education and enforcement before.” The three plans should be completed this year. Elbe Hills ORV area was discussed; questioning the status and the need for a new campground. Because of its current location and impact on the campground it has become a safety issue for the public. Mark stated some action will take place down the road; however the site needs to be evaluated then look for funding sources. Horsemen of Washington and see if something can be resolved. (NOTE) The Sahara Campground was developed in 1991; the 7000 acres along the southern edge of the state forest is designated for nonmechanized uses only. Copies of DNR’s Land Management Obligations were available. This publication describes the four types of DNR lands, federally granted state lands, aquatic, natural areas, and state forested trust lands. Each land type requires different management approaches and each has associated legal obligations and regulatory guidance. Out Reach Program – an initiative the DNR is looking at is contacting the education system (high school level) to see if students would be interested in an outdoor motorized recreation program – it would entail mentoring students with organizations participation in their knowledge of trail building, trail ethics and responsible four wheel drive stewardship. Elbe Hills Horse Campground – It is an area designated as a non-motorized facility and was created out of the NOVA non-motorized category – for the horse user community. Discussion prevailed as to the usage of the area. It was agreed the Director contact the Chapter for the Back Country It was asked if the proposed WAC Revision (Chapter 33252) had been approved by the DNR Board of Directors. Through discussion it was found the members felt amendments were needed; the revision will be addressed again and hopefully approved at the business meeting on th 20 Annual Trail Jamboree July 8 -12, 2009 Registration begins February 16, 2009 Contact 425.432.0587 or for information. Brought to you by Chrysler Jeep Dodge Bellevue Sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact us. February 3rd. Mark further addressed the grant funding program and mentioned the Federal Stimulus package relating to recreation; he provided recreation maps and the department’s recreation program directory. This directory lists division planning personal, region resource and recreation managers. Mikki Douglass, ORV Ranger - Education & Enforcement for the Cle Elum District of the Wenatchee-Okanogan National Forests. She introduced Tim Foss, Recreation, who had accompanied Mikki on her travel over the mountains. Mikki stated she really enjoys meeting the recreationists out on the trail systems. She started out as a volunteer and it turned into a full time occupation. She appreciates all of the members who volunteer their time and the knowledge when it comes to trail maintenance; the District works on a “shoestring budget” and has found the volunteers are a good resource. Mikki gave the history on her volunteer program for the District which ultimately turned into the “VTeam” - a self funded program for the volunteers. Dale Neuman, Liberty Coordinator stated Mikki proactive recreation stance is being noticed by other agencies – and will probably be asked to give a presentation on her successful volunteer program. Tahuya State Forest – Jeff Williams, Coordinator, reintroduced Ray Minish, Troy Wikorek, and Jason Garver as “Winkin’, Blinkin’ and Nod” a very important part of the success on the Tahuya (no one would own up to which names is theirs). He gave 2008 stats for volunteer hours and support of the area; 132 volunteers, 1143 hours and over $9000 donated equipment, materials, etc for the work parties. Over a sixteen year period: 997 volunteers, 6966 hours and $16,129 in material and equipment have gone into the ORV facility; Jeff stated he has a spreadsheet documenting all work that transpires on planned work parties; this does not include mini maintenance done on weekend trail runs. The Focus Group meetings is very active in solving problems; in September there was a “Show and Tell” from the Rep. Kilmer office – staff member came away with a positive attitude towards the four wheel drive users. There will be a timber harvest in 2010 (High Ark) that will heavily impact the 4x4 trail system in two locations; Forest Watch program is still proactive, clubs have logged in hundreds of hours for 2008 Continued on page 6 4-Wheelin’ News MARCH 2009 5 Continued from page 5 – and still do night emphasis patrols with the department. There is a great impact in the area – 300-400 rides on a per day basis – some 700 on a high use day. The area is experiencing ATV user built trails that have spun off of established 4x4 trails; there is a continued effort to close those trails. In the fall projects were given the green light to address the North Loop Trail; bypass constructed along the ridge; re-open 3A trail; and put Phase #4 into action a rock crawl was addressed – Yellow Jacket Saddle became a reality. A 8000 lb concrete block nest also was buried to provide a winch point for the climb. It became evident the DNR equipment was too small and lacked the power to safely deposit the rock on the hillside. A presentation to the association Board of Directors applying for funds – from the Trail Maintenance and Building Fund - helped this project to be finalized; it is estimated the total cost to build this rock climb is at 13K, which would include volunteer hours, donated equipment and material. Arlene stated when Jeff came to the Board requesting funds for the Yellow Jacket project; he came prepared with information of what is needed and what the end result would be; he set the bar high for the first request for funds out of the Trail Maintenance and Building Fund. (Congratulation goes out to the Quadrapaw 4x4 Club for their dedication to the Tahuya and to the support of four wheeling). Liberty ORV – Dale Neuman Coordinator – stated it had been a busy year. The vault toilets were well received – something that’s been needed for sometime. The first work party was hampered by winter snow –with the work getting started in July; fixed the #334 trail with rock and tank tracks. While there, an illegal hill climb was spotted – restoration will once again be needed; he stated the “hot dog feed” at the work party was a success – even for those who just came to visit. There were questions regarding the Snowshoe Trail and its availability; addressing the final outcome with the Travel Management Plan – trails have to be site specific and inventoried - those that are in contention are to be implemented in the final draft plan. The old Seattle Jeep Trail was discussed and it was stated documentation has been presented to the District for their consideration. experience dragging trailers around with rock and tank tracks on them – but it adds a new dimension to the word “wheeling.” Elbe Hills ORV – Joe Wittig Coordinator stated there were four work parties and were very productive in ’08. The campground and parking area had some improvements done – due to the water retention; there was an attempt to tackle Swap Trail – drainage was the problem – a culvert was installed. Sunrise Trail – adopted by the Timber Tamers has held up well. All trails have new signage, complaints were – “visitors could not find specific trailheads.” Projects for ’09 – grant writing for a camping facility; the current shelter is need of repair as it is a safety issue at this time. The DNR Recreation Manager is going forward with a Forest Watch program. Joe asked to take this back to the club members to see if support can be found for this program. The target shooting area (pit) has been a concern and steps are being taken to close the area; concerns are over random shooting. It was suggested to encourage DNR to establish a specific target area – safety and liability is an issue here. Large rocks have been found and trucked to the end of the #9 Road; it is to be used as material for a proposed rock crawl; the idea is to take some of the impact off of the Busy Wild Trail. Joe stated there is a request not to park at the Lions Club – due to safety issues. A more accurate Elbe map is being worked on – GPS coordinates will be added randomly on trail markers. Copper City Restoration – Jim Putman, Chairman for the Hombres 4x4 Club, reported it’s presently a waiting game. In 2007 a storm took out the road; now comes the procedure of planning and funding. The actual restoration is off, at this time, however the club is committed to the project and the contract signed earlier with the District. Merrick asked if the club would be interested in submitting some history on the area and have it available for the 20th anniversary of the Trail Jamboree in July; Jim said he would work on it. Inter Association Directors Report – Don and Carol Jensen was unable to attend – a written report was submitted. Arlene highlighted their report – the “Clunker Bill” legislation came with letter writing talking points; and a letter from the State Directors office will be drafted on behalf of the Washington 2500 members. The Recreational Trails Program – funding recreation on a national level is again on the forefront. Arlene stated the National Recreation Trails Program (NRTP) a federal grant funding program, is looking for volunteers on the Advisory Board representing horse and motorcycling categories; and Non –Motorized Off Road Vehicle Activities (NOVA) also is looking for volunteers in the non-motorized category – this would include hunting, fishing, and camping activities. Arlene stated these requests are posted on the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) (formally Inter Agency for Outdoor Recreation IAC) website if there are any members interested. Trail Jamboree 2009 – Merrick Graves Chairman, spoke on behalf of the Jamboree and its 20th anniversary – July 8-12. According to the use permit, there are restrictions on how many 4x4’s can be on any one trail at any one time. He gave a history lesson about the Naches Trail with a possible new structure to the Jamboree – a historic trail run maybe offered. He stated in the past the event has supported cancer benefits, Wheelers for the Wounded, Lions organization, and gave back to the Nile community - Sprike Park, after many cleanups and improvements. preparations; and to the map hangers Jerry Nettnin, Dale Neuman and Bob Brooks. The clean-up for the area is scheduled for April 18-19 – and is noted on the main page of the website – comes with directions - instructions – and invitation to take part in the famous “Hobo Stew.” Respectfully submitted, Arlene Brooks, WA. State Director Registration for Jamboree 2009 will open the day after Winter Convention; and there are plans to have a display at Winter Convention 2010 showing the 20 year history of the event. Questions andAnnouncements – It was asked if there is a bill in Olympia this session that establishes vehicle engine displacement and emission fee. Arlene stated she had not heard of any so far – but will check – if so, it will be posted on the website. (FYI – NOTE – During the 2007-08 session - SB6900 was introduced – but died in committee. It would have charged a fee based upon the vehicle engine size in liters) ( In this 105 day session March 12th is the last day to consider bills in house of origin). Kathy Greenwood asked for everyone to remember the Naches Trail work party in June. Don Williams stated Summer Convention will be held on August 21-22-23 this year. Arlene thanked everyone who had attended the “wonder meeting” – it was a wonder the meeting was held because of the winter storms and flooding in the local area. Also a special thanks to the “kitchen bunnies” Diane Neuman and Bonnie Nettnin for handling lunch Change of Address? PNW4WDA Membership C/O: Kathy ”Frogg” McMains 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 or E-Mail: Hearing no further business, Gary Marshall, Lake Tapps Turtles move to adjourn, second by Ken Johnson, Bullshifter. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:05. (NOTE) There were 42 in attendance, of those - 20 clubs were represented. ~ WA. Sate Director’s Report We are right in the middle of a Legislature session; this is an odd year so it consists of a 105 days (even years would be a 60 day session). The Legislative Calendar indicates that March 12th is the last day to consider bills in house of origin and April 26th the last day for regular session under state constitution. We have six bills that are 4x4 related. SB 5069 – Limited liability protection; encourages landowners to open their lands for recreation; SB5128 – Addresses natural resource impact from off-road use; SB 5586 – Relates to protecting public lands through off road vehicle safety education and training; SB 5761 – Declares intent to create a Recreation Pass and is valid to access any site owned by Department of Natural Resources; SB 5994 – The Governor is proposing to eliminate various Boards and Commissions; HB 2101 – Relates to increasing distribution of off-road vehicle monies – it is uncapping the recreation fuel tax revenue that was imposed in 2003 at nineteen cents. There are two bills that are moving through committees; both have been addressed on behalf of the association. There was a consensus reached and a directive by the delegates at Winter Convention to support SB 5069 in principle. SB 5994 was addressed as not against the entire bill, just the portion that would eliminate and impact the recreation grant funding process through the Non-Highway Off-Road Vehicle Activities (NOVA) program. Till next time. Arlene Brooks, WA. State Director ~ It was mentioned to work with Dale on work parties – you normally don’t get to 6 MARCH 2009 Access Road Temporarily Closed to Vehicle Use at Twin Lakes Recreation Area Spokane, WA – Effective immediately, the access road leading to the boat launch and camping area within the Twin Lakes Recreation Area is closed due to deteriorating road conditions. The access road is located to the east off Highline Road, roughly 12 miles west of Harrington, in Lincoln County, Washington. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has closed the Twin Lakes Recreation Area Access Road for public safety. The BLM will continue to monitor the Twin Lakes Recreation Area Access Road conditions to determine when it is safe to reopen for public access. Another BLM road closure that is still in effect is the Hog Canyon Lake Road, located approximately 30 miles southwest of Spokane, and crosses the Spokane and Lincoln County line near Sprague, Washington. The Hog Canyon Lake Road provides access to a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife boat ramp and fishing area on Hog Canyon Lake and to the northeastern portion of BLM’s Fishtrap Recreation Area. The road leading to the Rock Creek Recreation Area (also known as Escure Ranch) is currently open to motorized vehicle travel. The Rock Creek Recreation area is located approximately 20 miles south of Sprague, Washington, in Whitman County, and provides access to the Towell Falls trailhead location. Further road closures are possible due to deteriorating road conditions. Please contact the BLM Spokane District Office directly for the most current closure information at (509) 536-1200, or check the BLM Spokane District website at districts/spokane/index.php BLM The BLM manages more land – 256 million acres – than any other Federal agency. This land, known as the National System of Public Lands, is primarily located in 12 Western states, including Alaska. The Bureau, with a budget of about $1 billion, also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. The BLM’s multipleuse mission is to sustain the health and productivity of 4-Wheelin’ News the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. The Bureau accomplishes this by managing such activities as outdoor recreation, livestock grazing, mineral development, and energy production, and by conserving natural, historical, cultural, and other resources on public lands. Cheyne Rossbach Public Affairs Contact Representative BLM Spokane District Office 1103 N Fancher Rd Spokane Valley, WA 99212 (509) 536-1200 ~ PUBLIC LANDS: Omnibus measure hits House floor (02/09/2009) Eric Bontrager, E&E reporter The House is scheduled to vote this week on a massive omnibus package of 160 public lands, water and resources bills. S. 22 would designate more than 2 million acres of wilderness in nine states and establish three new national park units, a new national monument, three new national conservation areas, more than 1,000 miles of national wild and scenic rivers, and four new national trails. The bill would codify the 26-millionacre National Landscape Conservation System and allow construction of a road through Alaska’s Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. The Senate passed the bill, 74-21, last month. The House Rules Committee will meet tomorrow afternoon to determine what amendments -- if any -- will be allowed to the 1,294-page bill. It is unclear exactly what kind of amendments would be offered, as Democrats and environmentalists would prefer to see the bill sent directly to the White House in order to avoid the same kind of procedural delays that kept the legislation in the Senate for nearly a year. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) repeatedly placed procedural “holds” on the bill, arguing it would increase government spending and limit potential oil and gas development on public lands. “We’re hoping it doesn’t get amended it all,” said Brian O’Donnell, executive director of the National Conservation System Foundation. “If you send it back to the Senate you’re only going to add to the delay.” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Brian Hawthorne Public Lands Policy Director BlueRibbon Coalition 208-2371008 ext 102 DATE: February 4, 2009 BLUERIBBON COALITION EXPRESSES CONCERNS ABOUT HOUSE VOTE ON OMNIBUS LAND BILL POCATELLO, ID (February 4) - The BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC), a national trail-based recreation group, today voiced concern that the U.S. House of Representatives will “grease through” over 160 public lands bills, thereby avoiding the public review these bills deserve. In addition, BRC cautioned that recreational access tenets in some of the bills may have been intentionally removed in closed-door proceedings. The Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009 was fast-tracked through the U.S. Senate and could see a vote in the House as early as next week. The bill (S 22) is over 1,200 pages long with over 160 different bills, designates 2.2 million acres of Wilderness, identifies three new national parks, 10 national heritage areas, and designates over 1,000 miles of wild and scenic rivers. BRC expressed concern that access protection provisions were apparently stripped from several of the bills involved. For example, new sections were added in the Washington County (Utah) Growth and Conservation Act regarding closure of roads and trails and limiting how Bureau of Land Management funds generated by the Act can be used. “It is important that local collaborative efforts be sustained as legislation moves in Congress. Pushing these bills into law via the omnibus package allows powerful special interest groups in Washington D.C. to eliminate hard-won local consensus and ram through provisions that are contrary to the desires of those, on all sides of the issues, who actually visit these remarkable lands.” said Brian Hawthorne, BRC’s Public Lands Policy Director. “This bill collectively reduces recreational opportunity, feeds millions of earmarked dollars into pet projects, will cost billions to implement, and provides very little of the protection it is touted to deliver,” added Greg Mumm, the Coalition’s Executive Director. “If this behemoth bill is any indication of the aggressive agenda in store for this congress, the American recreating public faces difficult challenges ahead,” Mumm concluded. Mumm said BRC will be encouraging its 600,000 members and supporters to contact their political representatives and encourage them to work to restore the locally-generated compromise MARCH 2009 provisions in these bills and oppose changes demanded by the large preservationist lobby in Washington D.C. ### The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national recreation group that champions responsible recreation, and encourages individual environmental stewardship. It represents over 10,000 individual members and 1,200 organization and business members, for a combined total of over 600,000 recreationists nationwide. 1-800-258-3742. ~ 1,000-Mile Vegas to Reno Off-Highway Race The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Tonopah Field Office, will conduct an environmental review and hold two public meetings to gather public comments on a proposed off-highway race. The race, planned for August 20-22, 2009, is called the “Best in the Desert Vegas to Reno Off-Highway Race” and covers 1,000 miles of Nevada ‘s high desert. It begins north of Pahrump and runs through Beatty, Tonopah and Hawthorne before finishing southeast of Dayton . The Best in the Desert Racing Association, which is seeking a special recreation permit from the BLM to conduct the race, bills it as the “greatest long-distance, off-road event in this decade on U.S. soil.” As many as 350 vehicles could be entered, including motorcycles, ATVs, dune buggies, high clearance SUVs and 4x4 trucks. The race route uses a combination of existing smooth and rough dirt roads on public lands in Nye, Esmeralda, Mineral, Lyon, and Douglas counties. The proposed course includes routes that have been raced upon in the past. It would include 24 pit areas, several stop check locations and several highway and road crossings along the route. Time trials for the race will be conducted Aug. 18 on a five-mile course on the Upper Knight Ranch Road near Las Vegas . The BLM will prepare an environmental assessment that analyzes the impacts of the proposed race and will accept written public comments until March 6, 2009. scoping meetings to be held in Beatty and Goldfield (see schedule below). Both meetings are scheduled from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. February 24, 2009, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Beatty Town Hall , Beatty, NV. February 25, 2009, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Goldfield Community Center , Goldfield, NV. The meetings will be in an open house format and may include a brief presentation. At each meeting, there will be comment forms for your use. Representatives from Best in the Desert and the BLM will be present to answer questions you might have. If you would like your name removed from this project’s mailing list, please contact Eric M. Williams, Planning and Environmental Coordinator, at (775)482-7800. The BLM prefers that written comments be mailed. Written comments on the scope of the EA must be post-marked or delivered by 4:30 p.m. on March 6, 2009. Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment-including your personal identifying information-may be made publicly available at any time. Written Scoping Comments Should Be Mailed To:Bureau of Land Management Attn: Eric M. Williams Tonopah Field Office 1553 South Main St . PO Box 911 Tonopah , NV 89049 COMMENT DEADLINE IS MARCH 6, 2009 For additional information regarding the Special Recreation Permit application or the EA, call Eric Williams at the Tonopah Field Office at (775) 482-7800. JUST REMEMBER, PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IS CRUCIAL TO KEEP RECREATION AREAS OPEN, PLEASE GET INVOLVED! Thanks in advance for your support, Ric Foster Public Lands Department Manager BlueRibbon Coalition 208237-1008 ext 107 ~ The agency also plans to gather comment at two public 7 Oregon Introduces Bill to Prohibit Sale of Aftermarket Parts At the request of Governor Theodore Kulongoski, the Oregon Speaker of the House has introduced legislation (H.B. 2186) to prohibit the sale and distribution of aftermarket motor vehicle parts if alternatives are available that “decrease greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.” The bill is primarily focused on aftermarket tires and would authorize the Environmental Quality Commission to implement enforcement regulations, likely based on a rolling resistance calculation. We Urge You to Contact Oregon Speaker of the House Dave Hunt and Members of the Environment and Water Committee (Contact Information Below) Immediately to Request Their Opposition to H.B. 2186 • H.B. 2186 would regulate vehicle fuel economy, an authority reserved to the federal government. • H.B. 2186 could ban tires that may have improved performance, handling or appearance features, based solely on a rolling resistance rating. In addition, this program could easily distract consumers from focusing on more important safety issues such as tire inflation and overloading of vehicles. • H.B. 2186 would force consumers to purchase only original equipment manufacturer (OEM) tires because the program essentially exempts OEMselected tires and unfairly implies that they are superior to aftermarket products. • H.B. 2186 could prohibit aftermarket parts designed to either personalize or optimize specific vehicle performance attributes including handling, towing, suspension, fuel economy, etc. • H.B. 2186 provides broad authority to government regulators and could limit a range of aftermarket parts currently available to consumers based on the subjective determination of government regulators. DON’T DELAY! Please contact Oregon Speaker Dave Hunt and the House Environment and Water Committee immediately to urge his opposition to H.B. 2186. 8 Oregon House Speaker Dave Hunt Phone: 503/986-1440 Email: Oregon House Environment and Water Committee Representative Ben Cannon Phone: 503/986-1446 Email: Representative Jules Bailey Phone: 503/986-1442 Email: Representative Phil Barnhart Phone: 503/986-1411 Email: Representative Cliff Bentz Phone: 503/986-1460 Email: Representative Deborah Boone Phone: 503/986-1432 Email: Representative Vic Gilliam Phone: 503/986-1418 Email: Representative Bob Jenson Phone: 503/986-1458 Email: Representative Jefferson Smith Phone: 503/986-1447 Email: Division Department of Natural Resources PO Box 47014 Olympia, WA 98504-7014 360-902-1407 ~ Dept. of Natural Resources Hi, folks – As promised, I am sending you a calendar listing volunteer projects the Department of Natural Resource’s Recreation Program could use your help on this year. On the calendar, you’ll notice some regular projects, such as the gravel pack-in at Capitol Forest. We also have a list of new projects from across the state. If any of these projects spark your interest, please contact the DNR staff person listed with that project. <<2009 Volunteer Opportunity Calendar.doc>> This is our first year developing a master list of projects and I would appreciate your feedback on how to make it better. Mark Mauren Assistant Division Manager for Recreation and WCC Programs Department of Natural Resources 360.902.1047 ~ Dept. of Natural ~ Resources BRC Action adopted the KEEP UP THE PRESSURE ON Recreation THE CPSC AND Rules CONGRESS Hi, Folks – I want to let you know that after 5 years of hard work by the public, including many of you, and DNR staff, the Board of Natural Resources adopted the Recreation Rules at the February 3 board meeting. The new rules are now posted on the department’s Web site ( RecreationEducation/Topics/ OtherRecreationInformati on/Pages/amp_rec_rule_ revision_process.aspx). The rules will become effective starting March 14, 2009. For those that have not read the rules lately, I encourage you to take a quick look. I think you will find the format (question and answer) different, but more understandable. I want to pass on the department’s deep thanks and appreciation to all of you who provided comments along the way and, especially at the end, for helping us to make the rules clearer. Mark Mauren Assistant Division Manager for the Recreation, Public Use and WCC Programs Asset Management and Protection On February 10, 2009, a new law regulating lead content in certain products went into effect. This is adversely affecting companies that manufacture or distribute youth model all-terrain vehicles and off-highway motorcycles. Dealers that sell and service those products are being impacted as well. The Specialty Vehicle Institute of America (SVIA) and the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) have urgently requested the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and federal legislators to take a common sense approach to implementation of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act’s lead provisions. SVIA and MIC have filed petitions with the CPSC for emergency relief from the provisions. They are also seeking a temporary final rule to exempt ATV and motorcycle parts in order to avoid major disruptions to enthusiasts, to the member companies’ businesses, and to the companies’ dealer network of thousands of small, independent businesses, MARCH 2009 which employ tens of thousands of Americans. BRC is asking all OHV users to continue this contact the Consumer Product Safety Commission and their elected officials today! Use the following links to send your comments and to contact your Congressional Representatives and the CPSC. Included below is a sample letter regarding the functional ban of all youthoriented OHVs, which started February 10, 2009. BRC Letter to CPSC http: // BRC_Letter_to_CPSC_ 02.19.09_FINAL.pdf CPSC Comment Page http: / / w w w. c p s c . g o v / c g i b i n / info.aspx BRC Rapid Response Center to contact Members of Congress rapid_response/Missouri State Representative Tom Self Congressional Western Caucus Letter http: // CPSC_Western_Caucus_ Letter_Feb_6_20090001.pdf CPSC NAM Request for Emergency Stay http: // CPSC-NAM-Request-forEmergency-Stay.pdf Thanks in advance for your support, Don Amador Western Representative BlueRibbon Coalition (925) 625-6287 PS: BRC needs your support via membership and donations to help us continue our efforts to champion responsible OHV access to public lands. ________________________ Sample Letter: As a member of the OHV community, I want to voice my strong support for petitions filed by the Motorcycle Industry Council and Specialty Vehicle Institute of America to seek emergency relief from provisions, which went into effect on February 10, 2009. While I do support efforts by the Consumer Product Safety Commission to protect children from lead content in products that truly present a risk to children, I do not believe the Commission intended that metal parts on ATVs and motorcycles be included in that regulation because they do not present a lead risk to children. As the spring OHV recreation season rapidly approaches and dealers face the prospect of being put out of business, I ask you to support efforts to exclude youth-oriented OHVs from being unnecessarily impacted by this ban. Sincerely, Your name & Address Get BRC’s Latest News & Alerts via RSS! http: // BlueRibbonCoalition ~ BRC, INC. February 19, 2009 National OHV Organizations Continue On-Going Collaboration At Meeting in Indianapolis Leaders from national OHV organizations met in Indianapolis on February 15 to discuss a variety of land use issues affecting OHV recreation. The meeting was held in conjunction with the 2009 Dealer Expo. This forum was the fourth in a series of face-to-face meetings that began in January of 2008 to coordinate efforts and share strategies to address the myriad of access-related issues facing the OHV community. This meeting focused on legislative advocacy priorities for the new 111th Congress, including support for Recreational Trails Program funding. Other topics included the ongoing implementation of the U.S. Forest Service Travel Management Rule and how we can continue to positively influence the outcome, as well maximize the benefits of funding received by the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management in the Economic Stimulus package. The organizations represented find it productive to periodically discuss and explore areas where they share a common interest. Recognizing that each organization has a separate mission in representing its distinct membership, communicating with each other serves to strengthen advocacy efforts on behalf of all types of OHV recreation. Stakeholder organizations participating in this on-going coordination to promote access for off-highway vehicle recreation across the U.S. include the American Council of Snowmobile Associations, the American Motorcyclist Association, Americans for Responsible Recreational Access, the BlueRibbon Coalition, the Motorcycle Industry Council, the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council, the OffRoad Business Association, the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association, the Specialty Vehicle Institute of America, Tread Lightly! and United Four Wheel Drive Associations. ### The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national recreation group that Continued on page 9 Continued from page 8 champions responsible recreation, and encourages individual environmental stewardship. It represents over 10,000 individual members and 1,200 organization and business members, for a combined total of over 600,000 recreationists nationwide. Greg Mumm, Executive Dir. BlueRibbon Coalition 208-244-2112 800-258-3742. ~ BLM Yakima Canyon Recreation Sites Re-opened Yakima, WA – Effective immediately, BLM has reopened four developed recreation sites it manages in the Yakima River Canyon. BLM’s Umtanum, Lmuma Creek, Big Pines and Roza recreation sites had all been temporarily closed, due to damage from the January, 2009 Yakima River flooding. Although the recreation sites are currently open to the public, minor flood cleanup and repairs will continue. BLM cautions visitors that portions of the Roza boat launch were damaged and may remain closed until more extensive repairs can be made. In addition, visitors to the natural area BLM manages at Ringer Road (3 miles south of Ellensburg on Hwy 821) will need to continue to walk in to this location. Ringer Road itself was heavily damaged during the flooding and remains closed to vehicles. Visitors to the Yakima Canyon area should pay attention to changing river levels and conditions at these and other roads and recreation sites in the area. Please contact the Wenatchee BLM office at (509) 665-2100 for further questions or to check conditions. Cheyne Rossbach Public Affairs Contact Representative BLM Spokane District Office 1103 N Fancher Rd Spokane Valley, WA 99212 (509) 536-1200 ~ BLM RELEASES PROJECT PLANNING UPDATE SPOKANE, WA: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Spokane District Office prepared a Planning Update document providing information about BLM projects throughout the State of Washington. It is available on the internet at or/districts/spokane/plans. The BLM publishes this quarterly Planning Update to provide current information about specific projects and future events planned for lands and resources managed by the district. For more information about any of the projects, or to submit suggestions about how to improve our updates, please email the Spokane District at, or call at (509) 536-1200. closed to motorized vehicles. These lands are administered by the Spokane District Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The closure order prohibits the operation of any type of motorized vehicle within the closed area during the period Cheyne Rossbach Public from March 1 to August 15, Affairs Contact Rep. 2009. The temporary closure is necessary for the protection BLM Spokane District Office of wildlife and botanical 1103 N Fancher Rd Spokane resources. A copy of the Valley, WA 99212 closure order will be posted (509) 536-1200 at locations throughout the affected area. A notice will also be published in the Federal Register. A copy of the order and a map of the closed area are available on the internet at spokane/newsroom/index.php. Violations of this closure regulation are punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 and/or imprisonment not to exceed 12 months. For more information about the closure, please call the BLM Spokane Effective at 12:01 a.m. on District Office at (509) 536March 1, 2009, public lands 1200, or visit the BLM Spokane in the northwestern portion District Office at 1103 North Road, Spokane of the Juniper Dunes area Fancher located in Franklin County, Valley, Washington 99212. Washington will be temporarily The BLM manages more land You may also contact us through postal mail or visiting our office at: Spokane BLM District Office, 1103 North Fancher Road, Spokane Valley, Washington 99212. ~ BLM Issues Seasonal Road Closure in Juniper Dunes SPOKANE, WA – 256 million acres – than any other Federal agency. This land, known as the National System of Public Lands, is primarily located in 12 Western states, including Alaska. The Bureau, with a budget of about $1 billion, also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. The BLM’s multipleuse mission is to sustain the health and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. The Bureau accomplishes this by managing such activities as outdoor recreation, livestock grazing, mineral development, and energy production, and by conserving natural, historical, cultural, and other resources on public lands. Cheyne Rossbach Public Affairs Contact Representative BLM Spokane District Office 1103 N Fancher Rd Spokane Valley, WA 99212 (509) 536-1200 ~ Vehicle check-In: Saturday, between 7:00 am – 9:00 am Registration deadline is April 1st Number of vehicles limited to 125 April 25th, 2009 Sand Lake, Oregon Siuslaw National Forest Vehicle Information: 2 Sand Lake Recreation Area user fee is $5.00 per day, per licensed street legal vehicle in addition to any camping fees. This fee is paid at Sand Lake. 2 4WD required -- Minimum 75" wheelbase -- roll bars & tow straps recommended. 2 Oregon law requires Class II ORV permits for all vehicles. For a list of ORV permit vendors, visit Oregon State Parks & Recreation at 2 Red flags are required on all vehicles -- minimum height is 9 feet. For more information, contact: KAREN - (503) 655-1870 Registration Form: Driver: Passenger: Address: Phone #: ( City/St./Zip: Vehicle type: Club Affiliation: Email: T-SHIRTS: S-SHIRTS: LG-SLEEVE: HOODIES: KIDS: S___M___L___XL___XXL___ S___M___L___XL___XXL___ S___M___L___XL___XXL___ S___M___L___XL___XXL___ S___M___L___XL___XXL___ Make checks payable to: Sand Fleas 4X4 Club MAIL REGISTRATION TO: Sand Fleas 4x4 Club Attn: Karen Fisher 1615 Harvard Gladstone, OR 97027 ) # of T-shirt(s) _______ x $16 # of S-shirt(s) _______ x $21 # of Long-Sleeved T-shirt(s) ___x$18 # of Hoodies S-shirts ______x $25 # of Kids T-shirts_____ x $10 For XXL T-shirt – Add $2 $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ For XXL S-shirt – Add $3 Registration fee: $20 $_________ $_________ Late registration – Add $4 $_________ Pre-Order your Raffle Tickets for a chance to win a Warn Winch. Must be present to win! (Tickets will also be available the day of the rally.) $1 each or 6 for $5 TOTAL: So we can determine how many kid prizes we’ll need, please let us know how many kids under the age of 16 you will be bringing and their ages # of Tickets:_____ $_________ $_________ # of kids __ Ages: __________ I would like more information on becoming a Sand Flea member ________ 4-Wheelin’ News MARCH 2009 9 WINTER CONVENTION FEBRUARY 14, 2009 Yakima, WA The PNW4WDA President Luke May (Dirty Thirteen, DooWop Ditty, & Outdoor 4X4’s) called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence for the sick and departed was observed. The PNW4WDA Code was read by Don Jensen (Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas) who filled in for the Parliamentarian Tom Fisher (Sand Fleas & Mud-A-Rama) who was very busy organizing his helpers in the process of counting the Constitution and By-Law ballots. Luke May President thanked Region 4 for hosting Winter Convention. Hosting statement was given by Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats) Region 4 Director and Pam Remley (Shindig Wheelers) Winter Convention Chairman). Earl thanked everyone for coming and being a part of this organization. He said that if we didn’t have this organization to help keep the trails open, we probably would all be renegades. Pam called attention to the Rumble Goat Racing Truck parked out front. They took first place in their division in the Parker 425 in AZ. The race team which is part of the Tri-City Peak Putters was present as well. Congratulations and thanks for coming. Pam also stated that a drawing would be held during lunch to pick someone who could come in a half hour early for the banquet and pick their table so they wouldn’t have to wait in line. This lucky person could bring seven others in to share the table. [Note: the lucky person drawn just before lunch was Region 1 Director Angela Holm.] INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Cliff Irey – Ford Truck Motor Sports Brad Martin – Yakima County Sheriff’s Office John Greenough – Yakima County Sheriff’s Office Mikki Douglass – CleElum Ranger District INTRODUCTION OF PAST PRESIDENTS: Don Jensen – 1981-1983 (Carol) Jack Harrington – 1984-1985 (Norma was a former Treasurer) Carol Jensen – 1988-1993 (Don) Arlene Brooks – 1995-1996 (Bob was former COMP Ch. & Parliamentarian) Roy Hyman – 1997 (Mary was a former Treasurer) Jim Putman – 2003-2004 (Tina) A motion was made by Frank Cieplik (Roamin’ Chariots & Spanaway Moonshiners) seconded by Ken Johnson (Bull Shifters) to approve the minutes from September 13th 10 Fall Delegates as printed in Tri-Power. Motion passed. GUEST SPEAKER: Brad Martin, Deputy - Yakima County Sheriff spoke on their recreation and enforcement program. He said it’s been going on for 29 years. Brad stated that last year in Yakima County there was not a lot of 4X4 accidents - no fatalities. Brad stated that some of the trails are pretty technical. Last year they had eight mudding issues in Yakima County, six they came across on their own the other two were reported by user groups and they followed up on them. Brad thanked the 4X4 community for being extra eyes and ears for them. He said digital cameras work great so take pictures of the license plate and driver if you can and turn them in to the Sheriff’s office and they would follow up on them. Brad thanked the PNW4WDA for all the work we are doing with education and work on the trails. He said that is a very big help to them as they can’t be everywhere at all times and the extra eyes help. Brad asked for letters of support for their E & E grant. Send them to brad.martin@co.yakimawa .us or snail mail them to Brad Martin, P O Box 1388, Yakima, WA 98907. A question was asked if the mudding was on federal land and Brad said one was on federal land two were on private reservation land. A question was also asked if these had been referred to Federal Court - answer no, if they were it might have more of an impact on the offender. A question was also asked if any vehicles had been impounded – answer no. Right now it’s just an infraction for resource damage. BY-LAW PROPOSALS (Secretary note: Voting was spread out throughout the morning with breaks in the agenda to allow the business of the association to carry on and counting ballots after each was voted on so if one didn’t pass, or passed others could be removed). [Additional Secretary note: Yes & No number of votes have been added after each proposal] Parliamentarian Tom Fisher (Sand Fleas & Mud-A-Rama) explained how the voting would take place. Discussion followed about how the ByLaws were submitted and how they should be voted on. Roberts Rules of Order is and always has been the parliamentary procedure of this organization. The voting process began with voting on the six that were submitted by the Board and Proposals #1 & #3 – they were voted on and counted – [the six submitted by the Board #1. 74 Yes & 10 No; #2. 58 Yes & 28 No; #3. 61 Yes & 24 No; #4. 61 Yes & 22 No; #5. 66 Yes & 19 No; #6. 59 Yes & 27 No - Those all passed and Proposals #1 - 31 Yes & 54 No; Proposal # 3 - 33 Yes & 52 No] - those failed. Proposals #4 & #5 were withdrawn because proposal #3 failed. Stan Human (Wandering Willys) had a procedural question on By-law Proposals #8, #9 & #10 dealing with e-mail absentee voting. Stan said we need a legal clarification. The state of Washington non-profit corporation law has some very specific requirements related to using electronic means for voting and for notices and before we adopt something like this we really need to know whether or not this has been legally scoped out as this can be a real can of worms. Tom Fisher Parliamentarian said as far as he knew they had not been looked at from a legal stand point. Stan said if we had not legally adopted an electronic voting mechanism in the PNW4WDA’s By-Laws these probably would be out of order. Alan Dragoo (Spokane 4-Wheelers) and author of the proposals said he had not checked whether there were any legal objections or obstacles to us voting that way. Lots of discussion followed, Proposals #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 and #11 were voted on and counted; [#6 - 26 Yes & 60 No; #7- 17 Yes & 69 No; #8 - 14 Yes & 71 No; #9 - 22 Yes & 63 No; #10 - 22 Yes & 64 No; #11- 15 Yes & 69 No] – they failed. Then Proposal #12 was voted on and counted – [#12 – 10 yes & 76 No] – it failed. Then Proposal #13 was voted on and counted - [#13 – 12 Yes & 74 No] – it failed. Then Proposal #14 was voted on and counted- [#14 - 20 Yes & 66 No] – it failed and Proposal #15 was withdrawn because Proposals #1, #3, #11, #12, #13 and #14 failed. Merrick Graves (Wandering Willys & Green River Valley Jeepers and Trail Jamboree Co-Chairman) said in keeping with the spirit of today’s voting he would like to make a motion to have the president appoint a Constitutional Committee to review all of this and see how we could make some of this work, seconded by Dale Neuman (High Country Cruisers) – motion passed. Merrick said he would be happy to be on the committee but was not interested in being the chairman. Art Waugh (Wolf Pack 4X4 & Whatever 4-Wheelers) moved to destroy the ballots, seconded by Ken Johnson (Bull Shifters) – motion passed. TREASURER’S REPORT: given by Treasurer Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Columbia Basin Sand Commandos). Dave had reports that showed the income and expense for 2008 and income and expense for January 1st, through February 10th, 2009. A copy of the 2009 proposed budget was also attached. Dave said we are being paid back $50 quarterly from the previous treasurer, and that has been put into the donations category. MARCH 2009 We received a donation of $1,000.00 from NAXJ (National North American XJ organization) for the work we do in the Pacific Northwest for 4-wheeling. Dave said that he had sent them an associate membership because of the donation they sent us. Tim Myers (Happy Campers) asked about the line item for a negative balance for Bank of America. Dave said he had a problem with his computer when he lost the hard drive and that showed up on the back up drive and he has not had the time to remove it. We don’t have an account or money in Bank of America. Dale Neuman (High Country Cruisers) asked what was included in the line item rent. Answer - anything that we rent like microphones, meeting rooms for the State Meeting, and equipment. It was a little higher this time because it included the rental of equipment that was used in the trail maintenance for the Yellow Jacket Trail in the Tahuya. Dave said he may add a heavy equipment category if the Trail Maintenance Fund is used the way it should be. OTHER MONEY MATTERS: Merrick Graves Trail Jamboree Co-Chairman (Wandering Willys & Green River Valley Jeepers) said that per the SOP’s 50% of the profit from Trail Jamboree is to be moved into the Scholarship fund. He wanted to be sure that it was done. Dave McMains Treasurer said it had been done. Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners) presented a $2,000.00 check to the Scholarship fund from the Spanaway Moonshiners. Tom James (Timber Tamers) asked where on the Treasurer’s report did the money show up that was raised at Trail Jamboree 2008 for Wheelers for the Wounded. Answer – it is still in the Trail Jamboree fund until it is dispersed and it will then come out as an expense. Bonnie Nettnin (The Hombres) presented a $150.00 check to the Scholarship fund, from The Hombres. Dave McMains said he had received notification that it was time to make our yearly donation to Tread Lightly and Blue Ribbon for $100.00 each. Frank Cieplik (Spanaway Moonshiners & Roamin’ Chariots) made a motion seconded by Ken Johnson (Bull Shifters) that we send $100.00 to Blue Ribbon and $100.00 to Tread Lightly. Motion passed. Frank Cieplik (Roamin’ Chariots & Spanaway Moonshiners) made a motion seconded by Ken Johnson (Bull Shifters) that we approve the operating budget for 2009. Motion passed. STATE CAUCUS’S IDAHO – Washington State Executive Director Arlene Brooks (Green River Valley Jeepers) and Oregon State Executive Director Beth Ayer, (Junction City Jeepers) have been sort of handling things in the absence of an Idaho Director. Arlene asked if a person by the name of Mark Young (North Idaho Trail Blazers) was present and if so to please stand up. Now she said “I can put a face to my email correspondence.” Mark has expressed a desire to be the Idaho Director, so Arlene has been sending information to him. Mark has been working to get information on legislative issues out to the people in Idaho. PNW4WDA President Luke May (Dirty Thirteen, DooWop Ditty Dirt Club & Outdoor 4X4’s) said that after this meeting he would appoint Mark as the Idaho Director for the rest of this year and then he would have to be nominated and elected by the Idaho delegation. ORGEON – Executive State Director Beth Ayer (Junction City Jeepers) had a written report. She also included minutes from her state meeting and copies of handouts from that meeting as well. Beth said one of the important things for 2009-2010 is that now we will have an idea on what the travel management plans are, as to what we will have available and not available to us. She said it should help with the appeals process. Beth thanked Art & Louise Waugh, Randy & Mona Drake and Jon & Patti Pyland for their hard work on the Santiam appeal. The Deschutes County Club also put in their appeals, however, the Forest Service didn’t see eye to eye with it. They did find out that Forest Service Region 6 has approximately 4200 appeals a year and most are upheld in favor of the Forest Service. Beth said when you write an appeal you should start it with “I believe this is a violation of the law because….” and be specific and avoid blanket statements. Oregon celebrates its150th birthday this year with “Take Care of Oregon” and celebrations will primarily be in May. They do want the PNW4WDA clubs in Oregon to be involved and we will be notified as more information is available. Letters have been requested for support for the use of the McGrew Trail; this is where the annual Creek & Trail Run is held; comments are also requested for the “Three Trails OHV Scoping” information on these requests is found on the white pages of Beth’s report. Beth handed out awards to the following: Rick & Kristin Smith, Jeff Bowman, Alan & Gaileen Paulson, Art & Louise Waugh, Steve Wrisley, Jon & Patti Pyland, and Randy & Mona Drake for all their hard work on land matters in Oregon. Nominations were opened for Oregon Director. Beth Ayer was nominated at Fall Delegates, Continued on page 11 Continued from page 10 nominations closed. Paul Norman (Strawberry Hill Four Wheelers) made a motion to cast a unanimous ballet for Beth Ayer for Oregon Director, seconded by Louise Waugh (Whatever 4-Wheelers & Wolf Pack 4X4) - motion passed. WASHINGTON – Executive State Director Arlene Brooks (Green River Valley Jeepers) had a written report. She also said she had several reports and handouts on the table in the back so be sure you pick them up. Arlene said she had mailed copies of the minutes from her state meeting to those in attendance. Arlene asked for a motion to accept the minutes from her state meeting in January. Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners) made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Crystal Crowder (Piston’s Wild) - Motion passed. Arlene said if you don’t want things in the minutes – keep them to yourself, with that she called attention to page 6 paragraph 2 with regards to the Tahuya. Arlene introduced Mikki Douglass from the CleElum Ranger District’s ORV team. Mikki was here to address E & E funding needs since it’s that time of the year when NOVA grants will be looked at. Mikki talked about her VTeam that she organized a few years ago to help by being extra eyes on the forest. Mikki requested letters of support for the E & E program in the CleElum Ranger District. Send e-mail support letters to her at or or mail to the CleElum Ranger Station, 803 West 2nd Street, CleElum, WA. Dale Neuman (High Country Cruisers) thanked Mikki for her support of the PNW4WDA and presented her with a first aid kit and a special thank-you plaque. Earl Nettnin Region 4 Director (Desert Rats) also presented Mikki with a special note book from Region 4. We had hoped to present these things to her at the State meeting but due to circumstances beyond our control it didn’t happen. Arlene then called attention to her agenda she had put together for this meeting. On February 3rd she attended a DNR meeting in Olympia to give testimony supporting WAC Chapter 332-52 Revision. She also had the opportunity to meet our new land Commissioner Peter Goldmark. Arlene commented that our foot is now in the door. Arlene listed bills that are pending in Olympia, the legislature has 105 days in session, March 12th is the last day to consider bills in the house of origin and April 26th is the last day for regular session under the state constitution. If you want to receive the DNR Newsletter send an e-mail to RecreationENews@dnrwa.go v with subscribe in the subject line. Arlene called attention to Operation Shore Patrol and Pick up A Mountain both were covered in the November 4-Wheelin’ News issue of Tri-Power. Pick Up A Mountain is a Region 4 activity so we now have a cleanup across the state of Washington in September. Arlene addressed the PNW4WDA’S position in regards to wilderness. She had a draft copy on the table and any language you would like to see included, please get it to her or your Region directors and it will be addressed at the March Board meeting. Arlene reminded the delegates that a year ago a motion was made, seconded and passed that we create a general trail maintenance and building fund. And a second motion that addressed how much would be put into that fund for that year. The amount was $5000 from cash carry over. The Board of Directors looked at the guidelines and wrote up a set of SOP’s and it was approved at the June Board meeting. Arlene sent a copy of this to all her land chairmen and she received some concerns back. One was when can we determine what the cap will be and basically that would be at Winter Convention when the Treasurer’s report is submitted. Next it was not expressed to the delegates that half of the cash carry over goes into a fund for equipment, therefore the guidelines were drafted accordingly after the fact. Basically it comes down to half of a half. Alan Dragoo (Spokane 4-Wheelers) was one who brought up these questions so Arlene asked Alan if he would like to comment. Discussion followed and Alan said he was not prepared to comment at this time. Dave McMains Treasurer (Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) said the question was how much money is in the trail fund account now, how much was donated and how much came out of carry over. When the fund reaches $5000 no money will be transferred from the carry over. Dave said that January 1st the cash carry over would be placed into the fund, and anyone donating money to it after that would increase the fund by that amount, but no more money from the PNW4WDA would be put into that fund for that year. The Board is working on updating the SOP’s and this is part of it. Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners) addressed WOHVA (Washington Off Highway Vehicle Alliance). Angie said she felt we have come so far this last year, the October meeting was one of the best we’ve had. She said WHOVA is working on a web site and they plan to hire a person to keep it updated. Two of the exciting things they are doing are #1- March 13 will be the Rally at the Capitol. This is a really big event and if possible you should be a part of it. Motorized recreation is here to stay and that’s what we are telling the legislature. #2 – the 2nd annual Expo will be held May 9th at Straddleline ORV Park and will be combined with DNR and their Safety Summit this year. The main goal is to educate the public on how to use the land respectfully so we can keep the trails open. Straddleline has new management now. WOHVA needs donations to help pay for these activities. Any mount will be gladly accepted. The annual meeting will be the first Saturday in October. Angie said there are two 4X4 people on the committee, herself as treasurer and Megan Cieplik secretary. Angie said our young people are stepping up and volunteering, give them a chance. Angie invited us to join one of the two Yahoo committees – Political Action and Land Use, you can live anywhere in the state and still have a loud voice on that committee, allowing you to vote on polls and that’s how recommendations to the board are received so they can vote on them. The Board meetings are done in person and conference calls so if you want to be a part of that get a hold of Angie. Straddleline ORV Park has been a tough run and Angie urged the delegation to support the events held there. Merrick Graves (Wandering Willys & Green River Valley Jeepers) made a motion that the PNW4WDA support WOHVA, the Expo and the Rally on March 13th in the amount of $500.00 seconded by Rick White (Shindig Wheelers) motion passed. Arlene opened the nominations again for Washington State Director. Arlene’s name was submitted at Fall Delegates and she said she would accept for another year. No other nominations were submitted so Angie Merrick (Spanaway Moonshiners) moved that we cast a unanimous ballot for Arlene Brooks for Washington State Director for 2009 seconded by Ken Johnson (Bull Shifters) – motion passed. Jim Putman (The Hombres) said he would like to see the PNW4WDA establish a position in favor of SB 5761. A show of hands as to whether the delegation was in favor the bill was taken and a letter will be written showing that we support the bill. Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners) reported that she had received from CLOUT a couple of days ago information on some legislature to eliminate the NOVA committee. If you are not signed up to receive information on what is going on in your legislative area you need to be. They will send you alerts and sample letters that will help you with writing effective letters. You will only get notices when it affects your area. One of the cost saving measures the state hopes to push through is doing away with a lot of the committees and NOVA is one of them. The state would take all the monies and turn it over to the RCO formerly IAC instead of having an advisory board go over those and MARCH 2009 make recommendations. This would do away with the board that oversees our motorized recreation. Carol Jensen IAD #2 (Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas) suggested that we write letters regarding issues that were discussed today. Arlene said the last part of her report was this – thank you to all her land people and especially to regions 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7 Directors. She said we also have a great deal of involvement in the RAC (Resource Advisory Committees) whether it be BLM or Forest Service. Arlene acknowledged Carol Jensen, she sits on the RAC committee out of the Portland Forest Service; the actual headquarters of Region 6. Dave McMains sits on the NRTP and BLM RAC; Jim Putman sits on the Mt. Baker/ Snoqualmie RAC committee; Earl Nettnin Region 4 Director sits on the RAC for Umatilla National Forest; and Dale Neuman sits on the YAK PAK for Yakima County. These are just a part of the circle we all are involved in. Other land coordinators are Al Matson, Shaun Rehfield, Jeff Williams (East) Region 7 Director, Alan Dragoo, Cim Perkins, Doug Conner, Ron Rutherford, Bill Wiester, Dave McMains, Dale Neuman, Bill Manbeck, Jim Putman, Dale Brownfield, Jeff Williams (West), Dave Bauman, Joe Wittig, Derrick Clark, Merrick Graves, and Ed Tenney. Dale Neuman (High Country Cruisers) said his YAK PAK has shown an interest in going on a little jaunt and this gives us a chance to meet some of the people who usually are not in favor of 4X4 activities until they have gone with us. Dale said if you are interested in helping him; see him after the meeting and give him your name and he’ll contact you when they decide to go. Dale usually goes to the Liberty area. Dale Neuman (High Country Cruisers) made a motion to adjourn the State meeting seconded by Ken Johnson (Bull Shifters) – motion passed. Arlene Brooks Washington State Executive Director (Green River Valley Jeepers) said she sits on a committee made up of three legislative people and one is very active and very interested in 4-wheel drive activities and she wanted to know if it was possible to have a field trip and Arlene said yes, what side of the mountains are you interested in. Her name is Judy Warnick and she represents the CleElum area and she lives in Moses Lake. Dave McMains has been in touch with her and will see to it. LUNCH AT 12:15 ROLL CALL - Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners) made a motion seconded by Bill Lucke (Desert Rats) that we accept the sign in sheets as roll call. – motion passed. RESULTS OF THE COMP RULE CHANGE – did not pass 42 no – 16 yes. Don Williams (Go For All’s) made a motion to destroy the ballots, seconded by Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners) – motion passed. NOMINATIONS RE-OPENED FOR 2009 OFFICERS: President – Luke May; Secretary – Sande Nettnin; Treasurer – Dave McMains; IAD #1 Don Jensen; IAD #2 Carol Jensen. Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners) made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot for Luke, Sande, Dave, Don and Carol, seconded by Ken Johnson (Bull Shifters) – motion passed. REGION REPORTS: Region 1 – Angela Holm Director had a written report. No new clubs. Region 2 – Edward Campbell Director no written report. He praised Jeff Williams (West) for his presentation for funds for the Tahuya at the December Board meeting. Work was completed on the Yellow Jacket trail and if you haven’t gone to the Tahuya you need to go and see it, it’s a challenge. Elbe Hills has gotten some ROCK and several events are planned there. They have two new clubs transferred from Region 1 - Good Time 4-Wheelers and Go For All’s; other new clubs are Overboard Racing and County Line Offroaders. Region 3 – Rick Smith Director had a written report. They have two new clubs Twisted Cogs and Total Destruction Racing. Region 4 – Earl Nettnin Director had a written report. He called attention to the TWIG meetings that will be starting up again March 3rd for all user groups at the Naches Ranger Station. Earl stated that Region 4 had brought back “Pick Up A Mountain” and it was a huge success and very much appreciated by the Naches Ranger District as they accumulated lots of volunteer hours. – No new clubs – we have two packets out. Region 6 – Alan Paulson Director had a written report – one new club – the Harney County High Desert Wheelers; and paper work has been sent to the Barnyard Toys Racing. Region 7 – Jeff Williams (East) Director no written report. Jeff said they have so much snow it’s impossible to do anything. They have been working with the Colville National Forest Travel plans. No new clubs. SECRETARIES REPORT: Sande Nettnin (Desert Rats) had a written report. She called attention to the 4th paragraph in her report that says if you want to submit a by-law change or money matter it must be postmarked by June 15 (90 days before Fall Delegates) It must be the original signed copy snail mailed to her – no e-mail ones will be accepted. Also on the table was a paper listing ways you can get involved even if Continued on page 12 11 Continued from page 11 you only have 5 minutes a month. Feel free to take it and make copies and share with your clubs. Please get involved in your recreation. MEMBERSHIP REPORTKathy “Frogg” McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) had a written report. She asked that you please write or print legibly. She also said the address on the top of the roster is the one that the correspondence goes to, so if that person moves please send a change of address or you will not get the information. If you are making any changes of address etc. please submit it with a signature of at least one of your officers, i.e. your president. COMP REPORT – Rob Stafford (Cascade 4X4 & Over Board Racing) had a written report. Rob said that we have nine events planned for this summer. Everything is subject to change but for now Region 2 is hosting Summer Convention. Rob talked about being invited back to the Tacoma Dome for the Monster Truck show. Rob said he had never been so proud to be part of a group. Everyone was really impressed with us. We have been invited back for next year. Once again all the proceeds were donated; this time to the Tacoma Rescue Mission for $5000.00 in the name of the PNW4WDA. Rob said we had 60 people in red shirts carrying the American flag out and it was incredible. We have been invited back to the 4-Wheel Parts Truck Fest in Puyallup April 4th & 5th. They would like a bigger PNW PR booth and more rigs on display and they would like us to put on a winching display. Four rigs are needed for that. We have been invited to Everett to a small monster truck show and they would like to have some PNW race rigs on display. Possibility of doing some exhibition barrel racing at the Southwest Washington Fair in Chehalis, WA put together by the Mud Daubers. The Timber Tamers are hosting a Washington Team Trophy Challenge September 12th & 13th, for more information visit their web site at Rob is looking for old race photographs and new race photographs for display at Winter Convention 2010 for the 50th Anniversary. Please get copies to Rob ASAP. IAD #1 & #2 Don and Carol Jensen (Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas) had a written report. Carol had an update on the Omnibus Bill – it won’t be voted on until February 24th so you still have time to write letters if you haven’t already done so. Some good news was that the “Cash for Clunkers” was defeated. Oregon Legislative 12 Alert - H.B. 2186 has been introduced to prohibit the sale and distribution of aftermarket motor vehicle parts. This bill is primarily focused on aftermarket tires. Oregon people please write letters on this. Carol said SEMA dues are due in June; - Rusty Bernham (Rainier Ruffians) made a motion seconded by Ken Johnson (Bull Shifters) that we pay the dues of $150 to SEMA when they come due in June. – motion passed. Carol said that United 4-Wheel Drive dues for $100.00 are due. Discussion on what has happened with United followed. Don and Carol recommend that we keep our membership for $100.00 in United so we will sort of be informed as to what’s going on. Don and Carol believe that the downfall of United was due to the changing of their organization to individual members. United owes back taxes. Question - Could we be forced to help pay that if United were to fold? Don said they had asked the question “if member organizations could be held responsible for the debt of the mother organization?” Carla Boucher said, “Possibly.” Going by Don and Carol’s recommendation, Jim Putman (The Hombres) made a motion we join United for $100.00 for another year - seconded by Art Waugh (Wolf Pack 4X4 & Whatever 4-Wheeling) – motion failed. Don explained a little about what our IAD’s do. He said they look at legislation that is coming up from the national level, they deal with SEMA, and things like that. Information they get is sent to the regions and state directors whoever it is appropriate to send it to so they can pass it on. Stan Human said that he was once an officer in United. He said he inherited a tax liability situation when he was treasurer in 1980. Stan said he thought perhaps we should spend some money and find out just what if any our financial liability might be as affiliated members. With that Stan moved to direct the Board to investigate the financial analysis of the financial issue with United to determine whether or not we may have financial liabilities – seconded by Bill Lucke (Desert Rats) – motion passed. CLUB POWER/WE DID IT – Karen Fisher (Sand Fleas & Mud-a-Rama) had a written report. She said forms were on the table if you need any. She said everything was now up to date and she is waiting for new things. SAFETY EDUCATION/PR – Linda Jessen (Trailbreakers, Inc) had a written report. She said she had lots of Who and What We Are and Tri-Folds if you need any. The new banners that the PNW4WDA had made were on display. They had been used at the Tacoma Dome. VIDEO LIBRARY- Don Jensen (Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas) said the video library is alive and well, things were slowing down a little. He reminded everyone that everything has been converted from VHS to CD’s. A list is published in Tri-Power. TRAIL JAMBOREE – Merrick Graves Co-Chairman (Green River Valley Jeepers & Wandering Willys) said last years event went fairly well. Clean up will be held at Jim Sprick Park April 18th & 19th it is one of the first clean ups on this side of the mountains. Hobo Stew will be served again at noon so please bring something to add to the pot. We ask that you bring no more than 2 cups of whatever you bring. Last year at Trail Jamboree we held a raffle with proceeds going to Wheelers for the Wounded and raised $5600 plus. At this year’s Trail Jamboree an in camp benefit will go to the Nile Cliffdell Fire Dept. Merrick also said he plans to work with the Liberty Fire Dept. and see if we can get them some support and some equipment. The event is limited to 100 participants and will be held July 8th – 12th. On line registration has been thoroughly tested and so far it works smoothly. WAYS & MEANS – Kathy “Frogg” McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) reported that the PNW4WDA had purchased a cargo trailer to haul the items around in. She also said she wanted to know if anyone had ideas for new items to sell. WEB MASTER – Rob Solomon (Spanaway Moonshiner) will be stepping down this year he doesn’t have the time anymore. He said Edward Campbell Region 2 Director (Dog Pound Off Road) and Dan Rheaume (Overboard Racing) have been handling things. Rick White (Shindig Wheelers) asked if the PNW4WDA had ever looked into hiring someone to maintain our web site and keep it up to date so it could be updated quicker and have a more professional look. Rick thought perhaps we could hire one of our own members to take care of it and also sell advertising for it. Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners) said the web site would only be as good as our members make it. We might have someone in a paid position but they don’t know our sport and they don’t know what needs to be there. Just like Tri-Power we have to send in articles, the editor isn’t looking around trying to grab a story. Angie said as for paying one of our members, they would have to have a business, and we cannot pay our own members - it’s an IRS thing. Mark Young (North Idaho Trailblazers) said he felt with the talent we have it would be a total waste of money to hire an outsider. Edward Campbell said Angie hit it right on the nail head when she said our web site is only as good as the MARCH 2009 members make it. Luke called attention to the back of the room, former PNW4WDA President Jack Harrington and wife Norma have arrived. Jack was president from 1984-85 and wife Norma was a former treasurer. WHEELERS FOR THE WOUNDED – Tom Jones spoke on the history of the organization. Their mission is to provide a weekend of offroading and camping for our country’s wounded military all over the United States. For more information visit the home site for Wheelers For The Wounded. The biggest problem they are having is getting the information to the wounded vets. OLD BUSINESS Business Plan – Carol Jensen (Sand Fleas & Individual Members Club) presented the business plan – per the by-laws; the mission statement should be reviewed and revised if necessary annually at Winter Convention. This current plan is seven years old. Scholarship Recipients for 2008 were: Frederick Kosel (Spanaway Moonshiners) and Jennifer Hagey (Cascade 4X4’s). Frederick has not submitted any receipts yet and if none come in by the March Board meeting his scholarship will be awarded to the alternate Brian Llapitan (Thunder Trucks). Scholarship winners for 2009 will be announced at the March Board meeting. Presentation of President’s Awards by President Luke May. On behalf of the Board, Sande Nettnin Secretary (Desert Rats) thanked Luke and Grace for all their efforts working with the Board this past year. NEW BUSINESS Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners) presented information on Winter Convention 2010. This is the 50th Anniversary of the PNW4WDA. The date February 12th -14th, 2010, at Little Creek Casino & Resort in Shelton, WA. Packets were handed out with all the information, but if you still have questions contact Angie Marek 253-537-3172 or visit the web site www.moonshin Karen Livezey, Doug Conner, Ron Rutherford, Dave McMains, Gary Harting, Dale Neuman and Sande Nettnin. Region 3 – Rick Smith gave awards to: Linda Jessen, Ben Weller, Tom Fisher, Karen Fisher, Don and Carol Jensen, Piston’s Wild Motor Sports, Jeff Bowman, Josh Christian, Bill Manbeck and Kyle Wiebold. Region 2 - Edward Campbell gave awards to: Jeff Williams (West), Derrick Clark, Joe & Angie Wittig, Rob & Diana Stafford, Angie Marek, Jim Putman, Megan Cieplik and Dan Rheaume. Region 1 – Angie Holm gave awards to: Dan Cole, Grace May, Jim Loe, Seattle Jeep Club, Timber Tamers, Thunder Trucks, and the Northwest Binders. Arlene Brooks Washington State Executive Director (Green River Valley Jeepers) gave 110% awards to the following for their work and support of land matters: From Region 1- Ed Tenney, Merrick Graves and Bob Brooks; Region 2- Derrick Clark, Jeff Williams (West), Dave Bauman and Jim Putman; Region 4 - Dale Neuman, Doug Conner and Ron Rutherford; Region 7Jeff Williams (East). KATHY STERNER MEMORIAL AWARD Is awarded by the state directors. It was donated in 1976 by the Trailbreakers Inc., to be awarded in recognition of superior dedication to the PNW4WDA by a woman. Nominees are: Linda Jessen - Trailbreakers Inc.; Karen Fisher – Sand Fleas & Mud A Rama; Kristin Smith – Flat Broke and 4-Wheelin; Dorothy Churchill – Cascade 4X4’s & Overboard Racing; Angie Marek – Spanaway Moonshiners; Diana Stafford – Cascade 4X4’s & Overboard Racing; and Arlene Brooks – Green River Valley Jeepers. The award for 2008 goes to Dorothy Churchill. Nominations for 2010 Competition Chairman was opened: Rob Stafford (Cascade 4X4’s & Overboard Racing) was nominated nominations will be opened again at Fall Delegates. OTHER BUSINESS Don Williams (Go For All’s) Summer Convention Co-chairman with Kevin Kehrberg announced that Summer Convention will be PRESENTATION OF 110% at Straddleline ORV Park on AWARDS August 21st, 22nd, & 23rd. Region 7 – Jeff Williams (East) gave awards to: Alan ANNOUNCEMENTS Dragoo, Mark Young and 1. Rob Stafford (Cascade Gwen Williams. 4X4’s & Overboard Racing) Region 6 – Alan Paulson said PNW4WDA banners gave awards to: Art Waugh, are available for use at any Randy & Mona Drake, Jon & PNW4WDA event. Patti Pyland, Dan Haak, Larry 2. Frank Cieplik (Spanaway East and Gaileen Paulson. Moonshiners & Roamin’ Region 4 – Earl Nettnin gave Chariots) reminded everyone awards to Pam Remley, Frank of the Moonshiners swap Remley, Kelda Hagemeier, Continued on page 13 Continued from page 12 meet March 8th at the Puyallup Fair grounds. 3. Tom Fisher Parliamentarian (Sand Fleas & Mud A Rama) said at the Oregon State meeting a man by the name of Dave Hiatt was looking for a winch specialist. Tom said if you know anyone with a degree in winching contact him and he would pass that information on to Dave. 4. Representative Mary Skinner of District 14 has passed away. 5. Darren Jungmayer (Skookumchuck Mud Daubers) invited everyone to come July 24th – 26th to a play day at Southwestern Washington Fair Grounds. This will be the 30th year putting on their play day. 6. Tammy Rheaume (Overboard Racing) said they are hosting an event at the 2nd annual Summers End play day at Ethel September 4th - 7th. 7. Jerry Sleater (Deschutes County 4-Wheelers) Ground Hog event June 12th -14th in Bend, OR. 8. Rick White (Shindig Wheelers) said Pick Up A Mountain would be held September 19th at Longmeadow. Luke announced an emergency Board meeting would follow this meeting. All officers, directors and vice directors need to be present. GOOD OF THE ORDER (Otherwise known as GROUP GRIP & MONKEY BUSINESS) Hearing none - the meeting adjourned at 3:45 PM. Respectfully Submitted Sande Nettnin, Secretary FUTURE DELEGATES MEETINGS Summer Convention August 21st - 23rd hosted by Region 2 at Straddleline ORV Park Fall Delegates September 12th – Hosted by Region 3 in Longview at Cowlitz PUD Winter Convention February 12th-14th, 2010 hosted by the Moonshiners at Little Creek Casino & Resort in Shelton, WA. FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS March 7th at the Edgewood Fire Station hosted by The Hombres June 6th in Longview hosted by Region 3 December 5th in Longview hosted by Region 3 Attendance – taken from sign-in sheets: # Clubs Delegates Region 1 14 17 Region 2 34 26 Region 3 20 13 Region 4 15 20 Region 5 1 2 Region 6 8 6 Region 7 3 5 Totals 95 89 ~ WINTER CONVENTION EMERGENCY BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 2008 YAKIMA, WA PNW4WDA President Luke May (Dirty Thirteen, DooWop Ditty, & Outdoor 4X4’s) called the Emergency Board meeting to order at 4 PM. APPOINTED POSITIONS Rob Solomon (Spanaway Moonshiners) has stepped down as the Web Master. Luke has asked Edward Campbell Region 2 Director (Dog Pound Off Road) if he would assume the duties of Web Master. Discussion followed and Carol Jensen (IAD #2, Sand Fleas & Individual Members Club) asked Edward if he was going to start sending in reports. Edward said two people had volunteered to teach him how to write reports so he would provide written reports from now on. Luke appointed Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) to be the Membership Chairman. Discussion followed. Don Jensen (IAD #1, Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas) moved that we concur with Luke’s appointed positions, seconded by Rick Smith Region 3 Director (Hubs In 4-Wheelers & Flat Broke and 4-Wheeling) – motion passed. Tom Fisher Parliamentarian (Sand Fleas & Mud A Rama) handled swearing in of the Elected and Appointed 2009 Board. Note: Vice Directors from Region 1, 6 & 7 were not present Smith (Region 3 Director, Hubs In 4-Wheelers & Flat Broke & 4-Wheeling) – motion passed. A motion was made by Edward Campbell Region 2 Director (Dog Pound Off Road) seconded by Rick Smith Region 3 Director – (Hubs in 4-Wheelers & Flat Broke and 4-Wheeling) that we add the Region 2 Monster Truck show at the Tacoma Dome held annually as a Club Power/ We Did It, to the list - motion passed. Luke brought up the problem with the Jolly Jeepers paying their dues. Once again they are pushing the envelope. They sent a roster with 66 names and a check for $35.00 to the treasurer. It was rejected and they were told that they needed to send in a proper roster – one that matched the funds or the funds matched the roster. Since they have missed the deadline, they will have to go back to their region and be reinstated. As far as the Board is concerned they are no longer PNW4WDA members. Carol Jensen IAD #2 (Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas) will order names and years for your red jackets. She will have them by the Board meeting in March. Carol will e-mail you and see what you want. New Board members need to get their e-mail address to Edward so he can get you signed up so you can post on the web and get into members only on the web site. Meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM Respectfully Submitted, Sande Nettnin, Secretary ~ Luke then appointed Mark Young (North Idaho Trail Blazers) as Idaho State Executive Director. Arlene Brooks Washington State Executive Director (Green River Valley Jeepers) and Beth Ayer Oregon State Executive Director (Junction City Jeepers) agreed to teach him the ropes. Don Jensen (IAD #1, Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas) made a motion that the board concur with Luke’s decision to appoint Mark Young as Idaho State Director, seconded by Rick Smith Region 3 Director (Hubs In 4-Wheelers & Flat Broke and 4-Wheeling) – motion passed. Tom Fisher Parliamentarian did the swearing in of Mark Young as Idaho State Director. CLUB POWER/WE DID IT: Carol Jensen (IAD #2, Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas) made a motion that we accept the Region 3 OHV Show in Longview held annually as a Club Power/We Did It and add it to the list, seconded by Rick Idaho Executive Directors Report March 1st 2009 Coeur d’Alene Idaho It’s been a long time since we’ve had a report from the Idaho Executive Director and as the newest member of the Board of Directors I would like to thank all of you for such a warm welcome. Cabin Fever: April 25th 2009 limited to 80 participants. 40 will be drawn from mail in drawing to North Idaho Trail Blazers P.O. Box 2912 Coeur d’Alene Idaho 83816. Another 40 tickets will be available at Six States Distributing in Spokane Washington Travel Plans: The Coeur d’Alene Ranger District was on of the first in the nation to start and seems to be using all time allotted to finish. Usually this would make things harder for those who want to use our public lands but in this case the outcome for off roaders has been great. We have had many miles of motorcycle, snowmobile and quad trails but none designated for 4X4 use. We seemed to be asleep at the wheel while others had trails designated but we never needed any since all the roads are open year round so we have had so many miles of snow runs most of our year has been easy to plan a weekend run in the mountains. Well we got involved from the beginning of the Travel Plan and changed that to add approximately 35 miles of roads now designated 4X4 use! Along with that comes great cooperation with the Forest Service as to what we want to do with these plans. This has been a great improvement for all Off Roaders. St. Joe Ranger District was not as successful but we were treated very well by Forest Service staff and are working on several trails mostly do to private party easements needed. Do you have a pr oduct or service that 4-Wheelers would use?Then advertise in het paper tha t acters ot your cust omer base. 800-537-7845 or tripower@pnw4w MARCH 2009 and then budget restraints. For the areas that are left they are planning to start the mandated Travel Plan this summer which we plan on attending heavily. Bureau of Land Management Travel plan was short and sweet. We were given the two most important roads we could have asked for in an area that has lots of controversy. Along with that is a recreational ranger who has been great to work with and we have already been given approval for some small projects and plans for many more. So we are in some very exciting times here in North Idaho. Planning on meeting up with many 4x4 Off Road clubs in Southern Idaho who are part of the Idaho State 4x4 Association at their annual meeting and run at Saint Anthony Sand Dunes in June 09 Mark Young Idaho Executive Director ~ Pacific NW 4 Wheel Drive Association Comp. Report Howdy all, just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know the results of the rule vote this weekend at winter convention. The vote for mandatory window nets failed! This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be giving safety items such as window nets, metal roofs, better side impact protection, fire prevention measures, and general roll over protection (roll cage design) some thought. Most of the race rigs have been getting much faster, ether by changes in the vehicles, track design, or we are just becoming faster drivers, and I don’t want to see our sport tarnished by having someone getting seriously injured. Sandpoint Ranger District Seems to be the most complicated of them all since there are still some alleged natural Caribou that use some of that area. This has pretty much quarantined much of that area. Because of this they actually had a Winter Travel Plan which is a huge snowmobiler’s battle. It shouldn’t require rules for us to desire our rigs to be as safe as we can make them. Along with this there was a huge flood in an area known as Lightening Creek. So that had their own Travel Plan for that area which pretty much quarantined the area do to Grizzly Bear, endangered Bull trout habitat, clean water act Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to be your Competition Chairman. On a side note, there is a good chance that next year to run in the Tacoma Dome, the drivers will be required to ware a single layer fire suit, and all rigs may be required to have driveshaft hoops. Rob Stafford PNW4WDA Competition Chairman ~ 13 site at Winter Convention. PR: Kelda Hagemeier (Shindig Wheelers) reported that she has been busy sending out alerts and things that need to be sent to the membership. If you need to get information out send it to Kelda. Region 4 Director Earl Nettnin REGION 4 DELEGATES MEETING FEBRUARY 10, 2009 PASCO, WA Director Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats) called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence for the sick and departed was observed. Earl asked everyone to introduce themselves since we had several new faces in attendance. MINUTES: Shaun Rehfield (Ridgerunners) made a motion seconded by Ron Rutherford (Jeepin’ Nomads) that we accept the January minutes as printed. Motion passed. TREASURER’S REPORT: Sande Nettnin (Desert Rats) gave the report. Sande indicated that we will have lots of expenses to take care of this weekend at Winter Convention. COMP REPORT: Nothing new at this time. Earl reported that he had seen Kathy Orr (Tri-City Quad Squad) at the Sportsman show and she told him that their club has disbanded mostly because of the increase in prices at Horn Rapids. Kathy was one of the people who had been meeting with the city of Richland and others trying to keep the park from being privatized. MEMBERSHIP: No response from the packets we have sent out. We have some clubs in the region who have not paid their 2009 dues. CLUB POWER/WE DID IT: Gary Harting (Desert Rats) had nothing to report. If you need forms contact him and he will get them to you. FUTURE 4-WHEELERS: Nothing to report. WEB SITE: SEEMS TO NEED HELP. Learn how to sign up and post on the web 14 LAND MATTERS: (Roamin’ Doug Conner Chariots) reported that Juniper is open but still no legal access, Doug said a lot of people were out there last weekend. Shaun Rehfield & Al Matson (Ridgerunners) reported no meetings on the Wenas at this time. Ron Rutherford (Jeepin’ Nomads) reported that he had attended a meeting on the Ahtanum State Forest with Ken McNamee, DNR in January to discuss where things had been and where we are going. Ron asked about funding for the project and Ken wouldn’t comment on what changes might be coming with our new Land Commissioner. He basically said NO COMMENT. He indicated that things that had been planned might not be carried out. We just have to wait and see. Discussion followed on the map from the Naches Ranger District with system trails that Arlene Brooks (WA ST Director) had given to the Region to check and see that ALL of our trails were listed on it. Ron Rutherford (Jeepin’ Nomads) and Doug Conner (Roamin’ Chariots) have gone over it pretty closely and it looks like they are all listed now. Little Rattlesnake is in limbo until the snow melts. TWIG meetings will be starting up again next month at the Naches Ranger Station. The first one will be March 3rd. They meet the first Tuesday of the month for the next 4 months, and start again in the fall. WAC 332-52 needs amending, Ron Rutherford (Jeepin’ Nomads) and Al Matson (Ridgerunners) had received the whole packet about 2 inches thick. They indicated that a lot of the comments we had made at the meeting in Ellensburg had been incorporated into it. According to our WA ST Director (Arlene Brooks, at her state meeting) the final determination has been delayed because it needs some amending. More information may be shared at the State Caucus during Winter Convention. ROCK CRAWL is still in the feasibility stage, and is under snow at this time. Still a work in progress. Forest Revision Plans – nothing new to report. BLM clarification on the name – BLM is not changing their name – they have officially designated their lands as National System of Public Lands – this designation will ultimately make it easier for the public to identify these lands and more readily understand the multiple-use mission that Congress has given the BLM. Grant letters requested: Brad Martin ORV/Outdoor Recreation Deputy with the Yakima County Sheriff’s office is requesting letters of support for the grant they are applying for, for their E & E Recreational program. Letters should be sent to Brad Martin at P O Box 1388, Yakima, WA 98907 or e-mail him at brad.m . Our letters are great help to them in them getting their grant. Earl reported that it is time for us to contact our Representatives either by email or a phone call about the OMNIBUS BILL that the house is scheduled to vote on this week on a massive Omnibus package of 160 public lands, water and resource bills. This would designate more than 2 million acres of wilderness in nine states and establish three new national park units, a new national monument, three new national conservation areas, more than 1,000 miles of national wild and scenic rivers, and four new national trails. The Senate passed this bill last month 74 – 21. (This is a bundle of bills they are trying to pass as one unit). Earl passed around some applications for becoming a member of WOHVA (Washington off Highway Vehicle Alliance). WOHVA works statewide to protect and enhance safe responsible motorized OHV recreation. The PNW4WDA as a whole is a member of this organization, individuals may also join. Earl also reported that he had received information from Tod Peterson, Washington OHV Alliance, (WOHVA), Political Action Committee and NW Motorcycle Association about three bills that would impact recreationists and public lands. SB5128 addresses national resource impacts from off-road vehicle use, SB5129 regards the licensing of off-road vehicles and SB5586 implementing a comprehensive off-road vehicle safety education and training program. If you would like further information contact MARCH 2009 FYI – information came in after the region meeting from Don and Carol Jensen (IAD #1 & IAD #2) stating that they had an update from SEMA that Congress rejected the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program thanks in part from all the letters that were written to stop this from passing. It’s nice to win one. OLD BUSINESS: Wheelers for the Wounded – dates have been changed for the Rubicon trip to June 13 – 15. Winter Convention: things are coming together, the committee is pleased to announce that Bill Lucke and John Hall (Desert Rats) have volunteered to be in charge of the Valve Cover Races. Thanks guys. We love it when a plan comes together, see you all there. NEW BUSINESS: The Timber Tamers from Region 1 have issued an invitation to their Team Trophy Challenge on September 12th & 13th. The profits from this event will go to help the CleElum Ranger District with tools, parts and upgrades not included in their budget. This event was won in 2007 by some members of the Desert Rats. Earl shared he had received from the SEMA Action Network that Oregon introduces a bill to prohibit the sale of after market parts. This comes at the request of the Oregon governor. This could find its way to Washington also. This could be extremely damaging to the hobby/industry as well as our sport. FUTURE MEETINGS AND EVENTS: • Slab Cleanup March 7th on Rankville land north of Zillah - for more information contact Clay Graham (All Wheelers Off Road) 509-833-4472 or • March 7 PNW4WDA BOD meeting at the Edgewood Fire Station, in Edgewood, WA 9 AM • Trail Jam cleanup April 18th & 19th at Jim Sprick Park – Hobo Stew will be on the lunch menu, bring something to add to the pot; vegetables, rice, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, celery canned or fresh chopped, diced and ready to add. Bring no more than you plan to eat - i.e. a small baggie or no more than 2 cups please. Bowls, spoons and • • • • • • • • dinner rolls will be provided. Moses Lake cleanup April 25th contact person Dave McMains. Beverly Dunes cleanup May 2nd contact person Bill Wiester. Liberty cleanup and camp out May 16 – Memorial weekend - camp at Williams Creek contact Dale Neuman. Ahtanum cleanup July 25th. Summer Convention August 21-23 hosted by Region 2 Fall Delegates September 12th in Longview hosted by Region 2 Jeepin’ Nomads swap meet September 13th in Yakima Pick up a Mountain September 19th. More information on these activities will be coming as dates draw near. CLUB REPORTS: Desert Rats had an after holidays party in January at the home of John and Sue Hall. Gary Harting was awarded the 4-Wheeler of the year. Bill Lucke is putting together a run after the snow is gone dates and places will be announced later. A scavenger hunt is planned for March 15th. Leonard Paine shared information on a friend of his that has 35 acres in the Tampico area that we could hold an event on. Roamin’ Chariots – nothing to report at this time. Shindig Wheelers reported they had a Snowmobile poker run January 18th. Kelda had a Winter Convention work party at her home 26 people showed up to help. Some members of their club plan to attend Winter Convention Feb 13 – 15. They have a club run scheduled for the 21st of February and have no idea where they will be going at this time. They also plan to attend the Jim Sprick cleanup and attend the Moonshiners swap meet in Puyallup March 8th, and will participate in the Trail Jamboree in July. Jeepin’ Nomads had their annual Pizza party in January for members and families and had a good time. They plan to attend Winter Convention and have a booth at the Moonshiners Swap meet in March. A jeep run is planned in March to the Cowiche area and four of the Nomads have snowmobiles so they have been up checking the snow on the trails. Ridgerunners had their Continued on page 15 Continued from page 14 meeting Wednesday the 14th with election of officers, no new faces; their beach trip will be May 2 -9, Mouse house trip will be June 20 – 28, some are attending Winter Convention. ATTENTION TO ALL LATE FEES WILL BE ASSESSED IF YOU HAVE NOT PAID YOUR PNW4WDA DUES BY JANUARY 31, 2009. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Earl reminded everyone to keep working on their clubs history for Winter Convention 2010’s 50th anniversary. It will be exciting to see how much the PNW4WDA as grown in 50 years. Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units/ Sandcommandos) returned from his trip to AZ where he participated in a pit crew for the Parker 425 race. Dave said they beat all the competition so he guessed they won. Congrats. If Dues are not paid by February 15, 2009 your membership will be dropped AND THE FEBRUARY ISSUE OF TRI-POWER WILL BE YOUR LAST. (The only exception will be if you are serving in the military). Dave McMains PNW4WDA Treasurer 2009 Trail Jamboree Clean-Up John Hall (Desert Rats) won the door prize. Motion to adjourn was made by Al Matson (Ridgerunners) seconded by Shaun Rehfield (Ridgerunners) Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sande Nettnin, Secretary/ Treasurer, Region 4 NEXT TWO MEETING DATES FOR REGION 4 WILL BE: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 –Standard Battery in Moses Lake, WA at 7:30PM Tuesday, April 14, 2009 – Shari’s in Union Gap, WA at 7:30PM ~ Saturday, April 18, 2009 8:30 a.m. at Jim Sprick Park Nile Valley off Hwy 410 Hobo Stew* will be served for lunch and a Pot Luck will be held in the evening Please bring yard tools such as rakes, pruning shears, loppers, pitch forks. Do you have a pr oduct or service that 4-Wheelers would use? Then advertise in th e paper th at acters ot your ust c omer base. 800-537-7845 or tripower@pnw4w 4-Wheelin’ News For further information contact Kim Graves at 425-432-0587 or *Hobo stew is a concoction of anything and everything (meat & vegetables) thrown into a giant pot; slowly stewed all morning until lunch time. Bring a portion of vegetables, rice, tomatoes or whatever canned or fresh (chopped, diced, prepared), bring no more than you plan to eat! Bowls and dinner rolls provided. MARCH 2009 15 We're Looking for Members WASHINGTON: Thunder Trucks Auburn, WA John (253) 606-4019 or CLIFFHANGERS Lynnwood, WA (425) 742-0191 Green River Valley Jeepers Auburn, WA Arlene (253) 833-8747 BELFAIR PACK RATS Belfair, WA Sam (360) 275-5253 El Dorado Dust Devils Puyallup, WA (253) 536-6989 PNW Individual Member Club Longview, WA (360) 577-0111 SPOKANE 4 WHEELERS Spokane, WA White Knuckle 4x4 Puyallup, WA Piston’s Wild (509) 542-1244 (253) 536-8381 Crystal 360-606-1648 SW Washington/NW Oregon OREGON: CASCADE OFFROADERS Lebanon, OR (541)451-2678 FOUR RUNNERS Klamath Falls, OR Deschutes County 4-Wheelers 4 At A Time Hillsboro, OR (503) 628-4210 GORGE RIDGE RUNNERS TIMBER-LINN 4WD CLUB The Dalles, OR Philomath, OR (541) 929-3252 (541) 298-3487 Bend, OR IDAHO: 800-537-7845 Jan $35.00 Feb $32.50 Mar $30.00 Apr $27.50 May $25.00 June $22.50 July $20.00 Aug $17.50 Sept $15.00 Oct $12.50 Nov $10.00 Dec $10.00 Annual fee: $35.00 PNW4WDA TREASURER 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 16 MARCH 2009 2 Weeks Free use of all Videos* We now accept PHOTOS with your ad. Classified Ads are FREE to PNW4WDA members. Non- Members pay $10 per issue for up to 10 lines + a single photo. Makes checks payable to PNW4WDA Submit ad to:, OR FAX 360-695-1043 If using Photo in Ad mail it to: Tri-Power 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 Send ad in Arial font size 10. Remember the deadline is the 21st of each month. Ads will be removed after 4 months unless you contact us. If you need an ad extended or removed the deadline is the 21st of each month. ~ ‘72 Scout Parts: Full roof W/factory rack, headliner & trim pieces$125.00. Hood-$75., Grill-$40. 465 Trans W/205 transfer case from ‘77 Chev P-up $300. Divurced 205 transfer 4-Wheelin’ News MARCH 2009 case from Dodge $125. 8 3/4 Dodge 3rd members 3.55 ratio - $75.00 & 3.23 ratio - $40.00. Ford 9” rearend 3.89 gears, 28 spline5 on 5.5 pattern $125.00. Misc ‘73 TU, 79 Ford PU - PARTS, Axles, etc. Dan 208-746-2010 Lewiston, ID. 108 ~ Race Jeep For Sale Custom made, narrow fiberglass body, chevy 355 roller motor, custom dana 44 front with posi, scout 44 rear, top loader 4 speed transmission, dana 20 twin stick transfer case. 1 Beard seat 1 fiberglass seat. Turn key racer. Lots of horsepower. Call Mike 360-264-4927 or email for pictures to: Mike Disken 360-264-4927 5-08 ~ 1969 BRONCO FOR SALE (with Top) Best offer, or will part out, (no motor or rearend). Body has “no rust”. Went through a complete frame off restore in 1989, has a 2” lift with a completely rebuilt Dana 30. In accident in 1995, (has been parked since then, motor damaged in accident) has minor front end damage, have the parts to fix, except for front fenders, grill and radiator. Have too many other projects and do not have time. I also, have other numerous Ford and Bronco parts for sale. Have a 250ci 150h/p l barrel, inline 6 cylinder motor with only 40,000 original miles. Also includes the C-4 transmission (runs great, just want a bigger motor). Please call after 6 PM (503)848-9452 and leave message, or email me at 6-08 ~ Race rig #2068. Turn key. Always runs and always drives back on trailer. 75 GM frame and axels, dana 44 front end, 12 bolt , mini spool in rear, c-clip eliminator kit. 350 v-8, 11 1/2 to 1 , popup pistons, 030 bore ,4 bolt mains. S-10 body. Spares, 2 rear axels, 1 set front axels, 1 front drive line. New cage last season, untested. 4-11 gears. 12 gallon fuel cell, stock fuel pump and mallory 12v pump. $3500.00 Spanaway WA Al-C 2-09 I was going through some of my 4 wheeling cabinets and found a belt buckle that I had bought when I was a trustee. The buckle has never been used and it is #134 of a limited addition. I don’t know if its worth anything or if you know anyone that might be interested in buying this buckle. If you do on either you can contact me at this e-mail. <> Thanks, Duane Clark member of the Stump Busters of Aberdeen. 1-09 17 Region 1 Meeting Angela Holm, DIRECTOR 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 • Cell: 206-617-9478 THIRD WEDNESDAY EACH MONTH at 7:30pm-9:00pm - Crossroads Restaurant 1904 201st Pl SE, Bothell WA 98012, (425) 488-5611 NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ Region 2 Meeting Edward Campbell, DIRECTOR 360-349-9236/ P.O. Box 393, Bucoda, WA NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ Region 3 Meetings Rick Smith/Kristin P.O. Box 1536 St. Helens, OR 97051 971-207-4797 (are always the third Tuesday of every month) March 17, 2009 @ 7:30pm VFW Post - 825 SE Mill Portland, OR. - Guests: 4-Wheel Parts Performance & WA Department of Natural Resources Hosted by: Piston’s Wild Motorsports * NEW LOCATION FOR APRIL * April 21, 2009 @ 7:30pm 4-Wheel Parts Performance Center - 2700 SE 82nd Ave Portland, OR Directions: 1-503-774-4000 May 19, June16, July 21, August 18, September 15, October 20, November 17, NO DECEMBER MEETING All members and guests are welcome at this monthly meeting where Region 3 club delegates gather to discuss upcoming events and land matters for the Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington 4x4 recreation areas. Join us today and find out how you can get involved and do your part to secure the future of the sport of 4-wheeling for many years to come. ~ Region 4 Meetings Earl Nettnin/Sande, DIRECTOR 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 18 March 10, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery in Moses Lake, WA April 14, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Shari’s in Union Gap, WA May 12, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop in Pasco, WA June 9, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery in Moses Lake, WA July 14, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Shari’s s in Union Gap, WA August 11, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop in Pasco, WA September 8, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery in Moses Lake, WA October 13, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Shari’s in Union Gap, WA November 10, ’09 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop in Pasco, WA NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ Region 6 Meeting Alan D. Paulson, DIRECTOR 4751 Happy Valley Rd. Roseburg, Oregon 97470 541-679-0571 no more than you plan to eat i.e. a small baggie or no more than 2 cups please. Bowls, spoons and dinner rolls will be provided. April 25th Moses Lake cleanup contact person Dave McMains. May 2nd Beverly Dunes cleanup contact person Bill Wiester. May 2-3 Webfooters Play Day. Saturday: Obstacle, Barrels, Cross Country, Sprints and Mud Drags, Will be adding a UTV Class”. Sunday: Team Relay. Points Race. Straddleline ORV “Park May 23-25 July 25 (Memorial Day Weekend 2009) Spanaway Moonshiners Playday Straddeline ORV Park Ahtanum cleanup June 13th Groundhog Rock Crawl “The Event” 541.495.2429 June 13 4th Annual Quadra Paws Fun Run at the Tahuya Forest Entry Fee $20.00 with a limit of 150 vehicles. Preregistration is available by contacting the Quadra Paws at Camping in forest is first come first serve. For Questions contact Mike Welander at May 9-3 WOHVA Expo/DNR Safety Summit Straddleline ORV Park May 16 Liberty cleanup and camp out – Memorial weekend - camp at Williams Creek contact Dale Neuman. July 25-26 Mud Daubers Play Day Chehalis, WA Fairgrounds August 21-23 PNW Summer Convention Straddleline ORV Park hosted by Region 2 Sept. 5-6 Summers End Play Day Ethel, WA September 12 Fall Delegates in Longview September 12-13 Team Trophy Challenge Washington. All profits go to the Cle Elum Ranger District. June 13-14 Ruff Country 4x4s Lookingglass,OR July 4-5 4 at a Time/Freewheelers Play Day Ethel, WA July 18-19 Outdoor 4x4s Play Day Ethel, WA September 13 Jeepin’ Nomads swap meet in Yakima September 19 Pick up a Mountain Sept. 26-27 Outdoor 4x4s Fun Days Ethel, WA March 7th Delegate Meeting Roseburg OR. Hosted by Umpqua Valley Timber Cruisers 541.679.0571 May 23rd Delegate Meeting at Christmas Valley Sand Dunes DC4WD Hosted Potluck 541.389.7265 May 24th Christmas Valley Dunes Poker Run Hosted by Four Runners of Klamath Falls 541.883.8326 June 19-21st Creekn’ Trail 541.883.8326 July 18th Delegate Meeting at Edison Trail with Campout hosted by DC4WD 541.389.7265 September 19th Delegates Meeting Dunes/Rd 430 Clean up Hosted by Strawberry Hill 541.929.2317 November 7th Delegates Meeting Hosted by Four Runners of Klamath Falls 541.883.8326 NO DECEMBER MEETING 2009 April 4th Edison Snow Park Trail System Opens for Class II Greatest Snow Run Ever 541.389.7265 April 18th & 19th Trail Jam cleanup at Jim Sprick Park – Hobo Stew will be on the lunch menu, bring something to add to the pot; vegetables, rice, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, celery canned or fresh chopped, diced and ready to add. Bring MARCH 2009 2 Dogs Ink Jay Fellenstein 2/1/2005 900 Meridian E St # 19-226 Milton, WA 98354 253 250-8093 Fax: 253-847-1026 Gold Hammer Body & Paint R & P 4WD Parts INC. Art Waugh 12-85 5570 S Santiam Hwy # 15 Lebanon, OR 97355 541-409-3390 Paul Crawford 9-08 11889 S New Era Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045 503 557 8911/503 557 9215fax Harrington’s Trophies Randy’s Offroad Conn. Ron Dunn P.O. Box 898 Kittatas, WA 98934 425-654-4130 John or Norma 4/03 717 Jadwin Richland, WA 99352 509 943-2593 Randy Cole 14702-A Smokey Pt. Blvd. Marysville, WA 98271 360 659-5259/360 659-4935 FAX ARB 4x4 Accessories Lisa Wood 7/91 720 SW 34th Street Renton, WA 98055 425 264-1391 Fax: 425 264-1392 ATV & Off Road Expo Shawn Kolbe / PO Box 8836 Portland, OR 97207-8836 503 796-0858 B&B Excavating Bob Brooks 7/86 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA 98092 253 833-8747 Barton Jeep Tony Farley 5/05 10819 E Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 509 928-1300 Fax: 509 922-4288 Certified Cleaning Serv. Daniel Nobel 2103 112th Street E. Tacoma, WA 98445 253-536-5500 Cunningham Financial Services Venessa Cunningham 12-08 P.O. Box 460 Ocotillo, CA 92259 877-5gottax / 760-692-9537 Dan Marek Insurance Dan Marek 12909 Pacific Ave. PO Box 44076 Tacoma, Wa 98444 253 537-4000 Fax: 253 536-3338 Billy Bob’s Off Road Bob Hallibueton 5/06 10023 128th St E # 7 Puyallup, WA 98373 253-286-2344 Drive Line Svc of Portland Kevin McCaffrey 1/1/1989 9041 NE Vancouver Wy Portland, OR 97211 503 289-2264 Fax: 503 289-5838 Jantz Engineering Carl Jantz 5/06 20555 Pugh Road NE Poulsbo, WA 98370 360-598-2773 360-598-3768 FAX David Lee 2/1/1991 3116 Hill Ave. Everett, WA 98201 425-258-4013 /425-259-5973 4-Wheelin’ News Ron McDonald 6/87 6202 NE Hwy 99, Stuite 2 Vancouver, WA 98665 360 695-0595 • 360 695-1043 Fax Raynproof Roofing Jeep Glass .com Todd Block 9-08 5235 South Washington St. Tacoma WA 98409 253-473-7691 Dan Rheawme 4117 16th Ave. SW Seattle, WA 98106 206 935-1400 • 935-3920 Fax Jet Chevrolet Roger Jobs Jeep Inc Dan Johnson 7/97 35700 Enchanted Pkway S. PO Box 4986 Federal Way, WA 98063 253 838-7600 Fax: 253 874-7070 Roger Jobs 2/05 2200 Iowa St Bellingham, WA 98226 360 734-5230 Johnson Custom Iron Scott Johnson 10/06 14215 N Thayer Rd PO Box 155 Rathdrum, ID 83858 208-687-9353 Fax 208-687-9353 NetRiver Ryan Maloney 6/1/2004 555 Dayton St Ste A Edmonds, WA 98020 425 741-7014 North American XJ Association John Bergacs IV P.O. Box 163 Colonia, NJ 07671 2-1/09 Northridge 4X4 David Johnson 6/2004 6759 NW Northridge Ln Bremerton, WA 98312 360 340-0282 Northwest Services Brad Hoyt 4/2006 2016 87th Ave. Ct. East Edgewood, WA 98371 206 948-0549 / 253 922-6745 Olympic 4x4 Supply Drivelines NW Rapid Print Inc Carl Niebuhr 6/94 PO Box 147 Snohomish, WA 98291 360 568-7728 Fax: 360 568-9435 Sheridan Carquest Auto Parts Kirt Amundson 1/06 1233 W Main St Sheridan, OR 97378 503 843-4486 • 503 843-2067 Fax Snohomish Transmissions Inc Rick Pratt 3/92 17476 147th St SE Monroe, WA 98272 360 794-7888 • Fax: 360 805-5367 Standard Batteries Of Moses Lake Dave McMains 3/06 400 E Broadway Moses Lake, WA 98837 509 765-8246 • Fax: 509 764-2392 Tera Manufacturing, Inc. Gage Hartman 1/06 5251 S Commerce Dr Murray, UT 84107 801 288-2585 • Fax: 801 288-2571 Titan Truck Equipment Co Inc Alan Garrison 8/03 N 605 Fancher Spokane, WA 99212 509 534-5010 • Fax: 509 755-5304 TLC Plumbing Terry Johnson 5/94 2442 NW Market St # 9 Seattle, WA 98107 206 783-1548 Tom Matson Dodge & Jeep BOB JONES 4/07 2925 Auburn Way N. Auburn, Wa. 98002 866-785-4809 • 253-833-6700Fax Town & Country Chrysler Jeep Rick Newcomb 7/98 13733 Aurora Ave N Seattle, WA 98177 206-365-3530 Trailready Producto LLC Larry Trim 12410 Beverly Park Rd. Lynnwood, WA 98087 425 353-6776 Uhlmann Motors Inc Steve Brever 7/1/1990 173 Hamilton Rd Chehalis, WA 98532 360 748-3355 Warn Industries Adel Adams 12900 SE Capps Rd Clackamas, OR 97015 503-722-3015 • 503-785-2001 Fax Woody’s 4x4 Inc Lee Woodruff 8/1/1988 6408 NE St Johns Blvd Vancouver, WA 98661 360 693-6840 Fax:360 693-0067 If any of the listed information is not correct e-mail us at: February 2010 PNW4WDA will be celebrating its 50 MARCH 2009 th Anniversary 19 20 MARCH 2009